#sorry fam dont worry i promise i dont generally respond to anons
londonfoginacup · 6 years
I’m gonna be really real for a minute, y’all.
My aim in this fandom to have a fucking good time. And you know what? Every single day, I log onto this site, and I see beautiful people doing beautiful things, and i think I love all of y’all, and then I see pictures of Harry and Louis and Liam and Niall and yes, even Zayn, and I think I love my boys. I fucking love them. I love this fandom, and the friendships it’s brought me, and the joys I’ve experienced. The highs and the lows are all worth it. I’m a fucking larrie to the end of time and I’m going to stay on this hellsite to the end of time because I love the people I follow, and I love bunches and bunches of people I don’t follow, and I am the literal embodiment of the below image all the time
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Anyway. Now that that’s out of the way. I have some things to address with the dear anon who just messaged me;
lmao shut the fuck up.
I reblog from who I like. I can, and do, think for myself. In fact, I pride myself on it. I also place little stock on someone coming into my inbox and saying manipulative things all while wearing a mask of anonymity. 
I reblogged a single ask. Because I thought it was funny. Do I really think he sold that few copies? Of course I don’t. I thought it was pretty clear that that couldn’t possibly be true. While I don’t blog about Zayn because this is a One Direction-centric blog and he has removed himself from that narrative, I do still love Zayn. He is my prodigal son and if he showed up at my house I would make him tea and give him maple cookies and play him memes to make him smile. 
But that’s not really the point of all of this. The point is that you probably just followed the links to everyone who reblogged that post, and left them the same message. You probably won’t ever check back and see this message. In your anger, you have unthinkingly spread hate, and probably continue to spread hate, against people you have never met. 
And to you, anon, or anyone else who has left a nasty message in a fandom you call your own, I implore you; think deeply about whether what you’re doing is spreading a good message or a bad one. And think about whether doing so is making you happier or more upset. If sending nasty anons (and that’s what that message was: nasty) makes you more angry and worked up, please reflect on that. Bringing more hatred into the world only breeds more hatred, not results.
Now that that is over with, I will go back to my usual attempts at positive posting! Remember, I love you all! I love Harry and he is out there being his wiggly self. I love Louis and he is out there doing what he needs to to get shit done. I love Harry and Louis and their love. I love Niall and his sarcasm and lack of knowledge on how to hold babies. I love Liam and his zest for life and crinkley eyes. I love Zayn even if I don’t see much of him these days. I love One Dalmation!
In conclusion;
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