#some day i may finish that downton abbey fic
vampyrismz · 2 years
15 questions and 15 tags!
tagged by @serskets !!
1. Are you named after anyone?
….Kinda! I stole the name of my own character and then changed his. Poor Atlas… lost his name to his creator much like you would to the fae. I’m Moon Now.
2. When was the last time you cried?
yesterday. i was watching downton abbey and they killed off a beloved character. watching ppl mourn her GOT ME. my last Serious cry… no clue but it was probably within the last week. i’m kinda weepy.
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
all the time. just about constantly, i think. i rarely even notice myself doing it.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
hair and the general vibe of their outfit! so i guess their presentation/style. i have a difficult time learning ppl’s faces though.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings…. i love some scary shit n angst but it’s gotta be worth it in the end.
8. Any special talents?
oh boy uhhh. i can solve a rubix cube in about a minute. i can also yo-yo and do a few tricks (walk to dog, rock the baby, around the world if i’ve been practicing)
9. Where were you born?
tennessee…. southern baby. i was also born in a hospital that keeps trying to kill my relatives. succeeded once. feels like a bad omen tbh.
10. What are your hobbies?
mainly drawing and writing i think. i keep trying to think of any other hobbies and drawing a blank… i game a lil. i’ve dabbled in some instruments.
11. Do you have any pets
YES!!! i have a cat named cheesecake. she’s silly looking. a lil smelly. head empty heart full.
i also live with family and they’ve got two cats and two dogs! so many animals.
12. Have you played/Do you play any sports?
ROLLER DERBY !!!! i played for about two years and i miss it Every Day. i often look at my roller skates and yearn for my times playing derby. did i injure my knee? yes! is it probably still fucked up? maybe! it’s worth it though idc. i got a black eye my first game and i may never have such a rush again. my captain burst into a room to stare at my face and then only said ‘gnarly.’ bitches were jealous of my injury.
13. How tall are you?
5’3… wittle
14. Favorite subject in school?
either art or math!
15. Dream job?
i don’t dream of work. i kinda wanna be able to write n make things like idk… games, shows, books, w/e. however? i cannot even finish a fic. who knows! my main dream jobs in the past have been tattoo artist or author and those Are still fun ideas.
tagging: @serendipitous-assembly @stormy-vale @ryodari @jonah2145 @nobinarynocrime
u are not 15 ppl and do not feel obliged but. tagged nonetheless.
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fuckyeahfightlock · 3 years
👀, 🥇, and 🌈for Dawn before the Rest of the World
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
Never *let*? Not really. I have some that may never get finished, but not because I don't want them to.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
Ugh. I've barely written anything in months and months. I get pretty proud of myself when I write 200 words on any given day. Terribly lame.
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
Nothing specific inspired the Dawn Before the Rest of the World series. It started out as part of a "five times plus one" collection comprising "meet cute" stories. I just wanted to do as many disparate scenarios as I could, to stretch a little and have some fun. That collection includes the first version of Art and Nature, restaurant AU, coffee shop AU, author/reader AU, 1990s punks AU, and fight club AU.
I don't even like period dramas, with a few exceptions. At the time I started writing those stories Downton Abbey was the big thing (I've never seen it), so a lot of people wanted to relate the stories to that series, but I had nothing specific in mind beyond the Butler of a Big House and the Gardener Back From War who Woos Him.
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adamsvanrhijn · 4 years
fic writer interview
tagged by @sinceremercy AGES ago
Name: smithens on ao3
Fandoms: currently Downton Abbey, in a recent past life, Les Misérables. in more distant past lives, a whole host of things, many of which I don’t want to admit to
Where you post: pretty much exclusively ao3 except for ask prompts, which go to tumblr first and then get put on ao3 at some point after
Most popular one-shot: took no time with the fall, wherein Thomas calls Richard on the telephone and deals with some eavesdropping, which I posted a year and three weeks ago and am not even going to look at aside from linking it because I’m sure I have changed my mind on MANY things and will catch MANY errors in terms of things I now know about e.g. the zeitgeist
Most popular multi-chapter:  you will not take my heart, alive, which was my first Actual Thomas/Richard Fic, and it came in at just the right time right after the film was released to really rack up the hits & kudos. more recently, people are apparently REALLY vibing with hope keeps us standing, which has more subscribers and bookmarks every time I look at it, to my perplexity. 
Favourite story I’ve written so far: all of them are my babies? Hewwo? Hewwo! I have honestly written so much fucking content in the last 15 months, like, I don’t even know what to say. last year’s christmas fic love shall be our token is i think one of the best pieces i’ve ever written, and i really like that richard and that thomas, so it has a soft space in my heart. also good love from this past may...... VERY fond of that one.. maybe they are in the same universe! :-) I am also really loving the current AU taking over my brain
Fic you were nervous to post: here they are :-)
How do you choose your titles: song lyrics almost exclusively
Do you outline: yes and no! i do sometimes. for my long chaptered fics i may make docs that do not have full prose but do have what should be in the chapter in them, so i end up with folders populated like this:
Tumblr media
my writing process is also completely nonlinear, e.g. here is like the first couple of pages of the next chapter in wtmstbws:
Tumblr media
there are some placeholder words/phrases in there to remind me what i want to do to fill in the blanks
but otherwise no, I don’t really outline... I keep my thoughts in my brain or I write a few lines of dialogue and hope that future me will know what I was going for there
Complete: I don’t understand what this is asking? 45/62 of my DA works are complete, though!
In progress:  Which means 17 are WIPs. I’m a serial works-in-progress-poster. I want to wrap up several of them before 2021 and I also would like to get my complete/wip ratio down to 4:1 !!
Coming soon/not yet started: I think by my last count I had about ~300k unpublished words? and some of those are remaining content for those WIPs, but some of them are not!
Prompts: I take them!! I have resolved all of the ones I have had for DA except one, I think. My ask is in fact always open for them but also like - any time you request I write something you may be opening Pandora’s box, and also you need to accept that this may extend the time until something else you are following is finished hahaha
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: A very ridiculous and sprawling collaborative work may see the light of day sooner rather than later
tagging: @likehandlingroses @lacerta26 @saumenschliesel @infinity2020corner @aziraphalescrowley​ @darthmarx​. template under cut!
Name:  Fandoms: Where you post:  Most popular one-shot:  Most popular multi-chapter:   Favourite story I’ve written so far:  Fic you were nervous to post:  How do you choose your titles: . Do you outline:  Complete:  In progress:   Coming soon/not yet started: Prompts:  Upcoming work you’re most excited about:
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lacerta26 · 4 years
fic writer interview
I was tagged by @combeferre​ a while back and totally forgot to get round to answering these. I’m doing Downton Abbey answers because I only have followers for that fandom I think? 
Name: Lacerta26
Fandoms: atm Downton Abbey (with brief sojourns into the thick of it, apparently, for which we will blame pandemic madness and Ben Willbond’s face.)
Where you post:  AO3
Most popular one-shot:  A Web of Fragile Brilliance - my first DA fic!
Most popular multi-chapter:  Dreadful Need - which is interesting because I don’t even really ship Thomas/Tom I just thought it was an interesting idea BUT I did put a lot of work into it so I’m glad people like it and saw what I was trying to do with it. There will be more soon! 
Favourite story I’ve written so far: Castles in the air - will there ever be enough fics about Thomas and Richard going on a dirty weekend away? Never!
Fic you were nervous to post:  If Not, Winter - writing OCs, especially modern day ones, feels like a risk but everyone has been so lovely about this work.
How do you choose your titles: song lyrics or quotes that feel ~relevant~
Do you outline: For longer chaptered works yes but not for one-shots. I like to have a vague idea and see where it goes as I’m writing. 
Complete:  9 works which probably won’t get any longer. 
In progress:   5ish (and so many more ideas that may never see the light of day.)
Coming soon/not yet started: Part 2 of Dreadful Need when I’ve finished rewatching series 4 as ‘research’, part 3 of Castles in the air once I’ve nailed down rail travel from Whitby in 1928 - who says writing Thomas and Richard going on a dirty weekend away can’t be hard work. 
Prompts: If you would like to send me a prompt please do and I’ll try my best to give it a go if I can/want to. 
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: whichever one I finish first.
I don’t have anyone to tag who hasn’t answered already but if you see this and write fanfic give these questions some answers!
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WELP, not only have I not worked since March 13 I also get to be the test case on how my family will be celebrating birthdays while sheltering in place (woohoo for being the first one in my fam to have a COVID quarantine era birthday [-_-]) and I WON’T be able to go see Hamilton with my sister for my birthday as planned (she got me tickets for the day after my bday for xmas) here’s: 
Broke and unemployed like me? No problem! 
Like West Wing fanfiction? Read and review any of my fics if one of them tickles your fancy! (I also have 1 finished Downton Abbey, 1 finished and 1 WIP PotC fics)
I had a friend that did this for my birthday last year and it made my whole damn week ^_^
or drop by my ask box and give me movie/TV/book/music recs! don’t worry about unintentionally recommending something I’ve already seen/read/heard, if that happens just consider your rec a conversation starter!
NOT broke or unemployed etc.? Consider any of the following:
Just want to donate so that I can pay some bills? Here’s my Venmo, my CashApp, and PayPal:
Venmo: @ lemonlyman
CashApp $InfantaRaquel
here’s my Amazon wishlist
Buy yourself or your friends/fam a little something something from my RedBubble shop
Want to get me something but want to support small businesses and not Amazon? If we’ve been mutuals for a long time you can just ask me for my address and order something for me if not you can Venmo me (or use the other previously linked apps) and tell me where you want me to order from with what you sent (a small business in your area or mine) and if there’s something specific you wanted to get me or if you just want me to pick whatever.
Get me a ticket to stream from the Frida Cinema, a local non-profit arthouse cinema that I love and used to visit whenever I could and needs financial support that I can’t give it rn. Kino Marquee has been streaming films for $12 and the money goes to the COVID impacted art house cinema that’s “screening” it, in this case the Frida. To do this you can send me the $12 via PayPal/CashApp/Venmo with a note saying that it’s for the Frida and then I’ll pick a film to stream from the Frida’s selection ^_^
Make a donation to a non-profit in my name! Here are some to choose from:
HIAS - the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. HIAS has been around for over 130 years and started out by helping Jewish refugees, now they help refugees from all sorts of backgrounds around the world. Currently refugees are particularly vulnerable due to the pandemic and HIAS has been helping by advocating for the rights of immigrants/refugees and they’ve been trying to find ways to continue to provide aid safely.
Any trustworthy non-profit that’s aiding Indigenous communities affected by COVID-19
Any trustworthy non-profit that is providing food assistance for those impacted by COVID shelter-in-place orders
with HIAS if we’ve been mutuals for a while you can ask for my email (if you’re donating on someone’s behalf/in honor of someone HIAS sends a thing via email to the honoree) or with all three of those options you can just drop by my ask box and say “hey, I chose to donate to this org!”, it’ll 10/10 make my day just to know that I prompted someone to help if they are able to do so financially 
Love you all and stay safe, bbs!
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anneboleyns · 5 years
I saw the downton abbey movie so now here’s kind of a rambling personal essay, under a cut for spoilers for the downton abbey movie. downton abbey movie spoilers ahead.
once again SPOILERS AHEAD also tw for death, grief, suicide attempts/etc mention.
so, i know probably no one cares but considering how active i was in this fandom and how incredibly important this show and the character of thomas was to me personally, i’m just gonna sit here and write my thoughts about thomas barrow, the show, the movie, what it meant to me, and my critique overall
so basically i always loved the show and thomas but it really took off 2 yrs ago during 2017.
i had just moved out of my mother’s house and i had just finished a rewatch of the show, i remember this so clearly lol it was september 2017 the rewatch had started like june 2017. and i remember when i got to my new apartment one of the “comfort shows” i would put on on my very own tv in my very own apartment was “downton abbey”. i believe the other that was regularly tossed on in the background was “the tudors”, obviously lol
anyways, i was so hyper obsessed. i had also JUST discovered that thomas and jimmy were legitimately shipped in this fandom. i had no idea that was a real thing when i watched it live. and i had never cared about jimmy or thought of them as an actual viable relationship. but with this rewatch they just hit different i guess. i spent hours and hours and hours at my mother’s house before the move (which was an EXTREMELY tense living situation, the month or so right before i left. i’m not getting into all of it now. if you followed me back then you know) watching this show like properly sitting and watching an episode with my sister, and then capping for gifs, which if you make gifs you know is basically spending possibly 3 or 4 hours with the same episode. like it can take that long for me personally to go through it and cap everything i want, then, sorting the caps into folders, especially if i’d capped more than one episode. completely mesmerized with the smallest details, hand and facial movements i specifically wanted to gif or be in a set, clothing movements, emotional moments, like i was just so into all aspects of the show and wanted to gif everything. my fav 4 are thomas, sybil, mary, and tom. i also adore edith and it may be a “fav 5″ now as i think i just love all of those characters equally. so i pretty much giffed every single fucking scene they were in lol. unless they were “ugly scenes” that i knew i could never make work in photoshop. sometimes i would cap it anyway and sort it anyway and open it up anyway and try but would end up deleting all the caps for that set. so all the gifs i have posted, is not even all the ones i capped. anyway
okay and then, there’s the fanfic. reading it, rereading, and writing it. it took me 2 years but i actually read close to every single thomas/jimmy fanfic on a03. at some point i only started opening complete fanfics because i got burned too many times on abandoned slow burns, and if a fic wasn’t my thing i would obviously not finish it. but definitely hundreds of works i read, saved to my phone and reread in google books. works i would think about all day.
so, june 2017 i start the rewatch. i also start planning to move out of my mother’s. a toxic tense living situation. in the past i have used harsher words like “abusive”. i can’t really use that word and apply it to my mother right now even though it is accurate. it hurts to think about. i can’t think about it. september 2017 i actually move.
the hyperfixation is in full swing. hours every night reading. reading 50k word fanfics in a single night. hours every day (or, week, i have a fulltime job) capping and coloring frames in photoshop. eventually i started writing fanfic for them as well.
so, in november 2017 my mother is hospitalized. this was not an unusal occurence. in february 2018 they tell us she’s going to die. 12 days later she died.
i’m not gonna really get into what happened to my mental state. it’s uh. bad. guilt. self hatred. like hatred isn’t even a strong enough word. i wanted to annihilate myself. i believed i deserved to be annihilated. that’s the only word violent enough i can think of to describe the depth of it. suicidal. etc. whatever.
but! i had this piece of fiction, this series, and assorted fan works. it really intensified after this. i can look back at this time last year and i remember how obsessed i was lol.
when i try to articulate what this character and show means to me, i always feel really embarrassed. at some point when i’m talking about thomas it becomes obvious i am talking about myself as well. but i’m gonna really try and objectively talk about my opinion on thomas and why i adore him and why i want what i want for him. it’s probably gonna be obvious i am also talking about myself but. anyway. 
here’s the “meta” “opinion on the fictional characters” section.
thomas barrow starts the show as an antagonist. he’s rude, could even be called cruel. a bully, snide, dishonest when it suits him and honest when it hurts him. like, he’s an asshole. what he said about william’s mom. how he treated baxter. his ambition and the underhanded things he does to serve it. overall proud demeanor designed to make those around him feel lesser. feel less able to hurt him. he wants the people around him to feel like they should not hurt him. i think he might be unaware that that is his motivation. because even as he’s afraid of everyone, he craves everyone as well. he’s alone, outside, and he’s been shoved there, constantly, he’s been shoved there politely and he’s been shoved there violently and if they’re gonna shove him here outside, away from them, unfixably different from them, unworthy of them, then he will stay there. like, the meanness and the comments and the attitude. he’s already Not Like The Others. if they already don’t like him, he will make it even harder for them to like him. unless, he can get somewhere safer, which is where his motivation comes in.
i just really view thomas as a character that craves safety.
he wants others to not hurt him. he wants to get from where he is to somewhere safer, somewhere up there, where it’s even less likely for people to be able to hurt him.
so, his motivations: safety, and then, there’s love.
he constantly has this world and these people implicitly and explicitly telling him he cannot love or be loved. it’s not right, it’s not natural, best case scenario is it doesn’t even exist- he’s confused, he’s sick, he’s broken, maybe they can fix it. he’s on the outside, remember, and he just gets to watch thru the window as the others dance and fall in love and have friends and family and be cherished. he can have none of it. this is a really old story that could be told by better people and in a better way.
the loves we get to see him have all have teeth. he’s betrayed by one lover and then abandoned, someone he obviously had feelings for but also betrayed first. then we get a probably one-sided attraction, but still a friend, still someone he can actually be vulnerable with since they’re helplessly vulnerable with him as well due to the circumstances. who kills himself. and then there’s the shameless, stupid hope that almost costs him everything, but he does get a friend in the balance.
he finds a friend in baxter, another character i just adore, because she gives to thomas what he needs even though he objectively does not deserve it, at least not from her, who he has terrorized. baxter’s trauma from her abusive relationship with coyle that thomas knows and uses, the impossible situation thomas places her in, the manipulation, the bullying, some would even term his behavior abusive. baxter would have had every right to ignore thomas, to get him fired, to hurt him back. but she loves him instead. she loves him in spite of. she loves him because. she helps him, she speaks to him softly and kindly. she tells him he’s brave. she remembers him as a child. this especially touches me. the idea of thomas as a child, someone who must have been different from who he is now, and she knows them both and loves him. she looks at the grown, hurt, cruel man in front of her and she speaks to the boy she once knew, and thomas listens. slowly. but he listens. AND she tries to give him advice for finding a lover, supporting and encouraging something the rest of the entire fucking series despises or ignores.
i don’t have enough energy to really go off but, baxter is supreme. i need a baxter.
thomas clearly cannot form self esteem in the environment he lives in. the ground is dead. he can’t grow it himself. he has this ironclad sense that he deserves what the others have, the ones on the inside. it’s immovable. he deserves it, they have no right to keep it from him. maybe he’ll never, ever get it, but in his mind, in his heart, he will never stop believing he deserves it. they tell him he’s nothing, he’s dirt, he’s wrong, and he just nods and keeps walking. they can think that. they can say that. he can’t stop them. but he will not stop working for the future he wants. he will not stop until they have no choice but to let him inside.
but he wants, i think, for them to invite him inside. but he’ll never admit it, and he’ll never ask for it, and he’ll never get it anyway.
so, he tries to change himself. maybe they’ll invite him in then? no.
then, his attempts to form friendships get twisted, and aborted, and he gets tired stereotypical accusations thrown on him.
then, he tries to kill himself in a bathtub with a razor.
then, he leaves his home and spends his days bored and unchallenged and away from all of the friends and half-friends he had.
then, he’s invited back. he’s invited inside!!!! you might say. and yeah i guess. as close as they’ll ever let him. but part of him always ignored and not commented on. part of him always raised eyebrows at i’m sure. and yes, his bad behavior is also to blame for this. but see, the 2 are linked. and you can’t unlink them.
by the end of the show the others still largely tiptoe around him. but due to his now somewhat subdued behavior he’s “likable” now.
i think it’s quite a choice to have this character who is completely sharp edges have them worn away by heartbreak, torture, injury, suicide attempt, ostracisation, abandonment, and present that as a victory, as a happy ending. but guess what? it is. and i’ll take it. he was back among his friends, back home, accepted, celebrating with everyone else, and i adored it, even as the jarring notes i heard in it won’t ever fade from my opinion of it.
anyway, in the aftermath of my grief i fell heavily into this story and the many stories of thomas finding love and safety. and healing, and friends, and peace. lots different from each other and lots the same. again, i relate very strongly to this character. i was not in a mindset where i was able to be kind to myself. or think sympathetically about myself. i think i fixated so much on this character, became obsessed with finding stories where he gets told and he experiences all the things i think i wanted to be told and i wanted to experience. i couldn’t accept it, even the concept, directly. but i devoured and absorbed a billion pixels of a character very similar to me accepting it. it’s the closest the concept could have gotten to me and i’m embarrassed i only recently realized this link and that that was what i was doing considering it is obvious, and common, and normal. maybe not “healthy” but like. let’s not get into healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms rn bec i promise you the fanfic and the fiction fixation is not even at the top of the list lol
FAST FORWARD it’s september 2019. the movie is in theaters.
my mom is still dead. but. a lot has happened to me. i have happened to some people. i’ve been thru some more things now. dipped my toes and eventually completely submerged and perhaps am drowning in the entire Romance/Love/Sex section of human experience. again, let’s not get into it. but it’s a LOT. 
i don’t quite have the same relationship with fiction and fanfiction as i used to. it’s been only 2 years since leaving my mother’s house, but i feel as though galaxies could fit in between the girl back there and the one here. but they’re the same! i’m working on understanding that. 
i love this character and this show so much. i loved the film. there are problems- the writing and plotting is not nearly as neat and crisp and sharp. it’s more smooth, almost to a loss of definition, and instead of quick-wit it feels just... fast. there’s no time to really dive in in a film, so i’ll forgive all that, but it’s a flaw that should be mentioned. but it’s not a flaw that prevents joy in the film. i was overjoyed watching it. the things i wanted for thomas all happened. all the characters and relationships were... smoothed, i can’t describe it any other way. i feel like the bumps and corners and quirks and hidden pockets of them were just smoothed away. we know they’re there because we watched the show, but the film doesn’t- can’t- show them all. 
it was frustrating for me to see thomas smoothed in this way, but also satisfying, because while he absolutely one of a kind, unique, damaged, and layered, and contradictory, really a marvelous character and well-built... he is just like everyone else. and i think he would love and hate that and i love and hate that about myself.
for this reason, i really enjoyed a scene where he refuses to help carson. carson is flustered and overworked, in a crisis, and asks barrow for help, and thomas refuses, with a smile. i adored it. carson is one of thomas’ worst ... opponents, i could say. carson hurls homophobic abuse at and about thomas several times during the series, casts aspersions on him in the film as well, and he can choke. i love that even though towards the end of the show and yes during the rest of the film thomas’ sharp edges got smoothed away, but they put this one in and it catches you right on the bone how it should- an older woman in my theater actually gasped, offended, when thomas refused to help and carson was left to flounder. i, on the other hand, thought, “that’s my boy,” and leaned back in my seat satisfied. it might be my fav moment in the film. surprising considering the AMAZING joy and tenderness thomas gets to experience in the movie (but, i think that’s just my taste right now due to a personal heartbreak i won’t get into). like, they shoved him outside, carson shoved him outside, outside the realm of normal, and this is a moment of carson needing his help and thomas going, “no, remember how you used to treat me? remember how you secretly think of me? i do. i won’t forget. good luck! bye!” and then goes on to have a terrible wonderful adventure, while someone funny and kind finally falls in love with him, he gets to stand up for himself to the crawleys in the beginning of the film as well and i just felt elated watching that scene.
i could probably write essays about the love and romance portion of his storyline in the movie. but i’m just not in the headspace to do that right now super in depth but.
i’m also annoyed he had to experience yet ANOTHER homophobic plotline. he goes out to a gay club for literally The First Time and gets arrested and called a dirty pervert. i remember this being my exact fear for the movie. like “imagine if thomas goes to a gay club and gets arrested? that would suck!!!” and that is exactly what happens. but at least it’s so quick, i genuinely think that entire plot is like 6 short scenes max. why is julian fellowes obsessed with having this character, the ONE main queer character, suffer solely because he is gay? experience so many gay-specific agonies, the depths of which i just really doubt he, fellowes, can understand. it’s really, really, disappointing. but consistent as the show did this as well. smh. at least he gets out, and his lover, richard, goes to bat for him in this movie TWICE!!!!! and stares at him with stars in his eyes, soft and enamoured? while thomas is oblivious?? I’VE READ THIS FIC BEFORE!!!! so yes that was VERY cute and all i ever fucking wanted
it’s just funny how fiction touches us differently depending on what we’re going through, especially for those of us that were lonely, neglected, children, ones who grew up with favorite characters instead of friends. i might be more “normal” i might be more “sociable” i might have more “life experience” than i used to but this fangirl inside is just not going anywhere.
this was just a ramble, i wrote it with no point in mind and i’m not rereading or editing it lol. enjoy this vague update into my life/movie review/character meta lol
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hkvoyage · 6 years
Hi. I sent an ask awhile ago asking for some good blangst with happy ending. You only recommend one for me as you said you were busy. No pressure but i kinda finished that and i need more 🤣
Sorry for the delay. Here is a list of blangst with a happy ending.
A Minute From the Deep End series by @adiwriting (3 works; 102k words total; rated G-E)
When tragedy strikes one Thanksgiving Day, Blaine struggles with how he’s going to survive as a single parent. While the media just wants him to be the face of Equal Rights, Blaine just wants to figure out how to breathe again, and there’s only one person who’s in a position to help him—Kurt. The one person he thought he’d never see again. AU past season 3.
Worthless/Priceless by @anxioussquirrel and captain_pihkal(95k words; rated Mature)
Kurt buys a beaten and abused Blaine at a slave market and helps him get better.
With You I Can Breathe by @anxioussquirrel (25k words; rated: M)
Part 1 of the Breathe ‘verse. Pre-Klaine. Blaine gets sexually assaulted. Burt is the one to pick up the pieces. The Hummel-Hudson household is the safe haven. My spin on the old prompt. WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT - don’t read if it may be a trigger.
           Learning to Breathe Again- part 2
           Leave me Breathless- part 3
Happy Ending AU series by Firefly_Ca (3 works, 174k words total; rated Explicit)
AU series about long-term child abduction and the media frenzy that usually follows after the child has been found. Glee fic, mainly because that was the fandom I had written in when I decided to write the story. Klaine pairing, but major focus on Blaine, in that it’s not about the relationship as much as it’s about Blaine and how he puts himself back together (with his relationship with Kurt working as an element of that process).
Just Listen by foreternityblue (93k words; rated: T)
Blaine was the social enigma of McKinley, until an unkown incident in sophomore year that drove him into isolation. Kurt is the bullied gay kid who was always interested in Blaine. When they’re paired for a project, things might be uncovered. Klaine AU.
Promises Broken by @gleekmom (86k words; rated T)
Blaine is removed from his home after serious allegations of abuse are reported to Child Protective Services. How will Blaine survive life in foster care and a group home? But more importantly, will Kurt and his friends at McKinley continue to embrace him or will he lose everything forever? (Glee Angst Meme Fill)
Story of My Life series by @klaineanummel (13 works, 97k words total; rated G-E)
Kurt reflects on the past twelve years of his life, coming to realize that one man in particular has affected him far more than he ever thought he would
Loving Arms by LauGS/ @heartsmadeofbooks (115k words; rated: M)
Desperate times call for desperate measures. When Blaine’s heart gets broken again just before he was supposed to introduce his boyfriend to his entire family, he is too humiliated to show up alone at the Andersons’ doorstep. Cue Kurt Hummel, a beautiful prostitute with nothing left to lose and a farce that will change their lives.
Unfound Family by @tonks42 (62k words; rated Teen and Up)
After years in foster care, finding himself moving in with a new family has become all too frequent of a routine for Blaine. But in the aftermath of an attack at a school dance, Blaine finds himself living with a family that’s like nothing he’s experienced before. Life at the Berry’s home is a whole new world. Despite his struggles at McKinley and having to learn to live with Rachel, he doesn’t want to move on, especially considering the new friendship he’s forming with Kurt and the glee club everyone keeps trying to convince him to join.
What I Call Life by @warblerslushie (174k words; rated T)
Kurt broke off the engagement and left Blaine. Three years later, Kurt’s at a strip club for his bachelor party and sees Blaine working. Blaine’s been working there and enduring uncomfortable glances and touches for a year to make sure that his son was properly cared for. MPREG. Based on a tumblr prompt from blangstpromptoftheday.
Stop Loss by @yourfairygodfather (246k words; rated M)
AU. Kurt Hummel never went to McKinley, developing his talents at Carmel as the protégé of Jesse St James instead. Everything is going according to plan, until the day a beautiful, damaged transfer student named Blaine throws his world upside down.
Fathers by OnceinYourLife (141k words; rated T)
“I love my son, and my son loves Blaine. He matters to me.” While the glee club is in New York, Burt receives an unexpected visitor.
Note: The very first Klaine fic I ever read!
Lastly, I should add my own story onto the list. It doesn’t start off angsty, but there are a whole lot of chapters with angst!
Westerville Abbey by @hkvoyage (232k words; rated M)
Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
Note: I’m currently writing a sequel.
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I’m looking for some lengthy fics to read. I’m going to be traveling. I’m honestly not to picky, I love pretty much all Kurt and blaines, I just love a good long one I can get lost in for a while. If you get a chance I’d love to see if you have anything for me! PS. You are amazing for keeping this alive and running for everyone, I want to sent you cookies❤️
Here you go, Nonnie! These are the longest Klaine stories I’ve been able to find. I wish you safe travels and happy reading :-) Hugs, Marjan
Keep my heart captive, set me free by @keepmyheartcaptive​
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 479,467
D/s AU - Kurt Hummel had always dreamed of a fairy-tale bond, a perfect, kind and caring Dom. Blaine Anderson had always dreamed of someone who stands out from the boring crowd, someone real, and pure. When their worlds collide, will either of them get what they had dreamed of?
Dalton by @cpcoulter-com​ (WIP but already several books’ worth of reading material)
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 442,058
Summary: Post-Furt: Spinning off from Glee, Kurt begins an entirely new chapter in his life at Dalton Academy for Boys. Blaine, Wes, David and the boys of Windsor House make his life, for better or worse, far more eventful than he imagined.
Another Time, Another Place by @klaineitupanotch
​Rating: Mature
Word Count: 418,542 
Summary: What if Kurt had met Blaine a year earlier? How would his life have changed? In his sophomore year, during the spring, Kurt Hummel ends up by chance meeting a charming young man named Blaine Anderson, who turns out to be in his own Glee club. The two begin down the road of becoming friends and then the journey that their relationship takes them. Will they be able to face any problems ahead? No matter what they may be?
What Brings Us Closer Together by @CrazedLunatic
Trigger Warning: mention of suspected rape
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 411,177
Summary: When Kurt is attacked, Blaine instantly leaves college to take care of him. With one decision, their entire relationship is changed and their futures reshaped. It also makes everyone around them realize just how close they really are. AU. 
In Want of Magic by @trufflemores
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 353,426
Summary: 3.01-4.01. “I just want my senior year to be magic.”
It’s Not Just a Stomach Ache by DreamingisBelieving
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 333,895
Summary: No, Blaine didn’t have cancer. This stuff doesn’t happen to seventeen year old boys and definitely not Kurt Hummel’s boyfriend, who was full of life and joy and would go out of his way to do anything for anybody, whether that be an old lady crossing the street or a misguided teen like himself. Cancer was suppose to be reserved for old men and women who were going to develop health problems anyway, not Blaine Anderson, someone who wasn’t even legally an adult yet.
Beautiful Mess by WildHurricane
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 290,793
Summary: What do you say when your very straight friend tells you he wants to know what it’s like to kiss a guy and all you want to say is “kiss me”.Kurt is secretly in love with his best friend Blaine. He’s recently figured out he’s gay, but hasn’t told anyone. Especially not Blaine. Or his girlfriend.Blaine is confused and in denial about why he wants to kiss Kurt. He’s not gay. He has a long line of girlfriends to prove that.Both are scared what it will do to their friendship if the other finds out.
A Mafia Romance by YaDiva (WIP)
Trigger Warning: violence, drug use, heavy BDSM. Heed the warnings.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 287,179
Summary: Blaine is the son of a powerful crime boss. He has no intentions of joining the family business, especially since he finally has a gorgeous boyfriend named Kurt, but everyone else has other ideas. When Kurt gets caught in the middle, Blaine’s true nature is unleashed. Like father, like son. Dark!Blaine. Features sex, violence, drug references, and heavy BDSM themes.
Weave Your Magic by @lilyvandersteen​ (WIP)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 277,377
Summary: This is an AU in which Blaine and Kurt never met in high school. Blaine is an elementary school teacher and the author of several picture books. Kurt is a former child actor and now a men’s wear designer, who writes thrillers under a pseudonym. They meet at a book fair. 
Bound for Glory by CleverBoots (Amberlovesocean) (sequel: Days of Glory)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 265599
Summary: Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime.He wakes up to find he’s been tossed off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive. 
Hell & High Water by mmerainbows
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 243,826
Summary: Kurt counted the days even though no one else did anymore, and for what, he didn’t know.  His dad died eight years ago, and he had no other family to speak of.  His days were monotonous and thankless as he hunted for the community he lived in.  Long gone were the days when he could dabble in music and fashion because that world no longer existed, and without those things - who was Kurt Hummel really?  Until the day an emergency transmission is received and what Kurt is forced to reconsider what is existing and what is truly living. 
Pavarotti’s Legacy by misskaterinab
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 241,699
Summary: This is a journey through Kurt and Blaine’s relationship, through MY eyes, from approximately season 2, episode 20, through the future. There’s a lot of canon and a lot of not - things I felt should happen, things I thought shouldn’t’ve happened that I wanted to fix, and just stuff I made up that sounded good to me :) Enjoy the fluff and Klainebows I will present to you.
Immutability and Other Sins by @fabfemmeboy​ (Series)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 673,851for the entire series
Summary: This is an AU that spans from the late 1950s to just shy of modern-day. With the exception of the prologue, it goes in order. It begins in the fall of 1959 at Dalton Academy and follows the trajectory of the American gay experience through our not-always-so-happy couple. While the central story series is Klaine, there are some genfic stories on the side, set in the same universe and timeframe. Mostly because, as I planned out the main story, I kept coming back to all the ways in which the members of New Directions would be different 50 years ago, how many ways their worlds would be unfamiliar or more limited than we think of today. For all politicians seem to talk about what a great time the 1950s were, they weren’t for a lot of people.
Wake Me Up Inside Trilogy by @mrscriss2012​ (Series)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 581,997for the entire series
Summary: Kurt Hummel is a shy, insecure fifteen year old. Blaine Anderson is a thirty one year old musician. When their worlds collide, Blaine discovers he’s powerless to resist the lure of Kurt’s eyes and his exquisite voice, and Kurt begins a journey of awakening. *There is a large passage of time in this story meaning no illegal happenings!*
Westerville Abbey by @hkvoyage (WIP, but fully written and updated twice a week)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 223,725
Summary: Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
Take Me Over by @lady-divine-writes (WIP)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 221,841
Summary: Kurt’s life isn’t at all what he wanted. He is stuck in an unexpected relationship with his dreams almost permanently on hold and a job he took mostly out of desperation. But a trip to L.A. to get the autograph of his favorite television star might just change his entire life - but will it change for the better? 
Butterfly Wings by @hkvoyage
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 212,446
Summary: A fashion blog started at University launched Blaine Anderson’s fortune and fame. As Vogue’s new editor-in-chief, he is struggling to find an original angle for an upcoming issue. Kurt Hummel has recently arrived in New York City after finishing high school, and is having no luck building a musical theater career, so he decides to explore another passion of his: fashion. He applies for an internship at Vogue, and Isabelle sees in him the perfect fresh face to liven up the magazine, and convinces him to try out as a model. Kurt meets Blaine, and in spite of their 10-year age difference, sparks fly. Can they overcome misunderstandings and sabotage to find their happily-ever-after? Klaine model AU.
New To McKinley by Gingerkid2010
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 209,417
Summary: Blaine is new to McKinley. He meets Brittany and they quickly become best friends. She convinces him to join glee club, where he meets Kurt…
Three Words/To Build a Home by Balletismyobsession
Warning: Major Character Death
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 207,758
Summary: When a simple illness becomes more than either of them could have ever imagined, Kurt and Blaine learn what it means to be strong. With three words, everything changes.
Near Misses by flaming_muse
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 205,536
Summary: Kurt and Blaine could easily not have met on a staircase in high school.  They could have met a few years later in college instead.
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