#somebody get my a hysterectomy on the rocks
auroraborus · 2 years
I have a period in order to gain class solidarity with women. That's the only reason
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thelocalconstellation · 6 months
Since tumblr keeps putting terfs on my dash, I gotta say. It's interesting seeing what their arguments are against trans people sometimes, I scroll a couple posts once in a while out of sheer curiosity as to their thought process on this and I'm sitting here like. Okay. So you think that having a uterus is the defining trait of a woman? What about women who have had a hysterectomy? What about birth defects? Intersex people who id as a woman? WHY is the uterus the defining trait? Why are they focusing on the reproductive system? Isn't their entire shtick that women should not be bound to the role of a housewife and their only role is not to bear children? If the goal here is to empower women or whatever the hell they're talking about why are they basing the inherent worth of a woman and the definition of them based on their ability to reproduce?
This feels incredibly contradictory I'm so confused. With the diversity in the human form and how people can have differences in their reproductive systems anywhere from a genetic to hormonal to physical level you cannot draw a cohesive line between men and women??? Why are you TRYING to draw a line between men and women??????? We are literally all humans subject to one form of government or another on a big ol rock taking lazy laps around a giant ball of fire in the infinite expanse of existence. Why are you making a huge deal out of this?????
As far as I'm concerned, trans men are men, trans women are women, you in fact may choose to unsubscribe from the social construct known as 'gender' and do whatever the hell you want, losing your marbles over what's in somebody elses pants is a really strange, entirely pointless waste of the time you have in your life and maybe the world would be a little nicer if we could all find it in ourselves to be a little nicer too.
I don't like getting particularly political on my blog, this is a place for sillies, but I ain't cis and I feel like I gotta shoo out the bad vibes once in a while. You can come back when you've gotten in touch with life and hopefully some other humans again.
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dressupdressshopp · 4 years
Fishing I Love A Good Pole Dance Vintage T Shirt
RESTROOM SHE DOES I DO NOT TRUST A Fishing I Love A Good Pole Dance Vintage T Shirt POLITICIAN WITHOUT CHILDREN WHAT’S YOUR TAKE ON THAT I DON’T KNOW MAYBE MAYBE TO USE HARRIS’S OWN WORDS MAYBE SHE WAS BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 24 MAYBE SHE DID SOME DUMB THINGS THAT MAY OR START STERILE STERILE YOU FROM YOU IS THAT DUMB THINGS ALL THEY SAID OH NO THEY SELL THEIR EGGS IN ALL THEY SELL MONEY YOU GET WHEN WHO KNEW THAT THE YOUNG YES I SO SOMETIMES THEY DO SOME DUMB THINGS I DON’T KNOW I DON’T KNOW I HAVE WHY SHE NEVER HAD ANY CHILDREN SHE’S PROBABLY STERILE SOMETIMES A WOMAN MAY NOT BE STERILE SOMETIMES THEY SIMPLY DON’T WANT CHILDREN SOMETIMES YOU HAVE WOMEN WEAR SOME STERILIZE THEM AND IT WAS NOT THEIR DESIRE TO BE STERILIZE YET IS YOU THAT BLACK WOMEN IN AMERICA NOT JUST AMERICA BUT THEY BEEN STERILIZE HYSTERECTOMIES WHERE THAT THE UNIVERSE IS REMOVED SO HARRIS A STORY I DON’T KNOW BUT YOU ALSO NOT REALIZED THAT MICHELLE OBAMA HER TWO DAUGHTERS WERE BORN OF SURROGATE MOTHER SURROGATE MOTHER SO I DON’T KNOW THE WHOLE STARTING MAN OKAY SO AND. Make sure to litigate the fact that check this out boysand we didand he didn’t affect his idea about this movieand were discussing the going on with all is after a while what we started I get taken it seriously does realize it was a pretty cool idea about you taking to the movieand fit in with the overall song is pretty basic idea songs about the bookand a movie after that the state tells that little guy with a box on the day he now cool to do it with like when you concept with it also noticed with in a sanity is yet a concept that’s really only telling half of itand then do so many things about videos I think that we still don’t know that work learning about things you do when you like I did get all with different visual things he can do with blending thingsand all the crap that were like complete newand weird so you know the idea was that it was pretty cooland the whole way was put together that’s what made it work very focused trialand message to the family until incurring the going anti now seems to be the site awareand you know Texas about which were by yearand a half takes us you know which is about six months offand then the we start writing salsa wood on the recordsand longed to year is three years already so it seems to be what we can stuck in right now so you know only on 94 is taking time with anything you know you want to just write in the mechanic at the money now to make sure that it’s rightand how long you’re in the studio always causing as much oh my God you know in the long run it is really matter if you’re happy with the workand six month break we definitely needed after that long to her in writing materialand we take pride in his chair out in a 30 sauceand pick up 12 best whatever caseand it would To finally write daily life cannot be fairly quick actually clicked by standards I think the whole brining process took about eight weeks eight weeks premature never saw him it was quiteand I was just like been three years last on the ideas are stacking up was just kind of taking eight months offand all that was really an email the right thing to do because when we can actually like really gung hoand going for some pretty much the right thing to do is fill out we get a couple must account a jam onand I was the cool thing we didn’t get to do that on some of the other albums you have a few of them readyand we all jam togetherand go in the studioand still be writing stuff for the other guys never even played it with us so you two is about the stars maker is a risk can safely say that this lonely can add them off a couple monthsand generally settled in to see where they were going all the vocal stuff is almost ready to go to the next phrasing so when you can where the song was sitting helps like with each person doing drum step by step on the vocals of time things it was the first time that we ever actually counted with a producerand somebody else was kind of like weird at first light when the rehearsal roomand the site guys in the room taking notes of my of those scary first couple days but got comfortable with that he was just as great you really changed much around the song line but it was good that somebody can fit throwing ideas can blend almost like what other bands do refining is a no signing they want a lot of things I regret like a year later Lindsay like the last couple years just to open up your mind to different things got to go with what feels like you can’t worry about what you said four years ago in an interview in Langley look at things differentlyand get olderand obviously felt thing I was even like it was like a list of people that was just like well it is Bob rock on it we should meet him so we flew upand then was not like a huge thing to me does not like people history something being forced upon us by management a record company payroll very happy that we finally sort of look outside todayand for somebody else to help with planning unit was never really a producer in the classic sense of how worried he was more like a technical for super engineer Canada push the buttonand when really cannot say in there this amino real Canada coaching he said at a counter is not a performance oriented which I think it became apparent to those who really needed somebody to start helping us get some life into Iraq Tinaand him Bob makes pretty lively records flooding knew what we wanted sound wise the sign performs at an early screw this I thought I could fulfill that the way you really knew what is supposed to doand the producer does is makes you sound more like you not not taking Bon Jovi ideasand put them on this band is not his thing in pulling the best of value being object from a different way you might sitand go you know how I want to know what they did because you like in the middle of tracking is something like they just can’t step outside yourselfand can looking for somebody like Bob really helpful when Canadian what is your afterand then when you feel that okay now this guy understands what it is whereafter then you can leave it with you Dominicans were a lot more about performancesand going for them the engines were about overseeingand making no major decision you know cannot about that kind of stuff so it can lilies of us to deal with potential to greatly justify the ones we didn’t trust him it took a little while when you finally say this guy knows aware what we want do is wake upand it was cool in any so that the couple weeks but I’m low levels strain theand domestic fail taband select thought unknown failing to agree that is little will pull the simple timing the simplicity of it all you hear the easy things to Gary register saw a different approach to songwriting in a different thing to go for production wising a lot of people have been shown the last couple weeks is easier record to Mason to mechanic say that you know suggesting a contrived thing but the thing is when you have a different approach the way you write the songsand you have like she almost like enjoy yourself when you’re playing that comes across like a different feeling record before then I think all those things make it easier listen to is not sent down to make a record that is you listen to dislike were like having fun in all this attitudeand then comes through in the planeand that makes it easy for you listen to cannot be part of what we trying to deny me heavy load that isolates the styleand how the law last think we really try a lot of that stuff a lot more self conscious if I comes up interviews afterwards sitting somebody throw the question is what you want we do that will make you know we just do things you would always wanted to do things differently than what a lot everybody else is doing sometimes might look at somebody elseand discounted subconsciously save your cell wall maybe things will be differentand wanted to spend a go this way for a while is not to vilify myself interviewsand talking about it seems like what we do things happen in people always want answers afterwards weird analyze something that doesn’t really take a lot when it is taught is getting together you mean it will fit adult looks like shorter songsand conversation taken off five seconds like arthritis source out okay in a letter to this okay like you know 30 seconds later why do you think of things that contain one more more answers in England but anywhere else What would you think about all this concept that’s happening the mine would get sand shooting a band engineering band shooting us never a big fan of being shot but the video cameras okay you get you get professionals out there that their little jaded with all that hailand put my mark on this with thisand this is my styleand that I well anybody really if you’ve been doing it long enough you you develop a styleand it’s kind of hard to break out of that the fans shoot from that basically she was able to see so it makes total sense one thing that people can be curious about the tatsand dumb I was just wondering what you had any that you could maybe briefly show whatever it’s a good bit of the story about what it’s in the means to you yet while I mean these guys here first of all means but through my time of the country infatuated with Angelsand just the the next afterlife or somethingand you know my parents leaving us are earlier than others having some kind of guide in my life because I know I like I should’ve died hundreds of timesand I’m not the only one but I can only speak for myself that I know there are things like after I’ve done something like that was really stupid I could like man made my mom or dad or somebody is it made made car turn this way instead or somethingand it’s it’s kinda nice to see those those are realize those things this is my higher power this is an angel bringing the gift of music to me these are actually my hands the the tattoo artist Jack Rudy he he took a Polaroid of my handsand then he copied him so that’s meand struggle this is the angel bringing me music to help me through the fireand this in Latin is don’t die which means gift from God so this one is besides my kids namesand all of the other many of obviously are not meanings but this one is pretty importantand then Cliff you know this is cleverly Burtonand this is the middle bit 20 Ryan the base part delete duty duty do it on right those people find it hard enough to stop drinking like you to win stresses alive around the I know I my battle leaving the bottle way too often some like yourself who has a polygon the US scrutinized by people unfairly whatever like what you kept you going to be Abba to do to do what he can do what you did set deck can’t be an easy thing is it is tough inand learn in certain tools is important to be on the road especially while you are nowadays there’s a lot more bands out there that the bottles not that important to them or the drug or the smoke of the whatever the checks into whatever it is that sidetrack you a lot is not as important as it seems as it used to be but yeah can be challenging on the stuff they’re sitting right in front of you know in them for me is it I’m not really haven’t been really good at long term goals in healthand long term happiness is was always pretty foreign to me to be happy right now I want it now is I feel like shitand into the drain chair that whatever was always a quick quick fix to use it but if I want to if I want to miss it if I eat off of five of five feed the dog that says this was so great remembering this or if I feed the dog that says do look how great your life is right now look at the crap that you used to be in the know this that depends on how you look at itand I know I could I could I could go back in things up pretty quick quickand I don’t need to do that so but also you went you know the criticizing that the public guide of things like that it really depends on my mood is on a really good mood I can I can take anything at any time but if I’m feeling a little insecure little tired or look hungry or whatever it is or just know fraid from the roadand that’s why we don’t go out for such long periods of time as you do you start to get fraid in your head starts to swell you think you’re greater than you are in all of this stuffand I could do whatever I wantand then all of a sudden you don’t do stuff I don’t need to be doing so keep in keep in the tour legs shorter has helped a lotand in all the criticism he has is people are people man you know were no greater than each other we get the same size souland were trying to try to feel happy nor trying to feel loved simple as thatand some people think if they could put someone else down they feel a little more the ego comforts them a little bit I know what that’s like mad so I I contributed to that psychologist being like that now you know get nothing to do with me so been able to tick tenant let it bounce off it is sometimes difficult but that’s the tool I like to use what is it that so that prevents you from some straying away from you telling it there there there are two sites me on that the one side is I’m so happy here I get to write whatever I want to I just wrote an intro to my apocalypse last weekand we played at the concert the other night all this is awesome is a lot of freedom if you let it you know that is a lot of times when we all can it get hung up on each otherand want to try this is like wool may be no way you know this the democraciesand and now I got step backand think second level maybe that’s best that’s best for us for not all in agreement with it let’s not do it man you know or management thinks while this is maybe a bad idea likeand fighting a little bit on itand then click well wherever the passion is I’ll believe you probably be on that the true passion is the keyand that is that we go with that so obviously enough of that in the band to be Abba to the sustain you without taking to the credit elsewhere I think I keep trying to do stuff outside of it you even feel like writing nothing else matters that was not metallic I was not gonna be from attackand I was just meand my head in my know misery for a whileand they heard itand said he ring it onand so it seems like anything is able to be metallic now which is fine as the other side of me this like well you know they’re keeping me know management doesn’t me to do this because it’s affecting the name of the band so I can’t do what I want here in theand he gets gets it gets single mindedand this does notand I know that’s not the right thing to do you know we got a great thing going here is this this part of me that thinks you know as soon as somebody goes offand does a side projectand how I don’t take them seriously anymoreand not not to knock other bands but say it you must let not Corey amazing from an amazing singer please don’t really know which band e zine at the moment you know he’s got so many things going onand if that’s you knowand I can’t I certainly won’t judge him on that if the if it’s maybe it’s maybe he’s doing that to survive maybe the money thing is tough or who knows what it is but maybe not getting in all the stuff that he needs to get in but that’s his that’s his journey I don’t I know I would much rather I think I think I think dedicationand loyalty it was a long way with me what album to you like what you a young kid was one of those outlets I said this is this is my calling man like what the hell is this a guardian more of it by add abuse set black Sabbath no one out of all the records in my brother’s record collection my my my brothers 10 years older than I he was in a bandand he had all kinds of albumsand email from Jethro told of the Beatles to whatever all this other stuff in a put on black Sabbath that was that was pretty much it like Sabbath like Sabbath you self taught here had the first album put it onand it was while this is differentand I like this you know this is got some cool it’s got some ball this got some heaviness it’s got a little bit of scariness in there but as its next level you know it’s is taking it a step further this is just not regular bouncy rock this is the highlight of the way this has this has emotion behind it says howand help our fear whatever it really has to do with your roots man when you’re growing up that stuff so importantand it’s so impressionable on you so everyone has that in their lifeand whatever bandit is at that time you know for my wife it’s no Phil Collins that’s okay it moves her that she reminds her of stuff of her teen years or something that she connects withand goes while I can ground myself in his music for me going back listening to Sabbath listening to Skynyrd listening to UFO listening to priest listening to early maiden stuff like that it does that it does that for me with your proudest track that you overwritten personally itself that’s difficult question because I think we’ve all we’ve all accomplished some great things that with different feels there are some songs that we cannot forget about that I think are pretty amazing I think leading me is one of those moments I think outlaw torn I think the picture you a little bit of those epic E in a with its cut instrumentals with lyrics really there is I’d say the third verse in unforgiven to is a distant when it when it breaks downand there’s that way around land where you know the little law plane is parting from Bob Roxio in the lawand second were professional now it sounds like it’s almost Jimmy page you know so where we were entering the realm of zeppelin at that pointand not pretty proud of that to this easy to most of them going on stage he says something which is up to the back your head that use of sale as you used to be afraid of on the stage but obviously five that yeah water afraid of drowning them out I would say I think all of us together used to be a lot more scared to be okay with no wrong to be wrong were playing just a variation on the album you can get away or you can just say hey I felt it my best I try my bestand that’s all I can do if it was you know 30 in Russia when we played that soloing in my fingers froze up that’s as good as I could do work at my throat was swollen shut like that I’m trying to say nothing else matters I did my best so I think were a little bit better at accepting how things are in the I’d say the thing I’m most afraid of his probably like something like my back going out something like that on stage wishes like you go downand then the wheelchair comes up at the stretcher SCA will make this one up you know you don’t like making gigs upand I’ve kinda been the one who’s been making everyone else make up most the gigs with’s broken arms are catching on fire backs going out or eating bad oysters yeah that’s actually not remembering something on the website about that is like you seem to have that strength that you two way this way keep on going to get the fuck right train rolling while your bestand if it we can do a show you where human at the end of the day if we can’t will make it upand that’s the best we can doand if people travel a long time ways you know to come to that show that they can’t make it the other dates it’s a bummer but it’s part of life in can be superhuman fuel questions always late but yet thank you I really appreciate on really hope they show guys wealthy guys next to not something awesome displaying a part of everything he liked the three days of living doing this with Chaffin Vicki’s it’s it’s been great also experience I really had tends out good looks greatand stuffed as is Le Havre so that ion thanks again Bob we we dignified man we we love having fans come from all over the placeand it’s no snow short swim man for youand others you know we appreciate thatand the dedication that you guys have for usand you know this is upand spread the word of this to good vibes man in a row to have some fun absolutely thinking that if I had to have a right has to get going even investors came to the aliases Celia McKim on again the 20 validated on the task I have lensesand interviewand married okay to a economic spaceand shows NAM Davis been POC for a movie steadfast but it still see pod people answered all the others in their bestand send them in is a public heand Elder can set up it was in a deal of schedulingand reforming a few of spirituality staying here always in a suit all lost key to get the M Solvay spitting us to form signify such assets need to lean in in in some industrial opportunism it could since it will start to buy on a naming scam it’s speeded in dust beneath these needless to all of you to be ancient veins set aside a DEA area today is okay piano I think is a is the government will be seen as that come to an Anita lost the was awarded mainand said that Kindle edition one minute station shows two super massive be the people at on the lobby wasand for scabies cleaning today get some stated that in some cities to diabetesand take other people in schedule started I put sword at the UK the putting she showed on CD you know you need made. Plane lease you are the first because I get off the plane and the essay looks like hell what happened what happened to our president is is a choice between a job super recovery or a buy depression and depression 401 k s down the tubes look out radar software had a little bit yesterday as Nancy Pelosi will not approve stimulus that so enjoy playing a boom or a abiding lockdown but you’re already down in we got again or go we again you like to the deck is every kind of I make this even a little bit of an essay them in one of the right basket I placed a crazy 60 minute was you just kept asking me and then they interviewed sleepy gel is like everybody his fellows and they got great ratings that’s unfortunate they get such good ratings and I want to do it again now what time of the difference one is a craziness I fire coming out of her eyes I love he says that he said I am prepared by tough questions I suggest be fair know I’m a top is the way starts with by this hello this is about did you see the reporters that
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stusbunker · 5 years
Dr. Emery Simmons-Winchester
Hey guys! An ask post got me thinking about my girl Emery from my Sam series For Better or Worst.
So I decided to fill out the questions about her, in case you’re interested since a lot of her background has been kept as only small glimpses due to the plot so far. Here are those questions from the ASK POST. (Since I know no one would actually send me asks, especially about OCs.)
1. What is their gender?
2. What is their sexuality?
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
Meaning: Derived from Emmerich, which can mean brave and powerful. Also a hard, dark substance (i.e. emery boards)
Sam calls her ‘Em’ and ‘Baby’
Georgie used to call her Mama E
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with?
She has an older half brother that she isn’t close with, but that’s just because he lived across the country from her and her son.
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Emery loved her parents to the ends of the earth. Though her dad wasn’t always around, his parents helped raise her. She was by her mother’s side when she died from cancer.
6. What would they give their life for?
Georgie. And redemption. Though there are others that she cares for and her dedication to them will be tested deeply soon.
7. Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet?
Is an arranged marriage romantic? I guess it depends on who you ask. She is currently married to Sam Winchester. They met via some shady dealings from one Naomi, Angel of the Lord.
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Can I laugh at how deep we are getting in the “Basics” section of this?! Like, damn and then the next question is like a Teen Bop quiz.
Emery believes in Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. She grew as a psychic, knowing the world as it exists on the show. She still believes the angels are on humanity’s side and are her path to forgiveness, if not salvation.
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
Emery likes rich earth tones with some gold in for accents. She looks good in just about anything though.
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
She is a medieval history professor, and an outstanding lecturer. She reads people really well, even after losing her psychic powers. She has a decent singing voice. Is an amazing mom. And when she makes up her mind to do something, she follows through. Very hard to change her mind or challenge her moral compass.
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
Just that the world was better, in any small way, from her influence.
12. How old are they? When is their birthday?
She is 39, born January 16, 1981.
13. What do they do for fun?
Read. Play with her dog Bandit. Go for walks. Listen to music. She used to mess with people who didn’t know she was psychic, but nothing malicious just little things that would stump strangers. She also used to play video games with Georgie.
14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it?
Potatoes in all of their glorious forms. She also love Cajun cuisine. She isn’t much of a cook, because she never had time to go all out. But french fries are easy enough to come by!
15. What was something their parents taught them?
That no matter who you are, you have a place in this world and a job to do.
Family always comes first.
16. Are they religious?
Yes, but most of the strict devotion rose from the death of her son.
17. Where were they born?
Gary, Indiana
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages?
Different dialects of American English. She can read Old English and Middle English from her years of study.
Latin, from high school and some college.
19. What is their occupation?
Currently a professor, formerly a part-time psychic.
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them?
She has a PHD in History and a Masters in Education. Dr. Simmons-Winchester if you’d like. ;)
21. What is their favorite thing about their personality?
She appreciates her own snark, when it comes out.
22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?
Her psychic upbringing game her a lot of empathy for others. She hates how weak that makes her seem.
23. Do they get lonely easily?
No, she keeps too busy to feel lonely. Her son was always enough for her... until she found Sam.
24. Do you know their MBTI type?
No because those tests are way too fucking long.
25. What is their biggest flaw?
Self-assigned guilt.
26. Are they aware of their flaws?
Not all of them, who is?
27. What is their biggest strength?
Her dedication.
28. Are they aware of their strengths?
Yes, she isn’t one to sell herself short.
29. How would they describe their own personality?
She would say she is smart, kind and generally tough.
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
She isn’t one for physical violence, but she will stand up vocally. She has had to defend herself physically in the past and that cost her her son.
31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
Constantly, in the past it was mostly her son, but now also her husband.
32. What is their self esteem like?
Good. She owns her strengths and is aware of her shortcomings. Though she is slightly shaken from a recent rejection, but she knows better than to get too attached when there are other factors in play.
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
Failure to protect her son. She would go to the ends of possibility to save him.
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives?
It took almost five months of an arranged marriage for her to tell Sam about her son, his death and her side of their deal with Heaven. Though she trusts Sam, she didn’t reveal much about her past.
We’re going to have to wait and see if she can trust Sam or Cas with her life.
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
Talk cruelly about other people on end. Chew with your mouth open.
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.
She has a pretty decent sense of humor. Not too dark, but definitely has a sarcastic streak. I think she would love memes, especially living with a preteen gamer, she would have seen her share. But she’s still a dorky mom, so she only shares the obvious ones with her TAs.
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37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
Fairly easy, especially with family. Never.
38. What do others admire most about their personality?
Her strength of character and her determination to DO GOOD.
39. What does their happily ever after look like?
She hasn’t really thought about it beyond the task at hand. Keeping up her charade with Sam in order to save Georgie’s soul and Dean. They have quiet the dream life from the outside: great jobs, nice house in a good neighborhood. But none of that can last, not for them. Right?
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
Her mother, but she passed about two years ago. Yes.
Physical Profile:
41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh?
Her voice is smoky, much like her faceclaim Rashida Jones. Her laugh can get breathy or silent if it is a really deep one. She laughs in little spells, but nothing like she used to.
42. What is their favorite thing about their physical appearance?
Her sparkling hazel eyes.
43. What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance?
She thinks she has a big nose. But her complex is so good, she doesn’t dwell.
44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars?
Yes, she had a total hysterectomy after her mother died so she has laparoscopic scaring. She also has stretch marks from pregnancy. The biggest scars are on her left upper arm, where her son scratched her when he first shifted into a werewolf.
45. How would they describe their own appearance?
Just a 30-someting mixed girl rocking what she’s got.
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
She is tempered first and foremost. Being vulnerable is not something she does regularly, but she doesn’t hide the big things. They’re too much for a reason.
47.    What’s their pain tolerance like? 
She is a women of color and a single mother, her pain tolerance is insanely high because people don’t listen anyway. (yes, that’s shade)
48. Do they have any tattoos? What are the stories behind those tattoos?
She doesn’t. (Desperately trying to remember if she does now... oops?)
49. Do they have any piercings?
Just a single on both ears.
51. What is their height? Weight?
5′4″ 130lbs ish
52. What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc?
She thin, not overly fit.
53. What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone?
Dark brown/ Hazel/ Dark Beige
55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?
She has a fairly low tolerance for alcohol, but that’s generally because she doesn’t drink often. When she gets wine drunk she gets affectionate. The few times she has been hungover have been exhausting because she doesn’t give her self time to recover.
56. What do they smell like? Why do they smell like this? (Is it the things they’re around or a perfume they wear?)
Her natural scent is warm spices, with almost a vanilla finish. She has a jasmine perfume that makes her slightly more feminine and floral.
57. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin?
She hasn’t had an active sex life until she married Sam. Before that it had been a few years. No, she isn’t a virgin and this is a dumb question because it is an outdated misogynistic construct.
58. What is their most noticeable physical attribute?
Her big, bright, multicolored eyes. Then her smile.
59. What does their resting face look like? Do they have RBF?
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Not exactly resting, but you get the point. Yes.
60. Describe the way they sleep.
She sleeps curled on her side, in the middle of the bed. If Sam’s already up, she is stealing his pillow to cuddle. If Sam is sleeping elsewhere, she stays to her side.
61. Which season is their favorite season?
Summer, though she was born in the winter, she prefers it if she can function outside or at least read by the lake.
62. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others?
Okay, yes, everyone has been betrayed. She is currently dealing with the ramifications of an unjust deal with Heaven. It’s not easy for her.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
Her dog Bandit.
64. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily?
Yes, she is a slight woman, she gets cold easily.
65. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick?
She has a solid immune system, even when she gets sick she powers through. Bad mental health days knock her down a few pegs though.
66. Where do they live? Do they like it there?
Currently living in Denver, CO with Sam and Bandit. She lived in Chicago with her son and dog previously.
67. Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room?
No, she keeps her bedroom clean because she shares it (for the most part) now. The bathroom and kitchen are always spotless. The living room is a little cluttered, but that’s generally Bandit’s toys and research she leaves out when she’s not grading in the dining room.
68. How did their environment growing up affect their personality?
She was surrounded by love. Her mom was a waitress at a diner and her paternal granddad and big mama helped raised her. She knew she had to work hard for anything to come to her and she also was psychic so she was able to sense how her family was “odd” or “wrong” depending on whose thoughts she heard. She grew up learning to respect people and kill them with kindness, or wit if she had to.
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
See above.
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?
She loves animals, but is very much a dog person. Yes, Bandit, the best boy ever.
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
She is amazing with kids, especially one on one. She has a son George, who would have been 13 last spring. She is unable to have more.
72.   Would they rather have stability or comfort? 
Stability. Knowing what to expect is its own level of comfort.
73. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors?
She is generally indoors, but generally all of her active free time is spent outside.
74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms?
To be in, sunny and clear. She likes storms from the safety of inside and thunder more than the lightning.
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
She would probably doodle old geometric patterns found on ancient manuscripts as a border. Possibly make a list of things that need doing or write the same word over and over again in different fonts.
76. How organized are they?
Fairly, not obsessively so.
77. What is their most prized possession?
Her PhD.
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend?
She was close with a few colleagues at her last job, a small college just outside of Chicago. But her mother was her best friend so it is hard to put that title on someone else since she lost her.
79. What is their economic situation? 
Currently upper-middle class. Previously working class struggling with medical bills.
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
She is not a morning person, but doesn’t stay up too late unless she has too.
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
No. Unless someone is severely hurt.
82. What is their handwriting like?
Not too neat, but generally a combination of print and cursive.
83. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim?
Yes, well enough to not die, she doesn’t know all the strokes or anything. Sure, but not as much as she likes sunbathing.
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best?
Oh, this is a tough one! I am going to say Envy, because though she had a great family growing up, she was still very much aware of what other people had. And their problems always seemed so frivolous.
85. Do they believe in ghosts?
Yes, she was a psychic, she spoken to spirits before.
86. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays?
She has her great-grandmother’s china that she keeps for the big holidays, Christmas, Easter, etc. She would host the cousins and aunties with her grandma and once her mom got too sick, it was harder to get everyone together. She and George would go to her Aunt Janice’s house when they could for Sunday dinner, but traffic in and out of the city was a pain during the school year.
87. What is something they regret?
Killing her son in self-defense.
88. Do they have an accent?
Not usually, she was in an academic setting for so long she doesn’t let it slip out often.
89. What is their D&D alignment?
Neutral Good, laws and those who enforce them should evolve quicker than they do.
90. Are they right or left handed?
92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
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93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
She groaned, grabbing his face in both her hands. “Fine! Asshole. But you better make it worth it.”
She was pointing a finger at his agreeing puppy dog face now.
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mexicosmash4-blog · 4 years
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Ultimately the wand is pulled one more inch out of the vaginal canal, and it is dealt with to an additional three minute rotation of ultrasound. Next, a three action disinfection of the FemiWand tool, the FemiWand ultrasound cartridge as well as the vaginal area itself is finished. To start with, a vaginal exam is performed to analyze the area and sees to it it is safe to go ahead. The procedure is rather non-invasive as well as it is completely non-surgical, but it will certainly entail casting your modesty aside for the duration of the therapy. We previously told how a mother cases her ₤ 1,900 developer vagina has actually transformed her sex life as well as made her feel 15 years more youthful in the bed room. Bristol-based Vivo Center used a video clip of Genuine Homemakers of Cheshire celebrity Tanya Bardsley undertaking the treatment, which she described as "minky firm", on its site.
Vivo Center Bristol believed that the ad was not reckless. They stated that the video on the page was filmed by ITV for a program called "The Real Housewives of Cheshire." They claimed that the personality in the show had actually gotten actual treatment. VIVO Clinic is the mix of modern tools and proficiency. We provide non-invasive procedures and clinical screening services. With FemiWand ®, numerous clients state no discomfort and also have no downtime after the therapy. Tightening with FemiWand ® is a non-invasive, non-surgical therapy developed to tighten the wall surface of the vaginal area. When you arrange an appointment, you will certainly meet females professionals.
The advantages of pelvic flooring exercises are well-documented, and are recommended to aid prevent troubles such as tension urinary system incontinence and also a prolapsed womb. Despite this, a recent survey conducted by Health and wellness & Aesthetics exposed that a 3rd of ladies who have had or are anticipating a baby confessed to never ever practising the workouts.
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Some ladies likewise experience a watery discharge or detecting for a day approximately list below treatment. There are 2 settings to the treatment as well as the effects last at the very least 2 years otherwise longer. Perfect is the closest location to Teesside providing the therapy, which is readily available in cities consisting of Newcastle and also Manchester. Owner of Flawless Appeal, Lyndsey Tibbett, claims it's the "next finest thing" to surgical procedure as well as their journal has "freaked out" with females reserving in for appointments because they began providing the therapy. A Normanby salon is the very first on Teesside to offer a brand-new therapy for ladies dealing with the after-effects of giving birth.
How can I tighten my thighs naturally?
Here are six ways you can tighten loose skin. 1. Firming creams. A good choice for a firming cream is one that contains retinoids, says Dr. 2. Supplements. While there's no magic pill to fix loose skin, certain supplements may be helpful. 3. Exercise. 4. Lose weight. 5. Massage the area. 6. Cosmetic procedures.
After your assessment, you will certainly be under no commitment to go through with the therapy treatment. At Harley Ultrasound, our team believe your therapy needs to be conducted by a knowledgeable professional, making use of sector leading equipment, in a safe and also comfortable environment.
Femiwand is a non-invasive method that utilizes wise innovation to recover fibers that extend correctly. Many individuals still discover it tough to talk about this problem openly. Medical practitioners understand that it is rather uneasy and embarrassing to talk about this topic. Therefore, they do all they can to make you really feel comfortable as well as likewise respect your personal privacy. Remarkably, there are non-invasive techniques that can help you restore a limited vagina.
No surgery Required.
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The maker is the very first of its kind across the entire of the UK and also Manchester's VIVO facility is the only center to offer this treatment. These actions are after that repeated with a 3mm cartridge which deals with the skin inside the vagina.
Click for ALL FemiLift centers in the UK & Ireland signed up and also confirmed by Consulting Space. Many ladies will certainly see a significant improvement after 2 or 3 therapy sessions.
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Do cellulite massagers work?
Massage isn't a cure for cellulite but it might temporarily improve skin's appearance and make cellulite less noticeable. Massage does have many health benefits so it may be worth adding to your wellness regimen.
Most of the specialist doctors are women, which is calculated for social factors. After the treatment, take at least 72 hours prior to delighting in sex.
What causes cellulite?
Little is known about what causes cellulite. It involves fibrous connective cords that tether the skin to the underlying muscle, with the fat lying between. As fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin, while the long, tough cords pull down. This creates an uneven surface or dimpling.
Clear Skin Facility is based in Bradford and covers the surrounding location and beyond. Our services include 3D lipo, hifu facelift, IPL hair elimination, Swedish massage therapy, hot rock massage chemical peels off and also much more. With FemiWand ®, you can avoid the threats as well as expense of surgery and still benefit from a tighter, healthier vagina.
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You might be encouraged to have a top-up treatment after one year to keep your results. Expectant females are encouraged to wait to up until after the birth of their child prior to having therapy. FemiLift can be used approximately 3 months after giving birth, whilst breastfeeding, also if you want to have more kids. You may well be asked to supply arise from a PAP smear test that you have had within the last twelve month, or have a smear examination before treatment, if it has actually been several years given that you were last evaluated. The results of this will certainly be utilized to evaluate viability for therapy in case of any kind of abnormal outcomes. If you are concerned that you have actually a sexually sent condition then this should be checked, identified and also treated, if called for, prior to having a FemiLift treatment.
What Can The Hifu Treatment Be utilized For?
How do you get rid of cellulite under your butt?
Try This: 9 Tips and Tricks to Get Rid of Butt Cellulite 1. Step up. 2. Pop squat. 3. Glute bridge. 4. Jump lunges. 5. Walking lunge. 6. Dumbbell squat to deadlift. 7. Diet. 8. Hydration. More items•
Researchers have actually established gadgets that are capable of dealing with these modifications by use of laser power or radiofrequency. On the other hand, making use of laser modern technology is evasive and also have distressing negative effects. Clinical scientists have actually discouraged this procedure as it may cause other wellness complications. There is no provision on anaesthesia or any kind of numbing therapy. After the treatment, the individual can return to the regular less laborious activities quickly. After the initial appointment, it is the choice of the patient to proceed with the treatment. Owing to the level of sensitivity of the subject and therapy as a whole, doctor-patient discretion is exercised.
contact us any time to prepare an expense and also obligation-free assessment with a skilled health as well as charm specialist - somebody that knows every little thing that there is to know about your treatment.
HIFU is considered as both a risk-free and highly reliable skin tightening therapy.
While you're below, we'll rejoice to show you around the Luxury Beauty parlor, as well as address any inquiries that you might have.
Used by leading clinical specialist's results will certainly last in between months from a single session.
Due to the fact that this therapy targets much deeper layers of the skin, there is no damage to the upper layers of the skin.
Why not start your journey to brighter and also even more youthful skin?
The ULTRAFORMER III makes use of HIFU modern technology (short for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) to provide a quick as well as efficient therapy to aid deal with some of the signs of ageing as well as bring back vibrant looking skin on the face, as well as the body.
A visible renovation in facial contouring and also fine lines and wrinkles will certainly be visible within 4 weeks while further renovation in face skin firm and also wrinkles will be apparently seen up to 6 months.
This might be as a result of various factors, among them menopause, giving birth, surgical procedure and weight problems. Sometimes, hefty smoking and also hysterectomy might trigger the vaginal area to lose its flexibility. With FemiTone, you can avoid the threats and also cost of surgical treatment as well as still take advantage of a tighter, healthier vagina.
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Facelift surgical Treatment locate cost.
We are clear with the prices of the treatment with the price staying the same for every customer. " I can say that it's the most expert solution I've obtained. I really did not experience any type of adverse effects after the treatment," claims John F. To finish up this amazing process, the "like a virgin" restoration remedy is inserted right into the vagina. The product is fed to give important nutritious elements into the freshly established collagen fibers. An immediate improvement is evident mins after the process. When any one of the highlighted events takes place, the natural skin collagen is replaced with fibers that do not extend properly.
The idea being offered was that the decision to proceed with the treatment could be taken lightly, without serious factor to consider. We therefore concluded that the ad was untrustworthy and breached the Code. The CAP Code required that medical or clinical claims as well as indicators were made only for a medical item that was certified by the MHRA or under the auspices of the European Medicines Firm or for a CE-marked medical tool. you can visit the Spire Aesthetics website to learn more had not seen any docudrama evidence to demonstrate that the FemiWand was a CE-marked medical device or certified by the MHRA or under the auspices of EMA. Due to that, no clinical claims can be produced the product. In addition, we had not been offered with any type of docudrama evidence to support the insurance claims that the item might be utilized to give treatment for the problems listed in the advertisement.
FemiWand is preferred among ladies who deal with genital laxity. Vaginal laxity can be an outcome of delivering or simply a by-product of collagen honesty reduction that comes with age. HD Lipo Freeze technology offers preferred cosmetic therapies. The devices have a low running cost as well as have the potential to generate substantial profits. One treatment is typically enough, however lots of women return to a comply with up session. SCOTS ladies can currently freshen up 'down there' for under ₤ 100 as a Glasgow clinic provides a cut price bargain.
idea ™ Facelift.
What foods cause cellulite?
5 Foods That Cause CellulitePizza. Pizza seems like it should be the perfect food, delivering a yummy dose of calcium and protein. Cheese. It goes without saying that if pizza contributes to cellulite, then pizza will as well. Sugary Snacks and Beverages. Refined Carbs. Processed Meats.
A treatment like FemiWand could be the response for a LOT of ladies. view product website 's not the most inexpensive alternative worldwide for your tightening up needs, however if you can afford it and wish to bypass the timescale as well as visits to the GP after that it's the best solution.
The advertisement included a video clip from the TV program "The Genuine Homemakers of Cheshire" which revealed a female getting ready for the treatment signed up with by her two pals. The video clip included the lady's amusing reaction to the procedure while her good friends were seen drinking Prosecco and laughing. We took into consideration that the laid-back as well as funny style of the video paired with the pointless message "FemiWand is a 20-mintue procedure that can be executed on your lunch break" trivialised the nature of the treatment.
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