#some of these are actually terrible but theyre still near and dear to my heart
soldierpoetsinner · 3 years
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choisgirls · 7 years
Hey dear nice Works...!!!!! Please Do a RFA (V+Saeran) Celebrating Birthday of MC how will they celebrate Mc's Birthday and what will they Do to make it special??
A/N: I’d invite them all to my birthday party hell yeah it’d be greAT ~Admin 404I love them all *sobs* ~ Admin 626
*YOOSUNG:-HE LOVES BIRTHDAYS-HE’S SUCH A LITTLE KID AT HEART (and i mean in general come on now)-Goes FULL. OUT. Does not take it lightly at all-Sets up a day with your friends so you’re out of the house and busy-And he decorates the house completely!! Streamers, balloons, he even has homemade party hats for the two of you-He isn’t a master baker or anything but he attempted at making a box cake for you!!! He decorated it with so many colourful sprinkles!-Remember how he gets a discount from the pizza place? He bought like three larges and the two of you were eating it for DAYS-SO MANY BOARD GAMES STRUNG ALL AROUND THE HOUSE BECAUSE Y’ALL ARE GONNA PLAY ALL. DAY. LONG.-He either has homemade presents for you, or he’s saved up a lot to splurge on pre-ordering that new video game you’ve been eyeing for months-The two of you watch all the movies!! Whatever movie you wanna watch, he’ll sit through. Scary ones? He might cry but he’ll DO IT FOR YOU!!!!
*JUMIN:-More of a classy approach to birthdays-He did attempt to put a party hat on Elizabeth though MC SHE’S ADORABLE LOOK, HURRY, BEFORE SHE TAKES IT OFF-SO MANY GIFTS. WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL OF THESE-But he always makes sure to give you one super special one. Whether it’s a piece of jewelry he had custom made because it reminded him of you, or it’s something you’ve had your eye on for a while, you’ve got it-He’s also super extra, like y’all know how wedding cakes are super big and beautiful and usually really intricate? Yeah so is your birthday cake. EVERY YEAR. but i mean are you really complaining?? It’s cAKE-Takes you to the fanciest restaurant for dinner, and the two of you dress up for it-(Yes, MC, you’re wearing the new dress/suit he got you)-He’ll also try taking you to new and exotic places as a day trip to see all the sights and watch the gleam in your eyes as you learn the history of the place-Always has the best wine, but on your birthday he pulls out the rare ones, just for you! (Or if you don’t do wine, he finds the best of whatever you like to drink)-Not to mention you wake up with like 14 dozen rose bouquets strung around the house that morning, all holding a little note card expressing his love for you because he can be cute too, mc
*SAEYOUNG:-We all know he’d wake you up by jumping on the bed and blowing that stupid little party blower in your ear until you chase him out of the room-But chasing him is worth it because when you get to the living room there are so many loose balloons that you can’t see the floor-Same goes with the ceiling, completely covered in balloons-Saeran’s just sitting in a chair, in a party hat, looking completely uninterested, but still plays the party blower when you walk in. Saeyoung tries to hide behind him to avoid your wrath you arent a morning person, are you mc?-The two of you spend a good while just throwing the loose balloons at each other over Saeran’s head who was not impressed, might i add-HE MADE Y’ALL PLAY PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY IT WAS SO CUTE-Did you know you can get custom images printed onto your cakes? Because he made a collage of the STUPIDEST pictures he has of you and had it put on top-PLUS IT WAS AN ICE CREAM CAKE. IT WAS AMAZING.-Anything you want, he’ll get you. Just name it. You want a pet elephant? He’ll dO IT DON’T DOUBT HIM MC-He’d probably take you out for a drive, too. You could feel the fresh air and just talk about anything and everything. It’s just really relaxing and he wants you to have a stress-free time
*SAERAN:-What’s the point of celebrating another year of life in this shitty world now is NOT THE TIME MR. EDGELORD-But for you…he could manage it-He doesn’t go very hard at it though because he doesn’t see the real point-He’ll get a small gift for you- something he saw and immediately thought of you-He does get a small cake for you, but a freaking tub of ice cream- ICE CREAM IS BETTER MC DON’T GIVE ME THAT LOOK-Cuddles cuddles cuddles! He doesn’t hide his affection today! It’s all about you, he’ll put his insecurities away for a while-He’ll moan and groan at the stupid Disney movies you put in, but suffer through them because the fact that you sing along is the CUTEST thing he’s ever seen are you sure it isn’t his birthday-CUTIE ALERT: he cooks your favourite meal for you! He might have spent a few days trying to find the perfect way to make it, but HE MAKES IT-He’s also spent all day pushing Saeyoung out of the room because he’s not about to let him ruin your relaxing birthday by bringing in some stupid little party games hes also smacked a party blower into the back of his throat at one point and you felt TERRIBLE but you couldnt help but laugh???
*ZEN- you know his hoe ass is gonna try to go all out for you- like he knows you you prefer lowkey but???- the world needs to know his love for you- but after the RFA members managed to talk him down from performing a flash mob, he realized he should respect your wishes- so he struggles and struggles to come up with something that has a bit of flare but is still something you’d want- and then he remember you one time mentioning you’d never really been on a trampoline before???- hE KNOWS WHAT TO DO NOW- on your birthday (exactly at midnight), he sings “happy birthday” and then hands you a cupcake up with a candle on it - he had you fooled, you thought this was gonna be it for your birthday- boy buddy ur in for a treat!- when you wake up he immediately blindfolds- you’re just like *sigh* “well at least he didn’t jump out of the cake this year”- omfg when he takes off the blindfold though, you find yourself at a trampoline park??? And he invited your friends (including the RFA ofc) and family!!!- He roped Jumin into getting the place to rent out the entire area to then!- aND IT’S SO MUCH FUN???- WHO KNEW JUMPING COULD BE THIS MUCH FUN- wAIT THERE’S A ROCK CLIMBING? DODGEBALL? IS THAT A SLAM DUNK ARENA- Zen didn’t think you’d love it this much but oh my god he’s so happy because you look so happy!!!- and he finds that you and Saeyoung both love to push into the pit with all the foam cubes anD YOU TWO START TAG TEAMING- maybe this was a bad idea after all- but hearing your laugh was all he needed - after that, you all head to a dessert place and you spend the rest of your birthday talking and laughing with the people most important to you with the love of your life right by your side
*JAEHEE- you only really expected dinner at a restaurant and maybe cake because that’s just how you and jaehee are- other people might think it’s underwhelming but honestly, what’s better than snuggling up to your s/o and feeling warm and cuddley on your birthday???- but you’re surprised when you come home to a note that directs you to Seven’s house?- and when you get there, there’s another note attached to a nerf gun- “Happy Birthday, MC! The game starts as soon as you enter the house, every man for himself ~ Jaehee”- yOU’RE SO EXCITED OMG YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO HAVE A NERF WAR YYAAASSS- it is all out WAR when you enter- Zen is playing a defensive strategy, he may have shitty aim but hE CAN DODGE ANYTHING WITH HIS DANCER GRACE- Jumin is already out, he lasted like three seconds he’s disappointed because he thought he’d win with his cat like reflexes- Yoosung’s out too, he lasted much longer than Jumin but Saeyoung managed to trick him into thinking they were team and then Saeyoung shOT HIM EXECUTION STYLE- V’S BLIND ASS TAKES OUT SAERAN LMAO- Saeran is lowkey bitter; he steals V’s portion of birthday cake- eventually it’s just down to you, Jaehee, and Saeyoung,,,- aND YOU SACRIFICE YOURSELF- IF YOU WEREN’T GONNA WIN, YOU SURE AS HELL WEREN’T GONNA LET SAEYOUNG WIN- you run out in front of him and when he’s distracted by you, Jaehee shoots him!- you laugh so hard when you see the look on his face bc he wasn’t expecting you to sacrifice yourself- and then you give ya hot gf a kiss because hello, she’s a winner, she deserves all the kisses- after that, you all head down to Saeyoung’s entertainment room and watch your favorite movies and eat cake - everyone slowly falls asleep, and you’re cuddled up to jaehee and wondering what you did to get someone as amazing her in your life
*V- honestly he’s such a hipster, he throws a birthday for u every year and it always has a theme???- who does that smh- this year???- murder mYSTERY TRAIN THEME OMMMGG (A/N: 626 doesn’t know what she’s doing here, it’s probably all gonna be wrong)- what’s new scooby doo wE’RE COMING AFTER YOU WE’RE GONNA SOLVE THAT MYSTERYYY- V gets you a beautiful evening gown and hE MATCHES U  - he makes sure the gang is ready too, there’s no way theyre gonna ruin it for u (we’re looking at u saran wrap, das right i’m calling u out)- he takes sooo many pictures, you guys have to confiscate his camera cause hE WON’T STOP- when you guys get there, it’s sooo much more interactive than you thought it was gonna be???- you actually can’t tell who’s an actor and who isn’t?? They’re that good- aND THEN THE OLD LADY WHO’S SITTING NEAR YOU DIES WTF- you all have your own theories about who did it- V think it was her husband because hello, it’s always someone the victim knew- Jumin agrees but he’s also suspicious of the daughter- Yoosung doesn’t know what to think he’s still traumatized from seeing a dead lady even if it was fake- bUT IT’S ACTUALLY THE 20 SOMETHING YEAR OLD BECAUSE IT TURNS OUT SHE’S THE MISTRESS OF OLD LADY’S HUSBAND- Surprisingly only Zen got it right???- but he graciously gave you and V the prize since it a weekend getaway - Pretty sure V threatened him but whatever- After, you guys head back to yours and V’s place for cake and chilling - you guys end up on the floor in one weird big cuddled mess but it’s so warm (saran wrap says he hates u guys but he’s a little close to Zen so) (okay in 626’s world the RFA is a bunch of cuddlers youguyscantstopme)- u eventually get up tho and drag V to ur bedroom bc you wanna cuddle with him
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westmeath · 7 years
i'm new to the who, all i've listened to is quadrophenia and the odd song here & there off other albums. i know the most basic basics but other than that ? nothing. so what are some fun facts? interesting stories? important things fans should know? idk tell me what you'd say to a new fan
WHOOPS MY APOLOGIES I didnt see this till now, thank you so much for your ask!!! I’ll put this under a read more cause itll probably end up being very long, I hope I can get you more interested in them
its good youve listened to that much even, i hadnt listened to ANYTHING when i first got into them except like, the Iconic Songs (who are you, baba o riley, my generation, wont get fooled again, and id never even listened to those purposely i only knew em from just general knowledge), it actually took me quite a while to listen to their actual music cause i was more interested in the story of the band and its members for the first while
theyre one of the bands with the most interesting stories so i hope i can get you as interested in that aspect of them as i was when i first got into them (and still am, i go mad for any new stories i can hear about em, and love hearing different perspectives of stories ive heard before)
this is goin to be an utter mess i apologise, there are MANY many interesting stories but some off the top of my head are uh… well theres the iconic keith moons 21st birthday where he allegedly drove a lincoln continental into the swimming pool (this turned out to be a story keith made up though just for shock value)
that party was still amazing though, keith had actually left early cause hed chipped his tooth and was at some emergency dentist, it was mostly the rest of the guests at the party that wreaked havoc, eg just trashing the place, spraying fire extinguishers over cars in the car park that stripped all their paint, fairly sure it didnt end till the guards were called
i actually dont think any of the who were involved after keith left at all. john had gone with keith to the dentist, pete had gone to bed, not sure what roger was up to honestly but probably something the same as pete, despite this the who were Allegedly banned from holiday inns for life (but from what ive heard stayed in another one the next week and numerous times after)
heres another interesting story about him thats a bit lesser known, ill link it cause ive posted it before and also to save space
thinking about it, most stories that are widely told are to do with keith.. hes definitely the most interesting member of the band, in the words of uh. Many People hes just like no one else youve ever met, a very interesting character.. hes probably the main force behind my interest in the who in the beginning, i loved learning about his life the most (although that said i havent got a ‘favourite member’ of the band, i think theyre all incredibly cool and interesting and i love learning about all of them)
SORRY THIS IS already getting really long and i havent even scratched the surface… ill just say like, the whole band is full of really interesting characters, and its really interesting learning about all of them… like keith just for being absolutely different from everyone else, how above it all he really just did all his Wild Antics to make people laugh and be happy, seemingly at the cost of his own mental health (its believed he had bpd, and also obviously struggled with alcohol abuse and drugs too) (its more complicated than that though obviously but there is already a whole book delving into that subject and i fucking adore it if you want to read it, its called dear boy: the life of keith moon)
petes also incredibly interesting cause he was like.. the driving force of the band i suppose youd say. wrote (mostly) all the songs, came up with the stories behind tommy and quadrophenia (and lifehouse, which was so complicated no one could understand it, leading to him eventually having a breakdown and having to scrap the project, the songs on it eventually became whos next) its also really interesting (and quite sad) learning about his childhood and also his own struggles with mental health/alcohol (and drugs, hard drugs moreso in the 80s)
ill admit straight away that i dont know much about roger compared to the other members of the band, but hes interesting in his own way as well like, hes almost the complete opposite of the other members of the band in terms of alcohol/drug abuse, i dont think he ever went near drugs (except for a while in the early 60s, i believe), im not sure how he was with the drink but nowhere near as bad as the rest of the band probably. i know my dad likes him a lot cause hes a farmer (bought his farm in the early 70s with the wealth brought by the tommy album) which is something i can admire too seeing as im also a farmer although on a much smaller scale. hes also seemingly a really nice person (despite his love for a good punch up, in the early who days at least.) like hes very down to earth, working class, not all high and mighty like.. just very nice to listen to. would be excellent for a chat.
and johns interesting just cause hes a complete fucking mystery. according to pete he had no addictions except like. shopping.. he was called the “quiet one” even though he was far from it, just probably didnt really run his mouth (hardly ever spoke on stage but when he did it was always fantastic. eg him telling the crowd to “shuddup” in a death growl when theyre chanting for bell boy before a live recording of behind blue eyes) also he was probably the closest member to keith, went clubbing with him (a quote from keith is “I go to clubs with John. He’s big,”) a lot and often joined in with him when he was smashing up/exploding bits of hotel. also in terms of being an utter mystery like, theres not an awful lot known about his life, for example apparently he was a freemason “all his life” and pete never found out till after he died
i am so sorry this is TERRIBLY terribly long but listen i could go on about this even longer. ill stop now though cause its confusing enough already… please though if youve any questions about specifics or the likes please feel free to send more asks OR IF YOUD LIKE YOU CAN MESSAGE ME!!! id love to have a proper 1on1 convo where you can ask all the questions your heart desires and stop me if theres something youd like me to expand on and the likes. id absolutely love that
THAT GOES FOR ANYONE ELSE INTERESTED TOO!!! i fuckin love talking about the who and itd be fantastic to put my knowledge to use (and maybe learn a thing or too as well.) like either through tumblr messenger is grand (although i mightnt notice it for a while) or you can grab my skype or discord or somethin. even the messenger on twitter. my skype is fruity-pear, my discord is kaisuke#1387 and my public twitter is jjughead_ or my personal/friends one is kkaisuke
as a last thing for the “important things fans should know” UHH LIKE new fans id say like… if youre getting really deep into the story of the who be prepared cause theres a lot of bad stuff, sad stories as well as good ones. the band members all did some bad things like any other human, had bad things happen to them, like this is Real Life Shit and theres no sugar coating it, it really is worth it to learn about the band though and even the bad stuff is interesting to learn about, from an outsiders view
thank you again so so much and i apologise again for how long this is, i dont blame you if you dont read it all. i hope this is of some use to you though (or to anyone else) and that it makes you want to learn more about them
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