#some day im gonna be brave enough to just tag the name and fandom without anything else in the tags
leafyloveslaughing · 2 years
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lcthebtswriter · 3 years
pairing: sam x reader
summary: a shy reader who works with the boys is seemingly innocent when the machetes are sheathed. the boys don’t know about her fic writing hobby, but when Sam finds a smut she wrote about him taking her virginity, he decides to bring it to life.
tags: @brianaraydean​ (hey you!), @im-that-trash-over-there (nice to be tagging you again), @caswinchester2000​ (welcome to the club)
a/n: requested by @h3aven-ly​. send an ask with your name and fandoms to get first priority in getting your requests out! 
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Born into the life of slicing throats and bloody sigils, there was one aspect you controlled with an iron fist: your virginity.
It wasn’t like you didn’t want to have sex - you just didn’t have the time. You were an exorcist’s daughter and a beacon of hope in his life on the hunt to destroy evil. There was no time for foolishness. Plus, the people you met on the road weren’t exactly noble contestants. Beer-gutted truckers, sleazy crackheads on the streets, and shady motorcycle riders never caught your eye. No one did.
Until you met Sam Winchester.
That man had you feelingl like a teenager all over again. You’d stuck by his side while he tried to exorcise your father, and when he died in the process Sam took you in. Dean needed some convincing, but he knew the life was in your DNA as it was in theirs. When you proved you could pull your weight, it was official: you were on the road with the Winchesters.
Despite your holy upbringing, you had slowly become anything but behind closed doors. Although you were a virgin, your actions once the lights went out were sinful. Porn, masturbation, and even Tumblr had piqued your interest. It was only natural to be interested in such things, and eventually you went so far as writing your own fan fiction.
Perhaps it was odd that your fics were about Sam, but it was harmless imagination. You would never actually do anything to Sam that you wrote about. You weren’t brave enough to face up to him and confess your desires, so you wrote them instead.
Sam was reluctant to let Dean go on a hunt on his own, but it was only a single vampire. Dean reminded him that he hunted worse by himself before. “Plus,” Dean had said, “who’s gonna watch after (Y/N)?” The question made Sam pause because, after all, you’d sprained your ankle just as your capabilities as a hunter peaked. It was just your luck that not only were you out for a week, but you and Sam were alone in the bunker.
He was looking for you in your usual spots. The library was empty, as well as the kitchen. It wasn’t until Sam was in the main hallway that he heard your shower running and music blasting. Not every day had you the space to play whatever you wanted. While Sam tried not to judge your taste in music, he laughed to himself at your sour notes.
Sam decided to close your bedroom door behind himself when he caught your laptop screen open. It was bright and attentive, and Sam wanted to berate you for letting the battery slowly die without its charger in the port. He figured he would do you a favor in case you hadn’t saved whatever you were working on.
He crossed the room to save your files, but his name on the screen caught Sam’s eye. He couldn’t help but scroll up a bit to read what you had written. When Sam realized what it was - a dirty fan fiction of him taking your virginity - he swallowed thickly. Eyebrows raised in attention, Sam shut the screen and sat on the edge of your bed. He didn’t know what to do. For a brief moment he felt flattered, and he’d be lying to himself if he said it didn’t intrigue him.
Sam noticed the way you caught his eye. You’d look around the room for his reaction during a conversation, and sit beside him so closely he could feel the body heat of your hand. He didn’t move away from your touch, didn’t avoid your gaze but rather maintained it. It wasn’t because you were a virgin. What made Sam regard you in such an adoring light was your perseverance. Your humor, laugh, the way you cooked but always managed to mess something up and scold yourself for it. He thought you were adorable, but did you like him for the right reasons? Or was it just because you didn’t know any better?
When the showerhead cut off, Sam didn’t notice. You stepped into your room clutching a towel to your damp body, gasping when you noticed Sam. Quickly you hid behind the door, and Sam stood to attention.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said quickly. “I went looking for you and noticed your laptop was open, so I...” Sam trailed. Your eyes diverted to the now shut laptop, which you remember leaving open because your shower wasn’t going to be long. You’d just gotten a little flush is all. That same flush came over your body once again.
“You didn’t read what was on there, did you?” You asked, fearing the honesty that plagued Sam’s tongue.
When he made a face - lips tight, eyebrows up, eyes averted - you knew he’d peeked. Sam was always so curious, and you were the cat that he got killed.
A blush came over your cheeks. “I’m sorry,” you said pitifully.
“No,” Sam interjected, “don’t be.” He waved a hand around before deciding to settle it on the back of his neck. You’d stepped out from behind the door a bit, legs still dripping water and hair sticking to your face in ringlets. There was a twinge of something in the bottom of Sam’s stomach, and when he saw that you noticed his staring, he blushed as well.
An awkward silence filled the room. 
“I’m gonna get dressed,” you finally said. A light chuckle escaped your mouth, but halted when Sam mumbled that you didn’t have to.
Confusion overcame your features, but you didn’t move backward as Sam closed the distance between you.
“It’s an odd way of finding out, but I liked what little I saw,” Sam muttered. He didn’t want t scare you off, so he kept his voice low and his eyes on yours.
“Yeah, I know it’s kind of weird.”
“Kind of,” Sam replied. He made a face of agreement and briefly looked aside. “But in all seriousness, maybe you would want to? I mean, if there’s anybody I thought better for this kind of thing it definitely wouldn’t be me.” Sam rambled. He always did that around you and he wanted to kick himself for stumbling over his own words. There was nobody he had ever fucked up so badly around, but you made him nervous.
The grip on your towel loosened at the realization that what you’ve daydreamed about could happen. A heat ignited in your belly and your fingers tingled. “Don’t feel guilty about me still being a virgin.” You feigned amusement, but it didn’t make Sam laugh.
“That’s not why I offered,” he scoffed. “I just think your first time should be with someone who cares about you.” He said sincerely. The sweetness in his voice had your grip faltering, and the towel slowly dropped and pooled around your feet. Sam’s eyes flitted over your exposed body and he took a step to close the space between you.
The events leading up to falling onto your bed were jumbled. Your head swam once Sam’s lips were upon yours. Of course you’d kissed people before, but none had ever made your sense of direction melt. You had to grip Sam’s shoulders for stability as his tongue slipped into your mouth. He’d laid you on the bed with ease, his hands guiding you by the waist as you moaned in need.
You leaned back on your hands, allowing Sam to tug your shirt over your head before his lips were back on yours. He held the back of your neck as his body rolled against yours, the friction making your head spin and your thighs slick. Sam couldn’t help but throw his shirt across the room. He wanted to feel the warmth of your skin as his hand traveled across your breasts. He squeezed lightly, taking the opportunity of your gaping mouth to stick his tongue in gently.
He slid a finger along your folds, gauging your reaction before circling your swelling clit with his thumb. “Is that okay?” Sam asked, his breath warm against the crook of your neck. You’d tossed your head backward, overcome with the feeling of someone else touching you. 
“Yes,” you sighed. Your hands gripped Sam’s hair as he slid a finger in. It felt odd to have a foreign object inside you, but knowing it was Sam made you even wetter. “Oh, God, Sam yes,” you panted.
He twisted his wrist, allowing the one finger to loosen you before he added a second. You could feel him grow in his pants, the fabric of his jeans restricting his pleasure. The urge to rub your thigh against his bulge overwhelmed you, and you palmed at it as best you could. You felt insecure not knowing how to care for Sam, but he gently gripped your wrist and left your pussy wanting his fingers again. Your stomach twitched with anticipation.
“Don’t worry about me,” Sam said. He’d tilted your chin up so your eyes locked, sincerity etched across his handsome face. “I’m gonna take care of you,” he promised.
Sam had struggled to fish a condom from his wallet, but eventually he’d slipped it over his throbbing cock and threw the blankets over himself. You’d looked at his length and wondered how it could comfortably fit. The anxiety over how much it would hurt made your desire falter, so Sam kept a blanket over your bodies. The warmth if provided comforted you as Sam brushed your hair from your face.
He lined himself up, stroking your folds with the tip of his cock to gather the slick. “Are you okay?” He wondered. When you nodded, hands gripping his shoulders, Sam gently pushed himself into you and hissed with every inch that he stretched himself into.
It didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would. There was no tremendous tear, but a throb that subsided once Sam was all the way in and held his position. You could tell he wanted so badly to pull out and slide back in, but you were fragile and he cared for your well-being and comfort. 
He pressed a kiss to your lips, his forehead pressed against yours as you gave him a slight nod to continued. Sam’s body was flush atop you, his hips pulling away as the sheets on your bed slid over his muscular shoulders. Feeling his cock slide out, the tension eased and grew numb as your walls adjusted. He slid back in with ease the second time, and your eyes shut once you realized the pain had become a dull tug.
Eventually you’d pulled Sam’s chest to yours, wanting to feel his muscles constrict as he pumped himself in and out. You wrapped your legs around him, wanting his closer as the pain quickly turned into pleasure. He pressed kisses to your cheeks and nose before kissing your lips, an elbow supporting his weight while his opposite hand held your face.
He looked at you with such gratitude, knowing that you trusted him to be gentle. His eyes shut every now and then, face pinching together as your walls drew precum from his cock. You felt a warmth pool in the core of your stomach, and you couldn’t help but buck your hips to meet his.
You created a rhythm with Sam, one that had sweat beading on both your foreheads as his thrusts became quicker and your walls tightened around him. He breathed against your neck, your nails digging into his back as pressure built within your head. Stars clouded behind your eyelids, and eventually you experienced your first orgasm with a man. A gentle, caring man who wanted nothing but to take care of you.
Sam came quickly after feeling you. His moans spurred your orgasm, the tension of your muscles and the moans that rippled from your mouth being a foreign release. You didn’t know you could make such filthy sounds.
When you’d finished and Sam cleaned yourselves up, you wanted to feel embarrassed. Not everyone had someone like Sam for their first time. Hell, you had friends who didn’t even finish. It felt odd to have experienced such pleasure from someone you’d known for years, but you couldn’t stop yourself from asking Sam:
“Can we do that more often?”
He chuckled at you, pulling you against his broad chest and throwing the sheet back over you. “We can do whatever you want, princess,” Sam replied, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. Whatever anxiety you had about when and how your virginity was to be lost had disintegrated. You now had someone who would help you explore an endless realm of possibilities, and you couldn’t wait to integrate your experiences into more fan fiction.
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grassepi · 7 years
get to know the author
i got tagged by @yaoyoroses​, which like, thank u sm?? this looks really fun to do. this got really long so i’m gonna put it under a read more so i don’t clog up anyone’s dash!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
its a bit of a case of a normal name getting turned into a nickname and then a nickname getting turned into another nickname until it’s unrecognizable from the normal name? Grace -> Grass -> Grassepi !
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
all of them for Blue Petals, Silver Thorns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . The yuri on ice fandom was crazy yo
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
it was supposed to be Uraraka from boku no hero academia, though I drew it without a ref so it’s a little off from how she looks in canon? I chose it cause I was really happy with how that doodle came out, though! 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
oh hell ya, ive made a lot of good friends through people commenting!! @dansantsouslalune​ first started editing my stories because she and i started talking in the comments! I’ve got a couple people who I ended up giving my skype so we could talk more easily, too. It’s a really nice way to make friendss
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Close to the Chest (yahaba character study, kyouhaba), constantly, always, re-reading this one. uhhhhh I’m sure there have been some others but I re-read this like, every few months so I’ll just put this here. 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
...I’m subscribed to two stories.... I’m not the biggest fan of reading WIPs cause im a wimp, suffer under cliffhangers, and like to just read the whole story at once. I do keep more tabs open on my phone of stories I’m reading, which I guess count as subscriptions? So, 3 more stories that way! I’ve got 134 bookmarks, which isn’t really a lot compared to some people. 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
.............., fantasy. im a big slut for faeries and merpeople, i keep coming back to ittt
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
108 people are subscribed to me and ive got 1794 bookmarks across all my works
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
mmmm i guess i’m hesitant about writing anything explicit? like, even vanilla explicit stuff- i would be too embarrassed to ask anyone to edit that and even more embarrassed if any of my friends actually read it. ironic, because i read all my friend’s porn the instant it goes up lmao
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
every once in a while i go through like, blackout months where i post nothing and respond to no comments and i literally Do Not Mean To, i just look at my AO3 and go OH SHIT I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING IN OVER A MONTH, so maybe that? Also, writing longer fics... and shorter fics? I have a sweet spot around 20K which is... kind of unwieldy
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
popular ships, literally always... i dont say that because im trying to pander to a fanbase! i guess, i just? i’m one of those people who does base most of my shipping off canon relationships. no offence to rarepair writers, i just have a hard time sustaining the desire to write an entire fic about two character  if they arent close in canon
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
,, bruh,, 56
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
mmm sometimes! i ponder them for usually a few hours and if i think it’s a good enough idea to make a whole story out of, i’ll write it down. one of my favourite things is outlining stories, so i have a lot of outlines for stories that i’ll never write tho
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
(weeps softly and gestures to the phineas and ferb/voltron au i wrote with my friend @horizon-runner) DISCLAIMER: this is meant to be written poorly, we wrote it for shit n giggles, go in with caution and patience lmao
16. How did you discover AO3?
oh my god i was like, “probably tumblr?” then i had a sudden vivid memory of reading a soulmaka fanfic on fanfiction.net and seeing the author linked to the same story on their AO3, but “with the mature parts” there. i started reading on AO3 after that lmaoooo
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
ive been... recognized a couple times in fandom discords, when i mention that i wrote X fic? But no, definitely not
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
nah, but i have jokingly referred to them as my children a few times to my friends
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
not really? ive just kind of always wanted to do this since i was like 7
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
!! -JUST USE ‘SAID’. as someone who reads a lot of fic? the reader, aka me, is basically just reading the dialogue when dialogue is happening. i personally find myself skipping over the “they [something that means they said that]” part mostly and just going to the next piece of dialogue. dont stress about it so much. use said, its Safe and There for U. 
-Just use their names. epithets are weirdly removing from the characters ur talkin about, avoid as much as possible. if ur using their names Too Much, ur probably not actually. as the reader u never think “god they used X character’s name TWICE in that sentence, how dare they?” u just move to the next line. 
-if ur writing a scene with characters of the same pronouns, please be careful about those pronouns. i personally try and designate one person to be the pronouns of the sentence, and the next person to always be their name. if u switch it mid-sentence, it gets very confusing for the reader! 
-most of these thus far are “here’s what ur reader is thinking”, so here’s one- as the writer, do whatever you want? Just have fun writing. Speaking as someone who got a lot of kudos when she started writing because she was writing for a large fandom that was just starting out, and then that trailed off into basically nothing just a few months later, it can be really hard to remember sometimes that the whole point of this was to Have Fun yourself. but it’s really important that you’re writing because you want to, not because you feel like you have to <3
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
depends on my mood! I really like plotting stories, but i also really like surprising myself when i’m writing lmao. i try and give myself leeway to figure things out as i go while i plot, so i write down like, a couple objectives for X chapter and then say “and whatever the hell else u wanna do for that chapter” 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Yea! When i was just a small twelve year old posting my first awful story to fanfiction.net, my first EVER comment was some 20-something dude telling me that it was awful and I should basically stop writing! Anyways, 12-year-old me was so fucking spiteful about that that I chilled out for the next 3 years just working on my writing. So thank you, dipshit 20-something who felt the need to tell a 12 year old how awful their story was, you motivated me so much through pure spite and salt
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Uhhh scenes that transition from internal monologue to dialogue wig me out a lot, i never know how to make that transition smooth? Also, arguments. I write a lot of them, but they stall me out a lot. I usually end up staring at myself in the bathroom mirror saying the last piece of dialogue to myself, trying to figure out how the other person would respond. 
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
of published things, everything stays (right where you left it), an otayuri childhood friends AU. The next chapter is at like, 7K i think? So it’s getting there!  Also, Text Me, Call Me, Skype Me Later, a haikyuu groupchat fic that i’ve been gradually picking away at for over a year now! that’s sort of a constant WIP, since I don’t really have an end goal in sight right now. There’s also Dust and Starlight, a longer yuri on ice fantasy AU i started in march this year and i stalled out HARD on because i took such a long break from it that now I’d have to re-read it to keep writing, and I .... don’t.... want.... to .... do .... that....
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
u ask that like i ever finish my current stories
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
nah, but i do have a monthly writing goal for the past few months- 20K a month! and there’s a deadline in my writing groupchat too, we’re supposed to be able to say we’ve published something every 15 days or so. there’s no punishment if we can’t manage that tho 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
i literally feel my soul slowly setting itself on fire when i read my older writing
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
in terms of the effect it’s had on my life, absolutely Text Me Call Me Skype Me Later- i’ve made so many friends through it, it’s so fun to re-read because i forget all the jokes i wrote in, it’s so therapeutic to write. It’s also something I started writing because of how depressed and anxious I was during the summer of 2016- writing it was the only time my brain wasn’t screaming at me, I found out. It really helped me during a time when nothing else seemed to help at all. For that alone, it means a lot to me, even if I’m bad at updating these days. 
In terms of writing prowess? no idea. Probably More or Less, i was really proud of how that one turned out. 
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
the phineas and ferb/voltron fic, which i refuse to name for the sheer negative chaotic power it holds. it was supposed to be a joke but theres this one person who keeps commenting on it and really bothering the person i wrote the fic with, and its kind of ruined the whole joke factor of the fic for the both of us
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
ill be.... 22 then? Hopefully, I’ll be the kind of writer who looks back at what i’m writing now and goes, “damn that was some shit writing” lmao. i hope future me roasts the FUCK outta current me and then writes something amazing. for real tho, hopefully working more on original ideas? i love fanfiction but i do wanna work on my own stuff eventually!
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
outlining!! i love it sm
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
trying to motivate myself to reread something i wrote last night and edit it,,, also avoiding the question when my extended family asks what i want to do with my life because if i said “i want to be a writer” they’ll just look back with worried looks because thats Such a Risky Career
33. Why do you write?
Writing stole my heart away ten years ago, and it won’t fuckin give it back
@jamthedingus AK A @jamthewriter, @oops-i-accidentally, @literally-a-person, @tootsonnewts, @ironinkpen, @horizon-runner, @call-me-kaii, @drdone, @dansantsouslalune, @packitandgo, @exile-wrath 
Feel free to ignore <3333
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