theamityelf · 2 months
One of those AU's where the 77th class saves Izuru from the labs (no Tragedy)...
...except once they get him out, he has to move into, you guessed it, the Soniakanedam apartment.
That's right! I want Izuru sitting on a tan sofa (that Sonia picked out), staring into space while one of Gundham's birds just lands on his head. Everyone from the 77th class is in there, debating what to do about this guy they technically stole from Hope's Peak.
(Akane is not debating. She is sitting on the sofa next to him, eating dinner. Periodically, she interjects into their conversation saying stuff like, "You guys know that Sonia made dinner, right?" and "I'm gonna get seconds. Everyone else already ate, right?" Ibuki's standing behind the couch, playing with Izuru's hair and also not taking much of a role in the debate.)
Chiaki asks Izuru what he wants to do, and he says he has no opinion on the subject.
(Nagito would gladly take him in, but unfortunately his house recently burned down. He's actually staying with Kazuichi, as it is, while he looks for a new place.)
(Fuyuhiko could take him in, and probably will at some point. Most likely, he'll be bouncing between whichever members of the 77th class can host him at a given time. For now, Fuyuhiko has a lot of yakuza stuff to focus on, so it's the apartment.)
Izuru just casually drifting from room to room, or sitting perfectly still in an armchair in the living room with a very pregnant cat in his lap.
When Akane's younger siblings visit, they just treat him like a regular grown up. So, very "Do you have games on your phone?" energy. (He tonelessly tells them he doesn't have a phone.) One of the little ones discovers that they can straight up climb on him and he won't react, so whenever he wanders the apartment, there's probably a five-year-old, a seven-year-old, and a nine-year-old just dangling off him. (Akane makes them stop when she sees them doing it, but Izuru himself doesn't mind.)
Sonia is strict about making sure Izuru comes to meals and eats and goes to bed and just generally acts like he cares about himself. She's the main one who's willing to directly and vocally confront the flaws in his worldview, when they come up.
Akane tries to get him involved in whatever activities she's doing. She wants to see how many pull-ups he can do, she wants to arm wrestle, she wants to go for a run (which for her includes scaling buildings).
And when Izuru feels the need to isolate himself, Gundham gives him his space or approaches quietly and slowly. Lots of parallel play. When Izuru wears the same outfit for days in a row, Gundham just does the laundry without comment. When Gundham launches into a grandiloquent speech, Izuru is just staring back owlishly. Eventually, he starts responding in kind, like he's learned Gundham's language.
I'm saying it would be the wholesome platonic living situation for him. And also Ultimate Babysitter heck yeah.
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theamityelf · 10 months
I feel like the easiest person to polyship with Sonia and Gundham is Hajime; I feel like that ship would genuinely be easy as breathing. But for the sake of the fact that I like Sonia and Akane together, I have to think about how a Sonia/Akane/Gundham polyship would work, as far as the Akane/Gundham leg. (Obviously, it could just be Sonia poly for both of them without anything between Akane and Gundham, but I have a personal fondness for an equilateral triangle.)
So, Akane and Gundham both have a particular history with food, and specifically its availability and palatability, so they can both get excited about good food.
They also both have an extremely fraught relationship with touch, which they have essentially opposite reactions to, but they're the same in that their own preferences are at odds with their self-image and it's their self-image that informs how they approach the matter of physical contact.
They're both passionate in confrontations, they both think highly of their battle prowess, and they're both observant.
The main obstacle is that, while Sonia is willing to commit to Gundham's bit, Akane might at times either be unwilling to commit to the bit (like after case 4 in SDR2) or just not get the bit in the first place. But if anything I think that has the potential for some really cute moments.
Gundham: Will the Lady of Darkness and the Lady of Bloodstained Fields prove amenable to a pilgrimage on the rocky shores?
Sonia: A walk on the beach? What do you think, Akane?
Akane: Am I the 'bloodstained' one?
Gundham: (blushing, hiding in scarf) Yes.
Akane: Sweet! Sure, I'll go.
Also, the hamsters would love her. I could see her doing her battle-ready face with all the Devas on her arms with glowing red eyes.
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theamityelf · 4 months
I really want Sonia, Akane, and Gundham to share an apartment, after they graduate Hope's Peak.
Sonia could just move them both into her palace, but they all prefer to live like normal people, so they get a regular place, and she does not accept an allowance from Novoselic. If she brings in money, she does it selling creepy handmade stuffed animals or starting a YouTube channel or almost-literally anything that doesn't directly rely on her royal status.
As far as apartment chores, Sonia cooks, Gundham cleans, and Akane shops. Akane brings in prize money and sponsor money from her gymnastics, Gundham brings in money from breeding and pet-sitting, and Sonia I imagine having a handful of side-hustles. (Also, Sonia would absolutely be someone to win TV trivia contests and the like, so she's often winning gift cards to restaurants they can all go to, on dates.)
It's a three-bedroom apartment, but they share one room; one is for guests; and one is a pet sanctuary. They shop for furniture and decor together. There's a lot of dark purple in the curtains and rugs and light colors in the upholstery of loveseats and chairs. Pull-up bars in every doorway; they all use them. Also, sometimes parakeets perch on them.
Sonia keeps ice packs ready in the freezer, for when Akane comes home sore or injured.
They have monogrammed towels in the bathroom that read "Supreme Overlord of Ice", "Lady of Darkness", and "Lady of the Bloodstained Fields".
The hamsters are always there, but there will also be temporary dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc. Both Sonia and Akane take this in stride; if Gundham forgets a snake on the couch, he'll shortly hear Akane call out, "Snake on the couch; cool if I move it?" or walk back into the room to see Sonia wearing it like a boa.
At any given time, two or three of Akane's younger siblings might be crashing there, if they've been missing Akane or their parents have disappeared on them. Sonia loves them. When they start calling her "Big Sis Sonia", she feels so honored. Gundham introduces them to whatever animals he has on hand that don't bite.
Akane and Gundham gradually learn Sonia's language. (Akane starts picking it up inadvertently, just from overhearing Sonia on the phone, and when Sonia realizes that Akane has picked up an impressive amount of phrases from her, she asks if either of them want to know more.)
They have "house rules", but those are pretty much just for when their classmates visit, because they've learned the hard way that Ibuki will scare the animals if they let her bring her guitar, Kazuichi will fix everything regardless of whether it's actually broken, and Nekomaru, left unchecked, will clog the toilets and leave them like that. He's a frequent visitor. Whenever Nagito is about to visit, they try to luck-proof the whole place, but it doesn't work. When Chiaki comes to visit, they know to have the guest room ready for when she inevitably falls asleep.
They grow pumpkins on the balcony.
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theamityelf · 5 months
Sonia would absolutely love to sweep Akane and/or Gundham off their feet. Gifts, and spontaneous outings, and under the right circumstances literally picking them up (or at least trying to, but I believe she would succeed).
And neither of them would know how to handle it. Gundham blushes profusely at positive singular attention on any level, and Akane is, to put it delicately, confused about Sonia's intentions.
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theamityelf · 7 months
I love the idea of Pre-Tragedy Soniakanedam. I love the idea of Princess Sonia returning to Novoselic with her two partners, Akane and Gundham.
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theamityelf · 10 months
Settings where Soniakanedam would thrive, as a throuple:
Spa day. Just set them loose on a room with a hot tub, some oils, some face masks, etc. And let Akane eat some of the cucumber slices; she gives the seeds to the Devas. (I refuse to Google whether hamsters can/would eat cucumber seeds. Let's agree to assume it's fine.)
Theme park. Sonia and Akane do the rollercoasters together, Gundham and Sonia do haunted houses together, Akane and Gundham do activities like the high striker and rock climbing (tbf, Sonia would probably enjoy those, too.), Akane buys Sonia and Gundham food because it makes her happy, Gundham wins Akane and Sonia tons of stuffed animals at ring toss, etc. I love the idea of Sonia and Akane both holding giant, fluffy stuffed animals while Gundham's looking really proud of himself.
Zoo. They might free/steal some animals, though. Depends on how Gundham feels about the enclosures and staff. But it could be just a normal pleasant zoo trip. Let Sonia hold a snake.
Fencing class. I feel like Sonia has probably had a fencing teacher at some point, and it seems like a kind of physical activity they'd all enjoy. I doubt they'd follow the rules the whole time, though.
Obstacle course. Sonia and Gundham could participate or they could just watch Akane dominate and cheer her on. Either way, they'd have fun.
I mean, we already know they've enjoyed going to the beach.
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theamityelf · 5 months
My Danganronpa AU Masterlist
Because I realized I need some organization on my blog, lol.
First, my actual fanfiction is mostly on AO3; these will be just Tumblr stuff. Feel free to send an ask about any of these!
AU's are listed in alphabetical order, and the bullet points for each AU are in the order I think would be most coherent for anyone unfamiliar with the AU. I had to limit the amount of posts I included as bullet points, because this post really tested the hyperlink limit at first, lol. In the future, I might make separate masterlists for some of the longer, more detailed AU's in this post, so I can just link the masterlists here. That'll give me room for more links, lol.
Also, check out my Danganronpa analysis tag for posts I've made or reblogged that I just think are interesting from a meta perspective.
Crossover AU's (DR Characters placed in Other Fictional Universe)- has its own masterlist
Plot/Premise AU's
Aikido Makoto AU (someone teaches Makoto aikido)- full tag
Both Classes Despair AU- full tag
Makoto and Class 77
Bowtie Polycule AU (Naegamigiri/Kamukomaegi)- full tag
Living arrangements
Assassination attempts
Food shenanigans
Chiaki Vampire AU- full tag
Class 79 AU (where V3 cast is class 79)- full tag
Celeste and Angie
Junko and Angie
Makoto and Shuichi
Upperclassman Taka
Hinaegi School AU- full tag
Hinaegi schooltime luck shenanigans
Main Course reaction
Reserve Course reaction
Hajime insecurity
Sakakura incident
Izuru insecurity
Kamuegi introspective cuddles
Hope's Peak Debate Club AU- full tag
Premise/Polyamory web
Kyoko and Makoto
Hope's Peak Deradicalization Class AU- full tag
Premise (Nagito and Angie)
Immortals AU- full tag
Kaede in THH AU- full tag
Kamuegi Hope Tutor AU- full tag
Kamukuras AU (other characters undergo Kamukura Project)- has its own masterlist
Komaeda Chaperone AU- full tag
Nagito and Monokuma
Misc Nagito Moments in Chapters 1-3
Komaegi-ish in Chapter 2
Komaegi in Chapters 3-4
Komaeda Intern AU- full tag
Sick Day (+bonus)
Komaegi UDG AU- full tag
Nagito, Makoto, and Yuta adventure
Caretaker Nagito
Offshoot: Successor Makoto arc- full tag
Komahinaegi School AU- full tag
Phone wallpaper
Nagito's Internet presence
Naegami rebound arc (Komahinaenami polycule forms after Naegami breaks up)- full tag
Makoto in Other Killing Games AU's- has its own masterlist
Memory Kidnapping AU (Yandere Kamukura)- full tag
Aftermath: keeping memory ; losing memory
Mini Classmate AU's (doll-sized DR characters cared for by normal-sized DR characters)- has its own masterlist
Naejunko Breakup Komaegi AU- full tag
Patron Celeste AU (Celeste/Angie)- full tag
Celeste pining part 1, part 2
Separate Izuru AU- full tag
Shuichi in THH AU- full tag
Soniakanedam Apartment AU- full tag
Soulmate AU- full tag
Variety list
Makoto and Junko (+bonus)
Makoto and the whole class
Survivors Killing Game AU- full tag
Ultimate Makoto AU (where Makoto is Ultimate something)- full tag
Multiship brainstorm
Undead AU (lucksters care for infected class)- has its own masterlist
Vampire AU- full tag
Blood rationing
Hope blood vs. Despair blood
How it happened and why it's this bad
THH Survivors locked away
Kamukomaegi feeding time
Vampire Makoto arc- full tag
Werewolf Makoto AU- full tag
Werewolf Pandemic AU- full tag
Wings AU- full tag
Crossover AU's (Characters from Other Fictional Universe placed in Danganronpa)
Disney Descendants Danganronpa AU- full tag
Ultimates List
Riordanverse Danganronpa AU- full tag
I hope you enjoy, and I hope this masterlist is useful! (At the very least, it's useful to me, lol.)
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theamityelf · 9 months
Much like Sakura, I feel like a lot of people would have it bad for Akane. It's honestly wild that she didn't have a Kazuichi or Tenko equivalent, because people would simp so hard for her. Like, she is what "Not to be a lesbian but oh my god" was made for. The parkour, the casual disposition, the gleefully clueless behavior? Get outta here. She goes through life with such an air of confidence, she completely lacks self-consciousness when she admits she doesn't understand something, she has a cute smile, come on. This girl has Undyne energy.
In fact, here's me lowballing a list of characters I think had a crush on Akane when they were attending Hope's Peak:
Chihiro. Absolutely. Akane is strong in so many ways that Chihiro would appreciate. I can just see Chihiro in the library working on some new project (maybe white hat hacking the school) and Akane parkours past a window and Chihiro just runs up to the window and stares out, admiring. Chihiro blushing when Akane walks past. Chihiro smiling shyly when Akane calls her by the misremembered name she never corrected. (Might be "Cheerio" or "Fuji Apples".) One day Chihiro and Chiaki are hanging out, and Chihiro mentions having a crush on Akane (which, to a lot of people, would be like playing a Tomb Raider game and saying, "Wait a minute, is Lara Croft kind of hot?"), and Chiaki just goes, "Of course. She's the Undyne to your Alphys." And it changes Chihiro's life.
Mahiru. She swears she usually likes people she considers "reliable", but Akane's free spirit nature just really speaks to her. (Not to give credence to Freud, but I do think the experience of her mother often being out of reach was a formative one, and Akane being someone who will be having a conversation with you one minute, fighting coach the next, and climbing the school the next, would maybe invoke a lot of those feelings for Mahiru.) And she starts to notice that Akane has some depth to her that others don't care to notice, and that drives her crazy. Someone talks crap about Akane, and Mahiru lambastes them to the moon and back. Hiyoko would hate it. Like, it would be just the hugest force of humbling for Hiyoko. I like Hiyoko, by the by; it's just deeply funny how much of her classism would get challenged over this.
Gundham. I kind of addressed this in my Soniakanedam posts, but yeah, I feel like Gundham could easily have a crush on both Akane and Sonia for very different reasons. He has two subtly different energies that he likes to embody, and Akane matches one and Sonia matches the other, and it blends so well. And not for nothing, he would be such a gentleman about it.
Mikan. Easy. Akane is just walking around slightly injured all the time, and she's there insisting Akane sits down so she can at least bandage her, and also cautioning that Akane should really wear a helmet when she does dangerous things, and generally fretting over her in a way she doesn't get a lot. And Akane defends her to other people in a way she doesn't get a lot. It's easy.
Teruteru, but that's almost a free space.
Leon, but with a vibe comparable to Teruteru, in that I'm not serious about it.
Makoto could have a small crush on her, probably in passing. I'm hearing "big-boobed supermodel" and I'm thinking he would at least notice her as an older student who is pretty and cooler than him.
Potentially Nekomaru, but I think it would take him a while to recognize his feelings for what they are. And also I'm kind of partial to them being the way they are but it's completely platonic. But romantically, it's a nice ship that I do like.
(Okay so I have thought about a throuple with Akane, Fuyuhiko, and Peko for a while now, but I'll save that for some other time. It might just be that I want to ship Akane with Peko. It's kind of a Celeste/Hina situation, in that I think Peko would not want to have a crush on Akane but would be unable to help it. Any potential for romance between Fuyuhiko and Akane I mostly see in the post-SDR2 space.)
The only reason I'm not listing Sonia is because I see it less as a crush than a casually flirty friendship with the potential to become more.
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