#somthing gabrial would say
sola-whumping · 2 years
I have a question regarding breaking pets in. I've just got two new pets, completely untrained and fresh from their previous lives, a couple. I was wondering where I should start? Should I go straight into breaking them? Should I try to explain what they are there for first? Curious to see what you have to say on the matter, thank you for your time and consideration.
I would always say to set clear rules and expectations from the start. You want to reward cooperation and punish unwanted behavior. That of course starts with them knowing what unwanted behavior is. You want your new pets to be able to trust you. When you make a promise you must keep it, if you threaten them you have to go through with it, if you say you’ll hurt them they should trust that you will. If you promise food that should also be reliable. You are your pets whole world now, and it’s a lot easier to follow someone who keeps their promises.
To start off I always like to get my whumpees into a more.. Vulnerable, mindset. Withholding information is a big part of this, and along with that comes manipulation. Making your whumpee think it’s been a lot longer or shorter then it has been can be a wonderful tool, especially if they are expecting rescue. Feeding them false information on people they knew in their past life or just cutting them off from all information on the outside world is just lovely, and if they ever do escape, that misinformation will impact their old relationships and who they think they can trust.
If they care for each other a lot I recommend punishing the other with a method that will leave a physical mark that will fade. Bruises work well for this and are very intimidating if your new pet isn’t a doctor or nurse. Electricity is also scary for first time pets, not many pets like seeing someone jerk or scream from a jolt. If you’re okay with marked up pets don’t be afraid to leave scaring, it will make them think twice before disobeying and earning a permanent mark.
You want there to be a visual to what will happen if they misbehave along with a pain stimulus. A good way to do this is to wire them both to electric collars so it will shock them both if one of them do something or to use a whip or knife. Make sure they know it’s their fault and if they just cooperated none of this would have to happen.
The most important point I have for you is to be reasonable. Your new whumpees might not know how to be good immediately and training a whumpee doesn’t always mean breaking them. You have to teach them to be good just as much as you punish them for being defiant. Start slow with your pets and don’t be afraid to meet them at their level. They’re more likely to obey if they know you’re a reliable handler with easy to predict punishments.
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seating plan au part 13
the next update is gonna be a lot so I tryed to make this somewhat light
part 12
once Lila becomes the new Mayura Gabriel decides to keep her close by, he's not an idiot, he knows he can't fully trust her, this means she starts interning for him...interning at the same time as Marinette
Lila starts showing off in class, naturally, bosting about how Gabriel is “simply obsessed with my designs, he even promised me a slot in his next show” *cue synchronised mari and felix eye rolls* 
most of the class eats it all up but the gang (mari, felix, Alix, Kim and max) calls bull, Alix-” you've been interning for 3 days lie-la..you really expect us to believe any of that crap?” *Mari quietly laughing* Kim- “yeah, Mari's been interning there for months, Gabriel doesn't just throw fashion shows around like that, you have to work hard and prove your worth, prove your actually talented” Lila- “I'm sure Marinette is just as talented as me, it's not my fault Gabrial sees more potential in my work... I didn't mean to make you so jealous Marinette” “trust me I'm far from jealous” Alya- “well you sure seem jealous... it's not good luck” annoyed that Lila's getting any attention Chloe adds “well you and Lila would know something about that Alya, it's utterly ridiculous YOU of all people have an internship in fashion” Alya walks closer to chloe pointing at her “you can’t talk to peole like that chole!” Chloe- “get your grubby fingers out of my face before I catch somthing” Alya-“....what?”
fed up of the stupidity going on Felix stands and says “my uncle hasn't  given anyone anything, that's not how it works, especially not to someone so mediocer....if he was going to hed give it to Marinette his actual protege because unlike you lie-la Mari is special, she has real talent, you'd have to be blind not to see that” *mari blushes bright red*
smirking Alix pipes up and says “or did we misunderstand what you were saying lie-la?” momentarily caught off guard by Felix Lila slips up and says “I don't expect someone with such a small brain to understand anything” and then storms out of class rose “well...that was kinda rude” *dripping with sarcasm Mari adds* “how out of charicter” alix- “indeed Mari...so strange”
during lunch, Adrian asks Felix a question “is it... it's not” “spit it out Adrian” “why would father give Lila of all people an internship? he already has Mari, he knows talented she is...this whole situation seems... I don't know the right word but it's not right Felix” *nodding* Felix- “for once I actually agree with you Adrian” *smiling wide* Adrian-“really?!?”  *signature Felix eye roll* “don't get too excited, also don't worry, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, I'm sure Lila is up to something”
Alix looking over at Adrian and Felix “what do you think they're talking about?” Kim- “no clue...looks serious though” max- “Mabey we should stop staring?” Alix- “any ideas Mari?” *Mari is obviously worrying* “no idea guys...I'm sure it's fine though, they've been getting on a lot better lately” max- “seriously guys Mabey we should stop staring bef...too late” felix spots them all watching his conversation with Adrian and the gang quickly turn around  
the next day Felix suits up and meets up with lb “I just thought you should know, you said you don't trust Lila, I don't either, I just know she's planning something, my uncle would never hire someone so unspectacular” *lb giggles “I really appreciate this Ren” (sins Felix hero name is Renard Arctique lb has taken to using the nickname Ren much to chats annoyance) Felix smiles and adds “I know we're not supposed to talk about our personal lives but you already know who I am so...i need to ask a favour” “you can ask me anything” “will you please keep an eye out for Marinette, I have a bad feeling whatever Lila is planning involves mari...and it would kill me if she got hurt and I did nothing to stop it” *lb’s cheeks turn slightly pink* “you have nothing to worry about Ren, nothing will happen to her, ill make sure of that” 
the internship is extremely uncomfortable, whenever Mari is asked to sketch up designs or asked to deliver fabric samples Lila is right behind her like a shadow, it becomes imposable for Mari to get any work done, she also cant get Felix warning out of her head, she trusts felix instincts, he he truly believes somethings wrong then it has to be true, but that leaves the big question, what the hell is she up too
one-day Maris design book goes missing, Lila takes the book in an attempt to copy the designs and pass them off as her own, it doesn't work, Gabriel knows Marinette’s style, but he takes advantage of the situation, its the best chance to potentially akumatise his level headed protege, he knows if given the chance she'd have the power to rival even ladybug (if only you knew hawky)
Gabrial tells Lila to play up the fact he loves her designs to the class and especially Marinette gab- “do whatever it takes to drive Marinette over the edge” (bad idea Gabriel...real bad) smirking Lila has the perfect plan
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