#sonny x trudy
parisian-nicole · 2 years
A Miami Vice Fic: Free Falling (Chp. 7)
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Free Falling Chapter 6: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/691857214005215232/a-miami-vice-fic-free-falling-chp-6
It hadn't been the incessant knocking at the bedroom door that pulled Trudy from her peaceful sleep, but instead, it was the sudden jerking of Sonny's arms and body that were wrapped possessively around her.
"Yeah?" Sonny's gruff, sleep-laced voice called out and the knocking instantly stopped.
"I'm sorry to have to wake you, Mr. Burnett," Vinnie's voice spoke from the other side of the door. "The skipper says you have a call from the mainland. It's Mr. Carrera," Sonny's most trusted guard stated and then went silent and Sonny's baffled gaze locked onto Trudy's concerned one.
"All right, tell Oscar I'll be there in a minute," Sonny stated as he made no moves yet. Once he heard Vinnie walk away, he focused fully on Trudy whose left hand gripped at his right arm, which was snaked around her waist as he spooned her backside. "Hey, it's okay. He probably just wants to go over the security measures in place for the meeting with Tubbs. If I have to go to the mainland, I'll bring you with me but I won't be able to get you into the actual meeting. I 'might' be able to get you into the Carrera compound with me if you want to come, but I don't think that's a good idea. Given what went down with Miguel, I think it's best for you to stay out in the town," Trudy didn't bother arguing with him about it. She actually didn't want to go to Carrera's, and since they both were sure that Sonny's cover hasn't been blown, she knew he wouldn't need her to offer him back up.
"I'll do whatever you think is best, just please be careful" She replied and he smirked at her and swooped in and kissed her soundly before he released her and moved from the bed to get dressed.
A few Hours Later
"What's wrong my friend, you seem preoccupied?" Carrera remarked as he moved to stand beside Sonny out on the veranda that was just outside of his office. It had beautiful panoramic views of the docks and the ocean. The meeting with the visiting bosses had just ended and Carrera had convinced his new partners that this business with Rico Ortiz to traffic drugs, money, and flesh through his nightclub would be lucrative for them all.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to put so many of your eggs in one basket?" Sonny spoke what was really on his mind, and then instantly regretted it as he realized it was Burnett's thoughts clouding his head at that moment.
"Are you sure you are not liking this plan because Mr. Ortiz has some kind of past relationship with your woman?" Carrera countered and invoked a genuine rage of jealousy within Sonny, who turned steely, dangerous eyes onto the older, shorter man beside him. "Oh, I heard about what went down between you and Ortiz when you were last in Miami. Would you have really shot him had he not given you that woman?"
"I cut off your son's fingers because he touched that woman and called her out of her name, what do you think?" Sonny asked as he kept hard eyes on Carrera who was a little shaken by Sonny's words more so than the deadly gaze Sonny had locked onto him.
"I think a man in our line of business should never get that involved with anyone or anything that could compromise how we make our money."
"I really don't give a shit about what you think, Oscar," Sonny replied informally. They both learned a while back that Sonny had earned enough of a reputation and clout in and out of the Carrera organization to warrant him to speak very openly with his 'boss'. And Sonny also knew that Carrera was afraid of him. "My woman and my money are my business."
"Of course," Carrera agreed as he nodded and raised his hands a bit in surrender. "But I know that you have plans of moving up in my organization. Maybe even starting your own organization. And although you like to think that what we do and the people we do it with all have some kind of code of ethics, not every man will leave the women and children alone. Some would use them against you, Sonny," Sonny clenched his jaws at Carrera's very true statement. He knew it was not a veiled threat but a man whom he knew respected him trying to give him sound advice.
"Well, you don't need to worry about it. After this business deal, I'll be leaving your organization and all of this dirty business behind. I've earned enough to live like a king anywhere in this world, and that's exactly what I plan to do," Sonny announced as he dug both of his hands into the pockets of his pants and returned his gaze out over the ocean. His words stunned Carrera who now looked at him with wide eyes. A part of him didn't want to lose such a useful ally. But Carrera also knew that if Sonny were to stay he would eventually venture out on his own and likely become his biggest rival.
"Wow, you really are in love with that woman, huh?" Carrera said and smacked Sonny's back amicably. "Well, I will miss you, my friend."
Aw, I'm touched," Sonny said around a playful smirk as he regarded Carrera again. "But I'm sure you're happy to hear that I won't be a rival to your business and territories."
"Yes, that news will allow me to sleep better at night," Carrera chuckled and nodded at his honest words. "But in all seriousness, Sonny, I want to thank you. In the few months you have worked in my organization you have singlehandedly helped me get to heights I never thought were possible. You've removed all of my biggest competition which has allowed me a large hold on all the markets; drugs, prostitution, and racketeering. I am truly in your debt, truly," Sonny had dropped his head and glared down at the tiled floor on the veranda as he shamefully listened to Carrera praise him for all the horrible things he had done. Trudy had tried the night before to absolve him of his misdeeds by saying he 'literally' didn't know what he was doing was wrong, he had brain damage. But this factual assessment of his situation didn't make him feel any better, particularly when it came to his treatment of Trudy. It was that that caused him the most ire.
"I'm gonna head out, but I'll have my boat docked close by. I want to be close to the mainland for this last transaction, and then get the hell out of dodge when it's over," Sonny said as he pulled his shades from the pocket of his Armani jacket and put them on his face.
"But Mr. Ortiz will not be here for another week," Carrera offered.
"Yeah, and I want to be somewhere that I can see him coming and anyone else who might be coming with him," Sonny replied as he turned and walked off, leaving Carrera to smile after him and assured that Sonny was still watching his back.
After leaving Carrera's compound Sonny had his guard take him down to the marketplace where he knew Vinnie and two other guards were with Trudy. Once he arrived, he removed his suit jacket, unbuttoned the top three buttons on his white dress shirt, and rolled up the sleeves. Then finally, he removed the tie from his hair and raked his fingers through it roughly until it feathered about his head. He only had to walk about for a couple of minutes before he finally spotted Trudy and her bodyguards, who weren't crowding her but were still close enough to get her to safety if the occasion called for it. Sonny stopped a couple of feet behind her as he buried his hands inside his pockets and just watched her. In a crowd of women of her same complexion and body type, Trudy's beauty and sex appeal shone as brightly as the white top and skirt she was wearing. He could now recall all the times they worked together and he knew there had never been anything remotely sexual or romantic between them, not for his lack of flirting. He had always thought Trudy to be a very beautiful and sexy woman but never thought he was the caliber of man she was or would ever be interested in. Now, she occupied his mind. Every thought he had, waking and sleeping, held her in its highest regard. Sonny had already resigned himself to the fact that there was probably no going back to the life he had as a cop. Not after all the things he had done as Sonny Burnett. But now he also knew that he didn't want to be in this new life he found himself in without Trudy with him; at his side and in his bed.
"I love you, Trudy," He whispered into her ear as he now stood at her back closer to her left side. Trudy jumped slightly startled more by the hand placed at the small of her back, just before the words touched her ears. She turned and graced him with a shy smile but didn't fully lock her eyes on his. He hadn't expected her to and he wasn't angered or put off by it. He knew that she didn't share his feelings of love, not yet anyway. She certainly cared about him, born from the years they had been co-workers and friends. But he also knew unequivocally that if she stayed with him, she eventually would fall head over hills for him, he could already see flickers of it in her eyes. "I know you don't believe it, but it's true," He went on while he reached out and grasped her hand in his. Now, she stared directly at him. Both looked at the other's face intensely, eyes darting about as if wanting to brand every inch to memory.
"I believe," Trudy spoke out as she dropped her eyes from his face down to their entwined fingers. "That you believe you love me, Sonny. But…" Her words ended abruptly as she tried to think of the right way to say things, and Sonny instantly knew what her dilemma was. He lifted his free left hand to her chin and made her look at him once more.
"Hey, it's me," He stated in a lower voice and then pulled her into his arms. He held her tightly as he swayed their bodies back and forth. "You don't have to be afraid of me anymore. Now, I can't promise you that your words won't ever make me mad. But I can promise you that I will never, ever take my anger out on you. Never again, Trudy, never again," At these words, she gripped him more tightly and rested her head against his chest. She then gently kissed his exposed flesh in gratitude before she continued speaking.
"What I'm trying to say is, what you think you are feeling it's only because your brain was misfiring and distorting buried memories with the reality you found yourself in after your accident."
"Wow, did they start requiring psych classes while I've been gone?" He teased with a chuckle and she laughed in kind.
"No," She whispered out. "But after we learned that you were still alive and had amnesia a doctor was brought in to evaluate your case, and she thinks that your 'feelings' for me are just a knee-jerk reaction to seeing me, knowing me on a subconscious level, but just not remembering. I was a tether to your old life."
"It wasn't that deep, sweetheart," Sonny said with a smirk. "It was a knee-jerk reaction to seeing you in that red dress you were wearing," Sonny countered. "Darlin, you were the most beautiful woman in the entire place," Sonny said through a charming smile and Trudy rolled her eyes a bit as she pulled back some from his arms to get a better view of his face. "I didn't need my memories to know that I wanted you from the second I laid eyes on you."
"But you never wanted me before then, Sonny."
"That's not true," He confessed and her face held a look of surprise. He then reached up and brushed the cascade of curls framing her face to the side some. His face now held a sincere mask. "I always thought you were gorgeous, Trudy, and almost every day at work I'd find myself staring at you at some point, and then having to adjust the bulge in my pants before anyone saw it," His words genuinely shocked her for she had never sensed Sonny Crockett was interested in her sexually. "Hell, I wanted to ask you out even before Gina, but I never got any vibe from you that you were interested like I did with Gina. I just figured a southern white boy wasn't your type."
"That's not it … Well, I've never dated a white guy before, and, yeah, that was by choice, for reasons I don't care to share right now. And I've always made it a point to never date on the job. But that doesn't mean I didn't notice you too, Sonny. You're very handsome and very sexy and you being southern just adds to your charm," She smiled and he did as well to the complimentary words.
"See, so, we have a mutual attraction that was happening even before Sonny Burnett met Trudy Jackson. Look, I know you don't love me, and I get why you might be skeptical about my feelings for you. But I am in love with you, Trudy," He rested his forehead against hers and stared deeply into her eyes, and Trudy felt herself fall further under the tide that began crashing over her the moment she first danced with Sonny Burnett. "And I want to be with you."
"You are with me. I mean, we're together right now, aren't we?" She teased with a kind smile to make light of his serious tone.
"You know what I mean," He said and she did know. But she also knew that it was probably improbable.
"I hear what you're saying, Sonny, but," She shot her eyes to the guard closest to where they stood. He was a good distance from them but she still lowered her voice even more before she began to speak again. "We're not really a part of this world. We can't stay here with you pretending to be a drug smuggler and enforcer with me as your kept woman, and I don't want to be here. I can't be in this world, I can't," Her voice hitched with a sob as she shook her head and tears started to fill her eyes. Sonny quickly embraced her again seeing that he was causing her distress.
"Shh, don't cry," He held her close and kissed her head as she clung to him with her face buried in the nook of his neck. "It's gonna be okay. We're not staying here. I already told Carrera that I'm leaving after this bus-" He quickly stalled the word 'bust' on his tongue as his eyes darted to the guard across from them, who was really too far away to hear their whispered words, but he didn't want to risk one of the patrons in the market being a mole for the Carrera organization either. "After this last business deal, I'm leaving Carrera's organization and the business entirely," Trudy simply nodded in reply to this as she sighed in relief. "I just want to sail away into the sunset with you," These words made her lean back and look into his face to gauge if he was being serious, and she could instantly tell that he was dead serious.
"Sonny," She called to him softly and he purposely ignored her, released her, and turned to the flower lady whose booth they stood in front of.
"Let me have two of those," He pointed to the larger blood-red tropical flowers, which the woman happily grasped and handed to him. He paid her with a hundred dollar bill and nearly gave the elderly woman a heart attack when he told her to keep the change, which was more money than she typically made in a week. "Here," He handed one of the flowers to Trudy, which she graciously took and lifted to her nose to breathe in the sweet fragrance. Then he entangled the other flower in her curls on the right side of her head. "We have a week before the meet with Rico, so let me have my fantasy until then, please," He said as he lovingly stroked her left cheek with his right hand. In reply, Trudy smiled gently and nodded her head, which pulled a broad smile from Sonny, who swooped in and stole a kiss. He then casually placed his arm around her shoulder as they began to lazily stroll through the market with the guards tailing them at a respectable distance. And while the four guards scanned their surroundings for potential threats neither noticed the man hidden in one of the doorways watching them with hate-filled eyes, while he scratched at his bandaged hand.
Over the next few hours, Sonny and Trudy had stopped at nearly every food cart in the market and sampled things. As well as bought trinkets that every tourist on the island probably also had. Sonny never once protested when an amused Trudy used him to model the different hats, tropical shirts, and funny-shaped glasses, she'd randomly placed on him. The way she would toss her head back and laugh gave him a great natural high, and he would indulge her in anything to be the reason for her joy. Dusk found them out on a private beach. There were just two villas on the corner of the island and Sonny had rented both of them out for privacy. The guards were stationed in the main villa where they planned to stay and about the surrounding grounds. There was a beautiful cabana on the sand but not close to the water's edge that the tide would be an issue. It was a wooden structure, but on the side facing the ocean was huge glass doors that slid open on the side to expose the space completely to the ocean views, sounds, and smells. The large sheer silken curtains provided some cover from would-be voyeurs trying to look in on them. Before they had arrived, Sonny had called ahead to have the king-sized bed in the cabana fitted with new sheets and pillows, and a mini feast spread out for their arrival.
While Sonny inspected the cabana and ensured things were to his specifications, Trudy stood out on the small deck porch and hugged one of its posts. Sonny stalled in his task as her silhouette seemed to dance against the billowing curtains. He watched her face as she watched the water, and she seemed so carefree and happy at that moment. He moved to the radio on the bedside table, switched it on, turned the volume all the way up, and then walked over to Trudy.
All I want, all I want is forever I don't want much from you Just your love my whole life through That's all I want, yes, that's all I want
He slowly trailed the fingers of his right hand across her neck and down her left arm, and he felt her shiver as she tilted her face towards where he now stood beside her, but never looked directly at him.
And all I need is to be with you always I don't need much, you see Just need eternity And to be with you, yes, to be with you
When his hand finally reached hers, he gripped it and pulled until her front was flush with his. He cuffed her chin with his right hand and lifted her face as she was still avoiding his gaze. They gazed at each other as their bodies swayed to the enthralling song playing.
Forever, all I want is forever Am I asking too much Asking for all your love forever
Oh, all I know is when we're together, baby Time passes much too fast And I want to make it last Last foreve more, girl, forevermore
And all my life I've been waiting to find To find you, baby Now that you're finally here Ooh, I want you always near And to share my life, yes, to share my life
He dropped his head and sucked on her bottom lip before kissing her deeply and so deliciously it pulled a moan from her mouth. Trudy reached up both of her hands and fisted Sonny's shirt to lock him in their kiss.
Forever All I want is forever (That's all I want is forever, baby) Am I asking too much Asking for all your love
Forever Won't you give me forever, baby (This time make it last, baby) I'm not asking for much Asking for all your love forever
Sonny pulled from the kiss and grasped the white strapless halter top Trudy wore with a short ruffled white skirt. He pushed the top down and drank in the toffee-colored skin of her breasts with their dark chocolate nipples and areolas. He dipped his head and tugged her left nipple into his hot mouth, and Trudy's legs buckled a little to the jolt of pleasure it shot through her. She wrapped her left arm around the back of his neck while her right hand fisted the hair on the back of his head. He snaked both of his arms around her back and gently brought them both to their knees on the decking, as he continued to suckle her breasts greedily.
Oh,-oh... Just say that you will stay for always And always you'll be mine At least till the end of time
Forever (Oh, forever, my baby, yeah, yeah) All I want is forever (Oh, is that what you want) (That's what I want) Am I asking too much Asking for all your love
Forever (Forever) Won't you give me forever, baby (All I want is forever, baby, yeah) (Ooh-ooh-ooh...) I'm not asking too much Asking for all your love
Forever (Hey... yeah) Won't you give me forever (Forever and ever and ever, now baby) (Oh, baby) Am I asking too much Asking for all your love (I just want forever)
Finally, he settled her prone upon the deck as he nestled between her thighs. While holding his weight on his left arm, he used his right hand to grip and bunch the skirt higher up her waist, unable to be bothered with properly removing it. Then he moved his hand to his pants to help Trudy in her ventures there. As she unbuckled his belt he had already unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Sonny yanked at the satin panties Trudy wore, easily tearing them away while she held a firm hold on his painfully erect member. With Trudy's guidance, he slid home and filled her core causing her to cry out in her euphoria, while Sonny groaned and mumbled his words of elation against her neck before he pulled her lips into another kiss.
Forever (I just need forever) All I want is forever (And you know that I love you, baby) Am I asking too much Asking for all your love forever...
"Are you sure I will be safe here?"
"Yes, Mr. Carrera, and I've personally stocked it with everything you requested," The younger, smaller man assured as he stood at the door to the massive bedroom that they were in. "Mr. Burnett has rented out this villa along with the main one where he will be staying. We've already swept this place and assured him it was vacant, and it's far enough away from the other villa that any lights you might have on can't even be seen. As long as you don't wander the grounds you should be perfectly safe here and undetected. I volunteered to walk the grounds closest to this villa just to be sure that none of the other guards might see anything and report it to Mr. Burnett."
"Good, and what were you able to find out about the meeting my father has with Rico Ortiz?" Miguel asked as he peered out the patio doors which faced the ocean.
"The meeting will be held here at your father's compound, one week from today," The guard replied.
"And have you recruited 3 other guards to help us?" Miguel questioned as he turned to look directly at the other man.
"Yes, sir, and you offering $1 million to each of them was a great motivator too. They'll be in place and ready when you're ready to move. And you're sure you want to take out your father too?"
"Yes, I was going to wait a little longer, but he forced my hand," Miguel said as he lifted his hand with the two missing digits on it. "This organization needs fresh blood and new ideas to move it into the 90s and beyond, and that's me. Now, go and I don't expect to see you until the day of the meeting with Ortiz, unless something changes," The young guard nodded and then exited the room to hurry back now to do the perimeter check of the grounds before anyone notices him missing.
Song: 'All I want is Forever' song by Regina Belle and James JT Taylor
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mellowoutpal · 3 years
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I Want Us Part 10 (Final)
Fandom: Chicago PD / SVU
Series: I Want Us
Part 1 //  Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 (Final)
Pairing/s: Sonny Carisi x Intelligence!Reader
Warning/s: tw rape, murder, assault
Word Count: 2,222
Summary: The Intelligence Unit’s last case with Manhattan SVU had them flying out to New York to track down an abducted boy, and had Dectective Y/L/N and Detective Carisi growing close in the process. Now, a string of rape-murders in Chicago has SVU boarding the next flight out, believing the suspect to be the same man responsible for a set of identical crimes 10 years prior. As the case unfolds, Y/N and Carisi are brought back together, reigniting the spark between them.
A/N: Wow I found this sitting in my drafts unfinished after like 6 plus months, whoops, here you go
Tags: @the-baby-bookworm​ // @inlovewith3​ // @averyhotchner​
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The case was pretty open shut when it came to the court side, though you’d been informed when it had been extradited to New York that he had pled insanity. 
From what you’d been told, Tate had been involved in a childhood accident his mother had caused, resulting in his scar and an axe to grind with women that looked like his mother, never able to become the handsome prince he’d always wanted that swooped in to save the day like he had wished someone would do for him.
It... didn’t erase what he had done, but at least it was over now.
Besides, you’d had more on your mind the past couple of days. Sitting with Burgess in the locker room as she explained what was going to happen to Tate next she noticed the distant look in your eyes as you sat on the bench.
“What gives?” She asked, nudging you from where she stood in front of her locker. You looked up, coming back to reality, your mind still racing. 
With a deep breath you knew there was going to be no fooling her, or dropping this until you said it out loud. But saying it out loud...
“Y/N,” Burgess perched on the other end of the bed, brow scrunched curiously as she waited for you to answer.
“I...” Moment of truth, you sat up straighter and swallowed hard, “I’m pregnant.”
“Wow,” Burgess blinked, mind connecting the dots, “Carisi?”
All you could do was nod.
“Does he know?” She asked tentatively, well away of the logistics. 
You shook your head, knowing you had to tell him but not knowing what would happen once you did, even saying it out loud right now made it more real than it had been since you took the pregnancy test. 
“Y/N...” She put her hand on your knee in comfort.
“I know, I know I do,” you ran your hands over your tired face, the weight of all this keeping you up for the past two nights, “but Chicago, New York... I mean, what would even happen?” The question was more to yourself than her, but you knew she’d always try and help when she could.
“I don’t know,” Burgess admitted, “but neither will you unless you call him.” She was right, obviously, but how would that conversation even go?
Trudy called down for her from the stairs and she stood, offering you one last should squeeze of encouragement and support. “Call him.” She turned to go but stopped and turned back, a small smile on her face, “and, for what it’s work, congratulations.”
Then she was gone, leaving you sitting alone, pondering your situation with one hand ghosting over your belly.
No Molly’s tonight, or for a long while, you resigned yourself to realising as you headed home. There would be no liquid courage to help you through this conversation.
Your finger had been hovering over the call button for longer than you wanted to admit, the fear building up inside of you the longer you stared at his name and number on screen. 
“Pull yourself together Y/N,” you chided yourself, “you just caught a serial killer and now you can’t even make a phone call?”
With one last breath you quickly pressed the button before you could talk yourself out of it again. putting it on speaker and placing it on the table in front of you, waiting in anticipation as it rang. He might not even be in, it might so straight to voice mail...
“Hey Y/N,” Carisi’s voice clicked over the other end of the line, “Y/N?” He repeated after a long pause.
“Hey,” you finally replied, your throat tight as you forced your mouth to work. 
He seemed to notice something in your voice when he answered. “Everything alright?” 
“Er...” God, hadn’t you rehearsed what you were going to say a hundred times in your mirror? Everything had gone out of your head except the words you were dreading to say, but they seemed to be the only ones you could think of: “I’m pregnant.”
You blurted it out, no disclaimer, no warning, no sugar coating... maybe you should have wrote this down, you thought as you waiting in the silence. You knew he was still there, just processing what you had told him.
“Oh,” he said finally, then grumbled something to himself that made you grin a little, knowing he was kicking himself for that profound reply. “I mean, I- oh, that’s...”
“It’s okay,” you interrupted him as he tripped over himself to find the right words, “I’m not expecting you to say some perfect thing, I’ve barely wrapped my head around it myself and I’ve had more than the few seconds you have.”
You waited for his reply to come, and waited, growing more anxious with the seconds. You were about to check if he was still there when he finally spoke again. “What now?”
“Honestly, I don’t know?” You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose.
“I could come to Chicago,” he offered, causing your head to shoot up.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that,” you told him quickly.
“You’re not asking... I want to be there, and your hold life is in Chicago.” He said, and you could sense the conviction in his voice.
“Carisi we don’t have to decide anything right now, your whole life is in New York,” you replied, “let’s just think-” You head Olivia Benson’s voice cut through the background, calling Carisi’s name to get his attention.
“You have to go,” you guessed before he could say anything.
“Y/N-” He started but you cut him off.
“No, it’s okay, go, we’ll talk more later.” You promised and he resigned himself to agreeing as you hung up, alone in the silence of your apartment. 
What were you going to do?
First, food, then decisions. It was never good to make up your mind on an empty stomach. 
About an hour later you were sat back in front of your phone, thinking about everything you’d done in your life so far.
Intelligence was more than just your unit, they were your family, but these last few cases... you’d felt a sense of purpose, a pull, like you were doing what you’d always been meant to do. 
So, taking a deep breath, you dialled a number, and waited for Captain Olivia Benson to pick up.
She answered after a couple of long rings, “Benson.”
“Hi Captain Benson, it’s Detective Y/L/N, from Intelligence,” you identified yourself, butterflies in your stomach as your nerves built. 
“Y/N, hi, I’m glad to get your call,” she told you, her tone giving you pause. 
“...you know, don’t you?” You didn’t have to elaborate, you knew Carisi often confided in his Captain when something was on his mind.
“Yeah, yeah I do,” she admitted, something like sympathy and understanding in her voice, “congratulations, by the way, I know it must be a lot right now, how are you doing?”
“I’m... processing,” you said honestly, tucking your legs under yourself and resting your hand near your belly. “It’s actually, well partially, what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“I’m all ears,” she said, waiting for you to respond even though you figured she already knew where this was heading. Had Carisi told her about his plans to come to Chicago? Probably. 
Here went... everything. “I was just wondering, how serious were you about that change of scenery?” You asked, remembering what she’d said to you after your first case in New York what seemed like forever ago.
“Serious,” she swore, “truly, I know you might think I’m saying that so I don’t lose Carisi, but you have a real gift Y/N, and I’d love to have you on my team.”
Your throat caught, emotion and relief washing over you all of a sudden. Damn hormones.
“I know it’s a big decision,” she continued, “but I want you to know you have options, and time Y/N, whatever you decide, make sure it’s the right decision for you.”
“I will, thank you Captain Benson,” you said sincerely.
“Take care Y/N, keep in touch,” she added.
“I will, bye Captain.” You promised.
“Bye,” she hung up and you put your phone down, feeling more sure of your next move than you expected. 
Olivia was right though, you didn’t have to rush anything, you still had time. Besides, there were more conversations to be had here before you did anything. So, albeit hesitantly, you went and put on your shoes and coat, grabbing your keys on your way out. Better to rip the bandaid off now, next stop, 21st.
Voight was the only one in the office when you arrived, looking up from his desk when you arrived, each step you took from the top of the stairs to his door feeling heavier than the last.
“Sarge, you got a minute?” You asked, knocking on the open door.
He pushed away the paperwork and gestured for you to come in, sensing this was important. With a pause, you sat down and told him everything. 
You waited in excruciating silence for your Sergeant to speak, his facial expressions betraying no emotions, no hint of his reaction to your news as you sat on the edge of your seat, your whole body tense.
Finally, he leaned forward in his chair and spoke. “You know, I knew there was something special about you from the first day we met. You were a good cop, and I knew you had the makings of a great one, and I also knew I needed you in my unit when that happened.” He took a pause, collecting his thoughts as you tried to stop the tears welling up in your eyes. “It seems I wasn’t the only one, Benson called me after that case in New York, wondering if I’d be willing to part with you, she saw it too. If this is what you want...” 
“It is Sarge, it really is.” You swore, grateful and more than a little shocked that both of them held you in such high regard. 
“Then congratulations, on both accounts,” he told you with a smile and a nod, “New York is lucky to have you, and so is Carisi.” 
He stood and so did you, offering you his hand in a professional handshake as you rounded the desk and gave him a hug. Needless-to-say, he was caught off guard, but he eventually returned the gesture. 
You called Carisi as soon as you were back at your apartment, and after a bit of arguing about who should go where and do what, you finally persuade him. “Honestly, a change has been on my mind for a while,” you insisted.
“Y/N, are you sure? What happens when you get here?” He asked.
“I am,” you promised, “and as for what happens next, we’ll figure the rest out when I get there, together.”
After that, there was only one last big step to take: saying goodbye.
"Drinks are on the house,” Herrmann informed you with a grin as you reached the bar of Molly’s, the place packed as everyone you knew and loved milled around. 
“What’s the catch?” Cruz asked suspiciously, pausing mid pour to look at his friend like he’d gone mad.
“The catch,” you answered with an amused smile, “is that I can’t drink alcohol and he knows it.” 
Herrmann laughed, ignoring Cruz’s eye roll as he fetched you a lemonade.
The night went on full of laughs, stories, and more than a few tears, and then, at last, it was time for you to go.
“If you need anything, anything at all, you just call me, you hear?” Antonio insisted once he’d walked you to the cab and closed the trunk with your bags, taking your hands and squeezing them tight. You could feel your eyes welling with tears. You’d been green when you joined Intelligence, and you wouldn’t have gotten to where you were now without him by your side.
“You’ll always be my partner,” you told him, smirking as he did his best to pretend a tear didn’t slip down his cheek.
“Damn straight,” he replied, pulling you in for one last bear hug. After a moment he let you go, clearing his throat as he tried to compose himself, “now get out here, you have a plane to catch.”
You nodded; it was time. Taking a slow, deep breath you wiped your eyes, glancing back to the cab waiting patiently to take you to the start of the next chapter of your life. 
“Bye Antonio,” you said. 
“Bye Y/N,” Antonio smiled, nodding as if to say you could go, they’d be okay. 
Turning you opened the door, taking one last look past your partner to Molly’s, the sounds of laughter and conversation reaching you from where you stood with your hand on the door handle, your other lightly ghosting over your belly.
Things had changed fast, but you knew you’d always have a home here, a family, it was just about to get a little bigger. 
You were ready, you realised as you climbed in the cab, waving to Antonio as you began to drive away, and you wouldn’t be alone. Whatever came next, you and Carisi would face it together.
Look out New York.
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detectiverickitubbs · 4 years
Bailouts & Investigations: Jane and Tubbs
@anoseforrottenapples​ continued from X
Word was rampant, spreading through the streets faster than a gasoline infused wild-fire. A very English grandmother had been detained. The first whispers to reach Crockett and Tubbs came via the motor-mouth known as Noogie Lamont who, reliably slapped on the jive and his own outrageous speculations. 
Squatting in the middle of Crockett’s sleak black Ferrari between the passenger and the driver’s seat, Noogie blasts on,“she’s probably a BANK ROBBER! Holdin’ up those ditzes down at Mutual with her purse.” Just barely avoiding swatting Tubbs by mistake, he gesticulates wildly with his arms. “Like ‘scuzeeeeeeeeeeee me, MANNN. Hold my purse while I help myself to the hundreds. Don’t mind the Knitting needle. Ain’t no body gonna get jabbed less course they deserve it.” He makes a suffering, agonized sound and pretends to have found himself on the pointed end.
Crockett viscerally groans, running his fingers longwise across his stubbled face while he gifts the informant half of his attention. The other half was focused on the house they were supposed to be watching. “You been watching too much of the Tube there, pal?” He wittily retorts, fixing briefly Noogie in the crosshairs of his gaze. 
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Unlike Sonny, Tubbs was more willing to entertain the conjecture. If only as means to overcome the pervading boredom that comes from an unmoving setting. “Yeah?” Her dark eyes glow impishly. “Sure. I bet she was handing out those pretty little candies on her way out and her getaway driver gets busted. Felony inability to follow an even five-mile-per hour speed-limit.” Internally, her mind conjures up the mental image of a dear little old lady sitting on phone books to barely set her peepers above the wheel. Followed by images of the robbery unit pursuing on foot. She gives off an extremely humored laugh.
The laughter is met with a flat scowl from Sonny. One that only encourages her and Noogie further. Noogie specially. “I’ve been doin’ some thinkin’,” Noogie starts. His arms are thrown around the two cops shoulders. 
“Careful now. Don’t want ya to hurt yourself,” Crockett interjects in the form of a gravely grumble. 
Both sets of eyes turn towards Crockett. (Tubbs and Noogies). Tubbs’s flash with amusement and Noogie’s contained shades of unbridled judgement. 
“I’m much too young and too fine not to see this for myself!” He proclaims.
“And have you blabbing all over to six counties and blowin’ our covers?” Sonny shoots back. Just like that, he answers his own rhetorical inquiry. “No thank you.”
Tubbs continues, “besides, we don’t even know that this story is accurate. For all we know it’s just a fun rumor to take everyone’s attention off a real crime.”  
Next came the crackle on the radios summoning Tubbs to return to the precinct. They’d have Gina and Trudy cover for them. Apparently, she’s been requested by a prisoner.  
“Come on, MANNNNNNNNNNNNN. It’s just not fair. I just gotta knowwwwww....” Noogie entreats for the invitation to come along. 
“Get out.” Growls Sonny.
Tubbs nods. “You heard the man. If you’re good, maybe I’ll give you the highlights.”
The drive back was met with musings about who had used her name and why? Was it connected with the buzz on the streets? 
Tubbs briefly spoke with booking and intake officers in order to ascertain if she what was going on. From them, she received even less than the word on the streets. Go figure. 
Ricki’s breezy steps are cut short as she rounds the corner to find a familiar face. “Hey, I remember you.” She relates, the fondness of a smile gracing her lips. Now the tall-tale weaved by Noogie felt a trillion times more absurd. 
She has to dig back in the rolodex of memory to uncover the name.“Ah, Miss Marple. Right? How’s your friend fairing. The one with - was it a heart surgery?” She questions. 
Tubbs’s own experience in the hospital that night had been extremely harrowing one and the elderly woman’s counsel had brought her more comfort than could easily be expressed. If anything, she certainly owed it to the woman to hear out her story. 
“It’s alright. I’ll pay the bail and we can go back to my place or yours and talk about what’s going on.” She offers, handing a wad of cash to Harvey. Who promptly filled out a form on it and informed Tubbs’s she’d be liable if Miss Marple skipped on bail. A fact that inspired Ricki to roll her eyes. “Does she look like she’s gonna make a run for the borders to you?” She actively challenges. 
Turning to Miss Marple, she nods in understanding. “You gotta forgive these guys. They hear every story known to man. Everyone is quick to assert their innocence and only the really stupid confess their guilt. Unfortunately, they don’t know you from any other person in County lock-up. But give me some time and my partner and I will try to clear this up for you.” Ricki breathes. In truth, she believed the woman. She doesn’t have a reason not to. Internally, she prays that she’ll never have a reason to become mistrustful. 
She waits for them to unlock the cell so that she can extract her lone charge. “They take anything from you when they locked you up? We can swing by and pick them up. As long as you don’t have any confiscated weapons...” She questions. 
Waiting until they were far enough away from eavesdropping ears, Tubbs asks, “so, what’d they charge you with? At least, they ought to have told you that much? I just got back from an undercover and haven’t had time to get my hands on your file.”
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carisi-dreams · 6 years
“mama” episode thoughts
SVU | 19 x 22
lol I haven’t even hit play and I’m dead on the screencap of sonny in the camel coat on the website...someone help me get it Together(tm)
yay fin! finally a storyline the writers remembered
(but also...that should be Nick don’t @ me)
...stone is...growing on me (but I still don’t find him attractive)
(the character of amanda kinda gets on my nerves, but uh...kelli is hot)
*sees sonny* SHIIIIIIIIT
wow sonny’s hair looks so amaze
his walk so...like that...I love
sonny looks so concerned, my man
sonny telling the doctor he needs a list of all of the employees...I need...100 gifs of that entire scene oh my gosh his face!!! I’m-
OOF sonny in a coat w/ the badge clipped to the outside #pleaseJesus
okay thank the good Lord that the writers are chilling on making amanda so insufferable. I really like her in this episode
sonny is so like...short/abrupt in this episode? the way he’s talking to people is a little different...I mean it’s hot, but it’s got me like ??
oof this case is so tough :(
*rewinds one more time*
holy shit sonny is so...assertive & confident when did this happen idk but I! am! living!
the way sonny says “we got it, thanks” so abruptly...oof bb is annoyed
a+ empathy amanda!! I love this side of her character
omg sonny’s concerned face...wow
(he is so handsome I’m really a wreck)
“in the end no one gives a damn” okay so will be working that into fic asap what is going on with my man?!?!? (minus being like..traumatized from nearly dying. again. and getting no help. again.)
jeez louise this plot is something else
okay this haircut is still fucking me up
ol trudy: “you’re cute in a prosaic kinda way.” me out loud angrily: “what the fuck does prosaic mean?!” *googles* [definition: commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative] me: I’m ready to throw hands on trudy!!
sonny is really off his rocker on this episode oh my wooooord
I need to pause sonny is getting me too hot right now. the aggressiveness, skepticism, sitting back in his seat and lifting his chin...all of his mannerisms are killing me. this is prime dom!sonny content people!!
wait what’s happening with fin he looks so sad :(
this is such a sad storyline. if anything ever happened to my mom I’d honestly [redacted]
ooh poor peter :(
yay fin!! #squadgoals
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parisian-nicole · 2 years
A Miami Vice Fic: Free Falling (Chp. 6)
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Free Falling Chapter 5: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/691856157619388416/a-miami-vice-fic-free-falling-chp-5
Sonny had tried to coax Trudy to lie down and rest, but she wouldn't relinquish her hold on him. So, with her naked body still wrapped in his embrace he had laid them both down on the bed, and he grasped the sheets to cover her with. It was now over an hour since their confrontation ended, over an hour since he regained his memories of his old life while retaining the memories of all the things he had done in the new one. Most of the things he had done as Sonny Burnett angered him but the thing that disgusted him was how he had treated Trudy. He didn't think there was anything he could ever say or do to make up for the mental and emotional harm he was sure he'd caused her.
"I'm sorry, Trudy," He whispered into the top of her head while she lay with her head pressed against his chest and her right arm wrapped around his back. Her left hand clutched the front of his shirt, and he knew she only clung to him so tightly to make sure he had no distance to lash out at her, and it broke his heart. "I'm so, so sorry, baby," He mumbled into her curls as he closed his eyes to try to push back the onslaught of tears and howls of rage that he wanted to let out.
"Crockett…" Trudy's muffled voice spoke out. "Is it really you? Do you really remember?" She questioned and he tightened his embrace and kissed the top of her head before he replied.
"Yeah, it's really me and I remember," He sighed out as he let his head fall back against the piles of pillows on the bed and lifted his eyes to the ceiling. "I'm a detective at the Miami Organized Crime Bureau along with you, Gina, Tubbs, and Switek, under the supervision of Lieutenant Martin Castillo," He recited, and he felt her shudder a little against him as she rubbed her nose into his chest.
"Welcome Back," She whispered out.
"You brought me back, I'm just sorry that my hurting you the way I did was the trigger. I can't believe that I was going to …" He clamped his eyes shut to will the image away.
"But you didn't," Trudy quickly spoke out as she raised her head and looked up at him. "Hey," she called to him and he turned his head to look at her, and something tightened in his chest. "You stopped before anything bad could happen."
"You mean before anything 'else' bad could happen," He corrected. "I also remember everything I've done as Burnett, and I hurt you yesterday."
"I didn't mind the things you did yesterday. Yeah, I'm still a little sore from it but I'm sure you are too because I gave as good as I got," And she had as his back and shoulders still had the scratches and bite marks to show for it. "And what you tried to do tonight …" She took a shaky breath before she continued. And although he didn't want to think about it, he felt he had no right to stop her from speaking on it. "It wasn't so much what you were doing that was scary. Honestly, under different circumstances, I might have been more willing to try it. But you … Sonny Burnett, was angry with me and wanted to punish me, and that's what was terrifying for me. But it doesn't matter now because you're back in your right state of mind. Back to being the good guy, and I know Sonny Crockett would never purposely harm me or anyone else," He appreciated her words, and once upon a time he would have agreed. But knowing all the things he had done as Sonny Burnett, things he had enjoyed doing, now he was not so sure. He lifted his right hand and brushed the back of the hand across her cheek. "So, what's the plan?" She asked and he was happy about the change of subject. "As much as I want to go home, you can't. You're a wanted man now thanks to Sonny Burnett."
"Yeah, I know, but eventually I have to go back to atone for what I've done," Sonny sighed out heavily as he absentmindedly rubbed his hand up and down her arm, while his eyes locked back onto the ceiling.
"But it wasn't really you, and I'm sure that will be taken into account," Trudy proclaimed as she now rubbed the hand that she had been clutching him with across his chest as she laid her head back down against him.
"It was me, Trudy," He said as he carefully extracted himself from her body and then sat on the side of the bed. Trudy sat up as she held the sheets to cover her nakedness. She remained silent as she watched Sonny's hunched over back. She knew he wanted and needed to say more. "Sonny Burnett is a part of me. An alias I made up, yeah, but also created from my psyche. I always played him up to be a darker version of the real me, so I would come across as believable, you know? The things he did to you he did because there's a part of me that wanted it too," Trudy had already realized this and so she knew she couldn't argue the point with him, so she tried another tactic.
"I trust 'you' and I'm not afraid of 'you', Sonny," She stated truthfully though she knew it would take some time for her mind to reconcile that this man with her now was Crockett and not Burnett.
"You shouldn't trust me, Trudy, and you should be scared of me. No, you should be horrified and disgusted by what I tried to do to you, and of these feelings that are inside of me," He turned and looked at her over his shoulder. And he couldn't stop his eyes from raking over her frame, or the sudden carnal urges that bubbled up inside of him as he drank her in. "I wanted to possess you, bend you to my will, and break you if you didn't submit to me."
"I know," And she did know, she knew it after their second 'date', and that was why she felt she had to pull out and run away.
"Burnett's feelings didn't just stop or go away when my memories came back Trudy," Sonny confessed as he turned away from her in shame. Her mouth fell open and let out a low gasp of surprise. "I still feel it all. I know you don't believe it, but he really did fall for you, and so did I," A tear slipped from her eyes as she listened to him. She felt guilt and thought that she had caused this predicament they were in by purposely getting close to him. She knew Sonny Burnett was romantically and sexually interested in her, but she had been so lost in her determination to save Sonny Crockett she hadn't considered what it would cost her or him in the long run. "I still desire you and I am very jealous and feel enraged at the thought of someone else having you. I still feel all of that, and it scares me."
"Sonny," She called out to him gently as she reached out and placed her soft hand upon his back. He quickly stood and moved away from the bed as if her touch had burned him. And it left her feeling rejected and even bereaved.
"Don't console me, I don't deserve that from you after the way I've treated you, and I can't …" He paused and took a deep breath as he roughly raked his hands through his hair, then turned to stare down at her. "I still want you; do you understand? So, you can't touch me, in fact, you shouldn't even be around me. Carrera wants me to stick around for the deal he has set up with Tubbs, two weeks from now. So, I will take the speedboat into the mainland, stay there, and the crew here on the yacht will get you back to Miami safely," This got Trudy stumbling from the bed still holding the sheet around herself.
"What? No way, Sonny," She hissed out lowly at him mindful of the guards that might be posted outside the door. "You need backup and I'm all you've got. I am not leaving you here alone."
"It's just until Tubbs arrives. I am sure he's bringing the Calvary with him. When he busts Carrera, I will turn myself in as well."
"No, you can't. Sonny, right now you're wanted more than Carrera is after you killed a cop."
"Yeah, I know but Jimmy Hagovitch was dirty as hell, and also it was in self-defense."
"Well, is there any evidence that he was dirty? If we can find that kind of evidence, then that would definitely help prove it was self-defense. We could say that he found out you were undercover and came at you," She said as she mulled it over in her head.
"We? No sweetheart, there ain't no we. It's just me because you're going back to Miami," He stated though he smirked a little at the way she was so vehemently trying to defend what he had done.
"No," Trudy said as she shook her head. "And if you try to force me back on this boat, as soon as they drop me off, I'll be on the next boat back here. I know where we are now and how to find my way back to Carrera's compound."
"Trudy," He grumbled out slightly irritated with her being so stubborn. He let out a heavy sigh as he rested his hands on his hips and looked over at her. He felt himself becoming aroused at the sight of her and quickly dropped his eyes to the floor. She saw it, the flash of heat behind his eyes and then the shame. She took tentative steps to where he stood, not out of fear of him, but fear that she would spook him away.
"Hey," She called softly to him as she reached out and grasped his left hand into her right hand. Sonny sucked in a sharp intake of air and tried to pull away, but she held him more firmly. "I am not mad at you, and I'm not scared of you. What has happened and almost happened between us, well, we can't change any of it no matter how much we might want to. But we also cannot let it define us or change our friendship," He threw her a skeptical look that questioned 'how they would do that?'. "And it's our business and I would appreciate it if you kept it just between us. Others might think of it in a way that it really wasn't."
"They would think that I raped you and they'd be right, Trudy," He spat out and she saw the regret and tears forming in his eyes.
"No, you didn't!" she huffed out as she grew frustrated with him and trying to explain what probably would make no sense to anyone else but her. "I won't deny that Sonny Burnett could have been more tactful and gentler with his lovemaking, but I also can't deny that I like the things he did to me, and how he made me feel. Part of me even feels guilty because I know I took advantage of a situation I knew 'you' had no control over," She confessed as she bowed her head a bit. Sonny's mouth fell open in shock and he gawked at her as if she had lost her mind. "I've thought about what it would be like taking you to bed, Sonny. I mean, Gina, spoke very highly of your sexual prowess and she piqued my interest," She smiled coyly at him. "So, I lived vicariously through Sonny Burnett to bed Sonny Crockett, because I know you don't think of me in a sexual way, and I figured I'd never get that opportunity in our real life," She shrugged a little while he shook his head in disbelief.
"I appreciate that you want to make me feel better about what happened, I really do, sweetheart," Sonny replied. "But I don't know if I'll ever be okay with it. Regardless of how it ended, it started from a dark place and for that I am sorry."
"You're sorry and I'm sorry so we're even," She said this and she squeezed his hand a little. "Now, let's forget it and never mention it again, please," Sonny took another deep breath as he dropped his head and looked down at their joined hands. He let his thumb stroke the delicate skin on her hand for a moment, before he pulled from her grasp. He turned and moved to the bathroom door and he paused at the threshold, where he kept his back to her.
"For the record, from the moment I met you, I was very attracted to you, Trudy," He stated. "I just never mustered up the nerve to approach you because I always thought you, were way out of my league," With that said he walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him, leaving a stunned Trudy in his wake. A few seconds later the water from the shower could be heard. Trudy moved to the closet, pulled out one of the white satin nightgowns, slipped it on, and then climbed back in the bed to await Sonny. It had taken nearly two hours for him to finally come out of the bathroom and she was sure it was him trying to wait her out, hoping she'd fall asleep before he came out. He wore only a towel about his waist as he moved through the darkened room, which was illuminated some by the moonlight coming through the only window in the room. He moved to the dresser, grabbed some boxers, and pulled them on under the towel, which he then let fall to the floor. Sonny glanced at the bed where Trudy lay, he couldn't make out her face in the darkness and assumed she was asleep, so he moved to the small chaise lounge near the window and settled down for the night.
"Sonny," Trudy's whispery voice reached out to him, and he was startled and looked to the bed. "Will you come hold me?"
"I don't think that's a good idea, darlin," He replied while he made no attempt to comply with her request. "I don't trust myself."
"Please, just until I fall asleep," She begged. She hadn't bothered starting another discussion about her trusting him because she decided she could show him better than she could tell him. A moment of silence passed between them before Sonny begrudgingly stood from the chaise and moved to the bed. Trudy tossed back the covers in greeting. Once he was in the bed she slid right against him, wrapped her arms around his midsection, placed her head on his breastbone, and closed her eyes with a sated sigh. Sleep came almost instantly for her, but was long in coming for him. His mind wouldn't allow him to rest as long as he held her warm, soft body while he combated strong sexual urges her closeness invoked in him. Once he was sure she was sound asleep he found his escape back to the chaise lounge where he finally fell asleep.
The morning found Trudy alone in the bedroom. She stumbled in the hurry to shower, dress, and get above deck to ensure Sonny had not sent the yacht back to Miami. She was relieved when she found him on the deck seated at the table which the servers were placing breakfast upon. She glanced at their surroundings and saw they were still a few miles out from the island. Sonny seemed lost in thought as he sat at the table with his legs crossed, coffee in hand, dark shades on, and staring out over the ocean. She noticed that his attire today, a lilac cotton tee, white linen trousers, and white loafers, were very much Crockett's style. His outfit also complimented the purple tank she wore with white shorts, and white sneakers. She wore her hair back in a ponytail and had in silver hoop earrings.
"Good morning," She called out as she moved to the table. He turned to her and looked her over before averting his eyes as if the mere sight of her caused him dismay.
"Morning," He replied and then turned his focus back to the ocean. She quickly thanked the server who had settled the last dish onto the table and then hurried away. "What time did you get up?" She asked casually as she sat down and poured herself a glass of orange juice. She was interested to know if he had gotten any sleep.
"Pretty early," Sonny spoke truthfully and then lifted the coffee mug to his lips and took a sip. "I couldn't sleep," He added on as he rested the mug atop is crossed leg. Trudy knew the reason he was restless but opted not to bring up their altercation again, in the hopes that if they don't talk about it, it would be forgotten.
"What's on your itinerary today, do you have another meeting with Carrera?" He simply shook his head no as the sea breeze blew through his feathered shoulder-length locks. "Good, then you can take me sightseeing. It is such a beautiful island, and I didn't get to see much of it yesterday," She made herself sound nonchalant and excited about the prospect in the hopes it would inspire Sonny, but she could tell by the look on his face he would need more convincing. "Please, Sonny, if we're going to be stuck here for the next 2 weeks, I don't want to be confined to this boat the entire time," She pouted slightly and even through his shades she could see his eyes hone in on her lips as he said nothing. He then dropped his head a little and let out a defeated sigh.
"Vinnie," Sonny finally called out and the guard quickly approached.
"Yes, Mr. Burnett?"
"Prepare the speedboat, I'm taking the lady sightseeing," He announced and the smile that graced Trudy's face was so big and bubbly that Sonny couldn't stop the smile it invoked from him.
Once they had docked and made their way into town Sonny was greeted by an older man who appeared to be working the docks. They conversed for a few minutes off to the side, then Sonny nodded, gave the man a wad of cash, and the man rushed off.
"What was that all about?" Trudy questioned but Sonny said nothing directly to her at first, he side-stepped around her, and addressed the guards. The two men nodded as Sonny spoke and then Mike started to walk of while Vinnie hesitated and needed more coaxing from Sonny. Finally, Vinnie walked off following the same trek Mike had taken. Then Sonny finally made his way back to where Trudy stood watching him curiously. "No, guards?" She asked a little concerned out of fear Miguel Carrera might plot some sort of retaliation against Sonny.
"No, it seems Miguel tucked his tail between his legs and left the island. He went back to Miami sometime last night and won't be back until the meeting with Rico. So, we can relax for a while."
"And you don't think Oscar Carrera might seek some sort of justice for his son?" She asked and Sonny actually chuckled a little at the thought.
"He doesn't have a guard in his entire compound who would take on that job. He treats them all like shit. When I came into the organization and took charge of the guards, I treated them like men and showed them respect. I also, allowed them a cut of every job we did where there was any money left on the table; divided everything up equally and never reported any of it to Oscar, who would have just taken it all for himself. So, I have their loyalty. Most are very decent men and I hate the idea of them going down with Carrera," Sonny stated as he pushed his shades back on and then pushed his hands into his pockets. "So, where to first?" Trudy stepped closer to him and looped her arm with his. She felt him stiffen for just a second before he relaxed again.
"You tell me," She replied as they began to walk through the town. "You're more familiar with the island than I am. What do you suggest?"
"Well, there's always some festival going on somewhere. Usually on the outskirts of town where the true people of the island live."
"These aren't the true people?" Trudy questioned as she glanced at the people walking around them.
"Most are, yeah, but they just work here in town. They don't live here. This town was built from the ground up by Carrera. It's a very profitable tourist and vacation business for him. When I get out of the business, I think I might do something like-" The words died on his lips as reality shouted in his head. A reality where he wasn't Sonny Burnett part-time drug smuggler, part-time enforcer, but Sonny Crockett the police officer. Trudy clutched his arm a little tighter with her left hand as she rubbed her right hand up and down his arm. But she said nothing because she didn't know what to say about the situation. She couldn't even imagine what he was going through mentally and emotionally. "We'll walk to the outskirts it's not too far, but let's stop and get a cold drink first," Even though he had opted to not wear the matching jacket it was still quite humid and he was already starting to sweat a little. "I'll go across the street to get the drinks, you wait here," Sonny said and then hurried across the street, while she stood watching him from where she stood. She didn't stand for long before she could feel eyes on her, and since Sonny's back was now to her it wasn't his.
"Hello, Beautiful Lady," A heavy accented male voice called out from right behind her. She inwardly groaned and kept her eyes locked onto Sonny's back. She felt a little panicked by the thought that Sonny might be upset. He had told her last night that the dangerously possessive jealous nature of Sonny Burnett was also a part of him. "You cannot be from the island, for I have never seen any island girl as fine as you are," The tall, slender built black man continued.
"Thank you but I have a boyfriend," Trudy finally spoke as she regarded him for just a second before she focused back onto Sonny, who now stood at the drink stand paying for their drinks while he glared across the street at where she stood.
"A boyfriend?" The man repeated and she heard another man's chuckle. She hadn't realized there was more than one of the men, but three of them. "I don't see a boyfriend," The man continued.
"Well, he's standing right across the street at that drink stand, looking right at you," She said and got just the reaction she had hoped for. She heard gasps from the three men, and one grumbled the names Burnett and Carrera.
"We're so sorry to have bothered you Miss," The black man spoke out as he and his two friends literally ran away from where she stood, as Sonny made his way back across the street.
"New friends?" He asked as he handed her the drink, he had gotten her.
"No … Uh … they were just some locals," Trudy stammered out nervously and then sipped at the straw in her cup.
"What did they say to you?" He turned his eyes to her as she bowed her head and locked her eyes down to the street they walked along.
"Uhm," She wasn't sure she wanted to reply. She didn't want to trigger an angry response from him.
"I'm not gonna chase them down and shoot them, even if the thought had crossed my mind," He said and she smiled up at him thinking he was joking, but his stoic face told her he meant what he had said.
"He just said that I was beautiful, that's all, Sonny," He nodded to her words and allowed his eyes to scan their surrounding as they walked on.
"He's right, you are," He lifted his straw to his lips and sipped before he spoke again. "And now I know for sure that you have to go back to Miami," He said out of the blue and she turned confused eyes onto him.
"Sonny, we've already discussed this."
"No, darlin, we haven't," He chuckled a little. "You can't stay, Trudy, you're not safe here."
"Why isn't it safe? I'm with you and you just said that Miguel won't be around for two weeks, and Oscar isn't a real threat."
"You're not safe around 'me'," Sonny declared, and she frowned up at his words.
"I already told you Sonny, that I'm not afraid of you … not the real you, and I trust you," With a low grumble of frustration Sonny grabbed her arm and moved her into a narrow alley between the two buildings they stood in front of. Once they were hidden down the alley way, he carefully pushed her back into the wall of one of the buildings.
"You should be afraid of me, because I'm afraid of myself, and you shouldn't trust me because I don't trust myself around you," He confessed as he stood facing her. "Trudy, these feelings," He smacked his right hand against his chest and then fisted the hand there. "They're intense and I'm having to fight with myself to stay in control of them, and they're all about you," Trudy shivered a little at his words and the wildness in his eyes. She was actually surprised by how aroused she had become just from knowing she invoked such feelings in him.
"Do you want to hurt me, Sonny?" She asked plainly because she needed to know for sure, and he shook his head quickly in reply before he spoke.
"No, but …" He paused unsure if he could express to her how he truly felt. "Right now, this second," He started to speak again as he locked his eyes onto hers. "I want to take you right up against that wall behind you. Take you hard and deep. And I know it's just male posturing bullshit because those guys made an innocent pass at you. But there's this voice in my head yelling at me to mark my territory, mark you. Not caring who might see us. Not caring if you'd protest, cry, or fight me to stop me. So, no I don't want to hurt you, Trudy, but I could and I would hurt you to have you. Fuck!" He barked out as he stepped back, rested his hands on his hips, and raised his head to the heavens. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to make it go away. So, you should not be around me. It's really not safe," He looked at her once again while he shook his head as if to shake away the thoughts. Trudy in that moment wasn't outraged, mad, or even frightened by what he had disclosed. She could literally see him struggling with these new feelings and desires brought on by Sonny Burnett, and she just wanted to make it better for him. She reached out her right hand, grasped his left hand, and tugged him close to her. Sonny allowed her to lead him until they were standing toe to toe and nose to nose.
"It's okay to desire me, Sonny," She spoke in a low and seductive voice, and he stared entranced as his eyes darted in between her eyes and her mouth. "I desire you too," She confessed freely. "And if we ever want to act on our desires that's okay too, because we're two consenting adults, both in our right minds … now," She joked with a smile, and he chuckled. "So, if you want to kiss me or touch me you can, I wouldn't mind it. So long as you're being nice and gentle with me, okay?" As if he had needed to test her words and his own restraints, he reached up both of his hands, tenderly cupped her face, and then swooped in and kissed her. She instantly melted against him and welcomed him by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him even closer. Trudy moaned in pleasure as Sonny moved his hands to hold her closer. One of his hands now gripped the back of her neck while the other was wrapped around her svelte waist. The kiss grew heady and Sonny would have truly taken Trudy right then and there, up against that wall had the moment not been interrupted by unexpected giggling. They yanked apart and turned to see several small children watching them from the opposite end of the narrow alleyway. Sonny hurriedly stepped back from Trudy, who stood giggling back at the children and how they had been busted. Sonny smiled at the children as he grasped Trudy's hand into his own and then lead them back out of the alley the same way they had come in.
Trudy had been surprised by how lively the outskirts of the town was. It was even more colorful and active than the ritzier tourist side. They had been there for over three hours and she still was excited and enthralled by all the energy of the people and the festival they were having. Even Sonny was more relaxed and was enjoying himself. After his open and honest conversation with Trudy, he felt more at ease with her. Him knowing that his feelings, the attraction and desire he felt wasn't one-sided made him less afraid of being close to her. Sonny also felt that some of the extreme jealousy he had felt had alleviated. He wasn't easily triggered as he watched Trudy dance with the others in the streets. Although his jaw would clinch in mild irritation whenever a man would approach her, Trudy would quickly appease any growing anger within him by making it known that she was with him. For her part Trudy felt more comfortable with him. She felt as if she were with a partner who was watching her back, instead of feeling she had to stay on guard with him. She even boldly initiated a couple of deep, delicious kisses with Sonny, which he hungrily welcomed. They stayed well after dark to watch the fireworks the locals always had to mark the end of their festivals. So, it was after eight o'clock when Sonny and Trudy strolled arm-in-arm through the streets as they made their way back to the docks, where they found Vinnie and Mike waiting for them.
Sometime later back on the yacht
"Today was a great day," Trudy stated with a huge smile as she led the way into the master bedroom she shared with Sonny. He followed behind her though he paused and dismissed the guards that seemed to always be stationed at the door. Then he crossed the threshold and closed the door. She watched him curiously as he removed the two guns he always kept on him. One holstered at his left side and the other one strapped around his ankle. "No more guards at the door?" She questioned.
"No, I only had them there to ensure you didn't sneak away and try to jump off the boat while I was sleeping," Sonny said with a smirk and she giggled a little at what he had said. Mainly, because the thought had crossed her mind more than once but had been derailed because she knew the guards were there.
"Well, I don't have any reason to now, right?" She replied as she sent him a kind smile, but he averted his eyes to the floor.
"We'll see," He mumbled out but she still heard. She knew that they had had a peaceful day but that they were both still a little weary of Sonny Burnett reemerging in some way. "If you don't mind, I'd like to grab the first shower. It was hot as hell today and muggy tonight, and unlike you I didn't dress well for the hot day. I feel really sweaty and grimy."
"Sure," She agreed as she plopped down on the foot of the bed and started to remove her sneakers as she watched him enter the bathroom and close the door.
She fully undressed and then waited several minutes until after she heard the shower head spraying out water before she worked up the nerve to move to the bathroom door. She slowly and quietly opened the door enough so she could slip in without being noticed. She found that even though the room was quickly filling with steam she could still clearly see Sonny's silhouette in the huge shower stall. His lean yet athletic back faced her as he stood with his head bowed beneath the waterfall rushing from the shower head. The stall was encased in all glass and there was no door just an opening at the end, and so she stepped inside the shower undetected by Sonny. It wasn't until she moved closer to him that she made her presence known as she reached out and stroked her hand down his back. Sonny whipped his head around and stared at her with wide, shocked eyes, which shamelessly raked over her nude body. He didn't question what she was doing there nor tell her to leave. Any strength he had been using to battle newfound urges towards her completely left him, and he moved to her. Without even touching her he used his body to maneuver them until her back was pressed against the marble tile that decorated the back wall of the shower stall. He stood so close that water dripped from his body and rolled down over hers. He rested his right hand against the wall next to her head, but still, he didn't touch her. He simply gazed down into her eyes. His labored breath and engorged dick which was fully-erect between them told of his true feelings at that moment. She knew he wanted her just as much as she wanted him, and she also knew that he wasn't going to touch her until she gave clear consent. So, she leaned up and captured his lips and pulled him into a sensual kiss while she moved both of her hands and grabbed his bare ass. Sonny groaned into her mouth and rolled his eyes closed to the pleasure from feeling her body and warmth pressed so intimately against him. He moved his own hands down to grip Trudy's ass. He lifted her, and slid her backside up the marble tiled wall all while never breaking their kiss. She willingly complied with the position he wanted her in as she lifted and draped her arms around his shoulders while locking her slender, toned legs about his hip. Foreplay never crossed either of their minds, nor was it even needed. His painfully stiff cock and her slippery wet pussy allowed for him the drive up smoothly within her tight walls. The connection instantly sent a jolt of rapture within both of them. Trudy arched some from the wall as she dug her nails into his shoulders. Her head slid back, her mouth fell open, and a curse laced moan escaped her lips. Sonny dropped his head to rest against her breast bone as he closed his eyes to try to will away the orgasm that was scratching at his balls for release. He recovered quickly and then moved his head slightly and pulled Trudy's left nipple into his mouth. She involuntarily bucked and bounced on his dick as zings of ecstasy drummed on her clit.
"Sonny," She almost mournfully sobbed out and he immediately stopped his movements and lifted his head to look directly at her, afraid he was hurting her or doing something she didn't want. She just a swiftly growled out her frustrations to his inactivity. "No, don't you dare stop," She commanded as she glared down at him. "Please, please don't stop," She then begged and then rejoiced when he began thrusting into her again and suckling her breasts. "You feel so good, baby," She gasped out the proclamation as she used her thighs to help lift her in time with his thrusting. "Oh, oh, Jesus, I'm coming! YEEEESSSS!" Trudy screamed out at the top of her lungs as her body convulsed and then fell forward with her full weight mostly held up by Sonny's waning brute strength. He growled and cursed under his breath as her pussy walls pulsated around him, squeezing him so tightly his eyes crossed and his knees nearly buckled in pleasure. It was that fear of tumbling to the hard marble floor and possibly hurting Trudy that made him embrace her more firmly against him and slide them down fully to the floor. With her prone on the tiled floor, Sonny used his right knee and the balls of both feet to provide him the leverage he wanted to manically pound into her for his own release, which came fast.
"Mmmugghhh … Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" He roared out with each of his last thrusts before he spilled his seed deep within her. He then collapsed completely exhausted across her body. He didn't stay there long because he knew his weight was too heavy for her. So, he turned and fell to his back beside her. His instinct was to grab her, pull and hold her close to him, but he decided against it. Instead, they both lay lethargic side-by-side on the floor of the shower, panting for air while staring up at nothing in particular. "You really should have gone back to Miami when I told you to, Trudy," Sonny huffed out and Trudy turned her head to regard him with a small look of confusion. "Now, I don't think I'll be able to ever let you go," He continued and she turned, curled against him, and placed a kiss upon his chest. He instinctively wrapped one of his arms around her, and there they rested until they regained enough energy to go to bed.
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parisian-nicole · 2 years
A Miami Vice Fic: Free Falling (Chp. 2)
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Free Falling Chapter 1: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/670694538491363328/a-miami-vice-fic-free-falling
"Yeah, I really think Oscar Carrera is gonna take the bait on this one. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him about how I traffic through my legit club," Tubbs stated as he drove them back to the Gentlemen's Club where Castillo, Gina, and Switek had decided to meet up for their debriefing. Given how big this case was and how powerful Carrera was, they didn't want to risk being tailed. They had to keep their cover at all times. "Hey," He finally shot a glance to Trudy who stared at the dashboard half listening to him, and half thinking about seeing Sonny. She had opted to wait until they had arrived at the club to say anything. She knew if she had mentioned while still at the party Tubbs could have possibly blown their cover to try ad confront Sonny. "What's up with you, Trudy?" You've been quiet since I found you waiting at the bar for me. C'mon you ain't mad that I had to leave you like that, are you?"
"No, it's not that," She replied as she looked up and out the windshield. "Something crazy and totally unexpected happened tonight."
"What happened?" Tubbs frowned up can he continued to look between Trudy and the road. He was in full over-protective big brother mode now. "Did some punk mess with you at that party?"
"No, he wasn't a punk," Was all she offered as Tubbs pulled his car into the alleyway that led to the back of the club, which was where the real owner and workers usually parked. Trudy could see that Castillo, Gina, and Switek's cars were already there, so they were waiting inside. "
"Well, who was it, what happened?" Tubbs continued his probing as he parked and then turned off the car. Trudy graced him with an endearing smile. She was always touched whenever he, Sonny, Switek, and even their Lieutenant would try to look out for her. All ready to whoop ass to defend her honor if needed.
"I'll tell you all about once we get inside, let's go," She opened the door and exited the car then made her way to the back door of the club. Tubbs was right behind her. He stepped around her and used the keys he was given to unlock the door and then held it open for Trudy to enter first. Once inside there entered a small corridor that veered to the right to take patrons to the bathroom, while the locked door on the left was for employees only. It was where the owner's posh office was and also had numerous smaller rooms where the ladies got ready. That side was almost half as big as the main side of the club, which was straight ahead from the corridor.
"Hey you two," Switek was the first to greet them having noticed their entrance first. He had been seated on the edge of the stage across from where both Castillo and Gina sat waiting at the table right in front of the stage.
"How was the party," Gina asked as she eyed Trudy up and down in mild envy at how beautifully she wore her dress. "And I am borrowing that dress someday, count on it," She added on and Trudy threw her a smile as she moved and seated herself at the table beside Gina.
"It was fantastic," Tubbs replied as he slapped and then rubbed his hands together, all with a pleased grin on his face. "Carrera is definitely interested. We've set up another meeting here tomorrow night so he can see the operation first hand. It was definitely a good idea to start 'working' here for the last month and really set up that back story. And now that the workers have gotten to know me as their new boss, it'll make it all seem more real to Carrera."
"Yeah, good thing we were able to convince the D.A. to cut, the previous owner, a deal if he cooperated. It helped that he came in and made the announcement that you would be taking over the business, and assured them all they would still have the same job as before except with a new boss and new hostess," Switek said as he pointed to Trudy.
"I feel really bad that once this is all over this place will be shut down and all those girls will be out of a job," Gina said with a grim look on her face.
"Doubt it," Tubbs interjected. "Every last one of the women working here is turning tricks on the side. Us closing this place down ain't gonna change that fact. They'll just have to find another place to meet their Johns."
"Yeah, back out on the street corner, where they're likely to get snatched up by a pimp and put to work three times harder with a quarter of the pay," Gina countered and Tubbs fully understood what she was saying. "At least in here, they have a safe place to meet the Johns and keep all of their earnings."
"It's not up to us," Castillo spoke out around a heavy, deep sigh, wanting to end this particular discussion. "Thankfully, the DEA has worked out a deal to allow us to use it for the time being and convinced the previous owner to play along. What time is your meeting with Carrera?"
"10 pm," Tubbs answered.
"Can you have everything set up by then?" Castillo looked at Switek as he spoke.
"Yeah," Switek said with a nod as he looked around the room. "The previous owner has already installed a state-of-the-art surveillance system in here. I will just splice into it and tie it to our equipment. Whatever is lacking I'll get. It'll definitely be done before the meeting with Carrera."
"There's something else we have to be concerned with," Trudy finally spoke as she looked at each of the faces in the room before she continued. "Tonight, I saw Sonny," She said the words and then paused to allow the others to let what she had said sink in. They all held the same confused and stunned scowl on their faces, even Castillo. "And I don't mean I saw someone I thought was Sonny. I mean he walked right up to me, introduced himself as Sonny Burnett, and then asked me out. We're having lunch tomorrow at the Miami Beach Boardwalk."
"Wait, what?" Gina was the first to speak out aghast. "He's still undercover? Was his death all a ruse?" She directed this directly at Castillo, as anger began to fill her at the thought that they had been led to believe their close friend had been killed in the line of duty.
"No," Trudy cut back in before any other questions could be asked. "He's not undercover. He really believes he's Sonny Burnett. When we talked, when I looked into his eyes," She shook her head slightly as she recalled the moment. "He didn't recognize me. He had absolutely no clue who I was. He's living the life of Sonny Burnett and he's the main enforcer of the Carrera organization."
"Oh my God, so he's got some kind of amnesia?" Gina asked.
"Looks that way," Trudy confirmed.
"Trudy, baby, I hope you're telling a bad joke right now," Tubbs said as he shook his head. "Because if Sonny is alive and he's Carrera's enforcer…"
"He's one of the most wanted criminals in Dade, Monroe, and Broward County," Castillo announced and the only one not surprised by this news was Tubbs.
"Yeah, he's been blasting dealers throughout Miami and surrounding cities," Tubbs stated. "Strategically taking out Carrera's competition. Miguel Carrera was actually talking about it tonight, about their badass enforcer who was so cold-blooded he'd blast any fool, even cops. Now that I think about it, he did call him Sonny too."
"Jesus," Switek huffed out.
"So, what's the new play here?" Tubbs asked Castillo whose jaws clenched as he stared down at the tabletop.
"Same as before," Castillo replied. "Bust Carrera and bring down his organization. Do you think you'll be able to handle working the Sonny situation on your own?" He asked Trudy.
"Yeah, he's definitely interested in seeing me again, and I definitely want to help him if I can," She answered honestly.
"The assignment isn't to help him, it's to bring him in for his crimes, same as with Carrera," Castillo declared glibly. "We don't know the full story of what has happened to him, and we can't concern ourselves with that right now. If he really believes he's an enforcer and he's killing people, he'll be brought to justice just like everybody else. If you can't set aside personal feelings and do your job then I don't want you involved, and that goes for all of you," He spoke this as he casually looked to each of them as they sat quietly. None of them wanted this reassigned, they all knew that the best chance of bringing Sonny in alive was if they handled the case themselves.
"I understand the assignment, Lieutenant, and I'll do my job like I always have," Trudy declared. "I can work the case by keeping company with Sonny, and I'm sure Tubbs can work things from the Carrera side," Tubbs nodded in agreement.
"What about Caroline and Billy," Gina threw out. "Shouldn't we tell them that Sonny's alive?"
"No, not if Sonny really thinks he's one of the bad guys," Tubbs replied. "Them knowing could compromise the case and blow Sonny's cover as well as ours. Sonny might think he's one of Carrera's people but memories or not if they ever discover who he truly is they'll kill him," They all nodded to this very true assessment.
"Well, things just got a whole lot more complicated, didn't it?" Switek stated.
The Lunch Date
"You know, darlin," Sonny spoke from across the small bistro table he and Trudy sat at. She had picked a small French restaurant where some of the seating was outside the storefront under a large awning. He sat with legs crossed and looked out of place dressed to the nines in an expensive dark Armani suit over a white dress shirt. Today he went more casual than he usually would and didn't wear a tie, and although his hair was still slicked back, he didn't have his signature ponytail. "I'm not a cheap date nor am I expecting anything in return for treating you to lunch," He said with a smile and she smirked back at him but sent a curious look.
"Well, that's good to know."
"I mean to say, you could have picked a classier place, where they require reservations and make you dress up and seat you inside to eat," He continued as he cautiously eyed the male waiter who settled their ordered food and drinks onto the table. Trudy waited until the waiter was done and had walked away before she replied.
"I like this place," She said with a shrug. "And don't let the looks of it fool you; they have really good food. Besides, I didn't exactly dress for finer dining," When she said this Sonny lustfully raked his eyes over her frame which she had caught him doing a few times since they had met up. She wore hot pink shorts that hit her at her upper thigh but weren't too short to be indecent. And though the shorts needed no help staying on her she had a thin silver belt looped through them as an accessory. She matched the shorts with a white camisole shirt that showed her toned belly and white sneakers. She wore her thick, bone straight breast-length hair up and a high ponytail with a heavy bang. It was always windy on the boardwalk and she knew this was a style that would keep her hair looking carefree but still under control, instead of looking wild, frizzy, and crazy.
"You look amazing," He complimented as he let his eyes linger on her crossed legs. She blushed sweetly at his words and internally struggled with her body to keep still and not squirm under his heated gaze.
"Thank you, and you look very handsome, Mr. Burnett. Overdressed but very sharp," Trudy assessed his attire as her eyes danced over his frame. He simply smiled and nodded to acknowledge her words. "But aren't you hot?" She giggled out as she actually saw sweat beads popping up on his forehead.
"Yeah, I'm roasting over here, actually," Sonny replied as he chuckled, amused by her amusement of his situation.
"So, why don't you lose the jacket?" She suggested and with a smile still on his face, he unbutton the jacket, leaned forward a bit, and then tugged each arm from the sleeve. He then laid the jacket on one of the two vacant chairs at their table, which was just to his right. "Now don't you feel better? Trudy said while subconsciously letting her eyes drift over his body before they settled back up to his eyes, which were locked on to her hungrily. She gasped a little at the intensity she saw in his eyes. They sat like that for what felt like hours, both seemed physically unable to look away.
"Sail away with me," Sonny suddenly threw out and his words garnered a surprised and confused look from Trudy. Before she could question him, he went on. "I came here in my boat. It's docked just down at the Marina."
"I don't get on boats with men I don't know," She replied through a gentle smile, and his own smile broadened.
"Yeah, I guess that's a good rule to live by," Sonny replied as he nodded a little but never lost her gaze. "But you know me, don't you?" He posed to her and her smile faltered a bit as she looked at him curiously and wondered had he regained some memory of her or their friendship. "We met last night, remember? I'm Sonny Burnett," He joked and she let out a nervous chuckle, mildly disappointed he hadn't really remembered anything. "And you're Ms. Trudy Jackson. See, we know each other," He then leaned across the table some as he continued to speak. "C'mon, Trudy, we won't go far, and I'll have you back in time for you to get to work."
"But we haven't even eaten anything yet, Sonny," She said in the hopes to dissuade him. The truth was she wasn't too keen to be trapped on a boat out in the ocean with this familiar stranger before her.
"I'll feed you on my boat, c'mon, let's go," He spoke this as he pulled out his wallet, pulled out two bills, and tossed them on the table. He then reached across the table, grasped her hand, and pulled her up as he himself stood. At this point, he didn't seem to care for any further protests from her as he firmly held onto her and steered them through the crowd. Sonny Crockett would have never manhandled Trudy like this. He had only tried it once and she had cursed him out so badly she was sure she had actually struck some fear into him. But Sonny Burnett, she could tell, was a man that was used to getting his way, and wasn't big on asking and would probably never beg for anything. No, he'd just take whatever he wanted, this was not lost on Trudy as she followed where he was now leading her.
Sometime Later
"Will there be anything else you needed, Mr. Burnett?" The slender-built, balding 50-something man asked as he stood beside the beautifully set table. The man was the owner of a very high-classed Italian restaurant that Trudy had always wanted to try but it was out of her tax bracket. She couldn't ever justify in herself paying $30 for one slice of lemon-honey semifreddo dessert even though she had been dying to try it.
"No, thanks Giorgio, everything was perfect," Sonny answered and then wiped his mouth with his napkin. He had genuinely enjoyed the meal, which was a plus to him considering how much it all cost for the last-minute catered order. But to him well worth it for the company he was currently keeping.
"Yes, it was all so delicious, thank you," Trudy chimed in after she too wiped her mouth. Giorgio simply bowed and then waved his staff to clear the table. Then they would clean everything in the kitchen, pack up, and leave.
"C'mon darlin, let's go down to the lounge area where it's more comfortable," Sonny said this and then pushed back his chair and stood. He moved to her, pulled out her chair, and gently pulled her to her feet.
"I like it out here, in the fresh air," She stated as she tried to pull from his grip. He didn't initially let her go until she looked down at where his hand still held her arm, and then looked up at his face with an arched brow. He cast her a charming smile and then released her. She took somewhat hurried steps away from him and moved to the railing at the stern of the yacht. She grasped the railing and let her head fall back a little and then closed her eyes. She took a deep cleansing breath and just enjoyed the feel of the sun and wind on her face.
"Damn. You're beautiful," Sonny's voice pulled her attention and she opened her eyes and found him standing just at her right side. He was so close his shoulder nearly grazed hers.
"Thank you," She mustered out as she let her eyes quickly glance at his face before she turned and looked out over the ocean. He reached out and grazed the fingertips of his left hand across her neck and she slightly trembled under his touch. Her heart rate increased a tad bit with anticipation of what he might say or do next.
"I want to spend more time with you, is that possible?" Sonny asked as he trailed the back of his knuckles down her right arm before he pulled it back and pushed it in his pocket.
"Yeah, I think that's possible," Trudy replied with a nod of her head and a smile as she turned to look at him. Her smile widened when she saw the toothy smile that spread across his face. She thought it was very sweet that he appeared to be enthused that she had agreed.
"All right, how about tonight?"
"I already told you I have to work tonight."
"Yeah, I know but as it turns out I'll be at your job working too. My boss has a meeting there with your boss. So, I thought when we're both off duty we could hang out."
"I'm usually dead on my feet and no fun after a long night of work, Sonny. I just like going home and sleeping," She tried to deter his offer.
"Okay, well at least let me take you home," He tried a different tactic, and she could see that he was really trying. She didn't want to seem too eager but also didn't want to push him away to the point that he might just lose interest altogether.
"I usually drive myself to work … but I could have one of my co-workers pick me up tonight, and then you can give me a ride home."
"Then it's a date?" He said as he held out his right hand to initiate a handshake, which she assumed was to seal the deal.
"Yeah, it's a date," She giggled, rolled her eyes dramatically, and grasped his hand with her right hand, and shook it. Sonny then suddenly tugged her closer until she pressed against his chest and they were nose to nose. They both stood like that for a few seconds seemingly mesmerized by the other's mouth. Then Sonny closed the distance and captured her mouth with his own. The kiss was tender and sweet, and they both thought the other tasted divine. Trudy couldn't help herself as she reached her right hand up and rested her fingertips against the nape of his neck. In response, Sonny clamped both of his hands around her tiny waist and held her even closer. The feel of his current excitement that was pressed against her belly brought Trudy back to her senses and she pulled from the kiss breathlessly. She bowed her head a bit. "We should head back now. I have errands I have to run before I head into work." She could feel Sonny smile against the side of her face. He then leaned in and kissed her right temple.
"All right, I'll take you back."
Sometime Later
"This is a safe house I've never been to before, but at least the neighborhood is clean and nice," Gina spoke out as she grabbed a couple of bags from the back of her convertible.
"Well, from the outside it looks perfect," Trudy replied as she grabbed a few more bags and the luggage she had packed from her car. All of the items were things she brought from her home to make this fake home seem legit. "I'm just glad the Lieutenant could find something for me on such short notice," She made her way up the steps and unlocked the door. It was a very nice two-story townhouse, which was already nicely furnished. Trudy was very pleased to see that the furnishings were very much in tune with her own style.
"Wow, this is beautiful. No wonder I couldn't find a nice place like this when I was looking. The department is buying them all up to use as safehouses," Gina joked as she entered and closed the door behind her.
"All right, let's get to decorating, and then off to work we go," Trudy said as she entered the living room.
Later that night
"Trudy!" A female voice called out to her over the loud music in the club. Trudy lifted her attention from the patron she had checked on to make sure they were seated and being served. Her eyes landed onto one of the floor girls as they called themselves. The curly-haired blonde nodded towards the door, and Trudy turned to see Ruby another floor girl who also did hosting with Trudy. They alternated and allowed each other some time to get out and mingle and dance. But tonight, Trudy had told the girls to keep a lookout for a group of guys who would be coming in around 10 pm, so she could take care of them personally for the boss. When Trudy turned towards the door, she found Ruby checking hats and coats of Oscar Carrera, his son Miguel, Sonny, and two other men she was sure were also guards. Trudy rushed over to get them seated.
"Good evening gentlemen and welcome to the Member's Only club," Trudy greeted with a smile as she moved behind the station where she booked the guest in. She purposely tried not to look directly at Sonny, but she could feel the heat of his gaze upon her. "What names are your reservations under?" She asked as she looked between Oscar Carrera and Miguel. It was Miguel to answer.
"It's under Carrera, and it is lovely to see you again Ms. Trudy," He said as he leered at her. Trudy gave him a curt nod and tried not to let her face show the disgust she felt from the way he was looking at her. At that moment she did shoot Sonny a quick glance and found him frowned up and shooting a death glare at Miguel. She signed them in and then moved to lead them to the VIP booth waiting for them.
"We have your seat in the VIP section, right this way please."
"I would follow you anywhere in that dress and out of it too, Mami," Miguel replied through a lecherous smile as he licked his lips, but before he could step behind his father and the other two guards, Sonny had stopped him by grasping his arm. When Trudy had arrived at the table toward the back, but closest to the stage she noticed that only Carrera and two of the guards were taking seats. She looked back and saw Sonny was talking lowly to Miguel, and Miguel suddenly held his hands up as if he were surrendering in a fight. Miguel then nodded as he spoke. He placed his left hand on Sonny's right shoulder with his right hand placed over his chest. Miguel then smacked the back of his right hand against Sonny's chest. Sonny said nothing just stared at the man sternly and then nodded in satisfaction and they then walked over to the table together. "Please forgive me if I said anything disrespectful before, Ms. Trudy," Miguel spoke out and Trudy was genuinely surprised by this. She cut her eyes from Miguel over to Sonny who shot her a quick wink. She bit back a laugh as she realized what had happened.
"You are forgiven, please have a seat and I will let my boss know that his guests have arrived," She then waved over Gina who was fronting as a floor girl. "This is Gina she will take your orders and get you whatever you want," Trudy cast a smile to the men and then moved to head to the back office. As she was passing Sonny he reached out and placed a hand on her arm and she instantly stopped and looked up at him. He leaned in close to her ear and spoke low to her.
"You are so fucking beautiful," Was all he said and then he removed his hand from her arm. She blushed hard and smile coyly at his words. She mumbled a thank you and then hurried on her way.
After Trudy had gone to inform Tubbs that it was game time, she took a moment and went to the employee bathroom to check herself. She didn't know why she cared so much about how she looked, but Sonny's praises made her want to make sure her makeup and hair were still fresh. She knew that the short black latex dress she wore accentuated her body. The front opened just above her navel but was kept together by a string laced and tied in the front. She'd only worn it once before while undercover as a hooker, but she left the white fake fur she'd worn with it that time at home tonight. She smacked her lips a couple of times they didn't feel tacky so she knew she didn't need to retouch her lipstick. Her hair which she wore out was completely crimped and big and bold as the ends just brushed her clavicle bone. She reached up both hands and fluffed both sides of her hair. Then she smirked at herself because she knew she looked good, really good. She then exited the bathroom and made her way back out to the club. She noticed Tubbs and Carrera seated and talking through her peripheral vision not wanting to stare directly. However, she could not make out anyone else, namely Sonny who was likely right at the table guarding his boss. So, she plastered on a smile and worked the floor as the main hostess. She checked tables and patrons dancing on the floor to make sure they were having a good time. She then made her way to the bar to make the rounds there, that's where she bumped into Gina who was getting drinks for the Carrera table.
"Hey," Trudy greeted. "You need a hand?"
"No thanks, only Carrera, his son, and Rico ordered drinks. And man, you weren't kidding. About Sonny I mean, he had no idea who I was. He looked right through me like he had never seen me before in his life, and he was kind of a jerk when I was trying to small talk with him," Gina spoke with a small frown. "But I think you will definitely have better luck given the way he is looking at you right now," She glanced over Trudy's shoulder and could see Sonny standing near the VIP booth but he had his eyes locked onto Trudy's bareback. "See you later," Gina said as she grabbed the tray of drinks and took off.
"Hey Jimmy," Trudy called to one of the 4 bartenders working the long bar. "Can I get a coke, please?"
"Sure Trudy," He then grasped a can from the fridge housed under the bar, grabbed a tall glass, and sat it on the bar top in front of her. He put some ice in the glass, a straw, then he opened the can of Coke, and filled the glass.
"Swaying room as the music starts
Strangers making the most of the dark
Two by two their bodies become one…"
"Thanks, doll," She said as he nodded and moved away to another customer. She sipped the coke and willed herself to not turn around and look for Sonny. But when she looked up into the huge mirror behind the bar it didn't take her long to spot him. There he stood looking deadly, dangerous, and dastardly handsome. And also looking right back at her. She raised her glass of Coke into the mirror at him and he smiled in return.
"I see you through the smokey air
Can't you feel the weight of my stare
You're so close but still a world away…"
"Hello Ms. Trudy," A male voice called out from her left and she turned a little to regard the older heavy-set white man who seemed to be a regular, for she had seen him come in every single night for the month that they had worked the place undercover. She had heard several girls talking about how he made their skin crawl whenever they danced with him, but he was a great tipper so they put up with how touchy he was. Though all had stated they were never desperate enough to go on a 'date' with him after work. "Why don't you ever dance with me?" He asked this as he reached out his stubby fingers that reminded Trudy of sausages and gripped her arm.
"Because, Pauly," She spoke calmly to him as she removed his hand from her arm. "I already told you before, I am the hostess, not a dancer, and when I do dance, I like to dance alone."
"Aww, c'mon baby, I got a couple of Ben Franklins in my pocket and they're yours for just one dance," He smiled and moved his hand to touch her hip. Before she could react Pauly's hand was removed and the man's face contorted in pain. It took Trudy a second to realize that Sonny was now standing right at her side and had Pauly's hand twisted in his hand.
"If you ever touch her like that again, I'm gonna shoot you in your face," Sonny snarled the words into the frightened man's face and then he released Pauly's hand with a shove. "Now, apologize."
"I…. I'm …mmm, I'm so sorry, Ms. Trudy," Pauly stammered over his words as he stood wide-eyed and clearly in a panic.
"It's all right, Pauly, and he's just joking about shooting you in the face," Trudy spoke through a nervous smile. Pauly shot a glance at Sonny's stoic face to gauge if he was in fact joking, and Sonny opened his jacket slightly to show the gun holstered at his side. Pauly quickly averted his eyes to the floor and stood there trembling in fear. Trudy waved a nearby floor girl over to them. The girl made a sour face at seeing who the patron was but she hurried over regardless. Trudy hoped the meek man before them did not cause a scene or call the cops on Sonny. "Why don't you go with Mandy, I'm sure she'd be happy to take those 2 Ben Franklins in your pocket for a dance."
"Oh sure, honey," Mandy cooed out at hearing this and grasped his arm to pull him away. "I'll give you two dances in my private room in the back," She offered and this immediately captured Pauly's full attention as she let her steer him towards the back rooms. When they left Trudy turned to glare at Sonny.
"Are you crazy? You can't come up in here and threaten the customers like that, Sonny," She spewed out. "I have to work here, and Pauly is a regular customer, and a big spender here," Sonny frown up as anger started to fill him.
"I thought you told me you were just a Hostess here and not turning tricks on the side."
"I am just a Hostess and I've ever hooked in my life," She nearly growled out. "But take a look around Sonny," He did as she instructed and found that nearly every seat in the club had men with girls gyrating on their laps and a huge stage with men seated around it throwing money at the four girls dancing on it. "For most of these girls in here that is their side hustle, and they would make my work life hell if I was the reason one of their big spenders decided not to come here anymore."
"I'm sure Mandy is somewhere making him forget all about it. And now the fucker knows to keep his hands to himself."
"Yeah, probably, but still, I didn't need you to ride in to defend my honor. I can take care of myself," She attested.
"I didn't mean to upset you, Trudy, I just didn't like the way he was grabbing all over you," Sonny stated and it didn't go unnoticed to Trudy that he hadn't actually said the words I'm sorry. "Don't be mad at me, let's dance," He said as he reached over and grasped her hand.
"Aren't you working?" She asked as she glanced over to the table where Tubbs and the Carrera's appeared to be deep into their conversation.
"My guys have things covered so I'm taking a break," He said as he also glanced to his boss's table before settling his eyes back on hers. "Looks like you're taking a break too. So, dance with me," He then tugged her into his arms, raised her hand he still held nestling it between them and wrapped the other around her waist. She felt like a snake and he was the charmer who made her move to his will, as she began to slowly dance where they stood.
"I never wanted anyone like this
It's so brand new
You'll feel it in my kiss
I'm crazy for you, crazy for you
Crazy for you, crazy for you
It's all brand new, I'm crazy for you
And you know it's true
I'm crazy, crazy for you…"
Even after the song and music faded Sonny and Trudy continued their slow dance, both locked into a staring contest that neither seemed to be losing.
"Do you believe in destiny, or maybe it's fate... I don't know?" He tossed out and it was so out of character to the badass persona he presented himself to be, she tossed her head back a little and cackled out a laugh. She was relieved when he chuckled along not offended by her laughing. "Yeah, I know it sounds cheesy as hell but there is something about you, Trudy, something that I am so drawn to. I haven't been able to get you outta my head since I saw you last night. And I feel like there is something that flows between us. It's like some strong energy. Don't you feel it too?" He asked her as his face took on a more serious tone. Trudy did know what he meant and she also felt the connection, but she chalked it up to them having known each other and working together for years. They were good friends. At least they used to be. Sonny couldn't remember it in his head but was likely feeling it instead.
"Yeah, I feel it too," She conceded as she then laid her head against his shoulder. She found that she wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. Tell him who he truly was but she knew it would only make the situation worse, so she bit her tongue and continued to sway with him. As she listened to the new song that had started to play her hold body stiffened.
"I'm not just looking for an answer To my prayers or my dreams It's just I feel my love needs more consistency I'm about out of luck, half out of time I'm just about to lose my mind I'm starting to lose touch with my reality
Trudy lifted her head, leaned back, and stare dead into Sonny's eyes. Sonny stared back at her adoringly as a gentle smile crossed his lips.
"What?" He questioned as he continued to move them along with the music. Trudy thought for sure that hearing Caitlyn's voice, hearing her singing the same song she sang when she was gunned down would spark something within him. But there seemed to be absolutely nothing there in his eyes, except lust that her closeness had sparked in him.
"I never wished on stars I never thought that dreams came true Yet in the midst of all my disbelief Darlin' now I feel like I am long overdue I search high and low to find my pot of gold And that's why (yeah)
"Hey," Sonny spoke out again as he moved their joined hands and brushed his thumb across her chin. She shook her head to clear it and then smiled at him.
"It's nothing, I just really like this song," She said and he took a silent moment and just listened to the song.
Someday I'm gonna follow my rainbow Someday I'm gonna reach for the sky By then if you're not ready or able
I'll pack my pride for one last time Cross my heart and pray our love won't die
"Sorry, it's a little bit too sappy for my taste," He chuckled out and she pushed against his chest a little to get him to let her go. She felt a sudden urge to get away from him. She felt guilty like she was doing something that was disrespecting the memory of Caitlyn and the love that Caitlyn and Sonny had shared.
"I need to get back to work," She said to him and as she hoped, he relinquished his hold on her, although reluctantly. Before she walked away, she moved back into his space and pointed a finger up at him. "And don't threaten anybody else. We have a bouncer," She pointed and Sonny looked over to see the big, bulky guy standing near the stage looking out over the floor. "His name is Stan and he knows how to handle anyone who gets out of hand. So, let him do his job, all right," Sonny smiled down at her and swooped in and kissed her soundly before she could protest, and when he pulled from the kiss, he had left her slightly dizzy with euphoria.
"All right, darlin. I came here in my own car. So, I'll just be hanging around until you get off, then I'll take you home," Sonny said as he left her standing there recollecting herself while he moved back to his boss's table.
Song: 'Crazy for You' sung by Madonna
Song: 'Follow my Rainbow' sung by Sheena Easton
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parisian-nicole · 3 years
A Miami Vice Fic: Free Falling
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Summary: This story will revolve around the Sonny Burnett story arc, and is Sonny & Trudy centric. The main players will remain the same, but I am taking artistic liberties with the storyline. This will be a 'Dark Sonny' fic, and he's found an obsession with Trudy. The show made Dark Sonny redeemable, I may not. You have been warned. If you have ideas of how you think Sonny should be or shouldn't be, I do not care. This is my story, and I will write it how I want it.
Rating: M
Warning: Sexual Content, Adult Language
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14005615/1/Free-Falling-A-Sonny-Trudy-Fic
"Hey, talk to me," Tubbs spoke out to his partner who sat nervously beside him as they sped down the freeway. "You worried about tonight?"
"Yeah," Trudy admitted freely as she looked ahead where she watched the traffic buzzing by. "This is the first real case since … Well, you know," She ended her words abruptly because she knew it was a difficult subject. Something that hit everyone in their precinct hard, but Tubbs more than anybody.
"Yeah, I know," Tubbs gulped down the lump that tried to form in his throat. He forced himself to not think about those woes and instead keep his head in the game. After weeks of undercover work, he had finally gotten an invite to one of Oscar Carrera's parties. Carrera was one of the biggest, if not the biggest smuggler in Miami. No agency had ever been able to infiltrate his organization to gather anything to bring him down. Tubbs hoped to change that. "Tonight is just a way for us to get a foot in the door of Carrera's organization. We're not cops tonight, Trudy. We're just party-goers."
"How do we not be cops? We're just supposed to turn a blind eye to all criminal activities?" She asked.
"Yeah, those are the instructions from the higher-ups. This is the closest we've ever gotten to Carrera. So, the mission for tonight is to just get in and try to get an introduction with the man himself. I've already built a rapport with Miguel Carrera, Oscar's son. He's just a snot-nosed punk trying to play like he's big and bad to impress his father. But the few times I've met with him he shared his ideas on how he plans to run his father's business once he's taken over. And the dude had some pretty brilliant ideas too."
"You seem impressed," Trudy said and Tubbs shook his head to the idea.
"More like scared," He replied. "If Miguel was ever to implement any of the ideas he shared with me, I don't think all the police in Dade County, the state of Florida even, would be able to bring down his operation.
"Yes, seriously, so I want to make sure we bring him down right along with his father," Tubbs said.
"Well, I've got your back and I'll do whatever it takes," Trudy promised. "So, tonight I'm not Trudy from Vice. I'm Trudy Hostess extraordinaire. The top girl at 'your' club, that's just a front for a low-key drug operation," She said as she smiled at Tubbs, who smiled back while he kept his eyes on the road ahead.
"Hopefully, after tonight it won't be so low-key. I know Miguel is definitely interested in what he's seen. And he's cocky enough that even if his father turns me away, I'll keep Miguel on the hook," Tubbs stated as he drove them up to the huge guarded gates of a massive mansion. Tubbs handed the invitation Miguel had given him a few days before to the guard at the gate. "Rico Ortiz and my plus one, Trudy Jackson," The guard checked the invitation and then looked from Tubbs over to Trudy, who flashed him a sweet smile while she wiggled her fingers in greeting. The guard turned and nodded to the other man inside their guard station, who opened the gates for them. The guard then handed the invitation back to Tubbs and waved them on through.
An hour later
The party was a grand event. Nothing that required fancy attire but it was very apparent that everyone there had money. Tubbs and Trudy had both recognized the faces of several Hollywood celebrities, some star athletes, and even a few politicians. Tubbs had managed to get introductions to other big-balling drug dealers, who would make great busts if he couldn't get Oscar Carrera. But he was yet to meet the big man, who had yet to make an appearance at his own party. Trudy played her part well as she stayed stuck to Tubbs' hip. She giggled, charmed, and flirted. She instantly captivated every man around her.
The quieting of the big band that played on the large stage house in the middle of the huge ballroom, garnered everyone's attention. Both Trudy and Tubbs turned to see that Oscar Carrera had entered. His son Miguel stood to his left and a slender, pretty blonde, who Tubbs knew was his wife, Celeste, stood at his right side.
"Thank you all for coming to my little party," Carrera senior spoke out as he was then handed a flute of champagne, which he raised in a toast. "Please enjoy the music, food, and spirits," He then gulped some of his drink and the music started up again, as Carrera began to mingle. Tubbs grasped Trudy about her waist and start dancing to the slow-paced music playing, all while he kept his eyes on Carrera. He saw when Miguel leaned in and whispered something to his father, and then noticed Miguel was making his way over to where they danced.
"I think it's game time," Tubbs whispered and then leaned down and placed a kiss on Trudy's bare shoulder. She threw her head back and laughed a little putting up the pretense that he had said something funny to her.
"Rico, my friend," Miguel Carrera greeted as he stepped up to them. "I'm glad you were able to make it."
"I was able to finish my business early," Tubbs replied as he partially released Trudy, but kept his left arm around her waist. Miguel appreciatively leered and smiled at Trudy, which prompted Tubbs to make introductions. "Miguel, I'd like you to meet Ms. Trudy Jackson," Miguel grasped the hand Trudy has raised to him, and he kissed it. "She's one of the lovely ladies who work for me. I thought I'd bring her along to maybe stir up more interest in my 'other' business venture."
"Oh, I guarantee she most definitely will," Miguel declared as he held Trudy's gaze and hand still. "You are without a doubt the most beautiful woman in this entire room Ms. Trudy."
"Thank you," She responded and said nothing more as she gently pulled her hand from his grasp.
"Were you able to discuss my business proposition to your father yet?" Tubbs asked instantly recapturing Miguel's attention.
"Yes, I have and he has asked me to come to get you and bring you to his office right now to have further discussions. I do really hate to leave you on your own, Ms. Trudy but this is a very private meeting."
"Hey, just wait at the bar for me, all right, baby?" Tubbs spoke this and leaned in and placed a quick kiss on Trudy's cheek. Then he released her and turned to follow Miguel's lead. Trudy turned and made her way to the bar that took up an entire wall. She didn't like the idea of Tubbs going in alone but knew what her role was on this case and so she leaned against the bar and ordered a dry martini.
He had slipped into the party a few minutes before Carrera had. As the new head of security, he wanted to see for himself if there were any potential threats to his new boss. He did a quick sweep and felt confident that no one there was brassy enough to do anything stupid. Carrera had already told him he was being paranoid as everyone of any importance were people who worked for him and knew better than to try anything. Still, Carrera had been impressed with just how seriously Sonny Burnett was taking his job. Carrera told Sonny that tonight he wanted him to relax and enjoy himself. Sonny had no intentions of following those orders. That was until he noticed the black beauty in the blood-red Hervé Léger off-the-shoulder bandage dress, which clung to her body in ways that made Sonny envious. She wore her hair up topped with a mass of big curls, with a couple effortlessly toppled out to caress her perfectly gorgeous face. He noticed that she had managed to match her red lipstick and red stiletto shoes precisely to her dress. He circled the edge of the room, sticking close to the walls, hidden in the shadows of the enormous crowd nearly overflowing from the room. He stalked her movements as she walked to the bar, completely disregarding Miguel and the man who had just been holding this Enchantress. He headed to the bar and planted himself to the far right of where she stood sipping at her drink. Sonny stood enthralled and mesmerized by her every movement. Something about her called to him and he frown a moment as he tried to recall if he had ever met her or seen her before. He was sure he hadn't but everything in him screamed that he had. It took him a moment to recognize that calmness had settled over him as he watched her. A calmness that had eluded him ever since he awoke in that hospital bed weeks back.
Trudy stilled as she raised her drink to take another sip. The hairs on her arms and the back of her neck stood up. She felt like suddenly she had a spotlight on her, and she knew it wasn't due to the men who conspicuously eyed her and smiled as they greeted her in a friendly manner as they passed. What she felt now she could only imagine was how prey might feel when it knew a predator was close by, even if they couldn't see it. She then lifted her eyes from her drink and casually turned to her right. She glanced about until she locked her eyes onto a shocking sight, and she nearly dropped her drink as her mouth fell open to allow her gasp to escape. She must be hallucinating she told herself as she stood locked eye-to-eye with a man who was supposed to be dead.
Sonny found he couldn't look away even when he could see that his staring had unnerved her. Then she looked up and looked right at him, and that's when he saw it. Some spark of recognition in her eyes. He grabbed up the drink he had ordered and then made his way down the length of the bar until he stood toe-to-toe with his Nubian Enchantress. "I know it is probably gonna sound like I'm not even trying," He spoke out with his most charming smile. "But have we met before?" Trudy found she couldn't speak as her mind reeled over the fact that Sonny Crockett was alive and standing before her. She almost forgot herself and forgot that she was on the job, and was about to ask him what had happened to him and where he had been. She stopped herself deducting that Sonny was still undercover, deep cover apparently since he hadn't contacted anyone and allowed them to think he was dead. She closed her mouth and swallowed down the dryness. She then shook her head slightly as she forced a kind smile to her lips.
"I thought maybe I knew you when you were standing over there, but now that I have a closer look no, I don't think I've ever had the pleasure. I'm Trudy Jackson," She finally replied as she held out her hand and her words and action garnered a wide toothy grin from Sonny. Instead of shaking her hand as she had envisioned, he grasped it and kissed it in the same way Miguel Carrera had. Except for this time, she didn't feel an overwhelming need to wash her hand.
"Sonny Burnett," Sonny replied as he kept a gentle grasp on her hand. Suddenly the lyrics being sung by the man standing on the stage rang in Sonny's ears and made him smile more. "Would you care to dance, Trudy? And I swear I didn't ask him the play that song," He tossed on as he was already moving them to the floor, not awaiting Trudy's answer. She bunched her brow a little as she allowed him to lead her onto the floor, while she listened to the smooth tenor male voice singing. When she finally recognized what song it was, she giggled a little.
"I've never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight,
I've never seen you shine so bright,
I've never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance,
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance,
And I have never seen that dress you're wearing,
Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes,
I have been blind;
The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek,
There's nobody here, it's just you and me,
It's where I want to be,
But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;"
When Trudy was pressed close to Sonny, she lowered her voice as she spoke to him, "What are you doing here Sonny?" She broke cover unable to contain her curiosity any longer.
"Well, I work here," He answered with such ease and assurance that Trudy leaned back until she could see his face. "I'm Mr. Carrera's head of security," He continued mistaking the confused look on her face as one of wonderment. Trudy stiffened a little as she realized at that moment that this man holding her was not Sonny Crockett her friend and fellow cop, and he had no idea who she was. He felt her go rigid and assumed it was due to Carrera's name and reputation. "You don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not gonna bite you. Well, not unless you asked me to," He said and Trudy couldn't stop the chuckle at his words, which was totally something Crockett would say to her.
"I'm not afraid of you," She countered and was only half lying. Though what she felt was more concern than fear.
"Good, so will you take a walk with me out on the backgrounds. This house sits on an incredible bay. Also, it's getting too crowded in here and I'm dying for a smoke," He stated in the hopes to make her feel more comfortable with the idea, and didn't think that he planned to take her outside and then kidnap her. Even if it was a fleeting thought in his mind.
"I came here with someone," Trudy stated as she shot her eyes to where she last saw Tubbs.
"Your boyfriend or husband?" Sonny asked even if he didn't really care, it wouldn't deter him one bit.
"Oh, no, my boss and we're just friends," She answered hurriedly. She didn't know why it bothered her that he thought she was in some romantic entanglement, but it did. "And I don't want him worrying about me if he comes back and can't find me."
"We'll only be gone a few minutes," Sonny stated and then he waved over one of the many guards stationed in every corner of the room, his foot soldiers as he called them. The guard who towered over both of them stood before them and awaited Sonny's commands. "What's your boss's name?"
"Rico Ortiz, he's in a meeting with your boss," Trudy supplied.
"Tony, when Mr. Ortiz returns from his meeting with the boss man, please inform him that Ms. Trudy will be right back and she'll meet him at the bar."
"You got it, Mr. Burnett," Tony said with a nod which Sonny returned.
With that taken care of Sonny tugged at Trudy's hand which he had yet to relinquish and she let herself be steered to the floor to ceiling glass doors on the opposite side of the room.
"But I hardly know this beauty by my side,
I'll never forget the way you look tonight;
I never will forget the way you look tonight...
The lady in red, the lady in red,
The lady in red, my lady in red,
I love you..."
Once outside they scrolled for a few minutes across the lush, green, intricately manicured lawn without saying anything. Trudy's hand still firm in Sonny's grasp. They stopped when they reached a massive dock that housed several different sized boats, each impressive in its own right. Sonny finally let go of her hand and then reached into his pocket, pulled out his cigarettes and lighter, then lit up and took a puff.
"So, Trudy, what do you do?" Sonny asked as he blew out smoke from the left side of his mouth while he squinted his left eye to shield off the burning smoke.
"I'm a hostess at a Gentlemen's Club called 'Member's Only'," She said matter-of-fact and Sonny scowled up a little at hearing this. She could see disappointment and even slight disgust on his face. "And before you get the wrong ideas, I do mean that is all I do at the club," She swore she saw him sigh out his relief. "Rico, my boss, he runs a pretty classy place. Sure, some of the girls are paid to entertain the clientele with lapdances, and most will go on 'dates' with them to make some extra cash. But I don't turn my nose up at them for it if that's what they want to do."
"But not you?" He questioned almost in an accusatory tone.
"No, not me. I'm just the hostess like I said. I welcome and seat the customers and run the register. I pretty much manage what goes on in the front side of the business, and I'm paid well to do it without questions," She replied as she glared a little at him. "I'm not a stripper or a whore, so if that's what you brought me out here for, then I won't waste any more of your time," She said this as she began to move from the docks and back up to the party, but Sonny shot his right arm out and wrapped it loosely about her waist. Somehow she knew that he wouldn't just let her walk away, and was relieved that he had stopped her.
"I'm not looking to pay you for any kind of services, Trudy," He spoke through a smirk. He believed that she wasn't the kind of woman to turn tricks. He didn't know why he felt like he knew her already, but he was positive that there was a connection between them. "In fact, I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night," He said as she arched a brow at his brazenness and smiled a little.
"I work tomorrow night," She countered as she stepped back from his hands and crossed her arms across her chest. Sonny chuckled at the playfulness he saw in her eyes. He knew she wouldn't make it easy for him but he was a persistent s.o.b.
"Then how about breakfast?"
"I work very late and tend to sleep in late."
"Me too, but I'm willing to make an exception for you," He proclaimed as he flicked the cigarette he hadn't really been smoking into the bay and then stepped closer to her. "All right, will you have lunch with me then?" She was silent for a second as she looked directly into his eyes which were locked onto hers. She could see that there was no hint of recognition there, and that made her worry for him. She knew she would do whatever she could to help him.
"I can do a lunch date, but be forewarned I am not a salad eating kind of girl, I like meat and potatoes. So, don't forget your wallet," She teased as she smiled prettily at him and Sonny thought she was really breathtaking. He shook his head to clear his thoughts
"Then you're definitely my kind of girl, Ms. Trudy," He stated. "Where do I pick you up at?"
"You don't," She replied coolly and he smirked and arched his brows in reply. "But you can meet me at the Miami Beach Boardwalk and we can find a restaurant when we get there. Is 1 good for you?"
"Anytime you want is fine with me, darlin."
"All right, then it's a date," Trudy said innocently and her words made his entire face light up.
"Oh, is it now?" He asked and before she could correct her statement a heavyset man walked up out of the darkness.
"Mr. Burnett, Mr. Carrera needs you out at the southside garage," The man spoke and Sonny scowled at his words.
"What the hell is he doing over there?"
"He wants to go for a ride and wants you to accompany him."
"Hell, did he forget he has a party raging inside?" Sonny barked out and the other man seemed to sense it was a rhetorical question because he didn't respond. "Take Ms. Trudy safely back up to the party," He instructed and the man nodded.
"It's just right there, Sonny, I can manage," Trudy spoke out but Sonny continued speaking as if he hadn't even heard her.
"Don't let her out of your sight until she has arrived back inside, and back to her 'friend' Mr. Rico Ortiz, all right?" Sonny commanded and the other man nodded and waited for Trudy to start moving. Sonny now focused back onto Trudy. "I'll see you tomorrow, Trudy," He then took her hand, lifted it to his lips, kissed her knuckles while staring heatedly into her eyes. He then turned and disappeared into the same darkness the other man had emerged from.
"This way, Ms. Trudy," The man waved a hand towards the mansion. After glancing back to where Sonny had gone, she moved back to the house. She was anxious to tell Rico about what had happened.
Song: 'Lady in Red' by Chris De Burgh
After the Party
"Yeah, I really think Oscar Carrera is gonna take the bait on this one. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him about how I traffic through my legit club," Tubbs stated as he drove them back to the Gentlemen's Club where Castillo, Gina, and Switek had decided to meet up for their debriefing. Given how big this case was and how powerful Carrera was, they didn't want to risk being tailed. They had to keep their cover at all times. "Hey," He finally shot a glance to Trudy who stared at the dashboard half listening to him, and half thinking about seeing Sonny. She had opted to wait until they had arrived at the club to say anything. She knew if she had mentioned while still at the party Tubbs could have possibly blown their cover to try ad confront Sonny. "What's up with you, Trudy?" You've been quiet since I found you waiting at the bar for me. C'mon you ain't mad that I had to leave you like that, are you?"
"No, it's not that," She replied as she looked up and out the windshield. "Something crazy and totally unexpected happened tonight."
"What happened?" Tubbs frowned up can he continued to look between Trudy and the road. He was in full over-protective big brother mode now. "Did some punk mess with you at that party?"
"No, he wasn't a punk," Was all she offered as Tubbs pulled his car into the alleyway that led to the back of the club, which was where the real owner and workers usually parked. Trudy could see that Castillo, Gina, and Switek's cars were already there, so they were waiting inside. "
"Well, who was it, what happened?" Tubbs continued his probing as he parked and then turned off the car. Trudy graced him with an endearing smile. She was always touched whenever he, Sonny, Switek, and even their Lieutenant would try to look out for her. All ready to whoop ass to defend her honor if needed.
"I'll tell you all about once we get inside, let's go," She opened the door and exited the car then made her way to the back door of the club. Tubbs was right behind her. He stepped around her and used the keys he was given to unlock the door and then held it open for Trudy to enter first. Once inside there entered a small corridor that veered to the right to take patrons to the bathroom, while the locked door on the left was for employees only. It was where the owner's posh office was and also had numerous smaller rooms where the ladies got ready. That side was almost half as big as the main side of the club, which was straight ahead from the corridor.
"Hey you two," Switek was the first to greet them having noticed their entrance first. He had been seated on the edge of the stage across from where both Castillo and Gina sat waiting at the table right in front of the stage.
"How was the party," Gina asked as she eyed Trudy up and down in mild envy at how beautifully she wore her dress. "And I am borrowing that dress someday, count on it," She added on and Trudy threw her a smile as she moved and seated herself at the table beside Gina.
"It was fantastic," Tubbs replied as he slapped and then rubbed his hands together, all with a pleased grin on his face. "Carrera is definitely interested. We've set up another meeting here tomorrow night so he can see the operation first hand. It was definitely a good idea to start 'working' here for the last month and really set up that back story. And now that the workers have gotten to know me as their new boss, it'll make it all seem more real to Carrera."
"Yeah, good thing we were able to convince the D.A. to cut, the previous owner, a deal if he cooperated. It helped that he came in and made the announcement that you would be taking over the business, and assured them all they would still have the same job as before except with a new boss and new hostess," Switek said as he pointed to Trudy.
"I feel really bad that once this is all over this place will be shut down and all those girls will be out of a job," Gina said with a grim look on her face.
"Doubt it," Tubbs interjected. "Every last one of the women working here is turning tricks on the side. Us closing this place down ain't gonna change that fact. They'll just have to find another place to meet their Johns."
"Yeah, back out on the street corner, where they're likely to get snatched up by a pimp and put to work three times harder with a quarter of the pay," Gina countered and Tubbs fully understood what she was saying. "At least in here, they have a safe place to meet the Johns and keep all of their earnings."
"It's not up to us," Castillo spoke out around a heavy, deep sigh, wanting to end this particular discussion. "Thankfully, the DEA has worked out a deal to allow us to use it for the time being and convinced the previous owner to play along. What time is your meeting with Carrera?"
"10 pm," Tubbs answered.
"Can you have everything set up by then?" Castillo looked at Switek as he spoke.
"Yeah," Switek said with a nod as he looked around the room. "The previous owner has already installed a state-of-the-art surveillance system in here. I will just splice into it and tie it to our equipment. Whatever is lacking I'll get. It'll definitely be done before the meeting with Carrera."
"There's something else we have to be concerned with," Trudy finally spoke as she looked at each of the faces in the room before she continued. "Tonight, I saw Sonny," She said the words and then paused to allow the others to let what she had said sink in. They all held the same confused and stunned scowl on their faces, even Castillo. "And I don't mean I saw someone I thought was Sonny. I mean he walked right up to me, introduced himself as Sonny Burnett, and then asked me out. We're having lunch tomorrow at the Miami Beach Boardwalk."
"Wait, what?" Gina was the first to speak out aghast. "He's still undercover? Was his death all a ruse?" She directed this directly at Castillo, as anger began to fill her at the thought that they had been led to believe their close friend had been killed in the line of duty.
"No," Trudy cut back in before any other questions could be asked. "He's not undercover. He really believes he's Sonny Burnett. When we talked, when I looked into his eyes," She shook her head slightly as she recalled the moment. "He didn't recognize me. He had absolutely no clue who I was. He's living the life of Sonny Burnett and he's the main enforcer of the Carrera organization."
"Oh my God, so he's got some kind of amnesia?" Gina asked.
"Looks that way," Trudy confirmed.
"Trudy, baby, I hope you're telling a bad joke right now," Tubbs said as he shook his head. "Because if Sonny is alive and he's Carrera's enforcer…"
"He's one of the most wanted criminals in Dade, Monroe, and Broward County," Castillo announced and the only one not surprised by this news was Tubbs.
"Yeah, he's been blasting dealers throughout Miami and surrounding cities," Tubbs stated. "Strategically taking out Carrera's competition. Miguel Carrera was actually talking about it tonight, about their badass enforcer who was so cold-blooded he'd blast any fool, even cops. Now that I think about it, he did call him Sonny too."
"Jesus," Switek huffed out.
"So, what's the new play here?" Tubbs asked Castillo whose jaws clenched as he stared down at the tabletop.
"Same as before," Castillo replied. "Bust Carrera and bring down his organization. Do you think you'll be able to handle working the Sonny situation on your own?" He asked Trudy.
"Yeah, he's definitely interested in seeing me again, and I definitely want to help him if I can," She answered honestly.
"The assignment isn't to help him, it's to bring him in for his crimes, same as with Carrera," Castillo declared glibly. "We don't know the full story of what has happened to him, and we can't concern ourselves with that right now. If he really believes he's an enforcer and he's killing people, he'll be brought to justice just like everybody else. If you can't set aside personal feelings and do your job then I don't want you involved, and that goes for all of you," He spoke this as he casually looked to each of them as they sat quietly. None of them wanted this reassigned, they all knew that the best chance of bringing Sonny in alive was if they handled the case themselves.
"I understand the assignment, Lieutenant, and I'll do my job like I always have," Trudy declared. "I can work the case by keeping company with Sonny, and I'm sure Tubbs can work things from the Carrera side," Tubbs nodded in agreement.
"What about Caroline and Billy," Gina threw out. "Shouldn't we tell them that Sonny's alive?"
"No, not if Sonny really thinks he's one of the bad guys," Tubbs replied. "Them knowing could compromise the case and blow Sonny's cover as well as ours. Sonny might think he's one of Carrera's people but memories or not if they ever discover who he truly is they'll kill him," They all nodded to this very true assessment.
"Well, things just got a whole lot more complicated, didn't it?" Switek stated.
The Lunch Date
"You know, darlin," Sonny spoke from across the small bistro table he and Trudy sat at. She had picked a small French restaurant where some of the seating was outside the storefront under a large awning. He sat with legs crossed and looked out of place dressed to the nines in an expensive dark Armani suit over a white dress shirt. Today he went more casual than he usually would and didn't wear a tie, and although his hair was still slicked back, he didn't have his signature ponytail. "I'm not a cheap date nor am I expecting anything in return for treating you to lunch," He said with a smile and she smirked back at him but sent a curious look.
"Well, that's good to know."
"I mean to say, you could have picked a classier place, where they require reservations and make you dress up and seat you inside to eat," He continued as he cautiously eyed the male waiter who settled their ordered food and drinks onto the table. Trudy waited until the waiter was done and had walked away before she replied.
"I like this place," She said with a shrug. "And don't let the looks of it fool you; they have really good food. Besides, I didn't exactly dress for finer dining," When she said this Sonny lustfully raked his eyes over her frame which she had caught him doing a few times since they had met up. She wore hot pink shorts that hit her at her upper thigh but weren't too short to be indecent. And though the shorts needed no help staying on her she had a thin silver belt looped through them as an accessory. She matched the shorts with a white camisole shirt that showed her toned belly and white sneakers. She wore her thick, bone straight breast-length hair up and a high ponytail with a heavy bang. It was always windy on the boardwalk and she knew this was a style that would keep her hair looking carefree but still under control, instead of looking wild, frizzy, and crazy.
"You look amazing," He complimented as he let his eyes linger on her crossed legs. She blushed sweetly at his words and internally struggled with her body to keep still and not squirm under his heated gaze.
"Thank you, and you look very handsome, Mr. Burnett. Overdressed but very sharp," Trudy assessed his attire as her eyes danced over his frame. He simply smiled and nodded to acknowledge her words. "But aren't you hot?" She giggled out as she actually saw sweat beads popping up on his forehead.
"Yeah, I'm roasting over here, actually," Sonny replied as he chuckled, amused by her amusement of his situation.
"So, why don't you lose the jacket?" She suggested and with a smile still on his face, he unbutton the jacket, leaned forward a bit, and then tugged each arm from the sleeve. He then laid the jacket on one of the two vacant chairs at their table, which was just to his right. "Now don't you feel better? Trudy said while subconsciously letting her eyes drift over his body before they settled back up to his eyes, which were locked on to her hungrily. She gasped a little at the intensity she saw in his eyes. They sat like that for what felt like hours, both seemed physically unable to look away.
"Sail away with me," Sonny suddenly threw out and his words garnered a surprised and confused look from Trudy. Before she could question him, he went on. "I came here in my boat. It's docked just down at the Marina."
"I don't get on boats with men I don't know," She replied through a gentle smile, and his own smile broadened.
"Yeah, I guess that's a good rule to live by," Sonny replied as he nodded a little but never lost her gaze. "But you know me, don't you?" He posed to her and her smile faltered a bit as she looked at him curiously and wondered had he regained some memory of her or their friendship. "We met last night, remember? I'm Sonny Burnett," He joked and she let out a nervous chuckle, mildly disappointed he hadn't really remembered anything. "And you're Ms. Trudy Jackson. See, we know each other," He then leaned across the table some as he continued to speak. "C'mon, Trudy, we won't go far, and I'll have you back in time for you to get to work."
"But we haven't even eaten anything yet, Sonny," She said in the hopes to dissuade him. The truth was she wasn't too keen to be trapped on a boat out in the ocean with this familiar stranger before her.
"I'll feed you on my boat, c'mon, let's go," He spoke this as he pulled out his wallet, pulled out two bills, and tossed them on the table. He then reached across the table, grasped her hand, and pulled her up as he himself stood. At this point, he didn't seem to care for any further protests from her as he firmly held onto her and steered them through the crowd. Sonny Crockett would have never manhandled Trudy like this. He had only tried it once and she had cursed him out so badly she was sure she had actually struck some fear into him. But Sonny Burnett, she could tell, was a man that was used to getting his way, and wasn't big on asking and would probably never beg for anything. No, he'd just take whatever he wanted, this was not lost on Trudy as she followed where he was now leading her.
Sometime Later
"Will there be anything else you needed, Mr. Burnett?" The slender-built, balding 50-something man asked as he stood beside the beautifully set table. The man was the owner of a very high-classed Italian restaurant that Trudy had always wanted to try but it was out of her tax bracket. She couldn't ever justify in herself paying $30 for one slice of lemon-honey semifreddo dessert even though she had been dying to try it.
"No, thanks Giorgio, everything was perfect," Sonny answered and then wiped his mouth with his napkin. He had genuinely enjoyed the meal, which was a plus to him considering how much it all cost for the last-minute catered order. But to him well worth it for the company he was currently keeping.
"Yes, it was all so delicious, thank you," Trudy chimed in after she too wiped her mouth. Giorgio simply bowed and then waved his staff to clear the table. Then they would clean everything in the kitchen, pack up, and leave.
"C'mon darlin, let's go down to the lounge area where it's more comfortable," Sonny said this and then pushed back his chair and stood. He moved to her, pulled out her chair, and gently pulled her to her feet.
"I like it out here, in the fresh air," She stated as she tried to pull from his grip. He didn't initially let her go until she looked down at where his hand still held her arm, and then looked up at his face with an arched brow. He cast her a charming smile and then released her. She took somewhat hurried steps away from him and moved to the railing at the stern of the yacht. She grasped the railing and let her head fall back a little and then closed her eyes. She took a deep cleansing breath and just enjoyed the feel of the sun and wind on her face.
"Damn. You're beautiful," Sonny's voice pulled her attention and she opened her eyes and found him standing just at her right side. He was so close his shoulder nearly grazed hers.
"Thank you," She mustered out as she let her eyes quickly glance at his face before she turned and looked out over the ocean. He reached out and grazed the fingertips of his left hand across her neck and she slightly trembled under his touch. Her heart rate increased a tad bit with anticipation of what he might say or do next.
"I want to spend more time with you, is that possible?" Sonny asked as he trailed the back of his knuckles down her right arm before he pulled it back and pushed it in his pocket.
"Yeah, I think that's possible," Trudy replied with a nod of her head and a smile as she turned to look at him. Her smile widened when she saw the toothy smile that spread across his face. She thought it was very sweet that he appeared to be enthused that she had agreed.
"All right, how about tonight?"
"I already told you I have to work tonight."
"Yeah, I know but as it turns out I'll be at your job working too. My boss has a meeting there with your boss. So, I thought when we're both off duty we could hang out."
"I'm usually dead on my feet and no fun after a long night of work, Sonny. I just like going home and sleeping," She tried to deter his offer.
"Okay, well at least let me take you home," He tried a different tactic, and she could see that he was really trying. She didn't want to seem too eager but also didn't want to push him away to the point that he might just lose interest altogether.
"I usually drive myself to work … but I could have one of my co-workers pick me up tonight, and then you can give me a ride home."
"Then it's a date?" He said as he held out his right hand to initiate a handshake, which she assumed was to seal the deal.
"Yeah, it's a date," She giggled, rolled her eyes dramatically, and grasped his hand with her right hand, and shook it. Sonny then suddenly tugged her closer until she pressed against his chest and they were nose to nose. They both stood like that for a few seconds seemingly mesmerized by the other's mouth. Then Sonny closed the distance and captured her mouth with his own. The kiss was tender and sweet, and they both thought the other tasted divine. Trudy couldn't help herself as she reached her right hand up and rested her fingertips against the nape of his neck. In response, Sonny clamped both of his hands around her tiny waist and held her even closer. The feel of his current excitement that was pressed against her belly brought Trudy back to her senses and she pulled from the kiss breathlessly. She bowed her head a bit. "We should head back now. I have errands I have to run before I head into work." She could feel Sonny smile against the side of her face. He then leaned in and kissed her right temple.
"All right, I'll take you back."
Later that Evening
"This is a safe house I've never been to before, but at least the neighborhood is clean and nice," Gina spoke out as she grabbed a couple of bags from the back of her convertible.
"Well, from the outside it looks perfect," Trudy replied as she grabbed a few more bags and the luggage she had packed from her car. All of the items were things she brought from her home to make this fake home seem legit. "I'm just glad the Lieutenant could find something for me on such short notice," She made her way up the steps and unlocked the door. It was a very nice two-story townhouse, which was already nicely furnished. Trudy was very pleased to see that the furnishings were very much in tune with her own style.
"Wow, this is beautiful. No wonder I couldn't find a nice place like this when I was looking. The department is buying them all up to use as safehouses," Gina joked as she entered and closed the door behind her.
"All right, let's get to decorating, and then off to work we go," Trudy said as she entered the living room.
Later that night
"Trudy!" A female voice called out to her over the loud music in the club. Trudy lifted her attention from the patron she had checked on to make sure they were seated and being served. Her eyes landed onto one of the floor girls as they called themselves. The curly-haired blonde nodded towards the door, and Trudy turned to see Ruby another floor girl who also did hosting with Trudy. They alternated and allowed each other some time to get out and mingle and dance. But tonight, Trudy had told the girls to keep a lookout for a group of guys who would be coming in around 10 pm, so she could take care of them personally for the boss. When Trudy turned towards the door, she found Ruby checking hats and coats of Oscar Carrera, his son Miguel, Sonny, and two other men she was sure were also guards. Trudy rushed over to get them seated.
"Good evening gentlemen and welcome to the Member's Only club," Trudy greeted with a smile as she moved behind the station where she booked the guest in. She purposely tried not to look directly at Sonny, but she could feel the heat of his gaze upon her. "What names are your reservations under?" She asked as she looked between Oscar Carrera and Miguel. It was Miguel to answer.
"It's under Carrera, and it is lovely to see you again Ms. Trudy," He said as he leered at her. Trudy gave him a curt nod and tried not to let her face show the disgust she felt from the way he was looking at her. At that moment she did shoot Sonny a quick glance and found him frowned up and shooting a death glare at Miguel. She signed them in and then moved to lead them to the VIP booth waiting for them.
"We have your seat in the VIP section, right this way please."
"I would follow you anywhere in that dress and out of it too, Mami," Miguel replied through a lecherous smile as he licked his lips, but before he could step behind his father and the other two guards, Sonny had stopped him by grasping his arm. When Trudy had arrived at the table toward the back, but closest to the stage she noticed that only Carrera and two of the guards were taking seats. She looked back and saw Sonny was talking lowly to Miguel, and Miguel suddenly held his hands up as if he were surrendering in a fight. Miguel then nodded as he spoke. He placed his left hand on Sonny's right shoulder with his right hand placed over his chest. Miguel then smacked the back of his right hand against Sonny's chest. Sonny said nothing just stared at the man sternly and then nodded in satisfaction and they then walked over to the table together. "Please forgive me if I said anything disrespectful before, Ms. Trudy," Miguel spoke out and Trudy was genuinely surprised by this. She cut her eyes from Miguel over to Sonny who shot her a quick wink. She bit back a laugh as she realized what had happened.
"You are forgiven, please have a seat and I will let my boss know that his guests have arrived," She then waved over Gina who was fronting as a floor girl. "This is Gina she will take your orders and get you whatever you want," Trudy cast a smile to the men and then moved to head to the back office. As she was passing Sonny he reached out and placed a hand on her arm and she instantly stopped and looked up at him. He leaned in close to her ear and spoke low to her.
"You are so fucking beautiful," Was all he said and then he removed his hand from her arm. She blushed hard and smile coyly at his words. She mumbled a thank you and then hurried on her way.
After Trudy had gone to inform Tubbs that it was game time, she took a moment and went to the employee bathroom to check herself. She didn't know why she cared so much about how she looked, but Sonny's praises made her want to make sure her makeup and hair were still fresh. She knew that the short black latex dress she wore accentuated her body. The front opened just above her navel but was kept together by a string laced and tied in the front. She'd only worn it once before while undercover as a hooker, but she left the white fake fur she'd worn with it that time at home tonight. She smacked her lips a couple of times they didn't feel tacky so she knew she didn't need to retouch her lipstick. Her hair which she wore out was completely crimped and big and bold as the ends just brushed her clavicle bone. She reached up both hands and fluffed both sides of her hair. Then she smirked at herself because she knew she looked good, really good. She then exited the bathroom and made her way back out to the club. She noticed Tubbs and Carrera seated and talking through her peripheral vision not wanting to stare directly. However, she could not make out anyone else, namely Sonny who was likely right at the table guarding his boss. So, she plastered on a smile and worked the floor as the main hostess. She checked tables and patrons dancing on the floor to make sure they were having a good time. She then made her way to the bar to make the rounds there, that's where she bumped into Gina who was getting drinks for the Carrera table.
"Hey," Trudy greeted. "You need a hand?"
"No thanks, only Carrera, his son, and Rico ordered drinks. And man, you weren't kidding. About Sonny I mean, he had no idea who I was. He looked right through me like he had never seen me before in his life, and he was kind of a jerk when I was trying to small talk with him," Gina spoke with a small frown. "But I think you will definitely have better luck given the way he is looking at you right now," She glanced over Trudy's shoulder and could see Sonny standing near the VIP booth but he had his eyes locked onto Trudy's bareback. "See you later," Gina said as she grabbed the tray of drinks and took off.
"Hey Jimmy," Trudy called to one of the 4 bartenders working the long bar. "Can I get a coke, please?"
"Sure Trudy," He then grasped a can from the fridge housed under the bar, grabbed a tall glass, and sat it on the bar top in front of her. He put some ice in the glass, a straw, then he opened the can of Coke, and filled the glass.
"Swaying room as the music starts
Strangers making the most of the dark
Two by two their bodies become one…"
"Thanks, doll," She said as he nodded and moved away to another customer. She sipped the coke and willed herself to not turn around and look for Sonny. But when she looked up into the huge mirror behind the bar it didn't take her long to spot him. There he stood looking deadly, dangerous, and dastardly handsome. And also looking right back at her. She raised her glass of Coke into the mirror at him and he smiled in return.
"I see you through the smokey air
Can't you feel the weight of my stare
You're so close but still a world away…"
"Hello Ms. Trudy," A male voice called out from her left and she turned a little to regard the older heavy-set white man who seemed to be a regular, for she had seen him come in every single night for the month that they had worked the place undercover. She had heard several girls talking about how he made their skin crawl whenever they danced with him, but he was a great tipper so they put up with how touchy he was. Though all had stated they were never desperate enough to go on a 'date' with him after work. "Why don't you ever dance with me?" He asked this as he reached out his stubby fingers that reminded Trudy of sausages and gripped her arm.
"Because, Pauly," She spoke calmly to him as she removed his hand from her arm. "I already told you before, I am the hostess, not a dancer, and when I do dance, I like to dance alone."
"Aww, c'mon baby, I got a couple of Ben Franklins in my pocket and they're yours for just one dance," He smiled and moved his hand to touch her hip. Before she could react Pauly's hand was removed and the man's face contorted in pain. It took Trudy a second to realize that Sonny was now standing right at her side and had Pauly's hand twisted in his hand.
"If you ever touch her like that again, I'm gonna shoot you in your face," Sonny snarled the words into the frightened man's face and then he released Pauly's hand with a shove. "Now, apologize."
"I…. I'm …mmm, I'm so sorry, Ms. Trudy," Pauly stammered over his words as he stood wide-eyed and clearly in a panic.
"It's all right, Pauly, and he's just joking about shooting you in the face," Trudy spoke through a nervous smile. Pauly shot a glance at Sonny's stoic face to gauge if he was in fact joking, and Sonny opened his jacket slightly to show the gun holstered at his side. Pauly quickly averted his eyes to the floor and stood there trembling in fear. Trudy waved a nearby floor girl over to them. The girl made a sour face at seeing who the patron was but she hurried over regardless. Trudy hoped the meek man before them did not cause a scene or call the cops on Sonny. "Why don't you go with Mandy, I'm sure she'd be happy to take those 2 Ben Franklins in your pocket for a dance."
"Oh sure, honey," Mandy cooed out at hearing this and grasped his arm to pull him away. "I'll give you two dances in my private room in the back," She offered and this immediately captured Pauly's full attention as she let her steer him towards the back rooms. When they left Trudy turned to glare at Sonny.
"Are you crazy? You can't come up in here and threaten the customers like that, Sonny," She spewed out. "I have to work here, and Pauly is a regular customer, and a big spender here," Sonny frown up as anger started to fill him.
"I thought you told me you were just a Hostess here and not turning tricks on the side."
"I am just a Hostess and I've ever hooked in my life," She nearly growled out. "But take a look around Sonny," He did as she instructed and found that nearly every seat in the club had men with girls gyrating on their laps and a huge stage with men seated around it throwing money at the four girls dancing on it. "For most of these girls in here that is their side hustle, and they would make my work life hell if I was the reason one of their big spenders decided not to come here anymore."
"I'm sure Mandy is somewhere making him forget all about it. And now the fucker knows to keep his hands to himself."
"Yeah, probably, but still, I didn't need you to ride in to defend my honor. I can take care of myself," She attested.
"I didn't mean to upset you, Trudy, I just didn't like the way he was grabbing all over you," Sonny stated and it didn't go unnoticed to Trudy that he hadn't actually said the words I'm sorry. "Don't be mad at me, let's dance," He said as he reached over and grasped her hand.
"Aren't you working?" She asked as she glanced over to the table where Tubbs and the Carrera's appeared to be deep into their conversation.
"My guys have things covered so I'm taking a break," He said as he also glanced to his boss's table before settling his eyes back on hers. "Looks like you're taking a break too. So, dance with me," He then tugged her into his arms, raised her hand he still held nestling it between them and wrapped the other around her waist. She felt like a snake and he was the charmer who made her move to his will, as she began to slowly dance where they stood.
"I never wanted anyone like this
It's so brand new
You'll feel it in my kiss
I'm crazy for you, crazy for you
Crazy for you, crazy for you
It's all brand new, I'm crazy for you
And you know it's true
I'm crazy, crazy for you…"
Even after the song and music faded Sonny and Trudy continued their slow dance, both locked into a staring contest that neither seemed to be losing.
"Do you believe in destiny, or maybe it's fate... I don't know?" He tossed out and it was so out of character to the badass persona he presented himself to be, she tossed her head back a little and cackled out a laugh. She was relieved when he chuckled along not offended by her laughing. "Yeah, I know it sounds cheesy as hell but there is something about you, Trudy, something that I am so drawn to. I haven't been able to get you outta my head since I saw you last night. And I feel like there is something that flows between us. It's like some strong energy. Don't you feel it too?" He asked her as his face took on a more serious tone. Trudy did know what he meant and she also felt the connection, but she chalked it up to them having known each other and working together for years. They were good friends. At least they used to be. Sonny couldn't remember it in his head but was likely feeling it instead.
"Yeah, I feel it too," She conceded as she then laid her head against his shoulder. She found that she wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. Tell him who he truly was but she knew it would only make the situation worse, so she bit her tongue and continued to sway with him. As she listened to the new song that had started to play her hold body stiffened.
"I'm not just looking for an answer
To my prayers or my dreams
It's just I feel my love needs more consistency
I'm about out of luck, half out of time
I'm just about to lose my mind
I'm starting to lose touch with my reality
Trudy lifted her head, leaned back, and stare dead into Sonny's eyes. Sonny stared back at her adoringly as a gentle smile crossed his lips.
"What?" He questioned as he continued to move them along with the music. Trudy thought for sure that hearing Caitlyn's voice, hearing her singing the same song she sang when she was gunned down would spark something within him. But there seemed to be absolutely nothing there in his eyes, except lust that her closeness had sparked in him.
"I never wished on stars
I never thought that dreams came true
Yet in the midst of all my disbelief
Darlin' now I feel like I am long overdue
I search high and low to find my pot of gold
And that's why (yeah)
"Hey," Sonny spoke out again as he moved their joined hands and brushed his thumb across her chin. She shook her head to clear it and then smiled at him.
"It's nothing, I just really like this song," She said and he took a silent moment and just listened to the song.
Someday I'm gonna follow my rainbow
Someday I'm gonna reach for the sky
By then if you're not ready or able
I'll pack my pride for one last time
Cross my heart and pray our love won't die
"Sorry, it's a little bit too sappy for my taste," He chuckled out and she pushed against his chest a little to get him to let her go. She felt a sudden urge to get away from him. She felt guilty like she was doing something that was disrespecting the memory of Caitlyn and the love that Caitlyn and Sonny had shared.
"I need to get back to work," She said to him and as she hoped, he relinquished his hold on her, although reluctantly. Before she walked away, she moved back into his space and pointed a finger up at him. "And don't threaten anybody else. We have a bouncer," She pointed and Sonny looked over to see the big, bulky guy standing near the stage looking out over the floor. "His name is Stan and he knows how to handle anyone who gets out of hand. So, let him do his job, all right," Sonny smiled down at her and swooped in and kissed her soundly before she could protest, and when he pulled from the kiss, he had left her slightly dizzy with euphoria.
"All right, darlin. I came here in my own car. So, I'll just be hanging around until you get off, then I'll take you home," Sonny said as he left her standing there recollecting herself while he moved back to his boss's table.
Song: 'Crazy for You' sung by Madonna
Song: 'Follow my Rainbow' sung by Sheena Easton
More to Come...
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parisian-nicole · 2 years
A Miami Vice Fic: Free Falling (Chp. 4)
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Free Falling Chapter 3: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/691854394730381312/a-miami-vice-fic-free-falling-chp-3
Author's Note: There will be some sexual content, non-consensual and abusive interactions in this chapter. If you think this might offend you please go read something else. If you do read I hope you enjoy it and will be so kind as to leave a review.
They had driven in complete silence. Sonny kept his angry eyes glued to the road ahead of him and his hands had a death grip on the steering wheel, as he bobbed and weaved through the traffic at a high rate of speed. Trudy clutched the passenger side door and the dashboard to steady herself as the speeding jerked her about. When she allowed herself to focus on her surroundings Trudy realized they were heading to the Marina where Sonny kept his mini yacht docked. A familiar fear started to fill her, at the thought of being trapped alone on a boat with Sonny Burnett, and a pissed off Sonny Burnett at that. When he pulled the car right up to the entrance to the boat and put the car in park, she actually contemplated jumping out and running away. But before she could figure out which direction she would run, the passenger side door suddenly opened and the same guard who had done Sonny's bidding for her care twice before was there. She took note of how he held the door open but didn't offer her his hand to get out, and she knew that was at Sonny's instructions. Look but never touch. That was a rule Trudy knew she could take some sort of solace in.
"Mr. Burnett the boat's ready for your departure and everything is set as you instructed," The guard relayed as Sonny exited the driver's side of the car.
"Good, let's go," Sonny spoke out as he locked his eyes onto Trudy, who stood rooted in her spot, where she shook her head.
"No, I'm not getting on that boat with you," She replied. "Sonny, I told you that I have a flight to catch in less than an hour."
"Right, to visit your sick grandmother," He chuckled as he walked around the front of the car. When he reached where she stood, he roughly grabbed her left arm into his right hand and forcefully yanked her from where she stood.
"Ow, you're hurting my arm," She cried out in surprise and in true pain to his rough manhandling. She tried to struggle and pull from his hold but it only got tighter.
"Then you should listen," He growled this out as he stopped them at the stairs of the boat and he jerked her closer. "And do as I say. Get on the fucking boat, now!" He shoved her to the stairs and had she not reached out to grasp the railing she would have fallen hard to the ground. She stepped up and finally boarded the bow of the yacht. She put some distance between her and the stairs where Sonny was now stepping from. She rubbed her bruised left arm as she turned her head about to gauge if she might be able to jump from the boat. "Don't even think about it," Sonny spat out fully understanding her intent. "'Cause if you do it, I will fish you out and then together we'll go find your boyfriend Rico and I'll make you watch as I put a bullet right between his eyes," Trudy shivered at the heartless words and the coldness she now saw in his eyes as if it had dropped the temperature around her. He looked more than just angry. Now, he looked wild and crazed to her.
"How many times do I have to say it, Sonny, Rico's not my fucking boyfriend," She hissed out. Her demeanor may have looked as if she were mad but the truth was, she was absolutely terrified and wanted to cry and pull at her hair in frustration at the situation she was now in.
"Sure, sweetheart," He sneered out disbelievingly and then turned his focus to the guard. "Go tell the captain to push off. I want to put a lot of distance between us and the mainland as soon as possible," The guard nodded and he headed off and Sonny turned his focus back onto Trudy. "Downstairs," He nodded to the doorway that led to the below deck compartments. Trudy moved to the entrance and led the way down. "No, not the lounge," He stopped her before she entered the familiar space she had been locked in before. "Straight back, the large door at the end," She did as he instructed and when she reached the door she stopped and waited for him. He moved up beside her, grasped the knob, opened the door, and waved her inside. Trudy looked inside and realized it was the master bedroom on the boat. She found she could not move her legs as the weight of what she was sure would happen if she crossed the threshold pressed upon her. It was the gentle shove against the small of her back that finally got her into the room. She hurried to the other side of the stately space, keeping her back to Sonny. When she heard the click of the lock her eyes closed and freed the troubled tears that had been waiting just at the rims of her eyes. There were several silent moments before he spoke out again. "You know, I should just kill you for the way you've played with me," He said and she turned to look at him with wide fright-filled eyes, anticipating he had a gun already aimed at her. She found him seated calmly in one of the beautifully upholstered chairs near the door, and he was holding the gun in his right hand as he stared up at her with wet dangerous eyes.
"I haven't played you," She spoke with a shaky voice. "I have done nothing to you, Sonny. But you threatened to kill my boss tonight and then you kidnapped me."
"Kidnapped you?" He scuffed out. "You came of your own free will, darlin."
"Under duress because you said you would kill Rico if I didn't."
"Yeah, and I would have, and I still might," He growled out. "Did you fuck him tonight?"
"No! I am not fucking Rico he's, my boss. How many times do you want me to say it?"
"Until I believe you and I don't. I can see it when you're around him … there is something more between you two than just an employer and employee relationship."
"Yeah, I've known Rico for six or seven years now. He's like a big brother to me, and he's never ever been my lover," She spoke truthful words but could see he hadn't believed her. "Sonny, I haven't been intimate with a man in almost two years, and it's been even longer than that since I've even been on a date with one. Not until our lunch date," He watched her silently for a long moment before he settled the gun on the table next to the chair, and then suddenly rose up from the chair and moved to her. In turn, Trudy stumbled as she stepped back from his advancing but stopped when he reached out his left hand and grabbed a fist full of her thick curly hair, which was out and settled at her shoulders. "Owww," Trudy cried out in shock and to the sharp pain in her scalp as he yanked her head back some. She lifted both of her hands to pull at his left one, hoping to gain her release, but he never relented. Then she felt his right hand pulling up the bottom of the summer dress she had put on for her flight. She shot her left hand to grab hold of his right hand, which now tugged and tore away the flimsy panties she had on. "Sonny, please do-UHNAAH!" She screamed as he rammed two fingers into her core. "Umhmm," Trudy bit at her bottom lip and tried to swallow down the moans as her eyes clamped shut not just to the painful intrusion but also to the way her traitorous body was instantly responding to the manipulation of Sonny's fingers. She had not been lying when she confessed that her body had not felt such an intimate touch in 2 years, and it was definitely reacting to Sonny's touch now.
"Fuck, baby, you weren't lying, were you?" Sonny spoke out in a low moan, and his eyes roll shut and he grew instantly hard to just how tight she felt around his fingers. He leaned forward and rested his head beside hers while he pressed his taunt body up against her body. "You feel as tight as a virgin," He panted out excitedly as he slowly thrust his two digits in and out of her center. "And you're so hot and getting so wet too," Trudy whimpered as both of her hands tightened around his. She couldn't keep her body still as her hips swerved and gyrated upon his fingers as she sought to create more friction. "Is this sweet juice all for me?" He purred into her ear and then leaned back some to stare at her face, which was no longer contorted in fear, outrage, or pain. Instead, her face looked serene, delighted, and relieved. Her voice hitched in her throat as she watched him beneath hooded eyelids. A half sob and half moan escaped her lips as fresh tears spilled down her face. She knew the way her body was moving against his hand made her appear to him like a wanton whore, even while her mind raged and screamed at her to stop moving and push him away. But her grip only tightened around his hand that was buried in her folds, in an attempt to keep him inside until she found her release.
"Sonny, please…" Trudy sobbed out in desperation. She was mad at herself when she heard the neediness in her voice and was too embarrassed to continue her words. She was so afraid that if she kept talking, she'd say out loud just how much she did not want him to stop touching her.
"I'll please you, baby. All I want to do is please you, Trudy," He mumbled against her mouth before he kissed her deeply. She moaned more as the taste of him just heightened things into an erotic moment and increased the throbbing pleasure building between her legs. Sonny pulled from the kiss and moved his lips to her left ear. "How do you want me to please you? Do you want me to fuck your sweet pussy?" Her eyes rolled shut to his words and the increased pace of his fingering. "If that's what you want, you're gonna have to help me out. I've got my hands full right now," He whispered and then nibbled at her ear. At that moment Trudy fully understood that he was testing her. If she gave in to his will, gave her body to him, she was declaring that she was his and he would then feel he had the right to kill any man who dared touch her. But it was also an internal test for herself, for if she did this, she knew it would forever change her relationship with her friend Sonny Crockett if he ever got his memories back. "I'm dying right now, darlin," His strained voice broke through her reverie. "I need to be inside of you, help me out," He commanded even though in a soft tone, and she couldn't stop her hands as they moved to the buckle of his belt. She made quick work of the belt and then the button and zipper of his suit pants, all while her brown eyes remained locked to his green ones. She finally pushed down the boxers he wore, and once Sonny was freed, he removed his hands from her hair and pussy. He forcefully backed her to the large mahogany dresser while she pushed off his suit jacket and tore open the dress shirt underneath. He then used both of his hands to grab her backside as she snaked her arms around his neck. Then he lifted her and settled her bare bottom on the top edge of the dresser, moved in between her thighs. Any reservations Trudy may have had were all gone now, and she pulled him into a sensuous kiss while she lifted her legs and wrapped them around Sonny's lower back. She pressed her feet into his back to pull him closer to her. He needed no further provocation as he gripped his cock and guided it into her hot core. They both bucked, hissed, and then groaned through the connection and near-crippling rush of euphoria that had simultaneously washed over both of them. Both knew this first coupling wouldn't last long nor be kind or gentle, but it would be quick, rough, messy, and likely bruising. And at this moment, they were both fine with that as their movements became more and more erratic as they raced to give the other an exquisite release.
At the Organized Crime Bureau Headquarters
"He actually threatened to shoot you?" Switek spoke out from his spot leaning against the window inside the conference room. Tubbs had just told Castillo, Gina, and Switek what had gone down with Sonny at the townhouse.
"Yeah, and the only reason I'm standing here now and not down at the county morgue is because of Trudy," Tubbs replied as he clenched his fist in anger as he recalled the look of horror and fear on her face. "She gave into Sonny's demand and went with him."
"God, she must be so scared right now," Gina chimed in as she swallowed down impending tears. "I'm sorry Rico, I tried to call and warn you guys after Sonny left the club," She looked across the table to her friend and co-worker. "I knew that he was dangerous by how he acted at the club. He nearly broke my arm trying to find out where Trudy was," For effect, she pushed up the sleeve of the blouse she wore and exposed the huge bruise displayed there.
"Jesus," Switek gasped out as he scowled in anger at the bruise marring Gina's delicate skin. "Why isn't there a BOLO or APB out on Sonny yet?" He turned his frowning face to their Lieutenant, who stood at the head of the table, hands in his pockets while he stared glumly down at the table.
"The DEA pulled rank, contacted the Commissioner," Castillo began relaying what he had been told by his superiors. "It's been determined that this Carrera bust has to take precedent."
"Precedent to what?" Tubbs spat out angrily as his face held the same outrage as Gina's and Switek's. "The life of a police officer who's given 8 years of her life protecting and serving this city. C'mon man, you know that ain't right," Castillo lifted mad eyes up to Tubbs and Tubbs calmed some for he could see Castillo was just as pissed about the call.
"Trudy is a decorated cop and she knows how to do her job," Castillo said. "Now, you have to do yours. Finish the deal with Carrera, help take down his entire organization, and bring both Sonny and Trudy home."
"Yeah, and in the meantime just hope that Trudy doesn't get fed to the wolves," Gina tossed on still upset that there was no real plan to get Trudy back.
"The meet-up with Carrera is next week?" Castillo spoke out again.
"Yeah," Tubbs responded. "The plan is to fly down to the Bahamas to the home he has there for a mini vacation and bring him in a shipment. We're making the buy on his turf, which puts the odds in his favor."
"We've already flown down teams to start surveillance," Castillo countered. "You're booked on the next flight down there. I have your ticket on my desk," He shot eyes to Switek who in turn nodded his understanding. "I insisted that our entire team be involved because we have two of our own in the crossfire. Gina," He focused on her and she sat up straighter as she listened "You will go as Mr. Ortiz's companion," She nodded.
"Sure, and I won't even fuss this time about always being someone's arm candy. I will do whatever it takes to bring Trudy home safe and sound."
"And what about Sonny, and bringing him home safe and sound?" Switek questioned.
"I honestly don't know if that's possible anymore," Gina answered honestly as she subconsciously rubbed her sore arm and Tubbs nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, after what I saw in his eyes tonight, I don't see him giving up without a fight," Tubbs stated. "And this obsession he seems to have with Trudy is definitely gonna make it difficult to get her away from him too."
They had transitioned from the dresser to the floor and now were entangled in the white satin sheets on the king-sized bed. Trudy was pinned on her back with Sonny's body holding her down. His hands held her arms above her head at the wrist, as he pounded into her almost viciously. Trudy's cries switched between pain and pleasure every other moment as she twisted and glided beneath him. The way he possessed her was ecstatic and at the same time punishing. His words aligned with his deep thrusts.
"So, fucking good baby," He groaned out as he placed wet kisses against her face, mouth, and neck while swerving and pushing into her in deliberately slow and delicious strokes. It made her whimper and lean in to nip, lick, and kiss at the flesh on his shoulder. "And it's all mine," He growled out as he released her hands and fisted her curls as he now harshly banged them pelvis to pelvis, lifting up and then dropping down into her without regard. She screamed out to the slicing pain that had a trail of pleasure at its end. Trudy clawed at his back her scratches stinging a little as they drew prickles of blood. "You're mine," Sonny grunted out as he snarled down into her face while purposely brutalizing her tender center. Trudy could only gasp, squeal, and cry out to each blow as she clung to him. She tried to push it all to the back of her mind what was happening at this moment, but she knew it would disturb her when she thought about it later. How he was treating her, marking her, and claiming her as his. But she would be most bothered by how she was letting him and mostly enjoying it. "Say it!" He barked down into her face as he yanked at her hair and continued his malicious assault on her body. "Say, you're mine, Trudy, SAY IT!"
"YES!" Trudy screamed out and then whimpered as she bucked under his rough ministrations. "I'm yours, Sonny … please, please," She sobbed as tears streamed down her face now. The pain was becoming too much to bear, though a part of her didn't want him to stop completely because she was so close to climaxing. As if he had sensed her distress or was just satisfied with her declaration, Sonny kissed her while he piston more slowly inside of her. His movements were now more in the fashion of making love to her, and she cooed and arched up some as a 3rd orgasm overtook her.
"I love you, Trudy," He huffed out against her ear as he came inside of her once more. "God, I need and want you so fucking much," He panted out as he nestled his head into the nook of her neck. He tucked his arms more snuggly around her body, they both gulped in the air while their bodies calmed. Fresh tears rolled from Trudy's eyes at his words, because she knew that he had meant them but that they were just words derived from fanciful things his fractured mind had pieced together from a reality it couldn't fully recall, and this made her close her eyes and silently weep for him.
"I'm not just some 'thing' you can possess, Sonny," She whispered back to him and he lifted his head to look down at her. She held his gaze steadily.
"I know you're not a 'thing', but you are 'my' woman now," He proclaimed.
"Whether I want to be or not?"
"Oh, you want it, and I know how badly you want it now," Sonny said as he moved his hand down her body and inserted a finger inside of her. She hissed to the burn and gratification from his touch.
"You scare me, Sonny. You're like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," She moaned out to the newfound pleasure that was filling her once more. Before she could further hate herself for enjoying how he touched her he instantly stopped his hand, removed his finger, and truly listened to her. She took a few seconds to calm herself before she spoke again. "And this life you live, it's scary and I don't want to be a part of any of it."
"You don't have to be scared, baby. I would never hurt you, Trudy, and I would never let my work harm you either. I'll always protect you, I swear it," He said this as he adoringly caressed her left cheek. She had to bite her tongue to keep from telling him that some of what he had just done to her had hurt her. He had purposely caused her physical pain. But something told her speaking about it might be a trigger for more of it, and so she said nothing about it.
"I just want to go home, go back to my life. Please, Sonny," She said somberly as she spoke aloud a request she already knew he'd never comply to. He abruptly moved from her body as if her touch scolded him. He sat up and then stood from the bed.
"You are home, this is your life now," Sonny spoke in a colder, detached tone. He kept his back to her as he walked toward the adjoining bathroom door, and she knew it was him being dismissive to her words. "Wherever I am, you'll be with me, and that'll be home. You need to understand that and get used to it," Just as he finally reached the door he grasped the knob, he then turned to look directly at her. "And don't ever try to leave me, 'cause I'll find you, and I don't know what might happen when I do. And I don't think either one of us wants to find out," The threatening danger she now saw in his eyes sent a chill down her spine.
"Now, tell me again that I don't have to be scared of you, Sonny," Trudy chuckled out humorlessly as she looked directly back at him.
"You don't have to be so long as you do as I say," He said and the glint in his eyes told her that he meant what he had said. "Just do as I say and I'll worship you like a Queen," Not bothering to hear her reply he entered the bathroom and the sound of running water could soon be heard through the open bathroom door. Trudy collapsed back against the bed, then turned on her left side, curled into a fetal position, and silently cried in her despair. "Come shower with me," Sonny's voice filled the room once more and Trudy jumped a little at the unexpected intrusion into her self-pitying. "C'mon, before the water gets cold," He commanded, and then and there Trudy decided that to survive she would have to pick and choose her battles with him. And on this, she chose not to battle at all, and so she closed her eyes, took a deep breath. She then sat up, stood, and obediently made her way to the bathroom.
Hours Later
The tantalizing feeling of fingers gliding down her back and the soft kisses that followed their trail stirred Trudy from her deep slumber. With a tired, airy sigh escaping her lips, Trudy turned towards the touch, but never actually opened her eyes. Throughout the night she had been awoken a couple of times to Sonny's demanding and insatiable lust for her. The first time she had mildly protested that they had just bathed. A bath she knew had been to help soothe her soreness, but quickly realized had been more for his benefit so he could continue making love to her. It had completely been unnecessary because despite how sore she was or how on occasions he would be callous with her body it always seemed eagerly willing to bend to the will of Sonny's touch. A fact that placed her mind in turmoil, how she loathed as well as craved his touch upon her body. She shamefully wanted Sonny but she also desperately didn't want to want him.
"Good morning, Beautiful," Sonny leaned down and spoke against her lips before sucking them into a gentle, sweet kiss. He then pulled from the kiss and slid down her body some and suckled the right nipple of her exposed breasts into his mouth. She flinched and hissed a little because he had greatly bruised her nipples throughout the night while he viciously gnawed and sucked on them until she had sobbed, screamed, and begged for him to stop. His goal had been to give her enough pain to learn his brutality to avoid it, and also enough pleasure to ensure she would always crave and respond favorably to his touch. Trudy had cursed him more than once about how careless and harmful his touch sometimes was. In-kind, she also cursed herself because still, she had enjoyed all the things he had done to her body and had had the most intense orgasms she had ever experienced in her life. But It appeared that the light of day brought out his gentler Dr. Jekyll side. So, Trudy instinctively grasped the back of his head and arched her back a little to get him closer as she moaned out her consent to what he was doing. "Sorry baby," He spoke around his nibbling and licking her nipple. "I really wish I could spend the entire day in this bed, buried inside of you, but I have to attend a meeting with my boss," He gave a kiss to her now rock-hard nipple and lifted up from the bed. "But before I head out, I want to have breakfast with you. It's waiting for us up on deck. So, get up, get a quick shower, then get dressed and come up and join me."
"I don't have anything to wear," Trudy replied as she now rested her upper body up on her elbows as the sheets pooled around her belly. She was not at all coy about being naked in front of him as there was not a part of her body he didn't know intimately now. In reply, Sonny smirked as he stood from the bed and moved to one of the two floor-to-ceiling closets in the cabin. He opened the door and revealed the large closet was filled with expensive, designer lady's clothing. She arched her brow at him. "I will not wear the clothes of your whores, Sonny," She practically spat at him as she quickly shoved away the jealousy that tried to fill her at the thought of another woman sharing his bed. He seemed to be ignoring her words as he sifted through the rack filled with items. Then he pulled out an off-white, off-the-shoulder cocktail dress which matched perfectly with the tan suit he was wearing. He also grabbed a pair of white sandals with thin straps that buckled around her ankles, from the shoe rack.
"Wear this," He moved and laid the dress and sandals at the foot of the bed and made sure the tags could be seen. She shot her eyes to the other dresses hanging in the closet and could see they all had tags on them as well. It stunned her a little as she pondered whether he had bought all of these things specifically for her. Had he planned to bring her here all along, willingly or not? "You're a size 2 dress, size 6 shoes, right? If I guessed wrong let me know and I'll have everything taken back and have the sizes adjusted for you. Now, please hurry up because I'm starving," He winked with a smile and then exited the room and left her to it. She cursed herself at how fast she was getting up to comply with his commanding, but never paused or slowed her steps.
They sat eating their breakfast with an amicable conversation, mostly about her childhood. She had made sure to give enough truth to her stories to make them easier to keep track of. But not so much that would possibly blow her cover.
"What were you like as a child?" She asked him while she gazed at him over the rim of the glass of orange juice she was sipping from. She studied his eyes and prayed there was something he might be able to tell her that he actually remembered.
"I couldn't tell you, darlin, I don't remember," He replied around a deep sigh and she could see the not knowing truly bothered him.
"C'mon, I'm not asking for any deep dark secrets. I just want to get to know you a little better, and I've spent the last 30 minutes telling you about my childhood. So, it's only fair you share something about yours. I know if little Sonny was anything like big Sonny, I am sure you got a lot of spankings for being bad," She coaxed in a teasing manner and inwardly sighed in relief when Sonny chuckled and smiled at her remark. Her intentions were to probe and try to get him to actually think about it, but not upset him in the process.
Sorry, babe, I really don't remember," As he leaned more comfortably back in his seat and crossed his legs. "I was in a bad boating accident a little while ago. Got some serious brain damage up here," He said this as he lifted his right hand and pressed his pointer finger and middle finger against his right temple. "Luckily, I was with some business associates when it happened and they got me to the hospital. But when I woke up, I couldn't recall anything from before the accident."
"I'm sorry, Sonny," Trudy replied and her heart truly broke for Sonny and she had to quickly wipe at her eyes to dab her tears before they fully fell. "That must be hard. I would be devastated if I couldn't remember who I am."
"I know exactly who and what I am, sweetheart, and you don't need to feel sorry for me," He said as he pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and took a big pull from it. "I survived and I'm thriving," He spread out both arms to showcase their extravagant surrounding. "I've got all I need. I've got more money in the bank than I'll ever know what to do with, and now I've got you too," He said this as he raked his eyes appreciatively over her body and took another drag from the cigarette. The smile on her face faded and she bowed her head some saddened by the reminder that he had claimed her as his. That even while sitting in the lap of luxury and in their current beautiful surroundings, she was still his prisoner. Sonny could see that he had unintentionally upset her so to try to appease her he did share a 'secret' with her. "Sometimes," He started to speak as his eyes rested atop the beautifully decorated breakfast before them. "I see flashes of things," This immediately recaptured Trudy's attention and she locked her eyes onto him.
"Memories?" She asked as she leaned in more towards the table.
"I don't know, maybe, but then just as quickly as they pop in my mind they disappear again," He added and then shrugged. "And there you go, I've 'shared' something with you, and I don't really want to talk about that anymore," He announced and she knew him well enough now to know that this was him ending the discussion. And although she really wanted to interrogate him more in the hopes of triggering a memory, more than anything else she didn't want to ignite his temper. She had seen Sonny Crockett mad and upset before but even at his angriest he had never frightened her, but Sonny Burnett certainly did and just with a cold stare. So, she remained quiet as she looked out over the water and noticed land a few miles from where they were anchored, but she hadn't asked him where they were though she had been dying to. Again, choosing not to battle. But Sonny could see anxiety fill her some as her eyes darted about their surroundings.
"We're in the Bahamas," He disclosed and then casually lifted his cup of black coffee to his lips as she locked her wide eyes onto him. "We'll be here for a week, two weeks at most."
"The Bahamas?" She repeated totally shocked at this news. "I can't stay here for a…a week or two, Sonny," She stammered as a panic crept in her at the thought of being so far from Miami and help.
"Why, please don't tell me you're still on that 'sick grandmother' lie," He chuckled some.
"I wasn't …" She quieted as the glint in his eyes told her she shouldn't try to reaffirm that particular lie, so she decided to be more truthful. "Okay, fine, my grandmother isn't sick, she died before I ever even met her. But I did plan to visit some of my family up north for a while, that's the truth. And Rico," She saw his jaw clench and twitch in anger to the name and she was sure it was due to how informally she used it. "I mean, my boss … Mr. Ortiz was really just taking me to the airport," He let out a deep sigh as he glared at her, and she knew he still didn't believe her. "That's also the truth and if you don't believe me, you can call the airline to confirm the flight and confirm that my ticket is there waiting for me. Well, was waiting, I missed the flight," She tacked on, and his eyes instantly softened to this.
"And you were just going to leave and not tell me when you knew I would be waiting in that club for you?" Sonny's brow bunched up in what she perceived to be his anger and she couldn't will away the tears that began to fill her eyes due to her increasingly frayed nerves. "And why the sudden need to get out of town? Hell, I would have taken you wherever you wanted to go, Trudy. Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I was leaving to get away from you, Sonny," She confessed the whole truth of it. "And I already told you why. You scare me," She shuddered out and then took in a deep breath, which didn't calm her nerves as she had hoped it would. "You're scary," She sniffled out through trembling lips. Sonny's heart was troubled a little at seeing the state she was in, for he could actually 'see' that she was scared, literally trembling as she sat before him.
"Trudy, baby," He spoke more gently but he didn't reach for her as he had wanted to do, for fear it would scare her more. "I told you, I would never hurt you, without cause, not ever. Just do as I say and I promise to give you a very good life, where you will want for nothing," He declared and then turned to look out over the glistening waters, while he thought of the right words to say. "I know I can be 'intense' sometimes but," He turned back to look at her once more. "That's only because I'm crazy about you, understand? I love you," He nearly whispered these words as if he didn't want to chance that someone else might possibly hear him. Trudy's eyes shut as her shoulders slumped a little.
"Sonny, you don't love me, obsessed maybe, but it can't be love. How could you love me when you don't even know me, not really?" She countered as she looked back at him. She felt a little bit bolder after his promise not to actually hurt her unless she gave him cause to. And it seemed that in his mind's eye her leaving him or cheating on him would be the only things that would jeopardize and renege on that promise.
"And what do you know about me that makes you an expert on how I feel or who I love?" He asked this with a smirk on his face, which told her she hadn't angered him. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way because I know there is something between us. It's this amazing connection and I also know it will only grow stronger with time."
"I do care about you, Sonny … more than you ...know," Trudy said but she had nearly said the word 'remember' as a moment where Sonny Crockett was being a great friend to her flashed in her mind. "But I don't want to open myself up to falling in love with you," It was quite difficult to think about the possibility of falling in love with him because the truth was, she probably could and easily so. She had already crossed a boundary she knew she shouldn't have by having sex with him, even though she knew without a doubt that it still would have happened under his coercion. It had blurred a line in her mind she used when it came to her personal life and her professional life, between just being friends and being lovers. "What you do, your work … the world you choose to live in, I can't be a part of it. I don't want any part of that."
"My work is just that, work," He stated calmly. "I will admit that a week ago my work was my entire life because it was all I had, and I had started making plans for a promotion, and plans to build up my own 'business'. But then I met you and for the first time, at least for as long as I can recall, something filled my thoughts other than my work. So, if my work and the people I work for scare you so badly, after this last job I'm doing for Carrera I'll resign," He said as she now gazed at him in surprise and confusion. "I want to be with you Trudy and I want you to be with me, and without fear of me or the work I do. So, I'll just give up the work. I've earned a small fortune from it and made some very smart investments. So, there's enough money in the bank that our great-grandchildren will never want for anything," He said this as he waggle his brows at her around a charming smile, and Trudy couldn't stop the smile at his assumption that she would have children and grandchildren with him. "So, what do you say? When I finish up this job here in the Bahamas, we'll run off together."
"Sonny..." She sighed out in a manner that told him she was going to protest, and the discussion was settled as far as he was concerned so he quickly wiped his mouth, pushed his chair from the table, and stood.
"You ready to go?" He asked her and she turned stunned eyes up to where he stood before her.
"You're taking me to the mainland with you?" Trudy was shocked but also elated by the idea she might be able to get to a phone to call home. She had discovered their only means of communication on the yacht had been in the cockpit which was staffed 24/7.
"Yes," He smiled as he noticed the excitement dance behind her eyes. He was no fool and knew she would probably try to find a phone and make a call to someone in Miami, but he would keep eyes on her at all times. "I can't take you to my meeting but I thought you would like to visit the town, maybe do some shopping until I'm done," He stated and she was sure there was a catch to it. "Vinnie and Mike," He waved to the two men who stood near the stairs that led down to a smaller speed boat waiting for them. "They will accompany you to keep you safe," Trudy swallowed down the argument that wanted out for she knew it would only end with her not being allowed to leave the boat. She told herself that she could try to give the guards the slip and sneak a call back home, even though it seemed like an impossible feat given she had no idea where they were. Sonny held out a hand to her and Trudy accepted it by placing her hand in his. He pulled her from her chair and led her to the stairs and off to an afternoon adventure.
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parisian-nicole · 2 years
A Miami Vice Fic: Free Falling (Chp. 5)
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Free Falling Chapter 4: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/691855610991476736/a-miami-vice-fic-free-falling-chp-4
Author's Note: Strong sexual content, attempted rape, adult language. This chapter will probably be the darkest of the entire story. Sonny is really like two personalities and he will 'continue' to struggle with this throughout this story. I hope you read, are entertained, and will be so kind to leave a review.
Trudy's eyes lit up the closer they got to the mainland. She could see it was a bustling, modernized little town. There was different music playing from different areas, but all blended well together. And the aroma that wafted out to them as they docked had her mouth watering. Sonny was the first to step from the speedboat which he had driven in himself as she and the two guards with them sat the entire ride. He was met at the docks by another guard along with a car with a driver. They spoke for a couple of moments as Trudy was held back by their two guards who both stood at the ladder on the dock, then Sonny nodded, and the two guards stepped aside and helped Trudy up the ladder. Sonny leaned over the ladder and held out his hand to her. She grasped it and smiled up at him graciously as he helped her up. While he smiled back, she could see his eyes behind his shades and they were locked onto the guards below her, and she was positive it was to make sure they weren't copping a feel or looking up her skirt. She could recall from days past when Sonny and Gina had their brief romance, how it had always made her envious of Sonny's possessive manners when it came to Gina, which continued even after she ended things. Now experiencing his possessive nature firsthand, it was quite overwhelming for her. Once she was standing on the dock next to Sonny, their guards finally made their way up from the boat.
"Okay, baby, I'll probably be at the meeting with Carrera for a couple of hours," Sonny said as he dug his hand in his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash, big bills too. "Here's some fun money for you," Trudy eyed the money and then the other men standing around them as she shook her head and tried to sidestep around Sonny.
"No thank you, I don't need your money," She said as she tossed on a sweet smile. The truth was she wouldn't have minded a bill or two if only to buy some of the delicious-looking food she could already see in some of the nearby market shops. However, she hated being Sonny's kept woman, more so hated that others perceived her as such, even if she was. Sonny quickly guessed what the issue was, and he reached out, gently grasped her hand, and pulled her back against his body so they were chest to chest.
"Hey, take the money," He commanded and smiled when she arched a brow at his commandeering. "At least enough to buy something to eat, please," He added more gently, and she found herself smiling at him at hearing him say the word 'please'. "Nobody will think anything of you accepting money from me, and they sure as hell would never dare say anything. They all know you're with me, that you're my woman."
"Your woman of the week?" She asked in a teasing manner though she was also curious if he had other women he was involved with.
"I've never brought any woman to work with me before. None have ever been in my home or on my boat. Sure, I've kept company with one or two before."
"Yeah, I just bet you have," She remarked as she crossed her arms against her chest and tapped her sandal covered foot. She didn't know why hearing that caused jealousy to flare within her, but it had, and he had noticed, and she could see it pleased him some. She rolled her eyes at him a bit, now more determined not to bend to his will and take his money.
"But I never cared for them, most of the time I didn't even want them even while I was balls deep inside of them."
"Geez, Sonny, I don't want to hear the details of your adventures fucking other women," Trudy growled out and his smile broadened. He deduced that if she was jealous that meant she really cared about him and considered him hers.
"My point is, I'm crazy-"
"Yes, I concur, you are," She quickly interrupted him again, this time with a teasing smile and he actually laughed at her words. And judging by the way the guards shyly glanced at him, she knew they likely had never seen Sonny Burnett crack a smile, let alone laugh boisterously.
"I'm crazy about you, Trudy," He finally said as he reached out his right hand and brushed her soft curls back from her clavicle bone and then placed the hand at the base of her neck, pulled her to him, and then leaned down and kissed her. Trudy released a soft moan and swooned a little when he pulled from the kiss. Her eyes lingered closed for a few seconds before she opened them again and gazed up at him. "I've fallen for you, and I'm not telling you that expecting you to feel the same way because I know you don't," She bowed her head a bit. He thought it was to hide the fact that she didn't feel any love for him, but in truth, it was to hide the fact that she did have a love for him. All be it not the kind of love he was now professing, but she knew it could go that route if she were not careful. "At least not yet," He added that on with a wink and she giggled at how playful he was being today. She genuinely liked that side of him because it reminded her of Crockett. "I tell you that so you can understand that I want to give you things and buy you things because you're my woman, and I believe that's what a man should do for his woman."
"I'm very independent, Sonny, and I don't think I will ever be okay with being your kept woman, who has to rely on you for everything, especially money. I've been earning my own money since I was 15 years old. And since I'm not your wife getting money from you … Well, it would feel like I was just your whore," Trudy said, and when Sonny didn't initially reply but stared down at her with an unreadable look on his face, and she thought his Mr. Hyde side was about to make an appearance.
"Then marry me," He finally said with a shrug of his shoulders. He acted as if it was the only rational solution and her eyes nearly fell out of her head. Of all the things he could have said at that moment this was not what she had expected to hear.
"What!? No, I am not marrying you. I … I haven't even known you a week yet," She stammered out because she knew he was probably serious about it, and she needed to derail that train of thought fast. "And I don't have the marrying kind of feelings for you yet," He smirked at this little slip of the tongue which she hadn't even realized she had made. "You know what, fine, just give me the money," She sputtered out exasperated and just wanting to end their interaction altogether. She held out her right hand, wiggled her fingers impatiently, while she vigorously tapped her foot now. "Doesn't matter, let them all think I'm your whore. I don't care," She mumbled that bit out but he still heard her and that did anger him, and he gripped her about her chin roughly and forced her to look up at him.
"No one thinks that I definitely don't think that, so stop saying it," Sonny said, and she could see by the scowl on his face he was mad and a voice screamed in her head for her to appease him and quell any retaliations later, and so she lifted up on her tiptoes and utterly surprised him by kissing him sweetly. Before she could end the kiss, Sonny, tugged her closer, held her in his arms for a moment longer, as he deepened the kiss. He broke their kiss and embraced her and buried his nose in her thick lavender scented curls. He closed his eyes and breathed her in deeply. When he opened his eyes again, he noticed the guard who had come with the car was motioning at him to let him know they had to go. "I've gotta go, baby," He kissed her head and then let her go and stepped back. He pulled back out his wad of money and this time instead of trying to hand her the entire thing, he pulled off just a few bills. Enough for her to eat at any of the finest restaurants in the town and buy a few things from the upscale shops if she wanted. This was an acceptable compromise for Trudy who took the money with a kind smile.
"Thank you," She replied in a hushed tone while she pushed the bills inside of the small purse whose strap she draped over her shoulder and across her chest.
"You're welcome darlin," He said with a big smile. "Stay with the guards at all times, all right," He grew more serious as he said this, and she simply nodded in reply. "While it's beautiful here, this town is full of unsavory characters," Sonny then looked around them as if he were scanning for said characters. He headed to the waiting car but stopped a moment to address the two guards who had come with them. "Don't let her out of your sight, not even for a second, because if anything happens to her, I will kill you," He said point-blank and unapologetically even knowing his words would probably bother her. The guards both nodded their understanding and moved to stand a few feet behind Trudy, as Sonny walked onto the car. The guard at the car hurriedly opened the door for Sonny, but before stepping in he looked back to where Trudy and her guards were walking off. "Hey gorgeous," He called out and Trudy turned back to face him. "I love you," He proclaimed this loudly and then quickly disappeared inside the car. The guard shut the door, rushed around to the front passenger side, and they drove away. Trudy stared after the car for a second with what she was sure was a goofy look on her face. She understood that while Sonny may have thought he meant his words, their true intent was to make it know that she was important to him, that their relationship was nothing casual. Also, judging, by the way, several men in the streets who had been staring at her before all turned and now avoided her eyes, it seemed that Mr. Burnett's reputation was known in this town. Now, they knew she was his woman, and she was to be left alone.
Thirty minutes walking through the town and the many small markets and booths that lined the streets, seeing so many faces just as brown as hers, Trudy was so engrossed in the town, the people, and culture that she had completely forgotten about trying to find a phone to call Miami. She stopped to listen to a quartet play their instruments as an older black woman sang on in a dialect Trudy didn't understand but her voice was so beautiful it was very enchanting to hear. There were children of all ages that ran through the dusty streets. They laughed hard and play so carefree. But anytime any would try to run up to Trudy, whom they could tell was an American tourist who might give them money, the guards would chase them away. Trudy would frown slightly but she never said a word to the guards because she knew they were just following Sonny's orders.
An hour and a half later found her seated inside of a very classy local restaurant enjoying a delicious club sandwich. One of the guards stood outside the restaurant while the other was seated at the table right beside Trudy's table. She had asked him if he wanted to just sit with her, but he hurriedly shook his head to that idea and then focused his gaze onto the other patrons in the place. While she sat sipping at the restaurant's specialty fruit drink, she glanced outside of the large window she sat in front of and saw Sonny casually walking up from down the street, and beside him was Miguel Carrera, who spoke with very animated gestures of his hands. Behind them were four guards. Sonny didn't act as if he was even listening as he walked along, hands in his pockets, faced straight ahead. Trudy thought he looked too damn good. When they reached the guard outside the restaurant Sonny spoke briefly to the man. Trudy was sure he was getting a blow-by-blow of all she had done. Miguel Carrera noticed her through the window and immediately smiled and leered at her. She in turned quickly turned her focus down to her half-eaten food, before sonny caught her looking, but in her peripheral vision, she saw Sonny glared at Miguel and then looked in on her to see if she were looking back. Sonny said something to Miguel that had the young man laughing and holding his hands up in surrender as he backed away with his four guards accompanying him. Sonny watched Miguel's retreat for a few seconds, said something to the guard outside, and then finally made his way inside. He nodded to the seated guard and then made his way to stand right beside Trudy.
"Hello Beautiful," He greeted as he leaned down and placed a soft peck upon her lips. She smiled kindly as she watched him take a seat across from her while waving over a waiter. "Did you have fun sightseeing?"
"Yeah, I did actually," Trudy replied honestly. "This is a beautiful place I would really like to see more of it," She tossed on with the hope that he would allow her to stay a little longer.
"I'll have the same thing she's got," Sonny placed his order with the waiter who now stood before them. The waiter jotted down the order, gave a nod, and walked off to put the order in. "Well, we've been invited to dinner tonight at Carrera's compound here on the island, so we'll be staying here tonight. I've already booked our room at the Four Seasons Resort and picked out outfits from one of their boutique stores for us to wear to the little shindig," He spoke this as he reached across the table and grasped her glass of juice, and took a sip and his face showed that he liked it. She really was irked by him dressing her up like some doll, but she kept her mouth closed about it. He placed her drink back before her, settled back more comfortably in his chair, and crossed his legs. He still had his dark shades on so it was hard for her to make out his eyes, but she could feel the heat of his gaze on her, and she shifted her eyes to stare back out the large window. "I think I know you," He spoke out again and she turned her stunned eyes back onto him. Her heart thumped a little faster to the idea he might recognize her, but her hope crashed with his next words. "From a past life, but I definitely know you. That's the only way to explain this…this feeling," He lifted his right hand and placed it against his chest. "You're so fucking beautiful, you know that?" He stated and though the words sounded complimentary the scowl on his face suggested he was angered by the fact. She didn't know how to respond or if she should respond, and so she didn't. The moment ended when the waiter sat his order on the table. Sonny smiled, thanked him, and then leaned over the plate and took a bite of the club sandwich. "I want you to stay away from Miguel Carrera," Sonny blurted out as he chewed and then sipped from his drink. Trudy's face now held a slight frown as she stared across the table to him in confusion.
"Why?" She began but noticed the muscle in his jaw twitch and so she quickly added on to her words. "…would I have reason to hang around him?" She then lifted her own drink and took a sip.
"He wants you."
"You seem to think every man wants me, Sonny," She couldn't help the flippant remark or the slight eye roll.
"That's because they all do, sweetheart," He spoke with a smile, and she sighed a little that he didn't seem bothered by what she had said. "Just look around, every man in this restaurant would love to know the heavenly treasure between your legs, but they see the scary guards and so they don't dare approach. And the scary guards want you too, but they know I'd killed them if they ever tried. Now, Miguel Carrera, he's cut from a different cloth than a typical or even smart man. He mistakenly thinks that being a Carrera gives him the power to do whatever he wants, whenever, wherever."
"Doesn't it?" She questioned.
No, darlin, it does not. Being Oscar Carrera's son gives him some security sure, but I assure you if it came down to his own power and money, Oscar would kill Miguel himself if required. But Miguel is too stupid to realize it. I've told him twice now that you are off-limits when he should have listened the first time. So, tonight at Carrera's party steer clear of him, all right?"
"If it's work-related then maybe I should just stay at the hotel," She suggested as she really didn't fancy attending a party with a bunch of criminals. She may be alone with no backup but she was still a cop and she knew it would be difficult for her to just stand by and not react to illegal activities.
"It's a dinner party with some of the local politicians, so more on the up and up," Sonny said as he took another sip of his drink before setting the glass back onto the table. "Besides I want to show you off," He smiled at her but she couldn't bring herself to smile back to the thought that she was his possession to be paraded around in front of his friends. To cover her lack of excitement she quickly grasped her own glass and drank. He could see she didn't like the idea of attending the party but thought it was one of those things she would just have to get used to.
Later that evening
As soon as they had entered their grand penthouse suite in the resort Sonny had accosted her right up against the closed door. Trudy braced herself for what she was sure would be another bruising encounter but to her surprise, he had been gentle and even tender as he touched and kissed her. He had spent the first half-hour with his head buried between her legs, licking, sucking, and probing with his tongue until she had wept from the joy it brought her. Then he spent the next hour making slow, near excruciating love to her, that made her vocally beg for him to never stop and confess about how much she wanted him. Finally, after giving her two mind-blowing orgasms he found his own release. Sonny collapsed atop her not shifting any of his weight and Trudy welcomed him for he wasn't so heavy that his weight hurt her, and oddly being surrounded by him like that made her feel safe. She soon drifted off to sleep but was awakened a couple of hours later by Sonny, who was fully dressed and whispering in her ear that she needed to get up and get ready. As he headed out, he informed her that she would be brought to Carrera's compound in exactly two hours and he would meet her there.
She had decided on a hot bath not because she ached. On the contrary, the way Sonny had made love to her awakened her body, and even the slight touch on her skin sent a pleasing jolt through her. She hoped that soaking in a hot bath for half an hour would douse out the flames of desire for him that still burned in her womb. After her bath, she made her way back into the bedroom and it was then that she had noticed the articles of clothing that had been intricately placed out on the chaise lounge. There were red lacy panties but no bra. Next to it was a gorgeous red sequin gown which had a halter design with the back out, and the material went so low it would just barely cover the top of her ass. Trudy instantly hated the dress. She thought it was beautiful and definitely a style she herself would buy. But she knew Sonny had only picked it, as he had said, to show her off. She would be a showpiece in that dress and that idea made her stomach turn some, but still, she slipped the dress on and it fit her curves as if tailor-made for her body. Once dressed she moved to the vanity where there was a huge variety of different make-up products. She did appreciate that while it appeared that Sonny was not sure of what she liked, he did take the care and consideration to buy products that matched and complimented her brown skin. That was not an easy task in Miami but maybe being that they were in a country where the population was predominately black it was easier. She was still touched that he had even thought of it.
As she started putting on her makeup a large black velvet case that was also sat atop the vanity caught her eyes, and she opened it. She gasped out in shock at seeing the stunning ruby and diamond necklace and earrings set inside, and next to them were a couple of ruby and diamond encrusted hair combs. There was a note next to the combs that read, 'Wear your hair up'. She rolled her eyes with a tiny smile on her lips at his domineering antics even as she was already pulling her hair up and looking at herself in the mirror. Once she was done getting ready, she sat on one of the sofas in the living area of the suite as she waited, soon a knock came on the door just before it opened and a familiar guard, Vinnie, stuck his head just inside the door. Trudy stood and stepped closer to the door. She took note of how Vinnie stared at her a moment appearing gobsmacked while he looked at her. She blushed at his heated gaze and was very grateful that Sonny was not there to see it. Inwardly Trudy thought that Sonny might regret this look he had chosen for her, and the kind of attention it was going to bring.
"Is it time to go, Vinnie?" She asked and the tall, muscular white man who looked to be in his early thirties shook his head as if he were clearing some thought and then he nodded and held the door open more for her.
"Yes, Ms. Trudy," He replied as she walked past him and out the door. "The car is downstairs," He continued as he closed the door behind them. There were two other guards she remembered seeing on Sonny's yacht who remained on either side of the door. "Mr. Burnett is already at Carrera's, I will take you to him," She simply nodded as they made their way down to the waiting car. It had been a 45-minute ride which seemed longer due to the uncomfortable silence that filled the car. She was being escorted by Vinnie and another guard named Mike. She had deducted they were Sonny's most trusted foot soldiers because they were the two who were always left to her care. Trudy had attempted to have small talk with them until Mike had told her that Mr. Burnett wouldn't like that and he didn't want to lose his job or worse. After that, she had never tried to strike up a conversation with them and made it a point to never look at them in Sonny's presence. They arrived at the massive estate and pulled up to an equally impressive mansion. There was a line of cars that pulled around to the main entrance and let out guests. Their car finally arrived and Vinnie exited the front passenger side, opened her door, and this time he did offer her his arm which she grasped to step from the car steadily. Once she was down, he instantly moved away and walked a couple of feet behind her as she made her way up through the entrance behind the guests in front of her. Once inside the grand parlor, Trudy became nervous more so from the fact that she had never attended such an upper-class kind of event, never mind the place was likely filled with criminals. She didn't stand there lost for too long before what felt like a force drew her eyes up and they landed right onto Sonny, who stood near one of the two big Gone with the Wind style staircases. He had been standing there talking with Oscar Carrera but appeared to have stopped in mid-sentence judging by how Carrera stared and waited for him to continue. His eyes caressed her body from top to bottom before settling back on her eyes, and she saw him close his gaping mouth and visibly gulp. She smiled sweetly at him, and he smiled back. Carrera said something to him to regain Sonny's attention but Sonny kept his eyes on her and she could see him mouth the word 'later' and then he moved to her. Carrera then looked up and finally noticed her and he too leered at her from head to toe and then a knowing smirk played on his lips. He chuckled as he now understood why Sonny was suddenly so distracted. Carrera then turned and greeted some of his guests.
"Damn, woman, you are breathtaking," Sonny greeted her as he grasped her hands in his and leaned in and peck her lips. "You will probably give some of these old geezers a heart attack," He placed his hand at the small of her back and when he felt the soft skin there, he leaned behind her a bit and took in just how low the dress hung. For sure if she were not so amply endowed on her backside the fabric would have hung off her, showing her ass.
"You hand-picked everything I am wearing, Sonny, so their deaths would be on your head, not mine," Trudy replied and batted her lashes at him teasingly and his smile broadened as he chuckled and nodded to her true assessment.
"Yeah, I think I may have overdone it," He stated as he led her to the ballroom where at least a dozen couples danced to the band playing some slow tune. The tempo increased a little as a man stepped up to the mic. Sonny pulled Trudy close and they swayed to the music as the man's smooth voice cascaded over them.
I've been meaning to tell you
I've got this feelin' that won't subside
I look at you and I fantasize
You're mine tonight
And now I've got you in my sights
With these hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes
I feel the magic between you and I
Trudy thought the words of the song fit perfectly with the way Sonny was now staring down at her, and she had to cast her eyes away. She looked down at their joined hands which rested between them as they danced. Sonny kept his eyes on her face as he studied every inch of her flawless skin and features. He was positive that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on, and he vowed then and there that he would make her fall in love with him.
I wanna hold you so hear me out
I wanna show you what love's all about
Darlin' tonight
And now I've got you in my sights
With these hungry eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got hungry eyes
I feel the magic between you and I
I've got hungry eyes
And now I've got you in my sights
I've got hungry eyes
Now did I take you by surprise
I need you to see
This love was meant to be
Their dance abruptly ended with a tap on Sonny's shoulder, he turned slightly to face another man who told him that Mr. Carrera wanted to introduce him to someone. Sonny and Trudy both turned to see Oscar Carrera standing in the doorway of what looked to be a library or study and he was with another man whose appearance screamed drug cartel to Trudy.
"Wait for me at the bar, baby, I'll be right back," He quickly kissed her temple and walked away. Trudy wanted to call after him to ask where the bathroom was as she really had to go. She turned and moved to the bar and asked one of the bartenders where the bathroom was and the bartender waived over one of the female wait staff, who showed her. As she left the ballroom, she hadn't realized that she was being watched and stalked. She hurried to do her business, freshen up her makeup, and then left the bathroom. There was a panic in her at the thought of not being at the bar as Sonny had instructed before he returned. When she walked out of the bathroom, she bumped into someone. She lifted her head to apologize and the words got lost in her throat as her eyes locked onto the smiling face of Miguel Carrera. Trudy instinctively darted her eyes around them in search of Sonny.
"Don't worry, Sonny, is in with my father and it might be a while," He answered what he could see was worrying her.
"And that's why you've cornered me near the bathroom?" She replied as she tried to take a step around him but he stepped with her and blocked her. For the first time since being taken by Sonny, she wouldn't have been bothered by the guards that were always close by her, who seemed to be missing in action at this moment.
"No, ma'am I was just coming from using the bathroom myself when 'you' ran into me."
"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," She apologized with a tiny smile and again tried to leave but he carefully grasped her arm before she could completely move away.
"You look absolutely ravishing, Ms. Trudy. Hands down you are the finest woman at this party," He said this through a lecherous smile and she said nothing in reply because she knew this type of man. An innocent smile or a thank you would be interpreted by them as 'let's fuck'. She had enough trouble with the unwanted attention of one dangerous man and had no desire to have another.
"Please don't touch me," She said as she tried to pull her arm free but he held on.
"Why not? I could touch you in ways that would have you begging me to never let you go," He stated as he licked at his lips.
"Because I'm Sonny's woman and you're being very disrespectful."
"Disrespectful," Miguel huffed out indignant to the idea. "Sonny Burnett works for my family. Yeah, my father has brought him more into the inner circle and allowed him to handle some business deals, but he's just the hired help. And a woman as beautiful and sexy as you should be on the arms of a rich and powerful man," He tugged her closer against her struggles and grabbed a handful of her ass.
"MIGUEL!" The booming voice of Oscar Carrera filled the corridor, and both Miguel Carrera and Trudy jumped at the sound and Miguel released her as they turned to see Oscar and Sonny both standing at the entrance to the corridor that led to the bathrooms. Oscar Carrera's anger and irritation with his son were very evident on his face. But Sonny's face was completely unreadable as he looked at Miguel's hands for a second before he looked at Trudy's backside and then up into her eyes. Oscar could be heard lowly cursing his son in Spanish as he pulled him away. Trudy stood rooted in her spot literally trembling in fear over how Sonny would react to seeing Miguel pawing her. He walked to her and placed his right hand to her back and she jerked slightly anticipating a blow of some kind, but he had been gentle as he moved them from the bathroom area back out to the ballroom. He had seated her at the bar and then leaned in and kissed her temple. A single tear slid from her eyes as she stared up at his face when he pulled back some. She implored him with her eyes pleading her case that she had done nothing to invite Miguel Carrera's interest. Yet Sonny's eyes remained hard and cold but his actions were kind, which unnerved her more.
"Sonny, I-"
"This party will wrap up soon and then we will be having a private dinner with Carrera and a couple of his business partners," Sonny spoke calmly cutting her off. "I want you to wait here at the bar for me, and this time … don't you fucking move. I don't care if you piss all over the gotdamn floor. Don't move from this spot until I come and get you," He growled out at her, then turned, and walked away and she shuddered and clamped her eyes shut. She sat on that barstool for the next four hours and waited. She watched as the party-goers dwindled down until she was the last guest remaining in the ballroom. She remained seated as she watched the staff move about her cleaning the space. Finally, Sonny appeared at the entrance to the room which seemed much bigger now that it was empty. "Let's go," He commanded and she literally felt like some pet dog he was beckoning, but she still stood and made her way to him. He walked ahead of her and took her to a dining room which she was positive wasn't the main one as it was a smaller more intimate space. There were just seven people at the table and a few guards standing in the corners of the room. Oscar Carrera sat at the head of the table. To his left sat his wife and to his right sat Miguel. Next to each of them sat Carrera's male drug partners and their ladies. Two spaces were empty awaiting Sonny and Trudy. When they entered Sonny moved them to the vacant seats, pulled out a chair for Trudy, and then took the seat next to them. For the next half hour, Trudy sat with her head bowed and eyes locked to her plate while she picked at the food but barely ate any. All the men including Sonny did the talking as the other women at the table giggled and stoked their man's ego, but Trudy simply remained silent. She was only half-listening to the conversation at the table until one of the men at the table made a statement that changed the entire atmosphere in the room.
"Respect is key to any good partnership," The man Trudy had heard being addressed as Gutierrez proclaimed. "Disrespect can never be tolerated and should be snuffed out quickly, as far as I am concerned."
"I completely agree," Oscar Carrera spoke out as he raised his glass in a toast. "If any hijo de puta ever disrespected me I'd cut his balls off," The other men at the table, save Sonny, laughed on and boisterously agreed.
"Even if it's your own hijo?" Sonny spoke out and the table quieted as all eyes fell on Oscar Carrera like a spotlight. All except Trudy's eyes which were now looking at Sonny. She thought he clearly had a death wish and was about to say or do something that was likely to get them both killed, but she saw no fear at all in his eyes or his demeanor. The other partners at the table thought he had raised an excellent question to get an answer to, but Oscar didn't readily reply. "Earlier 'you' and I both walked in on your son molesting my woman. Now, I don't know about the rest of you but to me, that is the most disrespectful thing any man could ever do to me. The women and the children should never, ever be touched," Sonny spoke this as he locked deadly eyes onto Miguel who looked scared. The two partners nodded their heads and mumbled out their agreement to what he had said. Sonny lifted his napkin to his mouth, wiped it, dropped the napkin on the table, and then pushed his chair back from the table. He then stood and rested both of his knuckles on the table as he continued to speak. "Now, normally I would have just killed him where he stood, but out of 'respect' to you I won't kill him, Oscar, but…" He then stepped from the table and moved around it. Trudy kept her eyes locked onto him until he stopped and now stood between where Oscar and Miguel sat. Miguel kept darting his wild terrified eyes back and forth between Sonny and his father. Oscar Carrera kept his eyes straight ahead. "I do expect retribution for his disrespectful act against me."
"And what do you think is fair retribution?" Carrera finally spoke.
"One of the fingers he had on her ass," Sonny hissed out in disgust, and Trudy and the other women in the room stared at him horrorstruck.
"Wha…what the fuck are you talking about, man? Papa," Miguel rambled out through a nervous smile as he continued to snap his gaze from his father to Sonny. "You can't be seriously considering this, he's not really a partner in our business, he's the help. And that Punta," He spat this as he sneered at Trudy. "She's just some whore he picked up."
"Now, I want two fingers," Sonny said calmly as he clasped his hands together in front of him.
"Que te den!" Miguel yelled out in fear and anger. "Papa, you can't be considering this," He tried pleading his case to his father. But Oscar Carrera had warned his son on more than one occasion that his behavior could compromise the business and could someday bring retaliation. It seemed that day had come. Oscar gave a curt nod of his head. "NO! Papa, please!"
"Hold his left hand down," Sonny commanded and two of the guards that stood behind them stepped up and did as they were instructed. Trudy wanted to cry out for Sonny to stop but her throat locked up as she stared unable to do anything else but watch as Sonny grabbed the carving knife that rested on the silver platter that housed the duck that they had eaten. Without further ado, he sliced clean through the pointer and middle finger of Miguel's left hand as the man howled in pain and anguish. Sonny then tossed a napkin to the sobbing man, who grabbed it and clutched it to his hand to stop the bleeding. Sonny grasped another napkin and used it to pick up the two digits from the table and placed them inside his dinner jacket.
"Get him to the doctors," Oscar spoke out and the same two guards who had held Miguel down now helped him up and out of the room. "I hope this has rectified things between us, Sonny," Carrera said but the truth was he was intimidated by the younger man. He had witnessed firsthand in the last several months that Sonny had been in his organization how deadly and dangerous Sonny was. He also saw how his own guards showed Sonny more regard and respect than they had ever given him. Oscar was sure if Sonny tried to plan a coup most of the men he hired as guards would go along with Sonny. That was part of the reason for this dinner to bring in two new partners into his organization, two new allies. But both men seemed to have been very impressed with Sonny's action, and this caused Carrera to worry some.
"I have never had a problem with you Oscar," Sonny spoke as he made his way back around the table to Trudy. He pulled out her chair and grabbed her forearm and pulled her up from the seat. "But your son is a punk. Walking around thinking he's a bigshot and untouchable because he's your son. And I can tell you I see firsthand how his behavior and actions have tarnished your reputation and your business. You need to either get him in check or push him out altogether. And if he ever disrespects me again or tries to seek revenge, I will cut his fucking head off and mail it to you. Let's go," He then yanked Trudy from the room.
"The car ride back had been silent. She watched him but was too afraid to broach the subject of what had happened at the party. He completely ignored and shunned her as he turned his back to her and stared out the window the entire time. "Call the hotel and settle the bill and have the guards posted there to meet us back at the boat," Sonny spoke out and Vinnie nodded and then picked up the car phone to make the call. At hearing his words something broke inside of Trudy as she was sure he was taking her back to the boat so no one could hear her screaming, at least no one who would help her. She turned and gazed out her own window as she shivered while she thought about the punishment that awaited her and felt on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
An hour and a half Later
When they arrived at the docks and boarded the speedboat to take them back to the yacht, Trudy had decided this would be when she'd escape, she would jump overboard and swim back to the town for help. As if anticipating her plan Sonny did not drive the boat this time. Instead, he sat hip to hip with Trudy with his left hand interlocked with her right hand, and she felt as if it had sealed her doom.
Sonny said nothing as he helped her board the yacht. He hadn't even demanded that she follow him as he made his way to their bedroom, but she followed him closely as if attached to his back by some invisible string. He entered the room and immediately removed the dinner jacket and tie, tossed them both on one of the chairs near the door. He then moved to the bar and fixed himself a drink. Trudy was nervous and scared but she took the fact that he hadn't erupted and raged at her the second they were behind the closed door as a good sign. So, she trekked to the vanity to remove the expensive jewelry. She continuously glanced at his reflection in the mirror as he fixed himself another drink and gulped it down. Her eyes mostly fixated on the gun he had holstered at his left side. With the necklace and earrings removed she then removed the combs from her hair and her curls spilled down across her shoulders.
"I told you to steer clear of Miguel Carrera, didn't I?" Sonny finally spoke out as he leaned his back against the bar and he sipped at the bourbon in his hand. Trudy casually opened the makeup remover wipes and pulled a couple out and wiped at her lips before she replied.
"I just went to the little girl's room and-"
"And didn't stay at the bar like I said," He interrupted her.
"I'm sorry Sonny but I really had to use the bathroom," She stopped her movements and looked at his reflection where he glared back at her.
"Why didn't you take a guard with you?" He questioned and she almost told the truth which was that she had looked for Vinnie but hadn't seen him, but she knew if she had told him that Vinnie would get into trouble.
"I'm sorry Sonny, I wasn't thinking about needing the guards to go to the bathroom," She defended. "There were so many people there I thought it would be safe."
"And did you feel safe Trudy when you were in Miguel's arms? WHILE HE HAD HIS MOTHERFUCKING HANDS ALL OVER YOU?" He screamed as he threw the glass he held against the wall near the vanity. She instinctively turned away as it shattered. Thankfully he hadn't thrown it so close that the glass shards struck her.
"No," She whimpered out as she kept her head ducked and her hands up to shield herself if necessary. "I told him I was your woman, Sonny, and not to touch me."
"But you still allowed him to touch you, didn't you?" He spat out and then rushed to her and she fearfully braced herself for his attack but didn't put up a fight. With a growl, he shoved her around until she once again had her back to him with both of her hands supported on the vanity. Then he reached down her back and she recoiled and cried out as his nails caught some of her flesh while he grabbed and yanked away the material that barely covered her butt. Sonny yanked, pulled, and tore until the red dress lay in tatters at Trudy's feet, and she stood there quaking in just her panties and heels. He reached down and grabbed the garment from the floor, then he moved to his jacket and pulled out the napkin full of fingers. He moved to the door and yanked it open. Trudy quickly turned so the guards there couldn't see her bare breasts. "Throw these overboard," Sonny commanded and then slammed the door shut and locked it. Trudy's face crumbled to the sound and she closed her eyes to free her torrent of tears. He moved back to her and grasped her about the neck and she gasped for air as he tightened his hand a little. "Did you like him touching your ass?" He asked her as he backed her to the bed and then pushed her hard upon it. "No, correction, you let him touch 'my' ass because you belong to me. Every inch of you is mine, Trudy, and I'm the only one allowed to touch you," She cried openly now as she tried to crawl up the bed away from him but he clamped onto her left ankle and pulled her back down and then he pushed her onto her stomach. He ripped the red lacy panties from her body and then smacked her ass maliciously instantly leaving a welt and an itchy sting on her flesh. "Maybe I need to brand your ass, so everyone will know it belongs to me," He stated and she fisted the bedding in her hand and sobbed against them as she awaited the lashing, she was sure he was about to give her. But her complacency ended the second she felt his thumb poke and rub at her anus and heard the jingling of his belt. Her eyes bulged as she tried to raise up but he easily shoved and held her down.
"Sonny, no! Please don't, I don't do that … I have never done that. Not there!" Trudy cried out to him as she fought with all of her might to get up from the vulnerable position, he now had her in. "Please Sonny, not there!" Then she felt his engorged cock pressing at her backside and she became manic. "NO! SONNY PLEASE, PLEASE STOP, PLEASE NOT THERE. DON'T DO THIS TO ME, CROCKETT!" He stalled at hearing her scream a name he was sure he didn't know but it still sounded familiar to him. In his moment of wonder, Trudy snapped her head back and whacked him in the face with her head and he released her. She then turned quickly and pulled his gun from the holster and aimed it at him.
Sonny stepped back some as he looked down at the distraught woman leaning against the foot of the bed pointing his own gun up at him. Her entire body shook as she sobbed and stared up at him with broken and near-dead eyes. Looking at her triggered flashes of images behind his eyes. Trudy lay before him, tied to some table. She was dressed in a black leather leotard and fishnet stocking. In the next image, she looked just as she did at that moment, pointing a gun, scared and trembling. He was carefully coaxing the gun from her hand. A loud pop resounded inside of his head and he clamped his eyes shut sure she had just shot him. But when he opened his eyes once more, she still sat aiming the gun at him with very shaky hands, and he knew that he wasn't experiencing déjà vu, as he now clearly remembered the last time, he had seen Trudy in this state. It angered him that he had been the cause this time. He took a step to her.
"It's okay baby," He spoke low and gently to her while he reached out his right hand and placed it on the muzzle of the gun. She allowed him to lower the gun because she knew the second after she had aimed it at him that she would never actually be able to shoot him. "It's all right," He placed his left hand on her right shoulder. "It's me, it's Crockett," He said and she shot wide disbelieving eyes onto him and he nodded as he pulled the gun completely from her grasp. "I remember now. I remember everything. It's okay. Come here baby," He pulled her closer and her resolve completely broke as she collapsed against him and sobbed mournfully. He wrapped his right hand which still held the gun around her back, placed his left hand against the back of her head, and held her tightly. He closed his eyes as he relished her closeness while cursing himself for what he had tried to do to her and for what he had already done. But he swallowed that down to deal with it at a later time once they were out of the extreme danger, they were now drifting in.
Song is 'Hungry Eyes' by Eric Carmen
Google Translations:
hijo de puta = son of a bitch
Que te den = Fuck Off
1 note · View note
parisian-nicole · 2 years
A Miami Vice Fic: Free Falling (Chp. 3)
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Free Falling Chapter 2: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/691853504561725440/a-miami-vice-fic-free-falling-chp-2
"Thanks for the ride home," Trudy spoke out a Sonny parked behind her car in front of the townhouse, posing as her true home. Sonny leaned over and looked up at the place through her passenger side window.
"Those are some pretty nice digs you've got there, sweetheart," He complimented with a smile as he leaned back in the driver's seat once more.
"Well, it's no mini yacht like some people have," She countered teasingly.
"That was a gift from my employer and I usually only use it for business trips down to the Caribbean," He replied. "I actually live in a penthouse downtown. Maybe you'll let me bring you by sometime to see it," Sonny said as he looked at her with playfulness in his eyes and she smiled and then nodded.
"Yeah, maybe. Well, goodnight, Sonny," She turned and grasped the door handle but he grabbed the forearm of her left arm and stopped her. When she turned back to face him, he tugged her arm and pulled her into a kiss. Trudy found herself instantly lost in the kiss. He smelled so good and tasted even better. She couldn't help the low moan that escaped her lips as he reached out his free hand and gripped the back of her neck to hold her closer. The need to breathe was the only reason Sonny pulled from the kiss but he kept them nose to nose, both panting out their hot breath in the other's face.
"Jesus, what are you doing to me, woman?" He whispered out with a small smile as his green eyes bore into her brown ones. She was at a loss for words in the moment. She was sure it was a rhetorical question and so she remained silent. "Is there any chance I will get an invite up for a nightcap?" He chuckled out hopefully, and she licked her lips as a smile spread across her face.
"I don't think that would be a good idea," She replied in a hushed voice to match his. "I don't usually even kiss on the first date, and already you've got me breaking my rules."
"Hey, then why stop now?" He teased as his smile got bigger and she giggled a little and shook her head.
"If I invite you up for a nightcap it's likely to end with you sleeping over," Trudy knew by the way that kiss had made her entire body hum and also by the way Sonny made his desire for her clear in his eyes, touch, and kiss, that this was a very true statement. "And I just don't know you well enough for 'that' yet, Sonny," She sent him a pleading look in the hopes he would not push the issue further. She was pleased when he swiftly kissed her lips again and then released her.
"All right, darlin, you should get on up to bed. I'll wait here until you're safely inside," He said as he settled more comfortably in his seat and placed his left hand on the steering wheel. Trudy eyed him for a second and wondered if she had upset him with her rejection, but his next words lifted that fear. "Get some sleep, I'll be by tomorrow to take you to lunch at noon."
"And what if I already have plans tomorrow for lunch?" She countered with her tongue in her cheek. She was supposed to meet up with Castillo at the nearby mall to update him on things. He insisted that she and Tubbs stayed away from the precinct until after the case was over. But it looked like she'd have to call in her report tomorrow from a payphone instead.
"Cancel them," He answered and cast her a big grin. "Night," He tacked on to signify that it was the end of the discussion as far as he was concerned. Trudy had to bite down the initial retort on the tip of her tongue at his controlling and dismissive behavior towards her. She did not like the feeling she was starting to feel with Sonny Burnett, that somehow in his eyes she was something for him to possess. But still, she smiled and turned, opened the car door, got out, and closed the door behind her. She made her way up the steps to the townhouse door, purposely not looking back at him as, true to his word, he sat watching her unlock the door and enter.
Once she was inside, she hadn't bothered turning on any downstairs lights. She just locked up and then headed up to the bedroom she took as her own, which faced the street. She moved to the window and through the sheer curtains, she could see Sonny's car was still parked out front. She could just make out his movements inside the car and he appeared to be on his car phone. Thinking no more of it she moved to the en suite to grab a hot shower before bed. After her shower, she moved back into the bedroom to dress in an oversized t-shirt her ex had left at her place a long time back. She sometimes liked to sleep in it whenever she was lonely or needy, as she currently was this night. She was still drying her damp hair with the large white cotton towel when she moved back to the window. She saw that Sonny had driven off, but she hadn't noticed the new car now parked on the opposite side of the street, nor the man seated inside watching the townhouse. She moved to the bed, crawled under the covers, and soon drifted off to sleep.
As soon as she had awoken Trudy had gotten dressed in her favorite denim overalls which she cuffed at the bottom of each leg. She completed the look with a red form-fitted cotton tank top, red socks, and her red converse sneakers. She decided to keep her hair in its naturally curly state, but all of it pinned back in a tight French roll. Since she opted to not wear a baseball cap as she'd usually do, she put on extra sunscreen and no makeup except mascara to shape her brows and make her lashes pop and red lipstick. She didn't have bags under her eyes, never had dark circles there, or discoloration on her skin. So, her skin always seemed to glow whether she wore heavy make-up or no make-up at all. Once dressed she grabbed her bag and headed out the door. She planned to just walk a block up to where there was a payphone that she used to check in at work. As she stepped on the sidewalk right between the townhouse and where her car was parked in front, she took notice of the car across the street, but mostly she noticed the familiar man seated in the car looking as if he were waiting for someone to come out from one of the other townhouses which lined the street. Though it had been night and low light the night she met the man, she knew he had been one of Carrera's guards. The same one who had escorted her from the back grounds back up to the party under Sonny's command. Trudy knew without a doubt that sometime last night probably while she was in the shower Sonny had called this man to come to watch her. She was so tempted to walk over to the man and question him, but she did not want to blow her cover. Instead, she pretended to not have noticed him at all and proceeded on her way. She was glad that he was not following her, and she assumed the job was to stay posted outside of her place. As for why she fully intended to ask Sonny when she saw him.
It had only taken her 15 minutes to make her call and get back to her place and she arrived just in time to find Sonny parked behind her car, where he leaned against the outside of his car smoking a cigarette. His appearance stunned her for a moment because he was dressed very much in the same style as he usually did at work. Today he looked very much like the light-colored, loose suit Sonny Crockett instead of the tailor-fitted, designer suit Sonny Burnett. He wore a white linen suit with a turquoise cotton tee underneath, with white loafers on. His hair was not slicked back in the gel but dry and flying loosely. As she looked at him, Trudy silently prayed she didn't mess up and mistakenly do or say something she might say to Crockett. When Sonny spotted her, he took a final puff from the cigarette, dropped it to the ground, and stepped on it, and then moved to stand on the sidewalk. Had he not been wearing shades Trudy would have seen the scowl of irritation on his face.
"Where were you?" Sonny barked out just as she had smiled and opened her mouth to greet him. The tone in his voice instantly wiped the smile from her face.
"Well, hello to you too," Trudy responded as she now stood before him.
"I told you I'd be stopping by at noon to take you on a lunch date."
"Yeah, I know and you're early," She lifted her wristwatch to glance at the time. "By 30 minutes. I knew I had time to run a quick errand, so I did. What, did you think I would be sitting by the door waiting with bated breath for you to show up, Sonny?" She couldn't hide her irritation with him now as she rolled her neck a little and folded her arms across her chest.
"No, but when I came and knocked on the door you didn't answer … I guess I got worried," Sonny stated in a more deflated tone, and she knew that was as close to an 'I'm sorry he was willing to give her.
"Why didn't you just ask your friend from the party?" She asked this as she pointed to the car and the occupant still parked where she last saw it. "He could have told you I just walked down the street," This garnered a smile from him as he turned to look at the guard. He scratched at his stubble and then walked over to the posted guard, leaned into the window, and spoke for a second. Then the guard started up the car and drove off as Sonny made his way back to where Trudy stood. "Why the hell do you have your goons watching my house, Sonny?"
"Like I said before, I was just worried about you. You live alone and I just had him scoping the neighborhood for the night. Just to make sure it's quiet and safe around here," Sonny stated, and she didn't believe one word of it. She was sure it was more likely to see if she had any late-night male visitors stopping by.
"Wow, you are so full of shit and a terrible liar, Mr. Burnett," He cocked his brows to her biting words, and the smile grew on his face. He was not used to anyone speaking to him like that and he found that he was not enraged as he usually was when someone did have the audacity to speak to him in what he deemed to be a disrespectful manner. With this woman standing before him he found that instead of threatening her for her behavior he wanted to soothe and appease her to get back in her good graces. "You know what, I think we should just call it a day. I've lost my appetite anyway. Goodbye, Sonny," She dropped her arms and turned to head back into the townhouse. She meant her words. The risk of her cover or worse Tubbs' cover being blown under Sonny's surveillance was too great. She couldn't risk that. So, she would tell Castillo later what was going on, and that she felt it would be better to try to get to Sonny through the Carrera end Tubbs was working. She had just reached the steps to the townhouse when she felt his grasp.
"Trudy," He called to her softly and she turned to face him. He had removed the shades and from her position on the top steps, she was literally eye-to-eye with him. "Look I didn't mean to upset you. The truth is my line of work makes it difficult for me to trust anyone. So, I had your place watched last night to see if I could trust you," He admitted, and she relented a little as she stared at him.
"I've already told you, Sonny, I don't have any 'dates'. You're the only guy I've let get this close to me in nearly 2 years," She confessed easily and then inwardly kicked herself for being so open and honest with 'this' Sonny. "That relationship ended badly for me, and I don't think I would survive another one so 'intense'. And you are setting off all kinds of red flags that are telling me I should run far away from you."
"But you won't," He replied as he reached up his right hand, and caressed her left shoulder, and then moved the hand down her arm. "Because I've got a great lunch date planned for us today, with a very nice surprise. You wouldn't leave me hanging, now, would you?" He teased with a smirk and when she didn't crack a smile at his remark, he grew more serious when he spoke his next words. "I think you know deep down inside that I am not a bad guy, and that I wouldn't purposely harm you, Trudy," He said this and her resolve completely broke because she did know this to be fact. Even if he didn't remember the reasons why she felt this way towards him, she truly trusted Sonny. He was a good friend, the chivalrous type that would put himself in harm's way to protect his friends and family. She believed that 'that' Sonny was still inside, locked away and forgotten, and she had the opportunity to help him find his way out of the darkness. That was the reason she agreed to work on this case in the first place. Yeah, Castillo said it was to bring Sonny Burnett in for his crimes, but for Trudy, it was totally about bringing Sonny Crockett home to his family and his friends. So, she decided she wouldn't give up on that plan.
"What's the surprise?" Trudy asked as she crossed her arms and stepped back down onto the sidewalk. Sonny flashed his pearly whites when he realized she would join him.
"You'll have to wait and see for yourself," He replied as he ushered her to his car.
An hour Later
"Where's your crew?" Trudy questioned as she stood on the deck of the smaller-sized yacht they had had lunch on the day before. Then there had been a 5-man crew who drove the boat while they relaxed.
"It's just us today, sweetheart," Sonny spoke out as he moved to the cockpit to check that everything, he had instructed to be set for them was all in place. "But don't worry, I know how to run this boat all by myself," He said as he tossed her a wink and then moved past her and back out to the deck to pull up the ladder so they could push off. Trudy worried a little inside at the thought of being stuck out in open water on a boat with just her and Sonny. It was clear to her that Sonny was courting her. And although it had technically only been a 3-day courtship thus far, she knew where he wanted things to go. She didn't know how long she could push off 'those' kinds of advances, especially if she were trapped on a boat out in the middle of the ocean. As she watched Sonny move around the deck preparing it for push-off her mind tried to think of some excuse to get off the boat. Before she would conjure up a lie two men stepped up onto the boat. Sonny hadn't noticed them from where he was.
"Sonny," Trudy called out to him, and he paused in his task of tying up ropes and looked over to where she stood.
"You have guests," She stated as she pointed, and he snapped his head to the other side and looked over to where the two men stood near the entrance of the boat. Trudy looked back to Sonny as he stood from the crouched position he had been in and faced the men. She saw his face harden and turn cold and angry.
"Mr. Burnett," The older-looking of the two men spoke out. Trudy knew immediately that he was the 'boss' and the other man was his bodyguard.
"Mr. Rivera," Sonny replied as he moved closer to where the men stood. They spoke in a lowered voice and Trudy couldn't make anything out, but she could tell that both Sonny and this Mr. Rivera were both not so happy with the other. After a moment of this privately talking Sonny moved back to where Trudy stood.
"Hey, let me show you down to the lounge, while my friends and I talk a little business," He said this as he gripped her arm and moved her to the door that led to the lower deck. Trudy resisted somewhat but Sonny tightened his hold on her arm almost to the point of pain, "Don't," He nearly growled out and at seeing the danger in his eyes she relented and moved along with him. The lounge had been a grand space with all the state-of-the-art accommodation one would see in an expensively decorated high-rise apartment loft. Sonny moved her to the middle of the room and then he moved behind the huge bar that was in the corner of the room. He squatted behind it a few seconds, came back up, and then hurried back to the entrance to leave back out. "Stay put until I come back to get you. That's the bathroom over there," He pointed to a closed door on the far side of the room and then he exited out, closing the door behind him. When Trudy heard the clicking of a lock she rushed to the door and tried to open it, but it was definitely locked. Within a few seconds, Trudy could make out the low hum of the engines and felt the subtle sway that told her the boat was moving. Panic suddenly filled her at the knowledge she was now truly trapped on a boat with a friend who didn't remember being her friend, and two unsavory men whom she was sure were criminals of some sort. Trudy moved around the room looking for any other ways out, when she found none, she then focused on finding a weapon. She hoped she didn't need to defend herself but the fact that Sonny had felt the need to lock her below deck when their unexpected guests arrive told her there was danger.
A half hour had passed when Trudy realized that the boat had come to a stop. Her heart leaped in her throat when she heard a muffled pop that was quickly followed by two more. She moved to the door and pressed her ear against it to try and hear if there were footsteps coming. Trudy was actually terrified that she was now in a situation that she could potentially not walk out of. She stood listening there for a couple of minutes waiting for death to come through the door and claim her. Then she heard the humming of the engine again and felt the movement of the boat once more. She hung at the door for what had seemed like hours to her but in reality, had only been another 30 minutes or so. The boat stopped, the engine quieted, and she heard footsteps. She hurriedly backed away from the door as her eyes darted about the room which she had scoured but found nothing that would make a good weapon, just to be sure there wasn't something she had missed. The lock on the door clicked, the door opened, and Sonny walked just inside the doorway.
"I'm sorry that took so long," He spoke out in a tone that made him actually sound as if he were bored. "It was important business I had to take care of … Still have to take care of. So, I'm sorry but we'll have to cut our plans short. C'mon, and I'll take you home," He said this as he waved his hand towards the door. Trudy said nothing as she strode to the exit. She was happy that their rendezvous would be ending. She wanted to run but forced herself to try to remain calm, though she couldn't muster a smile. Sonny must have read the look on her face as disappointment because he stopped her just as she was about to cross the threshold. "I'm sorry I couldn't show you the surprise I had planned, Trudy. But I promised I'll make it up to you, all right?" This time she did plaster on a faux smile and gave him a nod. She was sure she'd do or say anything at this moment to get off the boat. He then leaned in, pressed his mouth to hers, and kissed her soundly. He started to deepen the kiss but then abruptly stopped as if he had remembered he had something he needed to do. "I'll stop by the club tonight and see you, give you a ride home."
"Okay," Trudy spoke out around a smile, and then she turned and moved through the corridor that led them back above deck.
Hours Later
"I can't do it," She spoke out to the two men and woman who occupied the conference room with her. Both men stood while she and the other female sat next to each other at the table where Trudy had recounted the little boat trip she had taken earlier.
"I thought you said you could handle things, Trudy," Tubbs chimed in, slightly mad that she seemed willing to desert their lost co-worker and friend.
"Did you not just hear what I said, Rico?" She asked as she glared up at the man who stood on the opposite side of the table with both hands on top as he leaned towards her. "I think he murdered two men when I was locked below deck. Then he dumped their bodies out at sea like trash."
"You don't know that for sure," He argued as he pushed from the table, shoved his hands in his pant pockets, turned from the table, and stepped closer to the window that looked out into the bullpen, though the blinds were closed.
"I know what gunshots sound like, and I clearly understood that those two guys were not welcomed, visitors. And I couldn't make out anything they said before I got ushered down below, but I could tell that Sonny was mad, in fact, he looked murderous. When I'm locked below out of sight, we take a 30-minute boat ride from the docks, three shots are fired, then we take another 30-minute boat ride back to the docks. You tell me, what do you think happened?"
"Did you recognize the two men?" Castillo who had been silent the entire time finally spoke out as he locked his eyes down onto Trudy, who shook her head to his question.
"No, but Sonny called the smaller man, who looked to be the one in charge, Mr. Rivera," She added on. "The other guy just looked like he was the muscle."
"Rivera?" Tubbs repeated and all eyes moved to him as he suddenly hurried from the room. He was back within a minute with a binder in hand. He settled the folder down on the table in front of Trudy as Castillo moved closer to the table to look on. "This is a folder I'd put together before we officially started working this case. It's some known associates of Carrera," Tubbs explained as he flipped through the pages in the binder. He finally stopped on a page and tapped a picture. "Is that the man you saw on the boat?" Trudy looked closer and then nodded.
"Yeah, that's him. That's Mr. Rivera, as Sonny called him," She stated as she glanced at the other pictures on the page, where she spotted another familiar face and tapped the picture. "And this was his muscle."
"Damn," Tubbs huffed out and then continued as Trudy and Castillo looked at him for more answers. "That's Hector Rivera and that's his right-hand man, his nephew Antonio Rivera. Hector Rivera is Carrera's biggest competition when it comes to trafficking from Miami into the Bahamas. He's been making moves against Carrera for months. He's even stolen some of Carrera's employees from him. Probably why he came to see Sonny. Taking out Carrera's biggest competition would be a nice play for Sonny to get in more solid with Oscar Carrera."
"Look, I want to help Sonny, you know I do," Trudy spoke again as she directed her words to Tubbs. "He's my friend too, but Sonny Burnett is not Sonny Crockett. Sonny Burnett is a very charming guy, but he's also very cold, controlling, manipulative, possessive, and deadly. And I've been able to see all of those faces on him just in the past three days I've spent with him. He scares the hell out of me and I just don't want to go any deeper into this thing. I can't."
"And you shouldn't," The other female in the room finally entered the conversation, she had been quietly observing since she was asked to join them. Dr. Rachel Donovan was one of the four psychologists that worked for the department. Castillo had been ordered to consult with her after they learned of Sonny's situation. "She's right, you know? This is not the Sonny you all knew, and it would be a big mistake to think that way when you're around him. Based on the reports you've provided me thus far on him, he has some form of amnesia, but it's probably not complete amnesia."
"So, he could snap out of it?" Tubbs asked hopefully.
"Sure, that's one prognosis for amnesia victims. They could eventually remember everything they temporarily forgot, or they might never remember. I can't diagnosis Detective Crockett's case without speaking with him directly, running tests. I speculate that his amnesia is not complete because of his relationship with you," She said this as she pointed to Trudy, who frowned up in confusion but remain silent to allow the doctor to further explain. "He sees you across a crowded room, walks up to you, and basically tells you he 'feels' like he knows you from somewhere. Yeah, it definitely sounds like something that might happen in some chessy romance novel. But in this case it's very real and probably because somewhere in Detective Crockett's brain he does remember you, his friend and co-worker. It also explains why he's pursued you as he has, and the 'possessive' mannerism. You said he threatened to kill some man at the club who touched you, and he's constantly grabbing you, leading you, manhandling you. The wires in his brains are fired, misfiring, I don't know but it seems like it's telling him that he is connected to you somehow, it just can't tell him exactly how. And it's triggering a possessive behavior as well as agressive behavior in him when it comes to you, Trudy."
"But why me?" Trudy questioned. "He met Gina last night and he had no reaction to her at all, and they had a romantic relationship once upon a time. Why wouldn't he feel a stronger connection to her. I mean, outside of work Sonny and I barely saw one another or hung out."
"Probably because he saw you first and he was able to place a piece in the jigsaw puzzle that's his mind right now. It's like his brain had a knee-jerk reaction when he saw you. Think about it, what if you woke up with no memories about who you are, where you come from. You recall absolutely no one. Then you meet someone you don't recall ever seeing before but you 'feel' in every fiber of your being that yu're somehow connected to that person. You have a 'connection' with someone. That probably would fill you with…"
"Hope and like there's a tether to a world you don't recognize," Trudy interjected as she began to understood what the doctor was saying. It made her heart ache for the mental anguish Sonny must be feeling.
"Exactly, and you'd want to hold on to that feeling, to that person. So, it could become very dangerous for you Detective Joplin to continue having any further contact with him."
"Oh, you don't have to convince me, Doc, I'm out," Trudy said this with a curt nod as she folded her arms across her chest.
"I don't believe that Sonny would harm you, memories or no memories, Trudy. He's just not built that way," Tubbs said and he believed his words. "You just said he's attracted to her because, in his subconscious mind, he remembers her, right?"
"Yes, though that's a very simplistic way of putting it," Dr. Donovan replied. "But also in his state of mind and given the identity he's taken on and believes himself to be, Detective Crockett is clearly not thinking rationally right now. And he's killing people according to you, so he's also quite volatile. If this were anyone else would you still be so eagar for her to continue on this case? Do you really want to put her life in any kind of danger?" Tubbs bowed his head a little in shame at her words. "Look, I get that he's your partner and your friend, but you brought me in here to give you my professional opinion, and you should get out now. Cut complete ties with Sonny Burnett. And for your own safety, Detective Joplin I'd even go a step further and take a vacation out of town until he's apprehended," Her words made Trudy look over at her in concern.
"C'mon, really?" Tubbs huffed out feeling this doctor was now totally over exaggerating the situation.
"Detective Tubbs, if you tossed a straving dog a piece of meat, once he's takena bite of it would you stick your hand down to try to take that piece of meat back from him?" Dr. Donovan asked and his silence spoke volumes. The doctor then gave Trudy her full attention. "Detective Crockett has probably been starving to remember or feel something, anything from a time before he lost his memories, and he's found that sustenance in you. You're the piece of meat and he is not going to give you up easily. So, not returning his calls or telling him to go away, isn't likely to deter him. In fact, rejecting him it might trigger a violent reaction from him."
"You're off the case," Castillo said to Trudy and then directed his next words to Tubbs. "You'll continue working the Carrera case and hopefully we'll be able to bring Sonny in that way," Tubbs nodded. He wasn't entirely happy about giving up an angle that got them so close to Sonny, but he knew it would piss Trudy off if he further insisted, she put herself in harm's way for Sonny.
Across town
Sonny had reported what had happened on the boat to Carrera, then he had given instructions to his most trusted foot soldiers to hit Rivera's main warehouse at the docks, knowing it would wipe out any of Rivera's minions who might consider stepping into his role, now that he was gone. Carrera had been surprised when Sonny told him he would not be heading up that operation because he had a prior engagement. Sonny wasn't swayed even when Miguel questioned his loyalty to their family, which would have usually triggered a violent retort. Oscar Carrera had been so pleased by Sonny taking out such a major competitor that he ordered Sonny to take the night off and enjoy himself because he deserved it.
He arrived at the Member's Only club earlier than he normally would have, but he was anxious to see Trudy. He was sure that he had scared her on their boat trip. She put on a brave, smiling face at the time, but her eyes clearly showed her fright. And how quiet she had been on the ride back to her place, unnerved him. He felt like he had to explain to her about what she had seen or possibly heard on the boat, maybe delicately explain some of the nature of his work. She would understand, he'd make her understand because something in his brain screamed that he couldn't lose her. When he walked in, he was greeted by Ruby the other part-time hostess same as the night before. She escorted him to a booth in the VIP section. He hadn't bothered asking her about Trudy for he was sure she was probably somewhere in the crowded club working some other section. After he sat for 20 minutes, searching for Trudy and not finding her, he finally spotted someone he was sure would be able to help him.
"Hey," Sonny called out to the brunette who was serving drinks to a table. "It's Jenny, right?" She finally turned to face him.
"No, it's Gina, but I guess that was close enough," Gina replied as she placed her free hand on her hip while the other held the empty tray.
"Gina, that's right, sorry about that," Sonny said as he sent her a charming smile, one that reminded her so much of Crockett as he would do the same when he knew he had done something to piss her off. "Uhm, have you seen Trudy? I was supposed to meet her here tonight."
"No, sorry, I haven't seen her so far tonight, but she might just have a later shift," Gina replied as she then started to walk away. The truth was Tubbs had already informed her of the plan to take Trudy off the Sonny case and put her into hiding until it was all over. Gina hadn't moved far before she felt a firm grip on her arm and she was suddenly pulled back around to face Sonny once more.
"What time later?" He asked as she pulled her arm from his hold.
"I don't know. She and I ain't best buds or anything, so I don't know her schedule," Gina again turned to head to the back with the intention of calling this into Tubbs, but she was grabbed again but this time it was a very painful grip and the way she was yanked around made her head snap. "Oww, you're hurting me, please let go," She demanded as she now looked up into very wild and mad eyes.
"Sure, sweetheart, just as soon as you tell me when Trudy will be in," Sonny spoke in a low, menacing tone as he gripped her arm even harder, and caused her to wince out in pain.
"I… I really don't know her schedule, or anyone else's for that matter. The only one who gives out the schedules is our boss, Rico," She insisted as she stopped struggling because it only made the pain intensify. "And he ain't here either, so I can't ask him for you," Sonny's jaws clenched as he released Gina with a shove. He stood there as if in contemplation as he fisted both hands at his side. Gina remained in her spot as she nursed her sore and already bruised arm. Something inside of her screamed for her to not turn her back on him again. Then without a sorry or even a glance her way, Sonny, turned and stalked from the club, leaving Gina to stare after him in horror at the knowledge he really wasn't Sonny Crockett anymore. And she became filled with fear for what might happen to Trudy once Sonny found her. Gina hurried to the back offices to call Tubbs to warn him. She knew he was taking Trudy to the townhouse to get her things and that was just a 5-minute drive away from the club, and she was sure that would be where Sonny headed next.
10 minutes later
"Dang, woman, did you pack up your entire house? You know this is all supposed to be a ruse," Tubbs said with a chuckle as Trudy brought down another bag for him to load in his car.
"I was supposed to make this place appear to be my home, so I had to have some creature comforts to accomplish that," Trudy replied as she smiled at him. "Anyway, I think this is all of it," She said as she walked into the living room to double-check spots where she had placed personal pictures of her family.
"Hey," Tubbs called from behind her, and he joined her in the room. "I wanted to apologize about before," She turned to face him with a confused look on her face as he continued. "I don't want you to think I mean to put you in harm's way just to bring Sonny home," Her face then showed that he understood him, and she sent him a slight smile. "As much as I want to help bring him back and get him help, I'd never put you or anyone else in danger to do it."
"I know that Rico, and it's okay," Trudy assured. "I was the one hell-bent on taking this assignment in the first place because I wanted to do whatever I could to bring Sonny home, too, but…" She paused as she hugged herself in a comforting manner before she continued. "I never imagined that he would be so …" She shook the thought on how dark she felt Sonny had become, for she knew Tubbs wasn't ready to accept it. "Tubbs, he's really in deep, so deep I don't know if we'll be able to bring him back. In fact, I think he likes the life he's living and the money and the power that comes with it. He really, truly scares me," She confessed as she shrugged her shoulders a little.
"Well, you don't have to be scared now. You're officially off the case and you get an all expense paid vacation to NYC until we close it. I really envy you. Man, I really miss my old stomping ground sometimes," He said with a dream-like look in his eyes and a smile on his face.
"Yeah, and I am looking forward to visiting my family up north, not to mention all the shopping I plan on doing," She giggled.
"Well, if we leave now, I can get you to your place to pack up whatever else you need and have you on your flight in an hour and a half, tops," Tubbs declared as he looked at his watch.
"Let's go," Trudy agreed as she led the way out of the living room and then out the front door. They had just stepped onto the sidewalk in front of the townhouse when the high-beam headlights of the car that was fast approaching them shone on them and the said car drove right up onto the sidewalk. Both Trudy and Tubbs rushed back some in fear the car would crash into them. Due to the bright headlights, they could not make out much. Then the car door opened, and they could make out the person now standing before them, Trudy let out a gasp. She wasn't sure what scared her more Sonny's enraged face or the gun he was pointing directly at Tubbs' face. "Sonny, what are you doing here?" She spoke out to him in the calmest voice she could muster and hoped to distract him from potentially pulling the trigger.
"I was about to ask you the same thing, darlin," Sonny countered as he kept his death glare and gun aimed onto Tubbs, who stood with both hands raised in surrender. "I told you I was coming by your job to see you. I went and you weren't there. You going somewhere?"
"Y…y…yes, I just got word that my grandmother is very sick, so I'm going to visit with her for a bit," She answered and the look he shot her told her that he hadn't believed a word of it.
"Is she your grandmother too?" He directed this at Tubbs. "And you two were planning to go together?"
"Naw, man, I'm just giving Trudy a ride to the airport," Tubbs replied. He tried to act calm and cool, but he was quite unnerved by the look in his friend's eyes. He could clearly see they held murderous intent.
"Rico's telling you the truth Sonny, he was just giving me a ride. What are you doing? You're acting real crazy right now. Put the gun away," Trudy said.
"Get in the car," Sonny spoke in a lowered more calmed voice. At first, she thought he was speaking to Tubbs, and she was only slightly relieved at the thought that Tubbs would be allowed to leave, but also terrified that he might leave her alone with Sonny. "Get in the fucking car, Trudy, we're leaving," Sonny spoke again as he now scowled over at her.
"I'm not going anywhere with you when you are acting like a raving lunatic, waving a gun around," She countered as she tried to act braver than she really was. She was literally willing her knees to not wobble and give out on her. They stared at each other for a moment and then Sonny cocked his gun.
"If you don't get in my car right now, I'll stop waving my gun around and start shooting it, and I'm gonna splatter his brains all over your nicely trimmed bushes. Tubbs swallowed down the lump in his throat as he kept his eyes trained on the gun.
"Don't do it, Trudy," Tubbs bravely protested. "If you get in that car there's no telling what he might do to you," And he had truly meant those words for he could now see Trudy and Dr. Donovan had been right, this Sonny was a very dangerous man.
"You shut your mouth, motherfucker," Sonny spat out as he stalked right up to Tubbs and pressed the gun right against his forehead. "I would never hurt her, but I definitely will hurt you, if she doesn't get in the Goddamn car!" Approaching sirens could be heard in the distance and they all knew a neighbor watching them likely had called the cops.
"Listen, man, the police are coming. One of these neighbors probably called them. So, you should just leave now," Tubbs tried to use fear but could tell it wouldn't work. The crazed look in Sonny's eyes told him that this man would be willing to have a shoot-out with cops and not even break a sweat over it.
"Okay, okay," Trudy called out as she began to move towards Sonny's car. "Let's just go, Sonny. C'mon, before the cops get here," She called this out as she opened the passenger side door of Sonny's car, got inside, and then closed the door shut.
"You can consider this Trudy's letter of resignation because she won't be working for you anymore," Sonny practically growled out the words. "And if you try to contact her again, I will kill you and I don't give a fuck about the business deal you have with my boss," With that said Sonny hurriedly backed away to his car, but still held the gun aimed at Tubbs until he reached his open car door. He quickly hopped inside, put the car in gear, backed off the curb, and then sped away. Tubbs breathed out a sigh of relief as he watched the car round a corner. He ran to his car to use the phone to call in about what had just happened.
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I have so many feels with Gina X Sonny Crockett tonight ngl
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I Want Us Part 5
Fandom: Chicago PD / SVU
Series: I Want Us
Part 1 //  Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 (Final)
Pairing/s: Sonny Carisi x Intelligence!Reader
Warning/s: tw rape, murder, assault
Word Count: 1,623
Summary: The Intelligence Unit’s last case with Manhattan SVU had them flying out to New York to track down an abducted boy, and had Dectective Y/L/N and Detective Carisi growing close in the process. Now, a string of rape-murders in Chicago has SVU boarding the next flight out, believing the suspect to be the same man responsible for a set of identical crimes 10 years prior. As the case unfolds, Y/N and Carisi are brought back together, reigniting the spark between them.
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As it turned out, it wasn’t too long at all. About six months after you’d closed your New York case, putting a child abductor behind bars where he belonged and reuniting a boy with his family, you received an urgent message from Voight requesting you all come in to the district. 
It was early on a Saturday morning following a few drinks at Molly’s the previous night, but it was so rare for Voight to call you in like this on your day off that you knew it had to be important. 
You were just multi-tasking getting dressed and downing an inordinate amount of caffeine when you got a phone call, ‘Detective Carisi’ flashing up on the screen as you paused, one leg in your trousers.
“Hey you,” you answered, putting the phone between your shoulder and ear so you could continue to get ready, curious about why he was calling. 
“Morning, sorry to call so early, but I figured you’d be awake,” he greeted, sounding like he was walking somewhere, the familiar sounds of traffic filling the background.
“Yeah I am, I’m about to head into work though, Voight’s wants us in for some reason, what’s up?” You informed him, looking around for your keys as you finished the last drops of your coffee.
There was a pause on the other end of the line, “Your Sergeant didn’t tell you? It’s why I’m calling actually, we’re coming to Chicago.” Now that did take you by surprise, Voight’s message hadn’t said anything about SVU, but you weren’t that surprised, it was Voight.
“Oh yeah? Know anything about the case?” You asked, your slight smile at the thought of seeing Carisi somewhat quashed by the fact that it meant something seriously bad was going on in your backyard. 
“A serial rapist that went dormant a few years back seems to have resurfaced in Chicago-” he explained, getting cut off by the sound of someone calling his name in the background, “Sorry, I’ve got to get to my flight, see you soon?”
“Yeah, let me know when you touch down. Oh, and Carisi?” You heard him pause, “this time you get to see what real pizza is supposed to taste like.”
He laughed on the other end of the line, “uh huh, we’ll see; bye Y/N.”
“Bye,” you hung up, a bit of a smile still on your face as you went about finishing up to leave your apartment. 
You and Carisi had kept in contact since you’d gotten back from New York. Nothing serious or anything, but you’d had a good time together and really seemed to connect on your short visit. The conversation had always felt natural, just chatting into the night for no other reason than just enjoying each other’s company. It was nice, whatever it was, and you were looking forward to seeing him in person again.
Throwing on your shoes and coat you headed out the door, making your way to the 21st. As much as you were looking forward to seeing Carisi, you had a job to do. 
You arrived at the 21st at the same time as Antonio, catching up to him on the steps as you entered. “Know what we’re doing here on this glorious Saturday morning?” He asked, gesturing to the brilliant sunshine and cloudless sky. 
Antonio had been planning a weekend with his kids, he’d been talking about it all week, and you felt a pang of guilt for not remembering until now. You might not have had plans, or much of an actual life, but that didn’t mean the rest of the unit, your partner especially, hadn’t had to drop a lot to come in today.
“Only that it’s important, SVU’s on their way,” you filling him in on what Carisi had told you as you waved good morning to a desk Sergeant you didn’t recognise. At least Trudy still got the weekend, you thought to yourself, but then even Hank Voight wouldn’t risk her fury at being asked to come in on a Saturday morning. 
The pointed look Antonio gave you had you rolling your eyes, but he was the only one who knew that you still kept in touch with Carisi, though the rest of them had given you hell the second you’d boarded that plane home from New York.
You buzzed the both of you in upstairs, not the first to arrive but not the last either as Jay, Hailey and Kim milled about the bullpen, helping Voight set up the board with your new case. 
“Need a hand?” Antonio asked after morning greetings were made, examining what was up on the board so far. You joined him after throwing your jacket over the back of your desk chair, picking up with folder Voight had left on your desk. Everyone had one laid out for them, so you flicked through it as the others spoke.
“Nah we’ve pretty much got it all set up, this is a pretty thin case considering, well, everything about it,” Jay answered, following his eyes to where he glanced at the board, a row of 9 young women, nearly identical in their pale skin, blonde hair, and delicate features. 
“Christ,” you muttered, looking from their images on the board to the crime scene photos in the file in your hand. All the women looked like porcelain dolls, their hair and make up immaculate, and all of them were dressed in different ball gowns, their hands laid over their chests with a single rose inclosed. 
“Not the start to the weekend you expected huh?” Kim commented grimly as Voight emerged from his office, two photographs, the rest of the unit filling in up the stairs.
“I think Jessica Connors would agree,” Voight answered, drawing the attention of the room as you greeted the others, sticking up two more photographs next to the other 9, who must have been the New York victims. 
The next two women looked nearly identical to the others, flicking to the back of the file to find their reports as Voight spoke. “She was found late last night, same M.O as the rest,” he told you all, pointing to the second photograph he’d stuck up. “This is Lily Hamilton, found the same way a week ago. The connection between the victims was made last night and a further connection was made with these other 9 women, all matching the M.O to the letter, including aspects not released to the press, and all coming from New York 10 years ago.”
“Special Victims?” Kevin asked, earning a nod from Voight.
“Captain Benson, Detective Carisi and Officer Tamin are already on their way,” he replied, “this is going to be a big case, the press is already picking up on the story, and the Commissioner thought it would be best if we took it given our history of working successfully with New York’s Special Victims Unit.” 
Your mind went instantly to Carisi but you shut him out, now wasn’t the time to think about seeing him ago. This case would have been before he’d joined the unit, but you figured maybe Captain Benson would know more, they might have even working it back in the day. 
“All the women, practically identical, went missing within a 6 month window, with gaps ranging from a couple of days to a couple of months. The only connection NYPD found was their appearance, and he seems to have kept them alive for varying lengths of time before killing them and dressing them up like this. They never found out where, but they weren’t killed in the woods. Signs of sexual assault were obvious, but actual damage to their body was minimal. The cause of death was a concoction of lethal drugs injected into their system, the contents of which were not released to be public but match both our cases and New York’s,” Voight relayed the basics.
“So how are we working this?” Hailey asked, perched up on her desk with her head rest on her chin, staring thoughtfully at the board in front of you all.
“I want Burgess, Ruzek and Antonio on the old New York cases, see if anything was missed or if any potential suspects have surfaced in Chicago recently. Atwater and Rojas will re-examine the first crime scene, I want every stone unturned. Upton and Halstead will interview both of the families, see what they were doing when they went missing, but remember, we only found Jessica last night, so tread carefully.”
You couldn’t help but notice one name not mentioned. “Sergeant-” You began to ask, slightly raising your hand. He turned to you before you could finish.
“Y/L/N, Benson requested you work with her unit for this case, seems you made quite an impression in the way you handled our last case with them, you’ll be heading to the most recent crime scene after you’ve all reviewed the case notes, meet them there when they touch down,” he explained, Antonio suppressing a smirk and others glancing at you curiously. 
You didn’t know what to say, so you nodded to let him know you understood, Benson’s comment about a change of scenery resurfacing in your mind. You hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but maybe she’d actually been serious. 
“What are you all still doing standing around, let’s get moving,” Voight ordered, snapping all of you into gear as you quickly pushed that from your mind too, heading back to your desk and ignoring the raised brow Antonio gave you.
You had a case to work and a killer to catch, and with Special Victims touching down in a couple of hours, whoever this rapist was, their luck had just run out. 
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detectiverickitubbs · 4 years
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag some people. I was tagged by @someheroescarryfloss
1. Outlander
2. Turn
3. Miami Vice
4. 911
5. Manifest
Who is your favourite character in 2? Lord. This is such a hard question to answer because I love all the Culpers so much. Okay, I have a love-hate relationship with Abe Woodhull. I’d say partly Anna Strong because I write as her. But I love Ian Khan’s General George Washington SOOO Much and then Benjamin Tallmadge follows as close seconds and thirds. 
Who is your least favourite character in 1? Randal. He gives me the heebie geebies. I despised him. And I’m quickly growing to despise Stephan Bonnet. Kill him off already!!!!
What is your favourite episode of 4? As twisted as it is for my liking of 911 the most memorable happened to be the Flood ones and the one where Athena Grant’s boyfriend Emmett was killed. They’re the ones that made me cry and also offered the greatest character development.
What is your favourite season of 5? The 1st I think because it was shrouded in sooo much mystery and you could never quite predict where it was headed.
Who is your favourite couple in 3? Sonny Crockett x Gina/ Martin Castillo x May Ying/  and Rico Tubbs X Trudy
Who is your favourite couple in 2? Anna X Edmund Hewlett. I adore them sooo much.
What is your favourite episode of 1? I don’t really have a favorite tbh. 
What is your favourite episode of 5?. I love the writing in the very first episode the MOST. But I loved the addition to Zeke 
What is your favourite season of 2? Seasons 1&2&3 are all on equal footing because of the intensity in the writing. *side eyes season 4 and it’s writers very very hard* 
How long have you watched 1? On and off since the start and I’ve seen every episode- I think. 
How did you become interested in 3? IA Tumblr rp friend of mine had a Crockett blog and when I was flipping through the channels on Tv Miami Vice came on. I was bored and thought, eh, what the heck. I’ve gotta watch to get an understanding of their character and they dragged me down the rabbit hole!
Who is your favourite actor in 4? Angela Bassett 
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?  Turn
Which show have you seen more episodes of - 1 or 3? It’s a tie. I’ve seen every episode of both. Turn, however, I watched on repeat for 3 months. 
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?! Athena for sure.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Yeah. Actually it would kind work as both shows involve cops and emergency responders. Although, the 80s vibe and motif might be hard to recapture in a modern Los Angeles setting. And you’d have to get the cast of Vice back together and they’re all a bit older now than they were.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? Fergus and Brianna Frazer? *squinty eyes* Because technically by blood Fergus is NOT related and he’s adorable and adventurous. 
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? Miami Vice if you exclude season 4 and like 80s tv show drama as it excludes the melodrama of love triangles. 
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4? Turn #2 for sure!!!!!!! Is it bad I don’t really think 911 has a theme or if it does it hasn’t been captivating enough for me to pay attention to.
I’m tagging @mellowoutpal @afourletterwordfordirt @officer-chen @officerxwilliams @femme-fatale-mcgarrett @stupiidgood @itisweselton @throughtimeillbethere @thedoctornumber11 @familyxdutyxhonor @moretreasurewithin @ive-been-reminding-you @firstrespcnse @firstrespxnders @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins  @alreadybrcken @aequilibriium @theiirstories @muddledmenagerie @rockinthedots @gcldbound @truthsecn @backedagainstthewall @fallsekings @historypowered
and anyone else who wants to do it
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detectiverickitubbs · 5 years
Who You Callin’ Fish?
@innocentmanwithabounty continued from X
Considering the fact she’d been drugged and had sprouted fins in the past hour, Tubbs was having a hell of a day. Castillo would listen to whatever tale she’d resignedly spin, though she isn’t certain there could be any safe bets with this one. It was too wild for even her to believe and she was the one living it! Lord, he was probably going to mandate a sanity maintenance period on her behalf!!! The worst part is, she couldn’t blame him. She’d probably do the same in his place. She all but visualize the face he’d shoot in her direction.
But right now, she couldn’t concentrate on what lay even twenty minutes ahead. She had to focus on the question being imparted by her friend. “You might still find the syringe and have it sent in for testing...” She muses aloud. Legba’s men weren’t always the most careful. Tubbs’s eyes squint shut trying to recollect with clarity the moments before her world went dark. “The liquid was clear. He... he might have smuggled it in from Hati.” Could the same concept applied to holy water also apply to things used for heinous purposes? Ricki reached further back in the Rolodex of stored memories trying to recount the moment she had inspected Legba’s casket. Had there or had there not been a vile or container of so-called mystic water pressed to his chest. While internally, fingertips grab to reach it, they fall terribly short. Maybe there had been or maybe there hadn’t. Only probing Sonny’s memories might spark something- recognition or denial. 
“You know something, pal?” Tubbs starts in the casual kinda tone she’d use on Crockett, Inez, Lar, Gina, Trudy, or Stan, her tale dipping in and out of the water. “I just might have more horsepower than the Ferrari with these babies.”  It's a joke she hopes Vin can appreciate. Her face flushes with mild embarrassment as she kicked about trying to feel for her actual legs beneath the scales but could only wriggle one solid mass. That’s gonna be a real problem. Can’t be a gumshoe if you can’t even wear a nice set of Louis Vuittons courtesy of impound, much less even one. Worse still, that means no driving. What would become of her beloved COUPE? This chain of thought could have sprawled on for eternity. Mannnnn, having scales ceased to be advantageous around mile marker twelve and the numbers were only headed upwards!!! 
“Yeah. You ever see anything like this.” Pushing her fingers through the water she pulls up freshly departed scales and places them by his feet. “Out? But I...” A longwise glance is cast towards the predicament. “If this chlorinated water is bad for me, what in the world will the air do? Won’t I?” Tubbs swallows sharply, motioning with her hands a floundering flopping about of a fish know it's about to die unless it refinds water. Her brows furrow thick with the internal conflict brewing about like a hurricane just waiting to gather enough strength to strike. “I can’t walk..” Ricki lamely points out, though her hands clutch tightly to him as he strove to lift her out of the pool. Waterlogged fins probably weigh more than two measly legs. 
The first brushes of fresh air against her figure gave way to violent shivers that seemed to trickle down one vertebre after the next. The blouse pressed tightly against her skin felt more like ice than actual comfort. “Vin? Is... is it supposed to be so cold?” She questions, her voice hollow. Her mind was telling her that the Miami sun is baking down on them and yet, the blood in her veins can’t recognize it’s warmth. Her face pressed to the fabric of his shirt as she strives to keep her head of sopping dark curls held upright. Vulnerable was definitely NOT a good shade on her and she heavily despises it. But she has no choice, she is at the mercy of whatever Legba injected her with. “Think this is the injec....injection talking?” 
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