#something something blood mixed with sweat mixed with semen
DPS As Quotes From My Friend Group
- Me with my gay rights
- Why is it a beige flag? When you mix red and green you don’t get beige, you get brown
- To get Beige, you’d have to mix a white flag in there and I’m not surrendering
- I can’t see my face
- I had one but also two actually
- Every corner is a nap corner… if you believe
- You fish for dilfs?
- I can fake cry but it’s probably not fake so I’m just crying
Charlie: (honestly I could use all of these quotes for him)
- I’ll shoot your balls
- Did you have sex with a beaver or something?
- I’ll show up uninvited, with a gun
- He deserves to get shot in the penis
- Blood, sweat and tears, with a bit of semen
- When I die, I wanna crawl up his arsehole
- He looks like Brendan Frasier if he got stung by a bunch of bees
- *Recites the whole beginning of the Bee Movie*
- I get my news from a talking fish
- Your crush on him was so big… you had a fat crush, better yet, your crush was obese
- I need a lobotomy
- I’m gonna cut your leg off and shove it up your arse
- His long luscious beard I want him to choke me with it
- I wish Neil would stop sending me gay people
- What about a woman who has saggy tits… like a grandma
- No one look at me while I deepthroat this
- He (Mr Keating) could be the onceler if he really tried
- You only think I’m funny because I say dumb shit all the time
- We’re like the transformers of old people… Geriatrics roll out!
- I’m as tall as a traffic light
- I love this music! Is that water by dripping toilet?
- Why do you like Barbie if you hate women?
- I do not deserve to get shot in the penis
- Please don’t shoot my balls
- Readings for weenies and girls, and I’m a strong heterosexual male
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loughie · 7 months
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Not to sound like a crybaby, but this perfume literally traumatised me. I had always wanted to try it after reading many polarising reviews and just hearing about it from perfume ppl on tumblr. Of course, a perfume that is said to smell like blood, sweat, semen and saliva would be disgusting for most noses. But... I love the "idea" of these smells and was really expecting an almost sympathetic version of these notes. "Why would they make a perfume with those notes and have it smell horrifying?" Oh babe......babe...I am silly to believe that this would be a nice, considerate perfume.
So I haven't tested it on my skin. I tested it on a piece of paper, and within the first spray, I was shocked. I couldn't really describe the scent. Maybe it's like if someone breathed in my face? Maybe it smells like the bins I change at the clinic? But after 5 minutes and attempting to identify the smell, my body was just fully rejecting it. It started to smell like someone's scalp after not washing their hair for weeks, which I don't necessarily find to be a gross smell. In fact, I quite like that smell. But the mixture of all these notes together is just traumatic.
My brain wasn't letting me figure out what I was smelling because I could tell my brain instinct was telling me, "You're smelling something dangerous, reject it and don't smell it" like when you smell a bio-hazard, or a toxic chemical. This mix of notes creates a unidentifiable, yet human smell. Too human. Blood, cum rag, sweaty hands, skin, hair.
After about half an hour, I tried smelling again. My reaction was even worse than before. I just kept instinctively pushing it away from me the moment I tried to give it a sniff. I'd just dry heave. I was so disappointed. Not in the perfume, but disappointed in myself. "I'm not weird enough to like the weird perfume." I thought. The same night I projectile vomited in the bathroom after smoking a bit too much, this rarely happens. So, I low-key blame this perfume for allowing that to happen and weakening my stomach.
I love perfumes that smell like sweat and body odour, but this was just disgusting. It smells like those scents you block out of your mind the first time you smelled it because it was so traumatising. However, I really like the concept. I wish I had a perfume that evoked the idea, but maybe with less lactonic notes. I think the "off-milk" scent along with the metallic "blood" notes is what was making my body so scared and frustrated. I can not explain the visceral emotional reaction this scent gives me. I have a huge amount of respect for Etat Libre D'orange for creating such a unique, disgusting, bodily perfume with absolutely no attempt to make it pleasing. It's a great marketing technique for their brand, and after smelling their other perfumes, I've found some that I definitely want to buy. Jasmine et Cigarette is amazing, and so is Afternoon of A Faun.
7/10. Higher rating because I have a lot of respect for the nerve and audacity they had to make this. I'm definitely going to buy a bottle of Jasmine Et Cigarette. Very Courtney Love vibes.
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godeaterazathoth · 1 year
The earth churned, and the Thing is what came out. Gruesome little cluster of teeth and skin, muscle and tendons, it was made of all the things that the humans throw out, of tears and sweat and spit and vomit and piss and semen and blood, it all flowed into the soil and was mixed up by the tree roots. The Thing kept rising, like a tick filling with blood. It drank from the earth all around it and laid claim. All to feed the Thing, up atop that hill like a queen on a throne: the screeching rat-queen cluster of veins and connective tissue and grinning, gnashing mouths. This was her.
She felt a vague emptiness. A daunting hole in her centre. She looked down to see the muscle over her chest dent inwards, and she could feel the hollowness under it. She felt oh so lonely the emptiness a stabbing reminder of her singularity. She did not understand fully yet, but she knew she was different and that something should be there. She’d have to make a ‘something’.
She’d need innards. Yes, that would be so nice. To shuffle around with  hunger at nights, scraping along muscles and sobbing gently into the silence. Innards things. So, she concentrated real hard and sniffed the air, and a wonderful smell gifted her, a smell of sweat and tears and blood, something else that was salty.
She spread out into the forest, her hands and her eyes. And found the source of the smell. Two conjoined creatures clasping each other in the grass, sighing between their breaths. She could feel their innards as they clenched, they also had other things she would need. She watched them from the branches, wating to introduce herself.
She could use the empty sack of one of the conjoined creatures, and climbed inside of it, moulding into a new shape. Two long arms, two long legs, a thin body and a head, all held together with hair. She ate the left-over parts, but she felt empty.
A heart would be nice, she thought. Something to buzz in her empty cavern chest, something to twitch and writhe in compassionate strokes and fill her body with rhythm. What were hearts made of? Over there, just beyond the treeline, there was a cemetery not too far for her to reach. Full of bodies who were all full of ghosts, trapped, screaming and screaming and begging, ready for release, ready for harvest.
She tunnelled down and down into the graves, biting the corpses and sucking the ghosts out through their empty eye sockets. She opened the bodies up and pulled all the red and purple and brown jewels out, she swallowed them all, they mixed and came together, she spat them all out into a pile and glued them together, pulling and stretching until the whole big mass was shaped kind of like a heart. A good enough heart, she thought. it’ll shriek and swell and make her life worse and the world more colourful, she would press her face against windows and fill rooms with jealous looks.
So now she had innards to keep her company, and a heart to keep her angry. But what’s the point of being whole if you don’t have a brain? She would have two sides, she thought, right and left. Her brain would buzz with electricity and vibrate against her skull, it would throb and leak hot Cerebrospinal fluid. That would be so nice. It would bring life and motion and sound, filling up her ears with shivering worm-noise that would make her try to dig out her eyes.
When she had her brain, she would dream of all the things that would be so nice to dream about, imagine all the sweetness the world had to offer. It was easy enough to make her brain – brains are simple and sweet. She pushed her skin aside and used her teeth to bite herself up, sucking up her own fat and spitting it all together in a small pool. She squished it between her palms, rolling and shaping it, when she was done she had made a brain out of it, she pulled the skin of her face and pushed her fingers between the muscles underneath until a small hole was opened up, with her fingers she pushed her brain into the hole deeper and deeper until it POPPED into the hollow in her skull, it got right to work running amok all through the her muscles, spreading its nerves along her bones like fungus, they raced down her spine all the way to the tips of her toes and forcing her skin to twitch with all kinds of new sensations.
Now as she sat in the thicket, she wondered what else she would need to be whole. She thought long and hard with her new brain, BLOOD! That’s what she needed, so she set to work. Her blood would be more complicated, she told herself. Blood always is, as the currency of the soul and the vehicle of life. So, it would need to be made of complicated things. The deer of the woods had their own hierarchy, ages-old and complex as anything, and they had bodies full of blood, a too-large an amount of blood, in truth. She stretched some extra hands out and went raiding. The stag fought valiantly, bit up the hands till they were nice and swollen, even tore a few fingers off. But once the hands grabbed the great stag by the thorax and squeezed him until he burst, it was all over.
The hands dragged the does together, and the does were too defeated to care. They squeezed them all up, squished them together, pulling out every drop of blood, until the does were all but dried empty bags. She took the doe sacks and cut them into small strips, shaping and tying them together, she waved them under her skin in a loop, all the blood was poured into her new veins, “I have such lovely blood” she thought with pride. Her blood wasted no time gushing all over the place. Running laps around her, she could see their purple silhouettes through her skin. It was wonderful, she thought, just how it should be.
Time passed, like it’s wanting to do. For a while, she was happy, but not for long. She started to get bored. All the innards did was scrape their way on the same muscles, the same order, whimpering the same pleas and scratching the same walls with the same cluster of sharp hungry wails. Their harsh thrashing caused the hair sewing her skin together to snap and come undone, and before she noticed the skin on her arm had come off and the muscle underneath began to rot and turn black. “Don’t you ever do anything interesting?” she thought. “Worthless thing, I hope your thrashing makes you come undone and you fall apart.”
Her heart, on the other hand, was far too lively. No longer content just to THUMP away in her chest and flutter in excitement, now it had taken to carving up the walls of her ribcage, scratching her diaphragm and marking up the flesh. “Hateful thing,” she thought. “You’re supposed to stay quiet, not assert yourself.” To make matters worse, it had started pumping her blood around her body on its own. Her brain only caused her skull to ache in dull pain, and her dreams weren’t pretty or shiny at all, and her mind was full of unwanted intrusive thoughts. “You’re supposed to make me curious,” she thought, “but instead you’ve made me fed up, and that’s a whole different story.”  She hated her new parts. They weren’t what she wanted. She plunged her hands into her stomach grabbing her innards and pulling them out meter by meter throwing them on the floor in a rage, she ripped her chest open and wretched out her heart she crushed it in her fist, her blood gushed out of her open wounds, draining onto the floor. She cracked open her skull and tore clumps of her brain out flinging them onto the trees. She gathered all the parts together and built a fire to burn them on, the smoke screamed and smelled like rotten teeth. “Good riddance to bad rubbish,” she thought. But she couldn’t rid herself of them no matter how much she tried they grew back, they became her, she was alone.
She cried and cried into the night, now she was all alone again. Soon she saw some light through the woods. She climbed through a dark window, milling through the halls, wheezing and click-clacking her hands against the walls and doors and windows, dragging her feet. She could hear breathing and sweet little whimpering cries. It was nice not to be alone anymore. She couldn’t wait to meet her new friend.
“I hope they stop hiding soon,” she thought. “That’s what I need. A ‘someone’. That’d be so nice.” So, she sat by the door and waited for her friend’s shyness to fade. “If I offer them a gift, I’m sure they’ll come play. I’ll invite them out to the woods, and then I’ll chew off all their skin, and I won’t be alone anymore.”
I won’t be alone anymore. When they come see me. And I take them, and they’ve come to see me, and I’ve chewed off all their skin. I won’t be alone anymore. It’ll be so nice not to be alone. I won’t be alone anymore. I hope they come out soon. I won’t be alone anymore.
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bemylord · 3 years
dark chocolate
♧ character: toji fushiguro x fem!reader.
♧ warnings: au [omegaverse], heat, mentioned abilities and cigarettes, rough sex, hair pulling, oral, spanking, creampie, marks/hickeys, daddy kink, size kink, curse words.
♧ synopsis: his scent is dark chocolate mixed with cigarettes which maddening you. every your heat occurs distraught: sex-rest-sex. the situation is deteriorating if toji has his heat too, and it seems both you're going to have blazing heat because his scent is getting stronger.
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toji is a fucking teaser: he didn't tell you that he was summoned as an experienced sorcerer killer. he knew you don't like his way to earn money, but still, you're by his side, baking him buns and please him at the night. you aren't having the toxic or abusive relationship with toji, just the thought he's killing a sorcerer somewhere far beyond a house, makes you crunch fingers. you told him you'll leave him if he won't stop doing his job, but he apologies with his tongue, and every time you forgive him.
your heat overwhelmed you spontaneously - you were baking lemon cake, specially for your lover, when your felt how the fever spread all over your body, covered every inch, and down there you felt how you became wet. your lover is gone - where the hell is he when you're needy for his pulsing dick in your dripping cunt? you turned off the oven, making small steps leading to the bedroom for his shirt.
you hate him so much right now: your heat happens every three months and it's time to have an unforgettable weekend with him. thanks to his work, he's far away from you; however, your estrus won't stop because your alfa had gone.
his fingers, his dick, you're a pathetic girl who desperately wants to smell the pungent scent of his man, feeling his throbbing dick inside your cunt, let him literally rip your uterus with his cock. you would reply: 'go ahead, fuck me that in the morning i will feel pervasive pain between my legs'
you rolled down the wall, sniffing his black shirt, remembering toji's muscular upper body, mostly abs, shines through the fabric of his clothes. his sweatpants outlining flaccid dick, although you didn't call it flaccid, but hard as rock cock.
that cock is sticks out from the fabric, those abs and biceps of his - you're dripping without your heat. his scent is dark chocolate mixed with cigarettes, especially the last one scent isn't it enough for you to become a huge mess?
'open your mouth, daddy will spit in your mouth'
who are you to disobey the simple order? your hands are tied up with his tie behind a back, you're sitting on your knees, sopping and needy for his tongue or fingers in your pussy now, but toji is teasing you until you'll be begging him.
'yes, daddy'
you opened your mouth, stick out a tongue, feeling his long fingers on your cheeks and his saliva in your mouth. you could swear to god it tastes like dark chocolate.
smelling his clothes while you've been necessitous for his dick sucks, although you've got no alternative for now, except for masturbating yourself. you reached down to pull aside the panties when you smell that scent. those forceful smells of his are overwhelming the bedroom, forcing your peachy scent to discover.
'don't you dare touch yourself, you're little whore'
you flinched, automatically removing your hand from panties. he's all wet, could bet he has been sweating since he left the house. toji is exhaling loud, probably lost his breath in the battle or while he was rushing to you. his olfactory organ could sniff out your peachy scent of heat far away from the place you're: his heat certainly took him suddenly as yours.
'you know my name, peachy'
his damn it shirt silhouetting his torso, in addition, the fewer force his body to swear emits his smell became more piquant. damn his fucking handsome body and scent - if you won't have his dick, you would cry.
'daddy, please' you said almost crying, spreading apart your legs. so malleable, vulnerable, and poor for your alfa - the way you're lost in his smell makes him groaned, stood on his knees. if he has been on his first rut, he could barely control himself at the sight of your face: in your eyes are reading lust and debauchery, you're still squeezing his shirt, hoping it may helps you cum. leaning your legs on his muscular shoulders, toji left soft kisses on your ankles, unable to hold back himself, he ripped your panties, ogling at the abundance of your natural lubricant, licking his lips.
'i'm sorry, princess, i should've left you alone with your heat..' he pulls your cunt closer to his face, burying his nose in your crotch. fushigoru's sight changed to the deep and insatiable, knowing you won't fight back, completely haggard of the thoughts and desire. '..i don't think i'll go easy on you' he stood up with you on his shoulders, throwing you on the bed.
'you know how much daddy adores when you squirt on his face, baby girl, so don't hold back'
his-fucking-long-tongue. the tip of the tongue is playing with the clit whilst fingers are running over your hips. he's trying his best to prepare you for the fat cock, not ripping your cunt as it was the last time. toji's amorous attitude towards your clit and pussy, making you squeeze the sheet with your little fists, arching the back, getting lost in the pleasure. your eyes are rolling from the delight he puts you in, not be able to regulate your vocal and orgasm, you gave him what he has been asking for with an oblong moan.
'not enough, princess, give me your juices'
new orgasm is building up again, thanks to his masterpiece tongue - he plays with a sensitive spot and licking your entrance, switching the pace from the sluggish to the aggressive, makes you twitch and squirm over the bed. being soft for toji is something new - he would rather fuck you 'till you're verbatim screaming the safe word and begging to have a rest.
'give that, slut!' sorcerer screamed, burying his mouth deeper in your crotch, eating you out. his scent, his low voice, his tongue and fingers, his probably throbbing cock that wants to feel your cunt it all makes do his order, not even trying to delay it: you abundantly squirt on his face, watching at him. he licked lips, taking off his clothes. your legs are shaking, but the excitation didn't quench, conversely, the desire to feel his thick cock is growing.
'look down at my cock, aren't you being needy for it?'
the head is red because of blood that is there since the battle or since he started to lick you? toji's smears the precum on the tip of the cock, getting a contraceptive out of nowhere, putting on protection, pulls his ankles on his shoulder, leading closer to your face. he kisses you deeply, using a tongue to play with yours, mingling your saliva together, biting your lower lip. you're burying hands into his black hair, ruffling and pulling back, whimpering into the kiss. he presses the head at your entrance, biting your neck. notwithstanding he has been preparing you, his cock is large for you.
'your so tight, slut' with an unexpected move, he put his dick inside your uterus, burying it in, staring at your precious face. evidently, you didn't expect he would pull it inside quickly; your eyes widened, exhaling a whimper. toji couldn't persist, but embed a tongue in your mouth. he placed both of his hands between your head, detached from you, to ogle from the top at your ahegao. clapping and squishy are filling the room - his balls slapping against your ass making such sounds.
'kitten, fuck-' his low voice with echo distributed over the room, tilting his head back, accelerating the pace. 'i'm gonna slap your ass five times and will cum on my dick, got it, slut?'
praising and degrading you, squeezing the sheet with those strong palms, attempting to delay the orgasm until you do a creampie. 'one' sonorous sound made you squirm, but his hands give you none possibility of slipping away from flogging. 'two' toji's sturdy palm smack the same butt cheek, looking into your eyes. you're avoiding catching his sight, because, fuck, one look at his wet and gorgeous face and you will cum immediately. 'three, baby girl' you lost in the pain and delight, eyes closed tight, waiting for the last slap to give a creampie.
'fuck, four' he growled in your ear, increasing the tempo. the concupiscent and desire are managing him - he licked your neck first, before bite through your soft skin on neck, mixing your scent together, giving you a label for other boys. it's screaming - she's mine, fuck off, bastards.
'god, i'm cumming, princess, cum with me, cum with me!' toji's bass voice in conjunction with his thick cock released a creampie, finishing inside the condom. as soon as his hot semen was in the contraceptive, he pulled his cock out of your wet pussy, throw it at the basket near the bed.
'come closer, princess'
toji laid down on the pillows, pull you on his chest, rubbing your back softly, kissing your hair. both of you are breathing heavily, trying to regain the breath. he put his land on your cheek, giving you a thankful kiss on your lips.
'wanna take a bath?'
'only if you take me to the bathroom'
toji smiles, catching his breath. the heat isn't gone: you have a couple of hours to get a snack and wash your bodies before proceeding to the second round.
i don't know if you love oneshots with toji [i mean love him as a character], if yes - i'll do the part two with the punshiment + aftercare. let say, three hundred notes? cause, yeah, he's kinda bad, but his body.. i'm simp. :3
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ava-achlys · 3 years
The Boyz NSFW Scenarios
Lee Sangyeon - Captive
cop! Sangyeon x crime boss! fem! reader
Warnings: unprotected sex (wrap it up kids), dubious consent, slight degradation, sub!Sangyeon
Submissive Sangyeon is a kink I never knew I had. JK I definitely have a thing for turning dominant-seeming men into little darling subbies. Welp, I hope you enjoy this filth I put together in 3 hours.
Sangyeon's an undercover cop trying to bust you and your crew. Things don't go entirely according to plan.
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Sangyeon awoke with a start, eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. His wrists are chained to the wall and he is completely naked except for his underwear. He starts to get angry, shaking his chains to try to loosen them.
"You'd best not do that, officer. One wrong move and it'll cut off your blood circulation." A sickeningly sweet voice cuts through the darkness and Sangyeon whips his head around, trying to find you. A light turns on, and dimly illuminates your figure. Sangyeon growls and tugs at his restraints again.
"Let me go," Sangyeon growled. "Or you're gonna regret it." You laugh airily. "Actually I think you're going to regret it if I let you go." His eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"Darling, if you leave, you're gonna miss out on a lot of fun," you bring a hand up to stroke his cheek. "Don't touch me," he spits. You shrug nonchalantly, walking back to the table.
"Fine. I won't touch you." You retrieve a vibrator and walk back towards him with a devilish grin. Sangyeon widens his eyes in horror at what you're wielding and begins to protest.
"No, no stop, what are you- ahh!" He yelps as you press the vibrator into his cockhead that's leaking through his tight, white briefs. The wet patch of fabric that has turned translucent grows as Sangyeon gushes more precum from the stimulation. He thrashes around, chains clanging as he begs for you to stop. You ignore his cries and continue to run the vibrator up and down his impressive length.
You pull away the vibrator for a moment and watch as he bucks his hips forward, chasing that delicious sensation. You laugh, slapping him on the thigh, which elicits a pained moan. "You keep telling me to stop, but it seems like you don't actually want me to. Make up your mind, silly officer."
You continue to mock him by pressing the vibrator against his cock for a second, then removing it, and repeating it over and over until he actually starts terafully whining in frustration. You laugh at his misery, sneering at him, "Big, scary officer turning into a whiny little bitch? Pathetic." You take away the vibrator and grab his balls harshly, making him howl in pain.
You grope him through his drenched briefs and he starts to welcome the feeling of pain mixed with pleasure. He hates that he enjoys being tortured by you, a criminal he had sworn to take down, but he can't deny that you were hot, and that this situation was wonderfully wrong on so many levels. But since he was trapped here, might as well enjoy it right?
Sangyeon snaps out of his thoughts when he hears you switch the vibrator on with a click. He looks down at your devilish smirk and watches as you pull the waistband of his briefs open, only to shove the vibrator into his underwear, right between his balls and cock, before snapping the elastic back into place. His whole body jolts and he starts trembling from the intense stimulation in such a sensitive area.
The chains around his wrists clang as he thrashes around, hips canting up wildly, desperate for release. You stand back to admire your masterpiece. He's flushed red all over, teary eyes screwed shut, drool spilling from his lips as he shamelessly moaned, toes curling in pleasure. He's calling your name, begging you for something, anything. He doesn't even know what he's begging for, all he knows is that he wants is to cum.
And he does, spilling hot semen into his soaked briefs, some of it spurting through the fabric and landing on the floor with the force of his orgasm. He screams in pain and pleasure as the vibrations continue to overstimulate him and his blushing cock just keeps pulsing out more and more cum. He begs you to make it stop, knees nearly buckling from exhaustion.
You pretend to think for a moment, and you decide to give a him a little break. You walk over to him and wrench the vibrator from his ruined underwear and switch it off. He sobs in relief and his body goes slack, slinking against the wall, panting harshly. You look at the cum that's covering the head of the vibrator, and dip your tongue in it to taste. You hum at the bittersweet taste of your archenemy, the man who had made the past few months so difficult for you, ruining every operation you tried to initiate.
You continue to lick his cum off the vibrator as you bask in your victory. You finally broke him. You adored how small and pathetic he looked after just one round of torture playtime. He hung his head in shame, body still twitching occasionally with aftershocks from his orgasm. You take your panties off, which had been getting progressively wetter as you were extremely aroused by watching Sangyeon come undone.
You walk over to him and undo his chains, making him fall to the ground on his knees. He looks up at you in surprise, his dark brown orbs filled with confusion. You grip his hair harshly and he whines, as you slowly hitch up the bottom of your dress, exposing your slick folds. He licks his lips nervously, his confusion slowly turning into excitement. He eyes your pussy and glances back up to meet your intense gaze.
"You didn't think we're actually done, did you? Why do you get to cum and I don't?" You smile sinisterly down at him. He gulps, readying himself for what's to come. Somewhere along the way he lost his inhibitions and was overcome with the desire to please you. He calls your name in a whisper. Your smile widens, and his chest swells. He wants to see you smile more. He wants to impress you. He wants to pleasure you.
You move to stand over him, legs spread and your pussy dripping tantalizingly before his eyes. You nod at him, and he dives in to lick at your folds ravenously, as if the sweet taste of your juices would quench the burning thirst within him. You let out a moan, gripping his sweaty locks even tighter, pushing his face into your cunt. He sucks hard on your clit, he kisses your folds, he thrusts his tongue into your tight hole and makes a filthy mess, complete with wet, squelching sounds.
You grind onto his face as he continues to tongue-fuck you, breathy moans spilling from your own lips. His hands come up to grab your ass, pulling you impossibly closer so he can thrust his tongue deeper into you. You feel a familiar sensation building in your tummy and pull him away, a line of spit trailing from his lips to your clit.
He looks up at you, dazed. Was he not doing well enough? Before he could ask, you push him down to lay on his back and rip his briefs off and start pumping his half-hard cock. He was getting aroused again just by making out with your pussy and you smile at the thought. You rub your folds up and down his length, slicking him up with your juices. He watches you in excitement, hands coming up to rest on your waist. He guides you to seat yourself on his dick, both of you moaning at the feeling of his thick cock stretching out your tight, wet heat.
Once he bottomed out, you lean forward to press a kiss to his lips, which he accepts hungrily. "Make me cum," you commanded him simply. He begins to thrust up into you, and you bounce on his dick, meeting his thrusts halfway each time. The sounds of moans and wet skin slapping fill the cavernous room, echoing off the walls. He groans at the sight of your tits bouncing in his face and he pulls you down so he can suck on your nipples. He's got one hand on your ass and the other is groping your tits and pinching your nipples.
You moan loudly at the pinches, licks and twists he's giving to your hard nipples, loving the way your body makes him go cross-eyed in pleasure. He's moaning intermittently around your breasts too, his hips continuously pistoning into your pussy once he'd found that sweet spot. He mumbles that he's getting close again, and you wrap a hand around his throat.
"Make me cum first, then you can cum inside me." He nods furiously, giving his all into fucking you, chasing both your orgasms. You let him take control of the pace, burying your face in his neck as he pounds into you, breathlessly chanting your name in praises. Fuck you feel so good, so tight and wet, you're driving me crazy, my cock feels like it'll burst, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Your orgasm takes you by surprise and you scream in pleasure, choking Sangyeon unintentionally. His hips stutter and he cums for the second time that night, the pressure around his throat pushing him over the limit. He grinds up into you, filling you up with his seed. He moans lowly as he rides his orgasm out with you, holding you close.
The room is silent, save for the sounds of both of you panting, trying to catch your breaths. He kisses you on your shoulder with a dazed, fucked out look on his face, and you stifle a giggle. You stroke his hair as a means of assuring him that he did well, before getting up and off his dick. Your dress was soaked with sweat and his cum dribbled out of your abused cunt and down your thighs. Your knees were a little wobbly but you managed to stand in your high heels.
You start to walk away and he panickedly calls after you, legs too jelly to even attempt to stand. You shoot him a look over your shoulder, calling out "It was fun, you did so well. Unfortunately that's all for tonight." He scrambles to sit up, but you're already too far away for him to crawl after. He's protesting and spluttering in panic as you give him a little wave before slamming the door shut, leaving him alone in the darkness, covered in sweat and filth.
As you walk away, you hear him wail in despair, and you smirk triumphantly. Serves you right, officer.
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hope-to-hell · 4 years
Several of you have brought Evan to my attention recently, and so this happened. An Exorcism. Evan Marshall x Reader. Smut, blood, bloodplay, knifeplay, handjobs, bodily fluids, chains, honor bondage, extremely dubious religious imagery, wounds, me back on my bullshit. Evan is suffering. It’s up to you to help him through it.
Oh what a pretty picture Evan makes with his jaw stubble-sharp and bright with blood; he hangs in his chains and there are bruises blooming under the links. He could free himself with the simple act of opening his hands, but he won’t. Because Evan needs this, needs it as much as air: the cruel and unrelenting pain that you deliver, to blank his mind and wash him clean.
There’s something to those old days, to the bleeding of the sick; not in the medicine, which was a lie, but in the exorcising of demons and the airing of old secrets. This would be best done on a moonless night, with lanterns lit in the hollow to make a cage of golden light. Thus could Evan be exorcised and his demons trapped and torn apart.
But as it is, hollows and fairy rings are beyond your reach and the moon is high. But Evan came to your door weak and pale, brow damp and begging please. Burn it out of me. I can feel them clawing, tearing, biting at my insides. Help me now because I cannot bear it.
And perhaps you lack a hollow, but you have the barn and you have the chains, and when you tell him by your will he understands; he winds their lengths around his wrists and strikes a crucifixion pose there in the dark and dusty barn, moonlight streaming through the windows and shining on his sweating skin. Like this he is beautiful; when you make the cuts and part his flesh he becomes transcendent.
It is pain, sweetness, pain that makes you clean. It makes of you a holy thing, which demons cannot bear. And therefore in this act we will drive your demons out. A scourge would be traditional, but in its absence this knife will do. See how sharp it is, how it shines in this pale light. I will bleed you, Evan dear, and by your blood you will be rendered whole again.
Evan Marshall’s flesh is weak but his will is iron. He holds his chains and accepts their marks upon his flesh, links of chain wrapped round his wrists, clutching with his fists upon the iron.
Iron and blood, sweetheart. Steel. Lamps lit with oil blessed by the dying. All these things will set you free. I will cut you now. It’s alright if you scream; I understand. All that matters is that you are still for me. Make your noises, love, but do not move: this is the only order I can give you. I’ve lit the lamps, you see, and though this place is holier than most it’s still a risk to open you here.
Look at you, my pretty broken thing. Blood runs hot and slick down Evan’s chest and he is making such soft and sweet sounds of pain. But here’s a little secret: he is hard. He is hard and he is horrified, that this should be his body’s reaction. But his flesh burns for this, and in the midst of blood-flecked groans you ask him do you want; you hang motionless in the moment with him until he bares his teeth and answers
There is nothing in the world so fine as this, as Evan’s cock slick and warm with blood beneath your palm; in him, the pain of all his wounds is tangled up with pleasure til he cannot make sense of it, til he can only feel. And this, too, is a benediction; the devils tried to claim sex for their own but how they failed. In acts like these, when pain and pleasure writhe within the silken threads of yes I want, demons burn and break apart; their ashes float away.
And when he comes it is with a single sharp and perfect gasp; his seed is pearling in your palm all mixed with blood. And you paint him in his colors, red and white; he is smeared with sigils that cross his cuts, that writhe about his flesh like living things. And this, too, is a holy thing, that he should be marked with these signs of life.
Ashes for the past. Blood for the present. Semen for the future. All his many paths branch out from these three points; in the tangled thorns of time and hope and love— yes, love— his demons are confused and so they are subdued. They cannot fathom how sex and pain add up to equal yes, and while their heads are spinning it is possible to cast them out. They funnel down the Y of Evan’s arms and chest; they bleed out through his many cuts and fall into the lamplight. And Evan, feeling their departure, opens up his hands; he falls upon his knees and feels the earth below him tremble for a moment with the forces of release and of excision.
And Evan, oh my darling, oh my love, how you amaze me. Listen. All those who came before are watching; can you hear their applause in the rustling of leaves outside? Some nod and smile and say ‘that’s how it’s done;’ still others weep and wish they’d known. And you, my darling dear, you know the trick: when demons writhe about your bones you’ll come to me. And I will cut you open; I will make you bleed and make you come, and you will find your peace.
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cerberus253 · 4 years
I am tormented by the question ... How could Shendu GENERALLY CREATE A CHILD ?! Like ... how did you do it, bro, what were you thinking? During the show, no one said anything about this, although in theory the heroes should have asked the question: what the hell, Shendu, is this your son ?!Hmmm, can we look forward to any Drago-themed post with a holiday / New Year theme? :)Happy New Year! You are awesome. Thanks for your craft.
How I think Shendu created Drago was he made some sort of artificial “semen” and placed it inside an adult woman.
What I mean by “artificial ‘semen’” is Shendu probably created this... magic vat, potion, liquid stuff, mixed various DNA samples of himself (like blood, sweat, bone, muscle tissue and stuff) and some other magical organic ingrediants, and then uttered some magic words while stirring it all together. Next, he got something equivalent to a turkey baster, filled that with the “artificial ‘semen’,” stuck that into an adult women’s vagina>uterus>fallopian tubes, and then waited nine months or so to let a fetus and baby form, and then boom: Baby Drago is born.
For the chracters talking about it in the show, well, the real answer is the creators didn’t want to bother with it, but theory wise it might of just been off screen. The thought might have come up once or twice, but it was either such a mystery or it was so irrelevant to the situation they were going through, none of it mattered. All that mattered was there’s a Shendu 2: Electric Boogaloo running around, causing similar havok and danger against humanity, and it needed to be stopped. Legit, even if they did know how Drago was created, how would that have helped/changed anything? That was probably the exact question they asked and then never talked about it again.
Simply put, how Drago was created isn’t important, it’s what he is doing now and how that affects the future.
Lastly, holiday specific content, I am personally not making, but if someone were to have asks pertaining them, then sure, I’ll make them. In addition, someone has asked me about Drago’s reactions to various holidays, so expect that question answered soon ;)
Legit though, all this info on Drago is solely being presented through QnAs. I have nothing, aside from some “screenshot redraws” I want to make of him in the future, so any questions you have, just ask them.
I know I mentioned this nine page document about Drago in the past, and yes that is still in progress, but anything that is asked from Tumblr, and it’s answered in the document, I will still answer via that Tumblr ask instead of saying “That will be answered in the document! Stay tuned!” just for, like, making the document shorter and more “bullet point” driven than these lengthy paragraphs like within the QnAs, making a God knows how long of a practical novel. Plus, you guys ask some questions that didn’t even cross my mind sometimes.
Also, one quick note to those who ask questions, always assume I will answer them unless I answer to you in private that I will not. Sometimes it takes a lot of thinking and/or researching to come up with answers, sometimes it has so much info it takes a while to get it all down, and sometimes I’m too tired to answer right away, but I will always answer unless stated/told to the questioner otherwise, which is usually immediate.
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aterriblethought · 5 years
Acid Town fanfiction is up!
Alrighty, I finally managed to get all of the fanfiction up! You can read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20868263 ⬅️⬅️
As a preview, here is the first chapter... sorry if the read more link doesn’t work and you have to scroll past the whole thing, orz. In my defense this is the shortest chapter.
Fire - 火災
The moment stretched out between them, punctuated by the steady beeps of machinery, the echo of footsteps out in the hallway, and the distant murmur of voices. A suffocating cloud of lily pollen from a vase under the window masked the sharp scent of rubbing alcohol and disinfectant. Afternoon sunlight filtered through the glass and gleamed off the polished tile floor and the crisp white linens of the bed. The boy’s tiny, frail hands clenched the folds of the sheets, trembling slightly. Yuki reached out to brush the top of the boy’s brown hair, ruffling the soft locks which reflected the sunlight.
“Don’t be silly,” he said, as the boy jumped in surprise. “We’ve already been through the worst, and we both survived, didn’t we?”
Yuki pulled his hand away from the sleeping toddler, tugging a tattered and dirty blanket up to the boy’s chin. He pushed himself up, his thin arms straining to carry him. The dark air sat warm and heavy on him. Outside the thin curtains of the window he could see a haze of red and white lights in the darkness. Even late at night, he could hear the distant rumble of cars, the thrumming bass of music, the whispers of muffled voices and moans and laughter somewhere in the building. A fan droned in the corner. Occasionally there was a heavy, grunting snore. Yuki flinched and glanced sideways over at the lump of a man, Ashiei, curled on a futon on the other side of the room. Empty bottles and convenience store wrappers littered the floor around the man’s head, and the mixed stench of sweat and alcohol and semen drifted off of him and stung Yuki’s nose. Shuddering, he slipped carefully out of the blanket away from his brother and rose to his feet. He padded across the room, his bare footsteps muffled against the frayed tatami matting, until he reached the cooler air of the doorway. Somewhere in the building, a door slammed, and Yuki stumbled backwards.
The front door burst open; the thin chain that held it closed scattered its links across the floor. His mother, Tsubaki, turned to get away and stumbled into a table, scattering papers and knocking over a tea cup. Tea splashed onto the table and soaked into the papers as the cup rolled off the edge and shattered on the floor. Yuki’s grandmother shrieked and pulled him out of sight behind her, so he had to lean around her leg to see.  Three men pushed their way through the door, and the room burst into chaos. Tsubaki yelled and his grandmother screamed, throwing whatever was within arm’s reach at the intruders as they struggled to subdue the two women. A man with wild black hair and a smirking grin swept the room with a piercing gaze and Yuki felt an extra burst of fear rip up his spine. He wanted to help his mother and grandmother, but his mind was screaming at him to run, run away, his mother was shouting, his grandmother was shrieking obscenities in Chinese, and without thinking he turned and ran into the other room, stubbing his toe on a futon and stumbling into a wall. 
His back hit the door, and the small rapping sound it made against the wall sounded like a gunshot in the dark room, making Yuki wince. He froze, waiting, but Ashiei kept sleeping. Yuki crept out of the room into a small living space, crowded with bags of garbage and stacks of old magazines. Half-eaten takeout boxes sat atop a small, boxy TV quietly hissing static. Yuki wrinkled his nose, stepping towards the kitchen, glancing over the stained countertop piled with dishes, looking for a glass that wasn’t too dirty. He pushed a few dishes aside and grabbed a cup, peering into the cloudy liquid at the bottom in the dim red light of a fire alarm on the ceiling above his head. His reflection swam in the glass.
His reflection flashed in a mirror as he ran past the futons to the double closet, trying to ignore the shouting and screaming in the other room. With the futons still out on the floor, the right one was mostly empty; he pulled at the heavy wooden doors and made a crack just big enough to slip his small body through. Once he was inside, he slid the door closed with his bare feet, and the roar of the noise in the other room grew muffled. His head rapped against a shelf above him as he struggled to fit in the space. He rubbed the top of his head and muffled a whimper, his heart beating so loud in his chest he was sure the men in the other room had to hear it. The noise outside was growing softer; Yuki could hear a low crying he thought might be his grandmother, and the occasional slam of a cupboard being thrown open or the crash of something hitting the floor. A tense argument was going on between what sounded like his mother and one of the men. Heavy footsteps started towards him, and Yuki shrank against a pile of boxes as best he could, his heart hammering in his chest. He slapped his hands over his mouth as the footsteps stopped in front of the door. The door of the other closet was thrown open, and he winced as boxes were yanked out, books and knickknacks colliding against the floor with a thunderous roar. His heart leapt into his throat as the door to his left was kicked open, illuminating the boxes there, and he pulled his legs to his chest and willed himself to withdraw deeper into the shadows. After a moment the door slammed closed. The door in front of him was ripped open, and a flood of light stung his eyes.
Yuki closed the refrigerator door with a snap, and the kitchen was plunged back into darkness. Clutching a glass of tepid water and a half-eaten onigiri rice ball in a plastic wrapper, he tiptoed over to the couch and cleared off a pile of used tissues to make himself a space. He climbed onto the couch, pulling his legs up to his chest, and took a bite of the rice ball. The cold, sticky rice stuck to his teeth like gum. The soft glow of the television sparkled in the water of the glass in his hand. The continuous drone of static was hissing in his ears. His vision swam out of focus; he rubbed tears out of his eyes and sniffed. When the room came back into focus, he was no longer alone.
In front of him, a boy was sitting on his haunches, his head in his hands, looking up at Yuki with a bored expression. Yuki felt a momentary panic that he’d woken up his brother Jun, but after a moment he realized the boy was older than Jun, and his eyes were different. With a sinking horror, he realized the eyes he was staring back into were his own.
“Is this it?” the boy said.
Yuki turned his head down to focus on the remnants of his onigiri. Ignoring the boy worked in the past. Sometimes.
Yuki continued to chew slowly, the glass trembling in his hand. 
“I said, hey.” 
He could see the reflection of the boy stand up in the water of the glass, and Yuki looked up to see they were now eye to eye. 
“W… what do you want?” Yuki whispered.
The boy tilted his head. “What do you want? Do you want to keep living like this forever?”  
Yuki tossed the empty wrapper aside and set the water glass down on the floor. “Do I have a choice?” he muttered. “I have to protect Jun.”
“Why? He isn’t even your real brother,” the boy said, and Yuki’s head snapped up to glare at him. “He’s the reason Mom’s dead.”
Yuki leaned back against the couch, folding his arms over his legs. “That’s not true.”
“Sure it is,” the boy said, and threw himself down on the couch beside Yuki, kicking his legs. “If she never had him, she’d still be alive, wouldn’t she?”
Yuki said nothing, just stared and worked his jaw. The boy sighed, and leaned forward into Yuki’s face. “We’re going to die, you know. We’re going to die just like she did.”
Yuki buried his nose in his arms. “No, we aren’t. Boys can’t have babies,” he grumbled. 
The boy giggled. “If they could you would have definitely had one by now. How many men have been inside you?” 
Yuki felt a wave of nausea crest over him. He rubbed his forehead in his arms and groaned. No matter how much he bathed he always felt like he could still smell them on him. His whole backside always ached. 
The boy sat back, still chuckling. “We’re going to die, and they’re going to do all that to Jun, and then he’s going to die, too.”
“No…” Yuki whimpered into his knees. 
The boy leapt to his feet. “Well, maybe we could still save Jun. If…” Yuki looked up. The boy’s eyes gleamed with the reflection of the TV, and a smile stretched across his face. Yuki blinked, and he was staring into the static of the TV, and the boy was gone. 
He rose trembling to his feet. As he started to walk back towards the bedroom, his toes caught something metal, and it spiraled across the floor. Wincing from the pain in his toes, Yuki leaned down to pick it up. The glow of the TV screen flashed across the surface of the lighter as Yuki turned it in his hand. He stared at the blurred smear of his own reflection in the burnished metal. His thumb popped open the top of the lighter and fumbled for the flint wheel. It took a few tries turning the wheel with his shaky thumb until a spark caught the gas inside the lighter and a flame leapt from the top. Yuki watched, mesmerized, as the little flame flickered in the wake of his breath.
In the static, he could hear his screams and cries blending with those of his brother. He could hear the cackling of the men who abused them. In the swimming reflections on the lighter he could see a wash of blood, of sweat, of semen. It all blazed in the flames that would lick at their corpses after he and his brother had been squeezed of all usefulness and tossed aside in the gutter. The static intensified to a roar; the flames consumed them.
The lighter snapped shut. His trembling stopped. The sound dropped out. His head seemed to turn on his own, his body took one step, and then two, his hands pushed through the debris and garbage to find a small canister of lighter fluid. He rolled the canister in his hand and pocketed the lighter. One step, two steps, ten back to the bedroom door where Ashiei lay sleeping in a pile of empty liquor bottles and wrappers and used condoms. 
Ashiei’s face appeared in the light, squinting into the darkness of the closet. He caught sight of Yuki and grinned.
The lighter fluid poured out of the bottle onto Ashiei’s blankets. As they soaked into his clothes, Ashiei grunted and turned his head into his pillow, but didn’t wake up.
Ashiei leered at him as his thumb brushed Yuki’s lips. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten the good old times?” he sneered, and the bag of books Yuki was carrying dropped to the ground.
The empty bottle of lighter fluid bounced off the tatami mat. Yuki fumbled for the lighter in his pocket.
“Yukio! Don’t you forget!” Even as he ran, Tetsu leading him by the arm, he could still hear Ashiei screaming behind him. “You are hopelessly filthy! Don’t bother trying to live a clean life like a normal person!”
One click, two, and a flame burst from the lighter. He dropped the lighter, watching it spin from his hands.
A large hand reached for him and he tried to kick it away. Ashiei cursed and grabbed him by the leg, dragging him out of the closet, as his mother screamed somewhere in the other room. He yelled and hit at whatever he could reach, but Ashiei was much bigger than him. The light from the doorway danced in front of his eyes as he struggled.
The flame caught the lighter-fluid-soaked blankets and burst into vivid life. Yuki backed into the wall, as Ashiei roared awake, his confusion giving way to screams of pain. He struggled to put out the fire but it was crawling up his arm, fanning out across the bed onto the old tatami mat. The noise and the smell of smoke and burning flesh woke up Jun and he began to cry. Fear burst back into Yuki’s awareness and he rushed to Jun’s side, and his arms closed over Jun just as a hand grabbed the back of his shirt.
Ashiei dragged Yuki by the back of his shirt kicking and screaming into the living room. Yuki could see his grandmother kneeling with her head in her hands, and a man pinning Tsubaki’s arms behind her back, who was struggling to reach Yuki. With a heave, Ashiei tossed Yuki into a table; the explosion of pain silenced Yuki and he crumpled to the ground. 
Yuki rolled to get away from Ashiei, trying not to crush Jun in the process. The fire that engulfed Ashiei’s hand had skipped to Yuki’s shirt, and distantly Yuki was aware of a searing pain spreading across his back. The whole room was bursting into flames now; Ashiei turned and ran for the bathroom. It was difficult to see anything other than brilliant flames and the black smoke stinging Yuki’s eyes. He hefted a sobbing Jun, slapping a hand to the toddler’s mouth to block out the smoke, and ran blindly for the front door. The fire alarm in the kitchen was flashing as the flames licked at the garbage bags and consumed the television. As Yuki ripped open the front door and skidded into the hall, a chirping, wailing siren filled the air. There was a rush of half-dressed people trying to escape the building, crushing in on him from every side.
His grandmother wailed as Tsubaki and Yuki were pulled from the room and out into the hall by the three men. It was a blur of heads peeking out of doors that snapped closed as they passed. 
The crowd poured out onto the street. Yuki held Jun close as he ran past gawking onlookers, past convenience stores and massage parlors and nightclubs and soaplands, the crowds a sea of faces fixed on a distant plume of smoke and whirling flame. His legs ached, smoke burned in his lungs, and the pain in his back was so overwhelming that he made a sharp turn into a dark alleyway and collapsed to his knees, coughing, Jun tumbling from his grip. He stared down at his hands shaking in the dirt, but he could only see
Ashiei’s hands, the skin curling away from the rush of fire, the fingertips turning black
Ashiei’s hands stretched along the ground, scars peeking out behind dark gloves, a pool of blood seeping beneath his fingers from a hole in the back of his head, bits of hair and skull and brain matter floating in the blood like the blood smeared across
Yuki’s hands trembling in the dirt in front of him as Jun cried, and a fire engine siren wailed, and people shouted, and he sank down into the dirt in a haze of pain, and he didn’t see or hear or feel anything for a while. 
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cubanmalefootlover · 5 years
The House of the Witch
A lad stopped in front of the iron railing. He’s your regular high school teen in search of excitement. Beyond the fence, the impressive building of “Madison House” surrounded by the vast land. He got off his bike while looking around warily.  
“PRIVATE PROPERTY. KEEP OUT. NO TRESPASSING”. It could be read in the tattered sing. A black hood covered his head and a dark ski mask hid from his nose down, so his hazel eyes is the only you can see of his face. He pulled back the hood and wiped his sweaty forehead with his hand, now it could be seen his brown hair with golden highlights nicely styled in a man bun. He took a deep breath while replaced the hood on his head. Then he pushed the rusty fence and biked forward with determination…
 Three days earlier
Four teens were walking by the town.
-I assure none of the Bakers lives there any longer–stated Samantha.
-My dad says the family’s living out of town now, but they still own the land –said Lynda.  
-Why don’t they sell it? –asked Fabian.
-Perhaps they’re thinking in fix it and rent it –deduced Lynda.
-Bullshit! –said Fabian-. They didn’t even take care of the house.  
-No one’s gonna buy it ‘cause of the “witch” –Samantha whispered.  
The four kids kept silence for few seconds.
-Last week the janitor’s son tried to cut the grass and he couldn’t… - said Samantha. She and Fabian chuckled mischievously.
-Please guys… -said Peter-. Officer Paterson arrested him for violation.
-It hasn’t sense –protested Samantha-. The grass is actually very grown and he’s not a stranger. They don’t want nobody get inside the house.  
-Some people say it’s haunted –said Lynda.
- You won’t believe in that, will you? –taunted Samantha-. Hey guys, it’s just a myth!  
Lynda and Peter exchanged doubtful looks. Fabian sniggered.  
-Mister Baker’s grandmother was the daughter of a witch –said Samantha.
-No! –interrupted Lynda-. She was blamed of witchcraft, but she was innocent.
-How you know it, dear? –asked Samantha-. You were there?
-Many women accused of witchcraft were innocent –said Lynda-. At least, it’s what my mom says; she and Mrs. Baker were friends. And she also said that Mr. Baker’s aunt brought the ashes of the witch, six months before they moved.  
-Don’t you think it’s… weird? –asked Peter trying to conceal his unease.  
-Hey, guys, is Halloween! -said Samantha-. “Madison House” is creepy. I think it’s a good challenge. Thirty bucks for the “Keep out” sing.
-That’s too easy –replied Fabian.
-This isn’t easy –retorted Peter-. We better look for another challenge. We don’t want Officer Paterson arresting us for trespassing.
-Yeah, Fabian’s right… -accepted Samantha-. What if… taking a higher risk?
-For example? -asked Fabian with interest.
-The numbers on the door –suggested Samantha.
-I bring you the number and you spend the Halloween night with me in “Madison House”… alone -added Fabian.
-Mmm… deal! –accepted Samantha with a naughty sparkle in her eyes.  
 The Halloween Night
It’s still afternoon, so the people is preparing all stuff for the night. A thin, agile figure crossed the streets in a bike. The face was hidden behind a ski mask and a hood. It’s dressed with navy t-shirt, black jacket, dark pants and red Vans. It stopped in front of the railing entrance of “Madison House” properties. The surroundings were lonely, as expected. The hood is pulled back and the ski mask removed from the face: it’s Fabian. His hazel eyes stared at the old building with awe…
He opened the railing door, got on his bike again and quickly rushed by the path toward the uninhabited house. He felt a strange sensation in the air, but he blamed the anxiety. He left his bike on the overgrown grass and then his slender figure reached the doorway. Old remains, broken windows, dead leaves and others things scattered all around.
The main door was shut. Fabian took a screwdriver out of the rear pocket of his pants and began to pull the number out with the tip of the tool. The number was pushed out of its stud and fell down the floor. He heard a voice and turned around: a bus and two cars went by the street, nothing else. Fabian bent over to pick up the number and, surprisingly, the solid door opened. It came into view a huge hall covered with dust.  
The boy glanced inside the hall with a mix of curiosity and dread. He walked two, three steps inside.  
-Hello?!... –he asked. His voice echoed through the hall unearthly.
No answer. Just a mild sound of sleeves and the whispering breeze. The daylight gave way to the darkness beyond the hall. That fainted voiced made him stare back again. Now he could swear he vaguely heard his name. Proud of himself, Fabian walked back while kept the number in his pocket, but before reaching his bike he was seized from behind and shoved inside the house abruptly. He gripped the doorframe as tight as he could, but he was pulled with incredible force. He looked back and there was no one, just a black cloud that took form in a terrible face…
Fabian was thrust toward the hall and the main door got again closed, his hopeless screams were fading within the walls…
 Sybil the witch
The intruder was dragged by the dusty floor of “Madison House”. It suddenly stopped. He stood up in a hurry and ran toward the door when his eyes collided with the most hair-raising sight he’d seen in his short life. A humanoid figure was floating above the floor; it seemed to be a woman with long hair and a white gown. Two blazing embers in the center of her face petrified him. The figure charged toward the boy and enfolded him. He emitted a cry before shut his eyes and passed out…
The black cloud gently lifted the out cold lad and placed him in a bed. It took a female form and caressed Fabian’s boyish face. She took his black jacket off, then his shirt. Fabian had a lean pale torso and his nipples showed sweet rosy areolas. A few hairs covered his chest and ran down the flat belly to the navel. She unlaced his Vans and gently removed them off his feet. A distinctive smell wafted from his Vans that made her drag her attention to the lad’s feet. His white socks were damp with sweat and somewhat dirty on the bottom. She rolled the pants out his legs. His boxers and socks were off too, leaving him in his birthday suit.  
She got fascinated at the view of her prey, so tender, so innocent, which made him even more adorable. Fresh meat to devour. However she weren’t going to wolf him down nor drink his blood; she wanted something else from him. She brought his forearms above the head. Then stretched the legs and separated the ankles from each other, so that he adopted the form of an X on the bed. She stroked lovingly his head trying not to ruin the cute bun on his hair.
For some odd reason, the witch got devotedly mesmerized with the feet of her victim. Fabian’s were lean just like his frame, about size 10, they had a wonderful narrow shape, milky arches with crisscrossed patterns tending to wrinkle when the feet scrunch; the toes were lanky and knuckly with very tender gaps between them. The toe tips, ball of the feet and heels were silky smooth and deliciously pink. The toenails were clean and trimmed. Unlike most of bikers and skaters’ feet, Fabian’s were unusually soft; his soles were unblemished and free of calluses, obviously because of comfy sneakers and lots of boy foot sweat acting as natural lotion. Such feet couldn’t have been born except to be tickled.  
The witch gently slid one finger by Fabian’s sole from toes to heel. This foot immediately twitched and, interestingly, the other foot also shook in a sort of sympathetic reaction. He burped a childish giggle in his unconsciousness. It was really funny to see the way Fabian wiggled his long toes.
She now scratched the other sole, his giggles got clear but he stayed out-of-the-world with a big smile in his cute-boy face. His lanky toes looked like crazy worms as the witch dragged her nails in between them and the length of his super tender soles. She pricked his rosy heels with her sharp nails and reflexively the toes fanned out very wide so that she could see how long this boy’s toes really were. She rested her nose over them and inhaled deeply: a pungent smell of restless, sweaty feet filled her nostrils. Then she licked those toes and soles lavishly to taste their flavor.
By ancient experience the witch knew that there is a secret link between the feet and the genitals in the man body, so when his soles and toes are meticulously tickled, the nervous overload may tend to be unleashed through powerful orgasms. And since such natural reaction was having effect on the healthy young Fabian, the witch knew what’s going to happen to him as soon as she noticed his cock getting stiffen till resemble a raging missile ready to shoot.
She kept gliding his nails along his soles and in between his toes: now his testicles began to jump inside the scrotum. The witch stayed tickling Fabian’s feet and he stayed giggling silly like a baby. His breathing got a characteristic pace; his lips trembled and his face was contorted. His nipples got hard and his mouth opened in a strange grimace. Within few minutes, the slit of his swollen penis opened wide and started releasing semen, creamy and abundant that went by his chest like a river and poured down by a side to the sheet. None of his previous wet dreams had been so thrilling and breathtaking…
The witch licked avidly the semen splattered all over the lad’s chest.    
A high-spirited music came from a pocket of his discarded pants. Guiding by the loud sound the monster caught Fabian’s phone in her creepy hands. It was Samantha, wanting to know if the mission was accomplished. There were some messages about their private meeting tonight. The monster showed her teeth in a horrific smile and left the phone on the clothes.  
Still deep in his unconsciousness, Fabian didn’t feel how the sheets took the shape of hands and grasped his wrists and ankles.
Sometime later the lad gave sings of waking up. He found himself in an unfamiliar bedroom.
-Where am I…?
The sun beams going inside through broken windows, lighting up a room long time unused made him realized that he was still in “Madison House”. He tried to stand, but he couldn’t move his arms.
-What the hell…? Why I can’t move…??
Fabian tossed his head and looked around. He tried to get free, but to no avail; his wrists and ankles were held in place by robust knots formed by the sheets, so he noticed that he was stark naked.
-HOLY SHIT…! -he gasped, reluctant to believe. Who had stripped him off? He fought to pull out of those knots, again without success. He recognized that those weren’t knots, but looked like… hands! Some more hands rose from the sheets and grabbed around his elbows, knees and waist. His heart was racing at top speed now.
-I see you’re awake my little sweetie –said a female voice.  
The hairs on his neck stood on end as a chill went through his spine.
-Wh-who a-are you? –his terrified wide eyes were searching everywhere.  
-I’m Sybil, the witch... and this is my home… -the voice said.
A dark fog emerged from the shadows, taking a woman form. The figure floated on top of the bed and brought her face close to the lad’s. Fabian was going to die; he closed his eyes and just stayed there, froze.
She smiled and started running her fingers all over his torso.
-No-ha…no…nohahaha…hahaha…ohho…noohonono… itti… it titickles-sss… ohh-hohohononoo… I WANNA GO HOME! HELP ME!!! AAAWWHHHH!!!
He unleashed a sudden piercing scream when his armpits were attacked. Anguished laughter echoed through the bedroom as her hands rubbed and danced over the soft skin of his armpits. No matter how strong he pulled on his arms and legs, the sheets held them tight.
His screams turned overwhelming panic when he saw another two identical women joining to the torment and offered their wicked fingers to “caress” his defenseless body. Now his torso, sides and belly were purposely tickled. He answered with a burst of hearty boyish laughter gusted out of his wide open mouth. The ladies smiled as if they were listening music.  
Fabian had been ticklish his whole childhood; his mom and others close relatives played tickling with him when he was younger, he’d always could endure it quite well and even loved being tickled. Nonetheless, what he was feeling under the witches’ clutches right now was BEYOND all he’d felt before. It’s as if the witches were touching directly his nerve-endings with some kind of electric source and it was getting worse with each touch.
Every part of his willowy flesh released a different tone of laughter when it’s stroked. At the time there was four women working on him; two at his armpits, neck and face; the others two were tickling his sides, chest and stomach, so devotedly, so tenaciously that they all seemed to perform a concert, playing their instruments with perfect skill and he was the singer, doing the only thing he could do: laugh, laugh and laugh as strong as he could to at least alleviate a bit the increasing torment he was undergoing.
The unlucky teen didn’t know why all that cruelty was thrown upon him. He only knew that all this torment was consuming his strength and he was about to lose his mind. But, poor thing, those monsters didn’t know pity and they weren’t going to free him soon. And since no one knew he was there, no help was on the way for him.
Then all of a sudden, ten hands, fifty evil fingers assaulted the young flesh in unison. A lady was now gliding her lips over his face and neck while another slid her tongue over his chest and stomach and a third one relished herself licking his left armpit. The others two ladies added her tongues to the right armpit. The feelings got now a never-reached level of excruciating intensity. Those tongues had something unnatural that engulfed his nerves in a hell of sensations, totally incomprehensible for the human flesh. Sort of nerve-eating waves swept his nervous system, bringing him to the edge of collapse.  
Fabian was in absolute hysterics. One thing is that he felt agonizingly ticklish, but now, in this place, incapable of escape and stark naked, every single touch of those vicious creatures sent him into paroxysms of helpless laughter and involuntary spasms which menaced to dislodge his thin body and drive him to insanity or worst: his death.
Without notice Fabian felt the ominous torture was subsiding. When it finally stopped, he thanked God amid panting and coughing. He was too terrified and confused that he couldn’t form a coherent thought in his mind. However he felt as if he’s going to sleep for a whole month, but “the calm” lasted only a moment.
With his face and eyes bathed in sweat and tears he made out that the witches had retreated to his lower legs. He gasped and heaved, fearing the next target. He was painfully right: two witches crouched at the end of the bed and started to lick the soles of his feet like cats lapping a bowl of milk. Fabian felt as if waves of electric current were running through his young body: he began to convulse and howl in complete madness.
The witch had an accurate knowledge about the male body, so she focused her malice right here. Fabian writhed and squirmed hopelessly, the tongues kept licking at the exposed bottoms of his feet, between his wiggling toes, up the arches, making him laugh helplessly and beg for stopping! No stop. No lessen. No mercy. All he could do was receive, endure and laugh his head off as if it was the end of the world. His wide open mouth dribbling, his lungs burning for air, his riotous guffaws echoing within the enormous house just like a banshee in hell. 
-The pink of your soles… oh the pink of your soles…
The witches made a leg-lock around his calves and held his toes back to make the soles stretched and taut. Then they devoted to scratch their fingernails the length of that super tender skin. Those evil nails travelled along his helpless soles with greed, not making any harm, just sliding gently over the delicate skin. Fabian bucked and pulled with all his youth might. Her fingers scratched the lad’s naked soles harder and faster as if her earthly presence totally depended on it.
The witches in his chest used her tongue to tickle his nipples with abandon. And with abandon the laughter poured out of him in response. Another lady came to deal with his groin and thighs. She slid her feathery fingers randomly around his penis and testicles. Thanks to the tight sheets he had little room to thrash around, so his exposed hips and sides received the whole treatment for long long time. Another lady twirled a finger into his navel. He tilted his head back and laughed without control. Meanwhile, she used her other hand to scribble down his belly: his flat stomach started bouncing like a jelly in an earthquake.
Meanwhile his teen cock was again ready to shoot his load.
The witch got oh so wicked! His whole body was shaking and his feet twitched wildly due to the way those fingernails and tongues treated his soles and toes. It was enough to drive him beyond madness. He was swimming in sweat, convulsing and braying with laughter. Every now and then his armpits were also tormented as well as his sides, ribs and belly.
On and on the foot-tickling continued, Fabian could only thrash his head about as he was tickle tortured with the cruelty that only displays the creatures from hell. On the screen of his phone was shown the picture of a naughty Samantha smiling to the camera. If she just could hear his desperate gales of laughter…
The witch relished nibbling and munching his super ticklish soles.
Minutes later, he came again. The foot-tickling never stopped.
Sometime later, he came again, but the tickling torture went on…
Outside the magnificent old building, the silence reigned peacefully, like in some bucolic portrait of a charming town. A sign half hidden amid the overgrown grass on the railings says:
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sayonera · 5 years
The hanged man (Julian Devorak x genderneutral Apprentice lemon)
Heya! I joined the Arcana fandom maybe a month ago and I am already completely in love with all the characters, especially a certain doctor. And so I decided to write a short story for my very dear friend who is just as hoplessly in love with him as I am, as totally platonic, 100% no homo friends who love each other to the end of the world do. She encouraged me to publish it and so did another amazing friend (who’s opinion I value as she is probably the most talented writer on Tumblr) so here we are!
Warnings: explicit content, dom! apprentice and sub! Julian, light bondage (tied hands and blindfold), assplay (no penetration), semen eating, mild language and humiliation
Hope you enjoy!
He was such a pretty sight to see like that... to be fair, he always was, but there was something so intriguing about him in this position. It was worth all the trouble you went through to get the rope around that roof beam and around his wrists, all while they were up so far in the air he almost had to stand on his toes.
You put the chair to the side and admired him some more. He twisted his head to follow the sound of the wooden legs scratching against the stone floor and your feet taping through the carpet he was standing on in an attempt to locate you, the blindfold moving slightly as he furrowed his brows in concentration. Just then a lopsided smile appeared on his lips. "You know, I appreciate this game, I really do, but you could at least light up the fireplace. It is a bit chilly in here"
He winced at the hard strike of your hand on his naked asscheek, all the touch you would give him for a while for being so rude, you decided. Redness already started to spread on his cheeks, creeping up to his ears. He always was so easy to fluster. "I am sorry, miss. I promise to be nicer"
You sighed, trying hard to sound more annoyed with him than you actually were before conjuring a little magic, setting the firewood aflame. You saw him smile from the corner of your eye. Cheeky. That would have consequences.
For now you decided to walk around him, close enough for accidental touch, but you didn't let any happen, taking in his lean form instead. He really was unfairly handsome and you loved every part of his body, even the light scars everywhere. His slim muscles on his abs, his pale white skin, the bags under his eyes that had gone back a bit since you shared a bed and made him sleep more. Your hand reached up to the arm next to his face and slowly drew a line, down over his to his pit and to the his ribs, earning you a small gasps.
Your mind raced with what to do with him, now that he was at your full disposal. You didn't have to do much to be fair, one glance told you that he was already starting to react to the situation. But you had a few ideas, nevertheless. You decided to get him unbearably aroused before starting to properly tease him. It was always so much fun to have him on the edge for way too long to bare.
So you leaned up, pressing a few kisses to his chest and up to his neck which he acknowledged with a sigh... and your hands wandered to his ass. "Spread your legs more, my little pet" He immediately followed through, impatiently wanting to see what you were going to do with him. Though he would take anything, really... so needy. So perfect. You started to massage his butt, lightly at first, barely any more than your fingertips and or nails gracing his skin. You could hear his breathing get louder, ever so slightly, with a few happy sighs in-between as he relished your soft touch. The next hard slap on the same spot as earlier took him by surprise, his hips jerking away and against you. You walked around him immediately, not wanting to present any more friction to him, instead pressing kisses to his shoulderblades while hitting him again, the other side this time. You started a mix of teasing touches and hard hits, all while still pressing kisses and light bites against his skin. After a some time you raised one of your hands up around him and up to his face, fingers tracing his chest and neck first, while the other continued to knead his asscheeks. He quickly welcomed your fingers inside his mouth, lips drawing them in and tongue greeting them with a soft tap.
You scissored his tongue and allowed him to lap against them, which coaxed a little moan from him. You didn't think that you had ever met any men before who would get off on that, but you had known for a while now that Julian was special and you loved him for that. You pulled your fingers away with a plopping sound and let them draw down his body again, spreading spit over his throat, chest, pinching his nipple and then going to his backside. You used your other hand to push his asscheeks apart a bit.
It was like a coin fell in his head, a fire glowing up in his brain. He gasped for air. "My, I must say my dear, it is always fascinating to see you in these situations... well, to experience you, rather. Not that you aren't always fascinating, it is just that you always find the most peculiar ways to-" the shake in his voice gave away how excited he was by this and so was the loud, shameless moan that broke from him when you pressed your fingers against his entrance.
You weren't going to penetrate him, at least not today. That was something for another adventure. But you had noticed before how incredibly sensitive the doctor was about anything with his ass and especially the tiny, tight ring of muscles leading inside. So you pushed against them even more, feeling it widen a bit under your grasp and heard him hiss while your other hand kept drawing lines. You looked up and saw that he had craned his head back, the tips of his ears and what you saw of his cheeks almost as red as his locks. The mixture of pleasure and pain you had admitted to him obviously reached the desired effect. He mumbled something you couldn't understand and you played with the idea of making him repeat it, but decided to instead let go off him without another word.
His head fell forward and he whined like a dog that just had gotten kicked. "No, why... please, continue, I was so-" You grinned and interrupted his whispered plea. "Cumming from just having your ass played with? My, what a dirty little thing I found myself on the street" You walked around him, seeing with pleasure that he was almost fully erect by now. "Actually, you found me in your shop" Another slap followed, against his thigh this time, and he bit down on his lower lip. "Sorry" You smiled dangerously and though there was no way he could see it you knew that he knew as he tensed up. "Sorry won't cut it, pretty boy" "Please forgive me, miss. I'll keep quiet for you, I'll behave, I promise" You ignored his sweet words - though you definitely loved each one of them - as you went down your knees in front of him and pushed his legs apart even more. By now he really had to stand on his toes and a quick look up showed you that he had took hold of the ropes to steady himself. Clever boy. It wouldn't help him for long though.
You didn't hesitate for long either, just letting your fingers draw on his thighs for a while, ignoring the place where he wanted you the most. But you got impatient yourself, so instead you quickly leaned closer and dug your teeth in the soft skin on the inside of his leg. Julian howled and you could feel him shake against you, both from exhaustion and pain. You probably should tell him to be quiet, but honestly, your neighbours had heard too much as it was anyway and you loved these sounds coming from him. So instead you placed another bite mark just next to the first one, earning a somewhat quieter but just as earnest reaction. You continued this on both legs, sometimes changing to some feather-light kisses or for placing a hickey very, very close to his pelvis. All the while you bowed your head in whatever way was needed to make sure to touch any of his genitals. You didn't have to, you felt a drop or two of precum fall onto your back anyway during a particularly rough bite that drew out a tiny bit of blood on a rather sensitive spot. One of your hands came up to play with his ass again and soon you felt him shake so much against you that you almost showed mercy, afraid that he would fall over and hurt himself. But he would fall into the rope, so you decided that it was fine.
"Please.... oh godess, please, my love, I am not fine. I can't, please" You bit him again. And again. Only when almost each breath of his turned either into a desperate noise or a desperate plead did you decide to show mercy. You placed a last hickey before sliding back and up, coming to stand next to him. Fuck, he looked even better like that. Fully flushing, shaking, skin hot and glistering with sweat. You almost wanted to try out and see how much farther you could get him but a look at his erection told you that it probably wasn't much. He had came before without a single touch and today you wanted to treat him a bit.
"You are doing so wonderful, pet. So close already... and you are looking so handsome for me. So exited" Your fingers slowly wrapped around his aching cock, barely heavier than the touch of a feather. His hip trusted forward and you clicked with your tongue disapprovingly, pulling your hand back. "Maybe I was wrong" You could sense that he was holding back a frustrated scream at that. But he quickly caught himself and returned to pleading and promising. You showed yourself kind, grabbing him again. This time he held perfectly still aside from his legs and hips shaking from exhaustion, standing on his tip toes for that long took everything from him. You moved your hand slowly, dreadfully slowly, still barely gracing his hot erection. You knew that if you did anything more, he would come immediately, you knew the signs of his body too well. The way he was holding his head, trying to lean against you, close to you, his mouth slightly agape. His hands twitching up in their restriction, his abdomen heaving during his desperate fight for air.
You suddenly quickened the pace and he cried out. "Damn it, I-" it turned into a whine as his orgasm built up way too quickly... and into a heartbreaking sob as you instead clenched your hand tightly around his dick, at the very base of it. So tight it had to hurt him, so tight that he could definitely not cum. Your other hand started to fondle his balls as your smiling lips pressed kisses against his chest.
"Have I ever told you how adorable you are?" "Please" "I am the luckiest person alive for finding you" "Please" "And I enjoy every moment with you, Jules. Even the once where you are a total idiot" "Bloody hell… please let me cum already, I am begging you"
You let go of his balls and instead started to jerk him off as much as the hand still holding him so tight allowed.
"I love you. For being an amazing person in my life and also for being so incredibly fuckable" "If you don't let me finish right now I am going to die" "Oh, we wouldn't want that, would we now?"
Your finger slid over his slit, slightly pushing into it. He actually started crying, a few single tears staining the blindfold, you could see the fabric soak it up.
"No" "Besides, you always look so cute when you do cum" "Please" "Alright then, it is settled"
"Ple-" he stopped himself with a loud shout as you let go off him. You jerked him off in a fast and hard pace. Not that that was needed as his orgasm washed over him the second you released your hellish tight grip. But the added stimulation sent him reeling, as he sobbed and cried throughout the orgasm from completely losing it all, his body shaking and bucking against you. He came all over your hand, himself and the fabric you had put out before him in advance. Well, mostly. You might had to buy a new carpet before Asra came home from his latest journey.
You allowed him to calm down a bit before getting the chair again and untying him. He almost fell over as he had hung in the rope already, grabbing the back part of the stool and leaning against it just in time. With the assist he slowly sank down to his knees. You climbed again and sat on the chair, which prompted him to put his head on your lap. You invited this, grabbing his hair with one hand, pulling the locks slightly and massaging the scalp, holding the other hand to his lips again. He didn't need any order, starting to lick you clean on his own, knowing that you enjoyed this view. You also decided to pull the blindfold of his eyes, so you could fully admire his expression after this interaction. After a minute or two he looked up at you, his grey and red eyes still hazy and needy. After all this? Godess, you really loved this man.
"I can still keep going. Please, let me... let me make you feel good, miss. I will be good " You contemplated this for a moment or two. He looked very exhausted and you knew that he tended to overdo it, not taking care of his body and it’s limits. But a certain hotfeeling between your legs fought against these rational thoughts and after all you could take some of the work away from him, couldn’t you? You pulled his hair back a bit stronger than before, loving the noise tumbling from his lips. "On the bed, Julian, on your back. I am afraid you'll have to prove me how willing you truly are to make me satisfied by getting me off a few times. If you manage well and if you are a good boy, I might even fuck you" This made his eyes sparkle. He loved it when you were riding his face and you both knew. He got up quickly, muttering a "yes miss" and almost ran to your room, his shaking legs forgotten. You chuckled and followed, grabbing a carafe of water first, you both would need to stay hydrated. This was just the start of a very nice, long night.
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drarryruinedme7 · 5 years
Don't air your dirty laundry in public
This is completely wild @rockmarina 😂I wrote it for you, inspired by real-life event (?? ahahah I hope you’ll like it! ❤️
Betad by amazing @keyflight790 !!! ❤️
Rating: Explicit | Word count: 1.8K | Tags: Domestic Drarry, Draco Malfoy is Clueless about Muggle Things, a lil bit of angsty feelings flavoured with smut and fluffiness | READ IT ON AO3.
Harry went back home to a unique sight.
Draco Malfoy was crouched in front of a… was that a washing machine?
Harry sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, sliding his glasses up his head, in the mess of his hair. He exhaled slowly. “Dray, love, what exactly are you doing?”
Draco replied without moving his eyes from the porthole of the washing machine. “I…don’t know. This seems evil to me.”
Harry drew in a breath and closed his eyes. Not again.
“Draco, we’ve discussed this. Muggle things are not evil, they work through electricity and–”
“I know! I know! You’ve told me many times and I’ve bought possibly every single electronic Muggle device by now. Enough to know how they work. It’s just…” Draco pushed the ON button and the washing machine started vibrating, the basket rotating.
He resumed. “I’ve lost the last two hours trying to understand how this works. It seems harder than other devices.” He clutched the information leaflet in his hands, knuckles turning white.
Harry reached him and crouched down. Draco still didn’t move his eyes from the porthole. Harry raised a hand and slowly tucked a strand of blond hair behind his ear. He lingered a moment on his earlobe, stroking it lightly.
“Dray, I’m proud of you. It’s not easy to understand how these things work if you never grew up with them.”
Two tears broke free from Draco’s lashes to fall down his cheeks. His voice came out broken. “You shouldn’t be p-proud of me. I’m – I’m only doing this to ease my feeling of guilt. I c-can’t understand, Harry.” He angrily wiped the tears with the back of his hand.
Harry placed a kiss on his temple. “What can’t you understand, love?”
“Why! Why my parents hated M-Muggles so much! I – I was an idiot! And believed everything they told me. I was convinced, Harry, I was so convinced Muggles deserved to be hated! Because I couldn’t understand a fucking thing about their world.” Draco’s eyes snapped now towards Harry’s, bloodshot and shiny.
Harry smiled. “Is this why our house is packed with Muggle devices lately? Do you want to understand them?”
Draco blushed a delicate rose and bit his bottom lip. “Y-yes? Am I crazy, Harry?”
Harry snorted and pulled Draco close, claiming his lips in a sweet kiss. “Merlin, you’re the craziest, Dray. But still, I love you and I think it’s cute you want to understand them. Don’t be harsh with yourself, you’ve made some mistakes, but you’ve changed now.”
Draco looked crossed at Harry and pouted. “Hey, you’re supposed to say things like, No honey you’re not crazy.”
Harry brought the back of his right hand in front of Draco’s face. “But I can’t lie, honey. You see, it’s written right here.”
Draco batted off Harry’s hand, rolling his eyes. “Always a show-off. How can you love me, Harry?”
Harry stood up, bringing Draco with him. He didn’t know how to answer to that, so he silently brought him in their bedroom, positioned him on their bed and started wandering through their stuff.
He took out a photo album, a shirt, two identical jumpers, one with a D, the other with an H, a snitch. He placed them on the bed, next to Draco and started talking. “Dray, I love you because you always care for me, you are affectionate and sweet, you remember every anniversary, every birthday, everything I say. The day after I told you I liked this shirt, you bought it for me. It wasn’t even a special occasion. You just did it and you do it all the time.”
Harry sat next to Draco and took the photo album. He opened it, searching for… “Ah! Here! It was Teddy’s birthday and he was so upset because he had a fight with his best friend and didn’t want to celebrate anymore. You just went to pick his friend up at his house and took the two of them to a day trip in the woods. You built a wooden playhouse that day and Teddy was so happy, he kept saying he was the luckiest kid in the world, having an uncle like you. And you know what I thought? That the truly lucky one was me, having you as a husband. You look stunning in this pic with them, the sun makes your hair shine.”
Draco smiled fondly at the memory, brushing his fingers on the pic. “I do look stunning.”
Harry winked and then pointed to the jumpers. Draco giggled and closed his eyes, whispering, “Oh no, please.”
Harry laughed and with a jump, he reached for Draco and put the jumper on top of his head. “Oh yes, please! You hate this jumper, but still, every Christmas you wear it to make Molly happy and I know you do it for me too. You are the cutest with it.”
Draco came out of the head hole with his hair tousled and a frown on his face. “I’m not cute!”
Harry raised an eyebrow and grabbed the snitch. He threw it at Draco, who caught it easily. He was a Seeker, after all. “Objection, Your Honor! The snitch is our last smoking gun!”
Draco rolled his eyes but couldn’t help laughing. “You’re an idiot, Potter.”
Harry’s cheeks burnt and he felt his blood rushing instantly to his cock. His throat was suddenly dry. “D-Draco – c’mon, you know that – don’t call me that! It’s not the right moment.” He scooped a hand in his pants and readjusted his stiffening cock. After all these years, Draco’s tone when he said “Potter” could still drive him totally crazy.
Draco smirked and he brushed his lips over Harry’s neck. He purred, “It’s always the right moment, Potter.”
Harry closed his eyes and his hands flew to Draco’s head, clutching his hair. Draco pushed him down into the mattress and Harry opened his legs, to make room for him between them. He rocked his hips and hissed at the sensation: Draco was already hard as much as himself. He trailed his fingers through Draco’s hair, kissing his chin.
“At least, make me finish.” His voice was low and husky.
Grinding against Harry, Draco replied, “I’ll give you five minutes.” He licked Harry’s ear and then trailed down, nudging the soft spot under his earlobe, kissing Harry’s collarbone, grazing his fingers on Harry’s sides.
Harry’s breath hitched and he slipped his hands under Draco’s jumper, stroking his back. “This is unfair. I’ll never be able to concentrate like this.”
Draco lifted Harry’s jersey and placed a wet, open-mouthed kiss on his left hip-bone. He breathed, “Three minutes.”
That sent shivers running through Harry’s body, but he managed to swallow around the lump in his throat to answer, “Okay, okay, so. That day, four years ago. That day we played one of our Seeker-to-Seeker games and you won. All three sets. And I was so upset because I’m not used to losing three times in a row. You see, I’m silly too. And, aaah, fuck, damn Draco, aaah, let me finish.”
Draco had unbuttoned his trousers and was leaving hot kisses all along Harry’s shaft through the fabric of his pants. It was arousing. It was distracting.
Draco flicked his eyes up. “One minute, Potter.” He grasped Harry’s waistband and freed his cock that popped out, red and leaking. Draco licked his lips and brushed them on the tip of Harry’s cock, moaning and kissing off the wetness gathered there.
Harry gasped and searched for his last strand of self-control. “Damn, Malfoy. That d-day, when we went back home, you gave me the snitch you f-fucking won, telling me you didn’t need it because…because…”
Draco was now sucking gently Harry’s balls. He gave one last lick. Looked up. “Because I already won the most important thing in my life. Your love. And then I asked you to marry me.” He smiled, that warm smile that made dimples appear in his cheeks and his eyes crinkle with joy.
Harry smiled back. “Told you, you’re the cutest shit. Now, care to take my cock in your mouth?”
Draco raised an eyebrow, but grinned. “If you ask like that…”
He finally slid the tip of Harry’s cock inside his mouth and Harry groaned, a low guttural sound coming straight from his groin. Draco’s teasing always made him achingly hard and he already felt close.
Draco started bobbing his head up and down on his shaft; two strokes and he angled himself to swallow the entire length until the tip of Harry’s cock hit his throat, and his nose nudged Harry’s groin hairs, gagging a little. He hollowed his cheeks and sucked, coming back up.
Harry’s hand grasped Draco’s hair and pushed his head down again. With a violent shudder, Harry jerked his hips off the mattress, and he coated Draco’s tongue with his hot semen, crying, “Fuck, yes, Dray, yes.”
Draco swallowed around his cock and swirled his tongue around its sensitive head, making Harry’s toes curl and his stomach clench.
“Aah-ah, Dray, umh, stop please.” Harry was half laughing, the tranquillity of the after orgasm sweeping through him.
Draco sighed and sat back on his heels, pouting. “Mmh, but I want more. I could blow you for eternity, you know. You taste so sweet.”
Harry propped up on his elbows, a cheeky smile on his lips, eyelids half-closed. He was about to reply when they heard a loud bang coming from the bathroom.
Alarmed, they ran to it, to find a disaster. The porthole of the washing machine was wide open, water mixed with detergent spilled everywhere, an indefinite mass falling down from it, soaking in the mess on the floor.
Harry quickly tucked his cock in his trousers and looked sideways at Draco. “If you ruined one of my jumpers, I swear – ”
“Ah, is this for clothes?” Draco was scratching the back of his neck. “I thought… it is a washing machine and I washed… I thought it could wash everything, you know.”
Harry narrowed his eyes at him. “What did you put in it, Draco?”
He reached the bathroom and crouched to see scattered wooden pieces all over, sponges half destroyed, something that were probably leather gloves completely ruined. Cold sweats formed on Harry’s forehead. “Draco, did you put our broomsticks and our polishing kits in the washing machine?” He turned, glaring at him.
Draco stuttered. “I – um, I could have shrunk our broomsticks and put them to wash with our polishing kits. I m-mean, erm, the kit is for cleaning but, but then, who clean the polishing kit? So, I…”
Harry had thought he would be angry by now, but he could only laugh, tears at his eyes. “You’re amazingly idiot, Dray. How could you think detergent would be good with leather gloves or wood, I don’t know. You’re a special kind.”
Draco blushed deeply, muttering, “You’re not angry with me?”
Harry got up and hugged him tight, soothing him. “I would never. You’re trying, that’s what matters. I love you, Draco.”
Draco looked into his eyes and kissed Harry. “I love you too, Harry.”
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g-r-e-y-eyes · 6 years
Day 13: I want all of you | Issac Newton
★ Ikemen Vampire Fanfic ★ Issac Newton X OC Note: NSFW  Prompt List 
I eyed Napoleon as he snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him. My fists turned white as I clenched them. I sipped on my dom pérignon. This was only my first glass and yet I was drunk with jealousy. It tasted like blood. My fingers brushed my lower lip and I looked at the crimson that stained my finger tips. I hadn’t realised that I was biting my lips this hard.
He pressed his lips to her ear, whispering and she giggled. I felt fury flare within me. My fangs elongate and I felt my venom on my tongue. What the fuck did Napoleon think he was doing?
My feet started moving before I could register it. I felt a strong arm grab my shoulder. I turned, snarling. Arthur withdrew his hand from my shoulder as quickly as he had grabbed it.
“Issac. Don’t.”
I glared at him.
“Look!” I was livid. “How do you expect me to calm down in a situation like this?”
Arthur looked over my shoulder and broke into a chuckle.
“Arthur,” I warned.
“Issac. Calm down. It’s nothing. You know it’s all an act.”
I groaned in exasperation.
“I know it’s all an act but I just can’t...”
Arthur raised an eyebrow, expecting me to continue.
“Nothing,” I say softly.
I patted Arthur on the shoulder.
“I’m going back to my room. Have fun, Arthur.”
Before he could say anything, I exited the ballroom.
I opened the door roughly and slammed it shut. I loosened my tie and unbuttoned my shirt. I fell face first onto the bed and tried to calm the storm in my heart. I turned over, lying on my back. I ran my hand through my hair and her face came into my mind once again. Her, blushing when he had snaked his arm around her waist. Her, giggling as he whispered into her ear. Her, eyes wide and cheeks crimson when I first told her that I loved her. Her, covering her face as I hovered over her naked body during our first night together. Her...
I hear the door knob rattle. I ignore it. Probably Arthur. When I heard a key being inserted in, I sat up promptly. Who the?
“Hey!” I call out as the door unlocked and opened. 
“I want to be alon-” I stop and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Vicki,” I breathed.
She stepped towards me slowly, never taking her eyes off me. I did the same. How could I? She was beautiful in her black, lace night gown. 
When she finally came right in front of me, I looked away.
“Why did you leave the party? The council will be expecting Napoleon’s wife by his side.”
She lifted my chin up to meet her gaze.
“I am nobody’s wife but yours. I saw that my husband was upset and I had to make sure he was okay.”
I looked down with a small smile, hiding my face with my fringe. 
“I only love you, Issac. Nobody else. Don’t you trust me?” There was a hint of sadness in her voice. She sounded hurt.
I looked up immediately and cupped her cheek. I wiped the single tear that had stained her cheek. 
“No, please don’t cry,” I say, pulling her into my arms and on my lap. “I’m sorry, baby. Of course I trust you. I just...”
She leaned into my chest and inhaled shakily. 
“I just couldn’t stand the way he was looking at you and how you seemed to be okay with it. I know you love me but sometimes i’m so afraid of losing you because I’m me and you’re you. You’re perfect.”
She sighed and kissed my chest.
“I’m only perfect because I have you. You make me complete. Can’t you see that? I love you. I love you so much.”
Hearing her say that sent a jolt down my spine. I pressed my nose down into her hair and breathed in her scent. It was intoxicating. I began trailing kisses down her hair to her neck. She moaned softly. I gently lifted her from my lap and placed her down on the bed. 
She stared at me, with her lips parted and her eyes wide, lit with lust. I inhaled sharply. The things she did to me. 
I pulled the lace dress off her shoulders. It stopped just before her cleavage and I frowned.
“This is in the way,” I say, ripping the delicate fabric off her skin, allowing her breasts to spring free. 
She giggled.
“I liked that dress!” She whined.
I pressed my lips to her ear.
“I’ll buy you another one.”
Before she could retort, I crushed my lips to hers, making her gasp. I wrapped my arms around her, willing her to come closer, even closer than she already was. It was never enough. I slowly pulled away, a trail of saliva connecting our now swollen lips. I kneeled on the bed and took off my shirt and pants. Her eyes roamed my entire body, clouded with lust. 
“I’m not going to take this slow. I want it rough. I need this. I need you. I want all of you. Do you understand?” I growled. 
She nodded and I smirked.
My fingers brushed against her core. She was dripping wet. Excellent. I wanted to fuck her right now.
I held my member, positioning it so that the tip was pressed against her entrance. I teased her, rubbing the tip against her core. She moaned and her legs twitched.
“Issac... Please I-”
I didn’t give her a chance to finish before I slammed into her. I gritted my teeth as I felt her tighten around me. Fuck. She yelped in pleasure.
I started moving, pounding into her. She tried to control her mewls of pleasure and I pounded harder.
“No. Don’t hold it in. Let me hear. Let everyone know you’re mine,” I growl, as I pressed my lips to her neck. I traced her neck with my fangs and it sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine. I bit at her neck lightly, ensuring that it wouldn’t hurt her too much. I resisted the urge to suck her blood. 
“I’m close, Issac!” She screamed.
I nodded. I was close too.
“Come for me.” I say, as I pounded harder, faster. Our beads of sweat were mixed together as I pressed my chest against hers. 
When I felt her core constrict, I came undone as did she. My hot semen shot inside her and I had to clutch the sheets. Her orgasm rocked her as hard, her nails digging into my back. I pulled out of her slowly and kissed her forehead. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. I sank my nose down her hair and inhaled. My sweet, sweet wife.
“I love you, Issac. I’ll never pretend to be someone’s wife ever again. Even if it’s for something important.”
I kissed her hair. 
“I love you too.”
My eyes began to droop. The day’s activities had tired me out completely. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I felt her shake my arm.
I opened an eye.
“Do you know why I was giggling at what Napoleon said?”
I suddenly felt very awake and my heart thumped against my chest. Shit. Do I want to know? 
“What did he say?”
She giggled into my chest.
“He said, that once, when you stayed awake all night to write your book, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, you were so tired that when you came down for breakfast, you thought the dining table was your bed. You then stripped down to your underwear and fell asleep like that in front of everyone.”
My eyes widened in shock and I swear I’ve never seen her laugh louder than now. I climbed on top of her and pined her down. 
“I was tired but i’m fully awake now. Who’s fault do you think it is?”
She stuck out her lower lip.
“Napoleon’s?” She said, her lips trembling as she tried to control her laughter. 
I growl and took her lips.
“Your punishment starts now.”
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sweetness47 · 6 years
Fate & co-workers
Pairing Dean x reader
AN: this fills two different challenges. 1. The SPN Kink Bingo challenge @spnkinkbingo ; and 2. The AU challenge @luci-in-trenchcoats
Bingo square filled: Office sex
AU: Boss
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YN worked in a very prestigious law firm, and she was damn good at it. there were three lawyers in total, and she did all the work for all three. Two of them reminded her daily how much they appreciated her hard work, and the third hardly gave her the time of day, unless he needed something from her. There was never a please or thank you, never a smile or a ‘good job’. But the pay was incredible and she had two who liked her work, so she stayed.
It was late one evening, and YN was stuck with last minute work that her boss, Dean, or Mr. Grumpy as she liked to refer to him as, had shoved t her, insisting it get finished tonight. It wasn’t unusual for someone to have last minute stuff, but in this case, she was sure he did on purpose. He had been particularly boorish today, especially to her, and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why.
Everyone else had long since left when she completed the work, well everyone except for ‘Grumpy’. She decided to be her usual cheerful self as she knocked on his office door to deliver the goods.
“What?” came his deep voice.
She cautiously opened the door. “Mr. Winchester? I have all the files done. Where would you like me to put them?”
Grumpy pointed to a corner of his desk. She placed the folders in a neat pile and stepped back. “Will there be anything else sir?” She asked. That was apparently the wrong question.
Dean looked up slowly, or more specifically looked at YN’s curves slowly. His mouth watered as it turned to a grin, a dark grin filled with dark promise. YN took a step back.
“Close the door YN, then take off your clothes.”
She swallowed hard. “What?” she faltered.
“You heard me. Close the door. NOW! Then remove your clothes.”
YN scrambled for the exit but he was faster. Strong arms reeled her in, then her worst fears were realized as he began tearing at her blouse. Buttons flew everywhere. She struggled and screamed till he stuffed a handkerchief into her mouth. In the struggle, her shoe snapped and she lost her footing. Dean Dragged her to the couch, and threw her down. His hands ripped her thin lace panties and tossed them aside, followed by her bra.
Dean used one hand to free his cock while the other held his victim down. If his receptionist was going tease him with her short skirts and see thru blouses, then he was damn well gonna sample the wares. He reached between them and found her wet. “Hmmmmmmm, so you want this do you?” she shook her head even as her body betrayed her.
Then he began to push his tip inside her, God she was tight! And so wet! Dean lost control then, thrusting hard inside her, hardly registering the barrier that was her virginity. His pace was relentless and to YN’s shock, she was enjoying every single second of the assault! He kissed her then, and she opened up to him, igniting passion she’d only read about. “Harder! Please!” she begged as the first of many orgasms shot through her core, and she screamed his name as she coated his cock with her juices.
As Dean rode through her aftershocks, he found his own release, his hot seed shooting into her womb. As he lay atop his beautiful receptionist, reality came at him like a slap in the face. My God! What had he done? He had just raped his assistant. Quickly, he scrambled off her, noting then the blood staining her inner thighs mixed with semen. Dean had liked YN a lot, but because of work, he had tried desperately to ignore his feelings. And now his chances of her seeing him as anything but a monster were destroyed by one simple horrendous moment of weakness. He wouldn’t run, he deserved everything he would get, sexual assault conviction, jail time. His career was over.
He scrambled over to his closet where he kept spare clothing in case he worked late, and retrieved a tee and pair of sweats, as well as a towel. Tears stained his handsome face as he walked over to her and placed the fresh items beside her. Then he stepped back. He couldn’t even look at her. “There’s a shower in my private washroom.” He said quietly. “I will stay here till the police come.” Then he whispered, “I’m sorry.”
YN stood up, grabbing the towel and walked up to her boss. “Mr. W…” she paused. Formality protocol was no longer necessary here. “Dean, I’ll admit, the way you started this was a bit on the aggressive side, it’s hard to classify it as anything else. But,” this time she brought his eyes to meet hers, “I have had a major crush on you ever since I started working for you. To be honest, I thought that was the most amazing sex ever, not that I’d had much to compare it to. You didn’t notice, but I did beg for you to thrust harder. I’d actually hoped you would join me in that shower of yours.”
His eyebrows shot up. “You serious? I consistently treat you like shit, rape you, tear your clothing and you still like me?”
YN nodded. “Yeah I still like you. But I have conditions. First, no more ripping my clothing! Second, start treating me nicer during work hours. Third, we move in together, cuz there’s no way I’m missing one single night or morning of sex if it’s all going to be like that!! Oh, and one more thing.” He watched as she walked up to him, grabbed his shirt and pulled it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. “That was retribution for my favorite bra and panty set you ripped.” She smirked as she said the last.
“Really?” he retorted, rather amused.
“Mmm hmm. Now, take off your clothes and join me in that shower Sir.” She purposely emphasized the words.
Dean found himself stripping faster than he’d ever thought possible. He just hit the jackpot, and he’d be damned if he was gonna let it slip away!
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sakura-cheesecake · 7 years
Extra Scene ( Mermaid AU )
How our little Sarada was conceive and how they got married Sasuke’s style !
[ Warning: lemon ]
Sasuke broke the kiss and started to trail his love bites down her neck. She moaned as his cold lips caress her warm skin, it was an odd feeling to feel that made her giggle slightly. His naughty hand went to massage her breast while the other naughty one went down her hips, caressing her skin slowly to tease her.
When his lips reached her hill. He looked to her with his eyes full of lust, the innocent black eyes she was used to see was gone. He was no longer the merboy she found at the Miyazaki shore. He was a man, a merman. Sasuke smirked and eloped her pink peak with his cool month. Licking it, tasting it and kissing it as he intentionally leave a trail of saliva on her.
He went to suck on the other peak as well, he switched his hands and the other one went to message her wet breast, playing with her pinkie point and pulling it. It made her more and more went down below. She had never felt so turned on in her life. 
He gave a ‘pop’ noise as he finished his cherry lollipop. He move on with his wet saliva kiss down her big valley to her little girl. He kissed her belly button before he positioned himself lower to her body. He trail his love kisses along her thighs and kiss the ring of her womanhood before covering it fully, eating it whole. 
“ Oh ” She moaned loudly. Her green eyes were fogged with the sensation the merman was giving her. His cold ice-like tongue was licking her private jewel gently with a notice-able pattern. He was greedily sucking her dry of her sweet juice out, making her wanting to faint on the cave’s floor instantly. 
She felt a tingle feeling in her lower body, she didn’t know what it was as she felt so much pleasure and torture at the same time. It was then she realized what the feeling was as she release her sweet liquor to her lover. He immediately did his duty as he clean her dry. He look up to her seductively, her juice still on his face as he tease her by licking her cum on his nose with his long tongue.
He positioned himself on to her again, this time, kissing her mouth deeply as he let her taste herself. He attacked her when he bit her bottom lip, demanding for entry. She moaned and let him as she couldn’t even think straight. His long tongue snaked inside her, dancing with her tinier tongue, sometimes even tease her by tapping her throat with his oral sword.
When they broke apart, saliva covered their mouths, they patted for air. Sakura was sweating from the heat, her chest huffed up and down from her lover’s kisses. She felt so dazed, so tired already. She wanted to rest but it seems that the marine man had other plans as his long fins brushed against her feet. The same feeling she felt years ago when she first ran after him down into the sea. She jumped slightly, her eyes still close from her resting.
Her eyes are heavy. But she felt his fins brushing against her sensitive feet more and more before moving higher and higher. She felt as if he had his tail wrapped his legs, stroking her bare skin with his scales to revenge her on unknowingly turning him on all those times before. Ever since that day when they had reunited, she would come visit him on the shore with a summer dress, the same way she was dress ten years ago. She would jump into the sea to play with him as if they were still children, riding on his back and stroking his scales for her fun, unknowingly making him hard all the time. ‘ Finally, pay back ’  He smirked. 
It made her felt so hot as she felt the stroking stopped. But the brushing came to her womanhood !
“ Ah ! ” She gasped. Her eyes shoot open to see Sasuke smirking at her closely, his tail was bent to touch her with his large fin. He brushed more and more, faster and harder each time, making her belly twist again before she came for the second time.
“ S-Sasu.. ” Her eyes went to plead him to stop. It was already too much for her. She would die from all this pleasure if he doesn’t stop ! Who knew a fish tail could make a woman cum ?
“ No ”
And that was her answer before she felt him shifted and kiss her lightly yet gentle. He position himself before setting his marine ‘sword’ at her entrance and enter her slowly.
Oh dear lord.
He’s going to kill her !
Before they agreed to this, he told her that mermen’s ‘swords’ are far larger and longer than humans’. She thought that it was just a joke since men she knew like Sai and Naruto would always joke about their little ‘buddy’ being so big as a whale. Even her co-working jokes about it that he made ladies beg for him before, even men ! ( He proudly states that his was the biggest in the hospital. What a pervert and shameful doctor he is. She wanted to roll her eyes)
She thought that Sasuke had the same humor. But no, her fish man was telling the dead truth. He told her that his was slightly below average, and that his brother’s ,Itachi’s , was way larger than his. ‘ Is this something mermaids look for in mermen?! ’ She wanted to cry out that it was too much !
He was so big. Only half of his oh-so-proud-sword was inside her yet she already felt so full. It was ripping her virgin shield apart, it hurt like hell. He started to push in deeper making her moaned louder and felt tears on her eyes. It was so painful, her jewel felt so stretched, tearing apart. When he got all the way inside her, she thought that she would faint. She felt her blood running down her butt cheeks, slowly making the stone floor of cave cave crimson. Some of her virgin blood made it into the sand and dyed it pinkish red before getting caught on her lover’s long scale a bit. 
All she could see was white. White was everywhere. She couldn’t even see Sasuke’s face which is now hovering her with his eyes full of lust and concern.
“ A little more ” He whispered with a gentle smile on his face before kissing her lips softly. His lips were no longer cold, it was warm now with love for her in it. She eagerly kiss him back with her arms locking his neck before going to mess his hair. She didn’t want to claw his back red. 
When the pain all went away, she stopped kissing him. She nodded slightly with her eyes still vice with pain, before exhaling her moans. “ S-Sasuke-Kun ” She moaned. It made him even more hard for her.
He started to rock his sword, swinging back and forth with perfect marks as he had hit all of her good spots. “ Oh dear lord ” She moaned, her legs went to push him even deeper inside of her before resting them on his tail. His scales scratch against her sensitive leg skin, leaving faint scratch marks on her fair legs.
Sasuke thrust in and out, quickening his pace as his climax is near. They were close, they both knew it. Her inner walls were chocking his big fish, it was killing him so much. The fact that the cave echos did not help at all, it made him hear her cry his name more clearly, the sound of their skin hitting each other didn’t help too. ‘ Why must she be so gorgeous ?! ‘
A few more hard push and she came first, he soon followed. Hot seeds shoot into her warm stomach as she came with him, mixing their fluids together as if it was a love vow. 
He was still shooting out his semen when she collapsed. He stayed inside her for a while before pulling out and hugging her on the floor. Both were breathing hard under the hotness of their first time together. His usual cool skin was now warm, a little bit too warm for his usual temperature but he assured her that it was fine but his breathing was hard.
“ That was my first ” Sasuke confessed. Sakura shoot him a ‘wtf’ look as her breathing became more stable. 
“ Really? ” She asked. But he was so professional ! “ Is it a merman thing or a Sasuke thing? ” 
“ A merman thing. ” He said with a proud smirk. His skin got cooler now that the hotness in his body had fade away. Slowly, he push himself off the hard cave’s floor and into the sea water to cool himself. “ Come ” 
“ What? ” Sakura gave him a blank look. Did he ask her to go naked into the sea? She’s not very sure if that’s a smart idea, knowing that her virgin shield was just broken and getting into the water would not be a bright idea for her. She shook her head. Sasuke pouted. 
“ Please ” He pleaded, holding his hand out to her from the water. She slowly gave in with a sigh and limp to him slowly not to trip on the cave’s bumpy floor. When she put her foot in the water, it was freezing ! 
But Sasuke gave her a look that she can’t ever deny. She gulped and sank both her legs in the water first, sitting on the cave’s floor, before jumping into his arms as she got into the sea. 
He set his long large tail out, making her sit on his scales that were brushing against her naked butt. Sasuke held her tight and chuckled when he noticed that she was shivering and blushing red from his fins. It made her very adorable in his eyes.
“ Hey. Let’s get bonded ” He whispered in her ear. 
“ Bonded? You mean, married? ” She turn to look at him.
“ It means being mates forever ” He answered. She gave him an ‘ o ’ before explaining to him about the human marriage. He nodding as he absorb the new information before asking her again if she wanted to get married with him, merpeople style. ( Sakura rolled her eyes with his humor ) 
“ My clan would mate here first and then tangle themselves in front of the seashells in this cave ” He held her, shifting her small body in his strong arms. His dark bangs covering an eye. “ And we vow ” He finished as he close his eyes and told her to close hers and held her breath. 
They drop into the sea quickly. He left her go and held her hands. She couldn’t see his face right now as she close her eyes. He was singing some tunes she couldn’t make out. It was soothing and urge her to open her eyes to meet with his but cannot as he had asked her not to. 
Sasuke pulled her small body closer until he could see all of her details clearly. Her pink pastel lashes and a shade dark eye brows, her faint freckles and her slightly large forehead. He had fallen for her the moment he had seen her again after she broke her promise. 
At first he was angry but when she told him her reasons, he understood her and loved her again without a single caring if she might have been married to another or not. He missed her. 
And now she was his.
His alone and forever as the kiss they now share bonds them forever as mates or what in Sakura culture would call, ‘ husband and wife ’. 
‘ Thank you for coming back to me ’
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passiontaee · 6 years
[rec:] (m) | 01
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pairing: leaderline x reader
genre: smut
ratings: m 18+
warnings: studio sex, daddy kink, choking, foursome, crying kink, cum play. spanking, light bondage, anal sex
word count:  2,558
summary: it’s not easy dating idols, let alone two. but luckily they’re in the same group. the only problem is one of their group members has his eye on you too and well, three guys one girl? Seungcheol makes your blood boil but yet and still he also seems to know how to make you weak in the knees. and whether you know it ot not, Soonyoung and Jihoon have picked up on this and have arranged something for their baby girl. 
a/n: she’s going to die but that’s okay! here’s your leader line smut b. Also, uhhh don’t try to fit this many dicks in your ass. Or any other orifice.You might rip something important. 
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Polyamorous relationships were pretty difficult. Especially when you’re dating two idols. Well, originally one, but at some point Jihoon had been added to the triangle and thus the love circle was complete. You’d fallen in love with Soonyoung and his delightful personality, sweet smiles, and sinful hips. He’d been your first, and who you’d assumed would be your last, but Jihoon had something you’d enjoyed as well. Enjoyed a bit too much. Soonyoung had seen that and well, after a few trial runs, and now it was safe to say you proudly belonged to two amazing men. What you thought was odd became normalized; dates with two men at the same time, threesomes, and watching the two fuck each other when you were tired or when you weren’t able to have sex—curse that monthly curse. Of course, it wasn’t about just sex. Sex was great with the two yes, but you truly loved them both. And they loved you just as much. 
Seungcheol was a problem. There was just something about him that drove you up the wall. Maybe it was how he’d cling to your boyfriends, or how he’d hover over you. Flashing smiles, fleeting touches, and light presses of his hips against your ass when he reaches for things and insists on going behind you versus sidestepping and going around you. But you can’t deny it—as much as you want to see his pretty little neck wrung between your tan fingers, you would rather have those long fingers wrapped around your neck as he pounds into you. Looming over you with lust in his eyes and his jaw set. You don’t tell Soonyoung and Jihoon about those nights you spend in your own apartment, where you fantasize about Seungcheol even when you’re having phone sex with the other two males. There were a few times Seungcheol almost slipped out when you were having sex with Soonyoung, but of course you always managed to save yourself before it happened. But your boyfriends picked up on how you’d glare at Seungcheol and the other male would smile kittenishly at you, as if he knows that you hate him but wouldn’t mind letting him split you open. Or in half. Ugh. 
“You’re so cute when you try to resist my advances.”
You hear him before you see him, rolling your eyes as he corners you in the kitchen. Yet again. 
“Come on, y/n. One little taste. I’ve had my eyes on you for the longest, and I know you’d enjoy letting me pound that sweet ass,” he hums, hovering yet again. Caging you between his arms as he prevents you from moving, hands on either side of the counter. You start nervously sweating but you don’t look at him because yes, you want that. Instead, you gather your strength and you scoff, pushing at his chest. 
“Back off, I need to get back to my boyfriends,” you insist, making eye contact. He pouts momentarily but relinquishes, instead leaning on the counter beside you, watching you. 
“I’m sure they won’t mind. Besides, you’ve got two. Wouldn’t hurt to add another now would it?” he questions boldly. You look at him as if he’s lost his mind. You want to slap him, but it’s Mingyu who tears you away from grabbing the kitchen knife and castrating the cocky bastard right in the kitchen. Regardless of the fact that Jisoo will positively have a heart attack at the copious amount of blood you know that the male will lose. 
“Hey y/n, Jihoon-hyung wanted me to tell you that he’s tired of waiting and he and Soonyoung-hyung are about to start without you. Whatever that means but it sound nasty so please.” The tan male looks disgusted but you perk, giving Seungcheol a glare as you make your exit, patting Mingyu on the arm as if to thank him for saving you from either murder or bending over and spreading your ass for Seungcheol to take and claim. 
You arrive to find them cuddled up. Well, more like Soonyoung clinging to Jihoon, chin on his shoulder as the shorter male fools around with some sounds on his computer. You grin at the sight, closing the door gently. You wonder if you’re supposed to feel jealousy seeing them together without you, but the copious amount of sex tapes they’d sent you tell you otherwise. You slide on over, kissing them both on the temple and slither over to Jihoon’s other side, sitting beside his computer. You know blocking him from the device would mean you wouldn’t get the sex you want, so you refrain from being a brat. For once. Soonyoung notices you and looks at you with a grin, melting your heart. So cute. 
“Sorry it took me so long,” you hum. Of course, the three of you wanted to fool around. This time in Jihoon’s studio. This is his sacred place, his bubble. So the fact that he’s allowing this is a feat in itself. 
“It’s fine. Let me finish this up really quick. You two can get started and I’ll join in in a second,” he says. You pout, attempting to bat your eyelashes at him, but he ignores you. Soonyoung doesn’t mind this set up and gets up, walking over to your side and immediately slipping between your legs, arms going to wrap around your waist as he plants kisses along your cheek playfully. You giggle softly as his lips move closer to yours, starting off with quick pecks until they turn into slow, deep kisses where his hands move to grip your waist, thumbs digging into your skin beneath the oversized hoodie you’re wearing.He bites gently on your bottom lip, pulling at it and you glance over, seeing Jihoon watching intently. I thought you had work, you think to yourself, but you turn your attention back to Soonyong’s sweet mouth, his tongue slipping into your wet cavern which causes you to mewl, cupping his cheeks and keeping his face close to yours. He presses into you and from your position you can feel the beginnings of an erection, which makes you smirk, pulling away and mouthing at his jaw hotly. He sucks a breath in through his nose, positively aroused, his hands moving to the top button of the hip hugging jeans you’re wearing. 
“I thought I said wear a skirt today,” you hear him pant in your ear, a bit amused judging by his tone. You press a lightly kiss against where his ear and jawbone meet to placate him. 
“It would’ve clashed with Hoonie’s hoodie,” is your reply, Jihoon humming at the affectionate nickname, eyes back on his computer screen. You don’t miss how he adjusts himself in his thin sweats, cheeks a little pink. Of course he’s moderately aroused from watching you and Soonyoung making out so sloppily, and from watching you two feel each other up. Who wouldn’t be? You feel a nip at your cheek and yelp, only to hear laughter coming from Soonyoung shortly after. He enjoys biting; leaving little marks all over your honey colored skin that constantly remind you of who you belong to. It’s been something he’s been fond of doing since even before Jihoon joined you two, but now Jihoon likes to add to the mix his own marks; bruising purple and dark blue. They look so beautiful with your skintone that he sometimes even takes pictures. In both their phones there’s a special album of not safe for work photos they’ve taken of you in various states. 
Tied up and gagged with cum cooling across your breasts and face. 
Ass covered in hand marks from the spanks they give you. 
Bruises around your neck and collarbones from their mouths and possessive hands. 
Really, you three are wild—absolute freaks. Management has tried their hardest to shield these from the fans, but a video of Jihoon spraying your face with semen and rubbing it in with his tip got leaked a few months ago and well, the fans knew how nasty you three were. Not that you particularly care very much. You hum as your jeans are pulled off, warm hands palming your thighs. Soonyoung drops to his knees immediately, your left hand flying to his soft hair. You breathe through your nose shakily as he moves his lips from your knees up up to your inner thighs, pressing wet kisses and light marks from his teeth into your soft skin. You watch fondly, fingers scratching at his scalp. He’s good at giving head —absolutely an animal. Knows how to use his fingers, teeth, and tongue to bring you over the edge again and again, pushing you into overstimulation. There’s something oddly arousing about watching how his eyes darken at the sight of you whining for him to stop, insisting you can’t take anymore when you orgasm once and he keeps at it, force not relenting and speed not slowing. Soonyoung is a bit of a sadist when it comes to pleasing you, but oh is it worth it. 
“Eat our baby out, I’ll be back,” Jihoon says, getting up. He gives you two a fleeting glance, bites his lip, but promptly exists the room. Doesn’t even give Soonyoung a chance to agree or disagree with this, because Jihoon, despite being so small, is in fact the dominant party in your relationship. He’s dominant even when Soonyoung insists on fucking him. Fingering him open messily and getting lube everywhere while you watch and flick your fingers shakily against your clitoris. You’ve gotten off far too many times listening to the little noises Jihoon makes when he’s full of Soonyoung’s cock that it’s ridiculous. Your attention is thwarted when they’re a tongue pressing at your slit through your panties, hands pushing your legs further apart and pulling you closer to the edge of the desk, greedily lapping at the slight amount of fluid caught in the cotton of your underwear from the kiss earlier and Jihoon’s words. You make a noise, pleased, as he moves his head back, hands reaching up to pull the pink material down and off your legs, tossing them into Jihoon’s chair. You blink and he’s up on his feet again, kissing you with a grin. 
“A present,” he whispers, moving his way back down. He reckons the hoodie can stay on a little longer. You look cute in just the hoodie, slightly oversized. Jihoon loves oversized hoodies, and you’re no different, oftentimes stealing his and wearing them in his stead. But you know how cute Jihoon thinks it is when you steal his tops, jackets, and hoodies so he relinquishes and allows you to get away with it. Because his baby is cute and you’re his baby. 
“My panties?” You ask, parting your legs a little more. Soonyoung hums at this, hearing your amusement as he glides his pointer and middle fingers up from your lower lips to the upper, collecting slick as he does so. Lips drawn back in a playful grin as you shudder. 
“Yeah, why not? They’re that cute pink pair we like so much. You look so good in pink, baby. So pretty. Sometimes, I want to throw pink lingerie at you. Make you wear lace panties and lace bras. You looks so pretty in pastels,” he sighs as he slides his slick fingers through your slit again, memorized. “Covered in cum and wearing skimpy lingerie? Imagine how good it’ll look. Jihoon would love that,” he purrs. Your hips buck when he slips both fingers inside of you, humming at the pleasant stretch from the intrusion. He’d be adding his tongue soon, you already knew and were mentally preparing for it. But no matter how many times you’d prepare for that pink muscle to work your walls in the best way, you’d always lose your shit. Always. 
“Soonyoung—” you’re not really sure what you’re begging for, maybe for mercy when he crooks his fingers towards that one spot that has you hunching over, wanting to ride his fingers. Hands gripping the edge of the desk as your noises become a little louder. He positively enjoys this, seeing you come apart from just his fingers alone. He moves in after a bit more of this, scissoring his fingers open so that he can make room for his tongue. But he doesn’t immediately dive in. No, he’s not that kind. He gives your lips wet, open mouthed kisses, smothering your sweet cunt with kisses in adoration and desire. His tongue swipes up some extra fluid that oozes out of your opening, your eyes on him the entire time. It’s almost painful to watch his filthy tongue fondle your little pearl; the tip flicking against it with little remorse. Your cry out, legs shaking. “Soonyoung please,” you can’t handle him teasing, not right now. He moves away with a suckle, grinning up at you. 
“Come on, you can’t cum just yet. Not until our surprise,” he coos at you, but returns his head to your heat, his lips wrapping around your swollen nub and sucking, teeth scraping lightly against the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your lips part and you choke on a sob, hips struggling to remain on the desk but it’s hard when Soonyoung is sucking at your engorged clit and scissoring long finger inside of your canal. The early beginnings of an orgasm start to grab you by the neck until the door swings open and the color drains from your face. 
You can’t even process Jihoon walking in behind him and shutting the door, can’t even feel Soonyoung between your legs. Your eyes meet as he glances down, seeing a blonde head between your legs and smirks at the sight of your useless legs trembling. He licks his lips and suddenly you’re remembering that Soonyoung is between your legs, giving you the best head of your life and you choke, reaching a hand down to tangle in his hair, gripping it and eliciting a growl from his pretty mouth. You’re suddenly all the more aroused by the fact that you two now have an audience—and that Seungcheol solely has his eyes on you. You’re unsure what you’ve done to deserve his attention constantly but it triggers that rubber band inside of you to draw taut and pop, a silent scream causing you to gasp and nearly wheeze, eyes widening and jaw dropping as you orgasm, the man between your legs eagerly lapping up your release. He pulls away, miraculously and strangely, and licks at his glistening lips. You try not to look down at how your cum drips down his chin as well. Knowing you’re weak to that sight. 
“What, what’s he doing here?” you manage once you’re slightly cognitive, by this time Soonyoung hovering over you at his full height, stroking your hair and bringing you back with his lips at your neck, lightly grinding against your leg. Jihoon clears his throat, realizing now’s a good time to explain. 
“Our fourth party,” he states simply, though there’s a knowing smile on his face. You can hear Soonyoung chuckling from his position between your legs, partially, face buried in your neck. You blink at Jihoon, confused. 
“I don’t understand —”
“We’re having a foursome,” Seungcheol blurts out. 
Your soul leaves your body at that moment. 
[ chapter two ]
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(warning: This is vile and disgusting! You have been warned!)
Tags: Necrophilia, blood, murder, sex, serial killer, dismemberment
Words: 1.9k
Let’s do some reminiscing shall we...to my very first kill, my very first special friend Katie. I always remember being different than everyone else growing up. I didn’t “feel” like the other kids did so I cannot tell you what happiness feels like, or what sadness felt like. I just always remember the world being a bit melancholy. I saw the world in shades of grey when everyone else saw the world in super bright colors.
Often retreated into my own little world that was dark and bleak, free of emotion and feelings. It was a cold place. I often heard voices speak to me and at times yell at me even in my earliest recollections. They would wake me up from sleeping and jolt me in the middle of a test in school. I have always heard the voices and when I turned 14 then came that sound. It was like a high speed train traveling on the tracks; a deep hum that reverberated in my brain and would never go away. 
I still hear it now.
That sound over the years got louder and the voices got louder and as I struggled through school I was always getting in trouble. I was fascinated by girls and the voices told me horrible things about them and what I should do to them. When I was 15 I got in trouble multiple times for going into the girls locker room and trying to grope girls changing. It was an urge I couldn’t resist, an itch I couldn’t scratch and I just could not help myself. 
Everyone already thought I was a weirdo so getting girls was never my strong suit when I was younger until I learned to fake being normal. It is funny now, but back then I wish I could have seen myself in other people's eyes because it would have been hilarious to see this already awkward kid trying to fake emotions he had no idea how to feel. I mean what is happiness, what is sadness?
In my high school days I was already thinking about killing. I had visions of blood, torn flesh, and other very macabre dreams that shook me or my very core. They were vivid like they were really happening. I’d wake up in a cold sweat with a furious anger burning deep inside of me. I needed to kill something, I needed to see if the visions of blood and torn flesh would satisfy this anger inside. So I decided to find something I could easily kill.
For years we have had this cat come around our backyard. My mother was very submissive and would befriend it by feeding it. My dad would get so mad and yell at her and beat her for feeding it.  This cat would become my very first kill. Up until now I controlled my urges and allowed the voices to speak without much action, but they were getting more dominant and louder and I devised a plan to get the cat.
I lured it one night with some food, it was the same food my mother had used a few nights ago. The cat came out from behind the fence and glared at me with bright green pulsing eyes as if to say “I don’t trust you.” I motioned for the cat to come and eat. It looked hungry and was so thin you could see ribs. The cat slowly and cautiously made his way closer and closer until it finally was within reach of me. 
I grabbed the cat and quickly sliced her stomach open before the fucking thing could scratch me. Blood spewed everywhere and the insides came spilling out. It was disgusting and smelled awful, but I was in absolute delight. As the blood from the cat covered me I felt warm, at peace and the noise stopped and for a moment the voices stopped. That moment of clarity brought me to the conclusion that I needed to kill things more often, that I needed to satisfy these voices by offering a sacrifice.
A few years had passed and I went from killing that cat to other cats, dogs, birds and smaller animals too. All gave me some relief from the voices, but none of those kills completely satisfied me for long.  That's when I met Katie, sweet Katie. Such a sweet college girl who to be honest was way too naive and trusting. It was her ultimate downfall. I mean here I am killing animals left and right, bathing in blood daily and she comes long and has a crush on me?
So Katie found a particular liking in me, and honest for her it was love at first sight. By then I had already perfected the art of fake it til you make it and was very good at selling the fake personality and charm. I truly never felt love and could not begin to tell you what love feels like, but I knew Katie was special, she had something about her that drew me in.
Katie was a thin, black haired girl who stood about 5’6”, and maybe 110 pounds. She had small breasts, and a modest ass. She had super long and slender legs that barely had any definition. She had an awkward slender frame that was not curvy, but was straight from her shoulders down. She did have a very beautiful face, full lips, and the biggest eyes I have ever seen on a girl. 
Katie and I hung out often, but never really dated as we were just close friends. It seemed the longer we hung out the louder the voices got and they were no longer satisfied by the killing I was still doing. Eventually the noise also returned and I felt like I was going crazy until one night I just could no longer control the chaos. I asked Katie to meet me in a local park in the city one night. It was not too odd of a request as we have hung out well beyond midnight chatting and drinking. 
I devised a plan as I did with hunting animals and planned on drugging her and killing her in an isolated part of the park. I know she can sometimes be a bit awkward and nervous about being in such an isolated part of the park but I know ways to ease that anxiety. I developed a charm and fake personality which is half the reason she continues to hang out with me.
As Katie came closer she said “Is it okay to be this far out? It is so dark out here.” I responded “Yeah, I wanted some extra privacy anyways because I feel like we should take things to the next level.” Katie became excited and her face turned red.
I told her I brought some drinks and hoped we could just chill, talk and have some drinks while we watch the stars. Katie bought into each word I said and as she drank her drink that was spiked I could sense her drifting away. 
“Wow, I am so tired right now. Maybe I should go home.” She said
I replied back “No not right now babe, I haven’t even had a chance to kiss you yet.” 
As I said that her eyes lit up and got big. I started to lean in and saw her eyes quickly roll up into her head and collapse to the grass. I smacked her leg and then her face hard and she did not budge. She was out, and I was ready to silence these voices for good...or so I thought.
I reached into my bag and pulled out a knife. It wasn’t fancy, but just a kitchen knife I took from the dorm room. I stripped her clothes off so I could see the real her in all of her glory. I took the knife and slid it up and down her body circling her nipples and tracing her pussy. I mistakenly left small cuts all over her body. As The cuts happened more and more something came over me and I started to carve her body leaving huge gashes. Blood spewing all over and onto the blades of grass. 
The adrenaline alone was like I just drank 5 red bulls and I had to have her. I rubbed my body on hers and soon we both were covered in blood. It was so erotic and I knew that she was beyond the ability of waking up, I mean she had lost too much blood and these cuts were too deep. A part of me felt bad because I didn’t savor the kill enough, I didn’t get to feel the lfe leave her body but now Katie had a chance to be a special part of me forever. 
I slipped my rock hard cock deep into her cunt and fucked her hard and rough. I didn’t even care there was so much hatred and adrenaline running through me at that moment all I could see was red. I grabbed her hips and pulled her closer as I thrusted deeper and harder; I could feel her still moving slightly trying to fight me but barely making any progress. At one moment as I fucked her bloody cunt raw I felt her body completely go limp and I knew she died. It was that moment I pulled out and exploded all over the grass. There was so much cum mixing with blood it was so euphoric. 
Well that is until reality set in…
I was freaking out, it was my first human kill and I left my damn semen all over the place. I quickly grabbed towels I had in the car and ran back to clean the grassy area as best as I could. I wiped it down and soaked the area with the liquid from the drinks we never drank. To this day I will never figure out how they didn’t find DNA, fingerprints, or anything. I was so sloppy and had no idea what I  was doing. 
I left Katie out there to be found in the morning, but I had to make the newly cleaned area dirty again so I dragged her about a foot or two and proceeded to stab her several times. I stabbed her over and over. There was a rage that came over me and if it wasn’t for them saying it on the news I would never have known how many times I stabbed her. According to the nightly news team on channel 7,  I stabbed Katie 62 times all over her face, torso, genitals, and legs. The scene was gruesome and you couldn’t tell that there was even a clean spot as it was all just blood and pieces of flesh and skin.
I submit Katie as my first victim, but certainly not my last, but I will have to perfect my kills if I am to continue. I cannot be sloppy or I will be put in prison. Not an impossible task, but being a logical thinker I must be diligent and think of all possible outcomes. So be on the lookout for more confessions...
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