#some dogs bark
oodlenoodleroodle · 1 year
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critterbitter · 9 months
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Language divides and building bridges.
Elesa’s feeling homesick. Emmet, bless his heart, tries to help by infodumping while Ingo frantically runs off to find water (crying is a very dehydrating experience).
((Would you look at that! The kids are picking up kantonese and galarian from each other!))
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Heh. Callback.
Want to see more? Here’s the masterpost for submas!
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he's just a lil' guy who's never done anything wrong in his life Ever
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Around tumblr lately I’ve seen people with the opinion that not only are free roaming cats bad (correct) but also supervised cats in catios or on leashes (????). I assume it must stem from that “ecology of fear” post from a few months ago, but to me the sudden appearance of these kinds of posts just strikes me as odd. I’ve seen multiple posts like the below one in just this week.
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If your cat is contained to your yard/catio/the sidewalk, then it still allows for predator-free safe places in your neighbourhood for wildlife, and creates predictability for them too. That’s one of the reasons why hiking trails ask people to stay on the trail— so you (and your dog, horse, cat, etc) can safely enjoy nature while still giving it space. It is possible to exist outdoors in natural spaces like that while maintaining wildlife comfort. If it wasn’t possible to do that, dog-friendly or (even just hiking trails in general, since humans are predators too) simply wouldn’t exist.
The problem with free roaming cats is that they break boundaries between human area (ie. trail, back porch) and wildlife area (foliage, etc) and there is nowhere the wildlife can go to exist that is safe from predators.
Idk, this is just my opinion but I just think there can be more nuance to the outdoor/free roaming cat issue than “never let your cat step outside under any circumstance”.
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liecanthrope · 1 year
wait because seriously being an adult therian fucking rips, especially when you start being independent.
dog with a blog? nah. dog with a JOB. i come into work with my tail and my theta delta necklace and the building implodes from my sheer swag. weirdo teenagers love me. also having your own paycheck means you can get whatever gear/treats you want (once bills are paid, of course - bet youve never heard a dog say that!)
living in your own apartment? well the pet limit is 2 but if i include myself im going over the limit. whoops! good thing i love lying to landlords (fuck landlords). living alone (no roomie) is even better bc theres no one to judge you for your animal habits. i can make a huge den in the living room and who is going to stop me?
i even have my own health insurance. bro. imagine being a dog with medicaid. im climbing the walls and howling and barking. i love being a dog filling out government paperwork.
having your own vehicle? THIS DOG CAN DRIVE! if i feel like going to the lake i can just go to the lake! nobody is stopping me! midnight ride with the windows down to howl at the moon? yes please!!
you can literally just go wherever bro. i moved 11 hours from my hometown to the mountains to feel more at home. i lived in the great plains and now i can just go out for a hike in the rockies and howl at the sky.
being an adult therian slaps so fucking hard i cant wait for the youth to grow up and experience the joy of freedom. yes being an adult is incredibly stressful but if youve been stifled living with family, you get a real chance to develop who you truly are. adult therians i love you im rubbing against your neck and mixing our scents. mwah.
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border-collie · 3 months
Yes, every FDC podcast pisses me off, but the most recent one might be the most so. Dr. O'Neill essentially recommends against all health testing (or disorder testing a he calls it) unless it's a major issue in the breed based on quality of life and population AND the test showing significant value to change population over time. Basically saying unless over 20% of the breed is affected, don't test for it in favor of genetic diversity. I think this is a clouded take of someone who works with population as a whole, and not breeding dogs. Just about every health concern in border collies, less than 20% of the population is affected. And a big part of that? Genetic testing that prevents two carriers being bred to each other. That doesn't mean that carriers are pulled from the gene pool, they just aren't bred to other carriers. I've seen very, VERY few cases of dogs being pulled from breeding on their genetic testing results alone. But pull the genetic tests, and you have NINE different easily tested for genetic diseases common to the breed that it would be exceedingly easy to breed two carriers to each other when breeding blindly. According to OFA, only about 10% of the breed has failing hips, but what kind of life is in store for a high energy dog who's body can't withstand that lifestyle they need? Only two percent fail elbows, but elbow dysplasia in the breed is more likely to be a career ending diagnosis than hip dysplasia and IMO a much worse QOL prognosis.
Sure you can't guarantee the results of any breeding, but coming from a breed where more dogs are washed from breeding for bad temperament than failing a health test, I'll keep spending money to stack the cards in my favor and will buy from breeders who will do the same.
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seaquestions · 3 months
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sunrise forever home for wayward cats (ids in alts)
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slimegirls-slime · 5 months
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been awhile tummy tuesday :3
@huntressunderthemoon @gender-sludge @l3yri @themellifiedlamb
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mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
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He has canonically been boiled in oil before.
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andy-clutterbuck · 10 months
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5x12 | Remember
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thistransient · 7 months
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Bicycling to see the rice fields
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senshisdaughter · 5 months
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teddybeartoji · 2 months
WAIT NO BUT WHAT ABOUT DOG TRAINER TOJI WITH PUPPY READER………. Oh god i think i’m going to pass out mickey Please hold my hand while i have a heart attack over tjis
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM NONNIE WE ARE GOING TO HOLD HANDS AND WE ARE GOING TO GET HEART ATTACKS TOGETHER BECAUSE OOOOOH MY FUCKING GOD THIS IS AN INSANE CONCEPT,, him giving you a treat every time you do what he asks of you.......................... he's so, so fucking smug while doing it all too. like he tells you to kneel in front of him and then he's just there staring at you with the cockiest smirk ever while praising you for being so good and giving you the treat. and he one hundred percent feeds it to you too yk? like he's not handing it over to you, he holds it out on the palm of his hand and lets you take it yourself................................... nonnie i'm gonna die. he feels your tongue over his skin, maybe your teeth graze him a little too and his dick is twitching in his pants at the sensation... and then you're staring at him again, so eager for your next command. your tails swings behind you and toji doesn't miss the way your thighs rub together as you're sat before him. do you like it when he praises you? or is it just the fact that he's ordering you around? or is it the promise of a real treat after all these smaller ones? hmmmmmm there are so many possibilities and toji can't wait to figure it all out. he can't wait to see what really makes his pup tick<333333333333
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darkwood-sleddog · 7 months
more and more i become of the opinion my dogs are not reactive to strange dogs but in fact it is unreasonable to expect them to NOT be reactive when the dogs we pass are unwalked, understimulated rural hellions that thrash at the windows of their houses, bark at us and follow us for entire lengths of properties, snarl at us, run at us with tense body language etc.
is this because a neighbor (who does skijor!) moved in half mile down the road from us a half a year ago with the most polite, unreactive dog that my dogs glance calmly at as they walk by? as it is unrestrained (no underground fence) on the property? absolutely is.
is this because a few years ago a neighbor's very nice pitbull mix got out and when it walked up to us with polite calm body language my dogs reacted just as calm and we were able to walk this dog home? absolutely is.
like i am a human woman and have lived in areas with much larger populations than i do now. i remember being followed by strangers, yelled at by strangers in aggressive ways. it made me tense and yes...reactive in those moments to ensure my own safety and needs were met. but was it my fault for having to react that way? To call friends and family and be on the phone any time that i walked alone? to check in when i got to where i was going? to bring pepper spray and iron knuckles to walk less than 10 minutes away from home? I don't think it is. Rather it's the failure that allows that behavior towards me which is at fault. i should not have had to carry those things with me. or call a single soul.
same with my dogs. my dogs aren't reactive, i'm just the only person who walks my damn dogs in my rural neighborhood. even though we can walk for 4+ miles either way on safe dirt roads out of our driveway before we reach pavement. nobody else. walks. their. fucking. dogs. yes i manage my dogs behaviors, it can be embarrassing when they get riled up, but know what? it is not their fault so many other dogs fucking SUCK. and it is not those dogs' fault that they suck either. i encountered more politely behaved dogs when i lived in the suburbs and city than i do now because those dogs at least had some sort of experience with being around other dogs (passing them on the sidewalk even) out of necessity. Rural people truly just throw their dogs outside and expect that to be enough. if you're lucky they install a little underground fence that will maybe keep fido in the yard (like uwu WE don't want to have a look at a fence and we're going to make all our neighbors GUESS if our dog might run into the road at them uwu).
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tea-time-terrier · 1 month
My strongest dog trialing belief (besides that it should be done kindly and fairly) is that more often than not it's a Training issue not a Distraction issue <3
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
Mmmmmmmm Dnn au where Sapnap and George are both selkies and they haven't told Dream but he knows, and he doesn't blame them for not telling him, he gets it, and they always keep their furs hidden until one day someone breaks into their home and steals their furs, and while the two of them are freaking out because this is literally the worst case scenario ever and what are they going to even tell Dream, Dream goes after the guys and just kills them
Except Dream fucked up and now he's freaking out because he got fucking blood on their coats! He can't give the coats back with blood in them, that would be so rude and gross and what if the blood sticks to it after it dries????
So Sapnap and George suddenly feel a new pair of hands touch their coats, different from the ones that had grabbed and thrown it around and hidden. No, these hands tremble slightly as they touch their furs and they feel so familiar and then there's the feeling of water which... is very weird? What the fuck is happening to their coats??
But yeah, Dream washes the blood off and them puts the coats in the drier on a low setting with a bunch of towels (which is a very very weird feeling to Sapnap and George) and he leaves the coats on their beds without them seeing and now they kinda smell like the laundry cleaner Dream uses and it drives George and Sapnap insane (/pos)
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