#someone pls get Satan a Goth baddie
luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 8 months
Obey Me! Leviathan, Satan & Asmo with a Goth MC! : basically my thoughts on what the brothers reactions would be, how they would handle having a goth partner, ext.
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Welcome back! (If you came from the other part lol) basically the same concept as before, so i hope you enjoy! Sorry if the characters are not as you think they would be. & I apologize in advance for poor jokes, bad grammar and terrible spelling. Nonetheless I hope it entertains you! ‹𝟹
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Goth MC! who does the make up, the white foundation the "crazy" eyeliner, the black/grey or dark color eyeshadow and blush. Classic black or red lipstick with matching nail polish on the Mc's fingers. The saggy looking hair that matches the make up, oh so well. Goth MC! Who has the unkept look, but at second glance you can tell their well kept. At least to some extent. The Mc has raggy, ripped looking outfit but upon closer inspection its clear the outfit is perfectly kept up with. Goth MC! Who has an over extent looking outfit, looking like rags on rags, and the Mc has a dead looking apperance appearing to have risen from the grave. Almost the perfect example of a goth baddie. How will the brothers react?
When Goth Mc shows up Levi immediately thinks they look like goth characters from his animes! Like the anime "I was a dog and then I licked a puddle, which transformed me into a famous Goth idol!" Levi's cheeks flushs as he stares at the Mc in awe. He clearly thinks that Goth MC is just like the goth characters in his animes. "All the Goth characters in animes are so badass!! I bet Mc is such a badass!" Levi almost gets a nose bleed but eventually skitters off to his room.
Levi is constantly thinking of Goth Mc, he has to distract himself with games and upcoming anime releases. Excuses. He finds himself unconsciously watching animes with characters that remind him of this Mc.
Levi tells Henry (the goldfish) all about Goth Mc. Henry is never not hearing about the Mc. The way their smile brightened the room even with the dark attire the MC was wearing.
Dating Levi would be fun and domestic. Levi likes horror games, he watches horror movies and animes. So if you're a goth who loves horror he's you're man. You guys can cuddle up and game or snack and watch something scary.
I feel like Levi would get to see a more casual goth side of the Mc. I mean why would you be gaming and chilling so much in the fancy goth attire? It takes a lot of effort and energy. Levi would inevitably see the more casual goth side. Maybe just a little eyeliner or something, casual still dark attire outfit, even without being all dolled up the Mc radiats goth energy. Or thats what Levi thinks. Levi thinks it's so cool that Mc dresses casual with him! The Mc obviously feels safe enough to not be all dolled up! They know he worships them no matter what they look like. They're the perfect 3D partner for him. His player 2, His Henry.
Now outfit wise, Levi would defiantly make this Mc wear some goth anime cosplays. He makes his cosplays himself the cosplays always fit perfectly. Of course he has to take pictures of Mc in their cosplays! But thats about it outfit wise, he keeps up with some trends but ultimately he doesnt go out so he doesn't feel the need to dress to impress. You should just stay in his room with him and his other Henry! (The goldfish lol)
Levi is quick to know everything about goth as soon as he met the Mc. If he didn't already know about goth lol. Levi will buy popular goth items off Akuzon and give them to the Mc. He'll have a huge blush and will be talking through his hand. And as an excuse he'll say he got it as a extra item. Instead of admitting he got it for them as a gift.
Goth Mc's arrival in The Devildom altered Satan's life. A bit dramatic dude. Satan sees the appeal of the aesthetic, even thinks its a bit of an artistic outlit. He immediately compares Mc to a black cat. Stating all the similarities in his head.
Just like with cats Satan is drawn to Goth Mc. Just something about their presence and apperance makes Satan happy and calm. One look at Mc and suddenly hes not as angry as before. He doesn't need to destroy the room like he previously thought he did.
Dating Satan is like a love story, for example, Satan took a really aesthetically pleasing photo of Goth Mc with a black cat, it's been his D.D.D's wallpaper ever since.
Satan enjoys reading mystery/crime books, when Goth Mc suggests books with horror or grim themes Satan was open to reading them! He enjoyed reading any books usually, and reading with Mc made the book even better! Chatting with Mc about the books after reading them made him feel content.
Satan is by no means out of date in style, but i don't think hes a fashion expert. He knows what he needs to so he can look presentable enough. Satan enjoys saving money so he'd much prefer going to cheaper shops, but he will get this Mc expenisve goth attire for special occasions.
Satan enjoys the Goth aesthetic and vibe, so he caught on quickly. He read a lot of books & asked a lot of questions. Satan will buy books that are on the darker side, just to read it with you. If Satan gets anything extra thats black cat themed, it immediately goes to Goth MC. As- "Your apperance is captivating, just because you're unique people frown upon and fear you, but I my dear, see past the dark complection, there's a soft creature waiting to be loved inside of you." -this is something he would write for a black cat, and then say to Mc, saying to Mc "well you remind me of a black cat and it fit you pretty well, did it not?" Satan would also pick up any cheap goth stuff he saw, no matter how random it may be for him to randomly giving the items to Mc unprompted, he gets it anyways, just wanting MC to know he was thinking of them. And that although he's cheap, he still loves them
You cant tell me Satan wouldn't fit perfectly with a goth partner. Man's would look perfect with a Goth partner. Just sounds so adorable. Perfect partner for him change my mind.
When Asmo first sees Goth Mc he defiently squealed out loud. Man's lost his shit. "Mc is just so cute!!~" defiently took immediate inspiration from Goth Mc. Whether that inspired his next clothes design or just a new outfit look for himself is up to you.
Asmo just wants to eat Goth Mc up! (Metaphorically) Asmo adores Goth Mc's look. I feel like Lucifer had to stop Asmo from scooping Goth Mc into his arms from the second he sees Goth Mc. Asmo wants all the details. "Tell me what products you use Mc!! What clothes are you wearing?! How long does it take for you to get ready?!? You appreciate the art of make up as much as I do!!!" Asmo is over the moon. He loves having Goth Mc around. Mc wants to try a new goth look? Leave it to Asmo! Mc will let Asmo paint their nails or do their make up, as long as it matches their goth aesthetic? Asmo loves aesthetics! He'd never ruin Mc's aesthetic!
However Asmo would encourage Goth Mc to stretch their horizions. "Why not try the pink goth look Mc?? Oh, hun. You'll look gorgeous! Pink suits everyone!" Mc really doesnt want to try pink? That's okay! Asmo knows all the fashion choices out there! He knows all kind of Goth styles Mc can try out! Ultimately Asmo enjoys how Mc looks, even if he seems to encourage Mc to try other goth styles, he just wants Mc to be happy! Mc looks good in anything in his mind!
Dating Asmo is almost like being famous. Asmo wants to take all the pictures with Goth Mc to post to Devilgram. Asmo will proudly post Mc on his Devilgram. Someone comments on Mc's style? Aw, now that hater doesn't have a social life at all! "No silly! I didn't do anything!" He totally ruined their life over a "not my type of look" comment lol. Asmo likes to do matching outfits with Goth Mc, at least to some extent. "Lets wear the same accessories!! Ooo~ that lipstick looks nice Mc! Let me try it!" It may be small things like those, or Asmo may go with a full matching outfit. You never know with him. Mans is full of surprises.
Asmo will only do some things with Goth Mc, if its not apperance based, making outfits, doing make up, ect, Asmo isn't very interested. He likes to stay clean and not mess up his freshly done apperance! But! (In the game it says it somewhere) Asmo will occasionally not very often just when he feels like it watch horror movies with Mc, but the movies have to be psychological horror. Asmo doesn't like the gore ones. (Thats what it said in game at least)
Asmo knows all the best places to shop styles. While hes out shopping he'll definitely pick Mc up some goth stuff. If he sees it and thinks of Mc he obviously has to get it for them! Asmo is great with Goth gifts. He gets aesthetics better than any of his brothers. So every gift Mc receives from Asmo is one their guaranteed to love. It fits their aesthetic perfectly!
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Thats all for now babes!!! This is not proofread! I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! Let me know any thoughts or add ons you have in the comments of reblogs! The twins will be next, and then ill do the side characters. So stay tuned and stay healthy doves! ‹𝟹
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