#some of these have become new echolalia/echologia phrases in my arsenal of random shit i say/think all the damn time
carpenoctemnyx · 10 months
Every single little moment in NPMD in order that just scratches my brain in the best way. I mean tbh the whole show does, but these moments are what the tism is grasping onto.
(WARNING: Its a LOT of moments, so theyre all under the cut since the post is so fuckin long)
"And I can survive it for only so long"(all of them)
The "im so fucking dead" from the ensemble during steph and pete's convo
"My melody! My melody! My melody"
"Grace just be cool! NEVER!"
"Im so fucking dead! YEAH!!"
"No! I wanna be invisible! Then why do you come to a public school dressed in suspenders and a fuckin bow tie?"
"Sycamore? I'd rather starve to death."
"Oh my god!! YOU'RE Micro-Peter! Oh, god."
"This outfit it the tapestry of my trauma!"
"Anyone every do this? *snap* Every damn day. My titties are tenderized!"
"It's polish."
"Spankoffski! Who are you running from? Ehh."
"He's straight ahead!"
"You wont defeat his kind. Never look in the eye. He's a literal monster!"
"Everyone knows how he BANGS!"
"He roars, and we cry, hes the reason with no why. He's a literal monster! A damn literal monster!"
"It's 3rd period, Shit-lips. I gotta get to remedial algebra."
"I never intended to walk through your hallway. Ohhh well theres a difference between intent and impact."
"Haha YEAH! NO dumbass!"
"Ohhh sorry! Fresh out of your favorite food! I guess im just gonna have to flick it!"
"Ohhhh a two bagger? Hahahaha! Whats a two bagger?"
"Oh!! That's so sick bro! Thats so fuckin funny! PYAHHH *punch sound*"
"Get him up!! Get this fucker up!!"
"Now deposit this trash in the nearest receptacle."
"Haha haha hahaha! Spunk! You're funny."
"*appalled* carry my books!?"
"Chasity, come on! You're breakin my balls."
"You dont know me very well, do you??"
"Watch some p0rn! You'll see! Tell me im wrong dirty girl. Dont call me that!"
"My little dirty girl *that one audience member OHHH*"
"And his name is Jesus Christ!"
"Forbidden fruit, dick hole!"
"You can leave, but you wont, stay in your seat!"
max's lil dance when hes singing "better leave your hopes behind no ones gonna stop me" that leads into that lil airplane arms move
also including the dance move with kyle "you wont defeat his kind, never look in the eye"
"You can watch as i rise! I will claim what is mine!"
"Learn to multi-task!"
"Well, well. If its not my october surprise."
"Stephanie, please, I'd like to have an intelligent conversation with you. In other words, shut up."
"Hooow ominous"
"Hey that looks like my... phone. It is."
"Please daddy?"
"NOO!! *dives forward and shoves hand in the way* Did you just put your hand BETWEEN the hammer and the phone??? ...yeah..."
How... am i supposed to study withOUT LISTENING TO SPOTIFY!?!? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING?? YOU'RE KILLING ME WITH WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!! If only, Stephanie. If only."
"This project's on thermo-dynamics. What the fuck are you talking about?"
"God! I just want someone to touch me! Anyone, PLEASE! Jesus! Calm down Ruth."
"Somebody walks to the office with Stephanie LauTer and suddenly he's Stefan Urquelle."
The way Richie Says peTe and uuusing you
"What was it like when she touched your arm? DID YOU CUM??? Ruth! Quit it!"
The way Richie says peTeR
"I'll never hold the real Rei and Asuka in my arms"
The way Pete says "Sorry!" To Ruth when his phone is ringing
The way Richie says TelemArkeTer
"NANI!?!?" *Ruth and Richie creeping towards Pete*
"What is she saying? What the FUCK is she saying!?"
"Oh my god!! Oh my god!! What's the matter with you guys!?"
"I'm actually the smart one in the group, if you can believe that."
"Really Ruth? A star wars analogy? Need i go into why Attack On Titan is superior in EVERY possible way!?"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Excuse me? Uh, not you. Just these two FUCKING nerds that wont leave me alone."
"They dont call it a cram session for nothing! Watch some p0rn! You'll see!"
"You're telling me I gotta be funny, AGAIN? I didnt do it on purpose the FIRST time!"
The way Richie says opportunity. It sounds like opportudidy
"Thats your perspective"
"Oh whoa whoa oh"
Then again im deranged"
"What if people see me as someone other than who I am"
"If i can finally be cool i will know that im not a loser!"
"I'm the ruler!"
"OHHHH! *crowd cheers* SHUT UP!"
"EUGH!! So you're a POOR piece of shit then?"
"Well im sick of your sh-sh-shit"
"I dont give a fuck what she said! I did not consent to this rendez-voos!"
"I decide if Kyle can date Brenda. *turns to Jason* The answer's still no... by the way!"
"I willed it into existence"
"Im your God. Now on your knees, bitch. It's time to say your fuckin prayers! *cuts to the Chasitys* Amen!"
"Mmm, that house. What's wrong with it? Its haunted. Everyone says so."
"Mom will you pass the butt stuff? The butter. Butter. Will you pass the butter? Eheh I just want some head and butter. BREAD! BREAD! Bread and butt sex to go with this big shaft of meat im gonna choke down. Ohhhh boy. Oh criminy!"
"And theyre flyin reaaal low today"
"Some big, dumb, sexy, sweaty, hooot, football star"
The way Grace says "Hello??" When fantasy Max is calling her name
"Im hungry, and here you are brewing up a big ol' pot of dirty girl soup *siffs aggressively* ahhhh! My favorite!"
"You call my bath water dirty girl soup? This is wrong! This is sooo wrong"
"I know!" *max rips off his jacket and the crowd screams*
"I love... to FUCK!"
The entirety of Dirty Girl Soup song but extra extra emphasis on certain parts
"Hey boo, daddy needs a little of that dirty soup"
"You're lookin all filthy like, you know its wrong i know its right"
"I'll never ever tell ya to behave i am expecting you to be-betray me"
"Ima love you all night long" including Max's lil hip thing
"Oh! Dirty dirty girl wont you sing for me wont you love me like you dont care. (all of these esp the ones with Grace)
"Hey brute"
"Its clear you never stepped in a classroom" including Grace's lil dance move here
The way Grace says School
"For shame. I am expecting you to be-behave" including Grace's lil dance move here too
"On your knees pray along, if you wanna last until dawn"
And then the dirty dirty girl section including the dance
"RAH-AHH" *hand wave thing* and the second one of this too
"Got me hungry for more. Hungry for more."
"Im a im a im a good girl x4 WHO ON OCCASSION GETS DIRTY!!"
Again cue the dirty dirty girl bit + dance
Grace's lil shaky moan thing after "poisons the air"
"Damn these wandering hands! Damn these sinful loins!"
"This is a no-moan household!"
".....I'll get the plunger...."
"Girl! That must be so embarrassing for you."
"Standing up the mayor's daughter like he's got no fucks to give? Not gonna lie. Thats really sexy."
"Oh my god! The fucking bowtie kid??"
"Hey uh... dweeb! *both Richie and Ruth respond* yeah?"
"Oh shes touching meee! Luckyyyy!"
"Its better than i even imagined" *cute lil twirl*
"And what, pray tell, may that be, Stephanie?"
"God, you suck, Grace."
"Isn't this like breaking and entering? Im not breaking anything. My dad's the realtor!" *jingles keys*
"Hacked em to bloody bits!"
"PottyPants? How about PissyPants? Im not comfortable with the plan if it involves that kind of language."
"Im not comfortable with this place. Its not structurally sound."
"Don't bully me!"
The whole Bully the Bully song but extra extra emphasis on specific parts
Grace's lil snap and spin moment
"Petey gonna jump on out" *Pete's lil move here*
Ruth saying "we're gonna cut off his nips!" And then Richie's lil shimmy move
"Richie the whole point is that its in the dark! Well then im gonna have to shoot the whole thing in a wide, and its gonna look like shit!"
"No! We're gonna be cool beans. We're gonna keep the beans cool. We're gonna gonna keep the beans, beans the cool, keep the beans, the cool, keep the beans, bean school. Beans school? Excellent!"
"I still wanna talk.... Hello...? Hello....? Hello? Who was that? My boyfriend! Sounded like a telemarketer. Okay, my EX boyfriend."
"You're the best friend ive ever had. Oh thats sad. I think im in love with you. Okay..." *walks away*
"Am i reading as ghost, or Lin Manuel Miranda?"
"You kinda look like that homeless guy from downtown. Ohhh. But that could still work, he gets pretty scary sometimes."
Ruth's lil butt wiggle
"I mean you could just hit it and quit it, bro! Yeah... I dont want to though... You're fuckin useless pete!"
When Max walks up and burps and says "i gott piss" and this does a cute lil bouncy move
"Oh shiiiit. Wheres that creepy music comin from?"
"do it alfuckinready"
"Who's there? Maaaaax Jagermannn. WHAT!?"
"Oh shit! Oh fuck! Its a fuckin ghost!"
"Its time to stop running!" *chugs bear and smashes the can on his head and yeets it, then puts up his fists* "float over here ghost,* starts punching the air* im gonna kick your fucking ass!"
"Uhhh you cant fight me im an etheral being soooo... we'll see about that. Ima make you say boo-hoo, bitch! *charges at pete and pete runs away screaming* YESSSS I MAKE THE DEAD RUN IN FEAR!!! I AM JAGERMAAAAAN!!! I AM GOOOOD!!!! GOOO NIGHTHAWKS!!!"
*skele-ruth runs ins and does her lil scream thingy* "oh shit! Oh fuck! I didnt think there'd be a skele'en here! Im so fucking scared of skele'ens! Maybe i should just run! Where, Max?? Back home so Dad can call you a little cuck?? Can't even fight off one lousy skele'en?? No! I got not choice! Hey, Skele'en! I got a bone to pick with you, bitch!"
"It's working for me! He's sooo violent!"
Ruth's lil yelp after steph tells max to stop
"Steph we cant have a party here! This place is hella haunted!"
"It's all a prank. A trick to scare the shit out of you cuz you deserve it. What??? You're telling me you nerds put this whole thing together just for me? Wow. I though you guys hated me. But thanks. This was really great. You're not pissed? Oh! Are you kidding?? Nonono this is like THE nicest thing anyone's ever done for me."
"Ohhhh! And the skele'en. Oh. That was really special" *Max bows to Ruth*
"Look what you fuckin nerds made me do! I pissed my fucking pants! ....mission accomplished???" *Pete signaling to cut it out and Ruth and Grace behind him like wtf Richie*
"This wasnt murder! And it wasnt an accident! It was an act of God!"
"Oh yeah! Like thats gonna hold up in court! He was smote!"
Grace's snap and spin again and Richie groaning "oh nooo shes snapping again!!"
"We're gonna hack all his limbs off! Did you say hack all his limbs off?? Yeah! We're gonna hack all his limbs off!"
"You want me to films this!?!?!?!"
"Thank god Max is gone. Wasnt he your friends?? YEAAAAHHHH but he forbade me from dating, AND he wrecked my dad's Ski-Doo. FUCK that guy."
"Good news! You passed the test?? With flying colors! Oh-ho! Aaaaaa C+"
"Ya know, this is really your C+. Oh... Steph... you can keep it. It'd really bring down my GPA."
"No, Jagerman doesnt let nerds go to footba-... huh... you know maybe i will."
"Go, go Nighthawks! We'll take the fight unto the victors go the spoils! Go, go Nighthawks! We're taking flight we are the leaders and the royals! AHH-AHH!" Including the lil bird wing flappy thing
"N! I-G! H-T! AHH-AHH! KS!"
And the dudes in the background goin "Night! Hawks! Night! Hawks! Fly!"
"Fuuuck you Clivesdale go get fucked! You're fuckin losers, and we'll kill you! Kill your ass!"
They're my bros for life!"
Richie struggling to take off the mascot costume
"Ohhh. I remember what /I/ said. Do you? You FUCKIN NERD?"
"That aint good news for you, ya bitch"
"You shouldve joined the smoke club, you nerdy prude! NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE! *cue Jon bein fuckin goated at imitating a levitation* Nerdy prudes must diiiie!"
"I want you to repeat after me. Okay... Who will pray for me? Who will pray for me? When im gone? When im gone? Until another Richie, comes along. Can you repeat that one? WHO WILL PRAY FOR MEEE WHEN IM GONNNE OR IS THIIIIS THE ETERNAL DARK WITHOUT A DAWN! Who will pray for you? Who will pray for me? When your body's gone? When my body's gone? This is the consequence for what you've done! I'M NOT A LOSER! WHAT DID YOU SAY!?! ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ᵏᶦˡˡ ᵐᵉ. Im not a nerdy prude. Im not a loser! Of course nooot, Richiiie."
“He wasn’t sexy at all… MAMA IM CURED!!!”
“Shoot n shinola!”
“Mornin Daaaaadddy!”
“You don’t say? You don’t say! Welllll I’ll be down there in a jiffy! What did they find dad? They didn’t say!”
“Gosh! I hope it’s not termites! Haha”
“Ohhhh heck. I’m so heckin fudged!”
When the gang is getting called to the principals office and Pete just says “oh no” in like a monotone-y way
“Dont look at me! Get your hands out of your pockets! ….sorry sir….”
The reluctant “go nighthawks”
“Shut the fuck up Ruth!”
“We lost to CLIVESDALE!! FUCKIN *kicks chair* CLIVESDALE!!!”
“Yeahhh… thanks for NOTHIN!!!”
“Yes Ruth! We are fucked!”
“People tell me to die everyday!”
“Someone spilled the beans! All our cool beans!”
Again Ruth’s “Don’t bully me!!”
Pete’s lil “no” when Grace accuses him
“I’m gonna get those pigs off our backs!”
“Shock! Despair! Tragedy!"
“I’ve never known darker times, and I covered the protest live at the Hatchetfield Kennel! I am Dan Reynolds! With action news, week days at 10pm.”
And down down down down, who’s swinging the hatchet now in hatchet town! Someone’s got their hands on the hatchet handle. Swingin on the youth it’s a hatchet scandal. Careful or your folks will end up a cannibals plate. It ain’t great! You’re better on the run than you are hiding, suddenly this quiet town’s exciting.”
“I heard that their brains were soup, their intestines cut in two. So it’s gotta be Donna! What??? Yeah it’s gotta be Donna! DAAAAN!?!?!”
“I certainly don’t LOVE killing”
“Barry’s on the loose and he’s got a gun, and he’s got a motive to kill. IM IN A HURRY!!!”
“Get your hands off me!!!”
“Careful or your kids will end up on Charlie’s plate. Excuse me?? He just ate! How dare you!”
“Singing all these songs gives him greater windows to kill, but we’re singing still!!”
And now THIS PART. The ENTIRETY OF BRYCE CHARLES’ SOLO. It’s fucking transcendent!!!
“Until GERALD! went on his murder spreeeee! I KNEW IT WAS GERALD!! Linda, call my lawyer. Let’s kill him!!”
“Can I shit or will I drown??”
“Ohhhh barbecue monologues, eh? I saw that in New York. Really? How was it? Fuckin ✨transcendent✨”
Joey's whole monologue thing here but extra emphasis on “Every Kah-bob”
“I wanna remember who I am….”
Trevor’s “My barbecue!”
*ruth throws hands up* “I guess!”
“Betcha I could do it! Betcha I could!”
“in my dream, it’s MY barbecue!” *ruth’s little arm wave thing*
“How can something be medium AND well?”
“All of the trappings of the well to-do!”
“And life is fine, if only it were mine.”
“Judge me!”
“And the world’s a stage, when you’re middle of age.”
“It’s well done on the outside, not within! OOOH!”
“Oh ohhh just for once! Just for once! Just for oooooonce!”
Ruth’s cute lil tap dance move
“I used to dance. I used to dance”
“Oh nooo my anxiety *gags* I’m gonna hurl!”
“I believe your next line is AAAAHHHH”
“Project Ruth! They can’t hear you in the back row! Ow, my butt! You’re splitting me in two!”
Max slowly putting the “underwear” over Ruth’s head and then petting her
“Take a bow, bitch!”
The theater director’s dramatic screaming
“No nonono! You can’t do this to me okay?? This isn’t my fault! This isn’t my plan! Woah woah woah who’s place was it Grace? IT WAS GODS PLAN!! And now he’s leaving me out to dry! DO SOMETHING YOU SON OF A BITCH!!”
“Don’t! FOLLOW ME!”
“And he gives me his numberrrr! Very smooth!”
“EXCUSE ME! *audience screaming* I have been waiting for what feels like five fucking years and I STILL have not received my goddamn hot chocolate! Sorryy sir *deadpans fake spitting* here you go. …thank you….”
“MY dad sells women’s shoes!”
“Don’t spin this back on meee”
“Because you’re crazy about me. …..WHAT!?”
“On the first date, Steph? Have some respect for yourself!”
“If I loved you, you would know it. If I loved you, I would show it. If I love you like you should be loved. If I loved you like I’m capable of. If you were the one I’m thinking of, woah ohhh, oh babe I’d let you know”
“Wake me up when you turn eighteeeeen”
“Did they buy it? Ha!”
“Gimme a cup of hot water, and make it strong!”
“Does your phone plan cover calls to hell?”
“She’s bisexual and dead! Where else would she be??”
*whips out gun* “JUST COOL YOUR BEANS, STEPH! Just cool em right the heck down!”
“Shut the front door, spankoffski!”
Pete’s “HOLY SHIT!!” When officer bailey rushes at Paul
“STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!” *cue Emma screaming*
“You ruined our lives Grace!! I knowwww *sobbing* I just haven’t been thinking clearly lately. All I wanted was to be a regular girl, with no sexual desire, until she was safely married. I never asked for this tickle in my mommy spot. I’ve done so many terrible things, like touching myself and lying to the police. …..and dismembering a body….. well… we all did that, so…. But I called god a son of a b-word. Who am I!?!? *more sobbing* ohh.. it’s alright Grace. Don’t comfort her. She’s fuckin weird.”
“Stephanie, please. I’ve been bugging your phone since you were 12.”
“I don’t give a shit who you kill, but you just HAD to go and do it in that house, didn’t you?”
“A book??”
“You mean… satan? Oh no… they’re much worse.”
“K-yuck, k-yuck, k-fuck!”
*head gets thrown on stage* *collective screams* “Damn you miss tessburger! You were worthless!”
“Nerdy Prudes must die. That’s not me! I’m an elected official!”
“I can buy you beer!”
“I hate politics! It’s for NERDS!”
“Pete get behind me! I’ve got a gun! Steph, it’s a ghost… I don’t think that’s gonna do any good…. On the ground, bitch! I’m a cop!”
“Heck! Heck no!”
“Are you a woman of faith? Catholic. I’ll take that as a no.”
“He’s right there! WHAT THE FUCK!?”
“Pete, is she okay? Can you feel a pulse? I have no idea what I’m doing.”
The entirety of the summoning scene. It’s my favoritest part of the whole show.
Extra extra emphasis on “we don’t give a shit about your phone!”
Max’s slow mo run beat boxing to stop the bullet
“So you do know the Bible”
Grace taking her hair down and shaking it out
“Grace what are you doing?? SHUT YOUR FUCKING FART HOLE SPANKOFFSKI!! I wanna hear this! As you were saying Grace….”
“Brewin a pot of dirty girl soup, just for you! What?? Uhh, It’s what you call my bath water in my sexual fantasies. *GASP* that’s nastyyy….. I like it.”
“What… the fuck… is happening right now!?!?”
“GRRRR! I’ll be right back!”
The background dialogue of Grace and Max and then Peter saying “holy cow they’re doin it! Grace is having sex with a fucking ghost!”
Grace sauntering out and smoking a cigarette and saying “wooow I needed that” and then max being baby girl and swinging his legs in the air and saying “where you goin? Don’t you wanna cuddle a little bit?”
“I paid the price, now fuck off” *Grace twirl*
“Nonooooooowwwhatever! It was fuckin worth it!”
“What the fuck you just say to me!?!?”
“Mom said it would help me make friends. Boy was she wrong.”
“Liek eye dew”
“That was… absolutely disgusting!!”
Graces evil laugh “the souls of the pervs make me strong” more evil laughter
“Darkness will spare my soul”
“Run dudes. RUN”
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