#somehow the thought of Fushimi trying to imitate Mikoto amuses me XD
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Normal world au where Fushimi is jealous that Misaki thinks Mikoto is cool and tries to "compete" in his own way. He tries to be better at doing the things Mikoto does that Misaki thinks is great but not only does it not work but Misaki either doesn't react the way Fushimi wants to or Misaki doesn't notice at all. He ends up feeling not good enough and that maybe he should just give up on Misaki. Munakata decides to help him when he finds out (plus Munakata maybe likes Mikoto himself so...)
Somehow my first thought was 'wait, what even are the things Mikoto is good at' XD Imagine like normal AU, Fushimi and Yata have just entered high school. All through middle school it was just the two of them but then in high school Yata ends up getting caught up with this group called Homra, led by a senior named Suoh Mikoto. Homra is like this delinquent group that hangs out together after school and sometimes they get into fights and such, Yata thinks this is the coolest and that Suoh Mikoto is so amazing. Naturally Fushimi is not quite as excited as Yata is, he doesn't really care about his reputation or anything like that but seeing Yata staring at someone else with shining eyes makes him feel irritated and on edge.
Fushimi decides that the best way to handle this is to show that he's superior to Mikoto, like Mikoto's just an upperclassman anyway and he's clearly not anyone that impressive, Fushimi feels like he should easily be able to show off how much cooler he is than that punk. Except imagine Fushimi just failing at all these things because what Yata thinks is cool about Mikoto is like totally opposite of what he thinks is cool about Saruhiko, like Mikoto's this awesome guy who never looks like anything bothers him and he can punch people super hard and look at how he's breaking the rules and smoking all the time at school. Fushimi attempts to try a cigarette and ends up coughing and choking while Yata runs over and pounds on his back and it's very not cool. Fushimi then tries to punch a guy during one of Homra's brawls, not strategically or using weapons like he normally does, and instead just ends up with a sore hand and he doesn't even knock the guy down. Imagine Fushimi looking at Mikoto one day as Mikoto's like sleeping in a classroom and thinking how the hell does Misaki think this guy is cooler than him, like what is Fushimi even supposed to do to get Yata's eyes on him if Fushimi can't even beat this loser.
Fushimi doesn't really like admitting when he's lost but obviously he's irritated and getting down on himself, like if Mikoto's worthless than clearly Fushimi's even more worthless and he should just give up on Misaki entirely. Class is nearly ready to start and Fushimi doesn't feel like going, he slips into an empty room and just sits on the floor muttering to himself. That's when someone comes up beside him all 'It seems you could use some advice, Fushimi-kun.' Fushimi starts and jumps to his feet, not understanding how he didn't even realize this guy was in the room with him. Class President Munakata Reisi beams at him and Fushimi demands to know how Munakata knew his name, Munakata pushes up his glasses as he says of course he knows the name of a talented underclassman. Fushimi clicks his tongue at the 'talented,' muttering under his breath that he can't be that talented or he could defeat 'that guy.' Munakata says he's been observing Fushimi and believes he could be of help. Fushimi's skeptical and Munakata notes that Suoh Mikoto has been something of a 'project' for him since middle school, Munakata intends to turn Suoh into a functioning student no matter how hard he must work. However he's had difficulty keeping Suoh on task as of late due to a Yata Misaki often being present, and therefore Munakata believes their objectives may be aligned. (Fushimi's all like '….so you actually have a crush on Mikoto-san?' and Munakata's glasses shine all dangerously like 'absolutely not,' he just wants to make Suoh into a proper student and assure he graduates and maybe pin him down in a classroom eventually and get very close to him).
Hijinks then ensue as Munakata decides that he is going to assist Fushimi-kun in showing Yata Misaki how superior Fushimi is to Suoh Mikoto. Fushimi kinda suspects this is a bad idea when Munakata's first suggestion involves him joining the Student Council, like this feels very ulterior motive and Munakata assures him that Munakata's cause is pure. Munakata decides that with his training Fushimi will become someone so superior that Yata Misaki will surely be charmed by him, except this training involves things like memorizing ancient haiku and learning how to do 10000 piece puzzles in five minutes. Fushimi's beginning to suspect that Munakata is just making him less cool than Mikoto, like do you even understand what cool is. Meanwhile though Yata's been noticing that Fushimi's spending an awful lot of time with the student council president and it's not like he's jealous but if that guy makes one wrong move towards Saruhiko Yata's gonna kick his ass. Even as Yata's thinking that imagine Munakata gets right up in Fushimi's personal space and Yata ends up breaking in the door, suddenly incensed without even really knowing why. Munakata is amused that Yata is so intense, moving even closer to Fushimi as he speaks, and Yata gets all flustered and is like anyway what are you doing to Saruhiko. Munakata leans right down so his face is inches from Fushimi's, Fushimi glaring at him like what are you even doing and Yata ends up blurting out 'Saruhiko is mine, okay?!' as Munakata's like mission accomplished.
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