#son/daughter of azirphale and crowley
Rewatching Good Omens season 2
Episode 2, ‘The clue’ post 3
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They really gettin it with these shots.
Think I needa lie down again.
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“Where did you hear it?”
“Uhhh this morning? Out my mouth?”
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Glasses off in the bookshop; my third and favourite son to whom I leave all my earthly belongings
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Glasses off in the land of Uz: a broadway spinoff
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Ooooo big scary Angel + simping.
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Can we talk about how in this flashback this is the first time we see Azirphale really TRUST Crowley. This is maybe their 4th meeting we know about. We know Azi hasn’t seen him since the flood so it’s been a while. They hardly know each other at this point.
It also starts a pattern where we see Crowley is willing to stick his neck out quite confidently to do what he he thinks is right but Aziraphale is always questioning himself. Azi looks to others to show him what’s right and wrong where Crowley has already decided what he thinks should be done and he just does it. I think that’s what attracts Azirphale, it’s Crowleys confidence and self assurance in knowing what he’s doing is right and he doesn’t need to ask anyones permission to do it. Which is why it’s quite comical that Azirphale tries to tell Crowley he’s on heavens side in the cellar when Crowleys never been on anyone’s side, ever. Crowley has never been ‘owned’ truely, it’s just not his personality. He’s far to much of an independent entity to ever have such alliances. And if he does they’re temporary and only when it’s convenient. The exception being the relationship he builds with Aziraphale.
But Azirphale is still stuck thinking in this black and white way where you can only be on one side or the other. While Crowleys always existed outside of that.
This season also really shows how Crowley picks and chooses who he is kind to. He’s kind and sweet to Jobs daughter, and is generally nice to Azirphale. He’s nice to Muriel as well when she turns up. I think he sees intention rather than behaviour, he sees Aziraphale has good intentions and wants to do the right thing so he is kind to him. He sees the child and Muriel as just oblivious, innocent bystanders. Which is what he was when before he was cast out. Which is why I cry over this demonic baby.
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Ok back to the funny stuff what IS this face. Michael is having to much this fun this season.
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Disaster ADHD bitch sitting exhibit #6. And unsure if he is drunk or he just can’t walk straight/trips everywhere which is on brand for any decent, well mannered ADHD disaster. I choose to believe that he can’t walk straight ever. Because he isn’t straight. And has ADHD.
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Aziraphale and Crowley’s child
(a crowley x aziraphale x child good omens fanfic by Loobop)
you are the child of aziraphale and crowley,half angel half demon you live in the bookshop with your parents.You have lots of fond memories growing up with you angel and demon parents but could Gabriel soon ruin the perfect family life?
The day of your birth crowley sat at the side of Aziraphale bed holding his hand tightly as he gave birth to you,Crowley smiled at you craddled in Aziraphale’s arms.
Crowley: how was giving birth aziraphale?
Aziraphale: bloody painful!!! next time it’s you turn to give birth.
Crowley: umm no more children,ones enough i think.
Aziraphale rolled his eyes at Crowley
Crowley kissed Aziraphale’s forehead and held your little hand
Crowley: our child is perfect what shall we call (her/him)?
Aziraphale: we shall call it y/n
You had Aziraphale’s light blonde hair and blue eyes but also had streaks of red hair like Crowley.
At age 5 Aziraphale started to read you bedtime stories.He didn’t allow you into the bookshop till he felt you old enough to be trusted with his precious books as he feared you’d rip the pages.
At age 8 you joined the church choir Aziraphale often came to watch you sing,Crowley though painful for him to be in church was always there to support you too hopping in the aisles of course.
At age 10 you fully developed your demon side,when you got angry your eyes turned yellow so had to start wearing sunglasses.Crowley took you to buy your first pair of shades he was so proud.
At age 16 you took an interest in the rock band Queen so Crowley gave you all his old tapes you’d often sing along to them together in the Bentley on car journeys.
On your 18th birthday heaven got news of you existence,Gabriel decided to use you in a plan to get back at Aziraphale.
Gabriel: We need to get there daughter/son away from them but how?,Who would she/he wanna be totally alone with without her/his parents,hmm i know a love interest.
The next day you where working in the bookshop with Aziraphale he was training you up to work in the shop full time.
Aziraphale: Right y/n the next customer through that door shall be you first customer remember be friendly and see what he/she wants okay?.
Y/N sat at the bookshop counter the bell on the door rang but it was only Crowley.
Crowley: Awww look at you working with Azira in the bookshop,i bought you something to celebrate your first day as top bookshop assistant.
Crowley gave you a small box you opened it to find a watch just like Crowley’s
Y/N: Crowley i’ve wanted this watch for ages,thank you,i love it so much,but Crowley these watches are expensive.
Crowley: Your worth it my little angel demon
Aziraphale: Well you may as well have the present i bought for you but it won’t be as flash and expensive.
Aziraphale gave you a rectangle shaped present you opened it to find a notebook.
Crowley: a book? seriously that’s your present? this shop is full of the bloody things.
Y/N: I love it too,now i can make a journal.
the bookshop bell rang you turned to view your first customer,it felt like time had stopped as you caught a glimpse of the gorgeous customer who you instantly fell for came through the door.
customer: Hi i’m looking for a book on heaven.
Y/N: why because you just fell from it?
you felt stupid about your cheesy joke,but the customer started to make conversation with you,you found you had a lot in common with them.
customer: would you like to go out later we could go to the park?
Y/N: I have to work in the shop but i do have a lunch break at 12
customer: i’ll meet you at the bandstand
Y/N: sure,wait i don’t know your name?.
The customer was nowhere to be seen,it’s was like they vanished.
Aziraphale: didn’t sell a book? never mind it’s nearly lunch i’ll go make us a sandwich
Y/N: i’m going out for lunch i’m meeting a friend i’ve met in the bookshop.
You walked to the parks bandstand there was the gorgeous customer you’d met in the bookshop waiting for you.
Y/N: hi i’m sorry i never asked your name i’m y/n
customer: my name is a little embarrassing come close so i can whisper it in your ear
you got close to the customer he injected your arm you fainted and where taken to heaven to meet Gabriel.when you awoke you where chained to a throne with Gabriel stood beside you.
Gabriel: good your awake,your the spitting image of your parents.We should inform Aziraphale his little angel is here.I’ll send him a message.
Aziraphale had a rock thrown through his bookshop window with the note “return to heaven i have something precious of yours”
Crowley: they have our child you think?,i’ll kill them if they even lay a finger on her/him let me go with you angel.
Aziraphale Crowley you need to stay here incase anything happens to me,you need to take care of y/n.
Aziraphale returned to heaven he saw you chained to a throne.
Gabriel: Aziraphale,my old freind turned enemy nice of you to join us,no Crowley i see shame where gonna need him.
Aziraphale Your only getting me
Gabriel: have it your own way prepare the flames for y/n
Aziraphale fine i’ll call Crowley on his mobile.
Crowley looked at his phone and joined Aziraphale in heaven
Crowley: i’m here now let y/n and Aziraphale go home
Gabriel: sure i will but first i want your child and Aziraphale to watch you die by holy water then they can go home.
Gabriel made Crowley kneel in front of him a jug of holy water was brought to him just as the jug was held over Crowleys head ready to pour Aziraphale watched in horror and tried to hold back the tears,your eyes started to glow yellow your chains broke and black and white wings formed you flew saving Crowley from the first drip of holy water.
Gabriel: The child is just as native as it’s parents,let them all go!!!.
you grabbed Gabriel by the neck
Y/N: touch me or my family again and you’ll regret it,understand?
you loosened your grip around Gabriel neck he nodded in agreement,you,Aziraphale and Crowley went back to earth as soon as you where home you group hugged your parents.
Aziraphale: if i ever lost either of you i couldn’t....
Crowley: where fine Angel all thanks to our little angel demon
y/n: it’s all my fault we ended up there in the first place i’m sorry
Crowley: no it’s not,it’s Gabriels fault.
you looked at your watch and saw it had been broken in your demonic rage.
y/n:my watch it’s broken
you looked sad,so Crowley took off his watch and wrapped it around your wrist.
Crowley: here take mine,whats mine is yours
y/n: maybe you can teach me to drive and i can have your bentley too?
Crowley: hey don’t push your luck kid
Aziraphale went to put the kettle on he laughed as you continued to wind Crowley up.
The End
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muses-darling · 5 years
Fire & Fury - A Star Wars AU - Ch.8 Engineer
Tracing his pen across the screen watching the display come to life as line after line met his design coming to life. Prototypes of various inventions littered the shelves of his office a partially drunk very cold mug of caf sat undisturbed. Humming as he sketched he brushed a lock of ginger hair from his face. So far today had been less than exciting but that was perhaps the best for productivity? He pushed back from the desk stretching standing feeling his joints move into place after being sedentary for so long. His muscles remembered what moving felt like with pain. He really ought to move more often. His stomach growled again and he knew why he had gotten up, a brain thought better with food in the belly. He also needed more caf, opening the door of his office he noticed nothing out of the ordinary till a realization that the whole facility had gone eerily quiet like the dead. Peering around gave him no insight, he boarded the lift tapping the buttons and giving a imput of his code cylinder he made his way down to the kitchens. Halfway through the lift flickered then came to an abrupt stop. 
A glow of heated metal came through the lift door just a small part that almost as if by cutting continued in a circle before the force pulled the whole chunk away revealing a trio of what looked to be Sith. 
“No- no NO!” He threw the cup of cold caf at them watching it freeze in the air and shatter as one stopped it. 
“Hello Casper.” Darth Ceres smiled her hood concealing all but her mouth of her face. “We need someone of your expertise.”
“I do not believe it is wise to go all the way to the Chorlian system,” Will said from where he stood at the center of the Senate floor. “Meeting the Sith on their doorstep. Is foolishness, it is genocide of our troops. What hope of victory can we possibly bring? We have not experienced an attack from the Sith in quite some time. To mount an attack after this peace we have seemingly felt is to incur their wrath.”
“Ah like the planet you serve Senator always looking for the peace where there is none.” A Senator mocked him.
Will turned, “I agree that the peace is only temporary, we should use it to give aid where it is needed. Rebuild, was Coruscant not just a mere few months ago under siege? What rebuilding effort have we made since? There are people on not just this planet but many others who cry out for help and we offer no aid when we can?”
“We are spread too thin besides now may be the most opportune moment to bring about the peace we seek by striking a blow on the Sith while their guard is down.”
“I tell you their guard is not down.” Will glared at them.
“What do you know of their guard Senator? What do you know of the Sith?” The Chancellor asked him.
“Precisely, this attack is advised by the Jedi even, they too want this war done and over with. If we crumble this wall we will end this before long peace will be at hand and we can do as you suggest Senator.” The Chancellor told him.
Will wanted nothing more than to give them all a taste of his mind but he had the people to think about. “Then I move that when this is over that we focus our efforts to rebuilding the Republic.” 
“I second,” The Senator of Alderaan said.
Will looked to Adrienne and smiled, she was always on his side. 
“Then we put it to a vote.” The Chancellor said.
The vote of course went to the affirmative but only for appearance sake. They would squabble and nothing would come of it. Will moved through the crowd feeling Adrienne touch his arm. 
“A moment?”
Will looked to her, “Of course.”
“I will be helping hand out rations today and wondered if you would join me? Perhaps if the people see that there are at least some Senators who care they won’t feel as abandoned?”
“You say Senators like there will be more than the two of us?”
“The Senator of Chandrilla and the Senator of Hapes Consortium will be joining as well.”
Will nodded. “I’ll see what I can do besides helping pass out rations, I’m sure there are some clothes and blankets to be found.” 
“That would be marvelous.” Adrienne smiled warmly. “How is the Queen?”
“Jane- Queen Ev’lyn is quite healthy.”
“And the pregnancy?” She asked quieter. 
“Our children were born without any problems. I get to see them when I make communications to Naboo.” Will smiled pulling out a small disk of a Holo photo showing twins who were at least six months old. 
“How precious.” Adrienne smiled.
“My daughter has a variation of your middle name for hers.” 
“Rosemary.” Will smiled. “Her first name is Katherine.”
“And your son?”
“Abra’ham Fitzwilliam,” Will grinned.
“Oh Will that is so sweet.”  
Hades was not the only one to tag Kit with some form of tracking, Crowley had done the same but with the force. Following it’s signature to the planet of Eadu the wild storms that ravaged the planet fit well with the current state of Crowley’s nerves. “Stay here,” He told Ben and Harper. “Guard the ship, guard Jules.” 
“But-” Ben started before Aziraphale fixed him with a look. “We don’t know what is out there and we don’t know who has Kit, right now we need you both here with Juliet.”
Crowley and Aziraphale moved silently and stealthily along the path curving through the cliff side. Rocks fell from the path way to the chasm below but neither one noticed their focus was elsewhere, elsewhere and keeping them from joining those rocks to smash upon their likeness far below. Lightning illuminated their way as they moved from one stretch of the path to the other. The path opened up revealing a research facility. 
Entering in as quiet as possible they made their way through the dimly lit building the silence broken by the thunder and nothing else. A console before them held security footage. “Angel guard me while I have a look.”
Aziraphale wanted to protest but knew there had to be a reason for Crowley keeping him from looking. Crowley was always good at knowing these things. 
Fingers flashed upon buttons and the screen till Crowley froze his face gave nothing away but his eyes they betrayed him first. 
“Crowley?” Azirphale asked his eyes looking to Crowley.
Crowley looked up, “Aziraphale...” 
It was all he had to say, his face now gave everything away. From the way that his lips twinged in sadness, to the way his eyes moved between what they saw on the screen to Aziraphale. The little head shake of disbelief, the tremble of lips that told Azirphale that what Crowley was feeling was strong so strong it swept the mask of calm away. 
Aziraphale moved to see the screen but Crowley pressed a button blackening the screen.Things moved slowly, “We missed him.” He said to Aziraphale. “We missed him!” Crowley stood up only for the weight of what he had seen. Aziraphale to catch him.
Aziraphale knew what he was going to see wasn’t going to sit well with him but seeing Crowley like this he had too. Curious Angel, he tapped a button watching as Kit stood before a cowering man only to cut him down, the audio wasn’t there but anyone could see the man had pleaded before Kit slew him. Kit walked up to the camera blood covering his face grinning with terrible Sith eyes then the feed cut out. Azirphale heard Crowley sobbing in his arms as his own tears fell into the forest of ginger hair that grew from his husband’s head. “Oh Kit.” What could have happened to him? What could have turned him? They had trained him so well!
The door came skittering off the hinges stopping at just before them as a sleek bronze colored droid entered. “Greetings: Hello Meatbags! I have come for my master.” 
Aziraphale frowned at the odd droid before moving from Crowley towards the strange droid. He grabbed the blaster yanking it away from blasting him and reaching behind he knew the model well, he had read about them and with a flick the droid powered down. 
When it powered back up HK-47 looked up from his powered down state. “Greetings: Salutations organic, might I be made aware of where my Master has gone? My last readings sense he was here. Have you seen him?”
“Most peculiar,” Aziraphale said studying him. “Kit never mentioned you.”
“I have had many masters.”
“And who is your creator?”
“Statement: Why Hades better known as Lord Ignis.” HK-47 said.
“I think I preferred him slightly more homicidal.”
“Oh hush,” Azirphale waved Crowley’s suggestion away. “I think he is more charming this way.”
“Agreement: But I cannot fathom hurting organics such as you in my current state I love all organics with every fiber of my wiring.” HK-47 said to Crowley. “Charm is not in my programming originally but I am adaptable.”
“Excellent!” Aziraphale smiled. “Do you have a ship?”
“Answer: No mine was destroyed upon getting here.”
“Then you shall have to come aboard ours.”
“OURS!?” Crowley said standing up. “I’ll have you know that is very much my ship!”
Azirphale fixed Crowley with a look.
Crowley crossed his arms. “And just what do you think that I’m going to let it anywhere near Juliet?”
“Do you want to find Kit?”
“Yes.” Crowley said as if it were obvious before looking at the Droid who had said yes in unison with him.
“Then I suppose unless you have any better ideas you just let me adopt the robot for the time being.”
“Droid Azirphale no one calls them robots.”
Aziraphale smiled a smile that told you that he knew he had won before walking back to the ship. 
Hk-47 followed Azirphale complimenting him on his ability to out maneuver the droid in close combat.
Aziraphale returned the compliment with one about the droid standing up to two jedi.
This was followed by HK-47 making a comment about killing jedi with no problem.
Azirphale chose to treat this like a joke patted the droid on the arm and told him that it was refreshing to hear someone who had a sense of humor.
Crowley both loved that smug expression and wanted to kiss it off of that cherubic face.  Watching the two leave and getting along like old friends was an odd sight to anyone who didn’t know Azirphale who saw the best in anyone. Crowley looked back at the console a shudder. Looking back at his husband and the droid in the distance with an exasperated sigh Crowley threw up his hands following after both too his ship mouthing, ‘unless you have any better ideas.’ Followed by, ‘I’ll show you a better idea.’ 
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