#something about stewy trying to build the family for Kendall he never had
kencoded-kengirl · 11 months
like if there were more to this idea than ten sentences i would write a fic about it but there isn’t so. here’s the idea. at harvard stewy was mediocre at some rich boy sport like tennis and his teammates made up most of his non-kendall friend group. and one year the roys just completely dropped the ball on kendall’s birthday, no well wishes, no gifts, just like one phone call from gerri or something. kendall gets all macho and is like “no it’s fine i’m 20 i’m not a little kid i don’t need some stupid birthday party” but stewy can hear him sniffling into his pillow all night long. over the next few days guys in kendall’s classes keep offhandedly wishing him a happy birthday, but they’re just acquaintances so kendall honestly isn’t even sure how they know it’s his birthday. he thinks it’s weird and it takes until like the fourth or fifth person that says it for ken to realize all the well wishers are on the tennis team.
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stewyhosseini-bf · 3 years
📂 ?
Okay I’m gonna use this one to indulge in some Stewy headcanons. So, I think Stewy‘s an only child - and i think one of the reasons he liked hanging out at Ken‘s when they were younger was because he enjoyed having the company.
Like we know for example he knows Roman, better than just ‚oh yeah Ken‘s sibling‘ from the bachelor party episode - so I think Roman always thought Stewy was soo cool (the way everyone thinks their older sibling‘s friends are sooo cool) and always wanted to hang out with Kendall and him, and Ken probably threw him out of the room immediately if he tried to join them in ANYTHING, but I think Stewy would have really enjoyed hanging out with the siblings and did try to be nice to Roman, for example.
I also think that while he‘s clearly also rich and from a wealthy family, he was never spoiled (cause otherwise calling Kendall a silver-spoon asshole doesn’t really make much sense lmao). Like he‘s well-off but he still had to, like, get a summer job to ‚build character‘ or something, you know.
I also think, and this is also kinda present in the show, that he probably never took any of Logan’s shit. And probably ‘talked back’, although still politely, if Logan ever said anything out of pocket to him. And I think all of the siblings probably thought ‘wtf you can do that?’ And I think the more shocking thing about it was that Logan just accepted it, although always silently disliked him and acted like he didn’t know who he was (like when he called him ‘my son’s college drinking buddy’ when we know he and Ken have known each other since they were in school - like okay who knows if Logan knew ANY of their friends but like if I’ve gone to school and college with someone, so basically known them at least like … 8 years but maybe even longer than that… my parent would, like, know them, right lmao?)
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