#song is overlap by catfish and the bottlemen
firstofficerkittycat · 6 months
tribute to the most beautiful first ever homo on my television screen
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attaboylew · 6 months
tag game
rules: pick a song for every letter of your url and tag that many people.
thanks for the tag @sugarcoated-lame
a: ancient dreams in a modern land - marina
t: tangerine - glass animals
t: the world’s first ever monster truck front flip - arctic monkeys
a: alaska - banks
b: boys - atta boy
o: overlap - catfish and the bottlemen
y: yuk foo - wolf alice
l: lightning - charli xcx
e: e.v.o.l - marina
w: wtf love Is - tove lo
no pressure tag: @rxgirlie, @sailor-aviator, @catb-fics, @icouldntfindquiet, @icarus-star, @angelsanarchy, @vanmccannsfridge and @lostinthefandoms11
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blueberry-beanie · 8 months
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The New Cue #357 February 12:
Everything Everything's Jonathan Higgs
"We were weirdos then and we’re weirdos now"
At the beginning of next month, Everything Everything release their seventh record Mountainhead. It’s another brilliant album from one of the UK’s most imaginative and forward-thinking guitar bands, a quartet who never tread water and have been consistently honing, reworking and outdoing what’s gone before for over 15 years, always coming up with a new version of themselves without ever losing what makes them special. The pillars of their music tend to be a mix of danceable synth-y grooves and inventive art-rock, intricate arrangements constructed around big pop hooks and surrealist lyrics, frontman Jonathan Higgs’ vocal delivery emotive and exuberant at the same time.
Higgs is at the centre of it all, a creative dynamo who seems to sum up their idiosyncratic approach and who has the ability to inject emotion into the bizarrest lyrics, lines such as:
“And no reptiles! Just soft boiled eggs in shirts and ties, Waiting for the flashing green man Quivering and wobbling just like all the eggs you know”
That one is taken from Get To Heaven’s epic standout No Reptiles.
Or this, which somehow sounds poignant when Higgs sings it on the electro-pop banger Arch Enemy:
“Fatberg you smile, with your grave wax eyes, will you consume me?”
Or how about this oddball corker, from the euphoric electronica of Raw Data Feel closer Software Greatman?
“Maybe I see Klingons on the starboard bow Maybe, I’m a cat inside a sacred cow
Higgs is at it again with this zinger from their excellent recent single Cold Reactor: “I sent you the image of a yellow face To tell you I’m sad about the emptiness that’s all around me”
That song, released in autumn last year as the first single from Mountainhead, has become Everything Everything’s biggest radio hit yet. It’s spent weeks on the Radio 1 B-list, a very uncommon position for an indie band whose members are all in their late 30s, but its success that sums up the vibrancy and relevance of Everything Everything in 2024. Even better, it probably meant Radio 1 have had to get their heads around this blurb from Higgs on what the new record Mountainhead is about:
“In another world, society has built an immense mountain. To make the mountain bigger, they must make the hole they live in deeper and deeper. All of society is built around the creation of the mountain, and a mountain religion dominates all thought. At the top of the mountain is rumoured to be a huge mirror that reflects endlessly recurring images of the self, and at the bottom of the pit is a giant golden snake that is the primal fear of all believers. A ‘Mountainhead’ is one who believes the mountain must grow no matter the cost, and no matter how terrible it is to dwell in the great pit. The taller the mountain, the deeper the hole.”
Well, you don’t get that with Catfish And The Bottlemen. A few weeks ago Niall – that is me, I am The New Cue’s resident Everything Everything nut in case you hadn’t guessed – spoke to Jonathan over Zoom about the mad concept around the new record, the dynamics of being in a band in 2024, his favourite Liam Gallagher tweet and more. I’ve made this playlist of my favourite Everything Everything songs to listen whilst you read,
Hello Jonathan. I love the new record, it feels different to Raw Data Feel, a bit looser… Yeah, it’s got a lot more freedom and it sounds more like a band playing a lot of the time rather than the rigid, more computerised stuff that we were doing before. We made an effort to make it feel a bit more real and laid back.
Was there much overlap? No, partly because we put everything we made for Raw Data Feel on that record, we didn’t leave anything in the banks. We did the opposite with this, we actually went back and looked at some old demos and brought them back to life because we were looking for some kind of angle that we weren’t going to stumble across, we wanted to go back to our youngest selves and go, ‘What was that thing we were doing?’.
That’s interesting, how far back did you go? I think it’s sessions for A Fever Dream, or it might be Re-Animator, so five or six years ago. Some of the songs on this are from that time, or at least elements of them are or a little demo was made and then thrown away and then we went back and said ‘Let’s explore this and breathe new life into it.’
When you’re seven records in and you start to look back like that, does it feel like different versions of the band? Yeah, definitely. There’s definitely been eras, we’ve never got stuck in one way of doing things. There’s an evolution, for good or for ill, since our first songs to now. I can find myself very quickly thinking in those terms when I hear a song from then, I’m like, ‘Oh yeah, I was trying to do this’ and that stuff changes over time and I’m glad it does because otherwise, you just make the same record again and again and no-one wants that.
Yeah. Without naming any names, for some bands it ends up becoming a process of survival and maintenance. Yeah, thankfully, we’re not in that position. I know what you mean, this idea of being a nostalgia act does not appeal very much, partly because we were at our peak three albums in so we can go back and feast on Get To Heaven-era but I have no interest in going back to Man Alive and trying to recreate that partly because we were weirdos then and we’re weirdos now, it wasn’t the glory days by any means. I’m immensely proud of what we did back then but I’m not going to try and retread it. This is an odd thing to say having just said that I went back to some old demos and put them on our new record, but those demos were rejected for reasons that I find interesting now. And I don’t feel that we need to play the games we were playing them because we’re so good at writing successfully now, I think.
Something like Cold Reactor, I didn’t labour over it and I knew as soon as it was done, it was great and I knew that would that would carry us through. It allows you to feel a bit more relaxed about creativity rather than ‘Must get that radio single or we’re doomed!’, which obviously is the burning hot coal under our butts most of the time because it’s easy to take that stuff for granted, popular songs, but you’ve got to actually write them and they’ve got to actually be popular otherwise no-one cares. Basically, every album usually comes down to one, two or three songs and if none of them have any interest, then people just go, ‘Did an album even come out?’.
Cold Reactor is a good example of the band right now, it seems to sum up all that’s great about Everything Everything and it’s become this mad radio hit. I know! We’ve watched a lot of friends’ bands struggle in this period we’ve had, 15 years now. There is a tendency to rest on your laurels or try and repeat the thing and it’s very difficult to not do that. Sometimes, I’ve done it myself when I’ve sat down and written a song and then I get to the end of it, I go, ‘Well, we did that better with X song on Arc’ and it’s like, ‘I could do this and our fans will really like it because it sounds just like us, it sounds just like Arc’ and then we’re like ‘No, into the bin with you, let’s try and take that same sensation but do something new with it’. That often comes down to the production. I think if you were to strip all of our songs of their production, then you could probably find something I’ve written now very similar to something I’ve written.
There’s a simplicity to a lot of the songs on the new album, nothing is overloaded and it makes the more outlandish stuff more potent. That’s been a big thing to learn over our careers. You’ve got the ability to do outlandish stuff, and you’ve got these players who can play really well but that isn’t enough to just present all of those things at once and expect people to go, ‘Wow!’. Some of them will, and that’s how we made our name, the prog dads, as we used to call them, that came to our shows in the very early days and just stand there and go, ‘yes, this sounds like Yes!’, and that’s fine. But that I felt like it wasn’t really a challenge. It felt like being a music student still, trying to dazzle each other with complexity and emotion slowly rose through all that and they all just fell away. I was like, ‘No, that is the hardest thing to communicate’ and that’s the challenge. That’s what the greats do is, they get your emotions and you can’t manufacture that and you certainly can’t bamboozle that into people, you have to start with a strong, simple, true, or as close to true as you can manage, emotion and then you can start having fun with it. I think that’s the thing that took us the longest to learn.
Everything Everything’s work has grown more emotional with every record. You’ve got these big concepts around them but that disguises the fact they feel a bit more personal and vulnerable each time… I think that’s what happens to humans. Twenty-three-year-olds are a strange breed to look to for sustenance when it comes to art, there’s a rawness to being that age, it’s an age of discovery. And that stuff is very exciting but there’s no real reason why someone older would create like that or go to that well, it actually gets quite sad when people try to go to that well. Now I’m older and I’m more of an emotional person and I’m less about fireworks and more about volcanoes! I don’t know how to put it, there’s something much deeper now when I create than when I was a young punk.
On that note, rather than me crowbar into an incredibly long question, why don’t you sum up the concept of Mountainhead? It’s extremely simple, a one metaphor fits all type-deal. I knew I wanted to sing about capitalism but not put too fine a point on it. I mean, it’s not a very subtle metaphor. But I knew there were certain elements of it that I wanted to get across, namely the Sisyphean sort of feeling of it being pointless and also, the fact that there’s this trade-off between building the mountain but having to live in the dark, which was a big touchstone for me when I read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher, this sense that our lives are getting worse in some ways, that the more we progress we’re becoming more isolated and we’re shutting off large parts of our humanity in the search for this goal of ever expanding and growing our economy and trying to climb the ladder. It’s simple enough that you can’t really fault it, I’m not saying this is exactly how we live, there’s not enough to it for it to fail. It’s something everyone gets straight away.
A lot of the lyrics touch on that theme but which of the songs is the most personal to you that veer away from the concept? Probably The Witness, that’s definitely not really related to the concept. That’s pretty personal. There’s a line in there about this… I shot this bird with an air rifle when I was a kid. I walked into the shed and I saw it, this cute little chaffinch or whatever and it just sat there looking at me and then I picked up the air rifle, I knew where it was and I killed it.
You bastard! I know, I’m telling you this now cos I felt bad, I’m not saying it was a good thing! For some reason that came back to me. During the very early sessions on the album, we’d all gone away somewhere and when we got back, Alex went up to his studio at the top of his house and a pigeon had got into the room and thrashed and thrashed to get back out for four days, there’s like blood all over, feathers everywhere. I was like, ‘Guys, this is a sign… we’re gonna call it The Pigeon!’. Obviously we didn’t but birds do get into it - Canary obviously is a song there - and this thing about that bird and it flew into my head. That’s very personal. But then the rest of the song is about some fucked up stuff that happened to me in the pandemic that haven’t properly been able to talk about in these situations because it’s a bit too personal, basically. A lot of Raw Data Feel was about trying to deal with that as well. I should’ve called it Raw Data Deal. That’s the only moment I’ve given over to that thing on this newest album, the last song. I haven’t actually been able to listen back to it because it makes me too emotional when I think about what it’s really about. But that’s not for public consumption, it’s not needed.
Fair enough. Tell me about the dynamic between the four of you, because that seems like a really important point in your longevity. Apart from a very early line-up change, it’s been the four of you the whole way. Yeah, it’s great. We’ve settled into our roles over the last 15 years. Alex [Robertshaw, guitarist and keyboards] is very much the producer now and by way of that, he’s ended up writing a lot of the guitar and keyboard parts, which I would usually write more of in the past. I’ve become completely consumed by the emotion of getting the message across in the lyrics and stuff like that, as well as obviously writing songs. But in terms of how they sound, I’m less and less involved or concerned, that’s Alex’s playground more. Mike [Spearman, drummer] and Jez [Pritchard, bass] are very good at taste-making. Me and Alex do 98% of the composition and then those guys are much more like, ‘Well, I feel like this is a good way for us to go or this is better than this one,’ things you can’t really tell when you’re the creator and you think everything’s great. They’re also really good at the whole business side of the band, which is the less romantic end but incredibly important. So talking to accountants and they’re having meetings with the labels and Mike’s producing the videos, getting organised, all the stuff that me and Alex being “the creatives” are terrible at because we have the luxury of being terrible at them. Those guys fill in the gaps and they’re really, really good at that. Jez is really good at meeting people and all that kind of shit, so it works really well. You’ve got at least one person covering every possible angle. I’m doing a lot of the visual stuff now. I’m designing a lot of the visual side of the band, basically most things that we’re tweeting or videos is all being done by me. As a unit we could basically do this by ourselves... if someone gave us loads of money, which is how we operate.
My last question is a random one but it’s been on my mind. On Christmas Day, you dug up a four-year-old Liam Gallagher tweet where he called the producer Dave Sardy “Dave Sardine”, and I wanted to know how your Christmas Day mind had been drawn back to that. Haha! Well, when it happened someone tweeted it to me and I thought was funny and I retweeted then. Then recently, I remembered it and I went to see if it was still there. It was and I was like, ‘I’m gonna save that for Christmas Day’ - it wasn’t related to what I was up to. It’s just like, right, ‘Christmas Day, time to tweet my favourite tweet’. It will always be my favourite tweet because it’s how angry he is about Dave Sardine. It’s so good.
The full article is available on substack.
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aretarers · 4 months
@primsycoldbottles tagged me to give me 5 recent fave songs. hi cupid <3
1. formentera by metric. My last.fm is FUCKED OVER right now i've been listening to the whole of formentera pt. 1 on repeat so much. it's hard to choose a favorite though so you should also listen to what feels like eternity <- GOOD FUCKING SONG
2. aeroplanes by the brobecks (specifically this older version, not the 2021 remaster). i basically went crazy over the entirety of the not-on-streaming-services brobecks discography over the past couple weeks so it's extremely hard to choose just 1 favorite but if i HAD to it would probably be aeroplanes with march 2 as a close second. (i cannot be assed to link them but other recent brobecks faves: march 2, she's a robot, die alone, sleeping pills, honestly a bunch of others but i should stop rambling)
3. mama's gun by glass animals, this is another instance of the whole album being listened to on repeat LOL. take a slice & agnes are also extremely good (as are life itself, the other side of paradise, etc. but i've known about those for longer, i only recently discovered the first three i mentioned)
4. overlap by catfish and the bottlemen
5. handshake by two door cinema club. Unlike the rest of these this isn't a recent discovery by any means I've loved handshake for years. I've just been listening to the shit out of it recently in particular. GOOD fucking SONG
i always feel awkward tagging others with these so . beloved mutuals if you see this consider this as me tagging you thumbsup emoji
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ybep · 6 months
got tagged by @iero to share 5 songs i actually listen to, thank you kam <3
i'm also gonna use this to share songs i'm obsessed with recently (of course aside from all the usual obsessions LMAO)
overlap by catfish and the bottlemen
a hole in the earth by daughter
white whale by everything everything
mirror by the last dinner party
doing it again baby by girl in red
if you want to: @pitchforkhead @stroyent @anordinaryextinction hiiiiiiiiii
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deviledtazz · 9 months
When you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of ur fav songs and then send this ask to 10 of ur favourite followers! (No pressure tho <3)
Im just listing all i can think of: Tongues amd Teeth (The Crane Wives), Shawshank Demo (The Royston Club), Dying in a Hottub (Palaye Royale), Polaroid Picture (Frank Turner), Hoping Maybe (The K's), Overlap (Catfish and the Bottlemen), Right Time (Overpass), Animal I Have Become (Three Days Grace), Plain Sailing Weather (Frank Turner), Karma Police (Radiohead), Lights Out (Mindless Self Indulgence)
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
🎂 Sun Sept 13 ‘20 🎨
It’s Niall’s Birthday!!! He’s 27 today and a bunch of people spent the day wishing him a happy birthday, including some familiar faces like Ashe, Lewis Capaldi, and a million other celebrities. The man of the hour was spotted last night in a London pub having a few pints with Sam Smith! Happy Birthday, man, hope it was a great one! 
The person who did NOT wish him a happy birthday in a timely manner, however, was Liam! How do I know that? Well, he went Live again before dropping another weekly round up video! When the chat reminded him that it was, indeed, Niall’s birthday, he proceeded to panic on camera and assured everyone that he would be giving Niall a call. Aw, it’s okay, I’m terrible with birthdays too - thank God for Facebook, amirite? 
Speaking of Liam, let’s talk about his YouTube career - his weekly roundup is now a monthly roundup, where he showed some of his new art (FIGURE STUDIES AND LANDSCAPES LIKE WHOA, and “maybe I’ll paint some of you guys”- not me no thank you, but what an awesome idea). He also mentioned that he might do some paint-along with the audience, where he and the fans can simultaneously try painting to Bob Ross’ tutorials! He confirmed that he was filming something with his Mom and Dad in his hometown of Wolverhampton the other day. He also reacted to a PHENOMENAL 1D remix that overlapped a lot of old singles, including Night Changes, What Makes You Beautiful, You&I and a few others. He also reacted to tik tok videos - arts and pranks. I particularly enjoyed the one that showed a fake apiarist pretend to drop his box of bees in an elevator. Liam also looked worried, although it was unclear if he was worried for the bees or the woman. 
Before he dropped this video, however, he went live on Tik Tok! The big announcement on his live is that he will be doing a live veeps re-watch of the LP Act Two show with fans, where he’s going to give a running commentary on the performance (despite the fact that he does not like to watch himself perform). He gave out tickets to fans who commented #iwantaticket on Tik Tok and other platforms during his live. The link to BUY tickets will be out soon, so watch this space for that. He also said that he was inviting people to DM him for random selection for a zoom meet and greet with 20 people sometime this week, which is exciting, and confirmed that, if and when there is and LP Act 3, Once In A Lifetime will be on the setlist - it’s his favorite 1D song! 
Without fail, he was asked about The Boys, and he let a little behind the scenes fact slip - they don’t just have ONE group chat, they have MANY. “You know how planning these things go,” he says. Um, NO I DON’T LIAM WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING. He also sang Watermelon Sugar - again - and said “I always get a smile when one of them songs come on … I’m dead proud of everyone. It’s wicked.” Awww, I’m sure they’re proud of you, too! 
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wellitsnotorigami · 4 years
hey I just wanted to say thank u for the - although unintentional- recommendation of Catfish & The Bottlemen from that kiss compilation you did. I loved the song and went to look them up and they are fucking awesome lmaaao. Thank u ❤️
I am constantly trying to inflict them on everybody cos they are fucking awesome, you’re damn right!! lol 😁 I totally deny that I am listening to all three albums over and over and then finding one song that then becomes my priority for the next week. 🤓 Plus Jodie’s a fan, so... 
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crookedndelicate · 5 years
overlap is so fucking good but it also takes me back to one of the worst relationships (and aftermaths) I've ever had and every time I listen to it I don’t know if I wanna dance or cry
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icouldntfindquiet · 2 years
✨ CATB question time! ✨
Hi guys, I nearly forgot my weekly catb questions! If anyone else wants to join in just let me know!
✨ How did you discover catb?
✨ What’s your favourite song off each album?
✨ What’s your least favourite song off each album?
✨ What’s your favourite song performed live?
Thank you for sending these! 🥰
✨ How did you discover catb?
Back at my old job, the first person in can choose the music. My coworker chose the Catfish and the Bottlemen radio station on Pandora and while I was working, I kept hearing bangers and had to know who sang the song. It was Catfish every time so I made a note to listen to their album and loved it! This was back in Feb 2015. I liked their music but didn’t follow them closely at the time. 😔
✨ What’s your favourite song off each album?
It changes all the time but I’ll do last song supremacy. Tyrants, Outside, and Overlap. 😁
✨ What’s your least favourite song off each album?
I’ll say Cocoon, Oxygen, and 2all. Cocoon because I’ve heard it too many times and Oxygen because of the line “oxygen’s overrated, I don’t even need to breathe” because yes you do or else you’ll die. It’s the science person in me, lol. 😅 And 2all is a positive song but I find it kinda lame to sing about the people who’ve had your back. Please don’t come after me, lol! 🙈
✨ What’s your favourite song performed live?
I can’t choose one because they’re a live band and their songs are much better live than they are on the album! 😩 But I will say Tyrants because of the jam session before they go mad. Honorable mention is the jam session in the middle of Business. I love that they find ways to make the songs even better.
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theeleventhhour · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite accs (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Thanks lady 💞 There goes ones of my favs that makes me wanna dance and jump everywhere
Oxytocin - Billie Eilish
Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones
Overlap - Catfish and the Bottlemen
Kiwi - Harry Styles
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
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doomed-syko · 2 years
the way that I barely discovered catfish and the bottlemen only to find out that they broke up & there’s hella drama?? this is too much 😭 anyways what are some of your favorite songs from them lol
oh no anon omg that fucking sucks 😭😭😭 god i wish i could tell you this would her better but we all know i’d be lying 😭😭 okay but to answer your question: fluctuate, red, sidetrack, anything, heathrow, tyrants, outside and overlap are probably my all time favs from them 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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lestappener · 4 years
Would you share your Lestappen playlist? 🙏🏼
Here's a track by track of it:
1. Overlap by Catfish and the Bottlemen
I've found that we end up laughing. So it's sound. And eventually. I know that if paths keep crossing. And your life keeps lapping. Over me
2. Gloom by Creeper
There's all these vacant eyes in the club tonight. We look a lot more human here. You know I loved you once for a couple months
3. Hatef--k by The Bravery
I will show no mercy for you. You had no mercy for me. The only thing that I ask, love me mercilessly
4. Paradise Lost by The Used
Can't bring myself to cut ties. I know you better than anyone. Blessed with this curse my whole life. Won't let me shake the shadow
5. Hate Me Too by The Ghost Club
You hate me, but just wait please. In more ways than one, I'm just like you. And you think all of these things. Are just sitting right outside my view?
6. Hiding by Florence + The Machine
I know you've tried. But something stops you every time. You cry a little, so do I, so do I And it's your pride. That's keeping us still so far apart. But if you give a little, so will I, so will I
7. Hate Me (Sometimes) by Stand Atlantic
Get off on whiplash, I'm losing myself red and I'm blue. I set fires so deliberately. 'Til I taste the smoke, on every part of me
8. You Know Me Too Well by Nothing But Thieves
I left in the night. 'Cause you don't like to see me in the daylight. And maybe you're right. We don't get on so well, when we lose the high
9. I Am A Nightmare by Brand New
I’m not a prophecy come true. I’ve just been goddamn mean to you. So what is this thing laced with Please, don't replace me. I surrender, embrace me. Whatever I'm faced with
10. Lemon To A Knife Fight by The Wombats
I kick and you like to punch. I'm unhinged and you're undone
11. Walls by Emery
You've got the map, come get to me. These knuckles break before they bleed. Tear out these veins that own my heart. This skin that wears your lasting marks. I've built these walls, come get to me
12. You're so Cheap by Dead!
That you can be a bitch. And you can take it too far. You've got your hand on my mouth. Well, I guess that's a start
Let me know your thoughts!!! Or if you'll like more songs :)
Red for Charles, Blue for Max, Black for both.
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1, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, and 20! Sorry for so many!
1.When and how did you discover catfish and the bottlemen?
I just realised I’ve said i answered this question but I didn’t, Not exactly anyway.
I discovered catfish and the bottlemen from my dad, we were in the car going somewhere i don’t remember since it was like 3 or 4 years ago. I have no idea where my dad heard of them from I’ll have to ask him later. The first song i heard was outside and LOVED it. I soon went on to listen to more of their music on my own and a few months later my dad ordered us tickets to go see them! They’ve my favourite band since I first heard them and definitely didn’t think i would get this obsessed or attached to them!😂 
At that time I first heard them I didn’t think ii would meet so many lovely people online! I love talking to you lot! it’s so crazy how much has happened since then...
6. Have you got any favourite lyrics?
i just answered that one, it should be in the post below x😁
7. Which song means the most to you?
outside. I say this because it’s what got my interested in them and it’s such an amazing song. It makes me so emotional to hear it yet i have no idea why lol.
11. What is your dream setist?(please limit to 15 songs.)
christ only 15?! there’s way to many good ones to only choose 15, here you go though...
Longshot- It’s such a good song to start on
kathleen- such an iconic song, HAS to be there
i would have longshot first and tyrants last, other than that they’re all in a random order.
12.What are your favourite unreleased songs?
off the top of my head i’d say harlot, jess, Kathleen, paraffin, Salvador, deal. 
there’s so many more that i just can’t think of 😂
13.which musician or band would you like catfish to collaborate with?
I’ve already answered this but @catb-fics gave me the idea of the strokes. (i think it was them but im not 100%.
20.what TV show would you like catfish and the bottlemen to star in?
I’d love to see everything go to shit on British bake off 😂 I don’t watch many TV shows like that so im not sure. They definitely need to go on some shows though.
thank you for the ask! i honesly don’t mind the amount, I love answering these. Feel free to ask as many as you want!
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tar-oh · 4 years
Pick A Pile!
A little bit earlier, I posted that I was working on a pick a pile and posted a picture of some books to choose from. Here it is! I got it done quicker than I thought, but they ended up being kind of specific? I didn’t really ask a specific question, just asked what the people who chose the piles needed to know. So here are the piles:
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Just choose whichever book appeals the most to you! (Ha, I know most people probably don’t read books about shipwrecks, but that’s what I was feeling today.)
I got a new deck a few days ago that are these fortune cards. I tried to incorporate those into it, and it made it interesting!
Pile 1: If you chose Lost & Found
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Your pile had the least amount of things pop out, sorry! Though, I think you guys had the most songs play?
Cards:  Fixed Moon, a man, the garden, the key, mannaz, the hermit reversed, page of wands reversed, knight of pentacles, the magician
“I tend to focus on the past, and not the now.” - Curveballs by The Wombats
Group one, I didn't really except this to show up, but yours appears to be a love reading. Well. Sort of. First off, I don't really like doing love readings. Well, I mean, I don't HATE IT. In fact, I love love. Both my rising and sun signs are Libra and my venus is Libra, so like, I am the ultimate hopeless romantic. I just don't like doing them because I don't really want to give any false hope, especially since with readings, the energy can shift within a day, especially if it involves other people. So, I want you to take what I say, but not to get too excited.
First off, I'm getting that for some it may not be about love, and could just be about some work situation. For others it's about love. And yet still, with others, it's love inside a workplace. So, I have three things going on here. Whatever it is for you, it's stuck and has been for a little bit of time. Though, recently, or soon, you'll receive some kind of clarity about this situation.
If you're dealing with a job, I'm getting that there is a decision to be made and you're waiting to hear about it. There is someone you're waiting on, someone influential, possibly a boss. The decision will be made, but it will take a little bit of time still. My advice for the people in this situation is to just be patient and focus on what's going on in your daily life rather than the future, or what has and hasn't happened. Sorry I don't have any more to add for those in this situation. I don't really see any indication what you'll be finding out, though I do feel the need to tell you to make sure that this place knows what your capabilities are (especially if you're waiting to hear if you got a job).
For those dealing with a love situation (outside of the work), this is someone you probably met at some public place. Maybe a party, or even a park. I'm leaning more towards somewhere outside. For those of you that it's both work and love, I think you may have met someone at work (A boss maybe? or a co-worker who is maybe higher up than you?). For both situations, I'm getting that right now it's been a stagnant situation for a while. I think you possibly may not really know where you stand within this connection. You will be receiving clarity about this person, but I don't think it will be coming in soon. I pulled the Knight of Pentacles and that card is known for being the slowest of all the knights, so I do take this to mean the clarity you need, but slow clarity. However, it fell out with the Magician, which can talk about action, so I do see action. Just not tomorrow. So, my advice for you is the same as what I gave the people who have just a work situation (without love involved lol), is to just be patient and focus on you. Your daily life can serve as a good distraction. The lyric I pulled was from the song Curveballs by The Wombats, the line "I tend to focus on the past and not the now." You could be replaying all of your interactions with this person back in your head, maybe even thinking about what may come in the future, but what you need to be focusing on is the now. Your moonology card does suggest to be sure of your decision, so I think that you do need to know what you want and to hold on to it, but to also stay present and not get too daydreamy about the future.
Considering that the song I pulled came on while I was working on this pile, I think it's important for you. This song kind of hints at maybe there being more than one person involved in the narrators situation. I don't really want to suggest that maybe this person you're dealing is involved with someone (especially because pulling the man card with the key might suggest someone uncommitted), but I think this could be the case for some of you. I did pull two cards just to see how this person was feeling about you, and I got 6 of cups reversed and 3 of cups. The 3 of cups kind of adds to there being more than one person in this situation (though, it may not even be a person, it could be the job itself), but I think these are saying that this person feels that you're a breath of fresh air to them, someone like no one they've ever met before, as well as someone they feel like they could have a good time with. So, I do think that there is a mutual attraction here, I just think that currently this person is a little unsure themselves what they want, and that's why the Knight of Pentacles came up along with the hermit reversed. I don't like telling you what signs this could involve, since again, I kind of see energy as being fluid, but since your moon card was the Fixed Moon card, I see it could be a fixed sign, so Leo, Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius. If they are a fixed sign, they're probably really stubborn so, like. Look out for that lol.
Overall, just try to stay patient. I know that's not always what you want to hear, but it's all you can do now (unless you want to make the first move and say something to get clarity). The best you can do right now is just focus on you.
The Songs:
Curveballs - The Wombats Second Life - Kitty Next In Line - Walk the Moon  Left Arm - Sleepy Freak  Overlap - Catfish and the Bottlemen  Remember That Night - Grouplove  I Am Easy To Find - The National  Busy Bees - Silversun Pickups
Pile 2: If you chose Fatal Depth
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Cards:  New Moon in Aquarius, Supermoon, sun, child, anchor, death reversed, 2 of swords, 8 of cups thurisaz, algiz, sowulo
"I've tried my best, best to forget, but I can't, I can't I can't." - Be Your Shadow by The Wombats 
For pile two, I'm getting two different situations.
The first situation is more general, the next revolves around love.
Something about your life is changing, but you're feeling a little resistant. I think you're kind of stuck in this weird limbo phase, where you're still stuck in the past, but you also feel the pull of change. You may be a little uncertain how things will turn out, or you're even unsure of what decisions to make. So, in return, you've gone into yourself to think about it. The advice I can give you is that you should try to let go of the past, and be the one to bring forth the change in your life. When you do move forward, you will meet success. Seriously. Outside of you being resistant of change with death reversed and thurisaz, this is a really positive layout. You got 3 confirmations of success (sowulo, the sun card, and Supermoon). So, again, take action! If you are having trouble deciding, I do think you know what's best deep in your heart. If you're spiritual, I think I'd ask for a sign or something along those lines because two of your runes mean connecting with gods, and other parts of the spread seem to speak to that as well. So, listen to your intuition and take action!
The second situation is something to do with love. I think maybe someone is in a relationship and is at a crossroads. I think you can sense that this relationship is changing, and whether it's ending or evolving, I can't say, but something is shifting. I think you're in your head about what you need to do, stay or leave. I can't really tell you what to do, because I think you know it yourself deep down. I can say, like the situation above, I think you'll be happy with the outcome. Also, Cannonball by Grouplove came on, and honestly, this to me is a sign of a need for action. So, think about it, use your intuition, then act. Though, a lot of the songs that came on while I was doing this reading had a lot to do with figuring out whether or not it was worth staying in a situation, so I think some of you are really contemplating leaving. I really don't like telling people to leave something like a relationship, since it's not my business. I just tell you what the cards say. But, it's 11:33, so I'm kind of thinking SOMEONE reading this is thinking this. Look. If you're truly unhappy, then maybe you need to think about this. What are you getting out of it? New Moon in Aquarius asks you to think outside of the box and to detach a bit. I think it's kind of like the Two of swords where she's blindfolding herself. I think you need to try and see things from another perspective and that your answer of what you need to do will be within that. Everything about this spread says there is change coming, so I don't think you can avoid that (no matter how much you're resisting), but I do think that you have power with what is changing if you're able to act. Does that mean leave this altogether? Maybe! You'll know what's the right choice of action for you in your gut.
The Songs: Be Your Shadow - The Wombats (I really feel like only a small portion of this song goes with this, but idk, maybe you’ll find something) Lemonworld - The National (honestly, I don’t know if this really applies to this reading, but it came on and it felt like someone needed it) Spun - Household plastic door// - KennyHoopla Guilty Party - The National (yes, about 70% of my playlists are this band right now lol) Cannonball - grouplove
Pile 3: If you chose Mighty Fitz
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You guys got  a lot of stuff since it all just kept falling out? Cards:  New moon, new moon in taurus, scythe, whip, rider, house, the hanged man, the well reversed, page of pentacles reversed, king of swords reversed gebo, wunjo, pertho ”Rylan, you should get some sun.” - Rylan by The National
First off, pile 3. Please go outside and take a walk. Please! And if it's late where you are, tomorrow, please make time to do so! Or, honestly, any exercise will do (but outside is best). A lot of your reading had additional meanings that called for exercise. Like A LOT, which is funny because I wrote those first two lines before I even realized what else I pulled since I'd pulled the song Rylan by The National for you guys. The line I pulled is saying they should get some sun, and I kind of glanced at some of the cards and was thinking, "I really feel like you SHOULD get some sun, Pile 3". So, that's what I'm going to say first. The next is that you're going through a change. I suggest maybe reading pile 2 once you're done with this, because I think it may apply to some of you. Not all, but to some. Also, maybe pile 1 as well. But that's if you felt called to them, but didn't choose them. They may have something in it for you, even if you weren't called to them. So, back to that change. I really seeing it more as a new start, since that's what New Moon suggests, and so do some of the runes. I do think it's going to be a sudden change, and for some, maybe painful. This change may come in the form of news. For some, it will be good news. For others, it won't seem like good news, but will end up being good in the long run. If it ends up seeming like bad news, then I think this may show up in the form of a person at your door. They may show up to argue. This person (or you) may have betrayed someone's trust, and wants to talk about it. If this happens, I urge you to be the bigger person and try not to be harsh. Don't let them walk over you, stand up for yourself, but do it with grace (as I said this, a song called Say Your Grace came on, so I know I'm definitely on the right track here). Like, this seems super specific, but I have a series of cards, along with the tarot, that just seems to me that someone wants to pick an argument with you. My advice, along with being graceful about it, is to maybe surrender. By that I mean, let it go. New Moon in Taurus says that envy and jealous attracts like energy, so I'm going to say that mean and angry energy attracts the like as well. So, I think you need to remember to stand your ground, but come from a place of love. I'm not really sure what this is really about, outside of maybe someone being immature or betraying someone's trust, but I do know that you need to be the bigger person. I think once you get past all of this, a new start will be coming. Outside of the series of cards that shows me this argument, everything else seems happy. Like you'll come through this okay. I had a song play (that I guess is 10 minutes long?!) that alluded to another song by the same band. The song it alluded to was Gentleman Caller by Cursive (which, damn, may very well be a "gentleman" caller, but one that goes sour, a meaning of the rider card and the whip can be that lmao). There's a part at the end of the song when he sings "the worst is over", and I really think that once you get past this argument, the worst will be over. It doesn't even need to be an argument. If you know who I'm talking about, then maybe you should just nip it in the bud and get it over with by having a civil conversation. I'm sorry I didn't have something better to say, and sorry it seems kind of specific, but hopefully this helps you out! Maybe the songs will be helpful! The Songs: Rylan - The National Dancing On My Own - grouplove’s cover Breathe Underwater - Big Scary Lonely Eyes - The Front Bottoms Staying Alive and Gentleman Caller by Cursive (warning, first ones like 10 minutes lol) Say Your Grace - F.E.A.T.S Don’t Give Up Your Ghost - Movements Let me know if any of these piles resonated!  
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ineloqueent · 4 years
ten songs i’m currently obsessed with
tagged by @archaicmusings — thank you, birdie 🥰
‘bizarre love triangle’ — new order
‘driven by you’ — brian may
‘ride a white swan’ — t. rex
‘don’t stand so close to me’ — the police
‘je te laisserai des mots’ — patrick watson
‘overlap’ — catfish and the bottlemen
‘i feel free’ — cream
‘flick of the wrist’ — queen
‘cry to me’ — solomon burke
‘will you love me tomorrow’ — the shirelles
tags for @imcompletelylost @drivenbybri @aspiringsomeone ✨
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