#son hwa ryeong
passionforfiction · 11 months
Love Is For Suckers
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It had been a while since I watched a nice romantic comedy. It had a little bit of everything and there was substance in the plot. I liked the characters and their stories. The friendship between Jae Hoon and Yeo Reum feels natural and genuine. And I like the quartet of high school friends: Yeo Reum, Jae Hoon, Dae Shik and Hye Jin.
You could say this series is divided into two parts. The first one is where we see Jae Hoon's love for Yeo Reum. The friendship that he doesn't want to cross, afraid of being rejected because she is still hung up on the finance who left her. Kim In Woo returns after living in the United States for many years. He now wants to get back together with Yeo Reum. She goes back to him mostly because she keeps thinking about how they were before he left. She doesn't want to face the fact that they have both changed.
The second half of the series focuses on how Yeo Reum realizes and faces the fact that she is in love with Jae Hoon. And this happens in the process of producing Kingdom of Love 2 where he became a participant to replace a person who left at he last minute. But in this reality show will also be participating the young woman his mother made him have a blind date with months ago.
Here we are introduced to another set of characters that also caught my attention. I became invested in Ji Wan's and Chef John's story. Chef John, who had been a jerk in the first part of the series, gets to show us a different side of him that makes us forget that first side we saw earlier.
I won't go into too many details, but I liked how each character faces their sadness, difficulties and move on. I like the fact that those characters we learned to care for have their happy ending.
This is a really sweet story and I recommend it!
Poster from AsianWiki - https://asianwiki.com/Love_is_for_Suckers
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myechoecho · 2 years
I really do not care about Muan and his illegitimate baby. At all. And who do they thing they are fooling? Trying to hide a baby in the palace.
The episode was decent, outside the baby nonsense.
As expected, the Physician Kwon is the former Queen’s son. And it’s all but confirmed he is the father of Prince Useless.
The one thing that has me concerned is the unnamed favour that the previous Queen asked Hwa Ryeong.
Oh, almost forgot. Cheong Ha asking the Queen if Seongnam knows about sex and then chiding the Queen for not teaching him was hilarious to me.
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goawaywithjae · 2 years
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“Under the Queen’s Umbrella” is my top pick of 2022. If you’re looking for a fantastic series to watch, this sageuk/사극 (or historical drama) is difficult to beat. Kim Hye-soo is magnificent as a queen whose sons’ lives (and her own) are in danger if the Crown Prince dies. She is whip smart and almost always one step ahead of her enemies, who want to destroy her family to elevate their own.
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loveseriesnmovies · 1 year
Under the queen's umbrella
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Kim Hye-soo as Queen Hwa Ryeong
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Kim Hae-sook as Queen Dowager
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Choi Won-young as King Yi Ho
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Bae In-hyuk as Crown Prince
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Moon Sang-min as Grand Prince Seongnam / Crown Prince
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Yoo Seon-ho as Grand Prince Gyeseong
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Yoon Sang-hyun as Grand Prince Muan
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Park Ha-jun as Grand Prince Ilyeong
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Kang Chan-hee as Prince Uiseong
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Kim Min-gi as Prince Bogeom
Moon Sung-hyun as Prince Simso
Ok Ja-yeon as Royal Consort Gwi-in Hwang
Kim Ga-eun as Royal Consort So-yong Tae
Woo Jung-won as Royal Consort Gwi-in Go
Seo Yi-sook as Deposed Queen Yoon
Kim Eui-sung as Hwang Won-hyeong
Jang Hyun-sung as Yoon Soo-kwang
Han Dong-hee as Crown Princess Min
Park Jun-myun as Court Lady Shin
Kim Jae-bum as Physician Kwon / Yi Ik-hyeon
Kwon Hae-hyo as Master Toji / Yoo Sang-uk
Oh Ye-ju as Lady Yoon Cheong-ha / Crown Princess
This KDrama was aired on October 15 of 2022, going for 16 episodes.This drama is set on a fictional Joseon dynasty, with a strong queen who would give up all protocols as she struggles to make her trouble making sons into princes.
This is a very good series, I binge watched it in a few days. I loved the queen! How strong, resourceful, and independent she was. I loved all the characters, especially the queen and prince Seongnam. I also loved how the king was very supportive of her. The series had a lot of different topics, from motherhood to sexuality. It's a drama series. There are no gore or sex scenes. I recommend this series to anyone who likes history dramas.
You can watch on Netflix
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praesaepe · 2 years
literally only 2.5 eps into under the queens umbrella and fully ready to go to bat for im hwa-ryeong and her sons
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lizzzzll · 9 months
Under the Queen's Umbrella
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In this entry, I will evaluate the critical questions: What gender/sexuality norm is constructed or undone in this artifact, how is it rhetorically done, and/or how does it promote a dominate ideology over a marginalized group or push back against the ideology or gender norms? Is it productive/unproductive (ethical/unethical)?
To investigate these questions, I examined the 2022 South Korean television series Under the Queen’s Umbrella as my rhetorical artifact. This entry aims to explore how the Queen challenges established protocols, champions female empowerment, and sets a precedent for women to assert their agency within a patriarchal framework. This representation challenges our understanding of gender roles in historical context and resonates with contemporary discussions on gender equality and women's empowerment, which aligns with the more progressive perspectives on gender of today’s society.
"Under the Queen's Umbrella" intricately weaves the gripping tale of Queen Im Hwa-ryeong's journey within the intricate corridors of Joseon-era Korea's royal court. The story begins with the crown prince's critical sickness, which throws the kingdom into a dangerous power struggle for succession among Hwa-ryeong's remaining sons. The customary norms of royalty conflict with the harsh realities of life in this ruthless environment, where merit-based appointment competes with the tremendous challenge provided by the king's kids from several concubines. Once firmly established in the regal comfort of her status, Hwa-ryeong is confronted with the hefty consequences of her previous actions. In the face of this heated war for the crown, her neglect of her other boys' schooling, sometimes pushed to the periphery as 'spares,' proves to be a disastrous blunder. Her tumultuous relationship with the Queen Dowager raises the stakes as the Dowager wants to establish her preferred candidate on the throne, posing a direct danger to Hwa-ryeong's bloodline. Kim Hye-soo's portrayal of Hwa-ryeong is intriguing in its depth. She is portrayed as a woman of measured grace, balancing royal poise with a mother's unfailing affection. When her children's lives are at jeopardy, however, her tenderness and maternal instincts emerge, leading her to make decisions that question her very identity. The series digs expertly into the deep web of royal politics, revealing the cunning tactics of power-hungry personalities such as the Queen Dowager, who defies the stereotype of the wicked mother-in-law. Her swift manipulation and willingness to abandon individuals who no longer accommodate her goals add to the narrative's suspense. "Under The Queen's Umbrella" focuses on the visceral test of maternal instincts in the midst of historical power struggles. The narrative throws Hwa-ryeong into a moral quagmire by comparing her modern troubles with the blood-soaked tapestry of the court's succession history. It makes her rethink the extent to which she is prepared to compromise her convictions for the sake of her boys' survival, all while tormented by the shadow of history's merciless cycle.
In Undoing Gender (2004), Judith Butler discusses the intricate landscape of gender and sexuality, highlighting the transformative process of undoing restrictive norms. They elucidate the nuanced experiences of becoming undone, exploring the duality of these experiences—how adherence to societal norms can erode one's individuality while rupturing these norms might inaugurate a newer, more livable identity. Gender is depicted as an ongoing performance within societal constraints, emphasizing the improvisational nature of its enactment in relation to others. The text also probes the intrinsic link between desire and recognition, underscoring the differential recognition that shapes one's inclusion within the spectrum of humanity. This critical examination extends to the idea of maintaining a distance from normative constraints, seeking alternative norms conducive to sustaining oneself while challenging prevailing paradigms. Butler states that “As a result, the "I" that I am finds itself at once constituted by norms and dependent on them but also endeavors to live in ways that maintain a critical and transformative relation to them.” (p.3) The individual ('I') is intricately tied to and reliant on norms while endeavoring to maintain a critical stance towards them. This paradox forms the basis for critique—interrogating and challenging the constraints imposed by prevailing norms to cultivate inclusive conditions that embrace diverse modes of living. Moreover, it draws from the complexities of the 'New Gender Politics,' emphasizing the coexistence and intersectionality of movements concerning transgender, transsexuality, and intersexuality rather than a linear succession of frameworks, culminating in a rich tapestry of gender discourse and lived experiences. Consider the intersex movement's resistance against coercive surgeries aimed at normalizing bodies with sexually indeterminate features. This resistance challenges the idealized human anatomy and advocates for inclusivity, acknowledging the continuum of human morphology and affirming the livability and flourishing of intersex individuals. This critique exposes how norms governing idealized human forms create differential perceptions of humanity and livability, extending to various disabilities as well.
The first thing we will discuss about the movie Under the Queen's Umbrella is one of the movie's promotional posters (which is also the image I attached to this entry.) In the poster, we can see it is divided into 2 parts. In the above part, there is a woman who looks dignified and serious in a red hanbok, her eyes reflecting the solemnity of an exemplary queen of Joseon. But below is a contrary image, with her hands instead of being clasped together and hidden in the hem of her shirt like the way of noble Korean women in the past, we can see she is holding the hem of her dress, the image has a lot of movement with dust flying everywhere and her shoes are exposed: that is the act of running. Generally speaking, regardless of the empire, in ancient times, noble women were stereotyped as having to walk lightly to show decency, and one had a special status. Like the Queen, she has to try even harder to show it. However, Queen Hwa-ryeong was portrayed as divided into two contrasting parts, which suggests undoing restrictive norms associated with gender and sexuality, highlighting the experiences of becoming undone, both positively and negatively. “And sometimes the very terms that confer "humanness" on some individuals are those that deprive certain other individuals of the possibility of achieving that status, producing a differential between the human and the less-than-human.” (Butler, p.2) In the case of the Queen, even though she has a high status, one thing is certain: she always has to endure negative criticism for her lack of decorum and not aligning with "queen-ness." This concept fully applies to what Butler is trying to point out, that conforming to normative gender constructs can sometimes undermine one's personhood while rupturing these norms may lead to a newer, more livable identity.
The second thing I want to comment on is the scene at minute 18:08 of episode 12 of the drama, which is a scene in front of a jewelry store, a man trying to pay a very low price to buy a woman’s brooch made of gold. The reason he gave for paying a ridiculous price for the brooch was because the woman was kicked out of the house by her husband because she could not have children. A young noble lady saw the discontent and stood up for the woman. The young lady used the act of rubbing the golden brooch on the ground to the astonishment of the onlookers, and then asked if anyone wanted the brooch. The crowd expressed that if they were given it, they would all want a gold brooch, because after all it is still gold and gold has value. That is also what the young lady wants to prove, that even if the woman cannot give birth, she still has her own value and that cannot be changed. Butler also addresses this issue at the bottom of page 2: "This means that to the extent that desire is implicated in social norms, it is bound up with the question of power and with the problem of who qualifies as the recognizably human and who does not.” Gender is depicted as an ongoing performance situated within societal constraints. It involves improvisation within limitations and is not crafted in isolation but in relation to or for others, real or imaginary. This depiction of gender as an ongoing performance within societal constraints suggests a fluid and dynamic interplay between individual identity and social constructs. It's an improvisational act, not confined to a static mold, but rather adapting and evolving within the limitations imposed by societal norms. This perspective of the noble lady from the scene challenges the notion of a fixed or inherent gender identity, highlighting instead the ever-changing and dialogic nature of how individuals navigate and negotiate their gendered existence within the fabric of Joseon’s society, as well as the current society.
Continuing with that scene, the incident in front of the jewelry store was fully witnessed by the Queen while wearing civilian clothes to find a fiancee for her crown prince's son. That girl turned out to be the daughter of a war official. So the Queen drank tea with the girl to get to know her. They discuss the so-called "Seven Valid Causes of Divorce" law, which are the reasons that Joseon men can legally divorce their wives, including cases where the woman cannot bear children. The Queen also pointed out that besides the 7 reasons men can divorce, there are also "Sambugeol" - Three Exceptions, which are 3 cases where a man cannot leave his wife even if she violates the other 7 rules. The Three Exceptions are likened to the 3 shields given to women by society to resist the 7 spears that threaten her. The noble lady expressed the opinion that this was still not fair, because compared to 7 spears, 3 shields were too few for a married woman to defend herself. The discussion around these laws, particularly the "Sambugeol" or Three Exceptions, parallels Butler's notion of The 'I' and Paradox of Norms (p.3). Societal constraints being countered by limited shields granted to women to resist the multitude of spears threatening their marital stability. This dialogue becomes a poignant reflection of societal inequities, as the noble lady rightfully points out the inadequacy of three shields against seven spears, highlighting the imbalance of power and protection afforded to married women. This expression resonates with Butler's concept of maintaining a critical stance towards norms, as it unveils the inherent imbalance within the societal framework, calling for a reevaluation of these norms to establish more inclusive conditions that empower and safeguard diverse modes of living.
The portraying of Queen Hwa-ryeong and her rhetoric serves to shed light on the discrepancies and imbalances present in the legal framework, advocating for a more equitable system. This discourse can be empowering for women by validating their concerns and encouraging a reevaluation of societal norms that disproportionately disadvantage them. It prompts a reconsideration of established norms and may lay the groundwork for future reforms aimed at providing better protection and rights for women. However, while the Queen's message is progressive and aims at advocating for gender equality, it may not lead to immediate change or systemic transformation. Regardless of the Queen's rhetoric being reinforced by the young noble lady we have learned about, in a deeply entrenched patriarchal society like Joseon, challenging long standing norms can face resistance and might not translate into immediate societal shifts. Moreover, her discussion might be perceived as challenging the existing power structures, potentially inviting backlash from those vested in maintaining the status quo. Additionally, the Queen's efforts, while well-intentioned, might be limited in their effectiveness due to the constraints of her own position. Her ability to directly impact systemic change might be restricted by the hierarchical and conservative nature of the society she resides in, where entrenched norms and power dynamics hinder swift reforms. While the Queen's rhetoric and message serve as a catalyst for dialogue and awareness about gender inequalities, the actual impact on societal change might be gradual and limited due to entrenched power structures. Nonetheless, her efforts contribute to a broader conversation on women's rights, laying the groundwork for potential future advancements in gender equality within the society.
In Butler’s same work, she states “Gender is the apparatus by which the production and normalization of masculine and feminine take place along with the interstitial forms of hormonal, chromosomal, psychic, and performative that gender assume.” (p.42) Gender operates as a framework that constructs and normalizes notions of both masculinity and femininity, encompassing a wide range of factors such as hormonal, chromosomal, psychological, and performative aspects. However, limiting gender exclusively to the binary of "masculine" and "feminine" overlooks crucial variations. This oversimplification disregards the contingent nature of this binary, neglecting the diverse permutations of gender that exist beyond its confines. Gender encompasses a spectrum that extends beyond the normative binary, acknowledging and validating identities that don't conform to traditional standards, highlighting their integral place within the broader concept of gender. This aligns with the ideas discusses above by highlighting how societal norms shape gender within a binary framework of masculinity and femininity. However, it also challenges this binary view by acknowledging that gender extends beyond these norms, underscoring a paradox where individuals both conform to and seek to expand these limitations. This resonates with Butler's concept of gender as performative within societal constraints, while advocating for the undoing of normative conceptions to embrace a more inclusive understanding of gender diversity.
To sum up,  "Under the Queen's Umbrella" and the interweaving with Judith Butler's concepts offers a comprehensive understanding of the series' complex portrayal of gender dynamics in Joseon-era Korea. The narrative challenges normative constructs through Queen Hwa-ryeong's actions, unveiling societal inequities and advocating for women's empowerment within a patriarchal framework. Butler's ideas on the paradox of norms and gender as performative align with the series' depiction of gender complexities, emphasizing the struggle between conforming to societal expectations and seeking to expand gender boundaries. The scene at the jewelry store exemplifies this struggle, echoing Butler's discussion on norms that confer humanness while simultaneously depriving others of recognition. The discourse around divorce laws and gender inequality further parallels Butler's notion of challenging norms to create more inclusive conditions. While the Queen's rhetoric empowers women and prompts dialogue, the entrenched societal structures might hinder immediate systemic change. However, her efforts contribute to the ongoing discourse on gender equality, setting the stage for potential advancements. The series' portrayal, intricately woven with Butler's theories, sheds light on the multifaceted nature of gender and the ongoing quest to challenge and redefine normative conceptions.
Butler, Judith. “Undoing Gender.” Routledge, New York and London, 2004, 1-4, 42.
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kooriyuki · 2 years
Under the Queen’s Umbrella: A Love that Transcends Time
Under the Queen’s Umbrella: A Love that Transcends Time
Sageuk Queen’s maternal love trumps the disastrous rom-com that was Love in Contract. Even though Queen Hwa-ryeong is a Chosun mother, it appears that maternal responsibilities and love never change from then to now. Like every other mother, she has a clear favourite — the Crown Prince. But unlike other mothers, she also has to contend with palace intrigue, to protect her favourite son and also…
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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liftedblise · 5 years
Kdramas to watch when Extraordinary You ends
Itazura Na Kiss-
Kotoko Aihara (Honoka Miki) isn't very intelligent and lacks ability in school. She is in class F, the least intelligent class in her grade. Despite this, she has been in love with the school's most handsome and most intelligent guy, Naoki Irie (Yuki Furukawa), ever since she saw him give a speech at the high school entrance ceremony.
In her third year of high school, she writes him a love letter but is rejected instantly. She is crushed to see her letter was not even looked at and decides to give up on the jerk who rejected her without even reading it. On the same day, Kotoko's house is hit by a shooting star and collapses. As it is being rebuilt, her dad gets a phone call from his longtime friend and is invited to stay with them. When she arrives, she is in shock to see that this is the house of Naoki Irie and his family. Although he shows a cold attitude, she realizes she can't help but love him. What will happen when fate takes over, and Kotoko's chance of winning Naoki's heart falls in her hands?
Personal Review: 12/10
If you secretly wanted Dan Oh to end up with Kyung, you will definitely love to see how our herione melts the icy exterior of the male lead
My Little Princess-
Lin Xing Chen has everything in life. She is rich, beautiful, and adored by all. She is also cursed with the fate that any man she likes will not like her back. She begins a difficult journey to win the heart of a rich heir. Standing in her way to a happily-ever-after is a sweet, compassionate but poor girl and a smart, multitalented but poor boy.
Personal review: 8/10
An innocent and soft story that is very similar to Extraordinary You, with a little extra cheese
Legend Of The Blue Sea-
The television series centers on the love story of Heo Joon-jae (Lee Min-ho), the son of a rich businessman who becomes a clever con-man after his parents' divorce, and a mermaid named Shim Cheong (Jun Ji-hyun). Focusing on rebirth, fate, and unrequited love, their tale is juxtaposed with the parallel story of their Joseon era incarnations, town head Kim Dam-ryeong and the mermaid Se-hwa.
Personal review: 9/10
A little bit of magic and a whole lot of comedy. Our main herione carries this drama on her amazingly strong shoulder
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo-
Kim Bok-Joo (Lee Sung-Kyung) is a promising collegiate female weightlifter. Her father runs a small chicken restaurant and her uncle wants to become an actor. She has a bright personality and strong sense of justice. Kim Bok-Joo and her friends on the female weightlifting team are not popular with the guys and they don't have boyfriends. The weightlifting team and the rhythmic gymnastic team also don't get along at all.
Meanwhile, Jung Joon-Hyung (Nam Joo-Hyuk) is a collegiate swimmer plagued with numerous false start disqualifications. He is 21-years-old and has a free spirit. His uncle and aunt raised him along with his cousin Jung Jae-Yi (Lee Jae-Yoon).
One day on campus, Kim Bok-Joo bumps into Jung Joon-Hyung while he is riding his bicycle. Her face looks familiar to Jung Joon-Hyung. After he leaves, Kim Bok-Joo picks up a handkerchief left behind by Jung Joon-Hyung. The handkerchief is very important to him and he begins looking for it.
Personal review: 100/10
Not your usual herione of you average, but Bok Joo is someone that captures your heart immediately. Also the main couple has the best chemistry together
School 2017-
The plot follows a class of high school students attempting to overcome the stress of being ranked by their exam grades, and facing the difficulties of being a teenager in a high-pressure, corrupt system. Its central protagonist is Ra Eun-ho (Kim Se-jeong), a cheerful and kind-hearted 18-year-old who dreams of being a webtoon artist but is caught up in the search for a mysterious troublemaker in the school, known as 'Student X'. When she is accused of being Student X, her dream of going to university to study art is put at risk as she faces expulsion. Hyun Tae Woon (Kim Jung-hyun) is the son of the director of the school who enjoys his youth but hides deep scars. Song Dae Hwi (Jang Dong-yoon) is a bright student who's ranked 1st everytime but doesn't have enough money for his dream college
Personal review: 7/10
A cute coming g of age drama that's a lighthearted watch
W two worlds-
Cardiothoracic surgeon Oh Yeon Joo's father mysteriously went missing while writing the last chapter of his webtoon "W". Yeon Joo goes to his office and is shocked to see a scene of a bloodied Kang Cheol, the main character of W, on her father's monitor. While reading something left behind by her father, a hand from the monitor pulled her in. She found herself on the rooftop of a building, next to a man lying down in blood. She manages to save him and realizes that the person she saved was Kang Cheol. She later discovers she can only enter and leave the webtoon depending on Kang Cheol's feelings.
Personal review: 9/10
A different perspective of the webtoon world with the perspective of the author taken in. Also who doesnt love Lee Jong Suk
Cheese in the trap-
The drama focuses on the life and relationships of a group of university students, particularly the difficult relationship between Hong Seol (Kim Go-eun) and her sunbae, or her senior, Yoo Jung (Park Hae-jin).
Jung is the rich heir to Taerang Group and seemingly has a perfect life, but also displays psychopathic tendencies, which cause Seol to take time off school to get away from him. When she returns through a scholarship that was intended for Jung, he is unexpectedly nice to her and asks her on a date. They begin an awkward relationship which is further complicated by the arrival of Baek In-ho and his sister In-ha, childhood friends of Jung and her finding out he is wealthy.
Personal review: Actually never watched it because I dont like open endings but watch at your own risk :)
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dramaworlduk · 6 years
  Drama recommendations!
Part 2!!
<-Part 1
11. The Legend Of The Blue Sea
There’s history, mythology, mystery, romance, and comedy- what more could you want?! Heo Joon-jae (Lee Min-ho) is the son of a rich businessman who becomes a handsome and clever con-man after his parents' divorce. Shim Cheong (Jun Ji-hyun) is a mermaid who becomes lost and runs into him. First only sticking by her for material gain, Joon-Jae slowly realises his feelings are a little stronger than that. Their tale is juxtaposed with the parallel story of their Joseon era incarnations, town head Kim Dam-ryeong and the mermaid Se-hwa. Cheong is absolutely adorable as she learns to adapt to human life, and strikes up friendships with some of the strangest people. Joon-Jae is a scumbag with a heart and a tragic past and it is very difficult not to love them both. The added element of mystery with a murderer on the loose and Cheong’s attempt to hide her identity make for a full and intriguing story that you won’t want to take your eyes off of.
Year: 2016
Where Can I Watch?: KissAsian
Episodes: 20, 1hr length
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12. Pinocchio
Choi In-Ha (Park Shin-Hye) hiccups every time she lies. Choi Dal-Po’s (Lee Jong-Suk) life was ruined by the lies the media spread about his family. He is adopted by In-Ha’s family and they grow up together, battling back their feelings for each other and the cutthroat business of reporting which they’ve both found themselves pursuing. It explores the value and falldowns of honesty and how the media can be manipulated and faked. Friends->lovers plus lovely family bonds and the importance of empathy. Very good drama, emotive and charming, 100% recommend.
Year: 2014
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 20, 1hr length
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13. The Heirs
This ones a really good one if you’re starting off, as it’s not too heavy or complicated. Kim Tan (Lee Min-Ho),  a wealthy heir to a large Korean conglomerate, and Cha Eun-Sang (Park Shin-Hye) meet in America when Eun-Sang goes to visit her sister. After a failed encounter, Kim Tan offers to let Eun-Sang stay with him before she goes back to Korea. Despite being engaged to Yoo Rachel (Kim Ji-won), a fellow heiress, Kim Tan soon falls in love with Eun-sang. When Eun-Sang returns to Korea, Kim Tan also returns.  Tan’s ex best friend Choi Young-Do (Kim Woo-Bin) notices Tan’s softspot for the new girl and begins to pursue her too. It explores teenage trials and tribulations in the lives of the rich and the poor, as well as pressures from the adult world. 
Year: 2013
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 20, 1hr length
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14. Hymn Of Death
This three-parter channels Titanic with its tragic love story and historical setting. You go into this knowing there will be heartbreak, but it still hurts so much!!  It is based on the true story of the tragic romance between Joseon's first soprano Yun Sim-deok (Shin Hye-Sun) and a genius playwright Kim Woo-jin (Lee Jong-Suk). It is heartbreaking to see the two fall for eachother knowing they cannot be together for far too many reasons. It spans a number of years and their love remains strong throughout. The quotes in this from Woo-jin’s real journals are beautiful too and add to the real life story. A must watch, if not for the story, then for Shin Hye-Sun and Lee Jong-Suk’s acting which is fantastic throughout.
Year: 2018
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 3, 1hr length
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15. My Love From Another Star
Alien Do Min-Jun (Kim Soo-Hyun) whose time on earth is nearly up meets Famous actress Cheong Song-Yi (Jun Ji Hyun) as she moves in next-door to him. He finds himself entangled in Song-yi's crazy and unpredictable situations, and finds out that she looks like a young girl he fell in love with in the Joseon era. Song-Yi’s best friend Lee Hee-kyung (Park Hae-jin), is in love with her, but his older brother Lee Jae-kyung (Shin Sung-rok) has a dark secret and will get rid of anyone who finds out about it or gets in his way. This drama can be very intense at times wih the threat of Jae-kyung, but Song-Yi’s sweet, comedic personality serves for some very humourous moments too.
Year: 2014
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 21, 1hr length
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16. W: Two Worlds
Bad boy with a heart of gold?? Comic book world??? Violence and mystery?? Adorable, loyal sidekick?? Badass doctor who can travel between worlds?? LEE JONG SUK LOOKING HOT WITH A GUN?? W has it all. The premise is new and exciting, making for unpredictable plot twists and constant need for questions to be answered. W is a fictional bestselling webtoon in South Korea centering around the dramatic life of Kang Chul (Lee Jong-suk). Authored by Oh Seong-moo (Kim Eui-sung), somewhere along the line W became a living universe. The gap between the two worlds is crossed as Seong-moo's daughter, resident cardiothoracic surgeon Oh Yeon-joo (Han Hyo-joo) gets dragged into the webtoon world and is immediatel faced with saving Kang Chul’s life. Only, Kang Chul wasn’t meant to live. If you do one thing this year it should be to WATCH W. It’ll do you good, I promise.
Year: 2016
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 16, 1hr length
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17. While You Were Sleeping
A girl who sees the future in her dreams, and a seemingly unconnected new neighbour are brought together through a series of events. It is legal drama crossed with fantasy as Jung Jae-Chan (Lee Jong-suk) starts a new job at the prosecutor’s office despite his clumsy, goofy personality. Jae-Chan dreams about an accident which causes much grief and loss, and decides he must try to stop it, and in doing-so his connection with Nam Hong-Joo (Bae Suzy) is strengthened and their relationship blossoms. There are some great dynamics here, not only between Jae-Chan and Hong-Joo, but also with their friend Han Woo-Tak (Jung Hae-in), who begins to dream of the future too after his life is saved, and Choi Dam-Dong (Kim Won-hae) who is a funny but sweet father figure to Jae-Chan as he teaches him the ways of life as a prosecutor. Ruthless lawyer Lee Yu-Beom (Lee Sang-yeob)’s portayal is magnetic and captivating.
Year: 2017
Where Can I Watch?: KissAsian
Episodes: 32, 30min length
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18. My ID Is Gangnam Beauty
Afraid of how her peers perceive her, Kang Mi-Rae (Im Soo-hyang) undergoes plastic surgery to stop worrying about her looks before she starts university. However, after a while at university people begin to label her as a ‘Gangnam plastic surgery monster’ as her appearance is a bit too obviously altered. Mi-rae struggles with her concerns of what people think about her, which has followed her around her whole life, in a stark contrast to Do Kyung-seok (Cha Eun-Woo), who does not care what others think. The general message of body positivity isn’t without its flaws, but it brings discussions of insecurity and societal standards to the forefront. The good messaging outweighs the flaws by far and there is also a fair bit of feminism going on, just keep track of Mi-rae’s T-shirt slogans! The relationship between Kyung-seok and Mi-rae is very sweet and shy, and Kyung-seok likes her regardless of what others think. Lighthearted but with an important message.
Year: 2018
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 16, 1hr length
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19. She Was Pretty
Kim Hye-Jin’s (Hwang Jung-eum) childhood friend contacts her years later wishing to reconnect. However, upon meeting Ji Sung-joon (Park Seo-joon) does not recognise her, expecting her to appear like her younger self. Kim Hye-jin was a beautiful girl from a rich family, but after her family's publishing company went bankrupt, she experienced hardships then lost her beauty too. Ji Sung-joon was a shy, unattractive boy, but grows up as a handsome and successful editor. Ashamed to meet her first love and ruin his perception of her, Hye-jin asks her attractive best friend, Min Ha-ri (Go Joon-hee), to act as her once, then make up an excuse to never see Sung-joon again. Things get complicated when Hye-jin is assigned to work at The Most magazine publishing office where Sung-joon is the deputy chief editor. He openly mistreats and belittles her for her clumsy nature, not knowing that she was his real childhood friend. Kim Shin-Hyuk () is the second lead in this and his performace is fantastic. The growth between Sung-joon and Hye-jin is definitely worth watching and messages about beauty resonate well.
Year: 2015
Where Can I Watch?: Netflix
Episodes: 16, 1hr length
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20. Thirty But Seventeen
Although there are a fair few emotional moments, this show is still for the most part a light, heartwarming drama with little angst and struggle. Also, there are not really ny plausible second leads to confuse the romance storyline as Yoo Chan (Ahn Hyo-Seop) is Gong Woo-Jin’s (Yang Se-Jong) 19 year old nephew, and Kim Tae-Hyun has very little screen time. I feel this makes it a lot easier to connect to the main couple, who are ADORABLE. They are both still mentally 17, after Woo Seo-Ri (Shin Hye-Sun) was in a coma for 13 years, and Woo-Jin’s PTSD from the accident keeps him stuck on repeat. After waking from her coma, Seo-Ri returns to her old house, unaware that it is now under new ownership in the form of Woo-Jin’s family. There is still a lot of tropey goodness (living together!!), but the story and interactions feel fresh and unique, and the dynamic between Seo-Ri, Woo-Jin, Yoo Chan, and Jennifer (Ye Ji-Won) is enough to keep you watching as it’s so warm and pure. Not to mention the dog Paeng/Deok Gu!! I love them all so much and it’s just the sweetest!
Year: 2018
Where Can I Watch?: KissAsian
Episodes: 32, 30min length
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74 notes · View notes
tasksweekly · 7 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 1,040+ Korean faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Johanna Hedva (1984) Korean / White (Unspecified) - Genderqueer - artist and author.
Kim Young-Ok (1937) Korean - actress.
Kim Kyung-Ran (1940) Korean - actress.
Kim Hye-ja (1941) Korean- actress.
Na Moon-hee (1941) Korean- actress.
Ban Hyo-jung / Ban Man-hee (1942) Korean - actress.
Jung Hye-Sun / Jeong Hye-Seon (1942) Korean - actress.
Yun Jeong-hee (1944) Korean- actress.
Lee Joo-Sil (1944) Korean- actress.
Kim Hae-sook (1945) Korean- actress.
Youn Yuh-Jeong (1947) Korean- actress.
Jung Young-Sook (1947) Korean- actress.
Harumi Miyako (1948) Korean/Japanese - singer.
Heo Jin (1949) Korean - actress.
Ko Du-Shim (1951) Korean - actress.
Kim Young-Ae (1980) Korean - actress.
Lee Jae-Hee (1952) Korean - actress.
Son Hee-Seon (1952) Korean - actress.
Kim Bo-Yeon (1957) Korean - actress.
Kim Sun-Hwa (1957) Korean - actress.
Lee Yong-Lee (1958) Korean - actress
Maggie Han (1959) Korean - actress
Ahn So-Young (1959) Korean - actress
Lee Bo-Hee (1959) Korean - actress
Lee Mi-sook (1960) Korean - actress.
Na Young-Hee (1960) Korean - actress.
Suzanne Whang (1962) Korean - television host, actress, comedian, radio host, published author, minister, writer, producer, and political activist.
Lee Hye-Sook (1962) Korean - actress.
Jang Hee-Soo (1963) Korean - actress.
Jung Kyung-Soon (1963) Korean - actress.
Sonja Sohn (1964) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress.
Bae Jong-ok (1964) Korean - actress.
Jo Min-soo (1965) Korean- actress.
Jacqueline Kim (1965) Korean - writer, actress, filmmaker and composer.
Juju Chang (1965) Korean - journalist.
Bang Eun-jin (1965) Korean - actress and film director.
Kang Soo-youn (1966) Korean- actress.
Alexandra Bokyun Chun (1967) Korean - actress and filmmaker.
Bang Eun-hee / Bang Min-seo (1967) Korean - actress.
Choi Wan-Jung (1968) Korean - actress.
Seo Yi-Sook (1968) Korean - actress.
Uhm Jung-hwa (1969) Korean- actress, singer, & dancer.
Lee Kan-Hee (1969) Korean - actress.
Lee Jung-Eun (1969) Korean - actress.
Kim Ye-Ryeong (1969) Korean - actress.
Lim Sung-Min (1969) Korean - actress.
Kim Hye-soo (1970) Korean- actress.
Sandra Oh (1971) Korean- actress.
Lee Yeong-ae (1971) Korean- actress.
Kim Young-Sun (1971) Korean- actress.
Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee / Brook Lee (1971) Korean, Native Hawaiian, Portuguese - actress, TV Host, model and beauty queen.
Yum Jung-ah (1972) Korean- actress.
Romi Park / Paku Romi (1972) Korean - actress, voice actress and singer.
Ko So-young (1972) Korean - actress and model.
Jennifer Anne Lee (1972) Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai - actress.
Shim Eun-ha (1972) Korean- actress.
Amy Anderson (1972) Korean - comedian, actress, and writer.
Jeon Mi-Sun (1972) Korean - actress.
Kim Jung-Young (1972) Korean - actress.
Kim Yun-Jin / Yunjin Kim (1973) Korean- actress.
Jeon Do-yeon (1973) Korean- actress.
So Hee-Jung (1973) Korean- actress.
Choo Sang-mi (1973) Korean- actress.
Lee Hye-Eun (1973) Korean- actress.
Kim Sun-a (1973) Korean - actress.
Jang Young-nam (1973) Korean- actress.
Chu Sang-mi (1973) Korean - actress.
Song Yoon-ah (1973) Korean - actress.
Kim Seo-Hyung (1973) Korean - actress.
Cho Eun-Sook (1973) Korean - actress.
Grace Park (1974) Korean- actress.
Moon So-ri (1974) Korean- actress.
Jang Jin-young (1974) Korean- actress.
Kim Ji-Young (1974) Korean - actress.
Yi Hong (1974) Korean - model and entertainer.
Byun Jung-soo (1974) Korean - actress and model.
Joy Osmanski (1975) Korean, Japanese - actress.
Choi Ji-woo (1975) Korean - actress.
Moon Bloodgood (1975) Korean / Dutch, Irish- actress and model.
Merle Dandridge (1975) Korean, Japanese / African American- actress and singer.
Nicole Bilderback (1975) Korean- actress.
Patricia Ja Lee (1975) Korean - actress and model.
Lee Kyung-eun / Harisu (1975) Korean - pop singer, model, and actress - trans.
Park Sung-Yeon (1975) Korean - actress.
Park Hyun-Jung (1975) Korean - actress.
Lindsay Price (1976) Korean / German, Irish- actress and singer.
Kim Bo-kyeong (1976) Korean - actress.
Ha Jae-sook (1976) Korean - actress.
Myung Se-Bin (1976) Korean - actress.
Kim Sun-Young (1976) Korean - actress.
Song Seon-Mi (1976) Korean - actress.
Wang Yoo-Sun / Yoo-Sun (1976) Korean - actress.
Park Junghyun / Lena Park (1976) Korean - singer.
Jeon Hye-Jin (1976) Korean - actress.
Kim Hee-sun (1977) Korean - actress.
Kim Hyun-joo (1977) Korean - actress.
Nicole Cabell (1977) Korean - opera singer.
Chae Jung-an (1977) Korean - actress and singer.
Choi Jung-yoon (1977) Korean - actress.
Yoon Ji-Min (1977) Korean - actress.
Choi Kang-hee (1977) Korean - actress and DJ.
Lee Sa-bi (1977) Korean - model and actress.
Sinae (1977) Korean- Singer (Lady) and actress-trans!
Chung Jae Young / J / J.ae (1977) Korean - musician.
Denyce Lawton (1978) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress.
Masuimi Max (1978) Korean / German- actress and model.
Kim Sa-rang (1978) Korean - actress.
Park Tam-Hee (1978) Korean - actress.
Linda Park (1978) Korean- actress.
Kimberly Goss (1978) Korean / German - singer and keyboardist (Sinergy)
Ha Ji-won (1978) Korean- actress.
Kyung Soo-jin (1978) Korean - actress.
Lee Ji-Hyun (1978) Korean - actress.
Lee Chae-Yeon / Chae Yeon (1978) Korean - singer.
Tomika Skanes (1978) Korean / African American - model and actress.
Karen Lee Orzolek / Karen O (1970) Korean / Polish - singer and musician.
Liz Cho (1970) Korean / AshkenaziYang So-Min Jewish - tv personality.
Sung-Hi Lee (1970) Korean - model and actress.
Kim Do-Young (1970) Korean - actress.
Park Chae-rim (1979) Korean - actress.
Yang So-Min (1979) Korean - actress.
Im Soo-jung (1979) Korean- actress.
Lee Hee-Jin (1979) Korean- actress.
Bae Doo-na / Bae Doona (1979) Korean- actress.
Park Soo-ae (1979) Korean- actress.
Kim Gyu-ri (1979) Korean- actress.
Lee Na-young (1979) Korean - actress.
Park Si-yeon (1979) Korean - actress.
Nicole Tubiola (1979) Italian [including Sicilian] / Korean, other - actress.
Ursula Mayes (1979) Korean, German, Native American (Unspecified) - actress.
Jennifer Lim (1979) Korean, Chinese - actress.
Yoo Ji-Yeon (1979) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Joo (1979) Korean - actress.
Ameriie Mi Marie Rogers/Amerie (1980) Korean / Black (unspecified)- singer-songwriter and actress.
Esther Ku (1980) Korean - comedian and tv personality.
Lee Eun-ju (1980) Korean - actress.
Kim Young-Ae (1980) Korean - actress.
Yoon Se-Ah (1980) Korean - actress.
Eun Joo-Hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Seo Young-Hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Kong Hyo-jin (1980) Korean- actress.
Ameriie Mi Marie Rogers / Amerie / Ameriie (1980) African-American / Korean - singer, songwriter, author, actress and record producer.
Kim Tae-hee (1980) Korean - actress.
Seo Yeong-hee (1980) Korean- actress.
Han Chae-young (1980) Korean - actress.
Ban Min-jung (1980) Korean- actress.
Jang Yoon-ju (1980) Korean - model, television personality, singer-songwriter and actress.
Kim Hye-Na (1980) Korean - actress.
Kim So-Yeon (1980) Korean - actress.
Lim Soo-Jung (1980) Korean - actress.
Gong Hyo-jin (1980) Korean - actress.
Oh Yoon-ah (1980) Korean - actress and former racing model.
Lee Si-yeon (1980) Korean- actress and model. -trans!
Song Hye-Kyo (1981) Korean- actress.
Lee In-Hye (1981) Korean- actress.
Cha Soo-Yeon (1981) Korean- actress.
Wang Bit-Na (1981) Korean- actress.
Sun Park (1981) Korean - singer, actress and entertainer.
Song Ji-hyo (1981) Korean- actress and model.
Jun Ji-hyun/Gianna Jun (1981) Korean- actress.
Chae Min-seo (1981) Korean- actress.
Jang Na-ra (1981) Korean - musician, record producer and actress.
Jung Ryeo-won (1981) Korean- actress.
Jo Eun-ji (1981) Korean- actress.
Han Ye-seul (1981) Korean - actress.
Kwak Hyun-hwa (1981) Korean - actress, comedian, model and singer.
Kim So-eun (1981) Korean - actress.
Hwang Eun-Su (1981) Korean - actress.
Natasha Shanta Reid / Yoon Mi-rae (1981) Korean / Scottish, African-American - rapper and musician.
Cher Tenbush (1981) Korean - ctress, host, reality television participant and model.
Han Ga-in (1982) Korean - actress.
Lee Si-Young (1982) Korean - actress.
Janice Vidal (1982) Chinese, Filipino, Korean - singer.
Son Ye-jin (1982) Korean- actress.
Kim Hye-Hwa (1982) Korean - actress.
Kim Ah-joong (1982) Korean - actress, model and singer.
Kang Hye-jeong (1982) Korean- actress.
Park Hyo-Joo (1982) Korean - actress.
Han Ji-min (1982) Korean - actress.
Keum Dan-Bi (1982) Korean - actress.
Jo Kyung-jin/An Jo (1982) Korean- actress.
Kim Ah-jung (1982) Korean- actress, model, & singer.
Lee El (1982) Korean-actress
Jung Soo-Young (1982) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Hee (1982) Korean - actress and model.
Yoo In-na (1982) Korean - actress and DJ.
Lee Mi-Do (1982) Korean - actress.
Oh Yeon-A / Kim Mi-Ae (1981) Korean - actress.
Lucia Micarelli (1983) Korean, Italian - actress and violinist.
Jennifer Field (1983) Korean / English, Irish, German- actress.
Jamie Chung (1983) Korean- actress and former television personality.
Han Yeo-reum (1983) Korean- actress.
Lee Hyun-yi (1983) Korean - model.
Jung Yu-mi (1983) Korean- actress.
Park Hee-Von (1983) Korean- actress.
Han Jin (1983) Korean - model.
Lee Ha-nui (1983) Korean - actress, model, musician, gayageum player and a beauty pageant titleholder.
Ruthie Ann Miles (1983) Korean/ possibly English - actress.
Vivian Bang (1983) Korean - actress.
Hettienne Park (1983) Korean - actress and writer.
Yuna Ito (1983) Japanese / Korean - artist.
Sonim (1983) Korean - singer and actress.
Hee-Sun Lee / HeeSun Lee (1983) Korean - musician.
Kang Ye-bin (1983) Korean - tv personality.
Jeong Ju-Hee (1983) Korean - actress.
Lee Honey (1983) Korean - actress and beauty pagent winner.
Yoon Seung-Ah (1983) Korean - actress.
Oh Su-Ah (1983) Korean - actress.
Kim Sa-Hee (1983) Korean - actress.
Park Han-byul (1984) Korean - actress and model.
Jang Shin-Young (1984) Korean - actress.
Song Lee-Woo (1984) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Seo (1984) Korean - actress.
Yoon Eun-hye (1984) Korean - actress, director, singer, entertainer and model.
Mia Sable (1984) Korean / Choctaw, German - actress and singer-songwriter.
Lee Da-hae (1984) Korean - actress.
Celeste Thorson (1984) Korean, Scottish, Irish / Mexican (Mescalero Apache, Spanish), Lebanese, Syrian, English - actress, model, and screenwriter.
Shin Min-ah (1984) Korean- actress and model.
Han Ye-ri (1984) Korean- actress.
Priscilla Ahn (1984) German, possibly other / Korean - singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.
Ku Hye-sun (1984) Korean - actress, singer-songwriter, director and artist.
Smith Cho (1985) Korean- actress.
Lee Sae-Byul (1985) Korean- actress.
Jarah Mariano (1984) Native Hawaiian, Korean, likely Chinese - model.
Soo Yeon Lee (1984) Korean - table tennis player, model, actress and coach.
Claudia Kim (1985) Korean- actress and model.
Lee Sung-min / Clara Lee (1985) Korean - actress and model.
Yuri Tag (1985) Korean - dancer (Kaba Modern)
Park Ah-In (1985) Korean - actress.
Jo Ki-Bbeum (1985) Korean - actress.
Kim Ji-Hyun / Lee El (1985) Korean - actress.
Kim Ha-Yun (1985) Korean - actress.
Jeon So-min (1986) Korean - actress.
Kim Min-Jwa (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Do-Ah (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Seul-Ki (1986) Korean - actress.
Jung Ae-Youn (1986) Korean - actress.
Hong Soo-A (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Pa-ni (1986) Korean - model and actress.
Crystal Kay (1986) Korean / African-American - singer, songwriter, radio host and actress.
Bae Seul-ki (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Kwon Bo-ah / BoA (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Pom Klementieff (1986) Korean / Russian- actress.
Jenna Ushkowitz (1986) Korean- actress.
Moon Chae-won (1986) Korean - actress.
Sheena Sakai (1986) Korean / Japanese - model, singer, and actress.
Kim Gee-yang (1986)-Korean-model
Min Hyo-rin (1986) Korean-actress
Yoo Yeon-Ji (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Min-young (1986) Korean - actress.
Park Si-hyun (1986) Korean- idol (Spica)
Charlyne Yi (1986) Korean, Mexican, Irish, German, French, possibly Yuki / Filipino, possibly some Spanish -  actress, comedian, musician and writer.
Alice Greczyn (1986) French, Japanese, and Polish, with smaller amounts of Chinese, Korean, German, Irish, Native American (Unspecified), Scottish, English, Greek, Hungarian, Turkish, Swedish, and Czech - actress and model.
Jeon Boram (1986) Korean - singer and actress.
Park Sojin (1986) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Park Suju / Soo Joo Park (1986) Korean - model.
Ban Se-jung / Kim Se-jung (1986) Korean - actress.
Baek Ok-dam (1986) Korean - actress.
Lee Soon-kyu . Sunny (1989) Korean - idol (Girls' Generation)
Son Ga-In (1987) Korean- singer, actress, & entertainer.
Gina Jane Choi / G.NA (1987) Korean - singer and actress.
Samantha Futerman (1987) Korean - actress.
Jung Yoon-Sun (1987) Korean - actress
Kwon Eun-Soo (1987) Korean - actress
Moon Geun-young (1987) Korean- actress.
Kang Seung-hyun (1987) Korean - model.
Kim Ok-bin (1987) Korean- actress.
Chun Woo-hee (1987) Korean- actress.
Choi Han-bit (1987)-Korean- model and Idol (Mercury)-trans
Han Hyo-joo (1987) Korean - actress.
JinJoo Lee (1987) Korean - musician.
Song Haena (1987)Korean-model
Dia Frampton (1987) Korean / English, Dutch - singer.
Clara Chung / Clara C (1987) Korean - singer and songwriter.
Hori Eriko (1988) Korean / Japanese - singer, actress and voice actress.
Park Na-rae- (1988) Korean- idol (Spica)
Hana Mae Lee (1988) Korean - actress, model, comedian, and fashion designer.
Lim Ju-eun (1988) Korean - actress.
Tessa Ludwick (1988) Korean - actress.
Ryu Sun-Young (1988) Korean - actress.
Jeong Da-Sol (1988) Korean - actress.
Ham Eun-Jung (1988) Korean - actress.
Seo Yoon-A (1988) Korean - actress.
Kim Joon-Hyung (1988) Korean - actress.
Nam Bo-ra (1989) Korean - actress.
Yoo Joo-yi (1989) Korean- Soloist
Wie Seong-Mi (1989) Korean - golfer.
Park Min-ji (1989) Korean - actress.
Oh Hye-rin / Raina (1989) Korean - singer.
Park Ye-eun / Yenny (1989) Korean - singer.
Choi Minji / Min Soa (1989) Korean - singer.
Bae Geu-rin (1989) Korean - actress.
Kim Soo-Yeon (1989) Korean - actress.
Hong Ah-Reum (1989) Korean - actress.
Kim Ga-Eun (1989) Korean - actress.
Amy Lee / Ailee / Hangul (1989) Korean - singer.
Mikayla Campbell (1990) Korean, Greek, Spanish- actress.
Chanel Iman (1990) Korean, African American / African American- model.
Kang So-ra (1990) Korean- actress.
Kim Bo-mi (1990) Korean-soloist
Kim Eun-Young (1990) Korean-soloist
Kim Tae-Ri (1990) Korean-actress
Shin Se-Kyung (1990) Korean - actres.
Jin-joo Lee (1990) Korean- Musician (DNCE)
Lee Sung-kyung (1990) Korean - model and actress.
Go Ara (1990) Korean - actress and model.
Park Bo-young (1990) Korean- actress
Im Yoon-ah / Yoona (1990) Korean - singer and actress.
Jung Min-joo / Joo (1990) Korean - singer and actress.
Song Jun-hee (1990) Korean- actress and idol (Hello Venus)
Sarah Oh (1990) Korean, German - actress and model.
Park Mi-yeon / Serri (1990) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Baek Jin-hee (1990) Korean - actress.
Oh Ha-Nee (1990) Korean - actress.
Serena Jung (1991) Korean-American - Instagrammer.
Park So-Dam (1991) Korean- actress.
Cho Ja-young / Ah Youn (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Kim Go-eun (1991) Korean- actress.
Kwon Nara (1991) Korean- actress and idol (hello venus)
Lee Joo-young (1991) Korean- actress
Nam Yu-jeong (1991) Korean-actress
Shin Bora/Hana (1991)-Korean- idol (Gugudan)
Won Min-ji/Anda (1991) Korean- soloist
Jung Yeon-Joo (1991) Korean - actress.
Yoo Hyun-Ji (1991) Korean - actress.
Yoo Hyun-young / Hyunyoung (1991) Korean - singer and model.
Bae Joo-hyu / Irene (1991) Korean - singer, tv host and actress.
Lee Eunjung / Jaeyoon (1991) Korean - singer.
Michelle Lee (1991) Korean / African-American - singer.
Eunice Cho (1991) Korean-American - actress.
Bae Woo-hee / Woohee (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Yang Jung-yoon / Jiyul (1991) Korean - singer and actress (Dal Shabet)
Nicole Jung (1991) Korean - idol (Kara)
Kim Seul-Gi (1991) Korean- actress.
Ko Ah-sung (1992) Korean- actress.
Kim Ah-young/Yura (1992) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Kim Eun-mi (1992)Korean-soloist
Kim Yu-jeong (1992) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Kim Hee-jung (1992)Korean-actress
Lee Keum-jo (1992) Korean- idol (Nine Muses)
Kim Ji-won (1992) Korean - actress.
Yoon Da-Young (1992) Korean - actress.
Grace Kelly (1992) Korean - musician, singer and entertainer.
Seo Yuna (1992) Korean- actress and idol (AOA)
Kim Hyun-ah / Hyuna (1992) Korean - singer and dancer.
Kim Min-ji / Seo Min-ji (1992) Korean - actress.
Ahn So-hee / Sohee (1992) Korean - actress and singer.
Mizusawa Erena (1992) Japanese, Korean - model and actress.
Sora Choi (1992) Korean - model.
Ahn Ji-hyun (1992) Korean - actress.
Lee Ellen Serine/Kasper (1993) ¾ Korean, ¼ Japanese - idol (Play the Siren).
Byun Jungha (1993)- Korean- Model
Choi Jun-hee (1993)-Korean-Soloist
Bang Min-ah / Minah (1993) Korean - singer and acress (Girl's Day)
Jo Min-hee (1993)-Korean- idol (Stellar)
Jung Mi-mi (1993)-Korean-idol (Gugudan)
Kim Song-yi (1993) Korean-Soloist
Serine Lee / Kasper (1993) ¼ Japanese ¾ Korean - singer and YouTuber.
Park Ji-yeon / Jiyeon (1993) Korean - singer and actress.
Park Se-hee (1993) Korean-idol (Bulldok)
Seo Hye-rin (1993) Korean-idol (Exid)
Hannah Quinlivan (1993) Irish, possibly other / Taiwanese, Korean - actress and model.
Yoo Ji-ae (1993) Korean- Idol (Lovelyz)
Sonia Ursu-Kim (1993) Korean / Romanian - basketball player.
Na Whan (1993) Korean - idol (Lip B).
Juliane Alfieri / Juliane (1993) Korean / German-Italian - singer.
Lee Ji-eun / IU  (1993) Korean - singer, songwriter and actress.
Lee Soo-jung / Crystal Yi / Chai (1993) Korean - singer.
Kim Hye-In (1993) Korean - actress.
Son Na-Eun (1994) Korean - actress and singer.
Han Bo-bae (1994) Korean - actress.
Lee Ji-Won (1994) Korean - actress.
Park Ji-Hyun (1994) Korean - actress.
Bae Noo-ri (1994) Korean-actress.
Lita Rinrapat (1994) Thai, Korean, English / Chinese, Minahasan Indonesian - dancer and trainee (Sound Cream Entertainment).
Chae Soobin (1994) Korean-actress.
Jeon Yoo-ri (1994) Korean-idol (Stellar)
Jung So-yeon (1994) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Ji Su-Min  (1994) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Bae Jin-ye/ZN (1994) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Bae Su-ji / Bae Suzy (1994) Korean - singer and actress.
Tiana Tolstoi (1994) Korean / Serbian, Russian - model.
Lee Hye-ri (1994) Korean - idol (Girl’s Day)
Park Su-bin / Subin (1994) Korean - singer and tv host.
HyoJung (1994) Korean - musician.
Jin Se-yeon (1994) Korean - actress.
Kwon So-Hyun (1994) Korean - actress.
Megan Lee (1995) Korean - singer and actress.
Jo Eun-ae (1995) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Kim So-jung/Sowon (1995) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Im Nayeon (1995) Korean - idol (Twice).
Kim Na-young (1995) Korean- Gugudan
Lim Na-young (1995) Korean-idol (Pristin)
Nam Ji-hyun (1995) Korean-actress
Yeom Hae-in (1995) Korean - idol (Laboum)
Park Jung-hwa (1995) Korean-idol (EXID)
Katie Chang (1995) Korean (paternal grandfather), Irish, German - actress.
Kim Ji-yeon / Bona (1995) Korean - singer (Cosmic Girls)
Yoo Jeongyeon (1996) Korean - idol (Twice).
Oh Ha-young / Hayoung  (1996) Korean - singer and actress.
Jung Yerin (1996) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Ahn Chae-hee (1996) Korean-idol (Sol-T)
Ahn Chae-yeon (1996) Korean-idol (Hello Venus)
Choi Yu-jin (1996) Korean-idol (CLC)
Ham Sae-byeol (1996) Korean-idol (Matilda)
Jang So-jin (1996) Korean- idol (Gugudan)
Kim Miso (1996) Korean-idol (Girls Girls)
Fivel Stewart (1996) Japanese, Chinese, Korean / Scottish, Russian, Blackfoot (Unconfirmed) - actress.
Lee Su-hyun (1996)-Korean-idol (Day Day)
Park Soo-young (1996)-Korean-idol (Melody Day)  
Lee Soo-Kyung (1996) Korean - actress.
Choi Yoona (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Do-eun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Do-eun/Daeun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Jeon Ga-eun (1996) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Mun Ka-Young (1994) Korean - actress.
Kang Ye-Won / Seo Ha (1994) Korean - actress.
Ahn Sol-bin (1997) Korean - musician.
Park Jihyo (1997) Korean - idol (Twice).
Jung Eun-bi/Eunha (1997) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Choi Yuna/Yuju (1997) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Sydney Park (1997) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actress and comedian.
Ahn Solbin (1997) Korean- Actress and Idol (Laboum)
Choi Yoon-sun (1997) Korean-idol (Sonamoo)
Kang Kyung-won (1997) Korean-idol (Pristin)
Jo Ha-seul (1997) Korean - idol (Loona)
Lee Hojeong (1997)-Korean-actress and model
Kim Jin-kyung (1997) Korean - model.
Piper Curda (1997) Korean / English, Scottish - actress and singer.
Tia Hwang Cuevas / Tia (1997) Korean / Puerto-Rican and German - singer and dancer.
Melanie Aurora Lee / Melanie (1997) Korean / Italian-German - dancer.
Lee Ho-jung (1997) Korean - actress.
Kim Hyu-na (1997) Korean - idol (Marmello)
Kim Dahyun (1998) Korean - idol (Twice).
Hwang Eunbi/SinB (1998) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Kim Ye-won/Umji (1998) Korean - idol (GFriend).
Park Ji-won (1998) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Seo Shin-ae (1998) Korean - actress.
Lee Su-ji (1998) Korean - singer.
Kim You-Jung (1999) Korean - actress.
Son Chaeyoung (1999) Korean - idol (Twice).
Choi Yoojung (1999) Korean-idol (Weki Meki)
Kim Do-yeon (1999) Korean - musician.
Kim So-hyun (1999) Korean - actress
Yim Dayoung (1999) Korean-idol (WJSN)
Lee Jinsook /  Yeoreum (1999)-. Idol (WJSN)
Kim Ye Rim/Yeri (1999)-Idol (WJSN)
Yoo Yeon Jung (1999)- Idol (WJSN)
Choi Yu Jung (1999)-Idol (Gugudan)
Kwon Chae-won/Eunchae (1999) Korean - Idol (Dia)
Kim Chae Hyun (1999) Korean -  Idol (Bonus Baby)
Lee Yoo Na/Keina (1999) Korean - Idol (H.U.B)
Kim Ye Won/Yehna (1999) Korean- Idol (Pristin)
Bae Sung Yeon/Shannon (1999) Korean-Idol (Pristin)
Choi Yoona/Bella- (1999) Korean-Idol (Elris)
Yang Hye Sung(1999)  Korean-Idol (Elris)
Lee Yu Kyung (1999) Korean Idol  (Elris)
Kang Mina (1999) Korean - idol (gugudan)
Kim So hee (1999)Korean - Idol (Elris)
Kwon Eun Bin- (2000) Korean-Idol (CLC)
Kim Hyun-soo (2000) Korean - actress.
Nancy Jewel McDonie / Nancy (2000) Korean / American - singer.
Kim Sae-ron (2000) Korean- actress.
Jeon Heejin (2000) Korean - idol (Loona)
Kim Hyang-gi (2000) Korean - actress.
Lee Jinsol (2001) Korean - musician.
No Jeong-ee (2001) Korean - actress.
Jeon So-mi (2001) Korean / Dutch-Canadian - singer.
Kim Hwan-hee (2002) Korean - actress.
Ahn Seo-hyun (2004) Korean - actress.
Seon Hwang (?) Korean - model.
Lori Thomas / Lori (?) Korean / Caucasian.
Diana Bang (?) Korean - actress, writer and producer.
Esther K. Chae (?) Korean - actress and writer.
M. J. Kang (?) Korean - playwright and actress.
Lela Lee (?) Korean - actress and cartoonist.
Soon Hee Newbold (?) Korean - composer, conductor, musician, and actress.
Mia Park (?) Korean - TV show host, actress, drummer, and yoga instructor.
Susan Park (?) Korean - actress.
Hyung-ki Joo (?) Korean - pianist and composer.
Jun Young Choi (?) Korean - model.
Gian Yoo (?) Korean - model.
Ji Young Kwak (?) Korean - model.
Pong Lee (?) Korean - model.
So Young Kang (?) Korean - model.
Ji Hye Park (?) Korean - model.
Sungshin Kim (?) Korean - idol (Rose Quartz).
Pani (?) Korean- Youtuber -Trans!
Youngsim (?) Korean- Youtuber- Trans!
Mimi (?) Korean- Youtuber- Trans!
Kim Jin-Seon (?) Korean- actress- Trans!
Cha Sevin (?) Korean- actress and singer- Trans!
Sahara (?) Korean- model and singer (Lady)- Trans!
Mini (?) Korean- beauty pageant winner - Trans!
Aja Kim (?) Korean - singer and songwriter.
Kathleen Kim (?) Korean - soprano.
Heather Park (?) Korean - singer.
Susie Suh (?) Korean - singer.
Eliza Yang (?) Korean - writer, publisher and entrepreneur
Gabi Moon (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Chaeeun Sarah Lee (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Bba_na_na (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Irene Kim (?) Korean - Instagrammer.
Jo Soo-Ha (?) Korean - actress.
Kim Kyung-Yoon (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Sae Ro Mi (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Bong-Ryun (?) Korean - actress.
Nam Sang-Ran (?) Korean - actress.
Oh Joo-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Kim Dong-Joo (?) Korean - actress.
Nam Jeong-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Min-Ji (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Deok-Hee (?) Korean - actress.
Lee Sae-rom (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Song Ha-young (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Jang Gyu-ri (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Roh Ji-sun (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Seo-yeon (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Chae-young (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Lee Na-gyung (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Baek Ji-heon (?) Korean - idol (Fromis 9)
Problematic/Otherwise don’t use:
Lee Hyo-ri (1979) Korean - singer, record producer, activist, actress and presenter  - cultural appropriation.
Park Ji Young / Kahi (1980) Korean - singer - cultural appropriation.
Kim Jungah / Jung-A (1983) Korean - idol (After School) - cultural appropriation.
Sandara Park / Dora (1984) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Arden Cho (1985) Korean- actress - cultural appropriation.
Kim Yu-jin / UEE (1988) Korean - idol (After School) - cultural appropriation.
Yoon Bo-ra (1989) Korean - singer and actress - really gross skit on SNL Korea where she played Pocahontas.
Kiko Mizuhara (1990) English, likely Scottish and German / Zainichi Korean - model, actress, and designer - cultural appropriation and blackface.
Heo Ga-yoon / Gayoon (1990) Korean - singer and actress - cultural appropriation.
Esom (1990) Korean - actress and model - cultural appropriation.
Lee Chae-rin / CL (1991) Korean - singer and rapper - cultural appropriation.
Im Jin-ah / Nana (1991) Korean - actress, singer, and model - cultural appropriation.
Moon Byul-yi / Moonbyul (1992) Korean - rapper, singer and actress. -cultural appropriation
Chrystal Soo Jung / Krystal Jung (1994) Korean - singer and actress - cultural appropriation.
Kim Bo Ra/SuA (1994) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Ji Yoo/JiU (1994) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Siyeon (1995) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Jisoo (1995) Korean - idol (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Jennie Kim (1996) Korean - idol (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Roseanne Park / Rose Park / Park Chaeyoung (Black Pink) - cultural appropriation.
Kim Yoohyeon (1997) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Yoobin / Dami (1997) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Lee Gahyeon (1999) Korean - idol (Dreamcatcher) - cultural appropriation.
Hina (?) Korean - cultural appropriation and blackface.
Choi Cho / Rubber Band (?) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Kim / Rubber Band (?) Korean - cultural appropriation.
Son Seung-wan AKA Wendy / Red Velvet (1994) Korean - imitated black people on a radio show.
Kim Tae-yeon AKA Taeyeon / Girls' Generation (1989) Korean - said alicia keys was pretty for a black girl.
Stephanie Young Hwang AKA Tiffany / Girls' Generation (1989) Korean -  promoted colorist mess on her instagram by applying emojis to her fellow members based on how dark she thinks their skin is.
Choi Soo-young / Sooyoung (1990) Korean - send a food truck to the set of her fellow member yuri's drama with a banner that said "thank you for making our yuri look light" here and "yuri's skin is dark, so it doesn't look that clean"
Margaret Cho (1968) Korean - ableism.
Choi Jin-ri / Sulli (1994) Korean - defended a pedophile.
Park Geun-Hyung (1940) Korean- actor.
Kim Sung-Kyum (1941) Korean- actor.
Baek Il-seob (1944) Korean - actor.
Jang Yong (1945) Korean - actor.
Jang Hang-seon (1947) Korean- actor.
Baek Yoon-Sik (1947) Korean - actor.
Han Jin-hie (1949) Korean- actor.
Lee Jong-Goo (1950) Korean- actor.
Woo Sang-Jeon (1950) Korean- actor.
Lim Byung-Ki (1950) Korean- actor.
Ahn Sung-ki (1952) Korean- actor.
Hakuryu (1952) Korean - actor.
Kim Myung-Gon (1952) Korean - actor.
Jang Gwang (1952) Korean - actor.
Heo Gi-Ho (1952) Korean - actor.
Moon Sung-Geun (1953) Korean - actor.
Moon Chang-Kil (1953) Korean - actor.
Jung Han-Yong (1954) Korean - actor.
Kim Jong-Goo (1955) Korean - actor.
Min Kyung-Jin (1955) Korean - actor.
Kim Kap-su (1957) Korean- actor.
Kim Jung-Soo (1957) Korean - actor.
Aleksandr Khvan (1957) Korean - director and actor.
Song Young-Chang (1958) Korean - actor.
Kwon Bum-Taek (1958) Korean - actor.
Choi Jung-Woo (1958) Korean - actor.
Kang Nam-Kil (1958) Korean - actor.
Paul Pesco (1959) Korean / Sicilian - musician.
Nam Myung-Ryul (1959) Korean - actor.
Ahn Suk-Hwan (1959) Korean - actor.
Chang Kim Sung (1960) Korean - actor.
Cheon Ho-Jin (1960) Korean - actor.
Kang Shin-Il (1960) Korean - actor.
Yoon-il Auh (1961) Korean - educator, violinist and composer.
Ryu Tae-Ho (1962) Korean - actor.
Choi Min-sik (1962) Korean- actor.
Jo Young-Jin (1962) Korean- actor.
Son Byung-ho (1962) Korean- actor.
Yoo Hyung-Gwan (1962) Korean- actor.
Tomoyasu Hotei / Hotei Tomoyasu (1962) Korean / Russian, Japanese - musician, singer-songwriter, composer, record producer and actor.
Lee Gi-yeong (1963) Korean- actor.
Kim Il-Woo (1963) Korean- actor.
Kim Seung-Wook (1963) Korean- actor.
Tsuyoshi Ihara / Ihara Tsuyoshi (1963) Korean - actor and author.
Park Joong-hoon (1964) Korean- actor.
Woo Hyeon (1964) Korean- actor.
Ahn Nae-sang (1964) Korean- actor.
Choi Jae-Sung (1964) Korean- actor.
Lee Byung-Joon (1964) Korean- actor.
Lee Doo-Il (1964) Korean- actor.
Jung In-Gi (1964) Korean- actor.
Bae Do-Hwan (1964) Korean- actor.
Aaron Ikeda (1965) Korean / Japanese- actor.
Kim Roe-ha (1965) Korean - actor.
Park Min-Hee (1965) Korean - actor.
Sung Min-Soo (1965) Korean - actor.
Song Young-Jae (1965) Korean - actor.
Jo Sung-ha (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Chang-Hoon (1966) Korean - actor.
Kwon Yong-Woon (1966) Korean - actor.
Shin Jung-Keun (1966) Korean - actor.
Cho Seong-Ha (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Won-Jong (1966) Korean - actor.
Kim Byung-Choon (1966) Korean - actor.
Lee Hyun-woo / Jessie Lee (1966) Korean - singer and actor.
Fred Armisen (1966) Korean, German,  Venezuelan - actor, comedian, singer, musician, writer, director, and producer.
Christopher Ju / Kato (1986) Korean - producer.
Song Kang-ho (1967) Korean- actor.
Hong Sung-Duk (1967) Korean- actor.
Kim Jung-Pal (1967) Korean- actor.
Sung Dong-Il (1967) Korean - actor.
Sol Kyung-gu (1967) Korean- actor.
John Myung (1967) Korean - bassist (Dream Theater)
Park Chul-Min (1967) Korean - actor.
Son Jong-Hak (1967) Korean - actor.
Kim Yun-Seok (1967) Korean - actor.
Lee Doll-Hyung (1967) Korean - actor.
Byron Lawson (1968) Korean, Cantonese, Japanese- actor.
Daniel Dae Kim (1968) Korean- actor.
Shin Hyeon-jun (1968) Korean- actor.
Sung Ji-Ru (1968) Korean - actor.
Choi Moo-Sung (1968) Korean - actor.
Park Ki-Ryoong (1968) Korean - actor.
Sun Wook-Hyun (1968) Korean - actor.
Lee Sung-Min (1968) Korean - actor.
Lee Sol-Gu (1968) Korean - actor.
Hong Il-Kwon (1968) Korean - actor.
Park Sang-Myeon (1968) Korean - actor.
Eric Steinberg (1969) Korean / White- actor.
Ken Jeong (1969) Korean- actor and comedian.
Ji Dae-han (1969) Korean- actor.
Rex Lee (1969) Korean - actor.
Yu Hae-Jin (1969) Korean - actor.
Seo Jin-Won (1969) Korean - actor.
Kim Seung-Woo (1969) Korean - actor.
Lee Jong-Won (1969) Korean - actor.
Kam Woo-sung (1970) Korean- actor.
Lee Byung-hun (1970) Korean- actor, singer, & model.
Hwang Jung-min (1970) Korean- actor.
Lee Sung-jae (1970) Korean- actor.
Jung Joon-Ho (1970) Korean- actor.
Yoo Hae-jin (1970) Korean- actor.
Ko Chang-Seok (1970) Korean- actor.
Ryoo Seung-Ryong (1970) Korean - actor.
Jeon Bae-Su (1970) Korean - actor.
Lee Hae-Young (1970) Korean - actor.
Kim Sang-Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
Lim Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
Choi Cheol-Ho (1970) Korean - actor.
C.S. Lee (1971) Korean - actor.
Park Hyuk-Kwon (1971) Korean - actor.
Jang Suk-Hyun (1971) Korean- actor.
Will Yun Lee (1971) Korea- actor and martial artist.
Rick Yune (1971) Mongolian Korean - actor and former model.
Ma Dong-seok (1971) Korean-Actor
Ryu Tae-joon (1971) Korean- actor and singer.
Michael Kang (1971) Korean - musician (The String Cheese Incident)
Kenneth Choi (1971) Korean - actor.
Jang Hyuk-Jin (1971) Korean - actor.
Choi Kwon (1971) Korean - actor.
Jung Suk-Yong (1971) Korean - actor.
Lim Seung-Dae (1971) Korean - actor.
Park Yong-Woo (1971) Korean - actor.
Bobby Lee (1971) Korean - actor and comedian.
Jang Dong-gun (1972) Korean - actor.
Ri Min (1972) Korean - actor.
Lee Joon-Hyuk (1972) Korean - actor.
Bae Yong-joon (1972) Korean- actor.
David William No (1972) Korean / white- actor.
Lee Suk-Joon (1972) Korean - actor.
Lee Jung-jae (1972) Korean- actor and former model.
John Cho (1972) Korean- actor and musician.
Sung Kang (1972) Korean- actor.
Kim Sang-kyung (1972) Korean- actor.
Kim Myung-min (1972) Korean- actor.
Cha Soon-Bae (1972) Korean - actor.
Kim Jung-Tae (1972) Korean - actor.
Oh Jae-Kun (1972) Korean - actor.
Kim Gil-Dong (1972) Korean - actor.
George Han Kim / Johan Kim (1973) Korean - singer and record producer.
Yoon Sang-hyun (1973) Korean-actor
Kim Seung-Su (1973) Korean - actor.
Im Chang-jung (1973) Korean- actor & singer.
Tim Kang (1973) Korean- actor.
Jo Suk-Hyun (1973) Korean- actor.
Han Jung-Soo (1973) Korean-actor
David Lee McInnis (1973) Korean/German/Irish-Actor, producer, director
Jo Han-Chul (1973) Korean - actor.
Park Sung-Woong (1973) Korean - actor.
Choi Jae-Sup (1973) Korean - actor.
Park Jin-Woo (1973) Korean - actor.
Michael Yo (1974) Korean / Black (unspecified)- actor, television host, & standup comedian.
Randall Park (1974) Korean- actor.
Jo Jae-Yun (1974) Korean - actor.
Hwang Tae-Gwang (1974) Korean - actor.
Timmy Hung / Hung Tin-ming (1974) Korean, Ningbo - actor.
Jeff Schroeder (1974) German, Korean - musician (The Smashing Pumpkins)
Tiger JK (1974) Korean - idol (Drunken Tiger)
James Kyson (1975) Korean- actor.
Eugene Park (1975) Korean - electronic vocalist.
Kim Young-Jae (1975) Korean - actor.
Kim Sung-Su (1975) Korean - actor.
Karl Yune (1975) Mongolian Korean - actor.
Lee Sun-Kyun (1975) Korean - actor.
Son Byung-Wook (1975) Korean - actor.
Jung Sung-Hwa (1975) Korean - actor.
Jung Min-Sung (1975) Korean - actor.
Kim Tae-Hoon (1975) Korean - actor.
Johnny Yong Bosch (1976) Korean / German, Irish- actor, voice actor, & musician.
Jang Hyuk (1976) Korean - actor.
Lim Jung-Woon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Jung-Hyun (1976) Korean - actor.
Shin Dam-Soo (1976) Korean - actor.
Geum Kwang-San (1976) Korean - actor.
Yeo Min-Gyu (1976) Korean - actor.
Park Jung-Chul (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Seung-Hoon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kwon Sang-woo (1976) Korean - actor.
Choi Won-Young (1976) Korean - actor.
Jung Hyun-Suk (1976) Korean - actor.
Oh Ji-ho (1976) Korean- actor.
Yoo Seung-jun / Steve Yoo (1976) Korean - idol.
Cheon Seong-Hun (1976) Korean- actor.
Hines Ward (1976) Korean / African- American football player.
Park Hae-Joon (1976) Korean - actor.
Kim Joon-Won (1976) Korean - actor.
Jung Sang-Hoo (1976) Korean - actor.
Brian Tee (1977) Korean / Japanese- actor.
So Ji-Seob (1977) Korean - actor.
Heo Sung-Tae (1977) Korean - actor.
Rich Ceraulo (1977) Korean,Japanese,Italian,Irish,Native American (unspecified)-Actor
Joe Hahn (1977) Korean - musician.
Park Jae-sang / Psy (1977) Korean - idol.
Jon Gosselin (1977) Korean / French-Canadian, Irish, Welsh, 1/1024 Portuguese - tv personality.
Ha Jung-woo (1978) Korean- actor.
Jo Shin-Je / Jo Woo-Jin (1978) Korean - actor.
Soo Go (1978) Korean - actor.
Lee Si-Hwan (1978) Korean - actor.
Kim In-Kwon (1978) Korean - actor.
Choi Gwi-Hwa (1978) Korean - actor.
Kim Ki-Moo (1978) Korean - actor.
Danny Ahn (1978) Korean - idol. (g.o.d)
Carlos Galvan (1978) Korean / Mexican - musician.
BJ Penn (1978) Korean, Irish, English and Pacific Islander - MMA fighter.
Arai Hirofumi (1979) Korean - actor.
Ha Dong-hoon(Haha) (1979) Korean- singer, & variety show host.
Jeom Deok-su/Daniel Henney (1979) Korean / Irish- actor and model.
Aaron Yoo (1979) Korean - actor.
Gong Yoo (1979) Korean-Actor
Son Hyun-Woo (1979) Korean - actor.
Yang Dong-Geun (1979) Korean - actor.
Lee Hee-Joon (1979) Korean - actor.
Bryan Lee O’Malley (1979) Korean / Irish, French-Canadian - cartoonist and writer.
Leonardo Nam (1979) Korean - actor.
Lee Hee-Suk (1979) Korean - actor.
Jo Yong-Hyun (1979) Korean - actor.
Choi Soo-Hyung (1979) Korean - actor.
Will Demps (1979) African American, Puerto Rican and Korean - American Football player.
Ryoo Seung-bum (1980) Korean - actor.
Kwon Hae-Sung (1980) Korean - actor.
Jo Sung-Hee (1980) Korean - actor.
Joo Young-Ho (1980) Korean - actor.
Hong Seung-Jin (1980) Korean - actor.
Tamayama Tetsuji (1980) Korean/Japanese - actor.
Jae Hee (1980) Korean- actor.
Kim Nam-gil (1980) Korean- actor and singer.
Cho Seung-woo (1980) Korean- actor.
Cheon Jeong-myeong (1980) Korean- actor.
Ray Munns (1980) English, Irish / Korean - DJ.
Kim Sung-Kyun (1980) Korean - actor.
Yang Joon-Mo (1980) Korean - actor.
Koo Sung-Hwan (1980) Korean - actor.
Jang In-Ho(1980) Korean - actor.
Ricky Kim (1981) Korean / Irish- actor and model.
Brian Joo (1981) Korean - musician (Fly to the Sky)
Jo Insung (1981)-Korean-actor
Lee Dong-wook (1981)-Korean-actor
Justin Chon (1981) Korean - actor.
Choi Kwon (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Joo-Hwan (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Min-Ki (1981) Korean - actor.
Jung Jae-Hoon (1981) Korean - actor.
Ha Sung-Chul (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Ji-Hoon (1981) Korean - actor.
Hong Ahn-Pyo (1981) Korean - actor.
Kim Jae-won (1981) Korean - actor.
Jo Dal-Hwan (1981) Korean - actor.
Jo Han-sun (1981) Korean- actor.
Kim Do-Yoon (1981) Korean- actor.
Kim Tae-woo (1981) Korean- singer.
Ishihara Takamasa / Miyavi (1981) Japanese, Zainichi Korean - singer-songwriter, guitarist, record producer, and actor.
Hwang Young-Min / Tim (1981) Korean - singer.
Julien Kang (1982) Korean/White - television actor and model.
Lee Joon-ki (1982)-Korean-actor
Shin Sung-rok (1982)-Korean-actor
Lee Min-Woong (1982) Korean - actor.
Kwon Yool (1982) Korean - actor.
Shin Dong-Wook (1982) Korean - actor.
Park Joo-Hyung (1982) Korean - actor.
Kim Moo-Yul (1982) Korean - actor.
Hyun Bin (1982) Korean- actor.
Gennady Golovkin (1982) Korean, possibly Russian / Russian - boxer.
Jung Ji-hoon / Rain (1982) Korean - singer-songwriter, actor, and music producer.
Matsuda Ryūhei (1983) Korean, Japanese - actor.
Bang Sung-hoon (1983)-Korean-Actor
Steven Yeun (1983) Korean - actor.
Ha Soo-Ho (1983) Korean - actor.
Heo Hyeong-Gyu (1983) Korean - actor.
Min Jung-Ki (1983) Korean - actor.
Jeon Jae-Hyeong (1983) Korean - actor.
Um Tae-Goo (1983) Korean - actor.
Kim Jae-wook (1983) Korean- actor and model.
David Park (1983) Korean - musician and producer.
Ben Henderson (1983) Korean / African-American - MMA fighter.
Kim Bum-Joon (1983) Korean - actor.
Han Yi-Jin / Han Sung-Yong (1983) Korean - actor.
Seo Hyun-Woo (1983) Korean - actor.
Lee Kwang-Soo (1984) Korean - actor.
Seo Dong-Gun (1984) Korean - actor.
Jon Lee Brody (1984) Korean / German, Jewish- actor.
Sean Dulake (1984) Korean / White- actor and director.
Song Joong-ki (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Woo-Joo (1985)- Korean-actor
Lee Ho-Cheol / Lee Won-Seob (1985) Korean - actor.
Matsuda Shōta (1985) Japanese, Korean - actor.
Nosaj Thing / Jason Chung (1985) Korean - producer.
Lee Dong-Hwi (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Tae-Gyeom (1985) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-Choon (1985) Korean - actor.
Stephen Sohn (1986) Korean - model.
Choi Si-won (1986) Korean - singer, songwriter, model, and actor.
Eugene Lee Yang (1986) Korean - Buzzfeed employee.
Lee Dong-hae (1986) Korean - idol (Super Junior)
Lee Sunghwa (1986) Korean-Rapper
Ki Hong-Lee (1986) Korean- actor.
Bae Je-Ki (1986) Korean - actor.
Ryoo Joon-Yeol (1986) Korean - actor
Yoon Shi-yoon (1986) Korean-Actor
Yoo Ah-in (1968) Korean - actor
Yoon Chae-Sung (1968) Korean - actor
Park Jung-Woo (1968) Korean - actor.
David Choi (1986) Korean - member of parody K-Pop group BgA and YouTuber.
Brandon Paak Anderson / Anderson Paak / Anderson .Paak (1986) African American / Korean - singer, songwriter, rapper, drummer and record producer.
Ahn Jae-Hyun (1987) Korean- model & actor.
Paul Barbato/Barby (1987) Korean / Italian, French, Swiss, Irish - YouTuber (Geography Now).
Choi Min (1987) Korean - actor.
Kim Yoon-Bae (1987) Korean - actor.
Jung Il-Woo (1987) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-kwang (1987) Korean-actor
Park Jae-beom / Jay Park (1987) Korean - singer, songwriter, rapper, dancer, record producer, model, choreographer, entrepreneur and actor.
Namekawa Yasuo (1987) Korean/Japanese-Idol (M.I.B).
Sam Carter (1987)-Korean/White-Idol (Lunafly)
Kim Junsu (1987)-Korean- Solo
Lee Min-ho (1987) Korean- actor and singer.
Yoon Kyun-sang (1987)-Korean-Actor
Jang Keun-suk (1987) Korean- actor and singer.
Jay Hayden (1987)-Korean/Irish-Actor
Seo Jun-Young (1987) Korean - actor.
Eric Nam (1988) Korean- Soloist
Lee Chang-seon (1988) Korean-Actor
Jung Hae-in (1988) Korean-Actor
Park Seo Joon (1988) Korean-Actor
Song Won-Seok (1988) Korean - actor.
Kim Soo-hyun / G.Soul (1988) Korean- actor.
Alexander Lee Eusebio (1988) Korean/Portguese/Chinese-Actor and TV Host  
Ex-plicit linez / Brandon Jermaine Yun / ESP (1988) Korean - rapper.
Kim Ji-hyun (1988) Korean - RnB singer.
John Park (1988) Korean - singer.
Bii Shujin (1989) Korean/Taiwanese - actor and singer.
Jung Younghwa (1989) Korean- Actor and Idol (Cnblue)
Lee Gunwoo (1989) Korean-Actor and Idol (Myname)
Lee Jongsuk (1989)-Korean-Actor
Cho Dong-In (1989) Korean - actor
Kim Woo-bin (1989) Korean- actor and model.
Mark Fischbach (1989) Korean / German- Youtuber
Lee Hong-ki (1990) Korean- Actor and Idol (Ft.Island)
Kim Jong-hyun (1990) Korean- Idol (Shinee)
Ross Butler (1990) Malaysian, Chinese, some Japanese, Indonesian, Korean / English, Irish - actor.
Hong Joo-hyun/Cory (1990) Korean-Idol (24k)
Kim Min-seok (1990) Korean - actor.
Seo Jae-Hyung (1990) Korean - actor.
Kim Min-Suk (1990) Korean - actor.
Kang Ha-Neul (1990) Korean - actor.
Mikee Lee (1990) Korean - actor, model, and host.
Lee Minhyuk (1990)- Korean- Actor and Idol (Btob)
Christian Yu (1990)-Korean- Solo and Producer
Cha Hakyeon (1990)-Korean- Actor and Idol (Vixx)
Park Shinwoo (1990) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Kim Seonghwan/Jean Paul (1991) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Shin Wonho (1991) Korean- Actor and Idol (Cross Gene)
Choi Kisu (1991) Korean - idol (24k)
Choi Tae-joon (1991) Korean - actor
Charles Melton (1991) Korean / White, Cherokee- actor.
Lee Jung-Shin (1991) Korean- musician, singer (CN BLUE), rapper, & actor.
Ahn Woo-yeon-(1991)-Korean-Actor
Do Jihan (1991) Korean - actor.
Lee Seo-Joon (1991) Korean - actor.
Oh Se-hun / David Oh (1991) Korean - singer.
Park Hyungsik-(1991)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Zea)
Jung Jin-young (1991) Korean- actor and singer(B1A4)-songwriter.
Misha Ge (1991) Korean/Chinese, Russian-figure skater
Hwang Eui-jeong (1991) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Christopher Thomas Woo / Kevin Woo (1991) Korean - singer, actor and tv host.
Oh Seung-Hoon (1991) Korean - actor.
Kwon Hyuk(Dean) (1992) Korean- Singer, songwriter, & producer.
Lim Hyunsik (1992) Korean- Idol (BTOB)
Kim Yeon-hak/D.L. (1992) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Jo Jinho (1992) Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
John Elvis (1992) Korean / Mexican- actor.
Kim Minhyuk (1992) Korean-Idol (Map6)
Kim Min-kyu (1992) Korean-Actor
Kim Sung-chan/Spax (1992) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Lee Poong-Woon (1992) Korean - actor.
Kang Da-Bin (1992) Korean - actor.
Lee Seunghyub (1992) Korean-Actor and Idol (N.flying)
Park Hyunho (1992) Korean-Solo
Park Jaehyung (1992)-Korean- Idol (Day6)
Jang Wooyoung (1992)-Korean-Idol (VAV)
Kim Chan-yul (1992)-Korean-Idol (JJCC)
Choi Junghyeop (1992)Korean-Idol (VAV)
Han Jihyun (1992) Korean-Actor and Idol (Mr.Mr.)
Choi Junhyuk (1992)-Korean-Idol (Hotshot)
Woo Do Hwan (1992) Korean- Actor
Kim Hee-chan (1992) Korean-Actor
Evan Fong (1992) Korean / Chinese - internet personality and hockey player.
Kang Joon-kyu (1993)-Korean-Idol (Myname)
Jung Daehyun (1993) Korean-Idol (BAP)
Kim Inseong (1993) Korean-Idol (SF9)
Kim Ji-soo (1993) Korean-Actor
Shin Dong-geun / Peniel Shin (1993) Korean - idol (BTOB)
Kim Se-yoon (1993)-Korean-Idol (Ace)
Lee Donghoon (1993) Korean - idol (Ace)
Lee Hwi-Taek (1993)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Lee Minhyuk (1993)- Korean-Idol (Monsta-X)
Lee Seung-hoon (1993)-Korean-Idol (Winner)
Park Jeup (1993)-Korean-Idol (Imfact)
Kim Jeung-uk (1993) Korean - idol (24k)
Shin Jaeha (1993)-Korean- Actor
Shin Je-min (1993)-Korean-Actor and Solo
Yoo Seung-ho (1993)-Korean-Actor
Kim Seyong (1993)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Myname)
John Kim (1993) Korean - actor.
Park Bogum (1993)- Korean- Actor
Jun Sung Ahn (1993) Korean - idol (BgA)
Bernard Park / NakJoon (1993) Korean - singer.
Moon Taeil (1994) Korean-Idol (NCT)
Jung Ilhoon (1994) Korean-Idol (BTOB)
Park Jun-hee/Jun (1994) Korean - idol (Ace)
Kim Heecheon (1994) Korean-Idol (Halo)
Kim Geong-woong/K-KID (1994) Korean - idol (BLANC7)
Ahn Daniel (1994)- Korean-Idol (Teen Top)
Kang Seung-yoon (1994)- Korean -Actor and Idol (Winner)
Yang Hongseok (1994)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Kim Wonpil (1994)-Korean-Idol (Day6)
Booboo Stewart (1994) Japanese, Chinese, Korean / Scottish, Russian, Blackfoot (Unconfirmed) - actor.
Kim Kiho (1994)-Korean-Idol (Map6)
Kim Sungjoo (1994)-Korean-Actor and Idol (Uniq)
Kim Jaehyun (1994)-Korean- Idol (N.flying)
Chae Hyungwon (1994)-Korean-Model and Idol (Monsta-x)
Nam Joo Hyuk (1994)-Korean-actor
Kim Dong-hyun/Gong Yoo (1994) Korean - actor
Kang Tae-oh (1994) Korean - actor
Yang Hong-Seok / Hongseok (1994) Korean - actor.
Joshua Hong (1995) Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Ko Shin-won (1995) Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Lee Sang-Hyuk (1995)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Lee Taehwan (1995)- Korean- Actor and Idol (5uprise)
Yoon Jeonghan (1995)-Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Choi Sungmin (1995)-Korean-Actor
Yeon Jun-Suk (1995) Korean - actor.
Ahn Hyo-Seop (1995)-Korean-Actor
Choi Jun-hong (1996)-Korean Idol (BAP)
Lim Sejun (1996)-Korean-Idol (Victon)
Lee Chang-sun (1996) Korean - idol (24k)
Kim Minjae (1996)-Korean-Actor
Honda Taichi (1996) Korean/Japanese - idol (BLANC7)
Oh Heejun (1996) Korean-Idol (KNK)
Yeo Chang-gu (1996)-Korean-Idol (Pentagon)
Kim Yong-guk (1996)-Korean/Chinese-Idol (JBJ, Longguo and Sihyun)
Kim DongYoung (1996)-Korean- Idol(NCT)
Kim Min-hwi-(1996)-Korean-Idol (Romeo)
KIm Min-hak (1996)-Korean-Idol(Romeo)
Kim Byeong-kwan/Jason (1996) Korean - idol (Ace)
Jang Sebin (1996)-Korean-Idol (Snuper)
Choi Byung-chan (1997) Korean-Idol (Victon)
Kim Dong-hyuk (1997)-Korean-Idol (Ikon)
Kang Yu-chan (1997) Korean- idol (Ace)
Kwon Hyun-bin (1997) Korean - idol (JBJ)
Yoo Taeyang (1997)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Kwak Dong yeon (1997)-Korean-Actor
Isaac Jin Solstein (1998) Korean / White- actor.
Choi Hansol (1998) Korean/White- Idol (Seventeen)
Sam Kim (1998) Korean - singer and guitarist.
Kim Jin-hong (1998) Korean - idol (24k)
Shim Hong-seob (1998) Korean - idol (24k)
Kang Hyung-gu/Kino (1998) Korean - idol (Pentagon)
Jung Woo-seok (1998) Korean - idol (Pentagon)
Lee Ji-Oh (1998) Korean - actor.
Kim Hee-Soo (1999) Korean - actor.
Park Solomon (1999) Korean - actor.
Mark Lee (1999) Korean-Idol (NCT)
Lee Chan (1999) Korean-Idol (Seventeen)
Noh Kang Min (1999) Korean-Idol (Romeo)
Kim Tae Young (1999) Korean-Idol (Seven O’Clock)
Jo Young Woon (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Kwang Hyuk (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Lee Se Jin (1999) Korean-Idol (14U)
Park Ji Hoon (1999) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Park Woo Jin (1999) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Yoon Sanha (2000) Korean-Idol (Astro)
Kang Chan Hee (2000)- Korean-Idol(SF9)
Kim Hwi Young (2000)-Korean-Idol (SF9)
Jang Yun Ho (2000)-Korean-Idol (Varsity)
Jo Da Won (2000)-Korean-Idol (Varisty)
Kwon Kyeong Tae (2000) Korean-Idol (14U)
Bae Jin Young (2000) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Lee Jeno (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Kim Dong hyuk (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Na Jae Min (2000) Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Ahn Do-Kyu (2000) Korean - actor.
Lee Dae Hwi (2001) Korean-Idol (Wanna One)
Han Hyun-min (2001) Korean / Nigerian - model.
Park Ji Sung- (2002)-Korean-Idol (NCT Dream)
Jaeden Lieberher (2002 / 2003) Korean (maternal grandmother), German, English, as well as 1/16th French-Canadian, 1/16th Belgian/Walloon, some Scots-Irish/Northern Irish and Scottish - actor.
Kim Sang-woo (?) Korean- model- Trans!
Jonathan Stanton (?) Korean/Polish-Actor
Vince Foster (?) Korean/Irish-Actor
Moses Archuleta (?) Korean and hispanic - drummer (Deerhunter)
Shane Gallagher (?) Korean - musician.
Kero One (?) Korean - musician.
Steven Lee (?) Korean - producer.
Mike Park (?) Korean - musician and activist.
James Roh / Prohgress (?) Korean - idol (Far East Movement)
Jae Choung / J Splif (?) Korean - idol (Far East Movement)
Ben “B-Tek” Chung (?) Korean - dancer (Jabbawockeez).
Mike Song (?) Korean - dancer (Kaba Modern)
Jung Hyung-Suk (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Hyun-Geol (?) Korean - actor.
Moon Kyung-Min (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Tan-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Ryoo Sung-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Han Geun-Sub (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Soon-Chul (?) Korean - actor.
Sung Do-Hyun (?) Korean - actor.
Heo Jung-Do (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Soon-Woong (?) Korean - actor.
Do Yong-Gu (?) Korean - actor.
Hyun Chul-Ho (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Sun-Ha (?) Korean - actor.
Goo Bon-Woong (?) Korean - actor.
Jeong Gi-Seop (?) Korean - actor.
Yeo Moo-Young (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Sang-Hee (?) Korean - actor.
Jung Dong-Gyu (?) Korean - actor.
Yoo Seung-Mok (?) Korean - actor.
Jung Ha-Yoon (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Young-Ki (?) Korean - actor.
Lee Woo-Suk (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Jin-Kook (?) Korean - actor.
Kim Kwang-Young (?) Korean - actor.
Problematic/Otherwise don’t use:
Lee Min-ki (1985) Korean- actor - sexual assault charges
Park Yoo-chun (1986) Korean- actor and singer-songwriter.-sexual assault charges
Kang Dong-won (1981) Korean- actor- tried to cover up pro-Japanese family history
Kwon Ji-yong / G-Dragon (1988) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface.
Dong Young-bae / Taeyoung (1988) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation.
Choi Seung-hyun / T.O.P (1987) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation.
Kang Dae-sung / Daesung (1989) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface.
Lee Seung-hyun / Seungri (1990) Korean - idol (Big Bang) - appropriation, blackface, misogynistic, sexual assault accusations.  
Kim Jong-in / Kai (1994) Korean - idol (EXO) - appropriation.
Park Jimin (1995) Korean - idol (BTS) - appropriation.
No Sul Il (1995) Korean-idol (Up10tion)-blackface/sexist sketch on a variety show
Samuel Kim Arredondo (2002)  Korean and Rumored to be Mexican and/or Hispanic-Solo - appropriation
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asia1one · 4 years
دانلود سریال کره ای هتل دل لونا Hotel Del Luna بازیرنویس فارسی
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای هتل دل لونا Hotel Del Luna ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس فارسی تا قسمت آخر ♦
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای Hotel Del Luna ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای هتل دل لونا ♦ عنوان: هتل دل لونا / Hotel Del Luna عنوان کره ای:호텔 델루나 ژانر: درام، فانتزی کارگردان:Oh Choong Hwan نویسنده:Hong Jung Eun شبکه: tvN تعداد قسمت ها: 16 تاریخ شروع پخش:16 جولای 2019 جایگزین:سریال گره ای Arthdal Chronicles کیفیت: ۴۸۰-۵۴۰-۷۲۰ ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦ هتل دل لونا یک هتل قدیمی و خاص هست که در شهر سئول واقع شده است. جانگ مان وول (آیو) هزار ساله که مدیر این هتل دل لونا بوده و به خاطر گناهی که انجام داده در این هتل محبوس شده و تنها راه فرارش پیدا کردن کسی هست که گناه بدتری نسبت به خودش انجام داده باشه، این در حالیه که اون حتا یادش نیست چه خطایی کرده و در عین حال مجبوره از هتل هم نگهداری کنه، مشتریان هتل دل لونا هم فقط ارواح هستند… ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای Hotel Del Luna ♦ IU Yeo Jin-Goo Jang Man-Wol Koo Chan-Sung
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Cho Hyun-Chul Park Yoo-Na Shin Jung-Keun Bae Hae-Sun P.O Sanchez Lee Mi-Ra Kim Sun-Bi Choi Seo-Hee Ji Hyun-Joong
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Kang Mi-Na Jeong Dong-Hwan Seo Yi-Sook Kang Hong-Suk Lee Do-Hyun Kim Yoo-Na No Joon-Seok God Mago Death Angel Ko Choeng-Myung
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Lee Tae-Sun Kim Kang-Hoon Kwon Ye-Eun Yeon-Woo Koo Chan-Sung (child) Lee Mi-Ra (child)
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Nam Kyung-Eup Kang Suk-Won Lee Joon-Gi Lee Si-Un Jo Hyun-Sik Chairman Wang (ep.2,10) taxi driver (ep.2) exorcist (ep.3) astronaut (ep.3) #404 human guest (ep.3)
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Min Kyung-Jin Hong Kyung Yang Hee-Won Kim Mi-Eun Lee Yi-Kyung grandfather with puppy (ep.4) baker (ep.4) truck accident son ghost (ep.4) Lee Soo-Min (ep.5) Bang Tae-Woo (ep. 6)
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Pyo Ye-Jin Kim Joon-Hyun Oh Tae-Kyung Lee Min-Ryeong Seo Yi-Soo actress with Bang Tae-Woo (ep.6) himself (ep. 6) Jung Eun-Seok (ep. 7) #13 Ghost Ga-Young (ep. 7) Ji Hyun-Mi (ep.7)
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Park Jin-Joo Lee Hyun-Kyun Nam Da-Reum David Lee Ahn Soo-Bin Kyung-Hwa (ep.8) Dr. Han (ep.8) Daedong Spirit (ep.9) Seol Ji-Won (ep.9 -) Ghost Lee Do-Yeon (ep.9-14)
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Sulli Choi Yoo-Song Hwang Young-Hee Seo Eun-Su Lee Ji-Wan Jang Ji-Eun (ep.10) Koo Chan-Sung's mother (ep.10) Hwang Moon-Sook (ep.11) Veronica (ep.11) Kim Yoo-Na (ep.11)
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Gu Da-Song Lee Seung-Joon So Hee-Jung Kim Seung-Han Seo Hee Kim Yoo-Na's friend (ep.11) Kang Man-Young (ep.12) Kang Man-Young's wife (ep.12) Kang Hyun-Jin (ep.12) doctor (ep.14)
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Kim Soo-Hyun CEO of Hotel Blue Moon (ep.16) سایربازیگران: Lee Su-A - Yoon-Seo Kim Gyu-Ri - Jang Man-Wol (young) Park Ga-Ram - Jung Soo-Jung (ep.3) Heo Soo-Bin - refugee woman (flashback) (ep.3) Jang Ju-Yeon - wife upset about husband's cellphone use (ep.7) ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال Hotel Del Luna ♦ ♦ ریتیگ سریال Hotel Del Luna ♦   Read the full article
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dramascoreanosar · 7 years
@Regranned from @koreandramafanss - Kdrama Name 🎬 The Legend of the Blue Sea | Episode 9 _ Aired in 2016 No of Episodes : 20 __________________ Starring❤ Lee Min-ho Jun Ji-hyun Lee Hee-Joon Shin Won-Ho Plot📺 The television series centers on the love story of Heo Joon-jae (Lee Min-ho), the son of a rich businessman who becomes a handsome and clever con-man after his parents' divorce, and a mermaid named Shim Cheong (Jun Ji-hyun). Focusing on rebirth, fate, and unrequited love, their tale is juxtaposed with the parallel story of their Joseon era incarnations, town head Kim Dam-ryeong and the mermaid Se-hwa. ___________________ . #이민호#thelegendofthebluesea #Legendofthebluesea#shinwonho #leeminho#junjihyun#moonlovers#scarletheartryeo#Goblin#GongYoo#descendantsofthesun#weightliftingfairykimbokjoo#leesungkyung#strongwomandobongsoon#kdrama#parkhyungsik#NamJooHyuk#JiChangWook#songjoongki#IU#kanghaneul#kimsohyun#Leejieun#leejongsuk#whileyouweresleeping#koreandramafanssTLOTBS#temperatureoflove - #regrann
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andreahoffmann · 8 years
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LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA Inspired by a classic Joseon legend from Korea’s first collection of unofficial historical tales, about a fisherman who capture and kidnapped a mermaid, this drama tells the love story between the son of a Joseon noble family named Kim Dam-ryeong (Lee Min-ho) and a mermaid he named Se-hwa (Jun Ji-hyun).[3][4] When Dam-ryeong was a kid, he almost drowned but was saved by a mermaid. Following the incident, they became friends and Dam-ryeong named her Se-hwa, after his younger sister. They ended up falling in love, but one day Dam-ryeong was forced by his family to marry another girl. Devastated by the news, Se-hwa decides to leave Dam-ryeong forever and erased all his memories of her and their love. However, fate brings them back together and they tried to escape from humans who were going to separate them. Fearing that the same ill-fate that afflicts himself and Se-hwa will replay itself, Dam-ryeong sends an artifact to be discovered in the future to try and warn his future self. The fates of Dam-ryeong and Se-hwa become entwined with their modern-day incarnations. Dam-ryeong was reborn as Heo Joon-jae, a charming con-artist. He meets a mermaid who looks like Se-hwa (whom he later named Shim Cheong) in Spain, and she was quickly besotted by him. Linked by dreams and mysterious artifacts, Joon-jae learns of Dam-ryeong’s world and his own fate, as he tries to prevent the same tragedy from befalling.
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honeyfrauline · 8 years
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This drama has come to an end two days ago and I watched the final episode yesterday. The Legend of the Blue Sea is a story about a son of a noble family, Kim Dam Ryeong (Lee MinHo) in the Joseon era who befriended a mermaid named Se Hwa (Jun JiHyun) back in the day. They met again when Se Hwa was caught by a fisherman. Both fell in love with each other and Dam Ryeong remembered Se Hwa as being a part of his past. The people knew about Se Hwa being a mermaid and Dam Ryeong tried to protect her but failed. In the modern time, both of their paths crossed again in Spain. Dam Ryeong was reincarnated as Heo JoonJae, a con artist and Se Hwa as Shim Cheong (a name JoonJae made later for her). Shim Cheong fell in love with JoonJae but decided to erase his memories of her to protect him. She later followed JoonJae to Seoul. Both met again and encountered lots of challenges as JoonJae’s memories start to reappear, including dreams of what happened in the ancient times. He had decided to change both their fates. The story then unfolds as to how JoonJae would protect Cheong from all the people who wanted to hurt her while encountering problems with his family.
This was a good watch! I liked how the happenings in the past were unfolded one by one into the present time. I would be lying if I would say that I didn’t expect much from this. Well, you’ve got 2 household names in Kdrama brought together to star in a fantasy-romance drama. This fell a little behind but was still greatly loved. I got even more excited and had more reason to watch this at first when I heard that Got7’s Jinyoung would play as teenage JoonJae here, who I must commend, did a very good job! (Jinyoung~ah, you have improved! Keep working hard ‘coz you’re doing great at it!) Can’t wait to see him in another acting gig! Lee MinHo was great and dashing as ever. Jun JiHyun is indeed the queen! Some said she was too old for this, come on, who would thought she’s in her forties?! She did great in the acting but I should say that I was more hooked to Cheon SongYi than to Shim Cheong or maybe it’s just me. The story was well done but wasn’t that unique or should I say it wasn’t a first for a mermaid drama. The writers did a good job. The setting was beautifully depicted. Thinking this was shot during winter, everyone should have suffered in the cold but definitely pulled it off. One would learn a lot of lessons from this, not just about love like fighting for your love and if you’re destined to be then you’ll eventually be together, just hold on to it. But also about friendship, friendship comes over anything else, even the things that you have been wanting to possess; about family too. The storyline between JoonJae and his dad did touch me. Also, I love the soundtrack! I’m giving this a 9/10 (thanks to episode 18- my fave episode! The finale was kind of predictable for me.).
(This review is made solely on my opinion and made with my utmost honesty and sincerity. Credits to the owners of the photos used.)
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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