ang-26 · 4 years
“ everyone is downstairs… ~ take your pants off.” samuel & carla
“Carla, we cannot do that.” Samuel replied while her hands began to unbutton his pants after closing the door of their bedroom behind them.
“It’s our party, I think we can do what we want.” Carla chuckled and Samuel unzipped her dress when she turned around.
Samuel pressed his lips to her neck and she moved her head to the side to give him more access. Carla hummed when he nipped at her pulse.
Carla turned around his arms and Samuel smiled at her when she tipped toe to kiss his lips. Her hands wrapped around his neck, playing with his hair.
“I love you, you know that right?” Samuel said caressing her jaw. Her emerald eyes shinning with happiness and love that mirrored his own.
“It’s our engagement party, I hope that you love me.” Carla teased and Samuel’s arms wrapped around her waist.
Finally, after years of being together, they were happy and in a good place. Life had not been easy for them with challenges threw their ways but they made it work in the end and they were getting married soon which was a victory.
“Let’s have a quickie before Lu comes bragging in here.” Samuel said after brushing his nose with her.
Carla laughed and pulled him to the bed before straddling his laps. She put a hand her small bump and smiled at Samuel, pulling his one of top.
“You’re as horny as the books said you would be.”
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argivebeauty · 5 years
After all, Helen came back a Spartan queen. Alive and unblemished. Menelaus survived and Paris was dead; the greeks returned victorious and Troy had fallen after ten endless years of war. They marched into the city arm in arm. The wronged husband and the regretful wife, ever so joyful of being home again. Back to her rightful owner. Helen had stepped over the blood of both trojans and greek soldiers when they dragged her to her husband’s ship; there had been crimson pools all along the shoreline. It was morning - Sparta was breathing a soft summer breeze when they arrived. The people gathered around to watch the queen’s return, and Helen knew that she had to smile at them, for they had lost husbands, fathers and sons in a war fought for her possession. If I were a woman I would be weeping, Helen thought. As a queen she had no choice. They had to believe she had been unwillingly taken; and for that she had to do what a queen should do best and deceive the common people with her fabricated smiles and declarations of gratitude to each greek warrior who dedicated their lives for her return.
But Hermione was no such people. Influencing others had never been a difficult task, but her persuasiveness was worth nothing when it came to her daughter. It had always been so. Her eyes sought her as they entered the palace where for many years she had reigned, fearing the possibility of not recognizing her own blood. When she left, Hermione was only a child. Now she was older than Helen had been at her birth, but she identified her nonetheless. She was her father’s likeness, but far more beautiful. Her hair as red like Menelaus’, the eyes were also of the same color, and as Helen recalled, she often shared his temper, too.
‘My sweet daughter’, she whispered, facing her with a soft gaze. Whenever Helen closed her eyes, she heard the screaming of the souls departed for her sake and a chill ran down her spine. Her fingers touched a strand of Hermione’s hair, placing it behind her ear. It still felt strange to look at her and think she was her own flesh; motherhood always seemed something so beyond her comprehension, like she couldn’t truly reach it. From the day she birthed her, the experience seemed alien to her. Facing her was more uncomfortable than ever now; for the mere sight of Hermione was a reminder that she had abandoned a child. She was innocent, and she suffered for her mother’s choices. Helen hid her shame by lifting her eyes to look straight into her daughter’s, denying herself the instinct to stare down at her feet. ‘You are a woman now. As beautiful as I knew you would become.’
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a-family-of-fandoms · 5 years
“A Lady Nicole,” Luc called out, walking over to the young woman. “Would you happen to know where my father is right now?”
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steeledstark-blog · 5 years
@songoftroy ♡ this sc
She had been warned beforehand, of the horrors her old friend had been put through, but even that could not prepare her for the figure before her, a shell of a girl she once was. Sansa supposed they both were, in different ways. “Jeyne” she breathed, voice nearly cracking. A reminder to herself to raise her walls, to not break into the tears which were threatening to spill out of her oceanic eyes. 
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Things were so different now, and there was so much regret. The girl had disappeared soon after her father’s beheading, and she had feared that she could be of blame to the fate the brown-haired girl was left to. Heart ached looking at the one she once shared all her secrets between, and secret looks and giggles. She was careful, ignored the overwhelming urge to take her into her arms. “You’re here, you’re alive . . . are you alright?” stupid question, and not one to be answered with ease, but there was a loss and she always fell back on a certain courtesy when out of her depths and unsure HOW to help, if there was any way she even could.
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xqueenofscots · 5 years
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“ your gifts could be your downfall, that is if you are not careful, ” mary offered, though she suspected it could be advice that was misplaced. “ you do understand, i hope? ”
@songoftroy // starter, for nicole? 
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hiddensteel · 5 years
📱 from jeyne!
d e l e t e d   ≫   💖BFF 💖          joff hit me today…d e l e t e d   ≫   💖BFF 💖          am i stupid for still wishing for a happy ending?d e l e t e d   ≫   💖BFF 💖          i’m so sorry i could protect you from ramsayd e l e t e d   ≫   💖BFF 💖          do you ever wish we could go back to being the girls we used to be?d e l e t e d   ≫   💖BFF 💖          if you hurts you again i’ll kill hims e n t   ≫   💖BFF 💖          god you’ll never believe what arya did today. literally THE WORST sister ever !!! 
five texts sansa didn’t send & one that she did  |  accepting !@songoftroy
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opiaismarchive · 5 years
why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰ // accepting
great question !! I’ll start off with a timeline; fyi this got long lolginny weasley is actually one of my first muses ever, I probably first rped her about 10 years ago. I really liked her spunk, how she survived a very traumatic event and grew from it in a way that didn’t make her a martyr or victim of circumstances. I went back to her because I missed her, and I enjoy now discovering the more adult / mature parts of her life. I also happen to think ginny is my most compassionate muse, and it’s fun to think of when she can indeed be every cruel at times. for pelleas, I am all here for a true knight with a heart of gold who has a very dark side + I believe in characters, especially males, who can be soft and still be powerful, so that’s what drew me to him. plus arthurian legend and his devotion to the cause, plus his devotion to love is so fascinating to me. he prays to God but if he was honest to himself, he’d pray to the Goddess of Love because that’s his true religion.for zelda, I really wanted to explore a badass woman who is smart and powerful but also not your typical hero? zelda is very unique among my muses because she’s a no shit taker, but her moral compass doesn’t always point north and she is okay with that. she’s level-headed and calculative and innovative, but she’s also a kind of i don’t want to deal with this so I won’t kind of person. plus, slayer skills - always fun.for father jeremiah, I have this fascination with the catholic church ngl and the idea of rising shining star within the ranks of the church tempted by love and lust is never a boring idea. to me, jeremiah represents the modern age of the church - he is intuned socially and emotionally with his surroundings, he truly believes in God and the bible, and in making reformations to truly be a church for everyone. he is that cool new priests everyone adores and who speaks out against multiple injustices, but he’s also so very flawed and naive at times, it’s fun lol for cesare, I adore my prince ! not only do I love the borgias, but his actual history is so damn fascinating!! and fun!! like, this guy was absolutely going to rule over all of Italy - he built an empire for himself through both being loved and feared, through hard work and ambition and brilliant strategies. (honestly, dany targeryan could never) he is one of the best minds of the renaissance, Machiavelli and Da Vinci were like bffs with him. but he’s also so raw and human and he tries so hard in everything he does? I love my problematic boo, what can I say.for jemma, she came actually out of a plotline with michelle ( @toujoursfleure ) and quickly grew into one of my most dynamic characters. she is so tender and kind in the way she deals with people, but she’s also super reserved and logical in the way she handles herself. when I write for her, I feel like I’m floating in a cold lake and just allowing her to flow through me. AND that sounds like a lot of bs but she’s gone through a lot, so I really have to get myself in a place of tranquility to understand how she’s able to deal with it all and that’s what drew me to her. for andromeda, what drew me most to her is this idea of a young woman from an influential family who absolutely gave up everything because she stood true to her values, and herself. i refuse to believe she simply fell in love (in canon) and that was it. in the way I write her, andromeda was always born to fight with claws and teeth. she tries so hard to not get lost in the storm of wars and division and expectations and to truly, fully, be herself. plus, she’s also on the darker side of my muses and that’s always fun since fanon tends to think of her as this very nice and sweet girl and dismiss the fact that she is very much, still, a Black.for james, I’ve rped already james sirius and lily luna for years, so at first it was a fun idea to think of what I could bring from his family to his role but he took a true and unique form in my mind. he is the true definition of a gryffindor, but what i love most about him is that he’s really surprising to everyone - including myself. unpopular opinion, I think people idolize him and villanize him fairly quickly, and what i love about james is how very human he is, how flawed he can be but how much he is willing to learn.for amara, I think this is one of those I want a female character who people demonize and give her some humanity. mrs zabini is infamous in the wizarding world for killing seven of her husbands and being filthy rich, but no one gets there without a damn good reason. what draws me to her is this idea of a very collected and calculative person who is hurt and hurts others - but can anyone really blame her? I really think people dismissed her as a child, underestimated her as a young adult, and she absolutely used people’s assumptions of her to her advantage. 
while i haven’t played mary magdalene, what most calls me to her is the potential of a matriarch vatican city. honestly, i would still be full catholic if her ideas had reigned over the church vs peter’s. there’s also a lot of sexist issues with her portrayal within the church, which makes me think that they were really scared of her. so to place her in a historical verse where she can push people to what it truly means to follow the messiah she knew is like and spark revolutions, well that is always fun lol
and while i haven’t rped guinevere, I think it goes in the same lines to mary. guinevere is pictured in extremes in literature - she is either meek and submissive catholic fanatic who destroyed arthur’s hopes for a united kingdom, or she is a calculative and evil seductress who also destroyed arthur’s hopes for a united kingdom, almost always due to her relationship with lancelot. why can’t she be both? why can’t she be a capable and clever queen who tried her hardest to navigate her feelings and her religion? 
this got long, my bad lol
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firesqueen-blog · 5 years
stater for @songoftroy || jeyne poole 
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Daenerys offered both of her hands out to help the other woman to her feet. “I keep finding the women in the North are as lovely as the land,” she said. Warmly grasping her hands, as she looked at her. There was a look in her eyes that Daenerys recognized. A look she had herself years ago, frightened, sold to Drogo, sore, hurt, used. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I believe Lady Sansa told me your name was Jeyne?” 
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gravespat-blog · 5 years
     sometimes kenna deeply regrets getting involved with the king, for allowing him to abuse her the way he did. he held his position over her head every chance he took. most of the time, however, she doesn’t regret it for the simple reason that she never would have gotten married to bash and god, she loves him so much. shrugging nonchalantly, kenna admires her wedding ring in the lighting of the window.      ❛ it is in the past now, i don’t dwell on it too often. had i not had a dalliance with the king, i wouldn’t have married bash. ❜     @songoftroy ft. nicole / continued
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threecardtrick · 5 years
⛓ for mary of that's okay?
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It’s an elegant solution to a complicated problem. Given Mary’s... closeness with the king, there might be an issue with Henry marrying Anne, and considering how difficult it already was to get an annulment for his divorce, the notion of having to get a papal bull to bless it was not a likely thing to happen. Hence, this was supposed to somehow side-step this upcoming obstacle. That was the technical way of looking at it, without considering the actual people involved. Mary was a pawn of her family’s, willing to do anything it took to see that their ascension was guaranteed. As for himself, there was pressure from Henry to do what needed to be done that this came to pass, and of course there was Anne, who knew how fragile her rise still was. The ceremony itself was not a grand affair, though Henry was in attendance, though he was sure it was more because he could be around with Anne while having good reason to be so. As if his interest in her wasn’t already an open secret. For the occasion, Thomas had swapped his usual dour black clothes for  a dark emerald, which for him was a more flamboyant choice of attire. He was deep in his goblet of wine, nearly finished it, making some idle talk with his new father in law before he made an excuse to get some food. He ran into his new bride, who also seemed like she wanted a reprieve from conversation. “Are you enjoying yourself?” Lady Boleyn, he nearly said, but she wasn’t any more, was she?
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siamofiorimorti · 5 years
❝ Are you all right? ❞ Julia @ Azzura
some angsty starters || accepting @songoftroy
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La napolitaine sursauta en entendant une voix derrière elle. Elle se pensait seule chez elle, mais un rapide coup d'oeil dans le miroir de la salle de bain lui indiqua qu'elle avait tort. Sa meilleure amie se tenait dans l'embrasure de porte de sa salle de bain. Est-ce que Julia s'était permise de rentrer sans qu'on ne vienne lui ouvrir ou avait-elle passée la nuit ici en compagnie de son frère ? Habituellement, elle aurait creusé la question, mais aujourd'hui, elle ne prit pas la peine de s'interroger plus que de raison. Une fois la surprise passée, elle la laissa tomber et offrit un sourire rassurant à son amie au travers du miroir.                           ❝ Of course. ❞Bien sûr. Bien sûr qu'elle mentait, oui. C'était assez récurent chez elle, par fierté ou par nécessité, il arrivait régulièrement à Azzura de déformer la vérité. Rarement à sa meilleure amie ceci dit. La brunette faisait généralement part d'une grande franchise avec Julia… A un sujet près : Gianni. Elle était déjà tellement suspicieuse de son copain qu'Azzura ne pouvait pas se permettre la moindre erreur au risque que la situation ne prenne une tournure encore plus cauchemardesque.                           ❝ I just got into a fight. It happens. ❞ disait-elle en haussant                            les épaules pour se donner un air détaché.Par la suite, Azzura brisa le regard avec Julia pour se remettre à son activité originale, à savoir : fouiller sa trousse de maquillage à la recherche de son concealer et fond de teint. S'il était vrai qu'il était courant de retrouver Azzura dans une bagarre, elle n'appréciait pas se promener avec des marques visibles pour autant. D'autant plus que laisser ses marques aussi visibles ne feraient qu'attiser la culpabilité de Gianni et Azzura n'était certainement pas d'humeur à l'entendre s'excuser pendant dix minutes.
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ang-26 · 4 years
"I'm pregnant." Cayetana/Lisandro
A defeating silence followed her words. 
She was pregnant. With another man child. 
Lisandro shallowed hard. He knew that it was coming, she had been married for six months and she was already pregnant. 
He avoided her gaze, he couldn’t look at her in the eyes. Lisandro’s heart squeezed painfully in his chest. He obviously knew that they had sex but still it hurt.
Lisandro turned around to look out of the window. It was winter, snow was falling quickly on the plain. He observed the horizon for a few minutes, listening to her breathing behind him. 
It was the first time that they found themselves alone in a six months. Six months were he had to watch her be happy with her husband. His own love life was back on track, he was getting married soon. 
❝Congratulations are in order I suppose.❞ Lisandro finally said when he turned around to face her. 
He observed her and could clearly see the bump under dress, she must be at five months or so. Her cheeks were flushed and her hand unconsciously rubbed the bump happily. She stopped as soon as she saw his eyes looking at her. 
She bit her bottom lip in nervousness. She obviously knew that he wasn’t going to be happy about this news, it was far from what he thought she was going to say when she tugged him away. 
❝Lisandro.❞ She said with a slight tremor in her voice. She closed her eyes and he took a step toward her. 
❝What do you want me to say?❞ He asked angry, “that I’m happy for you when I’m dying from even imagining another man touching you.❞
❝I just wanted you to learn it from me.❞ Cayetana said and took a step forward. Her hand cupped his cheek softly before leaning her forehead against his.
He froze at her touch and closed his eyes anyway. It was the first time in months that he felt her touch. He moved away with difficulty to it was needed when he felt her baby bump touching his flat stomach. 
A tear escaped his eye when she dropped her hand from his face. ❝I hope that he makes you happy.❞
It was his last bitter words to her before he left the room. Lisandro got married three months later almost day by day as the birth of what he would learn later was a baby boy. 
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argivebeauty · 5 years
*little!Hermione crawling in here to give Helen flowers for mother’s day*
On summer the garden glowed in golden shades,wet with morning dew. Often she would rise earlier than the sun to walk betweenthe trees and thick green bushes, and feel the damp grass tickling the spacebetween her toes, with her daughter on her arms – growing heavier by the week,ever since she was born. The sunrays at their weakest were good for the baby’s health.Helen liked to just sit there, weaving garlands with the flowers they picked,like she had done so many times when she was a child. She hadn’t maintained many habits from those days. Sometimes her mind still wandered, foolishly, during theconstant occasions in which she had to suffer through tedious conversationsever since she was made queen, and Helen even thought, idiotically, that itwould have been nice if she could still be playing outside with Clytemnestrainstead of learning about trade routes and their strategic points. It was likeshe had not lived enough of those things. She often met young princes with theirfaces still smooth and plump as hers and wanted to flirt in that silly way that children did – but she had achild at her breast already. Hermione was a pretty jewel. Her giggles weremelodic like she laughed to the sound of Apollo’s lyre, red curls sparkled wildly likethreads of copper down her shoulders, matching the emerald of her eyes. A softand childish version of her father. As precious as she was, there was always astrange feeling in the back of Helen’s mind when she thought of Hermione. Othermothers had something that she simply did not. Her child was a doll, indeed.But Helen herself had barely stopped playing with dolls at the time she wasborn.
‘What a beautiful flower, my darling’, shesaid, the back of her fingers gently brushed against her pale cheek. ‘I’llkeep it by my window, to overlook all others.’
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ang-26 · 4 years
‘your tie is crooked.’ samuel & carla
Samuel looked down and indeed, his tie was crocked. He smirked at her before putting it back in place slowly.
“You’re very observant.” He answered turning to face her with a playful smile on his face. He was holding a glass of expensive champagne of his hand, his thumb circling the top of the glass while observing Carla.
She was wearing a rose golden dress that drew attention to her long legs. His eyes roamed over her in a seductive way. She had her hair up that accentuated her neck and Samuel wanted to run his teeth over her jaw.
“I’ve always been that way.” She answered smiling with her red lips after taking a sip of champagne.
It was true. It was one of her strong suits, always observing people around her, she had years to master it and it infuriated him sometimes.
He took a step toward her before leaning slightly toward her. They couldn’t get carried away with all of these people around them.
“You know, it’s your fault.” Samuel said with a casual voice. She was the one who messed up with his tie when they were in the bathroom together.
That was what they were used to anyway, secrets and hiding rendezvous when her husband wasn’t around. It wasn’t the case tonight but it had been weeks since his lips touched hers that when he saw an opportunity to be alone with her, he took it.
“What I know is that you left a red mark on my breast when you know it’s forbidden.” She said clenching her hand around her glass. It was risky for them to talk about that at this gala but they always loved dangerous games.
He chuckled lightly at her scolding; she was trying to be mad when in reality she wasn’t because she loved it as much as he did.
It was how their affair was, leaving marks in order to piss off the other because their other half would notice immediately. Yeray, her husband, wasn’t the type to do anything that could upset her when Samuel lived for this side of Carla.
“You love it, don’t deny it. Enjoy the rest of your boring night with your husband.” Samuel replied when he saw Yeray coming toward them with a smile on his face.
They had been associating for years and Yeray still didn’t know or didn’t care that his lawyer was fucking his wife. The latter was probably the best answer, how many times the concealer didn’t work on Samuel’s marks and Yeray was still with her. He was with her for money and power while Carla deserved to be loved to the fullest by one man and this man was Samuel but he didn’t have his chance. He never would.
Samuel walked away before she could respond and took home a girl with him to his empty apartment that was only waited for Carla but she would never show up here when Yeray was in town.
#songoftroy #samuelxcarla 
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ang-26 · 4 years
“ did you really just kiss her? ” samuel & carla
“It’s funny hearing this from you.” Samuel answered smugly taking a sip of his beer when she crossed her arms over her chest in anger.
He loved pushing her buttons, she usually wasn’t jealous or at least she didn’t show it. Frankly, it wasn’t even a kiss it was a peck on the cheek and then she turned her head. But Jealous-Carla was a sight to see. She absolutely hated not having control over a situation and this was one of them.
All of their friends were here to celebrate the end of grad school. Three years into their studies and they finally all could be in Madrid for a week. This night had begun like every other parties.
A small dose of alcohol to loosen up a little after the stress of these exams and everyone was in a better place. Until a bachelorette party arrived in the club and asked the single guys in their groups to come and dance with them.
Samuel was single, well not really but Carla didn’t want their friends to know about them, not after what happened in high school. He was sick of hearing this and jumped on this occasion to dance with a pretty girl. It wasn’t like he was going to make out with her or something. It was just a kiss on the cheek to thank him for a lovely dance and she turned her head to kiss him on the lips.
Obviously, he pushed her away and left because he wasn’t really single but it pissed Carla off that he decided to go. He knew how she could be but he still went there to see what her reaction would be. It didn’t prepare him for the death glare she threw his way when he got back to their table.
They were the only one there while their friends were dancing, or drinking at the bar. “Samuel, I’m really trying not to lose my patience.”
Carla said with a certain warning in her voice, saying something like don’t-go-there, but the alcohol in his veins made him bold. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his body and whispered in her ear. “I thought that we weren’t together.”
She pushed him away from her body and glared at him once again before going to the bathroom. He followed her before locking the door behind him. “Does this bring back memories?”
Samuel grinned smugly and walked to her. It was in a bathroom that their first time happened. “Just to be clear I didn’t kiss her. I would never do that to you. But it showed you how much I hate it when guys threw themselves at you. It’s driving me crazy with the need to mark you.”
Carla raised up her chin in superiority and Samuel laughed. He walked to her, pushing her into the counter while his hands found their way to her neck. His left hand moved to her necklace and got it out from her neck to examine it. It was a ring. A ring that meant everything to him, he was giving her his love after everything that happened between them to finally be here today.
Samuel caught her eyes with he brought it to his lips to kiss it, like a promise of what would come when they would get home tonight. Her gaze softens at the sight and he knew that he won her back.
“I’m forgiven?” Samuel murmured in her ear when she extended her neck to his hot tongue lapping and kissing that he knew would drive her crazy with need. It was one of her weak points that he learned right from the beginning.
“Shut up and fuck me.” Carla replied in a breathy voice when his hands moved to raise up her dress until his hands reached her panties. Her breathe accelerate when his fingers touched her inner thigh, close to where she wanted him the most but not close enough for her liking. She clawed her nails in his forearm when he didn’t move fast enough for her.
“Love you too darling.” It was his last words before he unbuttoned his pants and she was no longer mad at him.
#songoftroy #jealous carla #love them 
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siamofiorimorti · 5 years
[wrong number text to Azzura]: i just don’t know if i love him anymore
TEXT MEME || Accepting @songoftroy
[Text Julizza 🥂] : Are we talking about Dylan or Blu ?[Text Julizza 🥂] : Pick up your damn phone. You're not getting away with this ![Text Julizza 🥂] : I swear to god, if I'm not on the phone with you within five minutes I'm flying to Malaysia !!
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