#sophia bjergson
lynzishell · 1 year
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~*~Happy Birthday~*~
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Phoenix: The seven of us celebrated my birthday at The Bluffs. It was a Friday. They all ditched school and we spent the whole day there. We swam and laughed and ate and danced.
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Eventually the sun started to set. The view was stunning. The sky was full of pinks and oranges, reflecting on the water below.
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I didn’t want the day to end.
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So, we stayed into the night. We lit a bonfire. Told stories and did stupid fire dances. It was perfect.
And then it wasn’t…
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Luna: I need to pee. Will you guys come with me? Greta: Of course. Phoenix: We’ll be right here when you’re done.
We sat at a picnic table around the corner to give her some privacy. We could still see the path up so we could keep an eye out. What we didn’t know was he was already there. And he was waiting for her.
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He grabbed her on her way out of the bush. Pulled her away. We heard her scream and went running. When we got to them, he was yelling at her.
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Malcolm: Fuck Luna, I just want to talk! Luna: Get away from me! Malcolm: You’re being ridiculous!
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Phoenix: Get your hands off her, Malcolm!
He let go of her when he heard me. Luna ran to Greta, nearly collapsing.
Malcolm: Jesus Fuck, Realta! Can’t you ever mind your own fucking business? This doesn’t concern you!
Any "plan" we'd made went out the window as soon as I got in his face.
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I don't know why I thought I'd have any self control. We yelled at each other for a while. Me, moving toward him, itching for another fight. Him, backing up, knowing he’d lose, again. The others must’ve heard and come running. Next thing I knew, Wolfgang was yelling behind me. Then Aurelio too. But I didn’t register anything they said.
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Finally, Malcolm went for it. Punched me in the face. I almost welcomed it.
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After he hit me, I just stared at him for a second. I think it made him nervous because he took a step back. So, I took a step forward.
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And then I lunged. I heard everyone scream behind me, but I didn’t care.
Until I lost my footing and stumbled forward.
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I crashed to my knees and looked up just in time to see Malcolm fall over the edge. I reached my hand out to grab him, but it was too late.
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cosmicamos-archive · 4 years
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Her old friend from Windenburg, Papaya Rosewood (Sophia Bjergson) came to visit. I went with @tainoodles‘ small head canon of making the Windenburg berries raw variant, peach. 
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crown-queen-bambee · 5 years
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Meeting the Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark - Arranged Marriage?
QB Narrating: Today my husband and I met with the Crown Prince Bjorn and Crown Princess Clara Bjergson of Denmark. They are here visiting France. Though J and I are King and Queen, we like to make good first impressions and make everyone feel welcome.
Clara: It is such an honor to meet you your majesties.
QB: It is nice to meet you as well. We hope you enjoy your visit here in France. *Smiles*
Bjorn: I am sure we will.
KJ: We had one of the finest chefs in France to cook for tonight's dinner. We hope you and your children will like everything.
Clara: Oh I know we will. Don't you have teenage sons by the way? I know our daughter Princess Sophia is about their age. It will be great for them to meet.
QB: Yes it will, our sons love meeting other royal teens.
Clara: Possibly a new royal romance might happened. My daughter is beautiful and smart. Great wife material.
KJ Narrating: Wait what? I am not arranging a marriage for my sons. They will marry for love and love only. I feel Bambee's grip on my arm get tighter. Oh let me say something.
KJ: *Laughs* Well I am sure they well love to met her. But we won't be arranging any marriages.
Clara: Surely you must want them to marry a royal to keep the family lineage going.
QB Narrating: Did she not hear my husband? Luckily my husband cut the conversation short in the must respectful way. Let's hope this dinner will be pleasant.
Follow my RP on Instagram: crown_queen_bambee
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tawnthesimmer · 7 years
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Just made my first ever thumbnail 🙏🏻 I’m very excited to post the video. It won’t be out for at least a month as I’m still working on getting a mic and stuff for the voice over. But once I do expect more videos than you might be able to handle. Well that’s the goal anyway. As soon as I feel like dealing with the desktop version of Tumblr my YouTube channel will be added to the description of my blog.
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lynzishell · 1 year
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The next morning, Phoenix wakes to the smell of French toast and the sound of chatter downstairs. Everyone else must already be up. He heads downstairs to join them for breakfast.
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Phoenix: Where are Greta and Luna? Wolfgang: Jesus, are you always this clingy? Phoenix: Fuck you. Wolfgang: Hey, it’s not my problem you can’t go 5 minutes without your girlfriend by your side. Phoenix: That’s not— Sophia: Now boys, quit your bickering. My head is pounding enough already. They’re awake, they’ll be down soon. Aurelio: Hey Dub, why don’t you grab me some tea?
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Wolfgang: Sure.
He gets up to make his way to the tea maker. As he passes by Phoenix, he reaches over and pats him on the back, causing his food to fall off his fork just as he's about to eat it. Without thinking, Phoenix slams his fist on the table, stands and grabs Wolfgang by the shoulder.
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Wolfgang: Get your hands off me! Phoenix: What the fuck is your problem?! Wolfgang: Right now? You! Aurelio: Guys, we are not doing this here. Greta: What’s going on?
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Phoenix: I’m getting real sick of your bullshit! Wolfgang: Yeah? What are you gonna do about it? Phoenix: I –
Realizing what’s happening, Greta walks up and puts herself between the two boys. She reaches for Phoenix’s arm.
Greta: Hey
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Her touch shocks him. He didn’t realize she’d come into the room. When he looks over to see her eyes pleading, he softens, feeling ashamed of his outburst.
Wolfgang steps away, mumbling something about his girlfriend coming to save him.
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Phoenix pulls Greta into a hug, both to comfort her and to keep himself from going on the attack.
Phoenix: I’m sorry. Greta: It’s okay. Try not to let him get to you, okay?
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Phoenix: I’ll try.
Getting along with Wolfgang is going to be harder than he thought.
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lynzishell · 1 year
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Phoenix spends all day Saturday learning to snowboard. A bit apprehensive a first but gaining confidence throughout the day… regardless of how many times he falls.   Realizing everyone else has already left, he makes his way back to the house at dusk, feeling battered, bruised, and elated.
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Sophia: Hey, you made it back! How was it? Phoenix: So much fun! But I’m gonna be sore tomorrow. Sophia: Haha! How many times did you wreck? Phoenix: I lost count. Sophia: Yeaah, sounds about right. Phoenix: I’m gonna head up to shower and reset. Sophia: Sounds good. Dinner’ll be ready soon. Morgan’s making tacos. Phoenix: Awesome! I’m starving!
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The hot water feels so good on his sore muscles that Phoenix takes a little longer than he intended. He stands under the shower with his eyes closed, letting the water run down his neck and back.
He jumps when he hears a knock at the door. Phoenix: Shit! Sorry, I’m coming!
He rushes from the shower, gets dressed, and heads out through the bedroom. He stops when he sees Greta waiting for him with a smile.
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Phoenix: Hey you! What’s up? Greta: I wanna show you something. Phoenix: Okay.
She leads him down the stairs and toward the back of the house where she has an easel set up.
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Phoenix: Oh my god, Greta! Did you paint this? Greta: I did. I found a bit of inspiration, after all. What do you think? Phoenix: It’s beautiful. I… I’m speechless.
Greta puts her arms around him, and he squeezes her tight, unable to take his eyes off the painting.
Greta: We should join the others in the kitchen. Dinner’s gotta be ready by now. Phoenix: Right, dinner.
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Greta: Where’s Aurelio? Luna: I saw him talking with Wolfgang outside. It looked serious so I decided to let them be. Morgan: Should we just start without them? Greta: Yeah, might as well. I’m sure they’ll be in soon.
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Aurelio: Hey! You guys are eating without us? Morgan: Yep, you’re late. Greta: Everything okay? Aurelio: Oh yeah, all good. Greta: Good, then grab a plate and join us.
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They all sit together eating and chatting.
Phoenix has never had such a tight knit group of friends before, and he starts to realize he’s going to miss them when he moves to the city. The thought of losing them brings a familiar tightness to his throat. It occurs to him that he’ll never get to tell his mom about them, or to introduce her to Greta, and a wave of sadness washes over him.
Greta reaches over and touches his arm lightly. Greta: Something wrong? Phoenix: Hm? No. No, just tired. Greta: Yeah, okay.
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lynzishell · 1 year
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Sophia: I’m starving! Has anyone ordered the pizza yet? Aurelio: It’s on the way. Sophia: Thank god! Wolfgang: Hope everyone’s okay with beer cos that’s all I brought. Aurelio: Beer is good, let me know how much I owe you. Wolfgang: We can negotiate payment later. (Aurelio gives him a wink) Sophia: Ugh, you two are gonna make me lose my appetite. Morgan: You think they’re bad, wait til we’re stuck in a room with Phoenix and Greta! Sophia: Good point.
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Phoenix: So, what are we doing tomorrow? Aurelio: I think most of us are snowboarding. We should get out early before it gets busy. Pretty sure there are spare boards and stuff in the storage room, so you don’t have to rent anything. Phoenix: That'd be great. I take it I’ll be the only one with no idea what I’m doing? Wolfgang: Pretty much, try not to hurt yourself.
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Greta: This is Luna’s first time too. We’re going on the bunny slopes in the morning if you want to join us. Phoenix: Bunny slope?
Wolfgang snickers. Aurelio kicks him softly under the table. Aurelio: They’re the small ones closest to us. You only have to go down once or twice to get the feel of it, then you can move on. Phoenix: Alright.
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After eating everyone moves into the living room to hang out a bit before heading to bed. Greta lays down, resting her head on Phoenix’s lap. He moves to let her settle in and rests his hand on her shoulder. Phoenix: Comfy? Greta: Mhm Soon, Sophia picks up a guitar and starts tuning it. Aurelio whispers something to her, she nods and starts to play.
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Morgan, getting excited, shushes Phoenix and nods her head toward the music coming from the other side of the room. He looks up and then Sophia begins to sing. He listens in awe, he had no idea she could sing like that.
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Taking him by surprise, Aurelio joins in for the chorus. Their two voices balance each other perfectly, and everyone gets lost in the music. He thinks he even sees Luna wipe a tear from her eye. As the song concludes, everyone claps and cheers. Sophia runs over to Morgan with a huge smile.
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Morgan: So, this is what you two have been working on? Sophia: Yeah, what’d you think? Morgan: I loved it!
Greta glances up at Phoenix. Greta: Aren’t they great? Phoenix: Yeah, they sounded incredible… I had no idea… Was that an original song? Greta: Yep, they’ve been working on it for weeks. Phoenix: I can’t believe he didn’t tell me. Greta: More fun to surprise you, I guess.  
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Wolfgang stands and goes to Aurelio. Aurelio: What’d you think? Without answering, Wolfgang climbs on his lap and kisses him. Aurelio: So, it was ok then? Wolfgang nods, kissing him again.
Phoenix is surprised to see a softer side of Wolfgang and decides he should probably try to get on with him better. He’s clearly important to Aurelio, even if he won't admit it.
Luna reaches up and gives Greta’s hand a squeeze. Luna: Hey guys, I’m getting tired. I’m gonna head up to bed.
Wolfgang breaks away from Aurelio. Wolfgang: Yeah, us too. Aurelio: mhmm
Greta: Do you want me to come with you? Luna: No, you can stay up, I’m ok.
Luna catches Morgan’s eye and motions her head toward the door. Morgan: Oh yeah, Soph, we should get to sleep too. Early morning and all.
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Phoenix and Greta chuckle when they realize everyone left them alone on purpose. Greta: They’re good friends. Phoenix: Indeed.
The two sit up to chat. Phoenix: So, feel free to tell me to mind my own business, but what’s Luna’s deal? Greta: Um, her deal? Phoenix: Well, I don’t mean it like that, I just mean… She’s so quiet. I think her saying goodnight tonight was the most I’ve heard her speak since we got here. And I notice you stay with her a lot, check in with her... I’m just curious. And, again, you can tell me to mind my own business. Greta: Well, she’s always been super shy and quiet… but last year was pretty rough for her. I don’t know how much she’d want me to tell you, so I’ll just say that she went through a lot. She struggles with being alone sometimes, especially at night.
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Phoenix: I’m sorry to hear that. Greta: She’s doing better though. Coming here is actually a big step for her. I’m sure she’ll warm up to you soon. Once she does, she’ll be a lot more talkative. Phoenix: You’re a really good friend.
As she smiles at him and scoots in closer, he has an overwhelming feeling that he doesn’t deserve her.
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Greta: Well, you are a really good boyfriend. Phoenix: Oh yeah? Greta: mhmm
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Komorebi Mountain Lodge - Built by jennalonghill on the Gallery
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lynzishell · 1 year
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Greta: I brought you something. Phoenix: What is it? Greta: Open it! Phoenix: Oh my god, Greta! Did you paint this? Greta: Yeah, I painted it for you. Phoenix: It’s amazing, thank you! We should hang it up really quick before we go. Greta: Sure.
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Phoenix: There, it’s perfect. Greta: Ever since Mt. Komorebi I can't stop painting snowy landscapes. And they remind me of you, so I wanted you to have one. Phoenix: Aw thank you. I love it. And I love you. Greta: I love you too. Now let's get out of here. Phoenix: Just a few more minutes. Greta: Come on, we're already late. Phoenix: Fine.
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Morgan: Okay that movie was scarier than I thought it’d be. Sophia: Oh god, that scene in the bathroom! Luna: I don’t think I can look in a mirror again.
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Wolfgang: Oh please, you guys, it was so cheesy. Aurelio: Uh-huh. You forget I was sitting right next to you. Wolfgang: I don’t know what you’re talking about. Aurelio: Sure sure, whatever you say.
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Morgan: Ah finally, it’s so nice out! I thought winter would never end. Sophia: Right?! Now that it’s getting nicer, we need a day at The Bluffs! Aurelio: Yeah we do. It’s usually rainy up there though. When’s the next clear day? Sophia: Hmm.. it’s storming this weekend, but next weekend looks promising. Phoenix: Just in time for my birthday! What do you say we celebrate? Morgan: Yes! Luna: I’ll probably stay behind, but you guys have fun. Greta: What? No, come with us. Luna: What if Malcolm shows up? Wolfgang: There’s seven of us, he’s not going to get near you. Phoenix: Exactly! Morgan: Would it make you feel better if we had a plan? Luna: I don’t know. Like what?
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Greta: Well, I agree with what Jullian told Phoenix. If he comes around again, we should just call the cops. We need to report him for violating the restraining order. Or else, what’s the point? That should be Plan A. Wolfgang:  Fuck that! If we’re at The Bluffs it’ll take forever for them to get there. I can think of a few ways we can handle him on our own. Calling them should be fucking Plan C. Aurelio: No, c’mon. I’m with Greta. Even if it takes them a while, the report is still on record which can only work in Luna’s favor. Plus, chasing him off or whatever doesn’t keep him from coming back. Calling should be Plan A. Phoenix: We’ll compromise. We can come up with a plan of our own. There’s gotta be a way to get rid of him, and with seven of us and one of him, put a good enough scare in him to keep him from coming around again. If it doesn’t work or shit gets out of hand, then making the call will be Plan B.
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Morgan: Don’t you think Luna should have a say in this? Luna: I trust Phoenix. He knows Malcolm better than any of us. Aurelio: Alright. So, what do you propose? Phoenix: Okay, here’s what I’m thinking…
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lynzishell · 1 year
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As the group steps off the bus and makes their way down the path, Phoenix is taken aback by the beauty of the place. Everything is blanketed in sparkling white. The mountain peak towering above them. It was all quite magical.
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Wolfgang: Yo Penis! The fuck is wrong with you? You look like you’ve never seen snow before!
So much for magical…
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He rolls his eyes at the annoying nickname, but even Wolfgang can’t bring him down right now.
Phoenix: I haven’t. Morgan: Wait, are you serious? Phoenix: Yeah, we didn’t get snow in Oasis Springs. Morgan: Ohh you are going to love it here!
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Aurelio: Alright folks, this way!
Aurelio leads the way with the others following close behind. The cabin is a short walk away, just past the slopes.
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Phoenix stops halfway to watch as a snowboarder flips through the air and lands easily. He can't wait to get out there and try it. He feels Greta pulling on his sleeve and looks over to find that they’d fallen behind the group.
Greta: C’mon, there will be plenty of time for all that tomorrow!
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Phoenix: Okay okay, I’m coming… Just one thing first. Greta: Wha-
He cuts her off with a kiss. He meant for it to be quick, but something about the contrast of her warm mouth against the cold sends a surge through his body, and he pulls her closer.
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…until they’re rudely interrupted by a snowball.
Phoenix: Oh, you are going to regret that! Morgan: How else was I supposed to get your attention? God, is this how you two are going to be the whole time? Phoenix/Greta: Probably!
Morgan screams as Greta picks up a handful of snow and starts running after her.
The three of them join the rest of the group at the cabin, laughing and out of breath.
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lynzishell · 1 year
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~*~Last night in Mt. Komorebi~*~
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lynzishell · 1 year
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~*~Back to Life~*~Back to Reality~*~
Back home from Mt. Komorebi, Phoenix falls into routine and one day bleeds into the next. He gets his grades up to an A, gets promoted to Fry Cook at work, and spends any free time he has with Greta and their friends.
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lynzishell · 1 year
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Phoenix arrives at his new school. As he stares up at the building, with cliques of students chatting out front and making their way inside, he can’t help but wonder why the hell he agreed to come here. He could easily drop out, earn his diploma online, and move on with his life. Tempting…
For now, he makes his way inside, looking for the main office.
“Hey Phoenix!” calls the familiar voice of his new friend, Aurelio. They haven’t seen each other since the day in the park. They’d somehow forgotten to exchange numbers.
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Phoenix: Hey, man, how’s it goin? Aurelio: Oh y’know, another day in paradise. This is my friend Morgan. [Morgan waves distractedly while glancing around, clearly looking for someone else.] Aurelio: So what’s your first class? Phoenix: Not sure yet, I’m supposed to meet with the principal to g—Morgan: SOPHIA!!! Over here!
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They are quickly bombarded with squeals as a blur of blonde hair rushes over to tackle Morgan.
Aurelio: Aha, and this is Sophia.
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Morgan: Soo?? How was it? Did you LOVE it? Sophia: It was fucking amazing!! It was so hard, I literally played until my fingers bled, but it was fucking amazing! Oh my god Aurelio, you would’ve loved it, I wish you could’ve come. Morgan: I’ve missed you so much! You need to tell me everything! Sophia: Yes yes! I’ll fill you in… but first, who’s your friend and why is he looking at me like I’m a crazy person? Phoenix: I’m Phoenix, and I actually have to run. I still need my class schedule. I’ll catch up with you guys later!
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Aurelio: Way to go, Soph, you scared him off! Sophia: oh whatever [laughs]
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Phoenix makes his way to the principal’s office around the corner. As he steps inside, the woman behind the desk stands to greet him. Mei: Mr. Realta, I presume, come on in. I have your paperwork… here we are. This is your class schedule, along with a map, and this will be your locker and combination. Unless you have any questions, I’ll let you be on your way. Phoenix: I’m good. Thanks.
Pleased with how quick and to-the-point the meeting was, he made his way to his locker to check the combination before heading to his first class.
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As usual, the first day was pointless. As the teacher drones on about expectations and schedule of exams, he’s already plotting how to get out of this tiny, boring town. He’d need to get a job. He has some money saved, but not enough to get him far. If he had a job, and the money for a down payment, would Julian co-sign for him to get a studio apartment in the city? He felt the one thing holding him back was being too young to sign a lease, and he still had six months before he turned 18.
His thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the bell. Lunch time, finally.
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As he makes his way into the cafeteria, he spots Aurelio and his friends from this morning.
Morgan and Sophia are deep in their own conversation as he takes the seat across from Aurelio.
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Phoenix: So, is there anything to do in this town? I’m going stir crazy over here. Aurelio: Usually, no. People hang out by the thrift store in town, or out at the pier sometimes. Buuuut… I did hear there’s a party at the Bluffs tonight, if you’re interested. Morgan: Seriously? Sophia: Yup! It’s nice out there today. Storm rolls in tomorrow so it might be our last chance for a while. Aurelio: You in? Phoenix: Yeah, I’m in!
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Just then someone takes the seat next to Phoenix. He’s immediately annoyed by how close the guy sits next to him, clearly trying to make a point as he leans in.
Wolfgang: So who’s our new friend? Phoenix: I’m Phoenix. [hoping to convey his irritation in his tone]
Wolfgang chuckles to himself, but Morgan interrupts him before he can speak.
Morgan: What do you want, Wolfgang? Wolfgang: Easy… y’know, Morgan, we used to be friends.
Morgan rolls her eyes.
Wolfgang: I overheard you guys talking about the party tonight. I’m collecting money for supplies if you want to pitch in. Morgan and Sophia: (in unison) We’re good. Wolfgang: What about you, Penis? You want in?
Phoenix smirks, there it is, the push… ok, more of an annoying nudge… but it was enough. But just as he’s about to speak, Aurelio reaches over and hands Wolfgang a twenty, throwing him off.
Aurelio: Here. You can go now. Wolfgang: Why thank you. I can always count on you, Leo.
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As Wolfgang walks away, Morgan and Sophia are staring daggers at Aurelio.
Aurelio: What? Easier than trying to get it myself. Sophia: Oh, you’re trying to get it, alright.
Aurelio just laughs, leaving Phoenix thoroughly confused. He’s clearly not in on whatever joke this is. But the bell rings before he can try for any explanation.
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Poses by StarrySimsie, rebouks, Simmerianne93, SamsSims
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lynzishell · 1 year
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Phoenix: So, I haven’t had a chance to ask you about that song you and Soph played last night. Aurelio: Ahh, that was nothing. Phoenix: Please, that was not nothing. That was incredible. You guys wrote that? Aurelio: Thanks... Yeah, we like to get together and write songs sometimes for fun. She’s been helping me with singing too.
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Sophia: Don’t let him downplay it. I swear he has no idea how talented he is. And, for the record, all I’ve done is give him a couple of technical tips I learned over the summer. He’s always had a beautiful voice. Aurelio: Ahh, you’re gonna make me blush. Sophia: Well, it’s true! If anything, he’s helped me to be better. I never would’ve written my own songs before we started working on them together. I went to this intensive music program over the summer, and it was amazing. The only thing that would’ve made it better is if Aurelio could’ve come with me. Phoenix: Why didn’t you go?
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Aurelio: Ahh, let’s just say my parents aren’t as supportive as hers… well, my mom isn’t. What’s funny is she’s the one who forced me into piano lessons as a kid. Now she says I “waste too much time” on it. Phoenix: That’s ridiculous. Aurelio: Tell me about it! Y’know, I was terrified when I told her I was bi. Turns out, she was perfectly fine with it. But when I told her I wanted to go to music school after graduation, she nearly fainted. Phoenix: Oh wow. Aurelio: Yup. Phoenix: Wait, so you play the piano too? Aurelio: Yeah, that’s what I really love, honestly, is writing songs on the piano. Phoenix: You should play something! There’s a literal piano right there! Aurelio: Ah, maybe later. Phoenix: Alright. So, what’s this music school?
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Sophia: San Myshuno Music Institute. You're still applying with me right? Aurelio: I don't know. There’s no way I can afford the tuition, and my parents certainly aren’t going to help. Sophia: I bet you could get a scholarship. Or worst case, student loans. Aurelio: That’s easy for you to say. Your parents will pay for yours. Sophia: Ugh, Phoenix, help me out here?
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Phoenix: I mean, it’s not really my place to say what you should or shouldn’t do.  But, if this is what you really want, I don't know, it's at least worth applying, right? Not to mention, I wouldn't mind having a friend in San Myshuno. Aurelio: We’ll see. It’s complicated.
Phoenix pats Aurelio on the back as Sophia sighs.
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