#son Chaeyoung
earlysunshines · 5 months
but i’ll love you better, if you let me
son chaeyoung x fem!reader ; angst, smut
synopsis: “you told me your new man don’t make you nut, that’s a damn shame.”
wc: 7.4k
warnings: smut; thigh riding; jealousy ; cheating!! ; readers a meanie lowk; men mentioned ; smoking; cursing; alcohol; lalala whatever else i missed ; not proofread
a/n: happy late chae day!!! ALSO i don't condone cheating… HOWEVER.
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chaeyoung watches you closely, a cigarette perched between your lips as a subtle smirk dances across your features in response to the news.
“boyfriend?” you scoff, almost as if it’s a joke to you. “right.”
furrowing her brows, she looks at you, almost offended.
“what’s with the tone?”
"nothing, nothing...," you mumble, your eyes drilling into hers with intensity. she shrinks under your gaze, just as she always does when you give her that look. you light the end of your cigarette, inhaling shallowly before exhaling a small cloud of smoke.
chaeyoung crosses her arms. “i’m serious.”
“yeah?” you say teasingly, smiling like she’s an idiot. “does this boyfriend have a name?”
she’s a little frustrated at the tone of your voice, plus the little look you give her. the way you pay no mind to this new information – your eyes squinting and the look of incredulity you give her – brushing it off as some stupid, laughable lie ticks a nerve in her.
you inhale deeper, then sigh out the smoke slowly.
“alright, new topic,” you suggest, handing her the cigarette, which she rejects by pushing your wrist away, to your surprise.
“why are you acting like this is some stupid joke? don’t you care?”
yes, you did care. the notion of chaeyoung being involved with a man earned a visceral reaction from you, a combination of disbelief, frustration, and disappointment. the idea honestly seemed preposterous, even laughable, but your reaction had no sign of amusement. if anything, it left a bitter taste in your mouth, worse than any cheap hangover remedy. 
“i do care.”
offering the cigarette to her again, you raise both brows expectantly as you urge her to take it. she reluctantly accepts it from in between your fingers, then holds it to her lips.
you continue, looking away from her now and towards the street, “i just don’t want some guy taking so much of your time, time we could be using to hang out. besides, i don’t know him, you never even mentioned the guy.”
as the anger subsides, chaeyoung's features soften, her expression shifting to one of understanding. in the gentle glow of the setting sun, she’s a little cuter when she looks at you like that, her usual appeal heightened by the softening light.
you glance at her and smirk before looking back at the ground, leaning against the wall of the building behind you. 
the two of you have developed a reputation for being nearly inseparable. whether it's in class or during free time, the two of you are almost always together. chaeyoung was in two of your classes, and not the tedious prerequisite classes offered, the ones that people willingly chose based on their interests: music theory and art history.
you noticed her from first glance, taking note of the pretty girl in your two classes. she was striking; tattoos littered her skin, her unconventional style, and sick piercings. yeah, definitely your type of person, she was bound to lure you. however, you didn’t chase, so instead of actively pursuing her, you opted for more subtle approaches. you'd steal glances in her direction, flash a smile whenever your eyes met, or create chance encounters like accidental bumps or brushed hands, all of which served as silent invitations for her to make the first move.
from the moment you shared your first cigarette in the streets at night – outside your now favorite bar as a way to escape the rest of your classmates – a strong connection formed. 
chaeyoung hands you the cigarette back; you inhale deeply again, letting the smoke fill your lungs.
“if he’s uglier than you i won’t accept it.” you mutter, knowing you won’t because there’s no one more striking than her. 
“people are more than just looks you know.”
“that only applies to women.”  you grin. “now, let’s go get dinner. i’m hungry.”
she rolls her eyes at you and playfully pushes your shoulder before swiping the cigarette from your fingers. you chuckle at her reaction, then tilt your head, silently urging her to walk with you to a nearby restaurant down the street.
you shouldn’t have gone out with san and wooyoung, especially not on a thursday night because now it’s friday morning and you can still feel the hangover.
you wait on a bench at the little park on campus, the ache in your head still present even after your first class, despite gulping down a bottle of water and two advil tablets prior to it. 
chaeyoung asked to meet there, talking about some “surprise” she had. 
after waiting five minutes you finally feel your phone buzz in your hand, seeing the notification pop up on the top of the screen.
chaeyoung: i’m here
chaeyoung: to your left
you turn your head, noticing your best friend walking alongside a taller man, their hands interlocked. your stomach churns at the sight – you almost throw up in your mouth. taking a deep breath, you rise from your seat and make your way over to them, meeting them in the middle of the sidewalk.
chaeyoung had told you about him two weeks ago, even mentioning him here and there but you didn’t think you’d actually meet him, not now.
he wears a small – clearly forced – half-smile, one that you have the urge to wipe off his face. his hair is a messy, platinum blonde, with roots starting to show. a loose-fitting black tee drapes over his frame, paired with dark, baggy jeans. he’s also taller than you, maybe two or three inches taller, but not crazy tall. he's not the worst-looking guy, but you can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment.
“people are than just looks you know,” her words repeat in your head – you try to consider them.
“haesol, this is y/n. she’s my closest friend.” she says, then looks at you with sparkles in her eyes. “y/n, this is haesol, my boyfriend.”
“boyfriend, right.” you respond, tone acidic.
“you’re the best friend?”
the best friend? yeah, you’re not really fond of the way he said that. but to be fair, your tone wasn’t as nice either.
“yeah.” you force a friendlier expression after glancing over at chaeyoung, smiling at haesol now. “it’s nice to meet you.”
“same here.” 
it’s undeniably awkward, with chaeyoung by his side and your unpreparedness to face – well, him. you can’t help but glance at their locked hands, immediately looking away after it had disgusted you enough.
chaeyoung clears her throat before saying, “um, y/n, i was just wondering if you would like to get lunch with us? the two of you can get to know each other.”
a little sigh leaves your lips because really, you don’t want to know him any more than you do. but lunch with chaeyoung is something you can never pass up, especially when she’s looking at you all hopeful and shooting a little pout.
“i’m down, yeah.”
“great.” she says, “perfect.”
you and haesol make eye contact again before chaeyoung pulls him away, expecting you to follow.
to keep it brief, lunch was alright. it was rather quiet, unlike your usual conversations with chaeyoung, which are filled with laughter and tend to be more lively. with him there, you felt somewhat out of place, finding his stupid looks at chaeyoung irritating and the constant touchiness made you lose most your appetite.
when haesol was distracted by his phone or momentarily left the conversation, you found it easier to simply talk to chaeyoung. however, as soon as he looked back at her, you would fall silent again. 
you found his demeanor too blunt and his tendency to boast about himself irritating. his lack of attention to chaeyoung while she was speaking, instead focusing on his phone, only added to your irritation, making you scrunch your brows and send judgy looks.
“y/n, why don’t you tell him about yourself?” chaeyoung says to break the random moment of silence as you all eat. 
you blink, swallowing the rice you had been eating. “oh, like what?”
haesol seemed more focused on the food in front of him, paying little attention to the conversation. chaeyoung, on the other hand, noticed the lack of information being shared about you, which confused her. to her, you were the most interesting person in the room.
“haesol, you know y/n is in a band?”
you ‘re quick to cut her off, “it’s just a gig, not that serious. just… extra money.” you widen your eyes at her, tightening your jaw to send a little message. 
“oh, that’s cool i guess.” he says, shrugging at you. 
“she plays guitar and sings–”
“it’s just a side thing.” you say sternly. 
haesol doesn’t notice the look you give chaeyoung, too unbothered by your presence as a whole. you give him a little look before crossing your arms.
“haesol,” you begin.
he finishes chewing and swallows before humming a “ hm?”
“what do you like about my best friend?”
he pauses, thinking to himself (you would’ve answered without hesitation).
“she’s cute and every time i talk to her she listens and laughs you know. she’s hot.”
“right.” you mumble, then look over to chaeyoung, who’s smiling like an idiot. “okay.”
his phone – which had been set on the table for once – started to ring. you eye him as he picks it up, answering with a snarky tone that you hate; the urge to punch him in the face eats you up, but you manage to hold back.
you can’t do this, he’s not any of the few men you tolerate, everything about him pisses you off. you’re going to burst any moment and it’s better to let the fire die down.
“i should get going.” you suddenly speak, not caring that he’s listening to someone through the phone. “i have things to do. sorry chaeng.”
“you haven’t finished your food.” she says, furrowing her brows.
you shrug. “not hungry anymore. you two have fun.”
chaeyoung doesn’t get another word in, you’re already up and ready to go by the time she opens her mouth. haesol doesn’t bat an eye, letting you leave without questioning it.
from then on, whenever you and chaeyoung meet alone or with friends, the mere mention of haesol makes you feel a sense of discomfort bordering on nausea. you find yourself growing slightly distant, just enough to create a subtle but noticeable shift in your interactions, especially when haesol is brought up and acknowledged. 
so chaeyoung stops mentioning him, completely disregarding him whenever you’re near because at the end of day she just wants what you two have to be normal. at the end of the day she craves any attention you give her rather than haesol.
and things get more normal from there on out, as long as he’s not involved.
but it still lingers in her mind, you and haesol, you. 
(that’s really complicated to think about, so chaeyoung doesn’t really think on it that much.
but she really should consider why you plague her mind a little more than haesol.
a lot more.)
you look down at your notes, spinning the pencil in between your fingers. “the free response ones, they’re worth more points than the multiple choices, sixty percent. i think we have to apply abstract expressionism to pieces and the text, and then there’s some romanticism that we have to use. it should be relatively simple if you just bullshit it with the examples given but–”
you look up again, chaeyoungs eyes drill into your whole being. 
she frowns. “you don’t like haesol, do you?”
“we need to study for the exam chaeng.” you grumble, followed by a sigh.
“you’re avoiding my question.”
sitting back in your seat, you look at her, frustrated. then you drop your pencil down on your notes, cursing under your breath.
“i don’t like your boyfriend, there, happy?”
“he pisses me off.”
“did he do something to you?”
“did he need to? do i need a reason? i don’t want to waste my time talking about a man or thinking of one. can we just study?” your voice raises a bit, you’re clearly annoyed; chaeyoung decides to let it go, letting you continue on with what you were saying. “anyways, i think chapter 16 and 17 are what we need to focus on.”
chaeyoung stiffens in her seat. “yeah, okay. i have notes for that.”
the atmosphere in the study room becomes heavy, almost suffocating for both of you. even worse is when you both sit in silence, poring over notes, the only audible sounds being the scratch of your pencil against paper as you jot down key terms, and the rhythmic tapping of chaeyoung's foot against the ground. the tension hangs thick in the air, palpable yet unspoken.
you look up again, sighing.
honestly, you feel bad (not really, it’s haesol you’re talking about. but chaeyoung? yeah, you can’t bear to see a frown on that pretty face of hers), but you can’t control how you feel about her boyfriend. about her. 
chaeyoung’s been a little crush, well, maybe little isn’t the right word. you’ve never done anything about it because there wasn’t a need to, it wasn’t clawing at you. not until now at least. 
she’s been available, single, yet you never even thought of asking her out or anything, just small advances and subtle hints to something. 
cigarettes shared in more places than you can count on one hand, letting her hold onto your waist as you drove her home on that motorcycle of yours, carrying her over to someplace safe while she’s batshit drunk, and even lending yourself to her when she needed someone to literally lean on. you let her sprawl all over you, despite hating physical touches from anyone else. 
wasn’t that enough? how dense did she have to be? or really, the question was: were your advances really enough?
and now? god, she has a whole boyfriend, it fucking kills you. the mere thought of him being in her life makes it all miserable, you can’t look at that beautiful face of hers or interact with her normally without that weird feeling in your heart, the feeling hurts you, eats you up inside. it’s all because of her boyfriend, the fact that you can’t have her, even though she deserves you instead of him.
the last thing you want is the feeling of your chest being split into two, so you avoid the thought of haesol as a whole.
(it seems to be failing, considering how often you think of chaeyoung, then of him, and now your whole heart feels like it’s being pounded by a hammer 24/7.)
you break the silence, looking up from the notes chaeyoung had passed to you. parting your lips, you don’t speak, instead, pondering, thinking of what to say. 
as you look at chaeyoung, you can't help but notice the subtle changes in her appearance. her hair is a little shorter than before, framing her face in a new way. but it's the nervous way she rubs at the tattoos on her hands that catches your attention. those tattoos, the ones that litter her hand, are familiar to you, more familiar than you'd care to admit. you’ve thought about them in too many ways, some ways you’re a little too embarrassed to admit.
“did you get a haircut?” you ask, raising a brow.
chaeyoung looks at you in surprise, the tension already sizzling down as the conversation starts. “yeah, just a little off the ends, some touch up’s on the layers.
you pause, then reach to run your hands through her hair.
“it’s cute, i like it.”
chaeyoung smiles, finding herself blushing at the sudden compliment. “thank you.”
“hey, after this, let’s grab something to eat?” she laughs, smiling at how anticipated you are. “of course.”
“let’s head over to shin’s–her bibimbap is good, cheap, and the best i’ve had.”
“okay, okay.” she snickers, grinning. “you pay.”
“yeah yeah, whatever.”
it’s these little moments that saw at the growing tension between you two, surely but slowly. 
and then the two of you laugh in between note taking again, it’s easy to ignore the elephant in the room considering how you two are; oblivious, pining a little more than both of you would like to admit, and too conflicted to even consider confrontation or communication.
as the two of you laugh in between note-taking, it's easy to fall back into the comfortable rhythm of your friendship. you both choose to ignore the elephant in the room considering how you two are—oblivious to the deeper undercurrents, secretly pining for each other more than either of you would care to admit, and too conflicted to even breach the topic of confrontation or communication. so you laugh, you joke, and you carry on, pretending that everything is just as it should be, even when it's far from it.
haesol turns his head. “something on your mind baby?”
gross, chaeyoung furrows her brows at the petname, weirdly enough. 
his arm is around her, hand resting on her shoulder and her head rested on his bicep. they’re watching a movie, chaeyoung blinks, responding lowly, “oh, no.”
“seems like it.” haesol says, but doesn’t pry.
you’d pry, you’d do something to make her confess her worries. haesol simply pushes her closer into him, eyes on the screen of the tv.
chaeyoung wants to push aside the strange pounding of her heart whenever she's around you. she wishes she could stop catching herself checking you out, feeling every unfamiliar flutter and pang in her heart. it's all so foreign to her, and it makes her uneasy. she doesn't like the uncertainty, the conflicted feelings swirling inside her chest, the questions without answers, everything that has to do with you. 
sometimes she even wonders what it would be like if you were in haesol’s place, like right now, watching this movie with her, with your arm under her head instead of his. maybe if she was next to you, then maybe her evening wouldn’t feel like such a waste right now.
“i think,” chaeyoung starts, “i think im going to go to sleep. i don’t feel well.”
“what? seriously?” haesol asks, there’s a hint of annoyance in his tone. “um, feel better, drink water or something. i’ll be in bed later.”
chaeyoung forces a smile, pursing her lips a little tighter than she’d like, then walks over to his room, flopping on his bed.
she checks her phone, a text from you pops up.
you: wyd
a small smile forms on chaeyoung’s lips.
chaeng: about to sleep
you: at ten–almost eleven, on a saturday?
you: something up?
chaeng: just not feeling it
you: are you sick? haesol is with you right? is he taking care of you?
her brows furrow; this is the first time you’ve mentioned his name. sure, it was through text, but you acknowledged him. she tucks herself into the blanket and stares at the text before responding.
chaeyoung: we were watching a movie and i felt a little tired, just went back to the room to lay down
you: right
you: you better pick up, im calling
she reads your text, and not even five seconds later feels her phone ring, looking at the contact photo of you in some stupid hat in one of those photobooth pictures, as well as your name pop up in bold on her screen. she presses the green icon, bringing the phone to her ear lazily.
“what’s up?” you ask. she hears a bit of noise in the back, it sounds like you’re at some bar, maybe outside of it, probably with some of your other friends who have a higher tolerance than her. 
“y/n, i’m just tired.”
“right.” you say calmly, she hears the faint sound of you inhaling, then a small exhale. “and that boyfriend of yours isn't taking care of you?”
“we were just watching a movie and i don’t know, i just felt… uneasy.”
“he’s giving you migraines.”
“it doesn’t work like that.”
“thinking of how easy it is to dismiss how you are, the thought of him gives me one.” you admit, “if he weren’t so dense then he’d be with you right now–who finishes a movie by themself? who lets their girlfriend feel sick–alone?”
chaeyoung groans. “why do you care so much about him now? you’re always acting like he doesn’t exist and god– are you, are you drunk?”
“no.” voice firm and stern. 
you lean against the balcony in the outside area of the bar, sighing; you’re a liar, and most definitely drunk. how could you not be after soyeon had coaxed you into those shots? on her tab too.
“why are you sulking.” you question, your voice not so far from a mumble.
"i'm not," chaeyoung is also a liar, she is sulking, her body limp against the mattress as she lays on the bed. she's still processing the events leading up to the movie: her and haesol had made out, one thing leading to another which led to them fucking–and not for the first time, maybe the fifth or sixth time, she can’t remember any of it since it was all so… anticlimactic. she's left feeling a pit in her stomach, even worse than the one after their first night of intimacy.
you can hear the bullshit in her voice, the alcohol takes over your senses and you say, “i’ll be over at the park–you know which one. be there.”
“y/n, what? wait���”
“i‘m not letting you sulk alone, stupid.”
“haesol’s going to–”
“i don’t care.” you spit, “when did i ever?”
you sit at one of the benches, a water bottle in your hand while you try to sober up. to be fair, you’re not off the walls drunk – you can still walk fine, function really well, and honestly, you’re basically fine – but drunk enough to say something a little too bold for your liking. 
the moon is up, pretty full considering it’s the end of the month. it shines down on you, down on your tired features and bothered self because of this whole new problem chaeyoung brought as soon as haesol appeared: an unsure heart.
never were you the type of person to go crazy over some crush, you never let it ruin you, but now, it’s doing just that. 
chaeyoung approaches you, catching the way your hair flows down behind you, a glimpse of your crewneck, and then you turn to the side little as if youve sensed her from behind; chaeyoung looks at you, mesmerized. 
there’s something to be said about your appearance, it’s no wonder you’ve caught many eyes, and especially now, under this glow– and maybe it’s the feeling of seeing someone, you, who doesn’t make chaeyoung uneasy – you look effortlessly wonderful, even if it’s just your side profile facing her.
you turn, smiling like you’ve just seen the rarest star after you catch chaeyoung in your line of vision.
(she’s brighter than a star, much brighter.)
turning back to stare at the lamppost in front of you, chaeyoung sits down, you feel her presence and sense her in your peripheral. then you feel yourself blush, taking in everything in front of you; you smile like an idiot, and idiot head over heels. 
“you are drunk.” chaeyoung says, “liar.”
“you lied first. it’s 1-1.” she crosses her arms, leaning away from you–she’s mad, or at least annoyed–you frown. “hey, what’s up?”
“y/n, you piss me off sometimes you know?”
“what? did i do something?”
she scoffs, looking at you in disbelief. 
“i thought we were best friends, you know? and i could tell you anything, i can tell you anything, i have told you anything. but lately? it’s like, i have to continuously avoid potholes just to keep you from being all pissy.”
you sit up, furrowing your brows in offense. “excuse me?”
“y/n don’t fucking give me that.” she says, tears welling up in her eyes. you stay put, backing down a bit and start to listen. “all i’ve wanted to do is talk about haesol, and you aren’t even willing to do that; you’re the only person i feel like i can talk to about him. and these things? they all bother me, but as soon as i open my mouth and you guess that it’s haesol? you fucking back down.”
“chaeyoung i–”
“do you know how hard it is? the one person i want to talk to and won’t even listen.” she turns away from you, letting her eyes fall to the concrete. “you’re the one person i can turn to, and honestly–it’s embarrassing to admit–but i’ve grown so attached to you, i mean, even when i’m with him; all i think about is you.”
your brain is still foggy, maybe that’s why you’re getting so emotional. the thought of you pushing her away, all because of a man–it’s selfish, so incredibly selfish the more you look on it. 
“i’m sorry.” is all you can utter, looking at her with sympathy and guilt etched on your features. “i’m sorry.”
“you should be.” she’s silent after that, still looking down at the ground while you study her every move and emotion.
she feels a shoulder graze her, then an arm extended behind her back. you push her a little close into you, just enough to make her feel better.
“i’m sorry for dragging you out here and… ignoring everything. i’ve just been really conflicted and i’d really love to tell you why, but i just… can’t.” you confess, looking down at your shoes. “you can tell me anything, always. i never want you to feel like you can’t.”
she turns her head, looking at your face illuminated by the glow of the night and the streetlamp. 
“i hate that you make it so hard to be mad at you.”
“be mad at me, it’s what i deserve.”
“i’ve tried.”
you smile, it’s a little uncertain, but it’s something to clear the air momentarily.
“what’s been going on with haesol?” you pry, it hurts to ask, but for the sake of chaeyoung; you pry.
“god y/n, there’s so much.”
she looks at you, then around the park. it hits her that her surroundings are… not her most ideal environment to tell you about haesol, her sex life, and everything that’s been upside down; she doesn’t know where to start.
you read her mind – you always do, somehow – and pause her right where she is.
“maybe we should go to my place, i should be sobered up by then. i hope.
the two of you make it to your place, chaeyoung had called a cab because who knows how bad you could get. still, you’re pretty manageable, especially only a few shots. you’ve sobered up completely by the time you reached your place, finding your keys and letting both of you in.
chaeyoung catches a whiff of bourbon, cashmere, vanilla, and amber, with hints of the signature cigarette smell laced within. she makes her way to the little sliding door leading to the small balcony—the same one the two of you always go to when it's late, when you're both tired, and when there's a lot to say. it's a space filled with unspoken words and shared moments, where only each phase of the moon has heard everything you two have to say.
chaeyoung watches you trudge along and lean against the balcony next to her when you arrive. you shuffle through the pocket of your jeans for a box of cigarettes, and she notices that it's half empty. you take one out, then fish for your lighter with a floral design on it. bringing the flame up to the end of the cigarette trapped between your lips, you light it—a routine that chaeyoung could never quite get used to. and honestly, the way you handle the cigarette is hotter than it should be.
smoke leaves your mouth in small increments as you ask, “so, you and haesol?”
“oh, yeah.” chaeyoung says, almost distracted by the way you stare out into space. “we’ve, well…”
“what’s the biggest problem on your mind right now, we can start with that.”
“we– well–” and chaeyoung thinks to herself, thinking of the moments prior to being near haesol and watching that movie, ane even their first night of intimacy. she thinks of how he touched her and how it wasn’t as striking as it should’ve been, how long he lasted – which, wow, was not long – and honestly just how he pleased himself more than her. “we fucked.”
the cigarette almost slips from in between your fingers. “wait, what?”
“we’ve fucked a couple of times, i just, it wasn’t all that.”
“jesus, you’ve been through hell.” you joke lightheartedly, which earns a giggle from chaeyoung.
she takes the cigarette from you, then draws deeply from the cigarette. “it wasn’t too bad, like, i didn’t mind but, it was really–”
“disappointing? men are like that.”
“you and men.” chaeyoung scoffs, inhaling again.
“i’m serious, and being sexually frustrated is serious too.” and then you eye her–dangerously. chaeyoung tries to ignore the way you looked at her, it lasted a second but there was definitely something on your mind. she holds the cigarette to your lips, you move your head forward to catch it in between your lips, inhaling as you fix your crewneck. “you deserve better.”
“he’ll get better.” she says it almost like a manifestation, something she’ll write down on paper and put under her pillow so she’ll finally cum without instructing too much.
“you shouldn’t have to wait for someone to fuck you right.” you begin, and maybe you haven’t sobered up, because then, she widens her eyes after you say, “bet i could make you feel good.”
the world seems to come to a standstill, you lean against the balcony, your tricep resting on the metal railing, fingers holding the half-smoked cigarette as you cradle your face in the same hand. your gaze meets hers with an intensity that suggests you've just posed a question— and honestly, chaeyoung might have sulked to such a point that she's seriously considering it. that small, mischievous smile playing on your lips might just be enough to sway her decision.
“that’s cheating, i–”
“you don’t have to.” turning your head to teh side and puffing. “it was a suggestion.”
maybe chaeyoung is desperate (she most definitely is), because wow, that smirk is growing into a cocky ass grin that shows your teeth and the prominent canines and–
“are you drunk or are you serious?” chaeyoung asks you, looking you dead in the eye. 
eyeing her from the side, you respond, “you want it to be serious?”
she gulps. “no strings attached?”
“none have to be, friends with benefits is a thing, chaeyoung.”
she gulps again. “okay, yeah, sure.”
you smile, then smush the cigarette into the ashtray down on the small stool you have out, then tilt your head to urge her inside.
she follows you to the couch, sliding the door behind her before you sit down on the couch, watching her hesitantly follow. she stands in front of you and you eye her like she’s your prey.
she doesn’t question how your moral compass is fucked, especially after you’ve suggested this, knowing she’s with haesol. but she doesn’t think of whatever your morals and rights or wrongs are after she catches you unzipping your fly, sliding the little metal button out from the slit and–
you’re sliding down your jeans – baggy and a dark navy – they land at your ankle before you retreat back into a lounged position on the cushions. her eyes follow the jeans as they scrunch up at your ankles, then trail up your surprisingly toned legs, and then stop at the calvin klein underwear you have on.
you rub your hand on your thigh, sliding it down to your knee and making eye contact with her.
“c’mere.” you pat down on your skin. “you've been complaining about him and i just... wanna make you feel good for once. that alright? i kind of owe it to you for being so shitty.”
chaeyoungs breath hitches involuntarily as she looks down at you, her morals trying to win her over but god is that difficult to do when you’re so–
you’re sliding off your crewneck, it reveals a tanktop under, and of course, the various tattoos littered on your upper arms and shoulders. she bites her lip subtly.
yeah, there’s no going back on this one.
chaeyoung gives in because c’mon, this is a fantasy that’s been in the back of her mind, and her cunt is screaming louder than ever than when she’s been with haesol. honestly, her pussy whispers when she’s with him, and now it’s yelling–more than ever just seeing you sitting there on your couch, legs slightly parted as you eye her.
there’s a pretentious smirk trying to tug at your lips, but you fight against it and clench your jaw. 
she lets out a long breath before moving over to settle herself down on your thigh, the contact makes her shiver.
"there we go," you whisper softly, drinking in the sight before you. your fingertips dance along the curves of her ribs, hidden beneath the fabric of her cropped, white shirt. her breath stumbles as she tries to focus on you, or anything in the moment, really. "you’re so pretty, you know?”
instinctively, she ruts her hips against you, a soft breath escaping her lips. her skirt allows easy access, easily pushed aside to let her soaked panties glide against your skin. the fabric covering her folds adds to the tantalizing allure, fueling the urge to tease her further.
no foreplay has made chaeyoung feel this desperate for stimulus on her cunt, no one has made her feel this hot and heavy. you haven’t even undressed her yet and she’s already leaving a trail of arousal on your thigh like that. 
chaeyoung slides off the jacket she has on – haesol’s denim jacket that he gave her two days before – and throws it carelessly on the floor, not minding where it lands or what happens to it. the main event is you, all attention is on you. 
the guilt that should've been sitting in her stomach, stabbing her through the heart and holding her down went out the window as soon as your fingers landed on the edge of her skirt – but there was none of that, not when you started to tease your fingers along her skin. 
“how about this too?” you suggest, tugging at the fabric of her skirt, a sly smile gracing your lips. “tell me… you want it off?”
“yes,” she says immediately, almost like a breath. “please, fuck, yeah take it off.”
“how eager.” you snicker.
her skirt is off now, leaving her in soaked underwear and that t-shirt of hers. she’s slipping back onto your thigh, your special seat for her now. honestly, from the way she looks and feels–sounds… yeah, this spot might have to be reserved for her and only her.
the smirk on your face is smug as your eye her hips, placing both hands on them and slowly grinding her on your skin. chaeyoung, who’s not used to this extent of pleasure, moans immediately, biting her lip in embarrassment to suppress anything else that manages to slip out.
you can’t help but laugh under your breath, amused by how pleased she is. you kind of feel bad – if she feels this good from just grinding, how bad is that dick of her boyfriend’s? you pity the girl, so as her best friend, you have to give her what she’s missing.
she’s moving her hips on her own now, scooting up closer to you so she can plant her hands on your shoulders, making it easier to fuck herself on your skin. your groans are low, almost airy here and there while you watch, occasionally helping her out by pressing up against her. 
you can tell she’s doing everything she can to hide the sounds she’s making, desperately biting back moans that you want to hear. you’re not going to let her stay quiet, not when she sounds so pretty all because of you. all for you.
sliding your hand up, you press your thumb on her bottom lip, allowing her plea’s to be heard as you forcefully part her lips, your grip on her jaw almost deathly.
“f-fuck y/n, w-wait.”
the grip on your shoulder tightens, making you groan yourself. she looks down at where her clad cunt meets your skin again, scrunching her brows hard as she desperately ruts against you. 
her voice swells the more she rubs against you, the sounds coming out her mouth reverberating like a symphony building to its crescendo. aggressively, you grab her hips again, shifting her down roughly against your thigh. she throws her head back, mouth widening as a loud, shaky moan escapes. then, like a symphony's final movement, everything harmonizes. 
the sound of your name being cried out when she cums resonates, lingering in our ears, a perfect harmony that captivates you, making you smile. she throws her head down on your shoulder, muttering your name over and over while her hands desperately claw against your shoulder, tricep, skin – against anything.
she’s still moving against you, but slower now, trying to ease herself back down from cumming for the first time in a while. even when she did cum that one time from haesol, it has never left her as shaken up or satiated as this.
your hands stabilize her by the hips as she pulls away, her face inches away from yours. you manage to get a glimpse of her underwear – completely wet, like a tidal wave had crashed against it – smile to yourself, pleased.
“how was that?” you ask, “seemed good.” your voice is low, speaking from the throat as you soften your tone.
“s-shut, “ she starts, then presses her lips against yours, making you hum surprisingly. “up.”
it feels right, so fucking right despite how morally wrong it is. 
she’s basically on your hip now, mindlessly grinding in your lap as she kisses you. it’s slow, sensual, and so goddamn intimate considering this is the first time you’ve done anything remotely… romantic? anything that really crossed the line of “friendship.”
then you’re sliding your tongue against the space in between her lips, earning access to her mouth as you slide your tongue in, exploring her like she’s some eighth wonder of the world. she moans into the kiss, it’s muffled, but it’s great. more than great–amazing.. you kiss and kiss like there’s no tomorrow, fighting for air by the time your lips’ part. and now it’s your time to admire your mess: tangled dark hair framing chaeyoung’s face, her puffy lips and flushed cheeks, and those lidded eyes. 
your lips move to her neck, making her grip at you as soon as you make contact with her skin again. you’re like a fucking drug to her, she’s getting high just from this small dose of you and she might just get addicted after knowing how the high is. this might just be worse than her smoking habits, but if it’s you? she doesn’t give a fuck.
“y/n, fuck wait,” chaeyoung sighs, getting up to slider her underwear off and throwing it to the side. “again, please.”  
you laugh, more than happy to comply. “of course, as much as you want.”
the rest of the night is filled with chaeyoung’s moans, your soft voice coaxing her as she stimulates herself, and the last thing on either of your minds is haesol, because that’s a worry for later.
she cums again a few minutes later – surprisingly fast, but just as good, and you’re not judging her either way. poor girl. she goes a little limp after that, resting against you, still in your lap, and letting her head settle on your shoulder while you rub her back.
“you gonna stay the night?” you ask her, feeling her breath against your neck. “because you can.”
chaeyoung pauses, she doesn’t answer. 
she pulls away from you, then gazes at your face. you look back at her, not really expecting anything, just looking at her. chaeyoung breathes out, then places a hand on your neck before she kisses you.
she whispers against your lips, “i’ll think about it.” 
the next morning chaeyoung is still on your couch, a blanket trapped between her legs while most of it is on the floor. the scent of coffee being brewed fills the air. 
she rises from the couch, running her hands over her face with a sigh before tending to her tousled hair. she’s not wearing anything, she’s completely bare. as she turns, she notices your back turned to her, engrossed in pouring a cup of coffee. you’re only wearing a sports bra on top and low-rise jeans lazily wrap around your waist, revealing your underwear.
 the sound of your yawn reaches her ears, and then you turn around with a cup in your hands, holding it to your lips. you both make eye contact.
the silencing squeezes you two, squishing your skin and almost breaking your bones. chaeyoung looks away first.
“you’re awake.” 
she’s not looking at you, instead looking around for the shirt you’d taken off before making her cum the second time around, finding it on the edge of the couch.
“yeah.” chaeyoung responds quietly, “i have to go.”
there it is, you expected this, but it still disappoints you a little, even if you assured that it was “no strings attached.”
“do you need a ride?”
“i can text haesol.”
your jaw tenses. 
she has a boyfriend, right, haesol. chaeyoung has a boyfriend who seems more attached to his phone than to her, failing to truly listen to her. he overlooks the qualities that you find captivating, a boyfriend who... well, is just a man. you try to convince yourself that you've forgotten, but deep down, you know you never really did. if anything, knowing that you can, scratch that, you did make her feel better than her boyfriend boosts your ego, even if just a little. 
you should feel guilty, like you’ve just committed a terrible crime and someone is waiting outside with handcuffs ready to put you behind bars but– you don’t feel any of that, honest to god you dont give a fuck about that. you made chaeyoung feel good, great, fucked her with your thigh, and honestly that’s enough to completely push guilt out your body.
she’s fully dressed again after putting on the jacket that was across the living room on the floor. she looks walks over to you, stealing a quick glance to the tattoo on your ribs and the little one above your waist.
"i can’t believe i did this," she mumbles quietly to herself. then, she looks up at you, gulping. “we need to keep this a secret, okay?”
“i know, i figured.” you respond bitterly, even though it was you who started it in the first place. “so what's next? you're still going to go back to him? are we just going to fuck and forget?"
chaeyoung winces, feeling the pang of regret and uncertainty. 
she’s undoubtedly whipped, she can’t go back to haesol like everything’s fine. she didn’t answer his texts, his calls–anything. and despite how negligent he is–and also the fact that he’ll never make her feel the same way as you did – chaeyoung wants to go back to him, he’s her boyfriend after all. she already left him last night with no explanation, the least she can do is go back. but everything in her heart and head is telling her to stay here with you.
“i just… need time to think about it, y/n.”
you narrow your eyes at her as you sip on your coffee. “right.”
chaeyoung approaches you, frustration etched on her face. your demeanor is elusive, she hates how difficult you are to read. it’s hard to decipher whether you're angry, disappointed, or both. as you search for your phone, turning back around, she feels her shoulders sag with disappointment, her steps heavy as she reluctantly heads towards the door.
“i really thought you’d finally open your eyes, but i guess i was wrong.” you finally say, hearing a pause of silence before you hear the door open. 
a few seconds pass before you hear it close. chaeyoung’s gone.
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dailytwice · 25 days
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Chaeyoung x YSL for Harper's BAZAAR Korea September 2024
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imnayeons · 7 months
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alcoholfreenayeon · 20 days
G!p Dachaetzu x 10th twice member reader smut pls
Like ohh-ahh
CW: G!p DaChaeTzu x Reader, Caring Dahyun, Competitive Chaeyoung, Jealous Tzuyu, Smut, NSFW, slight fluff, creampie, breeding, somewhat hardcore, oral
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A/N: sorry this took longer than expected and I hope it was worth🙂‍↕️. Also Tzuyu solo!
“UGH BUT WHY!”, you protest, looking at your your youngest Unnies with a pout. “You three always bully me.”
Tzuyu smirks, “It’s because you always act extra bratty towards us.”
“Only because you try to treat me like I’m the baby.”, you complain, keeping your pout.
“But you are”, Chaeyoung giggles triumphantly.
“No, the four of us are.”, you say quietly folding your arms and glaring up at them defiantly.
Dahyun sighs, trying not to smile, “Come on, don’t joke around. Tell us already.”
“No.”, you say adamantly.
The three of them exchange glances with one another before suddenly cornering you. “What are you three-”, you begin but Chaeyoung shushes you with a finger on your lip.
“No more talking from you until we say so.”, Chaeyoung says firmly.
You grit your teeth and glare but keep quiet, trying to act casual.
“Now just admit it.”, Tzuyu says with a smirk.
“Yes just get it over with already.”, Dahyun agrees.
“No! I don’t know what you all are talking about!”, you squeal.
Chaeyoung sighs, “Fine, I’ll tell you then if you are not going to admit it but you are going to be punished for making me do it and not confessing.”
“No! I have nothing to confess! Why am I getting punished for no reason!”, you try to push past them but they don’t budge, in fact Tzuyu grabs your wrist and Dahyun the other one to keep you in place while Chaeyoung smirks at you.
“You like being told what to do don’t you…”, Chaeyoung says softly, her index finger poking against your chin.
You feel your cheeks heat up at that, “What-no! It’s not…it’s nothing like that!”
“Mm…is that so Chaeyoungie”, Dahyun says grinning, giving your wrist a little squeeze before tracing a finger by your cheek.
“It’s true”, Tzuyu says assuredly, “I have seen her get flustered when the Unnies get strict with her.”
“No that was…”, you try to argue but fail to find any convincing reply and in fact begin to feel quite helpless under their mercy.
“So are you going to get flustered….if we order you around too?”, Chaeyoung asks, smirking and leaning in close, almost kissing you.
“You better be”, Tzuyu says authoritatively, her finger tracing your neck, “I wanna see you be helpless for me.
You gasp softly from their touches, feeling your body begin to heat up slowly. “But that’s…this is…we shouldn’t….ah…”, you stop when Dahyun turns your head and begins to kiss you lovingly, you feel yourself melt into the kiss, your face heating up as Dahyun takes control. Just as you begin to kiss her back, Dahyun pulls away, smirking.
“You see. It’s not bad right. We can take care of you too. You’ll really like it I’m sure.”, Tzuyu comments, her hands running down your back making you shiver slightly.
You turn to look at her, biting your bottom lip nervously and Tzuyu smiles, brushing some hair off your face before leaning in slowly and begins to kiss you and you kiss her right back, feeling your face heat up but right now you don’t care much about that. A few moments later the two of you pull away and you look at her shyly while Tzuyu grins,“Good girl.”
“Now….”, Chaeyoung begins, pulling you closer, her hands on your hips, giving a quick squeeze before she begins to pull you towards the sofa. She pushes you down on it and gets on her knees, her hands on your thighs as she looks up to you, “let us take care of you…”
You swallow nervously, looking down at Chaeyoung, your legs squirming against each other. Dahyun sits next to you, her fingers interlocking with yours, “Just relax”, she says with a smile and wink. You take a deep breath and nod.
Chaeyoung grins and begins to take off your shorts before smirking as she sees your panties. Your face flushes, “What.”, you demand.
“Nothing, it’s cute”, she replies before beginning to kiss your thighs loudly. Moving inwards slowly as her kisses get longer. Meanwhile Dahyun lovingly makes out with you, using one hand to hold yours while using the other to explore your body slowly. You feel yourself blush hard into the kiss. Okay. It was time to admit it, you may have had a tiny crush on Dahyun once. She was always so kind and supportive to you. You couldn’t help it. She was also so charismatic and funny. Your thoughts get interrupted when you softly moan into the kiss as you feel Chaeyoung suck on your inner thighs while gently tracing your pussy through your panties.
You shiver slightly and try to focus on Dahyun’s lips, grabbing her face softly. Chaeyoung continues to tease you frustratingly, leaving marks on your legs while softly rubbing you through your panties, watching you get soaked and drench your underwear in your juices. You sigh shakily, pulling away from Dahyun, “Chae…chaeyoung please…”.
You squeal when you feel her slap your thighs before she pokes a finger to feel your clit through the fabric, “Who are calling Chaeyoung. I am your unnie.”
You gasp at her touch as she starts to trace circles softly sending shivers down your spine while she digs her nails into your left leg, “But I’ve always called you-ah!”. Another slap on your thigh. “Why!”, you moan out.
“Because”, Chaeyoung begins, her fingers starting to caress your leg softly while she slips her finger in your panties, coating her finger in your juices as she rubs your pussy in a circular motion. “I am older than you and because clearly you like it.”
You feel your face go red yet again, “what no! That’s…yeah you are older but….its not”, your voice getting more and more quiet as Chaeyoung looks up at you, daring you to challenge her, “it’s not true…unnie”, you say feeling embarrassed but turned on at the same time.
Chaeyoung smirks, “Good.”. She then begins to take off your panties as well leaving your lower half completely naked. You try to distract yourself by leaning in to kiss Dahyun again but she stops you and begins to take off your top. Now you are completely naked, you cover your breasts with your arms but that only makes Dahyun giggle. “You are so cute”, she chuckles before leaning and kissing your forehead, she then slowly moves your arms away and admires the view.
Meanwhile Chaeyoung slowly makes her way to your pussy, kissing and teasing you all the way, it feels almost torturous. Finally after what seems like eternity she gives a soft kiss your lower lips causing you to sigh before she begins to slowly eat you out. Licking your pussy once bottom to top and then top to bottom slowly. She then begins to lick you properly but slowly as if she’s taking in your taste first, building an appetite for it. She starts to lap up your juices faster after a few moments but deliberately avoids your clit, eating you out skillfully. Your breathing becomes heavier as you gasp and try to grip the sofa but your hand keeps slipping.
Dahyun giggles at your reaction, taking both of your hands and holding them as she turns your head and begins to kiss you sloppily. She gives your palm a soft squeeze as she makes out with you, loving it as you moan into the kisses.
Chaeyoung continues to explore your pussy with her tongue, flicking it all over before finally pushing it inside causing your arch and gasp. She greedily laps up your juices, slurping and licking nosily from how wet you were at this point. All of a sudden she begin to use her thumb on your clit, stimulating it in circular motions.
You squeeze Dahyun’s hands tightly as wrap your legs around Chaeyoung’s head suddenly as you feel really close to cumming. You feel your breaths quicken and you couldn’t think clearly anymore. You moan out loudly, gritting your teeth as you feel the pleasure building up. You begin to pant and scream as you cum, all the built up tension and pleasure being let out at once. Your entire body jolts as the pleasure overtakes you. It takes a few moments for you to regain your senses, you keep panting as you glance at Dahyun who looks at you with a smile and Chaeyoung who smirks as she wipes her mouth with two fingers before licking them cleaning.
“That…that was so good”, you manage in between pants. “I didn’t know I could cum that hard…”, you glance at Chaeyoung shyly, “unnie…”
Chaeyoung grins as she stands, “don’t worry, this is just the beginning y/n…in fact I have barely started-ah!”, she winces as she’s pushed aside by Tzuyu.
Tzuyu glares at you, her jaw clenching, “It’s my turn now. You both had your fun with her already. She’s mine now.”, she declared, putting a hand on your shoulder possessively.
“Eh? But I’ve barely even-”, Chaeyoung started to protest.
“I don’t care. My turn now.”, Tzuyu snaps.
Dahyun covers her mouth while trying not to smile as she knows the reason for Tzuyu’s erratic behavior. Chaeyoung on the other hand seems puzzled but is willing to let you go to Tzuyu.
“Fine…your turn now…”, Chaeyoung shrugs, sticking out her tongue at Tzuyu who only rolls her eyes.
Tzuyu then grabs you by your wrist and begins to lead you away. “Where are we…”, you ask.
“To my room.”, Tzuyu says plainly.
“What was up with her?”, Chaeyoung asks Dahyun who giggles.
“I’m surprised you didn’t notice but Tzuyu had a huge crush on Y/N for a while, it passed but she still feels really jealous and possessive of her.”, Dahyun explained with a chuckle and Chaeyoung grinned mischievously, “How selfish of her to not want to share.”
You run out of breath as Tzuyu kisses you deeply and longingly, her hands holding your face gently but firmly. She pulls away, panting looking at you, “Y/N….I want you so bad….”.
Your face flushes as you understand what Tzuyu is implying, did she really want to…? “Tzuyu…”, you begin, as you put your hand on her thigh and then gasp sharply, that couldn’t be..?
“You are making me this horny..”, She replies sheepishly.
You purse your lip and try to clear your mind but all you could think about was how much Tzuyu wanted you and how horny you were feeling….,“Fine let’s do it.”, you say as a matter of factly, pulling your self over onto the center of the bed and laying on your back.
Tzuyu bites her lips as she looks at you before slowly starting to undress. She takes off her shirt revealing her breasts and abs which you can’t help but stare at. She then slowly begins to take off her pants and you finally see her cock. You stare at it in disbelief.
“Will that even fit?”, you ask nervously.
Tzuyu smirks, “only one way to find out”, she says as she gets closer to you, spreading your legs wide and taking a deep breath as she lines up her cock making you tremble as you feel her poke your entrance.
You take a couple deep breaths and gasp when you feel her begin to push her cock in, throwing your head back and gripping the bedsheets tightly as you feel your walls get stretched. “Oh..oh god….”, you moan out as Tzuyu keeps pushing in deeper and deeper, you can feel her cock throb and twitch with need in you now. She then begins to slowly thrust, sighing from your warmth.
“You are so tight”, Tzuyu moans out as she thrusts a bit harder, her hands on your shoulders, gripping them tightly as she finds her rhythm. You can’t speak, the sheer size of her is already blowing your mind but the way she also knows how to use her cock is just leaving you in unimaginable pleasure as Tzuyu manages to hit your sweet spot each thrust. The two of look into each other’s eyes, panting hard as you both lose yourselves into the primal desires. Tzuyu begins to thrust harder, faster and deeper as she lifts up your legs and pushes them back until your ankles are on either side of your face. Her tip crashes against your cervix each thrust now. You can’t think anymore, only moaning and screaming out her name as she pounds you relentlessly. When you cum, your eyes roll back, your walls clenching as they try to milk Tzuyu’s cock but she keeps on fucking you. She’s fucking you so good you didn’t even manage to fully come down from your first orgasm before the second one hits you, you scream in pleasure, your legs shaking helplessly as Tzuyu holds them firmly, she’s looking at you with glassy eyes as she’s trying her best to long as long as she can but the sight of you cumming and screaming her name, the way your walls keep trying to milk her cock is starting to make it very difficult for her.
She keeps on fucking you roughly until she finally groans and thrusts deeply one last time, hilting her cock deep inside one last time as she begins to cum, wave after wave of hot semen spurting out and crashing against your cervix which triggers your third orgasm. She keeps on cumming, spilling more and more of her seed inside you to the point you are completely filled and you feel it slowly dripping out of your pussy.
You groan as Tzuyu slowly pulls out leaving a feeling of emptiness behind and more cum leaks out of you. Your legs feel a little sore and you can’t seem to catch your breath.
“I’m…I’m going to get water…”, Tzuyu says panting, she gives your cheek a little pat before coming back after a minute and hands you a bottle. You drink the water grateful and start to feel really shy as what just happened starts to sink in.
“You were really good y/n…”, Tzuyu sighs as she wipes her forehead, she lays down and closes her eyes, “I wanna do this again soon..”, she says calmly before seemingly dozing off.
“Hey!”, you protest as you blush, “you can’t just say stuff like that after we’ve just…ugh!”, you give up as you see she’s slept already. “Whatever”, you pout.
“Finally….I thought you both were going to take forever.”, Chaeyoung says standing at the door.
You gasp and quickly cover yourself, “Hey!”.
Chaeyoung grins, “There’s nothing I haven’t already seen before baby. Now come on, it’s my turn now.”
You feel your face burn, “what do you mean? I’ve just..with Tzuyu, and I’m feeling tired, I can’t just-”
Chaeyoung looks at you darkly, “Mmm..I don’t care about that, I’m feeling competitive and I know I can be just as good as Tzuyu if not better.” She signals you to follow her and you sigh in defeat before following her to her room.
“What.”, you say defiantly as you sit on her bed.
She looks down at you and suddenly grabs your jaw, “So rude. I’m gonna have to pound some manners into you. You’ve already forgotten how you are to address me. Saying this, she flips you over and puts you on all fours, squeezing your ass before grabbing your hips tightly, lining up her cock, “I hope you are ready, I’m not going to go easy on you like Tzuyu or Dahyun…”. Before you can respond she presses her tip against your entrance making you gasp.
“Wa-wait…u-unnie…I’m still sensitive from-”, you get cut off as Chaeyoung slams her whole cock in at once, your eyes widening and jaw dropping. It takes a few moments for your body to register what happened before a burst of pleasure overtakes you causing you to scream.
Chaeyoung smirks, “See you are already learning”, she continues to thrust hard and deep, grinding her cock against your cervix every few thrusts making you gasp. Your hands already feel shaky and you don’t know how much longer you can last like this before they give out. However, Chaeyoung had a solution for that as all of a sudden, her hands left your hips and grabbed both your hands just below your elbows and pulled them back, making you arch and moan. She then pulls them back more, making your head raise before continuing to fuck you. Her teeth grit as she fucks you harder. You cum. Your entire body shaking and you already feel another orgasm building up even though you’ve not even finished cumming yet. Chaeyoung lets go of one of your hands and then pulls your head back by pulling your hair, “I want you to scream for me each time my cock makes you cum.”, she growls into your ear. You can’t reply, you just whine and she lets go and pulls back your arm again. You scream as she makes you cum again. You are starting to lose your mind, all you care about right now is how good she’s fucking your brains out. You moan loudly when you feel Chaeyoung thrust faster, you can feel her cock twitching restlessly as she gets closer until you hear her groan and unload inside you. You feel her warm seed flood your insides throughly as her cock throbs out more and more cum. She then lets go of your hands and you collapse on the bed, your ass still raised. Chaeyoung grins and gives it a spank causing you to moan softly, you feel her cum beginning to leak out of you and sigh. Then you moan in surprise when you feel another cock prodding at your entrance and lazily turn to see Dahyun looking at your with lust.
“It’s my turn now y/n…I know you are tired but fucking hell your moans and screams have really turned me on.”, Dahyun says before slowly pushing her cock in, you sigh loudly and groan as you feel your pussy get stretched again. This feels right. This feels good. It’s all you can think as Dahyun rhythmically fucks you, her cock hitting that one spot each thrust which makes your eyes roll every time. You moan loudly as cum quickly, your whole body quivering with pleasure when all of a sudden, Chaeyoung lifts your head up by your hair and beckons you to open your mouth. You lazily oblige before she puts her cock in all the way to the back of your throat. You gag slightly but do your best to suck her off as she lazily strokes your hair. You are in complete bliss at this point as you feel so full, warm and used. Dahyun’s strokes are breathtaking while Chaeyoung is fucking your mouth. Dahyun groans and starts to thrust faster and Chaeyoung’s grip on your hair tightens. You cum hard and clench Dahyun’s cock tightly which the vibrations from your whimpers and moans making both girls groan and cum at the same time, in turn making you cum again, your pussy pulsating as Dahyun’s semen fills you up and your mouth is filled with Chaeyoung cum now which you slowly swallow.
Now exhausted, Chaeyoung and Dahyun pull out and fall to the bed, their breathing calming and they slowly fall asleep. You groan as you slowly roll over and sit up, your whole body feeling sore. You slowly get up and make your way out of the room and head back to Tzuyu’s room where you spot her already awake. “Tzuyu…”, you say sheepishly.
She pouts as she watches you climb on the end and lay down, ready to sleep. “I’m not going to let you end this without me”, Tzuyu managed tiredly, getting on top of you again, pressing her weight against you and pushing her cock in again making you sigh loudly as she stretches you once again. She thrusts once, twice and then sighs loudly, breathing softly as she had fallen asleep from exhaustion. You chuckle softly and stroke her back, blinking slowly before you pass out as well, excited for what happens when you wake up…..
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cherubita · 26 days
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ㅤㅤ 🍡 𝅘𝅥𝅮 We Go Out On A Tuesday
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⠲⣄ 🪷 ‎﹏﹏﹏ㅤ ᪲ ✷ 🛼
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twicetagramjpg · 2 years
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2K notes · View notes
twice-inamillion · 10 months
Smut (teasing, sex, pussy spanking, fingering, deep penetration, throat fucking, gagging, dom/sub, creampie )(Chaeyoung’s first tattoo)
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Chapter 215
3700 Words
(Chaeyoung and OC stay in Manila after the concert. Chaeyoung wants to get her first tattoo as a sign of her bond with the members. You both use this opportunity to have some fun.)
With the members back in Korea after the Twicelights concert in Manila, you and Chaeyoung stay an additional two days. It was a last-minute thing in which Chaeyoung begged Jihyo if you could stay with her. It took some convincing for her to agree, but only if she listened to everything you said. She eagerly agreed and kissed her on the cheek as a thank you. Jihyo pulls you to the side and tells you not to let her out of your sight, “Since it’s Chaeyoung, you need to be extra careful, but also have fun,” and winks at you.
Later that night…
You’re getting ready to shower when you see Chaeyoung pass by with a plate of strawberries and places it on the coffee table. Wearing her short shorts, she bends over, giving you a small glimpse of her smooth cunt. You can’t help but want to tease her, “Can you pass over some strawberries?”
“Yeah,” and turns around to give you few a strawberries. You pull her towards you, “Omg… Oppa, what are you doing?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know. You’re dressed up like this, with no panties on and you expect me not to do anything?” She moans to the touch of your fingers, tracing her lower lips. “Ahh… Oppa, you’re making me horny.”
“I’m barely touching it and you’re already this wet?” With I nserting one finger can you see how wet she already is. “Look, you’re already leaking,” as you show her the nectar on your finger.
Like a kitten, she licks your finger clean of her nectar, “I taste yummy.”
“How about some fun? It’s just the two of us,” giving her a smirk.
“Anything you want, I’m up for it.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, it’s been a while since you played with me.” Without a thought she starts to take off her oversized shirt, exposing her small breasts.
You take one of her nipples into your mouth. It’s different from what you’re used to but still good enough to play with.
Chaeyoung moans to your suckling and plays with her breast. She pinches her other nipple, “Keep sucking on my tits, Oppa.”
You tease her by licking her nipple with your tongue, which causes her to moan. You wait until she’s comfortable and take a small bite, making her yelp, “Ouch… that hurts!”
You nibble and bite, switching every so often until you’re satisfied. Once you’re done, you detach yourself and see your bite marks on her nipples.
“Ouch, you’re mean. You bit me, and now they are tender.”
“That’s not the only thing that’s going to be tender,” as you grab Chaeyoung and pull her towards you.
You sit on the bed and get her on your lap with her legs wide open. “Wait, what are you doing?”
“I want you to see yourself cum” as you get her legs towards the large mirror. You give her no time to react as you insert your middle and ring finger inside her cunt. Chaeyoung roars when you thrust your fingers inside her rapidly.
Chaeyoung tightens up her body, making her walls close up on your fingers. You struggle to move until you pinch her little nub, which makes her jerk around and loosen up.
You use the opportunity to start over and pick up the pace. Chaeyoung struggles to keep still as she moves around from the pleasure. “Ahh fuck! You’re going to make me cum, you’re going too fast!”
Chaeyoung tries to push your hand away, but you swipe it off. “Don’t make it harder than it’s supposed to be. Just enjoy it” and pick up the pace.
As time goes by, her walls loosen up and constrict, adoring your fingers until she jerks around. “Oh fuck! I’m cumming!”
Her body begins to shake, and you struggle to keep your fingers inside. You feel the warm liquid gush out of her as she violently trembles. You take your soaked fingers and place them by Chaeyoung’s face.
You insert your two fingers into her mouth, making her taste her own nectar. “You’re such a dirty little slut.”
“I’m a little slut for you,” she says as she continues to lick your fingers clean.
Since the two of you are alone, you want to use this opportunity to have a little bit of fun. You remember looking at some content on how to increase your partner’s sexual experience and remember a part that you wanted to try out.
After licking your fingers clean, you make your way back towards Chaeyoung’s pelvis area and rub her cunt once more. She moves her hips around, enjoying the pleasure of your hands.
This continues for about a minute until you decide to change this up. You stop rubbing her cunt and give her a small but firm slap. Chaeyoung looks at you confused but tilts her head back, signaling you to continue. You repeat the process once more, again and again.
She doesn’t seem to reject it and instead welcomes the strange feeling of her cunt being slapped. Her hips move to her to the rhythm of your slapping.
After a while, you increase the strength of your slap, your hand against her soaked flesh. Chaeyoung moans to the strange signals being sent to her body. The sense of pain and pleasure is both toxic and addicting for her. Her body instinctively produces more nectar as you increase the strength of her cunt.
“Ahhh… I feel so hot. Harder… harder, please!”
Your rhythm increases again, and notice the leaking pussy beginning to turn slightly red.
“You’re such a slut, Chaeyoung. I can’t believe you’re getting turned on by me slapping your pussy. Let’s pick up the pace and give you a real treat.”
You increase strength into your slap, much harder than before. Every time your hand comes in contact with her cunt it jiggles. Instead of her pleasurable moaning, you hear her moan in pain.
“That’s how I like seeing you.”
“Ouch… you’re being rough.”
“You want my cock, right? That’s your goal.”
Chaeyoung nods her head, “Yeah, I want it.”
“Then stay put and enjoy this little treat. I know you’re going to enjoy it much better after this.”
You raise your hand once more and hit her cunt which makes her yell in pain. You count to three and smack her once more.
This continues for about ten minutes, and at this point, Chaeyoung is a complete mess. Her pussy is entirely red and tender from your hand. Just teasing her lips with your fingers makes her body quiver.
She grabs your hand and says, “Please stop; it stings,” with tears running down her face.
You caress her face and say, “Okay, this is the last one.”
Hearing you say that makes her feel relief and loosen up her body, but that quickly changes as you insert your fingers inside her swollen cunt and thrust quickly inside of her.
“No!!! It hurts…. Ahhh… fuck…”
You continue to finger fuck her inside, feeling the tightness of her walls. Her yelps of pain slowly turn into pleasure as she reaches her peak.
“Ahh… ahh… I’m cumming!”
Chaeyoung’s whole body shakes violently, her back arching back and eyes rolling back as she enjoys her orgasm.
You slowly get off the bed and walk towards her spent-up body. “Fuck, Chae, you look out of breath, but now it’s my turn to use you like a proper sleeve.”
Chaeyoung struggles to lift her head and just gives up. Like a rag doll, you move her body in the proper position.
With your right hand, you grab your thick cock and give it a few pumps to get it to its full length. Chaeyoung eyes you, gives you a weak smile and accepts her fate.
You can’t help but tease her body once more before enjoying the main course and trace your finger up from her navel down to her swollen cunt. She shivers at your touch and growls when you split her lower lips open with your two fingers.
You feel the heat emanating from her precious area and place your mouth above its entrance. You give her a deep but slow lick, tasting her sloppy insides. Chaeyoung moans out loud as you collect her nectar in your mouth.
“Not going to lie, but you taste damn good.” She lifts her head and gives you a faint smile before crashing back on the bed.
Now, it’s time for the main course. You stand in front of Chaeyoung and pull her towards you. Splitting her legs wide open, you align yourself in her tendered pussy. You insert the tip of your cock, spreading her swollen pussy lips apart.
“Fuck… it hurts,” growls Chaeyoung.
Seeing her complain gets you even more turned on. In one thrust, you shove your whole length, making Chaeyoung scream in pain. “Fuck, your pussy feels much tighter.”
She doesn’t respond as she’s trying to adjust to this new feeling, but you don’t allow her to. Instead, you start off with hard and rapid thrusts while having a firm grip on her small waist. Your body and balls smacking against Chaeyoung’s swollen body which makes her scream.
You don’t know how much time has passed, but eventually, Chaeyoung got used to the pain and is now turned on by it. You place her in a mating press and see how much of a mess your sleeve really is. Her eyes roll back while mumbling incomprehensible words as she gets fucked like the doll she is.
It isn’t until you give her one last hard thrust that she begs for you to breed her womb. “Please cum in me. Breed my womb! Fill me with your thick seed!”
Like a good master, you give her a reward and pump her with your seed. Chaeyoung trembles as she feels her womb filling up to the brim.
“What a fantastic view” when you pull your cock out. With a gaping hole of where your cock was just before a thick coat of cum comes oozing out of Chaeyoung’s swollen cunt.
After recuperating for a few minutes, she lifts her head and gives you a smile. “That was so good.” She crawls on the bed towards you and grabs your cock. She kisses the base of your cock just before licking your shaft.
“Aww, my poor little kitten still wants some more. Isn’t that right?”
Chaeyoung nods and meows.
“Okay, if you want some more of these, then lay on your back with your head on the edge of the bed,” as you wave your cock in front of her like a toy.
Chaeyoung, now on the edge looks at you with hungry eyes. She sticks her tongue out, ready for her treat. “You’re so cute, here have a taste,” as you smack your cock against her cheeks. You smack her right cheek, then her left one, leaving a trail of cum behind.
You align your cock to her mouth, just an inch away from her thick lips, and see how much Chaeyoung wants this. With both hands holding her face you slowly insert your cock inside her mouth, “Fuck, your mouth feels so warm. I can definitely get used to this.” She takes you inch by inch and you see the outline of your cock in Chaeyoung’s throat. The sight of your cock making her throat bulge turned on, “Let’s see how far you can go,” and insert your whole length. You hold face for what feels like twenty seconds and pull out, making Chaeyoung catch her breath. “I guess we don’t need any lube,” seeing your cock with a thick coat of salvia.
Chaeyoung looks at you and sees your smirk, already knowing what’s to come. She takes a deep breath, opens her mouth, and feels your cock making its way to her throat. She thinks to herself that she has misses being your toy, the times you would fuck her without mercy. Now she’s here with you and won’t miss this opportunity to have some fun. She grabs your thighs and gives it a nudge, signaling you to be rough.
“Oh, I see... someone can’t wait. Okay, here it goes,” and you hold her face firm and begin to thrust rapidly. With your cock coated with a thick layer of salvia, it makes it easier for you, “Fuck, you really have a mouth pussy.”
Your eyes meet as you thrust, and you can see how much she loves being dominated by you. It’s one of her many kinks, the feeling of being a toy for someone much bigger than her. The same goes for you; the size between the two of you is somewhat vast as she's the smallest member. She’s also one of the few people you can go all out with, as the rest aren’t as free-minded as her.
You continue to face fuck her, making a bulge in her throat as you thrust rapidly. This continues for about ten minutes, allowing some breaks in between to let her catch her breath. With a messy smile, she says, “I want you to hold me tight. Don’t let go and pump that cum down my throat.”
She lays back down, and you insert yourself once more. Your fuck her slowly, making her wait with anticipation. It is when she tries to catch her breath you decide plant yourself deep inside. With her head hanging from the edge of the bed and your balls on her face, she tries to calm herself.
She counts each second in her head, “1,2,3…40,41,42…68,69,70…”. It’s been over a minute, and she's starts to get uncomfortable. With your body on top of her face, she can’t catch her breath or even see. Her mouth constricts with the amount of saliva in her mouth, and she is starts to panic. She tries to keep herself calm, but her body is warning her that she needs to get some air. Eventually, her gag reflexes come up, which makes this worse, especially with your length.
You feel Chaeyoung’s throat tightening like it’s asking you to fill her with cum. Her nose is also rubbing against your balls, which is makes you slowly reach your peak. “Damn, she’s lasting longer than last time, let's make this more exciting.”
You switch things up and start to face fuck her again. Chaeyoung begins to make gagging noises, which gets you off. You increase your pace and feel her drool falling on your feet; you look down and see Chaeyoung’s watery red eyes. “Aww, you’re such a good girl, just a little more.” She nods her head side to side as if she’s telling you to stop but you know that she can still go. You plant yourself once more, holding her head tightly. Chaeyoung starts to panic and can feel your cock throbbing which is makes her gag even more.
“You fuckin sleeve, take my cum. Make sure you drink all of it!” A wave of thick cum pumps down Chaeyoung’s throat and directly into her tummy.
Chaeyoung feels your hot cum flowing directly into her stomach and tries to drink as much as possible, but there is no end to it. With the amount of cum getting pumped into her, she panics more, tilting her head and allowing the cum to run to her mouth. Little by little, the amount of cum accumulating in her mouth is seeping down her lip and into her nose. She tilts her head side to side in hopes for it to run down in another way, but she has no luck.
Chaeyoung grabs your leg and pokes at it, signaling you to pull out, but you’re in the middle of your orgasm. Her poking switches to pinches and then slaps on your legs as she starts to lose consciousness. You look down and see Chaeyoung’s mascara completely ruined from the tears, her eyes in and out of consciousness. You pull out your cock with a loud pop, and a mixture of cum and salvia comes oozing out. Chaeyoung is now a complete mess with cum all over her face, nostrils, and a puddle of cum in her mouth. You gently slap her face, “Good job, baby girl.”
With a faint smile, she slowly gets up, wipes her nose, and takes a deep breath. She shows you the large puddle of cum in her mouth, twists her tongue around, lets it cover her thick lips, before eventually drinking it. “Ahh… see, i drank most of it,” and gives you a smile. You caress her face and kiss her forehead. The two of you head to the shower and continue to have fun throughout the night.
You wake up with Chaeyoung next to you completely in the nude. You can’t help but admire your work, the markings on her breast, her navel, and her lower lips. You get up and make breakfast for the two of you.
“Thank you for the food. It’s so yummy!”
“You’re welcome. Are you ready for today?”
“Yes, my appointment is in the afternoon, so we have a bit of time.”
“Are you nervous?”
“Just a little, but more excited than anything else.”
“Do you know what you are going to get?”
“Hmm.. I have some thoughts, but I’ll see when we get there.”
After breakfast, the two of you get ready and head out to Chaeyoung’s appointment to get her first tattoo. She’s been bringing up the topic for the past few months and looking at well-known artists who were on the path of the tour. After annoying many of the members and convincing Jihyo, she scheduled an appointment at a well-known shop in Manila. You originally didn’t want to stay, but after having a talk with Jihyo, she convinced you stay with her and gave you the green light to use Chaeyoung as much as you want. The only conditions she had were; no markings on the face and no getting her pregnant, but everything else was fair game. This means that for the next two days, you were going to play with your sleeve.
“We’re here. Let’s go inside,” as Chaeyoung grabs your hand and brings you inside the shop.
“Hello, I have an appointment at noon.”
A female artist stands up from her chair and greets the both of you, “Hello, can I see your confirmation email, please?” Chaeyoung pulls out her phone and shows her appointment confirmation.
“Okay, I see your reservation number. Do you have an idea of what you want to get?”
“Hmm… somewhat. I have some ideas in mind but still not sure.”
“No problem. You are more than welcome to look around; I’m going to the back and be with you shortly.”
“Oppa, what do you think I should get?”
“Maybe something meaningful or fun. It’s your first one, and don’t want to regret it afterward.”
Chaeyoung walks around and takes pictures of some of the samples they have on the wall. “Hmmm… maybe something simple; I don’t know how much it’s going to hurt.” She looks around for a couple of more minutes and then takes a seat on the chair.
“Do you know what you are going to get?”
“Well… I want to get something simple first since it's my first time. You’ve been complimenting me a lot about my lips, especially last night,” giving you a wink at you. “I think that would be fun to get, you know for good memories.”
“ Are you serious? How about a strawberry? You like them, right?”
“Yeah, but that's too obvious. I want something special, something that will make people think and ask, why did she get lips tatted on her.”
“I guess it's your body. Just don’t complain afterward.”
“Hahaha, if I do, then take responsibility.”
“Shhh, you’re too loud. Keep it down.”
“Okay, okay, my bad. I’ll be quiet.”
A few minutes later, the tattoo artist returns and asks Chaeyoung what she wants to get. She tells her she wants a strawberry lip on her left wrist. “Okay, that's cute. What color do you want it in?”
“Apricot and neon magenta.”
“Those are beautiful colors.”
“Thanks, they have a special meaning to me.”
“Aww, that’s cute.” She walks and brings her cart of supplies to where Chaeyoung is sitting, and asks, “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
You watch as the artist cleans Chaeyoung’s arm and does an outline of the designs before officially taking out her machine. With Chaeyoung’s approval, she places the ink into the machine and begins.
You assumed that Chaeyoung was going to scream with the touch of the needle on her arm, but surprisingly, she was calm. The artist and her had a small conversation while you read over some emails and responded to your wife’s text messages. The session lasted a bit over an hour, with Chaeyoung happy with the results. The artist goes over some advice on how to take care of the tattoo since it was still fresh and handed her a business card.
Chaeyoung walks to you and says, “Look, doesn’t it look pretty?”
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“Yes, it actually does, especially the colors. I think they are going to be happy that you chose those two colors.”
“Yes, I can’t wait to show them,” and walks towards the exit to FaceTime one of the members. You pay for the tattoo session, thank the artist, and head towards the door.
“Hey, wait up.”
“Hurry up, slowpoke,” laughing with Momo on the phone.
“This little… she will get it later tonight, just you watch.”
You catch up with her and explore the city a bit more. At night, you and Chaeyoung continue your night of fun with some caution. You make sure that the two of you have a night to remember as you fill all her holes with cum.
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mxdimitrescu · 4 months
Twice Types of Kisses
Reactions/Headcanons Masterlist
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~Prolonged Kiss~
In the quiet haze of the morning, when sleep still lingered in their senses, Nayeon found herself reveling in the sweet simplicity of affection. As they lay together in bed, facing each other, you would lean in to kiss her, and she would melt into the tender embrace of your lips.
The sensation of your kiss was like a warm blanket, wrapping Nayeon in a cocoon of love and closeness. These moments were treasured by Nayeon, who savored the lingering feeling of your lips against hers, soaking in the intimacy they shared.
In those serene moments, time seemed to stretch out as they lost themselves in each other's presence. With every lingering kiss, Nayeon felt a profound sense of peace and connection, knowing she was deeply cherished and adored.
Entwined in the gentle intimacy of the morning, Nayeon felt a surge of gratitude for the simple yet powerful bond they shared. In the warmth of your affection, she found comfort and joy, grateful for the love that filled their quiet moments together.
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~Body Kisses~
Despite Jeongyeon's insecurities about her body, you saw her as flawless in every way. Your love for her was unwavering, and you made sure she felt it.
With tender kisses, you mapped a journey from her soft stomach to her voluptuous thighs, showering each inch with affection. Every gentle touch and loving caress conveyed your deep admiration, leaving her feeling treasured and wanted in ways she never thought possible.
For Jeongyeon, your gestures of affection went beyond the physical—they were a declaration of your love and respect for her, body and soul. As you worshipped her with your kisses, she felt a surge of empowerment, knowing she was desired and valued just as she was.
In your arms, Jeongyeon found solace and validation, relishing in the assurance of your unconditional love. Your adoration for her body ignited a newfound confidence within her, liberating her from insecurities and filling her with a sense of self-assurance she had never known before.
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~Hickey Kiss~
Momo oozed confidence, especially when it came to flaunting her body, proudly wearing the hickeys you left behind like badges of honor. From her thighs to her abs, even up to the tops of her breasts and along her neck, she showcased the marks of your passion with pride.
Each hickey was a visible testament to your possessiveness, and Momo couldn't get enough of the sensation of your lips tracing over her skin. Those lingering marks spoke volumes of your desire for her, sending a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins.
Instead of feeling self-conscious, Momo embraced the knowledge that she belonged to you, and you alone. As she boldly displayed the evidence of your passion, she reveled in the feeling of being cherished and desired by you in every possible way.
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~Angel Kiss~
Sana was like the heart and soul of Twice. Everyone knew her for being super affectionate, always showing her love for her friends and special people without holding back. She was cool with PDA and all, but there was this one little thing that really got to her—a soft kiss on each eyelid.
Whenever you did that sweet move, Sana couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Even though she was usually outgoing and bubbly, those little kisses just hit her differently. You made her feel so loved and cared for, like she was the most precious thing in the world.
Feeling those lips brush against her eyelids sent shivers down her spine, in a good way. It wasn't just about the physical sensation; it was like a whole wave of emotions crashing over her. It made her feel safe, like she belonged, and like she was truly, deeply loved.
To Sana, those kisses weren't just some cute gesture. They were like a love letter written on her soul, saying all the things words could never express. Each kiss was a reminder of just how cherished and adored she really was.
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~Neck Kiss~
During the whirlwind of promoting her first album, Jihyo faced overwhelming stress and pressure. But amidst the chaos, there was one thing that brought her solace—your neck kisses, especially at the back of her neck.
As the weight of her responsibilities threatened to crush her, Jihyo sought refuge in your arms. The moment you wrapped her in your embrace and planted a kiss on the back of her neck, she felt the tension melt away.
In that simple yet intimate gesture, Jihyo found a calm she couldn't find elsewhere. Your warm embrace and soft kisses acted like a healing salve for her weary soul, easing the knots of stress and releasing the pent-up tension from her shoulders.
With each tender kiss, Jihyo felt her strength and resilience renewed, ready to face whatever challenges came her way. Your unwavering support and affection became her guiding light through even the darkest of times, helping her navigate with grace and determination.
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~Biting Kiss~
Despite her quiet and introverted demeanor, there was a whole other side to her that only a few lucky souls got to witness. Underneath her calm exterior was a hidden world of desires just waiting to be explored.
As your playful bite kisses trailed from her exposed stomach up to her lips, she couldn't help but quiver with excitement. Each teasing nip and playful bite sent waves of pleasure rippling through her body, awakening a hunger she never knew existed.
But it was when your lips met hers, capturing her bottom lip in a gentle bite, that her arousal reached its peak. The sensation flooded her with a rush of warmth, igniting a passionate fire deep within her.
Despite her usual reserved nature, in that moment, she surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure. It was a side of herself she rarely showed, but with you, she felt free to embrace her deepest desires and lose herself in the intoxicating thrill of passion.
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~Nose Kiss~
The nose kiss was something truly special for Dahyun, encompassing two sides that she adored equally. In public, it was all about the gentle rub of your noses, which never failed to bring a bright smile to Dahyun's face and make her heart skip a beat with affection.
This innocent gesture spoke volumes of your connection, a subtle yet intimate display of your bond that Dahyun held close to her heart. With each tender rub of your noses, she felt a warmth and closeness that filled her with happiness and contentment.
But there was another side to the nose kiss—a more private one, reserved for moments when the air was thick with anticipation and desire. Feeling a little mischievous, you'd playfully bite her nose, sending a surge of excitement through Dahyun's body.
At this more intimate gesture, Dahyun's eyes would darken with desire, locking onto yours in a silent exchange of passion and longing. Unable to resist the magnetic pull between you, Dahyun would eagerly lead you to her room, where the playful teasing would quickly escalate into something much more intense and electrifying.
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~Head Kiss~
Despite her occasional frustrations with her height, there was one simple act that always managed to touch her heart—the tender kiss you placed on the top of her head.
As your lips met her scalp in a gentle caress, a comforting warmth washed over her, easing away her worries and insecurities. In that moment, she felt safe and secure, wrapped in a cocoon of love and affection.
To her, the gesture spoke volumes of your adoration, a silent reassurance that you cherished her just the way she was. It was a small yet profound reminder of your unwavering support and devotion, leaving her feeling deeply loved and valued.
Despite any struggles she might have with her height, in your embrace and beneath your kiss, she found acceptance and belonging. Grateful for the love that surrounded her, she knew she was exactly where she belonged.
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~Hand Kiss~
Tzuyu was always the mysterious one, shying away from the spotlight and keeping her personal life under wraps. Public displays of affection? Not her style. But there was this one thing that got her every time—a soft kiss on her hand or wrist.
It didn't matter how many times it happened, whenever her partner planted that gentle kiss, Tzuyu's heart would do somersaults and her cheeks would light up like fireworks. She'd try to play it cool on the outside, but inside, she was a puddle of goo.
That simple gesture meant the world to Tzuyu. It spoke volumes without a single word, saying, "I love you" in the most tender way possible. And every time it happened, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and a whole lot of blushes.
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agustd3 · 7 months
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I GOT YOU ꩜ precious JeongChaeng
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mocca-and-stars · 1 year
Public indecency
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Son Chaeyoung x Park Jihyo x male reader
A friend calls you, after a long day working, he decided to call you to make a camp with her friend's, of course you are in the list, and some time later, you are already there, with some drinks and food, you wave him and start to socialize with everyone there, until you get closer to a interesting tanned girl, and a small one, they can't be who you think they are, that it's just a coincidence.
"Hey, you are?..." You asked to the girls, and your suspects start to getting confirmed, when you hear the tanned one respond "Park Jihyo", and short one "Son Chaeyoung", you started to talk and and socialize with them, they look pretty and elegant, you bring them drinks and food, you are trying to be cool with them, and you stop to think, "why?" You still talking while you think, you have no chances, they are idols, probably they will forget about your existance in the morning.
You still enjoying the weather, and the environment, you still serving them, but just like you do normally, after all they are persons, and they deserve to get treated like that.
You ignore the fact that they are idols to know them better, except that there is something you can't ignore, Jihyo when talks to you play with her hair, and Chaeyoung bite her down lip, while she is listening to you, you try to avoid your pathetic romatic situation, after some time, all the people there make a circle near to the bonfire, to play to the bottle game, your luck is shit, of course you didn't kiss neither of the idols presents there (more than just Jihyo and Chaeyoung), finally giving up and starting to get disappointed, you take your beer and go to seat to the forest, only with your flashlight and your phone in case of emergency.
Nobody noticed that you aren't there, and you relaxed, your vision is blurring a little bit, but you are consious enough to get sit and hear the people screaming and dancing with the loud music.
When you get bored you go for a non-alcoholic drink to get back to your place in the forest, but a little bit far this time, because of the music, you didn't notices someone was following you, Jihyo, and Chaeyoung both of them sitting with you.
Are you enjoying this? —Chaeyoung asked— I was... Thinking —You responded— But I'm getting fun —Both of them were in your vision field, until they start to whispering between them, and soon, Jihyo asked you something— Soon they will need some wood, let's look for some logs.
Soon you are walking with them, talking about their life, listening to the most unreal stories you could hear from a person, they are incredible, like... They almost doesn't look like people, when you can't see the lights of the party, you started to get worried, you take out your phone... But no signal.
"We need to go back" you said very worried, but Chaeyoung use his flashlight to point a rock path, making you feel relieved, but you questioned yourself "why we are so far away?", soon your cuestion was responded by Jihyo, pushing you against a tree, with Chaeyoung in your back, massaging your shoulders.
Chaeyoung start to explaining —you are handsome, and we are bored, we are tired of people treating us as goddesses or queens— And Jihyo continued —and you deserve a rest, so let us pay you for being a cool guy with us—.
Jihyo untied the buttons of your leather jacket, and start to touching your not so toned body, you were getting a little bit careless with your body because of the extra hours in the job.
After a quick check he took you to heaven, while Jihyo was kissing you, Chaeyoung take your phone and turned it off, the moon was the unique light in the place.
It was your first time with someone that good kissing, you even take the dare to grab Jihyo's Waist while you were kissing, making here release a very cute moan, making you notice she is very needy, you remembered even more that she is a human, not idol who she was in the scenarios.
You opened your eyes and you look Chaeyoung, licking her lips, then she pushed Jihyo, and you see a very sexy scene, they get a very sloppy and wet kiss.
Then both of them look at you, full of lust, they pushed you against the tree, Jihyo get on her knees, and Chaeyoung squatted, waiting for Jihyo, Chae look at you pouting.
Jihyo took down your pants, revealing your oversized hard cock, hearing multiple jokes of shy people with big dicks, and monster hide in the dark.
After the surprise, Jihyo start to slapping his face with your cock, scattering some of your precum on his face, and when she is ready, she putted half of you 13.5 inches cock, but she didn't get a single gag, surprising you, then Chae grabbed her neck, making her swallow the full length, making her choke, but Chae didn't leave her until she was crying, releasing her, falling in his own butt on the floor, starting to laugh.
Chae said "my turn" and quickly she grabbed your cock and compared it with his face, it was a little bit longer than his face, then she take out his tongue, and started to licking your balls, and your enormous cock was covering her, that was a great image that you will never forget, she was playing with your tip while she sucks your balls, you looked to the sky feeling in heaven, you still not believing that a fucking idol was sucking your cock.
When another round of precum go out, Chaeyoung started to sucking you, but in a very special way, it was like she was jerking you, and sucking at the same time, but she was only using her mouth, when Jihyo recovered from the choke, she get on her knees, and Chaeyoung make space for her, now both of them were sucking you, doing things that you wouldn't even imagine.
Things like jerk you with two hand, (one of each), suck interleaved, make each other choke and gag in your cock, pushing between them into deepthoath, and the most incredible thing? Both of them was edging you, not letting you cum at all, you feel like you was there for hours, but only 30 minutes passed, and you was in your limit, and Jihyo and Chae get up, starting to stripping, revealing a sexy cleavage, that got quickly removed, to show his underwear, to got quickly removed, and you decided to copy them, showing your full naked body to them, even with the cold weather, all of you are about to get heat.
You came back to a normal state and Jihyo put her enormous breasts around your cock, getting fun on Chae little ones, you got a laugh too, but she get closer to you and put one of them in your mouth, of course you started to sucking Chae little breasts.
After sometime of Jihyo doing an amazing titjob, Chae got in there, sucking the tip of your cock, until you reach your limit, and when you say to them, finally let you cum, and Chae take every single drop, not letting waste, she take it all, and then gets up, to show you, but instead of swallowing it, she started to kissing Jihyo, to share your big load, making you feel very excited, and hard again.
When they swallow it all, they show you, linking their hands, making you feel like your body it's floating in space.
Finally, they make get on the floor, using the clothes as bed, and you reached the glory and success in your life, Jihyo mounted you, she got down, and after a seconds of adjust your cock in her pussy, she finally mounted you, his experienced pussy swallow your entire shaft without a single hesitation, she was soft and warm, then she started to jump, mounting you, she was moaning and looking to the sky "it's my first time with something this big" she said, you was speechless, but she kissed you, your hand were looking a safe place, but Chae helped you, getting to her breasts, making Jihyo moan even louder, her nipple were hard rock, and while Jihyo was enjoying, Chae was touching herself, close enough, sitted in your leather jacket, some minutes passed, and Jihyo in top of you, got his hand on the floor, letting her being even more agressive, but something unexpected happened, Chae isn't anymore touching herself, and Jihyo was in the most wonderful and happy expression a woman can be, and you started to move your hips, you can't let her do all the work, and Chae appeared on her back suddenly, pushing her from the back, making you penetrate raw his ass, making her make a pain but pleasured scream.
Chae said "You have fun with my small tits? Now have fun~" in a malevolent tone, then she pushed Jihyo even more, almost three quarters of your length was in her ass, then she pushed the final section, making Jihyo cum, she make so many sounds, she got out, and she threw himself at your side, cumming thru the pain and pleasure, while she was resting a little, Chae taked care of you, mounting you in a very interesting wild way, we linked our fingers, but finally you decided to take control and get on top, making a missionary, you started to sucking and bitting his neck, then finally both of you cum, you filled a idol with your cum, and images of her getting pregnant comes to your mind, but you shaked your head, and kissed her, leaving her satisfied.
Jihyo got his legs together, and you maked her lay down, next to Chae she didn't stop you, so with your last effort, you put your cock between her ass cheeks, rubbing you between them, until you are hard again, using her ass again, pounding her from behind, Chae got in front of her, and Jihyo was licking the cum from her pussy, both of them was moaning, and groaning in pleasure, finally you bite Jihyo's shoulder and you cum on his tight ass, leaving a mark that she will never forget.
The three of you were naked in the floor, hugging when dawn starts to come, and then you start to dress, the girls do it to, except from her underwear, before you can ask why, both of them are in your pocket, and when you turn on your phone, you feel like you were the most lucky guy in the world, before of getting off your phone, Chae saved Jihyo and her own phone number.
"Call us 💋"
You were happy, maybe your shitty love situation was changing
To be continued...?
(sorry if there was an error, it's my first smut and eng it's not my first lenguage)
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ghostykapi · 5 months
i know you don't wanna leave [stay here after hours]
son chaeyoung & fem!reader // tw: an attempt of s.a., drinking, arguments, like one slap and that’s it
surprise! i’m alive? here have a fic
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it starts with an acquaintance. it always does.
not this time, this time it starts with one of your best friends, myoui mina
when mina says she wants you to meet her members after so long, you freeze and start panicking in your discord voice call. despite the long time knowing each other, twice has yet to meet one of mina's close friends, a fellow introvert that bumped into each other one too many times that it was inevitable to start a bond.
"it's going to fine y/n" you can still hear mina's voice in your head, her hands holding yours as you both walk up to a secluded restaurant "they are going to love you"
despite the reassurances, you couldn't shake off the anxiety off you, nervous to make the best first impression of you.
despite your worries, the girls immediately take a liking to you. a romantic liking to you, as you would recall half of them already fighting to get your attention
“so y/n” you can still remember jihyo asking you, a small glint present in her eye “are you single?”
ever the protective person your best friend was, the immediate response of “she’s off limits” shoots any questions down. all possible suitors immediately follow mina’s words
almost all possible suitors
son chaeyoung doesn’t follow it
after all, she’s the one who sat beside you, slipping her number well within your palm with a smile after dinner and exchanging jokes. the same number that you chat with a simple hello, and the same number that continuously texts you every morning, afternoon, and night
chaeyoung is even so bold to causally chat you even if she sits right beside mina during practice. she doesn’t get caught at all. not even by the prying eyes of her members, her ever carefree attitude when texting you not raising any suspicion
it goes on for weeks, until an opportunity for her to go on a date with you pops up. so she asks you until you find yourself going to weekly dates with her, sneaking in surprise deliveries to one another, calling more often than texting, clothes sneakily being left on each other’s apartment
she’s been sweet. the way she’s been kissing you? tastes like strawberries. the way she holds your hand on dates? warm and fuzzy. the way she looks at you? like you’re her forever muse
it’s just that the way she holds you everytime, with her arms around you as you settle on the couch, she holds you like you’re about to disappear into air.
it’s not the case
it’s her who has to walk out the door and leave every night. despite her saying the words ‘i love you’, you aren’t even her girlfriend. you aren’t even fully together. not when she’s still in that ‘break’ with her (ex?) boyfriend. you only found out about it after your 7th date with her
if only you knew sooner, maybe you could have stopped yourself from falling for her. maybe you don’t have to let the tears fall again. even when she tries to get up you always grasp her hands, begging with your eyes into her conflicted ones (it happens every time)
"stay" you whisper, she tries to hard to avoid looking at you (it kind of drives you insane) "please stay"
she doesn't stay, but she kisses you. kisses you like she won’t break your heart just a bit again, like she doesn’t pull away and whispers you that she does have to go.
and so you’re left alone. again. left alone to cry.
she comes back though. every morning shift in that hole in the wall cafe you have she shows up, ready to clock in late even if jihyo is about to drag her to practice. even when you have to stay up late, she calls you up, asking if you can buzz her in even at 3 am, even when you have to finish that commission.
she’s relentless with her pursuit for you, but she’s unforgiving for having to pull away when you’re falling deeper and deeper into her spell.
well that’s how you got here.
at a club, definitely somewhere obscure that lets in any person no matter who they are or what they even represent. it doesn’t matter, the lighting is dark, it’s crowded, the music is to loud and the alcohol is swimming around the room.
you don’t even know how much you consumed, everything is starting to spin already. the environment proving to you that this is just a place that you don’t even wanna be in to begin with, and still it’s better because this is the last place where your brain can even think of chaeyoung.
all you can think about is the bodies that are grinding against you, the smell of booze invading your senses, the numerous eyes that look at you and your body on the dance floor, the lady that’s been dancing with you for a while now, her eyes drinking you in
you don’t even notice that she’s manage to lead you away from the dance floor, now in a corner, where you have no where to go. your blurry vision can barely understand the scene in front of you, so you try to go along with it, even if your heart begs for you to stop
before anything happens, you can see her being pulled away by a group of people, all screaming to why she’s targeting a clearly too drunk woman. you can barely make out the group until someone catches you before you stumble, the familiar sent of the perfume instantly calming you down
“let’s get you home yeah?”
it’s motherfucking son chaeyoung. the person who just shoved a person away from kissing you and the one person you were trying to get over.
you can see another figure approaching you, and you can tell it’s your best friend. her worried eyes scanning you from head to toe before releasing a sigh and helping chaeyoung to bring you to the car
the ride was quiet, the only sound the entire ride is the radio playing music. the haziness of it call made it feel short to you, but as soon as you set foot in your apartment and sat down on your couch, you can slightly see things better.
“call me when you’re ok” mina gives you a hug on the couch, her voice softly calming you down before you have to face chaeyoung “it’s ok, your safe now”
she stands up to leave, facing chaeyoung who’s probably no better than you
“you will explain everything to me” mina whispers to her “but make sure y/n is well taken care of tonight”
she hugs chaeyoung before she leaves, having to catch a late night visit to her girlfriend, tzuyu.
that leaves you though with the person you tried to avoid in the first place. you can barely reject her. no. you can’t even push her away and scream ‘leave me alone!’
but you try, you try anyway for the sake of it
“excuse me?”
you try to stand up, and despite the absolute shit state you are in, you look at her with all the venom you can show.
chaeyoung is flabbergasted, mostly worried, but is flabbergasted by the way you manage to turn around your feelings towards her. yesterday you both were just fine
“y/n” she’s cautious, threading on what to say “you’re drunk. let’s get you to bed”
“leave” despite the glare you’re sending her way, she’s coming closer to help you to bed. “you better leave”
“no stop saying i should leave” she’s trying to keep you calm, but that sentence ticks you off to shout
a step closer to you to reach out and you’re body does the first thing a rage filled body can do
a loud smack can be heard across the apartment
it’s silent now, the shock and realization hits chaeyoung as she looks at you. you who had smiled at her like she was the sun, you who had kissed every single one of her tattoos to cheer her up, you who had danced in the rain to the music of a faint distant piano, you who had no hesitation of choosing her again and again and again even when you had every right to break things off
endlessly, with devotion and loyalty
you who had always welcome her back even if you knew she always returned to him
“i-i” you’re speechless, your hand suddenly feeling like it doesn’t belong to you “c-chaeyoung i—”
you can can feel the words clog in your throat. the air starting to feel like it’s not enough. you can feel her slipping away
no, she kneels right in front of you. her hands holding yours and her eyes shining with nothing but love, guilt and shame.
“i’m sorry” chaeyoung kisses your hand, despite the slap you just delivered a minute ago “i’ve been nothing but a meanie haven’t i?”
you break, everything crashing down.
“i’m so sorry” she wipes away your tears, heart taking all of the guilt she had tried to run from, as she sees you like this. her mind finally realizing full extent of the pain she has inflicted on the both of you “my love i’m so sorry”
you sob, sob until she’s holding you close, rubbing circles on your back like she always does to calm you down, her apologies and words of affirmation spilling out of her like she’s rapping to one of her songs.
it takes you a while to calm down, and when you do you can barely move. it takes you another couple of minutes for her to move you to bed at least. changing you into your sleeping clothes (the shirt is her’s, she feels her heart pull at that), cleaning up your face and tucking you into bed
“get some sleep my love” chaeyoung whispers, her finger brushing out any hair that’s fallen on your face “i’ll fix this i promise”
your eyes focus on her’s. eyes that are red as yours from crying. you wonder why she still looks so pretty even if she just broke you
“will you stay?” it’s the last thing you say, and the warm kiss on your cheek is the last thing you feel before you fully surrender to slumber.
in the morning, you manage to wake up with a throbbing head. the headache hurts, everything seems to be too bright or too loud. you can’t even figure out who’s body is spooning you from behind, hands gently playing and combing through your hair
“morning my love”
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earlysunshines · 4 months
parenting trial
son chaeyoung x fem!reader ; fluff
synopsis: in which your date is interrupted when you hear someone’s child crying their eyes out
warnings: ummm none(?) ; not proofread
a/n: im actually supposed to be studying for my last final but uh oops... and happy pride!
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chaeyoung’s head is in your lap, your fingers run through your hair as you two people watch, making up a background for each person that passes by.
an elderly woman walks a small poodle, humming a small tune as she does so. chaeyoung points to her and smiles.
“she’s definitely an undercover spy.” she says, making you laugh.
“was spy kids just permanently engraved in your brain after you watched it or...?”
chaeyoung turns her head and looks at you, offended. she pushes your face from where she is and you giggle at her expression. you scratch her scalp, then she rolls her eyes before explaining.
“it's the glasses, the way she holds herself, the poodle! who owns poodles? they’re definitely a breed planted by the government.”
you almost snort after hearing her little tangent.
“you’re so…” you move your hand down to squish her cheek for no reason. “creative.”
“thank you, i’m very proud of that trait.”
“why am i in love with you?" you mumble, looking at her squished cheek in between your fingers and her closed eyes. you smile at the answer in front of your eyes. “you’re so stupid.”
“you’re equally as dumb.”
“yeah okay whatev-“
your bickering is cutoff when you hear a loud wail, it catches pretty much everyone’s attention.
there’s a kid on the bench across the concrete path rubbing her eyes and sniffling. she looks to be around five years old, her bangs are quite wispy and her hair is cut just above her shoulders. she wipes her runny nose with the pink shirt she has on and starts to cry again — louder than ever — before quieting down in ten seconds.
chaeyoung looks at you — head still in your lap — and you look right back at her. the soothing movement of your hand in her scalp stops when she gets up to look at the kid as well.
“stay here love, i’m going to go check on the girl.” you say cupping chaeyoung’s face lightly before getting up from the blanket you had been on and putting on your clogs.
chaeyoung watches you walk towards the kid and exchange a few words, which quickly has the girl quiet as she directs her attention on you. in a minute, you walk back towards the blanket with your pointer finger in the girls grip. your girlfriends eyes soften at the sight.
you sit down on the blanket and urge the hesitant child to sit down next to you. the girl shakes her head, then looks at chaeyoung skeptically. your eyes widen at the realization and you smile softly, holding her hand in yours.
“this is chaeyoung, she’s my um…” you begin, pausing to lean over and ask your lover: “do kids know about girlfriends? i mean probably — definitely. but is it like, appropriate?”
chaeyoung giggles and nods, “i think so.”
you face towards the girl again and say, “this is my girlfriend chaeyoung. she’s really nice and sweet, come sit, she’s a great person. trust me.”
the girl looks at the two of you hesitantly then sits directly in front of you and your lover. she sniffles again, unable to look up.
“what’s your name?” chaeyoung asks, voice soft and sweet. “my name is chaeyoung.” she introduces, sticking out her hand for the girl to shake.
the girl simply looks at the hand that has tattoos scattered all over, observing them for a bit. she doesn’t answer; she’s too mesmerized by the little doodles.
“oh, these?” chaeyoung asks, pointing at the tattoos that have the girls attention. “i drew them myself.”
“really?” her eyes widen, she's amazed. this is the first time you and chaeyoung have heard her speak. her voice is small and hesitant, though it seems she’s willing to lend her trust to two adults that decided to care for her.
chaeyoung nods. “you see this one? i drew it two years ago. do you like it?”
the girl examines the flowers on her fingers, a small smile spreads across her lips.
“i like those.” the girl mumbles, reaching for chaeyoung’s fingers to get a better look.
“me too.” you agree, looking at chaeyoung lovingly.
“can you draw one on me?” the little girl asks, looking at your girlfriend with curious, hopeful eyes.
chaeyoung turns to look at you, making eye contact and tilting her head to silently ask for you to help her out. to be fair, this is someone's child and you can't just start vandalizing someone's lost child. the two of you have a silent interaction with raised brows, mixed expressions, and mouthed words before the child tugs at chaeyoungs hand again.
"please miss chaeyoung?" the little girl asks, pouting.
chaeyoung looks at you again, portruding her lower lip to mimic the girl. your girlfriend is already convinced, it's just you that has to give her the green light before she goes ham on this kids arm with her pens.
"um, hold on." you interject, "we don't know if your parents would be fine with that."
the girl frowns again after being reminded that her parents are nowhere to be found, then starts to tear up again. you panic and so does your girlfriend after she begins to get vocal again, a tear now falling down her cheek.
"okay okay! wait, wait." you quickly say, trying to prevent others in the park from looking at you, your girlfriend, and someone's lost child. "how about you tell us your name first before chaeyoung draws anything, yeah?"
"tara. tara hong laurent." she immediately says, then turns to chaeyoung, urging her to start doodling.
so you have her whole name, which was easy enough to get although quite concerning because she had just given out her government name to strangers. chaeyoung picks up her pen and starts to draw something small on her pinky, then mouths "ask... more..."
"um, okay tara." you start, looking at her skeptically. "when was the last time you saw your parents?"
she frowns again, looking up at you. "i miss them."
"i know," you say softly, pushing her hair to the side. chaeyoung watches the whole interaction, the small gesture, and the small smile you give her; chaeyoung melts. "that's why we're going to help you find them. do you know their names?"
"james and jihyuk." she answers, watching chaeyoung as she scrunches her brow and doodle a small flower on the back of her hand. "do you know them?"
"oh, i don't know a james or jihyuk, but we'll find them tara, don't worry."
she grins. "miss chaeyoung, you're very good at this."
"thank you." chaeyoung turns to look at you, there's a sparkle in her eyes. "do you want to draw on y/n?"
"chaeng i-"
tara interrupts you, beaming at the opportunity. "yes! yes! please? can I?"
chaeyoung smirks at you and giggles mischieviously before handing the pen to the girl, then grabbing your forearm and pushing it toward the little girl. "the floor is yours tara, but can you answer a few more questions?"
she nods aggressively, making both you and your girlfriend laugh.
chaeyoung continues, "so, where were your parents the last time you saw them? how did you lose them?"
your girlfriend hands the girl the pen, she grabs it eagerly. tara starts to scribble something just below your already existing tattoo, something not so far off from a bunny. it's a messy scribble, clearly done by a child, but it's adorable.
"we were by the water and then my dads both went to get something from the store with me... then I saw a rabbit in the store! it was as big as my head! and it started running around the store and I followed it and it went outside and I followed it again and it kept running away from me!" she explains with frustration. "and then I looked around and I couldn't find my dads... and I went to the benches over there before miss y/n found me."
she adds small whiskers on the bunny she's drawing on your forearm, the drawing is the size of her hand, taking up a lot of space -- but it's adorable.
she seems unbothered by the fact that she's basically missing now, too busy admiring her work and smiling up at you. "do you like it miss y/n?"
your lips turn up, your cheeks flush from how happy she looks, then you nod. "I love it tara."
"yay! is it as good as miss chaeyoung's?"
pretending to think to yourself, you put a finger on your chin and look up at the sky. a little dramatically, you hum, then look back at the bunny inked on your forearm.
leaning closer and lowering your voice -- but not too quietly so chaeyoung can hear -- you respond, "I think it's better than hers."
tara smiles with her teeth, then leaps into your arms and gives you a big hug. she's so small, at least compared to you, clinging onto you like a koala. she pulls away to smile even bigger. "thank you thank you! i think I want to be an artist someday."
you look down at her and chuckle before placing a hand on her head and fixing the strands poking out. "do what you love, okay? i think you'd make a great artist."
chaeyoung watches the whole interaction, her head in her palm and cheeks warming from how adorable you are with her. chaeyoung sigh adoringly just from the sight, falling a little more for you -- especially after you look up, make eye contact, and smile warmly at her. she feels like a popsicle on a burning day.
"tara, we should find your parents. they shouldn't be too far from here, I hope."
"do you want my dad's number? the one with the mustache."
you and chaeyoung look at each other again, mouths widening and faces looking dumbfounded; tara's known her dad's phone number this whole time. the two of you laugh like idiots.
you reach for your phone and hand it to tara. "could you type their number in? I'll call them and we'll get you back to them soon."
"on it!" tara responds with a fist in the air, punching up excitedly.
chaeyoung watches her sit down next to you, and how you tilt your head a little strangely to match her level and meet the screen of your phone. tara's little fingers tap at the screen, then she shoves the phone up and hits your nose, eliciting a small squeak from you.
you rub your and nose and chaeyoung puts a hand to her mouth to stifle the laugh that's threatening to come out -- loud and so strong it'll have her falling down on the blanket -- she barely manages to do so.
rolling your eyes at her, you bring the phone up to your ear and wait for an answer. ten seconds pass before you hear a low "hello?" from the other end of the line.
"hi, is this james? or-- no, maybe jihyuk?"
"how did you get my number?" the man asks, his voice Is so low that it catches you off guard, but he's soft-spoken. "who are you?"
"hi, i'm not sure which dad this is but we found your daughter on a bench crying. she gave us your number and -- my girlfriend and I -- we've just been watching over her. we didn't know she knew her parents' numbers."
the man man lets out a sigh, it sounds like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. "oh dear, y/n right? you're a life saver, thank you. where are you located? near the riverside I assume?"
"yeah, that's right. would you like us to meet you there soon? by the convenience store? it's not too far from us."
"yes, that's perfect. thank you so much, my husband and I have been panicking like crazy. see you soon."
"of course." you respond before hanging up. chaeyoung tilts her head, silently asking for a brief explanation. you look at tara, then hold her hand comfortingly. "we're going to go find your dads okay?"
tara nods before standing up, you and chaeyoung get up with her. the three of you all work together to fold the thin blanket that was previously under you, then shove it in the tote bag you had brought.
as you hang the tote bag on your shoulder, you feel your pointer finger being tugged at and look over to see tara. she's also holding chaeyoung's hand-- well, her pointer, middle, and ring finger. chaeyoung looks at you and smiles, mouthing a "she's adorable" in your direction. you nod in agreement and mouth back, "not as adorable as you" before winking teasingly, making chaeyoung roll her eyes and look away to conceal the faint dust of pink on her cheek.
the three of you make your way to the little riverside convenience store, tara in between you and your lovely girlfriend. you and your lover share eye contact again, both of you falling deeper in love without knowing it.
tara starts to drag you over to the railings near the riverside, but you and chaeyoung resist (somehow terribly, she's dragging the two of you with enough force for two grown adults to struggle holding her back), instead redirecting her to where her parents should be.
you catch the convenience store in the distance, then look down at tara. "almost there, you alright?"
chaeyoung smiles at this side of you, she's never seen you so caring. you've always been an idiot or overly teasing with your friends -- she loves that, it's why she fell for you -- never this protective and caring.
you were always caring with your friends, attentive to their well-being. you were even more caring with chaeyoung, in a subtle way she always noticed. usually quiet in how you helped others, seeing you so sweet with this little girl shows how genuine and lovely you are. chaeyoung realizes that if you had kids someday, she’d love to be around a protective, caring you—just like you are right now.
the revelation is exciting, chaeyoung finds another way to love you even harder.
you spot two men outside the store. one stands out more—a big, buff, tall man. next to him is a shorter, lankier man with his hand on the other's shoulder, seemingly calming the bigger man with his touch -- just like how you comfort chaeyoung.
tara jumps, then lets go of both you and chaeyoung, running up to the two men and yelling "papa!"
the bigger man catches her in a hug, holding her close and his huge arms practically engulf her. his eyes widen and soften at the same time, then he kisses tara's temple and sighs in relief.
"tara! oh darling, i've been worried sick, your dad and I have both been." the voice is the same one you had heard on the phone earlier, the octave of his voice matches his appearance but the softness and care he shows reminds you of a huge teddy bear.
the smaller man looks at you and chaeyoung, offering a sincere, thankful smile. "thank you for taking care of our daughter, we've been quite worried."
he has a thick french accent, and just his appearance, mannerisms, and the way his words flow out make him seem a bit intimidating. she puts his hand out for you and introduces himself, "jihyuk."
you shake his hand before responding, "y/n."
chaeyoung also does the same, introducing herself and giving him a grin, "chaeyoung."
"thank you for taking care of her, seriously, we owe you the world." the other says, from what you can remember, he should be james since jihyuk has already been introduced.
chaeyoung waves her hand, then holds yours, squeezing tightly as she says, "my girlfriend noticed your daughter crying on a bench, she wanted to help. we were worried."
you nod and send her a quick smile. "ah! also, sorry about the scribbles on her..." you panic a bit, unsure of whether they'd approve of the artwork on her. "we tried to warm up to her and ask her questions, but she wouldn't budge until my girlfriend had drawn something on her." you explain, then you frantically start to ramble, "I'm so sorry about that, my girlfriend's tattoos caught her eye and she--"
jihyuk places his hand on yours before fixing the glasses he wears to sit on his nose bridge. his voice is higher, but he speaks with certainty and some slight authority in his tone, voice levelled, "it's alright dear, we're just glad that our daughter is well."
"right, yeah."
chaeyoung laughs at you and holds your hand a little tighter.
tara starts to squirm in her other dads grip, which urges james to set her down. she runs over to chaeyoung, hugging a leg and muttering, "thank you miss chaeyoung for the drawings, can you do it again sometime?"
your girlfriend looks at you, you look over at james, james looks at his husband jihyuk. jihyuk laughs and nods approvingly.
chaeyoung bends down to meet her level, then fixes the wispy bangs. "of course, anytime."
"yay!" tara beams, then hugs chaeyoung tightly. you watch the whole interaction, feeling your heart overload with adoration, threatening to burst out of your chest.
then tara runs over to you, almost making you lose balance when she collapses into your leg and holds on. you do the same as chaeyoung had done: meet her level and smile at her. "hi tara."
"thank you for helping me y/n, you're very beautiful and kind." your lips twitch a bit; she's seriously adorable. you hold her hand in yours and manage to mutter a low, "thank you."
tara hugs you one more time, it's warm and lovely and wow you never really thought about having kids--but now it's all you can think of as the small, energetic child hugs you with adoration and care.
she runs back to jihyuk and he holds her small hand in his.
james walks up to you, tilting his head down to match your level. this guy has to be at least 6'4 or something. despite his build, he's sweet just from how he smiles at you and the little glint in his eyes.
"i hope you don't mind, i'm going to save your number and," he looks over at his daughter and lover. "I hope we can repay you with coffee or lunch sometime in the future." then, he looks over to chaeyoung, his head tilting down even more. "tara seems to love the art on her skin, and we'd love for her to smile like this again. and you two are such a lovely, kind couple. thank you for this, you saved me from a heart attack."
chaeyoung nods and assures, "it's no problem, we're glad you're all back together."
jihyuk stands next to his husband and links arms subtly before looking up at him, then back to the two of you. "thank you chaeyoung and y/n. we hate to cut this short, but we have to get to dinner on time with my parents. thank you again."
"it's no problem, you all enjoy the dinner alright?" you respond, jihyuk's diastema between his two front teeth is shown when he flashes a smile.
tara waves to you and you watch the small family leave.
chaeyoung kisses your cheek suddenly--you turn in surprise.
"what was that for?"
"you are so adorable, i hate you."
you can't help but chuckle before pecking her lips.
"you love me."
she rolls her eyes before dragging you away from the convenience store and towards the little viewing area nearby.
the breeze hits you two perfectly as you both lean against the railing, chaeyoung leans her head against your shoulder and kisses it through the cloth of your shirt. you turn to press a kiss on her forehead, watching boats make their way to their destination, birds travelling, and the waves flow calmly.
your girlfriend holds your hand and kisses the back of it. "do you want kids?"
"i'm," you pause, chaeyoung watches your lips part as you think of a response. "I'm not against it, but not now I think. if and whenever it happens, I think you'd be the greatest mom ever."
"no," she looks at your features with admiration. "you'd be better." she moves over to kiss your lips and pulls away just barely, lips brushing against yours. "I've never really thought about it much, kids and all." she kisses you once more, then pulls away fully in order to gaze at all of your features. chaeyoung blows some of your hair out of the way, making you laugh.
"me neither."
"but," she begins again, "if it's with you, I know i'd be set just waking up to see you being the mother of our kid. i really like this side of you."
"thanks." you mumble, savoring the moment of intimacy and tenderness. "i'd love to see what kinds of new art would pop up on our child's skin everytime I come back from work."
her face makes its way to the crook of your neck as she giggles. she holds you close.
"there's a lot to look forward to."
"as long as you're in my future I'm fine with anything chaeng."
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briankang · 4 months
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is it that sweet? i guess so! ☕
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cry4mina · 5 months
(Chaeyoung x fem!reader)
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Word count: 4.1k
Summary: Best friends to ???
TW: weed, blood, sex, cheating, Sana?, mentions of Jihyo. I think that’s it.
A/N: hey hi hello! Happy Chae day (early edition!) pls enjoy! :)
*edit* my dumbass forgot to tag @nr1chaedickrider for the pics! 🖤
The couch is cold, leather against your face as you lay there numb, eyes freely releasing tears. Sniffling into the emptiness of your living room, reliving memories of you and your best friend’s last night of hanging out together.
“Chae! Let’s gooooo!” screaming from the edge of the sand. It’s 3 in the morning, humid as hell but she wanted to go to the beach. Her stress from her schedules made it hard for her to relax and you just wanted to see her smile.
God, her smile? She radiated diamonds when she giggled. Glowing and sparkling, refracting pure joy into everyone who saw it. It melted you instantly every time and she knew that.
Chaeyoung runs from your car, black sweatpants too big for her and your hoodie swallowing her whole, catching up to you and linking your arms together. Now she’s the one tugging you to the shoreline as you find your spot on the rundown lifeguard stand.
Studying the carvings of initials into the salt-soaked wood, taking your pocket knife out and getting to work on a new addition while Chae lights the joint carefully, taking a long drag and then passing it to you.
“Do you ever think about what the future holds?” exhaling the smoke as she stares into the waves from her seat on the rickety railing.
Joint hanging out of your mouth, looking up at her in awh, trying to actually hear what she just said. You were mesmerized by her, always.
“Y/n? You okay?” Glancing over to you with concern in her big brown eyes, knowing you had something to say and giving you the opportunity to speak your mind.
Panic flashes through you, pulling from the joint and then passing it back to her, trying to figure out what to say as she pokes you to tell her why you’ve been stuck in your own head.
“Yeah I’m okay.” melancholy laced in your words, continuing to carve a heart big enough to fit initials in, almost dissociating into the deepened grain of the wood. Imagining what life would be like with her as your girlfriend, you sigh heavily and she catches that too.
“You’ve been off for weeks…are you going to tell me what's up? I thought we told each other everything…” looking down at her hands and watching the smoke cascade off the joint before snuffing it out to relight later.
“Chae…” looking up at her again, immediately enthralled by her soft expression towards you. The care in her eyes visibly tracing your frame, waiting for you to let out what you’ve been holding in.
“I…like you.” immediately shutting your eyes and returning your attention to the carving trying to escape the discomfort of having just told your best friend of years that you had romantic feelings for her.
Through your peripherals you see her rotate to face you, expression dripping with grief, watching you chip away at the heart with your blade.
“Y/n…I’m kind of…seeing someone.”
Tear after tear falling from your eyes, face not even contorting at them anymore. The night you stopped speaking to Chaeyoung flashes in your mind at least three times a day, so the sting isn’t new but reliving that night definitely rubs salt into the wound.
It’s 2 in the morning when you decide it’s time to go to your favorite getaway location for the first time in about a month, wanting to create a new memory there by yourself so you can heal that part of you.
Rolling a joint for your adventure as you set off, trying to escape the sorrow of the wound that keeps reopening.
Arriving at the parking lot and parking in your usual spot, you sit for a second. Sniffling and ruminating in the disdain you were feeling for the crisp ocean air, taking in the changes to the setting around you.
Hedges still line the sides of the parking lot, a few palm trees sway in the breeze, beach roses consuming the foliage even more than before, blooming in the moonlight.
Stepping out of the car and walking over to the flowers, you smell the rich sweetness they give off and go to pick one for yourself, only to be pricked by the thorns immediately.
“Shit!” dropping the flower instantaneously, thorns sticking out of your finger. Pulling them out one by one under the moonlight, dripping blood onto the rose on the floor, staining it with the sanguine colored liquid.
Putting your finger in your mouth to ease the bleeding, you head towards the tranquility of the beach and the familiar place, the lifeguard shack, to be alone with your thoughts.
Climbing the slope and viewing the graffiti, more initials than before etched into the frame of the small shack that was raised off the ground to avoid the water.
The heart you chipped into the paint a month ago has someone’s initials in it that you didn’t put there…suspiciously, they’re your initials.
Perplexed by this, you try not to assume who added to your art installation as you light your joint, attempting to burn the ends evenly so it doesn’t canoe. Something you were never good at, that’s why Chae was always in charge of the weed.
Pulling on the joint as you stare into the sea and think about how much you miss her. The long silly conversations, the meaningful moments, the way she always got you a little snack when you were grumpy, her knowing your coffee order by heart, and it was understandable she did. She was your best friend.
Always showing you unconditional love, even through telling you about her new boyfriend, your memories slip back into the night you last spoke.
“Y/n…I’m kind of…seeing someone.” whispered to you through the waves, words causing a small wind within you, taking in the information that makes you nauseous.
Humidity sticks to every part of your skin, hiding the sweat from the rush of adrenaline when your hands start to shake. Seeing someone? Who? She hasn’t mentioned someone to you…
Spiraling at the thought of someone else taking that place in her life. Why hasn’t she mentioned her? Why wouldn’t she tell you about seeing someone? Weren’t you important to her?
“Y/n?…can you say something?” eyes shifting down at the floor. She knows what you’re going to say, just needing to hear it from your own lips before she assumes your next course of action.
“…I don’t have anything to say…” through soft tears you were hiding from her. They drip against your will, unable to hold them back when she gets up to hug you from behind. Hands on your stomach, cheek on your back and eyes closed, sniffling with you through the sadness.
“I don’t want to lose you…please say something…” the crack in her voice ruins you, reflecting the fracture she just chiseled into your heart.
“Who is it?” reverberates through your torso to her ears.
Chaeyoung can hear how shooken up you are, lungs quivering as you try to keep your breathing slow. She’s known for a while you felt this way, choosing to ignore it because she didn’t want you to vanish from her life because she wasn’t ready, only to assume you didn’t feel the same way now.
“I don’t think you truly want to hear about him…” replied coldly, still holding you tightly, unwilling to release you.
Heartbeat now racing at the pronoun she just laid out for you, realizing she was gripping you so tightly so you would run away from her.
“Him?! Chae I thought you we-” unhooking her from your body with some effort so you can face her, eyes drowning in your tears without your consent. You wipe the streams on your face, emotionally exhausted and sleep deprived.
She winces as you do. She knew this day was coming.
“Y/n, please just let me explain.” somewhat begging for you to hear her out, pulling on your sleeves and looking up at you, peering into your soul, framed in sadness.
“I’m happy for you…Can we leave?” flatly falls from your tongue.
“Y/n, please…” begging for another moment with you.
“Chae, I want to leave.”
It rings in your ears.
“Y/n please…”
Hearing it clear as day in your mind. You haven’t heard her voice since that night and thinking about it just pulls at your heart strings, playing the melody of regret for words unspoken.
Back against the front wall of the guard station, sliding down slowly until you were firmly seated on the ground. Pressing the filter of the joint to your lips and pulling a huge drag before you ash on the floorboards, watching the breeze sweep away the dust of gray and white.
Calm quiet waves and the weed comfort you through the ache of not having her around. Chest always swelling at the thought of her, wondering if she was happy, wondering if she remembered to eat that day…does he treat her right?
Sighing into the darkness, another pull, another ash, another gust as you sit in the depths of your emotions. Allowing your brain to take you through your thoughts of Chaeyoung without resistance.
“i was hoping you’d show up here eventually…Is this seat taken?” cuts through your mind's eye like a cleaver, startling you. Looking over to see a pair of familiar pajamas and an oversized hoodie, black hair flowing down from under the hood.
Those big brown puppy dog eyes glancing down at you, seeing your disheveled state, studying the faint tear streams down your cheeks and the small wet circular water marks on the floor beneath you. Pouting at you…Chae always hated to see you so sad. Especially because of the decision she made to date someone that wasn’t you.
Unsure of what to say, you just raised the joint up to her- extending an olive branch, a peace offering.
This made her absolutely beam at you, taking her place next to you and happily puffing away at the joint, giving a satisfied shimmy of the events currently taking place before plopping down next to you in the wooden floor.
Unable to contain yourself, you giggle as your body finally lets you relax. She was here, everything was going to be okay…right? Even with a false sense of security her presence gave you, you wished you could shake the feeling of missing her.
Exhaling quickly and turning to face you, making sure to make eye contact as she nudges your shoulder playfully.
“I missed you, dummy.” through the smallest smile you’ve ever seen, she was just too precious and you were completely wrapped around her finger.
“I missed you too…how are…things?” hesitantly questioning how her life was going, worried about the answer.
“Better now.” pulling the joint again before handing it back to you carefully. You wished she wouldn’t do that. Implying that you improve her life when you know who she’s calling every night before bed.
Shifting your focus to anything but what she just said, fixating on her hands, tracing over her finger tattoos with your eyes before grabbing the joint between your own fingers, lightly putting it out.
Feeling her energy was almost enough, the decompression of your muscles from just being near her was substantial enough to push the devastation away, even if it was temporary.
“How is he?” reluctantly flows through clenched teeth, oozing jealousy and spite.
“He’s…good.” tapping her fingers against her knees as she curls within herself, knowing you’re only asking because you feel obligated to. Knowing you’re hoping for a different answer.
Nodding your head and biting the inside of your cheek, fiddling with the ankle cuff if your joggers and trying to keep yourself seated. Discomfort sneaks in, thoughts of her being happy with someone else being a wave of nausea, imitating sea sickness as you wobble a little in the feeling.
The signs of your care for each other was always there, you were just too nervous to face her about them and she was anticipating you making the first move. There were plenty of moments to do so and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say anything sooner. Locked in your own fear, ruining your own chance.
“Can I ask you something?” Chae's curious eyes peeked up at you while resting her chin on her knees, a pout placed on her perfect lips.
“Yeah.” refusing eye contact out of a familiar fear, wondering if she was going to ask where you were or where you’d been.
“Why’d you stop taking my calls?” cheek now resting on her knees, you can see how she’s trying to calm her breathing through the difficult question. Never being one to ask them, hating confrontation but she had to know why you took so many steps back from her. She just need to hear you say it.
A deep breath, eyes shifting anywhere but on her. How were you supposed to tell her the truth?
“I…uhm…didn’t want to talk to you.” little lies through your clenched teeth, grinding away at your heart like sandpaper.
“Don’t lie to me.” Chae’s brows furrow as she lets out a little annoyed shriek. It’s hard not to giggle at her when she makes what she would call her “angy” face at you. It’s too cute to be considered “angy.”
“Fine.” Sighing heavily and turning to face her, hands roughly running down your face as you prepare to tell her what she definitely already knew. Swallowing roughly, deep breath, and go!
“I stopped talking to you because it’s hard to see someone else making you so happy…I wanted it to be me…and with how we are or I guess were, with each other I thought that’s what you wanted too.” attempting to not sniffle as the tears trickle down your cheeks again, stinging your eyes and adding to the salt on your face.
Feeling a warmth on your right side and the pressure of a head resting on your shoulder, you lean into Chae and continue to silently cry a little harder.
Tears staining her hoodie as they fall, a hand reaches around you and holds your waist, lightly scratching in an attempt to comfort you.
“You’re right, you know.” matter of factly uttered through the breeze of the early morning hours surrounding you.
“About what?” lifting your head to look at her while she elaborates on what she means.
“That is what I wanted…I just didn’t think you wanted to try because you never said anything or reacted when I dropped hints” nervously from her shaky lips while her own tears fell, her face now matching yours in the same sorrow.
“What? When did you drop hints?” confusion layered your words heavily, racking your brain for Chae’s attempts to show her feelings, completely oblivious to any hints she might’ve dropped along the way.
“Come on, don’t pretend like you don’t remember. I would always hold your hand, cling to you, cuddle with you…we even made out a few times over the years.” frustrated at your lack of knowledge, even though she never blatantly told you the level of what she was experiencing.
“Chae, we were young…I thought you were just an affectionate person or that it wasn’t serious. Like how Sana is?” a weak attempt to defend yourself from not making a move or telling her sooner.
“Sana likes you.” cold, flat tone, maybe a hint of jealousy uttered from her lips, body language shifting to show a little discomfort.
“What?!” complete shock consumes you, trying to take in the overwhelming amount of data you just received.
“Yeah, that’s why I never invited her to hang out with us after the first time…I didn’t want her to be that close to you” grief weighs her voice down to a whisper, the confession fresh even after years.
“Chae why would yo-” hands cupping your face almost immediately. She presses her lips on yours, tears mix into a painful spiral of what could’ve been between you.
Stiffening at the contact, you aren’t really sure what to do at the moment. Fighting to not lean into it, but not wanting to pull away either. She pulls away for a second to look at your face before placing one hand on your hip, pulling you into her, laying her lip on you again.
Not being able to help yourself after years of pining, you melt into it, quickly turning heated as she slides her tongue in your mouth. Her hands feel so comfortable on your skin, wrapping around your waist under your shirt, fidgeting with the hem of your pants laid on your hips.
Pulling away to press her forehead against yours, her hand descends down into your underwear before she whispers into your mouth.
“Is this okay?” eye contact is absolutely excruciating, completely drenching you in the dream you were living. Nodding your head aggressively and pulling her back into you for more.
The passionate make out session she started completely derailing into a full blown hook up, moaning into her while she’s gathering your wetness on her fingers to make small circles on your clit, eliciting more of the sweet sounds she wished she heard years ago.
There’s no way you’ll get caught here, it’s almost 3 am and the sounds of the sea will cover any noise you make so you allow yourself to be loud for her so she can see how badly you need her and how badly you want her.
Chae slides a finger into you, eliciting a gasp that she swallows whole. Curling her fingers up, you’re grinding into her palm and chasing the pleasure she knew she was giving you.
Breaking from the kiss, laying her lips down your cheek to your jaw and then to your neck. Biting down on your pulse point coaxing more whines from you.
“That’s right, baby, let me hear you,” softly spoken into your ear before she ran her teeth over your lobe, tugging at the skin, and resting her chin on your shoulder before whimpering when she felt your hand rubbing into her over her sweat pants.
Suddenly pulling her finger out and replacing it with two, she takes your hand and pushes it into her harder so you can feel how wet she is under her sweatpants.
“Can I..?” half moaned, clenching around her digits tightly, pressing into her so the seam of her sweats hits just the right spot.
“Not yet, gotta take care of you first” whined into your neck, still pumping her fingers deep into you at a steady rhythm, you thrust into her hands as you feel the knot tightening into your stomach.
“Fuck, chae…I’m gonna cum” hips sputtering, let out a string of obscenities and moans out, next to her ear.
Chae immediately removes her hands from you, kisses you and stands up, unable to look you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry.” walking away and down the slope of the life guard tower, leaving you to figure out your feelings and question everything that’s ever happened between the two of you and wondering why she would fuck you just to leave you here feeling unloved and unwanted.
“Do you think dinner will be weird?” Sana asks from the passenger seat of your car as you pull into the parking garage in front of Jihyo’s apartment building.
“I don’t think so. At least I hope it’s not. It’s been a while since I have seen her, so I can avoid her through conversation with everyone else.” putting the car into park and looking over at your lovely girlfriend of a few months.
Her eyes soften, she knows the details of what happened that night at the beach. Sana knows how detrimental that memory is to you, but it was Jihyo’s birthday and you were a good friend. You weren’t going to miss it because of Chaeyoung.
“Alright, Honey. But if you get uncomfortable, please let me know. I don’t want you to put your own mental health at risk for the sake of a small party, okay?” Placing her hand on your cheek to make sure you keep eye contact with her.
Putting your hand on hers, you move it over and kiss her palm lightly. She giggles at you, before leaning in to lay her lips on yours.
“Thank you, baby.” smiling at her after pulling away, getting out of the driver's side door and walking around the other side to open hers, offering your hand out for her to hold while she steps out of the car, intertwining her fingers with yours and squeezing softly.
“Oh my god! Y/n! It’s been so long!” Jihyo runs at you and envelopes you in a bear hug before giving you a once over, taking in how you’re glowing and happy.
“You look good!” knowing the last time she saw you was when a week or two after the beach incident. You didn’t have to tell her what happened for her to understand who it involved and why you were distraught.
“I’m so happy to see you and that smile of yours again. Thank you for dragging her out of the house, Sana.” giving a wink and then passing you off to the others, giving them a chance to greet you.
Everyone gave a similar reaction to seeing you as Jihyo, except the one person you expected to barely interact with. A small wave behind an even smaller smile.
“It’s good to see you.” eyes on the floor, hands awkwardly fiddling with themselves, feet shuffling and biting the inside of her cheek. Her anxious tells were showing in full force and you weren’t the only one to notice it.
Sana places her hand on your lower back, rubbing small circles to soothe you through this uncomfortable exchange.
“Good to see you too, Chae.” before stepping away to gather with the rest of the girls to start the birthday festivities, finding you and Sana’s seats next to each other with Chaeyoung placed at the complete opposite end of the table.
Stepping outside for a second to get some fresh air, being too full to even think about the discomfort of Chaeyoung being within such close proximity. You lean against the railing of the patio taking in the calmness of the night sky when the door opens behind you and closes softly.
Without even having to look, you already know who’s present behind you. A long sigh expels from your lungs, you know what’s coming.
“We broke up… I broke up with him…I’ve been trying to get into contact with you since the night after…the beach.” stated before you could even blink.
Finding a place next to you on the railing, she pulls out a joint and lights it before trying to hand it to you. Politely declining, she takes a few pulls and then speaks again.
“After that night…I couldn’t get you out of my head. Every time he touched me, I wished it was you.” Glancing to see what emotions were present on your face, finding stoicism where love used to be.
“I blocked you that night, Chae…can we not do th-” she pushes your shoulder to open up your stance and takes a step towards you, getting close to your face trying to initiate something more than she should.
Tilting her head lightly and leaning into you as you take a huge step back from her, you tell her the absolute truth.
“Chae, we can’t do this. More importantly, I don’t want to do this. You had the opportunity and you wasted it. You used me that night at the beach for your own selfish gain and then left me there…alone. Cheating on your boyfriend and ruining our friendship on the same night…I don’t want to date someone like you.” stern in your words as you relive the night in your mind, again and again. Still grieving the past.
“I thought the love we had was pure and I’m trying to keep that memory alive so please, don’t remind me of what you did.” Stepping towards the door, pulling it open as fast as possible. You needed to get away from her. Now.
“I’m sorry.” muffled by her tears and the creaking of the hinges as you try to run away when she grabs your wrist and places something in your hands, not bothering to look at it before leaving her outside.
Not wanting to show your emotions to Sana, you rush into the bathroom before she can see the state you’re in.
Closing the door behind you and flipping the bright fluorescent lights on, you look into your hand and see a dried up beach rose that’s stained with dark crimson. You stare at it as you remember the thorns, looking at the tip of your finger where the scars were from that night.
Into the garbage it went as quickly as you saw it. Splashing cold water on your face, arms locked, leaning on the chilled porcelain sink trying to collect yourself so you can be present for the rest of the party when you hear a knock at the door.
“Baby? Are you in there?” the sweet voice warms your heart, as you turn the knob and crack the door to let Sana in.
“Oh, honey” immediately grabbing you to hold you while you silently sob into her. Rubbing your back and telling you that you were safe but you couldn’t help but keep wishing it was Chaeyoung. Always wishing it was Chaeyoung .
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luvsreve · 5 months
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✿ㅤ𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗒 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆.
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imnayeons · 5 months
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꽁꽁 얼어붙은 한강 위로 모챙이 걸어다닙니다 🧊
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