#sorry donna summer. not my best work for you unfortunately.
catcrumb · 8 months
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Fanfic recommendations part six: 100% Alternate Universe stories.
Hey! It took me a while to post this and I’m sorry, got too caught up with, well, you know, life (ew). But I’m back!
All the stories listed in this are stories are 100% AU (yes, I’m including the Soulmate AU’s in this category). I’ve read and enjoyed them all.
Accidentally In Love by the bohemian flow.
Rachel Hyde was a witness to a strange romance that blossomed between her twin brother, Steven, and Jackie Burkhart, of all people. Her and Steven weren't the biggest fans of Jackie, but now, he loves her. How could Rachel possibly put up with her brother's girlfriend?
AU where Hyde has a sister. Not 100% focused on J/H, since it’s from Hyde’s sister POV, but it’s still pretty good.
This story is a WIP and it’s being updated constantly.
109k words, 28 chapters so far.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, OC/Kelso, OC/Eric, Eric/Donna.
A Different Start Could Lead to a Better End by SoftBubbles
Instead of Hyde meeting her as Kelso's annoying girlfriend, what if he met her as his annoying English partner, whom he quickly learns is more than she seems.
This story is not complete, it was last updated on July of 2020, and I pray for the author to come back to it one day, it’s a really good story.
Trigger warning for child abuse.
13k words, 14 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Bad Moon on the Rise by Badfanfic
Set around season 2. Jackie starts to develop feelings for Hyde, even though its the last thing she wants. Hyde is just trying to survive but is having difficulty controlling himself, especially around a certain cheerleader.
Hyde is a werewolf in this story. And THIS IS GOOD Y’ALL, I’ve read this like 10 times already.
Unfortunally, I think this story is abandoned, the last time the author updated was in June of 2020, but I still have hope, it’s really good and I’m DYING to read more. I absolutely adore stories with supernatural elements, and it’s so hard to find good ones in this fandom. Please read this.
13k words, 9 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Focus by Jenny7
After a metaphysical awakening, Hyde develops the ability to telepathically connect with a single stranger. What he doesn't expect is that the girl that he shares the connection with, a rich cheerleader with a complicated past, will forever alter his views on life and love.
SO GOOD. It’s complete and it has a sequel (that’s not complete but still worth the read), called Darlin, Walk Awhile With Me.
2k words, 19 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde.
History Rewritten by kezztip
What if Hyde got his Season 1 wish and stole Donna away from Eric? And then what if Eric had turned to a certain tiny cheerleader instead?
This story is complete, and if you have a soft spot for Eric/Jackie, than you might like this a lot.
81k words, 25 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Jackie/Eric, Hyde/Donna, Eric/Donna.
(I absolutely hate the Hyde and Donna pairing but it’s temporary so it’s okay).
Playing Pretend by isnotme
Caught up in her teenager concerns – and some wounds to heal, Jackie didn’t realize that her parents' marriage was crashing down for real, causing a major turnaround in her world.
In the edge of seventeen, Hyde had too much on his mind. With graduation coming so soon, he knew too well he was about to be kicked out of the Forman's home. But when Bud’s illegal activities came to knock on his door, Hyde saw his plans falling apart once again.
An AU where Jackie and Hyde get themselves in one of those fake relationship situation and somewhere along the way, they find somethings in commun. Highly inspired in every cliché Rom Com ever made, including Netflix's most recents TATBILB and Isi and Ossi.
This story is a WIP and it’s being updated often.
33k words, 13 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Pretty in Wisconsin by BelleBae
Jackie Burkhart has a lot to deal with. Her dad is in prison, her mum can't get it together and one of her best friends is in love with her. Will she be able to sort everything out by Prom? Inspired by Pretty In Pink.
Cute and complete.
20k words, 23 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Rock You Like a Hurricane by zeppelinandunicorns (yours truly)
Alternative universe where Donna met Jackie before meeting Eric and the rest of basement gang.
Jackie and Donna are 16 and 17 when they finally met the four basement misfits after a Fleetwood Mac concert.
This story is a WIP, and I do not plan on abandoning it, I love it too much to do that.
77k words, 15 chapters so far.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, background Red/Kitty and eventual Fez/Laurie and Kelso/Brooke.
Also Available on AO3
She Belongs to me series by QueenBookBuff
A universe where Kelso cared a lot more about Jackie and Hyde getting together and implications of a deeper background for both Jackie and Hyde and Kelso and Jackie.
This got me hooked, it’s really good, please read it.
It’s complete and there are sequels! They are called All Our Tomorrows
and The Scarlet and SJ Chronicles.
27k words, 7 works in total.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Summer Music Series by Wickedfetch
What if Hyde and Jackie didn't meet until 1985?
7k words, 3 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
That 70s show by Zenmaster21
What if Jackie had dated Hyde from the beginning instead of Kelso? This is simply a re-write of the episodes had Jackie and Hyde always been together.
One of my favorites stories from the entire fandom.
Not complete, but please read it, it’s worth it.
Trigger warning for child abuse.
152k words, 37 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna
The Fifth Forman by BlueZeppelin
What if it wasn't just Eric and Laurie? What if they had another sibling? Like...Jackie? What would happen with Hyde? Would Eric be happy with his sister dating his best friend? Would Red like his daughter to be with one of the basement dumbasses?
This story is complete!!
52k words, 18 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
The One Where Jackie Moves In by Floweerchild96
Jackie has been living in New-York with her family but after her father goes to jail and her mother abandons her, she is forced to return to a town she thought she was done with for good. How will Jackie's reemergence in the basement effect the gangs lives?
A really good story, but unfortunally, it’s not complete. Still worth the read.
103k words, 20 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna.
Wall Around Your Heart by ourinvisibleink
Jackie Burkhart-Forman was adopted at almost ten years old by Red and Kitty, after her parents flee the country for drug trafficking crimes. Laurie grapples with addiction, Eric is messed up because of Red’s verbal abuse, Steven’s arrival is brought on by Jackie, Kelso is neglected, Fez is victim to racism, and Jackie befriends Jason, the new kid who happens to be gay.
This story is really good, but it deals with some serious stuff. I still love it.
Complete and it has a sequel called Plastar and Mortar.
52k words, 26 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, Eric/Donna, Fez/Laurie, Red/Kitty.
A Little Less 70s, A Little More Modern AU by fairytalesandfolklore
A modern AU where the characters from That 70’s Show grew up in the 90’s x early 2000’s instead.
Cute as hell!!! Worth the read!
1k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
found a wife and a home (and a family that matters) by blackorchids
Hyde’s been part of the Forman family for years before they make him move in.
I placed this in the AU category because apparently Jackie and Hyde always dated, it doesn’t specify much.
1k words.
Rated G.
Pairings: background Jackie/Hyde and background Red/Kitty. This is not focused on the couples, but on Hyde’s relationship with the Forman’s.
Lady and The Tramp by soobeans
'See, I, myself, don't like you. I find you abrasive. But if I didn't know you, and I'd never talked to you, I'd think you were totally hot.'
In Point Place, Wisconsin, there are only three distinct areas. The Western area consists of the burnouts, thugs, outcasts, hopeless dreamers, poor people, and overall, tramps. The Eastern area holds the classy, rich, and more fortunate ladies and gentlemen. In between is where the two are forced to intermingle, but of course, they found a few ways to separate themselves.
8k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, some minor background Eric/Donna moments.
That Disco Episode: Zenmasters Style by springsteenicious
What if Hyde had learned how to dance to impress Jackie instead of Donna? And what if Jackie hadn’t been dating Kelso?
That Disco Episode, rewritten for Jackie and Hyde.
2k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Bonus: Soulmate AU’S:
I am so in love with Soulmate AU’s that I’m currently writing one, I wanted to make a special post just for this category but it would be too small so I just included it in here. 
Finders Keepers by nannygirl
It's said that before you find your soulmate you will find one of their lost items first, so what happens when Hyde finds a gold bracelet in The Formans' backyard? Will it lead him to his soulmate, someone who he's sure probably doesn't even exist?
This story is not complete, but worth the read.
5k words, 2 chapters.
Rated K+.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, some background Red/Kitty
It Takes Time to Fall in Love by yabookreader96
Jackie can't wait to meet her soulmate, but a dire mistake on her part leads her to mistakenly identify him as Michael, while Hyde watches his soulmate clock hit zero and immediately knows that it's Jackie. Years pass, Jackie with Michael, Hyde saying nothing as he knowingly watches from the side. Will this dynamic be permanent or will destiny bring the true soulmates together?
This story is complete.
18k words, 12 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, temporary Jackie/Kelso.
Mistaken Messages by MistyMountainHop
Jackie longs for her soulmate to accept her, and Hyde hopes his will leave him alone because he's in love with someone else. A stack of mystical index cards lets them communicate with their as-yet unidentified soulmates. But the more their soulmates write, the less control Jackie and Hyde seem to have over their fate.
This story is complete.
23k words, 5 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde, background Eric/Donna
Also Available on AO3
Until We Get There by poetdameron
Running away from their own wedding is the craziest thing Hyde and Jackie have ever done together. But the tug he feels at his heart when realizing she doesn't want to marry him? The worst.
This story is complete.
39k words, 8 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
Voodooized by mc_1
Eric’s been noticing something weird going on between Jackie and Hyde. At a party one night, all of Eric’s suspicions are confirmed when the two become love-marked- an event that occurs when soulmates are ready to be together, resulting in a mark on the skin that bonds them together for life. The unlikely couple puzzle over how they could possibly be paired together as they struggle to understand each other.
This story is a WIP.
14k words, 4 chapters.
Rated M.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde. Eric/Donna
Where It Wasn’t Supposed To Be by moved-ao3
Jackie thinks it's a blessing, Hyde a curse. Set in an alternate universe where characters receive a list with their soulmate's worst qualities, Jackie and Hyde struggle to navigate their feelings for each other when everything else seems pitted against them.
Not complete, and it makes me want to cry, but it’s really good.
15k words, 5 chapters.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
all i need by orphan_account
"When he is six years old, the words 'Pudding Pop' appear on his wrist in the curliest, loopiest handwriting he's ever seen. There's even a little heart dotting the 'i'."
1k words.
The author didn’t rate this one, I would rate it as T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Blush by springsteenicious
On a person's eighteenth birthday, they swap bodies with their soulmate. Hyde doesn't have high hopes for his soulmate, but when he wakes up in a very pink room with posters and painted nails, his life is changed for the better.
4k words.
Rated T.
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
Also Available on AO3
I believe this is all!
I’ll repeat this at the end of every single post (seriously, I literally copy and paste this every single time): Speaking as someone who writes, it would be really cool if you guys decide to leave a review (or a comment, if the story is on AO3) in the stories you read, especially the unfinished ones. It really motivates the authors, and receiving a compliment is always a mood lifter. I’ve seen some authors updating stories after years because of nice reviews, so… yeah, this is just an idea.
Feel free to reply to this post if you think I left out a good story!
Next category: Christmas fics!
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The Aftermath - Ch. 8
The Day Before the Tea Ceremony
Summary: After five years, Hana returns to Cordonia
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warning: Mention of depression
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s “The Goldfinch”)*
Catch up here!
Tags: @captain-kingliamsqueen​​​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​​ @gkittylove99​​​ @lovablegranny​​​ @loudbluebirdlover​​​ @mom2000aggie​​​ @kingliam2019​​​ @queenrileyrose​​​ @shanzay44​​​ @cordonianroyalty​​​ @hopefulmoonobject​​​ @hopelessromanticmonie​​​ @cinnamonspongecake​​​ @queenjilian​​​ @kuladekiwi​​​ @twinkle-320​​​ @iaminlovewithtrr​​​ @charlotteg234​​​ @amandablink​​​ @texaskitten30​​​ @tinkie1973 @louiseingram1208 @queencatherynerhys​​​ @pens-girl-87​​​ @missevabean​​​ @ladyangel70​​ @sanchita012​​
I hope I got everyone tagged! If I missed someone, or if anyone wants to be added/removed, please let me know!
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- Hana - 
Very soon, waking up in the mornings became a challenge. At first, it was her body that refused to obey her alarm clock. Then, Hana simply accepted it and would wake up by herself around half past eight — almost two hours later than she had been trained to start her day.
This morning was particularly difficult. She had silently cried herself to sleep the night before, and the tears had yet to disappear from her cheeks, nor was her pillow dry. The air was thick as it went into her lungs, though when she opened the window, a delicate breeze embraced her, flowing through her hair and fingers. She could feel the hint of the approaching summer through the signs of the persistent cold.
The dent on the other side of the mattress told Hana that her husband had been awake for hours. She didn’t care. Before Neville used to yell at her and say that it was improper for her to sleep in (“Does not a lady of your status have better things to do than lay around like a pathetic commoner with nothing better to do?” he would shout at her during breakfast). Eventually he stopped, but he would still give her cold looks if he knew that she had been in bed longer than eight hours.
He added to the difficulty of waking up, and Hana suspected that one day she would be too weak to get out of bed entirely.
Today should be better than other days, she told herself as she went to reach for a dress in her closet. Mother and Father are here. There are still a few days left in their visit. Perhaps Mother would want to spend some time with me?
Every step down the stairs and towards the breakfast table increased her level of anxiety. That was nothing new; it was all a part of her daily routine. As was the sound of her heart hammering in her ears. Next was the sight of Neville’s atrocious side-profile. Xinghai and Lorelai were laughing at something Hana had not heard, but she knew that it wasn’t remotely funny — nothing Neville says is ever funny. Her parents greet her, and Neville spares her a glance and says, “Is that the same dress from yesterday morning?”
The room falls into silence.
“You’ve a letter, Hana,” Lorelai informs her as her daughter sits down.
A cream colored envelope with their address smoothly written sits in front of her.
“I hope it is not from that Beaumont boy again,” Neville comments.
“Well I don’t think there’s anything wrong with friendly correspondence,” Xinghai begins.
“I beg to differ, sir,” Neville starts. “It would be best if you saw it from my perspective. An unmarried lord sending monthly letters to my wife asking her to return to Cordonia. That is highly improper. I would ask him directly to respect the difference between my own status and his, but Hana says there is no need apparently.” He scoffs.
All he asks is for me to come and help find Lady Riley, she wants to say. He writes about His Majesty’s depression. Lord Maxwell requests that I come to help him cheer everyone up. Not to worry though, I would never willingly go back without Lady Riley, because without her I am alone, just as I have been everyday for the past decade.
Hana flips the envelope over, expecting to see the Beaumont Family Seal, but instead comes face-to-face with the Royal Seal.
Everyone at the table stares down at what is in Hana’s hands.
“A royal invitation?” Lorelai cries.
Of course Liam would do this, Hana thinks to herself. I had told him that I didn’t want to return. He knew pestering me over the phone wouldn’t work, so instead he sends an invitation, knowing that Neville would see it and would accept it on my behalf.
Hana opens the envelope, taking out the letter and reads the contents aloud.
“Dear Earl Cormery and Countess Cormery,
The honor of your presence is requested by the Queen Mother at the Annual Cordonian Tea Ceremony on the evening of May 24th.”
“Goodness!” Lorelai exclaims. “From the Queen Mother herself?”
“Ah, what terrible timing!” Neville cries, snatching the invitation from Hana. “I’ve an important financial project that requires my attention in London. I planned to leave this evening.”
“Oh,” Hana looks down at her empty hands. “You… you never told me.”
“Didn’t I?” Neville does not look up from the letter. “Perhaps I forgot about it. Forgive me, dear, you know how busy I am.”
She nods, but cannot hide the sorrow on her face.
“Well, Neville,” Lorelai says. “If you are indisposed and do not plan on bringing Hana with you, then it seems as though she is free to attend the ceremony.”
“Perhaps… but what will she say when her husband is absent?” Neville argues.
Xinghai chuckles. “The truth, of course. That you are away on an important financial project and could not attend.”
After a few seconds in which Neville does not respond, Lorelai speaks up and says, “Wonderful, then. Hana, I will help you pack later tonight.”
No thank you, Mother, she wants to say. I do not wish to return to Cordonia. There are too many painful and empty memories. My life already consists of lonely, aching days. Please do not subject me to more.
“Yes, all good.” Neville tucks the paper into his breast pocket. Hana hoped that he would reject the idea. But since her mother suggested it and he has allowed it, there was no chance of her getting out of it. “Now, how much longer until we are served? Staff! I demand to know what is taking so long! If we are not served our breakfast within the next five minutes, by the end of today you will all be left unemployed!”
Neville left for London before dinner and did not say goodbye. Lorelai reprimanded Hana for being so distant with her husband, saying that the hard work in securing a marriage doesn’t end after the wedding. Hana had excused herself to go and pack without her mother.
She took the earliest flight to Cordonia, and was in the capital right before noon. She walked into the palace, where she showed her invitation to a servant and was led towards her room.
On her way up the stairs, she bumps into Olivia.
“Hana?” she exclaims. “What are you doing here?”
“Olivia! It’s been so long!” Hana leaves her bags and goes to hug Olivia — who does not hug her back — overcome at the sight of a somewhat friendly face. “I was invited to the tea ceremony tomorrow. Did you receive and invitation as well?”
“No, actually. I’m here on business.”
“Oh, well, sorry to bother you. Do you know if His Majesty will be attending? Or… Maxwell?”
Olivia frowns a little. “Liam and Drake are in New York,” she tells Hana. “As are the Beaumonts… didn’t they tell you?”
Her face falls. “No. After I left, I severed communications with them... for the most part, at least. I only answered His Majesty’s phone calls, which were rare….”
“So… you don’t know anything about Riley’s condition? Liam told me that he was going to tell you and Maxwell.”
Hana’s eyes go wide. “What about Riley?”
“Lady Hana is that you?!” calls a voice. Hana turns to see Madeleine walking towards them, with an unfamiliar cheer in her tone. “It is wonderful to see you back at court! And Lady Olivia….”
“Yes, Maddy, it’s always a pleasure to see you.” Olivia rolls her eyes.
Madeleine puts an arm on Hana’s shoulder. “How is the Earl?”
“He is well,” Hana manages to say, and is glad that Madeleine doesn’t ask more about him.
“I’m glad.” She glances down at the watch on her wrist. “Now if you two will excuse me, I’m on my way for lunch with the Queen Mother.” Madeleine regards Hana for a moment. “Would you like to join, Hana?”
She agrees before she even realizes that she doesn’t even want to go. “And… perhaps Olivia can join us?” Hana was itching to know more about Riley’s condition. Olivia had a tendency to vanish and re-emerge when it suited her, but Hana was not going to let Olivia get away. She had information about Riley.
Madeleine sighs. “I suppose.”
Hana gives her luggage to the servant as her and Olivia follow Madeleine down the hall.
“Don’t worry, Maddy,” Olivia comments. “I hate your presence almost as much as you hate mine.”
“Oh, I assure you—,” Madeleine begins, but they’ve already reached the dinning hall, and the Queen Mother is already seated.
“Lady Hana” she exclaims. “A pleasure to see you. And I see Lady Olivia has also arrived for the ceremony tomorrow.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Olivia says, but Hana wonders what business Olivia was talking about before.
Each of the ladies takes a seat as servants serve them plates of different fruits, breads, and meat. Hana is reluctant to eat; she barley eats at home, but could not sit in front of her plate aimlessly in front of the Queen Mother. She takes small bites and manages to force herself through the meal.
“I imagine that King Liam will be attending the ceremony tomorrow?” Olivia asks, not looking up from her meal.
I thought Olivia said that Liam was in New York? Why is she asking the Queen Mother of his whereabouts when she already knows where he is?
“Unfortunately His Majesty will not be attending,” Regina responds. “He’s away on business.”
“Oh?” Madeleine remarks. “I do hope the issue with the Spanish ambassador goes through. If not, King Liam risks looking desperate and the entire ordeal could shed a negative light on Cordonia.”
“The ambassador had to return to his country due to a personal issue,” Regina states, then goes back to her food.
Both Olivia and Madeleine look expectantly over at Regina, but she continues eating and acts as if she doesn’t notice the ladies’ eyes on her.
“Then… what else keeps His Majesty from being in attendance?” Olivia questions carefully.
Hana shoots her a look. Why does she keep asking questions she already has the answers to?
“He is abroad, I believe.” Regina answers apathetically.
“Do you not know where he is, ma’am?” Madeleine looks up from her food.
Regina chuckles. She takes a sip of her wine and says, “Oh, I know where he is. The king is in New York.”
Madeleine gently puts down her fork. “Ma’am I believe it would best if you advised His Majesty that taking too many trips to America sends quite a scandalous message to the press.”
“Scandalous?” Hana asks.
“They remember Lady Riley and his relationship with her. She was from New York, and his constant visits have led the press to believe that he is having an affair with her!”
The Queen Mother scoffs, taking another sip of her wine.
“We all know that’s utter nonsense, Maddy,” Olivia says. “Lady Riley disappeared after he ended his engagement to you. Don’t you remember? That was one public incident that you couldn’t twist in your favor.”
Madeleine stares back at Olivia. “Incident isn’t what I would call it—.”
“Please, Lady Olivia,” Regina interrupts. “None of that was Countess Madeleine’s fault or even His Majesty’s fault. Lady Riley is the one to blame. I remember that silly investigation she led with Drake Walker and Lord Beaumont. But in the end it amounted to nothing.” She scoffs again. “She knew all along that court life would be too much for her, and with everything that happened to her with that Tariq fellow, it was simply proved that she was not fit for such a life.”
How undiplomatic, Hana thinks. She wouldn’t say that in front of Liam. He would forbid her from speaking about Lady Riley like that.
“Yes,” Madeleine comments, going back to her food. “I tried to warn her of it in the beginning, but she was so… stubborn. No wonder she ended up in such a situation.”
Hana doesn’t understand why Olivia keeps quiet. They share a look. Hana wishes she had the energy to defend Riley, but deep in her heart, Hana is still angry with her best friend. Riley had motivated Hana to choose a life beyond her parents’ expectations. Once she had disappeared, Hana could only hold off her parents by herself for so long.
“I’ve done the best I can for my country,” Regina comments after another few bites of her food. “Of course, I’ve never done anything as controversial as my late husband, but I’ve… done my best to refocus the king’s attention and efforts.”
“Even without a queen, His Majesty has done a wonderful job—,” Madeleine begins.
“Yes, yes,” Regina waves Madeleine’s words away. “He’s done his duty to his people in the sense that he has provided for them and helped them thrive, but he has not secured his throne. Stability….” She trials off.
“I am sure King Liam is doing the best he can,” Olivia begins. “Simply because he does not wish to focus on finding a queen—.”
“Simply because he does not wish to focus on finding a queen doesn’t mean that he has to chase after a disappeared waitress!” Regina exclaims.
The ladies say nothing, and Regina goes for another sip of her wine.
“I’ve done my best to steer him away from her,” she begins again. “But he does not listen to me. I managed once to deter her away from him, and that seemed to have worked for the past eight years. Now he’s after her again.” She calls for a servant to refill her glass.
“You mean to say that he is in New York for Lady Riley as we speak?” Madeleine asks, and Hana notices an irritation in her eyes.
“What do you mean you deterred Lady Riley?” Olivia asks.
The Queen Mother looks towards Olivia and chuckles, ignoring Madeleine’s question.
“If you do not know what I am referring to, then that means that I succeed.” She turns back towards her plate. “She attempted to attend the Duke of Ramsford’s wedding. I saw her at the entrance. In a disguise of all things! I had my guards take her aside and I spoke with her. She said she needed to speak to His Majesty about something important.” Regina scoffs again and frowns. “The audacity of the girl… I noticed a wedding band on her finger, told her that all she had done for Cordonia was put it on a path towards ruin. She had corrupted King Liam’s heart, and her next aim clearly was to corrupt the monarchy… to taint it with another scandal. I had my guards escort her to the airport, and I made sure that there was no chance Liam saw her.”
Riley’s married? Hana wonders. Her heart aches.
“The press labeled her as a crown-chaser once,” Madeleine comments, a smirk on her face.
Regina turns to her niece and laughs. “Perhaps during the social season it did not seem so. But imagine that… she came back for Liam as a married woman. Merely to break his heart even further.”
“Did you know what she wished to speak to him about?” Olivia asks.
“No,” Regina states, deep in thought. “It may have been something she believed was of great consequence, since she came halfway across the world to tell him. I believe it is for the best, though, that she never told Liam. Whatever she had to say would have made him stray further from being a responsible king.”
“But if she never told you what the topic was, then how did it become something for you to decide whether it was crucial enough for his attention?” Olivia frowns at the Queen Mother, who is taken aback.
“I hope I am mistaken, Lady Olivia,” Regina starts, glaring at her, “that you wish to side with Lady Riley, who has done no good for Cordonia or her king?”
“I think,” Hana jumps in, “that Lady Olivia means that if Lady Riley is what makes His Majesty happy, then allowing their relationship would have allowed him to refocus more effectively.”
“If Lady Riley and His Majesty were allowed to continue their relationship,” Madeleine focuses her words towards Hana. “Then afterwards his efforts would be towards keeping Cordonia from international scorn.”
“You know, Maddy,” Olivia takes another bite of her salad. “You always did have a hard time hiding your jealousy.”
“Excuse you?” Madeleine spits.
“Enough!” Regina throws her fork onto the plate. “This has been a very stressful meal for me. I shall go rest in my quarters. Madeleine, walk with me?”
“Of course, ma’am,” Madeleine offers the Queen Mother her arm, helping her get up and walk out of the room.
When they’re out of sight, Olivia puts her head in her hands.
“Poor Riley and Liam,” Hana says. “There’s always someone working against their happily ever after.”
Olivia leans back in her seat, and Hana watches her.
“Do you have an idea of what Riley wanted to tell Liam?” she asks.
Olivia sighs. “Yes, actually, I do.”
“What was it?”
Olivia looks around the room. “This wouldn’t be the best place to speak about it. Perhaps we can go to Lythikos after the ceremony tomorrow, and I can tell you all I know.”
Hana had booked a flight back home the morning after the ceremony. A part of her told her to refuse Olivia’s offer, but another part, the stronger part, told her that this was something that could bring her one step closer to happiness — something that was dreadfully lacking in her life. Hana knew a little excitement would do her health some good. She could call Neville and tell him that she was staying for a few more days. Hana knew he wouldn’t care, though, and for the first time she’s glad for his lack of concern for her. “That would be lovely,” Hana states.
They stand and go their separate ways for the evening. Though Hana is a little less upset that her group of friends never told her about Riley, she still wants to cry in pity for herself. For Liam. For Drake. For Maxwell. For Riley.
If they’re already with Riley, then I’m the only one missing. Wasn’t I helpful during the Engagement Tour? Don’t they want my help or my company? Have they given up on me? Of course they have. In their time of need, I left them alone. What a terrible friend I was. It’s just like Neville said, that my pathetic demeanor would bury me in a life of miserable rejection. I guess I only have myself to blame for all of it. What a terrible friend I am.
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
hello there buttercup!! 🌟💝☀ it's lovely to see you again this night, morgy dear! i hope today was much better for you than yesterday, you do only deserve nice and pleasant days after all dolcezza 💞💞 (1/12?)
"in all seriousness, i'm sorry to hear that yesterday was so terrible for you my darling, but the hard part is over, you got through it! its hard when things get overwhelming, but please remember that it's okay to take a step back and get through it one day at a time!! make sure to do some things that you find relaxing/enjoyable, and if you do need/want a little cheering up at any time, don't be shy to let me know!! i have a lot of tricks up my sleeve hehe 💓 (2/12)
and oh my, you like cheesecake too dear?? ahhh it's one of my favorite classic desserts!! my favorite kinds are strawberry, key lime, and this special family recipe of mine,, it's a limoncello cheesecake with a touch of strawberry compote, it's especially refreshing during the summer! oh goodness, i'll have to make it for you sometime, i bet you'd love it! ✨ (3/12?)
ah, and the accident?? i actually don't mind talking about it since it was so many years ago, i've worked through it enough,, so i can tell you! a warning though: it is pretty brutal, so for those who are easily triggered, please scroll past for your well-being! (4/12)
it happened the weekend after one of my annual finale ballet recitals, which was strange timing indeed,, my mamma and i were driving down a highway to go home from an appointment, when a car behind us suddenly swerved and hit us from the left side, towards the back,, unfortunately i took most of the impact, but thankfully my mom wasn't too injured, just in shock (5/12)
i don't remember much except flashing lights from the police cars and people yelling, but a few minutes later i found myself being carried and placed into the back of a truck,, apparently a good samaritan wanted to help drive us to the hospital since it would take too long for the ambulance to arrive, i fell asleep and woke up in the ER (6/12)
and thank god, i didn't have any life-threatening injuries or any broken bones, just a very sprained ankle, a concussion, and cuts/bruises from glass shards,, i only stayed for a night and then we both left quickly,, what caused me to sadly stop ballet and skating wasn't the injuries themselves as much as it was the aftermath (7/12)
i found myself having a very painful time when trying to execute different moves and my endurance took a severe hit,, we soon determined that continuing such high-intensity sports in this state would be detrimental to my body,, (8/12)
it was truly crushing since being a prima donna was little me's biggest dream, but not everything works out,, i've greatly recovered over the years, but it's still difficult to do certain things because of the after-effects, so for now i'll just continue dancing and just watch figure skating and ballet from the sidelines! (9/12, i had to go on anon since i hit the limit 😅)
anyway, aside from the sad stuff, today was quite relaxing for once!! i actually ate a nice breakfast today, and i ended up spending my morning lounging around and playing minecraft, which was nice 🌸after cooking dinner for my family, i went to check on the bunnies again, and today they got themselves into a sticky situation hehehe 💫 there's a section of the garden that's fenced off, where different types of hot peppers grow,, (10/12)
they're not allowed in there since the pepper plant leaves are extremely spicy and not good for them to eat,, but somehow, they were able to jump the high fence and get inside!! the poor little bunbuns were trapped and couldn't find a way out... so i had to lure them close with vegetables and pick them up (which took all of 10 minutes) they're little troublemakers, but i guess they make up for it with cuteness 🌺 (11/12)
boh,, i seem to be getting sleepy now, maybe that's why a headache came on all of a sudden! well, i guess i'll take my leave for the night!! sleep well amore, i'll be thinking of you 💘- love from the moon and back, waifu xoxo 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗ps: rollerblading hm?? ooh, maybe you could teach me~ 😘 (12/12)"
Let me start off by saying that ur so lucky u made it out without any severe injuries like....ur life really sounds like a movie bc wtf🤡🤡 u went thru some real shit yet here u are snatchin wigs and acting like an angel, we all dont deserve u fjdhdjd like honestly thats so fucked?? Imagine loving to do smth only to not be able to do it anymore and ur dreams being shattered bc of smth like an accident that was someone else's fault happenin...its a damn shame and i hope maybe someday u will be able to pick up on ballet or ice skating again and i'll be personally looking for the one who did this
On another note, im glad u relaxed again bruh shhchd i also a d o r e cheesecake and its one of my fav desserts, i acc really love the strawberries, blackberries and raspberries ones the most (although lemon ones arent bad either and i once tried an orange one which was g o o d) 😩😩 thank u as always for whising me the za best also, unfoetinately today my volleyball practice was canceled due to cases increasing again and the coach said they'll resume in the following weeks so 🗿🗿🗿🗿
AnYwAYs u lookin our for the bunnies is still the cutest most disney princess thing ever and im all for it👁️ also i def will have to teach u rollerblading fjshhss ppl say its the same as ice skating but i beg to differ....while i can rollerblade like a pro i cant ice skate to save my own ass s o-
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olicitysecretsanta · 4 years
Triple Belly Buster Suprise
@emeraldoliverqueen Hi Holly, I wrote a fic about Mia with a summer job before she became a socialite in the paradise universe with some liberties of course. Hope you enjoy! I Had a lot of fun writing. 
-Jasmine, @jemmaacarters
Although this wasn’t the worst place she could be, Mia hadn’t imagined her summer job here. She wiped the grease off her hand and on to her apron. With her dad as the Mayor and mom as the CEO of the biggest tech company, Mia didn’t think that they were serious when they send she needed a job for her last summer before college. They were. They wanted her to get an internship with some company will William had. Mia didn’t know what she wanted to do so she was here. And she wasn’t happy about it. Oliver and Felicity were able to pull some with strings Carly and get her a job at Big Belly Burger.
“Welcome to Big Belly Burger how may I help you?” Mia asked the next customer. Not paying any attention to who it was.
“Mia?” Connor asked. His eyebrow lifted in surprise. “I didn’t know you worked here. I thought you were to busy getting into trouble to have a job.”
“Very funny,” she rolled her eyes, “my parents had other plans for me, unfortunately. Do you want your usual?”
“How do you even know my order?” Connor asked teasing the smaller blonde.
Mia punched in the order. “I’ve known you all my life. If you just want a snack, you’ll get the number one. But you’re all sweaty and wearing your running shoe. I’d say you just came from the bunker and will have the Triple Belly Buster with fries and a strawberry milkshake which is sad because everyone knows that mint chip is the best.”
“Fine, you win,” Connor said pulling out his wallet. “How ‘bout I buy you a mint shake when you get off?”
“Sorry, I’m training with Dad and Dig after this. You know how I’ll feel after that.” Mia ignored the way her cheeks went pink at the thought sharing the shake with the man in front of her. Had he always been this tall and had muscles bulging out of his shirt- though not as big as his dad’s.
“Maybe some other time though.”
“Yeah sure. You’ll be lucky if you can walk straight after whatever workout they put you through.” He grabbed the order ticket from her hand and brushed fingers with her just the tiniest bit. Mia couldn’t help but flush even more.
“Your order number is 320 and should be out in a few minutes.”
“See you around, Mia.”
Back at the house, Oliver was pacing. “What if this backfires? How Mia react if she finds out we’re setting her up?” His finger rubbed back and forth at a steady pace.
“Honestly, I think she’ll be surprised that you had any part in this.” She gave Oliver a look. “With the way you act about her dating at all. And I’m more surprised that William hasn’t done anything sooner.”
“Yeah but that’s William. We’re her parents.” Oliver said
“Oliver,” she said as she grabbed his hand to pull him on the couch beside her.
“Felicity,” he said in the same drawn-out way. His eyes closed as she gently nudged his head on her shoulder.
Her fingers carded through his mostly silver locks. “We sent him to BBB it’s not like we trapped them in the bunker. Oliver, if they keep playing this will they won’t they game, you know how that ends. Or how it ended for us before you went to the Chinese branch of QC way back when in 2014.”
“Yeah, I was an idiot.”
“Well yes, but I meant that neither of us had closure.” Felicity stopped her movements to rest her head against his. “Are you up for giving me a foot rub?”
That’s how Mia found her parents 20 minutes later. She rushed through the door so she could rid herself of the oil-saturated clothing she wore. When she came back to the living room, she was in her workout clothes hair pulled back into a new messy bun.
“I thought we were heading to the bunker when I got back?” Mia asked her dad. She almost didn’t want to mention is because of how content her parents looked. She hadn’t seen them this relaxes in a while. They deserved it with all the work they did for Star City.
“There’s some grilled chicken and salad in the kitchen we’ll go when you’re done,” Oliver said.
“How was your day at work sweetie?” Felicity asked. Giving her husband a pointed look as they awaited a response.
“It was fine. Some college guys wanted my number though. That was weird. But I saw Connor so that was good.” After grabbing her food, Mia walked back over to where her parents were wanting to hear a bit about their days too.
“Connor, he’s in the criminal justice program right?” Felicity asked. After Mia took her first bite.
“Mom,” Mia whined mouth still full, “Dad what did you put on this chicken it’s super good. You know he is. But he’s thinking of joining the military when he’s done.”
“The barbeque spice that your grandma Donna got me for Hanukkah last year. The military, huh?” Oliver asked. He hadn’t heard of this yet. John must be proud then.
Mia ate the rest of her food. “Yeah but he’s not sure which branch yet.”
“How do you feel about that?” Felicity asked grabbing the empty plate and walking to the kitchen.
“What do you mean?” Mia asked. “I’m happy for him. I think it’s a great way for him to get combat experience if he wasn’t to become a vigilante.”
“That’s not what your mom means,” Oliver interrupted.
“This will be the first time you two would be in a different state. There’s no telling where he could get stationed.” Felicity sat back down across from Mia.
“If he does this, he’ll be different when he comes home.”
“I’ll still be the girl next door nothing will change.” Mia looked between her parents trying to figure out what they were saying.
“Mia you were never the girl next door, my Blackstar,” Felicity said. “You’re too special for that.“
“I think you should just talk to Connor about this. See what he has to say.”
“Okay,” Mia stood up and turned around. “Dad, I think I’m too tired to workout tonight.”
“That’s fine.”
Mia walked in the bunker in the early afternoon with a mint chip shake. She wasn’t in the mood to train but cleaning her weapons felt like a good way to focus. Her mind had been a bunch of lost sheep. She walked over to her bow and knives. The training she’d have occasionally with Sara Lance had diversified her arsenal in ways that working with her father couldn’t. Sara just knew how to fight as a woman and with those particular vulnerabilities that her father just didn’t think about. When all of her weapons were scattered across the round table in the corner, Mia began to clean them one by one. She was halfway through when the elevator beeped, but Mia didn’t notice until Connor was right behind her.
“Hey, is that mint chip?” he asked.
“Yeah, what are you doing here? I thought you had class today.” Mia continued to drag to cloth across the knife until she could see her reflection and grabbed the next blade.
“No, it’s on Thursdays. I thought I’d find you here.” Connor looked uncomfortable. Which was weird. The bunker was the one place that they could be themselves. So why would he be uncomfortable? His posture was much more rigid than it normally was around her. “So my dad mentioned that you were talking to your dad?”
“Yeah, I tend to do that a lot because he’s my dad,” Mia said putting the knife down so she could concentrate on Connor.
“He said we should talk.” Connor shifted under her gaze.
“Oh, oh. That was nothing.” Mia turned back to her weapons.
“Mia, it doesn’t feel like nothing. I just thought but then you- and I just. But I’m thinking of enlisting in a few months.”
Mia knew this was it. If she did nothing he could end up like uncle Dig and marry someone while in the military. “I don’t want you to enlist,” Mia said stopping the babble.
“What?” That was the last thing Connor thought she would say. She knew how much this meant to him. “I don’t understand.”
“I-” Mia began. But it was useless. She was no good with words not like her parents. She stood up finally and pulled him down by the lapels on the jacket he was wearing for some reason in the middle of the summer. Their lips barely touched before Mia knew that she never wanted this to end. Connor sucked in a breath when Mia nipped at his lower lip.
“As much as I want to continue this our dads and going to be here soon and I would like to do that again so your dad can kill me now,” Connor said in a rush worried that Mia would think that he was rejecting her.
“It’s fine Connor,” Mia said turning back to her weapons. “Besides your face is too pretty to be hurt by my dad.” Mia returned to her knives while Connor sharpened to one she hadn’t gotten to yet. Mia suddenly said, “Wait. Were you actually asking me out on a date the other day when you wanted to buy me a milkshake?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t want it to be a big deal.”
“I knew it,” John exclaimed. “You own me ten bucks.” Oliver just groaned in response. Mia and Connor’s heads whipped around to see their dad’s with big shit-eating grins on their faces.
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xraytwo · 4 years
Another long(er) read, indulge me.
Why I Still Miss Donna Summer
It's been a little under five months since I underwent my "Donna Summer Renaissance". With the passage of time, this seems a good place to look back. Want to flesh out some thoughts and feelings on why I like her music and why I find her kind, warm, funny and genuine. For some context, here is the original article.  I'll wait, lol.
During December (and the following months), have had the chance to listen to a lot of her music. Still haven't listened to everything but enough to glean some favorites. Have also listened to a handful of albums on Youtube.
Here are my Personal Top 5 Donna songs. Interpretations are mine, unless otherwise noted:
1) MacArthur Park (from "Live and More") – Written by Jimmy Webb in 1967. Was originally recorded by actor Richard Harris in 1968. His version is ok. There were some other versions from the early 70's, including one, I think, from Frank Sinatra. The song is melodramatic with some oddball and out of left field lyrics. Well, it was the 60's. It's an ode to 'romantic resilience ' (I read that somewhere but it seems a good interpretation). The music is absolutely great. Something about the beginning of this song. Those opening piano chords get me every time. Then Donna starts singing. Goosebumps. She is perfect throughout the whole thing, making great choices on how and where to change things up for the best effect. She makes you care about about a cake thats been left out in the rain, lol (the metaphor of neglecting a love or relationship). This song is a great showcase of her range, power and emotive quality. I would say her version is the definitive one. Hard to imagine anyone else singing it as well as she does. There are some other good versions out there, but nobody can touch her. She owns this song. It is excellent live.
2) I Feel Love (from "I Remember Yesterday") – This one is THE iconic Donna Summer song, in my opinion. It was years ahead of it's time and still sounds modern today. From what I read about it, the creation process was one happy accident after another, so the pieces kind of fell into place. It is from a concept album where each song is in the style of a different time period of the 20th Century, going from the past, to today (the 70's), to the future. I Feel Love is the future, and boy was it. The music is basically all a Moog Modular synthesizer. Donna's vocals, all I can say is, just Wow. Trancelike, emotive, Otherwordly. There's not much more that can be said. Again, perfect choices. It's hard to imagine anyone other than her singing it. Sam Smith gave it a shot, but it's not the same. Something about the quality of her voice. It's just perfect. The whole song is a stereophonic trip, with the vocals taking you on a ride to the future. Donna cowrote some of the lyrics. This one gets my pulse pounding and always a delight to listen. Live doesn't seem to quite match the studio but her voice is great. The performance where she sings with an orchestra, is to die for (Night at the Proms 2005). Unfortunately, that version is short.
3) Cold Love (from "The Wanderer") – Donna ROCKS. After her Disco era, she wanted to change musical direction (something that had really started with the "Bad Girls" album), going to a more New Wave/Rock sound. Here we have driving guitars, a great hook and again, great vocals that serve the song. I remember hearing this back in 1980 (or so) and being absolutely shocked it was Donna Summer. I also remember absolutely loving it. Only heard it a handful of times back then and tracked it on the Top 40 Countdowns. It got to about #30 or so before sliding off the charts. So, I completely forgot about it until stumbling back upon in December. It kick started memories. One memory of being in a car on a class trip and hearing it come on, and was toe tapping to it. But about halfway through the song, went out of range of the station. Then I was bummed. It's not AC/DC or Led Zeppelin, but it cooks. It's a great little song and in a style I wish she would have done more of. She definitely had the vocal chops for it (I think she actually considered herself a Pop and Rock singer. Her first pro gig was in a Blues Rock band). She was a vocal chameleon and really could sing any modern contemporary style she wanted. This one is proof.
4) State of Independence (from "Donna Summer") – A song originally written by Jon Anderson (of Yes) and Vangelis (of .. well ... Vangelis). It seems to have a slight reggae feel and New Age style lyrics. It is an uplifting number. Again, her voice is just perfect for the song. It slowly builds up over its runtime, adding different layers of instruments along the way that just keep growing. Her voice keeps up with it, never flinching.  In a way, this song is tailor made for her Christian faith. There is a live version (from "A Hot Summer Night with Donna") where she closes the show with it. Her daughter guests sings, starting some of the first verse, before Donna joins her. As the song nears it's end, she adds in the verse from John 3:16 (For God so loved the world .... ). And that drives the point home. To me, that shows what this song really means to her. It is an affirmation of faith. The live versions are great.
5) There Will Always Be a You (from "Bad Girls") / Sand On My Feet (from "Crayons") - Yes, I know this makes six songs in my top five. Sorry, Common Core math. I don't think Donna gets enough credit for how well she does ballads. Granted most of her songs are upbeat danceable numbers. But her ballads are in another realm. First "There Will Always Be a You". I have to start by saying, this song utterly DESTROYS me. She wrote everything here, music and lyrics. It originates from the aftermath of a bad argument with her then boyfriend (and future husband). Afterwards, she went to a piano and it all just came out. Starts with a haunting, vocal melody, no words, she's just singing notes. Then the piano comes in and plays the same notes. Pitch perfect. She is saying, we may have our ups and downs but you will forever be the love of my life, regardless of what happens, or how bad things get. The music to this song, beautiful, gorgeous and sweet. The producers really did her justice on this one. In an interview, she was asked which of the songs, she had written, was her favorite. This was it. You can tell this song is her baby. I think it is one of, if not the most emotive and heartfelt singing performances she gives on a recording. Haven't found a live version. Some lyrics from the song
"After rainy, stormy weather |
I am yours and you are mine |
Till the stars fall from my eyes |
There will always be a you".
They work better with the music rather than reading them obviously. If you haven't heard this before give it a listen. You can thank me later. This ... song ... utterly ... DESTROYS me.
And now "Sand on My Feet", from her last studio album. Let me start by saying, this song utterly DESTROYS me. It's one she cowrote. A very simple production. I think this is on purpose, to be just a song with a simple message. It's a love letter to her husband. This one is acoustic guitar based and it also has lovely music as well. Some context, in the live version she gives some background on the writing. This song was written at her beach home in Florida (this is important for later) and is pretty much the setting. The live version is great by the way. She sings of their life together, that she will love him where ever they are. She is happy to simply be in their home, by the beach (just to be), with him. Beautiful. Sometimes the simple things in life are the most important. She really didn't get enough credit for how good a songwriter she was. The Chorus:
"And it feels like love, and it feels so good | I wanna feel like the roarin' thunder | Wanna be the heaven that your sky is under | Oh, I say, you say, oh (It's like love) | All that I need, baby it's true | The sand on my feet and you"
You really need to hear how she weaves her vocals around those lines. Beautiful. Listen to it. You can thank me later.
Also, here are the last set of lyrics from the song:
"How many lovers | Have walked along the shore before | Before you and I | How many said goodbye"
That last line. There is tragic irony to it. Remember the song was written in her beach home. Donna passed on May 17, 2012, at her beach home in Florida. The same one she wrote this song in. The irony of that last line, in the place she had love for and from her family, where she wrote this beautiful song, on or near the beach. In all likelihood this is home she said goodbye to them. This ... song ... utterly ... DESTROYS me. I adore both of them. Two songs, thirty years apart. One from her peak and the other near the end. Wow ... just Wow. No words.
She has a lot of good songs. I do like a lot of her classics but also some of the lesser known ones. I haven't heard all of her catalog but do have some 'honorable mentions' from the ones I have. "Love to Love You Baby", "Could It Be Magic", "Winter Melody", "I Remember Yesterday", "Breakdown", "I Believe in Jesus", "This Time I Know It's For Real", "When Love Takes Over You" (a fun and cute video), "Heaven's Just a Whisper Away", "Friends Unknown" (a love letter to her fans), "Stamp Your Feet", "The Queen is Back" and "Be Myself Again" (another great ballad). Know it's a lot of honorable mentions and have still forgotten a few.
How the Hell did I miss this for forty plus years???
From my earlier article (see link above if you haven't already) I thought she was the kind of person that would make a really good friend. I found some anecdotal stories from people, randomly running into her at Other Places and Times (sorry, couldn't resist). They are mostly from comments following videos or articles. Just people describing their encounters. I'm telling them from memory as these stories would be hard to dig back up. Some details may be fuzzy but the events are essentially correct.
Story Number 1: A guy is getting on an airline. While entering, he notices a pretty woman sitting in the seat beside his. He takes his seat. Sometime after takeoff. He starts to realize who she may be. They actually start up a conversation, just chit chatting. He asks her where she is going. Her reply, "Going to Miami to see my friend KC."  Anyone from the 70's or early 80's, knows who KC in Miami is. So, now for sure he knows who she is and they continue to talk during the flight. At the end, she gives him some contact info and says, "If your ever in New York, give us a call". Don't know if the Passenger ever did.
Story Number 2: A handicapped person is getting out of his car and into a wheelchair. Apparently, he is having some difficulty and drops his briefcase and items scatter. He soon hears a large SUV type vehicle drive up and hears a woman's voice say, "Do you need help?"  He says he does. When she gets out of the vehicle, he realizes who it is. She helps him gather his things and then gets in the vehicle and drives off as quickly as she arrived.
Story Number 3: A person is walking down the street in a large city.. He hears some music coming from a warehouse and there is a small crowd in front of it, looking inside. Curious he goes over to see whats going on. It is Donna Summer and her band rehearsing a performance for a talk show later in the day. It's supposed to be a closed set. When the song is finished, the small audience claps. Hearing the fanfare, she turns around, see's the small group and bows to them.
Story Number 4: Not an individual story but a concert one. It is the beginning of one of her later tours. Near the start of a show she tells the audience it has been a while and she is nervous. To which someone in the crowd yells, "We love you Donna!!". She smiles and replies to the audience, "Tonight I am all yours." She relaxes and puts on a great show. Her fans LOVED her, and she LOVED her fans (see the song "Friends Unknown").
These anecdotal stories tell me something about the kind of person she was. She could have just ignored a random stranger on a plane, or kept driving past someone in need of help, or gotten snitty with people who were looking in on a closed rehearsal, or not had the respect for her fans to tell them she was afraid of letting them down. A Really .. Good .. Friend.
Stories like these, her music and her kindness .. warmth .. humor and genuineness are Why I Still Miss Donna Summer.
Over the last month and a half, actually engaged in a couple of Donna Summer related activities. At the beginning of March, got the chance to see the touring company for "Summer: The Donna Summer Musical". There were some cheap nosebleed seats available. Fortunately, DPAC doesn't seem to really have any bad seats. So the view of the stage was pretty good, allbeit further away. I had never been to a live musical before, so it was an experience. As for the show itself, the three ladies portraying Donna did a very good job with the songs. They aren't Donna Summer (there are very few singers who are in that ballpark) but they were quite good. Interestingly, "On the Radio" received the largest audience response that night. I almost got a little misty eyed at "Friends Unknown" (almost).  Don't judge. Overall, I found it an enjoyable and entertaining show. Recommended if you are a fan.
Later in March, received a second hand copy of her autobiography "Ordinary Girl: The Journey". She spends time talking about her childhood, living in Europe, the disco era and the time after disco with family life. She talks about her paintings (yes she painted) and life on a farm. She doesn't spend a whole lot on controversial topics. I guess she said all that was needed to be said outside of the book. At the end, she talks about organizing a Broadway show, about her life. That version was not to be. Her reason for writing a book was to be a beacon for others. She suffered from insecurities and low self-esteem when younger and wanted to let anyone know, you to can prevail over any obstacle. It is a good read and I finished it in less than a day, almost 250 pages. Tons of black and white pictures throughout. I really did enjoy it and can recommend for anyone with a passing interest or who (again) is a fan.
Sometimes, I wish there is a way to send a message to myself in the past. Don't we all, lol. Would address mine around 10 to 12 years ago. Tell myself, "You need to go see Donna Summer live in concert". At this point my younger self probably rolls his/my eyes. "I know that now, she is not someone you listen too. But believe your older self when I say, there will come a time when you will appreciate the experience and it will be a memory you can cherish forever."
In closing, this is me putting thoughts down on virtual paper. If you read this, hope you gain some understanding from it. I know quite a few of you out there roll your eyes whenever I make a Donna post, lol. Admittedly, all of this takes place after she left us, and that probably colors my thoughts and perceptions. But, it has been an extraordinary journey, even though at times quite sad. I'll leave one more item here, a link to the song I wrote and produced, an effort to process thoughts and emotions. Some of you have already seen, listened or ignored it, lol. And that is ok. I can only hope she's looking down, hears it and smiles.
This is Why I Still Miss Donna Summer.
April 27, 2020
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