sombrasdatabase · 6 years
You Trying To Be Scary? (Halloween Fluff Fic)
Content: SFW
Pairing: Sombra x Pharah x Mercy
Blackwatch Fanfic Friday Prompt: Halloween Fluff
If there was anything Angela and Fareeha knew about their favorite hacker, it was that she absolutely loved Halloween. It was her favorite time of the year, and she went all out for it. She candied apples, she carved pumpkins, and she even convinced Gabe to sew her a costume after bribing him with a year's worth of takis the year before.
Regardless of Talon's plans to bring the world to complete and utter chaos, Sombra had taken off to be with her secret lovers for the holiday. The two birds, however, wanted to surprise her this year. So while she was on a flight they were hard at work decorating Fareeha's apartment. Angela took on carving the pumpkins with precision that only a trained surgeon could have while her other lover hung up orange and black garlands made of sheer fabric, ribbons, and lights.
There was pumpkin pie baking in the oven, another one of Sombra's favorites. Candy filled pumpkin buckets where lined up on the coffee table; a purple one for Sombra, a blue one for Fareeha, and a yellow one for Angela. The doctor smiled to herself as she imagined having to remind Sombra to be careful not to get a cavity from stuffing her face with the sugary treats.
"The pies are done habibti." Fareeha told her as she pulled them out of the oven and set them on the stove to cool off. "The mummy fingers* are going in now."
"Alright. I'm going to get my costume on. You should get yours on soon." The blonde woman said as she got up from the couch after lighting the last teacup candle for the last jack o'lantern.
"Mind if I help you get undressed?" Fareeha asked flirtatiously as she walked around the kitchen island coming over to her.
"Later love. We need to get you painted for your costume." Angela said taking her hand and pulling her along to their bedroom to get ready for Sombra's arrival. It was nearly an hour before they were both adorned in their costumes, and they had a costume ready for Sombra to join in on the fun.
The apartment looked positively spooky with nothing but decorative lights and candles lighting it up. There were fake webs and spiders here and there in the living room. The kitchen island had the pies, mummy fingers, chips, candied apples, and eyeball punch laid out on top. A stack of classic horror films were on the TV stand waiting to be watched. Angela hid behind the couch while Fareeha slipped behind the door when they heard the jingle of Sombra's keys.
The wooden door opened with an eerie creak, and the hacker grimaced. It was a bit spooly as she stepped into the seemingly empty, but well decorated apartment. "Fareeha? Angie?"
Her heart nearly left her chest when soneone grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back. "Boo!"
"Are you trying to be scary?" Sombra questioned while trying to play off the fact that for a second she could've sworn her soul left her body when Fareeha had grabbed her from behind.
"Well that depends habibti. Are you frightened?" The Security Chief grinned as she turned the hacker around in her arms.
"I'm not scared." She said looking up at her lover who was painted to look almost undead in her armor.
"Are you sure about that?" Angela spoke suddenly from behind her and she jumped a little.
"You two aren't playing fair." Sombra pouted.
"Where's the fun in playing fair? Isn't that what you always say love." The doctor smiled and kissed her cheek softly as she came over to hug her.
"Well yeah, but it's different when I do it."
"I don't think that's how it works Oli." Fareeha chuckled before kissing the top of her head. "C'mon we have a costume for you, and once you're dressed we can all watch movies together."
A smile graced the hacker's lips before she followed Angela and Fareeha to their room. "We figured you'd like to be our bride tonight. I hope that's okay."
"Aw isn't that sweet. Thank you both for doing this for me. It really means a lot." She said looking up at Angela and Fareeha after seeing the costume on the bed, and it did mean a lot to her. She'd grown up without a real family, or many friends so it wasn't often that she ever had anyone to do something like this for her. She'd found a home and a family in the most unlikely of places.
It wasn't long before the three of them were in costume, minus Fareeha's armor, cuddled up on the couch with candy and popcorn in their laps as Michael Myers chased after his next victim. Fareeha was in the middle with both her lovers leaning into her and using her as a pillow while they watched the movies together. Occasionally Sombra or Angela would cringe into the blankets when the killer on screen would jumpscare one of the victims.
"I love you both." Sombra said softly, her eyes barely managing to stay open. She was starting to doze off on Fareeha's arm after her sugar high passed.
"We love you too." Angela assured her as she got up from the couch to start putting away the leftover food while Fareeha carefully picked the sleepy hacker up bridal style.
"I'll come back to help after I get her tucked into bed." Fareeha said kissing Angela softly before continuing to the bedroom where she laid Sombra down in the middle of the bed before pulling the blankets over her.
"Good night habibti." She whispered to her before standing back up and going to help Angela with the clean up.
*Mummy fingers are hot dogs wrapped in bacon and dough to look like mummy wraps.
Author's Note: I don't really know how to feel about this fic, but I hope you guys like it. I wasn't sure about what ship I wanted to do so I kind of winged it. If you guys did like it and would like more of this OT3 let me know.
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raptorific · 6 years
“We’ve got a long way to go before we get to the safehouse,” Sombra said from the overstuffed bed in their hotel room, “may as well get some rest.”
“How am I supposed to rest?” Fareeha replied, “After what you’ve done, how the hell am I supposed to get a wink of sleep?”
“You can’t stay glued to the news,” Sombra insisted, “it hasn’t changed. You’re still dead.”
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Hey there.
I’d like to make a small introduction before I get into the swing of things here. I am twenty-one going on twenty-two. I love to play Overwatch, but I enjoy roleplaying it as well. Sombra is my go to muse for a lot of my roleplays. I, also, write fanfictions on AO3 and my other blogs here. My favorite Sombra ships are generally considered rare pairs. Those are SombraxPharah, SombraxHanzo, and SombraxPharahxMercy. Otherwise known as Security Breach, Trouble Shooting, and Angel Jet Hack. If you dislike my ships or my headcanons just keep scrolling. I don’t have the patience for ship wars. I am a multi-shipper, but I do have some NOTPs. One of those being McCreexSombra. I know it’s a popular ship for her but I simply do not like it.  Feel free to send in asks with any questions you may have or requests for fics or headcanons. I will get to them when I have the chance to.
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
Stand By Me (Security Breach | BW Community Fic Friday)
Content: SFW
Pairing: Sombra x Pharah x (Mentions of Mercy)
Blackwatch Fic Friday Prompt #2: Person A decides to help person B visit a graveyard. The grave was a close person to person B.
"You know you don't have to come with me if you don't want to. We've only been together a few months. I'd understand-" Fareeha was shushed by a soft finger pressing against her lips. It belonged to none other than the hacker she'd been seeing, and the woman who was supposed to be her enemy.
"Stop. I'm going and nothing is going to stop me from being there for you pajarita, especially while the doc is out of town." Sombra declared with a tone that left no room for argument. That was something Fareeha always liked about her. She was stubborn and persistent. It was one of the reasons she'd been able to forgive her after what happened with the escaped prisoners. The little hacker had worked tirelessly to make it up to her, and helping her locate every prisoner that Talon hadn't found a need for. It'd helped save her job, and quiet down all the bad publicity Helix had taken after such a big mistake. She didn't see Sombra as a mistake, and neither did Angela.
"I know. I just didn't want to drag you along if you weren't comfortable. You don't really talk about your parents." She said taking the woman's hand into her own as she moved it away from her lips. The hacker looked a little solemn at the mention of her deceased parents.
"What's there to talk about? I barely remember them." She said dismissively before pulling her hand back from Fareeha. Something that both Fareeha and Angela struggled with was getting their lover to open up to them. Maybe it had something to do with her changing her identity, or maybe that was just the way she was, but they wanted her to trust them instead of shutting them out whenever her past was brought up.
Fareeha sighed deeply before grabbing her keys and heading to the door to wait for Sombra who was pulling her shoes on. She looked different without her standard leggings and jacket. Less purple. Instead she wore black leggings with a dark gray button up shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a messy bun to help hide the ombre of purple hair. She was beautiful.
Sombra took her hand as they left Fareeha's apartment to head out to her car. It was a nice car. Fareeha always loved cars ever since she was a kid, and she look care of it well. They both got into the car before they were off to the graveyard. Sombra knew Fareeha went there every year, but it wasn't easy for her according to Angela. A part of her wanted to tell her what she knew about her mother, but she was so scared that her lover might push her away for good if she told her that she'd been visiting an empty grave all these years. She didn't want to break Fareeha's heart with the truth.
Instead she stayed quiet and just held Fareeha's hand over the center console. It was the only real comfort she could give her on a day like this. The drive wasn't long before they were parking on a path in a field of tombstones. She looked over at Fareeha who seemed like she didn't want to get out of the car as she stared out the window with a look of sadness in her eyes.
"I'm here mi amor." Sombra assured her, squeezing her hand a little. She wasn't the best at comforting people, but she always tried her best to. Growing up as an orphan on the streets of Dorado had left her with few examples of what love, affection, and comfort were.
"I'm ready." Fareeha said finally before opening up the door and stepping out of the car. It wasn't long at all before Sombra was at her side holding her hand. They walked slowly through the field before stopping at her mother's tombstone. There were fresh flowers already laying there, and she knew who must've left them before they'd gotten here. Reinhardt. That man had been like a second father to her, and he'd loved her mother very much.
Sombra gave Fareeha the flowers she was holding in her other hand. She could tell just by looking at her that she was still mourning the loss of her mother even if she didn't bring her up often.
"You know she never really wanted this life for me. At least that's what she always told me when I wanted to join Overwatch like her. Her and Reinhardt were my heroes growing up. I wanted to be just like my mom, but I never could get in so I joined the army instead." She paused for a moment as she knelt down to set the bouquet of blue and white flowers at the foot of her mother's tombstone. When she stood back up she continued.
"Angela always tells me she'd be proud of me, and that my mother always hoped I'd follow in her footsteps, but I just-" Her voice cracked a little and Sombra could see the tears glistening in the sunlight as they slipped down Fareeha's cheeks. The hacker moved her hand to her lover's back, rubbing soothing circles there. "I don't understand why she never told me those things when she was here. My whole life I wanted to make her proud of me, but even when she promised to support my decision to join I could tell that her heart wasn't in it."
"I know that I didn't know your mother, but I do know that you are everything any mother could hope for. You're kind. You're forgiving. You're strong and independent. You're loving even towards those who probably don't deserve it. You have done so much and achieved so much, and you are so good at what you do." Sombra told Fareeha as she cupped her cheek making her look down at her as she spoke. There was so much more she wanted to say, but she stopped herself from rambling on and on about the woman she loved.
Fareeha placed her hand over Sombra's as she leaned into her warm and comforting touch. She turned her head a little to gentle kiss the hacker's wrist.
"You mean so much to me, and I know you don't think you deserve my love or Angela's because of the things you've done but you do. You're not a bad person Oli. You've done so much good for the people of Dorado even if it meant doing the wrong thing for the right reasons." She told her as she held Sombra's hand close to her heart. It meant a lot to the hacker to hear those words coming from the Security Chief, especially after everything that had gone down between them before they'd started dating.
"I know you believe that I can change, but I haven't been on the right side of the law since I was a kid. I don't know if I can ever walk the straight and narrow like you and Angela do." She looked down for a moment before glancing back up at her. "But I do love you both very much even if it means keeping our relationship a secret."
Fareeha smiled and kissed her softly. "You know about the Overwatch recall. I know Angela is hesistant to answer it, and so am I, but if you want to you could join us. We'd protect you from Talon, and you could help us save the world."
"Did you forget that answering that call would make you both outlaws? I know you want to honor your mother, but I don't want you losing everything in the war against-" The Egyptian kissed her again to quiet her lover. The hacker was always very passionate when she was trying to make a point.
"Shh, as long as I have you and Angela I'll be okay. You two mean the world to me, and if I can save you both then that's what I plan to do."
Sombra didn't argue with her that time. She was too busy feeling like her head was in the clouds to even think of a comeback to that. She'd never really had anyone care about her so much before, let alone two people. She couldn't stop smiling to herself like some giddy school girl on the ride home where they ordered takeout and settled down to watch movies together to help take their mind's off of the anniversary of Ana Amari's "death".
"I don't think I can do this amiga." Sombra said from driver's seat of some rental she'd got for their trip back to her hometown. She had her hand on the door but she couldn't bring herself to open it. She hadn't visited her parents' graves since she was a child. She always made an altar for them, but she never dared to go back to that graveyard where they were buried amongst hundreds of other parents who'd been killed during the Omnic Crisis.
Dorado, Castillo, and most of Mexico had been overrun with orphans from the Omnic Crisis when she was just a child. It was part of the reason Los Muertos has such a strong presence today since most of its members were other orphans just like her. A part of her blamed her parents for dying even if it wasn't their fault. She had even hated them when she was younger for leaving her all alone. All she'd really had to comfort herself as a child was the bear members of Overwatch issued out to the orphans they'd saved. She'd always cherished Arturito, and he was one of the reasons she'd had good in her. She'd looked up to the soldiers who'd saved her as a child, and for that reason she'd helped Jack Morrison when he went looking for Fareeha's mother.
Fareeha got out of the car and walked around to the driver's side. She opened up the door and took Sombra's hands into her own. "Look at me. I'm right here to hold your hand if you need me to, but I know you can do this habibti."
The hacker kept her eyes low as she sat the for another moment, gathering up the courage to get out of the car and see her parents' graves. "You don't think they'll hate me for not coming all these years?"
"They could never hate you Oli. You're their daughter." She assured her. This wasn't really a side she'd seen from Sombra before. The fun and sassy hacker had been replaced by a lost little orphan. Her heart ached for her lover. She didn't know the right words to say, so she said what she thought she needed to hear instead.
"Okay. I'll get out." She said before she turned off the car and reached back to grab the flowers they'd brought with them to lay on the graves. Her violet eyes were misty with unshed tears before she'd even closed the door to the car. It was such a raw and open wound that she'd tried to ignore all of these years, but now she had to face it.
Sombra swallowed hard as she looked over the cracked tombstones until she saw her parents' names. She took Fareeha's hand in hers as they started to walk over to them. Each step felt like she was being weighed down, and if it weren't for her lover holding her hand she probably never would've made it to them.
Their names were etched into the two stones standing side by side. She looked solemn as she stared down at them wondering how different her life would be if they hadn't died. "You know I used to wake up every night thinking they'd walk through the doors and take me home. I spent years hoping that maybe those soldiers had got it wrong, and those weren't my parents that I buried that day. I think that's part of why I didn't ever come here growing up."
"There's nothing wrong with that Oli. It can be hard to process the loss of a loved one let alone losing two at the same time. Angela struggled with it two, but visiting their graves helped her. That's why I thought it might help you." Fareeha told her as she rubbed Sombra's back soothingly. It was the only thing she could do when her lover looked so lost.
"I know they didn't mean to die, but sometimes I blame them for it as if they could've done more to live for me." She was crying now. It was silent, but Fareeha could see the tears trailing down her cheeks. "And I know you want to answer that call in your mother's place, but I'm so scared that I'll lose you too pajarita."
The Security Chief pulled the hacker into her arms and held her close, so close that Sombra could hear her heart beating in her chest.
"Do you hear that habibti? I'm alive. Angela is alive. Even if I answer that call to arms it will be no more dangerous than serving as a member of Helix. You're not going to lose me. Just like I'm not going to lose you every time you have to go back to Talon." Fareeha took her face in her hands and made her look up at her. She wiped the tears from her cheeks before she leaned down and kissed her. When she pulled back she spoke again. "I will live for you and Angela. I promise you that Oli."
Sombra couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming words of reassurance. It was what she needed when she got to lost in her own head to think clearly. Her lover was right. Her and Angela were both trained for battle, and they wouldn't die as easily as her parents had.
"You're crushing the flowers." The hacker chuckled as she pulled back and wiped away the last of her tears. The flowers were a little ruined from the right hug, but they'd still be a welcome addition to the graves. She bent down and placed one bouquet on each grave before standing up again. "We should get going. I want to show you my place for once."
Less than an hour passed before they were in her makeshift apartment in Castillo. It wasn't nearly as put together as Fareeha's place, but it was better than living on the streets. They took some local food home with them to eat. Sombra really was working to open up to both of her lovers, and she was a little sad that Angela couldn't make it but she hoped that one day she'd get the chance to show her too.
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