#sonic riders shatterverse au
tanglesoup · 11 months
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so i kept saying that i was going to post my oc and now i am after finding all of the art i still have saved on my phone (i have more of them i just haven’t got pictures of it all since they’re on the board that’ll be ordering back). before i give an introduction under the cut i’d just like to give the context that this was for part of my higher art project focusing on design (it wasn’t solely about them it was about a whole game) and the design was for a brand new sonic riders game that also happened to be a crossover with sonic prime which at the time had just released its first season. i’ll give more context in another post featuring other art i had to do for it but this post is about my oc!
everybody meet everett! they use they/them pronouns and they’re a snow leopard!
they live in the caves at the mountain tops of the stellar mountain range protecting their world’s prism shard known as “The Atlas Star” (protecting it similarly to how knuckles protects the master emerald of how thorn rose protects the great green). most days are spent on guard protecting the prism from the only others that they know, those others being the babylon rogues who would love more than anything to get their hands on the shard. they aren’t always alone however as they have a chao companion who often keeps them company while they’re guarding the shard and helping chase away the rogues whenever they get too close. when the day’s hard work is done however everett will sit and stare out at the stars reading them and hoping and wishing on them for good fortune to come.
it just so happens that one of these nights while hoping for good fortune that something peculiar happens to the snow leopard as they watch a blue blur crash into the evergreen forests below the mountain. i wonder what that could be…
i chose the name everett because i saw from multiple sources that it meant “brave” and felt that fit them well having to fight for their shard constantly and put the shard before themself a lot. i’ve also always associated snow leopard with being very brave animals living in the snowy and mountainous conditions that they live in naturally. the name also kind of sounded like mount everest which was also fitting.
when it came to making their design i knew i wasn’t going to go for typical snow leopard colours because this is a sonic oc we’re talking about and hedgehogs aren’t exactly blue in real life. i was either going to go with dark blue or purple spots and i, obviously ended up going for the purple to match the purple present on the atlas star. the blue colour however wasn’t completely lost as that then became their eye colour! their markings were surprisingly hard to figure out and keep consistent throughout their design but i ended up figuring something i felt was good eventually. the star marking on their forehead is really something i should’ve included from the start since everett is really closely connected with the stars (wether that be the atlas star, the stars on their gear or the stars they watch every night) but it didn’t click until later when i needed to fill a blank void on their head. the hair tuft was also another later edition, so late in fact that it wasn’t present in any of the pencil drawings of them. i added the hair tuft purely because they looks strange without having anything on their head and it turned out very cute!
their extreme gear was very simple to come up with as i just wanted to have fun and mess around with the colour scheme for their board since i was stuck without a very varied pallet for sonic and jet. their goggles are the original blue that i mixed for the sonic art i made for the front cover of the box art along with a lighter and darker shade. their gloves have textured grips on their fingers and palms to aid in climbing slopes and rocks easier and it isn’t seen here but their snow boots have paw print markings on the bottoms of them. i gave them scuffed knee pads because i liked the idea that they weren’t a very experienced flier on their extreme gear which has lead to a lot of falls on their knees during their practice attempts. even if they aren’t a good flier though they’re a very good snowboarder.
i loved designing everett and they’re probably the best thing that came out of that art class. i’d like to sincerely thank everett for getting me that B in higher art thank you. even though i don’t take art anymore i’m still going to draw everett because why the heck not, right?
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tanglesoup · 9 months
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this is the jet i drew for my higher art and au
he was the only one of the rogues i drew since he was the only one of them on the cover this drawing was on the back of the case but he was also on the front illustration too!
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tanglesoup · 11 months
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some non-final design everett’s for your consideration featuring their lovely chao who never got a name
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tanglesoup · 9 months
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these are all the rest of the separate components that i cobbled together in a word document and while i’m posting these i might as well post the thumbnails for the cover since i don’t think it needs its own post lol
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tanglesoup · 9 months
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more of my au anybody?
featuring the final product and all of the leftover stuff that didn’t make it onto the final board that got sent away! (i’ve ordered the board back to fingers crossed it comes back soon and safe) i decided to scrap book all of the unused stuff together into my sketch book so everything was nice and together and i think it came out great!!
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these are the only pictures i have of the stuff on the board lol
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