#sometimes you have to write a 1.6k prompt you sent yourself
blorbocedes · 1 year
prompt: lewis' film debuting at cannes, nico only an hour away
Lewis' film is premiering at Cannes. Nico takes his daughters to go.
It's apparently in collaboration with Liberty Media, lots of big Hollywood A-listers attached as producers, and actual F1 tracks and cars in use. The story is loosely based on Lewis' life, the titular Black kid from a small town in England becoming the Greatest Of All Time. So not too loosely, the main character is named Louis Harrison after all.
It's the kind of feel-good inspirational movie that Nico thinks is important for his girls to watch. The promotion for the film went all out, inviting all F1 stars. Nico himself has been vaguely aware of this film, his social media guy told him his mentions and engagement was way up ever since the main cast included a German blonde, with some speculating it would focus on the "silver war." He clarified to the German tabloids he had absolutely nothing to do with the making of the film after they spread rumours about it being a collaboration.
His daughters, like their father, love to dress up and they walk the red carpet hand in hand in their matching floral dresses, and Nico in his organic, tailored velvet green suit; pausing for the photos.
Their seats aren't too awful, very middle of the pack. A few rows ahead Nico can recognize Lewis from the distinctive shape of his braids, and glittery jacket; talking to someone Nico assumes is the director. Nico never quite had that Hollywood fever, but it seems Lewis is enjoying his retirement.
As the theatre goes dark, his daughter appropriately chastises him for having his phone out, texting Vivian a thumbs up on when she wants the girls home before pocketing it. It starts off with Young Lewis -- or Louis -- watching Senna race, a voiceover about dreams and becoming the best. The younger actor is appropriately charming, doesn't have Lewis' gap tooth but has a mean scowl when people underestimate him. It reminds him a lot of the real Lewis. The usual diatribe about the humble beginnings, the actor playing Anthony being Louis' one man pit crew taking him to races within England, an incredible wholesome father-son racing representation, one Nico was lucky to experience in his own life.
Moving on to karting years, Louis as the only black kid getting certain looks from the rest of the boys, lily-white and jealous. One even shoves him while walking past, making a pointed racially charged comment. There is a time when Nico would've assumed this is exaggerated for dramatic purposes, that his experience on the paddock, even being around Lewis as tightknit as they were, was never that bad. But he knows better now, that there's some things he will simply never experience or flew over his head at that age, and makes a mental note to bring it up with his girls and make it a teachable moment later.
And then, a young blonde boy with the thickest German accent congratulates Louis on winning the race, and Louis' eyes go wide. "You're Julian Richter. Your family is racing legend, man."
Julian. Nico snorts. He supposed it's better than Erik or Klaus as far as stereotype go. He tries not to read too much into it, as Julian and Louis become best friends -- skateboarding on the tracks, instead of unicycling, probably to seem cooler or relating to the kids, -- and karting teammates. Something wistful in Nico aches when the scene is on a beach in Spain, and the characters in the face of their uncertain futures promise they're going to become F1 World Champions together.
The story focuses on Louis' unlikely odds, a chance meeting with an F1 team principal, nothing but a handshake promise and then the road to F1, to win on his rookie year.
And then Julian enters Formula 1. And then Julian signs with Redbull. And then Julian wins consecutive championships, in the backdrop of which his and Louis' friendship crumbles in jealousy and competitiveness, and Nico feels sick to his stomach because Julian Richter is Sebastian Vettel, and the racing legend family he comes from -- the Richters -- are the fucking Schumachers.
The regulations change, Louis starts winning, he has a famous actress of a girlfriend, there's a love story angle. It isn't until Louis wins his 4th title that Julian comes over to congratulate him, both equals again -- remember what we promised on that beach in Spain? and their friendship rekindles. If the timeline Nico's keeping track of adds up, that makes it 2016. His daughter excitedly squeezes his hand when the two characters embrace on screen, making up.
The third act conflict sets the stage for Abu Dhabi 2021, naturally. But before that, it does show Louis becoming complacent with winning, arrogant and cocky as his celebrity profile increased, a rocky relationship. And then, the Niki Lauda wise mentor older character who was there for Louis all this time passes, and it tugs at the heartstrings -- is also Louis' wake up call to change. His girlfriend ends things with him. The young Belgian villain has fully set the stage.
There's a lot of emphasis how winning this final race will match Harrison to Richter's record, the legacy of it all. And then, the controversial safety car decision. Louis Harrison has the championship slip out of his fingers. The crowd gasps, the FIA are not painted charitably, stubbornly sticking to the decision out of 'decorum' after the Mercedes team argues for it to be reversed. Someone definitely boos from the back.
One thing Nico can admit is the racing scenes are quite fun and realistic, even if Toto doesn't break headphones quite as often and once a car was in 5th gear instead of 3rd.
The Julian Richter character shows up after the race to tell Louis he's retiring to go plant trees, and that Louis needs to "win it back and match my dad's legacy, it's what he would've wanted." Nico wishes he knew where Sebastian was so they could lock eyes in this moment at this Frankenstein caricature of them, that exists only to support Louis.
'Loosely based' is correct, because this shows the next season after a lot of sulking and Louis not believing in himself, the Mercedes is immediately competitive instead of whatever the W-13 was. It's a repeat of the 2021 season, which is a repeat of the 2016 season when Julian and Louis were bitter rivals. Louis is also more outspoken now, and shows how he's changed. It all comes down to the final race. The film narrates the speech from the beginning, of believing in yourself, there's a montage of Louis ever since he was a kid falling and getting back up with dramatic music swelling, and then a shot of him slapping down his visor. Lights out and away we go.
Louis Harrison wins the race.
They got Crofty to do a voiceover line for 'This year while off the track Louis Harrison has found his voice, and on it, once again he’s found his groove, and now he finds himself alongside Richter, as top in the record books, the world championship record is equaled,' His girlfriend jumps into his arms in parc ferme. Somewhere, Julian is planting a tree and smiling at the small radio. It's hugs and kisses all around the team, champagnes bursting.
The actual crowd erupts in cheers of emotional catharsis, and it cuts to a future scene of the real Lewis Hamilton in an interview setting, being asked about how he feels about his journey in F1 and if he ever thought he would make it -- if he believed in himself, winks at the camera.
The screen goes black. A Kendrick Lamar song plays as the credits roll.
There is a minutes long standing ovation, which Nico stands and encourages his daughters to clap along, with an inscrutable feeling in his chest. It was a good movie, very awards season bait, the director and lead actors are on stage giving a speech about how much it means to be able to inspire young people with Hamilton's real life story. Nico walks down the steps with others almost on autopilot.
He hadn't realized it, he didn't know he'd been holding out some tiny shred of hope that they would watch this film and through sheer nostalgia of shared memories, he and Lewis would have something to talk about again. He didn't realise how much weight he'd held to those childhood memories until he saw it be attributed to Sebastian Vettel of all people, who was too young to kart with them. It's a piece of fiction, that Nico has no right to harbour resentment towards, he tells himself.
Nico stops for a second, and is in direct eyeline of Lewis in his glittery jacket who is conducting an interview. He feels frozen when they lock eyes.
"People are saying the true heart of the film is Julian and Louis' friendship. How closely does it mirror real life from the actual F1 scene? Like the whole best friends as kids. Would you say you guys are still close friends now, and will the driver it's based on be attending the screenings like a few other F1 drivers have?"
"Yeah definitely, man, as fans have already figured out that friendship is loosely based on my friendship with Seb -- Sebastian Vettel. And yeah, it's -- you've been racing these guys since you're in karting, you feel like you've known them your whole life. [...] No, I don't think Seb's attending, this isn't really his scene."
Lewis meets Nico's eyes for a split second, before turning back to the camera. Nico carefully plucks the emotion he's feeling for something to be discussed with a licensed professional. To be quite honest, he didn't know Lewis could still make him feel like this.
His daughter tugs at his suit jacket sleeve, and Nico guides them towards the vegan ice cream and gelato stalls. There's a PG rated animated film screening at 4.
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n0bamak1s · 3 years
your type - maki zenin x reader
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request: “hi! would you be able to write fluff for maki and a female reader during/after the baseball game?” - @hvnnxh
summary: when todo makes a realization about the readers type, he takes it upon himself to set her up with maki during their exchange event (genre: fluff, kinda rivals to lovers ig)
warnings: a couple swear words, maki might be slightly ooc??
word count: 1.6k
a/n: this is slightly off from the prompt but hopefully it’s alright! i left their relationship a little up in the air in the end just bc i didn’t want it to be too rushed but i hope u like it!
if there was one regret you had after becoming a jujutsu sorcerer, it wouldn’t be a failed exorcism or hours spent in the infirmary from various injuries, no. your biggest regret would be telling aoi todo your type.
though, to be fair it’s not like you’d known that the exact type of girl you had described as your type happened to go to your sister school in tokyo. it’s not like you’d known that your classmates would constantly give you sneaky glances on the drive to your exchange event. even the famously stoic noritoshi found himself rolling his eyes when you tried to act indifferent at the mention of maki zenin’s name.
they had always noticed how your eyes tended to wander in her direction when the tokyo students would come over to train with you guys. the only problem was the fact that you barely manage to speak to her, always feeling intimidated by her confidence. though, that didn’t stop your classmates from egging you on to realize your crush on the girl.
it’s not like they were wrong in assuming that you’d be into mai’s twin sister. the problem was how insistent they seemed to be on trying to get the two of you together, which seemed to always end in you being humiliated.
when you met todo when both of you were first years and he hit you with his signature “what’s your type?” question, you answered rather honestly, in fear that he may get angry if you told a lie, or worse you told a lie AND it was a boring one.
“i guess if i had to describe my dream woman, i’d say a girl who’s confident in herself, one who doesn’t take shit from others.” you started as todo sized you up while mai looked at the ground, seeming disinterested. “and not that looks are everything, but tall girls and dark hair are pretty attractive as well.”
you heard a sniffle and looked up to make eye contact with todo, who was tearing up?
“wow y/n, i was worried you’d be a boring one, but it’s clear that you’re confident in what you like. i think you and i will get along well.” he gave you a wide grin and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to pull you in for a hug while you just smiled awkwardly, just wanting to go to class.
now todo was right that the two of you got along well usually, but that didn’t really apply when he used his booming voice to announce that “that maki chick from tokyo is totally your type that you told me when we first met!” immediately following the first part of your exchange event. at the sound of her name, the green haired girl turned to see you glaring at todo while trying to hide your embarrassment as the rest of your friends stifled laughs at the scene he’d created.
after their teasing died down, you turned forward again to make eye contact with maki, hoping to apologize for how embarrassing your classmates were. but unlike the irritated expression you expected her to wear, she instead just gave you a soft smirk before turning back to her underclassmen, who instantly sent her whispers that you could only imagine were asking what the hell just happened.
but surely you wouldn’t see much of her during the second part of the event, it would probably just be a relay race or something where you barely had to interact, right?
your next competition would be a baseball game, where you would spend over an hour around the tokyo students, which would inevitably lead to more of your classmates poking fun at you. unknown to you, however, the same thing was happening to maki with her teammates.
“why is your face all red? do you need to rest?” itadori had said as he inspected her face following todo announcing to everyone that she was your type. in response, she just knocked him on the head with her staff and kept walking ahead while nobara and itadori grinned at each other, apparently their strong willed second year had a soft spot for you.
“you know, girls totally have a thing for baseball uniforms.” todo said to you matter of factly as you tied up your cleats.
“and you’re telling me this because…?” you replied, hoping to come across as nonchalant.
he grinned at you with a mischievous look in his eyes as he rested his elbow atop your head for support. “who knows, maybe maki is one of those girls. plus, in the event that takada somehow sees this game, i think she’ll be pretty into this look!” he said confidently. you looked away and muttered some bullshit about how you didn’t care about what she thought about how you looked before you were interrupted by the locker room door swinging open to reveal miwa.
“come on guys! we start in a few minutes, and i’m sure you guys would hate to disappoint the other team.” she finished her sentence by turning to you with an almost catlike smile. you tilted your head back and groaned. her too?
the kyoto team would be batting first, giving you some time to relax in the dugout before you went up to bat. just as you were practicing your swing for batting next, your zoning out was cut off by the sound of a ball hitting todo square in the jaw. your hand flew to cover your mouth, not from concern, but to stop yourself from laughing. maki’s mock concern for todo was put on hold for a moment when you stopped trying to hide your amusement and letting your loud laugh reach the ears of your peers. she paused for a moment, not bothering to hide the smile that crept across her face at the combination of your adorable laughter, and the fact that she had been the cause of it.
“nice hit maki!” you looked up at her with a grin, while todo gave you a look of betrayal. though his glare didn’t last long when he noticed the exchange between the two of you. in his mind he was probably crediting himself for egging you on to realize your small crush on the girl, as if he was some kind of matchmaker.
the game went on pretty steadily from there, a few stolen glances between you and maki contrasted by how you cheered for momo whenever she managed to catch a ball hit by her.
the game ended with the tokyo team just managing to get by with a one point lead. you all watched them celebrate their win, before you turned back to your team, complimenting them on their hard work in hopes of lifting their spirits.
you turned back to the other team to see them loudly announcing how maki should go get them some food from the vending machine, every so often glancing to you to gage your reaction. you jumped at the feeling of todo shaking your shoulder from behind, announcing that you should get some food for the kyoto team. these guys really were the worst at being subtle, weren’t they?
instead of protesting though, you just shrugged his hand off your shoulder and made your way to the vending machines, wherever the hell those were.
after a couple minutes of making your way around seemingly every path surrounding the tokyo school, you saw maki, whose arms were hugging bags of chips close to her, and waved to her to call her over for help.
“hey, i’m kinda lost, do you think you could help me find the vending machines?” you gave a sheepish grin as you asked.
“yeah, why not?” she shrugged and smiled.
you guys walked in comfortable silence, considering your destination was pretty much just around the corner. when you realized this, you groaned from embarrassment.
“thanks for that, sorry, i should’ve known it was close by.” you chuckled awkwardly.
“no worries.” she smiled, pulling off her cap to fan her face.
god, what business did she have to look that good when covered in sweat and dirt?
“our school is pretty confusing to get around. you know if you wanted to come around again sometime, i’d be happy to show you around the place.” she leaned her head down slightly, still maintaining eye contact with you. you just nodded in response, trying to keep your composure with the close proximity between the two of you.
“you know,” she continued, “i was pretty glad to hear i was your type.” she leaned down just a little further, so your noses were practically touching.
“because you’re my type too.” she smirked.
unfortunately for the both of you, your little moment was interrupted by itadori turning the corner, it seemed like he had gone searching for the two of you.
“hey i was just looking for you-“ he cut himself off when he saw what he could only assume was the two of you seconds away from a kiss.
“sorry!” he rushed away, feeling embarrassed at the thought that he had somehow invaded your privacy.
you sighed annoyedly, knowing that you would inevitably have to deal with a million questions from your classmates about whatever it was itadori would tell them.
“aw come on, let them believe what they wanna believe.” maki smiled widely about how easily you became flustered. “they’ll leave us be as long as we bring them back some good food.” she lazily swung an arm around your shoulders as you slipped money into the machine.
maybe you’d actually have to thank todo for making you tell him your type after all.
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cherrysung · 5 years
mon amour
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pairing: jisung x reader
genre: strangers to lovers au / fluff
warnings: mucho fluff
prompts: none
summary: a short walk to the convenience store paired with your clumsy feet gifted you the world’s biggest heart, and an answer to the question that had always haunted you.
not requested.
word count: 1.6k
note: this is my first scenario, I hope you enjoy it!
cherrysung’s navigation
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Love is a very strong word, with many different meanings at that. One people use too much sometimes, and one people regret not having used. How do you know when you love someone? Do you mean it? Do people mean it? How do you even know when you mean it?
You often wondered as a kid what the word and action—love—meant.
Strangely enough, you weren’t thinking about love that one day your mom sent you out on your way to the convenience store in need of some eggs for your dinner. You also weren’t aware of how clumsy your feet generally are as you mindlessly walked back home, the sun that set behind the mountains providing you with a last bit of warmth before cool nighttime took over.
And so; your mind somewhere else, your feet struggling to find a nice pace, and the bag of eggs in your gentle grip dangling from side to side—you tripped.
Not surprising.
What was surprising, though, was the fact your body never hit the ground, but was rather caught by what felt like two strong, lean arms.
“Are you okay?” The person who was once nonexistent in your life, and then suddenly a stranger, asked with genuine concern. He looked young, almost your age, but his beauty was definitely something out of this world. His face was flawlessly highlighted by the last rays of golden sunshine, thin rimmed glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, and his white earplugs dangling by his ears after lightly taking them off.
Quickly pulling away from his grasp with tinted cheeks, you nodded, avoiding the stare that was calmly taking in your flustered expression with a hint of amusement.
“You... dropped this?” The boy smiled sheepishly, realizing the bag you were previously carrying, was full of eggs... that unfortunately cracked.
If anything now your face was completely red without a doubt, unable to deal even with the smallest amounts of embarrassment. “Don’t worry about it.” You managed to speak up. “I can buy more.” But your worries only increased as you noticed the sun had completely set, and your mind began filling with thoughts of your stressed, preoccupied mother that pondered over your lack of early arrival.
The freakishly tall boy smiled again, his narrow eyes creasing ever so slightly and his nose scrunching up in an attempt to push his glasses up. “Here,” your eyes watched as he raised his arm a tiny bit, noticing the bag of eggs that his hand, unlike yours, actually held tightly. “Don’t go to the store, it’s late already, which is not safe at all. Take these, I have more at home so it’s fine.”
Your mind was telling you to decline his offer. Yes, it was only a bag of eggs, but your mom always warned you to not talk to strangers, much less accept something from them. But, something in your heart told you to take them. He looked like a very kind boy—timid, but very nice. Also, why not? Your mom was going to beat you if you got home without them.
Reluctantly, your hand reached out, grabbing the bag of white and beige eggs before a smile etched its way onto your face, “what’s your name?”
“Park Jisung.” Your new acquaintance, or at least you hoped he was, answered as his lips mirrored your own, quickly throwing in a small folded, ripped paper into the bag held by your much smaller hands, unknowing to you. “I have to go, but I hope we can meet again.”
Your eyes watched as who used to be nonexistent in your life, then a stranger and now an acquaintance, calmly turned around and began making his way home. You panicked, wondering if you’d ever actually meet him again, “wait! My name is Y/N!”
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Now you find yourself here, laying in bed, remembering how you met the boy who you once thought was only someone you randomly crossed paths with on the streets because he offered some of his help.
You didn’t know you’d get home that day only to be yelled at by your mother, or that you would find the ripped piece of paper Jisung smoothly dropped into the plastic bag when you weren’t looking. Much less did you ever think his phone number would be messily written down on it.
More so, you did not think you would actually text him.
As you stroke the sleeping boy’s hair next to you, you realize that’s one of the best spontaneous options you’ve decided to choose. A simple action brought so much joy into your dull life.
Little did you know so much would follow; little hangouts—whether it be at his house or yours, a couple parties and late reunions at shady diners. Your life became so colorful with Jisung in it, so interesting and so full of happiness, you didn’t even notice the day you caught feelings. Even Jisung himself didn’t notice when he caught feelings for you either.
After many hangouts, parties and late meetups at shady diners, same routine after same routine—followed little, cute study dates neither of you dared admit were really just dates, with the study excuse excluded. Eventually came your actual first official date arrived when Jisung finally found the courage within his system to ask you out.
By your fifth romantic occasion, followed your first kiss, a day engraved in your mind you will never forget and certainly one of the most special. Maybe it was the innocence of the moment and how you both were inexperienced with no idea on how it worked, or maybe it was the millions of butterflies that created chaos in the depths of your stomach as Jisung leaned down to press his lips to yours. He was intoxicating, the faint scent of strawberries and baby shampoo in his messy locks filling your entire senses as your lips molded against his slowly.
It was a very short and sweet kiss, with accidental teeth clashing initially due to your lack of experience. Even still with many small mistakes, it was full of trust and love and pureness that you wouldn’t change for anything else.
Yet again, you didn’t notice the day you fell in love, neither did he.
Realization eventually dawned upon you, when you started hearing in your ears how your heart thumped crazily against your chest every time your eyes landed on him no matter how many times you had already seen him before. How you felt like your world was complete if he was in it, and how you felt sad when he was sad, or happy when he was happy. Every single little thing he did was enough for you to burst out into excitement; but most importantly, his presence or voice alone could make your heart do so many consecutive leaps.
You came to the conclusion that it was indeed love, when anything that you did together took a special place in the secrecy of your fragile heart and emotions. Jisung could take you to a cheap restaurant, write down adorable letters instead of gifting you expensive jewelry or Valentine’s Day chocolates. The two of you could simply stay at home after ordering questionable takeout from the corner chicken shop while you watched cringey movies with awful scripts, the list could go on. In spite of any of those things who anybody would deem wrong, you love him. At the end of the day, you’ve saved and appreciated all of those memories sincerely; and still do, like now.
As your fingers kept running through his brown locks gently, you finally understood this was the meaning of love that you had been searching for all along. Love for you wasn’t what you heard in the movies or read in the books. Love, for you, is Jisung. Your love lives in him, he is your love.
A soft whine brought you out of your endless thoughts, your head turning to look at the very sleepy boy beside you as his eyes opened slowly to look up at you.
Your heart did a leap, as always. Even with a tired, swollen face, messy hair and an angry pout, Jisung still looked flawless in your eyes.
“Y/N, what are you doing awake at 4 in the morning, it’s so late?” Your boyfriend slurred, his eyes struggling to remain open.
You sent him a small smile, shifting on the soft mattress until your arms were carefully secured around his waist and his head rested happily on your rising chest with every breath you took.
“I was thinking about something called love. it used to be a mystery to me.”
His head turned to look up at you slightly, hair sticking in all directions and some covering his forehead, it was a sight you never wanted to forget. “Used to? Did you find your answer?” He asked, but spoke up once again with a playful glimmer in his honeyed eyes, “oh, I know. You love me.”
An unsurprised chuckle left your lips at your boyfriend’s cocky words, but you nodded your head anyways, “I don’t only love you, Jisung. You are quite literally the love of my life, I’m sure of it.”
“I don’t only love you either. You are also the meaning of love, to be frank, I am impossibly infatuated with you.” Jisung answered with blushing cheeks. “Love really is unpredictable and can come from nowhere, even from meeting a strange girl whose eggs cracked because she wasn’t aware of her ungraceful walking.”
You cracked a laugh, jokingly smacking his head softly. “Yes, and because of a boy who basically slid into my DM’s in real life.”
Gentle snores sounded throughout the room as they slowly left Jisung’s slightly parted lips, head still on your chest as your hand resumed with its massage on his scalp. You whispered quietly before closing your eyes.
“It was you all along. The one you love defines love.”
That’s how your journey on ‘what does love mean?’ came to a finish.
The answer was very obvious. It was your boyfriend, Park Jisung. Your love.
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