#solly street
chaoticedward · 1 year
so likeeee what’s your opinion on freedom fries(soldier x spy)?? imo i love them very very very much and im so starved of any content of them that just seeing them next to each other i go “GAYYYY?????” so i will gladly appreciate any content of them if you don’t mind!!!
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ANON YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE HOW HAPPY I AM THAT YOU ASKED THAT; my thoughts on this ship are long as hell so its under the cut but tldr i love them so much
i ADORE freedom fries with my entire heart!!! i think they dynamic between these two is just so hilarious like it would never ever ever work in theory but in practice these two idiots compliment each other's personalities so well. its not even like "book smarts x street smarts" which is what im usually into its like. "complete lunatic x extremely fancy gentleman with 0 patience for idiocy" but somehow soldier slipped through the cracks. theres just something that draws spy to him. im not sure what it is and i dont think spy knows what it is either but he is just so so infatuated with solly
i think that maybe spy has this internal need to "protect" soldier from his own stupidity (man can and will get himself hurt, i mean thats just canon) and i think he'd get really mad and say "dont you ever do that again!!!!" to solly a lot when he does stupid stuff, but solly just smiles in response and spy melts into his arms and everything is okay.
ofc i think solly cares a lot too but hes def a little nervous!! he really doesnt want to screw things up and probably tries to prove that he can be a gentleman every now and then (ending in horrible failure, which then ends with the two laughing and kissing) but usually he is just absolutely himself around spy and spy just adores him and his unpredictability
i actually have a whole tf2 fanfic thats abt 115,000 words long (im a huge writer) where freedom fries takes place for a little bit (but things dont work out since the Spy is a Spy, and soldier and engineer have some history) but i REALLY want to write another fic where they do work out because i essentially only included them in the story becuase i. simply wanted to indulge my love for this ship fskjfs if i ever do any freedom fries drabbles ill post them with art!
PLS PLS PLS if you have any freedom fries ideas or headcanons send them in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will very gladly draw them!!!!
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crabonfire · 2 years
poly tf2 mercs x reader??
lmao sorry- my mind cant make up which character to like so
you have no idea I have been YEARNING for someone to request this! I'm literally polyamorous myself and oh my god thank u so much!!! I let out a loud squeal when I read this bcs I was so happy
Poly!Mercenaries X Reader!
characters: all mercs :)
Scout and Pyro
Engineer, Demoman and Soldier
Spy and Sniper
Heavy and Medic
warning: none!!!
note: reader is gender neutral! plus if u like this I might make a part two with different polyamorous mercs :D
♡Scout and Pyro♡
• scouts love language is acts of service and pyro's is quality time.
• someone needs to put all three of you in a psych ward
• sometimes when you all go on a walk in the street Scout will accidentally cause trouble with someone and Pyro will join in and fight them and you either join in or get them out before the cops come.
• oh my god.
• they're pretty fun to be with. Scout is usually a flustered mess whenever Pyro or you show any affection towards him due to the fact he had to fight for affection from his mother as a child. Its new to him, especially by two of the people he adores.
• Pyro and Scout draw together, and whenever your down they will both make you doodles of stuff that makes you happy. They will make your room super comfortable while Pyro gets a bunch of snacks from the fridge, sitting together to get ready for movies!
• You guys have this thing where whenever one of yall are feeling down, Scout goes to buy an insanely terrible movie and the last person to laugh or groan at the movie wins. It really cheers you up.
They're not the best at comforting words, so they show comfort by actions.
They're both pretty clingy! An hour away from you Pyro is already whining while Scout is just trying to make due. But usually they'll still have a good time together, sometimes going on their own dates while your away.
If they go somewhere, they'll get you something from there as a "souvenir" and beg you to come there the next time they go so nobody gets left out.
• Scout loves peppering the both of you with kisses, he doesn't mind that Pyro has a mask usually he'll be silly and blow Pyro a kiss from the distance. It makes the both of you giggle, he's such a goof.
Pyro gives you both mask kisses...Well more like boops. Though if your far into your relationship, day by day he'll start opening up more about himself. He starts by not wearing gloves around you, to lifting his mask up slightly to give you both a proper kiss. (random but I headcannon my boy has a tooth gap :D)
It makes both of your hearts melt to know he trusts you enough to do this, and he's thankful for your patience.
The three of you look very chaotic to other people but alone together you are just real sweet to each other. They both get so calm around you that they don't feel the need to show off or cause chaos, yall just wanna hang out sometimes yk?
♡Engineer, Demoman, and Soldier♡
• Engie's love language is quality time, Demo's is words of affirmation, and Soldier's is acts of service AND quality time.
• goddamnit yall r so cute
• the actual power couple
• Let me describe to you what they are like
Dell's the calm one, he's usually the one getting the three of you out of trouble but he himself loves a little fun sometimes.
Demo is the fun one, he always takes you all out on interesting landmarks and sometimes even dangerous activities that might kill you.
Soldier is the loud one, he will not shut the fuck up. He loves to hear yall talk about your day, loves to gossip about how work has been, but also loves to speak about his achievements and show all three of you off to random people he meets.
"Aw geez Solly, ya don't have to say that..."
And then
"Lad...yer makin me blush."
or even
• in general yall r just adorable. They're all so sweet to each other and to you too, yall always eat together and they'll always be there for you if you wanna rant or vent about your day.
All of them are amazing listeners, and good at comforting...how?? How did you get so damn lucky? They'll cuddle up around you as one of them holds you, listening to you talk and ramble about how bad of a day its been.
Soldier will give you a motivational and surprisingly really helpful speech, Demoman will hype you up and tell you it's gonna be okay, and Engie likes to make you your favorite foods to make you feel better.
They're not as touch starved as others may think, but one day they don't see you they start to miss you a lot. Please don't leave them alone for too long, they can go mess around together but it doesn't feel the same with you left out.
♡Sniper and Spy♡
• snipers love language is physical touch and words of affirmation, Spy's is quality time and gift giving.
• you get so spoiled with affection by them
• sniper was always a secluded man, so was spy. But brought together they were amazing....and then your here? The whole relationship is so sweet.
• Sniper will hold your hand any chance he gets, Spy holding your other hand. You three like to go on quiet walks at noon, enjoying the weather and even going to a cafe on the way.
• Spy absolutely spoils the both of you with gifts, expect a gift from him atleast two times a week.
• you guys don't really go to loud areas since Sniper doesn't enjoy them, so your dates are usually real intimate.
I'm talking picnics under a tree as the sun is setting, watching the clouds as the three of you joke and talk about.
Or, romantic dates by the sea...enjoying the scenery and maybe even going for a swim.
You three are the most calm couple out of all of them I'd say.
Even though sniper and spy have many differences, they still are so cute together! they match like puzzle pieces and are great to be with.
• though...there are times those differences do get to them. Sometimes they'd have petty fights over...something. if this does happen, just talk to them both about it and give them some time, they'll just hug it out and it'll be fine then.
• if your ever upset, they will try their best to be there. Sniper will comfort you with the sweetest things you've ever heard, holding you tightly. While Spy gets a reservation at a private restaurant booked for the three of you that night, taking you out and making you forget about your troubles.
♡Heavy and Medic♡
• Heavy and Medic both are acts of service and quality time.
• aw :)
• okay this might be even sweeter than all of them
• the two of them are even more secluded than Sniper and Spy. Medic is usually always in his medbay working away, while Heavy is usually resting, cleaning Sasha, or doing light reading to pass the time.
They're not much talkers unless the topics really interest them, so that's why your here!
The three of you are like that old couple down your street who do the most corny shit ever, knitting for each other except its with medic and heavy and you lmao
• Heavy and Medic teach each other their language, and you get taught too! If you also happen to speak another language, expect them to wanna learn it.
Yall have duolingo sessions and it's the cutest shit ever.
"Okay now say, 'Apa kabar, nama saya' then you say your name."
"...Apa...Kahbar? Nahma saye-"
you laugh your ass off as the two of them are desperately trying to spell what your saying. They end up laughing too! It's a fun thing you three do in as little dates.
(ps what I wrote is read as uh-pah- kuh-bar- nah-ma sa-yuh" it's indonesian!! fun fact otd)
• Heavy likes to write the both of you Russian literature, you both don't quite understand what they mean but after a couple months of studying with him you both melt due to how sweet they are.
• Medic loves to ramble about his experiments, he will never ever ask you to volunteer unless its something that he knows won't hurt either of you.
When Heavy misses the both of you, he will carry you both in his arms and hug yall tightly.
"Heavy has missed you both."
"Aw, I've missed you too babe."
"Ja, its been boring without jou!"
Yall are just really wholesome.
• if your ever upset, truthfully speaking they won't know how to comfort you in words. So they will show it by just being there for you.
Heavy will squeeze your hand while letting you cry into him, as Medic made you tea as it soothes the nerves. They will both just let you cry it all out, not knowing how to reply much.
But the next day, they will just make sure that day is amazing. They will both go out of their way to make sure nothing van ruin your mood for that day to make up for yesterday. Broke your favorite pencil? Heavy will get you a better one. You feel dizzy? Come over to medbay, Medic will prepare and make sure they never bother you again.
They're so sweet it gives you cavities, even though they don't know how to say it, they sure are good at showing you. (I love men sm♡)
Hope u enjoyed!
we need more poly mercs.
-sincerely, a polyamorous person
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excelsi-or · 7 months
summoned (pt. 14)
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hello, friends! :D there are only two more parts after this, and the next time I post, I'll post them at the same time! i think this part is really fun. i enjoyed pulling parts from Good Omens. i hope you guys have had a good november :) BIPOC recommendation: I've been watching the R&B Money podcast with Tank and J Valentine. Their energy is great and they have some great guests on there. Also Tank's R&B Money album is a total vibe.
pairing: woozi x fem!reader/fem!OC
w.c. 2.7k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13
Jihoon speeds through the streets even faster than usual. This is more challenging with everyone slowing down to stare up at the sky. Some of the traffic lights are also out of power. Jihoon blows through all those intersections. 
Seokmin has to do damage control as they go. While he also tries not to vomit.
At Mrs. Han’s shop, as soon as she reaches for the doorknob, it unlocks. She leads the way to the back room, shutting off the alarm as they go.
“Well, it’s extremely convenient to have her here,” Seokmin mutters.
She turns the computer on. “Sollie, this is all you.”
Hansol shakes his head, sitting at the desk. “You know I don’t have the skills to—” His eyes widen when the computer unlocks and the application they want opens. He looks around at his three companions. 
The angel and demon turn to her. However, Hansol is her focus.
“Right.” Hansol turns to the computer and clicks around. He’s not computer illiterate, but he definitely has limitations.
One being that he’s never seen this program before and isn’t even sure what they’re looking for. He gets lucky and finds the history of what the computer has been used for. “Looks like we could be going here.” He highlights the name of the first reactor that Mrs. Han’s computer had hacked into. Over a year ago.
She researches it and winces.
“What’s wrong?” Seokmin asks.
“It’s pulling us coast to coast.” She turns her phone to show off the map. “It’ll be really hard to come to anyone’s rescue.
“Can’t you guys, I don’t know, teleport or something?” Hansol asks.
“But not with someone.” Seokmin lets out a long, tired sigh. “And we rarely teleport to the exact location. We can get general area at best.”
A loud howl of wind shakes the back door. The lights flicker overhead.
“Let’s go to the farther one,” she says to Jihoon. Seems the building will stay standing. “And we’ll… we’ll just have to figure it out as we go.”
“And you’re worried because Seokmin hyung drives like a grandma,” Hansol says as they head back out.
She gives Hansol a hug. The wind tries to tear them apart. The skirt of her dress billows around them. “Be safe, okay?”
He nudges her head with his. “We need to live long enough to see Seungcheol hyung and Jeonghan hyung get married.”
She snorts as she pulls away. “I told them to video call us today if they really did listen to me and decide to get married today.”
Seokmin comes in for a hug. “You told them the world was going to end today?”
“And they believed you?” Jihoon asks.
She shrugs. “I’m not sure how today’s going to end. But I told them we’d be busy, so they had to call us.” She steps back and bows her head. “I’m sorry I never told you the whole truth.”
Seokmin cups her face with both hands and squeezes her cheeks, which always makes him smile. “That’s okay. I think I had more fun not knowing.” He quickly heals the burn on her chest despite her howl of pain. He chuckles when she swats him. “It’d hurt more if you were fully human.”
Seokmin shrugs. “Possibly.”
She lets Jihoon pull her away. “You’ll get to your reactor first. Let us know if there’s anything… off.”
As they climb into Jihoon’s car, he grumbles about how long those goodbyes were.
She buckles her seatbelt, her head down as she tries to swallow the lump in her throat. “This could be the last time I see them as a human.”
“You’re not really human now.” Jihoon peels out of his street parking spot, knocking into two different cars as he goes. She waves a hand in the direction of the cars while simultaneously punching in the address for the first reactor.
Jihoon glances over at her. “Those people are probably not going to need their car.”
“If I get any say, the world is not going to end today.” She settles back into the seat, adjusting her skirt so that she can comfortably sit criss-crossed without wrinkling the dress too much.
“Are you going to sleep?”
With her head still against the headrest, she turns to face him. “Unless you wanna talk.”
Jihoon shrugs, holding his hand up for her.
She lets out a breath that sounds like a laugh and drops her hand into his. “Wouldn’t have pinned you as the hand holding type, Demon.”
“Jihoon, if you will, human.”
She scoffs, adjusting her grip in his. “I guess that’s better than Antichrist.”
“And in response to your comment, you are pleasant to touch.”
She looks over at him in surprise, now properly laughing in disbelief. “You really are a romantic. How did you ever wind up a demon?”
Jihoon hesitates. She feels his grip shift in her hand.
“You didn’t sell your soul,” she states, studying him. “Did you…”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
She nods. “Well, then can we at least talk about this?” She lifts their interlocked hands. “We’re not committing, are we?”
“If this all goes to your plan, I’m assuming you won’t be the Antichrist anymore, so I won’t be able to touch you anyway.”
“Hmm.” She turns towards the window, watching the city zip by, quickly changing to highway. “Unfortunate. You’re good at it.”
“Touching me.”
Jihoon turns to her with a raised eyebrow. “My offer still stands. Of staying in bed all day.”
She shakes her head, grinning at her reflection in the side mirror. “No, there’s no time, Jihoon. I probably don’t get too many chances to convince the Horsemen to hold off.”
“Okay. Well then. For what it’s worth, last night was really great.”
This causes her to look back his way. “Are you always this honest with the humans you sleep with? Or do you tell all of us that?”
Jihoon glances over at her, his eyes returning to the road as he slips around a Tesla. “I haven’t slept with any other humans in recent history.”
She blinks in surprise at this information. It clearly makes Jihoon uncomfortable to discuss it further. Her mind runs through different ways to respond to this statement. She knows that he’d manipulated her mind slightly the night before, as she had done his. All in the name of pleasure. To learn that he hasn’t done the same with recent humans before her…
“Have you… been with demons? Angels?”
Jihoon keeps his gaze on the road, his answer being drawn out.
Her mind whirls at the possibilities, but she doesn’t press.
And her patience rewards her.
She takes a moment to process the weight of this one-worded answer. “Then, I guess I’m honoured.” She waits for him to look her way. When he does, she continues. “Since you enjoyed it.”
He chuckles, the tightness in his jaw relaxing. She hears something akin to cars scratching against each other. Over her shoulder, she flicks her fingers, quickly fixing the car Jihoon scraped.
“Do you know what you’re going to say to the Horsemen?”
“I’m think we’re also going to need to deal with… Him. Your ‘Him’, not Seokmin’s.”
Jihoon’s body stiffens. “You think so?”
“That’s sort of the point of the Antichrist.” She smirks. “Wish I took Seokmin instead of you?”
“No. I’m with you until the end of the line, human.”
She narrows her eyes at him, wondering if he’s making a movie reference. Although, it’s so unlike the demon she knows that she assumes not.
And she can’t fathom where and when he even watched the movie.
“I’m sort of just hoping the words come to me.”
Jihoon scoffs. “Great. I’m glad the future of the world is held in your capable hands.”
She pecks the back of his hand. “You definitely thought my hands were capable yesterday, so I’m hoping it all works out.
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“The only way for us to get there is if we go at max speed.” Jihoon reverses and revs the engine.
“And also bust through cement?” she demands. She reaches for his arm to stop him. “Hold on.”
“How can we hold on anymore?” Jihoon motions to the bridge that they’d just passed under that is now on fire. They can hear the honking from all the traffic, which is now starting to pile up, which is only causing the fire to burn hotter and brighter.
“Your literal presence is causing things to burst into flame.”
“Okay, that’s not all me,” she argues. “Even if we’re not completely human right now, the car is still human made. And is still limited by some human limitations.”
Jihoon frowns. “So,” he draws this out, “how are we going to get through the fire?”
“Well, we’ll have to drive through that. But we shouldn’t ruin the car by driving through cement.”
“We don’t have time to argue this.” He turns the car again so that they’re moving away from the bridge.
“Where are you going now?”
“You didn’t want me to drive through the barrier!”
“Turn around and go back the way we came!”
“There are literal cars in the way?”
“If we come out of the fire in one piece, then I’m sure we’ll come up with an idea.”
“Do you even hear how illogical you are sounding right now?” He shakes one hand in the air for emphasis of the following statement: “We’ll be on fire.”
“And you’re going to what instead? Drive all the way to a U-turn point? When we’re short on time?”
Jihoon makes some inhumane, annoyed sounds. Still, he completely reverses the car so that they’re driving against the traffic. He lays on the horn as cars move out of the way for him.
“Are you going to do anything to protect us?” Jihoon asks.
“My… whatever the fuck, power or whatever, is limited.”
Jihoon doesn’t even have time to laugh at ‘whatever the fuck’. “You can alter reality though, can’t you?”
“You want me to what? Imagine that we’re not going to be on fire?” she asks. The fire is coming up quickly.
“Just think of something!” Jihoon takes a deep breath as he floors it, urging the car a bit faster.
She frowns, as she tries to rack her brain for how to make this work. She’d been hoping that they’d just drive fast enough through the fire that they wouldn’t need to worry too much about it. Her parents had briefly mentioned what would happen when the powers came in. 
Out of her father’s earshot, her mother had properly explained the purpose of the Antichrist.
Neither of them had explained how to use the powers.
Jihoon doesn’t confirm whether she’s come up with anything. It seems the demon just trusts her, as he ploughs straight into the fire. While inside, it seems the fire goes on forever, and she has to hold her breath at the flames’ intensity. Her skin prickles, and one bead of sweat begins to slip down the line of her back. 
Next to her, Jihoon mutters. She swears he’s giving his car an aggressive pep talk. The words are angry, almost as if he’s cursing the car. The car squeals angrily, apparently struggling to hold itself together. The engine groans at the intense pressure.
When they break through the other side, they both exhale loudly.
“We fucking survived,” Jihoon says in disbelief.
There’s no time to celebrate, as he has to swerve a hard left to avoid ramming straight into the cars on the other side. He moves to the shoulder of the road, his hand on the horn to drown out the other incessant honking of other drivers.
The emergency vehicles speed towards them.
“Jihoon,” she warns.
“Yes, I can see it.” His eyes dart towards the right, gauging the space between cars. She notices the way his eyes flick cat-like.
The firetruck barreling towards them blares its horn in response to Jihoon.
The demon’s voice comes out strained. “Yes, I can see it. Thank you.” The steering wheel begins smoking as Jihoon’s hands burn through the leather. “You couldn’t have saved my fucking car.”
“Be glad we’re not on goddamn fire,” she snaps back. Her hands go for the dashboard to steady herself, but she jumps back at how hot it is. It’s hotter than Jihoon’s skin, definitely hotter than fire. 
She closes her eyes and begins to pray.
“Really?” Jihoon demands, glancing over at her. “Now?”
“Sorry, but I don’t really want to die before we get there.” Her lips mouth some sort of prayer.
“And you think God’s going to listen to you? Of all people?”
The firetruck is now also just laying on the horn.
“I can’t save us from that.”
“I am well aware.”
“Then fucking do something about it!”
Jihoon swerves a hard right. She winces at the loud screeching noise as Jihoon scratches the two cars they drive between. He ignores the cursing from the drivers. Which is probably a good thing, because Jihoon could actually curse them back.
“You fucking rushed me,” Jihoon huffs.
“How is that relevant right—” she grunts as Jihoon weaves through the standstill traffic, ignoring every side mirror he hits and the two doors he yanks off their hinges.
Finally, there’s a break in the cement barrier and Jihoon guns towards it. She groans, leaning her head back against the seat.
“What’s wrong with you?”
Apparently being the Antichrist doesn’t protect against car sickness. She says as much.
“We’re trying to save the—”
The phone starts ringing in the car.
“When the car is on fire, it connects to Bluetooth?” She quickly taps the screen.
“Where are you guys?” Seokmin hisses.
“In traffic trying not to get fucking lit on fire,” Jihoon snaps.
Hansol’s voice comes through in a whisper. With the cacophony on all sides, they nearly miss what he says, “Well, you guys should hurry.”
“Uhm.” She glances at the map on her phone. It’s still 4 hours away even with the good time they’ve made. She lifts the phone into Jihoon’s eyeline so that he can see the projected ETA.
Jihoon grimaces. 
She lurches backwards as Jihoon somehow makes the car go faster. That shaves off almost an hour. “What’s happening? Why are you guys whispering?”
“Well, obviously we’re here—” Seokmin stops mid-sentence. Suddenly, alarms start blaring. It takes she and Jihoon a second to realize it’s not from their end. Hansol and Seokmin’s voices lower even further as they whisper back and forth.
She has to strain to hear more, eventually turning the volume up a bit more, but she hears a door close.
“What’s going on?” she asks when it seems like nothing changes.
“They could sense Seokmin.” It sounds as if Hansol has the phone pressed right against his lips. “So, he had to—” He inhales deeply.
“Your scent will likely mix with the other humans on site,” Jihoon tells him. “Relax. You should be okay. Especially with Seokmin running around there.”
“Okay, well.” Hansol is now just breathing words into the phone. She turns the dial a bit more, unsure if it’s even doing anything. “Those horsemen people are here and they’re… I’m not really sure what they’re doing. They’re kinda just…”
She can imagine Hansol gesturing, but she can’t imagine what the gesture is.
“They’re just touching everything, and stuff breaks.”
“Hence the alarms.” She dreads saying her next words. “You know you’re going to have to be the one to try to fix things.”
“I thought that’s why you were…” Again, Hansol’s voice shifts.
“Are you curled up in a ball right now?”
“They keep walking back and forth. I’m scared they’ll hear me.”
“You’re going to need to fix whatever they broke. In case I can’t do anything.”
“Then will it even matter?” Hansol hisses.
“See you soon.”
“You’re doing that thing where you’re ignoring me because you don’t like what I’m saying.”
“Good luck.”
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pt. 15
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mickmundy · 1 year
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thread of some of my scout hcs, thoughts on his personality and little miscellaneous tidbits!
starting off strong by saying that i think he's very emotionally intelligent. knows when his loved ones are upset and will set about doing whatever he can to cheer them up. he defaults to trying to make you laugh since that's what he thinks he's best at, though!
cant always offer the Sagely Advice that one might get from spy, but he'll tell you whats on his mind and what he thinks of the situation. won't mince words; if he disagrees with you, he'll tell you Directly... but Gently. "Uhhh, dunno if i agree with that. think of it this way.."
maybe the last person you'd think to have a heart to heart with, but he might surprise you! he's a good listener and while he prefers to do things while talking (throwing a ball against a wall, pacing, etc), you've got 150% of his attention if the subject matter is serious!
competitive, but more likely to let others win than he is to Rub It In when He wins. battlefield smacktalk to the enemy is one thing, but Some People (not naming names) are VERY sore losers (sniper) so scout's content to botch a few billiards shots if it means that his friend is having fun! :)
cries. only when hes alone! feels like he has to have a good cry now and then to get everything out and to "emotionally reset". doesn't think crying is Girly/Weak or w/e, but he still doesn't like doing it around others. "okay, needed that. shake it off, scout, you're all good!"
VERY scrappy. resourceful through street smarts/intuition as opposed to technical know-how. tenacious and a total wildcard! that said, he won't be argumentative for no reason; he'll listen to any orders that engie or solly put down, but not without giving his input, asked for or not!
part of being a good scrapper is knowing when to fight and when to take a walk. when scout's truly mad, he prefers being alone, drawing or going on a run to get his thoughts clear. not afraid to ask for help and is always ready to "repay" friends for their kindnesses towards him.
growing up, he never wanted to trouble his mom with anything. scout was always the reliable one (although a complete hellion), often putting his own priorities to the side for his mom. places a lot of weight on his own shoulders to be good, or better, for her, and to be a son she can be proud of!
cannot drive. engineer has tried to teach him, sniper has tried, spy has tried, heavy has tried... but he just can't do it LOL. crashes into something every time and is always like CRAP!! SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!! it's not a big deal, though. plenty of the mercs enjoy driving after all!
he was always taught to share, even though he kind of hates it! always hated being forced to share with his brothers as a kid. in his adult life, he doesn't Mind, but he prefers being able to choose when he does share. if he's splitting something with you, its a BIG deal!!
easily hands out apologies and doesn't like long-standing conflict. "lets just hash this crap out and move on already!" good at putting you on ice, but only if he needs time to think or gather his thoughts. the longest grudge he'd ever held was against his Absent Father...... spy! but their relationship begins to get better after the events of the comics. i could sincerely write a whole thread on Just their dynamics together!
ultimately i think scout hated His Absent Father for so long because it was just "Easier" to. but now that spy is There and Trying, well, scout can't really Hate Him. theres still a lot of "repairing" to do, and they aren't the Perfect Father And Son, but scout appreciates spy's effort and the sincerity of his explanation (once he hears it from spy and not tom jones)!
will always value the truth over lies. he'd rather you tell him something Horrible if it was the truth than sugarcoat it with a lie. i think spy wanted to give scout what he wanted when he was dying (being comforted by his "dad"), but in retrospect when scout learns the truth, he wished spy would have just been honest with him, even if it did suck to know that his dad was someone like spy and not actually tom jones. regardless, he understood that spy just wanted to give scout what he thought scout wanted, but understands/respects scout's wishes going forward and promises to be a little more honest :) this is when they can really start repairing and Building on their relationship as father and son, in the ways that work for both spy and scout!
i don't think Dad Issues is the only facet of scout's personality nor do i think it even Dominates a lot of his thoughts BUT i just happen to have a lot of thoughts on it lmao
i don't think any of the other mercs Baby him (he's literally a Grown Man and imo being babied would piss him off), and i don't think any of them think he is "inferior" or "childish". i think all of the mercs are at least a little immature!
However i will say that i think a very interesting dynamic between scout and sniper is their views on their fathers and how it shaped them as people. while "jealousy" sounds a bit dramatic, i think they Lightly Envy one another; wouldn't ever take it out on each other but if they think about it for too long they kind of get Bummed Out. scout loves his family but sometimes wishes he'd been an only child with a Mom and a Dad that were around all the time. he doesnt know the Extent of snipers Complicated Feelings about his own family!
sniper loves his family too but sometimes thinks about how even though his own father was Present in his life, he'd been Very Hard on him and Basically rejected him. sniper was present while spy was comforting Dying Scout and took notice of how spy treated scout the way that he thought scout would want, disregarding his own feelings. sniper's dad, on the other hand, only told him he was proud of him after he'd technically died... ouch!
and No i Don't Think sniper wants spy to be his dad nor does he see/want to see spy as a/his own father figure in any capacity lol. i think this is just something that crosses both sniper and scout's minds every now and then and they're like "Huh. Wish I Had What He'd Had!"
i don't see scout struggling with internalized homphobia or anything like that, either. i think his mom, like scout (and spy!), says what they mean and mean what they say and when scout's mom says "i love you no matter what", she means it! scout never gives that kind of stuff a second thought; if he brings a Fella home for the holidays, it doesn't matter! scout's mom is still going to show his Date Of Choice all of the most embarrassing photos of scout she can find! x)
holds his liquor well; he came from a big cathoIic family after all! x) gets a little more Snarky and a little more Hostile if he gets Truly Drunk, but doesn't like to make himself go that far Often. he can always brawl with the mercs when he's sober! prefers to have some beers with demo, engie and sniper and play darts or billiards with them. doesn't like mixed drinks. freakin gross!
will break your balls over anything and everything (like spy and scout's mom!). you tripped on the field? hell tease you for a week! nothing ever mean-spirited and not about anything that he thinks would Upset you! if you ask him to stop, he will, and he'll apologize and mean it!
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tf2fansderogatory · 2 years
I know their employers probably want them to be blocked out of society but I really like the idea of the mercs being one of those quirky families on the house down the street that have lampshades made of human skin and shit. The neighbors all have a sneaking suspicion that they're serial killers but new residents keep coming in to visit anyway and they all come back with thousand yard stares cause they've seen shit you can't unsee
LMAO that would be so funny though
like their neighbours go ask them why theyre hearing screams and explosions and engies just like 'dont worry about it its just sollys wizard ex-roommate and his giant magic eye come to swear vengeance on us. hell be gone by tomorrow morning.'
and they just have to. believe him. because what the fuck else are they going to do, question the man?
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chaoticlad · 9 months
Honestly idk
I liked your street fighter AU
So I drew your scout and solly from your AU
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I really appreciate it! Also, I’m glad you like the AU! Have a nice day/night 👍
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homomenhommes · 10 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
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1889 – Maurice Chevalier, born in Paris (d.1972), was a French actor, singer, and popular vaudeville entertainer. He is noted as a Sprechgesang (spoken-song) performer. Chevalier's signature songs included "Louise", "Mimi", "Valentine", and "Thank Heaven for Little Girls". His trademark was a boater hat, which he always wore on stage with a tuxedo.
Chevalier was born in Paris. He made his name as a star of musical comedy, appearing in public as a singer and dancer at an early age before working in four menial jobs as a teenager. In 1909, he became the partner of the biggest female star in France at the time, Fréhel. Although their relationship was brief, she secured him his first major engagement, as a mimic and a singer in l'Alcazar in Marseille, for which he received critical acclaim by French theatre critics. In 1917, he discovered jazz and ragtime and went to London, where he found new success at the Palace Theatre.
After this, he toured the United States, where he met the American composers George Gershwin and Irving Berlin and brought Dédé to Broadway in 1922. He also developed an interest in acting, and had success in the operetta Dédé. When talkies arrived, he went to Hollywood in 1928, where he played his first American role in Innocents of Paris. In 1930, he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his roles in The Love Parade (1929) and The Big Pond (1930), which secured his first big American hit, Livin' in the Sunlight, Lovin' in the Moonlight.
In 1957, he appeared in Love in the Afternoon, which was his first Hollywood film in more than 20 years. In the early 1960s, he made eight films, including Can-Can in 1960 and Fanny the following year. In 1970 he made his final contribution to the film industry where he sang the title song of the Disney film The Aristocats. He died in Paris, on January 1, 1972, aged 83.
He may have Chevalier "thanked Heaven for little girls" and have had several public affairs with women, but it is believed he had a long-time relationship with his "valet" Felix Paquet, to whom he went home every night. He is also thought to have had a homosexual relationship with a soldier in WWI. There are also claims he had the hots for his fellow French actor, Charles Boyer.
Actress Kay Francis claimed that"Chevalier is lousy in bed, and always attacks homosexuals so as to throw suspicion from himself."
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1944 – David Hurles, born in Cincinnati, is a gay pornographer, whose one-man company, run from a private mailbox, was called Old Reliable Tape and Picture Company. His work, produced primarily in the 1970s and 1980s, falls into three categories: photographs, audio tapes, and videotapes. Hurles' models were typically ex-cons, hustlers, drifters, and lowlifes.
At age 20, inspired by John Rechy's just-published novel City of Night, David left Cincinnati, and moved to Berkeley. In the 1960s, he appeared in movies and magazines, with Guild Press, Washington D.C., for whom he was also a photographer. In 1975, already filming in Super-8 format used by his mentor and longtime friend Bob Mizer of Athletic Model Guild, he met and became a great friend of Jack Fritscher, editor of Drummer magazine, who described David as "my longtime pal and housemate". The character Solly Blue in Fritscher's novel Some Dance to Remember has much in common with Hurles.
Hurles has written of San Francisco at the time: "Perhaps you had to be there...the 70's, San Francisco, the blossoming and peak of the gay sexual culture. It was a rare time; everything, it seemed, was perfect. So perfect, in fact, that those of us there could not have possibly imagined it might ever be otherwise!" Jim Stewart describes his encounter with Hurles, and the neighborhood they both lived in, in the first chapter of his Folsom Street Blues. His first published pictures appeared in Drummer; no other magazine would touch them. He also shot many covers and centerfolds for Fritscher's zine Man2Man Quarterly (1980-1982), whose mailing address was Hurles' San Francisco apartment. Subsequently Hurles' photos have appeared in dozens of gay magazines.
His models were recruited among ex-convicts and addicts. David liked psychos. Nude ones. Money-hungry drug addicts with big dicks. Rage-filled robbers without rubbers. And of course, convicts. Many of them were dangerous — he wanted them to be, that was a key part of their attractiveness for him — but part of David's skill, which no one since has duplicated, was being able to manage them so that they would perform as instructed and not attack him.
Hurles chose to downplay technical fireworks with his camera in order to focus on the emotional pyrotechnics of his models. His models, picked up on the street or sent to him by referral, would come to his apartment, get naked, and masturbate. They were distinguished by "attitude" - straight, in your face, angry, contemptuous of fags, dangerous, smoking cigars, giving the finger, flexing their biceps. "Rough trade is too tame a word", was the description of John Calendo. Getting robbed by his models, or having his equipment stolen, he viewed as part of the cost of doing business.
A large number of Hurles' pictures are posted on http://vintageoldreliable.blogspot.com, and also in the Yahoo! Group Old Reliable Trailer Park. There are no permission statements posted with any of these photos, and presumably David receives no compensation from this use of his pictures.
A wrestling accident in 1990 led to the gradual loss of eyesight in one eye, a disaster for a photographer. Shortly thereafter, the arrival of pornography on the Internet destroyed most of the market for Hurles' material, at the same time that AIDS (and drugs) killed many models and potential models. "I know where a great many of them [my models] are. Six feet under". His company folded, and he lived on welfare and food stamps. In 2008 he had a massive stroke, and currently "is the most popular resident of a state-funded nursing home in East Hollywood". He is conscious and can communicate. Pictures of him from 2009 through 2011 can be found on his Facebook page.
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1964 – "Chip" Kidd is an American graphic designer, best known for his book covers. Based in New York city, Kidd has become one of the most famous book cover designers to date.
Born in Shillington, Berks Country, Pennsylvania, Kidd grew up being fascinated and heavily inspired by American popular culture. Comic books were his gateway into graphic design, with Batman and Superman populating some of his earliest childhood memories. Kidd attended Pennsylvania State University, where he graduated in 1986 with a degree in graphic design.
Kidd is currently the associate art director at Knopf, an imprint of Random House. He first joined the Knopf design team in 1986, when he was hired as a junior assistant. Turning out jacket designs at an average of 75 covers a year, Kidd has freelanced for Amazon, Doubleday, Farrar Straus & Giroux, Grove Press, HarperCollins, Penguin/Putnam, Scribner and Columbia University Press, in addition to his work for Knopf.
His most notable book cover design was for Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park novel, which was so successful that it carried over into marketing for the film adaptation.
Kidd is a huge fan of comic book media, particularly Batman, and has written and designed book covers for several DC Comics publications, including The Complete History of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, The Golden Age of DC Comics: 365 Days, and Jack Cole and Plastic Man. He also designed Mythology: The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross and wrote an exclusive Batman/Superman story illustrated by Ross for the book.
Kidd lives on Manhattan's Upper East Side. He was married to the late poet and Yale Review editor J. D. McClatchy; the couple married in November 2013.He continues to edit comics at Pantheon and frequently writes about graphic design and pop culture for publications including McSweeney’s, The New York Times, Vogue, and Entertainment Weekly.
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1967 – Two men in California Governor Ronald Reagan's cabinet are forced out of their jobs when it is discovered that they are having an affair. When confronted with the evidence, Reagan is supposed to have said, "My god, has government failed?"
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babylon127 · 2 years
Best Arabic grocery store in Glasgow
It’s generally expected to feel fairly nostalgic when you focus on a substitute country, notwithstanding, something that can help with decreasing pining to return home is eating food from home.
Arabic grocery store in Glasgow is maybe of the most multicultural city in Scotland — something that its tenants put vigorously in. As the city has become logically more unique, the amount of overall stores around the city has furthermore extended. Here are our top picks.
1. Solly’s African Village The most settled African store in Glasgow is Solly’s African Village, arranged on Great Western Road in the Kelvin span region of the city. Offering African students a standard home base, Solly’s gives master things from Africa and the Caribbean.
You’ll find an extent of food sources from Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, and other African countries, including natural items, vegetables, halal meat, fish, beans, and flavors. If you’re requiring a haircut, the supermarket moreover has a cosmetologist having some mastery in Afro hair!
2. Essential African Store Essential African Store is another African and Caribbean store in Glasgow, yet this one is on Duke Street — near the Duke Street train station. Too as African food sources, you can similarly buy hair and magnificent things made especially for Afro-Caribbean hair and skin.
Visit Main African Store to buy frozen food sources like goat meat, ponmo, tilapia, hake, barracuda, ugu, ndole and pondo, dried food sources, for instance, okazi, uziza, ogbono, crayfish, catfish and Bonga filets, and new food assortments like plantains, yams, and peppers.
3. Matthew’s Foods For Asian items, visit Matthew’s Foods on Garscube Road in Glasgow’s Chinatown. This tremendous Asian corner shop stocks trimmings from wherever in Asia, from China and Japan to Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and Korea. You’ll find essentially all that from home here!
Find Turkish food items in Glasgow which is a huge variety of noodles, including egg and rice noodles, Asian flavors’, for instance, five zing and Szechuan pepper flavor, cooking wines, for instance, shao hsing wine and reason, and various specialties like miso, kimchi, kaya spread, and sambal stick.
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palak-shah-21 · 4 days
Lucknow's New Landmark: How Phoenix Palassio Has Changed the City's Shopping Scene
There are multiple reasons why Phoenix Palassio is the go-to weekend destination for Lucknow citizens. Whether it's for luxury or everyday shopping, watching a movie, or eating out, the mall has something for everyone. Additionally, the essence of shopping has changed, and the many stores in the mall have elevated the fashion outlook of the city.
The mall has offered umpteen happy hours and fun moments to shoppers and visitors. From a plethora of high-street fashion labels to homeware collections and tech outlets, the venue has a lot going for it.
Phoenix Palassio Mall is a shopper's paradise, offering a vast selection of stores to satisfy every need. From trendy fashion labels like Aldo and Allen Solly to traditional favourites like Aurelia and Biba, you will find clothing for women, men, and children. Accessorize your look with handbags from Baggit and Lavie, or step out in style with shoes from Inc.5 and Hush Puppies. John Jacobs provides a range of stylish eyewear to complete your outfit. The mall also features Home Centre for homeware needs and a variety of beauty brands, including Kama Ayurveda, to pamper yourself.
Some of the fashion brands for men at Phoenix Palassio are Jack & Jones, Indian Terrain, House of LP and Arrow. Plus, while tech lovers can explore brands like Croma and Bose. Whether you seek established names, homegrown favourites, or budget-friendly options, Phoenix Palassio has it all.
Apart from the number of brand present in the mall, it is present at an excellent location convenient for the citizens to travel. Plus, there are proper parking facilities. To complete the shopping spree there’s an expansive food courts and five stare dining restaurants. Not to forget the in mall shows. Phoenix Palassio hosts a number of events throughout the year, including product launches and games in which you can participate. The ambience is always bustling and upbeat. In short, Phoenix Palassio provides a convenient, diverse, and enjoyable shopping experience that caters to a wide range of tastes and budgets. This combination of factors has likely contributed to its popularity among Lucknow's citizens.
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[ad_1] 10BY20 padel membership | Wellington Padel membership 10BY20 will open seven courts in Wellington. 10BY20 leased on the Wellington Tennis Heart at 3100 Lyons Street, in line with a information launch from the tenant and dealer. Every courtroom will probably be 10 meters by 20 meters, the dealer's spokesperson stated. Melissa Martz of Royal Crown Group represented the tenant. 10BY20, led by Luis Carrero, has 4 tasks within the works that may deliver 28 padel courts to South Florida, the discharge says. The Village of Wellington owns the tennis middle. Rottenstreich Farley Bronstein Fisher Potter Hodas | downtown Miami Regulation agency Rottenstreich Farley Bronstein Fisher Potter Hodas opened a downtown Miami workplace. The agency, based and led by Richard I. Segal and Zachary Potter, leased 6,900 sq. ft at Citigroup Heart at 201 South Biscayne Boulevard, in line with the tenant's information launch. Ryan Rosalsky of Newmark represented the tenant. Steven Hurwitz and Madeline Nice of JLL represented the owner. Boca Raton-based CP Group, Monarch Different Capital and Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania-based Tourmaline Capital Companions personal the 34-story Citigroup Heart. Monarch has places of work in New York, West Palm Seashore and London. Matilda Home | Miami Seashore Casa Matilda is now open in Miami Seashore. The Mexican restaurant opened a 4,500-square-foot house with a complete capability for 150 friends at 411 Washington Avenue, in line with a Casa Matilda information launch. A terrace is anticipated to open on the house as effectively. Kathia Joseph owns Casa Matilda. Information present the constructing is owned by the Michael Kadosh Intervivos Revocable Belief. Sollis Well being | Boca Raton Sollis Well being, a members-only emergency care supplier, opened in Boca Raton. The well being care supplier leased 2,400 sq. ft at 1905 Clint Moore Street, in line with the tenant's information launch. The medical workplace is led by Dr. James Fishkin. Sollis is an alternative choice to pressing care facilities and emergency rooms, providing sufferers common wait instances of three minutes, in line with the discharge. Memberships begin at $3,500 yearly per particular person, or $292 a month. Sollis additionally has a flagship middle at 324 Royal Palm Method in Palm Seashore. Information present Nashville-based Healthcare Realty Belief owns the Boca Raton constructing. Seaboard Options, Seaboard Marine | Medley Logistics and supply-chain firm Seaboard Options and its delivery affiliate Seaboard Marine are staying put of their Medley industrial areas. The businesses, that are subsidiaries of Merriam, Kansas-based Seaboard, renewed their leases for 308,000 sq. ft, mixed, on the Prologis Palmetto Tradeport at 7800-7890 Northwest eightieth Road, and at 8001 Northwest 79th Avenue, in line with the tenants' dealer . San Francisco-based Prologisled by Hamid Moghadamowns the commercial park, which spans 880,000 sq. ft. Jonathan Kingsley of Colliers represented the tenants, and Brian Smith of JLL represented Prologis. Seaboard initially leased 166,400 sq. ft at Prologis Palmetto Tradeport in 1990, increasing twice since then, a Colliers spokesperson stated. Learn extra [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Thursday Thrills: Summer Festival Extravaganza Starts Today!
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July is here, and the festival season is in full swing! From music festivals to food festivals to cultural celebrations, there's something for everyone to enjoy this month. So step out into the sunshine, embrace the warm weather, and let the magic of July take you on a journey of discovery. Big Love Festival 14 – 16 July Big Love Festival is an independent music festival held in the beautiful hills of the Welsh Valleys. The festival is known for its eclectic lineup of live dance music, woodland discos, circus & cabaret, and street food. This year's lineup features some of the biggest names in electronic music, including DJ Marky ft LowQui, DJ Yoda, A-Skillz, The Orb, The Skints, and CVC. There will also be performances from Mad Apple Circus, Midnight Zu, Johnny Cage & The Voodoo Groove, Katalyst b2b Ransom, Natty Lou, Double A Side, Gene On Earth, Marc Parsons, Matt Owen, Tom Auton & Bottlebreakers, and Banshi. In addition to the music, Big Love Festival also offers a variety of other activities, such as yoga, workshops, and a silent disco. There is also a dedicated children's area, making Big Love Festival a great family-friendly event. If you're looking for a weekend of independent music, love, and laughter, then Big Love Festival is the perfect place for you. Tickets are on sale now, so don't miss out!Tickets & More Info> biglovefestival.co.uk Funk Up The Farm 14 – 17 July Back to the Future is a 3-day drum & bass rave festival in Kentisbury, North Devon. With a capacity of just 1,000 people, it's a small festival with a big heart. The lineup is stacked with some of the biggest names in the scene, and there will be no massive queues or walking for miles. Just three days of pure unadulterated rave. In addition to the music, Back to the Future will also have a variety of other activities, such as workshops, yoga, and a silent disco. There will also be a dedicated children's area, making Back to the Future a great family-friendly event. So if you're looking for a weekend of dancing, fun, and good vibes, then Back to the Future is the festival for you. Tickets are on sale now, so don't miss out!Tickets & More Info> funkupthefarm.com Soul Sessions Festival 15 July Soul Sessions Festival is a one-day dance party in the beautiful surroundings of Colesdale Farm in Hertfordshire. The festival is family-friendly and features a lineup of over forty artists playing house, tribal/soulful house, amapiano, and UK garage. The lineup for this year's festival is incredible, featuring some of the biggest names in the soul scene, such as Booker T, David Bailey, Groove Assassin, Kismet, Mark Radford, Masterstepz, Neil Pierce, DJ Spoony, Supa D Feat Cold Steps, Sy Sez, Wookie, Angie B, Antony Ranz, Buzzard, Carlos Aries, CKP, Mc Fro, Gemini, Gavin Peters, Lady T, Love Precious, Missfly, N:Fostell, Knowledge, Noushii D, Nse, Onyx Stone, Owen James, Paul Fist Funk, Petchy, Petite, Pivotal The Wizard, Secret Agent, Mc Snoops, Solly Brown, Teaser, Terminal 4, Tippa, Ubiquity, Wesley Jay, Wigman, and Dj Zigz. If you're looking for a day of dancing, fun, and good vibes, then Soul Sessions Festival is the perfect place for you. Tickets are on sale now, so don't miss out! Tickets & More Info> wearesoulsessions.com Beat-Herder 13 – 16 July Beat-Herder Festival is a popular music festival held in the Ribble Valley, Lancashire, England. It has been running since 2006 and has grown in popularity over the years, with a capacity of over 20,000 people in 2023. The festival has a diverse lineup of music artists, including Alison Goldfrapp, Bad Boy Chiller Crew, Bcuc, Cloonee, Confidence Man, Sarah Story, Dub Pistols, Stanton Warriors, Eats Everything, Ewan Mcvicar, Friction, Gardna, Gerd Janson, Hannah Laing, Have Mercy Las Vegas, Horace Andy & The Dub Asante Band, Seb Fontaine, Tall Paul, John Haycock, Jungle Brothers, Lf System, Pendulum, Peter Hook & The Light, K-Klass, Mr. Scruff, Bad, Skream, State Of Satta, Venbee, Wilkinson, and many more. In addition to the music, Beat-Herder Festival also has a variety of other activities, such as workshops, circus performances, and a silent disco. There is also a dedicated children's area, making Beat-Herder Festival a great family-friendly event. If you're looking for a weekend of music, fun, and good vibes, then Beat-Herder Festival is the perfect place for you. Tickets are on sale now, so don't miss out! Tickets & More Info> beatherder.co.uk Read the full article
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nosetrimmerreview · 1 year
10 Amazing Custom Made Furniture Stores In London That You Need To Check Out
Furniture is a vital part of any home, and there’s nothing quite as satisfying as finding the perfect piece of furniture to complete your space. But finding the perfect piece of furniture can be tough—especially if you’re not familiar with the London furniture scene. In this article, we’ve put together 10 amazing custom made furniture stores that you need to check out if you’re in London. From bespoke furniture to vintage finds, these stores have everything you need to complete your home with the perfect piece of furniture. Custom made home office furniture London Dunhill Dunhill is a London-based tailor that specialises in bespoke, tailored furniture. Their shop on Old Bond Street has been in business since the 1700s, and they continue to create some of the most intricate and exquisite pieces of furniture in the city. They offer a wide range of services, including fitting rooms and individual consultations, so you can get exactly what you need for your home. If you're looking for something unique and special, Dunhill is definitely worth checking out. Fitted wardrobes London Kings Cross If you're looking for some unique and custom made furniture in London, then you need to check out some of the stores listed below. From antique furniture to modern pieces, these stores have something for everyone. Custom made furniture London 1. Bespoke Kings Cross This store is perfect for anyone looking for unique furniture. They have a wide range of items, from antique pieces to modern pieces, and they are always updating their inventory so be sure to check back often! Bespoke furniture UK
2. London Antique Furniture If you're looking for high-quality furniture that's been used in the past, then you should check out London Antique Furniture. They carry a wide range of items, from chairs to beds, and they're always adding new pieces so be sure to keep an eye out! Custom contemporary furniture London
3. King & Co. Antiques This store is perfect if you're looking for antique furniture that's been restored or refinished. They have a large selection of items, from chairs to tables, and they always offer free delivery within zone 1 (which includes most of London).  Custom built wardrobe London
Haunch of Venison If you're looking for some amazing custom made furniture stores in London that you need to check out, then you should definitely head over to Barker and Spoon. Not only do they have some of the most unique and stunning furniture pieces that you'll ever see, but their customer service is also top notch. Plus, their prices are really reasonable too, so you won't be spending a fortune on anything at this store. If you're in the mood for something a bit more traditional, then you should definitely check out The Workshop. This store has a wide variety of furniture options, as well as some great deals that you won't find at other stores. Plus, their staff is always willing to help guide you through whatever piece of furniture might fit your needs. Solly If you're looking for furniture that is both unique and of high quality, then you need to check out some of the custom made stores in London. Here are five of the most amazing stores that you need to visit: 1. Solly - This store is known for its high quality furniture and unique designs. You'll find everything fromtraditional pieces to more contemporary pieces, all made with love and care. 2. The Wooden Chair Gallery - This store specializes in hand-made wooden chairs and sofas. Whether you're in the market for a new chair or just want to browse, this is the place for you. 3. White Rabbit Furniture - This store is known for its eclectic mix of furniture, including items from around the world. From antique pieces to sleek modern items, there's something here for everyone. 4. Studio Lambert - This store is home to some of the most beautiful custom made furniture in London. From upholstered seats to lush curtains, there's something here for every room in your home. 5. The Cabinet Maker - If you're looking for a specific type of furniture (like a desk), then this is the place to go! Not only do they have an amazing selection, but they can also make it exactly according to your specifications. Field London is a city that never sleeps, so it's no surprise that there are some amazing custom made furniture stores in the city! Whether you're looking for something specific or just want to take a look, these stores are definitely worth checking out. Here are five of the best: 1) The Furniture Workshop - This store is perfect for anyone who wants high-quality furniture without having to break the bank. Not only do they have an incredible selection of furniture, but their prices are really reasonable too. 2) London Custom Furniture - This store is great if you're looking for something unique and stylish. They have an amazing selection of furniture created by some of the best designers in the business, and their prices are definitely reasonable. 3) Soho Custom Furniture - If you're looking for high-quality furniture that will look great in any room, then this is the store for you. They have an incredible selection of both traditional and contemporary pieces, and their prices are really reasonable too. 4) Kaffe Fassett - If you're looking for something unique and special, then you need to check out Kaffe Fassett. Not only do they have an amazing range of furniture, but their designs are always incredibly eye-catching and stylish. 5) London Home furnishings - If you're on a budget but still want high-quality furniture, then London Home furnishings is the store for you! They have an incredible Knoll If you're looking for some amazing custom made furniture stores in London that you need to check out, then Knoll should definitely be on your list. Founded by two brothers, they specialize in designing and creating some of the most unique pieces of furniture in the city. From stylish sofas to trendy side tables, there's sure to be something here that will suit your needs. Plus, their prices are absolutely unbeatable - making them a must-check shop if you're looking for high-quality furniture at an unbelievably low price. Cabinetmaker’s Workshop Finding a custom furniture store in London can be daunting, but these stores offer amazing options for everything from contemporary pieces to rustic pieces. Here are five of the best custom furniture stores in London: 1. The Cabinetmaker’s Workshop This store is perfect for those who want high-quality, customized furniture. They have a wide variety of options, and the staff is knowledgeable and helpful. 2. Frends & Strangers This store specializes in unique and beautiful pieces of furniture that you won’t find anywhere else. They have a large selection of contemporary and traditional pieces, as well as some unique designer brands. 3. Rowse Home furnishings This store has an incredible range of options when it comes to furnishing your home. They have everything from big-ticket items like sofas and beds to more affordable choices like lamps and side tables. Plus, their staff is incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. 4. Tate & Lyle Home furnishings Ltd./The Design Centre at Oxford Street/Designer Outlet at Bond Street/Designer Outlet at Oxford Circus/The Designer Outlet at Regent Street/ Holtzbrinck Fine Furniture Ltd./Howard Miller Furniture Ltd./Room & Board/West Elm UK Ltd./Williams Sonoma LLC . . . Whitefriars If you're in the market for custom-made furniture, then you need to check out Whitefriars. This store is chock full of unique and luxurious pieces that will transform any room in your home. From sofas to beds, there's something here for everyone. And if you can't find what you're looking for, don't worry - they'll custom make it just for you! Cabinet Makers If you're in the market for some unique and one-of-a-kind furniture, you need to check out some of the cabinetmakers in London. Here are five amazing stores that will knock your socks off! 1. The Cabinet Makers Located in Covent Garden, The Cabinet Makers is a must-visit for anyone looking for custom made furniture. They have an incredible range of furniture, from bedroom sets to dining chairs and even sofas. Plus, their prices are really reasonable considering the high quality of their products. 2. The Antiques Warehouse If you're looking for something a little more rustic, then The Antiques Warehouse is definitely the place to go. Not only do they have a great selection of antique furniture, but their prices are also very reasonable. Plus, their staff is incredibly friendly and knowledgeable about their products. 2. Urban Design Ltd If you're looking for something a little more modern and sleek, then Urban Design Ltd is definitely the place to go. They have an incredible range of contemporary furniture, from sofas to coffee tables. Plus, their prices are very reasonable considering the high quality of their products. 3. Goose Lane Furniture Co If you're looking for something unique and eye-catching, then Goose Lane Furniture Co is definitely the store for you! Not only do they have an incredible range of unique furniture, but their prices are also very reasonable. Plus, their staff Conclusion If you're looking for high-quality furniture that will look amazing in your home, you need to check out some of the amazing custom made furniture stores in London. From traditional wood shops to modern design houses, there is sure to be a store that matches your needs and style. So whether you're looking for something simple or something with a bit of flare, head on over to one of these great stores and pick up some stylish new furniture!
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industryinsights01 · 1 year
The best and coolest fashion stores and boutiques in Oberoi Mall
Oberoi Mall in Mumbai is one of the most popular shopping destinations in the city, with a plethora of options for fashion enthusiasts. From international brands to local boutiques, the mall has something for everyone. In this article, we will explore some of the best and coolest fashion stores and boutiques at Oberoi Mall.
Firstly, let’s talk about the international fashion stores brands that call Oberoi Mall their home. Zara store in Mumbai, Forever New, Only, US Polo, Van Heusen, Vero Moda, Allen Solly, Arrow, Biba, Esbeda, Hidesign, Metro, Label by Ritu Kumar, Levi’s, and many more are just a few of the many brands you can find at Oberoi Mall. From trendy clothes to classic designs, these stores offer a wide variety of options for shoppers to choose from. Whether you are looking for a dress for a special occasion or a casual outfit for everyday wear, you are sure to find something you love in one of these stores.
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In addition to these international brands, Oberoi Mall a famous mall in Mumbai also has some amazing local boutiques that offer unique and stylish clothing options. These boutiques showcase the best of Indian fashion, with designers showcasing their collections in store. Moving on to accessories, Oberoi Mall has some great stores that offer everything from handbags to jewellery. Esbeda and Hidesign are popular for their high-quality leather bags, while Accessorize is a go-to for trendy accessories such as statement jewellery, hats, and scarves. You can also find popular footwear brands such as Metro and Clarks, which offer a variety of styles from casual to formal.
Apart from fashion, Oberoi Mall has a range of dining options to choose from, making it a perfect day out for friends and family. Pizza Express Mumbai, Bombay Street Co, Burger King, Coco Café, Farzi Café, Social, Maharaja Bhog Subway, and Poetry Love, and Cheesecake are just some of the many dining options available in the mall. These restaurants serve everything from local street food to international cuisine, giving shoppers a chance to try something new.
Oberoi Mall a shopping mall in Mumbai is a fashion lover’s paradise. With a range of international and local brands, as well as unique boutiques and accessory stores, shoppers are sure to find something they love. The mall’s dining options make it a perfect destination for a day out with friends and family. So, the next time you’re in Mumbai and looking to shop, head over to Oberoi Mall and experience the best in fashion and dining.
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drgreg · 2 years
Basic Practitioner Gp In Hout Bay, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
My tears move with loving recollections of a daddy who showered me with love......I miss you a lot however I know you watch over me and information me forward.... Happy Birthday for the 30th June my valuable Angel Celebrate with Granny and Grandpa and all your beloved ones and know that we will rejoice and honour you. I love you a lot and you'll be forever in my coronary heart Mommy.
My Dearest Ashlee,not a day oes by when I dont consider you and mour ..... My Dearest Ashlee,not a day goes by once I dont consider you and mou ..... Miss you Sollie...all the old good occasions you employ to tell me about... You gave me a chance when no one else did. You taught me to be the strong particular person I am at present...My 11 years with you have been a highlight in my life.
And a father and son hope to bond building a family residence with area for all. Joe Lycett hosts as the nine remaining home sewers return to the stitching room for children’s week. The clothes might Dr Greg Hough be mini but they are a mammoth challenge being fiddly to stitch. The most senior builders on the street set out to create two distinctive, bespoke homes.
I am heartbroken to hear to of Kevin's passing. May his reminiscence be a bl ..... Ethel Lipscitz nee Krantz was my great-grandmother.
Birdlife is an exceptional group. Thank you for organizing this wonderful journey. I imagine that the “Flock to Marion” ticks all of Dr Greg Hough the packing containers required to win the coveted SA tourism award.
Remembered with fondn ..... Dearest Dad, you are always in our hearts and all the time remembered, lov ..... It has taken me years to find you. Now I can allow you to rest in peace.
Your Children and Grandchildren in Toronto and Cleveland. My treasured Mom, the memory of your love is all the time in our hearts and ..... Another year has passed and the lacking remains as painful. Your magnificence won't ever die, love you my solely darling daughter. Our beloved niece NOLA, all the time in our hearts.
Commemorating our beloved brother Dr.Leon Movsowitz.M.H.S.R.I.P. Sadie Symon Netanya and Yitzchak Movsowitz Kibbutz Shluchot Israel. Dearest daddy, How i wish I may turn the clock again, to let you know ..... Happy Heavenly Birthday my beautiful Mum...a lot of roses, cheesecake ..... Mommy, I missed your wake up birthday name on the 16th. Miss and love you very a lot, I want your nice grandchildren, Tessa, ..... Fondly remembered at all times for his kindness, compassion, and friendshi .....
Registration with the HPCSA is a pre-requisite for professional apply and additionally it is a legal requirement to maintain all personal details up to date always. We'd respect as much data as attainable, however only an e-mail address is required. Hough, who has been dwelling in Pietermaritzburg since November, listened to the sentencing proceedings just about final week. In July he was discovered responsible on four counts of sexual assault and considered one of performing a sexual examination and not using a glove. He was suspended by the HPCSA in September last 12 months after at least four of his former patients laid complaints of improper conduct with the HPCSA.
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mpmcorner · 2 years
How did Edward ‘Sollie’ Solomon die? Music icon's cause of death explained
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How did Edward ‘Sollie’ Solomon die? Music icon's cause of death explained Edward ‘Sollie’ Solomon Music icon and fashion pioneer  has passed away. Let's take a closer look at how music icon Edward 'Sollie' Solomon died and the cause of Edward 'Sollie' Solomon's death.
How did Edward 'Sollie' Solomon die?
Edward "Sollie" Solomon, a beloved local musician and innovative boutique owner, died on November 27 at the age of 76.
Edward 'sollie' SolomonCause of death
Edward ‘Sollie’ Solomon cause of death has not yet been released. No information was available on the cause of death for Edward "sollie" Solomon. Mpmcorner is trying to reach family and relatives for comment on the incident. No response yet. We will update the page once we get enough information. More information on the cause of death for Edward "sollie" Solomon will be added soon. From left, Rob Lowe, Ja Mitch Ebanks, Ed Solomon and Jeff Zabal.
Who is Edward "sollie" Solomon?
The legendary singer and conga player was part of several bands over the years, including Humble and the Meek and Mainstream. On January 24, 2016, the Cayman Music and Entertainment Association presented him with the Icon Award for his outstanding contribution to the local music business. at The Cayman Islander A night club Inside The fall of 1984, Cayman Musicians were On that day platform performs. Barry Bergstrom, Chak Quappe, Edward Solomon, And Drummer Mark McTaggart There are Picture from left to do ok
Arabus Boutique
Arabs Boutique was established Inside 1970 And Well known shop offering high quality, Designer materials for Men And Women with A Unique Caribbean Skill. It is was Further A well liked crowd point for Many. Caymanian Clothing Company That was was Inside Commercial for 49 years Inside Downtown George city, Closed Its doors On that day New year Eve.
In celebration at its Grand Cayman branches, CIBC FirstCaribbean's annual Customer Appreciation Day last month honored the long service of many of its customers, including some pillars of the Cayman business community. Some of these people have held accounts with the bank for decades—CIPC First Caribbean has presented gifts at decorated branches to honor long-standing relationships with these people. Carol sanctity, Branch Manager of The Important Street location,Samuel McField, Partner Director of Retail sales bank, Mr. Solomon And Mark McIntyre, Management Director. On that day The of the bank day of Customer appreciation, representatives from CIBC First Caribbean They celebrate Ed Solomon, The Owner of Arabs Well done clothing, One of theirs For a long time customers. Also read: How did General Jose Silvestre Urzua die? Cause of death revealed
Tributes to Edward "Sollie" Solomon
Many expressed their deepest condolences to his family and expressed how much they loved him. Alyssa Leona App wrote, "A very special person in my life and many others. Hard to process but take it easy my friend. This man is a Caymanian cultural icon in many ways 😔❤️🙏“ Maud Walter wrote, "It's sad news, he will rest in peace Ed." Dean Miller wrote, "My deepest condolences. Rip my friend." Denny Warren Jr. wrote, "RIP Edward Solomon." One of the worst things anyone can face in life is losing a loved one. Any journey must ultimately have a destination. That person's time on earth has sadly come to an end now that they are dead. We wish him eternal peace and send our thoughts and prayers to his loved ones, family and friends. May he rest in peace. Follow us Facebook For more updates. Read the full article
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tumsozluk · 2 years
Research Scholar Shlomo Angel discusses the NYU Urbanization Project's work in Valledupar, Colombia
Research Scholar Shlomo Angel discusses the NYU Urbanization Project’s work in Valledupar, Colombia
Excerpt from Bloomberg — “The street-planning idea was dreamed up by Shlomo ‘Solly’ Angel, who leads the Urban Expansion program at New York University’s Marron Institute of Urban Management. It’s virtually costless because ranchers and farmers are happy to donate land that will be adjacent to a main road, Angel says. NYU has landed a contract to train 109 other Colombian cities in planning for…
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