#sometimes my own plot points just fly right out of my mind ig
little-mad · 3 years
Downsides of Thievery Pt. 11
~ Previous Part ~ Next Part ~
Gavin wouldn’t really say he was a good judge of character, the amount of friends in low places he had was a testament to that. However, even he could tell that this new alteon that had appeared was bad news.
There was something about the way the guy held himself--it was cocky and arrogant, as if he was certain he was the most important person in the room. Not to mention the sleazy little smile he was wearing that seemed to promise trouble. But what Gavin hated most was the way the guy looked at him. It was hard to describe, but the only thing Gavin could think of to equate it to was how middle school bullies looked right before they were about to trip some poor kid in the hallway.
The green-eyed giant had been speaking in the same language that Gavin had heard a couple times throughout his time in the alteon dimension. Of course, he couldn’t understand any of it, which made him nervous for some reason.
“Not really much to look at, is he?” the new alteon remarked, now switching to English. “I know all humans are pretty pathetic, but I was expecting someone a bit tougher looking.”
Gavin scowled. This guy had intentionally alternated to speaking in a language Gavin could understand so that he would be able to hear the insult. Why was he being purposefully antagonistic? Yeah sure, Gavin was a criminal, but even Rael hadn’t been that big of a dick at first.
“Ashryn, I suppose you’re stationed here? Rael inquired. Gavin could tell he was trying to change the subject, to shift this “Ashryn” guy’s attention elsewhere.
“Why can’t he just tell this asshole to screw off?” Gavin thought to himself crankily. He tried to catch Rael’s eye but was unsuccessful. It was like he was very intentionally keeping his eyes up and forward.
“Hmm? Oh yes, that’s right,” Ashryn responded absentmindedly. He was apparently too preoccupied with staring at Gavin to give Rael his full attention.
What was it with these alteons and staring unabashedly? Just because Gavin was a comparatively tiny person from an alternate dimension didn’t mean they had the right to gawk at him like he was some sort of zoo animal. It was like all their manners flew out the window when it came to humans.
Ashryn stepped closer, a crafty smile still on his lips. “This is your first time dealing with a human up close, isn’t it?” he said to Rael while still not looking away from Gavin. “You don’t really realize how entirely inferior they are until you get close to them,” he continued. “Sure they look tiny and pathetic from afar, but up close you can really get a sense for how insignificant they are.”
Gavin really didn’t have a short temper, it was one of his few good traits actually. For the most part, he’d learned to just brush off insults and move on. He had given up on being well liked the moment he decided to become a thief. However, even Gavin’s temper had its limits, and he had just about reached his.
Springing to his feet, Gavin glared up at the massive elf-eared bastard standing in front of him. “What’s your problem?” he demanded, hands clenched in fists at his sides.
If this guy really wanted to insult Gavin and the rest of humanity so badly, why couldn’t he do it in his own native language? Oh yeah, because he was a complete ass. Ashryn didn’t just want to disparage humans, he wanted Gavin to know about it. For whatever reason, this alteon had decided he wanted to start a fight.
Next to Gavin, Rael had tensed up. The human hardly even noticed, he was too busy shooting daggers at Ashryn. Besides, Gavin was none too pleased with Rael at the moment anyways. He was basically just letting his comrade, or whatever they were to each other, run his mouth freely.
The grin on Ashryn’s face grew only wider at Gavin’s outburst. He took a step closer. “Rael, I think I’ve angered your little human,” he commented with a chuckle.
Gavin didn’t wait to see how Rael would’ve responded. Forget getting him to defend him. Who cared if Gavin was miniscule compared to Ashryn? He was going to stand up for himself. Someone needed to teach these giants some manners. Gavin was already in trouble, so it might as well be him.
“Okay you big, pointy-eared asshole,” he started with a bang. “Just because you’re bigger than humans doesn’t make you better than us--in fact with an attitude like yours, I’d argue you’re substantially worse than most humans I know...and I know some pretty shitty humans.” The words were flying out of his mouth almost of their own accord. It was like he’d opened a floodgate that he couldn’t close. “You’re clearly just a pompous dick who--”
“Enough!” The words echoed around him like thunder. At the same time there was a rush of air, a flash of movement, and then a thud that vibrated up through Gavin’s feet.
It took a moment for him to register the giant hand next to him, and a few more moments for him to realize it had just slammed down beside him. Gavin looked up, following the arm connected to the hand, expecting to see it attached to Ashryn. Instead, he was met with the rage filled face of Rael.
And then all of a sudden he was back in that clearing, pinned under a hand bigger than his entire body. The fear, the intimidation, the betrayal--it was all the same, probably even worse now actually. The worst part was that he didn’t understand, he didn’t understand why Rael was staring down at him with nothing but fury in his teal colored eyes.
Despite their turbulent relationship, Gavin had...well he had come to trust Rael. For god’s sake, he’d nearly considered the alteon to be something akin to a friend. So why...why had this happened? How had Gavin screwed this up?
“You will show some respect,” Rael growled down at him, and it was like Gavin was looking at a completely different person to the one he’d been talking to only a few minutes ago.
Why had he been put in this situation? Why did the guard outside the office have to be Ashryn? Why did Gavin have to snap like that? These questions swirled around inside Rael’s head as he looked down at the fearful human standing mere inches away from where he’d slammed his palm down on the bench.
“You had to do it,” a dark part of Rael’s mind told him. “If you hadn’t, Ashryn would never respect you, and he’d defame you to the entire Imperial Guard.” It was true--if Rael had failed to scold the human that was in his charge after he’d blatantly insulted an alteon soldier, he would be viewed as a failure among anyone who was anyone. Still, he hadn’t enjoyed doing it.
It wasn’t like last time, when Rael had trapped Gavin under his hand. There was no sense of satisfaction or pleasure derived from the action. All he could feel was a mess of anger and guilt.
He was furious that Ashryn had essentially manufactured the situation, but he was also angry with Gavin for quite literally forcing his hand. If the human had just kept his mouth shut, if he’d ignored Ashryn’s goading, then none of this would have happened. Why couldn’t Gavin have just made things easier?
“Well,” Ashryn spoke up with an appreciative tut. “I must say, you certainly know how to put a human in their place.”
Rael shifted his gaze towards the alteon. He couldn’t stand looking at Gavin anymore, seeing the fear and betrayal in those hazel eyes only deepened the heavy pit that was forming in his stomach.
“And you apparently know how to rile them up,” Rael muttered as he moved his hand away from Gavin and placed it back on his own lap.
Ashryn gave an amused chuckle. “Maybe so,” he answered with a satisfied grin on his face.
Despite having a primarily amicable relationship with one another, Rael had never much liked Ashryn. While they were about the same age and had gone through most of their training at the same time, Ashryn was regarded more highly within the Imperial Guard. Rael attributed this largely due to the fact that Ashryn’s family has had a long history of involvement with the Guard. Perhaps that also explained why the man was so pompous and smug all the time.
It was then that the door to the Emperor’s office opened for a second time. This time, it was a group of some of the top Imperial advisors exiting. They all eyed Gavin as they passed, however none of them said anything, only acknowledging the two soldiers with brief nods. Rael noticed that the last advisor out failed to close the door behind her, leaving him with a view inside the office.
There, sitting at his desk, was the Emperor of the entire realm of Iaela. He wore a calm smile on lips and waved a beckoning hand at Rael. “Bring in our human guest,” he called, his tone authoritative yet somehow still polite.
Ashryn was quick to assume his position beside the office door. He stood up straight, his arms behind his back like a perfect soldier. However, the part that the Emperor wouldn’t be able to see was his face--with that, Ashryn smirked over at Gavin. “Why does he look like he knows something that we don’t?” Unfortunately, there was no time for Rael to ruminate on his uncertainties. The Emperor was the very last person to be kept waiting.
Rael turned to Gavin. The human had gone pale and his body was so tense that it looked like the guy might bolt at any second. Rael was sure that the last thing Gavin wanted was to be picked up after what had just happened. However, there was no choice. There wasn’t even time for Rael to allow the human to walk onto his palm of his own accord.
As gently as possible, Rael carefully scooped the human up into his hands. Thankfully, Gavin didn’t put up any kind of fight; he gave a quiet gasp, but otherwise made no audible complaints. Once Rael was sure he wouldn’t drop the little man, he began to make his way into the Emperor’s office.
Immediately upon getting past the doorway, Rael felt a whoosh of air and heard a soft thud, indicating that the door had been shut behind them. This left him and Gavin entirely alone with the most powerful person in the realm.
This wouldn’t be Rael’s first time speaking with the Emperor, however it was certainly his first time alone, without any advisors, scribes, or guards around. Rael swallowed hard. He couldn’t mess this up--he had to prove himself to be a proper soldier worthy of being accepted into the ranks of the Imperial Guard. He wasn’t a peasant anymore, he was a proud, noble soldier.
“Rael, correct?” the Emperor inquired, the name sounded so foreign coming from his lips.
Rael nodded silently as he dipped into a low bow, which proved somewhat difficult while keeping his hands horizontal and steady for Gavin.
“Very well, Rael, could you place that human on my desk please?”
(Also, as a side note, I fixed up some continuity errors in chapters 6 and 9 if you feel like skimming through and seeing the minor adjustments)
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Ok so now that I’ve thought a while about svtfoe finale I have some opinions
Things I liked:
Marco taking the wand from moon and Marco and Star walking through the portal hand in hand
The firstborn STILL tried to warn & help Star, even after she DIED. What a good unicorn daughter
Marco trying to use Star’s spells and then just creating some spells on the fly figuring it’d work better
Marco was willing to get STABBED to help Tom
We finally got to see Eclipsa’s butterfly form (and baby Meteora got a butterfly form)!
Baby Meteora learning how to dip down being plot relevant
Moon & Comet moment. Even tho Moon’s character isn’t great rn, I’m glad she got a moment with her mom
That Tomco moment (“ok can we recognize that Marco JUST FLIPPED A HORSE!” “I FLIPPED A HORSE!”). They are such good friends (and would’ve been such a cute ship), I love them. It’s really a shame this show didn’t do the tomstarco route (preferably in my opinion with Star and Tom both dating Marco but not each other, I’m not a huge fan of Tomstar and Star hasn’t proven to be a particularly good girlfriend to Tom, but it could be good either way).
Seeing the past queens again I love their designs (I want to know what Celena’s secrets are...)
Globgor, Eclipsa, and Meteora get to stay a happy family
Actually, surprisingly, I kinda liked Ponyhead in this episode? (A little bit). I liked how she tried to cheer Star up and then went “oh not again” when she thought Star was gonna get back together with Tom which I appreciated bc they’d already been together twice before and it hadn’t worked, and I liked that Ponyhead was aware enough to realize that probably wasn’t a good idea for them to try again
Janna! Her bonding moment with Marco where she actually said they were friends was so cute! And sbsjsvsjshs she dropped her heart rate to 0 for Marco what a legend. Janna Ordania, true ride or die.
More Jackie and her gf Chloe screen time (even if it was a few seconds. It was nice to see anyways)
Meteora and Mariposa get to grow up together after all
Star and Marco get a happy ending (and the show didn’t end with them kissing which was nice)
Oh does deleting the magic mean deleting the neverzone meaning Marco’s not 30 anymore?? I really really hope so that’d make any Marco ship so much less creepy. I’m accepting that as my canon thank you very much
Things I’m not sure how I feel about:
Hekapoo’s...complete neutrality towards her upcoming death? Ig it’s good that she evidently realized she’d done some bad stuff but uh...???
The pudding being able to keep your mind sharp in the magic dimension. On the one hand, I liked that there’s a REASON Glossaryck likes pudding so much and that we finally got an explanation for it, on the other hand I sorta wish that they’d figured that out BEFORE now. Now it kinda seems like the writers just needed something to explain how the Butterflies could stay focused in the magic dimension (but again, if they needed a plot device I’m glad it’s the pudding so...idk)
Ok what was the purpose of Tom riding the evil unicorn. I don’t get it. Don’t hate it or love it, am just confused.
Marco getting stabbed and hiding it from Tom and Star was some Good Angst Sh*t. The fact that that had absolutely no purpose, however, was not. I wish either Marco didn’t get stabbed, or there was actually some consequence to Marco getting stabbed as it was kinda pointless otherwise
The fact that both Star and Marco were willing to leave their families and worlds for the chance to be together. Obviously they care about each other, but they’re willing to give up their lives and families at 15 to be together? :/ (side note those shots of Marco huddled against the magic dimension rock were really pretty)
The portal thing. It didn’t make sense
Mewni and Earth being cleaved together. I mean on the one hand that’s cool, on the other hand that seems like it’s gonna create so many problems & just leaves me with a lot of questions. For example won’t humans just oppress monsters like mewmans did? Can Tom get back to his family? Is the underworld part of the Mewni dimension or is it it’s own? Did all the dimensions get merged into Mewnearth or just Mewni and Earth? How will Earth culture and Mewni culture learn to coexist?
Moon redemption. It seemed too easy, she didn’t really have to work for it! I mean her character was growing on me pre-her-working-with-Mina, but then she was revealed to be working with Mina and she made SOLARIAN WARRIORS I mean come on! I kinda wanted her to be redeemed bc I was unsatisfied with the Mina twist, but the way they did it was kinda :/ I want Star to be able to have a good relationship with her mother, but since Moon Did That and didn’t really face any consequences besides her daughter being mad at her for an episode...
That Solaria & Eclipsa & Meteora moment. I mean it was cute Solaria accepted them but she literally created Solarian warriors and committed monster genocide soooo...that’s definitely not enough to redeem her and it’s not great that she’s portrayed sympathetically
Things I didn’t like:
That they actually went with the “erase all the magic” plot line. Svtfoe is about Star the rebel princess, frequent subverter of expectations, so it was weird to me that they actually destroyed the magic and there wasn’t some twist like the four butterfly queens work together and unlock some super butterfly form or join hands in a circle around the Solarian Warriors and say the Whispering Spell or something else to defeat Mina. I’m surprised Star seeing her supposedly finished tapestry didn’t motivate her to find a different way because she’s Star Butterfly, rebel princess who fights for what’s right and nobody can tell her what she has to do, she finds her own way.
Eddie and River bumbling and telling Mina about the magic sanctuary. I wish River had saved Globgor bc it would really show he can be competent and would also be cute bc dad solidarity
Mina, after being built up as the big bad, was defeated way too easily
Glossaryck, the MHC, (and presumably all of the queens’ spells INCLUDING THE LASER PUPPIES) just. Died. I mean the MHC sucked so oh well about them and glossaryck was kinda the reason this all happened (which btw is very confusing. Why did he give the first queen the wand if he knew all this crap was gonna happen anyways?) so I’m not super sad about him but Star’s spells didn’t deserve that, nor did the other queens’, or the laser puppies!!
The fact that Moon and Star grabbed tha alligators by the eyeballs. I know that this is such a small thing but in the series finale for the main character to still be doing stuff that hurts other characters like that and for it to be treated as a joke...it just sits bad with me. They’ve tried to develop Star, and been mostly successful, but for her to still be doing stuff like this and being a bad girlfriend to Tom and spontaneously deciding that she hates magic and needs to get rid of it no matter what happens to magical creatures and such after she’s supposedly grown so much just seems counterintuitive and bad. Like I swear Star’s my favorite character (bet that’s a surprise with how much I’ve talked about Marco this post) but sometimes it’s so hard to like her it’s annoying
Mina lived. I mean what was the point of that? She’s not gonna learn to not be racist towards monsters and it looked like she got pretty killed by the unicorn in the magic dimension so like. What’s the point of her coming back
All the cruelty towards unicorns. I mean, the firstborn DIED. We saw her SKULL. What the F*CK that’s messed up! And the other unicorns died too, and the dark one also disappeared except for its skull. What was that about?! Were we supposed to just not care bc they’re made of magic? Bc if so that didn’t work
No but seriously it’s so messed up that Star’s unicorn daughter DIED and we saw her SKULL and it’s just treated as a joke what the hell that unnerved me sm
It was very anticlimactic how there weren’t any real challenges to the Butterflies destroying magic. Neither Mina nor the evil unicorn got anywhere close and for the series (not just season but SERIES) finale, you would think there’d be more of a final fight, and more tension/suspense so the final payoff seems more satisfying. Idk I just thought it went way too fast, especially for the actual end of the show. I thought the full time should be used for fighting Mina, not starco development (and I say this as a person who likes starco)
The cheek marks being gone. I know it makes sense with the plot of getting rid of the magic, and because mewmans were originally just humans, but since I didn’t like the magic-being-deleted plot line and because I have some sort of sentimental attachment to the cheek marks apparently, I don’t like that they’re gone
The uncertainty towards Tom/most characters from other dimensions’s fates. Again, I like starco, but even the most die-hard starco shippers probably think that the way characters who weren’t Star or Marco were just written off was unsatisfying, right? In particular, Tom deserves WAAAAAAAY better than he got. And Kelly, is her dimension merged with Mewnearth? Was the vision Ponyhead was describing actually what happened to her?
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swlbarnes · 8 years
Niffler - Newt Scamander x Reader
Cute little Newt Scamander x Reader where the reader makes friends with the niffler. <3 Enjoy!
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A relieved sigh passed through your lips as were able to snuggle deeper into the fabric of your coat to protect yourself from the harsh biting chill in the air. New York was quite wonderful in many respects, but it did get far too cold for your liking sometimes. This just so happened to be one of those times.
You rushed down the surprisingly quiet streets with the light of the moon shimmering down on you. You had promised Jacob that you would close up his shop for him, but you had spent far too long working on a new batch of wonderful pastries that you were two hours late coming home. Your (Hogwarts house) scarf was wrapped snuggly around your neck as the ends blew behind you in the wind.
You had just passed by a small alleyway when you heard skittering and the sounds of metal coins bumping together. You stopped in your tracks and your hand instinctively flew to your wand to keep it at the ready. You slowly but surely backed up before jumping into the entrance of the alleyway and pointing your wand out in front of you. When your eyes landed on the source of the sounds, your arm dropped back to your side.
A furry black creature was sat in the middle of the alley, his paws clutching onto a small shining metal chain that was hanging halfway out of his pouch. His nose twitched as he peered up at you, frozen in place. A smile spread across your face, and you dropped to your knees. "What are you doing here, little guy?" You asked him in a soft voice. He continued to stare at you blankly. You hummed quietly in thought. "Nifflers don't live in New York," you muttered to yourself, "and they surely don't live in the middle of a city. Where did you come from?"
You unclasped the shiny bracelet around your wrist and held it out to the niffler. Slowly and carefully, he finished putting away his current treasure and moved forward to collect your offering. His little paws reached up to grasp at the bracelet. As soon as the chain slipped through your fingers, you shot your arms out and scooped him into your lap. He let out a small squeak of surprise and started to struggle against your grip, but it soon realized that his efforts were useless.
You backed yourself up against the brick wall to your right. Your hand stroked the little niffler's fur in adoration, and he had settled himself down in your lap to stare at his new gift you had given him.
"You know," you started, causing the black fur ball to peer up at you expectantly. "I haven't seen a niffler since I graduated from Hogwarts," you mused to yourself. The creature in your lap let out a little squeak of what you assumed to be excitement, causing you to grin. "Do you know Hogwarts, little guy?" You asked in amusement, scratching underneath his chin.
He let out a small hum of approval at your actions, causing you to chuckle. It didn't take long for you to notice the subtle shivers making their way through his little body, and you pulled him closer to your chest in an attempt to keep him warm. Once his shivering stopped, you went on to talk about your time at Hogwarts and what your common room was like and what you learned during your studies. Soon enough, the niffler began to doze off in your arms, and you snuggled him even closer to warm yourself up as well. You forgot all about your rush to get home to Queenie and Tina. You knew that they had an old friend coming to stay with you all for a while, so surely they could entertain themselves.
You lost track of time as you sat there petting the niffler in your lap. Your mind had wandered off as you wondered why there might be a niffler right smack in the middle of New York. Even if he had somehow gotten from Britain to America, you still weren't sure why he was in the city instead of safely burrowed underground.
You had almost dozed off as well when you heard a man's voice making its way towards you from the street. You jumped a bit, startled from the sudden breach of silence. This in turn woke up the niffler in your lap, who let out a startled squeak.
"Shh! Hush!" You pleaded in a whisper, but you knew it was too late. The man's voice had stopped, and you held your breath in hopes that he would just pass you by.
"Who's there?" He called out in an English accent. British? That's strange. You remained silent and listened as his footsteps got closer and closer. They seemed to stop just around the corner from where you were sitting. Your lungs began to burn as you refused to take in any air in case the man heard even the slightest breath from you.
Much to your surprise, the man himself didn't appear. Instead, a handful of coins splashed out onto the ground a few feet away from you. The niffler in your arms stiffened at the sight, and you saw his eyes go wide. He instantly began struggling against your grip, but this time you were no match for him. When a niffler wanted something shiny, he would get something shiny. You finally let him go collect the coins as you grabbed your wand, ready to obliviate anyone who sees him.
Both you and the niffler let out surprised gasps as a pair of arms shot out and grabbed the small furry creature. "Hey!" You shouted, rushing forwards and grabbing the blue coat that was sitting snugly on the mystery man's arms, pulling him into the alleyway and getting into a defensive stance.
The man yelped and stumbled over to where you had shoved him. He shifted the niffler in his arms so that it wouldn't hit the ground, but the man himself wasn't quite as lucky. He went tumbling down, his reddish brown curls flying wildly as his free hand tried to stop himself from face planting on the cement. He steadied himself and turned to you with wide eyes. Upon seeing your wand outstretched towards him, he held up his free hand in surrender. Your eyes caught a glimpse of his wand kept accessibly at his side. A British wizard. So the plot thickens.
"What are you doing stealing that niffler?" You interrogated him in a venomous tone. Though you didn't think it was possible, his eyes got even wider at your question.
"Wh-what? I-I'm not... I'm not stealing him!" He stuttered, obviously flustered. His eyes flickered around to look at anything but you and your own gaze. You narrowed your eyes at him and took a step forward, still holding your wand up to him.
"You truly think I would believe that? Why else would you been sneaking around the city at night, luring him in with coins and staying out of his sight?" You immediately realized how hypocritical this sounded, seeing as you had just done exactly the same thing, but you shook that thought away quickly.
He stood up a bit straighter, holding the still struggling niffler with both hands now. "Well, obviously this isn't your niffler because you haven't said as much, and this niffler looks exactly like my own that escaped upon my arrival to New York. I can assure you, this is my niffler," he explained. His eyes met with yours for a split second before darting away again.
You opened your mouth to speak again when you heard something rattling softly behind you, followed by a single click. You whirled around on your heels to see a small brown suitcase wiggling back and forth. One latch was undone and you saw what looked like the hand of a demiguise poking through. A gasp escaped your lips and you dove towards the case, pushing the little hand back inside and closing the latch. Your heart was pounding in your chest as the realization hit you.
"Newt Scamander..." You whispered softly, picking up the case and turning back to the now rosy cheeked man. "You're Newt Scamander."
He smiled sheepishly and nodded, allowing his grip on the niffler to loosen ever so slightly for a split second. The creature immediately dashed out of his arms and over to you. He climbed up to sit on your shoulder, and you let out a joyful laugh. The smile on Newt's face grew at the sight.
"I believe he's taken a liking to you," he mused with a grin. You smiled.
"He better have, I gave up a good bracelet for this guy," you joked as you scratched underneath the little guy's chin. He let out a little purr at your touch.
"By Merlin's beard, have I not told you to not take what doesn't belong to you?" Newt scolded, causing the niffler to bury his face in your scarf.
You let out another laugh before placing the case in between you and Newt and holding out your hand. "I'm (Y/N). Tina, Queenie, and Jacob have told me so much about you," you introduced yourself. He shook your hand and tilted his head to the side.
"You know them?" He questioned in curiosity.
"Of course! When I arrived here I was breaking a few laws, and Tina came to scold me for it. Luckily I was able to charm my way out of it," you explained with a sly wink. His cheeks turned a bright red once more, and he shifted his case around in his hands.
"Wh-what did you do?"
You grinned and nodded to his case. "Same thing that you're doing, just not quite on the same scale. I might have a little bowtruckle at home that I smuggled into the country."
Newt smiled brightly and lifted up the collar of his jacket to reveal a small green twig-like creature. You gasped in delight and scurried over to him to take a closer look.
"He's gorgeous!" You exclaimed in excitement. You looked up at Newt and quickly realized how close you were to each other. Your noses were almost brushing together, and you felt your mind going into overdrive. You weren't sure what it was about this man, but he just made everything feel like... More. You let out an internal cheer of success when you realized that he had finally managed to keep eye contact with you, and you were sure to note that the blush still hadn't left his cheeks.
Finally, you took a step back and carefully lifted the niffler from your shoulder. "Come on, let's get this guy back in your case and head over to my place with Queenie and Tina. They're probably worried sick about us," you told him with a chuckle. He grinned and nodded, though he was obviously still quite flustered by your close interaction only moments ago. You stood guard on the case as he went inside to put the niffler back into his habitat, but it didn't come without a bargain.
"Okay, I'll stand watch, but you have to promise me that I'll get the full tour in the morning."
Newt simply smiled at you and replied with a pleasant, "Of course."
Queenie began questioning you about your new little crush as soon as you got back home. You were slightly bitter about this until she finally leaned over and whispered to you that Newt was thinking the exact same thing about you as you were about him. Your cheeks turned bright red, and one look at Newt let him know that she had told you. He offered you a sheepish smile, and you were quick to return it.
Maybe you should come home late more often.
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