#sonic the butterfly effect
caffeine-clouds · 1 year
*clears throat* I may or may not be working on Chapter 45 of TBE after literal months of a hiatus. The title of the next chapter may or may not be called "Messy Improvisation" I also may or may not be planning to release that chapter on the same day as I release "Memory Lane" of Agent Blue heeehheeeeee
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sonicchaos · 1 year
Sonic: oh hey Silver, whats up?
Silver: the future is in ruins and I need to find out what happened.
Tails: again??? What happened?
Silver: the fucking planet split apart and this giant-
Sonic: ah, yeah it just does that sometimes.
Silver: wha-
Tails: yeah it happens every few hundred years, it’ll sort itself out. Unless it was forced prematurely…
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sakuraswordly · 2 years
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Some flashback memories:
Sonic: Can I keep him?
Velvet: Sonic. You know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.
Tails: A long time ago, I once had friends and the only family I had. Me, bokkun, Magillanica and Ivo.
Magilou: To put it short, he’s the exorcist’s shadow. Sincerity and conviction alone won’t save the world to remain free of malevolence, they need someone to do their dirty work. A shadow. Melchior was training me and Ivo to be the shadow for the next leader of the exorcists...Artorius himself.
Laphicet: Both of you are not just used to it. You've changed.
Sonic: Go home?
Eggman: I know you understand. Do you think this will last forever? I know you having a good time. You’re having a good time living with them everyday. If people from our world keep coming to this world, there’s going to be friction.
Peter: Your child’s personality? So that mean.....
Gilgamesh: True. As I told you earlier, Sonic’s existence similar to Watanuki’s but not the same.
Homura: You and Danny were different so you should be careful to not turn into one, okay? Or don't interfere because you don't have a human form or human vessel like me.
Sonic: Syaoran, you are the incarnation of King Arthur. As for me, I am the incarnation of King Gilgamesh. That's why I am the only one who can use chaos emeralds to turn into super form.
Tails: I've changed a lot since I started hanging with Sonic, but I can't depend on him forever. I know I can do this by myself! I need to protect him! Okay, Metarex! Bring it on!
Punch: You knew something that I don't know.
Danny: What if we were to turn into weird monsters who, like us, are not the next because of despair and malevolence? I was very afraid. I could not do it If I can't control my despair. Is there anyhing we can do? Jazz is going to become a witch..
Sonic: Both me and Punch are scared too. Even if it was scary, painful, or too much to bear, we can all talk and cry together. We should never exist or become monsters that we don't want to, but as long as we were together, I wouldn't have any regrets!
Source Character:
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Sonic Crowe or Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic's Original created by Sonic Team, is a video game developer owned by the Japanese video game company Sega as part of its Sega CS Research and Development No. 2 division. Sonic Team is best known for the long-running Sonic the Hedgehog series. As Sega's mascot and one of the key reasons for the company's success during the 16-bit era of video game consoles, Sonic is one of the most famous video game characters in the world. This picture was from Sonic X, is an anime series loosely based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It was animated and produced in Japan by TMS Entertainment with the partnership of Sega and Sonic Team. It was first broadcasted in Japan in April 2003 by TV Tokyo.(But in my country, Sonic is not very popular, and few of people know about this little guy.)
Name; Sonic the Hedgehog English 
Known as; Sonic 
Species; Hedgehog 
Gender; Male 
Height; 100cm 
Weight; 35kg 
Age; 15 years old 
Running Speed; Supersonic speed
Gilgamesh is the top hardest character to write, Punch is the second hard character to write and Sonic is the third hard character to write. In the first encounter(Tsofph story), everyone gave Sonic the title as an innocent child. Sonic doesn't know what hurt is, what love is and what the outside world how much cruel world is. Grimoirh said that Sonic himself was not the hedgehog or Allen, he hie something that keep him safe from the outside world, and that's why Syaoran's group couldn't find Sonic world dimension. Sonic world's dimension itself had sealed off away until oneday when Sonic fighter Dr Eggman. Sonic managed to trick the robot into shooting the machine the Chaos Emeralds had been powering. The machine malfunctions and caused Chaos Control, warping everyone to another world, Earth(Chris' world). So basically, Sonic broke the seal with the power of Chaos Emeralds by himself. Sonic is the fastest creature with the greatest powerful unknown inside him, he has a great hatred of crookedness and cannot bear to witness troubled people. He hates to be bored, and restrained always goes on carefree adventures, prefers to be alone, he likes to relax often and both love and hate himself. He doesn't like to be famous but wants everyone to acknowledge that he is the best and coolest. Sonic love himself, everyone and the world or many worlds. Sonic believes that everyone has a good heart (Even Dr Eggman) and can change their heart or save their saddest heart. Sonic is arrogant, cares for others, very sensitive heart, and approval others. His favourite food is still Chili Dogs. Sonic had the ability to see slow motion when he runs, can understand different languages even nature but can't read different languages, has healing magic, can see some destiny lines around him(Like Punch), has the ability to see or hear the invisible(Like Sakura and Chester)and the power of good luck. Sonic is afraid of deep water or deep ocean, and if it takes too much longer, Sonic will crazy and run around. But if want Sonic to feel safe from deep water, there need some friends that Sonic trust the most about his safety. Sonic is an orphan and before found and took care of by Uncle Chuck and Queen Aleena. Nature was the one taking care of him even feeding him(Trees, wind and water). Sonic still believe he had a family because he had a memory relationship with his brother.
Gilgamesh: I was chosen by nature to become the next leader, and even though I lost my family even though they are not my family in blood, nature around the earth still takes care of me. That's why I understand how much those trees meant to you, Enkidu.
Enkidu: So that's why you create the garden of Babylon.
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Sonic's ideal is "Freedom". Sonic want the best for everyone not only for himself. That makes him curse himself more without knowing, which can cost his life just like in Sonic frontiers. (From this blog (Source:tumblr.com/nightfurylover31))
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[The reason that makes his being corrupted so much more painful.   This isn't just about saving his friends anymore. It's so they can live their dreams. Having their freedom, even if it costs Sonic his own.] Sonic still don't know about the curse of Vaten Hörmulegt that he had. 
Yuuko: If you use too much power until the curse is awakened, the illness will slowly control you and turn you into a tool. (Similar illness in Sonic frontiers)
Sonic believes in himself and often didn't listen to his friends. But thankfully Sonic had the ability to read people's hearts and feeling(Even Allen and nature). When Sonic and Velvet have different arrangements, Sonic feels terrible for hurting Velvet's feelings because Sonic doesn't understand Velvet why he can't run or tells him he doesn't know how much dangerous is and why he can't fight some monsters. Similar to this scene in Sonic Prime.
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Source Picture: tumblr.com/descendant-of-truth
Sonic looked so sad in this scene, you can really tell he feels horrible about hurting Tails's feelings. But he can't understand why Tails is upset. (He misunderstood the word "trap" that Tails warn him about it.)
Tails: Even though there were so many times that Sonic didn't listen to me, he was still the only best friend that can understand me.
Until Tsofph season 6, by little, Sonic start to be willing to be passive and obedient to his friends. Because his legs were injured. Before meeting Leia(Tales of xillia) and Subaru( Tokyo Babylon ), Syaoran mention that Sonic missed Tails a lot and couldn't sleep well. Sonic was afraid that without him, Tails would be hurt, but thankfully Syaoran showed Sonic that Tails will be alright on his own because Sonic could see Tails in Syaoran. They shared something similar, the soul is the one. We all know that Tails is Sonic’s biggest fan by far. But a lot of people don’t know that Sonic is Tails' number one fan. That's how Sonic thinks about Syaoran. For a long journey, Sonic trust Syaoran and they can understand each other very well just like the relationship between Sonic and Tails.
Sonic: Tails did say to me once that I am their hope. Even you, Syaoran, you also said the same thing that my little bro said. Do you know? I'm kinda happy. When we first travelled together, you don't know how much happy I am.Thank you so much for always cheering me up. You kinda much like Tails but not the same.  
Syaoran: Umm...What did I make you happy?
Source conversation: tumblr.com/sakuraswordly
Bonus: The first time Tails met Sonic in Tsofph story:
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Source picture from Sonic X EP 18
Velvet: How you and Sonic met? Tails: After I lost my family and I only had the thing I made together with my family. Everyone around me said that thing is a tool weapon and they destroyed it. I cry the way I walk but along the way, I met Sonic running up. I was like"Who he is? Why he is so cool?! I should follow him!"
Velvet: Not because you were bullied by other animals because of your twin tails?
Tails: No, in our dimension they are kind and nice. We don't understand what bullying is until Dr Eggman conquered the world.
Velvet: Wow, that was a nice peaceful world you had until that mad scientist ruined everything.
Tails: Sonic then runs off while I eagerly follow him. He comes across a beach and sees a red biplane parked on the sand. I examine the plane and start to tinker with it, making it faster and even repainting it blue. Sonic then appears. 
* Flashback *
Sonic: What are you doing?
Tails: Ah! I’m sorry! I was remodeling it would be faster. And I changed the color. Umm....
Sonic: Blue is pretty good too.
Tails:...!! It’s the color of your image.
Sonic: Thanks. By the way, you’ve been following me since this morning. Do you want something from me?
Tails:......Everyone bullies me because I’m only good at mechanics...but I saw you running and wanted to be cool, just like you! I want to be brave someday to help the people I dear the most! Do you think that's a possible dream?
Sonic: What’s your name?
Tails: Miles Power. But everyone calls me “Tails”.
Sonic: I’m Sonic. Tails, I’ll leave this in your hands, so do what you like with it.
Tails: Really? You don’t mind?
Sonic: No problem!
* End of Flashback *
Sonic love to be alone but he wants someone to stay by his side. There was some human inside his heart even though Sonic is not human. He was able to learn on his own by playing the guitar, repairing shoes, utensils, cooking and reading, although he was not a genius like Tails. He has a talent for making friends even though he's not very social. He is always in a good mood and smiles all the time like a child. That's why he called himself an innocent child in season 6.
In season 8 will be much more different now so I'm going to end this analysis this month. See “Analyze the characters” next time! Thank you very much!
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Homura: What do you think about Sonic, Danny? 
Danny: He is like the big brother but also a great leader too. But the problem is he is very lazy a lot when come to homework.
Homura: If I have to guess, Punch helps to do homework, am I right?
Danny: Yeah, she helps me too. I wish Tucker was in the same group. He was really great at Computers.
Homura: I know you are not really great at math and English. I understand that you need her help. She was greater than me, especially in the computer subject. What about now?
Danny: They having free time together lately. I wonder why Sonic knows about Punch. He just met her and I just know him.
Homura: Have you ever thought that because Sonic must've known her in a previous life, fate has reached across time and space to bring them back together again? But I never see this form as a hedgehog in Babylon. Why does this form exist?
Danny: Homura?
Homura: Isn't that strange that he knows about King Gilgamesh even Punch's life in the past? Also, I can't read his fate. It is just like it was sealed by someone. It was as if it had been sealed by someone. You were sealed by Enkidu and he was sealed by King Gilgamesh, but what about Punch? Even though Punch might not remember him, her subconscious could have taken note of him, and later brought her image out in a dream.
Danny: Homura...why are you know about Enkidu?
Homura: I just pictured what I imagined, that's all.
Danny: We met before in previous life, right?
Homura: Perhaps....
Danny: So then let's go!
Homura: Huh?
Danny: So the place that I know is very important must be connected to Homura. Maybe Homura can help me. A place I've never been to but important for even Sam.
Homura: Sam too?
Danny: She can be rational, sarcastic, forceful, bossy, passionate, and strong-willed, but also good-hearted and caring. She isn't spoiled and would rather earn real friends instead of dealing with the popularity and fake friendships that come with wealth.
Homura: I know you know her because she's your girlfriend. Sam could feel it? So the promise we made is still there, right?
(Below conversation: Source original idea writing skits are from Tales of Berseria)
Skits: Women can be deceiving(Tsofph season6)
Sonic: Hmm.....
Chester: What is it, Sonic?
Sonic: You once told me that women's looks can be deceiving, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see.
Syaoran: I also had a problem with that too. But as I know that's men's problem. Women are fickle creatures at best. They lie as easily as they breathe, and men can never see through their deceptions.
Chester: Yeah, yeah! I TOTALLY agree. 
Sonic: Sounds like both of you have been through some tough times.
Subaru: The wounds women leave on a man's heart take longer to heal than a cut delivered by a sword.
Sonic: R....really?!
Chester: Remember Sonic. Beware a maiden's tears and guard yourself well. That's my advice to you.
Sonic: Okay. Beware a maiden's tears and guard yourself.
Velvet: Wait just a sec! Don't put any weird ideas into Sonic's head, you two!
Chester: They’re just facts.
Velvet: If you fill his head with any more garbage, I’m eating both of you, even you Syaoran.
Syaoran: Me again?!
Mokona: Wow! Too scary!
Leia: It seems you guys having trouble with women. Heh! Well, women are nothing if not difficult!
Magilou: Don't worry. I have the deepest sympathy for you both including you too, Syaoran.
Chester: Well? What do you think of the ladies' reactions?
Sonic: Velvet won't eat either of you, Leia is mad and Magilou didn't seem sympathetic at all.
Subaru: See? Appearances can be deceiving, especially Leia. I don't know what will she plan.
Chester: And it seems you’ve absorbed the lesson well.
Sonic: .....Thanks!
Sakura: I’m not like that, though.
Sonic: Huh?
Sakura: Yes, some women use their tears to manipulate others. But not all do, and I for one despise such duplicity. The women who did that to my Syaoran are just the extreme and badness.
Sonic: So Amy hates some women who use their tears to manipulate others too, right? 
Sakura: Yeah, Amy hates that as much as I do.
Sonic: Girl surely is hard to understand......
Skits: Unknown book (Tsofph season6)
Syaoran: You know, I still have not mastered the ancient tongue yet so there are so many words and many scripts that I can't read. I hope Sorey-san was here. But I'm so surprised that you love to read books too.
Sonic: I like to read a book with the chilli dogs outside. I have to take care of Tails, so I studied by myself and become my hobby.
Velvet: I was surprised to see you be able to be a big brother. When I took care of Laphicet at first it was very hard to understand him.
Syaoran: Is every species like you like to read too? Bienfu does a lot of reading, too.
Sonic: Really? I don’t know that.
Sakura: It’s true. But I’m not sure what he’s been reading, though.
Bienfu: Did someone call for me?
Sonic: Bienfu, do you like to read, too?
Bienfu: Oh, yes! Books are a treasure trove of knowledge! But I’m a greater malakhim, so the literature I enjoy might be a bit above your level, Sonic.
Sonic:”How to talk a Human Female into Becoming Your Vessel” and “Physically Escalating with Cuties.”
Syaoran, Velvet, Sakura: ?!
Bienfu: Bien?!
Sonic: “Physically Escalating...” What does that mean?
Syaoran, Velvet, Sakura: You really don’t need to know!!
Sonic: Huh? Why?!
Laphicet: You don't need to know, Sonic. It's a human girl thing.
Sonic: Wha....!!
Velvet: Yeah, I’m confiscating all of those.
Sakura: And I have some questions. Bienfu, you’d better be ready for a thorough interrogation.
Bienfu: Bieeeeeen!
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sonic7ischaos · 2 years
So as of Sonic Frontiers, there are 2 game timelines:
The main timeline, everything from Sonic 1 to Sonic Frontiers, and the Mania timeline. It's not "modern and classic" anymore, those represent a shift in character design and stylization more than difference in timeline or character.
The classic Sonic from Generations is the one that goes back to the past, having met a future version of himself and learned the homing attack. But Modern Sonic doesn't remember meeting his future self as Classic Sonic, this is his first time through the events of that game. The events of Generations split the timeline at the point immediately following Sonic 3K. Mania Sonic never goes to Station Square, never meets Chaos or Tikal, his Tails never goes on that journey of self actualization, his Knuckles never learned the truth about his ancestors, his Eggman never found Gerald's journal, which means his Shadow never escapes from G.U.N. containment. Without his failures with the A.R.K. and Chaos, Eggman never begins his plans to upgrade Metal Sonic into Neo Metal, who never overthrows him, they never discover Chaos Control. Without finding Gerald's diary, he never finds the gizoids, Emerl never awakens and is never killed, they likely don't meet Cream or save Vanilla, as the plans that led to her capture never happen and never fail. The Black Arms are still on the table as a threat, but without having been awakened by Eggman and reformed by Amy and his memories of Maria, Shadow is more vulnerable to Black Doom's manipulation, and would likely join him in earnest. Blaze still has reason to come to Sonic's world but without meeting and befriending Cream, would likely remain closed off to outside influence and trust. Without needing to find the Gaia manuscripts, Eggman never awakens Dark Gaia, Sonic never meets Chip, and the threat remains dormant. Wisps never come as Eggman doesn't go off looking for new power sources after his previous failures. Mania then happens in parallel to Forces, and then Sonic returns to his timeline. Eggman never builds Sage, and never finds the Starfall Islands, so The End is never freed.
The main timeline, happens exactly in the way it appears to in the main games.
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tasteleeknow · 4 months
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i'm vibrating so fast right now that im causing a sonic wave which is spreading across the ocean and creating a tiny little wave on a beach near him which is continuing this little butterfly effect type reaction that is eventually planting a little kiss of air to one of his biceps
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star-stages · 5 months
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A gift for @passionartx 💛✨️🦋
Your story of Tails's butterfly is so very sweet, and I couldn't help myself but to draw our boy with his little friend✨💛 I gave the second version a glow effect for extra magic.
For anyone unfamiliar this is from the @sonic-tangled-au ✨️
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I hope that by now, after Hobi’s collaboration with J. Cole, Joon’s El Pais interview, and now Jimin’s Set Me Free Pt. 2, it’s obvious a lot of the criticism around BTS, much of what counts for ‘discourse’, is completely pointless.
Something I noticed after BTS released Fake Love in 2018, is that ‘Discourse’ around the mediums they choose to make music, the kind of music they put out, and how they communicate their ideas, all frankly just boils down to people dissatisfied that BTS didn’t express an idea the exact way those people would prefer, at exactly the time they’d prefer it. That’s it. It’s not a criticism that tackles the substance of their ideas or elevates the conversation around BTS, but one about personal preferences that people with inflated egos courtesy of the internet, mistake to be synonymous with meaningful appraisals of their skill, competency, and their characters.
BTS has always made music in a variety of styles and they’ve shown they’re more than capable of making some of the best hard-hitting and unconventional music there is, not just in Korea, but globally. But then they release a handful of pop tunes that while not my favourite, generated a whole multitude of k-pop stans circle-jerking to ‘discourse’ about how ‘BTS has lost their roots’ when all those people are actually saying is that “BTS didn’t make the exact sort of music I prefer or say something exactly the way I prefer, this time around, on my schedule.”
Take for example discourse around Joon’s latest interview:
Joon has shown similar candour as in the El Pais interview, in their 2022 Weverse interview, in their 2021 Billboard interview, and in honestly more Vlives and interviews than I can count. The primary difference between the El Pais interview and the others is in the sort of questions asked by interviewer/publication. That is what was refreshing because Western media outlets often do not take their music seriously enough to not venture beyond the obligatory ‘dark side of k-pop’ asks before grilling BTS on their potential romantic partners. The interviewer in El Pais was notably more informed about BTS and Namjoon in particular, and that carried through in the interview. Joon is older, more mature, and more comfortable (especially now that they’ve announced their intentions to enlist), but if you were paying attention, you’d realize he’s said a lot of what he said in that interview, long before. He’s not significantly more eloquent and more candid than he was a year ago, he simply responded to the interviewer based on the questions posed and the tone used.
Another example is in Jimin’s latest release, SMF Pt 2, which brought to mind criticism of Jimin I’ve seen from solos, multis, antis and general k-pop stans every fortnight or so, for the last eight years. We can all see references in the lyrics, in the choreography, in the stylistic musical choices, in the medium: rap vs vocals, to many BTS songs and even Jimin’s solo work put out long before. In SMF Pt 2:
For lyrics and message, Jimin references narratives expressed in Lie, Promise, ON, among others;
For sonic expression, Jimin references Friends and ON, seen in his preference for choral effects; Tony Montana and Black Swan for autotune as a tool and rap music as a medium;
For dance/choreography, Jimin references Butterfly, Lie, and ON.
Set Me Free Pt 2 is a combination of various expressions we’ve already seen Jimin do, sharpened to the extreme to drive home the point that this is his time and everyone should get the fuck out of his way.
It’s effective.
Like JITB and Indigo before now, I’m already seeing people lament that Jimin is talking about how their fame affects him, the reference to his haters, or that he is too proud and egotistical. And some Anons are already starting to fret about it in my inbox. I don’t know what to tell y’all besides that I don’t care. I’m not sure how many times I can show that none of those people know what they’re talking about. I’m not confident enough to express how little I think about some random’s opinion about music and how I listen to it, without rudely telling them off in two syllables.
All I’ve got to say about the discourse around this song is ‘fuck off.’
I’m enjoying myself too much. I’m loving Jimin’s vocals and self expression too much. I’m too happy to give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks on the matter.
Aside, Jimin has inspired some of the best fanart I’ve seen in ages:
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Credit: @/5813_99
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Credit: @/5duelle
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Credit: @/0901mg_
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Credit: @/glassrtz
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Credit: @/emmysuga
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gayemeralds · 1 month
death swap au im thinking the adaptation of games goes end of sa2 -> sonic advance 2 -> shadow 2005 -> sonic heroes -> sonic unleashed (which a sonic 06 side story between heroes & unleashed). shadow 2005 & heroes are switched because i think eggman would take more care to keep Sonic’s location a secret than shadow’s, so it takes longer for rouge to set him free, and you could probably argue some sort of butterfly effect occurs. it also neatly splits the four major games into two arcs, one that’s shadow focused and one that’s sonic focused.
the idea is that end of sa2 kicks of the au with sonic dying as the prologue. arc 1 beginning with sonic advance 2, introduces shadow to the idea of fulfilling sonic & Maria’s promise by saving cream & vanilla and learning he IS more than a weapon, that he can make people smile and he can save the world. shadow 2005 is used then to solidify his path as a hero and cultivate his relationship with knuckles, tails, and Amy who all have a complicated time becoming his friend after the loss of sonic.
then arc two kicks in which becomes focused on sonic side of this au, where he wakes up amnesaic in one of Eggman’s laboratories and teams up with rouge and omega. sonic eventually comes to the conclusion he’s uninterested in his past and brushed off conversations with shadow, tails, knuckles, and Amy to focus on who he is now, unhindered by the past. which then discusses the concept of how experience can shape a person vs their unique personality. sonic unleashed is then used to have sonic and chip foil each other as they both lost their memories, and they teach each other equal but opposite lessons- to live in the moment, but also acknowledge the past. Sonic’s memories don’t return by the end of the au, but when sonic unleashed comes to a close, and chip and sonic say their last farewell, sonic ends the au by going to tails’s workshop to learn more about who he used to be.
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silverraes · 8 months
Alright I was looking for some other omegaverse related thing I was telling a friend about (don't even ask) and rediscovered the absolute fucking journey I went on while watching the first episode of Pit Babe. naturally, I thought I'd share lol
moments that make you mentally see the Life is Strange butterfly effect pop-up:
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"surely they won't actually mention omegaverse things too often" <- me, approximately two and a half minutes before disaster
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and oh boy, little did poor innocent EP 1 me know...
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(it sure ended up being A Journey™)
I also present to you: the exact moment I decided that Sonic was going to be my favorite son
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and then they went back to Babe's house and naturally the only thing my ace ass cared about was wtf was going on with the interior design
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and then I decided this show was perfect, actually, and this is how we got here
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farasen · 3 months
Russian dub yapping
It's my turn to rant on the Russian dub. So, as I previously mentioned, dwk cannot be found on any official sources or streaming services. Therefore, they're not written down at any VAs role list, which means all the following may turn out to be false (although I'm 100% sure on most of them).
Leon (also Michi and this guy with glasses from the Cool kickers)
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One of those who I'm 100% sure, because the actress' voice is pretty recognizable. He was voiced by Irina Grishina, an actress and a voice actress. She also voiced Helga from Hey Arnold! in some seasons, Nelson from The Simpsons and younger Tommy from The butterfly effect. Also Pixel and I guess Ziggy at some point from LazyTown.
Jojo, Natasha and Raban (plus background characters)
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Also 100% sure on this one. They're voiced by Olga Golovanova, and, yknow, it's the voice that you call your "childhood voice" because this actress voiced quite a lot of movies and cartoons so she has quite many characters. For example, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle from My little pony, Daphne from Scooby-Doo, Rhonda from Hey Arnold!, Lady from Lady and the Tramp, Mercury from Sailor Moon and many many more.
Deniz and Markus (also Paul and some other background characters)
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Another VA that I'm sure in - Prokhor Chekhovskoy. Also a recognizable voice actor with a lot of background. He voiced Frodo from The Hobbit, Jaskier from Netflix The Witcher series, Ted from The Lorax, Tobias from TAWOG, Marty from Back to the future, Daffy Duck from Looney Tunes show. He also voiced video games characters, like Ralph from Detroit: Become Human, as well as some from League of Legends and Dota 2.
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Now to the ones I'm not really sure about. Marlon is supposedly voiced by Irina Kireeva. She's a quite popular actress, but I think she specializes more on films and games. It's Ashley from Mass effect, Zarya from Overwatch, Romka from Russian novella Tiny Bunny, Eivor from Assassin Creed and more.
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Also not sure about him, but people say he's voiced by Daniil Eldarov. He voiced BBC's Sherlock Moriarty, Knuckles and Eggman from Sonic Boom, Captain America in many Marvel movies, Luke Skywalker, etc.
Who voiced her? Shit if I knew. The only one on whom I couldn't find anything, even though I'm pretty sure I heard her voice before. But so far I have nothing on her, if I find out I'll make an update maybe.
Okay, so we're done with that, but may I comment on the quality?? Even though I think rus dub is one of the best dubs for dwk, there are still some errors. Like there were a few times when the actor just changes for one phrase for no reason and you're like wtf?? And it's always Marlon for some reason idk
Like, the first is his normal voice and the rest is.... whatever this is
Also the way they pronounce Kevin (yeah it's English version of names for us) differently every fucking time. Sometimes it sounds like [e] and sometimes it's more like [ye]. It's not that bad but it's kinda annoying.
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caffeine-clouds · 10 months
What's this?? I'm updating my OTHER story now?? Yeah, I'm surprised too - but here it is! TBE Chapter 45:
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sonic-oc-showdown · 1 year
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Ganymede belongs to @theknifedance
Ruby belongs to @galaxy-pop
Find out more about them below!
meet spagonia's number one star charter: ganymede the jack! an artic hare who hails from holoska, he's currently studying for an astronomy degree at spagonia university. he might be a bit reclusive, short on friends even, but he's good spirited and gets along well with all the staff on campus. he tends to be out on trips star charting for his coursework and getting to know local cultures of the places he visits. he's very big on art history and likes to keep a scrapbook of all the places and people he discovers.
ganymede likes to keep to himself. despite coming from a big family who are very much social butterflies, they don't find themself needing to seek out company often. he likes alone time and doesn't feel any loneliness from it. his room is a mess, aesthetically so, with tidbits from his travels covering every inch of wall he has. that, and the mass of books he keeps promising to return to the library, though he keeps forgetting. but the university is practically his home, with him rarely visiting family (they definitely keep in touch though!) so as long as they're well kept, the librarian doesn't mind too much.
ganys latest travels has taken him to shamar, in order to get some maps out in the desert. its great! the locals are welcoming and the sky is clearer than he could ever hope for. theres an air of anxiousness among the village though…whispers of a ghost or phantom stalking the desert. it doesn't scare him per say, but the locals always seem worried to watch him go charting, and that makes him a bit nervous. not too nervous though, his new friend ghost (belonging to @jaybearr) and his chao hapi keep him company and on track in the sea of sand, even if he's a bit skittish around them at first, they're hitting it off really well!! there's nothing to really worry about…right?
Ruby is a wolfdog cursed with a beastly form after they, along with their parents, were used to test the effects of Dark Gaia Energy on the mobian body and mind. Though their parents did not survive, they managed to escape and now live with a family of cats who've taken them in as one of their own. She has incredible strength and stamina, heightened senses of smell and hearing, and a sensitivity to Dark Gaia Energy in her environment. She can also take on a form resembling that of a Nightmare (and enemy from Sonic Unleashed) when put under extreme stress.
They are quiet and tend to keep to themselves, but are extremely loyal to those who manage to get close. Despite their appearance, they are empathetic and compassionate to a fault and don't like to take much space. They enjoy spending time in nature, frequenting their local Chao Garden, or working on crafts such as hand-made stuffed toys.
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Danny: Why......Why are you so nice to me..? I don't deserve such kindness.....
Sonic: You deserve it.....You deserve all kindness that they care about you...
Danny: Even you know how many sins I commit?
Sonic: ..................*Nod*
Danny: I murdered my human half in my timeline....only Punch, Homura and you know about this truth. My other human half in the original timeline or the original Danny still exists inside me. And now he is free and lives with Sam in Punch's homeland timeline. I don't have a human form to hide anyone now. I can't go back to Sam....
Sonic: Even so Daniel-
Danny: I had a moment today, where I almost regretted something. For a split-second, I thought "If only I hadn't accidentally activated the newly built Fenton Ghost Portal from the inside, turning me into a human/ghost hybrid with an array of ghostly superpowers." I shouldn't have been born into this world....I shouldn't exist...I completely fail at being the hero of justice...How will I ever face Enkidu when I become like this?
*Sonic walk and hugs Danny softly*
Danny: I will lose my heart again if I continue this.....but there's nothing I can do because I'm already a psychopathic ghost, a zombie...!! I can't ask my human half to stay together or even start life over. I can't tell Sam to hold me when I am like this!
Danny: Ha...ha...heh heh...Ha Ha Ha.. Aha HA HAHAHA!!
Homura: Danny you.....
Punch: ................
Danny: It’s true, I can block out the pain! I don’t feel any pain anymore! This is what it feels like to be the fully ghost!
*Danny again rushes forward, this time cutting past the vines, and reaches the Witch. He slashes at the Witch repeatedly and begins to laugh insanely while blood splatters on his face until he finishes off the witch.*
Danny: Ha....ha....heh heh heh.....It's easy once you know how to do it...I'm sure I'll never lose this ever again....
Gilgamesh: The labyrinth is gone....but....
Amity: Danny.....
Danny: We're finished. That's what you're after, aren't you?
Héctor: Hey...Danny....you don't have to....
Danny: I don't want to be in your debt, Sonic. Now we're even, got it? Come on, let's go.
Punch: Whoa! Danny!
Danny: Ah....sorry...I'm just....a little tired....
Sonic: Daniel....we need to talk....
Danny: ..............
Homura: That witch....it was the same as the witch that Sayaka Miki once fought, Elsa Maria. I never thought that it came back to the circle. Punch. Why don't you be the one to talk to Danny?
Punch: You too Homura. Why don't you go interfere with them?
Homura: I need to be careful around Bête Noire. I can't let her kidnap Danny ever again. It's my fault that Danny becomes lost his balance of himself.
Punch: And you want me to stop Danny before he will go berserk.
Homura: Because you are the one Danny cares about the most.
Punch: Not only me......
Sonic: Daniel....You say it doesn't hurt but you're lying. I can tell just by looking at you. Just because you don't feel it, it doesn't mean it's okay to get hurt.
Danny: If I don't fight like that, I can't win. And I will lose my friends if I don't do something.
Sonic: Even if you win, it doesn't mean it's good for you. That situation let Punch and me handle this next time.
Danny: Are you trying to take other people's faults on your own again? What are you know anything about me? You don't even try to understand me at all! What are you doing here now because I look like someone else?!
?????: “You just assumed I’d go along with you, no matter what! Did you ever consider what I wanted!?”
?????: "That's exactly your problem! You just jump into a situation with no idea about the outcome!"
*End of Flashback*
Sonic: I just want to redo the mistake in the past that's all and I don't want you to end up like someone I knew in the past.
Danny: Redo? I'm just a walking, talking corpse, pretending it's still alive. What kind of "good" could anyone possibly do for me now? It's stupid to even think about it. If you really want to do something for me, you should experience what I've experienced first!
Sonic: I did and I'm not lying.
Danny: Even give up being human?!
Sonic: Yes. I did give up on someone I know and said goodbye to him without regret. I am non-human, to begin with. I gave my human vessel to save Tails' girlfriend to live in this world to the fullest.
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Sonic: After I saw in both Syaoran and Sakura's memories....I know I had to save Cosmo and say goodbye to a friend of mine.
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Danny: I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I know how much you have been through Sonic. I just can't see you responsible and hurt yourself. I understand how much you three hurt...even Enkidu...
Sonic: You mean King Gilgamesh?
Danny: He never looked at me or pities me but I know he was worried about me......heh...I am not myself at all...you three were amazing that still keep smiling and happy like that...maybe it's because I can't care about anything anymore. I can't even remember what I thought so important, so worth protecting.
Sonic: Daniel....! Your eyes and your pact....!
Danny: The balance of hope and despair in the world cancels out to zero. Now I finally understand what that meant. Sure, I managed to save a few people, but in exchange, hatred and jealousy filled my heart. I even hurt my best partner...Whenever we pray for someone's happiness, someone else must be cursed in exchange... Turns out that's how this world works and also the hero of justice...I...really am...
*Sonic rushed to hug Danny.*
Sonic: You're not stupid! You're not a failure! I know what you're feeling now "Danny"! I felt the same way. I was once like you! You wanted to kill me right? I understand! I also once tried to kill Punch and Peter with my own power! That time I couldn't control myself my curse was far too strong! I felt like I was torn apart and don't want to live anymore! You have value! Value no one else has! I declare it here and now. In the world, I have two partners right here and now! So that value will never change, for all eternity!
Danny: Sonic...you.....
Sonic: I had enough of this.....I won't give up anymore even if you change...I will save you....even "Punch"...no...I will save King Gilgamesh....no matter how arrogant he is.
Danny: ............*Sob*...............*Sob*
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"I was a weapon. As a weapon, I would be changed depending on the weapons of the next era. I am nothing more than a treasure that people will use. I'm nothing more than one of your countless treasures. In the future, you will encounter treasures more valuable than me"
Gilgamesh: ...............................It came back to full circle. So you finished with Homura then.
Punch: Amity came by and take Homura's group somewhere else, waiting for Danny to finish.
Gilgamesh: ..............I always thought I will never see the painful past again. But.....I can't avoid it, can't it...
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Punch: I am included amongst those mongrels?
Gilgamesh: Heh. What do you think then?
Punch: Heh. We're waiting for Sonic to finish. We can't afford to disappear after we're interrupted like this.
Gilgamesh: .....................
Punch: Remember what I said to you?
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"Mr Gilgamesh, you're strong and dependable, so you might be okay. But I'm not okay. Because I care about you. It worries me when a person I care about gets injured and faces hardships."
Punch: Sonic now felt hurt not because of Danny but because of you Mr Gilgamesh. The painful past you thought that made him say those words to Danny, he can sense how we are right now.
Gilgamesh: And I'm sure I would hurt here. Because I care about him. Like he cares about us.
Sonic: Then will you talk to me?
Punch: Fast as always. I see an eye drop too.
Gilgamesh: ...................Okay.
Punch: Out loud! Or lone your treasures?
Gilgamesh: Punch....!
Sonic: *Chuckle and Smile*
Punch: Can I call you Mr Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh: Mr?
Punch: Call "King" It's too weird and this is our first greeting meeting too so....
Gilgamesh: No, it's okay. It's been a while since anyone's address me like that. No...It's been a while since anyone called me "Mr".
Punch: Peter, what are you normally called by those close to you?
Peter: Sometimes Peter or Link. Those Kokiri named me "Link" for easy to call me "Peter".
Punch: People around me call me "Punch" but Mr Gilgamesh said that it had been a while since anyone called him.
Peter: Well.....he is a king so everyone around him needs to be formal and frightened.
Punch: He was just like me when I was little everyone around was scared of me because I'm too much clever.
Peter: I understand Punch. Let's help him then. Help him to not get lonely.
Punch: Yeah.
*End of Flashback*
Punch: Sonic.
Sonic: Huh?
Punch: Thank you for coming along with me.
Sonic: I should be the one who thanks you for taking care of me.
Gilgamesh: What are you guys doing?! I'm leaving you behind!
Sonic & Punch: We're coming!
Sonic: Take care, "Danny".....Homura......
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squeiky · 7 months
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So i finally decked down and wrote basically rhe entirety of the Sonic 06 timeline (not PLOT-line) because i got confused while trying to figure out some things with the story-
And unironically stumbled upon the fact that Silver and Shadow literally (accidentally) created well..
[Rambling below btw. ]
1. (Probably) a bootstrap paradox (Silver cannot be created nor can the timeline that creates him be created so i have 1 time line thats functionally exist as the origion stort yet because of the solutions the writer uses (erased timeline/ self-healing timeline solutions) this origin is functionally unobtainable, yet still exists.
But this ALSO creates-
2. A grandfather-ish paradox (because Silvers future cannot be created without Silver and Shadow preventing the original apocolypse from occuring (i.e. sealing iblis/mephiles). )
But again its an "ish" because supposively he prevents his own future from happening (via creating a portal so that Sonic can save Elise)?? But its shown like.. in the same scene (the elise dies one) he travels to the future with blaze and its still on fire.? So there could be multiple timelines (as alluded to by eggman in the final episode)
So we'd have to assume theres some weird timeline shenanigns at play here because the fucking WRITING INCONSITENCY- because there was no point in time was a character shown capable of using one portal to travel to different times- (it was always future to past or past to future not future AND past!!) which again makes it so that this gets tricky since how the hell did Silver and Blaze travel to a future that was inherently prevented and resulted in the creation of Solaris?? Which means like no iblis- or mephiles? So?????? I dont know anymore.)
Oh and Silver is the (rather indirect) cause for Solaris occuring- so theres no possible way that his future occured because its made via Elise dying by eggmans ship crashing with her still inside, causing iblis to arrise-
Which is an inconsitency, because again, the only reason Elise is alive and thus Solaris is made is because Silver went "hey just go back in time sonic and save her".
Oh about that:
3. Butterfly effect (Silver is the butterfly in this case and Mephiles is the asshole who decided to release him. If you were to write down everything thats happened because of the actions of both Silver and Mephiles you'd get the equivalent story of Silver fucks up and tries to fix it but ends up fucking up again without knowing it but somehow its in Mephiles favor then its not because of Silver AGAIN. All while Mephiles kicks up his feet and trolls Shadow the hedgehog for 2 days while occasionally chatting with Silver, then kills sonic, and then dies.
For my own sake im calling Silver "the moth effect" as not only does he indirectly (and sort of directly) help create this catasrophe, but also helps to prevent it- creating the net 0 gain of what i call "moth effect" as the boy comes back to bite. )
If we ignore the "accidentally creating his own future" part then its "accidentally became the reason as to why Sonic was able go save Elise which gives Mephiles the ability to finally kill this guy without any trouble (assuming that he couldnt kill Elise due to her protective barrier power or something idk)"
Which also makes it so he inadvertly helped Solaris.. become a thing? Because if he didnt well then we just create 200+ years of Iblis apocolypse, which will just create Silver again which means Mephiles will find Silver after 200+ years and then make him touch a shiny purple rock and send him back in time to go "lets go find the truth" with shadow and "hey just timetravel" to sonic which you'd think would prevent his future but no.
BUT HES ALSO the reason for why Solaris is NOT a thing after hyping everyone up to go find the emeralds and Elise to do her prayer thing-and then helping defeat Solaris (concious) and well knocking thag bad boy unconicous so he turns into a little flame that Elise can blow out.
Which, believe it or not, erases the future that Silver is born in, making it so that he never existed in the first place (with the exception of Blaze who now lives seperate from that dimension)
But also making it so that, much likd the original timeline #1, there is no possible way for them to access timeline #2 making me worry how many fucking timelines it took untill Mephiles (aka Soalris) managed to essentially kill himself (because again, Silver is NOT a certified time travler. MEPHILES IS. He orchastreted his own flight and death like fucking Icarus. My guy sat back, let a child loose in the kitchsn and waited till the house went up in flames i-)
Feel free to argue against me btw just provide evidence to support your claims pls, as itll help me in the long run while i continue my very own Solaris project
(P.S. Elise, Mephiles and Iblis, and Solaris, all have "S" sounds in that back of their name that make you hiss like a snake if you say them fast enough)
Oh outside of 06 its almost a "fate" thing that the world must be fucked as like there cannot be a silver rhe hedgehog without the universe finding a way to make a reality in which he can exist. Unles your Silver from colors, he gets a free run before having to suffer the horros of war.
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sophiacloud28 · 5 months
Introduction and Masterpost
Name: Sophia
Birth year: 1989
Favorite color: Lilac
Fandoms: Yu-Gi-Oh, Zelda, Sonic, and TMNT
Past works: The Butterfly Effect, old deactivated DeviantArt
Will mostly be posting: ROTTMNT stuff for the moment since the turtles are rotting my brain
For those interested in what I do outside of writing, click here.
Requests: Yes. It'll take me a while to get to them unless I'm really inspired, but I'll try my damnest. And please, follow the rules.
This image was created with Picrew’s “Witch Maker 2“ https://picrew.me/share?cd=r6MWVgmmog
Minors DNI. My work involves aged-up turtles and nothing less.
TC3ST DNI as well, mostly out of personal preference
Headcanon requests, should there be any, will entirely depend on whether I can see the turtle in such a situation. If not, I will ignore the question and I apologize profusely in advance should it happen.
One-shot requests will take more time than headcanon, more than likely. I'm always busy and, right now, my multi-chaptered fic has all my attention, so please, be patient.
If you want to be tagged so you know whenever I publish a One-Shot, please don't hesitate to let me know.
My AO3
Apocalyptic Timeline Masterpost
Rise Masterlist
Bayverse Masterlist
Latest Story: A Shot in the Dark (x)
Tutorials: Mass Post Editor
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sonic7ischaos · 1 year
The Sonic Mania timeline existing separately from the main timeline has a lot of interesting implications for the series' lore post Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
For example the Sonic Adventure games never happened. Mania Classic Eggman got pulled into main timeline Eggman's scheme with the Time Eater and never found the Echidna tribe tablets and murals about Chaos, so Mania Chaos is still sealed in the Master Emerald with Tikal with all his hatred. Tails hasn't gone through his character arc and grown independent from Sonic, nor has Amy. Knuckles is still ignorant of his people and the mistakes that led to their downfall. And since SA1 didn't happen and Eggman moved onto different plans, that means Shadow is still in stasis on Prison Island, which means he's still got a vendetta against humanity, meaning that he's vulnerable to Black Doom's manipulation when he inevitably shows up, which means he'd probably stay an antagonist. Without Shadow to help fight off the Black Arms, they'd have to find another way to beat them, maybe a team up with Eggman, maybe they rely on the Chaos Emeralds again, maybe both. I imagine part of the story would be uncovering the "mystery" of Project Shadow in the Mania timeline, as no one one know without Eggman being the one to let Shadow loose and things playing out the way they do in SA2.
Without the specific plans failing the way they do, Eggman never gets to the one in Sonic Advance 2, and so he never accidentally puts Vanilla in a capsule, and so they never meet Cream and go on an adventure to save her mom and make her part of the main cast. Without the events of Adventure 2 and Gerald's diary, Eggman never goes looking for the Gizoid, and so they never meet and destroy Emerl, who never influences the design of Gemerl, Battle never happens and without the specific events leading to it, Advance 3 doesn't happen either. Without Cream, Blaze would still come to Sonic's world, but she wouldn't learn to trust in and rely on others, and so likely wouldn't make an ally of Sonic and his friends, so Rush at least plays out differently.
There's nothing specifically preventing the Riders games from playing out mostly as they do in the main timeline, aside from the butterfly effect.
On and on it goes like this. Things get a lot fuzzier around Unleashed, as Eggman's plans would've diverged so much by this point that it's unlikely that he splits the planet and awakens Dark Gaia, so Sonic never meets Chip, never turns into the Werehog, and Unleashed as a whole doesn't happen. After that, there's nothing specifically leading Eggman in search of power off world to find the wisps, and he's already tried and failed to use the Phantom Ruby for his plans in Mania. He probably won't find the Starfall Islands, and The End probably stays trapped.
Already things are diverging as of Sonic Superstars, a plot that doesn't happen at all in the main timeline.
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