#certain characters i would just hang up if they were doing this :p
gifti3 · 10 months
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does he have the phone on speaker or something wth shshbs 😭
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serpenlupus · 7 months
About Wyll and his horns (and what they mean)
Let's say I was writing a part of my Tav's story with Wyll directly connected to the dialogue he has during the tiefling party, and while struggling with this bit, I've realized there's quite a few misconceptions floating around. I felt compelled to add information to the table that might clear them, so here we go.
First, what exactly happens to Wyll when he disobeys Mizora in act one? Well, he doesn't get turned into a devil, he certainly doesn't get turned into a tiefling, he's not a half fiend, not a demon, none of that. Wyll stays human, but he has horns and red eyes (and other features we can't see on his model as of now).
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(Everyone has their race listed, Wyll's remains "Human")
This is because when a warlock fails to uphold some part of their contract they can suffer a certain number of consequences, Wylls is “The character grows horns, a tail, or some other devilish features that can't be removed by any means short of divine intervention. As long as these marks persist the character detects as a fiend when subjected to Detect Evil and Good spells or similar magic.” ( from Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, page 214)
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And I’ve come across some people that think it wasn’t so bad of a punishment, that he was being racist towards the tieflings, or just not being justified in being upset after having his body forcibly changed against his will. I think they are missunderstanding just how insidious Mizora’s actions were, and here I just want to give some context to maybe bring a better understanding to the situation. Your conclusions are up to you.
Gonna start by using a not exact analogy, but I think it’s going to make the explanation easier. Stick with me for a minute.
Remember Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean? He had a branded “P” on his arm that marked him as a pirate. A murderer, robber, criminal, etc. in the eyes of the society he was a part of. What did Jack do to earn the branding? (if you don’t know this I suggest you look up the “people aren’t cargo mate” scene) He refused to transport slaves and later freed them, and Beckett had him marked as punishment.
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Then, in the first movie, he saves Elizabeth, a woman he didn’t know, from drowning. Right after however, when Norrington sees he has a branded “P”, he’s like “alright, off to jail with you, and then hanging”, no other option crosses his mind. Again, Jack doesn’t know Elizabeth, isn’t indicated to think he is going to be rewarded for helping her, he just sees a drowning person, sees that no one else is going to help, and chooses to save them. That is a pretty selfless/good aligned thing to do, for no other reason that he was the one able to do it, yet the branding in his arm overrides any good action he could ever do, marking him as a criminal for execution and no further thought.
In a way, that’s what Mizora did to Wyll; she forever visibly branded him as someone that has made deals with devils, and that in the world of DnD is a VERY BAD THING. Personally I really like the mod that gives him more devilish features, but at the same time I think there was something clever about choosing to leave him looking more human. He can’t be confused with a tiefling, he doesn’t have the ears, the claws, the tail, all those features that characterize them. He looks kind of uncanny, and that would be like a red flag for anyone in that world. (Beyond the already existing hate for tieflings that I’m not gonna tackle on here because it’s a complicated thing that deserves its own post). And Wyll wants to do good, he wants to help people, to be a positive force in the world so, so badly. This dude got abducted by a nautiloid, got tadpole’d, and the first thing he did right after that was come across the Tiefling refugees and be like “Oh you need help? No worries let me teach you self defense. Oh you being attacked by goblins? Let me blast them real quick”. His way of saying fuck you to all the awful things that have happened to him is being aggressively good and kind. Mizora knows this very well, wants to see him suffer for her amusement, wants to remind him he can't escape her claws, so her choice of punishment was to forever taint his future interactions with mistrust and suspicion. Some people can go real fast from “oh thank God they saved me” to “oh no, are they gonna rob me, are they trying to trick me, are they in cahoots with the ones that attacked me first?” just because of outward appearances. Especially in DnD world. And that deserves its own conversation, but we're focusing on Wyll here.
(Mizora, when I catch you Mizora)
“Well, maybe he shouldn’t have made a deal in the first plac- - “ He was seventeen, alone, preyed upon by Mizora and put in an impossible situation. Please PAY ATTENTION to the story you’re witnesing.
About the tieflings. I know it’s easy to think his words can be derisive towards them, but it’s less about the horns and more about his body being changed against his will. Imagine instead that he got half his face burned, or something that disfigured him. I think his feelings at the moment were closer to that, and yeah they are pretty insensitive words to say to someone with a similar condition (horns or disfiguration), but when feelings are fresh and raw like that it’s easy to say insensitive things. Not saying it was ok for him to say them, but there was no malice in his words. I’ve also seen some people share that they think Mizora wanted to change him more to make him unrecognizable to his original self, the Wyll Ravenguard kid, and I think there is some truth to that too. She wants to make sure that Wyll remembers that he belongs to her, there's no question to that.
Whether the Tieflings refugees would feel unsettled by Wyll or not? Yes. In a way, they would. From reasons aside from the ones I explained above, remember that these specific tieflings come from Elturel. If you didn’t pass the History check or don’t remember, Elturel is a city that was literally ripped from the land and dragged to Avernus, First layer of hell (it left a hole on the ground and everything) because their mayor made a deal with the Archdevil Zariel some decades back in the timeline. He sold the souls of all its citizens and the city itself.
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This was probably one of the worst times of their lives. Some even got captured and forced to participate in the blood War, like Dammon as a mechanic. And after Elturel got returned to the surface, the tieflings lost their homes because they reminded the other citizens of the literal Hell they’d just gone through, and they kicked them out. And remember, they met and saw Wyll as a human, and then saw him with horns. It’s not unreasonable to think that by looking at him they would be reminded of all the events that led them to the awful situation they’re in. Because of someone that was making deals with devils, just like Wyll. Even if his situation is completely different. And Wyll knows that, that’s why he tells you the tieflings are unsettled by him and chooses to stay away during the party.
It was never just about the horns.
And I know Wyll calls himself a devil but I think it’s because it’s the closest thing he looks as; devils are a whole different race with their own intricacies, although humans can be turned into devils ONCE their souls go to Avernus and they start climbing the power hierarchy there (Mizora and Raphael are cambions/ half-devils btw, which is a different thing,  there are plenty of videos exploring those details more in depth).
Do I think Larian should have made some of this information clearer/easier to access? Maybe? but to be fair, it's a game focused and dedicated to a crowd that was already somewhat familiar with the source material, that blew up waay out of what they originally expected to reach. Hopefully they’ll add some clarifications like they did to other quests. 
Anyway these are my two cents to the conversation, have a nice day, and don't hesitate to add your two cents if you feel like it!
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qirongshusband · 5 months
SFW Headcanons for what Jujutsu High Student!R would buy or make everyone for Christmas. Was thinking R would be like the 12th son of some rich family that gets hidden away at Jujutsu High 'cause they think he's too weird (and therefore a perfect fit at the school :P), and he wants to thank them for being his "better family".
⸝⸝ ꒰ HC’s 🌑ㆍ₊⊹
Note ~ 🫶 Sorry I took long with this one.
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Yuuji, Nobara, and Megumi.
Yuuji isn’t that much of a complicated person, he probably wouldn’t want much but you know he’s a little bit of a nerd when it comes to comics, manga and anime. Christmas was soon and you wanted to get him something special, a gift of appreciation! You wanted to at least get him something he likes, something nice, and you thought getting him a figure of his favorite character from a show he watched would be perfect! — you bought him the gift and handed it to him on Christmas, you expressed your thanks and how grateful you were for him and his presence, for being a younger sibling that you’ve never had before, he was happy by the gift but more about your words, his friendship meant a lot to him and you..he gave you a tight hug as he thanked and told you how he would always be there for you.
Nobara..oh dear. You knew she was an expensive gal especially since she basically went shopping anytime she could..you would occasionally join her on a shopping spree which she LOVED since you always knew the best places to go to! You thanked about maybe getting her some expensive perfumes since she loved nice scented things, so you thought Dior perfume would be good enough for her, of course the cost of the gift wasn’t a problem at all. — once you got it you gave it to her, you could tell she instantly loved it by the way her eyes lit up and she smiled, she clapped her hands together and thanked you for the gift and how she knew it was expensive you told her it wasn’t an issue at all and you just wanted to get her something to appreciate how she treated you as a friend and somewhat like family than some outcast or annoyance. Nobara gave you a tight hug as she said how much she loved you as friend and you meant a lot to her, gifts aside she was grateful for you.
Megumi wasn’t much of a materialistic person, you were unsure on what to get him. You thought back on what he would like but nothing came up..but then something..clicked! You were going to take him out to eat to an expensive restaurant of course the treat was on you, he wasn’t really a fan of Materialistic things. But you knew he liked food so you didn’t see a problem with taking him out to eat! — as you took him out you talked to him, telling him thank you for everything and for listening to your troubles as well as for being there for you whenever you needed it. He was like a missing part of you that you felt like you needed, you appreciated him so much and his company, you loved him like a brother, he was a really nice guy. Megumi doesn’t really smiled but he smiled right when you started speaking, responding with how he doesn’t mind and he’s glad it’s impacting you in a positive way.
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Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko.
You knew Satoru didn’t really need anything considering he basically had a lot of things but still felt like you needed to get him something. Probably a new outfit? Most likely something expensive too knowing Satoru’s taste in clothing.. — you got him a really nice outfit, a casual but expensive one. You tried giving it to him but he was out on a mission, you wrote a note leaving it in the bag with the rest of his clothes telling him how great he was doing even though he took on a shit ton of missions, and that you wanted to thank him for being a great friend, on how funny and unserious he was, you appreciated when he was at times when you told him certain things going on in your life he actually gave great advice and was a good listener.
Shoko was also a simple girl who loved to hang out with you and catch up on her smoke break with you, she would talk with you about her day and other things as well, you liked her company you found her funny and caring. She offered you a hit but you declined since you didn’t smoke, you weren’t trying to get into that and she understood of course so she wouldn’t smoke that much around you. Shoko liked doing her makeup and making herself look pretty, so of course you knew what to get her. — you got her an expensive kit of makeup that had many lipsticks, shadows, powders, etc, you gave it to her the next time you guys hung out which was on Christmas, she told you that you didn’t need to buy her such an expensive gift, you explained to her why you did what you did, why you bought her all of the stuff you did. She was one of the people who genuinely sat there and listened to you and how you wish you weren’t hidden away at Jujutsu High and how you liked her and her time with her. You appreciated the hang outs and long talks you guys would have, she gladly accepted the gift and even offered to do your makeup as a silly little joke.
Suguru’s favorite food was Zaru Soba, you guys usually went to go get some occasionally but haven’t really been hanging out much since he’s been busy with a lot of things. You felt bad for him that one of you great friends were being drained and tired out by missions so around Christmas time you had a plan to take him out to get some Zaru Soba. — As you took him out you had a long talk with him about how he took on too many missions by himself and how he was tiring himself, you were worried about him. Suguru ranted to you about his missions and such explaining how tiring it was to be a sorcerer, you told him just to relax and enjoy the day with you since this was the least you could do, you wanted to relieve some of his stress and it worked! He thanked you for the day out with him and the food, you told him not to worry about it and that you would always help out someone you viewed as family to you, you explained you were thankful for him and just wanted him to be okay.
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Kento Nanami
Nanami was a simple man, he didn’t really seem like the type to ask for anything but knowing how he always wanted to be on time to things and was an organized man you planned on getting him an expensive watch, when he was free he would usually hang out with you and give you lots of advice and tips on things you talked about or just stuff in general. You felt like he deserved something for how he treated you, he was a nice man and a great tip giver. — you got him a Patek Philipee Nautilus. It was an extremely expensive watch but also was a good one, it matches his uniform when he goes out to work and his other outfits, at first he tried to refuse the gift but you insisted for him to keep it, as for thanks of his time and helpful advice, for helping you with things you couldn’t get done by yourself.
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Yuki is an out going girl! She usually picks you up with her motorcycle when you two make plans to hang out, you wanted to get her a new one in replace for her current one. You felt like she should have a more flashier and newer one than the one she has now. She would always try to get your type to see if she could find you anyone to be with she felt bad that you’ve never dated anyone before..you could care less for dating so she eventually gave up but still hung out with you, she would tell you all about what she’s been up too and other things in general. — you got her a brand new motorcycle at first she was surprised you got her something so.. expensive? She told you she appreciated it a lot and she’d be sure to take care of it giving you a big hug, you loved how caring she was especially when you would give her stuff she would be very grateful and appreciative.
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mamirhodessxox · 6 months
hello, i hope ur having a good day/evening/night when you get this!❤️
so i was hoping to request something for dashing or undashing Cody where he keeps hanging out with other female wrestlers in hopes of getting fem reader jealous or something, but reader has never had people like Cody be interested in them in any kind of way, so she doesnt realize what hes doing until Cody drags them into a closet or something and is basically like ‘why arent you paying attention to me?🥺’ and reader is basically shocked and surprised that Cody likes her back.
anyway, i hope this wasnt too long🥺 and i loved the cody one you just posted based off of him calling out the rock; absolute perfection 👌
Dummies In Love
Dashing!Cody Rhodes x Innocent Fem!Reader
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Desc: Y/N had been close friends with Cody since his very debut in the wwe, She always thought they had a super close bond because of how good of friends they were until she realized she likes him & becomes distant and jealous when she sees him around another woman.
Contents: Cussing, Fluff, Angst, Smut, Innocence kink, very light size kink, P in V (wrap it before you tap it), Cockwarming, Jealousy, Daddy kink, Tummy Buldge.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Cody & Y/N always had a close bond especially since the two of them met, they clicked almost instantly, at the time Y/N was working at a little Cafe down the street of Cody’s apartment so he would visit almost everyday and each day they always talked while she worked.
Eventually she started going to his events to be the supportive bestfriend she loved being & then they got even closer, Holding hands, hugging on each other while standing making multiple girls interested in him think she was his girlfriend, he would kiss the top of her head often, even sleepover at Y/N’s apartment or ..
Y/N sleeping over at his, either way the duo was inseparable, and then things got confusing for Y/N…She started feeling a certain way towards Cody especially because how he would give her special treatment that the average bestfriend wouldn’t receive, Just like the character he had played as in the ring he was just as Dashing, his aurora leaked of charisma, She was so scared of these feelings but things got worse, Cody was known for “messing around” with some girls so he definitely hooked up many times to keep himself entertained for awhile and also distract him from his own feelings. Y/N would be fuming every single time another woman was with Cody. But then it turned into a game for Cody, he knew she was jealous and wanted her to be jealous.
Y/N stood aside in backstage with her arms crossed a glare on her face as she watched Cody flirt with yet another girl laughing way to hard at his jokes that were never THAT funny, eventually the girl walked off with a smile on her face while Cody grinned to himself before turning towards Y/N and smiled approaching her for a hug but she held up a hand to stop him & coming up with an excuse “I feel a little under the weather Codes’ good luck on your promo, I don’t wanna get you sick or something.” She smiled meekly while fiddling with the skirt she just put on just for him an hour ago before going over to the stadium they were hosting raw at.
“You sure? I can get you something to ea-“. “Nonono I’m fine just need rest, Good luck tonight Cody, I’ll be watching from home.” She smiled while Cody stared at her in suspicion & decided once he was done with his work of entertaining tens of thousands of fans for the night that he would give Y/N a visit because he does not fall for that shit whatso ever.
Y/N sat in her car as she waited in traffic with her two fingers pressed against the left temple of her head as her mind betrayed her on thoughts she didn’t particularly want to think about. The reminder that her chances of being with Cody are low, extremely low. At least that’s what she made herself think, once she finally fought through the traffic & made her way to her apartment she locked her front door after snagging her extra key from under her “welcome home” rug that laid in-front of the door. She slammed the key on her table & sighed as she put on her most comfy pajamas before lying down on her bed & sulking over s man who feels things for her just as much as she does for him without even realizing it.
After a few hours she was already asleep & Cody just made his way up the stairs in her apartment complex & stood by her doorstep as he tried to grab the spare key from under her rug only to see that it’s vanished. He tried knocking but go no response.
The next day Y/N stood behind the counter training a new barista & felt nervous as Cody walked into the cafe waiting for her to give him his undivided attention, but instead she had the trainee handle his order & she just stood back observing her new fellow employee & helping her work the register while Cody stared at her in confusion as to why she wasn’t paying attention to him. If this meant staying until she closes up the shop then so be it. He had the free time today.
So he sat there, for hours watching and observing her while he waited for her to clock out and go home. She saw him in the corner of her eyes the entire day and felt his stare burn right past her skin. Y/N began closing down the cafe & hang up her apron before going outside which had Cody follow along while she locked the doors & begin speed walking off “I know your not sick Y/N.” He called out to her as he followed from behind but she still gave no response to him. “Doll I really hope you don’t take me for a fucking dumbass because I know what game you’re trying to play & I don’t like it.” He shouted out once more but she shook her head as she walked even faster and so did he. She forgets he has the energy to chase after him no matter where she was going.
They soon ended up at her apartment building and he still followed her up the stairs and eventually pressed her up against the door she was about to unlock “Why aren’t you paying attention to me sweetheart? You know I don’t like it so why are you doing this to me?” She frowned and attempted to respond but she didn’t have the words to reply “I know you’re not sick either, you were perfectly fine last night and today.” She nervously shrugged “I— well you seemed busy with a few girls so I’m assuming I was interrupting something.” He sighed with a smile spreading across his face “I get it now, you’re jealous aren’t you baby?” She widened her eyes and shook her head “What?! Me?! Noo! I- well- you-“ Cody interrupted her defensive blabbering and pressed his lips against hers very gently before entangling his fingers into her hair. Her eyelids fluttered down and began kissing him back after letting the shock take over her body for just a split second.
Cody slipped his tongue right past her swollen lips & eventually pulled away wiping off her mouth while she whined softly “You talk to much baby.” He chuckled out before taking her keys & unlocking her door and immediately shoving his mouth back against hers as they stumbled into Y/N’s humble abode. He pressed her against the couch & bit slightly down against her bottom lip while she whimpered into his mouth as he wrapped her legs around his hips as he started grinding into her, she let out a low moan the moment his clothed hard on pressed against her. “Feel that sweet girl? You make me so fucking hard baby.” He groaned into her ear while she rolled her eyes back once he started grinding into her even more which made her feel a sudden wetness in her panties that left her a little alarmed since she was so unfamiliar with sex due to her having a shitty hookup once a blue moon “C-Cody ‘m all w-wet down there..” she sighed out while he grinned & started pulling down her leggings marveling over her laced panties. He pressed his thumb against her clothed clit and smirked to himself once he saw her squirm and lift her hips up forth even more.
“Oh i know angel, your not used to having someone who actually knows what he’s doing with your pretty pussy huh?” He grinned as she meekly nodded & gasped when she heard a loud tear & looked down seeing him quite literally rip off her panties “C-Cody! I just boug- ffuckk..” she moaned once she felt him slowly push his fingers inside her cunt while he sat up while pumping them in and out of her leaving the room to echo the noises of him finger fucking her. Y/N cried softly while he nipped at the shell of her ear “Feels good? Yeah? Of course you to baby, y’just needed daddy to touch your pretty cunt properly huh baby?” She nodded vigorously while she clenched around his finger the moment his started curling his finger inside of her & teasing her clit with his thumb. “O-Oh my god Cody!!” She squealed kicking her legs a little bit but he didn’t budge on whatever she was trying to do, his fingers fucked into her faster while she clenched around them like a vice & started cumming & making a mess of herself making the brunette male chuckle and kiss her temple before pulling his fingers out tapping then against her already fucked out cunt before licking off her juices from his fingers.
He immediately started taking of his pants & pulling his cock out from his boxers giving himself a few strokes smearing his pre cum around the head of his cock & pulled her onto his lap while grabbing her jaw gently and making her hover over his lap forcing Y/N to look at him in the eye “You’re gonna sit on my fuckin’ dick, take it all like a good girl & not move a fucking muscle until I tell you understand?” She nodded quickly and wrapped her arms around him before kissing him in an impatient manner before moaning against his mouth when he started seething himself inside of her. She felt him leave a slight bulge in her stomach as her cunt tightened around his cock immediately feeling him throbbing inside of her “gonna take my dick like a big girl? Hm?” He almost felt guilty for being slightly rough with a girl who was so innocent & needy but then again he was going to prove her he can fuck her 10x better than her past hookups.
He enjoyed the fact she would let him man handle her & hold her small figure against him while his cock was sunken inside of her, Y/N moaned softly when his dick started twitching, her face was all covered up in the crook of his neck while his large hands ran down her entire body, groping her breasts & rubbing against her tummy before he started slowly thrusting up into her “Fuck..” he groaned into her ear while she leaned her head back and started bouncing on his dick in the same rhythm he was in making her gasp & scratch his chest a little bit “Yeah? You feel good don’t you baby? Taking daddy’s cock like the good girl you are.” He grunted and scratched her hips the more he thrusted himself into her swollen pussy while she nodded continuously before flopping her head onto his shoulder as he started letting out moans himself and wrapping his arm around her even tighter “c’mon s-sweet girl cum for me, cum for daddy.” She cried out in pleasure against his skin before lifting her head and kissing him the moment he made her cum “i-i’m cumming!” She cried out as his thrusts got sloppier while the apartment was surrounded with skin slapping, heavy breathing & the two mumbling to eachother. “Daddy ‘m cumming!!” She moaned into her ears as she came around his dick & eventually him quickly pulling out & cumming against his & Y/N’s stomach.
He held her as close to him as possible breathing heavily while she giggled in his ear followed him his chuckling & grabbing her face to get another kiss out of her before getting off of the couch & carrying her into the bathroom setting up a bubble bath. While they waited her stood in-between her legs & hugged onto her “I think it’s safe to say you’re my girlfriend now right?” Y/N laughed with him and nodded her head tiredly before he finally set her in the tub & washed off her body. “I promise next week I’ll give you a proper date.” He joked but he was also serious. Y/N smiled in exhaustion “I’m sure y’will Codes.” He grinned and kissed her cheek.
he continued catering to her for the night & giving her the aftercare she deserved and spending the night after realizing she’s loved him for as long as he’s loved her.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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f2e5b1 · 6 months
bitter orange — okkotsu yūta [1/3]
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pairings. okkotsu yūta + f! reader/original character (main); past!orimito rika + f!reader; past!okkotsu yūta + orimito rika warnings/themes. mentions of death, jealousy, hints of obsession and possession. just a lil dark romance practice (which is barely any dark romance tbh who am i kidding) sprinkled with food motifs but i dont know what im doing im just here for the vibes :P mostly sfw with nsfw themes but nothing sexual bc im too scared to go down that dark path (also no use of y/n bc i started writing with an original name and it unfortunately stuck lawl... can be treated as either or it doesnt matter tbh i cant write anything outside of 2nd person anwyay) word count. 2.8k words nothing too crazy xd playlist. knuckle velvet by ethel cain; velvet ring by big thief; pure by cigarettes after sex; only in the dreams by the marias; be my mistake by the 1975; mary by alex g
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it’s been a long time since i have seen my beloved. the moss has grown on that abetachibana tree
PART ONE: ichigo daifuku
Gojō Satoru tells you that love is the most twisted curse of them all.
He had said it in passing after your first solo mission, right as you were entering the car back to Jujutsu Tech before talking your ear off with his lame jokes. The mission had consisted of exorcizing a curse that had persistently haunted an abandoned apartment complex in Omotesandō, assigned to you by the higher-ups in accordance with your newly promoted rank as a Grade 2 sorcerer, having decided that a Grade 1 was doable enough for someone of your caliber. The curse itself wasn’t anything special, though, only repeating gargled confessions of its love to some ‘Chiyo-chan’—whoever she was—the whole time you were dodging its attacks, which was incredibly annoying. You liked your battles in silence, quick and succinct, but curses make that difficult to achieve.
Gojō muses it could have been a past lover, this Chiyo-chan—its love for her having cursed itself. You didn’t really care. If you keep up the good work, complete your required missions and get another recommendation, you could be ranked a Semi-Grade 1 by your second year, then a Grade 1 by your third and nothing else after that because unless you were someone like Gojō Satoru, then you are capped forever at Grade 1.
“So anyway—snacks you like?” said sorcerer asks, finally done with his previous tale. Something about an old coworker. “Mochi, senbei, or taiyaki? Personally, I'm a mochi ice cream type of guy!”
You look at him.
“Why are you here again?”
“... Is your memory that small, Ume? I was proctoring you,” he tuts, mouth turned downwards. “Congrats on the promotion, by the way.”
You shrug. “Ichigo daifuku is good, I guess.”
He smiles, wryly.
“You’re joking, right?”
The building facing your childhood home had been home to Orimito Rika, an unsuspecting property with a decent front yard and the occasional street cat or two often shooed away by her irate grandmother. “Mean granny,” you’d often call her, the insult drowned out by your hushed giggles as you played with your dolls. Rika wouldn’t say anything about it, wouldn’t dare verbally agree with you, but she would always nod her head down, the corners of her lips turned up too high.
You didn’t particularly hate the old woman, but there was a certain kind of satisfaction to saying it behind her back after all the times you’ve caught her looking at her granddaughter in unbridled scorn, your own little form of revenge. You could never understand how her only remaining family could look at her like that, not when Rika was so beautiful and kind; like the cherry blossoms during spring, falling gently along with the wind. Sure, she could be a little cunning at times, and none of the other kids at school liked her because “something’s odd about her, can’t you just hang out with us instead?”—but that’s what makes her interesting, right?
Rika isn’t weird, she’s pretty, and you’re the bee drawn to her. She’s only older than you by a year, ten instead of nine, but she always played with you, taught you how to make flower crowns at the park, and when you walked home from school she’d always hold your hand. Her smile is blindingly bright, the sound of her voice a song you couldn’t stop listening to. Selfishly, you wish it would always be the two of you together; playing with your dolls, walking home with your hands intertwined.
But when she came back from the hospital, so did Okkotsu Yūta.
You could never see what she saw in him; he was short and just a little bit pathetic, always trailing after her like a lost puppy at first. You could push him off the swing and he'd move on with a sniffle, the kind to give up the plastic shovel even though he desperately needed it to finish his sand castle because he didn’t want to fight a girl. He smiled shyly and hid his hands behind his back, looking at you like he was looking for your approval. Of course, you never gave him the time of day, because it felt like he had stolen Rika—your Rika. It was supposed to be just you and her, but that wasn’t the case anymore. Now there was Okkotsu Yūta, who held Rika’s other hand after school, who took away her attention from you so easily.
“He’s so cute, isn’t he?” she asks often, a light blush dusting her face.
“I guess,” is your reply.
“Ne,” she calls, presenting to you a small, black box. You look at it in apprehension, wincing when she eventually opens it. “What do you think of this ring? It was my mom’s. I’m gonna give this to Yūta-kun, do you think he’ll like it?”
The ring was immensely simple, a silver-colored band with a small diamond in front, glinting under the light. Nevermind the fact that it was too big for a child’s fingers to fit in, Rika presented it to you as if it held all the answers to the world. Although her parents were dead, and she had definitely stolen it from her grandmother’s dresser, the ring spoke full of promise. When she takes it out of the box and lets you inspect it, it feels heavy.
“... You really like him, don’t you, Rika-chan?” you ask, quietly.
Rika looks at the stupid piece of jewelry, painfully smitten.
“Mhm,” she affirms. “I really like Yūta-kun. I want to be with him forever! Of course, I like you too, Ume-chan. You and Yūta-kun are my favorite people in the world!”
You close the box, handing it back to her. When Rika looks at you expectantly, you realize then that you could never bring yourself to take that happiness away from her.
The koinobori flies.
“It’s so pretty!” Rika exclaims, eyes wide and staring up at the sky where the huge, windsock carp moves around. It’s bathed in all sorts of colors—from red to blue to white to green—dancing along the azure expanse in commemoration of Children’s Day. The weather is just right, not too hot nor too cold, and the wind caresses your skin gently, the sun not too harsh. It makes the color of Rika’s hair shine in all the right ways, adds more sparkle in her already bright eyes. She’s wearing a yellow sundress, a nice change from her usual blue one. The cream-colored hat you let her borrow covers her face with the shade, but her smile remains bright and blinding. She looks pretty.
She gives you all of her ichigo daifuku, and shares Yūta’s snacks. She doesn’t even like chimaki.
“Are you sure, Rika-chan?” you ask, looking at the two sweets in your hands.
She beams. “You like them, don’t you?”
You keep them with you until the end of the event.
The day passes by incredibly fast, your little trio having exhausted yourselves from running around the park alongside the other children. Yūta chases Rika around the park, and you watch them squeal and laugh at each other and hold hands. You watch them take a nap under the shade, their pinkies intertwined, and you watch as the ugly color of green blinds your eyesight. You leave them be.
Sometimes, you wish you’re the colorful koinobori flying in the sky. You’d let Rika hold on to you, let her fly and hear her amused laugh as the wind tickles her skin. Sometimes, you wish Yūta slapped the ring away from her hands when she handed it to him. Wish he stomped it on the ground and at the same time stomped on her heart. Wish he didn’t take it with a huge smile and agree that he’d marry her when they get older; he’s not the one who’d wait long lines just to get her the best ichigo daifuku, not the one who’d jump at the other kids when they so much as think of insulting her, and he won’t be the one who’d choose to stay with her when she’s all gray and old cause he’s a boy, and boys would never do that.
Sometimes, you wish he never liked her at all—because he never deserved her in the first place.
Okkotsu Yūta could never love Orimito Rika like you.
He sits beside you at lunch.
Rika’s been bedridden for the whole week, which subsequently ruins your week. Yūta doesn’t seem to mind her absence all that much since he doesn’t see her a lot during classes anyway, but they’re supposed to be engaged. He should always be thinking of her, should be acting as miserable as you even at the unripe age of nine. He looks too okay with her absence when he shouldn’t be.
“What’s this?” you ask, pointing at the small bag of snacks he had placed on the cover of your bento.
“Hm?” he looks up. “Oh, it’s norimaki senbei.”
“... And?” you prod.
He tilts his head. “You don’t want it?”
“... I don’t want it.”
He looks at you thoughtfully.
“But you like them, don’t you?” he asks though he’s acting like he already knows, like you’ll take it regardless of what you say. It’s annoying.
You look at the seaweed-wrapped rice crackers—the stupid norimaki senbei—in mild contempt. “Why are you giving it to me?”
Yūta’s smile is small, knowing. “Because you don’t like sweets.”
You frown.
She’s a sweet girl.
You think of Orimoto Rika like that because it’s true—she smiles sweetly, she speaks sweetly, and she likes sweet things. She tells you that her favorite snack is ichigo daifuku, the very same confection you always begged your parents to buy for you just so you could share them with her. It pays off all the time because then she’d look as sweet as the daifuku itself, her cheeks as red as the fruit within it. She also likes hanami dango, but she doesn’t like the green part because she doesn’t really like the subtle taste of yomogi, so you eat the rest for her because she doesn’t want to waste it. She likes cold tea instead of hot, sweet instead of savory, like yuzu iced tea or bubbly ramune in comparison to the nutty taste of hōjicha. When you go to the store, she always gets the kompeitō with some random anime character on the packaging because those were the “cutest kind of kompeitō,” and Rika likes cute things.
She also likes the color pink, but when you ask her what her favorite color is she’d say it’s blue. It’s blue not because she wears that blue dress all the time, but blue because it’s the color of Okkotsu Yūta’s eyes, bright and round and always looking at her. Rika likes it that way—she likes how Okkotsu Yūta is always looking at her with his blue eyes, unwavering and full of adoration for her and her only.
You think Orimito Rika is a sweet girl, but sometimes she’s more than that. Sometimes, when the other kids get brave enough to drag you away from her, tell you to stop hanging out with her, they say it’s because Rika doesn’t like anyone else but Okkotsu Yūta.
Sometimes, when they tell you that, you wonder if Rika liked you at all, way before Okkotsu Yūta came into the picture.
But most of the time, you don’t really care. Even if Rika didn’t like you, you’d still like her. Even if she’d only have her eyes set on Okkotsu Yūta with his stupid blue eyes and his stupid norimaki senbei and stupid chimaki that he shared with her on the fifth of May, you’d still like her because she’s Rika—beautiful, kind, and wonderful Rika.
She has things she doesn’t like, too, such as other people but never Yūta-kun or Ume-chan! She likes it when people compliment her and praise her looks and give her free stuff like ramune or ichigo daifuku or Sailor Moon-themed kompeitō from the store, but sometimes she tells you that she dislikes this certain group of girls from Yūta’s class, dislikes the boy assigned as your seatmate, her homeroom teacher, the “weird” guy who works at the konbini a street over, and dislikes it even more when her grandmother looks at her and tells her she killed her own father without even saying anything at all.
You know all those things because you know Orimito Rika. You like her even if she holds intense dislike for the people outside her circle, people who tick her off just a little for you to see her smile crack at the edges and go stiff, the little twitch of her brown eyes, and most importantly, you still like her when all she wants in the world is the attention of the boy who wears her deceased mother’s ring.
You’ll always want sweet girls like her.
“Where’s Rika-chan?”
“Her grandma won’t let her go out today,” Yūta says, sitting next to you on the bench. “So it’s just you and me.”
He says it dejectedly, but it’s not enough for you. If he was really sad, then he’d be as sad as you are, so you start packing your belongings. “I’m leaving, then.”
He startles, standing up. “Huh? W–wait! Don’t leave just yet!”
“But Rika-chan’s not here,” you frown. “There’s no point in hanging out today.”
He falters, looking down at the ground.
“Even if she isn’t here, we can still play together…” he offers, looking up at you timidly. “We’re friends, too, aren’t we?”
The green-eyed monster stares at the silver chain wrapped around his neck, the ring acting as its pendant tucked underneath his shirt—like an unattainable treasure trapped inside a chest with the key thrown away somewhere you cannot find it. We’re not friends, the monster says with a snarl, stay away from me.
If there is one thing you know, then it’s that you have never wanted to be friends with Okkotsu Yūta, not after he took everything from you. He can butter you up by sticking to you during class and sitting next to you at lunch and even offering you some of his not-ichigo daifuku, not-yuzu iced tea, and not-colorful anime-themed kompeitō but you will and have never liked him for the green-eyed monster will always sit on your shoulder so long as he wears that ring on his person, a physical manifestation of his promise with Rika. Your Rika, even if that’s not really the case.
You will never like Okkotsu Yūta, because—because he—
“... What’re we even gonna do?” you ask, slowly.
He immediately brightens up.
“… Wanna get ice cream?” he offers. “There’s a new flavor I wanna try!”
His suggestion does not entice you at all, but when he stands there with an outstretched hand waiting for you to take it, like it’ll matter if you reject him, you find yourself at a crossroads. But you make your decision soon enough. Like it’ll matter, like the green-eyed monster isn’t there, staring.
“Okay,” you say, moving past him to start walking. He blinks incredulously at the blatant rejection before gathering himself and following after you, a prep to his step regardless of your actions.
You try to ignore the warmth of his body next to yours.
He’s too close.
“Yūta-kun’s birthday is in a few days,” Rika announces, lying on your spare futon. “Did you get him anything?”
You didn’t. “... Yeah.”
“Really? What is it?” she cranes her neck to face you. “What’d you get him?”
She doesn’t want your gift being better than hers, it checks out. “Um… just a toy. A garbage truck.”
“Oh, okay,” she turns back to face the ceiling. “I made him a scrapbook with photos of us. I worked really hard on it… do you think he’ll like it?”
“He’ll like anything you give him.”
She’s already given him a ring—what else could compare to that?
Rika smiles. “I guess… you’re right.”
Soon enough, she goes to sleep, breathing softly beside you as your fan fills the silence of the night. You continue staring at the ceiling, making out the little dents despite the lack of light. You squeeze the hand that holds your under the cover, before closing your eyes.
You hear her softly breathe on a steady beat alongside the fan whirring in the corner, and you close your eyes, squeezing her hand tighter underneath the covers of your too-close futon.
You’ll have to ask your parents for some money tomorrow.
“Rika-chan isn’t here again,” Yūta says dejectedly. “Her granny’s too strict.”
“She hates her,” you say quietly.
Yūta looks at you, confused. “What’d you say?”
“Nothing. Your birthday’s coming up soon, what are you doing that day?”
“Uwah—you remember?”
“Rika-chan told me.”
“Oh, well,” he smiles sheepishly, “we have school that day, but after that I’ll be celebrating at my house. I’m thinking of just inviting Rika-chan and you over… um, so, will you come?”
“I’ll go if Rika-chan is going.”
He blinks, before a smile blooms on his face. “Okay! I’ll see you, then.”
It happens when you aren't there.
It never should have happened at all.
Orimito Rika is pronounced dead at the age of eleven, her body unrecognizable under the heavy weight of a blue truck.
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87 notes · View notes
fireflyinks · 4 months
Could you write a smut fic about Noah Calhoun from the notebook? I love your work and writing style, and would love to see how you interpret the character.
first time
noah calhoun x reader smut
contains : smut, loss of virginity, p in v, praise, fluff, very vanilla
a/n : yes ofc! thanks for leaving a request :) i love noah (and pretty much any ryan gosling character) with my whole heart.
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Noah’s truck dragged down the gravel road which led to my house. I’d been waiting on the porch for him for an embarrassingly long time, even though he was perfectly on time. I just liked being outside to see him drive up to my house, and I refused to risk him being early and missing it.
“Hi Noah,” I called out as he got out of his truck and ran up the wooden stairs to meet me.
“Hey beautiful.” He pulled me into a firm hug. It felt nice, I hadn’t seen him in about four days since he’d been so busy with work, but it felt like an eternity.
The hug lasted about ten seconds before he pulled away and kissed my cheek, looking down at me and smiling.
He reached for the door and opened it for me, and I quickly made my way in. My parents were out of town, and I had the house all to myself. Of course, my parents would’ve never let him and I hang out alone, especially not in my room, even though Noah and I were eighteen and legally adults. I was still under my parent’s roof and those were the rules.
They had been hesitant about Noah and I seeing eachother at first. I was a good girl, good grades, never got into any trouble, and Noah was Noah. But he grew on them, so were allowed to date.
With certain restrictions.
I walked to the kitchen, giving the freshly baked plate of cookies to Noah. “I made your favorites.”
If I had to give a girl life advice, I’d say ‘get yourself a man that looks at you the way Noah Calhoun looks at a plate of cookies.’
“You’re too good to me.” He smirked, taking the plate from me.
We sat in silence in the living room as we ate, just enjoying each other’s presence. Noah knew it was going to happen tonight. I knew it was going to happen. Neither of us were brave enough to admit it.
But god, I wanted it. I’d been hoping Noah did too, but we were never alone enough to experiment anything. Even at Noah’s house, where his dad basically didn’t care what we did, we didn’t want to risk him walking in or over hearing anything.
As if reading my thoughts, Noah cleared his throat.
“Look, I know you’re probably assuming that I expect for something to happen just because we’re home alone, but I just want you to know you don’t gotta do anything if you don’t want to. I’m just here to be with you, and I won’t be upset if you don’t feel comfortable enough to…”
“I want to.” I interrupted him quietly.
He raised an eyebrow, “Are you sure? I mean really, it’s up to you.”
“Do you want to?”
He nodded immediately, “Of course I do, but I want you to feel comfortable too.”
His genuine concern for how I felt made my heart flutter.
I grabbed his hand, interlinking our fingers. “I want it more than anything. I promise if I get uncomfortable, I’ll tell you immediately.”
Noah smiled, standing up and picking me up from the couch. I giggled as he carried me up the long set of stairs to my bedroom.
The difference between him and my room’s decor was almost comical. He stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the baby pinks and the overall aesthetic.
Noah laid me down on the bed, crawling on top of me and placing small kisses all over my face and neck. He was gentle and slow, which I appreciated since I’d never done anything like this before.
He pulled away for a moment, slipping his shirt off. I took the opportunity to lean forward and take mine off as well.
Noah kissed down my ribcage, fumbling with my bra’s clasp in pursuit to take it off. I laughed to myself and helped him.
“You’re so beautiful.” He looked at my bare chest in awe. I couldn’t help but blush shyly, since he’d never seen me this uncovered before.
“Th- thank you.” I breathed out slowly, maintaining eye contact with him.
He continued kissing down my abdomen, until reaching my skirt. Noah looked up at me, as if asking for consent once again.
“Please, Noah.”
He slipped my skirt off slowly, leaving me in just my underwear. Examining the pink fabric for a second, he smiled and looked at me.
“These are pretty.”
I blushed as he took them off of me. Noah breathed out almost harshly, looking me up and down. He stood in silence for a couple of seconds.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, slightly panicked.
“I don’t understand why any guy would wanna be with a girl other than you.”
I giggled, “What do you mean?”
He spoke as he began taking his jeans off.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I ever will see. Nobody else could ever amount to you, you know that?”
For a blue collar country boy, Noah had a way with his words I’d never understand.
I felt myself getting wetter than I had already been from him undressing me.
“You’re so sweet, Noah.”
He stepped out of his boxers and climbed on me once again.
“Are you ready?” He asked, positioning his member against my core.
I nodded slowly, preparing myself for the pain I’d heard first-time sex would bring me over and over and over again.
He pushed into me, sighing in pleasure.
“How do you feel?” He whispered after a moment, after entering me fully.
It didn’t feel as bad as I had expected, just a bit uncomfortable, but exciting at the same time. This is what I had been waiting for, Noah was finally giving it to me.
“Good- not too bad. You can move.”
Noah slowly began to piston in and out of me, careful not to go too fast. He placed his hands on my hips. The pain slowly crept away, replaced with genuine pleasure. I let out small moans with every thrust, and Noah grunted ever so often.
“You feel so good, baby. You’re so so so good for me.” He said in my ear, trailing down to my neck and sucking on it lightly as he continued to thrust.
He continued at this pace for a while, until I was ready for more.
“More” I sighed out.
“More what, sweetheart?”
“Faster, deeper, I just want more of you.”
He nodded, quickening his pace. I threw my head back in pleasure, softly moaning.
“I- I don’t think I can last much longer.” Noah mumbled against my neck.
I shook my head, “Me neither.”
“Come for me, baby. Show me how good I’m making you feel.”
I nodded, feeling the tight coil in my stomach snap ever so suddenly, and I released onto his member. He moaned, pulling out and finishing on me.
“Thank you, Noah.” I sighed, looking down at his load on me.
He interlocked out lips, kissing me passionately.
Pulling away, he spoke against my cheek. “I’ll be back, gotta clean you up.”
He went to my bathroom for a moment, coming back with wet rag.
“How do you feel?” Noah asked, hesitantly.
I smiled, “That was perfect. So much better than I thought it would be.”
Noah pretended to be offended, “Ouch, were your expectations really that low?”
I rolled my eyes, laughing, as he continued to clean my stomach with the rag. “No, but I just expected it to be awkward and painful because that’s how everyone describes it to me, but it wasn’t either of those things. You made it perfect.”
Noah smiled, kissing me again.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it pretty girl. It was great for me too. You have no idea how nervous I was.”
He left again, coming back without the rag.
I looked up at him, feeling more emotions than I’d ever felt in my eighteen years on earth.
“I love you so much.”
Noah climbed into the bed with me, pulling us under the covers.
“I love you more, sweetheart.”
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louellaby · 11 months
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
May contain bad grammar, limited vocabulary, and OOC characters. Please mind that English is not my first language, and it takes a lot of courage for me to post due to my anxiety and paranoia.
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taglist: @books-and-catears @owl778 @yourlocalgrass @kaiserkisser @hhurric4ne @amberheavendremurr @yu-ulda @bk-4-trash-fire
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「 I'm Right Here! 」
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"Y-You're not really going to k-k-k... m-me, are you? I know you won't...! Y-You are all a bunch of sweethearts, after all, and you're all just messing with me right now! Y-You can't do this to me...!"
"Have you forgotten, Lady Soley? They're demons. And with one command from me, you'd be gone."
In the Devildom, the lives of the demons continued on as usual. The streets were bustling with noise, the shops full of customers, the forests as quiet as they have ever been, and the servants of the castle were all busy preparing for an upcoming festival which should bring more cheer to the realm. But in that particular castle, a man sighed deeply as he eyed the paper that slowly crumpled in his grasp.
"That's the 16th sigh this minute, Lucifer," Diavolo lightly chuckled as he watched his friend with an apologetic look. The prince knew what Lucifer was extremely bothered with.
It had already been four weeks since school ended. Everyone should be on vacation, including Lucifer and Diavolo, but they couldn't stay away from this specific problem. Why? Because it was the case of their failed human exchange student, Soley Day, who was thought to have disappeared months ago during their trip. That's right, no one outside the group knew what really happened to her. It's all a big secret.
"What are we going to do about this, Diavolo?" Lucifer sighed once more before dropping the paper on the table and leaning back on his chair. He tried to soothe his headache by rubbing his temples, hanging his head to the back. "I'm supposed to be on a trip with my family, and you told me two months ago that you would handle this on your own."
"I know, I'm sorry, but I really need your help on this one. I thought I could handle it, but it turns out this is a bigger problem that we hoped for, considering everyone's wondering where Soley has disappeared to. It has become a huge headache."
"Yeah, I can feel that." Lucifer sat up straight again and looked at his friend. "Does the Celestial Realm have a problem with this as well?"
Diavolo shook his head, "No. For reasons unknown to me, they left this one alone. The only problem now lies in Soley's family."
"I see, so that's what's bothering you. Despite their title, they're still just humans, Diavolo. It would be easy to deceive them."
"... Do you really think that that's the only way left to go?" The prince got bothered by Lucifer's reason. He knew Lucifer was getting impatient that he'd suggest something like this, but... is that really what it has come to? Deceiving humans who he wanted to gain the trust of?
A lot of time has passed. Eventually, even Diavolo understood how irritable Lucifer has become, the more the paperwork kept piling on and on. And so, the Avatar of Pride was dismissed for the day.
"You know, it's rare for you to admit you want to spend time with your family," teased Diavolo, enjoying the sight of Lucifer's face turning red as the man got up from his seat.
"My family is important to me, Diavolo. Every single one of those seven; they're all important to me. That will never change." Lucifer left the room, hurrying back home where seven people were waiting in chaos for him to return.
"Family, huh..?"
"Mother! Father! I'm back!" A certain girl with light orange hair and lime green eyes exclaimed, excitedly running out of a limousine and rushing into the arms of her awaiting parents.
"Soley! Welcome home! We were so worried about you! So, so worried!"
"I told you you didn't have to worry so much. I'm fine and in one piece." The girl then looked towards the man who stood behind her parents. "Heath!" She ran past the couple and jumped into the man's arms; an action that surprised both the man and the couple, along with the other servants surrounding them.
It was the first time in a very long while that their young lady showed any closeness or emotion towards her butler. While most were happy about this unexpected development, some were suspicious. Nevertheless, everyone was happy with the events, and her parents were so proud of her.
Little did anyone know, a translucent figure with tears in her eyes was watching them up close.
"Mother! Father! Heath! That's not me! Everyone! Listen to me! I'm right here!"
Despite her constant shouting, her unbearable protests, her desperate efforts in making them notice her; not one of them reacted to her presence. Every time she tried to touch any of them, her hand went through their bodies as if they were made of air; but it was, in fact, her own figure that was the problem.
"Come, Soley, we prepared a party for your return. All of your friends are here, and they can't wait to see you!"
"Alright, I'm coming, but after the party, can we have our own time together? You know, as a family?"
Once again, everyone around them was taken aback. Even the invisible form of her, who cringed at the suggestion.
Everyone knew Soley wasn't one to spend time with her parents anymore. Not since she grew up and had her own friends that she called her family. Because of the surprise, Soley's parents hugged the girl with tears in their eyes. They were so happy to hear that their precious daughter wanted to be with them again that they didn't even question anything. The ghost just watched it happen; her claws digging into her arms and her biting her lip in frustration.
"How dare that fake steal all the attention meant for me... I refuse to take this!"
That day had been a difficult one for the young lady. She watched in pain as her impostor lived the life that was meant to be hers. She did her best trying to get just anyone to notice her. Most painfully, she watched as the fake walked through the halls of the place she called home, with the man she held closest to her heart.
"Heath, I have a question."
"Yes, my lady?"
The two of them were in Soley's room. Heath was helping the lady prepare for the grand party happening later that day.
"What would you do if someone confessed their romantic feelings for you?"
"Oh, no. No, no, no. You're not doing this to me."
The butler dropped the brush he was holding, freezing in place as he locked eyes through the mirror with the girl in front of him. "I, uhm, I-I beg your pardon?"
"If someone confessed to you, what would you do?"
"Heath, don't answer that!"
The more the questions popped up, the wider Heath's eyes went. His brows furrowed. He suspected everything would've been a joke, but the look in Soley's eyes told him they weren't. And so, putting his heart on his sleeve, he opened his mouth in response.
"I suppose it would depend on my own feelings as well, my lady."
"What do you mean?"
"I will be happy and accept the confession of the person if I also feel the same way for them as they do for me."
"But if you don't, then..."
"Then, no, I'm afraid."
The lady sitting in front of the mirror removed her gaze from Heath and placed it on another. Soley's ghost gasped in surprise when she realised her impostor was staring directly at her, a smirk on her face forming before she opened her mouth and spoke to the butler again, her eyes not looking away from the spirit.
"What about me?"
"... my lady?"
Soley got off the chair and approached the butler, who stood still in confusion. She reached out and held both of his hands in hers, longingly staring at his eyes.
"What if I tell you, Heath, that I have feelings for you? Would you accept them?"
"My Lady, I—"
"Don't worry about your job, Heath. It's secure, and I'll keep it that way no matter your answer. I just want to know how you feel about me."
"No, please. Don't do this to me...! Y-You can't take Heath away from me, ple—"
"I..." The butler paused for a moment. And at that moment, all of his precious memories with his lady rushed through his head, displaying themselves one-by-one.
Heath stared into Soley's eyes just as she had hoped he would. His breathing quickened the more he realised the weight of the situation. But that was a moment he had always been waiting for. The moment he thought would never come. Not even in a million years.
"... I love you, Soley."
"What do you suppose happened to Soley's soul up in the human world?"
"Everything went according to plan, Young Master. Lady Soley had seen her life taken away from her, including the one she felt romantic feelings for. She is currently on a breakdown as we speak."
"What about MC?"
"MC is doing better than before. Their bond with the brothers has deepened greatly."
"Good. Perfect. ..... It's time to find a new exchange student. This time, let's hope they won't be as troublesome as the previous one. And even if they are, we can count on MC to handle it."
"Of course, my Lord. I will prepare the papers."
The moment the Seven Rulers of the Underworld and their human master returned from their family vacation, they were met with stacks and stacks of papers with information about new candidates for the exchange program. As the prince and his butler expected, a tsunami of complaints and disagreements washed over them. After a long while of discussions, everyone agreed to close the exchange program temporarily until they could find the perfect students for it.
Little did they know, a human sorcerer was watching them from his crystal ball in the human world. The moment his deep blue eyes glowed, a piece of paper appeared in his hands. He studied its contents for a moment before placing it in an envelope, a smile appearing on his face as he held the letter out towards the white raven that rested on its perch.
"Deliver this to the prince of the Devildom. Tell him I'm interested in his so-called exchange program."
"Your wish is my command, Lord Ceowald."
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Loue's Note:
Whether you've been here since the beginning, or you've just stumbled upon this story recently, I thank you so, so much for taking the time to read this! Thank you for the ones who supported me all the way (you know who you are) ! I'm really grateful for the wonderful reactions I've received! ♡♡♡
Forget-Me-Not has reached its end; but just as one story ends, another one begins. I hope you look forward to my next replaced mc au!
I give you lots of hugs and wish you the sweetest of dreams whenever you fall asleep.
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lopposting · 6 months
I absolutely love your lore theories for LoP! Very new to the fandom :). Stayed up all night reading your posts abt it whahaha please keep making them!
Just wanted to ask what you think, if Camille was the recorded first puppet with an awakened ego and was Carlo's mom... does that mean Geppetto let his wife be experimented on by the alchemists upon her death or???
Another thought, do you think Sophia knew Geppetto's plans? Given that she reached out to P at the very beginning and called him by name ((geppettos puppet)) She knew Simon's plans yeah. But what abt Geppettos?
Thank you so much for your kind ask!!!
I panicked briefly because I thought I lost this ask somewhere. I have a LOT of thoughts surrounding Camille and parts of the game that I struggle to put together really cohesively, so on certain topics, i'm just going to ramble.
So, there is this image from the opening cutscene.
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Maybe it isn't literally Camille and Carlo, but it may be alluding to them. [And what are they shown playing here? dundundun]
There is a particular affinity and focus the game has on the Piano as well.
Music is so linked to humanity in this game, i think it's very sweet.
There was also this really interesting post about the blue fairy (in the og collodi novel) that I don't think I can dig up anymore, but I remember it was something like this. It was pointing out that, realistically, the blue fairy really isn't a good parent. She lets a seven year old child be hanged on a tree, she watches by as he is enslaved; she makes him "work" for the right to be a real boy instead of reasonably granting him it, etc. The blue fairy also appears omniscient or goddess-like, appearing as a child, a young woman, a goat, and a mother (in perhaps her most adapted incarnation).
if Sophia's knowledge is endless, couldn't she have warned us about geppetto? wouldn't she know about carlo (someone she knew as a child) being tortured in a box? was it her discretion to let us suffer, because he needs to be able to suffer to be strong? Does that make her a moral or ethical person? Can any personhood with omniscience, who, in a sense, allows evil to happen, be moral or just? Perhaps, herein lies the philosophical, inherent flaw, in any relationship with an omniscient being, but I digress.
However, I think Sophia's endless knowledge that Arlecchino [sadly I write his name wrong every time] refers to is spiritual, or emotional, in a sense: that because she could manipulate time, all of it was at her disposal. When we wake up in the train car, her words are: "There you are, I've been looking all over for you!" She could not have known where we were, if she was searching for us (possibly through the blue butterfly figure we see). Also, I think she could've warned us about Geppetto.. but maybe then we wouldn't have gone to save her, and her goals are to get us to save her from Simon, which I believe she either says or suggests are "selfish" intentions (although I think she is very well within her right to have tbh). I don't think she is all-knowing in the way that Simon's world of truth would be. Maybe it's just a plot hole, perhaps it's just a "flaw" innate in writing any story with an omniscient character, but I don't think she was omniscient in that fashion.
And then coming back to Camille: One of my absolute favourite things about the game is the Saintess of Mercy Statue/Pieta Motif that we see in the Grand Exhibition. And Camille, who is inferred to have been the mother of Carlo, is said to have engineered the statue. She is directly connected to the game's central visual motif of death and rebirth. And then the statue also being diegetically[not a word apparently?] associated with rebirth and renewal ("Bring new life to puppets") in that you are "re-setting" and re-spec your character's stats there??? Equal parts beautiful and spectacular and touching.
[I feel SO sad that apparently, not every gamer got to see the statue. Opening those doors after the phone call riddle and then the camera panning up to the statue is such an amazing and special moment to me, and then the fact that it's also raining (another symbol of birth) too]
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I don't know if the Camille puppet was literally the same Camille (who may have been the wife of Giuseppe), though. We know that she seems to have saved a baby from falling, on which afterwards she says "bring me back to my child". Not only is the Camille puppet a devoted mother character, she's also the first puppet to awaken (in other words, being associated with the idea of birth). "Camille" is so tied to the idea of motherhood and birth, that I think the Camille puppet is another connection here, and may not literally be the same Camille who was a technician. Although, I don't put it past Geppetto to be doing nefarious experiments with puppets, even if it were his wife. It might be a little ominous in regards to his attitude to P, that he doesn't see puppets as "people", but he does see people as puppets.
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hiddengenshinfan · 9 months
“Are You Really Her….?”
Neuvifuri(Can be Platonic or Romantic)
Major Implications Of Character Death
Sum - Meeting someone you have never seen within years that you were told had passed is quite a….jarring experience. Especially when you can’t talk…or move.
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ALT Prologue - “We Meet Again Under These……Circumstances~”
Everything felt so watery, like she was enveloped in water. It almost felt she was drowning in it but it didn’t hurt. It was all over her, it was inside her it was everywhere. It was within her now after all but it still felt so utterly strange, she had never felt sensations like this in her 500+ years of existence. Maybe this was how you felt after death? A droning sound and footsteps were the only things that accompanied that all encompassing feeling, as well the darkness behind her eyes.
Gentle hands started playing with her hair, and she slowly opened her eyes it was painful to even move her eyelids. This was…..the Opera Epiclese or at least looked like it. It was so bright it felt like it was burning her eyes to look yet at the same time there was a strong feeling to not turn towards the entity playing with her hair. But it hurt so much…..she only had so much willpower. So she finally decided to go against that strange feeling and turned around.
Her gaze was met by identical heterochromic eyes, which made her own eyes widen slightly. Was this another dream?! She was dead, mirror her was dead! Neuvillette said so did he lie?! What purpose would he have to lie about that!?
Then a hand caressed her chin, and then she heard a calming voice that she had not actually heard in so so long. “Calm down Furina~ It will be alright.~” The way the other said it immediately calmed her, it made mirror her all the more real but she couldn’t imagine Neuvillette lying about some a thing. He was always so….honest? Was that the right word honestly she couldn’t be sure more so blunt maybe? He didn’t necessarily have many secrets to hide but she had a mansion of such, she was the liar in the relationship not Neuvillette so what was going on.
But then ‘mirror her’ got up from the sitting position she was in before and spoke again. “I am glad you are finally awake~” ‘Mirror her’ said with a playful smile then started to walk around the stage seemingly unneeding of a response to that. Furina tried to speak she did but the very second she tried to talk, her jaw wouldn’t move and if it did it hurt with no end to the point she stopped trying for now at least. “You must have many questions right?~” She spoke like she knew what Furina was thinking which Furina herself didn’t at all doubt. “…..Well I have many questions too!~ Just not towards you but him.” For once the very playful tone phased itself out especially at the mention of a him. It made Furina slightly curious but she still wasn’t able to even move her jaw so she didn’t try to ask.
“Anyways. That is truly unimportant for what we need to talk about now~ My appearance here is not a dream nor is it a hallucination.~ I am truly here with you Furina!~ Within you’re mind at least!~” She spoke with a certain sense of calm but also nonchalantly with that constant playfulness attached, like that wasn’t just a lot of information. How could she be within her mind but it not be a dream or hallucination?!  As well as the fact she was still hang up on the fact Focalors was supposed to be dead!
“So humorous….~” Mirror her said with a tiny bit of a giggle seemingly unable to stop it fully from being let out. What did th- “I can hear your thoughts, my silly little perfect human half!~” She said full of an affection that made Furina slightly flustered, since she was unused to it. Both from mirror her as well as anybody, she wanted to retort but she still couldn’t regardless of how much she wanted to. “Anyway. We are struck in a rather unorthodox situation. Do you have any clue why I’d reconvene with you?” There was no more playfulness to her tone but it didn’t sound cruel but it sounded much more professional if Furina had to use a word like that.
Furina honestly didn’t know everything was so murky almost like all her memories had been flooded and she had to swim through her own brain to recover them. There were faint acknowledgments of people of situations of stuff that happened. But if you asked her names for whatever reason she’d only be able to say Neuvillette’s, Clorinde’s and Seigwinne’s. Why those three she didn’t even know but that’s all she would be able to say. Mirror her just seemed to sigh and give her a look of…..pity?
“We were once one, through I separated us to trick the heavenly principles. It was a planned inevitability that if that failed or something else strange happened we would reconvene into one again. My divinity with your body and sprit like we originally were. Through my divinity has been lost and givin back to its rightful owner this simple fact that we were eventually meant to reconvene had not changed, through now all we’d both gain was the memories that are probably far too eroded to even recall. That does not matter through, this reconvening process had requirements we had to be in samilar states of existence, which is why I didn’t become one with you after I ‘perished’. But something has fundamentally changed about your state of existence that has allowed me to become one with you again…..”
Mirror her let that linger in the air almost unsettlingly seemingly wishing for Furina to figure out what the former god was trying to say. Furina felt a bluntly sharp pain in her head then she grabbed onto her chest…..
She didn’t remember what happened next, until she finally realized that Focalors was shaking her with a strange look on her face, most of this whole time she had a smile or a straight face but she looked scared, concerned or maybe even fearfully. She only realized the sharp pain radiating from her chest and that she was violently shaking and even that she was screaming and crying. How did she not realize that…? Then she started to feel so distant from Focalors from everything. She felt like she was becoming a simple observer of her own trembling body and Focalors desperate form. Getting further and further from them until she realized she could not see them and only saw murky darkness.
She shot up out of fear everything hurt! Where did she go!? She had only realized the scenery had changed when she frantically looked around for them. It was a room maybe in a basement but that was not the most alarming part. He was here…..Neuvillette! She wanted to run over to him ask him what any of this meant!? Those memories everything! He should know right?! But her body did not obey actually she’d say it was very disobedient after she jerked awake it seemed it did not indeed move. Actually her head slumped over slightly. Why was her body being so traitorous! All she wanted was answers, she was so confused!
All she could do was look at Neuvillette and try and talk, trying to repeat the words ‘Help me’. But of course he seemed stunned, why was he stunned!? The one time she needed him the one time she so desperately needed his help and was willing to actually show it….he’s stunned?! When she is actually able to talk she is going to give him a piece of her mind! Hm….there had to be a way to get him to move right!? She needed him this opportunity to ask questions to somebody that wasn’t Focalors that she trusted was too big of an opportunity to mess!
She tried desperately to left up her hand towards Neuvillette but it wasn’t obeying her. This was far too painful to bare…..maybe just maybe…she could use that excessive of water in her body? It was a strange thought that overwhemingsense of hydro that felt like it encompassed her maybe she could use it. She was unsure if she had her vision on her person she was far too frantic to think that logically. She’d make this work she’d make her arm work no matter what! It simply had!
WORK WORK WORK. She kept on screaming within her own mind towards her hand, she was desperate truly desperate. Archons she had to make so many excuses later about this but that was her future, her now was now. Eventually she felt her arm be encompassed in the hydro on the inside at least, it felt so strange so numb, maybe she could use this weird hydro to force her hand to move at least. She focused on her wrist trying to get it to move, then she heard a crack. Then she saw nothingness.
Her eyes fluttered open but now she was no longer in a basement with Neuvillette. She was back with Focalors on the stage. Through the way Focalors stared at her made her uneasy, was she glaring at her? The former god then bluntly said “Yes.”
She wanted to ask why and what happened back there. “You woke up obviously! Yea broke your own wrist and then someone rightfully assumed you were a danger to yourself and knocked yea back out.” Mirror her said crossing her arm glaring at Furina still. When did she break her wrist…? She didn’t remember the pain, but she had a feeling that cracking sound might’ve been it. “Of course it was. You forced too much of hydro on your fragile bones through your mind alone….which is mildly concerning.” Mirror her started to pace looking at Furina again. Possibly….could her other half no longer be human? It was surely a possibility at least after that display, but what would she be then? It was curious question for right now Focalors simply assumed due to Neuvillette and her own involvement that Furina had become a Oceanaid of sorts again. Considering her dominion over the hydro in her own body, but Focalors was not omnipotent she only knew so much, maybe more then Furina did but even she only know so much and Neuvillette probably had more answers then the both of them which she’d silently curse Celestia for.
Maybe when Furina next awakens to the actual world they can try and talk to Neuvillette together….to get there own respective answers.
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weemsicallygay · 2 years
thing’s mischief
pairing/s: larissa weems x original female character edith sinclair)
warning/s: definitely not proofread and short :p
a little something for the holidays, merry christmas everybody!
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“over here! we need a few more lights in this area!” bianca managed to yell as xavier huffed with a box of lights and decor.
larissa, holding the other end of the lights, smiled at the sight of the students and staff alike decorating for the holidays. this particular event never really was her favorite holiday to celebrate, usually it would just be her spending it alone in the halls of the school, occasionally coming down to the town and its holiday fiesta. but now, with the help of the students and maybe a certain tall werewolf, she decided to at least lighten up the school for the mood.
suddenly, fingers snapped in front of her face. the said tall werewolf stood there on the ladder with a smirk in her face, the hand she used to snap larissa’s attention now on her hips as the other held onto the ladder.
“earth to larissa weems, you there sweetheart?” larissa rolled her eyes, “i’m here, i’m here.”
“can you pass the star ornaments, ma cherie?”
larissa did as she was told, a small smile on her face as she handed the objects to edith. “am i really not allowed to place things? it’s unladylike of me to be standing here so still when i should be helping.”
edith grinned as she hang the ornaments by the garlands with thing’s help, “you are helping sweetheart.”
“i’m lost at how i’m doing that.” edith snickered.
“you’re being edith’s little helper!” larissa stuck her bottom lip out, “that’s not helping, and that name sucks.”
“the last time you helped, which was only this halloween mind you, you managed to actually destroy half the decors before we even placed them.”
the taller woman sulked, if she wasn’t holding the other end of the lights, she might have crossed her arms over her chest as she grumbled. the mere sight of larissa pouting like a child with her cheeks red nearly sent edith into a cackling mess, the only thing stopping her was the possibility of falling from the ladder.
she chuckled before finally signaling the woman to come closer, “okay, you wanna help? how about you hang that end here.”
larissa beamed, “where exactly?”
edith’s hand came in contact with hers, her delicate fingers guided larissa’s to place on a specific place by the garlands. as she busied herself with teaching where to place the lights, she felt a hand circle on her waist.
“as much as i want to help, i wouldn’t want you falling as you help me with helping.” she whispered into edith’s ear.
instead of going red like she usually would, edith only chuckled. “that is a mouthful of words, sweetheart.”
before she could go back to hanging, they heard whistles and cheers behind them. turning her neck, larissa’s eyes widened at the sight of the students just staring at both of them.
she cocked a brow, “anything interesting you want to tell us, dearests?”
choruses of “look up” and some pointing to the sky were received by the two adults, who both grew red once they set their sights on the subject of curiosity. there by the bannister stood, or rested (idk), thing with a mistletoe on its fingers.
the severed hand teasingly waved the ornament above the couple as if urging them to forgo the tradition. larissa froze with her cheeks burning red as edith massaged the bridge of her nose with a smile, feigning disappointment. if thing had eyes, they’d be winking at enid who has her thumbs up at the hand.
“well, i suppose we should. we wouldn’t want to disappoint them.” larissa stared into edith’s glowing ones, her eyes down at her teasing smile.
the hand that rested on edith’s waist suddenly pulled closer. though edith remained standing still, larissa nudged closer as the gap between them got smaller and smaller.
“we definitely don’t want that do we,” larissa placed a small kiss on edith’s cheek, earning small groans from the small crowd under them. she smirked, grabbing edith’s thighs and carrying her bridal style.
“merry christmas, my love.” she whispered into edith’s lips before pulling her into a breathtaking and passionate kiss, edith’s hands merely tightened their hold on larissa’s shoulders as the children cheered.
she’d have to thank thing with a new bottle of nail polish later.
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miratenebrarum · 23 days
Hi Gio! I’m spontaneously manifesting into your inbox with a strangely specific character writing prompts! Haha. Anywho! Disregarding the low hanging fruit of characters bound in a very literal way to objects. Do any of your characters find themselves getting emotionally attached to things they really shouldn’t? Such as objects, tools, routines, rituals, etc. If yes, does this attachment to these things limit them in any way? (Being unable to throw out objects/tools when they stop being useful, being frightened and upset if they’re lost, getting too comfortable in a routine and not able to separate themselves from it?) And bonus points! Are they self-aware enough to know they tend to become emotionally attached to these things?
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[ HOOOH BOY OKAY THIS IS FUN because generally speaking? Most of my muses don't really care for. earthly possessions, let's say. some because they see them just as a mean to get something done, such as Enki with his books, some other because they really pay no mind to a specific object in particular -- 166 wants a bible with her whenever possible and Zazel plays around with her puppets, for example, but neither would really mind if those items were replaced with anything else, or Eugénie with her tools that could, and most often than not have to be replaced, even if she takes care of them as if they're her babies.
of course ignoring poor Dr.Shaw who's literally bound to a fucked up cursed amulet, weeeeell.
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while he occasionally picks up random garbage during the game as well, P becomes. Something dangerously close to a hoarder in his post-game verse. Rather than the items themselves, with maybe the exception of vynils, he's more attached to the idea of the memories a certain item might bring - a lost pacifier that belonged to a child born during the frenzy, what remains of a portrait a man made for his lover, an old newspaper that talked about the anniversary of Krat. he's aware of his attachments, but doesn't see the issue with it.
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Karl and his violin. Yea i could talk about Arma since. She's technically an object, but that's different, right? He's very attached to the violin, and to his little pub, and to his weekly solo concerts, and the memories that are still well hidden in that abandoned area of the park. Almost jealous, even. He knows well it's not a good way to deal with his mixed thoughts when it comes to Rachel, but at this point. What can you do?
Might as well play some Mozart and move on with your day. And hope nobody feels like interrupting and getting stabbed.
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And lastly, Bendy and his merch. Wether it's a matter of ego or, once again, clinging on way better days, he doesn't know. Hell, I don't know either!!! maybe it's a mix of both.
Once again, it's not really healthy nor he's going to stop complaining whenever someone moves his plushies slightly on the left while cleaning. It's in character for him, anyway ]
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dearweirdme · 10 months
to be frank, i am glad the jennie/tae situation is over and you can see the switch in taehyung’s outside perception again. That rumor costed Taehyung a positive solo debut and created a bad narrative around him. I’ve been observing people’s reactions (not just ARMYs but Koreans in general) towards the dating rumors since it started and it only affected him negatively.
J*nnie has always been a polarizing person in the industry more so now than ever. She’s always been involved in controversies either about her partying lifestyle, lazy performances or rude attitude. His involvement w her (real or not) did nothing but paint him in a negative light. they would associate him with her every time she had a controversy. During that p*rn series of hers they would involve T*ehyung about his “girlfriend trashy behavior”, then during her whole recent lazy scandal they would say Taehyung is with someone that doesn’t seem to put energy or passion to their job as opposed to him who’s always been known for his good performance skills. And during GD dr*gs scandal they were trying to involve him and BTS by linking him with Jennie who used to date GD and still hangs out with majority of his friends.
It was terrible for him. It switched the way a lot of people (mostly gp) perceives Taehyung as a person because it put into question his character and is not false that bp is a polarizing group in sk and the majority of armys don’t like bp not just for the fandom being awful to bts but because they in general hold a very terrible image and you can tell there’s not love or passion for the work that they do. just 4 airheads that keep taking ownership of the things bts worked for as a group.
i personally saw so many negative media articles about taehyung during that period in a way i’ve never seen before. He’s always been liked by the media. and now that the break up articles came up, i am starting to see Taehyung trending on naver for good positive things again such as how good he looks with his buzzcut or how great he was at the variety show. that relationship with jennie did nothing but bring him down and i am glad he can finally be free.
Hi anon!
Mmm, I think it's very much a point of perspective (and I don't really follow BP, so I'm not sure if I see this correctly). Army generally does not like BP (or maybe moreso Blinks) much. At least, the loudest voices don't really seem to get allong, because I'm sure there's also many Army who do like BP as well.
So from an Army perspective.. BP is the source of all evil in many cases. From a BP prspective, this would probably be the other way around. It's a competion based rivalry I think.. both fanbases wanting theirs to be the Kpop group that get's to be the biggest. Whether this rivalry also exists between Bp members and BTS members themselves is doubtfull I think.
Pairing Tae and Jennie for this was basically the ultimate attention grab... can we actually think of a pairing that would have more of an impact (Kpop wise)? Did they hope for Tae's image to rub of on Jennie? Did that blow up in their faces a bit? Do they see this as a succesfull stunt right now? I do feel it's possible the stunt was pulled before it actually was supposed to. After Paris things got chaotic real fast... and there was definitely more hate than positivity going around. Talking about the amount of attention they got, I'd say they deem it succesfull.. the quality of attention was not that great, but I think that was of lesser concern. Tae is wonderfull, so the possible damage that has been done to his image will be mended in no time.
I am very glad there was an actual visible ending right before his enlistment. This gives a certain level of peace for fandom and I think for Tae personally it must've been some sort of relieve. Jennie wont be blamed for cheating while he's away. And when Tae returns.. all of this will be long gone.
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
Hey Destiny, I don't know if you are still going to do confessional Sundays, but I have one, but I know ppl aren't going to like it.
1. I feel some tomdayas do too much with timdayas. I'm aware this is very unpopular, but let me explain. I'm not a timdaya, but I was a Timothee stan before I was a Tomdaya stan, so my perspective may be different. I feel Tomdayas need to accept that tindayas are going to exist and to stop giving them so much attention. This is not the first time both Tim and Z in their careers, are going to play with love interests that don't reflect their personal life(Timothee with Taylor in Bones and all whilst dating Kylie and Zendaya with Hunter and Mike and Josh while being with Tom).
Back in the day, actors had so much variety in their roles that had Z or Timothee been this age in the 90s, they would have been in 100 romcoms by now and ppl would be shipping them with their costars. It's not a reflection in real life. The insecurity projected unto Z is so weird because this same insecurity is never placed on Tom, and he had a makeout scene in TCR. No one thought he was dating his costar. It's obvious some Tomdayas are insecure, and tbh it's silly cause if you truly are a fan of both of them, you would know that the insecurity comes from film twitter and is not reflection in real life. Tom and Z love each other so much and have priotised so much being together. Only idiots think Timothee is a threat, lol. I also blame the lack of media literacy in this current generation. They see opinionated posts online and assume they are true, like aunties and uncles on Facebook, lol.
Timothee, respectfully, is a good actor but uses pr to benefit his films just like most actors. I saw some Tomdayas annoyed that he gifted Z wonka special edition shoes, assuming that he is trying to get with Z and is jealous of Tom. Are we bffr rn???? They are friends, nothing more, lol.
It seems you guys were not here last year for Bones and all promotion in Venice when Timothee and Taylor were PRing like their lives depended on it. Red carpet moments, TNT posts, and overall flirtatious interviews. At the time, I really thought they had something going on because i was gullibe and was happy. timothee was giving a black woman attention, lol. It was a self-fulfilling prophercy until, after the promotion of the film, when I saw them not liking each others posts, Taylor only praised Luca or did not hang out even when they were in the same city. It was then I realised it was just a job for them, lol. Its the same with Glen and Sydney doing the most to sell a film because its their job, lol.
I've been a fan of Timothee the longest, and most of his dating history happens offcamera than on until he started dating Kylie. I'm aware he dated Eiza and Lily, but when they dated, he barely spoke about them ever. Even when Lily and him had the King, they didn't stand next to each other on the red carpet, lol. Whether you like the pairing or not, this is who he wants to be with, and it's not Z, lol. Tom isn't insecure about Timothee at all. Timothee called him the rizz master for a reason. If anything, it's the other way round lol but that's for another discussion.
Paul and Chani's romance is going to be like the star was for our generation. Certain fans need to let go of this hypothetical insecurity that what's on screen is gonna be translated in real life. There's a reason why they didn't touch each other during the red carpet because both sides do too much.
There's also a consequence playing up to the romance of your titular characters in real life, Corey and India were close in the beginning of the pr of Queen Charlotte and towards the end in Brazil they bareley acknowledged because fans did too much and so did they lol.
The only way actors can do "showmances" is very early in theory careers as they don't have an established fanbase. In the new hunger games films, Tom blyth and Rachel Zegler have great chemistry, but they both have partners in real life, and so there's a line they don't cross and are still very popular. There are fans who want them together, but that's a loud minority.
Timothee and Z are well established in their careers, and it wouldn't make sense to do that.
Hopefully, I made sense, and you have a nice day!!
Wow... this was a LOT Anon lol....
I'll try to answer your confession as succinctly as I can lol 😆
Hey Destiny, I don't know if you are still going to do confessional Sundays, but I have one, but I know ppl aren't going to like it.
Actually, yes! 75% of you said that you wanted to keep doing Confession Corner Sundays, so my inbox is open on Sundays for that.
You have to make sure you mention in your ask that it's a confession, and I'll know to treat it as such. 😊
Anyway, in answer to your ask.... I really don't think it's so much that Tomdaya fans are threatened by Timmy (let's get real), as it's more that we're sick and tired of some people seriously shipping them the ACTORS with each other when they are both in relationships with other people.
Also, when you blog, you do tend to see more nonsense coming into your inbox from trolls, so it might get more annoying 😑 than it would possibly for others who are just casually looking at things on the internet.
But yea, we all know that Tom and Z are basically married to each other by this point rofl, so it's not that we're "afraid" smthg would happen btwn her and Timmy lol. 😅 We just think it's very disrespectful for fans to be shipping her with her costar or trying to read into things that aren't even there. 🙄
Tbh, most of us just roll our eyes at Timdaya shippers and keep it moving. Most of us aren't giving them any real care like that.... at least, not on my blog.
We recognize the weirdness and laugh at it honestly. Trust me, MOST Tomdaya shippers aren't worried lol 😆 😂 Maybe the Tomdaya newbies are who you're referring to? But us old heads are like, been there, done that lol.
Back in the day, actors had so much variety in their roles that had Z or Timothee been this age in the 90s, they would have been in 100 romcoms by now and ppl would be shipping them with their costars. It's not a reflection in real life.
Actually, I challenge you on this. Would celebrities of the 90s be "shipped" with their costars? I don't really think so. 🤔 I don't think people shipped actors with each other like that. That seems to be smthg that grew out of more modern times. I kind of feel like back then, people were happy to see their favorite actors in a role together, but nobody really blurred the lines and tried to read more into a costar than necessary unless there were actual rumors of an off-camera romance btwn the two.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I just don't think that shipping was a thing back in the 90s. Most people probably knew the boundaries, especially if that actor was already in a serious dating relationship with someone else.
Most people didn't even know much about celebrities outside of what they saw in interviews, and there wasn't social media, so what on earth was there to ship exactly? 😅🤷🏾‍♀️
The insecurity projected unto Z is so weird because this same insecurity is never placed on Tom, and he had a makeout scene in TCR. No one thought he was dating his costar.
I blame the fans honestly. Z is also a woman, so she probably gets treated differently than her male counterparts.
SOME antis have tried it in the past when they tried to insinuate that smthg was going on with Tom and Sofia Ali, Tom and Emma, Tom and Ciara Bravo, etc. It's very small, but it has happened before. The reaction is the same.... we don't like it. 🤷🏾‍♀️ It's disrespectful.
It's one thing to say that two actors would look "cute" together, vs. "Smthg happened btwn them on set during filming...", or, "Did you see the way he looked at her? There's for sure smthg going on there, and they're just itching to break up with their significant others to finally be together like they've always wanted..." 🙄
Anyway.... I DO agree that fans shouldn't put too much stock into what weirdos say online. Weirdo Shippers are going to exist regardless... that just comes with the territory unfortunately 😕.
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canislupus-exe · 1 year
In Your Corner | bill denbrough
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>>gif credit to @/beenchillin on tumblr<<
fandom | IT: Chapter One
character | Bill Denbrough
reader | (disabled) they/them (she ver.)(he ver.)
requested | anonymous
warnings | cursing, ableism
word count | 1,131
keys | (Y/n) = Your name
summary | Hi! Could I request a Bill Denbrough x disabled!reader? Where Richie compares (y/n) to a bike and tries to ride their wheelchair while (y/n) is still in it- and bill tells him to fuck off? I just think bill would understand 🥺💕
editor | @feliscatus-exe
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You hummed quietly as you pushed against the wheels of your chair. Approaching your best friend’s driveway was the only way you could hang out with him, seeing how inaccessible his front door was. If you thought too hard about it, it didn’t give you the best feeling in the world, so you tried not to.
You saw him sitting on the floor, sketching in his notebook somewhat mindlessly. Upon hearing your quiet hum, he flipped a few pages ahead to a blank one. Looking up at you, he squinted from the sun shining in his eyes but smiled.
“H-Hi (Y/n). You’re the f-first to get here so we can wait for everyone else.” He said, standing up and moving to the couch his dad had put in the garage a few months ago. He realized how much more inclined he was to hang out there now that he was friends with you.
His parents were lovely, but he started to pick up on the sudden stiffness and overall negative feelings you had when they said certain things. About how they were sorry and glad Bill was so kind, which he was. It was one of his greatest qualities, but it was as if they only thought he was your friend because he was so kind.
“That’s alright. What were you drawing?”  You asked casually, backing your chair into the space of the wall that was just the right fit. You remembered when he moved aside a table so he could sit next to you. It was one of the moments that made you feel your heartbeat in your stomach, as he so often did.
“Oh, n-n-nothing. Just practicing shape l-language for objects.” He replied, sitting on the cushions in a way that made it easier to look at you. 
“Really? What are you trying to learn to draw?” You asked. He shrugged.
“Nothing in p-p-particular. I just think it’s a g-good skill to have.” He replies, closing his sketchbook and setting it aside. You smile and nod.
“Do you know when the other Losers plan on joining us?” You asked leaning on the arm of your chair.
“Right now.” A voice called from behind. You looked over your shoulder to the garage entrance, watching Richie, Eddie, and Stan enter. You smiled and waved, which only Stan returned. 
“What are we doing here? You never told us.” Eddie says, sitting on the far end of the couch. You were never sure why, but he always seemed much more tense. You could come up with a few reasons, but they weren’t good ones, and you hoped those weren’t the case.
“J-J-Just a movie night. I made popcorn and st-ocked the drinks.” Bill replied. You begin to self-propel toward the fridge in the far left corner of the room. You looked inside, seeing mostly cokes and water. You opted for the latter.
“Plus, if we run out, we can hop on (Y/n)’s wheelchair. They’re basically a bike.” Richie says with a snicker, placing both his feet on the back of your chair and causing you to become unsteady. You yelp in surprise, immediately swatting him off. You turn your chair to face him, a look of panic on your face.
“What the fuck Richie?” You shout. He raises his eyebrows.
“What?” He asks, lacking a single modicum of self-awareness. You’re so flustered and upset that you find it difficult to articulate your feelings. Bill stands up from the couch, stepping between Richie and yourself.
“Y-You can’t say shit like that Richie!” Bill exclaims, his ears turning red from anger as they always did.
“Why are you guys freaking out?” He asks, raising his arms in exasperation.
“C-Comparing (Y/n) to a bike? You don’t get why that’s f-f-f-fu-fucked up!?” He shouts, finding it harder to speak due to his anger.
“No? It was a good thing. Bikes are cool and they’d be helping us to the store.” He replied. 
“It’s fine Bill. Don’t worry about it…” You mumble, trying to maneuver around him.
“N-no (Y/n) I am w-worried about it,” Bill says, turning to look at you. There was a look in his eyes that made you feel warm and safe. 
“They said don’t worry about it so I think-“
“Fuck off Richie!” Bill yells as he whips his head around to stare at him, not a stutter in his voice. Richie backs away with his hands up in surrender.
“Whatever dude.” He mumbles, sitting next to Eddie on the couch.
You were thankful Bill was so quick to defend you, but the confrontation still made you uneasy and guilty. You wheeled your chair out of the garage and onto the driveway, stopping when you heard Bill coming after you.
“Where are you g-going? Are you ok-kay?” He asks, walking by your side. You sigh and stop wheeling yourself forward. You say nothing at first trying to figure out how to put your thoughts into words. Bill walks in front of you, so he can see you while you talk, a simple gesture but something so thoughtful.
“You’re the only one who treats me… Well, normal… Richie always has something to say, Eddie avoids me like he’s going to catch something and I just… I hate it.” You mutter, folding your hands in your lap. Bill sighs as he crosses his arms.
“I w-wish there was more I could do. I t-t-tell Richie all the time to quit his shit but he-“
“It’s not you Bill. You do more than enough. Sometimes it feels like you’re the only person I have in my corner.” You say, looking up to meet his eyes. He smiles, his eyes holding that same shine that made you feel so warm and safe.
“Y-You know, that’s exactly how I feel.” He replies. You tilt your head in confusion. Bill rubs his neck bashfully before shrugging. 
“You’re the only one who ever t-tells them to stop making fun of my s-st-stutter. Sometimes it feels like y-you’re the only one in my c-corner.” He replies. You smile, a warm glow rushing to your cheeks.
“We can be in each other’s corner.” You reply, giddily grabbing his hand. It takes you a second to realize what you’ve done before pulling back.
“S-Sorry I was just-”
“No! It’s okay!” He grabs your hand again, this time intertwining your fingers. “I l-like being in each other's corner.” 
“Pinky promise?” You ask, holding out your pinky. He chuckles and locks his pinky around yours.
“P-Pinky promise.” He replies.
“Now let’s go watch the m-movie. If Richie says anything else I’ll j-just kick him out.”
“Since when are you Mr. tough guy?” You ask with a giggle.
“S-Since I had to be in someone’s corner. I-it’s a tough job you know.”
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farshootingstar · 1 year
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The silliest boy is finally done and we finally get a cover of a guy without creepy eyes going on. I thought I would get some sleep before finishing this cover and stuff, but my body said no and Bear (my cat) is judging me hard over it.
Here's Kadsey's playlist for all the Main Squeezies! I'm not going to lie, this particular playlist is a weird one and I won't blame anyone for questioning my tastes here. I did what I could and certain biases are showing. You'll definitely notice I feel a stronger need to explain myself on this playlist, so buckle in for the long haul if you want to understand these weird choices I've made.
When I saw dubstep was listed as a favorite genre of Kadsey's (complete with a pic of Skrillex), I knew without question what the first song would be. It just had to be Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites by Skrillex.
The second song, the one that tends to be more about character vibes, sort of is and isn't when it comes to Kadsey. I gave him the song Spoiled little brat by underscores, since I liked the hyperpop vibe of it and that it definitely has references to e-celeb culture. Also, I can't help clowning on Kadsey just a little bit because of certain events in REBOOT (well, one specific one, but no spoilers in this section). Incredibly, I think this is the first song in one of the playlists to mention taking a picture. Took long enough! :p
Spoiler cut below, as usual.
The next couple of songs are some bangers to dance to. Also, the starting example of my Jamiroquai bias, since I think Kadsey would also like some acid jazz on occasion. Yeah, though: Canned Heat, Eat Sleep Dance, and Move Your Feet are all a ton of fun. I particularly have fond memories of Move Your Feet as a song I would sometimes play on Dance Dance Revolution.
One of the distinctly odd ones is next and I absolutely feel like I need to justify myself on why I put the song Skiptracing by Mild High Club in here. It's very chill, so I think it makes a good breather in general, but also I couldn't help thinking of this song for Kadsey chilling with Ashton. Don't know why I get that mental image, but I feel like this song could fit for Kadsey realizing he loves the guy. Is that kind of weird? I mentally debated over this inclusion for a while, but ultimately put it in the playlist. I can just sort of imagine they were hanging out, generally vibing, and Kadsey had a spark of realization. Also, it's interesting that the song is called Skiptracing when there's no actual mention of skiptracing to be had (skiptracing is basically tracking down someone's whereabouts, particularly when it's someone on the run, if I recall right). I guess I should trust my instincts, since I picked up on the crush in the first game but brushed it off by thinking that was stupidly presumptuous. Clearly, I was Boo-Boo the Fool all along. The next song, Mine by Slayyyter, kind of piggybacks off of that crush aspect I mentioned.
Since I kind of think the crush stuff in general probably started before the whole "discovering the code" business, I put in Virtual Insanity next to somewhat cover that event. I don't think Kadsey would feel so condemning towards the whole thing- since he was always more moderate with messing with the code for pranks and so just saw it as a little fun- but things do start going downhill sometime after that. It doesn't seem to right away, though, so I tossed in Bangarang next for some extra fun.
Digital Love and Meet Her at the Loveparade are the selections kind of around where things start going wrong and the player makes an entrance. I feel like Digital Love can be especially apt for Kadsey's awkward position in the weird love polygon going on, since he has an unrequited crush on Ashton, Ashino has an unrequited crush on Kadsey, and how the player feels can be a bit of a mystery (personally, I'm cool with being Main Squeezie Numero Dos). On a side note, I recommend checking out Interstella 5555 (an anime movie/music video that was made for Daft Punk's Discovery album, which Digital Love is from). And hey, Meet Her at the Loveparade is our second Radio Edit version song and instrumental track in the playlists, two things that both showed up in Ashton's playlist previously. Does it mean anything? No, but it's kind of fun to note.
I'll admit, when I saw there was a Skrillex Remix of the song SICKO MODE, I was just like "YES" and slapped it in. I just think it's neat. The energy kind of fits in around the time Ashton starts murking everyone and leads us into a strange little choice...
Yes, I did put in an EDM cover of Total Eclipse of the Heart in this playlist. Consider it my own little jape.
The next one has a title and artist name that I can't type at all. I mean, just look at the playlist. That's a nightmare to puzzle out. Anyway, it's an atmospheric song I chose for when Kadsey's stuck out in the void that is the recycle bin after Ashton got the drop on him in the first game. Poor guy had a really bad time.
Luckily, he at least gets back out of that particular situation soon enough, leading us to World's end Rhapsody and Hysterical Us. Little side trivia, but I decided to try looking up what lyrics were in World's end Rhapsody and what I found didn't look like what I was hearing, so I carefully listened to it for a while and I think it changes part of the way through and people tend not to notice because of how repetitive it is. It sounds like it starts as "Check it out, baby. You're gonna find, that I love you." and changes after the instrumental break to "Oh, baby. (Don't tease me.) Check it out, baby. You don't know why, I love you." and then back again. I found that interesting and I'll fully admit I put this song in because I really miss Nujabes (gone too soon). I feel like Hysterical Us is a bit more straightforward in terms of being "Wow, that was terrible and we're all kind of traumatized, huh?"
D.A.N.C.E. is when we start getting into more stuff to dance to, though I can never shake the feeling that this song sounds a bit desperate. Hence it being in the general area it is.
Give Me Back My Man- Party Mix is another one I knew I'd have to include. I always had a feeling I'd stick in a B-52's song somewhere, though I could totally imagine someone predicting something like Love Shack, Rock Lobster, or maybe something like Your Own Private Idaho. Nope, though. When I saw there was a Party Mix of a song as tragic as Give Me Back My Man, I knew it would be the pick. Also, I like the slightly more aggressive guitar in this version. Fortunately, Kadsey's not stuck with futile efforts in the search of someone lost and very likely dead (the song heavily hints that the man in question is at the bottom of the sea), so there's more coming.
Next up is Space Cowboy both because I wanted something chill but fun and also because it's totally a weed anthem. I headcanon that Kadsey occasionally tries a little and I will hear nothing to the contrary. Skiptracing also had one little mention of marijuana in it. I guess we can also take the whole song being about the return of the space cowboy to also potentially reference getting Ashton back, especially with the line "Everything is good, oh, and green. Say, I'm red again." Come on, it may be a weed reference, but it also fits.
And, if we need something more straightforward, then there's About Damn Time. I really wanted a happy song in there about getting through some shit and this felt right. We could all use some more Lizzo positivity, please and thanks.
Last of my Jamiroquai bias shows up with the song Seven Sunny Days in June, the other song regarding Kadsey's crush. They've been friends too long for it to be a thing, but it is some closure. Also, I just realized that so far, Kadsey has the most songs with references to drinking. That's kind of funny since, in an answer to a fan question on everyone's favorite alcoholic drinks, it's pointed out that Kadsey has been banned from drinking by the entire group.
Next up is Sandstorm and DARE, both as a fun little treat. Besides, if you're going to have EDM in a playlist, then Sandstorm is one of the most obvious picks to go for. I am not immune to the practical meme that is Darude Sandstorm.
Interestingly enough, Skiptracing has a very short and even softer cover by Luna Li called skiptracing lullaby and I decided to stick that in at the end as a fun reprise. Never really had the opportunity to put in some form of reprise in the playlists. So far, what happens at the end of REBOOT is still unknown, but I really hope things turn alright for Kadsey. That dude's been through a lot.
Next up will be Vincent and, surprisingly, I have even more to say on that one since several songs are classical pieces.
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wixelt · 2 years
So Gem is supposed to show up at one of the temples, as is Iskall. You said that Gem lands in a swamp, but that brings to question what she's actually doing when they arrive, as does Iskall. One of them should probably be stuck on a green tile in the first temple and the other would end up traveling disguised with Valeriana.
I think Iskall's familiarity with redstone traps would make the fact that the first temple doesn't behave comparatively properly would frustrate the heck out of him and get him stuck, while we'd need someone with a deep understanding of powers to help ground a very panicked Gem.
This would mean Gem might show up at the Bizarre Baazar, but she's hidden so that none of her face or hair is visible and she may have even retracted her antlers to hide better.
Anne may strike her as odd, but a human being here doesn't at first mean much, at most it means others got pulled through that wierd rift. Until she senses her power from the music box.
She may attempt to steal the backpack but someone gets to it first, and she probably competes against Anne for the bag. Both lose to Hop Pop probably, and Valeriana explains the full situation and how they'll be able to get her powers put of the stones but Gem won't be able to interfere until they come looking.
The next time Gem would be seen would be the second temple, at first as a familiar shape in the treeline that leads the hermits away from the temple grounds so that Anne can be tested without trial breaking interference. She probably manages to serve as a distraction long enough for the rest of the group to make it part way up the mountain, but depending on who is with them (probably False since Stress and Anne are both here) she's probably caught pretty quickly.
Going to take these in-order. I know there's a follow-up, but i'll address this first, then correct anything contradictory on the next reply. Call it seeing my train of thought in progress. :P
Gem & Iskall's reunions with the larger group are intended to come at the temples. The plan was that Gem be already at a temple, whilst Iskall's visiting a different one by chance when the group gets there.
The mental image of Iskall getting annoyed by the first temple's traps & getting himself stuck is hilarious, & solves the timing issue in a more realistic way. He's been there for about a week - unable to move from the spot - by the time Anne & Marcy turn up with False, Mumbo, Grian & Etho in tow.
Cue Grian laughing his butt off, to Iskall's irritation.
As for Gem, while the idea of her hanging with Val is great - & that's just the right person to help her, I feel - there's some parts of the above idea that don't work without big changes to Season 1 as it is currently.
So this is what i'm thinking:
Gem turns up in a swamp/near one of the temples & - after her depowerment induced panic attack - runs into Valeriana. Being the wise person she is & perhaps knowing more than she lets on, Val agrees to help Gem & brings her along in disguise.
Gem thus learns a lot about the grand scheme of things long before any other main character, though Val keeps some pieces to herself, as Gem's reunion comes sometime in Season 2 & it'd derail things beyond what's already planned for some things to come to light early.
But she's seemingly not with Val when the spooky newt travels to the Bizarre Bazaar, because if she was, there'd be no way a reunion wouldn't happen. If False goes with Anne & sees her, that's an instant reunion, while even Anne alone would start enough of a conversation to eventually lead to a reunion (Gem's only seen amphibians up til now, so she would notice Anne as an anomaly).
So when False - who would be there out of curiosity - & Anne visit Val's stall, Gem's coincidentally elsewhere in the Bazaar. Its a tragic comedy of almost-meetings, & Val doesn't help as she's very much the sort to make sure things go a certain way by only telling Gem there were "others" at the stall when its far too late for them to go back & track them down.
And Val didn't get names, anyway. You know damn well if Gem heard the name "False", she'd book it back down the road no matter what.
Thus this means there's no direct encounter, though maybe the theft of Anne's backpack turns into a bit of a chain of different folk stealing from each other as the group chase it down. Maybe Gem's one of the figures briefly holding the bag in this chain - having sensed a familiar power inside it - but is stolen from immediately & is too disguised/out of view for False/Anne & her to notice each other.
Val tells her they're leaving before she can make a second attempt.
When Gem later realises her friends might've been there, she kicks herself, but does get that talk from Valeriana about there being "a way of things", & that she'll see her friends again soon enough.
Which does mean her final, actual reunion with the others comes at the second temple. She doesn't know how she feels about leading the Hermits (definitely False, but i'm curious why also Stress, beyond maybe the Swamp Gals connection?) away from Anne, but she complies & Val tests Anne alone.
She gets a bit of flak for it, afterward, but the others are too happy & relieved to see her to be bothered by it for more than a few seconds.
After this, Gem may still stick with Val still due to unfinished business, but eventually leaves her on good terms & is with the rest of the Hermits by sometime before Season 2's end.
Now, onto the second post...
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