#sorry I'm really mad I just finished an argument with someone and made the mistake about caring about an online argument
neverendingford · 8 months
#tag talk#the whole “egg prime directive” thing is so dumb. like.. yeah sure if you go “hey you're trans” then yeah you're dumb#but like. you can encourage people to explore and interrogate gendered life experience without being an idiot and assuming gender experience#the prime directive shit gets read as “protect questioning eggs” or whatever when imo it should get read as#read as “don't assume someone's gender journey is the same as your own (you dumb idiot)”#anyway I think this is why I've really avoided explicitly queer spaces online. tangentially? sure I love that shit#but the amount of blind shortsighted people making assumptions. ughhhhh#I always have to remind myself to keep it specifically hating what people do not what they are because it's easy to just drop into#drop into being like “ugh those dumb trans people” when I'm literally one of those dumb trans people. but like. idk.#every time I go on trans reddit I regret it because I just leave five minutes later like “wow everyone is stupid and I hate them”#genderqueer struggle when everyone is like “being trans is about these five things” but you don't match because you're a separate individual#and it's like ahh cool thanks for defining the transgender experience in such a way that it marginalizes trans people.#this will have no negative consequences whatsoever#sorry I'm really mad I just finished an argument with someone and made the mistake about caring about an online argument#sometimes people need encouragement to break out of their gender restrictions. sometimes you can be the one to validate someone's questions#done just stand back and watch someone struggle and say “oh it's for the best if we don't interfere”#anyway. I'm gonna go play some minecraft
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little-corritrice · 5 months
James Phelps - Arguments
It was currently 1 am, and me and James were driving home. He was frustrated and took it out on me, making me mad. It was raining pretty hard too, making it all the worse. He pulled over though, just to be safe. "Listen to me! You're only mad because of work. Don't take it out on me!" I yelled, hitting the dashboard. "No! You never listen to me! Maybe I should just find someone else that listens!" He yelled, but fell silent after. I looked at him hurt, not expecting him to go that far. I scoffed before looking down, my tears falling endlessly. "Fine. Go find someone else." I scoffed. I grabbed my stuff, and got out, slamming the door.
My anger and sadness drove me to get out and start walking away in the rain. I heard the car door open, then felt an arm holding me. "Where are you going?!" He asked, with a stern voice. "Away from you. You said you'd find someone else anyway." I seethed, yanking my arm away and continued walking. "y/n! I'm sorry! Okay? I didn't mean it. Come on!" He continued pleading, walking behind me. I turned around and pushed him away from me. I glared at him, while he just looked shocked staring at me. He looked like he just had the shock of a lifetime with a mix of hurt.
I was still glaring, clenching my fists. "You don't get to do that. Don't try to cover up your mistake. You should have never said that, no matter how mad you are." I said, my voice slowly wavering. "I get your mad, but don't start yelling at me. I am trying to help you. I have been with you for over 30 years. I have stuck with you from before school till now. So, don't you dare say that I don't listen to you!" I broke down, clutching my shirt tightly. "I'm sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have said that to you. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me, but please get back in the car." He pleaded, sitting on his knees now. I sighed, and made my way to the car. I opened the trunk and got us some extra clothes. I got in the backseat, and quickly changed.
After we got changed, the rain had settled a little bit, so we started driving back home. Once we reached home, I got out, slamming the door and walked inside without him. He stood there and sighed. I got in the shower and quickly finished. I got out and dressed in some pajamas. I heard him down in the living room, talking to himself. But I didn't stay to listen. I went to my little library, and sat down by the big window, and stared at the rain falling down the glass.
I heard a soft knock, but I didn't need to look to know who it was. "Love? May I talk to you?" He asked softly. I turned towards him, and turned away. He took that as a yes, and sat on the ladder I had. "Look. I'm sorry. What I said earlier was stupid, and should have never been said. I was frustrated and took it out on you. I know you have stuck around, and I am really grateful." He said, his voice wavering at the end. "I am so sorry that I said I should find someone new. I don't want anyone new. I only want you. You are my entire world and I can't imagine it without you. So please, don't leave me. I love you too much to lose you." He finished, crying his heart out.
I quickly got up and rushed to him. "I'm not leaving, Jae. I know you didn't mean it. I was just shocked and hurt it came out of your mouth. I'm not going anywhere, so stop crying. I love you too much to leave." I said, hugging him tightly. "Let's go lay down." I suggested, pulling him up. He looked at me, and grabbed my cheeks softly. He leaned down and kissed me, his tears falling on my cheeks. I kissed him back, holding him close. Once he felt satisfied, he pulled away. He gave me a soft smile, before kissing my forehead. I smiled back, rubbing his back.
Once we were cuddled in bed, the silence was comfortable. His soft heartbeat was enough to make me forget what happened. It reminded me that no matter what, he still loves me. I snuggled closer at the thought. He hummed out, holding onto me. "I love you so much. Please don't ever leave me." He whispered, pulling me closer than I already was. "I will never leave you, no matter what. I'm here to stay by your side through thick and thin. Promise." I said, kissing his neck. He sighed out, my words staying in his mind as we both fell asleep with the rain.
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babyybitchhh · 4 years
This is the anon who commented about yami! I didn't like nozel at first but I can't lie, he kinda grew on me and he's fine asf. I couldn't look at magna in anyway until I saw him with his hair down. Now I'm like 👀👀👀. More than anything, I just want yami to ruin me. Spank me and call me a good girl pleaseee
Yami was BUILT to be daddy. So strong, so rough around the edges but with a big soft heart, so beefy 💗🥴💗
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Words: 3937
Warnings: daddy kink, alcohol, drunk fingering, vaginal fingering 
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27172960
You probably should have known better than to start drinking with them. No, not probably. You definitely should have known better.
Hindsight was always twenty-twenty though, and you could see now just how grievous a mistake it had been to accept Vanessa’s invitation without stopping long enough to consider the consequences but, well ... she was one of the only other women in the squad and she seemed to like you well enough. You wanted her to keep liking you, of course. So you’d foolishly jumped at the chance, far too eager to be included in this decidedly unorthodox team bonding exercise of theirs.
The Black Bulls were, by nature, sufficiently rowdy enough on their own but adding alcohol to the mix only seemed to fan the flames. They were the very definition of unruly. Clothes had been shamelessly discarded, more cigarettes smoked than you would have thought possible, arguments over nothing at all turned heated with alarming frequency only to be immediately forgotten and you, you were stuck in the middle of it. Thoroughly lost in your own world and floating serenely through the hazy bog of consciousness without a second thought to what chaos was going on around you.
It was kind of nice, actually. Liberating.
“Remember, ya’ gotta’ have at least three matching pairs to discard,” Magna reminds the assembled party as he quickly deals out a fresh hand. “Or you can do the same suit if ya’ want, but it has to go in order. No incomplete sets.”
The worse for wear table everyone had initially gathered around started off cramped, a tight fit for so many people and with little elbow room to spare. As the night wore on, however, most of the plucky squadron had gradually called it quits and retired until eventually only four remained. You were proud of yourself for outlasting the others but you also knew just how in over your head you were with this particular group. Yami could likely drink anyone under the table and Magna appeared to keep up with him just fine. While Vanessa didn’t exactly hold her liquor well , she could certainly put it away. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that you were on your last leg here even if you were, for all intents and purposes, having a good time.
“Alright, lets see what ya’ got.”
Feeling simultaneously as light as a feather and sluggish under the weight of heavy, invisible chains, you slowly flip your cards over. It was hard to tell which way was up anymore, especially when your inner vertigo was so off kilter. You were warm, too. Almost unbearably so. Clammy in the worst possible way and you teeter forward in your chair, struggling to focus your swimming vision on the cards spread out in front of you.
It was a shit hand.
Grumbling under your breath, you distractedly tug at your clothes. A soft, fitful whine claws its way up your throat when it does absolutely nothing to alleviate just how stiflingly hot you are and, in fact, only seems to make it worse. You were absolutely burning up and this card game was its own special brand of torture, you decide with nothing short of woozy contempt.
“What the hell’s your problem?” Yami asks mildly from his spot beside you.
He was infuriatingly collected despite having consumed even more alcohol than you had, guzzling down mouthful after mouthful while you’d taken your time sipping on the fruity concoctions Vanessa made special just for you. You’d lost track of how many cups he’d emptied quite some time ago but you were still only on your third. It didn’t make sense. How were you so damn tipsy already?
“Hot.” You groan, not bothering to look up from what was possibly the worst hand you could have been dealt. Letting Magna shuffle the deck was, unsurprisingly, yet another mistake to add to the ever growing list.
Turning his head, Yami glances over at you and you catch the movement from your peripheral but still refuse to divert your attention from the cards. Maybe if you just stared at them long enough, hard enough, they’d morph into something you could actually use. You weren’t a magic knight in name only, right? Surely your grimoire was good for something .
“You’re drunk.” He suddenly announces, loud enough to make Vanessa whip her head around.
“M’not.” You grumble.
The inebriated witch inserts herself into the fray before you can respond, wrapping slender arms around your shoulders and pulling you in against her bosom. “Awww, honey! Did’ju really like my drinks that much?” She coos at you sweetly. “I wasn’t tryin’ to get you drunk. Promise.”
“M’not drunk.” You insist, louder this time, much to Vanessa’s giggling amusement.
Heaving a clipped sigh, Yami leans across the table and taps your cards with a thick finger, slowly drawing your attention back to them. “I’m not saying I don’t believe you,” He says around the cigarette in his mouth. “But someone who isn’t piss drunk would probably know better than to lay their hand out on the table like this. Do you even know what game we’re playing right now?”
Mouth tugging into a frown, you wrack your muddled brain for the answer to that question. “Go fish?”
Magna inelegantly snorts at that. You can feel yourself starting to flush in embarrassment as Vanessa begins fussing over you, softly petting your head with murmured, nonsensical endearments. She definitely wasn’t helping matters and you sincerely hoped none of them could see your fluster.
Yami doesn’t seem to miss it though and he purses his lips, pinning you with an unimpressed glower. “That’s what I thought. Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re officially cut off. No more booze tonight, okay?”
Both you and Vanessa groan in unison. Your head immediately starts to spin in earnest now and you slump against the other woman even as she grabs your drink and holds it up to you as if she were bottle feeding a baby. The notion that she might accidentally dump it all over your head when she was just as intoxicated as you doesn’t even cross your mind and you obediently open your mouth to accept her offering.
“Come on, captain! At least let her finish her dr-drink first! I worked really hard to -”
Yami cuts across her babbling with a huff, standing and grabbing hold of the cup so he can pull it away despite Vanessa’s best attempt to keep it in her fumbling grasp. You watch it go, feeling an odd mix of disappointment and relief. The giddy, jovial mood you’d been imbued with was nice, yes, but realistically your body probably couldn’t handle much more. It was likely for the best.
“Just knock it off.” Pointedly setting the drink down towards the center of the table, Yami turns back with a furrowed brow. “Are you trying to kill her or something? What all did you even put in that?”
Vanessa hums a noncommittal sound of guilt, winding a strand of your hair around her finger.
He scoffs and moves closer with an accompanying shake of his head. Your heart gives a little jolt when you realize he’s coming towards you, not Vanessa, and you can’t help the anxious tinge that sparks in your chest. He was probably mad at you for getting so drunk. He looked mad. You didn’t want to be on the receiving end of one of his lectures though and you lean further into the softly swaying witch next to you in search of protection.
Much to your faltering surprise, however, Yami’s tone sounds closer to exacerbated than angry when he says, “Alright, brat. C’mere. You get to sit with me for the rest of the night so I can keep an eye on you and make sure someone doesn’t try to sneak you anything else.”
You blink, thoroughly confused, and it feels like even something as simple as a muscle twitch takes a small eternity to accomplish. Yami either doesn’t notice or he doesn’t care though.
Shooing Vanessa away, he bends at the waist and curls big hands under your armpits, hauling you straight up out of your seat. You outright squawk, flailing weakly in Yami’s grasp when you suddenly find yourself much further from the ground than you were used to. But your panic lasts only a terrifyingly brief moment and you relax when he draws you close, allowing you to curl your limbs around his thick frame. With a slight jostle, he adjusts his hold and secures you to the front of him. You instinctively nuzzle further into his arms, drunkenly whimpering as you tightly lock your elbows behind his neck.
“You’re no fun …” Vanessa whines on your behalf.
He clicks his tongue. “I’m thinking ahead. You’re not.” He says, those rumbled words reverberating inside your skull and further grounding you by some margin. “But if she gets sick, you’re the one who’s gonna’ clean it up.”
With that admonition, he moves back to his own chair and sits down again. It takes you a moment to get situated on his lap, still unbearably hot and fussy now after forcibly being removed from the fun. The last thing you want is to look like a lightweight in front of your teammates but he finally stills you with a large, mindful hand against your lower back. The silent warning in that innocuous gesture is enough to make you quit while you’re still ahead and, mewling something unintelligible, you press your warm face into his neck so you can settle in to pout.
Magna says something then, successfully distracting Vanessa from the subject, and the game carries on without you. The three of them don’t seem to mind the loss one bit as they seamlessly pick right back up where they’d left off.
It's hard to shake the feeling that your presence at the table was nothing more than an afterthought to them, or maybe a simple nicety, and it stung a little. There was no denying that. But you were much too hazy and disoriented to linger on it for more than a moment, molding yourself to the firm weight against you and going pleasantly slack in Yami’s arms. He was surprisingly comfortable, given his hard physique. A little too warm for your liking when you already felt swelteringly hot, but ultimately comfortable.
The even rise and fall of his broad chest is almost enough to lull you into dozing off right then and there with your head resting on his shoulder. Yami’s rough fingers tracing nonsensical, soothing patterns across your spine is the only thing that keeps you tethered to reality and you sit there, eyes closed, just listening to the slurred conversation going on at your back. It sounded far away now. Muted, as if your ears were stuffed with cotton, but you didn’t mind that too much. Magna was loud enough when sober and even worse when he was drunk.
A long moment later, Yami removes the cigarette from his lips and turns towards you when the other two start bickering about the validity of a certain card sequence. “How you feeling, squirt?” He asks, pressing his mouth against your hair.
“Good.” You murmur dreamily.
He laughs, very quietly, and gives you the briefest squeeze. “Yeah? You’re deadweight, baby girl. Sure you’re not gonna’ pass out on me over there?”
With a soft click of his tongue, Yami focuses back in on the game. The hand resting on your back slips lower, inconspicuously giving your behind a playful tweak that seems to go unnoticed by the table's other occupants given that they keep talking without pause. Magna would more than likely look away, politely pretending he hadn’t seen it, but Vanessa … if she’d caught so much as a glimpse, you’d be hearing about it right now. That was at least one reason (of which there was many) why what you had with Yami, whatever it was, still remained a secret to the rest of the squad even though it was probably a miracle they hadn’t caught on already, especially when he was so damn handsy with you.
Normally you’d err on the side of caution for that reason alone but you felt just daring enough to give him little push back. Emboldened by the liquid courage sitting hot and heavy in your stomach, confident that he wouldn’t have initiated this had it not been safe to do so, you discreetly roll your hips into him. The drag of your pussy across the front of his pants makes your breath hitch and he stiffens underneath you. That’s all the reaction you get for your trouble though, prompting you to lift your head from his shoulder and lean close to Yami’s ear.
“ Daddy …”
It’s nothing more than a tiny, breathless sigh but the effect it has on him is instantly noticeable. Steel chorded arm tightening around you, he breathes out a terse exhale and pulls you more firmly against his chest until you can scarcely breathe. A wavering puff of air slips from you as your thighs flex around his waist, silently trying to urge him on. It doesn’t work though and a shudder works its way down the length of your spine when he turns towards you again, growling right against the outer shell of your ear.
“Watch it.”
You whine, bucking against him more insistently. “ Nooooo .”
Yami snorts and swivels his attention back around to the cards clasped in his other hand. Pressing your face into the crook of his neck, you take a deep breath until the naturally heady scent of him swarms your senses like a fragrant, masculine cocktail. You can taste him in the back of your throat and it just makes you want him all the more.
Another wiggle of your hips is all the incentive he needs, calloused fingers slipping further down to grab a pinching handful of your ass. Roughly nudging you to sit a bit higher up on his thighs, he reaches lower and snakes his hand under your skirt. You squirm at the first touch against your panties, whimpering softly into his skin. Yami merely tightens his arm around you as he ever so carefully pulls the thin layer of cotton aside just enough to slide those sinfully long digits past the flimsy barrier.
“Spoiled brat,” He murmurs fondly, just loud enough for you to hear. “Already so damp and needy for me.”
You bite down on your tongue to keep yourself quiet, shuddering when he casually traces the length of your slit with abrasive fingertips.
Magna abruptly cackles about something and the sudden noise makes you jolt. Yami, to his credit, remains perfectly still though and merely waits a torturously long beat before continuing in rumbling hushed tones. “How long were you sitting over there in your own mess, hmm?”
“I - it’s not a mess.” You warble into his shoulder, your cheeks flushing hot.
“Oh? This certainly feels like a mess to me …” Pausing, Yami dips a finger into the meat of your labia and the slick quality of your pussy suddenly makes itself known. You hadn’t noticed until now, either because you were too caught up in your inebriated stupor or simply too focused on pouting to pay it any mind, but you were absolutely soaked. It wasn’t exactly surprising. Your body always responded eagerly to being manhandled by the captain but even this seemed a bit excessive.
Whining low in your throat, you decide you don’t want to play this game after all and try to angle your defenseless little cunt away from his searching hand. But Yami puts a stop to that quickly enough and shifts his legs further apart, forcibly spreading your thighs until you can’t find the leverage needed to wriggle out of his hold. You lip quivers when he takes advantage of this vulnerable position to worm a finger into the tight, squeezing heat of your body, gummy walls contracting around the intrusion with a pleasant flutter. It takes everything you have not to throw your head back and unabashedly moan up at the ceiling.
“Can’t you feel that, baby? You’re so wet I didn’t even have to work you open.”
Hiccuping, you shove your face against Yami’s neck again. “Dah - daddy … please .”
“Shh.” He warns even as he starts up a slow pace, sedately pumping into you. “Keep quiet or I’ll have to stop.”
As if on cue, Vanessa says something to him then and Yami effortlessly diverts his attention to the slurring witch as if nothing about the situation were out of place. You dig your nails into the broad expanse of his shoulder blades and bite back a groan, suddenly feeling ten times hotter than before. Even with all your concentration focused on keeping as still and quiet as possible, you find yourself imperceptibly arching to give him better access to your sticky cunt. It was certainly a blessing in disguise that she was just as drunk as you were, otherwise she might have given the whole thing a second thought. The way you were sitting on his lap. The smallest twitch of your hips to accompany the shallow quality of your breathing. It was so obvious what you two were doing. How had they not noticed already?
The table.
Neither Magna or Vanessa could see over it unless they came around and stood right next to the chair. You were essentially safe from the waist down and a fresh spark of confidence alights throughout your whole system with this realization, doubling and then tripling your arousal. It was still risky doing something so brazen right in front of them but you were just drunk enough not to care.
Loins twisting and curling, you carefully rear back to meet his shallow thrusts. You’d never felt more uninhibited in your whole life. “Oooh, daddy,” You whisper, choking on it. “Right there.”
Yami doesn’t miss a beat, easily keeping up with the conversation as he allows a second digit to slide in with the first. You feel the stretch in your bones and you quietly seeth, lashes fanning against the apples of your cheeks when it pushes you to just this side of discomfort. Even being as wet as you are, his fingers were just too thick for your eagerly clenching passage to accommodate them without some resistance and you hedonistically bask in the searing burn. It felt good. Almost good enough for you to lose yourself to the pleasure but, somehow, you manage to keep your wits about you instead of shamelessly writhing in his lap.
You may as well have thrown caution to the wind though. Discretion hardly mattered anymore. You already felt like a blatant little slut and the shock of how much that turns you on has your pussy drooling obscenely all over Yami’s hand.
“Hah - harder, daddy … nnghh, harder, please.”
Rather than obliging, he actually pauses his ministrations and you quietly mewl at the loss of friction. You squirm on top of his muscular thighs and desperately try to fuck down on his digits, panting like a bitch in heat against the captains neck. He shifts underneath you, says something to Vanessa that makes her direct a chiding tone at Magna. Their bickering starts up again and with the rise in volume, Yami gives his wrist a good twist that shoves his fingertips into your upper wall. Static electricity shoots through your system at the sudden pressure on that pulsing sweet spot and the tension in your gut immediately starts to toe the line of unbearable.
Your mouth drops open in shellshocked ecstasy but nothing comes out. It’s hard just to draw breath when the dizzyingly sharp jolt of arousal has your toes flexing uselessly in the air and you tremble, quaking in his arms. Unperturbed by the effect this is having on you, Yami takes his time caressing the velvety soft lining of your insides with sedately smooth motions. Those worn fingertips gradually curl up in the general direction of your belly button and press in deeper, harder, making your cunt absolutely gush around him. You weren’t going to last much longer at this rate.
“Oooh god !” You gasp, clutching him in a death grip.
Turning your head, you press your cheek against Yami’s shoulder and fix your gaze to a random spot on the far wall. The room looked like it was tilted on its axis - - spinning, spinning, spinning - - and all you can do is whine and shake when he scissors his fingers, making more room for himself within you.
You weren’t just overheated anymore. It was as if you’d caught flame, burning from the inside out, and it only gets worse when he flexes his hand, jabbing at the spongy soft spot again and again.
A choked off squeal rises in your throat, just barely held back by tightly clenched teeth. You’re almost positive you can hear the greedy, slopping clicks of your pussy sucking him in deeper just below the surface of the enthusiastic argument going on behind you but they don’t seem to notice. They just keep shouting back and forth at each other, oblivious to what was going on at the other end of the table. You have no idea how you’re getting away with this - aren’t even really sure if you will get away with this when all is said and done - but that’s the very last thing on your mind anymore as you haltingly roll your hips into the blinding pressure.
“Ah - ahh - d - dah - ahh - ddyyy !”
“Do it.” Yami murmurs, his mouth pressed tight to your ear. “Come now , baby. Do it while you have the chance. Come on.”
Your eyes roll back in your head and you give your pelvis one good little twist. The drag of your throbbing clit across the front of his rough pants is the last push you need, the resulting friction searing your veins. It sends you spiraling right over the edge into doped out bliss and you squeak, jerking against him when full bodied tremors grip you in earnest and make you shake.
Riding out the cresting waves as discreetly as you can, you blink back an onslaught of reflexive tears. Your pussy squeezes tight, milking your orgasm on his fingers, even though the effort of forcing yourself to remain quiet nearly breaks your resolve. But you manage, somehow, to breathe through it even as your hips weakly buck in unmitigated pleasure, subduedly twisting in his arms. It felt like you were drowning in it, choking on immense, all encompassing relief.
But Yami doesn’t immediately let up on his concerted attack, continuing to work you over until the spasms start to subside and you whine in frazzled distress. Digits finally stilling inside you, he offers a brief kiss to your hair and it makes you breathe out a tired sigh. You immediately slump, going boneless on top of him, now even clammier than when you’d started. The sweat clinging to your skin has you feeling worryingly damp but you were also satiated and comfortable. It was an acceptable tradeoff, as far as you were concerned.
“Such a good girl. You even managed to stay quiet for me. I’m proud of you.”
Smiling at the hushed approval in his tone, you snuggle further into Yami’s musclebound frame. You were floating on cloud nine, no longer concerned about being removed from the card game; not when the pleasant afterglow and the reassuring presence of your captain - your daddy - had you feeling so at peace. There would always be a next time.
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bnhababyyyy · 4 years
Bro’s before that kinda bro part 7/??
A/N: HGIsioNGIEO Thank you for waiting!!! 😭😭This chapter was incredibly hard to write LMAOOO but I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you for your support!!😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Your room was filled with this tooth grinding silence. You were so used to the laughter and conversations you had with Todoroki that this silence stung. You didn't realize how much of an effect he had on your sleep pattern, now it took hours to fall asleep without him.
You wished the two of you didn’t talk about everything because now everything reminded you of him. Unwelcome memories would wake you in the middle of the night and make you cry yourself back to sleep, and tonight was one of those drench your pillow in your tears kind of night’s.
You gave him so much and it felt like he gave you the bare minimum as a friend. You opened your heart up and tried your best to improve your relationship only for him to not care. Ever since the trip ended Todoroki didn’t try to resolve anything, he passed you in halls and acted like he didn’t even know you. You wanted him to talk it out but he ignored every text and call you sent, the two of you had gotten so far in your relationship you didn’t expect him to drop you so fast.
Lately you have been passing out in the middle of a break down and waking up to a soaking wet pillow. Tonight’s breakdown went way longer than usual, to the point where you were falling asleep by the time your alarm rang. You jumped awake to the sound and moved out of your bed, you were too exhausted to think and not ready to deal with today’s drama.
As soon as you and Jirou returned to school, Midnight pulled you both to the side and explained what your punishment was for sneaking out so late. The two of you were in charge of cleaning the classroom before and after school for a whole month. 
You and Jirou still hadn’t made up after all that time, the tension from the conversation of that night (which was over a week ago) still hung high. Since the two of you were too stubborn to apologize and move on, you would both work in this stiff, awkward silence. 
When you arrived at the classroom you were shocked to see Kaminari with cleaning supplies instead of Jirou. You couldn’t help but stare at him until he noticed you. “Kami? What are you doing here?” 
He looked surprised. ”You’ve been cleaning too? Why didn’t you ever tell me!?”
Ever since the trip, you and Kaminari didn’t talk about anything that happened the night of the dance and made a silent agreement to not tell the group either. The both of you did your best to act like he never confessed and you were on good terms still, but being alone with him and no need for filters felt unnerving. 
You shifted your attention to grabbing a broom. “Did you get caught sneaking out?”
“Yeah, I was too busy crying to notice any teachers sneak up on me.”
You choked. Guilt slammed into your gut as the memory of that night flew into your mind. “Kami I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to-“
“No I was kidding. It’s fine, It wasn’t all your fault.” He flicked your nose. “I got in more trouble for going off on Midnight though. So now I gotta clean three classrooms a day.”
“Really? How long have you been cleaning?”
“I dunno…” he checked the time. “For like two hours! I mean it’s not that bad since I can clean whatever classroom I want but no one told me you were cleaning in here.”
Before you could respond Jirou walked in. You and Kaminari both whipped around to see her standing at the doorway with her eyes switching between the two of you.
“What’s he doing here?” She asked, avoiding eye contact with Kaminari.
“Oh he was caught too. Don’t worry I’m sure we can finish fast!” 
When she didn’t say anything the room got incredibly quiet. 
“Uh good morning Jirou!” Kaminari said, to try and fill the silence but Jirou only scoffed making the silence hit harder. She obviously didn’t like you talking with Kaminari but you ignored her attitude and went back to cleaning, you didn’t feel like dealing with any drama at the moment. 
As you cleaned Kaminari would constantly ask if you needed help. Which was fine until he asked “Do you need help with that?” for the twentieth time that day. You found it getting awkward. Each time he asked how you were doing Jirou would flinch and glance at the two of you. It was hard to not notice and Kaminari’s obliviousness to it set you on edge. 
Eventually you got so caught up in your thoughts that you accidentally knocked over a glass jar but when you tried to save it you instead got cut by the shards that bounced off the floor. You hissed as soon as you felt the air hit the cut, a burning sensation coursed through your hand quickly. Kaminari ran to your side in a split second, already cupping your hand in his.
“Woah- you okay!?”
You retracted your hand from his when you felt Jirou’s stare on you. “No I’m fine! I can just get a bandaid later, let's finish cleaning!”
“Are you crazy?” He pointed to the cabinet in the back of the classroom. “I can’t just leave you here to bleed out. Sit down, I'm gonna find something in there.”
As Kaminari looked for a first aid kit, Jirou approached you with a clean napkin. You were shocked, you didn’t think she would help at all.
Jirou only shook her head as she adjusted the napkin on your cut. “How are you that clumsy?”
You felt your shoulders loosen up. It was kind of nice having her not ignore you, although she did kind of insult you, you felt a smile begin to form on your face. This was the most interaction you have had with her the whole week. So you would take it.
Kaminari approached you with a first aid kit and immediately got to work on healing your hand. Jirou kept her distance from him by sweeping the glass while he applied the disinfectant and wrapped the bandage. You felt awkward having so much attention on you, it was only a small cut but they were putting so much care into you, (Even if Jirou was kind of mad) you felt like it was a serious medical procedure. You hoped everything would work itself out soon so you could all return to the way things used to be.
But that might not happen for a while. When Kaminari finished he did something you didn’t expect him to ever do in the presence of Jirou. Or just in general because you thought that maybe he had some sense in him. The man was completely oblivious to everything, of course something like this would happen. 
“Yeah be careful with your hands, they might not be as soft if you keep being so clumsy.” Then he,
Pinched. Your. Cheek. 
You held down a gag. The moment of softness and ease was immediately snatched away. Jirou looked  hurt as she tied up a garbage bag. Why would he say that? Why would he do that!? Especially in front of Jirou? He must have realized his mistake when Jirou threw the bag to the floor and stormed out the room in an instant. 
You and Kaminari stared at the doorway with your jaws to the floor. 
“Kaminari what the hell was that!? You know she still has feelings for you, why did you do that!?”
Kaminari raised his hands in defense. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make her mad! It just came out before I could think about it!”
“You can’t just...” You groaned into your hand, trying to calm your nerves. “Kami, you can’t just make flirty jokes like that in front of the girl you just rejected! The whole day you asked if I needed help instead of her, I'm sure she was already pretty pissed off!”
“I know, yeah, it’s just hard to think about other people when I still- you know…” Kaminari’s eyes drifted to the floor.
Right. You forgot he still had feelings for you. “Yeah, I know I get it.” You looked him in the eye. “Just keep your boundaries, don’t flirt with me like that in front of her or like in general, you know how I feel.”
He paused, his expression turning sour. “I don’t know how you feel, we haven’t properly talked about this. And I don’t know where our boundaries are, I kinda never knew where they were in the first place.” 
“What do you mean you never knew where they were? When did we ever touch each other’s faces like that? I don’t remember you showing any romantic gestures before you confessed.”
“What? I’ve always done that kinda stuff, and you've done it to me too.” He held his hand out. “You would always hold my hand and rub it and stuff, how is that not a flirty gesture.”
“Kaminari I do that with my other friends too!” 
“Oh really, like who?” 
You paused, racking your brain for any proof to back you up. You didn’t want him to be right, it felt like there was someone on the tip of your tongue who you held hands with all the time. Then it hit. The only other person who held your hand from night to morning, when either of you were struggling, whenever they just felt like it was,
“Todoroki…” you groaned.
“Exactly.” He nodded. “You only did that with the guy you liked and me. So how can that not be considered a flirty gesture, I thought you only did that with the people you liked!”
You were taken aback, you never thought he saw you holding his hand as a romantic thing. But if that did look like one, then it explained why so many people thought you two were dating. You couldn’t remember if the two of you even flirted that much, everything past the night of the dance was hazy.
You sank into your chair. “Ok, yeah, I get what you mean. That does seem kinda flirty when you put it that way…” You inspected your palm as you thought about how much damage a simple hand hold could bring. “Should we just stop hanging out then, I mean what do we even do?”
“What, no way! We just gotta set up some new boundaries.” He pulled a sheet of paper from his backpack and tore it in half. “Write down stuff you don’t want me to do anymore on the front and stuff you do want me to do on the back! I’ll do the same for you.”
You reached for the paper and continued to stare at him. The two of you would get into stupid arguments alot, but your relationship would always get stronger in the end. This made you a little happier than usual, yeah he was a bit of a pain but he always tried his best to salvage your friendship in different ways.
As you thought back on the past week you realized how ridiculous it was for you to be scared in confronting him about his confession. No matter what, he would always come back and you felt beyond grateful to have a friend like him.
“Hey what are you crying for!?” Kaminari‘s hands almost went to your face, but just as quickly retracted. You ran your sleeve over your wet face with an awkward laugh. You didn’t even feel any tears running down. (You were probably a little too used to crying)
You waved him off, beginning to write away your new set of boundaries for Kaminari.
By the time class started you were forming a plan in your head. You were going to fix all of the relationships that went haywire on the trip, you were not going to sit in your self pity anymore you needed to move on! You doodled your plan out on your worksheet.
Step one: you would talk your problems out with Jirou and discuss how you two would move on from that night.
Step two: You knew Kaminari didn’t want his relationship to be so bad with Jirou, he probably wanted the two of them to be friends again, so get those two to communicate somehow!
Step three:.....
Your pencil hovered over the next step. The only other person who you had to make amends with made you squirm. You silently freaked out as you went over how and where you would approach him but every scenario ended with him still unhappy with you. You just wanted him back in your everyday schedule, and you were sure you could do it, but you needed to figure that out later, right now focus on friends.
You decided to text the group chat you made with the girls that didn’t include Jirou. You sneakily pulled out your phone as the teacher went over a lecture and typed away.
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That was it. She didn’t say anything else, but left it very ominous like. You glanced over to Momo but she only sent you a wink before typing away on her phone, not texting your group chat but someone else it seemed. You tried to switch your attention to the lecture but Todoroki caught your eye.
He wasn’t looking at you, or anything actually, he was propped up on his hand falling fast asleep. Todoroki didn’t start napping in class until after the trip. He seemed more exhausted than normal, he would answer questions wrong when called on, he zoned out when others talked to him, and would have slower reactions during training.
Midoriya and Uraraka constantly talked about how zombie-like he had been since the trip and it worried you. You shouldn’t be because he was a jerk that night, but you couldn’t help it. You still cared for him. 
The sound of the bell snapped you out of your thoughts and you began packing away your things. You were feeling a little nervous for whatever plan Momo had created but you tried your best to calm your nerves. You just hoped her plan would make everything go back to normal.
Mina called for you as soon as you left the classroom, with Uraraka and Momo by her side. “(Y/n)!” She grabbed your hand. “Come here hurry hurry we need to grab a table before anyone else does!”
“Oh okay, what’s the plan going to be?” You asked.
Momo piped up beside you as you all rushed through the halls. “So I took a bit of your plan into consideration, but instead of lying to everyone…” you all turned around a corner. “I decided to tell them to meet up for group therapy! So now they all know what they’re coming into!”
You cocked your head. “All? How many people were affected during that trip!?”
“Oh don’t worry, the only people getting counseled are you, Kaminari, Jirou, and Todoroki!”
You gasped. As soon as you heard his name you tripped, nearly pulling Mina down with you. “Wha- You invited him too!?”
“Who, Todo-“
You slapped your hands onto Momo’s mouth making her go quiet. “Yes him! I thought it was only going to be Kaminari, Jirou, and I! What if he… does something?”
“Aw don’t worry. We’ll  all be here for moral support!” Uraraka said. “I'm sure the two of you will probably leave the cafeteria with an even stronger relationship than before!”
Momo nodded peeling your hand off. “Yes, I hope you can get your frustrations out! He’ll understand what you‘re feeling this way.”
“Guy’s c’mon let's hurry it up!” Mina said.
You nodded, feeling dazed as they settled into a table. You appreciated the girl's optimism but it didn’t change the fact that you were still terrified. You felt your heart get caught in your throat while you had this mixed feeling of queasiness and butterflies, just thinking about him activated too many bodily reactions.
You didn’t know if you were ready to talk to him yet. The imagery of him looking disgusted that night continuously flashed in your head over and over. ‘What made you think I wanted you to do that’ the words he said repeating in your mind as the girls talked.
Uraraka asked something but you accidentally tuned her out. “I’m sorry? What’d you say?” 
“I asked if you were okay.” She gestured to your hand. “You’re shaking.”
You hid your hand under the table. “Oh, yeah I’m fine just uh… nervous.”
“Oh, take deep breaths with me!”
“No it’s fine! I’m just a little nervous.”
“Shhh! Just copy me!”
You watched Uraraka as she closed her eyes and took meditative breaths, studying her breathing pattern. Inhaling for a few seconds, holding, exhaling. Inhale….hold....exhale. You slowly closed your eyes and let your worries slip out of your mind, only focusing on your breathing. You were about to get into some heated conversations, you needed something to help calm your nerves and this was it. You felt much looser now than when you first came in.
“That was actually kind of nice. Thank you.” You said.
Uraraka smiled back, looking quite pleased with herself. You began hearing the table gain a few more people, the rest of Bakusquad were beginning to sit at the table. When Kaminari spotted you he walked over to you.
“Hey, are you doing meditation or something?” Kaminari settled into the seat next to you. “I didn’t know he could stress you out without even being here!” 
“Oh shut up,” You slapped his arm. “You’re telling me you’re not nervous? Even when Jirou looks like she wants to strangle you everyday?”
He shook his head. “No way, I’m more hyped since I can yell at Todoroki with an excuse!”
“If that bastard tries to do anything snarky I’ll just kill him at this point.” Bakugou leaned back, letting a few sparks pop from his hand.
“I appreciate the violent gesture Bakugou…” You said.
Kirishima patted Bakugou’s shoulder and leaned back as well. “What he’s trying to say is that we’ve got your back in case he starts being a jerk.”
“Which he often is.” Kaminari coughed.
You rolled your eyes. Your friends figured out when you were out of your zone and somehow knew how to cheer you up (even if it involved threatening your crush). Confidence began to flow through you. You could probably confront him with your friends and get a better hold of your emotions.
As you all talked Jirou came in and chatted away with Momo, completely ignoring you and Kaminari. Time passed as you all changed subjects and casted quick glances to Jirou. You were all waiting for the last person and you couldn’t help but check the time every few seconds. It had already been ten minutes into lunch and Todoroki was a punctual person, you wondered what took him so long. Eventually the rest of the group started to share your thoughts.
Uraraka took out her phone and began dialing. “I texted Todoroki but he never responded,” She turned away from the noise. “I'm gonna call Izuku and ask where he is, you guys should start though!”
Momo clapped her hands together. “That’s fine we can just solve their issues for now! You guys ready?”
You had a gut feeling that Todoroki wouldn’t show up, and with Bakugou’s angry expression you were sure he had the same feeling. Disappointment filled your chest, it felt like he wasn’t trying anymore and it sent a bitter taste down your throat. You wanted him to try and no matter how much you denied it, it felt like a one sided relationship right now.
“Yeah sure let’s start.” Jirou said.
“Great!” Momo exclaimed. “So let’s start with some basics, what happened on the trip that frustrated you?
“Oh that’s easy, Kaminari rejecting me.”
“Uhm it would be Todoroki rejecting me too.”
“Todoroki showing up.” Kaminari said.
You casted him a sideways look. Joking around wasn’t going to get you guys anywhere. “Dude, be serious.”
“I am being serious. If it wasn’t for Todoroki none of this would have happened.” he mumbled. 
You cocked your head as confusion flooded through your mind. You thought the both of you dealt with your issues earlier that morning, you didn’t understand why he decided to bring it up all of a sudden. “He’s not as bad as you make him out to be though 
“Are you kidding? The dude doesn’t care about anyone other than himself!” his tone got more serious. “He would try to be here if he actually cared about you.”
“Todoroki sucks at times but so do I. You keep talking about him so negatively he has bad days like anyone else, I’m sure we're going to make up soon enough.” You tried your best to keep a stable tone, you wanted to believe it but it was hard to do that when Kaminari sounded so accurate to your thinking.
“Why are you so desperate for him?” Jirou piped up.
You paused, your eyebrows furrowing deep. Did you hear her correctly? No, you couldn’t have. “What did you say?”
Momo tried to intervene between you two to stop the conversation from going downhill but you waved her off. You wanted to hear what she had to say.
“I mean you’re all over that guy all the time. Even when he's not here.” She glared at you. “Didn’t he reject you?”
“Jirou why are you being such a jerk? You’ve been so rude this whole week and you’re getting more and more passive aggressive each day.”
She rolled her eyes. “How can I not? The two of you pull stunts like this morning so much it feels like it was done on purpose. I’m not being a ‘jerk’ I’m just pissed off.”
“Same thing!” You threw your hands up. “Look, I’m sorry about this morning but it was not done on purpose, it was just Kam and I being stupid at the wrong time.”
“That is such a lie. You knew he didn’t like me and you wanted me to confess so I could look stupid.”
“Jirou! I didn’t know he liked me until he confessed that night! Nothing was planned!”
As soon as you said that the table let out many gasps and stared at you with their jaws to the floor. You looked over to Kaminari whose face went completely red but you didn’t know what you said that was so crazy. “What’s wrong, what did I say?”
“When did Kaminari confess to you!?” Kirishima leaned over the table, looking at the both of you.
You facepalmed, you forgot that the two of you were trying to keep that a secret. 
Bakugou scoffed. “I knew there was something up with those two all along. They were being too damn weird.”
As Uraraka began a rant about how she was right and you were wrong, you and Kaminari both shared a mutual embarrassment of having your secret loose. You felt sweat pinch and roll off your skin, the tension on the both of you physically burned. 
You were so busy with Jirou you hadn’t noticed that you had revealed your secret. She was trying to drag this conversation but it continued to go into circles. You wanted her to understand that the both of you were not intending to hurt her but she just let her insecurities continue to get the best of her.
“I warned you!” Uraraka pointed at you. “I knew he was going to do something, I just had a gut feeling ya know?”
Jirou nodded. “See everyone knew he liked you. It’s impossible for you to not know it too, it’s such an obvious lie.”
“Jirou, that makes no sense. Just because they knew doesn’t mean I believed it, I only see him as a friend. I mean me and him even set up boundaries for each other!” You felt like you were going to lose your mind. She was dragging this thing on for too long and it all made no sense.
“Yeah Jirou, I’m sorry if it looks like we’ve been pushing you too far. We could maybe make a list of boundaries for you too.” He motioned to his backpack.
“I don’t want to make a list of boundaries! Knowing how you are you’ll probably break them.” Jirou snapped.
Kaminari looked hurt but before you could yell at her for being insensitive Uraraka put her hand on Jirou’s shoulder. “Ok, I think that’s enough. Jirou you’re letting your insecurities get the best of you, I know my friends they wouldn’t do anything manipulative like that. You need to calm down.”
Mina stepped behind Jirou. “Yeah, I mean they should have told us about the confession a long time ago!” She glared at the both of you. “But they wouldn’t ever try to be mean on purpose, I’m sure of it!”
Jirou looked down at the table. She looked seriously in thought, maybe considering the words they were speaking to her. “I just find it hard to believe that-”
You stood from the table. You were not going to listen to her go on another rant about how everyone was against her, you were not in the mood for it. At this point she needed to trust her friends because you couldn’t give anymore reassurance.
“I’m going to lose my mind, I’m this close to throwing my drink at you,” sounds of your friends' protests went your way but you waved them off. “I mean I’m not! But I’m only going to apologize for this morning, everything else is just a conspiracy you made up in your head. I don’t care if you’re angry, just don’t take that out on me.”
The two of you stared at each other, her eyes were unreadable. You couldn’t tell if your words got across to her, but either way you didn’t care, you needed a break. As the two of you stared at each other the bell interrupted your thoughts. You sighed out of relief and walked to class with Mina and Uraraka, Momo wanted to stay back with Jirou.
“I’m really sorry about Todoroki!” Uraraka said. “I didn’t know that he wouldn’t show up at all.”
“No it’s not your fault at all! He sucks and you shouldn’t take the blame for him.” You pinched her cheeks.
Mina wrapped your arm into hers. “Don’t worry, he’s being a jerk but I’m sure the two of you will make up. I mean he looks at you in class all the time.”
You choked on your spit going into a coughing fit. What was she talking about? Everytime you made eye contact with him he would glare you down. He avoided you and your usual route to class, he hadn’t acknowledged you at all what was she talking about?
“Don’t tell me you don’t see that! He looks at you so much I’m always sure you would notice him.” Mina continued.
“I don’t think he could have been looking at me… maybe he was daydreaming in my direction?”
Mina and Uraraka gave you a funny look before shaking their heads. As soon as you entered class the memory of lunch and Todoroki left your mind, all you could think of now was the lesson about ribs and how to not break them. Something about how you have three sets of ribs… blah blah, you felt yourself falling asleep and that’s how the rest of your classes went boring!
You were ready for the weekend, maybe this could be the first weekend you didn’t cry away. You were starting to feel better and it was thanks to your friends' help. When the day ended you walked out with the Baku squad, listening to Bakugou y’all about how he knew you two were hiding something. You and Kaminari had to explain what happened on the trip and why Jirou was going crazy. It felt nice talking to them about that night without crying. You were getting over it.
You decided to go to the dorms and sleep the day off, you didn’t need to worry about homework! Your friends wanted to go shopping instead, so you all went your separate ways, you felt great, like nothing would bring you down. You decided to make yourself a cup of tea before taking a nap, hoping the warmth would help guide you into a meditative sleep.
As you were searching for tea you spotted one of Todoroki’s teacups. It was the one you saw in his hands every morning, asking if you wanted a sip every time he saw you were awake. It hurt seeing it there, almost placed there on purpose. Everything was much simpler then and you wish you could go back.
You hid the cup as soon as you heard someone come into the common room, busying yourself with finding a tea packet. But when you glanced over to see who it was your eyes were met with two heterochromatic ones. 
“What are you doing here?” You whispered more to yourself than him.
“Getting tea,” The two of you stood not moving at all, you were so shocked to see him this whole encounter didn’t feel real. “It’s behind you.” he gestured.
“Oh.” You moved out his way in a daze. You still couldn’t believe that he was standing right in front of you, you couldn’t process anything.
The silence continued as you both waited for the water to heat up, not looking at each other. Soon enough he began pouring his tea and using his quirk to cool it down to his preferred temperature. He was about to walk away but then your body moved on its own again, grabbing his wrist. You couldn’t let him leave yet.
“We need to talk.” You said. He exhaled and stood in place. “I don’t know why you’re acting like nothing happened. Why didn’t you show up for lunch?”
“I was busy.” No emotion in his voice like before, his eyes were unreadable. You remember Todoroki acting like this when you met in his “I’m not here to make friends” phase. A reminder that you were back to square one.
“Midoriya and Uraraka said even they couldn’t get a hold of you today.” You cleared your throat, preventing yourself from making any voice cracks. “And you haven’t been responding to my calls from the past week either, how can you be that busy?”
Todoroki continued to stare at you, then he directed his eyes elsewhere. “What happened to your hand?”
You hid it from his view. “What? Don’t change the subject. I know you’re avoiding me and I’m sorry for kissing you that night.” You held your jittery hand, your nerves were acting out again. “It wasn’t okay, I messed up and I'm sorry, but can you try and save our relationship? Please?”
“I don’t know what I can give you.” His tone was cold almost like he was bored of you.
“Duh-uh clarity? What do you see our relationship as right now?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well you could make an effort to think about it!” He only looked at you with that stupid confused expresssion and it was pissing you off. “Shouto! Why are you being so-”
He flipped his head around way too fast, Aggression settling into his features. “Don’t call me that.” He snapped. “I see you as a classmate. Nothing else.”
You felt your heart drop into your stomach and your fingers go numb. You felt heat rise behind your eyes and into your chest, it all pissed you off. You were putting so much work into whatever this relationship was and he didn’t do a thing. It was all one sided.
“Goodnight (Y/L/N).” He said your last name to make a point. Show that he wasn’t planning on being as close anymore and walked away for real that time.
You were beyond angry, hot tears built up inside you and you couldn’t help but to angrily wipe them away. You didn’t want to cry over him and you felt your tears betraying your thoughts. You wished you weren't so calm, you wished you screamed at him and cursed his name. But you didn’t. You were crying over him and it pissed you off even further as you climbed into your dorm. As you banged your head on the wall at how angry you were you got a text from Midoriya.
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You brought your attention away from the text to the sound of a light knocking at your door, too light to be Todoroki. When you opened the door you were surprised to see Jirou facing you. She was fidgeting with a bag in her hands and teetering on her toes.
You quickly wiped away any stray tears from your face, “Hi... what are you doing here?”
“Can I come in?” You stared at her, unmoving from your position behind the door, until she held the bag up. “I brought snacks.”
You peeked into the bag and noticed a few good snacks, with another quick glance you widened the door. Letting her take her shoes off by the door, and pulling a snack or two out. “You can sit if you want.”
Jirou sat stiff against the chair, her eyes wandering around the room until they landed on you. You pretended to not notice her stare by opening a bag of chips, hoping she would explain her reasoning for coming. You felt like the day only continued to get more hectic, just continuous disagreement and blaming, you weren’t sure if you could handle another argument.
“I Uhm talked to Uraraka, she said that I should apologize to the both of you.” You glanced up from your snack. “I mean I didn’t agree with her at first obviously, but after a while I was in my room thinking about what I said and it all just sounded stupid.” She swiveled in your chair, fidgeting with her earlobes. “I think I just let my fears get the best of me, but how I treated you this past week was gross.”
You thought her words over as you inspected a chip, really trying to see if you could forgive her right now. She accused you of saving Kaminari as a second choice to Todoroki, ignored you for the past week, called you desperate, etc. So you really wanted to be sue you could accept her apology without mulling over it for the next week.
“Yeah it sucked, you were jealous of me for no reason and it bothered me. It was like you were trying to blame me for him rejecting you, and no matter what we told you, you were stuck on that theory.”
“I get it. I was being so stupid about it- I mean I was being stupid about everything.” She rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe I got jealous over Kaminari of all people.”
You giggled moving to sit on your bed. “Yeah, morons will make you feel all kinds of ways. But I think I can forgive you for the lunch thing, everything else might take some time.”
“I’ll take that. Baby Steps then?” You nodded patting the space next to you on the bed. She shuffled her way over, adjusting herself. “And sorry for doing that when I knew you were hurting. I never asked if you were okay and just bombarded you with more stuff.” She glanced at you, searching your face for a defined emotion. “I mean are you okay?”
As soon as you heard that you let out a gasp you didn’t know you were holding. Your lips started to quiver and it was like she set something off inside of you that you couldn’t control, that dropping feeling in your stomach came up again and emotions began swirling inside. You rubbed your eyes to stop them from betraying you, you didn’t want to embarrass yourself again.
“Uh-hm,” your voice wavered, “I’m…. yeah…” You tried your best to form a sentence but the tightness in your throat wouldn’t let you speak without any tears running loose. But when she patted your hand and asked if you were really okay, the waterworks started flowing. You couldn’t hold back the hiccupy gasps and sobbed into your hands. It felt so weird crying in front of someone, she hesitantly pulled her arms around you, patting your back to soothe you.
“I miss him s-so much he’s not the same,” Your words muffled into your hand. “And I dunno I missed you too and everything just really really shucks. You both shoved me away and I felt so helpless like I didn’t know what to do…”
“I’m so sorry.” She pulled you in a little tighter. “I’ll be a better friend, I swear. I won’t do something that stupid again.”
The two of you stayed like that for a while, just until your sobbing went down into light sniffles. She tried to calm you down and waited it out for you, you felt happy about that. As time went by you somehow ended up watching a movie with your head resting on her shoulder. It felt comfortable, you didn’t realize how much you missed cuddling with friends and watching movies. You found yourself enjoying her company, so different compared to watching a movie by yourself in the dark, this felt safe and happy.
You felt your eyelids slowly close, the scenes of the movie starting to blur out. Jirou was fast asleep next to you but somehow held the phone up still, you glanced over her and then took it from her hands. You hooked it up to a charger before you woke up to a dead battery. But before you could go back to bed a text from Midoriya caught your eye. You rubbed your eyes to adjust, but as soon as you read the message you dropped the phone, pure surprise overtaking your mind. You didn’t know what to think as you reread the message over and over, it continued to stay the same:
Midoriya: Can you join me for dinner at Todoroki’s house?
How do you even respond to that?
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cherry-ber · 5 years
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Stay the night ; l.t.y
It was raining when he arrived. You opened the door and found him shivering, his clothes were wet and his hair fell over his beautiful face. You couldn't help but put your hands on your mouth as soon as you saw him, moving immediately out the door to let him in.
“oh my God, are you okay?” you asked worried, he only shook his head and started taking of his hoodie and shoes.
Last time you two spoke, he was yelling at you after an argument got a little bit heated. That was a week ago. It wasn't even an important thing to discuss, Taeyong just got jealous of you going out with Mark to bring coffee for him and the rest of the members. To be fair, he had been waiting a long time to have some time alone with you, so when he found out you left with Mark just as he finally finished recording his verse on a new song, he couldn't help but feel left alone. Mark himself was a little bit too touchy for Taeyong's liking,although he knew he didn't mean to make a move on you, he was his friend and he was a very respectful boy, but still he acted cold after you arrived, he didn't talk to you at all after his practice finished, and he told you he was canceling your date plans because he was tired. You didn't think much of it, and you told him you were going home already so he could have some sleep.
“Tell Mark to go with you” Snarky. He said it in a somewhat aggressive way, yet he stayed calmed.
“Excuse me, what did you say?” You were not a very patient person, and you didn't like it when someone talked to you like that, and certainly not your boyfriend.
He rolled his eyes as he was turning to face you, and looked at you firmly. “I said, tell Mark to go with you, since you’d rather be with him than be with your boyfriend”. You understood right there, he wasn't tired, he was being petty over a small think. He was being ridiculous, and even though you wanted to tell him it was a misunderstanding, he got in your nerve real quick, and you were as annoying and stubborn as he was, and even more.
“You jealous?” you didn't even think about it, you asked raising your brow, he started walking out of your way, he knew he screwed up and he didn't want to put you in a bad mood, but he was pissed, and you wanting to fight only made it worse.
“Just leave already” he said walking out of his room, leaving you alone. You wanted to cry, you were furious at this point. You grabbed your purse, and some of your clothes that were at his place and went downstairs.
You found him in the living room, sitting on the single couch, with Mark sitting on the big couch, smiling as soon as he saw you coming on his way, but immediately serious as he saw some tears forming in your eyes, looking at Taeyong for an explanation, he stood up wanting to confort you but he felt your boyfriend's deathly look on him and stopped. Taeyong was worried too, and his heart pounded harder when he saw that you were carrying your stuff, not wearing his hoodie. 
“Don't fucking call me ever again” you said quietly, hoping that your voice wouldn't crack. And so he did, he didn't call you the next day, or the day after that. You knew that you were wrong too, but you wouldn't just call him crying, you were too proud to do that, and he was too, apparently.
“I'm sorry I didn't call before I came, I wasn't sure you would pick up” he said, his voice was deep and husky, and you felt guilty, but you were also mad again.
“You should have, though” remembering your fight, you continued “I told you not to fucking do it, I guess”
He let out a giggle “You did”. You gave him the blanket you were using, he was shirtless and wanting to take his pants off too, they were dripping and he must have been cold. You went to your room, where you had a set of pajamas you bought him for when he slept over, and gaved it to him so he could get changed and hopefuly wouldn’t catch a cold. 
“Listen, I don't want to be mean but I wasn't expecting you, could you leave when it stops raining?” you were still hurted that he treated you like that for such a small thing.
“I was wondering if you would let me stay the night, but you don't have to do it if you're not okay with that” he came closer to you “Babe, i'm incredibly sorry, I shouldn't have told you that, I shouldn't have been such a jerk, it was so dumb, even Mark hates me right now, I treated you both like shit and it was just so immature”
You liked Taeyong because he was caring, he was indeed very mature, and he knew how to learn from his mistakes, so you knew he was being sincere, you could see it on his eyes. 
“Are you really sorry?” you asked in a squeaky voice. Sometimes he made you feel small, he knew it and he loved it.
“I am deeply sorry Y/N” you cupped his face in your hands and kissed his lips softly. He directed your hands to the back of his neck and kissed you deeply, holding your waist and drawing small circles on your back. You pulled him closer, and so did he, leading you to your sofa and letting you down on it, deepening the kiss even more, but you pushed him away to take a deep breathe.
“Then you can stay the night” you assured him and put his hand on your cheek, giving him small kisses on his whole face. “I missed you a lot”
He laughed and kissed your hands. “I'll make it up to you, you'll see” as he started leaving kisses on your neck.
Okay this took so long to write and it probably is trash but I never give attention to my boi ty and I just had to. Anyway if u want to leave submissions my requests r open lol so please request.
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marmar-97 · 5 years
Warm morning (Troy x reader smut)
Author: I've decided to do this since my thirst for Troy can't be quenched (and it never will for the rest of us *wink wink*)
I don't own Troy but he certainly owns our bodies now prepare your ovaries
Him and Ty had a conversation when he slept in the room with her (in separate beds) and it'll be added in the ending.
Contains: SEXY time with rat boy Troy
Disclaimer:You and Troy get into an argument after you find out he hooked up/slept with hammerlocks sister(Aurelia) when you've asked him if he's ever slept with anyone before and he says no
"Come onnnnn babe that happened a long time ago, even before I got with you"
You stood in front of him with your arms crossed looking down at him. "I asked if you've slept with anyone and what you told me Troy?" You say his name with a stern tone.
"I thought you meant recently, besides if I hadn't given her what she wanted she would have killed me or something. I mean, yeah she was amazing and- ah shit I shouldn't have said that... Well fuck me..."
"Ohh so it seems that I wasn't good enough this whole time, good to see who you fucking prefer. Should have dated her then maybe.
"Babe I didn't mean-" before he can finish his sentence you step away from him.
He felt guilt take over him when he realized what he had said. "Look Troy, I just, need time to think for a bit... I'm gonna sleep alone tonight. "
He sighs "fine..." That's when he walks out the room going to the bedroom he and Ty shared sometimes.
When he left you closed the door behind you and locked it then started stripping everything but your panties off (since you pretty much sleep like that every night with Troy). Thinking about it made you actually miss him holding you while sleeping with your head on his chest as you listen to his soft breathing putting you to sleep. You then shake your head trying to keep the thought from flooding your mind trying to sleep it off, which you managed to do while having 'certain' things on your mind about Troy even if you were mad at him. You two did have arguments before but they were just minor ones.
The next morning you were still sleeping peacefully not wanting to wake up really so you decided staying in bed a bit longer wouldn't hurt. But your bladder said otherwise so you tried getting up but felt an arm around you. You froze for a bit looking at who it was, Troy. He must have found a way in your room while you were sleeping. You tried moving once again to see if he'll let you go but his grip gets a bit tighter on your waist and he murmurs "don't go" while half awake. "Troy what're you- how did you even get in here?" He opens his eyes a bit to look at you and speaks. "Well let's just say... I've gotten a bit of help from Ty." A smile forms on his lips. "Can we talk about... Last night?" That's when you sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Fine..." When you did he gently turned your head back towards him. "No, please look at me while we talk so you know I mean everything I say." You had no choice really anyway. "Look, I know it was a mistake for what I did but it's not like she forced me to even 'do it' with her. I mean it was pretty much a life or death situation for me. It was only one time that happened. After that we never did it again. Heh,I'm gonna be honest and say that I'm actually glad she's not alive anymore cause she probably would have wanted it again." Hearing this actually made you have full trust in him a lot more now. "One thing though is that she's different from you. She didn't love me like you do or wouldn't take care of me the way you do. She pretty much was gonna use me for her pleasure, and I wouldn't want that. You don't have to worry because I'm all yours." He pulls you closer to him and you realize that he wasn't dressed at all, resting his head between your shoulder and neck. "But Troy, these 'sacrifices' you do makes me kinda-" "Jealous? That's only when we have new members, and I don't fuck them, I just bite them so they know they're a part of the COV now. But I bite you everytime because..." He starts to kiss and lick your neck slowly now "you're mine, and only I get to touch your body like this." You give in to him kissing and licking your neck just like how you imagined him doing in your dream you had last night and it seems like it was coming true, chills running up your spine. He then starts kissing you on the lips and you allow it by kissing back. While kissing he doesn't hold back by pushing his long tongue into your mouth as he grinds against you slow. You can feel him getting hard as he kept grinding against your ass. You let out low soft moans as he throat fucks you with his tongue. He starts playing with your left breast as he finally pulls his tongue out of your mouth, both of you panting for air.
"T-troy... L-let me use the bathroom first please."
He kisses you on the lips one last time before you get up to go the bathroom "hurry back, you know how I'm not very patient." He smacks your ass while you got up and went towards the bathroom. While you were in there, Troy was becoming more impatient by the second. You finally get done feeling relieved that your bladder wasn't full anymore but when you open the door you see Troy standing in the doorway. "Heh, told you I'm not patient." A smirk forms on his face as he pulls you into him kissing you again. This time the kiss was hungry indicating that he was ready to be inside you already. While kissing you he picks you up and presses you against the wall grinding against you. "It's about time to remove these, they're getting in the way." He starts pulling your panties off leaving them on the floor. He then grips your ass tight enough to not drop you and goes back to the bed. Once he gets there he lays you down getting on top of you kissing your collarbone and between your breasts. You arch your back as he licks and bites one of your nipples and using his hand playing with the other one. Your breath hitches as you let out gasps and moans. He was gentle but it's not gonna last long. Your skin already had marks on it from him biting you so much before leaving some scars since he'll drink some of your blood.
And it didn't last long as he started biting down hard on one of your breast hard earning a moan of both pain and pleasure from you. "F-fuck Troy..." He draws a bit of blood and licks the spot. "I know you're not really used to it but damn I can't help myself because your blood tastes so good." He then starts drinking some of it and pulls back looking down at you. "Mm I love seeing you like this. Oh what's this down here?" He moves his human hand down between your legs and rubs up and down your wet folds then your clit teasing you. Oh how he loved to tease you and you loved teasing him also. You start squirming as he pushes a finger inside you going back to drinking your blood once more and licking that spot once more. "Y-you tease..." You felt him pushing another finger inside you slowly thrusting them in and out of you. "Seems like someone's more excited than me." He stops licking your new wound he's made and moves his head down between your legs gripping your thighs and kissing between them. "Troy... S-stop teasing." You gasped when he bit one of your thighs as a chuckle is heard from him. "Hmm telling your god king what to do now? You're so eager."
"Mmf... I-I'm sorry..." He kisses the spot where he bit your thigh at knowing there's a bruise there now. You can hear the sound of his jaw snap as he starts opening it making his tongue come out. "Well that's enough teasing, no holding back now." He slides the full length of his tongue inside of you now and you arch your back more gripping his hair as he eats you out. You let out moans and curses under your breath as he picked up his pace gripping the bed sheets. "Troyyyy" His name rolls off your tongue as he inserts 3 human fingers inside of you while using his tongue still. The more you gasped and moaned the more he was getting excited by the second. A bit later he pulls back and takes his fingers out of you pushing them all into your mouth so you could get a taste of yourself, and boy did you taste real good like he always says. "Y'know what? You're far more amazing in bed than that ice cold bitch. I can make you wet just from one touch." You don't say anything since you can't as his fingers are still in your mouth and you lick them clean. Once you do he pulls them out your mouth and pulls you towards him as he straddles you rubbing the tip of his cock up and down your wet folds. "I would say beg but I know that's not your thing and I'm getting more impatient by the second." You feel him stopping at your entrance getting ready to enter you. And he does without warning with one hard thrust. You grip onto his wrists as he starts going at a slow pace feeling your walls clench around him. He holds your legs near your chest as his pace gets fast and hard. You grip onto his back moaning and gasping as he hits that one spot you love. He opens up his jaw once again and licks your neck biting it in the process. "Say it" he commands. "G-god king..." He really loved when you called him that while pounding your guts out. "Louder... I wanna hear you." He groans as he thrusted more faster in you. "God king" You say it loud as he pulls out and turns you over onto your stomach gripping your hips but not too hard since his robotic arm could possibly squeeze you to death. Before he enters back into you, he admires the view for a bit and chuckled.
"Man how I remember when I first seen this ass and how much I would dream of just touching it when we first met." He rubs it with one hand squeezing it then giving it a hard smack making you jolt from the contact. "And how you would get mad when I made compliments about it haha. Not my fault you've got a nice ass, it's just too nice not to say anything about it." Hearing about it made you think back to when it happened so many times before and made you wanna laugh at how corny some of his compliments were. Yet you found them cute nonetheless. It quickly got off your mind as Troy came close to your ear whispering in it. "You know that I truly love you right? I wouldn't even dare to hurt you." He licks behind your ear and biting it but not too hard. "You're mine and only mine." "Y-yes Troy."He pushes himself back into you moving at a steady pace. He lifts your hips up so he could go in you more deeper to hit that one spot. His pace started getting faster as you both moan and groan together. Skin slapping against skin and wet noises could be heard and you hope no one heard your loud moaning but you didn't care right now. Troy groans through gritted teeth as he felt himself getting real close as well. You grip the bed sheets as he kept going starting to bite you once more. You know it was his kink but little did you that he needed blood in order to survive since he'd get sick a lot. He hasn't told you that he really needed blood "Troy... Can I ask you something?" "What is it?" He slowed down a bit so you could talk. "Why do you tend to like drinking blood?" "To tell you the truth...it's not only a kink I'm in to...I actually need it in order to survive. You know... Since I get sick a lot. My immune system isn't that good and I'm not sure why. Maybe it was cause of that car I ate once." "Wait you seriously ate a car? How did you- never mind I'm not gonna ask." "Well sometimes ya gotta do what ya can do to survive." "Heh you're too cute sometimes Troy." Little did Troy know that the Siren DNA in him was tearing him apart from the inside and that he's dying. That's when you both hear Tyreen on his ECHO saying "Troy where the hell are you? You're supposed to be helping me set up for the stream later on today." He grabs it and sends her a message back saying "I'm a bit busy right now Ty, I'll be there soon don't worry." "Well whatever you're doing that's so important right now needs to be finished soon Troy." "Ugh Tyreen it's still a bit early anyway, I've got time."" Yeah yeah okay just don't bail out on me this time Troy." "Oh come on Ty since when have I ever bailed out on you? I was sick so it wasn't my fault those few times. " Listening to them go back and forth was actually really funny considering they're twins and would do it constantly. "Ugh whatever Troy just hurry up and finish pounding the crap out of your girlfriend." And then she hung up. You giggle after they were done talking. "Sorry about that, she gets impatient when it comes to setting up for our streams. Now where were we?"
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forkanna · 7 years
See also: @pankite​ 
The world was nothing but a blur through the endless stream of tears. Anna's body shook from a combination of the biting night chill and her own sobs. She had lost track of the amount of time she lay curled up under the sturdy oak by the cafeteria building with her face buried into her legs.
She replayed her argument with her sister in her mind over and over again. She desperately wished for either her Papa or Kristoff to come wrap their arms around her and tell her how she didn't just fuck up any chances she had of getting her sister back… at least, not completely. Even if Elsa accepted this, there would always be that awkward tension between them now. A silent disapproval that sent Anna into another fresh round of sobs just thinking about it.
And now she understood why her mother did all that she did. Why Idunn pretended Anna never called or sent anything to Elsa. It made her heart throb in agony to think that her mother hated her so much that she would purposefully sabotage her from being in contact with her older sister over something like her sexuality. Anna cursed her thirteen-year-old self for proudly announcing her first kiss to her mother, and for being naive enough to trust that she would accept her no matter what. That family was stronger than hate. Never in a million years did she think that Idunn would cut her off and try to turn Elsa against her!
And just as they were getting close again, Anna had to go and screw it up… possibly permanently. She didn't even have the decency to stay and comfort her sister. Instead, she took off, too cowardly to hold still and listen to her in case Elsa changed her mind and told her how much she hated her.
"Hey!" came a sudden, cheerful voice that shattered the silence. "What the heck are you doing out here, all by yourself?"
"...P-Punzie?" Anna whimpered and lifted her face from her legs to look up at the blurry form of her friend. A shudder went through her and she huddled more into herself for warmth. "W-What are you d-doing? It's late..." She wiped at her raw eyes in a vain attempt to clear them before Rapunzel got close enough to see her in the state she was in. As if her shaking voice didn't give her away first. "I-It's nothing, I- I just needed some air."
There was very little hesitation before the brunette sank down next to Anna, an arm automatically draping over her back. "It is not 'nothing'. Are you okay? What's wrong, Anna?"
The warmth that accompanied the arm helped ease Anna and she cuddled into Rapunzel unconsciously. "Punzie..." She let out a sigh and sniffed. "I- I fucked up. I got into a fight with Elsa and…" She looked at the brunette. "Um… h-how do you really feel… about gay people?"
Rapunzel stared back at her for a long moment, as if trying to think of an answer. Then she whispered, "Sorry, I'm, um, not used to hearing language like that. Can you repeat the question?"
"Punzie," Anna sighed softly. "Please, be honest with me; I'm serious." She paused for a moment, praying that she wasn't about to make another mistake. "How do you feel about people in the LGBT spectrum? You defended them earlier…" She tried to smile reassuringly to show her friend that she wouldn't be mad about her answer. "I just want to know now that we're not trapped in a tent with Pastor Frollo."
"Well…" The girl was very obviously squirming, but she rushed on, "I don't feel any certain way, y'know? They're just people. Like, I'm really struggling with that and how it relates to God and Christianity, but I don't know how to… I kinda… What's the big freakin' deal? Who cares who somebody loves or doesn't love? It just seems like there's a lot of sin in the world, bad sin, dangerous sin! And we waste so much of our time on homosexuality instead of the stuff we should be working on, like… homelessness, or murder, or domestic abuse, or… I don't know!"
Anna smiled a little wider, her chest warm with affection for the rambling woman. "I think you're a really nice person, Punzie." She rested a hand on her shoulder. "If I were to tell you someone we know is gay, would you treat them different?"
At that, Rapunzel scoffed. "Probably. Like, not on purpose, though. I just have never had any gay friends. I mean, there's a boy in my class everybody's pretty sure is, but like, without knowing for… sure…" Then the thread of their conversation started to catch up with her, and her eyes widened. "Wait. You're telling me… somebody here is? A gay kid came to Bible camp?!"
"Yeah," Anna said with a half-snort. She decided to take the plunge, releasing Rapunzel's shoulder so she could nervously hug herself again. "It's me."
"It's… you're… wait, what are you saying? You're a lesbian? No. But you don't… I mean you're so…" Swallowing hard, Rapunzel started hugging her own knees. "M-maybe I should stop saying things before I say a thing that's really stupid."
"Bi, actually. I have no feelings for you or any of the other girls, before you ask," she said bluntly, "nor do I randomly want to bang you, Punzie. I like girls just like you like boys, but I doubt you want to jump every guy's bone, right?" She tried to grin but it came out as more of a half-smile, half-grimace.
"A-ah." Her cheeks were filling with pinkness, and at first Anna was worried that she really had thought those things. But what she said next was, "S-sorry, I don't normally spend much time thinking about… um…" Lowering her voice to barely a whisper, she finished, "Ess-ee-ex."
Anna relaxed and let a tired giggle past her lips. "That's okay. Just thought I would get those stereotypes out of the way before you asked about them." She leaned against the tree, the stress finally taking its toll and she looked ready to fall asleep. "Anyway, I told Elsa. She… I won't say took it badly - because really, she didn't - but I thought I might as well stay away for now so she can… sort out things, I guess."
Her voice was a little more hushed in a worried way. "Ohhh. So… oh wow, you came out to two people in the same day. And in a campground full of Christians! I'm… maybe this is the wrong thing to take away from this, but you're pretty brave."
"I feel more tired than brave," Anna confessed. "I just… I don't want to hide it anymore and sit there like a good girl while people talk down on people like me. Elsa… well, we got into an argument and it came out. I came out. With you, I just feel like I can trust you." Anna sighed, "Is it okay if I crash in your cabin tonight? I- I don't think I should go back to mine yet."
"She took it that bad?" Rapunzel asked, reaching over to perch a hand on Anna's bicep. "That sucks… I'm really sorry. After the past few days, I started to think maybe you could be the one to unfreeze the Ice Queen, y'know? But maybe…" Shaking her head, she said, "Nah, I shouldn't say anything about her, either. I talk a lot more than I should, if you haven't noticed."
"Elsa's not a bad person," Anna insisted to her friend, frowning. "She's our Mama's kid just as much as I'm Papa's… actually, Elsa took it much better than I expected. I just can't face her right now." She stood up on numb legs, groaning at the pins and needles that were only intensified from the cold. "Thank you, Punzie, for listening..."
"Wait!" Popping up next to Anna, she caught her by the elbow. "You don't have to run off. Um… yeah, Snow is sleeping over with Aurora and Belle. So if you wanna use her bunk…"
"Thanks." Anna smiled at her and they started walking towards the cabin. There was a pleasant silence between the two, just the quiet song of cicadas in the distance. Then Anna's face fell.
"I don't know how I'm going to face the kids tomorrow… I mean, they'll know something's up…"
Shrugging, Rapunzel said, "I dunno, either. We'll just have to see how it shakes out when we get there, right? I mean, maybe you can just pretend everything's the same and, um, see if Elsa will follow your lead?"
"Yeah, I'll try that. Better than nothing, anyway."
Entering the cabin made Anna let out a sigh of pleasure at the warmth. "You know, it's been a long time since I had a sleepover," she exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood, and added, "If you aren't tired, we can watch a movie, or do each other's hair or something!" The thought of a fun night helped Anna take her mind off her sister and the day ahead.
"No movies; camp rules, remember?" But then she hastily followed up with, "But I would! Totally! Um… yeah, my hair's a choppy mess, but if you wanna put it in little braids, that sounds cool! And I can put yours in a French braid — my mom taught me!"
Anna's face fell briefly, having forgotten that rule, but it lifted again when Rapunzel offered to play with her hair. "I would like that," she said, and started working on freeing her hair from their own braids, shaking it free and running her fingers through until her hair fell in soft auburn waves, roughly to about her shoulder blades.
Having mostly just her dad and Kristoff, Anna didn't do things like this often. It had been Elsa or Mama who used to do her hair when she still visited, and Esmeralda taught her how to do her signature twin braids on her own without making them look like a sloppy mess. So she was really excited to see her hair in a different style than what she was used to.
"It's so pretty and soft," Rapunzel whispered once she was running a brush through it, voice warm and as soothing as the motions. "I'm jealous; I tried to go blonde when my hair was super long, but the treatments kinda fried it and I ended up just chopping it all off."
She hummed in sympathy but was mostly distracted by the therapeutic feel of the brush and the soothing sound of Rapunzel's voice. "You look good the way you are now," she reassured, eyes closing. "I mean, I'm sure you would've looked great with long blond hair, but the way you look now suits you." She cracked an eye open to throw a warm smile over at Rapunzel. "Besides, long-haired blondes are my type, so that might've been awkward." She couldn't help but worry that the joke was a little much but it was out now.
"O-oh, really?" The laughter that followed was distinctly nervous, but mainly good-natured. "I, um… thank you? Wait, that's probably not the right thing to say here…" She let out a little growl of frustration at herself. "I promise, I'm not gonna be this dumb in a few days. You're really cool, I could tell from the first day! This is just… y'know, new territory. An adjustment for my hetero brain."
A chuckle was followed by Anna resting her hand on Rapunzel's arm and giving it a pat. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't make jokes when you only just found out…" She paused and smiled softly to herself. "Thank you again, Rapunzel, you don't know how much this means to me."
After a few more contemplative seconds, she said, "I can guess. When I fight with my parents, I just have to lock the door to my room upstairs and wait it out for a while because I can't face them. Or they can't handle talking to me without being, y'know, all parental about it and acting like I'm just a stupid kid. Sometimes, it feels like I'm gonna be in there for the rest of my life. So… even though I don't really get what you're going through, I definitely understand what it's like to need space."
The smile that next graced Anna's lips was a tad bitter. "I still feel bad. Dropping a bomb and then leaving her like that. I just didn't know what else to do… Elsa's always liked being alone when she feels overwhelmed and I couldn't stand the way she looked at me." She shivered and hugged herself.
"Well… she's probably in the same place I am. It's new. And like you said, she's overwhelmed. Give it some time, okay? Talk to her tomorrow. And even if she's still freaking out, then that just means she needs more time, right? It's probably harder for her 'cause she's known you longer."
"You're right," Anna sighed. "All I can do is sit and wait for tomorrow and see where we go from there." She desperately hoped that Elsa would still want her in her life. That they could go forward together without being split apart for a second and possibly final time. The optimist inside her piped up that Elsa wouldn't do that — that she would love her all the same, and Anna decided to believe that for now.
Despite the cold whisper from the other half of her psyche that told her she had thought that about her mother, too, and had been burned for it.
"Hey, how's that braid coming?"
"About half done," Rapunzel told her with a smile, fingers making quick work of entwining the three groupings of hair. "So… um, you and girls. How's that working out so far?"
"My first kiss was from a girl." Anna's voice wasn't as cheery as usual but it was clear by her fond tone that she had perked up from the question. "My friend Mulan surprised me by kissing me just before she had to go back to China to be with her family. And not just a friend-kiss. That's when I really started thinking about my sexuality. I went on a date with a few boys here and there, and even went out with a guy named Hans for a couple of months, but there is something about women that I find I like a bit more." She giggled, "Then my ex-girlfriend Esme waltzed into my life, and there was no more doubting where my main interest lay."
"And I haven't even been on a real date-date with Flynn yet," she breathed in wonder. "And here's you, figuring out you're… mostly-gay, or whatever, and kissing two girls when I've barely kissed the one boy! Like, we're about the same age, right? I always thought I was saving myself for marriage, and that it was a really good thing. Is that dumb? Should I be dating more, even though I think Flynn is the right man for me?"
"If it feels right, that's all that matters, Punzie." The warm words of her Papa from the day she had confessed her conflicted feelings came back to Anna, so she passed them along: "If you think Flynn is the man for you, then you don't need to date anyone else. I don't find it dumb that you're waiting for marriage, or not kissing, especially if you aren't comfortable. You should do things at your own pace and not feel ashamed for it." Anna shook her very gently, to make sure she was still listening. "If this Flynn loves you, he will wait until you are ready. If he doesn't and tries to push you, he isn't worth it."
At those words, Rapunzel smiled and let out a soft chuckle. "Well… he does push for kisses. But not too much. And he never, ever brings up going further; he knows we're waiting and it's as important to him as it is to me." Then she added in a whisper, "But maybe I do want to try kissing now; I mean, we're over eighteen, right? And we're still together after a year of courtship."
"If you feel you're ready, then kiss him," Anna encouraged. "And don't just not do it if you think that it's something the Bible frowns upon. Kissing isn't a sin, believe me." She remembered sharing that particular worry with her father and having him exaggeratedly regale all the times her Bible-strict mother used to kiss him before they were married, much to Anna's embarrassment. "Congratulations on that, by the way! A year!"
"Thanks," she giggled with a bashful smile. "He's such a dork, but he's my dork." Then she patted Anna's shoulders. "All done! You know, I think I have an extra shower cap, if you wanna bag it up so it'll still look nice tomorrow."
Anna stood up and walked over to the mirror over Snow's desk. She was instantly struck by just how different and pretty she looked with her hair draped into a single, elegant braid down her back. She looked kind of like a redheaded version of Elsa, and the thought made Anna smile.
"I think I'd like that; we'll see what the kids have to say about my new look." She spun on her heel and felt the slight smack of the braid against her shoulder, which made her giggle. "What do you think, Rapunzel?"
"I think you look fantastic!" she gushed, clapping her hands. "And not just because it's my handiwork, I swear! Like, your hair is just made to be braided, dude!"
Snorting at the little "dude" thrown in there, she looked back at the mirror and smiled, admiring the image looking back… and her traitorous brain wondered how Elsa would react to seeing her like this. Would she be impressed at how mature she looked? Would she say anything?
"I think we should head to bed now," Anna announced after a long moment. Her enthusiasm was curbed by the unexpected bout of tiredness that came with the thought. She cursed herself inwardly for ruining her good mood again. "It's really late."
"Yeah," Rapunzel admitted with a sad little nod. "I mean, if you need to talk more, I'll be just a few feet away, though. Don't be afraid to speak up! Oh, and um, I don't have an extra toothbrush or anything, but I have some jammies! If you want 'em. They have little green lizards all over." After a second, she added in a mutter, "I like lizards."
It didn't take long for Anna to get dressed and ready for bed, her hair carefully tucked into a shower cap to keep the beautiful braid intact while she slept. The pajamas were a little small on her since Rapunzel was shorter, but Anna didn't mind as she slipped hesitantly into Snow's bunk.
"She won't be mad?"
"Nah. I'll explain if she is, but I kinda doubt that'll happen. She's not petty." As she snuggled into her bunk, Rapunzel whispered across, "Hey, Anna?"
Anna snuggled into the blankets, which were made from some very warm, soft material that felt like heaven against her bare patches of skin. "Yes Punzie?" she replied when she got comfortable, already feeling the toll of the day taking over and the dark blanket of unconsciousness starting to settle in her brain.
"I… I know it was hard to trust me, with your secret and all… but I…" Her voice was a little more strained when she spoke again. "I'm so glad I stood up to Pastor Frollo today. So, so glad."
"Thanks for standing up to him, Rapunzel," Anna murmured sleepily, hiding a smile into her pillow. "I'm really glad you did, too. It's really nice knowing someone cares." She blinked and let out a sigh. "You're a good friend and I'm really glad to have met you."
She struggled to stay awake and say more, but the bed was too comfortable and the pull of sleep too tempting. With a last hum, she closed her eyes and gave in.
                                         To Be Continued...
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