#sona reveal ig
sillygreenrat · 8 months
when i tell you my response to the news was immediate......
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whenever these puppies gettin shipped out it's all over
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lewis-just-lewis · 3 days
I bought my first commission here recently and got the final product yesterday. I am still in tears. /pos
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100/10 will commission again!! Huge huge thanks to @kabukiaku she’s such a fantastic artist and I highly recommend commissioning her!!
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poorlemons · 6 months
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new pfp dropping.. little guy...
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Messy inbox doodle pt1
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groggygrimalkin · 7 months
Had a really furry dream where in part of it I struck a deal with an entity that was killed by an arcade cabinet and became like a badass lion/tiger demon thing and instead of doing anything cool I just ate ALLT of honey and meandered around the house I was in
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anonyb0b · 1 year
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playing video games with your squip is a good bonding moment
(sjsjsjs I love that so much)
Rob and I have been mainly bonding over squeadsticks so far.
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snakesinsocks2005 · 2 years
Finally decided to do my 'meet the artist'!
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dreaminginmysoup · 1 year
Thanks for being silly and filling this world with hope and love 👈👈😎
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awwww guyssssssssss you all are too nice 😭
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chuchu-bs · 6 days
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my lawriecolt fan child!!! (it’s literally just me)
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still struggling with her hair but heres a doodle of a scene i rememebr from the dream
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shes showin me her drawings
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breezey-with-an-e-art · 2 months
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this design will change next time you see it, im very indecisive on my sonas.... anyways, bree fursona reveal ig i dont remember if ive ever shown all the variations i went through to get to this
please do not repost/use even for personal use
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Babe wake up new pow creations smp just got revealed!!! It's called pirates smp
Time to make a pirate sona ig lmao
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sundial-girl · 1 year
Do you have any references for your sona? (Or oc or something I’m sorry if I got that wrong)
no ur right that's my sona (ig?) lolol
im gonna b real w/ u i dont have any proper reference for em 😭😭 its??? just me in a random ass bee costume 😭 lmfao
idk if this helps but here's smthn kinda shitty i did on my phone just now of me. some things are still kinda off but? reveal i suppose
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sodabranch · 7 months
This Anon is never revealing their identity MWAHAHAHA!
I was thinking, in what scenario would Justice be able to waltz with an employee? Ship's too small, need to be alert at all times outside of it, as even an eyeless dog can appear fairly early. But wait... The Company moon!
Justice is certain to make for an amazing day off, after helping sell the scrap! Oh hey, is that a discounted boom box? It may not be the music of its taste, but it can dance however it likes, taking an employee for a literal spin. The others may laugh in amusement, but when the first employee decides to rest—Justice still energetic as ever—another agrees to take their place.
Lmao, Justice thinking it accidentally broke your sona's bones, seeing their limbs bend backwards for a moment. It does realise he doesn't have any, still confused, but relieved.
Be Justice's preferred time to clean the ship's interior from all that foreign moon dust that accumulated, as the employees can wait outside safely as it's busy. It's rather cramped in that ship, so it needs all the space. Occasionally taking a break to non-verbally scold an employee for toying with an extension ladder. Especially if they risked hurting whoever Justice perceives as its favourite.
I have a headcanon that Justice always has a complete deck of traditional playing cards on it. Or, as one employee put it, those "old people UNO cards".
(I'm done with this tangent, but now I must digress into another scenario, because I love Justice that much.)
If an employee is ever seen by an enemy nutcracker, Justice has a strange way with dealing with the situation. Standing in front of the employee, Justice makes some unknown gestures towards the other, who appears to understand.
Justice insists the employee stands still, as both nutcrackers turn their backs to each other and slowly take steps forward. With their weapons at the ready, they are about to have a duel. Obviously, Justice wins because of the magic power of friendship and the experience it gained from going outside to touch grass.
(I can't shut up. I can't shut up. I can't shut up.)
One thing I find interesting about it is it having a previous master/masters. Even if the bulk of Justice's mannerisms remain the same, I imagine it would be influenced by the experiences with OG master.
Imagine the original had a food allergy, so an employee has to explain that they don't have that same allergy, so may they please have that back?
Maybe the original had a tight schedule, needing an ample amount of sleep each night, or had children they needed help putting to bed. Justice would then insist the employees be in bed at a certain time. If it wasn't for the demanding work, needing the best rest they can get, it probably would've come across as overbearing.
And maybe the original had a condition, needing a consistent medication schedule, explaining why Justice is taking one of the containers of tic-tacs and handing one out to everyone each morning and night.
THE ask is already long enough so for the sake of not making a colour of the sky post I'm gonna put everything under a spoiler::: LONG LORE POST IG
I'm going to break things into ideas because I HAVE TOO MANY:
In the drawing I made of Justice and the employee "dancing" (kinda one sided because if a Nutcracker just grabbed me and started twirling me around like that I would be scared shitless at first), I thought about like a first encounter in the mansion;; I was sadly too lazy to draw a bg for the scene but, I really like your ideas about Justice tagging along with some crew!!! It's honestly something I want to explore in more detail, but I wouldn't know how to put it in words, so I'm just noting down all your ideas on a notepad for later use JHADSHSDAHJ
^^ ALSO how would Justice cope with the fact that Socket is a slime like,,, it'll just have to learn to love hygros like it or not (I didn't think of Socket being in the same crew but honestly ?? It might happen now I just need more characters to fit the three other free spaces :3) I can just imagine how wholesome and whimsical the whole time in Gordion before the next mission would be,, Justice trying to up everyone's mood making edible meals out of the company rations, cleaning/tidying up the place and looking over at its crewmates from the distance as they busy themselves planning the next trip,,, just with a glint in its eye
Also yess!!! Even if years have passed, Justice would never forget its upbringing. I imagine there are rituals that have still stuck with it, for example tea time at an exact hour every day, or certain measures it has to follow while doing its chores...
I WONDER HOW IT FITS INTO THE SHIP like do you think the crew made it an special corner,,, having to rearrange their furniture just to fit their new friend.... WOULD THE COMPANY DO SOMETHING?? I guess they don't care as long as they meet the quota now that I think about it...
Oughhghghg and the way you described the duel,, I really don't want to know what would happen if Justice fails plesase DOn't speak to me /j
I think I covered everything but also consider your headcanons granted because Justice would definetely have a deck of cards in its hat.............. I MAY BE FORGETTING SOMETHING BUT YOU CAN COME BACK AND SCOLD ME IF I DID
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everyothermouse · 3 years
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OCS BELONG TO @peapod20001!
hi I made another pea au bcus I’m weak 💀 won’t become a whole thing like the last one i just wanted to do smth that included some stuff I don’t get to do in blau :3
basically it’s in modern human society but some ppl are clowns which are sort of like. Monsters/superhero’s who do magical girl transformations into their clown sonas ig lol. Normal ppl don’t know clowns exist, so there’s an a organization that covers up their tracks and takes care of all magic related issues (Harley is a part of this, he’s not someone who does the magic hiding he’s just a therapist so clowns have someone to talk to abt magic issues since they can’t tell normal therapists abt that.)
All of the brothers were separated for a good portion of their lives, but now they all live together in Harley’s house with his kids. anyways I’ll write sum background info on each of the siblings under the cut cus them :)
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Shirley was adopted by daniel and janes family, they thought he was going to become a typical magical girl clown superhero like most clowns do, but she decided to become a drag queen. The parents and daniel are all part of the magic protection agency, which is made for hiding clowns from normal people, and frankly they were pretty glad Shirley decided to not do a career that used his powers cus her magic is obnoxious as hell and hard to cover up, I mean it’s literally drawing attention to themself and having a giant void inside his face. As for the family powers, Dad can erase peoples memories, Mom can sense auras, Jane can fly, and shirley’s power is drawing attention to themself, she can also make people physically freeze in terror by making them look at the orb of darkness in his head, but mostly they just uses it as a pocket dimension bcus she doesn’t like being scary.
Charlie lived with his last foster parents Ben and Belle, along with their biological children Thomas and Charlotte. Ben has big aes claws, Belle can extend her limbs, Thomas can talk to animals and walk through walls, and Charlie can make force fields. Ben, Belle, Charlotte, and Thomas don’t know Charlie is a clown and vice versa.
Emerson and Grayson lived in a home for disowned clown kids (and still do sometimes), they couldn’t stay with their big bro Charlie in the foster system since their powers are obnoxious as hell and they have no control over them. Grayson has fire powers, Emerson has ice powers. Their superhero home is run by the carolina parents and subsequently they lived with their kids (carolina and rory both have fire powers, Budget creates explosions, and fleur moves the earth) and a bunch of other clown child ren.
Harley had to go into the clown equivalent of witness protection after he had his identity revealed while a vigilante and half the villains in the city immediately went to kill him lol. He had to leave his family and change his name and basically disappear off the face of the earth, but now he’s back to see his siblings :) He takes in his siblings so they can live together again, but charlie still has contact with his last parents, shirley is already an adult with new parents but decided to live with his fam anyways, and frequently the twins have to drag harley to hang with them at the clown kid home instead of the other way around because they can’t control their powers yet and don’t want to constantly be destroying harleys house lol. Oh yeah and harley has temperature control like the twins, but he can also make plasma rays and make fire that doesn’t cause any damage and stuff, hes way more in control and experienced than they are.
Um plot things, Charlie is exploring career options (vigilant? Clown organization? Makeup artist? he do not know) but is more concerned with his highschool crush than that and keeps getting distracted, Shirley is struggling with self esteem and trying to readjust to life with his siblings again, the twins are just trying to handle their fucking powers and apprenticing under ben and belle, Harley is trying to be a good dad to his kids and brothers, Daniel is having to put up with the fact that Jane is a. being annoying with her powers and b. dating a boy who he knows is a city villain but who he legally cant say is a city villain cus he only knows abt that through the family business. Yeah just fun family things and also there’s magic basically :)
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flandesuka · 6 years
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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