sophieinwonderland · 9 months
There was one more smear post that's been spread around that I need to address.
The first two points of this post aren't really that relevant. One is being mad at me for identifying as a tulpa and defending myself.
Another accuses me of spreading misinformation which is too vague to even bother arguing since people can call anything they disagree with misinformation.
Pretty usual stuff.
The third point though...
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If anyone has seen this and would like further context for this supposed harassment campaign, here are the details.
(Assuming this isn't someone else who I don't know about.)
There was a system who started making posts making various attack posts about me, I think around last February. These posts ranged from callout posts accusing me of being transphobic or racist or dangerous to reblogging sysmeds who were arguing against my posts, including one that this system tagged by telling me to get banned.
All in all, when I counted at the time, I think my name was mentioned on their syscourse blog over 80 times in about six months. (CTRL+F is nice.)
This wasn't even including vagues. These are just mentions of my name.
During all of these callout posts and personal attacks, do you know what I did?
I ignored them.
When they reached out to try to talk to me to convince me to change my evil ways after that... I ignored them more, because I'm frankly not interested in hearing someone out who spent months attacking me personally and telling me to get banned.
Then I blocked them.
They, upset by this, made a callout post on their positivity blog telling their followers to block me. Then reblogged that to bump it several times. (I may be wrong about the timeline here. Maybe this came before me blocking them, while I was just still ignoring them. I can't remember exactly.)
As of that time, they had posted attack after attack after attack against me. I hadn't interacted with them or said anything bad about them directly at all, or so much as mentioned their names.
The so-called "harassment campaign" was me making, I don't know, maybe 4 or 5 posts in total (including responding to anons who asked about it) after a pro tulpa user they @'d was temporarily banned following a callout post they made that @'d that user... a user who had them blocked at the time.
They took issue with me calling their attacks against that user attacks, and falsely said I accused them of reporting the banned user user. (In reality, I was clear that I didn't know if they were responsible and didn't want to accuse them of falsely reporting, but I do hold them responsible in that the ban likely was triggered by them @'ing the other blog in an attack post. A blog which they knew had them blocked.)
I also said that I didn't understand why someone would tag an account that had them blocked unless they were intending to point harassers in the direction of potential victims.
I can't for the life of me understand why they felt the need to tag an account that had them blocked. Generally, the point of tagging an account is to send them a notification to let them know they were mentioned. But that doesn't happen if you're blocked. In fact, not receiving notifications from users is kind of the main point of blocking. So... what was the reason for tagging the blog that they were blocked by other than putting an easier target on their back so any potential harassers would be within one click of the blog? Because I can't think of a single one.
In that user's subsequent response to this, after reading this and hearing me explain why you shouldn't tag users who have you blocked, they tag me and link to my posts, while fully knowing I blocked them. Which at least feels to me like an intentional and malicious decision.
Me: There's no reason to tag someone who has you blocked except to send harassers at them. Person I have blocked: Everyone, look what @sophieinwonderland said about me!
I also didn't "send my followers after them." I did end up mentioning their names (again, after literal months of them talking about me on their blog by name). But I didn't tell people to go harass them. Nor did I link directly to their posts or blog.
The Harassment Campaign
So, who was harassing who here?
If me making a small handful of posts that mention someone's blog name is harassment, what are the dozens of time my name was mentioned on theirs in posts attacking me?
What are the callout posts about me?
Or going beyond this user, the entire #Sophiecourse tag???
I don't care to rehash old drama, nor do I care about the particular user. It's water under the bridge, and I barely even think about that incident or them anymore. I actually genuinely hope they're doing well.
But I do need to comment on the sheer hypocrisy of the OP and anyone buying into this narrative that a few mentions of someone who made multiple callout posts about me by name, called me dangerous and transphobic and told me to get banned, is somehow me harassing them.
The sheer cognitive hypocrisy of the OP is wild.
And this also applies to their own post too.
If saying a couple negative things about someone is harassment...
I genuinely wonder how they would feel if I had that person's name in my pinned, making sure negativity about that user is the first thing anyone who clicks on my blog will see, telling everyone who follows that individual to not interact, while making lists of reasons I don't like them.
I genuinely don't care if certain people hate me. I don't care if people want to say bad things about me. I expect it, in fact. Anything you say that goes against societal norms will cause controversy. I'm not here to please everyone.
But at least grow up and stop being hypocrites about it.
I'm sick of the double standards on display, where attacking me is normalized and encouraged, and if I say anything about someone, even someone who attacked me first, they claim I'm harassing them.
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