#somehow i feel even worse now than i did in the middle of june. idk why it all hit me again
risingsunresistance · 2 years
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TGF Thoughts: 3x09-- The One Where The Sun Comes Out
This episode was way more engaging than the last. I talk a lot about Maia in this one; the writers finally figured out how to use her!
Reasons I shouldn’t write recaps after a year without seeing an episode: I forget basic stuff, like that it rained for all of season 3. You know, because ATMOSPHERE and WEIRDNESS and QUIRK. And SYMBOLISM. Can’t forget symbolism. 
To be fair to the writers, it did rain a lot last year. All I remember about the month of June is rain. They predict everything. 
Maia’s new job at a call center (I can’t recall if we’d seen her at the call center before this episode) is something she takes very seriously. Just kidding. She acts disdainful towards anyone who dares ask for her help and then hangs up on them. On one hand, this seems like a terrible job so I get her “fuck it all” attitude. On the other, she’s being suuuuuper bratty.
Right. I refreshed my memory. We did see Maia at this job in an earlier episode. 
Consult-a-Lawyer is where all the LGwhatever rejects go. Sounds miserable. 
Blum walks in, and Maia makes a, “Oh God, THIS asshole” face. Coincidentally, this is also the face I’m making as I realize I’m going to have to listen to this loud man I had blocked from my mind yell obscene things for two more episodes. 
Blum wants to hire Maia. She agrees, as does her friend Lili. I believe Maia has other choices (remember how she turned down Diane’s offers to help when they weren’t exactly what she wanted?) but also, yeah, I’d want to get the hell out of Consult-a-Lawyer too. 
Now it is hailing. Everyone from RBL is in blue. Remember those picspams we all used to make where we’d oversaturate the background to make everything blue? I wouldn’t need to oversaturate this image to make the blue pop. 
I truly don’t understand why the main page of All Access thinks I am in the middle of some random season 2 episode when I am clearly in the middle of 3x09. When I click on the show, it understands that I’m in the middle of 3x09 and allows me to resume watching. Why wouldn’t you optimize your homepage to encourage people to keep watching!? (All Access isn’t alone in this: HBO Go also makes it very hard to figure out where I left off when watching a series.) 
So, because Carl Reddick was a sexual harasser and RBL covered it up, ChumHum is insisting on an internal investigation, led by a woman who is-- you guessed it-- quirky. And even worse, it’s one of the quirks that’s actually not funny because it’s a real condition people live with?? How are we still doing this, show?
This is RBL’s best year ever. Yay! I forget if that tracks with anything we’ve seen. I guess the existence of ChumHum alone is enough to make that true.
Oh NO, Book Club is in this one too!? Liz, wisely, says she’s done and refuses to go with Diane. 
Maia tells Blum no, she won’t work with him. She thought he was rescuing her from hell, but he’s really “dragging her down deeper.” This is accurate. Maia may not be the smartest character on this show, but she’s got her eyes wide open when she works with Blum. 
Blum wants to work with Maia (duh) because her father is a piece of shit respected by other pieces of shit. This checks out. This is quite logical, tbh. 
Maia requires very little convincing. This is not because she is in such a hard spot she has no other options. This is because she is bored and hates the world because she didn’t get her way and had to deal with consequences. It took very little to turn Maia from an innocent to a villain. Perhaps that’s because she was always complicit. (If you’re 26 and went to law school and you can’t understand privilege even on the most basic level, it’s because you’ve been tuning out everything that challenges you.)
Maia seems way more confident now. She’s SO much more fascinating as a villain than as a protagonist, likely because even when she was the protagonist everything she did was so selfish it was hard not to see her as a villain. Props to the writers for recognizing that and leaning into it. They don’t explicitly tie her actions here to her actions at the start of the series, but this only works because Maia’s always been one slight away from going bad. 
And yes, I think villain is the appropriate word for someone money hungry and willing to work, no questions asked, with someone as slimy as Blum. 
Maia hires her friend Lili to help out, which, admittedly, is a nice thing for someone I just called a villain to do. 
After further “messages” from the con artist who started Book Club, the Book Clubbers want to SWAT someone. This sounds fucking terrifying. Diane pushes back and the rest of Book Club is totally ok with this strategy.
So Diane reveals that Valerie’s a con artist and it causes squabbling. It somehow backfires because people believe the woman claiming to have a message from Valerie. Even the one who can do all the IT things--the one who could very easily (by show logic at least) just simply look up the records and phone numbers herself-- believes her. 
Is a big group setting really the way internal investigations are done? I’m no expert, but this feels like a bad approach!!
Marissa doesn’t think the firm has racial issues! Ha ha. She thinks the racial pay gap issues are totally resolved because the associates got raises. As much as I want to believe someone as savvy as Marissa wouldn’t think like this… I kinda believe it. 
Lili also seems kind of terrible, like someone who can’t wait to go on a power trip and fuck over every person who has ever said anything mean to her. 
Oh goodie, we’re talking about sexism now. I appreciate that they’ve featured a few associates over the course of season three. I don’t remember their names since I last watched these episodes a year ago, but I remember that they’ve been in several episodes. I hope to see them in season four, and to learn their names. 
Someone says men weren’t considered to head up Lucca’s department. This is blatantly false. Also, idk what these other associates can do, but Lucca’s proven herself to be adaptable, smart, and someone who can go above and beyond. Plus, she is someone who is out for herself, with tons of career options. She’s someone you want at your firm. 
The female named partners are biased against men, says a (you guessed it!) male associate. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahaha no. 
Marissa calls the associate out on this, and another (female) associate steps in to say she’s in no place to talk since she’s stealing Jay’s job. If it didn’t seem like there was room for both of them, this would be true. 
In a move I appreciate, the mailroom employees are also in this scene, talking about how they didn’t receive any bonuses to correct for the pay gap because of their class. When one of the associates says they didn’t receive a bonus because of race, a mailroom guy calls her out for not knowing his name. 
And then it devolves, as so many of these scenes do, into people talking over each other.
While I like that they address these issues so often on this show, I don’t think “inequalities are controversial and there’s no solution so here are people talking over each other” is the best approach. Sure, I can appreciate different points, and I don’t need the show to tell me how to think, but at this point I think the show needs more of a POV on this. It feels, too often, like they’re saying “Controversy! Huh!” 
Marissa goes to Liz and mentions the other women Carl Reddick assaulted. Liz, understandably, hasn’t looked at the files Marissa gave her. She says she will but asks Marissa to keep quiet around the investigator. So sounds like she doesn’t intend to do anything. 
Oh no. Is this the ep with the retcon where Liz and Adrian actually did hook up!? And put it in work emails!? All I have to say about this is that it’s a bad decision. Sometimes the writers get so close to making a bad decision and then walk it back enough so that I can relax, and then bring it back later, for no reason. It’s even worse that way, because by that point I’ve already formed a strong opinion about it happening. The moment that set me off the most in TGW was when Alicia and Peter agreed to renew their vows at the end of 421, followed by a commercial break, followed by a promo with Alicia kissing Will. I HATED the love triangle at that time. I mean HATED. That commercial break allowed me to relax into the idea that the writers had ended the love triangle. The promo shattered that idea, and, in turn, I slammed my computer shut so hard it nearly broke. That is not a feeling I like. That is the feeling that learning Liz and Adrian fucked gives me. 
NOT EVERYONE HAS TO SLEEP WITH EVERYONE. IT IS SOMETIMES MORE INTERESTING WITHOUT THE ILLICIT AFFAIRS. THERE ARE MORE INTERESTING WAYS THAN HOOKUPS TO ADDRESS THAT THEY USED TO BE MARRIED. For starters, can we get an episode where Liz calls Adrian out on the condescending voice he’s always using when he talks to her?
Oh yes, this is also perjury. Why. Why is this happening? Why would Liz and Adrian admit this to an investigator knowing damn well they lied under oath, and also, why would they lie under oath? I know we saw it happen but was it really worth two partners perjuring themselves bc they fucked their ex??? 
When the stakes are high for no reason (or for a stupid reason) it doesn’t maximize drama. It just makes me tune out the drama. If I believed Liz and Adrian had a good reason to perjure themselves, maybe I’d care about this. Maybe they did. But the fact I don’t remember it-- and I’m someone who can name every single episode title of TGW in order-- suggests to me it wasn’t a good enough reason. 
Liz goes to shred the file with the rest of the info on her father’s victims. See, this is a bad choice that I understand. It’s her father’s legacy and her firm’s future, and she has all the power right now. It could come back to bite her, but I get why she takes this risk. I get why this situation is fraught. 
Credits time!!! 
Maia’s also decided to dress like a Bad Girl. She is trying VERY hard. But she’s pulling it off. She’s speaking without hesitation and actually taking an active role in getting things done. It speaks volumes about her character that the first time she’s been motivated about anything work related, it’s something morally bankrupt. 
Apparently the black and white associates are sitting apart from each other. Julius says it’s not intentional; there’s a hot desk system. That held up well.
LMAO people think Julius and Marissa are sleeping together. Julius does a spit take-- the appropriate reaction.
“You’re really a Rindell?” a potential client asks Maia. “Raised at his knee. Taught me everything he knows,” Maia says proudly, displaying a framed picture of her and her father. I’ve said it like five times already but it’s SO dark that Maia would use this to her advantage. We’ve seen some opportunistic shit on TGW/TGF but Maia gets so shameless, so fast, with no remorse. Damn. 
RBL is trying to disbar Blum. He doesn’t care. He tells Maia to take care of it and to use the allegations (which she doesn’t realize are real) against Carl to make it go away.
Diane is talking to a computer. I’m over all the Diane plots.
Liz is glad the Book Club is still fighting even if she’s not involved, which is the stance it always made the most sense for Liz to have. 
Diane allows Book Club to proceed with their latest scheme because she finds the dude they’re targeting deplorable. If this plot didn’t involve Book Club I’d find it to be an interesting moral dilemma. 
An actually interesting dilemma: Liz informs Marissa she will not be disclosing the names of any additional victims. Marissa clearly thinks this is the wrong call but keeps her mouth shut. An unusual amount of restraint for her. 
Maia and Marissa are still friends! Is this the episode with the bizarre Maia/Marissa kiss that I still don’t understand the point of? 
Marissa divulges info about the firm’s Reddick drama to Maia, which is uncharacteristically stupid of Marissa. But there’s no bridge Maia isn’t willing to blow up to help Blum. She’s prying and manipulating a friend who faked a drug test for her and got her through the worst time in her life so she can prop up a mean, cruel man. There are other paths for Maia. I want to be absolutely clear that I think she is choosing this one because things got the slightest bit challenging for her. 
Maia realizes what she’s doing and stops herself saying she has to go because “everything we talk about from now on, you’re gonna blame me for.” And rightfully so! 
OH, the kiss is because Maia is acknowledging she’s fucking over their frendship, isn’t it? Earlier they’re about to drunkenly kiss and one of them talks about not fucking friends they don’t want to fuck up the friendship. So the kiss is fucking over the friendship. Or maybe it’s just a kiss. 
“You’re gonna hate me. Just remember, this has nothing to do with us,” Maia says. Ha, I believe this less than I believe Alicia’s “this was never meant personally” in 5x05. (Hitting the Fan isn’t a bad comparison here, since Alicia does make a choice to fuck over friends when she has the choice to not fuck over friends. I think what makes that “gray” for me while this is villain territory for Maia is how fast this happens. Alicia’s taking the clients whose accounts SHE has sustained, and starting a firm she truly believes will be better (for herself, as a company, for her family). It’s a selfish decision. Her options aren’t reduced all that much either (she’s the governor’s wife, if she wants to leave her firm she could go anywhere). But I can see her side, I can see how fraught the choice was for her, I can see how the way things played out made the tensions worse. Maia burns her friendships to the ground so she can work with a loathsome man because the opportunity fell into her lap while she was hating the world too much to do anything productive with her life. 
Maia’s crying in the office when Blum finds her. She knows what she’s about to do. She’s sad she’s going to do it, but she knows she’s going to do it. I don’t think she considers, for a moment, not fucking over Marissa. As soon as Marissa gives her the intel (which, no matter what Maia says, she was totally fishing for), Maia’s mind is made up. Does it make it better if she cries about it? 
And Maia KNOWS it is a betrayal. She says she knows “a friend will interpret it as a betrayal” because she knows it is one. She tells Blum she doesn’t know if it’s a betrayal because “I’ve lost track these days” (that line sounds surprisingly Alicia-esque) and tells him what she knows. That’s one of those questions that if you have to ask, you know the answer. 
Thought experiment: Would it be a betrayal if Maia were an activist who wanted to get the word out about an abuser? I think a lot of why I react so harshly towards Maia’s choice here is that (1) she sees it as a foregone conclusion that she’ll use the info and (2) she is using it to help Blum. Blum isn’t shades of gray (50 shades of gray joke here). He is despicable. He isn’t morally ambiguous and you can’t even say his ends justify his means because his ends are despicable too! 
Ah, a scene I won’t have much to say about. It’s going to be Blum on his bullshit.
Oh, I do have something to say, but it’s a sad thing. Mark Blum, the actor playing ACDB lawyer Julius Kreutzer in this scene, sadly passed away from COVID-19 last week. 
Roland Blum representing sexual assault survivors to fuck over a rival law firm makes me sad.
Marissa does, in fact, interpret Maia’s actions as a betrayal. She calls her immediately and asks, “you fucked me over?” “Not intentionally,” Maia says. Oh, own it. You knew the moment she said it what you were going to do; this was an intentional action with an inconvenient consequence. 
The partners find out, thanks to Blum, that Julius is going to be a federal judge. And they are not happy.
More talking over each other! Cultural appropriation has entered the mix of complaints. Lucca decides to intervene by going to the partners about the new seating plan. And this is why Lucca, and not that associate, is heading up a department. She knows when to go to management and isn’t wasting her own time in these squabbles. (Tbh, Lucca recognizing that bickering with no resolution in sight isn’t productive makes me wonder if the writers have more of a POV than I’m giving them credit for. Maybe they’re trying to say that talking over each other is futile and aggravating.)
Why the hell does this investigator want to integrate the mailroom by firing black people so they can hire more white people?! Setting aside for a minute that that is a profoundly stupid idea, that can’t possibly be legal, can it??? 
RBL decides that, backed into a corner, it’s time to just own up to their wrongdoings. It works with the ACDB, at least until Blum brings Maia into things.
Book Club kills someone. I truly don’t know how to feel about Diane having literal blood on her hands. This scene should be way more dramatic than it feels. This is the problem with having stakes too big for the show. Instead of getting invested, I write off the far-fetched plots, and I can’t really care about character drama that stems from something so over the top I don’t believe it. 
Diane thinks Book Club didn’t want the guy dead. What about this group that was working to hack voting machines suggested that they wanted him to live???? 
Liz says Diane has to report them, but Diane worries she’s implicated. Who could have imagined that working with crime-loving resistance group would have legal ramifications?! It’s not like Diane and Liz are lawyers or anything.
Liz thinks Diane needs to convince Book Club that everything they’re doing is because of a con artist, but that’s a solution to a different problem. Diane knew Valerie was a con artist and still pushed forward with Book Club because she was committed to the cause. Why would any of these other women abandon the group at this point? What difference does it make if Valerie is a liar.
Shock of all shocks, Book Club is planning their next attack. It’s almost like they are a group of criminals who meet in shady spaces at odd hours. The time to be noble about this shit was weeks ago, Diane and Liz. You’re complicit. What did you think you were getting into? 
Book Club does not like that Kurt is conservative. Diane gets mad and basically threatens them.
“You two are just as culpable,” one of the Book Clubbers says. She’s not wrong. Maybe not JUST as culpable, but culpable for sure. It’s possible that I just don’t want to see Diane and Liz be culpable for things this atrocious and stupid so I resent this plotline. (That said, to go back to Hitting the Fan as an example of a character I love doing a thing that is morally questionable at best, I can accept my faves doing things I don’t like. There’s something about the scale of Book Club’s actions vs the scale of the show that feels off.)
“The truth is what you make it,” Blum tells Maia. A familiar lesson for this show.
!!!!!!!! Is CBS reading my unpublished word doc?! Because today All Access understands that I am watching 3x09.
It’s also updated the key art for TGF to the season 4 image, which says “What is memo 618” in larger font than the show’s title. I am sure I will come to care about memo 618; however, it doesn’t make me want to watch the show or tell me anything about the show, so I don’t get why it’s on the poster. 
ALSO there is no question mark on the image so that’s gonna drive me just a little crazy.
Blum manipulates Maia by telling her she shouldn’t let anyone control her. Maia doesn’t agree to help him; she heads home instead.
Liz and Adrian talk about sleeping together. They had previously said it was a mistake, but Adrian wants to reopen the discussion. All Liz wants is privacy. 
Adrian then asks her if she regrets “fucking”. Yes, he says fucking. Those are his words. Liz is like, what do you want to hear? And it breaks up the tension of the moment. THAT is more compelling to me than all the perjury stuff. (Also, neither of them regret it.)
I don’t think I have a problem with them sleeping together… just a problem with it happening off-screen (I don’t need a sex scene-- just want to know how they got there!), being retconned, and then being used to create drama. If they want to hook up, go for it. 
Oh, look, it’s a stock footage shot of the outdoors. Busy streets? People walking around? Seems fake.
The stock footage is to show that the rain has stopped, btw. It just feels like it’s designed to taunt me with the idea of public parks and bustling streets. 
The ChumHum report is out and the partners look very! Serious! But Liz and Adrian are in the clear. 
The investigator basically just finds the firm grew too fast and that’s their only real issue. The Carl Reddick issue will hurt, but it’s survivable.
But they’re still losing ChumHum. They were always going to lose ChumHum. Diane goes outside to enjoy the good weather while she can.
Maia doesn’t show and Blum gets disbarred. It’s fun to watch him squirm, having just lost his power. He rambles nonsensically. 
Maybe Maia isn’t a villain. I truly don’t remember this scene happening; I thought I remembered her showing up to defend him! Score one, Maia. This episode is the most interesting Maia’s ever been. 
I also don’t remember Diane singing on a park bench. But I like it!
Book Club is threatening Diane now. They’ll destroy her (or kill her?) if she tells on them. Dramatic!!!
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argylemikewheeler · 6 years
hey! idk if this prompt has been done/ won’t work, but i really just want pure unadulterated fluff between the twins richie and mike and them just lying around talking about life and trying to figure out how everything got so bad and just having brotherly moments and loving eachother like the soft boys they are
(this definitely works and i loved writing this)
The June before Will was taken lost, in the woods, The Wheeler’s sent only one of their twin sons to a family member in Maine. Richie had been having problems focusing– and much to a bigger complaint, keeping his mouth shut– and another parent in the neighborhood told them about a specialist in Derry to try and help him with his Attention Deficit Disorder, which Mike always thought was fake; that was just Richie.
Mike had never been away from his twin for longer than a few days, and he had his own reservations about the idea, while Richie was always screaming about how much he hated seafood. He was sent away later that week. By the time he returned the following December, he was a different brother than Mike had sent away.
Richie never slept well as it was, always up and reading or writing or telling jokes to Mike in the middle of the night, but since he had returned, he was restless. He turned over on his bed countless time, his quiet mumbling and groaning keeping Mike up. Their parents never suspected anything, Richie still able to keep his energy levels up to eleven and bouncing around the house, nearly breaking everything like he used to and proving their plan had failed. Mike had heard all the stories though. First, in Richie’s sleep, the boy muttering names that Mike remembered from letters, postcards, and phone calls. Eventually he got the full conscious story, trading his own adventure with Will and even introducing him to Eleven. All Richie kept saying is how much he fucking hated clowns.
Richie was asleep at the desk in their shared bedroom. Mike had been up in their room a moment before, stepping out to grab his campaign planning notebook, when he returned to find Richie asleep on his own hand. His face was slowly slipping out of his grip and his glasses were being pushed up by his knuckles. Mike sat on his bed and wrote quickly, letting Richie get the sleep his body had been begging him to get for the past month.
As if struck by lightning, Richie seized awake, gasping for air and screaming. Mike looked up slowly, finishing his sentence and not at all scared anymore.
“You okay?” He asked, placing his pen down. He spoke gently, knowing Richie was still waking up.
“Yeah.” Richie sighed, adjusting his glasses. “Peachy.”
“You’re safe here.” Mike assured him, although he had traded one evil for another.
“Yeah, I know.” He said, placing his glasses on his head to rub his eyes. “I just shouldn’t have made friends. I should have just been like you and shut myself up in my room for a year and played with myself.”
“Fuck you, Richie.”
“Believe me, there wasn’t any of that in Maine.” He said, situating his glasses back on his nose. “Apparently the impending fear of death really limp-dicks the whole town.”
“You are disgusting.” Mike said, rolling his eyes. “Forget I tried to be nice.”
“Aw, come on, Mike and Ike! Don’t turn sour on me!” He said, standing and flopping onto Mike’s bed. He was on his stomach, elbows on the bed and holding his head up as he peered into Mike’s notebook. “What are we drawing today?”
“I’m writing, Richie.” Mike explained, hating to disappoint Richie and his belief that the only thing teenage boys should be doodling in notebooks are “twigs and berries”.
“Anything steamy, loverboy?”
“No.” Mike laughed. “But it is to cheer Will up after everything. He always loves long campaigns.” Mike had been trying to make one long enough to last every day of Hanukkah coming up; even though Will would be home at night for his family’s celebrations, during the day Mike wanted him to be well occupied and happy. “He’s coming over all next week.”
“Oh yeah. That’s right. I have to call Stan after the first night.” Richie said. “Typically, I don’t call after the first night at all, amirite!” Mike rejected Richie’s high-five and continued to write in his notebook. Richie’s arm slapped down on the mattress, a quiet grumble proclaiming Mike a “fucking square”. Mike laughed quietly to himself as he attempted to draw an illustration to his idea beside the bullet point; Will was really far better at it.
“So how is everyone else?” Mike asked. “Bill? Bev? The gang?”
“Still s-s-stuttering.” Richie replied, resting his head on Mike’s outstretched leg. “Bev’s better. Last I heard she was calling her aunt to move across town. Eddie’s arm healed nice.”
“That’s good.” Mike said, nodding along. “He deserves having use of both hands back.” He laughed, remembering the stories Richie told of Eddie struggling to open his pill bottles and hold pencils.
“Yeah, my right hand’s getting pretty tired.” Richie said, snapping his fingers and pointing at Mike as he laughed
“What does he see in you again?” Mike asked, looking up from his work. “I mean, seriously?”
“Sorry not all of us have swing set fetishes, Michael. Some of us find love in crack houses.” Richie pretended to whip his hair back. They both began laughing before Richie placed his head back on Mike’s leg. Mike placed his book next to his face so they could both look at the pages at once. Richie was quiet and watched Mike scribble across the lines. “How the fuck did we get like this, Mike?”
“Like what?” Mike continued, poking his brother’s nose with his pen. “You’re always like this. Not even Mom and Dad’s attempted normalcy therapy did anything.”
“Let me make the jokes there, Michael.” Richie deadpanned.  “I meant like this.” He flopped his arm over Mike’s book and the other over the edge of the bed with an exaggerated sigh. “Fucking comparing the well-being of our friends because they are always, somehow, inching towards the goddamn grave.”
“I blame you.” Mike teased. “You’re the one who became besties with something that eats children.”
“I guess you’re right.” Richie sighed, settling his face in Mike’s leg. “I wish they never sent me up there sometimes, you know?”
“I know what you mean.” Mike agreed. Every time he saw Will suffering, he wished he had won the argument with his parents and played for another ten minutes, maybe then Will would have missed crossing paths with the Demogorgon and he wouldn’t have nightmares that consumed him even when he was awake. “But it happened, for better or for worse, I guess.” Mike closed his book and placed a hand on Richie’s head, smoothing out his hair. His fingers kept getting caught in his curls. “I mean, you made friends, right?”
“Yeah.” Richie agreed, reaching up to take his glasses off. He placed them on top of Mike’s book. “I guess so.”
“I mean, Eddie’s pretty cool, right? You won’t shut up about him long enough to brush your teeth.” Mike teased.
“Your point, wise ass?” Richie asked, squinting and looking up at his brother.
“You’ve got some things to be happy about, right?” Mike shrugged. “Six things, technically.”
“Ugh, do you have to be so right all the time?” Richie groaned, closing his eyes. “Just be bleak about something for like, a fucking day, Mike. Jesus.” Mike laughed again and kept smoothing Richie’s hair. There was so much of it, but so little style.
“Oh! You know what I’ve been forgetting to tell you about?” Mike gasped, already beginning to laugh softly. “The week we spent hanging out with Steve Harrington.”
“Steve?” Richie echoed. “Isn’t he the guy with hair like a rooster?”
“The very same.” Mike agreed. “He and Nancy had a thing for a while. So he was around a bit. Being semi-helpful.”
“He got the shit kicked out of him, didn’t he?” Richie guessed, chuckling. “That guy looks too pretty to fight.”
“First a rooster, now he’s pretty?” Mike laughed, grabbing his brother’s head and shaking it back and forth jokingly.
“Well, cock and pretty are synonyms, right?” Richie laughed, reaching up to grope at Mike’s hands, trying to loosen his grip. “Come on, that’s funny, Mike!”
“How did Aunt Ruth not actually kill you last summer?” Mike asked, finally releasing Richie’s face and letting it rest back on his leg. “I mean, she doesn’t even like it when Mom says ‘God’ in the house. Let alone you talking about genitals every few minutes.”
“I mostly stayed at the arcade, honestly.” Richie confessed. “I’d go from school, to therapy, to the arcade, then roll into bed long after they had gone to sleep. I just avoided them the whole time.”
“You did?” Mike asked, placing his hand back in Richie’s hair. Aunt Ruth always called every other week and told stories about Richie’s progress and his behavior around the house. Mike didn’t know it was all a lie. He had assumed Richie had told him everything.
“Yeah, I was only going to make them miserable.” Richie didn’t seem to be upset by the truth about himself. He shrugged and closed his eyes again, looking like he was ready for another promising nap. “But, between Stan and Bill I always had somewhere to be.”
“Why didn’t you tell Mom?” Mike asked. As much as Richie kept saying he didn’t like eating seafood and would “starve” if he went to Maine, Mike always knew there was a grain of truth to his strong refusal to go. Mike just didn’t think it had anything to do with feeling like he didn’t belong with his own family.
“Right. Like I’d tell her that her own sister thinks I’m a fucking nudge.” Richie laughed coldly. “And you’re going to tell her you had a goddamn government grade mutant in the basement because she could find your friend in an alternate dimension.”
“That’s different.”
“It’s the exact same.” Richie countered. “Mom would laugh at both things and tell us we’re crazy and to shut up– or at least she says that last part to me.” He cracked his eyes back open if only to roll them before closing them over again.
“Well now you’re home.” Mike soothed, petting Richie’s hair again. He was hoping he’d fall asleep again, even though Mike was losing feeling in his leg from Richie’s weight pressing on his knee. He wanted his brother to get some sleep. Maybe being next to him would ease his panic that he had been left in that weird well-hosting house.
“Hey, Mike?” Richie mumbled, words slurring with sleep.
“Yeah, Rich?”
“‘Re you gonna get mad if I drool on your leg?”
“No.” Mike laughed, carefully opening his book and picking up his pen. “I won’t be mad.”
“Okay okay cool okay.” He mumbled, curling his legs into his body and settling his head against Mike’s leg. “Cool.”
“Hey, Mike?” He said again.
“For what?” Mike asked as if he was asking a child. He laughed at the innocence in Richie’s voice as he tried to write again.
“Thanks.” Richie repeated. “Thanks, Mike.”
“Okay, you better stop talking before you embarrass yourself.” Mike shushed his brother, keeping his hand in Richie’s hair but stopping the movement. “Get some sleep, Rich.”
“Be here when I wake up?” Richie asked, his hand reaching up and grabbing Mike’s resting in his hair. Mike couldn’t go anywhere with all of Richie’s weight resting over his leg, but he assured him he would be. “Okay.” He said with a sigh, his body falling lax as he sighed. “Don’t do anything weird.”
“Does that mean I can’t draw on your face?” Mike giggled, dragging the cap of his pen over Richie’s cheek. “I can draw a pretty wonky looking flower.” Mike pretended to already be drawing, sticking his tongue out of his mouth with faux concentration.
“Yeah, no.” Richie said, fingers curling around Mike’s hand. “Your flowers always look like weird vaginas.”
“They do not!” Mike argued, gasping.
“Yeah, they do. You wouldn’t know, of course.” Richie laughed, peeking through squinted eyelids again. “But they totally do. Don’t.”
Mike sighed and let Richie feel accomplished by his insult, eyes closing again and his body leaning into Mike’s legs. He’d get some deserved sleep, and Mike could get some peace and quiet to finish his campaign. They’d have a few moments away from their family, people clueless to their secrets. They’d have a few moments to be kids, just two regular kids enjoying winter break. They’d be normal again, just for an hour. They’d be average. Except one of them was getting a weird-looking flower all over his face.
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wingroad · 6 years
end of year review fic meme
under a cut bc long af 
Chronological breakdown:
·       January 
Pining/Dawn 04/01 | kagakuro | PG | drabble school reunion 05/01 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble | au now you see me au 08/01 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble | au genie au 12/01 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble | au First Frost 31/01 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 3k+ | Kagami and Kuroko don't always fight, but when they do it's like this
·       February 
Can we pretend I didn’t just say that? 08/02 | kagakuro | PG | drabble Is it? 14/02 | kagakuro | PG | drabble Once in a lifetime encounter: Chapter 1: The encounter  08/02 | kagakuro | PG | au| Ficlets inspired by NBA X KNB collab (proper summary one day maybe) Are you flirting with me?   08/02 | aomomo | PG | drabble snapshots and glimpses  22/02 | aomomo | PG-13 | 1k+| one sentence fics
·       March
Delirium 01/03 | kagakuro | PG | 2k+| Kagami doesn't get sick except when he does present 08/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble morning 10/03 |kagakuro | PG| drabble vows 10/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble what's mine is yours 11/03 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 9k+ | What Kuroko wants is what Taiga wants. stubble 13/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble movie 17/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble What Comes Next 17/03 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 2k+ |Kagami wakes up and wonders what's next. dance 18/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble stripes 25/03 |kagakuro |PG | drabble pie 28/03 |kagakuro aomomo|PG-13 | drabble pink 31/03 |kagakuro |PG  | drabble Once in a lifetime encounter: Chapter 2: Trice's a pattern 13/03 | kagakuro | PG | au | Ficlets inspired by NBA X KNB collab (proper summary one day maybe) expecting 31/03 | aomomo | PG | drabble
·       April
eyes  03/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble visit  06/04 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble selfie 07/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble tie 07/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble Hush  22/04| kagakuro | NC-17| 1k+ | The view was perfect to wake up to. not at first sight 22/04| kagakuro |PG| 1k+ | A casual conversation about something not casual just for you 25/04| kagakuro | PG | 1k+ | Kagami makes something just for Kuroko bouquet 26/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble trials 28/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble
·       May
Once in a lifetime encounter: Chapter 3: Pure coincidence  07/05 | kagakuro | PG | au|  Ficlets inspired by NBA X KNB collab (proper summary one day maybe) The deep blue sea  22/05 | kagakuro | PG-13 | au | ficlet Kagami-kun is terrible  24/05 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Grabby Hands 28/05 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       June
Tetsuya you little shit!  03/06 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Taste of Summer  15/06 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       July 
They grow up so fast  04/07 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Better luck next time  |28/07 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Short people problems  29/07 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       August 
From first to last   02/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 6k+ | Glimpses into some important vacations Kagami and Kuroko spend over the years  Sharing is caring (sometimes)  17/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 |drabble Sight of the sun  21/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 | ficlet | au Little things  22/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 | ficlet Don’t ignore me  23/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       September
Terrible teacher 02/09 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Accidents happen  07/09 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       October
Blind Fate 02/10 | kagakuro | PG | 4k+ | au | Kagami and Kuroko get set up for a blind date, but it doesn't go according to plan, except it does. Heartthrob 10/10 | kagakuro | PG | 3k+ | Kuroko is a real heartthrob. The sword and the stone 12/10 | kagakuro | PG | 2k+ | au | Kagami and Kuroko travel together and find themselves in a...situation. Interesting times 22/10 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 1k+ | au | Tetsuya is in an impossible position and Kagami only makes it worse by trying to make it better.
·       November
People like us 06/11 | kagakuro | M | 12k+ | slight au |There is but one rule which people have to obey. Don't fall in love with someone other than your assigned partner. Kuroko Tetsuya falls in love with someone who is not his assigned partner.
·       December
Spoons  10/12 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Once a day  16/12 | kagakuro | drabble | au Green eyed monster 19/12 | aomomo | PG | ficlet Acceptance is hard 27/12 | kagakuro | PG | ficlet
Overall Thoughts:
most productive months: March, April 
least productive months: September, November 
ofc this counts the number of fics posted. I only posted one fic in Novenber which was supposed to go for the kagakuro au month but I am terrible and didn’t make it. orz 
full fics: 15
drabbles/ficlets: 40
I wanna thank @steffelchen for being a total sweetheart and drawing me wonderful fanart for my fics this past year and for leaving long and detailed comments. 
Thank you for all the people I wrote fic for <3 It means a lot to me that you liked my writing.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
Hard to say since I haven’t counted last years’ writing and forgive me but I don’t feel like doing it anyway lmao. I think I wrote a bit less. I definitely did not wrote all the fics I planned and predictably I started new wips heh and some shorter pieces gave me ideas for more longer fics/snippet fics.
 What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? 
Uh, none? I wrote 99% kagakuro and 1% was aomomo lol. I DID have a brief moment when I wanted to write for the mentalist bc I finished the series finally, but somehow…it never happened. Meh
 What’s your own favorite story of the year? 
From full/longer fics: the aomomo one sentence fics definitely.
From short drabbles: Sharing is caring
 Did you take any writing risks this year?
I guess. I wrote a bit more angst and some not really fluffy and shippy pieces, which were still concerning pairings I liked so…yeah.
 Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? Eeeh, I wanna write more in general, I wanna write my other knb ships, I wanna write more gen and maybe try writing other fandoms I am in forever. That’s all.
 From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
You tell me lol. I have no idea.
 My most popular story of this year:
That’s kind of hard to say bc the most traction get my drabbles/ficlets bc I write them most frequent, but it’s hard to tell which of those got the most traction in 2017. Going by the amunts of notes on tumblr would be the valentine’s day ficlet Is it? which gets 49 notes. Also it’s such a random fics lol.
The second one is Hush (you pervs. But also really??? That fic? Lmao)
 Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: THE FICS I STRUGGLED WITH THE MOST:
What’s mine is yours
People Like us
 Most fun story to write:
The Aomomo one sentence fics.
 Story with the single sexiest moment: lmao. Considering I only wrote one smut…but I liked the uh ‘sex’ scene in People like us.
 Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: n/a
 Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: n/a
 Hardest story to write:
People Like us. I…sort of lost the drive in the middle bc I started to think about the subject matter more than I should and bc it was taking soooo looong.
Also Hush because I realized as always I just can’t write porn lol
Biggest disappointment: 
What’s mine is yours. I really liked writing it, and It was kind of a big project yet it just seemed not many people cared : (
Biggest surprise: Dunno
Most unintentionally telling story: idk
Highlights + Wrap-up: Favourite Opening Lines (3):
1.       Kagami thinks he’s got this. He can keep his calm even when he’s buzzing around in his seat for the past three hours of the delay, but then he sees him and he loses it.
2.       Kagami stared at the simple bento box held out to him and then at Kuroko.
3.       After turning thirty, Daiki noticed that there were a lot more things which were pissing him off about the world, but one thing which was at the top of the list was spending ~quality~ time with Tetsu-kun and Kagamin as Satsuki still insisted on calling them.
Favourite Closing Lines (4):
1.       Whatever, he had a few months to make the best damn vanilla shake in the world.
2.       "Hey." Taiga said and brushed the last stray tears from his eyes.
"Let's get a kid."
The brilliant smile was all he need as an answer.
3.       Yes, parents should get involved. He didn’t care anymore that their daughter didn’t express almost any personal interest in basketball, but hey at least she was doing something sport related, right?
Just…did it really have to be baseball?
4.       "Let's go." He said and pulled Tetsuya down under water with him, where they both explored the secrets of the deep blue sea.
Favorite 5 Line(s) from Anywhere:
1.       The only thing which was missing was a kiss." Tatsuya mused and then looked at Kagami.
"Or did you? Kiss I mean."
"No!" Kagami yelled scandalized, finally out of his daze. His face felt like it was on fire.
2.       And despite the edge of the table digging uncomfortably into his stomach it was the first kiss in a long while which made Tetsuya’s heart flutter instead of making his stomach sink.
3.       Satsuki knew that Aomine was fast, but it was still incredible how he bolted when the light changed from red to green.
4.       “Daiki.” She only ever used his full name when she thought he was exceptionally annoying or stupid. “I’m pregnant. You can’t be more girly than that.”
5.       “It seems that Kagami-kun is having improper thoughts.” Kuroko said lips nibbling on his sweet treat. “And in public.” He added as if he was disappointed but it was obvious he was making fun of him.
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