#something happens to donna and Meta crisis ten is just like:
maniaeofmadness · 1 year
I hope that during the 60th special for Doctor who, we just get a comedic cut away of Rose and Metacrisis Ten just chillin in their world
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trashboatprince · 10 months
Okay, it's been about an hour, and I've collected my thoughts on what happened with Fourteen and Fifteen.
Spoilers under the cut:
Let's face it, it's A LOT that happened in that moment.
I was geared up for Fourteen to leave, though I had been so curious as to why they had the face of Ten, I figured Fifteen might be able to explain. But when nothing happened, I realized that it's like, wait a sec...
Wait a fucking sec...
And the pulling really solidified that we were getting something new.
Let's remember that The Doctor is now canonically a fucking mystery, that we have no idea what they really are. (Personally, I still think that they are The Other, but the Timeless Child can be included in that since The Other is still a massive mystery himself). So, the idea of the mythological bi-generation is a possibility with them.
Fifteen was talking about it, getting so excited about how there are, technically, two of the Doctor now. That it's a Time Lord myth, but myths tend to usually have a grain of truth to them. It's possible this is something that The Other/Timeless Child could do. We don't know, the lore is already a fucking pain to keep track of, but let's humor this idea for a moment.
I'm already seeing shit on twitter about how it's stupid, a cope out, basically a way to keep David in the series.
Well, here's the thing. He'll always be in the series. Because he played the Doctor. Just like all the other actors who have played the Doctor.
However, we now have this idea about how Ncuti isn't even playing the real Doctor, he's playing a clone.
Not true.
Fourteen is the split-off from the Doctor, not Fifteen. Fifteen even says 'I'm me. I think I'm really, really me. Oh, I am completely me!', meaning that this is the regeneration, this new face IS the new Doctor.
Fourteen later says 'I'm a post bi-generation'. Fourteen is different, still the Doctor, but not our new Doctor, not the one that will continue the adventures through time and space.
This is quite possibly be like the meta-crisis, a blip in the regeneration process, a billion-in-one-chance of something interesting happening. We know Time Lords can change gender, race, age, and even whole species while staying as the same person, a Time Lord, so the possibility of splitting from a regeneration into your actual new one... well... I wouldn't say it's impossible, more like an improbability that happened anyway.
I fucking love it.
Why did Fourteen have that face? Maybe it's just a tiny bit of kindness from a vast, cruel universe, saying 'you deserve a break. You have much to do, but maybe this piece of you can rest. Just this once.'
I dunno, whatever the fuck happened will probably be explained in more canon. RTD has set up a whole number of interesting plots, and considering his track record with Nine and Ten, we will get answers. Bad Wolf, YANA, the missing planets, Donna Noble, Harold Saxon, all of these had answers, and the specials set up new questions.
I am excited to see what comes,
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What do you think of Rose Tyler? She's my favorite but I've noticed that there tends to be rivalry between Rose and Martha fans. Personally I have nothing against Martha but you seem to really like her so whats your take?
I’m...not the biggest fan of Rose. 
(Going under the cut so people don’t have to see a critical post about her in the tag if they don’t want to.) 
So, in some ways, Rose is one of the more interesting Companions to me because she’s such a flawed human being. The drawback is that the series so rarely acknowledges this and simply treats Rose like she’s incredible. This gets especially bad during Season 2 because we see her through Ten’s eyes, and he’s falling in love with her. So even though she’s just as selfish and short-sighted as she always has been, the show stops calling her out on it. Really, Father’s Day is one of my favorite episodes for a multitude of reasons, but among them is the development we get of Rose’s character. The conflict in that episode is literally all her fault, and no one pretends otherwise. But you understand, as a viewer, why she did it. You recognize that hell, you might have done the same. “Rose” and the Aliens in London/World War Three two parter demonstrate how she treats Mickey and Jackie...and it’s not especially kind. The End of The World, where she picks a fight with Cassandra. Boom Town, where Mickey calls her out and the ending actually parallels her with Margaret and the whole idea of second chances. Even in the Season 1 finale, when she thoughtlessly tells Mickey that there’s “nothing left for her” here, and it goes over her head how much that breaks him. Rose is interesting because I don’t think she’s a very great person. 
I guess I’d like her more if the later seasons didn’t reflect on her like she was. Mickey’s character arc reaches an excellent peak in Season 2. But apart from that, Rose doesn’t grow or change as a person. The concept of “second chances” never returns. The season teases that she’s going to die, but that doesn’t happen. (They later do the same thing with Donna, so...) Her selfishness also reaches new bounds in the finale when, without a moment’s hesitation, she chooses The Doctor over her family and friends. Isn’t the least bit conflicted about losing Jackie. I recognize that it’s her decision to make about her own life, and they were trying to make it for her...but damn, she made that choice in a nanosecond. And seeing the way she broke down and screamed “Take me back!” After they were separated. Like, really? How bout a “Thanks Dad, for saving my life.” or something? Pete risked his own neck to recue her from the Void. Rose does eventually return in Season 4, but she winds up staying with The Meta-crisis Doctor. I can’t tell if this is supposed to be a punishment - recruiting her to watch over a cloned Doctor (Who they treat as a criminal for no good reason, but that’s neither here nor there) or if it’s supposed to be the ultimate happy ending for her. Either way, I find it amusing that she refused to stop coming back until she got a Doctor of her own. Like, sure, you could call that entitled, but I just find it funny, personally. 
I have no issue with Rose fans at all, or fans of Rose x Ten. It saddens me that there is some rivalry between them and fans of Martha, who I’ll freely admit to being a major fan of. Rest assured, it has nothing to do with my feelings about Rose, but I suppose I can’t blame fans of the show for feeling like they have to choose a side, because the show itself pushes that narrative. It pushes the idea of “Rose vs Martha” despite how silly that is. These two characters share exactly one bit of dialogue, and it’s mostly just Martha going “Holy shit, you’re Rose!” because The Doctor never stopped talking about her or pining after her during Season 3, oblivious to how much it hurt her feelings. Well, at least until The Family of Blood. I think after that The Doctor kind of knew Martha fancied him, because he doesn’t seem at all surprised when she admits it in the finale. Anyway...
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whoinwhoville · 7 years
Fanfic Author Profile
@chocolatequeennk, thank you for this template! What a great idea. I’ll be posting it on my blog, and linking to it as a permanent page.
AO3 | Teaspoon (not currently posting new fic to Teaspoon)
Doctor Who:
Ten x Rose | Tentoo x Rose | Nine x Rose | Eight x Rose, especially when Rose is dimension hopping.
I generally write Ten or TenToo x Rose rather than Nine x Rose, but only because I hear Ten in my head. I have a hard time writing Nine, but I DEARLY LOVE him with Rose. I read Nine x Rose.
Alec Hardy x Rose Tyler | Aiden Hoynes x Rose Tyler (under certain circumstances) | Jean-Francois Mercier x Rose (or Betty under certain circumstances.)
All readers through E#pl1c!t (misspelled so icky blogs don’t find the word), though E is rarer for me. Generally I hover between Teen and Mature, with perhaps one scene in certain fics that might garner a high M or low E. There are a few exceptions.
DW ‘verse or AU:
Action/adventure, romance, suspense, crack, humor (or attempts at it), AUs of all kinds, occasional period pieces.
Canon tropes: Downtime in the library. UST in the swimming pool. Breakfast in the galley. Chips, but not as often as most write them. If Rose ate chips as often as she eats them in fic, she’d have a premature coronary from clogged arteries. Rose wanders off. Jail happens a lot.
TenToo tropes:
Toaster fixing, jam, bananas, sexy specs, blue suit, brown suit gets tailored, but also jeans at Rose’s insistence, Janis Joplin coat (he has to really look for it, and ends up snatching it when no one is looking), Chucks, alias John Smith only when in disguise, although Lewis and Sarge happen too (also during sehksay times, which happen a lot.
AU tropes: coffee shops, libraries, book stores, universities, heiress, fairy tales, period pieces, WWII, spies, mutual pining.
Any romance between River and Ten or Nine or Eight... etc... I can’t change Big Finish canon, but I can ignore it and say she doesn’t travel back to meet other Doctors. Unpopular opinion: if her story and character had been written properly, I wouldn’t have been opposed to the Doctor finding love with her after Rose. Because see above -- Ten sending everything about himself through the Void into TenToo. Helps me cope with Eleven and beyond. To wrap my head around seasons 5+, it is the only way I can understand.
Rose with anyone other than the Doctor -- except under extremely carefully crafted circumstances. For example, I was very, very careful that it was 100% impossible for her to reunite with the Doctor when she fell in love with Alec Hardy in my ClosedVerse. No exception. Fobbed Ten as Alec is a good one, though.
Rose will never choose someone else over the Doctor. Ever. If she falls in love with someone in Pete’s World, and the Doctor makes his way back, she will never choose the other love over him. She will never choose anyone over TenToo, either.
Ten will never choose someone else over Rose.
Master x Doctor or any slashfic (just not my thing). I see them as best friends, or even like brothers way back when.
Prostitute Rose (I don’t read SDoaCG fic for that reason).
Jack x Rose
Master x Rose
Killing off TenToo to get her with Ten.
Kilgrave, Brendan, or now, Don Juan with Rose. Further, I won’t read “redemption” fic with this trio.
Cheating/adultery fic.
Yep. I always tag. And I understand when people don’t want to read. I don’t think every story has to include this, but sometimes I do think it adds to the plot. Sorta fits well into FoundVerse, because of Jane’s character. I don’t think it always fits in a story, though.
Head canons that influence my writing:
Rose was altered when she joined with the TARDIS/Bad Wolf. Depending upon the story, this happens to varying degrees. If she regenerates, I won’t write her regenerating into a new person. Rose will always be the Rose that we are familiar with. I love her too much.
Rose will always the love the Doctor. However, I’m not big on either reading or writing pre-Eight x Rose. Mainly, that is because I’m not familiar enough. And I might have a bit of a squick when it comes to One, Two, Three, Four, Six, and Seven. Not because of how they look, either. No need to elaborate. No judgement. Just not for me.
The Moment was Bad Wolf -- saving the Doctors just like Rose and the TARDIS saved Nine. (Unpopular opinion -- i don’t hate the War Doctor, but that doesn’t mean I bought into the storyline. Seeing the Moment interact with him was quite amusing.)
GITF didn’t happen. I ignore it. It is a bad, bad dream. Maybe Mickey was dreaming it.
The Stone Rose happened. Ten calls Rose His Lucky Pants quite often, but in a flirty way. When TenToo comes around, her calls her His Lucky Pants, but not so innocently. {{wink wink}}
Regarding TenToo. When Ten regenerated into Eleven, his memories post-Journey’s End re-integrated with TenToo.
Dimension Hopping Rose. She jumped. A lot. She met many of the Doctors, and they all knew something was “up” with her, but I don’t necessarily think they figured it out. Since in my canon she isn’t bonded with the Doctor yet, they wouldn’t know they were together.
Sometimes TenToo doesn’t happen. The meta-crisis doesn’t always happen in my head. In canon, I think it made the most sense for the series, though.
TenToo is the Doctor. Period.
TenToo and Rose had a rough patch after BWB II. But they weren’t “estranged.” It just took them a while to catch their footing. But once they did, fireworks. Bam.
TenToo and Rose got married. In some stories, they have kids, in others they don’t.
TenToo successfully grew a TARDIS, but he still wanted to live a domestic life. While on Earth, the TARDIS disguises herself as a little, domestic cottage. No curtains or carpets. Shutters and hardwood. When traveling, the beloved blue box.
When either Nine, Ten, or Tentoo marry Rose, bonding happens. But so does a human wedding, because the Doctor wants to experience it all. Because the TARDIS is in her head, and because the Doctor is a touch-telepath, it happens.
TenToo and Tony are partners in crime.
TenToo and Jackie get along very well, except when they don’t.
Pete’s World Torchwood is a force for good, even if the Doctor has to advocate for that sometimes. Every institution gets off track from time-to-time. TenToo helps Torchwood as much as he can, but unofficially. Rose still works for Torchwood. TenToo might be an author, a teacher, or a professor between adventures.
I love Fobbed Ten. Love. Love. Love.
Ten and Rose were not intimate before they were separated at Doomsday. I can understand why people do have that head-canon, though. But not being physically intimate yet seems to make the tragedy of Doomsday that much more poignant for me. They were both, however, completely in love. They hadn’t voiced it, though. And they both knew the others’ feelings. The “Forever” scene sealed that for me.
Jimmy Stone was a jerk, but not abusive. I don’t think Rose would have put up with that.
Thoughts on other companions:
Donna, Martha, and Astrid were all stars. (Is Astrid a companion? She would have been great, I think. I didn’t know about JE when I watched VotD -- I’d kept myself spoiler free while watching on Netflix. I just wanted Ten to be happy.)
Amy and Rory are great together (no Amy pining over the Doctor). Clara and Danny in a healthy relationship would have been fantastic.
Other things of note:
Way back when, I wrote a significantly large TenToo x Rose series called the JazzVerse. Each story was named after a classic jazz work.
I named Tentoo. I... NAMED Ten...Too. Not a good move. I was very new to the fandom, and was one of the first fanfic.net writers to write significantly long TenToo fics. At one time, the JazzVerse fics were the most-read TenToo fics on fanfic.net. I really did like his name: Ian Noble Smith.
I didn’t know that naming the Doctor was a big, fat no-no, but I’ve chalked it up to ignorance. I don’t know if I’ll ever put the JazzVerse back up (for a lot of reasons -- I feel like the writing is pretty weak, for one).
Open for prompts?
But I can’t always guarantee that I will write them. {winkwink}
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trashboatprince · 4 years
I had another idea for Tentoo and Rose, and I had to write it up.
Summery: Clearly, if you’re going to be living in a new world where you can’t just always get away with psychic paper to get into places, you’re gonna have come up with an identity for yourself.
And that includes a name.
So, Rose and the Doctor have an afternoon to kill, why not figure out what works best for the guy?
The name I give Tentoo is pretty much my headcanon name for him, do with it what you will. Also, the names suggested are mostly for fun.
On with the fic!
To Name a Doctor
A thwump sound caught the Doctor’s attention from the banana he was peeling, and his attention was drawn to the puce folder in front of him. It was still weird that puce was the color for folders rather than manilla in this universe, but it was the little things that seemed to catch his attention more than the big things.
Like how the chips here were terrible and he was working on genetically modifying a root vegetable in order to make actual, good chips.
The Doctor looked up at Rose who sat on the opposite side of the kitchen’s bar, gently pushing the folder closer to him. “Dad wanted me to give you these yesterday, but I forgot them in the car last night.”
“And they are…?” He asked, opening it up to see documents that required him to fill out information.
“Well, they’re identification papers that Dad and I wrote up yesterday over lunch. You’ve been here for over a week now and you’ve done a number of things but have not given yourself an identity here.” Rose replied and the Doctor set down his banana, giving this a little bit of thought.
Yes, in just his ten days here in Pete’s World, he’s built himself a screwdriver, bought himself some clothes, pretty much moved into Rose’s room (though he technically had his own in the Tyler estate until he and Rose found their own place), and had gotten on Jackie’s nerves at least thirty nine times. Oh, and he was able to properly identify and disarm an alien gas bomb that Torchwood had discovered through a phone call with Pete.
But Rose was right, he had yet to do anything about giving himself ‘official’ documents here. Rose had her own made forever ago, excellent fakes, no one could tell that they weren’t real, which means he’d have to get himself some too.
“Hmm… do we have anything planned today?” The brunet asked as he looked over the papers.
“Nope.” Rose spoke, popping the P. “So, wanna lie on some documents?”
The Doctor’s grin rivaled the one his girlfriend shared, and he took the pen she offered him. She got up from her seat, saying she was gonna make them some tea and he nodded, looking down at the papers in front of him.
“Alright, let’s fill out the easy stuff.” He commented, quickly writing down his weight, height, hair and eye color for IDs and ‘updated’ information, before hitting the roadblocks. “Birth date… hmmm, what do you think works best? Christmas Day, or when the meta-crisis happened?”
Rose looked over her shoulder, confused. “Christmas Day?”
“You know, when…?” The Doctor raised his right hand, wiggling his fingers.
This got a laugh out of the blonde as she put the kettle on the stove. “Oh, that’s a good one! I’d say Christmas, I mean, technically it was the day you were born, both as the hand and as the new Doctor.”
“Well, actually, I was regenerated on that day in the Game Station, and we arrived back on Earth on Christmas Eve, but still, close enough!” The part-Time Lord wrote down December 25th on the document before frowning. “Okay, parents… technically myself and Donna.”
“Then put down John Smith and Donna Noble.” Rose snickered. “Oh, I bet they’d have real laugh about that.”
“Donna might! Before she’d get angry about it. ‘Oi, spaceman! I am not gonna be your mother, even if I did help make you’!” The Doctor spoke, putting on his best impression of the fiery redhead, which sounded way too much like her, so he quickly shut his mouth. Rose burst out laughing at this and he scowled, before laughing as well. He quickly wrote down the names before pausing.
“I do have to give myself a name. John Smith won’t work. I mean, it’s worked a number of times, but some people are so suspicious of how generic it is, ya know? And I’m technically another version of the Doctor, still him, but upgrade, in a sense.” Like Hell he’d say he was downgrade.
Rose shrugged. “You could be a junior, or a second.”
The Doctor made a face. “Hmm… I dunno… maybe I could try for a new name? Something a bit different. What do you think of David?” He asked, saying the first name to come to mind.
“Hmm…” Rose thought, looking him over. “You sort of look like a David, but we’ll put that in the maybe pile. What about Matt?”
“Nah, don’t look much like that. Peter?”
“No, not that. Alec?”
“I feel like that name would make me ruder than I already am. Anthony?”
Rose snorted. “No, that’s my brother’s name! Though, if you were ginger with that name… Crowley?”
The Doctor shook his head. “Don’t think I could pull that off. Corin?”
Both paused and made faces. “No, no, terrible name, you’re right.” He shook his head. “Somehow that sounds ruder than Alec! Cassiopeia?”
“Doctor, I know I probably won’t call you these names except around people who don’t know you’re the Doctor, but there is no way in hell I’m callin’ you that.”
The Doctor looked at her funny. “What’s wrong with naming myself after a constellation?”
Rose just looked at him, raising an eyebrow, crossing her arms with an expression that basically shouted ‘are you seriously asking that question’.
“Right.” He sighed, scratching his head. “Jack?” He joked and she laughed. “Nah, good point. Oh! Wait, I’ve got one! Wilfred!”
This got Rose to raise an eyebrow. “Donna’s grandpa?”
“Yes! He’s a good man, really enjoyed his company, got to spend some time with him. Did you know he got a star named after him after he discovered it? Amazing, real proud of that man.” The Doctor smiled softly, toying with the pen in his hands. “I hope he’s doing okay.”
Rose knew there was a quiet, unspoken addition to that, but she didn’t bring it up. “Wilfred is a good name; do you want that?”
“I was thinking that’d be my middle name. I might go with John as the first, for old time’s sake, but Wilfred is the middle name. And… Noble, for the last name?”
The blonde gave this a bit of thought, tapping at her chin. “John Wilfred Noble… I like it.”
“Sounds good enough to tag on Tyler to it in the future?” The half-alien grinned and Rose walked over, giving him a little shove before a kiss on the cheek.
“John Wilfred Tyler-Noble? I think that’s an excellent name. Just don’t be writin’ that down on that paperwork! Don’t want Dad asking us a million questions!”
“Oh come on, it would be hilarious to show my ID card to your mom and watching her reaction!” He got a punch to the arm, making him wince. “Alright, alright, I’ll save that for later.”
Rose smirked and kissed his cheek again. “Right, so, for now you just leave the Tyler part off until we get that far. But this looks pretty good, now, onto figuring out your birth year.”
“Oh, that’s gonna be a challenge.”
Just something short and sweet. I’m in that group of Tentoo fans that loves the idea that he took on Wilfred’s name and Donna’s last name, especially cause I’ve been looking into the side content involving Ten and Donna and how much he seems to enjoy the Noble family (yes, that includes Sylvia, to a smaller extent, I mean, he even pretended she was his mother-in-law in an audio adventure). And yes, Wilfred does have a star named after him, its from one of the novels.
I might make this a little series of one-shots of Tentoo adapting to Pete’s World, spending time with the Tylers, and exploring this universe.
Thanks for reading! 
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