#someone who won't leave him or doesn't constantly demand things from him
bluee08 · 2 years
Astro observations 《3》
Disclaimer : Not an astrologer, take it with a grain of salt, only for fun.
🫧 Asteroid Orma in 8th house might be the people to leave an impression of being hella reserved in a mysterious way. Like they might tell you a story and you will always feel like there is something more to it.
🪩 Mars in 3rd house people often say something offending without meaning to and regret the very next second. Trust me it's not their fault, they wanted to say something else and ended up saying something totally unexpected. They also feel guilty about it for days and feel sad that they might have come off rude for no reason.
🫧 Neptune conjuct ascendant, they are the real chameleons. They can mold themselves as per the situation demands. Ngl it comes handy sometimes. Like I remember when I was in 6th grade I was caught into a very serious matter but I pretended as if nothing happened and flew away. When the other guys rattled me out to the teacher, she said It's impossible that I was involved and that she doesn't believe them. She didn't hear a single word against me. Lol no, I wasn't her favorite student or something. It's just that I had maintained a certain reputation among different sect of people as per my own convenience. Call it manipulation if you want, if that doesn't explain the planet itself.
🪩 Pluto trine Lilith, it's not always sexuality that comes to the mind when we hear about these folk. Lilith here is aware that pluto is her benefactor. But it takes time for her to feel comfortable in her own domain. She is powerful here and knows what she wants. Definitely won't take anyone's bullshit. Her transformation can be scary and ruthless if someone tries to pin her down.
🫧 Jupiter sextile Pluto have a deep interest in forbidden things. Learning things that often people consider taboo is their thrill. They may or may not share the knowledge but they are always resourceful about topics relatated to dark themes of life. Feel free to discuss anything with them, they won't judge you infact they will help you inhance your own boundaries. You will be surprised how normal they'll sound while talking about things that might trigger other people even if they have gone through the same.
🪩 The one guy I had a Aphrodite-Eros synastry with made me feel like...idk strange. I was on a constant pedestal. I cared a lot about him. His Eros conjucted my Aphrodite and I looked out for him a lot. There was a thick sexual tension but also comfort. He also made me get a taste of jealousy. Which I don't usually feel. I used to constantly compare myself with the girls he used to interact with. We were not dating but I just couldn't help but feel insecure. Not because of him....idk why I was acting like that when I knew I was pretty enough.
🫧 Mars opposite Venus people get sudden mood swings from doing absolutely nothing to doing everything in next one hour. Oh and they'll do it again if it ain't asthetically pleasing to the eye.
🪩 Sun sextile Saturn, trust me they do know how to control themselves and take things with a grain of salt. Their ego is well maintained and not fragile unlike others. Very understanding and real mature people.
🫧 Sun sextile/trine Moon are the most compassionate and intuned with their selves. They know themselves better than anyone else. Also they always know exactly what they are feeling at any given time. Even if they are depressed at some point they won't give up easily.
🪩 Neptune negatively aspecting Saturn, dreaming big is easy, isn't it? But when you start implanting those dreams in real life your dreams remain dreams only. Don't worry though. It's a lesson. Don't give up, try harder. Dream as big as you want but at the end of the day remember to open your eyes and start afresh with new motivation. And please don't listen to those who tell you to quit it down. Your dreams are not weird or impossible or too much. Those people are just jealous because of how big your ambitions are and how far you are willing to go for it. Don't restrict your imagination for someone else. Believe yourself, you can do it!
🫧 Pluto in 10th house solar return chart can indicate a huge change in academic life or anywhere you are working at. For better or worse you better take precautions before hand. I am having it this year with mars in 3rd house and trust me from an above average student my grades are becoming poor. If I were to describe my graph I can see it coming downhill like a water slide which is creating quite an impression on my parents as well as my teachers. Note the sarcasm.
🪩 Saturn in 7th house could indicate having no interest in relationships at first or people being afraid to ask you out but when you grow up, settle well, you find yourself looking for your better half, resulting in either meeting them late or doing an arrange marriage.
🫧 Saturn opposite ascendant are the people who often get told that they look unapproachable on first glance. Kind of the 'out of league' vibe surrounds them. Which is not always true but I have noticed people do think twice before approaching them. These sweeties are also damn soft on the inside but for only those who do dare to talk to them. They rarely take the initiative themselves. But come ask help from them and they will risk their lives for you.
🪩 Mercury aspecting chiron could indicate healing your wounds by diving into the world of books. You might like to read or write journals when you are feeling down. There might be a small diary or pages that you have written when you were at your lowest. Its also possible that you start writing a novel or something to help you voice out your pain through written words.
🫧 Sun conjuct asteroid Medusa. Damn! You could have curly hair or hairs that are a lot wavy, thick and voluminated. Highly blessed in hair department. Many people might have praised you or complimented on your hair from a very young age. This could also indiacte a lot of body hair. From top to bottom you have body hair and trust me its not a bad thing. Its a blessing of being powerful, embrace it. It's just a hunch but some may have complimented you on that too.
🪩 Mars in 3rd house can't watch porn without audio or no communication during the deed. They always want to hear the sounds, no, they NeeD to hear the sounds raw! Only visuals is boring for them just as adding some weird music to the video. No, its not creating the mood, its ruining my experience, pls stop it.
🫧 You don't wanna hear someone moan who has their personal planets conjucting asteroid Sirene. Trust me you will get addicted. Its insane and I am not bluffing. Their voice may or may not be as addictive in general but in bed? Or when they want to take something from you? You will be trapped even before you blink. It's dangerous.
🪩 What's with Taurus Mars and Laziness? So much potential and still they study few hours before exam, complete assignments few minutes before submission and still have the audacity to say they will easily pass. Like bro if that's how you pass then I can't imagine how you will top....
🫧 Moon in 4th house people are highly invested in family matters. Family comes first to them and then the rest. The kind of people to tolerate an unhappy married life for the sake of their kids because they can't see their family being split apart.
🪩 Mars aspecting Pluto. It doesn't matter if it is positively aspected or negatively aspected, there is a lot of pent up frustration and anger issues underneath this placement. If provoked or underdeveloped could result in a very sudden and violent rage from this person. Better to leave them alone in such situations.
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animeyanderelover · 9 months
Tsukinami brothers and Cordelia Sakamaki fell in love with a human maid girl. ♥
I love your blog and youu <3
Let's be real, none of them would make good lovers.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, power imbalance, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, abuse, clinginess, mocking, humiliation, bullying, sadism, isolation, abduction
Human maid
Cordelia Sakamaki
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🟣​As the only human in the Sakamaki estate, you have hell waiting for you since you're constantly either bullied, ignored or disrespected. Even some of the children there treat you rudely but you can't do anything against it. Cordelia is by far the scariest of all of them though as you notice that even the other vampire mothers are afraid of her. You fully understand why as you have been the one to receive her wrath and discontent. So you learn to keep your head low, never speak up against her and silently take everything if she lashes out on you. You make it your job to observe her and know what she wants without realizing that it is this very submissive dedication that manages to catch her eyes. It's been a while since she has had someone paying that much attention to her and listening to her every demand as at one point you can tell what she wants from you without actually having to talk to you. She still sees you as a pathetic, little thing but your effort to please her flatters her as you slowly upgrade to her pathetic yet adorable thing.
🟣​And just like that you become her own personal maid who she expects to cater to her every need. Bellatrix and Christa start avoiding you out of fear to be bullied by Cordelia and if you even do as much as offer anyone else in the mansion your service, Cordelia punishes you. She's verbally and physically very abusive if you shouldn't act like she wants you to. You have scars and bruises all over your skin on such days, dizzy from the amount of blood she consumed painfully from you. She always says cruelly in such moments that you should be glad that she even pays attention to you at all and could easily kill you if she wanted to. Behave! Behave like a mellow and obedient doll and you won't get the worst of her. Follow her always around with your head bowed, only listen to her and she'll be a bit better. Sit perfectly still when she dolls you up with dresses, make-up and jewels as she tells you in a sweeter tone that you need to look presentable when you are with her and don't flinch when her fingers caress the lines of your face gently. Be perfect for her.
Carla Tsukinami
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🔮​Carla barely acknowledges you at first but you prefer that over Shin's taunting behavior. As long as you do your job, Carla doesn't care for your presence a lot. You don't even know what it is that eventually causes his golden eyes to be more drawn to you yet you notice it almost instantly. How his piercing orbs scrutinize your every move all of a sudden as you act as submissive and loyal as you are supposed to as a maid. It scares you but when he one day saves you from Shin who was just about to suck your blood again, you're too grateful to think much about it at first. From that day on he lets you spend a lot more time with him in his office where Shin isn't really allowed. He graciously takes care of your wounds as he bandages them and rubs ointment on all scars and open wounds. You're still grateful and thank him multiple times for his kindness to help you, although when you look up you can't help but shiver whilst looking into his eyes who seemingly drill into your soul as he takes in your form, your scent, those innocent and anxious eyes looking into his own.
🔮​Suddenly you aren't allowed to leave his chambers anymore and whilst you initially assume that he just doesn't want you to run into Shin again, the possessive and hungry light in his eyes tells you another story. His presence all of a sudden dangerous and suffocating as he tells you once to head back into his room and you do as he tells you, your body so terrified that it's moving on his own. You are safe from Shin from now on but you have gone from one hell into another hell as you soon come to realize. You're punished for the slightest sign of disrespect as Carla doesn't tolerate any sign of rebellious attitude and so you spend days without food and water in a cold cell, chained to the wall and at the mercy of whatever Carla has in store for you. It's such a stark contrast to when you're instead cuddled up in his arms in his private chambers and he shares his knowledge of the world in a low tone with you. You fear the Carla who hurts you and acts so coldly towards you and do your best to please him so that you only see the gentler side of him. Slowly but surely, you break for him. And that is exactly Carla's plan.
Shin Tsukinami
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🐺​Shin makes his disrespect for you blatant as he sees you as little more than a plaything when you first arrive. You're a human after all, know your place. He doesn't let you do your tasks properly as he ruins your work for you. He pushes you around, bullies you, abuses you sexually, scares you and gives you a bright grin when he sees you breaking down in tears before he suddenly grabs your arm and yanks you up, demanding you to clean the mess he just created and prepare something for him. There is never a day where he doesn't give you a break as he is delighted to see your tears, although he also appreciates a bit of sass since it'll make it only more amusing to break you. He is a living nightmare and it is highly likely that you won't even notice that he has developed something for you because he acts exactly the same. He still sees you as a lesser being and you always will be. In fact he seems to be even more persistent now and you initially assume he just wants to torment you more.
🐺​Until one day, he stops. He stops abusing you as badly. Sure, he is still acting like the worst dick you've ever met but there isn't as much abuse anymore. Instead he's clingy and whiny as he yanks you away from your tasks and insists that you spend more time with him. Then the next morning, he's acting like you expect him to act. He suddenly switches back and forth between clingy and entitled to sadistic and psychopathic. You can not predict him anymore as he can seemingly switch from one mood to another within a single second and it makes you paranoid beyond belief. He's unpredictable so you can't even adapt your behavior in hopes of never eliciting his bad side out of him because your own behavior never dictates his actions. It's his own mood and what he is feeling at the moment and you can not influence that. You are adorable like this though as you constantly walk on eggshells around him. You flinch when he wraps his arms around you from behind, his hot breath fanning your neck as you can only wait if he'll bite you painfully or instead just place a kiss on your neck.
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blakeswritingimagines · 6 months
Dating Yandere Jaehaerys 1 Targaryen Would Include:
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As a yandere, he is possessive, obsessive, and jealous to the extreme. He's extremely protective over you, and he would kill anyone who dares to hurt or take you from him. He's very controlling, and demanding, but he also shows a caring side when his lover is vulnerable or in pain.
well, if he really wants to go that far, he would try to make the person dependent on his love for you. This way you won't try to leave or escape him. He would try to make you feel like you can't survive without his love and affection.
He would also try to make the person he loves feel like you're a priority to him. He would try to prioritize you above everything else and make sure you know that you come first to him. He would try to make you feel appreciated and that your needs come before his own.
As a yandere, he's not afraid to use any means necessary to get what he wants, and that includes manipulation, gaslighting, and physical violence. He's also prone to jealousy, and controlling behavior. He may seem like he's obsessed with his beloved, but in reality, that obsession is just a way for him to gain control over you and keep you from leaving him. He'll go to extreme lengths to protect you and keep you from having contact with anyone else, even friends and family. He will stop at nothing to make sure that you stay with him forever.
He's prone to emotional outbursts and temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. He'll become extremely angry and lash out at you if you do or say something that he doesn't like. He can't control his emotions and often loses his temper and says awful things to his beloved. He's also prone to intense fear and anxiety whenever you are away from him, and he may resort to manipulating or even kidnapping you so you don't leave.
He has an almost obsessive love for his beloved and an extreme and irrational jealousy over anyone else being near you. He has an intense fear that you may leave or betray him, and he will do anything to keep you safe and with him. He's willing to engage in stalking, spying, and manipulation to keep tabs on you and keep you near him. He may even resort to violence and aggression if he gets too upset or jealous. He always wants to be the one in control, so he'll probably react with extreme anger and possessiveness when you challenge him in any way.
Other traits of a yandere include being extremely obsessive and wanting to control every aspect of your life. He's always suspicious, and he'll never allow you to spend any time with someone else. He'll be constantly monitoring or having others watching you closely for any sign of disloyalty, and he'll quickly become angry and confrontational if you do. If left unchecked, his obsessions and possessiveness can easily turn into manipulation, gaslighting, and physical violence. He doesn't know what he'd do without you, so he'll do whatever it takes to keep you.
He tends to idolize his beloved, which leads to an unhealthier obsession. He views you as the perfect person and will do anything for you, even if it isn't the best for him. This can lead to an unhealthy relationship dynamic as he often neglects himself to cater to your needs. He can become overly dependent on you for his own happiness and he'll struggle if you are apart for too long.
He struggles to express his feelings and he's very emotionally restrained. He has trouble expressing love or affection openly, and he can be very passive-aggressive. He may become emotionally unstable and angry if he's being ignored or not getting enough attention.
He can be overly controlling. He'll want to know where you are at all times, and he'll try to control who you talk to and where you go. He'll be anxious when you're away, and he'll constantly check in with you. He can also be even more jealous when it comes to your friends and family. He'll isolate you from these relationships so that you rely on him and he'll become easily jealous if you're around other people.
He struggles with showing affection in healthy ways. He may have difficulty expressing affection outwardly but deep down, he does have a soft spot for those close to him. He's very intense and committed to people he cares about, but he can come off as forceful or overbearing. He becomes overly jealous when he feels that someone else is getting attention instead of him, and he may resort to childish behavior to get his way.
He experiences love intensely. His affection is extreme and sometimes unhealthy. He can show excessive affection towards you and shower you with love and attention.
He can be very intense on dates. He is obsessed with his beloved and he wants to spend every minute with you. He'll monopolize your attention and he can become jealous if anyone else talks to you. The date will have to revolve around whatever he wants to do or where he wants to go. He'll try to make it as romantic as possible, but he can also be very demanding and the date will have to go exactly how he wants it to go, or else…
His family has no idea how obsessive he is towards you. His behavior doesn't seem unhealthy to them because the obsession is all in his head, and he keeps his emotions bottled up inside. He tries to act normally and appear friendly in front of his family, but deep down, they don't know how attached he is to you and how much he would do for you. His family thinks that he's a normal person with no problems, and they think that his relationship with you is healthy and normal.
He's also very obsessed with marriage. He sees marriage as the ultimate commitment to you, and he wants to be married to you as soon as possible. He's not picky, and he wants to marry you ASAP even if the wedding is rushed or not traditional. He'll do just about anything to marry his loved one even if you didn't agreed.
He's obsessed with the idea of having children with you. He'll fantasize about your future children and think about what they will look like and what he'll will name them. He'll imagine taking your children on trips and showing them the world, and he'll imagine the happiness you will feel together as a family.
He would be devastated if you didn't want or couldn't have children. He wants children with you more than anything else, and if you can't or don't want to, it would cause him extreme sadness and pain. He might explode in anger or become severely depressed and even resort to manipulative tactics to try to get you to change your mind. His obsession with having children with you is too strong and he wouldn't be able to let it go easily.
He can become extremely irrational and delusional if he doesn't get what he wants or when he feels that you are distancing yourself from him. He may start to see things that aren't there, and he can become obsessive about things that are seemingly harmless. And he'll start jumping to conclusions that aren't true. He's unable to think clearly and he won't be able to see the reality of a situation.
"You and I belong together. We're meant to be, and I don't want anyone else with you. Nobody else will love you like I do; nobody else could ever hope to understand our connection, our bond, the way that I do. You're mine, and I'm not going to let anyone else come between us."
Bondage - Being able to restrain and dominate you during sex is a huge turn-on for him. He loves tying you up, gagging you, and teasing your body until you are begging for release.
Sex toys - Using various pieces of adult play equipment like vibrators, dildos, and harnesses allows him to experiment with different ways of pleasuring you and exploring new depths of kinkiness.
Pet play - Being able to treat you like an animal and forcing you to submit to his will is a major turn-on for him. He loves making you kneel before him while he dominates you sexually.
Being worshipped - He absolutely adores being treated like a god among men. The idea of being surrounded by people who are in awe of his size and prowess turns him on immensely. He loves being fawned over, touched, and even prayed to during sexual situations as if he were some sort of deity come to life.
Foot worship - Worshipping feet and toes is a little-known fetish that he happens to be extremely passionate about. The sensitivity of the soles of your feet and the way they respond to touch and attention really do it for him. He loves to spend hours massaging and sucking on them and even trying different techniques like tickling or biting to see how far he can push you before you break.
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windstir · 8 months
thinking about that scene in kaze to ki no uta where gilbert is just having fun playing tag with some adults, specifically this one girl called sophia/sofia and she's like, treating him so well, and gilbert doesn't have a mother so auguste KNOWS that the poor thing (7 years old) is seeking her attention in replacement for anne marie's neglect, and so he just goes and says "okay fun is over i need you to come here now" and someone (rebec) mentions how gilbert's light "faded" at that very moment.
"that look isn't normal in a child! that's the face of resignation, he's suppressed all his instinct to fight ..."
and then gilbert (who is 7 at the time, it's been 2 years since the abuse started) walks away with auguste.
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there's SO much to say starting with the fact that gilbert's attitude is nothing like the one we're shown in the actual timeline (this is from a flashback) and he's, basically, a whole different person in comparison, which fits with the way auguste raised him.
since his purpose was to make a "perfect masterpiece", he had to strip gilbert of who he was from the root, first attacking his "survival instincts", then treating him as if he was incapable of doing anything or learning anything despite the fact that gilbert taught himself to read (at like, 6-7) because he was interested in art, and so on, auguste is just taking away bits and pieces of gilbert to make him what he wants him to be, but he's never clear with what he's demanding of him so gilbert is a mess
the scene also highlights how he flinches at the sight of auguste, and looks nervous when he approaches him and sofia, but when auguste gives his final veredict (that "playtime is over") he just leaves without saying much, because he knows it's pointless, auguste will do anything to drive the people who care about gilbert away even if they will never do anything to stop the abuse. gilbert knows this subconsciously, i doubt he can explain it, but i think there's some level of acknowledgment on his part.
gilbert is not entirely lost at this point though, he's on his way out but he has some of his instincts, he knows that auguste means danger (also shown by their first meeting, gilbert just keeps repeating "danger, he's dangerous, he'll do something to me". this eventually stops as gilbert realizes auguste is the only person around him who "cares" -it stops after their encounter, the one right after bonnard kidnaps him- and instead of pushing him away, he starts to want to be around him more, the evident fear is no longer there, but auguste still haunts his decisions and the way he interacts with others -serge-)
now, remember rebec???? he knows about the abuse, he's definitely worried about the impact it has on gilbert, but he never does anything to stop it because auguste is a close friend of his. i won't go into detail but. that's realistic!!!! okay ending this point to add:
i think the way gilbert was written and described is really good, and as much as i HATE auguste he's also pretty well written too in a weird way. he has many flaws, but he's a perfect "villain" for this i think.
think of humbert humbert from lolita as a base, both of them use flowery language to make their acts sound less terrible (auguste constantly describes his acts towards gilbert as art, as "necessary for his development", as something that's right despite it not being so)
see 41:50 - 43:40
(it's not really evident in this scene i think? but you can see the way he speaks about it, he makes it sound as if it was something necessary, as if it was something that gilbert will benefit from even though it's just abuse)
gilbert IS a different person than he was years ago, and the only person to blame is auguste, that one scene i mentioned at the beginning is just a transition period between point A (rejection, fear, gilbert doesn't want to indulge in this) and point B (acceptance, he's actively seeking it even if he hates it)
gilbert has never wanted to do this, all he wanted was to be held by someone because everyone around him neglected that need, as serge said once: "he was starved (of love) and i could provide him with that"
but, eventually, he learned to suppress that need and, as the world changed his view on him (hypersexual behaviors that were previously encouraged are now seen as strange and gross, gilbert doesn't understand why the change) gilbert just had to go with it, accepting that he would always be seen as someone bad no matter what, he thinks he's broken in some way, that he will corrupt others if they dare to help him, which i think it's a key point to understand if you want to understand why he acts the way he does towards serge:
"doesn't he hate it? if he does, why is he pushing serge (the only person who ACTUALLY helps him) away?"
because he doesn't THINK he deserves it, he thinks he's going to corrupt serge if he does, everyone thinks that, everyone stays in their lane, no one has ever done anything to stop it and when they tried they were pushed away by auguste, and gilbert wanted auguste's approval! he wants him to like him! so he continues, and the cycle never ends ...
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Hi hello and howdy
Since I can't contain my thoughts here's all the "Mirage" logicistics. Basically they either swap or enhance ones personality, heres a few examples:
Mirage Lenore is way more looney and impulsive, with a practically nonexistant off switch having to be dragged off screaming before she sets anything on fire, her group mainly sticks with her for fear of their own lives and she and Annabel are ALLOWED TO BE GAY!!! HOORAY!!! They still have the pretend to hate each other thing but thats mainly due to Annabel's paranoia
Mirage Duke is a shit magician who constantly looses parts of his tricks, he's also like WAYYY too overdramatic, the kinda mf to fall over if you steal his chip,
"Its... its just a crisp.."
"Oh my god..."
So yeah, pathetic cringefail looser LMFAO, but he is the kinda person to pull a "OMG MY BEST FRIEND! MOVE!" And shove whoever out of his way
Mirage Pluto is if you took a wet cat and made him a golden retriever. He's very hyperactive, social, easily distracted. Mf is like "wanna hear abt my hyperfixations?!" Talks and doesn't wait for an answer a neat thing i did with some characters Mirage's is i inverted stuff abt them like hair, emblems, all that. He still thinks M! Duke's magic is cool
Mirage Berenice is a feral little creature, constantly biting or nibbling on things (mainly Eulalies arm, or her own. I dont think chewlery exists in the victorian era). She's also the queen of being unhinged, in spectre form shes somewhat normal at least. For the most part she's in her own world
Mirage Eulalie is the mean autistic, less into creepy/old things n thinks their lame and/or weird. She's the one dragging Berenice around and keeping the gang from falling apart. Her and M! Morella really out here sharing the only group braincell, shes also blunt as fuck and wont hesitate to tell you you look bad. I wanted to lean more into the japanese part of her character so she just kinda- speaks more of it now (lol idk how else to explain it)
Mirage Morella, like M! Eulalie, is a mean autistic. She's less emotional, and more of "I dont give a damn just get me out of here.", sticks with whatever group she's feelin that day tbh. Won't tell you you look bad, will probably just call you a dumbass and leave
Mirage Annabel is kinda like regular Annabel but without the "Life is like chess" mentality. So more jumpy, kinda a walking talking mental breakdown waiting to happen. Excess paranoia and increase of hallucinations cus pookie and I decided we aren't giving her a break
Mirage Prospero is no longer fancy and polite, he is sopping wet germaphobic wet cat. He will go through great lengths to avoid disease, faints around blood and puke, screams at the sight of his own rats (or just rats/bugs in general), actively raising his and Annabel's blood pressure with how scardy he is.
Mirage Montresor is imo the funniest one cuz he's just a polite little gentleman, doin all the chivalry shit like opening doors, pushing chairs in and out, saying his pleases/thank yous/welcomes, he's even calling everyone "Sir" and "Ma'am". He's still an asshole, but you really gotta provoke him to see that
Tbh, I didn't think much abt Mirage Will since Will to me is kinda just there as Monty's lackey who gets kicked around. SO he's less of a pushover, more demanding, up and refuses what people tell him, bullies M! Monty, he tried bullying M! Ada and M! Morella but bro got his ass kicked. On top of it, he's unfortunately more sexist and stubborn. No more people pleasing ig 🤷‍♀️
Finally, Mirage Ada. What I wanted to do for her is have her be an absolute girlboss who is always serving 100% of the time. Everything she does is her choice and for her and her friends, and and and shes Aroace too, pretty chill when she has to reject someone just like:
"Hey i like u"
"Oh! I don't feel the same but we can still be friends?"
She also beat M! Will up, good for her
So uh, yeah! Thats all i got. If you have questions, feel free to comment or ask in the askbox. :)
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How to catch Akaza's eye! (Can you tell i love doing these?)
You can interpret it as yandere if you want
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How is this basketball looking motherfucker so fine 😔
Things that would help!
Resemble Kyouki in a way, maybe have a similar appearance or hairpin (a bit obvious but this would really up your chances of catching his eye!)
Like douma I feel he would prefer a woman partner because he wouldn't eat them right away but that doesn't mean a male wouldn't work.
But unlike him he doesn't want a weakling as an s/o
Be a human! I don't think he would pay attention to a lower demon mostly because he doesn't have to and most likely finds them annoying. So if you want to be a demon, you'd have to be an uppermoon.
Knowing him he'd probably be bitter if you were stronger than him so you'd have to be a spot or two below him, just so he respects you, or you'd have to be acknowledged by Muzan.
So you basically have one choice which is be a demon slayer.
To catch his eye as a demon slayer. You'd have to be strong like Hashira/Kinoe maybe Kinoto strong. (He loves fighting so if he'd lay you out like a pancake in one punch he'd most likely leave you to die.)
If you don't want to be super strong other things that would help you:
Have a custom breathing style that no one else uses, maybe something like fireworks (if ik you know)
Use brass knuckles as a weapon (these are what they are for those who don't know)
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We all know he fights using fists and he was a martial artist when he was human so a person who fights with their fists would really intrigued him.
If he couldn't tell the gender of the reader he'd pause and think for a second. (Interest has been peaked) + works for either gender
"You there whats your gender?" If you're smart which you most likely are (he likes if someone's clever) you figure out he must have an objection to eating a certain gender or in the very least a preference. So you stay silent.
This particularly works for lower rank demon slayers as he wants to make sure the reader is a woman or a man before actually engaging in combat. Because he won't run away or blitz you into pieces. You obviously use this to your advantage.
Im going to divise this into 2 sections. If you're a Hashira/ high ranked demon slayer or if you're a lower rank.
Option A:
If you're a strong hashira you would constantly hunt him down and attempt to decapitate him he would try to flee but you'd be able to keep up with him (you basically run around all night chasing him while he demands to know your gender and try to rip off your clothing to check your gender) eventually he'd be able to get away leaving you exhausted and more hell bent on killing him.
I'd say around the 5th time you hunt him down he gets really annoyed because you keep disturbing his meals and fights. So he starts stalking you to find out your gender. Of course you eventually notice and AGAIN try to defeat him.
But at this point he's interested in you, the short time he spent stalking you. He developed a certain attachment so he shifts his focus into getting you to become a demon.
So the daoligue changes from questions to teasing as he makes fun of you for not landing an attack.
Hes litterally attempting to have a conversation with you while you put all your might into hurting him.
Practically begs you to become a demon.
If you told him to shut up he'd probably be excited because you finally talked to him!
You're his favourite person to fight/ that he has fought even though he holds back his full strength.
He often keeps you up until sunrise then flees then a couple days later the cycle repeats.
Is in a good mood for the rest of the day and can't wait until nightfall to track you down again
The corps probably have figures out you're being followed by a particular demon and make hashira come out with you on missions.
When Akaza sees this he's very sad :( he thought you had something special >:(
Surprisingly doesn't kill the person you're with (probably afraid you won't like him back if he kills someone you like) But probably can't hold back on not fighting you and whisks you away or the person you're with and quickly fights you.
He is content with fighting you his whole life unfortunately (for him) you're human and will eventually die. This terrifies him, and while he won't do anything against your will he is 100% down to shove his blood down your throat and forcefully turn you into a demon, if his begging and pleas don't work.
Option B:
He would be slightly interested for a second if he couldn't tell your gender but after a couple minutes, bro just doesn't care 💀
What if during the "fight" (which is just Akaza avoiding attacks calmly asking for your gender) the reader somehow cuts themselves and it turns out their Marechi blood! Of course Akaza would want to eat them, but because of his pact and the fact he can't tell what gender you are he'd be forced to retreat before he loses control.
Since Marechi blood is super duper rare he'd track down the reader and try to find out their gender. As he watches you, get stronger and stronger he sees your potential.
(This is if your a male) He doesn't want to eat you immediatelybecause you're not at your full potential. His mind set is: Hes going to eat you eventually, so why not get a good fight out of a good meal?
The more he watches you the more he starts to admire you, he's very patient so he watches as you fight strong demons and grow stronger because of it. (He gets excited at the thought of fighting you)
One time you were in over your head,(this was in the beginning of his stalking) and he quickly killed the stronger demon and fled leaving you VERY confused. (He told himself it was because he wanted to fight you when you were at your prime or he wanted to eat you)
Eventually he's called out for a mission (Muzan doesn't send him on missions very often) and when he returns he deems you fit to fight.
The moment you step outside you're met with the sight of him.
You fight him and while you're not hashira level, in his eyes its a good fight but when it comes time to kill you he can't. He realizes he's grown fawn of you.
"Become a demon, and you're power will grow." He offers his hand as you're on the ground shaking from your injuries. (Dw its just broken ribs n stuff NO BLOOD)
You shake your head and weakly tell him you'd rather die.
He just stands there.
"Do it. Kill me." He doesn't and in an instant he's gone.
You're taken to the butterfly mansion, healed and he gives you a month to recover before showing up fighting you, asking you to become a demon, almost killing you then disappears. As you get stronger the wait time diminishes.
At this point you're absolutely convinced that the demons just toying with you. Until you bring backup to kill him. He doesn't fight and like usual he just runs away. Patiently awaiting for you to be alone.
Shared(?) Headcanons (Aka headcanons that apply to both)
Hes like an annoying puppy always coming back for more. When he asks you to become a demon its like a bad friend encouraging you to do something. He's like.
"Do it! Do it! Do it!
His main arguments are that you'll become so much stronger, you'll be able to seek revenge on those whove wronged you (if he hasn't already) and you'll be able to fight with him for eternity. (And spend eternity by his side!)
He gets that you're not interested but he just pretends you'll change your mind (lowkey delulu)
He thinks he's doing a good thing because ever since you started fighting him you've gotten a lot stronger.
Muzan doesn't mind you as long as you don't interfere with Akaza killing the demon slayers. (Like you're friends with someone but they have to die) He'll kill them unwillingly making sure they don't suffer and leave a gift on your doorstep as an apology. He doesn't watch you for a while after because he doesn't want to see you sad.
Probably got jealous of you fighting other demons and since you reek of him demons avoid you or he just told them to leave you alone.
He's trying to get you to like him back, hes considered approaching you disguised so he could get to talk to you without you screaming insults at you.
He likes watching you interact with other people so he can imagine he's them. So kidnapping is practically off the table.
Expections are if:
You were entering an uppermoons territory (mostly Douma's or Kokushibo's) and refusing to leave
You tried to harm yourself
You tried to go off the grid and dissappear (probably because of the fear of being constantly watched by an uppermoon)
Well that's it! Also i'm not to sure what to write so please! Give me ideas!
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aurum-rays · 6 months
When you rewatch most childhood movies, the cult classics, the nostalgia rides, I realize how sexist and problematic they were and I was secretly hoping Veer Zaara wasn't one of them(I watched it when I was like 10 so I don't remember). This movie surprised me.
Veer Zaara features strong, resilient female characters. Be it our protagonist Zaara played by Preity Zinta or the catalysts of the love story Saamiya (Rani Mukherjee) and Shabbo (Divya Dutta) or even Zaara’s mother (Kirron Kher) and her Bebe (Zohra Sehgal).
Zaara Hayaat Khan is a feminist, one who is against the societal norms laid for a woman. It's refreshing to see this in her introductory song "Hum to bhai jese hai wese rahengey" sung beautifully by Lata ji, but as this 3 hour musical drama progresses it gets disappointing to see Zaara whittle herself away to the same norms she was against in the first place.
Everyone around her constantly tells her it's her responsibility to be a good wife and a good mother and to guard the respect of their families. Zaara crosses the border to fulfill a final wish of her ‘BeBe’(grandmother) all by herself.
In the midst of a rescue operation, she demands her things be lifted off along with her all while hanging on to an Air Force professional in his uniform.
She pushes the crowded men away and speaks with authority "I have a ticket and I need to get on this bus". In all these instances Zaara is scared yet heroic. She phones her mother and tells her that all her life she didn't do anything and probably won't in the future too and will probably end up being just like her mother - a good wife and a good mother, so she wants to do this one thing so she can respect herself. This is what irked me. I understand she's from an orthodox family but she can still have dreams and ambitions. From the start of the movie, she is portrayed as a rebel, one who doesn't comply with societal norms and laughs in the face of stereotypes. I can only imagine how curious she would have been as a child. That alone is enough to give her some dreams.
She fearlessly tells Amitabh's character what he is doing is unfair to the girls. If I went to someone’s house for a day especially someone I barely knew I wouldn't even dare to question their acts. Zaara does and she makes him spellbound. She doesn't go “I'm just here for one day so I’ll just mind my own business and leave”. She questions the injustice. "Imagine what girls could do if they were given the right education. Some of them might even surpass Veer".
I loved Zaara in all these scenes. She fearlessly stands up against mistreatment and calls them out no matter who the other person is. All this makes you root for her until it doesn't.
In a scene where Saamiya visits Veer's (Shahrukh Khan) hometown and finds Zaara there, she says to Shabbo "Yeh kis sadi ke log hai… ?" (transl. “Which century are these people from?”)
That's exactly how I felt too. “Kon hai ye log? Kahan se aate hai?”( transl. Who are these people? Where do they come from?) Spending their whole lives in the name of the person they never got to be with. Sacrificing everything and working to fulfill someone else’s dream. Zaara has always been that kind of person. She crosses borders to fulfill her bebe's wish and gives all her life to fulfill Veer and his Tau’s wish. She keeps doing everything for others. She spends her life making others’ dreams come true. She lives her life in the memory of her lover. This also reminded me of Sita aka Princess Noor Jahan from Sitaramam (also maybe Madarasipattinam's Amy).
If Saamiya saw these women she'd again say "Kon hai ye log?"
Even after decades of releasing love stories on-screen this "sacrificing" trope hasn't changed and remains to be a classic which I am not a big fan of. Why do these characters not have any characterization of their own? (Zaara) even if they do, it all changes when a man comes into her life (Sita/Noor Jahan). Ultimately the heroin has to either die or spend her whole life in the memory of her Romeo. (Remember what Mr. Dashwood says to Jo in 2019’s Little Women?)
Maybe I don't understand love stories. Maybe I don't understand love? I don't know. But I think in real life none of us are that insane to write our whole life in someone else’s name and live and breathe just reminiscing our lost lovers, at least I am not. Maybe that is why these movies will remain classics because they are too insane to happen in real life.
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pawsometoons · 1 year
Soooo me and @man-of-fandoms began brainstorming on once again another GHS related au, this one actually also being related to the Scales of Fate au. Basically, it's an alternate timeline to the Scales of Fate au. And we called it
The Scales of Twisted Fate Au
Justin, Desperate to get a win, secretly employs the help of Assasin, Shelly De Killer, who assasinates Japser and Ray, (Jasper being stabbed with his scales while Ray is shot in the heart) causing them *both* to end up in Gregory House. And naturally, all the fucked up things that happen to Jasper still happen, and despite Ray being there to try and help him keep his sanity, Jasper eventually loses it.
Ray would eventually succumb to his own transformation as well (becoming Ray "The Grieving Pierrot"), making him look more like a slightly twisted version of Reala, but leaving his humanity intact as he desperatly tries to pull free the one he loves from Judgement Boy.
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But, Justin's plan still backfires on him. Because he ends up getting killed for going back on his deal with De Killer, and ends up in Gregory house as well. But he quickly learns of Jasper's fate, and knowing that his normal tactics won't work, he demands that he undergoes the same transformation as Jasper did. But he wished to make his better than Jasper's, just to show that HE was the superior one. Becoming Judgement Boy Gold.
But his Judgements are twisted and made to be the outcomes HE wants, while JB's would be the truth. Similar to how they were as lawyers. Strangely enough, there were no clones made, as Justin wanted it to just be him and Jasper. So he could be the one to constantly wave his "greater status" above JB's head. Along with constantly calling him by Jasper. A name he no longer remembers and is constantly confused as to why he keeps being called that name by those he doesnt know hes forgotten.
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Over time, as much as Ray wanted to stay by JB's side, he was always pushed away by this look of confusion, telling Ray that JB just couldnt recognize him anymore. So Ray would try to help elsewhere and bring hope to the other guests, and even try to convince Gregory to stand up to his mother! Ray did all he could to try and get the love of his life back. But at this point, he had to try something else.
Then one night, Justin Gold's laying down the insults on JB because he doesn't remember him and is filling his head with how he's better at everything he will try to do. But Ray then comes in, pretty much close to giving up on getting Japser back. Plus, Ray is pretty much unrecognizable in his transformed state. But still he defends JB and tells Gold to get lost. Which he reluctantly does, but not before rubbing it in that it "was pointless trying to save someone that doesn't even remember them anymore".
JB thinks: 'What did he mean by that?" and quickly scans Ray's memories before getting that headache of awakening. Then, as Ray is about to leave, he hears a familiar voice call out his name for the first time in years.
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This is when JB finally realizes and remembers the love he had once forgotten by some sort of miracle! Once again they would cherish each other's loving embraces and just for a moment, feel whole again. And from that point onward, Ray never leaves JB's side. And eventually, despite looking the same JB would start to act a little like his human self again.
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Soon enough, a power struggle would begin between Gregory and his mother. Due to Ray's help in bringing the Hotel back to it's former status (a place for lost souls to stay until Death comes along to bring their souls to the afterlife), Gregory would begin going against his mother's orders and eventually kicking her out. But not without Gregory Mama taking Judgement Boy Gold with her. This is when Gregory Mama begins to wage war against Gregory House, and makes her own hotel across to the other side of the forest to take in twisted and evil souls. She tried to take some other guests in the hotel with her, but all except Gold refused to go with her.
This brings in new opportunities for Gregory House to grow and become better than it once was, which is where the shared events from the Twisted Fate AU come in. In which the Judgement Circus is a thing here too, along with Ringmaster RoseGold! And instead, the Judgement Boy clones were created after the Judgement Circus is built, (As well as future Judgement Bots made for this au and the Twisted Fate au) Ray would find himself to play a good role on the Judgement Circus alongside JB! Due to Ray's already clown-like appearance.
As time goes on, Gregory would be working hard day and night to make sure the hotel doesnt fall like it once did, along with the help of Ray and JB of course. Meanwhile Gregory Mama was having a hard time getting any guests at all for her "Dark Gregory House" (as she calls it) and so she gets the idea to have the little ammount of prompters there was that Gold managed to drag along with him create a Judgement Boy clone for her hotel. But to spite Gold, these promoters that were forced into doing the bidding of these two monsters would prove to Gold that you can't make something that beats the original. But Gold only makes it worse for himself due to him berating and rushing the prompters. Due to this and the lack of materials, a faulty clone was made (Soul Collector JB). Gold decides to roll with it anyway since it's really all he has, although relentlessly abused the poor thing for the constant mistakes it would make.
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Ray and JB catch wind of what's going down at Gregory Mama's hotel and the poor clone in Gold's posession.This they could NOT stand. And so they sneaked into enemy territory to eventually retrieve this clone and bring them back to Gregory House. This clone eventually becomes very close to Ray and JB, basically becoming their child!
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Later on, a bit farther into the future, Gregory is confronted by Death for an important matter. Gregory is told that a slight disturbance has manifested within the between of their realm and reality. This disturbance being the appearance of souls manifesting from non-living objects within an elementary school in the real world. Death supposes it's from essence of these forgotten objects that give them living and breathing forms. And somehow the energy from their realm is leaking into the waking world, giving the elementary school a new form during midnight. These beings formed by these objects seemed to be children, Wandering around this empty school aimlessly, not sure what to do. Death tells that this is why he came for Gregory's help. But as much as Gregory wanted to help, he has so much on his plate already and couldnt possibly offer help of his own. But... lately, seeing how well Ray and JB were at watching over the children of the hotel every now and then, Gregory had an idead that just maybe... Ray and JB could be the ones to help out death with this situation.
It is later found out, that this midnight version of the school was once in operation before under different owners. But due to Gregory Mama having the most power in the realm the school was connected to, she destroyed it, causing no more forgotten objects to be given living forms. This, along with the Principal of the Midnight School being the only survivor, but was trapped away in a void like prison. But with Gregory Mama not in full power anymore at Gregory House, new forgotten objects in the school been given form! So when Gregory is informed by Death about the school, it would soon be under the watchful eyes of Ray and JB!
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(There is an update reblog to this au that you can find here)
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Obviously people can ship whatever they want. But it kind of irks me when I see El in a romantic relationship with other people. She doesn't know how to be in a relationship with anyone. Removing Mike from the equation won't solve her problems. It implies that Mike is the entire problem with their relationship when she is partly to blame too. She is just now for the first time learning how to be someones friend with Max. It's a new thing for her. She has no other friends and her and Max haven't spent much time together (Dustin and Lucas clearly didn't spend much time with her in S3). She makes a choice to continue that relationship with Max and takes positive action to include her in her life. But it took her a while to get to this point. She shut Max out completely when she first met her. She is learning how to be in different types of relationships - friends with Max (and Lucas and Dustin), familial relationships with Will, Jonathan, Joyce, and Hopper. These are all new things for her. She deserves a chance to have a stable home life and solid friendships. And of course she can have these things with a romantic relationship but there is no reason why this should need to be a top priority for her. People act like being single is shameful and constantly try to pair everyone off and it just isn't the best thing sometimes. She has no idea how to be in a romantic relationship and that's ok. She doesn't need to be. She needs to learn how to communicate better and be honest with people before she can be in a romantic relationship again. She deserves a chance to learn how to do these things and figure out what she likes and who she is. There are so many comments about how Mike is mistreating her and how she is going to go off and have a girl power moment and find herself a new boyfriend who treats her right but that's not at all what's happening here. She isn't treating him well and isn't suddenly going to learn how to do this with a new person. She is just going to have the same problems with someone else because she is part of the problem. People are so hesitant to blame her for anything and it does her no favors. She doesn't treat people well sometimes and it's entirely because she wasn't taught how to interact with people in a healthy way. She lies to both Mike and Will, she dismisses Mike's feelings, she spies on the boys and doesn't care that Mike is bothered by this, and she runs off and avoids Mike when he doesn't tell her what she wants to hear (she does this twice - once in S3 at the mall, and in S4 when she goes to the lab). Not to mention how she simply decided when they were breaking up and getting back together without talking to him about it. It was solely up to her and Mike's opinion didn't factor into it. She decides the state of their relationship and when Mike needs to tell her he loves her. It is really not ok that she decided they were getting back together at the end of S3, doesn't wait for a response from him about it, spends the next several months lying about her life, pretends their relationship is perfect and doesn't mention that she's upset with Mike until she's fighting with him, demands he say he loves her, then runs away from home and leaves him an emotionally detached letter fully expecting to not see him ever again (or at least not for a while).
It's the way she fights with people that for me is one of the biggest problems. Brenner and Hopper didn't exactly set the best examples here. Mike tries to talk to her and openly communicate in S4 and we see that he clearly knows how to do this because he does this with Will later. He knows how to have a conversation about a fight he just had with someone. But she dismisses any attempt he makes at connecting with her and completely changes the subject and starts attacking him for not saying he loves her. Forcing someone to say this isn't ok. He isn't an asshole for not saying it when it isn't true and him getting defensive is understandable. This whole relationship has been about Mike needing to give her whatever she wants even at his own expense. And I'm glad we are starting to see him not wanting to. Because it's not good for him. None of the ways she treats him are ok. I honestly can't think of a time when she did anything for him or showed that she was aware of his feelings/well-being. Mike has been shown to not get what he needs from her over and over again and a lot of this fandom completely dismisses this. Her having a different boyfriend won't fix any of these problems. She deserves a chance to learn how to make friends and build her family relationships. This is what will help her build a foundation for any future romantic relationship if she wants one. For the record, I love El. It's why I want her to learn from her mistakes. She is fully capable of being held accountable for this and growing. She should be allowed a chance to do this. But I really don't like how Mike gets all the blame for this relationship because she has not been treating him well at all.
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sezja · 8 months
*runs to your DMs* tell me about nerise and eyri's friendship!!
Today was garbage and this ask has been the only thing keeping me from snapping like an old rubber band so first of all, thank you 💖
When Nerise first wakes up in the present day, she doesn't immediately realize she's time traveled - see, she and Sohl Amh had originally set off to fly across the sea, to see if there were other lands beyond, as some ancient maps suggested. Along the way, they're caught in a storm of unnatural strength, and they lose control, falling out of the sky... and that's the last thing the two of them really remember, until waking up in La Noscea.
Sohl Amh is wounded by the rough landing (Nerise tries not to wonder why she seems unharmed), and needs aether - via food - to recover. Since they can't hunt for themself, Nerise decides to try her luck at the nearest sign of civilization - which happens to be Limsa Lominsa.
And that's where Eyri finds her, sort of wandering lost through Hawker's Alley, with no idea where she is or what gil even is, for that matter. He genuinely suspects, at first, that she's escaped from a sanitarium, but that wouldn't explain her fine traveling gear or weapons... so out of concern - and out of morbid curiosity - he follows her for a little while, until she returns to Sohl Amh with meat she managed to barter for.
Eyri approaches her out of genuine concern (both for her, being obviously unfamiliar with the area, and for Limsa, because what in the world is a dragon doing here), and sort of gets... wrapped up in her general chaos, though she never quite invites him along.
Through the events of ARR, she views Eyri as a kind of unwanted tagalong - constantly trying to leave him behind, insisting she doesn't need the help, trying to get the Scions to assign him work elsewhere - but he's persistent; he's not entirely sure he believes her story about having traveled through time, but he believes she believes it, and either she's mentally ill (in which case he doesn't want to leave her to navigate the world alone), or she's telling the truth (in which case... how fascinating is that, and he doesn't want to leave her to navigate the world alone).
The events surrounding the banquet change things between them.
Especially as they head into Ishgard, and Nerise really begins to feel the changes that have passed since her own time. Sohl Amh can't accompany her there for obvious reasons, leaving her feeling very much alone in a way she's never been. Eyri's a godsend to her in Ishgard - he navigates the social etiquettes surprisingly well for someone who's never dealt with nobility before, and isn't hampered, as Nerise is, by prior expectations of what Ishgard will be like.
So little by little, she thaws. By the time they're setting out for Dravania with Ysayle, they're properly friends, and it only grows from there.
Eyri is one of the few people Nerise regards with unalloyed trust; she respects his judgment more than her own, sometimes. He regards her with the utmost fondness, seeing something noble in her almost in spite of herself, refusing to allow her to doubt or question herself. He's protective of her, a little - not in the sense that he won't let her charge headlong into a fight, but rather that he knows her skills are in high demand, and he's cautious about people taking advantage of her willingness to dive right in.
Eyri and Urianger kindle a quiet romance during their time on the First, while waiting for the Exarch to properly summon Nerise - Eyri chooses to join Urianger in Il Mheg to help with conducting research, and the two bond over their shared interests. Obviously, the relationship sours after the Exarch's plan (and Urianger's role in it) comes to light, which Urianger expected (he did try to discourage the relationship, without success). Eyri holds Nerise and her safety above his own romantic interests, and it's not until Nerise forgives Urianger that the two men reconcile at all.
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horatioandalice · 2 years
Hellou! I'm thinking of getting a GCC in the near future, but I've had only budgies my whole life. Can you give some tipps about typical GCC behaviour/body language/sounds that differs from budgie body language?
Thank you so much! ❤️🦜
Hello! Sorry for the delayed response! ^^; I'll try to answer this as best I can but a complicating factor is that Spencer was raised around budgies from the time he was very young, so he may show more budgie-like behaviors than the average conure (he definitely has a version of fwibbling he does, which is EXTREMELY cute but doesn't really sound anything like a budgie, lol).
In my experience, GCCs are a LOT bolder than budgies (although Spencer was hand-raised by humans, so he may just be tamer than average). If he wants to know what you're doing, he'll fly to you and sometimes directly try to take an object from you or bite it (or you :D)--a notable example of this is if someone is brushing their teeth while Spencer is out of his cage. He will fly to the person who is brushing their teeth--even if it means he has to cross several rooms!--and land on their shoulder and start trying to bite the toothbrush. GCCs have a lot of energy like budgies, but it seems to come more in spurts. Spencer will often be extremely hyper for awhile, then fall asleep in my hand for about 15 minutes, and then wake up and resume being hyper, so he alternates between "NO LEAVE ME ALONE I AM BUSY WITH IMPORTANT BIRD STUFF" and "YOU HAVE TO CUDDLE ME RIGHT NOW OR I WILL BITE YOU" I guess all in all, GCCs are more demanding than budgies and seem to require a lot more one-on-one attention. They WILL get themselves into trouble if left unsupervised--obviously budgies CAN get themselves into trouble if left unsupervised, but they don't always. GCCs ALWAYS will, lol. They're like budgies turned up to 11.
In terms of body language, the most notable thing is probably the territorial "snake dance". If a GCC is feeling territorial or threatened or sometimes is just mad about something, they'll do this weird little wiggly dance where they shuffle side to side and wobble their head at you. If you try to pick them up at this point, they WILL lunge and bite you, and they bite MUCH harder than budgies (when Spencer bites me, I almost always end up bleeding -_- ). They also do the "shpooping" thing (i. e., bouncing rapidly up and down on their legs) when they're excited about something or interested in something, and in Spencer's case this usually means "come get me and show me what you have" (if I don't, he'll fly over and look at it for himself, lol). Another notable one is the "no don't pick me up" move--if I try to pick up Spencer when he doesn't want to be picked up, he will rest his beak against the surface he's standing on like he's lying down. In this case he won't bite if you persist in picking him up, but it's also VERY hard to get him to actually step up (you may have guessed that this usually happens when he thinks it's time for him to go to bed).
In terms of sounds, in my experience conures don't make noise as FREQUENTLY as budgies, but they can be MUCH louder when they do make noise. Unlike budgies, conures don't sing or fwibble constantly. Most of the time, Spencer is actually either completely silent, or just kind of muttering a little to himself at low volume (either muttering a weird mash-up of the words he knows, or making the sound I refer to as "beakfarts", lol). BUT his flock call is EXTREMELY loud and can be piercing--it's an extremely high-pitched "EEEE" call, almost a whistle, that he may repeat a dozen times for no apparent reason. He also has a short, sharp, loud scream that's his alarm call (usually he only does this if there's a sudden movement outside the window or something), and a call I don't really know the meaning of that kind of sounds like "EE BEE" that he does sometimes too. He has also been known to yell "HEY SPENCER" or "SPENCE SPENCER" or "HI BABY" when he's trying to get my attention (I have tried to explain to him multiple times that I don't know how to spence him, but this doesn't seem to stop him)--obviously those particular words are probably pretty unique to him, but if your GCC learns any words, be prepared for those words to get shrieked at you when your bird is bored.
I hope this helps! Please feel free to ask any specific questions you may have, too!
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thavron · 1 year
So a little update for you. Things have gone to shit very very fast. He has demanded that I move out. He gave me ten days to pack up my things and go. I negotiated him to end of the month which is three weeks. He keeps saying that it is my choice to go, but when I try and suggest other solutions he shuts me down and tells me his mother (who is our landlord) won't let me stay here. He's essentially evicting me. My brother doesn't have the space for me to bring any furniture or anything like that, so I'm leaving 9 years worth of accrued stuff behind. My brother, bless him, says its just stuff and not to fret about it, but I feel like at some point I'm going to have to start again on my own, and I'm supposed to just trust that my husband will make me whole when it comes to that?
I've know something has been up with him for weeks. He blows hot and cold, has been secretive, constantly on the phone to someone, but wont tell me who. He makes excuses to go out more or less every night. Every time I have broached it with him, he says it's nothing, or he's stressed at work. There are times I felt he was upset with me, and I asked him if I had done something wrong, and he always reassured me that it wasn't me. So now it turns out it was me, but he still won't tell me what, and he expects me to trust him when he is fucking me over so hard, that he won't do that again in the future.
It doesn't seem fair that I have to shoulder all of this, especially when I don't feel like I have done anything wrong. I am not a confrontational person, we don't argue often and never aggressively. I don't abuse him mentally, physically or financially. He has his own money, time and space to do what he wants. We do fun things together regularly, cinema trips, gigs, trips to different cities. It was just a few weeks back we were in Cardiff, looking at houses and making plans to buy. He was happy then, and enthusiastic about the idea. I don't understand where all this has come from. I'm so confused, and hurt.
My friend says he's having a midlife crisis, but when I leave he will stay in our house, with our stuff, and our cat (he won't let me take the cat) and nothing will be different for him except that I won't be here. You'd think if he was experiencing that sort of issue, he would want to go someone knew and start over. I feel so broken, I don't know what to do.
I spent this weekend with my brother. He showed me around town, and we had some fun. I met his partner and her children for the first time. We played giant hungry hippos and checked out the swimming pool. It's a lovely place, with seaside vibes, i think I could be happy there, but I wish my husband was coming too.
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mindlessentropy · 1 month
what do we think about tatsujun fix-it au? what would you fix?
OMG!!!!! Thank you for being my first anon!!!! I'm so happy I could cry.
This is a tough one! I'm not too familiar with fix-it aus, but I will do my best to answer it as well as I can > . < If I misunderstand the concept, please let me know!
To be fully honest, I don't think there is anything I can say I would actually want to fix about tatsujun. There are things to criticize the games on of course, but I can't lie. I adore everything about them. I don't really have any good ideas that would objectively improve their story. Keep in mind this comes with a very heavy bias, I am hardwired at this point to see anything even mildly related to tatsujun and go "oh my gosh...", so of course tatsujun itself would have me rendered speechless and unable to think critically about their story.
But, I'll do my best anyways (๑>ᴗ<๑)
The only thing I'd really want to see fixed with tatsujun is a happy ending for the both of them. It's a bit bitter, seeing them suffer so much just to end up broken or empty on the inside. All their hard work and dedication towards one another for naught. But even that's so appealing on it's own, I can't say it was a bad decision on the developer's end. Winning a happy ending by the skin of their teeth, sacrificing everything to protect big sis just as they promised as children... Gosh, there's so much to love there too. So please don't mistake me saying all of this as a dislike for the canon ending.
However, of course, I want to see them happy. There are so many ways to go about it too... I truly think I could talk about it forever. Tatsujun happy endings are my favorite. I can't help it, I'm a fluff lover at heart. Especially tatsujun domestic fluff... So I'm constantly thinking of ways they could earn that happy home together.
To start off basic, there's always finding each other post canon. Without the freedom being children granted them, burdened by the woes of adult life... It'd be an interesting mirror of their canonical selves. Whether they meet early in college, or end up falling in love in their 30s/40s, I think it'd be beautiful either way! A perfect stranger, someone they feel this odd connection and comfort with that cannot be explained. Anemoia...
But, if we are getting really crazy and self indulgent, I think them working together in Eternal Punishment's story could be cute. Tatsuya and Jun promised they would protect Maya together.
I don't think Tatsuya would be one to reach out, he has so many regrets and is still traumatized from everything that happened... However, Jun being more active instead of passive could work! I won't lie, I love that Kashihara gets to just be an innocent kid watching from the sidelines, unlike Kurosu who was put through the ringer. I just want Jun to be happy. But, it does also fit him to be more proactive too. Just like how he got into the Joker situation by trying so hard to make people take his dad's theories seriously... Good intentions getting him into a mess once again... Ahh, I'm weak.
After the aerospace museum... So many questions, too few answers, a lighter that he knows doesn't belong to him now burning a hole in his pocket, and an overwhelming sensation that there is something he must do... His only option is to chase down the deja vu boy and demand answers. The two of them getting to protect Maya together like they promised... Jun getting revenge on Nyarlathotep, who had taken everything from him. Mama, Papa, Tatsuya, Maya... And, perhaps most importantly, repenting for their sins together.
Jun said he wasn't leaving Tatsuya's side, after all. I doubt he'd let Tatsuya talk him into leaving him by himself. Tatsuya's loneliness brought him back from the brink of erasure, there's no way he'd let him isolate himself again! Mirroring the ending, Maya getting the option to either cling to them one last time, or let them go... Tatsuya and Jun confident that Maya has grown into a strong woman who can take care of herself, getting the chance to finally protect each other. And of course, living a happy life together on the other side.
I don't know if this is exactly good enough to "fix" canon, but it's a fun au to think about! Lots of plot holes and character themes being thrown out for some tatsujun goodness, but I tried my best. Perhaps I'll come back to this someday with some better ideas. No promises though! I'm such a perfectionist, it could take me weeks of brainstorming to come up with something I'd consider even remotely passable.
Once again, thank you so so so much for the ask!! I'm so incredibly happy to know you liked my headcanons enough to want to hear my thoughts on more tatsujun. I'm always happy to ramble about them, so if you're reading this feel free to drop a suggestion in my inbox! AUs, headcanon topics, ect are all welcome!
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duhragonball · 4 months
JoJolion ch. 56-57
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It's time for... sigh... the Milagro Man arc.
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So we just passed the halfway mark in JoJolion and maybe that's why Hirohiko Araki decided to pause for a little side-story featuring Joshuu. You know, just a little comic diversion from the main plot.
The problem is that Joshuu is an unlikable little shit. He's probably my least favorite JoJo character ever. It's down to him and Rohan Kishibe, and at least Rohan has authored a beloved and successful manga series, so he can point to that as evidence of his worth. Joshuu is just a spoiled, entitled man-child. He constantly belittles and antagonizes Josuke, and he constatly creeps on Yasuho, and he's utterly useless in every situation he's in. He has zero redeeming qualities. The only nice think I could possibly say about him is that maybe he might become a more positive character in the future. Like if he showed up in JoJoLands, or some hypothetical JoJo Part 10.... If he showed up there as an older, wiser man, then yeah, maybe his presence in JoJolion was worth it. But within the confines of JoJolion, he's just a walking, talking embodiment of the Higashikata Family's problems.
A story like this might work if it ended with Joshuu getting the shit beaten out of him, like when Yasuho hit him with that toilet tank cover. That would be pretty entertaining. But this isn't that kind of story.
All right, let's get this over with. Joshuu wants to go to some pop idol meet-n-greet and buy a bunch of schlocky merchandise. His dad tries to convince him to do something with his life instead of buying stupid shit, but then he gives up and just gives Joshuu the money. While in line to buy schlocky merch, the guy who cut in front of him leaves his wallet behind, and Joshuu takes it. He guesses the PIN number to be based on the idol's name, and withdraws 500,000 yen. Thrilled, Joshuu goes on a spending spree. He justifies his crime by convincing himself that the owner of the wallet made it so easy to steal the money that it was like he wanted someone to take it. Hmm....
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The thing is, each time Joshuu tries to spend the money, he ends up getting more back. This doesn't bother him at first, although on several occasions he just gets refunds with a bonus, and he can't actually purchase the things he wants to buy. Eventually, he ends up at some hostess club or something, and the owner demands to know where he got all the cash. Joshuu doesn't get it, and the owner tells him that he knows all about the "Milagro Man", and he isn't falling for it. He not only refuses to take Joshuu's money, he cancels his bill and gives him more money as he kicks him out.
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On his way home, Joshuu notices that the bag with all the money in keeps getting heavier, and he discovers that the bills are multiplying. At last, he's beginning to realize the problem, long after everyone else has figured it out.
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He hires a cab to take him home, but the bridge is out, and the guy refuses to take another route. He also won't take Joshuu's money.
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As Joshuu tries to force some bills into his shirt pocket, he accidentallys sets off the man's ciagarette lighter, because this is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and it's incredibly easy to start fires, but nearly impossible to actually burn anyone. As the bills burn, they just regenerate and multiply. Joshuu is astonished.
The next day he wakes up at home, and he thinks it was all a dream, but when he goes to his bedroom it's stuffed completely with cash.
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At last, he tracks down the guy he stole from, having finally realized that he really did want Joshuu to take his money. It's a cure, you see, and when Joshuu burned the bills, that transferred the curse to him. This guy is incredibly grateful because he's finally free of the Milagro Man.
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He explains the legend of the curse. Some arms dealer something something burned down his house with his family in it, something something only a single dollar bill survived, which somehow created a Stand named the Milagro Man. The curse has been passed from person to person, across the world, and the money changes currencies to suit whichever country its in. This dope got the curse when he needed a cab ride and he didn't have enough money to pay, so he stole from a homeless man. Turns out he wasn't homeless, he was just trying to trick someone into stealing from him.
After two years, this guy finally figured out a way to pass on the curse. The problem is that somehow everyone has gotten wise to the curse, so they know better than to accept the Milagro Man-affected bills, which all have serial numbers ending in "13". That's why everyone kept refunding Joshuu's money and giving him extra back. They knew if they accepted payment, they'd take on the curse.
Whatsisname gives Joshuu some advice on surviving with the curse, since it basically makes it impossible to buy anything, but Joshuu has an ace up his sleeve...
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He uses his Stand, Nut King Call to affix some of the cursed bills to this guy's hand, essentially forcing him to take back the money and the curse. This is such bullshit. Why not just beat a guy half-to-death and shove the money down his throat? This manga loves being all weird and complex with its 4-D chess Stand battles, but this one is more like a game of tic-tac-toe. The only reason it's a two-part story is because Joshuu was too dumb to figure it out in one.
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As Joshuu walks home, he gripes at the sight of an ad for another idol group, calling them dumb and derivative, but in a brief flash of self-awareness, he realizes that even they have more talent and worth than himself. He tells himself that he must have something to make him special, but it's more of a question than a statement.
And that's it. Joshuu doesn't learn a damned thing. He doesn't help the guy who put the curse on him, he doesn't defeat the Milagro Man, and he doesn't stop to consider that his endless greed was what got him into this mess in the first place. He just weasels out of consequences and briefly realizes that he's a pathetic loser.
This is dumb. It's bad. You know, what, I'm gonna dig up that panel of Yasuho hitting him with the toilet tank cover. I deserve a treat after reading this crap...
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Ha ha! Yeah! Bash his skull in!
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I feel a lot better now.
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successionmanga · 1 year
Chapter 10
So Ossan's on his way off and is about to sell some stuff so he can eat before he leaves...then he finds himself a Musca in his bag.
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Ossan asks where's his armor; Musca says it was in the way so she took it out. Anyway, at a dining establishment, Musca says she needs to get back to the palace to help Orcelito. Ossan cheerfully tells her that no, he is not taking her there and getting his fucking head chopped off; after they finish eating, he's taking her back to the inn. Musca takes some medicine with her food (she stole it from her wet nurse) and Ossan wonders when she got sick all of a sudden. Then he sees her "pills"...
But back to Belca who's still reeling from his dressing down by Tenrou. He mentally concedes that yeah, the Amontel have been treated badly but...they're different! It's not other people's fault for treating them like shit when they're clearly so...not like others. The Captain comes over to ask him if he's able to sleep...and Belca freaks out, pointing out that he's been up the whole time and he needs to rest if he wants to heal. Belca then says that he feels guilty for the Captain getting hurt on his account but The Captain counters that it's an honor to sacrifice his body for the sake of someone baring the spirit of the Hero King. Belca tries to argue that he should be saying that stuff to Orcelito and not him but Tenrou interrupts them, saying the jury's still out on what to do with them. He says they still get to live for now so it's feeding time. Belca accuses him of poisoning the food and Tenrou fires back with "You a weak bitch; you die fast..."...before he says that Hector used to talk about him. Belca flips out (surprise surprise) and demands Tenrou tell him about his connection with his brother, wanting to know why he wanted to help the Amontel. Tenrou responds he doesn't have to tell him shit and Belca continues to holler and shout at him...before remembering that he's doing the same thing as yesterday. And he's heading to the same ending. He politely asks for Tenrou to stop and talk...
And we're back to Ossan and Musca, the former having snatched the latter's medicine. Ossan tells her to stop taking it, saying there's poison mixed in with the sugar. Musca says that he's lying but Ossan says the reason she's sick is probably because of the pills. Musca begins to cry, wondering if the maid hates her enough to kill her...and, to make a bad situation worse, the guys in the restaurant start talking about how Prince Hector was killed by Lord Orbus, right within earshot of the two. Ossan tries to take her out so she won't hear but then he overhears that Prince Belca was taken out for learning about it only for another guy to argue that he was just seen in Sana. Ossan remembers the information from the pigeon and thinks that maybe that rumor was true after all...he was right to get out of there while he was able to because that shit is way above his paygrade and none of his damn business. Then Musca stops him, saying she knows Hector was killed by Lord Orbus and that she thought Belca was killed too and that's why he's not at the castle anymore. She wonders if she's next but she's only worried about what will happen to her big brother Orcelito.
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She asks if Ossan is a knight of the royal family and, if he is, to please take her to the palace to help Orcelito. Ossan apologizes, saying he doesn't work for the royal family anymore and he's not a knight, he's an Astelion mercenary who works for jewels and money. She offers to pay him with a hyper-fancy jewel, saying that from now on, he's her personal knight.
Back at the cave, the Amontels are arguing over whether or not they can actually use Belca. He's royalty but the castle doesn't want him. He's Prince Hector's brother but he's "Stone Capital made" so he's a whiny cunt. Tenrou brings Belca in to show him how well things are going and Tenrou says there's no use in talking to a trashy brat who constantly looks at you like he's about to bite you. Tenrou keeps roasting Belca as Belca holds the Ku Klux feelings at bay, battling against his preconceived notions for the greater good. Tenrou is pleasantly surprised that Belca can finally keep his mouth shut and points his blade at his throat, daring him to open dialogue again. Belca asks for a favor, namely that the Amontel help him save Eco from Dietrich's clutches. Tenrou ain't buying it, demanding to know why they would imprison a guy who saved the Prince's life and, if he's a Prince, why doesn't he have enough pull with a rich guy to do it himself? Belca says he has no value as a prince so he'll be their hostage, their scapegoat or spy in order to save Eco with any means he has. Also, the Captain is not his servant; when they're done, let him go. The Amontels tell Tenrou not to trust Belca, saying he's just trying to lead them into a trap and Tenrou smugly shares their feelings with the Prince he now has by the collar. Belca then asks what he must do to gain their trust. Shingetsu joins the conversation by saying they'll take his life in exchange for their trust. The Amontels tell him to chill, saying they still need him as a hostage but Shingetsu everything he can do alive he can do as a corpse. Shingetsu asks Belca if that's okay with him and Belca shakily agrees, saying he talked the talk so he'll walk the walk. Shingetsu draws her (she's a woman, apparently; I've always been bad at this) blade, saying on her word she will rescue Eco and release the Captain. She then lifts the blade above his head...and bursts out laughing.
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She says that she's never seen someone so stupid before; at the mansion, he had ample opportunity to escape but stayed to protect the Captain and now he's offering his life for him. He's really stupid...but because he's stupid, he's too stupid to lie and therefore, they can trust him. Then an Amontel runs into the cave, yelling that they have company: Dietrich has followed the Amontel scent to the cave and, led by his slave boy, is ready to "rescue" Belca...
Meanwhile, Ossan has Musca dressed up like a commoner to sneak her around. She asks him what his name is ("Ossan" is Japanese slang for "old man"...not sure why they left that untranslated as his actual name or something) and he says he lost his original name a long time ago. Musca says he needs a real one, giving him the name "Seamrog" after the white clovers she gave him. She asks if he doesn't like it but Seamrog says it's the opposite, saying he didn't expect to be given such a beautiful name in his lifetime...
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
*crawls through you bedroom window* actually sorry I’m not done talking about the tragic, complicated clusterfuck which is Ben and Rook’s friendship/partnership. Because of how it was set up and their own personalities at the time, it was doomed to fail. I mentioned previously how neither got to know/understand the other and I retract that because it’s not entirely true. They did get to bond in a way that you almost have to when you’re in life or death situations together but they never talked about it and so each went on thinking they weren’t important to the other.
The whole nature of their partnership reeks of impermanence. Max obviously knew ahead of time that Gwen and Kevin were leaving for college and had time to prepare. Ben being on his own, reckless and stupid, was not an option. I wonder how many candidates they went through before they got to Rook. They chose someone who excelled at Plumber training, who knew the rules Ben never bothered to learn backwards and forwards. Someone who would balance out Ben and keep him reigned in. Someone who was obviously destined for higher management so why not give him the best field training possible? Rook, if not Ben, was certainly aware that it was a temporary thing. Ben was 16 going on 17, soon he wouldn’t need a partner anymore; this was the last attempt at training wheels. I imagine the partnership dissolved not long after Omniverse ends, when Rook becomes Magister and probably has new training and responsibilities. Ben, almost an adult by human standards and hopefully positively molded by Rook’s influence, is deemed ready to be on his own. 
So imagine you’re Rook, you’re a newly graduated Plumber who was ready to take on the universe. You’re informed you’re heading to Earth and you will be working one on one with your idol, the Ben 10, the one who inspired you to leave your traditional, isolated homeworld. You meet your hero and while he’s got the watch and the quips, he’s also a child in a culture you don’t understand. You’re disappointed that your hero isn’t as perfect as rumor and propaganda told you. You’re angry and frustrated and you don’t bother to hide it, Ben almost seems to retaliate by being more obnoxious. The more time you spend with Ben, you realize there’s a method to his madness. He wins more battles than he loses, what Rook at first took to be Ben’s flaws turn out to also be his strengths. Seeing Ben in action snarling and laughing in the face of certain destruction, he realizes that Ben is, at the same time, a stupid, idiot kid who barely has an idea of what he’s doing but also twice the hero Rook thought he was. Suddenly Ben 10 isn’t just a poster in his room or a radio show to listen to in the dark, he is a real person and that makes him even more worthy of admiration.
And Rook does admire him, quietly. Ben keeps up his walls and Rook lets him because who is he to try and really befriend Ben 10? Rook is just one of billions of Plumbers in the universe, Ben is the universe’s savior. I bet before Rook ever stepped foot on Earth it was drilled into him that Ben Tennyson was to be protected at all costs, that Rook’s life was nothing compared to Ben’s. Rook already comes from a very restrained and private culture, he won’t initiate anything beyond what is needed for to the mission and to save his partner. It is enough for him to be able to work alongside his hero (even if said hero is thoughtless and ridiculous and has no sense of self preservation and he drives Rook insane but by gum does he respect the hell out of Ben when he isn’t contemplating murdering him). When the time ultimately comes for Rook to depart, he will be sad but not mention it. Because he imagines he is only a blip on Ben’s radar, a temporary partner before Ben goes onto bigger and better things. He never tells Ben that his loyalty wasn’t to the Plumbers, to Ben 10 but to the scrawny, sleep deprived kid who always remembered Rook’s favorite smoothie flavor. 
Now imagine you’re Ben. You’ve saved the universe at the cost of your privacy, chance for a normal life, general sense of safety and sanity. You’re quickly losing track of what part is you and what part is the myth about you. Two of your three major support systems abandon you without notice. Over the years of AF/UAF, Gwen and Kevin saw all your brokenness, fears, vulnerabilities, watched you go from dumb kid to hero. You didn’t have to tell them these things, they saw them happen and just knew. And now they’re gone and you only have your grandpa who you love but is also sorta of your boss now. He tells you you’re being assigned a new partner, someone chosen without your consent, someone you’re expected to trust your life and secrets with. Fine, this Rook fellow will do. He can watch your back but he’s not having any pieces of your broken heart. 
You fight, both bad guys and each other. The two of you have such opposite styles that you clash. He may have training and discipline but you have experience and incredible power. You fumble and bicker and somewhere through it all find an understanding. Suddenly the rumble of his voice is familiar as Kevin’s once was, his logical approaches and teasing barbs slot in where Gwen’s used to be. It’s not bad, you tell yourself. You know this isn’t forever, that it’s not real, but it’s not bad. Because you know first and foremost that Rook is a Plumber and you are not. You also know he is a fan and you are acutely aware how short you fall from the perfect hero ideal. Ben laughs, clinging harder to the arrogant hero façade and pretends Rook’s disappointment doesn’t crush him. If someone who’s forced to work with him doesn’t like Ben, then how can he be the beloved savior everyone tells him he is even though he doesn’t quite know how he got there? He’s just a kid doing his best and soon buries himself in his perceived role.
Time passes, Ben and Rook have been through so much. Against your will, he’s seen some of your broken parts. He sees past your cracks, sees your guilt and grief and bone deep fear. But he doesn’t seem upset, even more disappointed by the failure hero. He is kind, friendly, understanding. Not enough that Ben feels comfortable to open up but he relaxes, just a bit. Rook isn’t just a forced upon partner, he’s now a friend. But he knows Rook is only here because he was ordered, he feels Rook’s annoyance with him and believes his kindness is only out of duty. It’s fine, he’s used to everyone around him bleeding him dry of everything he has and then some. Just another part of being a hero. He’s not Kevin or Gwen but he is Rook and he is grown on you because Ben is always an open soul, one who wants to receive some love he gives so freely. You finally feel steady, like you can stop pretending so much and try and find some peace and happiness in your dangerous, chaotic life.
Suddenly so fast, you’ve saved the universe once more and Rook is moving on. It’s like Gwen and Kevin leaving all over again. Rook himself seems excited to move up the ranks, to get more tassles on his uniform. He is a soldier at heart, you are not even if you play the part of one. You are a child only you’re not anymore, while you were busy saving everyone again and again your childhood was stolen from you. Now on the edge of adulthood, you’re told it’s time to take responsibility. You want to scream you’ve been doing that since you were 10 years old, that someone else can do  it for a change. You want to beg Rook to stay, to drag Gwen and Kevin home, to hide your loved ones away with you and not have to confront the big, bad universe alone. Instead, you do what you always do. You swallow all your fears, your wishes and hopes and shake his hand goodbye and wish him well. You don’t tell him you’ll miss him, neither does he. 
Rook and Ben part as the strangers they never stopped being even if both of them aches at the loss of the close proximity, of the friendship. Both are very much aware that the relationship was weak, transient, that it might have been something more if they gave it more attention. However, too many things were between them and both of them genuinely believed the other didn’t care as much. The rest of their lives they remain friendly, distant but polite. It’s not much different from when they fought side by side even if they wish it different.
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