#someone just tell me they’re proud and i’m a good boy 😔
mysilaan · 5 months
Hellow, hope everything's good! I'm here to request some hcs for my boy, Thomas. 😎
I noticed something cute about him in these two episodes, and I wondered if you could write about it.
So, whenever he shows something of his interest or something he created (aka his coffee machine app/the VR set) to the Newcete, he looks so proud of himself and full of enthusiasm to share something he likes with her, it's just-- so cute!!! I imagine him having the proudest, stupidest smile on his face when she likes it as well. And they're bonding slowly, and it's just fills my soul with so much happiness! (i'm a slave for slow burns, can't help it)
Thank you! 💕😊
Hello Anon :) It has been tough for me recently but it’s getting better, thank you!
Now that’s a very good headcanon request… I’ve noticed it too and I found it very endearing⭐
(And yeah slow burns supremacy 😔)
You were having one of those comfortable sleeps where nothing in the world could get you out of bed, and you were having a pretty nice dream on top of that. Your eyes slowly opened, and you were hit with the feeling of forgetting something. Had your alarm already rung this morning? Your eyes flashed open and you took your phone on your nightstand to check the time. 08:53 am.  You were so doomed.  You leapt out of bed and grabbed the first pair of jeans and top you could find. Snatching your keys, you dashed out of the house without even grabbing a snack. Once at the bus stop, you took a look at when the next bus was passing by. “Five minutes… It should be fine.” You muttered to yourself. But the bus was late and you ended up waiting for ten long minutes…
Arriving at the building, you glanced at your phone screen: you were almost an hour late… You knew that Devon wouldn’t mind much, it wasn’t in your habits and he knew that. You searched your pockets and bag to find your badge but it seems to be nowhere to be found. “No, don't tell me…” Yes, you forgot it. You let out a frustrated noise while looking for the doorbell of the open space. But before you could do anything, a loud motor sound made you turn towards its source. Someone on a motorcycle had parked just in front of the building. Did this person work here? You were curious about their identity. You got your answer when the person removed their helmet-and it was none other than…“Thomas?!” His name slipped out of your mouth in a mix of surprise and confusion.  He tilted his head towards you with a raised eyebrow and you unconsciously moved towards him. “Weren’t you supposed to start at 8:30 this morning?” You were caught red handed. “Well… Hello to you too. I overslept.” He just nodded and turned his back to you to grab his stuff. “I didn’t know you were riding a motorbike.” “You never asked.” Of course he would say that. When he turned back towards you, ready to head inside, he seemed surprised to see you observing his motorcycle with such fascination. “That’s a pretty one. How long have you been riding it?” you asked. Were you seriously asking about his bike? He never thought it was something you were interested in. “I'd say about three years… It’s not my first one though.” “That’s so cool! The speed might be crazy on this one.” When you raised your gaze on his face; you noticed he was smiling, he almost seemed proud. That’s something you noticed before: his usual serious expression vanished when he talked about something he liked. It made you smile involuntarily. “It is. What’s great about this one is its tires-” You cut him mid-sentence without thinking. “Yeah, I heard they’re pretty light for this kind of motorcycle.” He looked at you, completely incredulous. “Did I say something wrong…?” “No… Do you ride one yourself?” You laughed. “I wish! But no, I’m just interested. My father was a MotoGP fan; looks like he passed on his passion to me.” “Wait, really?” “Yeah! You don’t believe me?” you teased. “No! It’s just that not many people are interested in it.” “Well… You found a comrade!” He simply nodded, smiling, his head full of things he’d like to talk to you about motorcycles, but reality interrupted. “We should go now, you’re already really late.” You gasped. How could you forget? You walked beside him, and he used his badge to get the both of you inside.
You had to stop by Devon’s office to apologize for being late. He, of course, accepted your apologies, but made it clear that he wouldn’t tolerate it if it became a habit-and that was only fair… Returning to your desk, which was just in front of Thomas’, the ginger-haired boy raised his head to catch your attention. “Is something the matter?” you asked. “No… I just wanted to know, since you seemed really interested… Would you like a motorcycle ride one day?” You thought your ears were playing tricks on you. “You mean… On your bike? With you…?” “Who else?” Now you were the one surprised. But you couldn’t refuse such an offer. “I’d be delighted!” Thomas nodded at your answer. “I don’t have a second helmet with me, but I can bring that tomorrow… If you want.” “Of course! Let me treat you with dinner as a thank you then.” “If you really want to.” You smiled while sitting back on your chair, satisfied. You couldn’t help but steal a glance at your colleague who seemed pretty content too. You were already imagining it-a ride on this amazing motorcycle (maybe not at full speed, for obvious reasons), the wind all around you, a delicious dinner… And Thomas’ company. You almost slapped your face when you realized what you were thinking about. You quickly started working, not allowing your thoughts to drift any further. You couldn’t wait for tomorrow evening…
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