#sometimes i just get overly emotional about zukka!dads
houseofwolves-v1 · 2 years
gonna throw up i just love zukka!dads so much and like 3-10 year old izumi is always so sweet and precious in fanon 🥺🥺
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theshinsun · 4 years
....Crushing, You Wanna Dance Mothafucka?, FTM Brazil OiHina, Golden bc you Know I'm a sucker for GWGE and modern ATLA HAVE FUN and thank you my dude!! <3
or, “How to confess your feelings to your arrogant, melancholy, possibly-bisexual power forward with a terrifying but very attractive face, by Sakurai Ryo”
He hadn’t meant to look. Not for any extended period of time, and certainly not with the intent of satisfying his own curiosity or observing in any way without Aomine-san’s knowledge and consent, it was just… in the locker rooms it was sometimes difficult to avoid confronting such realities... noticing things…
Things like the rich, burnished tan that extended all the way down the muscular expanse of Aomine-san’s long, bare back. The flex of his broad shoulders as he shrugged out of his school uniform, the accidental glimpse of two little dimples peeking out over the waistband of his shorts that made Ryo want to just die. Just lay face down on the linoleum floor and let the evening janitorial staff dispose of his remains.
You Wanna Dance Mothafucka?
I wanna write AoKise dancing together. I wanna write an AoKise dance battle, I have a mighty need for this concept and I’m not content to wait til I finish my college AU to put it out there. I’ve gained such a new respect for Kise as a character and I’d love to give him some time to shine, with my best boy in tow of course. I’d probably go the route of an AU where they haven’t met, run into each other at a club, get way too competitive and tear it up on the dance floor, and meet up after (possibly in the restroom) to make out/fool around all flushed and sweaty it’d be pure pwp. 
FTM Brazil OiHina
there aren’t enough people losing their minds over Brazil Hinata you guys. there’s also not enough people writing OiHina. there are people creating some (fantastic) FTM Hinata content, but I wanna intersect all of these things in one fic. the manga destroyed my soul I still can’t believe the Brazil arc is canon... anyway I just got an idea to do a oneshot where Oikawa finds out Hinata is trans when he sees his top surgery scars during one of their games, they have a respectful albeit humorous discussion (about high school and making assumptions and how “omg I couldn’t tell at all!” isn’t actually a compliment). somewhere along the line talking about past teams/relationships Hinata confesses to having had a crush on Oikawa, and maaaaaybe goes with him back to his hotel room instead of going home and maybe they kiss or smth, I’m still fuzzy on the details but I’d very much like to make this happen.
I’ve been toying with the idea of rewriting Girl With Golden Eyes to be more accurate and concise for awhile now... a year or two at least. only recently have I considered rehauling the story entirely (I wouldn’t scrap the original, and the new version might not even follow the same plotline... the common thread would mainly be the concept of addict Aomine)
Major changes would include:
AoKise as the main pairing (“golden” referencing his hair and eyes as well as being a euphemism for heroin, opportunity for a longer-standing established relationship, Kise’s lightheartedness contrasting the severity of the situation and eventually leading to denial/downplaying on his part)
a more gradual descent into drug abuse for Aomine; starting with alcohol, prescription pain killers and other downers before jumping into heroin, if at all
more realistic portrayals of the effects of each drug, addiction, relapse and recovery in general (I did my research for the previous fic but it’s still extremely inaccurate in many areas)
a little less melodrama overall, but no less emotional struggle and suffering this is me we’re talking about
I’d probably cut it down to about 6-8 chapters max, possibly longer installments, but with less unnecessary filler and more plot and character-driven action
some kind of overlying message with more nuance than “drugs bad”?
modern ATLA
in the middle of the Avatar renaissance I got a surge of inspiration to try my hand at a modern AU (honestly, who didn’t?) and drafted out a whole-ass outline. I’ve never written for this fandom before but I was very quickly sucked into Zukka hell and I might still give it a go if I ever get my drive back.
it’d be a high school AU, and I’d have Zuko as the super closeted, internalized-homophobia-having senior with Mai as his beard, he doesn’t have many friends, is tormented by his extremely popular but vicious in a Heathers way sister, pretends the scar that takes up a little less than half his face is just an unfortunate birthmark and his relationship with his dad is fine, and in general is in denial about everything in his life.
enter certified jock/nerd combo Sokka, who has never worn sleeves in his life, runs track, captain of the mathletes, on the chess club and the slam poetry team, he does it all. the class clown, openly bi and generally just confident in himself. he’s got a super supportive dad, a scary younger sister and some amazing friends, but an underlying layer of tragic backstory involving his mom (something he shares in common with Zuko). the rest of the gaang features and there’s shenanigans abound.
...anyway there’s no way I have the skill or the patience to pull off the 60k+ novel this concept deserves, but maybe I’ll try writing it in little segments if the fancy strikes me again. 
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