#sonicku: art
sonicku · 1 year
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Sorry followers, but the Badget brainrot has consumed me. This song I've had on loop also really fits them imo, so I had to draw it! Very much the vibe of Gadget's confidence making Barry flustered, and that's what I love to see lol. This is also my first time drawing either of these two, funnily enough!
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caffeine-clouds · 2 years
Are there any specific sonic fanfics you’ve enjoyed? Could both be longfics and oneshots
Oh Gosh if I have to list all the ones I've read and loved I'll be here all day so I'll list a few that I've read recently and really loved. You can find most of these on my Bookmarks page tbh lol. These can all be found on Ao3 unless stated otherwise. Prophecy of Chaos by @//pajulammas and @//tillytilli - it's a Sonadow version of She-Ra, I don't need to say more to advertise this fic to you. So much wonderful effort is being put into the fic as well as the chapters usually include several art pieces! It's incredible work - and everyone involved is obviously passionate When the Day Met the Night by Leandres (idk if they have a Tumblr) - It's a ship fic.... focused on Bark and Jewel. Bear in mind I've never really cared for these too but like - this fic is fucking cute?? Give it a read if you haven't! Also great for people who love the romantic trope of large height differences - because come on who doesn't? Also Tangle and Whisper are girlfriends. Duets Under the Spotlight by @//chaos-and-the-emeralds - Casual Vibes? Music? Band AU? Sonadow? Gosh, when you need a break from the Sonic action fics - slow down and drink a cup of coffee with this one. It also does neurodivergant representation really well. Red to Green, Blue to Red by @//sonicku and Something's Calling Me by @//pollyannawog - Sonknux oneshots that I found cute and heartwarming and lovely and aaaaaaaaaaaaa Cause I'd Never Treat Me This Shitty (You Make Me Hate This City) - @//mad-hatts - In it's early stages with a lot of intrguing mystery being built up, at the moment we have Silver working at a coffee shop that Amy and Shadow own together. Ya'll can see why I love it. And uuuuuh, anything by @//chaoxfix - all their work is great. You probably already know who they are and the fics they write but this is your call to read their fics again. AAAA There's so much more I could have included but I'm bad at remembering and I have stuff to do so aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Thank you for the ask Khalewren!
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sonicjenny · 7 years
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i forgot to mention i have a twitter its dedicated for Dragon ball z and theres a few sonic things floating around feel free to follow me there http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://twitter.com/SONICJENNY enjoy this pic ouo
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eurkplay · 5 years
SHADOW e SONIC JUNTOS de NOVO | Historia Sonic Dimensions
Creditos site rkplay - http://bit.ly/2Nl18ig
Queridos tudo bem ?! Eu sou o Roberto e hoje vamos jogar um jogo de sonic que é Sonic Fan Games chamado Sonic Dimensions que é um grande Jogo do SOnic com Shadow jogavelo nesta Analise
Espero que gostem!
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#rkplay #sonicfangames #sonic #SONICVERSO
Jogos nesta Saga
1 Sonic Dimensions 2 Sonic vs DARKENSS 3 Sonic Oxilary
Mais sobre a Historia de Sonic DImensions
Ei, ainda não acabou. Ainda temos a chance de restaurar todas as dimensões antes que o Egghead as conquiste. Se nos sentarmos por aqui, ele vai ganhar. Agora vamos embaralhar alguns Eggman! Cquote
Ei, ainda não acabou. Ainda temos a chance de restaurar todas as dimensões antes que o Egghead as conquiste. Se nos sentarmos por aqui, ele vai ganhar. Agora vamos embaralhar alguns Eggman! Cquote2
Sonic Dimensions (S ニ ッ ク 寸 法) é um jogo de plataforma
Copyright © Esta é uma ideia fangame sem fins lucrativos. Sonic the Hedgehog pertence à Sega. Todas as obras de arte usadas neste jogo pertencem aos seus proprietários.
História Parte 1: A Aventura Começa Dimensões Sônicas Cutscene -2 Sonic the Hedgehog – Zona Green Hill (Rogue Remix) Sonic the Hedgehog – Zona Green Hill (Rogue Remix)
Música Green Hill Zone.
Tudo começa na Green Hill Zone, onde Sonic está relaxando debaixo de uma árvore, quase dormindo. Os pássaros cantam e as abelhas estão zumbindo, o vento soprando suavemente. De repente, Sonic ouve alguém chamar seu nome …
???: Ei Sonic!
Sonic grunhiu, esfregando os olhos e olhando em volta. Ele olhou para o céu para ver seu melhor amigo, Tails voando em direção a ele. “Ei amiguinho!” Sonic disse, acenando para ele. Tails lentamente parou de impulsionar suas duas caudas enquanto ele abaixava em direção ao chão. “Hey Sonic, eu tenho más notícias.” Tails disse, gotas de suor descendo pelo rosto enquanto ele respirava pesadamente. Sonic suspirou, fechando os olhos por um segundo e balançando a cabeça, depois os reabriu. “Ok, o que é desta vez?” ele perguntou. “Creme … * huff * foi sequestrado …. * huff * pelo Dr. Eggman”. Tails disse. Depois de respirar fundo algumas vezes, ele finalmente parou de bufar e bufar. “NOVAMENTE ?! Esta é a segunda vez nos últimos dois meses!” Sonic exclamou. “E algo mais.” Tails disse, coçando a nuca e rindo nervosamente. “O que?” Sonic perguntou. “Eu encontrei você sonic !!!!” ambos ouviram alguém gritar. A voz fez calafrios descerem pela espinha de Sonic. Antes que ele pudesse subir na árvore, Amy agarra Sonic em um abraço apertado. “Amy … eu não posso … respirar!” Sonic disse, seu rosto ficando roxo. Amy soltou, seus olhos verdes brilhando. “Tem sido para sempre Sonicku!” Amy disse. “Uh pessoal … nós temos que ir salvar o Cream agora. Você pode acompanhar Amy.” Tails disse. Ele impulsionou suas duas caudas novamente e voou, Sonic correndo atrás dele em um ritmo supersônico. Amy pegou seu piko piko hammer e conseguiu acompanhar.
Lá está! “Tails disse, apontando para a base de Eggman. Todos andaram até a frente da porta e Tails puxou o nob.” Eu-Está trancado! “Tails disse, soltando-o.” Eu posso lidar com isso. Observe de perto o Sonic com o quão forte eu realmente sou! “Amy disse, puxando seu martelo para fora do espaço do martelo. Amy balançou forte e rápido, derrubando a porta de aço. Dentro, eles podiam ver Cream preso dentro de um cilindro de plástico, e Eggman não onde a vista, apenas um enorme laser. “Mr. Sonic, Ms. Amy, Tails, é uma armadilha! “, Disse Cream, mas eles a ouviram, pois o plástico era à prova de som. Sonic, Tails e Amy correram para a frente e rapidamente libertaram Cream, Cream instantaneamente abraçando Tails e começaram a chorar. “Foi tão assustador”, disse Cream. “Lá, Cream, tudo bem.” Tails respondeu. Para surpresa de todos, Eggman estava se escondendo bem atrás do laser.
O post SHADOW e SONIC JUNTOS de NOVO | Historia Sonic Dimensions apareceu primeiro em Rk Play - Canal de video games.
from WordPress https://rkplay.com.br/shadow-e-sonic-juntos-de-novo-historia-sonic-dimensions/
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sonicku · 1 year
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Happy Birthday, Sonic!
Is he 32? 15? Something else? Who knows! His friends are here to celebrate either way!
(Also, who else is excited for the Sonic Central today?)
This is my first time drawing something for Sonic's birthday/anniversary, and I think it could be fun to draw again each year to both celebrate and mark my improvement, because I know that there's plenty of room to grow ^^
Some progress pictures under cut!
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(The first image for composition planning was too good not to include LMAO. happy 70th birthday sonic </3)
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sonicku · 1 year
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I drew Tails in his Sonic Rush Adventure pose!!
(^_^)v ~ (OG pose under cut!!)
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sonicku · 1 year
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this is actually my first time drawing sonadow?? i've shipped them for like a year now but have just. never gotten around to it lmao. i'll be busy with artfight next month so cant draw them like, tons, but i'd love to draw more soon. my shadow definetly needs more practice since i draw so many sonics lolol. happy gay hogs friday (real holiday /j)
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sonicku · 1 year
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• When you’re one of the last two Mobians left alive, things can get tense in your battles against an unlikely villain…
• Artfight attack for @gettingfizzical’s Shattered!AU!
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sonicku · 2 years
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Redrew that screenshot from Sonic Frontiers. (They're boyfriends fr.)
Seriously, I adored their dynamic in this game, even moreso than usual. Which is saying something. Bless you, Ian.
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sonicku · 2 years
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i got really really really bored in business class
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sonicku · 2 years
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Decided to sketch out a design for everybody's like, 2 people's, favourite cringefail, Cinos the Anti-Sonic. Poor guy was in one book in 1993, then tripped and fell straight out of the franchise.
I decided to have him roll up his boots because Sonic always has his down, as well as wear clothes because Sonic would never, haha. He has a sleeveless leaver jacket to match the far more popular Anti-Sonic Scourge, but with lightning bolts instead of flame motifs.
He wears the rings he was given like inhibator rings, given that their whole purpose was to contain chaos energy. Since there was three of them though, he wears one around his leg like a super fashionable house-arrest montior lmao.
His quills stick up because of his excess chaos energy, but that also serves to make him look like a dark mirror to Sonic by reversing an aspect of his design.
I also added top-surgery scars because trans Sonic real, but those are moreso an optional headcannon detail haha.
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sonicku · 1 year
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My work for a redraw/dtiys challenge on Twitter based around the cover for Sonic Super Special #13!
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sonicku · 2 years
The Rose Clan Cousins 🍃🌸
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More context & story past the 'keep reading'! <3 For those who don't fancy the read, hope you enjoyed the sketch nonetheless. x
Okay, so I'm making my own sonic universe. Sue me.
Rob and Amy grew up together as part of the Rose Clan, a hedgehog settlement with the woods of Deerwood, near Never Lake. Being a rural settlement, their names followed the formula of '(Name) the (Species)'. Therefore, their names were Rob the Hedgehog and Raz the Hedgehog. Amy is trans here, hense the arms. (AMAB-Fur, AFAB-Skin headcannon ftw) I'll be calling her Amy too, but note she wasn't aware she was trans for most of this.
Rather than meeting Sonic through her tarot cards, their chance encounter came when she was out on a scouting mission near the lake with Rob. Well, it wasn't exactly an official one. Moreso, nobody was supposed to disturb little planet when it appeared, Amy really wanted to go anyway, and Rob was left chacing after her. Whoops.
So yeah, she gets caught up in the CD plot, and Rob gets knocked out by Metal. When he came to he was worried sick, but he soon had his worries eased when he saw Amy after the events. (Still a bit fuzzy, I haven't played CD yet. #girboss)
Amy told him of a bright blue hedgehog who didn't bear a Rose, and who didn't speak a word during their time together. Not to be rude, not at all, it just seemed he... couldn't. He was brave and daring, cocky and handsome, safe to say he'd made an impression.
That energy he had, that spark in his eyes? It showed a hedgehog who had travelled the world ten times over, and who would surely do so many more times. One who had seen beyond the confines of Deerwood. Whilst Amy knew her clan needed her, she couldn't shake the feeling, and confided in Rob.
He was understanding, but it was too soon yet for her to leave. Within a few years though, and with enough discussion between her clan, it was agreed that she could part ways. Of course Amy would visit, but for now? She wanted to see the world. In the end that led her to the big city. Station Square.
She felt that with such an urban life, an urban name was fitting; one that used a first and last name structure. She named herself Amy Rose, her surname in honour of her family and friends in Deerwood. She of course had a makeover too, more closely matching her modern look.
And what do you know? A certain blue hedgehog happened to be there too, one day. He was certainly more talkitive now, taller too. And with Amy's resolve, she made sure she didn't lose sight of him again.
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sonicku · 1 year
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sketched my sonic sona and his chao for the first time. not sure how i feel about it but!! he’s here!!!
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sonicku · 2 years
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A quick sketch of Violet Fox's first form. A simpler time for her. She didn't know of the Freedom Fighters or their ex leader Peach Fox and her supposed assasination of Pink Hedgehog. She didn't know of her status as a 'two-tailed runt'. However, she also didn't know of her love for machinery and analysis. She didn't know of her closest friends and family. Whilst things had been simpler, they'd also been... emptier.
My first piece of art for my Sonic!SU alternate universe! I'm honestly super proud of how this came out. I feel like a lot of Amethyst's character matches Tails'; youngest of the group, self concious about their physical disability, eats a comical amout of food in one sitting- they really suit eachother. That close resemblence is what made me want to draw Violet first!
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sonicku · 2 years
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doodled the little guy! he's silly! :3
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