#sorry I feel like I kind of didnt fully hit the mark on your prompt I just got really Really into this motif lol
for writing prompts, I've always been a sucker for character studies, and I thought the contrast between John's very reserved routine where he was just cooped up in Kenwood vs. Paul's "king of swinging london" lifestyle post-touring years was very influential in their dynamics later on (think this was discussed in the Rob Sheffield ep. of AKOM), and dunno if it's your preferred kind of writing style - but I always loved the inner voices you gave each of them in ILTY, so would love your take on it!
inspired by you calling Paul a king instead of prince, which is the word I've seen more often :) this didn't end up being about their dynamic exactly and I went sort of off the rails in terms of style lol, but I hope you still enjoy <3
Diarchy ~1.1k words
(from Greek δι-, di-, "double", and -αρχία, -arkhía, "ruled")
“One day, you four will be bigger than Elvis,” Brian told them.
John can still recall Paul’s chuckle.
“Sir, that’s very kind of you and we are sort of brilliant, but no need for false flattery.”
Brian Epstein, immediately taken with Macca’s charm, which the leather trousers and greased hair only superficially concealed, broke into a smile.
“Believe me, I am not in the business of false flattery.” Then he locked eyes with John, with a stare so disarming it reaches across time and space and sends shivers down his spine right now, as he lies in bed, searching for motivation to get up.
Bigger than the King —  every day, it’s getting harder to deny it, John realizes, as he pulls the covers up to his chin. Only, at some point, perhaps when he came face-to-face with Elvis himself, all of it – the money, the recognition, the power – became meaningless to him. Now, all he feels is the unimaginable weight of the crown, pulling him down and tightening around his brain, the burden of his medals squeezing his heart and making it ever more difficult to breathe.
Christ, does he want a cigarette right now.
Once again, his stubborn laziness has been defeated by a debilitating craving. John crawls off the king-sized mattress, so large that some nights he isn’t sure Cyn actually shares it with him. After putting on his glasses, he dons a dressing gown, which hangs off his shoulders like a royal mantle.
He is like Louis XIV, he thinks, slowly walking down the steps of Kenwood. He’s been reading a lot of history books lately, one of the only activities he still seems to enjoy, and the parallels haunt him. Here he is, in his closed-off palace, sequestered away from the capital and, whether intentionally or not, from life itself.
Here comes the Sun King, he thinks, floating into the kitchen, where Cyn sits at the table.
He is like Henry VIII, he thinks, rather off-handedly at first, simply in-keeping with the theme of over-indulgent regents — before falling into a minor spiral over what this comparison means for his current marriage.
He may have a son, but he is more and more becoming convinced that what he needs, his wife cannot provide.
He is like King Solomon, glued to his throne and writing his songs; apparently an authority on love and God even, appointed by birth, that is to say, by rotten luck. People come to him, seeking his wisdom, for they have dubbed him “the Smart One”, even whilst he spoils his sense of self, dropping acid and hallucinating three hundred concubines.
He is like Tutankhamun, the fallen Pharaoh; doomed young, buried in gold and treasure, the mask he wears remembered in lieu of his actual face.
How he longs for someone to finally open his crypt; how he fears for whomever might stumble upon it and suffer his curse.
*   *   *
Bigger than Jesus, Paul thinks, stepping through the gate at Cavendish Avenue. He doesn’t know why John’s misquoted words are in his head at this hour. It is so late that the street lanterns are dark and not a single fan is there to greet him.
As he comes down from the various highs of the evening – the party, the art, the coke – he finds himself contemplating the comparative.
“You’ve really gone and done it this time, haven’t you, John?” he remembers saying, his best friend half-smirking at him, in an attempt to cover up his profound fear of the disaster he had caused.
“Didn’t say ‘bigger’, did I? Wouldn’t’ve been wrong, though, if I had…”
Paul, unable to keep up his frustration for long, smiled.
“And what does that make us, then?”
John’s eyes glinted.
“Kings of King of kings.”
It’s overwhelming, Paul thinks, entering his quiet townhouse, while remembering his wild night — the celebrations may end, but the music playing in his head never does. Most moments, he is thankful for it, drinking up experiences and ideas alongside the free-flowing booze, but some dark minutes like this one, he wishes for peace; the kind he found so easily as a child, content to daydream on the back seat of a bus.
Everyone wants to speak with him now, everyone wants his consideration and stamp of approval, but the worst part: Paul wants everything, too. He’s not sure when it happened, but there is a looming sense that he’s walked past some point of no return, and he now feels a hunger inside him that will never be quelled.
Paul shakes the rain off his umbrella then hangs it up on his mahogany coat hanger, lifting it as if it were a sceptre. In the dim light, his silk shirt gleams like battle armour, like the glistening personality he has learned to put on when surrounded by crowds.
He is like King Arthur, he thinks, making his way toward the garden for one last smoke before bed; he’s been revisiting stories from his childhood as well as ones he never got around to, in an attempt to understand better. Although he tries desperately to re-distribute the reign he was bestowed with evenly across his Round Table, he will never not be the stand-out sovereign among his peers.
He draws a ciggie from his pack like the sword from the stone.
He is like Alexander the Great. He has built an empire atop another, once thought undefeatable, all before the humble age of thirty. He longs to herald in a new era of cultural sharing, and the fact he does indeed hold the power to do so is tantalizingly terrifying.
He is also plagued by a foreboding that the instant he gives in and lets himself relax, he will drop dead and with him his dominion disintegrate.
Although he tries to stop himself, Paul thinks he may be like the emperor from Andersen’s tale, clad in nothing before all his intimidated subjects. After all this time, he has never quite been able to shake the feeling that he is secretly embarrassing himself and, one day, a few words coming from the most ostensibly innocuous of sources will bring his entire kingdom down.
He is like Odysseus, King of Ithaca; so intoxicated with the thrill of adventure that he may never find his way home, all the while watching those around him give in to their fleeting desires or the whims of wily tricksters, only to pay the ultimate price.
And when it’s been this long, who at home might still be waiting for him to return? Who will grieve?
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legion1993 · 5 years
together forever!
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AN: this is another piece for @icantlivewithyou for her 800 followers challenge! enjoy! ps. sorry about the long beginning i kinda lost track of what i was doing with the story... but it still works...
Prompt 54 “Let’s forget about destiny.”
pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
summery: there isnt one...
another year had come and gone, hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry was one of the best things to ever happen to you, the best decision your parents ever could have made...
 over your years you mastered every spell you were taught, you learned spells to use in your daily life... you were favorite amongst all your teachers... 
well all except Snape but then again he really didnt like any student that wasnt in Slytherin, and even then he sometimes rarely tollerated them... as extra credit you were one of Hogwarts spell tutors...
 meaning basically you were the only student brave enough to tutor the students who needed extra help with their assignments. let me give you a hint as to which house had the most trouble with staying focused... 
thats right it was the Slytherin house... meaning you a Ravenclaw were the only ravenclaw dumb enough to say yes to the job... even for extra credit the other ravenclaws wouldnt do it...
but the only slytherin that stuck with the tutoring throughout the years was Draco Malfoy... he was dashing but fraternizing between houses was frowned upon, i mean if it happened it happened no one would dare stand in the way of soulmates...
 about a year ago to this day you and Draco had met outside of school. you were in diagon alley when he found you in the book store, you went to the 3 broomsticks to meet privately... 
to get a head start on some of the paper work for tutoring.. both you and Draco had turned 18 within a week or 2 of eachother... 
this was one of the reasons Madame rosmertta didnt say anything to anyone about you 2 being there together. she handed you 2 a complementary birthday butterbeer, and went back to her regular customers... 
Draco: “that reminds me i made you something... its just something i happened to make when practicing some art spells... this is to say thank you for not giving up on tutoring me...”
you watched him place a small box on the table in front of you, with the tap of his want he made appear a glass figurine of your house crest... you picked it up and held it...
 YN: “Draco i’m impressed you found a talent that you enjoy... well done... i am grateful for this token... all i got from my family was a fully paid 2 years away from home. just me myself and i... in a magic community just outside of paris...”
Draco: “kind of like a place of your own type thing... when do you move in?”
YN: “supposed to be going to check out the place over christmas break... did you want to come with?”
Draco: “so long as no one sees us that we know, we should be good... i’ll just tell my parents that im doing some travelling over christmas break and that im not coming home, that im doing some soul searching...”
You could only smile as Draco held his glass of Butterbeer towards you...
Draco: “to our final year at Hogwarts...”
YN: “may it shine supreme...”
you clinked your glass with his... thats when both of you felt it, a burning into your arms, it was like an instant connection... something that had slowly been building over the years. 
Draco moved closer to you, your secluded location now hiding your unforseen passion. 
Draco: “whats happening?”
YN: “i dont know its almost like we are magnetized...”
Draco: “its like a new string of feelings.”
your hands at that moment became intertwined.. it was like the force of 2 magnets being forced together, but the connection broke when a familiar voice broke the room...
Lucius: “Rosmertta, business is good i presume...”
Rosmertta: “its fine lucius, what can i do for you today?”
Lucius: “im looking for a place to host a private function is one of your rooms available...”
rosemertta had to think for a moment she knew you and Draco were back there... she made something up on the spot...
Rosmertta: “let me just go do an inspection of one room thats just come available... ill be back in a jiffy to bring you back there...”
lucius as impatient as he was, wasnt gonna argue with rosmertta... she came back there to where you children were and did a sound proofing spell on the room...
rosmertta: “you both need not be here right now... boy your fathers out there... flash yourselves someplace else far from here... ill cover your scents... ill also not tell anyone you were here...”
you both thanked her, grabbed all your things, holding hands you both thought of a different place, far from there... you guys wind up in an alley near the london station... you look at Draco as he does you, both of you searching for something that is there but shouldnt be...
Draco: “can i walk you home? or do you have to be home?”
YN: “i dont have to be home right away but i sense you wanna talk about what happened back in the 3 broomsticks...”
Draco: “can i try something?”
you nod unsure of what it is that he wants to do, at that moment it hadnt hit you... till he popped both of you to a room he had rented in the leaky cauldron, thats when he wrapped his arm around your waist slowly, he moved his other hand to cup your cheek, your body was starting to react... 
thats how it started, the sneaking around, the lying, the keeping it a secret from everyone. except for a few weeks in summer when draco would come to your secret place and stay with you, he also was kind enough to help you move some of your stuff... 
the start of the school year...
YN: “our last first day of school like ever... how the hell are we gonna survive next year...”
Hermione: “i dont know but if anything it will be awesome! when is the first quidditch game of the year?”
You had to think about that for a moment but as you were thinking you heard a voice like a whisper in your ear...
Draco: “meet you in the quidditch house i wanna talk to you about the upcoming game schedule...”
you didnt reallize it but you now had a goofy smile on your face...
Hermione: “okay spill girl!”
YN: “spill what?”
Hermione: “whats with the goofy look on your face?” 
you had to recompose yourself... you turned to Hermione and smiled lightly...
YN: “so for my birthday my parents got me a all expense paid 2 year home away from home type thing... they want me to experience my own world away from them for 2 years...”
Hermione: “what thats amazing! and congrats again on the big 18 i cant believe we will all graduate from here at 18.. but that smile on your face was one of a love struck girl... is there something your not telling me?”
YN: “no girl if i was in love with someone dont you think i would have told you by now...”
Hermione only had to think about that for a moment for she knew as well as you that there wasnt anything you girls wouldnt tell eachother. 
Hermione: “okay ive gotta go meet the boys ill see you for whats our first class together?”
You pulled out your class list and smiled...
YN: “potions... but right now i gotta go get changed and meet Draco at the quidditch tent, he is captain for slytherin he wants to discuss the game schedule or something...”
Hermione: “please be careful dont let that dick wad walk all over you... we will see you in potions... love you...”
YN: “love you too...”
you stalked off to your dorm to place down your bags, and get into your quidditch gear, making sure that you are not seen too long by many, but seen and marked as arrived... 
you headed down to the field. you arrived at the captains tent to find only one other captain signed in currently. you knew the other captains werent as worried about quidditch on the first day... but with Slytherin and Ravenclaw teams being the only 2 teams to ever make it to the semi finals for the wizarding world champs... 
lets just say that was part of yours and Dracos ploy to get to spend time together. sneak a few moments here and there... but this was the captains tent the one that ravenclaw and slytherin teams have shared for decades.
you entered the tent after sound proofing it... and smiled lightly at the sight of Draco all comfy on the lounge chair...
YN: “hey...”
that was all you had to say, Draco laid his eyes on you and got off of that chair so fast you didnt have time to blink... you also really didnt care... it was kinda fun sneaking around... 
Draco cupped your cheek and kissed you ever passionately... he knew that there was a very slim chance that you werent feeling the same way he was...
Draco: “god that train ride was dull and long... it would have been more fun if you had been beside me...”
YN: “i know but we have to keep up appearances... who has the practice field first...”
Draco: “hufflepuff... we have the evening slots...  which i guess is so they dont interferee with our afternoon classes...”
YN: “i can see if i can swap my slot with Gryphindor so i can put my tutoring slot this evening...”
Draco: “i guess my girl has 1st and 2nd years that also need help...”
YN: “yep my tutoring list is already growing and most studentz have only taken 1 or 2 classes by this point...”
that of course is when the earth shook... both you and Draco pulled out your wands searching for anything to be the cause... thats when you both recieved a fire message... because you both were also your house prefects... you both popped over to just outside the great hall where students and teachers were gathering... 
both you and Draco were called up front with the other prefects and teachers..
McGonigal: “teachers we need to try and keep the students calm... prefects your task is to keep your houses in order... Dumbledore and a few other teachers have gone to see about the school barrier... if its what we fear the school is about to be under war.. we have also sent owls to all the families of the normal and first year students... alerting them of the situation... they will have the option to pull their student home if they desire...”
Draco: “professor, what or who exactly is attacking the school?”
Mcgonigal: “death eaters... followers of you know who... now everyone to your stations and brace yourselves... and prefects keep in contact... leave all quarrels and bickering at the door... right now everyone in this room friend or foe is allied...”
the great hall where many a banquet and dinner and ball party whatever type of event was or had been held... the room this year was set up so from left to right it was Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryphindor & Hufflepuff... 
so over the last year and a bit, you and Draco could steal a few stolen ‘bickering’ exchanges... you two had developed a kind of love-hate relationship for the public eye... the daily prophet one year had a rivalry photo between your 2 houses... it was a huge deal... 
anyway back to the matter on hand. after settling your Ravenclaws down, your other prefect went to sit at the other end of the table as Draco now came to sit across from you. he noticed you putting your head in your hands and the pannic setting in, he decided that instead of sitting on his side he would come and sit beside you.... ‘pretend to be friendly’
Draco: “are you okay, YN?”
you turned your head slightly and shook your head, you were beyond scared right then you didnt know what might come out of your mouth...
YN: “no im not... what if your father is out there? are you really prepared to face him?”
Draco: “well i mean if it comes down too it yeah, but it will be alot harder for us to keep you know what a secret from the effects of whatever curse they decide to throw at any number of us...”
YN: “i know thats what i’m afraid of... i mean we have kept us a secret for almost 2 years... i think the world deserves to know...before everything goes to shit...”
thats when Draco got up and walked over to mcgonigal..
Draco: “excuse me professor but i think i know exactly what inspirational speech to give right now... may i?”
Mcgonigal: “of course mr malfoy...”
Draco stepped up to the podium and cleared his throat, thus making everyone in the room turn their eyes to him.
Draco: “we live in a world today where voldemort and his death eaters think they have a spotting chance at ruling both the wizarding world and the muggle realm... this is why hogwarts and other schools were started to train the younger genration of witches and wizards alike in the art and practice of magic. but today we are gathered for a different cause, our school is under attack, but i know we have all seen a change in the last few years here within these walls, within our lives, within our houses, we never cease to amazing ourselves and eachother. but one thing that has amazed me over these past few years, is how amazing YN of ravenclaw is... you know what she sits over there at the other end of her table because she exhausts herself every single damn day. tutoring, being a prefect, leading the ravenclaw qudditch team, and still going to her regular classes. YN you have changed my life in ways i can’t express in alot of words but i have several little words now that will change both of our lives... may all of you bare witness to this momentus moment. for if we live through this tragedy we will be in a time of celebration.”
Draco comes around the podium and stands on the stage in front of you...
Draco: “YN, lets forget about destiny, lets forget for a moment that we are under attack, or surrounded by our peers, lets pretend that its still summer and we are hiding in a alley way outside of london station hiding from my father, lets forget about what the world already thinks of us, and show the world what and who we can be together...”
this earned all the students and all the teachers to put their eyes from you to Draco as you now stood up to Draco’s getting down onto 1 knee...
Draco: “YN will you marry me?”
you started walking towards him slowly...
YN: “Draco you changed my world too, i was a little lost before you came into my life, i knew that there was something there from that first day till that day a year ago when we talked without hesitation or speech impediment, or stuttering or any barriers... i know a different side of you as you do me... i guess what i’m trying to say is: Yes of course i’ll marry you!!!”
the entire great hall bared witness as you ran up the stage and into Dracos loving embrace, tender arms holding you close, his lips then passionately kissing you with a joyous noise erupting from the entirety of the room. then Draco used his new found arts magic skill to forge you on the spot a diamond ring, he slid it on your finger and the kissing continued...
you guys were interrupted by several teachers including your house teachers and several others, then approached by your partner prefects, and your head boy/girl... then you were approached by Ron, Hermione, and Harry... 
Hermione: “YN girl, what i mean how, i mean when... i mean you said you werent interested in anyone...”
YN: “we wanted to make sure we were gonna last first before we told anyone... we have been sneaking around, and making excuses, making up little white lies, taking no small moment however small for granted...”
Harry: “well Draco i guess if YN ends up with anyone i suppose i should be happy she ended up with someone who wont break her heart...”
Draco: “ya well i know if i did that she would kick my arse... so im gonna avoid that...”
Ron: “i suppose i agree with both hermione and Harry but i guess i should add that its a good thing your both 18 now right...”
You and Draco looked at eachother and smiled...
YN: “yep during the summer within a week or 2 of eachother...”
Draco: “thank you all of you for supporting us... i’m sure...”
just before Draco could finish his sentance... the windows of the hall were blasted open... Draco you harry hermione and ron all crouched and huddled together, then looking up at the sound of a voice speaking from the smoke entering the room...
Lucius: “oh my my my what is happening here... it looks like a bunch of marry ment was going on...”
thats when Lucius spotted Draco and how defensive he was of you... then he noticed the ring on your finger...
Lucius: “boy get away from that girl.. or i swear i will beat you with my belt son...”
Draco: “never you cant make me...”
this made everyone clear out of the way... this was a wizards stance... kind of like 1,2,3 shoot... except it was cast your spells and see whose wins... Draco and you already having your wands ready prepared your shots...
Lucius: “Avarda Kadarva...”
Draco: “impedimenta..”
YN: “imperio...”
Lucius had his aimed right for you and Draco...
Draco Aimed his right at his father  that slowed him right down.... long enough for your spell to hit lucius and point him and one of the death eaters... 
this was the start of the great Battle of Hogwarts as well as your new journey of life with Draco... but thats another story for another time...
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