awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
Where do I start?  I have enjoyed all my classes so far, but this was the first time I connected to the class and it curriculum.  The main reason why is because it’s the first time since I graduated from my undergrad that I have truly felt like I knew what I was doing.  Of course over the past months since I have graduated I have been doing freelance to continuously build my skills, its just that even then I never felt fully connected as if I wasn’t sure that I could be considered a true designer.  This class has brought me back to realizing that designing is what I honestly love and that I am good at it, this course showed me that I have always been on the right track and that I just need to step up my “game”!  Re-learning the techniques of building and staying on top of your brand and the fact that is what will fuel your business along with the services you offer and the quality of those services.  Knowing that has brought me closer to remembering that I have the control to build and keep my business afloat because maintaining my brand is a strong suit I hold and I am determined to keep it that way.  Thinking of my objectives when I first started this class, I got a lot more out of it then I thought.  I went in thinking okay I got most of this stuff done how difficult could it be.  It was not difficult it was a wake up call on the knowledge I tucked away when I graduated.  Thinking that I was not going to need what I learned previously during this degree but I was most certainly wrong.  Ken’s class has thought me one thing I hope to never lose sight of that every bit of knowledge the you absorb will always be capable of use in any situation whether it was just losing sight of your talent or forgetting that you are more than capable of running a successful business because your occupation is an artist. I'm proud to move forward and start a wonderful business, my studio D12 Atelier will be open to all in need of art!
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