#solomon: me and mc have a hot dinner together every night
gifti3 · 10 months
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does he have the phone on speaker or something wth shshbs 😭
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omegaobeyme · 3 years
how would they all react to a small thicc omega mc??
The boys' reaction to a thicc!Omega MC
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- His first thought is 100% going to be about how much of a pain it will be having to watch over such an attractive omega - Especially protecting you from his own brothers - Thankfully, this leads you two getting closer as you spend more time together - Grows to love you - Protective, but won't admit jealousy - Won't ask, but loves when you curl into his bed for the night and cuddle him - "Are you sure you don't want me to mask your scent today, MC?"
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- Asks you to read him stories just to have the opportunity to stare - Takes every opportunity to sit next to you in class, so long as Simeon allows - When you two are close, he'll ask you to purr to calm his emotions - Appreciates the way you can balance him out
- Naturally looks out for you where can - However, he tends to take his anger too far when it comes to protecting you - He fears being near you in your heat, and ends up confessing his love for you to Lucifer in order to protect you. - Being a newer demon, his rut come easily...and every few months he tends to disappear out of nowhere - If you bug him on it, he'll admit his feelings for you - Perhaps you could convince him to stay and rut with you?
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- Brings you to clubs and events to brag about the two hottest people in the devildom - Shows you off to EVERYONE, no exceptions - Dresses you up in clothing so provocative Lucifer has to teach him a lesson on what's appropriate for a human omega - AFFECTION - "Mc, sweetie, would you like to take a bath with me? I've set up my most expensive herbs for us! ;)" - Constantly has his hands all over you - Makes no attempt to hide his lust for you - Comfortable with you to the point he is able to present as an omega - Loves to purr with you
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- He's attracted, but he feels conflicted having not known you long - Tries to avoid too much confrontation - If you make him food, this will break the ice between you and allow him to let go - Tries to feed you, making it extremely obvious when he gives you half his plate in the middle of dinner. - Talks to Belphegor about you constantly - Increases his work outs to impress you - If you ask to work out with him, he'll say yes .. but not much work out will be done - He's too busy fending off other demons, making sure you're comfortable
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- Obsseses over you - You remind him of the centuries before Lilith's passing, when gods and goddesses were made to be full-figured - If you're not in a relationship, he will constantly mask your scent while you sleep together - Hates anyone whose scent is anything more than friendly to you - Will not leave you alone (if he can help it.) - Feels comfortable enough to present as omega with you, allowing you into his nest - Cuddles with you are just the best .. perhaps he finds it hard to sleep without you around - If you go into heat with him in a safe place, it triggers his Alpha side to present - Only in rut is he desperate enough to give the energy to top for long periods of time
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- IN LOVE - With his breeding urges + your proportions making it easier for your body to pass a child = natural attraction - Will take opportunities to get closer to you compared to other exchange students - When your heat comes around, he will offer his scent to mask - But won't admit it's because he wants his scent all over you - Extra affectionate with you in front of others - "Barbatos, is it too late to move them into our pack?" - P.S - if you pretend you don't care, he'll pursue you harder (unless you reject him.) - If he ruts..may Barbatos have mercy and luck on his side, restraining any attempt at his urge to see you
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- Finds your presence comforting - Protects you in his own ways - Smelling an alpha courting you in school? Perhaps the Chandelier smashed over his head fell on him on purpose. - Invites you over constantly when baking sweets with Luke, taking you away from the pack of horny Alphas - Similarly to Lucifer, he finds this situation taking up some free time of his. - "You'll never be a bother to me, MC" - Although busy with his duties, he will always make sure you know he is there for you in any capacity you'd like him to be.
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- Paternal instincts activated - Neither realms make angels/demons from such figures anymore, therefore everyone is immediately intrigued - He can smell the reactions whenever you meet someone new - Not that he isn't attracted either.. - I mean, imagine what those thighs could do? - Mind out of the gutter, Simeon! - Generally, he won't pay attention to it but he watches out for your well-being constantly
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- He can see what Asmodeus is talking about - Solomon doesn't have a reaction to meeting an omega, but one this hot? hmm.. - Time to seduce you before Asmodeus has a chance to - Most honest about his desires for you, besides Asmo of course - He makes his own birth control potions, and has had no issues with it thus far - Lowkey jealous of the brothers - WILL take it out on them, in his own way
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fellulahh · 4 years
Random relationship headcanons (all characters!) - F!MC
I’ve done HCs like these before but not for all of the characters - I thought I’d do an updated version with everybody☺️
Lucifer effectively never refers to MC by her name ever again, he either calls her ‘my love’ or ‘my dear’
He sets Friday nights aside to take MC out for dinner no matter how much paperwork he has left at the end of the week
Lucifer always unconsciously makes MC a cup of coffee in the morning when he’s getting his
He’s not the sort to hold MC’s hand while at RAD, but when they walk together he does subtly place his hand on her lower back
Often their more intimate moments involve laying in front of the fireplace together, sipping glasses of wine as they discuss and joke over their day
Lucifer helps MC with her every goal and when she succeeds, he is always the first to congratulate her. After all, having MC as his partner is what he is most proud of
If he catches MC sassing one of the brothers, he’ll smirk and boast “That’s my girl.”
Sometimes if he’s feeling stressed, he’ll ask MC if she’ll keep him company by sitting in his lap while he works
He’s an absolute sucker for MC calling him ‘babe’ and tells her off if she refers to him as anything else
Mammon’s 100% the little spoon (but don’t you dare ever tell anybody else that)
Expect random booty slaps throughout the day whenever Mammon is near
He loves showing off MC - if they’re at RAD together, he’ll always have his arm around her; nonchalantly planting kisses on her head every now and again when they’re talking to someone
Mammon tells his brothers off if he thinks they’re spending too much time with his human
“What are you doin’ over there?! Come give me some sugar!” He pouts at least 20 times a day
Mammon never grows tired of seeing MC’s body. Every time she undresses for bed, he gawps at her - practically drooling - just like it’s the first time he’s ever seen her
He often randomly buys MC cards and will write little notes inside with his scrawny handwriting simply stating how much he loves and appreciates her (he’s very soft when it comes to MC)
If MC is doing something that Levi deems as ‘adorable’, he will immediately pull out his D.D.D and photograph/film her so if he’s ever feeling down he can go through his album and just gaze at her in awe
When he’s talking to Henry 2.0, he refers to MC as the fish’s ‘mum’ and him as ‘dad’ (but don’t tell MC that he ever said that)
He loves to show off that MC is his girlfriend whenever he’s gaming. If he gets insulted over his headset, he’ll reply with ‘yeah? Well I have a girlfriend who’s super hot! Beat that!’
Movie marathons are a must
Levi loves taking MC to the beach and having her straddle him while he wades through the sea (a bit like Baloo and Mowgli)
When he’s gaming, Levi lets MC style his hair. Considering how long it is, the human is very intrigued by what it’d look like pushed back
He gets incredibly excited if MC gets dressed up for something and practically implodes: “that’s my girlfriend!!”
Satan is 100% husband material. MC needs help studying? He’s there. MC needs help with cooking dinner? He’s there. MC is feeling stressed and wants a massage? He’s already offered before she can ask.
He’s quite a tease too and will wait until the worst time to show this side of him. MC and Satan could be at the palace having a really formal dinner when he will start whispering in MC’s ear, telling her all of things he’d love to do to her later that evening
MC’s name is now ‘darling’
Satan’s favourite part of the day is when he and MC are sat in bed each night, both reading a book
He loves to hold MC in his arms with her head on his chest whenever they fall asleep
He always makes the bed while MC’s in the bathroom so she doesn’t have to
When he’s on dinner duty, Satan purposefully cooks his and MC’s dinner first so that they can have it alone with a candle lit
Refers to MC as ‘sweetie’
He’s always surprising MC with little gifts - if he’s out shopping and sees something he thinks she’d like he immediately buys it
He helps relieve MC of any stress - if he senses she’s had a bad day he’ll pull out the nail varnish and give her a full on pamper while she moans about whatever is bothering her
His Devilgram is full of candid photos of MC
You can bet he’s super affectionate toward MC - there will never be a day that goes past where she doesnt wake up with a kiss from him
They’re the fiercest couple at RAD - they’re effectively the Devildom equivalent to Posh and Becks
They also go on really cute dates, whether it be little mini breaks, a simple coffee date at a nearby cafe, a day at the beach or beauty salon etc
Movie nights with everybody always consist of MC falling asleep in Beel’s lap and then him carrying her up to bed
He’s always calling MC ‘cute’ no matter what she’s doing. She could be having a full on go at him for eating her dinner and he’d just smile at her while thinking ‘could she be anymore adorable?’
Lots and lots of piggy backs
Beel loves hugging MC, he always does that thing where he wraps his jacket around her so he trap the human with his love
Always invites MC to his sports game and whenever she goes, he manages to perform that little bit better to usual
He always offers MC his jacket if she ever gets cold
Everyone dubs them the ‘cutest couple at RAD’ because they’re always holding hands and have the biggest smiles on their faces whenever they’re together
Often they spend their evenings in the kitchen cooking/baking which results in a food fight and eventually sex on the kitchen counter
MC always wears Beel’s top to bed and it makes him so happy to see her in it
He gives MC all of the comfy pillows in their bed - after all he doesn’t need them anymore because his favourite thing to fall asleep on is his human
He’s always coming to MC’s defence. If a lesser demon ever does so much as scowl at her, he immediately puts himself between the two. Nobody is ever going to hurt his human
Belphie wants to learn everything about MC including the things she likes. And if that means he has to sit through hours and hours of a TV show to do that then he’ll commit to it!
He’s always genuinely interested in how MC’s day went and whenever they reunite at the house, he always asks how she is and will listen for however long to what she has to say
He hides food in the fridge for MC “I bought this cake earlier and have hidden it from Beel so that you could have the first slice”
Belphie always wants cuddles from MC - he has to have his head on her chest
He’s also not ashamed of how much he likes to snuggle his human, even if his brothers do tease him for it
Diavolo is always going above and beyond for MC and acts like she’s already his Queen
He loves taking her on little walks around the castle grounds; telling her all about his ancestors
If Diavolo has to get up early for whatever reason and leave the palace, he’ll always leave a single rose on the bedside table next to MC so she doesn’t wake up feeling forgotten about
He puts MC before his duty - if any nobles ever dare speak ill of his relationship, he immediately dismisses them from their role
Always compliments MC, expressing how ‘positively radiant’ she looks with a huge grin on his face
He loves making MC wear his crown and sit on his throne, in fact he finds it quite the turn on seeing her in a position of power (that’s not the only position he likes seeing her in)
His favourite part of the day is when he gets to return home and see MC in her element doing whatever (studying, drawing etc) looking like the absolute beauty she is
Diavolo always accidentally lets it slip that he wants to have a future with MC - they’d just be talking about something random and then he’d come out with “well I like to think that when our children grow up...” before quickly blushing, realising what he’d said
He invites MC to the castle a lot to keep him company when he’s serving Diavolo
He’s always surprising MC and leaving her feeling flustered - he could have a completely serious look on his face while he’s doing something for Diavolo but will then turn and whisper to MC “perhaps when I finish this paperwork, I can do you on this desk too” before walking away
Barbatos is always showing off to MC by taking her to different realms and dimensions. Having dinner at a fancy restaurant is too mainstream for him - you want to see France during the Renaissance? Sure, he’ll take you there!
He takes good care of MC and will often sense something is off with her before she even knows. This demon has a different tea for everything
Barbatos loves cooking all of these elaborate dishes only for MC to try and you can bet he’s already memorised all of her favourite meals from the human realm and has perfected them
In fact, some of the very rare moments where he grins is when he and MC are baking together
Even if he’s the one who’s had an incredibly long day, he’ll still run a relaxing bath for MC with candles and salts
Even if MC wakes up and looks like she’s been dragged through a bush backwards, Simeon never fails to compliment her surreal beauty
He calls MC ‘sweetheart’ all the time
Simeon always gets up early so that he can make MC breakfast in bed as it’s the most important meal of the day!
They always bath together
He and MC often go for walks in the park and will bring Luke along if he’s feeling lonely and wants to spend time with his parents
Simeon is incredibly intimate and passionate in their relationship. There’s no such thing as a ‘casual’ kiss with this angel - he never fails to caress MC’s cheek and gaze into her eyes before laying one on her
He always offers to carry MC’s bags while they’re walking through RAD and will effectively treat her like a goddess - opening every door for her, pulling out her chair etc
Simeon’s always gushing to Lucifer about his relationship with MC
MC and Solomon are such a chaotic couple
To show his love for her, he will quote vines (*insert ‘I love you bitch, I ain’t ever gonna stop loving you, bitch’ vine here*)
He is not afraid to show off his love for MC. She could be walking through the corridor at RAD and when he spots her, Solomon will shout ‘DAYUM MY GIRL IS FINE’
Solomon is always making MC laugh. He’s not one for being traditional when it comes to compliments - he’d definitely hit her up with “I would drag my balls through lava just to hear you fart down a walkie talkie”
He’s quite a show off too - the demons are all jealous that MC loves him and not them so he always gushes about his human
If he ever takes an unflattering photo of MC, he immediately turns her into a meme much to his amusement
Although he jokes a lot and isn’t always serious, when they’re alone together, Solomon is incredibly loving and would easily be happy to just sit there and stare at MC in silence for ten minutes so that he can take a moment to appreciate how lucky he is
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] College!AU Zoom University Headcanons
For the 7 Demon Brothers + Solomon
Scenario: Headcanons about how you interact with the demon brothers online during online lectures via Zoom (an online video platform that universities have been using to teach classes) and their habits using it
Notes: gn!MC, Considering most universities (including mine) are all online AGAIN fall quarter and we’re going to be using Zoom forever……. i kinda wish i DID have online classes with the demon boys (and Solomon) 
Video off, mic off, no profile pic just the typical first and last name, so you don’t really talk to him but you do see his name pop up in the Zoom chat to ask clarification questions
Accidentally has his mic on sometimes
First time you interact with him is when you private message him “hey, I think your mic is still on” because everyone can hear his brothers arguing in the background
The mic is soon turned off and you get a response back “thanks. Sorry you had to hear all of that”
“Yeah no prob. How many brothers do you have anyways?”
“Too many.” 
Thus starts your relationship with him as zoom buddies, asking each other privately what the professor just said and some clarification questions
If you’re shy about asking stuff, he has no problems asking for you; never makes you feel dumb about your questions
first time you hear his voice during midterm season when the professor doesn’t see your messages (“you’d expect them to know how this all works by now” he messages you dryly) and he asks his question out loud before the professor can move on
(lowkey think he’s hot just from his voice) 
Then highkey finds out he’s hot when his video is accidentally on for a few seconds when he’s distracted with Asmo or Mammon in the background 
Bonus points if you tease him about it 
Shows up at office hours when the TA is late and you just talk to him, exchange emails and numbers ;) y’know for homework help
If you’re going to do group projects, he seeks you out first-- god forbid he’s stuck with someone who doesn’t do the work ONLINE
Mic is ALWAYS accidentally on until the professor mutes him or tells him to mute himself 
“Oh, sorry prof!!! My b!!”
Private messages you on purpose to ask a clarification question because he doesn’t want to seem dumb asking it to everyone or to the professor
You wonder why he chose you but then you realize it’s because you had asked a question yourself earlier in the lecture or answered a question 
It becomes a recurring thing-- like EVERY lecture
If you’re not annoyed at him, then you might suggest that the two of you share a document for notes or tease him about just having you teach the lecture if he’s confused
“Actually, that sounds great!” he types to you before you could say jk “that’d help me a lot, thanks!!”
Smh why did you sign up for more work for yourself but oh well, he seems like a nice guy
Is also a very attractive guy, you realize, when you schedule a zoom meeting with him and actually see his face
Realizes why he keeps asking questions is because he plays card games on a split screen instead of paying attention to lecture (same tho)
Invites you to join him by private messaging you a link to join (and you do eventually when lectures gets boring)
Sometimes sends the invite link to the whole class by accident 
He admits he wouldn’t even attend lecture and would just watch the recording but you’re always there so he goes 
Which means you suppose you should keep going to lecture if anything to have him go as well 
Already the master of online classes tbh and has no problem with the format
Finds it kind of annoying when there’s technical difficulties, but he just quickly switches to a tab to watch anime 
Probably is just watching anime on another tab if the lecture gets boring or slow anyways
He’s always the first one to answer forum/discussion posts because he’s just very tech-savvy and good at replying to people
First interaction is probably him answering one of your questions on the discussion question and from then on after you start messaging him privately during lecture when you have a question you think he can help with
A little hesitant on helping you, but you’re also just really nice to him so he’s okay with helping you, I guess 
Give him your email? Why? So he can send you the book pdfs and previous practice tests of course, why else?? 
O-Oh, you want to add him on social media? Just to ask for homework questions right? Okay, yeah, sure! o////o 
If video is on, you see the reflection of anime in one of his mirrors and casually ask him which episode he’s on
Has never been so shook or attentive in his LIFE 
He is a godsend during every breakout room because he ACTUALLY TALKS instead of leaving you in a quiet room alone with three other strangers
You think you’re lowkey in love with him when he has no problems volunteering to present to the professor and putting his thoughts into words so eloquently
He also appreciate you talking during discussion too, and enjoys the conversations the two of you have while you’re not even sure the other blank profile pics are even there anymore 
He’s the one to suggest making a shared doc to share notes and study together-- the man is productive and efficient about this, what can I say?
Manages to convince you to go to office hours with him and meet up for studying hours and ooooh he’s hot 
He’s actually a very good study buddy, especially when he’s teaching you something you’re confused about, but also just good to study together with (when you’re not too busy staring at him) 
The only reason why you’re focused during class because he’d look disappointed at you if you weren’t-- that’s on you for caring about what he thinks, but he’s just so PUT TOGETHER how do you NOT look up to him?
Finds out that he’s actually just a mess like everyone else when his brothers come in during one of your study session and he says “excuse me,” mutes the mic and goes off screen; you can see some shadows in the back as satan shoves his brothers out of the room and manhandles them till they leave
Is kind of embarrassed he forgot to turn of video too but you just think it’s funny because you relate to the lack of privacy of online classes (and perhaps annoying siblings)
How the hell does he look awake and lively at a 9am lecture class????
Is that make up??? Is he… wearing PANTS??? (you don’t remember the last time you put on actual pants)
The most functional-looking person in the entire zoom lecture, asides from the professor 
Has video on all the time-- because honestly why wouldn’t he? He actually looks good
Definitely not paying attention most of the time, and you see it on his face 
Messages you first when you actually wear something nice for once because you’re going to go to the supermarket afterwards
“Ooh, where’d you get that accessory??”
The two of you end up not paying attention AT ALL and instead just gush about each other’s outfits
Definitely is not afraid to ask for your social media so you can follow each other and ask for homework help I guess but MAINLY to talk to each other because online classes can get sooooo tedious 
Really really wants to be able to meet you in person someday when it’s safe (“we’d look so cute together!!!”) but settles for facetime or zoom meet-ups 
Really does not hesitate to make friends and make the best out of social situations despite remote format bless him 
The only time he doesn’t turn on video is after a night of drinking with his brothers (“it was mammon’s birthday” he types into the chat with you, “ugh i’m probably going to go lie down, let me know how lecture goes”)
Always eating-- even if this wasn’t online, he’d also be the one to bring snacks-- his whole LUNCH to class to eat so this isn’t too surprising 
You think it’s hilarious when he actually brings his laptop or phone (whatever he’s using zoom with) to the kitchen and literally makes dinner during the lecture
Sometimes you watch his tiny video of him putting stuff into the oven than the lecture slides and you bet your entire class is doing that too 
Sometimes you ask him jokingly what he’s cooking and you’re surprised when he pauses and answers your question mid-dinner making
“Lasagna. You want some?” 
“Yeah send it over through mail bro”
You don’t actually know if he’s actually retaining any lecture information, but apparently he’s doing decent enough-- still, if you offer to share your notes, he’d be so grateful
“Where do you live?”
“Ldfjalskjd why are you going to send me food?” 
“Yeah. What’s your address? I’ll send you a box of cookies or something.” 
Basically he just does NOT care what the entire class sees him doing; he could be cooking, eating, working out-- he’s listening to the lecture out loud but he’s giving you a show (whether it’s a cooking show or a work out video depends on the time of day)
If the lectures are recorded, you’ll never see him, especially if the class is early in the morning LOL
If you do see him during lecture and video is on, he’s always in his pajamas or sleep clothes, a pillow in front of him 
During discussion, if video is required, he probably has a screenshot of himself awake as a profile picture so he can snooze away pretending like he’s actually there 
You definitely notice because he’s the first video to show up in your gallery and his video is like never moving HAHA
You finally message him when the TA splits you all into breakout rooms when you’re all supposed to be finding the answer or discussing something to be shared later
Kind of awkward at first because he’s like… asleep, but when he wakes up blearily, he does participate-- if only for your sake and for discussion points 
“Hey… wake me up if the TA or professor asks us any questions, will ya?” he says as he puts his head down and sleeps 
Since you and him are now officially breakout room buddies, you message him when you have a question and know that he’ll probably respond to you by the end of class because he actually knows the material despite sleeping through half of the class
Is actually very appreciative of you that you volunteer to speak on behalf of your breakout room if no one else does because that means HE doesn’t have to do it
The one to make the groupchat/slack link and send it to everyone in the class so we could actually help each other in the class
Shares a link to a google folder with resources
Highkey more useful than a TA sometimes 
Super helpful, efficient, and charismatic… but suspiciously so
Like where did he get all these pdfs? Where did he get all these 100% test from previous years? And-- is that an answer key??? To what???
Video isn’t on ever, so you have no clue what he looks like… until you’re in the same discussion as him and he turns on his video for breakout rooms
He always, ALWAYS sits at the island in the kitchen and sips coffee whenever you have discussion with him 
Responds back to you almost immediately if you ask him questions during lecture (because honestly, why not-- he seems smart and has his life together) but if anyone messages him in the groupchat, surprisingly takes a while to reply… maybe he’s busy?
Anyhow you’re not gonna question it; you’re gonna pass this class and Solomon is carrying everyone to an A+
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wrathandgreed · 4 years
Idea: Barbatos professing his love for you the first time. Take it however you want with angst or fluff 😘
GN!MC x Barbatos (fluff)
Word count: 6.5k
Author Note: Somehow, this took on a life of its own, and now I’m in love with Barbatos.
You wonder, briefly, if this is how Cinderella felt.
Everyone assumes that Cinderella spent the ball floating on air, waltzing gracefully with the prince, impressing everyone with her beauty and charm.
Did anyone ever think that maybe, just maybe, Cinderella felt completely out of place? That huge ball gown, skirts wide enough to knock food off tables. The high heels, so much harder to walk in than bare feet. And everyone looking at her, always eyes watching her.
Maybe she found her true love, sure, but maybe she really just wanted to dash off to the kitchen, where things felt familiar and safe.
As you stand in Diavolo’s heavily decorated ballroom, a smile plastered on your face, pity for Cinderella runs through your head. Couture might look good, but it was constricting. You didn’t dare eat or drink - nothing washes out of this fabric. Also, trying to undo the whole outfit just to pee was NOT going to happen. The ballroom was sweltering hot and you were sweating under your clothes.
To be fair, it hadn’t been all bad, especially not in the beginning. Stepping into Diavolo’s castle was like stepping into a fairy tale. Millions of tiny lights floated all around, little wisps that barely illuminated anything but lent a bewitching aura to every room. The edges of the ballroom were lined with tables full of Barbatos’ cooking and baking. You smile as you passed a tray of cookies you had helped him make yesterday; maybe when the ball was over and you no longer had to worry about your party clothes, you’d steal one.
The music had been fun - instrumental and easy to dance to, and boy had you danced! Every one of the brothers had, at one time, claimed your hand and spun you around the dance floor. Lucifer had waltzed and twirled you expertly, covering the entire dance floor in one song. Satan, somehow, was better - perhaps because he cared more about dancing with you than showing off that he was dancing with you. Mammon fumbled more than anything else but, except for bumping into other demons a few times, his feet were pretty sure. And once he gave up on trying to replicate the fancy moves of Lucifer and Satan, the two of you just whirled around the dance floor with absolutely no concern for your safety or anyone else’s.
Asmo refused to let you go for almost half an hour while he showed off moves the two of you had practiced together. Belphie and Beel pulled you into a strange three-person dance with a lot of hand-holding and ducking under each other’s arms until all three of you were howling with laughter and had to excuse yourself into the hallway.
And in the hallway, you even managed to lure Levi into a little swaying slow dance in the corner. It felt a little like an 8th grade formal, but his eyes shone when you put your head on his shoulder, so everything was good.
The brothers had passed you from hand to hand, protecting you and dancing, laughing, talking, flirting. When you thought no one was looking, you snuck out your phone and took selfies with them, for the scrapbook you were making of your time here.
But like Cinderella’s coach, you felt like you turned into a pumpkin around midnight. It was now a few hours past and your patience and enjoyment were wearing thin. You thought longingly of the room Lord Diavolo had given you here for the night, but Diavolo himself had vanished and demonic etiquette dictates that you not leave without thanking him personally, and perhaps indulging the Demon Prince himself in a dance.
Your feet ache at the idea of another turn around the floor.
“MC, darling, don’t move! There’s someone I want to see, but I’ll be back in just a second,” Asmo whispers in your ear before slipping off into the crowd.
Surprised, you look around and realize none of the brothers are moving to replace him at your side. Lucifer had disappeared with Diavolo, muttering something about paperwork. Mammon and a few lesser demons are playing cards in a game room across the hall. Levi - well, there was no keeping Levi at a formal function full of people for any length of time. Beel was….. yes, Beel was over there by the food tables, and Belphie was probably napping on a couch in the hallway.
You realize you can’t see Barbatos anywhere, either. Through it all, you’d catch glimpses of him, refilling food and clearing away glasses. Once, he caught your eye and gave you his gentlest, friendliest smile. A few hours later, he happened to be in exactly the right place to catch you as you and Mammon tripped over another demon’s tail while trying to waltz.
You would have welcomed his presence, but for the moment you were alone.
Wonderfully, gratefully, blessedly alone.
You gather the extra material of your outfit and in your head you see Cinderella hiking her ball gown to her knees to book down the stairs. Trying to remain unseen, you carefully open the terrace doors and slip out onto the balcony.
The crisp air outside slaps you in the face and you almost whimper in relief. Without stopping to think, you lean your back against the now-closed terrace doors and yank off your shoes.
A noise off to your left startles you, has you whipping your head to the side and clutching your shoes to your chest. If you have to put your shoes back on, you’re going to cry.
But it’s Barbatos.
He’s humming lightly along with the music inside as he passes by more slim banquet tables, gathering empty wine glasses onto a silver tray for washing. His hair catches the moonlight and for a moment you’re bewitched by him, by his gentle demeanor and quick efficiency.
It had been that demeanor and efficiency which allowed you to become friendly in the first place.
Devil’s sake, why are these stupid meetings always so long?!
You hadn’t been in the Devildom long, but somehow you’d had to sit through like seven Council meetings already. And this one was going on forever, but  you weren’t allowed in the room because it was a SECRET meeting and you’re not a Council Member.
And you’re also not allowed to just walk home because you could get eaten by a lesser demon.
So instead, you’re sitting on the floor in the hallway outside the council room. Trying to get comfortable and read your book, but your feet keep going numb any time you settle into a reading position. In a minute you’re going to just say hell with dignity and lay flat-out on the floor, tent your book over your face, and take a nap. You’re getting more and more annoyed when - 
“That certainly does not look comfortable, MC.”
You glance up from your book, and there’s Diavolo’s butler. His name had something to do with islands. Barbatos? Bora Bora? Aruba sounded wrong. You’d spoken to him a few times, but barely knew him at all so, as far as you’re concerned, he’s part of the problem. Right now, every demon is part of the problem.
“It’s not comfortable,” you return tartly. “But I’m stuck here until this meeting is over, since I’m not even allowed to walk back to the damn House on my own.”
The butler’s face clouds over, but all he does is excuse himself and enter the council room. For a second, you worry that you offended him with your rudeness, but then you decide you don’t care. He’s a demon. If he deals with this lot regularly, rudeness shouldn’t be something that bothers him all that much.
You settle into another position - back against the wall, legs straight out in front of you. It’ll relieve the pins and needles in your feet, but you just know your ass will be numb in twenty minutes….and suddenly Barbatos/Bora Bora is back in front of you, bent over at the hips and with an extended hand to help you rise. When you just gape at him, he smiles that small self-contained smile of his. 
“I’ve spoken with Lucifer, and I have leave to walk you back to the House myself, so long as I remain with you until one of them returns.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that. I’m sure you have way more interesting things to do than babysit me.”
His smile widens, his eyes sparkle just a little at your polite refusal. He doesn’t wait for the little lamb to stand on their own and, instead, grasps your hand with both of his and pulls you to your feet. 
“I insist. I have all the time in the world, after all.” 
Your own smile twists, just a little. You had no idea what he meant by that at the time, and it’s still a little creepy to think about.
The butler did, indeed, walk you back to the House of Lamentation. And he did, indeed, refuse to leave you alone once there. Every suggestion and argument you raised - because, really, you’re an adult and you can stay alone in a damn house - was met with that smile, that patience, and that absolutely immutable stubborn will.
But, hey, after passing on the information that one of the brothers would grab dinner from Hell’s Kitchen and bring it home, Barbatos insisted that the two of you make dessert.
You knew what he was doing. You’re not stupid. You’d barely been in the Devildom two weeks, and you knew no one trusted you on your own yet. You were to remain, both under guard and guarded against, until trust could be established.
And it fascinated you to watch Barbatos work. It wasn’t exactly a punishment to sit in the warm kitchen and watch a master doing his thing. Initially, he had insisted you help, but…..
“You are truly hopeless, aren’t you? And I thought the rumors of Solomon’s cooking were alarming.”
“Yeah, well, cooking’s boring.” When Barbatos shoots you a look, you shrug, refusing to back down. “If you like doing it, cool, works for you. I don’t. It’s just…. it’s FOOD. You spend two hours making it, and everyone will eat it in under fifteen minutes. Less if Beel is around.”
“I find it soothing,” the butler returns, amusement evident in his voice.
“Awesome for you. That’s not a dig, really, it’s great that you enjoy it. I like to knit; everyone has something. But I can’t do any of this stuff in the first place, and DEFINITELY not in silence. It’s too distracting.”
“And what music do you listen to when working?”
“Oh, uh, not music. Audiobooks.” You FEEL yourself blushing. “I’m a Lit major. Well, I was. I’ve probably been thrown out of college for non-attendance at this point.”
Barbatos smiles as his hands move effortlessly through the ingredients. “I believe Lord Diavolo has ensured that your education will continue as you desire after this year is over.” He hesitates just a moment, then continues, “I believe Satan has mentioned audiobooks in the past, but he has to go to the human world to get them. They are what they sound like?”
You hitch yourself up on a high kitchen stool. “Yeah, exactly. A recording of someone reading a book out loud. Usually it’s more of a dramatic reading, sometimes like a play with a bunch of people taking different parts. Not a Devildom thing, huh?”
“No, but I shall bring the idea up to Lord Diavolo. Perhaps we could interest more demons in the Royal Library this way. Humans enjoy them?”
“Until we had stuff like radio and TV, most entertainment was someone reading to the family while everyone did their own thing. They’re not as big now, but yeah, some humans like them.”
Hands still clutching your book from earlier, you watch Barbatos in silence for a few minutes, then blurt out before you can stop yourself, “Maybe you might like it? I feel bad that you’re doing all the cooking and I’m just sitting here.”
A brief expression - it might have been surprise - flits across the otherwise placid face before Barbatos murmurs an assent. And, a little nervously, you open your book and start over, reading aloud from the first page.
Of course, you had less than an hour of quiet time with Barbatos before the brothers brought their chaos home. Enough time for the cake to be in the oven and for the butler to make you a cup of tea to soothe your voice. But it was nowhere near enough time to enjoy the book, and the company. 
A few days later, an incoming text from your DDD surprised you.
ButlerBarb: MC, it is Barbatos. Might I request a favor?
MC: You need a taste-tester? I’m sure anything you’re making works, but I’m absolutely willing to sacrifice my life for some more of that cake.
ButlerBarb: I am flattered! And you are always welcome to sample my food. 
MC: Awesome. So what’s this favor?
ButlerBarb: I have been mulling over the book we shared the other night. I don’t like to start things and not finish them. Might I borrow the book when you are done with it? 
MC: Of course! I’m almost done myself, so I can get it to you soon.
ButlerBarb: I must warn you, I have little spare time for reading. It might take me some time to return it.
MC: That’s not a problem! 
MC: Actually…..why don’t I come by and read some more to you while you cook or whatever?
MC: You could get more of the story at a time and I’d have someone to discuss the book with.
MC: I miss having smart conversations about books. Satan’s probably my only option and he seems to think I’m really sus right now. Literary criticism doesn’t seem to rank high on anyone else’s list around here.
ButlerBarb: And what makes you think it’s high on mine?
ButlerBarb: Forgive me, I forget how curt jokes can look over text. I am uncertain what “sus” means, but I would like to listen to and discuss the book with you. Perhaps tomorrow, after your classes? Lucifer and Lord Diavolo have a meeting and I doubt Lucifer would object to walking you over.
ButlerBarb: And perhaps you could taste-test some pastries for me. I would never want to serve anything substandard, after all.**
And that had been that. As time went on and you began to trust the denizens of the House of Lamentation, to laugh and joke and flirt with them, you also made sure you spent a few afternoons a week reading to Barbatos and debating story arcs, narrative choices, and character motivations. You also discussed these things with Satan now, but Satan was more like one of your professors - he had very definite opinions, and they were usually the old, staid opinions that every professor over the age of 50 had. Truthfully, it was fun trying to inject queer theory, feminist theory, and all sorts of modern interpretations into the discussion. Anything to shake him up a little. He absorbed them and found them interesting, but he was more comfortable with interpretations that had centuries of influence.
Barbatos was different.
Barbatos wanted to know what you thought. He was curious about the human interpretation of the events of the novel, the human understanding of character. You weren’t sure if he was interested on his own behalf or Diavolo’s, but his questions made you think about your own opinions and thoughts of the novel - of storytelling in general - in ways you hadn’t before.
He would then contrast your opinion/human opinion with a general demon opinion, and then his opinion. And when he offered his own opinions…..hoo, boy, you would have paid good money to see him argue down some of your more uptight professors. He was a little scary, sometimes, and he often made you remember, sharply, that demons definitely had their own morals and values.
Like when he defended Iago and his jealous meddling in Othello’s life. (“If Othello had any strength of mind at all, he never would have fallen for it. It was a good test for him - a man in charge of armies should not allow himself to be undone by a single jealous rival.”)
Like his absolute judgement on most of the characters in Sense and Sensibility. (“Frankly, Willoughby would wind up being tortured for a few millennia for his deceit and vanity, the greedy branch of the Dashwood family - well, there is a very interesting way of dealing with the greedy down here….”)
Like his amusement in Medea’s vengeance. (“A strong woman who refuses to allow herself to be cowed or tamed. Oh, damned for sure, but an admirable woman nonetheless.”)
You loved the discussion and debate. He stretched your mind in ways you had never considered.  But what you loved more was how relaxed Barbatos become.
Inch by inch, he loosened up. When the food was cooking or the bread was rising, he began to sit with you at the kitchen island. Initially, he would sit ramrod-straight, his hands often cutting vegetables or decorating pie crusts. After a few more weeks, he would sit and listen to you read with his head resting on one hand, absently plucking grapes from their stem with the other. Eventually he simply stood, leaning on the table next to you as you discussed the latest chapter over a cup of tea. Watching the slow, cautious relaxation in his posture was almost as interesting to you as his literary opinions.
Discussions of literature became discussions of life. Of choices, and the consequences of them. You learned far more about his powers as he detailed one choice in one life and the ramifications across multiple timelines.
His matter-of-fact discussions on time, the nature of reality, and the links between them tortured you and kept you up at night. For the first time, you truly abandoned fiction in favor of books of science. And still you knew you’d never really get it.
But that brought up new topics - what other consequences might there be for the actions taken in the books you’d read together?
You remember one fascinating night, after dinner at Diavolo’s, you sat with Barbatos in the kitchen as he cleaned up. Instead of reading to him, you were both throwing out ideas about other potential action-consequence links from Middlemarch, a book neither of you had really enjoyed. The suggestions got more and more ludicrous, helped along by a bottle of wine left over from dinner, until you saw something you never thought you would ever see.
Barbatos was laughing.
Not snickering, not giving his small amused smile, not even his occasional sarcastic smirk. But full-on, eyes-sparkling, belly-laughing. Almost, but not quite, hooting with it. It was the kind of laughter you can’t really stop, the kind that becomes contagious. You start chuckling with him, then laughing yourself, and now you’re both laughing simply because you’re already laughing.
He tried, very hard, to stop when Lucifer entered the kitchen with some request or another. He stood quietly, hand over his abdomen as usual, but you could see his body quivering as he held in his laughter. He tried to ask what Lucifer wanted, but every syllable threatened a chuckle so he remained silent. Lucifer looked at the scene, both you and Barbatos struggling to appear calm, eyes and faces shiny with laughter, and he started to lecture you on taking up Barbatos’ time.
Without thinking about it (also kind of drunk, so there’s that) you leaned over to Barbatos, put your hand on his shoulder, and sing-songed in a stage-whisper, “Uh-oh. Daddy’s mad.”
And Barbatos broke. Both of you were gone again, laughing so hard that the only reason you were standing is that you were holding each other up.
You assume that Lucifer went and tattled to Diavolo, covering it up by “apologizing” for how you monopolize Barbatos’ time, but all that came of it was an open invitation from the Demon Prince to come over to the castle whenever you wanted, as Barbatos could use some more laughter in his life.
And so you did.
The more time you spent there, the more you realized not just how important Barbatos was to the running of the castle (and, thus, the Devildom), but also how nice he could be. He always had your favorite treat or tea on hand. You started accompanying him on many of his chores. In fact, you saved the best discussions for when you were both out of the kitchen. Nothing made weeding the garden or polishing the silver go quicker than a bright and easy discussion. 
One of your favorite times with him was riding the train to the market. He insisted on turning the tables and reading to you. It was one of the only times where no one could expect him to have other chores to do, so he read instead. 
Maybe because of how generous Barbatos always was with his time, you started bringing little things with you. Some cut flowers from the House’s garden. A single box of rare tea that you know Barbatos said was out of stock (of course, it wouldn’t occur to him to ask Levi to track it down online). And once, browsing a used bookstore with Satan, you found an ancient recipe book that you couldn’t wait to bring to the castle.
Each of your little gifts had been received with surprise, then a smile that seemed really genuine. The flowers had been arranged in a pretty glass vase and placed by the kitchen window seat, the tea immediately prepared for you both, and the recipe book declared a wonderful find — apparently, it had a recipe for Newt-Spiced Devilbread that he had never seen before.
You had beamed with pride over his pleasure in the book, and been touched when a small package containing Devilbread (modified, according to the note, for human tastes) was found on your desk in the House a few days later.
Everything about him made you feel appreciated. Which is why you were so happy to see him there, otherwise alone on a balcony.
Of all the people at the ball, it was the upright, too-correct butler that you weren’t afraid to have see you in bare feet. He’d seen you covered in dirt, covered in flour, and, on one occasion when he’d dropped by the house unexpectedly, in ratty pajamas and toe-spacers with a face mask on. That one was Asmo’s fault.
You want him to see you now. You want him to turn around and see you, to have a moment, any kind of moment, while you were dressed in couture at a ball. You want to be the reason he genuinely smiles, the reason he laughs. 
I mean, look at him! Decked out in demon form like the rest. But instead of being scary or intimidating, his demon form was….comfortable. It suited him, far more than the human-look. While his clothes still looked butler-ish, something about the ruffles and falling folds looked like a modern Victorian-style suit. It fit his fussiness without being uptight.
That was it. His demon form was still “correct” in the way a butler was correct, but it wasn’t stuffy or uptight, the way the normal butler outfit was.
You’d been around demons so long that wings, tails, and horns looked absolutely normal instead of strange. The delicate crown of black-bone horns, instead of looking demonic, looked like a regal frame for his face.
Something about him being buttoned-up from head to toe made you want to jump on top of him.
Okay, so you had a crush. No way were you going to ruin one of the best and most equal friendships you’d ever had by making a move on a thousands-year-old demon for fuck’s sake.
Even if just watching the surety of his hands made you weak sometimes. But you could handle it. It was fine. You were fine.
While you were watching him oh-so-efficiently stack glasses (you would be drooling right now, if you weren’t dehydrated from avoiding drinks in this outfit), he finally glances up and notices you.
“Ah, MC,” he says, and you take heart in his obvious pleasure in seeing you. “Taking a break?”
“It’s a little hot in there. And a little crowded.”
“And you tire of them following and leading you around,” Barbatos finishes with complete understanding. “If that is the case, come over here a moment where there are no windows; everyone can see you through those glass doors. It is only a matter of time before one of them comes looking for you.”
You get a split-second image of being railed against the wall there, just inches away from the glass doors, but stifle it instantly. “Sure,” is all you say as you walk over as casually as you can. “Want some help with the wine glass collection?”
The look he shoots you is amused and his voice is (you think you hope) full of affection. “As you are dangerous around glass at the best of times, and we don’t want broken glass and wine while you are both barefoot and in that outfit, I believe I’ll carry on on my own.”
An awkward silence fills the air. At least, it feels awkward on your end. The two of you had been silent together any number of times, but for some reason you can’t stand the silence right now. Just for something to say, you gesture at a small tray with assorted cookies.
“How did the pomegranate-jam alfajors turn out?”
“Excellent, and I thank you again for helping me make them. Would you like one?”
“Barbatos, we both know I did nothing more than hand you the jam and read another Sherlock Holmes story. Besides, I can’t risk this,” and you gesture to your clothes.
A mischievous look - not the first you’ve seen on his face - comes into Barbatos’ eyes. “Well, we must protect your sartorial savoir-faire. But we also can’t have you perishing from hunger, can we?”
He picks up a cookie and closes in on you. He’s not tall, not really, but he always seems tall when he stands so close to you. He holds the cookie at your mouth and cups the other hand under it, to catch crumbs.
“I can feed myself,” you mutter sullenly, ignoring the tingling of your body as his proximity. You don’t know why you’re resisting, he’s popped tidbits of all sorts of food into your mouth as you’ve cooked together in these past months. But this isn’t his well-lit kitchen, and it doesn’t feel like an innocent moment.
Barbatos merely lifts his brows a little, his smile widening imperceptibly. With a sigh, you take a bite of the cookie. “Happy?”
He brushes his thumb over your lips, dislodging a few loose crumbs. You know you’ve stopped breathing. “There.”
His face is so close to yours; you can feel his breath against your skin and see the swirling melding colors in his eyes. He still has his fingers on your face and you’re so close, so close….
You wait a moment. Every book you’ve ever read says that after a gesture like that, there’s a surprise kiss. It’s such a fairytale moment. But Barbatos just pops the other half of the cookie in his own mouth and turns away, returning to his work.
Confused, let down, you drift to the balcony railing to look out over the grounds. The last thing you want is for him to be able to read your face in the dim light. In fact, right now, you’re just wishing you were alone again. Now you’re in constricting clothing, barefoot, hungry, thirsty, somehow both warm AND cold, exhausted, and, thanks to that misleading cookie moment, bordering on depressed.
You glance at Barbatos quickly, but he’s just working as always. He’s always hard to read, and the flickering lights here make it even harder, but something about his face looks wrong. He’s not smiling. If anything, he looks - you want to say frustrated. Or angry. At what? At you?
“Barbatos?” You ask quietly. “Are you ok?”
He looks up sharply and you see another first. His hand fumbles on the glass he’s holding and it tumbles to the ground, shattering. You turn to help him gather the pieces and - 
“Stop,” he snaps out, and for the first time since you’ve known him he actually sounds mad at you. A moment later the wine glass is back on the table, whole and unbroken.
A few breaths, and his face softens. “I apologize. I had to be sharp or you might have kept moving and hurt yourself. Or have you forgotten your feet?”
You glance down at your bare feet, your shoes forgotten on the ground a few feet away. You were just about to walk over broken glass to get to him. Symbolic, much? 
“Barbatos….are you mad at me?”
“No, MC.” Why did his voice have to be so kind? It’s almost worse. “I’m angry with myself. A mistake I made earlier. You would think, with my knowledge of time, that finding a good moment….. But never mind.”
“Is it something I can help you with?”
He stays still a moment, as if thinking about it. “Perhaps. But it still requires the right moment, and I must find it myself first.”
“One of those demon things? A thousand years from now, maybe?” You’re trying to joke and you know it’s going to fall flat, but the uncomfortableness of this moment is getting to you.
“Oh, not that long. Soon, I’m sure.” His normal voice and face are back, and you envy his equanimity. 
You nod at his pronouncement. You’re never going to argue with him about time, that’s just a losing battle. There’s also no way to get something out of him if he doesn’t want to talk about it. If he needs your help, you hope you’re friends enough that he’ll ask. Instead, you just turn back to the garden view. 
The silence stretches out, and you wonder why Barbatos is still out here. The glasses are on the tray. The cookies and cakes have been refreshed. And now that you feel awkward, uncomfortable, and rejected, the desire to be alone is even stronger.
“MC, now it is my turn,” you hear from behind you. “Are you ok?”
You just nod. Time to evade. “Tired. It’s a late night for me. It’s beautiful here though,” you continue bravely, trying to get back on the right foot. “I love the gardens around here. I kind of wish I could see them in sunlight, though.”
A short laugh from Barbatos. “As that is unlikely to happen, I’ll have to show you around the grounds the next time there is a full moon and a cloudless night. There are many areas that are fully lit. Be prepared for a walk, though, the grounds are extensive.”
“Do you ever get used to it?” you ask suddenly. You’d only half been listening, instead you were thinking about the depth of the grounds, the amount of space here.
“Get used to what?”
“This,” you say, sweeping your arm to encompass everything around you. “This place, the castle, the grounds, this…..this luxury and beauty and, and grandeur.”
A moment passes and you feel him step up to the balcony railing on your left. The crispness of the air seems to fade as the demon comes to stand close to you. You want to step away, but you’re afraid he would misinterpret the movement, and maybe even be hurt. Quietly, as if revealing something, he says, “I have, I think, gotten used to it. Mostly. What’s the human expression? Not seeing the forest for the trees? It is difficult to see beauty and grandeur when you’re the one responsible for keeping it polished and clean. The number of details, the sheer magnitude of things to do…..it keeps your eyes focused only on what’s in front of you.”
But now his eyes rove over the grounds, taking in the garden and its sparkling lights, the endless expanse of sky and stars. His smile was, as always, slight, but there was satisfaction in his eyes. “Sometimes, though, when someone reminds me….it is a wonderful thing to allow myself to be swept away by it all again. It is beautiful. Thank you for reminding me of that.”
There was a moment of silence  - and it felt like comfortable silence again - as the two of you survey the garden, so dark that the glittering fairy lights become almost indistinguishable from the night sky itself.
“But then,” Barbatos says, so softly his voice was almost a whisper, “you constantly remind me to look at things in new ways. And when you do, I always find something beautiful or interesting. Often both.”
His gloved hand reaches out and covers yours, where you had it on the balcony railing. You straighten and turn your eyes to him - the two of you had touched before, but never so deliberately. His hands over yours as he attempted to help you roll out pastry dough, holding each other up while laughing, and even an ill-advised flour war that would have been manageable had Diavolo not stepped into the kitchen and insisted on joining. For a moment, the pressure on your hand subsides, and you imagine you’ll simply have to power through the new awkwardness with a joke, but instead you find your hand suddenly clasped even more tightly in his.
“I can see everything, if I choose. The past, the present, the future. Any past, present, or future. So how is it that you always surprise me?”
“I’m sorry,” you say automatically.
He turns you suddenly and for one of the first times you truly read surprise on his face. “Don’t apologize!” It comes out stern and sharp and his voice immediately softens. “It has been….centuries, I think, since I was surprised at all. And I have never met someone by whom I was so constantly surprised. I….appreciate it.”
There’s something in his eyes, and you try desperately not to read too much into it. You’ve been disappointed once tonight already. Your own heart will break if you’re wrong. So you smile and joke instead. “Really? Lord Diavolo surprises me almost every day. They all do.”
Another smile. “The Young Master is impulsive, that is true. But I have served him for millennia. I have known all of them for thousands of years. And while I cannot predict everything they will do, even the strangest choices are no longer surprising.”
“So maybe I’m only surprising because you don’t know me well yet. Because I’m new here, or because I’m human.”
“I have known a lot of humans.” His gaze holds yours steadily and that word - bewitching - comes back to you again. “MC, you came here against your will and the first thing you did is begin to heal those brothers in there. Heal their wounds and heal their bonds. Who could have predicted that? How is that not surprising?”
“But that’s just - I mean - I just wanted to help?”
“It is help they needed. I hear from the Young Master that Mammon is passing most of his classes, albeit barely. Satan doesn’t rage as he did. Leviathan attended a party, and stayed for almost two hours!” A chuckle escapes him. “You have improved their lives immeasurably.”
“Yeah, well -“
“You have also improved my life. Immeasurably.”
The first instinct is denial, to brush it off. Laugh it off. But his dark eyes are still holding yours and you realize, belatedly, that at some point he captured both of your hands in his. This isn’t a moment to brush off. So if he’s being serious and honest, so will you. You drop your eyes, though, because serious and honest also makes you awkward and hesitant.
“And you’ve improved mine. More than I can say.”
He takes a breath, and a small step forward. “I think….the most surprising thing about you is how I feel. I have lived longer than I can truly count, and I had thought I had seen and experienced and felt everything. But I had never loved - until you. I had never even known that I hadn’t loved. And I hadn’t ever feared how empty my life would feel without it. It was truly a surprise to realize how little I knew myself.”  One of his hands leaves its hold on yours and you feel the soft leather of his gloves as his fingers wrap gently around your chin. A tiny bit of pressure, and he lifts your head so you can look eye to eye again. “Do you think, MC, you could come to love me in return?”
His face is calm, his eyes steady on yours. So calm and steady, just like his voice, that you could almost think you were just discussing the weather. If it were anyone else, you would suspect a prank. But - and it’s a strange thing to notice - his tail is swishing, just a little. If you’ve learned anything about living with demons, it’s that their wings and tails express what their faces don’t. And that little back-and-forth swish, at least in Satan or Levi, would be agitation, uncertainty. 
You feel a ghost of a smile cross your face. “Don’t you already know my answer, Mr. Time Travel?”
“I didn’t look. That would be cheating. Besides….I’d rather you surprise me.”
And so you lean forward and up, Cinderella in borrowed finery, barefoot at the ball, and kiss your prince softly on the lips. 
“I fell in love with you a long time ago,” you murmur as you pull back just a little. “And it didn’t surprise me at all.” You look into his eyes, dark and sparkling like the garden. “Is this the moment you needed to find?”
He only smiles and leans down to kiss you again, and you feel his hands on the small of your back, pulling you closer. You’re pretty sure you feel the end of his tail wrap around one of your ankles, but you’re more interested in pressing against his chest, kissing him while the music from the ball fades from your hearing and the dirty wine glasses sit forgotten on their tray.
Suddenly, a sound makes you jump. Fireworks, the traditional end to a Devildom ball, erupt over the garden and  lake. The demons inside the ballroom come out to watch them, jostling against you and Barbatos. You find yourself carefully, subtly guarded from them by his body. And instead of slipping off into the crowd as he normally would, Barbatos turns you to watch the fireworks, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
You realize, awestruck, after a moment of the display, that the fireworks, all of them, were variations on your favorite colors combined with Barbatos’ signature teal. Tilting your head slightly, you see him smile that little smile as he meets your eyes.
“Surprise,” he murmurs into your ear, and presses a soft kiss against your hair before resting his head against yours to watch the show.
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maddiethebull · 5 years
28. "Gosh you look like angel..." Asmo x MC ^^
OOOH this is too cute!! Love this pairing of fluff and Asmo! Thanks for making a request
Asmodeus (Obey Me!) - Prompt #28 - “Gosh, you look like an angel…”
You lived out today as if it were any other day, because, well, it was. Birthdays weren’t all that important to you, it just meant you were a year older. Though you didn’t care much about it, you did find it endearing that the brothers decided to throw you a makeshift ball when Mammon found out that your birthday was going to be tomorrow. All you wanted to do was have a nice birthday dinner but that wasn’t enough.
“MCCCCCC you HAVE to have a partyyyy!!” shouted Asmo as you were explaining that it was no big deal and none of the brothers had to go to such lengths for tomorrow. But even though you said not to, Lucifer was ordering Mammon and Levi to put decor up as Beel and Satan moved furniture and Belphie swept the wooden floors.Currently the House of Lamentation was chaos and Asmodeus was “helping” by drawing a birthday card. He had good intentions, but he wasn’t the most gifted artist, most of his artistic skill, in fact all of his artistic skill seemed to lie with makeup and fashion, not pen and paper. He drew a lopsided teddy bear and colored it pink, because he knew that was both his and your favorite color. With them all working hard and Asmo giggling happily at his drawings, you decided to scuttle off back to your room since it was nearly 12:30 a.m. and unlike the average demon, you had to sleep every night. Asmo peeked at you walking away and went to retrieve something from his room. 
You were getting ready for bed when you heard a knock at the door, you opened it and it was none other than Asmodeus holding a beautifully wrapped box with a pink satin bow on it. 
“I know you don’t care about your birthday too much, so, to get you excited I decided to give you a gift! Wear this for the party and you’ll be even more gorgeous than you normally are! Not as hot as me, but you’ll be a very close second.” 
You chuckled, “aww Asmo, thank you for the gift,” you said, heading straight for the package (winky wink, nah just the birthday present lol) 
“Wait!” he shouted, “you can’t open this until tomorrow, silly,” he said with a playful wink. You jokingly rolled your eyes and agreed to his conditions. He handed you the present and for a split second you saw the most tender look in his amber-orange eyes, 
“Happy birthday, MC. I’m actually super happy that I get to spend tomorrow with you. And that I get to be all dressed up and hot for your birthday ball.” You brushed it off as just being kind, you never thought of Asmo as the type to be lovey dovey and you certainly didn’t come off as that type either, though secretly all you wanted to do was cuddle up with him for the night. But alas, while the Avatar of lust flirted constantly, you never thought he meant it. As your train of thoughts went down this track, it made you feel quite sad and you wouldn’t want to go to bed feeling down so you decided to cut this conversation off while you weren’t too focused on whether Asmo was actually into you or not. 
“Okay, it’s getting late and-”“OOOOH you’re inviting me in aren’t you? Such a sly fox!”
“No, Asmo, good night,” you both chuckled and he left for his room. 
The next day came and you awoke to more than just the box beside your bed, it was all seven of the brothers. Lucifer held a cake (and held Beel away from eating it) and everyone else wore birthday party hats. Mammon somehow wore his wrong, you didn’t know why it was upside down or how it stayed like that but the sight of all of them together made your heart do backflips. These had to be the most amazing friends you’ve ever had. They cheerfully sang happy birthday, Asmo gave you your card, and thus began your day. 
You had breakfast which was specially made by Satan, your favorite pancakes with some garnishes of pink and purple heart sprinkles added by Asmo. 
You dug in and Asmo sat down next to you, 
“So, MC, did you open your gift from me yet?”
You shook your head no, though now you felt the urge to get up and grab the box immediately. What can I say, it’s fun receiving gifts. You kept eating your pancakes as he spoke up again, 
“It’s really special, okay, so open it while I’m there.”
This made you wonder what he was going on about, you had a slight inclination to assume it was just some high tech sex toy but he did say to wear it to your party, so that’s surely ruled out, right? Please be ruled out… You gave Asmo a nod and turned to Lucifer. 
“So,” you said, “what time is my birthday ball going to start?”
Lucifer replied, “promptly at five o’clock. I will let the guests in, though we didn’t have much time to send out invitations. I have invited Diavlo and Barbatos as well as the angels and Solomon.”
“We should probably finish decorating since its nearly ten, we mustn’t procrastinate,” added Satan, “and Levi was removed from decor duty since he tried incorporating Ruri-chan into the banner…” 
You replied, “Well, I have no problem helping out, me, Asmo, and Belphie can hang up what’s left of the decorations.”  There were minor grievances toward you setting up for your own party, but seeing as how all of the brother’s stayed up, besides Belphie and Asmo, they weren’t too keen on working anymore. So it was planned, you would help set up then you would get ready. After breakfast you and Asmo went to Belphie’s room to get him up again seeing as he went straight to sleep after singing to you. Right before you knocked on the door, 
“MC, why don’t we just put up the decorations, just the two of us?” Asmo said gently with a smile. You weren’t sure why he’d asked but it did mean you wouldn’t have to deal with a grumpy Belphie, so you both just went back to the ballroom. There were minor mishaps as you decorated, you had to stand on a ladder and nearly fell off, you managed to regain your balance but you looked down to see Asmo with a worried look and open arms. Though, to be honest, he wasn’t the strongest of demons, so you weren’t sure how safe it would’ve been for either of you had you actually fell. When you were both done, an epic high five was delivered and you went off back to your room. 
It was now time to get ready! You showered and put on your makeup and just as you opened your closet, looking for something to wear, you remembered that you already had something. You called Asmo to come to your room, he came swiftly and watched with eager eyes as you opened your first gift of the day. 
You gasped, “Oh, Asmo, this is beautiful.” You rushed at him to give a hug and he gladly accepted. You went back to your bed and picked up your gift to admire it once again. It was a wine red silk gown; backless with a mermaid silhouette. You noticed embellishments of small diamonds at the bottom of the skirt, you were genuinely in awe. 
“You’re welcome, I knew you’d love it since I was the one who picked it out afterall.” He gave you a sweet smile and left you to get dressed, but wait! He forgot to give you his favorite diamond necklace. It was only for the night but you felt honored being able to wear the thin, teardrop shaped necklace. You felt like a beautiful princess, worthy to date a prince (of Hell). Then he left for real to let you get dressed. The guests began arriving and when you re-emerged from your room, all eyes were plastered on you. The wine color of the backless silk dress, the diamonds so elegantly sparking around your neck, the click clack of your heels against the marble steps – it was captivating. 
As you descended the staircase, you saw Asmo emerge from another door carrying little cupcakes as confectioneries. He looked up and, wow, did he blush. The wash of pink on his pearlescent skin reminded you of a rose blooming amongst white lilies. 
When you got down to him and the other brothers, Asmo seemed speechless, which was very out of character. You almost began to get self conscious without his showering of compliments, did the dress not suit you as well as you thought? He set down the plate of confectioneries and approached you slowly, like he was approaching the eighth wonder of the world. He looked you in the eyes, you could see so many emotions that you could barely decipher before he turned his eyes to the ground and with a tender smile, he spoke. 
“Gosh, you look like an angel…” He whispered gently almost as if he were trying not to let anyone but you hear.
“Asmo,” you blushed, “I was waiting for some praise,” you let out in a joking tone. 
He laughed with such joy, looking at you with bright burning eyes.
“Well, Ms. MC, I do believe that the breathtakingly gorgeous birthday girl and the best looking man at the party should have a dance.” He bowed and held out his hand, you graciously accepted and you danced the night away under the Devildom night sky. The party went on and you opened various other presents from the boys, one was a Ruri-chan t-shirt, another a cookbook with a bite? taken out of it. You couldn’t help but smile and laugh and exclaim that this was the best birthday you’ve ever had.
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