#sorry I had to say it
puppy-thoughts · 24 days
ⓘ This user is a drool freak
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aemondsmoon · 1 year
my favorite head canon is that Aemond rehearsed the dinner toast and was like yes I’m gonna make a dramatic pause before i say strong.
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kdsburneraccount · 3 months
Klay to mavs the day after pride month ended what does this mean
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hot-tea-gardenparty · 3 months
I think this needs to be said.
Colin and Penelope are characters. Luke and Nicola are real people.
Characters cannot be hurt by the words we fans say, characters can be who we want them to be in our imaginations, characters can be the chess pieces in our minds story.
But for real people --- none of that applies. Luke and Nicola are both human beings with their own dreams, desires, goals, and romantic partners. We as fans have NO SAY in who they choose to love and spend their private time with.
They are not Polin. Polin are the characters they portray and it is best to keep this separated from their real lives.
Luke and Nicola have insane chemistry and what appears to be a true close friendship. And that is perfectly, 100%, absolutely fine. We are so lucky that they are friends and have been so open with us throughout this entire PR tour. We fans have been spoiled rotten by them.
Now, how about we give the respect and trust they gave us, back to them.
TLDR; don't be a dick ❤️
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tiktok tlou fans/tumblr ellie williams fanfic writers are such gooners, mischaracterizers, oversexualizers, and need to stay away from my babygirl rn
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graceofgondor · 6 months
extremely controversial opinion but no thranduil (movie) was not a good father or king
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calamitoustide · 3 months
pricefield are so lilylene
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etoilesbienne · 1 year
i like tubbo truthing bbh as a slut he's not human we dont even know if he has hole
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queenwille · 5 months
are we ever going to mention that the whole mayhem at american colleges isn’t actually about israel or pal? or even religion.
i mean the cultural appropriation sure is there with the trendy keffiyahs or the say Kkkhamas with a Semitic accent, but honestly? y’all are just fighting your government and authorities by testing the limits before your elections for many internal social and financial issues. they won’t call it by its name as always, so it’s much easier to do it through the cute mess that’s currently trending.
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gendrsoup · 2 years
Tumblr media
A funky little gay thief, I'm assuming.
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perpetualperpetratory · 5 months
nsft warning (wasn't really expecting to have to say that) -
robert moans passive aggressively and i cant get it out of my head i want to laugh at him but hes still hodt
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forsakenmissives · 1 year
everyone laughing cuz doyoung sings back 2 u so serious well imagine you had a job and you worked really hard to get that job and this is a job you have to go to everyday except small problem your ex is at that job and that should be fine cuz you work in it on floor five and he works in sales on floor ten but no you have the exact same job also his cubicle is next to yours but this is a progressive office so it's not cubicles it's just a couple big tables with rolling chairs and you try to sit at the table he's not at but he comes to sit right next to you and he refuses to move so you guys keep brushing thighs. you've broken up with him eight times married him and divorced him twice and any time there's a work dinner the next morning you wake up in his bed. goddamn. you are not going back fr. in fact you're not going back back back back back i ain't runnin back to you
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loserboyfriendrjl · 2 years
unpopular opinion but tall marlene and sirius supremacy
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silverpiwon · 10 months
Something that is completely baffling to me is homophobic kpop fans. Especially western homophobic kpop fans.
I can kinda grasp why korean fans would be like this (not because i think all koreans are inherently more homophobic, god forbid) but just because they’re more used to to the industry and the “flower boy” archetype so they might have different expectations from idols
But western kpop fans a lot of the times come from societies where the idol image isn’t really one of the options. In this case new kpop fans actively choose to get into a pretty niche interest full of men who don’t fit the traditional masculine mold.
And the thing is this isn’t even a traditional mold for korean men because idols aren’t really typical korean men. These are guys who consciously choose an artistic career where they know they’re going to wear heavy makeup and shiny costumes and dance and sing for a living.
I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics of being a bigot but choosing to support an industry full of men who don’t allign with your beliefs (i don’t include female idols cause they do in a lot of ways allign with the western ideals of femininity)
They know what they’re getting into yet they freak out when an idols wears a dress or something like that. Especially cause a lot of idols express open minded beliefs. I have no idea how homophobes still feel welcomed in the community
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gezellig · 11 months
people who can’t talk about taylor and travis without mentioning joe are so fucking annoying. y’all get one paparazzi photo and immediately start comparing everything to make joe look bad. i promise y’all she didn’t stay in a 6 year long relationship if she didn’t actually like him.
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eulchu · 1 year
straight up i think the only reason foolish moved to nc is because karl got to him first when asking him to move, because you know if punz had thought foolish was willing to move he wouldve been convinced to move to florida easily (this is not karl /neg, this is nc/neg)
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