#something something silva kept an uneasy peace between the gods with a vast spy network and also the truth that they could die
godseeker-yharim · 4 months
Thinkin' about...dryads... The oldest of Silva's children were trees, more or less. Sapient, but barely animate. Powerful, too--perhaps too much so. They were where many of the first new villages formed in the dawn of the Deific Era, in the settling chaos after such great upheaval: where shelter, and magic, and blessing abounded. Silva did not mind, but she could do better. The next attempts varied wildly in form. Some still took the form of flora, but ambulatory, capable of speech--even if it was in words only their goddess could understand. Some, more animalistic: beasts with bark hide and grassy fur, antlers of thorns sharp upon their brows. Still more took forms similar to Silva's own, and many lived as lords among the mortals who plied for the life goddess's favor. All served their purpose of safeguarding the wild places of the world admirably. But even long, long before the Tyrant and his Crusade, unrest was sown. The gods, having staked out their territories in the centuries after the dragons fell, turned their eyes upon each other with the same greed that had won them their gifts to begin with. And so Silva made the last dryad cultivar: creatures whose woody skin could look and feel like mortal flesh, who could walk among the peoples of Terraria as one of them and see and understand all they saw. They were her eyes in the farthest fields, watching the delicate balance of power and loss of life that came with its upset and relaying it all to their goddess, on the chance that she might be required to intervene before Terraria found itself on the brink of destruction once again. For where life is, there goes its goddess. And the First Godslayer will control her domain.
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