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Herbs in Mythology
Aconite- Aconitum napellus - Monkshood, Wolf’s Bane - Name derived from Aconae, supposed place of origin. It is said that it is an invention of Hecate, goddess of sorcery and witchcraft. Medea another sorceress and wife of King Aegeus was jealous of Theseus, the kings son, and tried to destroy him with a drought of aconite, but the king discovered the plot and saved Theseus. The old men who were infirmed were given droughts of Aconite. All parts of this herb are poisonous, but the root is most often used. It was used in the witches brew and gave a sensation of flying. It is used medicinally as a diuretic and diaphoretic.
Artemisia- Artemisia absinthium- Named after Artemis or Diana, goddess of the hunt. Wormwood was the Artemisia of Greek Mythology. It was used medicinally as a direct poison of parasites. If overdosed, it affected the eyes and could cause convulsions. An ancient proverb is as bitter as wormwood.
Bluebell - Hyacinthus nonscriptus - Flower of grief and mourning. Hyacinthus was a charming youth that both Apollo and Zephrus loved. Hyacinthus was partial to Apollo which angered Zephrus. One day they were all playing quoits and a stray quoit of Zephrus killed Hyacinthus. Apollo was stricken with grieve and raised from Hyacinths blood a beautiful purple flower that might evermore exist upon the earth.
Basil- Ocimum basilicum -There are many stories of the origin of basil, but we will surmise that the name coming from the mythical character the basilisk is correct. The basilisk was a large lizard, much like the bearded dragons of today and was thought even a look would kill. Scorpions were also associated with basil and it was thought that eating too much basil would breed scorpions in the brain. Basil is used mainly as a culinary herb.
Bay Laurel- Laurus nobilis - One of the favorite myths pertaining to herbs. Apollo was teasing Cupid about his tiny arrows, and Cupid shot one of love into his heart. Daphne, a nymph was standing close watching the two gods and Cupid shot an arrow to repel into her heart. Apollo saw her and fell madly in love and thought he must have her for his own, she became frightened and started to run from him. He was too fast and started to capture her, she cried to her father the river god Peneus to please save her from Apollo, so her father, who loved her very much turned her into a Laurus nobilis tree. Apollo grabbed the tree and flung his arms around it crying, "My love, my love, I shall love you forever and evermore you shall be green. I will wear your leaves as a crown to remember you." To this day bay wreaths are used as a sign of victory and honor to poets and conquers. Bay is used in all meat dishes and soups. A leaf in your cornmeal or flour will keep the weevils away.
Borage - Borago officinalis - According to Dioscordes this was the famous nepentha of Homer, which was drunk after battle steeped in wine to bring about complete forgetfulness. There is an old saying"Borage is for Courage". Borage has been used as a pot herb or in cooling drinks. The flowers can be candied or frozen in ice cubes.
Calamint- Calamintha nepeta - Was derived from the Greek word Kalos, because of the belief in its power to drive away serpents and the dreaded basilisk, the fable king of the serpents. Gerard said "It takes away the infirmities of the heart and taketh away sorrowfulness." It has mint like flavor and can be used in cooking.
Centaury- Erythraea centaurium - Gentian or Feverwort-A red flowering herb which is named after the Greek centaur, Chiron (Kirun). Centaurs were half-man and half-horse. Chiron was a great teacher of the gods and was skilled in medicinal herbs. Hercules shot him by mistake with a poison arrow and he cured himself with centaury plant. Jupiter decided he was too powerful and sent him to heaven where he is the constellation Sagittarius. Centaury is used as an antiseptic, astringent and a dye to use on wounds and is a vermifuge.
Dog's Mercury- Mercurialis perennis (Euphoriaceae) - Disagreeable odor, extremely acrid and poisonous to animals. Its name is derived from Mercury, god of skill and dexterity. He revealed it medicinal virtues. It is used externally to remove warts, and is used in skin diseases. It produces a blue dye.
Elecampane- Inula helenium - Wild yellow flower, much like a sunflower -The Ancient writers mention Inula as affording a root used both as a medicine and a condiment. The origin of the name helenium probably came from Helen of Troy. She had a large arm full of these flowers when Paris stole her from her husband Menelaus that started the Trojan War that lasted ten years. When Paris was killed Helen returned to Menelaus and through difficulty they returned to Sparta where they lived happily ever after. Elecampane is used medicinally and the roots can be candied and eaten as a sweet.
Eyebright- Euphrasia officinalis - Euphrasia is of Greek origin meaning gladness. Named for one of the Three Graces, Euphrosyne who was distinguished for her joy and mirth. Eyebright is used as an astringent and a lotion for the eyes.
Fennel- Foeniculum vulgare - This herb was held in reverance by early man because Prometheus brought fire to man in the hollow stem. It was and still is used as a vegetable and also used to aid digestion.
Fig- Ficus carica -The fig was dedicated to Bacchus and was the main diet of the early Greeks and Romans. The wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus rested under a fig tree and therefore was held sacred by the Romans. Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome, Remus died and Romulus collected all the thieves and outlaws to populate his city. The inhabitants of Cyrene crowned themselves with fig wreaths when sacrificing to Saturn holding him to be the discoverer of the fruit.
Flax- Linum usitatissimun - Flax was used for weaving, Minerva and the Three Graces wove the clothes of the gods and their sails. The Ancients used flax seed for bread. Linseed oil is used in paint as a drying agent. Linseed cakes are used medicinally as a laxative. Arachne was a talented weaver and challenged Minerva to a contest. It angered Minerva and she changed her into a spider to weave through eternity.
Garlic- Allium sativum - Garlic was placed by the Ancients at the crossroads as a supper for the goddess Hecate. Homer tells us that the virtues of garlic is what saved Ulysses from being turned into a pig like his soldiers were on the island of Aeaea by Circe, an enchantress. Garlic is now used as a flavoring for meats, and has medicinal properties that contain antiseptic and antibiotic properties. It is used as a stimulant, diuretic, expectorant and is used in healing ointments.
Spearmint- Mentha viridis
Pennyroyal-Mentha pulegium.
Mentha is derived from the mythological origin ascribed to it. Mentha was a nymph, because of her love for Pluto was turned into the plant mint by Persephone, Pluto’s wife. The Ancients scoured their tables with this herb when preparing for the gods. It is also a bee herb. The gods had fields of mint for bees to use to make honey. Mint is used for teas, and to flavor sweets and vegetables. Medicinally it is a stimulant, carmative and antispasmodic.
Mistletoe- Loranthacea – It was considered the "Golden Bough" which opened the world of the dead to Aneas. To the primitive mind, deaths opposite are sex and fertility and mistletoe stood for this also. It was thought to be a life giver and panacea to cure all ills. Asclepus, the son of Apollo learned the art of healing and was considered the father of medicine. He cured many Greeks with mistletoe. Legend has it that he was shown mistletoe by a serpent in a tomb.
Mulberry- Morus nigra - Berries were eaten at ancient feasts. The love myth pertaining to mulberries is a Romeo and Juliet love story. Pyramus and Thisbe were in love, but were forbade by their parents to marry. They planned a midnight meeting under a mulberry tree. Thisbe arrived first and was frightened by a lion, she ran loosing her veil. The lion picked it up in his bloody mouth and dropped it. Pyramus found the veil and was sure his love had been killed by the lion, then he took his sword saying "My love you will not die alone." He stabbed himself . When Thisbe returned and found her love dead she took up his sword and killed herself. The mingled blood from both traveled up the tree and the berries which had been white, were turned deep red as they have remained to this day. The mulberry tree was dedicated to Minerva by the Ancients. Mulberries can be eaten raw, or made into jams or wine.
Myrtle– Myrtus communis – The emblem of fertility and purity and therefore used in wedding bouquests. Minerva had a favorite virgin, Myrsine, and Minerva saved her by turning her into a myrtle bush. Venus also hid behind a myrtle when the satyrs were chasing her, Myrtle and roses were dedicated to Venus. Bacchus or Dioneyus went to Persephone, goddess of the underworld and offered myrtle to release his mother from death.
Narcissus- Amaryllidaceae - A beautiful youth named Narcissus saw his image in a pool of water and fell in love with it. He tried in vain to embrace the image, but it always alluded him, he was so grief stricken that he would not eat and said "Dear beauty why do you shun me? I love you so." He became weak and pale and withered and in his place when he died was a beautiful blue flower which preserves the memory of Narcissus to this day. This plant is poisonous if taken internally. The word, narcissism, meaning to love oneself comes from this myth.
Nightshade- Atropa belladonna -The devil himself, it has been said attends this plant. It is deadly poison, but is a valuable medicine. Its botanical name derives from one of the Three Fates, Atropos, who cut the thread of life, which pertains to its poison. Opthomologists use Atropine to dilate the eyes, and it is used as an antispasmodic.Bittersweet is also a nightshade.(Solanum dulmara)
Parsley- Petroselinum crispum - It is said to have sprung from the blood of the Greek hero Archemorus, the forerunner of death. This herb was dedicated to Persephone, goddess of the underworld, and was used in funeral rites. It was considered the herb of the dead. The Ancients fed their chariot horses parsley. Parsley is widely used as a culinary herb, but it is also used medicinally. It is also a diuretic.
Poppy- Papaver somniferum - Opium poppy - Somnus, god of sleep was always crowned with poppies or lying surrounded with them. Ceres, the goddess of corn, wore a crown of grain interwoven with poppies. Poppies were sacred to Ceres. They are still called cornflowers in many European countries. The seeds can be used in cakes. The juice removed from the head is used medicinally for pain.
Quince- Cydonia vulgaris - This fruit has been eaten throughout history. To the Greeks and Romans quince was sacred. Venus is often depicted with a quince in her right hand. Hercules who was sent on twelve labors and the eleventh was to return with golden apples, these supposedly were quince. Hercules went to the divine garden of Hesperides and found the tree guarded by a dragon. He also knew that Atlas, the Titon, who held up the world lived close by, so he went to him and offered to hold up the world if Atlas would go to the tree and bring him some golden apples. Atlas was happy to oblige and soon arrived with the apples, but refused to take the world back on his shoulders. Hercules acted as if he didn’t care, but said if only Atlas would hold it while he adjusted his lions skin on his own shoulders, so Atlas agreed, but when Atlas took it back Hercules bid him farewell and left with the apples. The golden apples were regarded as a symbol of love and happiness. Quince can be eaten raw.
Rose- Rosaceae - The word rose comes from the Greek word rodon (red) and the rose of the Ancients was a deep crimson and supposedly sprung from the blood of Adonis. Adonis was a beautiful young man that Venus fell in love with and went hunting with him. She cautioned him all the while to be careful of large prey. One day she left him in her chariot drawn by swans and started for Mt. Olympus, but on the way she heard Adonis moaning, she returned to him and found him dying from being gored by a wild boar. She was grief stricken and as he lay dying she said "My Adonis, my grief shall endure, but your blood shall be changed into a beautiful flower." It is the flower of love. The gods Cupid and Bacchus are also associated with the rose-the sign of pleasure and companion of mirth and wine. Roses were spread on the floors at great celebrations and were scattered at the feet of Flora, goddess of flowers.
Rosemary- Rosmarinus officinalis - Rosemary is the plant that grows by the sea (mare from which marinus is derived) the syllable rose is that the plant is often seen glittering with dew (ros) on the shores of the sea. The Ancients were well aquainted with this herb that had a reputation for strengthening the memory. The Muses were the nine daughters of Jupiter and Mnemosyne(Memory). They presided over song and prompted the memory. They sometimes are pictured with rosemary in their hands. Minerva, the goddess of knowledge is also associated with this herb. It was used at both weddings and funerals as it is today. Rosemary is used for culinary, crafting and medicine.
Rue- Ruta graveolens - The name comes from reuo (to set free) because it was used to treat many diseases. The Ancients used it as the chief ingredient of the famous antidote to poison used by King Mithridates who said to become immuned to poison by taking it in gradual doses. It was the DDT of the Ancients.
Savory- Winter savory - Satureja montana, Summer savory - S. hortensis - This herb belonged to the satyrs, these were hairy little creatures with short horns, feet of a goat, mischievous and oversexed. They attended to Bacchus and lived in the woods with Pan, god of the shepherds. Both savorys can be used in meat and bean dishes. Winter savory is a perennial and summer savory is an annual. Mercury claims dominion over this herb.
Thyme - Thymusvulgaris - Thymus comes from the Greek word meaning courage. This herb was known to the Ancients because it was an herb the bees loved and honey was loved by the gods. It was used as an aromatic herb and also rubbed on the tables to clean them for food. Thyme was used internally and externally as an antiseptic. "To smell of thyme" was an expression of praise. It was also used to preserve meat.
Vine Grape- Vitis vinefera - Grapes were considered fruit of the gods and Bacchus was the god of wine. He represents not only the intoxicating power of wine but its social and beneficent influences also, so that he is viewed as the promoter of civilization and a lawgiver and lover of peace. Grape leaves were used medicinally for dysentery.
Walnut- Juglans nigea - In the Golden Age" when men lived on acorns the gods lived on walnuts thus the name Jovis glans or Jupiter’s nuts. The kernels contain oil, albumin ,mineral matter, cellulose and water. Walnuts are used for flavoring cakes, cookies and candy.
Yarrow- Achillea millefolium - Achilles, the great warrior in the ten year Trojan War staunched the bleeding wounds of his soldiers with yarrow. He also tried to stop the bleeding wound in his heel, but alas, he died from his wound. Yarrow was called the military herb by the Ancients. We get the words "Achilles tendon " from this incident in mythology. Yarrow is used as "hops" in beer, as snuff, and as an antiseptic.
These are only a few of the herbs pertaining to mythology, please add to this list with your own research of this delightful study.
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Sun Pillar by exellero
This artist on Instagram
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Yo best part of worshipping Diana as a trans male witch, you can dedicate every moment ur not wearing your binder as an offering to her. Anyway, point is, it’s Moon-day, tits out for Diana
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I’m making lambas bread for Apollo and no one can stop me. Apollo has tasty elf vibes so he gets tasty elf bread.
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Historically Accurate Offerings to the Theoi
Olive branches
Styrax incense
Eagle, bull, swan images
Peacock feathers or images
Cuckoo images
Olive branch/oil/fruit
Myrrh incense
Owl images
Red roses, sunflowers
Frankincense (manna) incense
Palm tree
Raven, swan, wolf, mouse, dolphin images
Cedar, palm and cypress trees
Tokens of deer
Myrtle, white flowers
Frankincense (manna) incense
Deer, dog, bear, partidge, quail images
Pig images
Sea anemone
Myrrh incense
Bull, dolphin, horse images
Grape vine
Styrax incense
Leopard, panther, donkey, bull images
Tongue-shaped tokens
Rosemary, saffron
Almond tree and pine tree
Frankincense and styrax incense
Mint (for Kthonios epithet)
Cow, ram, hawk, turtle, hare images
Wild strawberry (purslane)
Bronze weapons
Frankincense (manna) incense
Swan, vulture, dragon/poisonous snake, owl images
Roses, myrtle, anemone (poppy)
Apple, pomegranate
Perfumes and fragrances as incense
Dove, goose, sparrow, turtle images
Frankincense (manna) incense
Donkey, dog, crane images
Frankincense (manna) incense
Serpent, dog, goose, rooster images
Pine, beech trees
Wild flowers
Herbs burnt as incense and the smell of perfumes
Goat, turtle images
Tokens of pigs
Styrax incense
Mint (for Kthonia epithet)
Dove, bee, pig images
Styrax incense
Dried laurel leaves
Poplar, cypress trees
Red Mullet
Amphiphon (candy)
Styrax incense
Dry laurel leaves
Ferret, dog, bull, lioness images
Source: LABRYS’ Hellenic Polytheism: Household Worship and Theoi.com
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demon summoning instructions, copied and pasted from dms
Draw a pentagon
  Light a candle/ light source and place it in the center of the pentagon  
Draw the demon trap   
Sit outside the pentagon  
Picture the demon Marbas  
Say this prayer  
 “Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do, the end which I would attain by thy help, O Mighty Satan, the one True God who livest and reignest forever and ever. I entreat thee to inspire [name of Demon] to manifest before me that he/she may give me true and faithful answer, so that I may accomplish my desired end, provided that it is proper to his/her/their office. This I respectfully and humbly ask in Your Name, Lord Satan, may you deem me worthy, Father.” 
 The demon should appear in the trap  
Ask him to help you  
And uh yeah that should be it
and my favorite part:
“oh and yeah you might die
so be polite
and maybe tell your family you love them
kk we’re starting”
and then draw marbas’ symbol on your hand-
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Marbas || Demon || Lesser Key of Solomon
Mercury Seal, President Marbas or Barbas- According to The Lesser Key of Solomon: “The fifth Spirit is Marbas. He is a Great President, and appeareth at first in the form of a Great Lion, but afterwards, at the request of the Master, he putteth on Human Shape. He answereth truly of things Hidden or Secret. He causeth Diseases and cureth them. Again, he giveth great Wisdom and Knowledge in Mechanical Arts; and can change men into other shapes. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn as aforesaid.”
When it’s said Marbas can change men into other shapes, some assume it’s their ‘true form’ if they are hiding it under a 'mask’ of some sort. Perhaps not only for humans, but possibly for other creatures as well who like to hide.
Marbas is said to cure diseases, as mentioned above. He can also cause disease.
As a President, he is said to be “bound any time, excepting Twilight, at Night, unless the King whom they are under be Invocated.”
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The seal of Marbas as depicted in The Lesser Key of Solomon
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Daemonic Enns of Goetia
List of enns belonging to Goetian Daemons, in hierarchial order.
Used in invocation, as a polite way to invite a Daemon into one’s space.
Use at own risk, please research prior to invocation.
Keep reading
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Those who think exclusively in physicality and materialism Lack ingenuity and creativity, for there is more to life Than the mere figures and shapes of bodies and symbols Nay, there are universes within universes and worlds within worlds But in order to understand, you must be ready to change by your own hand
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One of the Goetic demons of Hell and a President (Praeses), under the command of Lucifer. This information was shared to me by him and is also my own experiences through working with this infernal deity.
Rulerships: counseling, settling disputes, demanding your rights in a courtroom, courage, friendly contests, sparring, fairness, justice, and competition
History: As with all of the Goetic Demons, Marbas is an ancient god who had rebelled against Jehovah, the tyrant god who forcefully usurped the Throne of the Universe. Yet due to Jehovah’s might as an Aeon (a god who creates the physical and metaphysical Universes), he was able to defeat the rebel deities and threw them into the bleak realm of Hell. Once here, the most powerful of the demons became High Kings and created their own kingdoms; these demons were Lucifer (the first-born deity from the Source), Satan, and Leviathan. Marbas joined Lucifer and was eventually granted the title of President due to his devotion to Lucifer and his Queen, Lilith. 
Military Rank: President
Element: Fire
Colour: Orange-red
Appearance: His natural demonic form is that of a large lion with draconic wings and has a proud, fierce countenance. In his humanoid-form, Marbas tends to appear as either a lion-headed man or a man with fiery-blond (sort of auburn) long hair that looks like a mane, and he commonly wears casual dark red clothing similar to those in Mexico or Ecuador (loose-fit but with a large, open neck).
Personality: Marbas has a charming and dominant personality; he’s very generous and likes to help teach others on how to better themselves. He favors everything to do with making things apparent and how to succeed in endeavors (such as a project or a business). He’s fiercely protective regarding who he loves, and he’s very loyal to friends. 
Marbas values honesty and is exceptionally truthful, sometimes brutally truthful to help one change from bad habits or ignorance. He has been a staunch defender of the innocent and of the more disadvantaged. He envisions a society with equal rights for all, and where love and honesty prevail. His voice is thunderous and he has a jovial manner, although he can turn quite menacing when there’s actual threat, or in the presence of arrogant people. 
How to call him: Speak to Marbas as you would with any other god, be polite and considerate. Contact him through telepathically speaking in your mind, directing the words to him (you can do this verbally, but if malicious spirits hear, they may pretend to be him). When inviting a Goetic demon to you, try to dress well for them since they are divine and royalty.
What he can do: Marbas can assist with legal affairs, justified revenge, protection, courage, eradicating ignorance, settling arguments, gaining loyal friendships, success in projects/business, perseverance, and becoming responsible. 
Offerings: burnt offerings, whiskey, Caribbean foods, red curry, red spicy peppers, chicory leaves on charcoal, spiky thorn bush, dried sea-shells (the elongated spiral ones), dried oranges, sun-dried tomatoes, carnelian, and fire opal. Incense of cedar with grape and walnut, with olibanum. 
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I’m not sure if these would be considered selkies. I just felt like drawing seal-mermaids… imagine how cuddly they would be j_j
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so this is how the fae get you
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Your Birth Tree
Many witches like to choose what their wand is made of by their birth tree, or have seeds/the actual tree nearby for strength/guidance. So here you go 
Dec 23 to Jan 01 | Apple Tree
Jan 02 to Jan 11 | Fir Tree Jan 12 to Jan 24 | Elm Tree Jan 25 to Feb 03 | Cypress Tree
Feb 04 to Feb 08 | Poplar Tree Feb 09 to Feb 18 | Cedar Tree Feb 19 to Feb 28 | Pine Tree Feb 29 | Poplar Tree
Mar 01 to Mar 10 | Weeping Willow Tree Mar 11 to Mar 20 | Lime Tree Mar 21 | Oak Tree Mar 22 to Mar 31 | Hazelnut Tree
Apr 01 to Apr 10 | Rowan Tree Apr 11 to Apr 20 | Maple Tree Apr 21 to Apr 30 | Walnut Tree
May 01 to May 14 | Poplar Tree May 15 to May 24 | Chestnut Tree May 25 to Jun 03 | Ash Tree
Jun 04 to Jun 13 | Hornbeam Tree Jun 14 to Jun 23 | Fig Tree Jun 24 | Birch Tree Jun 25 to Jul 04 | Apple Tree
Jul 05 to Jul 14 | Fir Tree Jul 15 to Jul 25 | Elm Tree Jul 26 to Aug 04 | Cypress Tree
Aug 05 to Aug 13 | Poplar Tree Aug 14 to Aug 23 | Cedar Tree Aug 24 to Sep 02 | Pine Tree
Sep 03 to Sep 12 | Weeping Willow Tree Sep 13 to Sep 22 | Lime Tree Sep 23 | Olive Tree Sep 24 to Oct 03 | Hazelnut Tree
Oct 04 to Oct 13 | Rowan Tree Oct 14 to Oct 23 | Maple Tree Oct 24 to Nov 11 | Walnut Tree
Nov 12 to Nov 21 | Chestnut Tree Nov 22 to Dec 01 | Ash Tree
Dec 02 to Dec 11 | Hornbeam Tree Dec 12 to Dec 21 | Fig Tree Dec 22 | Beech Tree
Apple Tree | Love | of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination.
Ash Tree | Ambition | uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously.
Beech Tree | Creative | has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.)
Birch Tree | Inspiration | vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere.
Cedar Tree | Confidence | of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes luxury, of good health, not in the least shy, tends to look down on others, self-confident, determined, impatient, likes to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.
Chestnut Tree | Honesty | of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.
Cypress Tree | Faithfulness | strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, content, optimistic, craves money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic, and careless.
Elm Tree | Noble-mindedness | pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.
Fig Tree | Sensibility | very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a social butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.
Fir Tree | Mysterious | extraordinary taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves anything beautiful, moody, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those close to them, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, un-contented lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable.
Hazelnut Tree | Extraordinary | charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment.
Hornbeam Tree | Good Taste | of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgement in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.
Lime Tree | Doubt | accepts what life dishes out in a composed way, hates fighting, stress, and labor, dislikes laziness and idleness, soft and relenting, makes sacrifices for friends, many talents but not tenacious enough to make them blossom, often wailing and complaining, very jealous but loyal.
Maple Tree | Independence of Mind | no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.
Oak Tree | Brave | robust nature, courageous, strong, unrelenting, independent, sensible, does not like change, keeps its feet on the ground, person of action.
Olive Tree | Wisdom | loves sun, warmth and kind feelings, reasonable, balanced, avoids aggression and violence, tolerant, cheerful, calm, well-developed sense of justice, sensitive, empathetic, free of jealousy, loves to read and the company of sophisticated people.
Pine Tree | Particular | loves agreeable company, very robust, knows how to make life comfortable, very active, natural, good companion, but seldom friendly, falls easily in love but its passion burns out quickly, gives up easily, everything disappointments until it finds its ideal, trustworthy, practical.
Poplar Tree | Uncertainty | looks very decorative, not very self-confident, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership seriously.
Rowan Tree | Sensitivity | full of charm, cheerful, gifted without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.
Walnut Tree | Passion | unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise.
Weeping Willow | Melancholy | beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.
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✨These are going to make some Hellenics mad but the visuals are stunning🤩
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hey guys.
If you’ve been watching me at all, you know how outspoken I am against christianity. Tumblr has been a great platform for me to express that; meanwhile at home, I’ve been a semi-closeted atheist (I haven’t even wanted to think about the fact that I’m probably bi, my parents and very homophobic) for a little over a year. Well, the undercurrents of conflict finally erupted today, when a conversation about BLM (my mom adamantly stating “blue/all lives matter!!”, give me a fucking break) deteriorated into a bunch of half-assed religious quotes intent on derailing the conversation, and I finally yelled “I don’t give a FUCK about god”, so in conclusion, I’m being kicked out. The exact words were, “it’s time for you to go your own way, I can’t have you denouncing god in my house.”
I’m nineteen, have about $500 to my name, and no job, as I’ve had to respect at-risk family members and strictly quarantine. I have no idea what I am going to do. I have no nearby family, and even so, they’re all extremely religious. All my friends live with their strictly religious parents as well. I’m going to have to drop my upcoming community college classes.
I’m so sorry to ask, but please, help hold me over until I find a new living situation and a job.
paypal available upon request
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I believe in past lives, but I feel human- just with a bad case of hindsight bias/thinking I have something after I hear about it. How do I know which one it is? How do I know whether I've just always been human or it's just me being skeptical of myself?? I'm so confused..
Hey, it’s okay to be confused. Reevaluating your humanity is a very complicated subject, and you are very brave and strong for even approaching it. I have to say though, it’s also a very hard thing to come up with a answer for.
One of the best things about being otherkin- even a questioning one- is that exploring it is almost completely harmless. It’s very hard to have faith in something that you haven’t touched, heard, or seen yourself. In an age where it is so easy to get information and confirm whether something is real based on cold, hard facts, many people don’t know what to do when they’re faced with something that there is no proof for. 
Faith is not something that can be explained with facts. Often times in the world, faith has been used as a replacement for fact, whether that be because people simply don’t have the science to explain something yet, or because it is used as a deliberate attempt to mislead from the truth. 
That being said, faith can exist alongside fact, just like the left and right brain. 
Faith is intuition, while Fact is observation. 
In your situation, there is nothing to observe. No concrete reality that you can absorb. In this case, you have to rely on your intuition. 
A lot of people don’t trust their gut feeling, but for you to find the “right” answer, your gut is what you’re going to have to listen to. 
Here’s an exercise that can help with your intuition, especially in situations like this. Imagine a deep well that you can’t see the bottom of. Grab a bucket, and think of the question you’re trying to answer. Imagine yourself lowering the bucket into the well, and when you think you’ve hit water, start pulling it up. Then, take the bucket out and look into the water. 
That water represents the answer your intuition is trying to give you. But first, look at the clarity of the water. Most likely, the water is murky, unclean, and almost impossible to see the bottom. If the water is dirty, the next step is to imagine cleaning it. Grab a cloth and another bucket. Put the cloth over the second bucket, then pour the dirty water into it. Strain the water as many times as you need before it is clear. 
That murkiness and filth represents the doubts that are poisoning your well of intuition. The more often you trust yourself, the easier it will be to trust the subconscious advice your own brain is trying to give you, and the clearer the water will be.
Basically, TLDR;
Trust your gut. It knows more than you think.
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Introduction to the Faery Queens
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Nicnevin Faery Queen of autumn and winter, faery spirits, the otherworld and Unseelie. Wise mother of magick, protection, death and rebirth. Often called the Queen of Elphame (faery land). She can be felt at crossroads, graveyards, in the sounds of geese calling overhead, the silence of the dark moon and the eyes of the woods. She travels across the sky in darker months, and may be most visible on Samhain eve with her host of all that is strange, wild and beautiful.
The Morrigan Faery Queen of battle, blood, strength, re-birth and destruction. She is a shapeshifter, sorcerer and warrior woman. She can be felt in the darkest hour of night, gatherings of ravens and crows, the scarlet sunrise, the female menstrual cycle, and the voice urging you to fight back and stand up against attackers. She is strength, wild passion, and a powerful feminine force. She gives a voice to oppressed women, arms them, and brings life from the ashes.
Áine Faery Queen of summer, love, light, healing, protection and the harvest. She especially cares for women, and fights for those who have been hurt and abused and and seeks revenge on their assaulters. She comforts the lonely and broken hearted. She can be felt in the warmth of the sun, in drowsy summer afternoons, by the sweet scent of meadow flowers, the healing power of the moon and in the golden harvest. She heals those she can, and sings comfort to the dying.
Fand Faery Queen of the Irish sea, navigating the difficult waters of love, healing, beauty, and responsibility. She is sometimes called the Pearl of Beauty. She can be felt in the ocean breeze, the waves kissing the shore, the intricate patterns of shells, the suddenness of falling in love, a warm bath, and the cleansing power of tears to heal a broken heart. She is both strong waves of passionate new love, and gentle ripples of peace.
Rhiannon Faery Queen of animals (horses, dogs and birds) the moon, artistic inspiration, leadership, dreams, music, wisdom and beauty. She can be called the Divine Queen of Faeries, dressed in gold and riding a white horse, with her three song birds. She is strong and free, and can grant you self-confidence, strength and courage. She can be heard in bird song, a lovely voice, a spring woodland awakening, violin and flute music, the sound of jingling horse bells. She sings the song of life, that resonates through all nature.
Holda Faery Queen of winter, the hearth and home, spinning, cooking, local / house fae, blizzards, and crafts. She often appears as an old lady, with white hair and cloak. She blesses the home, rewards hard work and punishes laziness. She can be felt in the heat of the hearth, frosty windowpanes, comfort food, the magic of Christmas eve, playing in the snow, wrapping up in a handmade blanket and watching your breath under the light of a winter moon. Her works are the icicles that hang from tree branches and her stitching the intricate designs of snowflakes. 
art by Romany Soup
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