#sonoza nouto
t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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“Before you go into battle, I have one little request. I’d like you to announce yourselves. The way a Nouto warrior should: openly, and in the spirit of a fair contest.”
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mcfluttershyy · 1 year
I just want to say that they made my days the happiest, I will miss them.
goodbye donbrothers 💔
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apparently you stand like npcs before a battle
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luciient · 2 years
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au where everything in donbrothers stays the same except the notos all have features of the stuff theyre based off of (well at least i think sononi's based off a cat anyway... cmiiw)
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naturally this means tarou has a fat ass
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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fr fr fr
that wasn't even a story LOL
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Sonoza's here
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what did you expect outside business hours
Sonoza doesn't even know it's you
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jenndubya · 1 year
Fandom: Tsuyoshi/Miho/Tsubasa is gonna end up like Ryu/Gai/Kaori
Me: What if he Cutie Honeys this shit though?
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bugtransport · 1 year
I hope that Donbrothers literally has an mpreg moment. That would be so funny. This is Taro and Sonoi's family drama now.
you know what fuck it i'm on board with this now. i think that either sonoza or saruhara should be the godfather. we don't know nouto biology. could happen! please don't let haruka drive everyone to the hospital though oh my god
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eclipse-song · 1 year
I was thinking about how the new nouto enemies in donbros feel like highschool bullies then I remembered there was some whole scene from the Sonoshi debut ep that got cut for time where Sonoi said that Sonoshi hates him for winning the student council election in highschool and Sononi and Sonoza said they used to get bullied in highschool by them. This crew is literally the highschool bully clique. This is so funny.
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heartvisor · 2 years
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some pictures from the donbrothers production commentary blog (shots featuring the nouto at a playground are from a cut scene; bottom image is from a section written by takahashi shinnosuke, sonoza's actor)
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skajador · 2 years
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DonBros production blog mentions a scene they had to cut for time that reveals Sonoshi and Sonoi were STUDENT COUNCIL RIVALS in NOUTO HIGH SCHOOL... And also that Sonoshi bullied Sonoza and Sononi... And that he has his job bc of nepotism 😂😂
He really is pathetic
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ichigoichiesworld · 1 year
Only the moon knows
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I love seeing them together
Btw, according to a jfan’s tweet, in the FLT, they revealed the Nouto’s real names
Sonoi is Soclaudius Sonoi, Sononi is Diana Elizabeth Sononi Sonoza is Alexander Sonoza
Just a rumor, please take it with a grain of salt
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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"We're just like you."
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mcfluttershyy · 1 year
shinichi x sonoza? 👀
do we all agree?
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321 for Nouto trio fun
"Do you ever think that, if given the chance, the others would have had their own Donbrother?" Sonoi asked as the three Nouto skidded behind a wall, in their armored forms, weapons drawn despite not wanting to be seen.
"What brought this on?" Sononi asked, peering around a corner, Sonoza doing the same above her as Sonoi did the same above him.
"Well, I 'have' Tarou, you 'have' Inuzuka Tsubasa, and Sonoza 'has' Haruka, but Shinichi, Kijino Tsuyoshi, and Momotani Jirou don't particularly get along with any of the Nouto. And Sono456 did come to Earth as well."
"Certainly there is a better time to ask this than when who knows what are searching for us." The three of them dipped down.
Next to Sononi, Sonoza nodded, rather frantically.
"You're right," Sonoi sighed, opening a Door so that the three of them could escape, making sure that the other two went ahead of him once he checked for danger.
"Somehow, I think Sonoshi would have gotten along with Shinichi if given a chance," Sonoi said as the three of them caught their breath in an abandoned warehouse, dropping their armor and checking that they hadn't sustained any injuries. It didn't appear that they had, thankfully, although Sonoi was going to have to speak to Tarou about this possible new threat.
"Who wants to think about that?" Sononi said, giving Sonoi a look of sheer disapproval and disgust.
"Would Sonoroku get along with Momotani Jirou?" Sonoza asked as his hands flapped, eyes rolling a bit. He seemed to agree that Shinichi would get along with Sonoshi, as far as Sonoi could figure out.
"I was thinking the same, but that would leave Kijino Tsuyoshi with Sonogo…"
At that thought, the three of them shuddered. There wasn't any point in "assigning" a Donbrother to Sonona or Sonoya, though, even if it was Kijino Tsuyoshi, so no one suggested that as a possible alternative.
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asknarashikari · 1 year
A Donbrother character guide for idiots:
Taro: Leader. Stoic type of red who has a soft spot for companions. Can actually die if he lies and thus can be very blunt like Hiromu.
Shinichi: Blue. Hermit and wanderer. Spews different Haikus every episode.
Haruka: Sole female and yellow. Manga artist and only sane man of team next to Tsubasa. Has driving skills that rival Spongebob in lengths of destruction and still got her license.
Tsubasa: Black. Fugitive trying to save his love. Probably doesn’t have his identity revealed to team yet because he’ll lose his last brain cells if he does.
Tsuyoshi: First male pink. Salaryman whose is kind of unlucky. Simp/Yandere for wife who is a Juuto.
Jirou: Sixth ranger with split personality. Nobody on his team likes him. Simp for girl in his town.
Kuro Kaito: Alternate version of regular Zenkaiger Kaito. Cafe head and resident exposition giver sometimes. Also has photobooks in verse.
Sonoi: Leader of Nouto gang and self proclaimed fashion leader. Likes Oden. Has enough heated drama with Taro to rival RyuSen.
Sononi: Female of Nouto trio. Deeply fascinated with love. Has fallen for Tsubasa and has potentially set him on a path to make him unintentionally kill the woman he loves.
Sonoza: Last member of trio. Rather battle hungry. Developed love of manga and provides criticism for Haruka.
Masamune: Living sword. Listens to mysterious voice of Mother. Can kill Juuto.
Oh... Okay? No idea why you're sending this to me when I don't plan on watching it, but alright
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Do find it very interesting that Sonoi really does have compassion for humanity. Someone who didn't wouldn't run into a burning building to save people. However, if their greed reaches a point where it turns a person into a full on Hitosuki, then he see's them as beyond hope and something that needs to be exterminated.
I think out of the Nouto, Sonoi is the most interesting one just given the fact he seems,,, hmmm,,, more well-versed than the other two. More mature, like he's spent a lot of time getting to know the things of the world, or something. I think this is shown really well in episode 6, because while Sononi and Sonoza ask questions like,
"What is love?"
"Why do people cry? Why do they laugh?"
"Why do they make these things? (Paintings)"
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And Sonoi actually had a well-thought out answer imo. Like you can tell he's been doing this for awhile.
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Honestly. I feel like out of the three of them, I could see Sonoi ppl watching, but then going to the library to learn sh*t LOL!!!!
Sonoza would attempt to eat the book pages after some dude is like “these are to help you consume knowledge”
And Sononi would just find the concept of a library boring. But if she did get curious about a book, she’s go up to a rando and ask if they’d read it to her LOL.
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