#miami vice fic
ashandalder · 11 months
Non-Spoilery Miami Vice Fic List - Season 1
One of my offerings for Miami Vice day is a reclist of sorts. When I first started watching, I immediately wanted to dive into ALL the fic. However, when stepping into a fandom that is 40 years old, avoiding major spoilers, while also finding things to read, can be a challenge. My go to in these situations are usually episode tags, because, for obvious reasons, those tend to only focus on the characters up and to that point. That said, even looking for these is fraught with the opportunity to be spoiled, and I was, a bit, in the process.
So, for anyone just starting to watch, or considering doing so, here is a selection of fics for season 1 against the episode they relate to. This is a non exhaustive list which I am still adding to as I find and read more. And if I missed any, particularly those that don’t have a home on AO3 but exist in the vast wilds of live-journal or the wayback machine, saved from Yahoo Groups, or even beyond, and someone knows of them, shout in the comments.
I’ll post the same for season 2 also, and another for non episode specific but also non spoilery fics.
Season 1
Milk Run (1-13)
Ghosts Of My Past by MorganaNK
Reward by swayingwires
The Golden Triangle (1-14 & 1-15)
Tequila Sunrise by Library_of_SKGates
Bacardi 151 by JBC_Saigon_Moon
Smuggler’s blues (1-16)
Cartagena Blues by JBC_Saigon_Moon
Liminal Blues by JBC_Saigon_Moon
Made For Each Other (1-19)
Something Nice for Harriet by Oddmonster(LJ)
Ashes in a Goldfish Bowl by bitochondria
Evan (1-22)
Crumbling Comfort by TheLemonrevenge
Healing and Forgiveness by Library_of_SKGates
Gas Station Confessional by bitochondria
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
When Steve’s driving at night, sometimes he likes to put on Phil Collins, wishing he had a convertible so he could really pretend he’s Sonny Crockett. It’s silly, not something he’d admit to, except one time he’s driving with Eddie, and In The Air Tonight comes on and he lets it slip. Of all people, why did it have to be Eddie he told?
Steve knows Eddie doesn’t like Miami Vice that much—and he definitely doesn’t like Phil Collins, though he does give credit where credit’s due, the dude can drum—and he expects Eddie to make fun of him. But he doesn’t. Just nods, gives a small smile, even drums along to the song.
He does, though, say if Steve really wanted the full Sonny Crockett experience, he’d get a pet alligator, which might be close enough to making fun of him, only Steve thinks Eddie might be serious.
“I’m sure my mom would love that.”
“You’ve got a pool.”
“You can’t keep an alligator in a pool!”
“Why not?”
“It’s the wrong kind of water, for starters, and…” Steve trails off, glancing at Eddie, and he sighs. He can’t believe he’s arguing about this. He reaches over and shoves Eddie’s shoulder. “Whatever. I’m not getting an alligator.”
“Guess I’ll never be as cool as Crockett.”
“Dude, you are way cooler.”
The sincerity kind of surprises Steve and he blinks over at Eddie. “Yeah?”
“Of course .”
“Huh.” Steve sits up a little straighter, one hand on the wheel, the other running through his hair. And the wind blowing through the window is no longer a balmy Miami breeze, but the cool Hawkins’ night air, the road beneath the wheels is a Hawkins’ back road and it’s just Eddie beside him in the passenger seat. Steve turns the volume down, eases off the gas, and says, “Cool.”
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mitochondriaandbunnies · 11 months
Love, Bad Decisions, Cocaine, and Angst from Brother's Keeper to Freefall
Here before you lies the entirety of all my Miami Vice fiction, compiled in one place! The Sonny/Rico fics follow the series from beginning to end, and are intended to be a reasonably canon-compliant explanation of their relationship, tied to specific episodes. There's also two Gina/Trudy fics and one Switek/Zito fic; the implication is they take place concurrently. (Yes, everyone on Vice squad is queer. No, I don't care that that implies some very strange things are happening in the Miami PD hiring department.) Pretty much all fics contain angst, language, internalized homophobia, and period typical attitudes, but the series ends happily as a whole! Rating beside title.
Sonny/Rico Fics:
Ashes in a Goldfish Bowl - M - S1E19 Made for Each Other - Sonny contemplates a growing and awkward crush on his coworker.
Gas Station Confessional - M - S1E22 Evan - As he learns about Evan Freed, Rico pieces together that Sonny may be hiding more than he's letting on.
Unnecessary Medicine - M - S2E5 & 8 The Dutch Oven & Tale of the Goat - Sonny is dosed with cocaine; later, Rico is dosed with tetrodotoxin. They take care of one another.
Adventures in Microwave Sales - E - S2E9 Bushido - In the aftermath of Jack Gretzky, Sonny decides life is too short not to take Rico up on his offer to be friends with benefits.
Faults and Hairline Fractures - E - S3E12 Down for the Count - After their friend's death, Rico notices that Sonny seems uncharacteristically upbeat after months of brooding.
The Naming of Cats - E - S4E3 Death and the Lady - Sonny lets his guard down while he and Rico take care of a kitten for Gina, and hates himself for it.
Wise Men Say, "Only Fools..." - M - S4E8 Like a Hurricane - After Sonny's wedding, Rico makes a series of bad decisions.
Playing House - M - S4E20 A Bullet for Crockett - With Rico taking care of him after being shot, Sonny chafes against the constraints of his marriage, and questions his choices.
Repossession - M - S5E12 Jack of All Trades (or around there) - Rico is incredibly concerned and hurt as an increasingly depressed and listless Sonny gets very drunk at an auction.
Take Me Home - E S5E18 Freefall - If Sonny and Rico have any hope of moving on together, they need to push past five years of refusing to communicate and be honest with one another.
And Life Goes on Beside the Palisades - T - Post-series - Crossover with Wiseguy - Sonny and Rico have settled into their life together in New York. A chance encounter with another pair of ex-agents gives everyone an opportunity to reflect on where they want to go from here.
Not Like a Painting - T - S2E8 Tale of the Goat (or around there) - Trudy suggests playing hooky, and wonders if Gina knows she's acting like they're on a date.
Warfarin, Eggs, and Chase & Sanborn - E - S2E9 Bushido - Gina worries that Trudy might not return her attraction, and they find out where they stand during a series of all-nighters.
Wearin' That Loved On Look - E - Late S1/Early S2 - Larry tries not to think too hard about what happens sometimes in the Bug Van.
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alverrann · 11 months
Happy Miami Vice Day, folks! It's 2:15am where I'm at and so we're gonna start off strong with some good old-fashioned h/c.
I hope y'all enjoy it, cuz this is only the beginning, lol
“Tubbs!” Sonny’s shout alerted him only seconds before he felt the sting. It was a burning punch to the gut, and on pure instinct he shoved Harley away, stumbling backwards as the man came at him again. He tripped and fell, hitting his head on the way down and hurting his wrists as he caught himself.
There was a gunshot, and Harley fell, a scream echoing in the background with more gunfire. Years of experience had Tubbs dragging himself behind the garbage bin - likely where he'd hit his head - ducking down and hissing at the pain in his abdomen. He put a hand on it, and it came away bloody - he’d been stabbed.
The sounds of shooting had ended at some point, and Tubbs looked up when he realized that Sonny was calling his name. "Put your hand over it, Tubbs." Sonny's face was a pale ghost, flickering like a candle flame, and Tubbs looked down at the blood covering his hands. "C'mon, pal. Put your hand over it; put pressure on it." Pressure? Tubbs put his hand back over the sting, pressing down hesitantly. He hissed when the pain became worse, but Sonny spoke before he could do anything more. "That's it, just like that. Don't take your hand off."
The sting and the pain had both been so sudden, and it almost felt like he was seeing double; his vision was tunneling as a voice from farther down the alley called Harley's name. Some part of Tubbs was very annoyed, because this was one of his favorite shirts and suits, and here he was lying in a trash-strewn alleyway, bleeding all over it. A hysterical part of his mind was happy to remember that Sonny wasn’t wearing white today, at least …
Where was Sonny?
The report of a gun had Tubbs jerking back, huddling into the side of the dumpster that he was using for cover as he looked towards the source. It was his partner, of course, tucked neatly into a small alcove with his gun in hand.
Oh right. They were under attack. Harley was lying in the alleyway between them, blood pooling under his unmoving form, knife still in hand. Sonny must have shot him after he'd stabbed Tubbs, and the thought had him refocusing on his partner.
Sonny’s eyes – when he wasn’t peeking around his corner – were on Tubbs, and belatedly Rico realized that his gun was on the ground a few feet to his right. His mind felt like molasses, but he knew that if he could get it and give his partner covering fire, then they could get Ricket as well. Ricket, who had stopped yelling and shooting, for the moment.
Tubbs moved slowly, his right hand lifting from the sting in his abdomen to stretch towards his gun, grunting at the pain it caused. “Rico, keep your hand on it, buddy. Don’t worry about anything else – just keep the pressure on it.” Sonny's rough voice was pleading, and Tubbs reluctantly replaced his hand, instantly relieving the strain.
“You come out, cop, an’ I’ll blow you away!” Ricket began to shout again as Rico pushed down on the stinging pain. Sonny needed his help. But he was cold, and the sting was starting to throb.
“Your friend is dead, Ricket! It’s just you and us, and we ain’t lettin’ you go anywhere, man!” Sonny’s voice cracked a little as he shouted, and Tubbs stared down at his stomach. His right hand was over the top of the wound, but if he switched and put pressure with his left hand, then he could pick up his gun with the other one. With slow and deliberate movements, he began to do just that. “Tubbs, quit movin’!” Sonny’s hissed words were all but drowned out by Ricket's furious and desperate response.
“I know Harley got one of you pigs! You wanna go help ‘im, then let me go!”
Tubbs pushed down with his left hand, noticing that the blood seemed warmer, and the pain was getting worse. He slowly picked up his gun with his right hand, and Sonny yelled back,
“If my partner dies then you’ll be in a lot more trouble, pal!” He looked furious, his face still swimming in Tubbs' view. Tubbs kept his left hand on his abdomen as he slowly pushed his legs underneath him, forcing himself into a crouch despite the burst of pain that ensued. It brought him slightly out of his stupor, and he met Crockett’s glare with one of his own. Sonny’s mouth was opening, no doubt to tell him how stupid he was being, but Tubbs refused to hear it. He popped up from his crouch in a blaze of agony, shooting towards the other end of the alley blindly for a moment before going back down just as quickly. Ricket was spraying bullets in Tubbs' direction, and Sonny took the opportunity to peek out and take a couple of shots.
The alley fell silent.
Tubbs collapsed back down against the garbage can, almost choking as he struggled to breathe through the agony that seemed to envelop his stomach. A pattering of feet, and Sonny was there, his hand covering Tubbs’ and pushing down much, much harder than Tubbs had been. Tubbs gasped at the pain, and Sonny pulled him away from the garbage, leaning Tubbs back against his chest while removing his jacket. “You’re an idiot, you know that?” His harsh voice and words belied the gentleness with which he tucked the thin fabric around Tubbs, whose chuckle became a dry cough.
“Didn’t … see the knife.”
“Just hang tight, Rico. Ambulance is already on the way.” Sonny’s voice softened a little, and Tubbs realized that he was extremely tired.
“R- Ricket?”
“Dead.” Sonny didn’t sound nearly as apologetic as he might have, and for some reason it was funny to Tubbs. As soon as he laughed, however, he stopped with a groan.
“Harley too?”
“Yeah.” There was a long moment of silence, and then Sonny said, “You’re not fallin’ asleep on me now, are ya?”
“Shouldn’t’ve … made me so comfortable.” He breathed out, and Sonny was the one to laugh as sirens sounded in the distance, a short sound.
“Next time I’ll just leave ya lyin’ there, then.”
“Thanks.” Rico meant it.
“Anytime, pal.”
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libertine-past · 3 months
Alternate “Love in Vain.” Cody doesn’t call. That’s it! That’s the fic! 😂
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Rogue clonked her phone back in its cradle. “Don’t you hate it when you tell someone they got the wrong number, and they argue with you? I know I have a lot of characters floatin’ around in here,” she gestured at her head, “but I’m a hundred percent sure I ain’t Linda from the Yonkers Craft Expo.”
Gambit snickered with a look of pure engrossment, shaking his head in delight. “Indeed. Linda sound pretty boring to me.”
“Oh, I bet you think you could liven her up though, honey-tongue— the way you came in all gussied up to go out on the town.”
“We don’ have to go nowhere. You don’t even have to get out of your nightgown or put down your book, ‘less you want. A date can just be you an’ me in the same room.”
God, this man’s standards couldn’t get any endearingly lower. She puffed some fallen white hair out of her face. “Welp. You ever seen Baywatch? It’s kind of a guilty pleasure, like these Harlequin stories. Hnh. What am I sayin’. Of course you have. Men sure appreciate the um.” She rolled her eyes and made curvy gestures. “Casting.”
“Eh. That show irrealiste. Petty t’ieves always blowin’ up oil rigs or something. Nobody that dumb.”
“So your big takeaway from a show fulla bathin’ beauties is the shitty portrayal of crime?” she laughed.
“Oh, I see them beauties. How do you think I do all my trainin’ for look don’t touch?”
“You can always use more of that. Alright then. You, me, and bad TV it is.”
“Ey, what happen to your bedpost?” he asked, finally noticing.
“Trainin’ for knockin’ your dang block off.”
They sat on the rec room futon in the glow of the TV, under a blanket.
“Aw hell, this is one of those filler episodes with like three beach montages,” Rogue said.
“Yeah, I hate watchin’ people just enjoyin’ themselves,” Gambit winked. “You gotta have filler in life, chere. Can’t be all life-or-death drama.”
She looked him over. “The way you dress like Don Johnson on Saturday nights, I feel like we should be watchin’ Miami Vice reruns instead.”
“You love it.” He pulled off his scarf and draped it around her shoulders.
“Didn’t say I didn’t.”
And it happened—the long, hungry look that usually made her run. She didn’t, but she wasn’t above a quick subject change. “God, they use same underwater footage over an’ over.”
“Well, folks can’t hold their breath forever.”
She knew this wasn’t a dig at her, but she retreated into overthinking. “…you’ve been tryin’ for a few years with me, Remy.”
“Chere. Don’t. That’s never what this feel like.” He pulled her hand out from under the blanket and kissed it. “A barrier doesn’t phase me none. It’s you underneath. That’s all that matters. It’s the 90’s. Everyone big on protection, non?”
“Oh yeah, I’m blendin’ right in with today’s generation. …I-I’m sorry. I just can’t seem to stay off this topic, can I?”
The silence wrapped around them as the TV continued its soapy glow on their faces. Gambit didn’t realize that she’d mostly fallen asleep on his shoulder.
“You know why I like this show?” Gambit said. “I can relate, ‘cause Rogue always come to Gambit’s rescue.”
“…..mhm. Cuz iloveyou, caj,” she mumbled.
He exhaled hard. He knew the declaration probably didn’t count, but he clung to it like a life ring.
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all my svech fics are linked below with a word count and little summary. i’ll add to the list as fics get written. hope you all enjoy 🫶🏻
* indicates smut
love me tender love me sweet* (2.7k)
after andrei’s skate cut injury, you take care of him
i love you i love you i love you like never before* (3.8k)
you surprise andrei at a home game with your daughter in tow
miami vices* (7.6k)
all-star game 2023 is in miami and you join andrei for the weekend and bye-week
little rabbit (7.2k)
the birth of yours and andrei’s first child
at the heart of all my joy* (8.1k)
andrei’s 1000th game and celebration
around the sun with you* (1.8k)
yours and andrei’s birthdays are two days apart and you celebrate them
in that lavender haze* (9.1k)
yours and andrei’s wedding and greecian honeymoon
a sunday kind of love (3.4k)
mother’s day in the svechnikov house
hat tricks and treats (2.2k)
andrei surprises you and the girls after a game
delightful menace in the air (2.3k)
andrei watches the four kids alone for a few hours and you come home to delightful chaos
thank god for giving me you* (5.5k)
andrei can only keep a good attitude about missing the playoffs for so long
9 p.m. in vancouver (7k)
on a mini trip to vancouver to watch andrei play, you suffer the worst loss of your life. andrei is your rock throughout the ordeal
svyazat’ menya* (5.5k)
andrei ties you up and has his way with you
third sunday in june (4k)
it’s andrei’s first father’s day and you and evie celebrate him all day long
golden retriever boy (3k)
when he’s on the road, andrei never misses a facetime call with you and the kids
homecoming (1.7k)
andrei comes home late one night and finds his favorite sight on the couch
it’s cold outside but it’s warm in here* (3.9k)
christmas eve at the svechnikov house is a chaotic but fun affair
high speed* (4.9k)
date night with andrei gets raunchy when you decide to be exhibitionists
count down from ten (6.6k)
when you have a medical scare, it’s andrei’s turn to take care of you
little brother (6.4k)
it’s time for baby svechnikov number four to make their entrance into the world and of course it’s chaos in the best possible way
ante up* (5.7k)
during the canes bash, andrei steals you away for some private time
andrei and mini-golfing
evie’s first day of school
spending an off-day with andrei
taking the kids on vacation
andrei and a size kink*
andrei and your nickname
pet names
andrei and sundress season*
andrei when you’re stressed out
andrei and cock warming**
the babies and their crosses
girl dad andrei
andrei giving you lingerie*
horny post-game andrei*
andrei all tied up**
andrei finding out about each pregnancy
andrei getting hurt during a game
mama svech as a grandma
protective andrei*
pre-game emoji tradition
boy dad andrei
svech babies + zodiac
tattoos for the svech babies
andrei and the first date
svech family and the barbie movie
dog dad andrei
andrei and public sex*
andrei and you in his jersey*
svechnikov family halloweens
andrei taking care of you when you’re sick
andrei when he realizes you’re the one
andrei on his birthday
andrei and a dick molding kit*
andrei when evie has a crush
svech babies as adults
andrei being protective in public
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the-bar-sinister · 6 months
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Fanfiction | Self Ship | Whump
Frequent tags:
Villain f/o
whump prompts
blog updates
friend mail
villain posting
Archive of our Own account
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👉 he/they | queer | married | adult | elder millennial
👉 plural | fictionkin (serious/spiritual) 
👉 Muti shipper | Poly shipper
No DNI we block at will 🫡
Please do not send us asks about babies, pregnancy, or raising children.
Source fandoms: Resident Evil, One Piece, Metal Gear, Marvel Comics, Persona games, Slayers anime, GTA V, Great/Ace Attorney, Homestuck, Danganronpa, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Urusei Yatsura, Digimon, Girls Frontline, Steven Universe, Pathologic, Jem & The Holograms, Peter Pan, Welcome to Demon School, Disgaea, Sherlock Holmes media
non-source fandoms: Invader Zim, ABC’s Lost, Twin Peaks, Silent Hill, Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Vampire Chronicles (books), Doctor Who Labyrinth, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Final Fantasy (4-9), Pokemon, Black Lagoon, Miami Vice, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Prey 2017, Dishonored, Call of Duty, Red Dead Redemption, Frankenstein, the Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Gargoyles, Fallout New Vegas
Favorite genres: horror, mystery, thriller, noir, crime fiction, psychological thriller, supernatural horror, sci fi horror, gothic lit
Shipping, plurality and squick explanations under the cut.
Our ships: We are a polyshipper and a multishipper. We ship multiple characters together in the same context, in the same relationship, in the same fics etc.
A "ship" for us does not equal in OTP or an ideal relationship. We use the word "ship" to denote any romantic or sexual relationship between two characters, even when that relationship is unhealthy, toxic, twisted, and bad for one or both participants. Ships are a narrative tool, not something aspirational. 
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Plurality: We are a plural system– many people living together in one body. We have been plural since we were children, and we have been blogging about our plurality for 15+ years.
Please do  not use psychiatric or pathologizing terminology for our plurality. We do not refer to ourselves with terms like DID, alter, or introject, and our system members do not have defined roles.
Our preferred terminology is: plural, system member, and fictive.
System members tend to sign or tag posts and refer to one another with a two emoji 'signature' rather than a name. Unsigned posts are understood to be a product of multiple members or a joint consensus. 
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squicks / tropes we prefer to avoid
non-con of any kind (but especially underage non-con and non-con incest) 
pregnancy & babies (especially as the joyful and expected result of a romantic hetero-presenting relationship)
nonbinary or trans characters deciding it's better for them to perform their assigned gender at birth
Characters submitting to the will of a lawful aligned god.
Parental control and discipline being shown as narratively positive and correct 
characters giving up their careers and aspirations and 'settling down' when they fall in love
prophecies that are unavoidable and/or narratively depicted as inherently good and just
characters following the life-path set out for them by their parents/following in their parents footsteps
filial duty and filial piety in general
pretty much anything to do with traditional family structures, gender roles, and lawful aligned religion, honestly
wing whump / characters having their monstrous or inhuman traits harmed
monstrous or inhuman characters becoming human (especially when presented as positive)
soul destruction / soul death
characters being metaphysically kept apart for all time
any kind of 'conversion therapy' or metaphorical conversion therapy (especially being portrayed as positive)
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We are: 
non-christian | magical practitioner | chaotic neutral
polyamorous  | largely aplatonic
trauma survivor | abuse survivor
Weird | Freakish | Monstrous
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olderthannetfic · 1 month
Here's a kinda weird question I'm making just to see if this is something that happens to more people: do y'all also have some fandoms where you prefer to see certain kinds of fanworks over others?
Like, in some of mine there are a decent numbers of fanfics, they seem to be of decent quality, but i still am not very interested in them and prefer to see fanart/fancomics over them, but in others i'll read every fanfic that i can find, even some that are probably kinda trashy.
i think the first thing happens more in things where the source material has a really unique writing style that the fanfics don't always get very well? Or when it is more "visual" in a way, like some games that don't seem to translate very well to fics for me.
I got into video editing because I had no idea how to process my thoughts about Miami Vice in words.
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ashandalder · 11 months
Non-Spoilery Miami Vice Fic List - Season 2
As explained in my previous post this is meant as a useful tool if, like me, you like to read fic as you watch a new show rather than waiting till you finish all five seasons, and are keen to avoid major spoilers.
Season 2
The Dutch Oven (2-4)
Not Like a Painting by bitochondria
Tale of the Goat (2-7)
Unnecessary Medicine by bitochondria
the right feelings by silver_and_exact
Why Didn't They Listen by Paula Cas (PaulaCas)
Bushido (2-8)
So Little Time by Cat_Moon
Re-Play by bittenfeld
Warfarin, Eggs, and Chase & Sanborn by bitochondria
Adventures in Microwave Sales by bitochondria
Not Episode Specific but set prior to season 3
Disturbing the Peace by Oddmonster (LJ link)
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nonbinarystevie · 1 year
excerpt from my demisexual eddie fic | read on ao3 here!
Eddie is so unused to being this fucking messed up over one specific person, and it’s driving him absolutely crazy. The fact that it’s Steve fucking Harrington doesn’t make it any better, and even though Eddie knows him now and he’s a good guy (the best guy, actually), it doesn’t help that Steve is probably, one hundred percent not interested–not to mention Eddie’s best friend these days. Eddie saw him in the hallways in high school, remembers thinking, damn he’s nice to look at, but it was never to this level–this constant, almost achy feeling to rub one off to fantasies of Steve (which, boundaries, Munson) when he’s alone, and don’t get him started on when they’re actually hanging out–it’s impossible to stop staring and nearly salivating over the column of Steve’s throat, the fucking veins in his hands, his stupid smile and soft eyes and–
Yeah. Eddie needs to get a fucking grip. It’s getting embarrassing. If Steve hasn’t noticed already, he’s bound to if Eddie can’t get a hold of himself.
He’s going to drop by Family Video in an hour to bother Steve and Robin, so he lies in bed longer than usual, palming himself through his boxers and flicking his thumb over the head of his dick. He debates making himself come, but honestly, it probably won’t make much of a difference. When he used to get horny, before Steve, he could jerk off and he’d be good for the rest of the day, no problem. Now it’s like he’s fourteen again, barely any refractory period, and it doesn’t matter anymore. When he sees Steve it’s like his entire brain hums to life, whirring and buzzing like electricity.
It’s never been like this before. Eddie is starting to get concerned that there’s something seriously wrong with him.
He sighs and pushes his hand into his underwear anyway, rubbing two fingers over his dick and closing his eyes. He imagines Steve’s mouth on him, those pouty lips and those big eyes on Eddie as he licks into him. Eddie moans, shuddering, his mind a litany of stevestevesteve—he makes himself come mortifyingly fast, and actually does whimper Steve’s name completely out of his control. Jesus christ.
When he gets to Family Video, there are no customers in the store and Steve and Robin are having a heated argument about Miami Vice of all things. Why is Eddie half in love with this guy again? Steve is gesturing wildly at Robin with both hands, and he looks good in that stupid green vest. His hair is a little lopsided like he was messing with it, and it just makes Eddie smile like an absolute lovesick moron. Robin sees him first. She grins at him, rolls her eyes.
“Hey, Eddie,” she says. “Thank god you’re here, I’m so bored.”
Steve turns, catches Eddie’s eyes and gives him this–oh. This amused, exasperated smile like him and Eddie are in on some inside joke. It makes his eyes crinkle at the corners, and he rolls them, drops his elbows back on the counter and leans on it.
“What, I’m not enough for you anymore?” Steve says, in a faux dramatic voice that really rivals Eddie’s, actually, and slaps a hand over his heart. Steve’s eyes flit to him, grinning with all his teeth, and Eddie wants to lick them.
“Mocking me in my own home, Steven?” Eddie gasps. It makes no sense, but Steve laughs anyway, eyes bright and heavy even when Eddie looks away. He squats a little and flings himself onto the counter next to Steve’s stupid (cute) elbows–he misjudges the momentum he’ll need to swing his legs over and his ass goes sliding across the vinyl. He knocks into Steve a little, but Steve steadies him with his hand gripping Eddie’s bicep. Eddie clears his throat, trying not to think about Steve’s big fucking hand wrapped around his arm, bare skin to bare skin, because he’s only wearing a Metallica shirt today.
“Thanks,” Eddie squeaks, winded. Steve squeezes his arm once, then lets go. Eddie is dizzy, both from Steve’s touch and the smell of him so close–he smells like some kind of spicy sweet shampoo, maybe clove? Please, for the love of fuck do not faint right now, Eddie begs his traitourous body. He’s felt so out of control lately that he wouldn’t be surprised. When Eddie looks at Robin again, she’s staring at him, one eyebrow raised–she’s clocked him immediately. He looks down at his white sneakers to avoid her eyes.
It’s a Tuesday, so the store is slow. Eddie stays with them for a couple hours, even though he worries sometimes that he’s actually bothering them. But today they don’t give him the chance to think that–they all bicker back and forth, and Steve keeps himself tucked towards Eddie. They’re not touching, but Steve’s body heat simmers against Eddie’s bare arms and makes them crawl with goosebumps. A couple customers wander in before Eddie leaves, and Robin goes to greet them. Eddie slides back over the counter reluctantly, but Steve leans in again before he can put too much space between them.
“Hey, do you want to hang out later?” Steve asks. “It’ll just be us, since Robin has plans.”
“Yeah sure, man,” Eddie says. “I’ll bring the good stuff, yeah?”
Steve beams at him, and Eddie has to pretend his entire heart cavity did not just fall through his ass. He leaves the store a little lightheaded, his chest aching a little from smiling and laughing and just being–fuck, happy, for once.
Eddie’s a virgin, or whatever, is the thing. He doesn’t actually believe in the fucked-up societal defintion of virginity or losing his virginity, especially as a person with a vagina, but the fact of the matter is that, either way, he’s never had sex. It’s not for lack of trying, though. After he turned eighteen, he’d gotten fed up and went on a weekend trip up to Indy. Its one gay bar was a hole-in-the-wall place down a dark side street, meant for hiding, and Eddie knew he had to be extra cautious, even. But he figured there had to be some guys that were into him.
He danced with some men, flirted with a few more, and even made out with a guy significantly older than him in the alley behind the bar–which, he knows now, was definitely fucking dangerous, even though nothing happened at the time. But the guy was attractive, and definitely seemed interested. Eddie remembers that they were kissing, and the man (who’s name Eddie didn’t know then, either) was really into it, moaning and grinding against Eddie’s thigh. Eddie though, just remembers feeling kind of uncomfortable. He was kissing him back, but it didn’t really feel good. The guy’s mouth was wet and warm, and objectively, it didn’t feel bad. But Eddie was just kind of frozen there, kissing, body stiff. He wanted to be enjoying it, what the fuck was wrong with him? Kissing was supposed to be nice, at least, and it’s not like the man was trying to get Eddie to swallow his tongue or anything.
When the guy reached between their bodies to pull Eddie’s zipper down, without even asking first, Eddie made a panicked noise and finally jerked away. He made some kind of excuse and ran before the man could get a word in.
He went back to that bar a few times. He danced, he drank, he tried more kissing (even tried skipping straight to blowing a guy, once, thinking he just didn’t like swapping spit). Every time he lost his nerve, he panicked, he ran.
In high school, during his second go-round of senior year, there was a boy that had heard the rumors about Eddie being gay (a freak) and was curious. His name was Blake, and he was cute, and kept coming to buy drugs from Eddie a startling amount. He flirted with Eddie when they were all alone, was borderline nice to Eddie in public, but Eddie didn’t believe him, because this was Hawkins. But one day, Blake just asked him point blank if he wanted to fool around in the back of Eddie’s van.
Eddie said sure, because if there was this one other gay person in Hawkins, he was going to take advantage of it. He had a lot of anxiety about Blake finding out he was trans, but it never even got that far. They were making out on a scratchy blanket that smelled like weed, and it wasn’t–it was okay. Blake had asked him if it was okay, and Eddie said yeah, it’s okay, and then Blake was on top of him with his thigh between both of Eddie’s, and all Eddie could think was he’s gonna be able to feel that I can’t get hard—but Blake seemed pretty focused on kissing him.
He seemed just as inexperienced as Eddie, used a little bit too much tongue, and it was just on the side of too wet. Eddie’s heart was fucking pounding so loud and he didn’t want to do this. But he wanted to like this, to want someone else, and Blake was nice and looked nice–and. Shit. Blake pulled away to give him some breathing room, and Eddie was panting too loud in the quiet car. He should’ve put some music on.
“You okay?” Blake said.
“Um–I. Yeah man, I’m good.”
“We can stop,” Blake said, and he didn’t even sound pissed about it. He didn’t look convinced that Eddie wasn’t having some kind of mental breakdown, jesus christ. Everything in Eddie’s brain screamed at him to take advantage of this, to keep going, that maybe he would finally get to touch a dick and just–feel good with another person instead of just by himself in his bedroom. But as soon as Blake had pulled back a little, Eddie’s racing mind quieted, the panic receded.
“I–shit. Yeah, maybe that would be good.” Eddie winced, but Blake nodded, sitting up a little and out of Eddie’s space. Eddie felt shitty about it, but also shitty about the fact that he felt shitty in the first place. He gnawed on his lower lip, lighting up a joint and passing it to Blake, because it was the least he could do. Blake took it, inhaling.
“You’re gay, right?” Blake asked.
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “Yeah, I am. I just don’t–” Eddie pulled hard on his curls until it hurt. “I don’t know.”
“Hey, it’s fine,” Blake said. “Don’t worry about it. I’m going to college in a couple months, you know? I just figured, if I could get some experience.” he stopped, looked sheepishly at Eddie.
“I get it, man,” Eddie said. “So–you’re gay, too?”
“I think I am, yeah,” Blake said. “Trying to figure it out.”
“Sorry, I can’t–I’m sorry I can’t help.”
“It’s okay,” Blake said. “If you change your mind though, just let me know.”
And that was that. They smoked some weed, and talked a little bit–Blake wasn’t particularly interesting but Eddie could talk to anyone. He told Blake some stuff about D&D, and Blake laughed at his dumbass storytelling, and then they both went on their way, separately, and Eddie had no more knowledge than what he started with.
He resigned himself to being alone, maybe forever. Which, is dramatic, because he hasn’t tried with that many people, but even so. He feels good when he’s alone, so he doesn’t understand why he can’t feel good with someone else, too. He had cried that night, in his bedroom, the bed covers pulled all the way up to his chin and curled in on himself like he could disappear.
The point is, Eddie knows Steve is experienced. He didn’t associate with any of Steve’s fanclub in high school, but rumors got around pretty quickly, and no one was saying anything bad about Steve’s skills in bed. Eddie loved watching Steve in school, with his stupidly styled hair and khaki pants, but he was always unobtainable. He was straight, pretty boy jock Steve Harrington, and Eddie was at the lowest level of the high school hierarchy. He was never even an option.
The more time Eddie spends with Steve after everything, the more he realizes that Steve is nothing like the perception that Eddie had of him years ago. Steve isn’t nice, actually, like Blake–he’s kind and loyal to his little ragtag family, but he’s pretty aloof to people outside their party. He can be fussy about the stupidest shit, like the fingerprints on Eddie’s van windows, and kind of a bitch, and Eddie is obsessed with him. And the more he gets to know Steve as himself, the worse it gets.
It’s not like Eddie was immune, before. He saw Steve rip that bat apart in the upside down and almost had a goddamn aneurysm about it. He replayed it behind his eyelids on a loop later, when they weren’t running for their lives, his mind screeching fuckfuckfuck that’s hot. He couldn’t stop staring at Steve wearing his denim vest and his dirty chest hair that Eddie actually might want to put in his mouth–ugh. But the attraction has gotten worse, thrumming inside Eddie’s bones, since he woke up in the hospital and Steve was curled up in the armchair by his bedside, passed out and not even stirring when Eddie tried to say Harrington, what the fuck? with a tube jammed down his throat. Where before Eddie was accused of murder, it was a casual appreciation, but now it’s just inconvenient. All encompassing. Suffocating. Like his body is making up for all the years it wasn’t a giant pain in the ass, and now he’s feeling every lustful thought he’s ever missed out on, all at once.
Maybe Eddie doesn’t want to feel like everyone else, actually. Maybe, even now, it would just be better if he’s someone else.
Eddie loves smoking with Steve. They’re parked at the quarry, back van doors thrown open to let in the cool September breeze. It smells like the oncoming autumn–like earth and rain and decay, and it mixes with the smell of weed and makes Eddie sleepy and warm all the way down to his toes. He’s lying flat on his back with the joint stuck between his lips, trying and failing not to stare at Steve, who’s too close and too far at the same time. He’s mirroring Eddie’s position on top of the blanket, legs and arms all sprawled out and head tipped back, eyes closed.
The muscles in his neck are huge, and Eddie knows he’s gawking at him like a fucking idiot, but he can’t tear his gaze away. He loves smoking with Steve, because Steve gets all relaxed and loose and giggly when he’s high, and most of the time Eddie can watch him an abnormal amount without Steve catching on–but he also hates it. Eddie’s whole goddamn brain detaches from his body, and he feels syrupy slow and sweet, wants to kiss Steve so badly it’s like a physical pain.
“You gonna hog that all night, man?” Steve asks. His head tilts towards Eddie–he’s smirking a little, lips quirked up and eyebrows raised, and his eyes are so fucking–they have flecks of green and gold in them, so fucking beautiful, and Eddie’s breath catches in his throat on the way out. What the fuck was the question, again?
“Mmm?” Eddie breathes. He has no idea what they’re talking about, not when Steve is looking at him like that–like maybe he can sense the tension between them too, amused and affectionate and something else, soft, that Eddie can’t name. Steve holds his hand out, and Eddie just stares at it for a second until he realizes Steve is waiting for him to pass him the joint, jesus christ. Eddie laughs, can’t help it, and hands it over–he must be higher than he thought. That, or drunk on Steve’s clove smell and how close his arm is to brushing Eddie’s.
Steve takes the joint between his fingers. Eddie watches, entranced, as he brings it to his mouth and inhales, his lips touching the paper where Eddie’s mouth just was and–Eddie breathes in harshly, his belly tight and hot with arousal. Steve looks back at him, still smiling, and Eddie realizes too late that his mouth is open a little (please don’t be drooling, oh my god) and his eyes are probably dilated as fuck.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Steve says. Steve still has that fucking smile, but it’s wider now, deeper, curved with an almost-laugh and a bit smug–there’s no way he doesn’t see exactly what the fuck he’s doing to Eddie, but he hasn’t punched him or shoved him away or even discouraged him at all. Huh.
Eddie flushes hard and obvious, the burn in his cheeks spreading to his ears and probably every inch of skin he has. He clears his throat, holds his hand out for the joint again, but his hand is trembling a little.
“Like what?” Eddie asks, because he has to be fucking sure. He’s not going to assume anything, especially with Steve. Steve, instead of handing Eddie the joint, stubs it out on the van wall–Eddie shudders, watching him, his heart pounding and pounding against his ribcage.
“Hey,” Eddie says, though it’s not a real protest. Steve just meets his eyes, giving him this look that’s almost admonishing, and Eddie swallows so loud he’s positive Steve can hear it.
“You know like what,” Steve says. He scooches closer to Eddie on the floor, the joint stubbed out and forgotten, but they were pretty close already. All the body heat Eddie can feel radiating off him is fucking insane, and Eddie wants him so fucking bad it’s making his whole body shake. Steve reaches out, gaze never leaving Eddie’s face, and cups the back of Eddie’s neck with his big hand. “Can I?”
And there’s absolutely nothing else Steve can mean except can I kiss you right? Eddie expects to panic, to feel that uncomfortable squirming in his gut that tells him run run run, because it’s one thing to want someone and something totally other to have that person right in front of you, touching you–but the sick feeling never comes. Eddie’s eyes flutter closed. Steve’s in his space and touching him and is probably going to kiss him. Eddie nods hard and jerky–he doesn’t trust his voice to not come out completely wrecked.
Steve cups his free hand against Eddie’s cheek, tilting his face and rubbing a thumb across the skin there. Eddie’s breath stutters, Steve’s breath falls warm on his face–and then Steve is pressing his lips to Eddie’s, careful and so light. Steve pulls away after only a few seconds. Eddie makes a sound in his throat, grabs Steve by the striped polo he’s wearing and keeps him there. Steve doesn’t go far; he dips in again to bring their mouths together, laughing a little.
Read the rest on AO3.
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“Kid.” He swallowed, wondering if he’d developed rapid-onset strep throat. He admitted, in one burst of rapid patter, “I got something I need to tell you, but I’m scared as shit to say it.” Billy swallowed the bite that he was chewing and gave Sonny a look of wide-eyed horror. “You don’t have cancer, do you?” “What? God— no, I don’t have cancer.” Although, his throat did hurt, and he had been a smoker for so many years, but that wasn't what this was— “Okay, good.” Billy frowned, his eyebrows scrunched over his sharp dark eyes. “Nick’s dad has cancer. I just— sorry. Seemed like the kind of thing that you might be scared about. I’m really glad you don’t have cancer.” Sonny breathed out slowly and bit off the tip of his slice of pizza, chewing thoughtfully. “Well, jeez,” he sighed, through a mouthful of cheese, “Okay. Kinda puts the actual thing I gotta tell you in perspective.” Billy was still looking at him like he was about to reveal he had a month to live. He reassured him, “I sure as hell ain’t gonna die from it, at least.” Still wide-eyed and grumpy-browed, Billy nodded. “Okay. Not fatal, got it.”  You’re a little bit of a wiseass, you know that?”
I may have written a Billy Fic, in which I unkindly make Billy the lens through which Sonny is forced to confront his masculinity issues and the way they're tied up in his ideas about fatherhood and manhood and all his internalized homophobia
I may also have written a Billy Fic in which Rico has to nod politely for an hour while Billy tells him about dinosaurs
These may be the selfsame Billy Fic, linked above
(also this is both a 1991 sequel to All My Other Vice fics, although it works okay as a standalone, I think, and a stealth midquel to my S2 "We Should Be Friends With Benefits" fic (NSFT link) and my S3 "Oh Sonny Is More Broken That We Thought" fic (also NSFT link), which is to say I'm also using poor Billy as a lens to examine why Sonny and Rico seem to drop a level of friendship and intimacy between S2 & S3. Which is also to say: I am also a bad father.)
(Oh: and this fic also asks a truly vital and piercing question of our times: is Golden Axe about BDSM?)
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alverrann · 1 year
No one asked for this, and possibly no one wanted it, but I've been writing a bunch of useless Miami Vice clips and this one is too cute not to share.
In this, I have turned Tubbs into a cat. This particular clip is from the middle of whatever conceivable story would be written around it, because writing middle clips is far easier than writing beginnings or endings, lol.
Anyway. It isn't my best work, but it's also a cat!fic, so I'm somewhat unapologetic. If you do happen to have any questions about this ridiculous AU I'd be happy to answer them, and in the meantime, enjoy!
It didn’t take long for attention to be drawn when Sonny walked into the office, a fluffy and extraordinarily dirty cat following at his heels. Any distraction was better than the somber mood that had dominated the office since his partner's disappearance, though, and it was uncommon for an animal to get in. Most eyes went to Castillo’s office, but Zito spoke up with a smile, “You’ve decided to adopt?”
“Somethin’ like that.” Sonny wasn’t about to tell them that the cat was Tubbs. That would land him in even worse trouble than his partner, and neither of them could afford that.
“He’s adorable!” Gina stopped to crouch next to Tubbs, who looked as though he didn’t know what to do about her incoming hands. In the end he merely stayed there as she scratched his head. “But he needs a bath.” Then, to a panicked and extra fluffy Tubbs' surprise, Gina was picking him up, “I wonder how he and Elvis will get along.” Tubbs seemed to be frozen in panic, indecision in his eyes, and Sonny couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him.
“He doesn’t really like to be held, Gina.”
“Oh, but he’s hurt, poor thing!” She had twisted him a little and Crockett felt his blood run cold when he spotted the large gash on his partner’s underbelly. How had he missed that before? “He must have been in some kind of fight!”
“Gina, put 'im down before he scratches you.” Trudy was shaking her head, and Switek grinned,
“At least put him down before the Lieutenant sees him; Sonny brought 'im in, Sonny can deal with the consequences. 
Crockett might have laughed, but now he was just staring at his partner, determined to get a look at the gash. It had scabbed over, but it looked awful. And now that Gina mentioned it, Tubbs did look terrible. It had been almost a full half hour since he’d discovered and accepted that the stray cat from the crime scene was Tubbs, and now he was coming away from the shock of it enough to realize that his partner was not a healthy cat. “Here, quit manhandlin’ him.” He reached out and took Tubbs from her, pulling him back into his arms, where he knew he was safe.
“Have you decided on a name for him yet?” Gina asked, still concerned with Tubbs, whom Sonny gently deposited on his desk.
“Naw, not yet.” Crockett only had eyes for his partner, who immediately began nosing his way through the files that Crockett had left there earlier.
“Hey, he’s a regular detective, look at ‘im go!” Zito laughed, “You should call ‘im Sherlock!”
“Would that make Sonny 'Watson?'” Switek got in on the joke as well, but the mood was killed when Castillo's voice interrupted.
Everyone froze, looking over at the lieutenant. Castillo was standing at the entrance to his office, as severe-looking as ever, but his eyes were on the cat. Tubbs had frozen as well, crouching lower on Sonny’s desk over the files that he had been going through.
“Look, I can explain-” 
"My office. Now." Castillo walked back through his door, and Crockett realized that all eyes were on him. When he met their gazes they all looked away, leaving him feeling almost exposed. He turned around at a soft meow, and met Tubbs' eyes.
His partner may have been a cat, but when Tubbs looked meaningfully at Castillo's office, Sonny knew what he was asking. 
"Don't worry about it, pal. I'll think of something." He spoke softly, aware that he already looked crazy enough without talking to the cat. "Do you have what you need?" 
Tubbs looked down at the desk, his tail twitching, and then pawed at the top drawer. Sonny opened it and Tubbs nodded. 
"All right, hang tight. I'll be back." He turned towards Castillo's office just in time for everyone to focus on their work and pretend that they hadn't been listening. He didn't say anything, heading straight to Castillo as he frantically tried to come up with a reason for the cat that wasn't the truth.  
When he got into the office Sonny closed the door behind him, meeting Castillo's gaze as calmly as possible. The Lieutenant was standing in front of his desk, hands in his pockets, unblinking eyes pinning Sonny where he stood.
"What have you found?" 
Out of everything that the lieutenant might have said, Sonny hadn't expected that question at all. "What have I found?" 
"You've been working on this case non-stop since Tubbs disappeared; this is the first time I've seen you in the office during decent hours in three days." 
Sonny wasn't sure how he felt at the assessment, but he had a feeling that Tubbs would have laughed - or at least smiled. "That cat was at the crime scene, Marty." He began, not quite sure yet where he was going, but at least certain that Castillo was in a forgiving mood. 
"I remember. It got into the squad car." 
"Well it turned up at the boat this morning. By itself." Castillo's eyebrow twitched, and Sonny forged ahead. "I think-" He stopped himself before telling the truth. He couldn't, could he? He glanced out at Tubbs. Who had somehow managed to pull out one of the files, and was staring down at it intently. Many of the Vice team had stopped and were openly watching, and Sonny decided that the risk was worth it. If Castillo was on their side then things would be much easier. "Lieutenant, could I show you?" 
Castillo followed Sonny's gaze. "The cat?" 
"Yeah. The cat." Sonny waited until Castillo nodded to open the door, watching as Tubbs looked up from the file. His partner meowed, pawing the paper, and Sonny headed over quickly to look at it. 
Tubbs looked almost smug as Sonny's brow furrowed. "Lazard? That hokey sideshow?" A quiet hiss came from his partner and he gently took the file from under Tubbs' paws. "All right, okay, I'm sorry. I believe you." He sat on his desk for a moment, meeting his partner's eyes and lowering his voice to a murmur. "Listen, I think Castillo will believe us." 
Tubbs pulled back with a hiss, his ears folding back and Sonny shook his head. 
"Not your call, man. I'm the one doing the talking, but I'll need help." 
Tubbs' tail had begun to twitch, and Sonny held up his hands in surrender.
For a long moment Tubbs glared, then he hopped off of the desk, heading for Castillo’s office on his own. Sonny got up to follow, tucking the slightly chewed-on file under his arm.
At this point most of the other people in the office were staring openly. Sonny ignored them, closing the door behind himself when he reentered Castillo's office. Castillo was staring at Tubbs, who was sitting on the floor a few feet in front of him. He looked up at Sonny after a moment. "Tell me about the cat." 
Tubbs gave Sonny a meaningful look, and Sonny steeled himself for what he was about to do. If Castillo decided that he'd cracked then it was all over. He bent over and picked up Tubbs, who meowed with alarm as Sonny put him on Castillo's desk. He murmured an apology before turning back towards the lieutenant—who was clearly not a fan of having a cat on his desk—but seemed willing to hear the explanation.
"All right, I know this is gonna sound ridiculous, but I swear it's true." Sonny began, stopping when a small paw swatted his hand where he was leaning on the desk. Tubbs' expression was that of disapproval, and Sonny surmised that his partner disliked how he was explaining things. He forged ahead anyway, knowing that if he didn't say it right then then he never would. "This cat is Rico Tubbs." 
Silence descended on the room as Castillo stared, not even asking for clarification. Sonny didn't wait for more than a few seconds before he continued.
"Someone turned him into a cat; I don't know how, but I do know that he showed up at the Miamarina this morning, which means he walked all the way there from the crime scene." He held up his hands to stop anything Castillo might have said, "Now before you put me away just watch this." He turned to his partner, "Rico?" Tubbs nodded, and so he continued, feeling ridiculous. "Were you turned into a cat?" Another nod. "Who did it?" Sonny knew that the question was open ended, but hoped that his partner would know what to do. Tubbs gave a small meow, reaching to paw at the file under Sonny's arm. 
Sonny obliged him by putting the file down next to Rico, closed. Rico gave him a light glare, and then clumsily bit the edge of the top flap and pulled the file open, before resting his paw right on top of Lazard’s picture with a self-satisfied purr. Sonny looked over at Castillo, who appeared unmoved. The lieutenant took a step forward and Tubbs tapped Lazard’s photo again with another meow. 
“Lazard?” Castillo asked, and Tubbs nodded. Castillo kept his eyes on Tubbs for several seconds of silence, then he finally said. "Are you all right?" 
Tubbs made a dramatic show of looking down at himself, and then shrugged. Sonny had never seen a cat shrug before, and sort of hoped that he never had to again, but he wasn't about to let his partner get off with the lie. "He's got a pretty nasty cut, but it looks like its healin'." 
Castillo looked at Tubbs, who glared at Sonny. Then he said, "Has he eaten?" 
"I don't know." It was another thing that Sonny hadn't even considered.  "Have you eaten anything in the past three days, man?" 
Tubbs turned to the side to nod, almost like he was embarrassed or ashamed, and Crockett frowned. 
"Take the rest of the day off." Castillo said, and Sonny looked over in surprise. "Go eat and get cleaned up, and we'll work on finding Lazard."
Tubbs seemed annoyed, but while Sonny understood why, he really wanted to take a look at the gash and make sure that Tubbs was all right. 
"I'll expect you both in office tomorrow morning." Castillo walked around to sit at his desk, clearly dismissing them. "Call if anything else happens."
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octoberobserver · 5 months
Buddie Fic - Sneak Peek 2
Sneak Peek 1
Buck smiled at him.
“Not as interesting as you saving the day by rescuing Chimney in your chopper,” he quipped, nudging Tommy's shoulder.
“I don’t know, Buckley. Seein’ you in a pastel suit, even if it is a little dirty, is pretty high up there.”
Oh, God. They’re flirting.
Not that Eddie cared, of course. He was a good friend, an ally. He wasn’t uncomfortable or anything, of course not. He just couldn’t exactly explain the almost nauseated feeling in his gut at the moment. It was probably just something he ate or, you know, the gallons of alcohol he consumed last night.
“Hey, Eddie.”
His head shot up to meet Tommy’s eye, and he quickly schooled his face to something more pleasant.
“Hey, man,” he raised from his seat to shake his hand, smacking him on the back in a half hug. 
Tommy quirked an eyebrow at him, gaze trailing up and down.
“Tubbs?” he asked with a glint in his eye. 
Eddie shook his head. 
“I’m Crockett, he’s Tubbs, people just refuse to acknowledge it.”
Tommy laughed as Buck let out a groan. 
“I’m more like Don Johnson, Eds. Accept it.”
“You didn’t even know who Don Johnson was until I told you,” he shot back. “Just because you insisted on binge-watching Miami Vice all week, does not mean you get to—”
“I wanted to stay on theme,” Buck interjected. “Chimney wanted the '80s, so he got the ‘80s. I wanted to be authentic to the character. Like, what’s it called…method acting?”
“Uh-huh. Okay, Daniel Day-Lewis.”
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power-chords · 2 months
Some Miami Vice Thots*:
Big Screen, I Notice More Stuff: That club is called MANSION. Linkin Park (from Agoura Hills, or what seems to me to be the Westchester, NY of the San Fernando Valley — Californians please correct me if I'm wrong), mashed up with Jay-Z (a Black billionaire from the mean streets of Bed-Stuy, the New New Gatsby/Big Joe Turner). Relevant to bullet point immediately below.
According to Michael Mann Miami in the mid-aughts is Age of Discovery (Digital Edition) meets Crime Family Feudalism in recursive recurrence, multiple timelines and identities inhabiting the same geographic vectors (everyone is always forever in motion). The very first interaction Sonny has with someone who is not a team member is a bartender who says she is from Lisboa, to which Sonny replies, "But you got your tan in Miami." This is what I read: She's the "reformed" Portuguese equivalent of the character in this Butch Walker song. She came from money, she lost it perhaps, but she's been since... repossessed? There's a more sinister interpretation under the surface, since she is under the roof of a powerful (and possibly related) employer whose business operations require unwavering loyalty + utmost discretion in exchange for protection (which in this case is also exploitation). Tan, in other words, as a form of Midas touch. Sacrifice to a sun(/SON!!!) god (or is Sonny more of a defecting Samson figure, speaking to an inert "Neon" Delilah who will only feign at seduction/betrayal, moving through the moves?). So already these two characters are speaking in code to each other, which is an amazing storytelling device on Mann's behalf, and you can shake so much out of that.
Derived from the above: "My Mommy and Daddy know me," hilarious line btw, becomes double-doublespeak, quadruple-speak! Not only is he pretending to tell the truth under a fabricated fundamental, the statement itself is yet another subtextual lie. His parents don't really know him, they just thought they did, which is why he's run off to become what he's become. Rico is the partner who acts out of duty first, love secondarily; Sonny is the Byronic inverse. Diaspora southern gothic. I like to think this is the mythic re-interpretation/inspiration Mann wishes a certain American population would draw from, in lieu of... current political/pop cultural figureheads.
Gina tenderly comforting the injured Zito... this shot is seconds long and yet captures my heart every time! Where is the backstory fic for these two!
Once again, the Rico/Trudy sex scene is a definite contender for the most affectionate, respectful, and sensual one in Hollywood history
Oh, Isabella. My girl Isabella. I overheard someone in the lobby call this film "such a guy movie." I don't know what drugs these people are on. Especially when counterpart to the hypermasculine satirical camp is the sensitivity and sympathy with which Mann portrays the situation of women, how we are exploited either way/anyway, deprived of romantic trust/human partnership by being put at risk by men and also by them denied the agency of taking risks for ourselves. There's both heartbreak and hypocrisy in how she attacks Sonny at the end, screaming "Who are you!" (The audience's heartbreak is: We have an instinctive uneasy sense of the systems that force her, and the rest of us, to live as hypocrites. Who are any of us, anymore, really!)
I was like MICHAEL DO THE GARMENTO CRIME DRAMA W/ ME and he was like "I made Miami Vice already, dummy! Pay attention!" Me: "OK!!!" [Pays a visit to Auerbach's Keller in Grand Central Terminal and then stays up until 5 AM playtesting West Village: Walpurgisnacht/watching the Chicago & Miami Postmodern Pseudepigrapha about Non-Recourse Factoring]
The "color coding" in this film is bonkers. More on that eventually, I'm still chewing on it.
The duality of Man(n)ager: the tragic pathos imbued to Alonzo vs. the vaudevillian coercion of Nicholas. "Why is this happening to me?!" cracks me the fuck up. This most powerful, literally biblical quandary of them all, the whole of Mann's filmography boiled down to its most singular and direct (I.E., truthful) expression, in the form of a persecuted exclamation, and it's played for laughs. Because what can you do except laugh! It's Job(/lowercase job) as circus performance, as a cabaret act. Job's poetry parodied into factional slogans and Shandyan-American dick jokes. I can't believe people think this is a stupid movie, it's pretending to be stupid!!!
*The appropriate spelling for this film in particular
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deadendtracks · 1 month
oh hey this came up today. it's not a secret, but my other AO3 name/pseud is swayingwires, and under that name i've posted fic for Iron Man, Highlander, Miami Vice, SPN (lots of meta), Twin Peaks, and a few other fandoms. If you like my fic/like those other fandoms, feel free to check it out!
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red-hot-moon · 1 month
Five Fics
@ifishouldvanish tagged me to do some shameless self-promotion for five of my stories! Here goes:
In the darkness on the edge of town - Back to the Future, (young) Biff Tannen x Marty McFly, in progress - I started this to get out of my own perfectionism that stopped me from posting stuff and the response to it has been amazing. It grew from a James Dean film-inspired drabble to 4 chapters to 8 with a possible sequel... and it got me into a wonderful BttF fan community that is so inspiring and making me want to write so much more for these two! I sometimes feel like all I ever do is write angst and pining but the thing is, I'm good at it lol. And writing about time travel throws up such interesting situations and conundrums that I'm quite obsessed with it now!
Fishing in the dark - Miami Vice, Sonny Crockett x Larry Zito, complete - This was one that wouldn't let me go during my Miami Vice Summer last year. It's too bad the Miami Vice fandom isn't very active and that this is such a rare pairing, meaning it doesn't get much traction, but I loved writing this and especially Larry and Sonny's chemistry, which we see so little of on screen. Again, lots of angst and pining.
Green light - The D-Train, Dan x Oliver, complete - this was a strange drabble kind of thing that I wrote after seeing the movie which really captivated me. I was impressed with how this came together and I really like the metaphor of the colour green running through it. It seems only a few people have heard of the film so this is definitely the smallest fandom I've ever written for, but the responses to my fic have been ever so nice!
Stop all the clocks - The Pacific, Eugene Sledge x Sid Philips, complete - Sometimes I reread my own fics and this is one that even years later on I love to return to. The HBO War fandom for a long while was really comforting to me in how it portrayed young people who had been through something traumatic and were struggling to pick up the pieces afterwards. I really enjoyed the narrative device of exploring one scene from different viewpoints and I had so much fun writing Mary essentially as an OC.
The company of wolves- Sicario, Kate Macer x Alejandro Gillick, in progress - This is kind of cheating since it's a series, but part four of this has been in the works for about five years. Since I've been having health and mental health issues it has sadly taken a backseat because it was hard for me to write about something so serious while dealing with my own stuff (hence my pivot to BttF lol) but I'm fully intent on completing it. I still get lovely comments on it every month or so and that makes me so happy! These stories really pushed me as a writer and continue to do so, and I'm just really happy with what I've created.
No pressure tag: @mitochondriaandbunnies, @retro-hussy, @doesnotloveyou, @bg-sparrow, @jouissants, or any other (fanfic) writers who want to do this 😘
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