#sorry for late preview upload i was sick
delimeful · 3 years
Patton wasn’t entirely sure what he expected after the impromptu therapy session didn’t turn up any results.
A relocation to somewhere secure, somewhere they could keep an eye on him, maybe. Disappointment at his utter failure to recall anything, certainly.
He didn’t blame them. Whatever was locked away in his mind was their best lead on their enemies, and he had just proved himself unwilling to use the key even after all the effort they’d gone to.
He wanted to, he really did. The kindness they spared for him was warm and addictive, and he’d thought he’d do anything to keep receiving it, but clearly that wasn’t true-- he’d tried to remember and only gotten the barest flicker of terror before his mind had just shut down.
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heart-forge · 4 years
Woah, that's an unfortunate preview thumbnail but at least I know I found centre with the image. Also sorry it's a day late I was like "my sister's coming over and that will let me know that it is Friday and time to upload" and, well. It didn't work.
Their face doesn't even twitch, but neither do they interrupt you. "Uh, I work well under pressure and with strong time management skills, I've been told that I'm an asset to Tahira's team." You pause again, and once again they just watch you listlessly.
"Are you done?"
"Uh. Yes."
"In that case, let's begin with your onboarding meeting." There's a file folder on their desk that makes you feel a little sick to look at, which usually indicates that it wasn't there a second ago.
Welcome to the Bad Ritual public release !! When we last left our heroes, they were facing down a meeting with SignetWorks CEO: what could possibly go wrong?
Lots. So, so, so much goes deeply wrong.
Also say hello to the new Bad Ritual layout !! You can now toggle light mode and dark mode, toggle classic font style and friendly font style (which just makes everything a very large, readable Verdana), build a brand new save to start wherever in the game you'd like to, and request a new ID (ie, change details about your player mid-playthrough via the ID page).
As always, feel free to let me know about any typos, screwy code, or excitement! Have a chill weekend.
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aleniksimmer · 4 years
Hello..I was meant to create an update post regarding everything in these days. The situation was starting to get better in general but then it crushed and I'm still trying to collect the pieces.
I wasn't able to post or answer cause things were already going shit. As you know, my cat was recovering from chest infection and sudden diarrhea due to the strong antibiotics, only in the last week we are letting her free to go in the garden during the day, but back in the cage at the evening. So that was going well. Then my cousin's dog that lives with us disappeared while he was out in the fields around our house to poop. My aunt and I spent hours walking around the fields at night with fog to look for him. Thankfully he was found by a person on the other side of the river (he walked a lot and was able to not be hit by cars) that contacted her vet who contacted the police due to privacy who contacted my cousin as soon as he was contacting them. We think he has been scared by some loud noises and ran away cause he was disoriented. On top of this my brother broke both of his elbows and needed a cast, now removed cause he is completely heal. That's why I was planning to update, everything was starting to going fine and I was finally able to finish Evelynn.
But then my dog started feeling sick. It looked like a stomachache as usual, she happened to have them during particularly cold days and throwing up during these times was normal. The first day she was feeling sick she was almost normal, she spent more time than usual in her dog house but she was coming out when called and she was eating normally. The second day she was even more inside her house and she looked a little sad, but again this was normal behavior if she was having a stomachache. In the evening she started to throw up, and again, it wasn't news for stomachache, but I still called the vet despite the hour. She said to remove the water and food and see if she's getting better in the morning. I swear I didn't saw blood in the discharge, just a lot of water and some pieces of food she ate. I was thinking it wasn't that bad, we can bring her to the vet in the afternoon, my cat lasted almost a week not being able to eat/drink or stand up, Mandorla was still responsive. She watched me as I was taking care of Ecliss and Stige, she even started looking a little less sad after I removed the water and she stopped throwing up. She was walking around, she was starting to accepting pets better, I petted her a lot, I examined her, I hugged her, I didn't expected to be the last one to stay with her. I thought we could go through this too. And then I woke up with the news she wasn't here anymore. The whole world crashed down. I spent the day in and out of consciousness, I don't remember what I did, I know I took care of my cats but the rest is just a blur, I just remember crying. My mother and brother took her to the vet hospital for the autopsy, they want to know what happened, both the old vet and Stige's one said she might have eaten rat poison, even if my dad assured me no one used it for a long time (we live near a ditch but she shouldn't be able to reach the trap, and I don't think she went near it lately). We're going to get the result Wednesday and I'm afraid, I already feel it's partially my fault, I should have immediately brought her to the vet despite everything, I don't know, I feel like I failed her if it was something preventable, I should have been more careful, I should have paid more attention. I didn't understand the gravity of it and it's eating me inside. My family is mourning on its own way, my mother can't stand me crying so yesterday I spent the day feeling numb and everything came back at night when everyone was sleeping, I fell asleep exhausted due to crying. She's already blaming Stige and me for what happened, even if it has been two months since their last contact. The mood was already tight and this event didn't help. Everyone is dealing with it by themselves and most of the interactions are rough. I guess we just need time passing. The hospital is going to give her back to us so we can properly bury her in our garden, I hope this is going to give everyone at least some peace.
About the update post I was going to make, I'll put it under the cut, if someone doesn't want to read about the situation, they can skip directly to this. Taking care of my cats and creating is the only thing that's able to dull the pain a little for now.
I also wanted to thank all the people who left a message on my last post and contacted me, thank you so much for caring ❤️ I'm not feeling ready for conversations yet, but remember I really appreciate your kind thoughts, they're helping me not feeling alone with my pain.
About my CCs, I published a cyborg chest tattoo the other day, and then finished Evelynn from K/DA popstars (years late). I fixed the dress, but didn't touched the fur or the necklaces because the distortion is caused by uv_1 (body mass sliders) and I don't feel confident enough to edit it better. I hope you're still going to like the set. About the hair, the fringe has the same clipping problems as EA one, so I don't see how I can make it better (I generally trust EA with their vertex and weight paints). I made the glasses without transparency cause in the game and in the MV they're like this (they're obviously floating as any EA glasses). For the hairpin I had to improvise a little cause there wasn't any clear reference in the MV nor in the official 3D model. In any case it's modeled to work with these hair. Now I just need to create the LODs for everything, adjust the maps, create the previews and I can upload it. In the meantime I looked at the new kda designs (baddest and all out). I won't considered the chroma cause first I didn't know what they were (I don't play lol) and second I would need to create a piece for each one due to the normal maps of the tops and I'm not really into it. I decided I would also give a try to the Prestige popstars even if I have to use just the low poly game models and the official art for reference (also, can anyone explain me why they changed Evelynn and Ahri ps prestige design? It's a sincere question, I don't know anything about lol). I also would like to add true damage to the mix but we'll see, I don't even know if I'll follow a specific order. About Seraphine I don't know, like, her design in More is the only one I'll consider but it doesn't inspire me that much, plus her hair would be hell to make them work in TS4. We'll see about this too I guess.
On a general note, I need to edit the names and the CAS thumbnails of Ahri set (and fix some things), so please re-download the set when I update it (I'll let you know).
I hope Ahri and Evelynn look part of the same thing, despite a lot of time passed between their creations. Poses by LucienSims.
About Miraculous, I made the inactive turtle miraculous some time ago, but I don't think I'm going to continue with their set right now due to the current situation. I'm afraid I'm going to ruin my experience, plus we are only having spoilers and you know I don't like it. I hope I'll come back when s4 will start (I still love miraculous, don't get me wrong, I just don't feel like investing in it right now, I'm sorry). On a more "positive" note, my love for kda came back, and villain concept video is giving me strength (I know it's weird, but I really need something to keep me "above the water" these times).
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Ok imagine: (part 1) you're friend with Michael on a website created for shy people, who don't post any picture and hide their identity to not be bother and one day, because you really like each other, you decide to meet in person. But when you see him, tall, blond, handsome, you can believe he is the lonely boy, bullied by his neighbors and who never even kissed someone. You think he is lying, pranking you and you run away before he could see you.
(A/N): Hello there, lovely!
I am rather sorry for posting this rather earlier and I swear that with tomorrow, I’ll have almost finished all my asks, which is... marvelous, hence I can focus on new writing projects and the beautiful asks you sent on my way!
(If you have more outside of CF’s character, continue to send, also I would love some Xavier’s ones, if you have some!).
With this being said, I hope you’ll enjoy this, I loved this idea, because a while ago, I had a similar, but never got around to write so it was nice to finally do!
Have a nice day, sweetie!
WARNINGS: Body Issues, Self-Consciousness, Depressive Thoughts.
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You weren’t exactly self-conscious about your body.
But if you could have worn a paper bag onto your head, you would have gladly chosen to do so.
And not only as fashion statement.
You didn’t remember exactly where your self-consciousness had begun.
Some part of you wondered, whether it had always stuck with you.
Your friends had introduced you to “Faceless” a new social network where people could upload mostly status and quotes, without the need of an image to represent them, being indeed “faceless”.
It could have alarmed your “stranger-danger” sense, but your friends always used it as a way to facelessly make fun of somebody, resulting in it being an extremely mean place.
Except for you and Michael.
You had met Michael after you had discovered you liked the same artist.
You had published some of his art, resulting in Michael commenting about how he had recently visited an exhibition of his, which he had loved, and asked if he could share of the photos he had made there, with you.
You hadn’t minded, although you had been ready to block him if he even thought about sending you dick pics, which he didn’t, sending you the exhibition’s photos indeed, and you couldn’t help but appreciate the sweet gesture.
From then on, you couldn’t help but feel like there were more and more things that linked you two together.
Most importantly your self-consciousness.
Michael admitted that he had discovered “Faceless” on his own, meanwhile he was skimming through the internet and had been rather pleased to discover that he didn’t have to show his face and show himself around to talk with people.
He didn’t feel in the slightest confident because of his grandma, who had kept him segregated at home, till her own evilness had gotten to her and she had died from some lung malfunction due to the perpetrated use of cigarettes she had done.
She had died screaming at her nephew and Michael had never been able to forgive himself, thinking that he had been the one who had killed her.
Thankfully after this bad experience he had been able to move on, being moved to a new house and meeting Mrs Mead, who took care of him lovingly and brought him to exhibitions and galleries, since he didn’t mind in the slightest the painter life, although “he wasn’t very talented” according to him.
He used “Faceless” also to publish his sketches and you had eventually gotten him to submit his art to a context for unexperienced artists.
“It isn’t even that good” he had written to you, after he had submitted.
And guess what… HE HAD WON.
In the end, time had come, and after you had exchanged phone numbers, you had thought about seeing each other in person, since you didn’t live far.
You felt extremely nervous but the possibility of finally meeting Michael, somebody who understood you and cherished your fidgety and self-conscious personality, made you extremely excited and daring.
You were still scared that he might end up being some kind predator, hence you had suggested to meet at a park, in order for it to be full of people, but also somehow private and they would both be wearing something that could make them stand-out.
Him a yellow shirt, and you a polka dotted dress.
Since you were anxious and excited, you ended up being a few minutes early and examined the elegant place, watching through your lashes anybody that came down from your avenue, meanwhile you tried to fake being absorbed in the book you were reading, although nothing would make your mind stick to it.
In the end, something yellowy caught your eyes, but it was just a young boy going around with his parents, who raised him slightly off the ground, to make him giggle.
A truly adorable scene that got you distracted enough that when an older boy with a yellow shirt passed in front of you, you didn’t stop him.
But immediately your gaze was fixed onto him, and you were unable to stop yourself from staring at the gorgeous angel in it: he was desperately handsome, in an ethereal way, almost shy to his own light, made by his golden curls, decorating perfectly and styled around his face.
His pretty eyes held some kind of shyness to them, and insecurity brought them to shine duller, in a greyer shade of ocean, still appreciable but you couldn’t help but wonder what they would be like at it brightest.
They had to be stars, shining in a dark sky.
He was the kind of guy that you would see outside and take a good look, dumbfounded, but then you would turn away, knowing he was waaaayyyy out of your league, hence it got you even more depressed than usual.
But the fact that he was wearing a yellow shirt made you ogle at him even more, trying to make some sense into what you were seeing: was there a possibility that that handsome boy was your Michael?
The shy and not confident Michael, who thought he looked like Frankenstein’s creature and didn’t like going out, since everybody made fun of the way he walked, talked and even looked with gangly arms and clumsy legs.
But that boy was in no way any of those things: he was a classically handsome man, a Michalangelo’s human carved statue and with an androgynous shape that brought interest and uniqueness to him.
A truly masterpiece.
… that didn’t match with the image of Michael you had been given.
You, at first, thought it was just somebody with a very yellow shirt, not your Michael, but then you had seen him look around, almost as if he was waiting for somebody and this got to you.
It was truly Michael.
But not your Michael.
Not the one you had known through internet.
Maybe it was stupid but the fact that he was gorgeous made you uneasy.
It almost felt like you were being played a cruel joke by Michael.
Maybe he had just wanted to gain your confidence then to break your heart, making fun of you, some people did that, although it seemed disturbed.
And you just felt extremely uneasy, enough that you just picked up your book and moved away, before he could glance at your polka dot dress, as you tried not to let your waterworks open in that moment, worried that it would make you seem even more an idiot, and when you were behind the walls of your house, you crouched to the ground.
Your view became hazy for your tears, and before you knew it, you were clutching your chest in a fetal position, unknowing of what the hell was going on, trying to make sense, in how cruel the Destiny had been.
It had given you finally somebody who understood you and cherished you for all your fears and insecurities, and then he had taken him away in such a horrible and embarrassing way.
You couldn’t help but feel grateful that he hadn’t noticed you, since it meant that he wouldn’t have to witness your embarrassing form.
You would stay faceless, but you were a bit glad to have known such an angelic face.
… although you would never be worth of it.
After you felt a bit better, since your stomach basically grumbled back to life, you brought yourself out of your miserable self-pity and onto the kitchen table and there you had left your bag, probably after you had smashed it onto table, in your mental breakdown.
Something inside it was ringing, probably your phone.
You had expected it to be your friend who had known about your little “blind date”, and was worried sick about you meeting a stranger on the internet:
“What if he tries to kidnap you, (Y/N), haven’t you thought about it?”.
“You seriously think that there would be anyone interested in kidnapping me?”.
But it wasn’t your friend: it was Michael.
You let your phone ring, till it got exhausted and your screen showed you a few of the many messages Michael had sent you, which you looked into from the preview, in order not to give away the fact that you had read them.
The first ones were nervous and shy, asking you whether you had found the right spot and were already waiting by him, or if you were some minutes late.
“… if you are late, don’t worry, I just thought I’d come here early”.
“I am nervous, I honestly am scared to meet you in real life”.
“Hey (Y/N), you are coming, right?”.
“Did you have some problem at home?”.
“Hey… aren’t you coming?”.
“Gosh, (Y/N), I am honestly worried… did something happen to you? Please call me!”.
And then he had started calling you indeed, almost frantically, and you were pretty sure that you would find something in your voicemail, but you didn’t check it, and eventually just let your phone ring.
Till you had enough, and you finally replied.
“Won’t you leave me alone?” you sputtered, knowing that it was just a stupid cruel joke, made by an ignorant jock.
“Oh, thank God, (N/N) you replied!” he didn’t seem to acknowledge in the slightest your tone, just happy as a puppy waggling his tail at his owner “… I was getting worried honestly… did something happen this morning? We can reschedule…”.
“I did come today” you felt an uncomfortable silence go through you, but you didn’t let it affect you, pushing yourself further “… and I freaking saw you, Michael, you are certainly not an ugly ducking”.
“Oh, then if you saw me… why didn’t you…”.
“Why don’t you do us all favor and drop this act?” your voice was harsh, your mood quickly swinging from sadness to rage “… I know that you had quite the fun, convincing somebody that you were nothing but an ugly nerd, to make them believe and confide you, just to make fun of them when you finally met them face to face”.
The other line was silent, before a slight hiccup was heard.
“I don’t know what you are talking about (N/N), I honestly had no ulterior intentions than to meet you, face to face” his voice was a rollercoaster of emotions, swinging from calm to whiny and then full-blown teary “… I honestly would never ever make fun of you, you have to believe me”.
“I am barely a five, on a scale from one to ten, Michael…” you mumbled, calming a tiny bit down, mostly because Michael’s voice seemed damnably honest, but you knew better than to trust easily people “… and you are a freaking eleven… so I think that it is better for us to never see us again”.
“No, no wait… (N/N)… if I did something… I am sorry, but please don’t…” his voice right now was extremely sad, and you were absolutely sure that he had started crying “… you are one of the few people with whom I can be myself and seriously the sole thought of you leaving me, make me sick…”.
“I am sorry, Michael, but it is better for both of us, with time, you’ll come around”.
You didn’t want to be hurt.
Even if this wasn’t a joke, Michael was too good for you and eventually he would grow out of a crush on a stranger he had idealized, and to make it even more clear, you chose to send him a photo of you, mostly because you thought that once he saw you, as the mess you were, he would have finally understood.
You then decided to switch off your phone to sleep a bit peacefully, something that might help with your broken heart, but you couldn’t help but keep on replaying that morning meeting, although it always ended up badly: Michael would reveal himself to be a pompous prick and you would end up humiliated in a corner.
When you had woken up, mostly because your roommate had come back home, you had switched on your phone remembering about your friend’s worry, but it wasn’t any message of hers that caught your eyes, it was instead… Michael’s reply to your picture.
One of your favorites, because you smiled brightly and the dress you had chosen made you definitely feel pretty, but you didn’t think that it would even come close to Michael’s beauty.
Still he had replied that you looked gorgeous and that maybe the true reason why you hadn’t wanted to meet him was due to him not being enough for you.
And he had heartbreakingly replied, with a last message, that he wouldn’t have bothered you in the slightest.
The thought of it made you slightly sad, but you were resolute.
Your new week without your “best friend” ended up being extremely difficult, at first you were confident you wouldn’t be missing him too much, but you had had to delete the “Faceless” app from your phone in order not to check it continuously, alongside having to push the laptop away from you.
Your anxieties still didn’t go away, but you were able to reach some kind of balance on the second week, unlike Michael, who had tried to send you some messages, mostly to check in on you.
You never answered, because they reminded you of what it might have happened, had you seriously met.
But it still made you nostalgic, you were completely unable to feel like you had somebody who understood you, who you could talk with no judgement.
It almost made you feel like you might have overreacted the entire thing, almost as if the thought of risking it with Michael might have made it all worth it, had you succeeded in your whole plan.
But maybe… as life had proven you many times, you might have ended up with one more reason to hide yourself from the world.
That morning you had been out for some grocery shopping, and meanwhile you were moving in the street from the little supermarket to pick up some food, to the florist’s shop so that you would be able to have some flower to brighten your dark days.
But as you were coming inside, you saw a movement, and turned around, but soon found a pair of unknown arms around you, startling you enough that you couldn’t help but sigh and try to push yourself away, thinking it was some kind of way to run.
But your mysterious assaulter ended up revealing himself to be a blond angel, you knew all too well: Michael.
He immediately realized your discomfort and he distanced himself slightly, blushing awkwardly and standing there with a hand onto his arm, looking down, before he muttered a shy “hello”.
You couldn’t help but be embarrassed a bit by the entire scene, although your heart roared at knowing that Michael had wanted to make you receive such a genuine reaction, something that convinced that maybe… just maybe… he hadn’t meant anything.
And that somehow… he liked for what he had seen and known.
“… I am sorry, I know that you said that you didn’t want us to meet each other again, but I just… I just felt the need to finally meet you… and hug you… but…” he twirled one of his blond curls between his fingers “…you must think I am a psycho”.
“Just a bit” you replied, softly, trying to make some sense in what was going through your brain “… I honestly have to say I have overreacted a bit… I have missed you in these days…”.
“I have missed you, too” he replied gingerly, meanwhile he went to kiss a bit sloppily your cheeks, making you laugh a bit, at his enthusiasm “… I was hoping that we would be able to finally meet each other… I prayed for it each day…”.
You blushed at his eagerness, and at the fact that it was what you had thought all the time you had spent away.
“I…” you didn’t know what to say anymore, and just stared at Michael’s pretty eyes, thinking that maybe… for one day… it was good to try things, to risk it all “…think that maybe we have closed one door, but we might start again, face to face, instead of ‘faceless’ “.
Michael giggled at his corny humor, and meanwhile you offered a hand for him to hold, he guided you in another soft hug.
“Well then it’s nice to meet you, I am Michael”.
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twatkcox · 5 years
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All right, so another year has passed. Despite the anticipation of the (supposedly) good things to happen, most of them are satisfactory. This year is nothing short of expectation versus reality.
All right, so I’m here to round up the things that happened in 2019. This can be a pretty lengthy read.
I’ve published a total of 36 posts on TWATKcox-WP this year, down from 58 last year.
Celebrating TWATKcox-WP’s sixth year in the cyberspace, a special post about me and my interests was written, revised, and published by none other than your host, Keihancarl. Despite feeling sick and lethargic at the time, I managed to finish this one as I’m already way behind my schedule and may soon become overdue if I didn’t work on it as fast as I could.
I bought a lot of books this year, which consist primarily of second-hand and discounted manga books. I also bought all three books in The Doppel Ganger Chronicles series by G.P. Taylor, as well as Adeline Yen Mah’s Falling Leaves, a more complete version of her autobiography and a compelling read as well.
Switching to fiber optic internet back in February, I managed to do a lot of downloads at a much faster speed. I began discovering some awesome anime series like Amagi Brilliant Park, Orange, and Tsurune, among others. Of course, I can finally enjoy music streaming via Spotify without having to deal with slow and/or intermittent internet connection most of the time.
I went on a lengthy hiatus from publishing new posts twice: a planned six-week break from February to March and an unplanned break from July to December. These lengthy breaks are necessary since I really need to focus on finishing the seven stories for a literary special, which is originally due for publishing last May but ultimately moved to either April or May next year. As for the unplanned break, I was completely pissed off at the dummy Gravatar accounts (PLR and cryptocurrency accounts) liking my posts, hence the need to move away from WordPress for a while.
Aside from my favorite cafes near my high school, I also found a perfect writing spot at the Fairview Terraces rooftop garden where I can write (on my smartphone) comfortably under a clear, moonlit night. I just happened to visit a couple of rooftop parks at Circuit Makati and Glorietta malls, complete with fake grass and some nice shade that the tall buildings can offer. Unfortunately, Fairview Terraces doesn’t have fake grass on its rooftop garden or some tall buildings to provide shade, but at least I’ve found a relaxing place to write.
I’ve found my very own cross stitch masterpiece from eighteen years ago. This small piece I created back when I was in fourth-grade (which is not a school project) is currently displayed in my room.
In late March, some reddish-orange ants have invaded my books on the shelves, forcing me to take an entire afternoon just to clean the shelves, rearrange the books, and get rid of these pests. Aside from that, I noticed that most of the books in my collection are showing brown spots, possibly due to exposure to light and dust. Among those affected are my treasured books Battle Royale (Koushun Takami) and Sadako And The Thousand Cranes (Eleanor Coerr). I was initially planning to divest two-thirds of the books in my collection (most of them unread), but I decided to hold off for now.
In April. a strong earthquake hits Central Luzon and is felt in nearby areas, including Metro Manila. Both my brother and I felt the intensity of the earthquake at work and at home, respectively. More earthquakes occurred in various areas in the country, mostly in Mindanao.
A series of concept posts, All In The Books series, was published on TWATKcox-WP from April to May, along with a throwback post about my reading habits. The aforementioned series is all about books, being a bibliophile, and being a bookworm. It also includes some informative stuff about book hunting, e-books and audiobooks, and the things that can ruin your precious book collection. Of course, I’ve also listed down some of my favorite books as well.
I get to see MNL48 at a mall tour in Starmall San Jose Del Monte back in March, and I get to have a selfie with Ariel Villasanta of Maverick and Ariel at Pinoy Otaku Festival: Asobu 2019 in May.
Of course, I get to enjoy the three-day Pinoy Otaku Festival: Asobu 2019 which is held at Robinsons Novaliches. I did save up a lot just for this. I bought some awesome pins from Pixel Hero (especially the otaku pin), a red anime shirt featuring Izaya Orihara of Durarara!! (a.k.a. the red “People Are My Play Things” shirt), and a small dinosaur plushie. I actually get to dine in at Yoshinoya SM Fairview one last time before it closed down. And I get to enjoy my salty cream jasmine tea from OTeaHamaru while watching the bands compete in the Battle of the Bands segment.
#TheFourWeekendPlan, which includes the POF: Asobu 2019 and the Quezon City-Manila mall-hopping trip, went well, despite some disappointments and inconveniences.
I bought another shirt (the gray I Am Not A Latte shirt) and a Rockman mug during the final week of #TFWP, which serves as an addition to the merch bought at the otaku event.
TWATKcox-WP and its Tumblr blogs had a makeover. The main blog initially chose the Lodestar theme, which is actually a good-looking theme, but the missing categories on every blog post become one of my biggest headaches. I eventually switched to the Twenty Seventeen theme, though I’m not completely satisfied with it no matter how much I customize it. That should do for now. TWATKcox-Tumblr uses the Black Rabbit theme (its preview shows Ayato Kirishima of Tokyo Ghoul), and The Quirk Concept (QuirkCon) uses the Astralis theme (some of the latter theme’s fonts didn’t look good when viewed on Firefox). Both my Tumblr blogs’ themes are from Glenthemes.
I created my public Instagram account, @kcox_105, where I post some of my awesome, non-selfie pics. The pictures featured on The Keihancarl Diaries posts are still sourced from my private Instagram account, though, as not all of the pics uploaded there are worthy of being called awesome.
June 2019: My tenth year on Facebook... like I really care about it, anyway.
In July, I’m starting to get fed up with all the spam likes from dummy Gravatar accounts which are associated with WordPress-hosted PLR (Private Label Rights) sites, so I’m considering moving out of WordPress. I was thinking of hosting my blog to Weebly (as TWATKcox-Main), but the process of transferring every blog post manually is stressing me out so I gave up. I set my WordPress blog to private in the meantime, but I eventually reopened it and resumed posting new content there in December. From September to November, there were no blog posts on either my WordPress or Weebly sites.
I was thinking of creating spin-off blogs, all within the Weebly site. These are The Otaku Diaries (focusing on anime, manga, the otaku culture, and everything Japanese), The Literary Corner (focusing on my own literary works, including my upcoming literary special), and The New Quirk Concept (focusing mostly on edited cellphone and smartphone pics, as well as some of my notable selfies). None of these materialized as of this writing, however.
I created a new set of post banners for both the WordPress, Tumblr, and Weebly sites. I already updated all of TWATKcox-WP’s post banners, but I haven’t updated the ones on its Tumblr counterpart yet.
I attended the 40th Manila International Book Fair 2019 last September. While I never bought anything there, I did saw a lot of interesting books (original Japanese manga, vintage Filipiniana books, and Wattpad novels), check out Pop X Hub and The Bazket, and saw Pol Medina Jr. in person (I didn’t get to have a selfie with him, unfortunately). There are a lot of people inside the venue, but it didn’t take me long to get in.
I celebrated my 29th birthday (XXIX In MMXIX) with a Red Ribbon Black Forest cake, which isn’t really that good, with an extreme amount of sweetness and all that. I had a mall-hopping trip a few days later as well, but it didn’t go smoothly as planned.
In October LRT Line 2 temporarily suspends operations from Cubao/Anonas to Santolan stations due to a rectifier fire in Katipunan Station. I decided not to push through with the intended mall-hopping trip in UP-Marikina-Masinag areas for November and opted for Eastwood-East Ortigas instead. Right now, only the Cubao-Recto portion of the line is operational, with the affected portion of the line to be operational again by July.
A surprisingly feel-good announcement: Automattic acquired Tumblr from Verizon Media. Sorry porn trolls, but they’ll maintain the lewdness ban in hurr.
The follow up to The Noir Project is still in the works, with the first set of pics expected to be published on QuirkCon by January 2020. It is originally slated for November this year, supposedly the debut post for the scrapped The New Quirk Concept on TWATKcox-Main, but I had to postpone it due to an extreme case of procrastination and lethargy due to stress.
For the first time in three years, I decided on a graham cake as the official dessert for the Christmas and New Year’s Eve feasts, which is topped with sliced peach halves. To be honest, I kinda missed making a cheesecake, which is actually more of an ice cream cake since it only sets when frozen or chilled.
All right, so a lot of interesting things happened this year. So what should I look forward to next year?
Chinese New Year (January 2020)
TWATKcox’s 7th year (January 2020)
The Noir Project II (January or February 2020)*
The Otaku Diaries on TWATKcox-WP (February 2020)*
TWATKcox’s 300th Post (February or March 2020)*
TWATKcox’s Special Literary Post (May 2020)*
Pinoy Otaku Festival: Godai (originally Tanoshii Matsuri) (May 2020)
#TheFourWeekendPlanY2 (May to June 2020)
41st Manila International Book Fair (September 2020)
My Autobiography In 5000+ Words (TWATKcox’s 350th Post) (October 2020)*
My 30th birthday celebration in all-black (October 2020)
Project:Upgrade (2020)*
My first novel (2020/2021)*
(* Tentative, subject to change without prior notice)
And what are my plans for 2020?
I’m spending too much money on second-hand manga books, so I’ll probably have to restrict myself to just buying one or two books a month. Of course, I need to save up for the upcoming otaku event (POF: Godai 2020) and the MIBF 2019. And hopefully, a third one.
I’m planning to update the post banners in Tumblr posts.
I’m also planning to edit some of the earlier blog posts, the ones published between 2013 to 2015. It’ll be an exhausting and extensive editing job so I’ll only do this in phases.
A new header for my blog, plus some customizations in my Tumblr blogs.
I need to finish writing the seven stories for a special literary post, to be published (tentatively) in May. And then I’ll treat myself to a bowl of ramen after that, probably within #TheFourWeekendPlanY2.
I’m planning to write a novel, I’ll probably just start from scratch. I’m aiming to finish it by the end of 2020 or by mid-2021.
I need to read more books especially manga and graphic novels. I’ve bought and collected about 20 books this year, but I only read a handful of them.
I’m planning to organize everything inside my room, as well as the files on my PC. I hope I can persuade my brother to buy a new hard drive to replace the failing one, which is already long overdue.
I’ll probably start eating something healthy, but I can’t just ditch meat (especially pork and chicken) just yet since I’m pretty much obsessed with consuming a lot of protein. Oh well...
An artistic concept + handmade posters. I’ll get these done within the year.
I’ll probably invest in some black clothing, from shirts (plain or graphic tees) to pants (preferably slacks). I’ve already owned some black jackets, cardigans, and coats, but I’ll probably need more. And I’ve got to have a pair of black sneakers as an alternative to my dark olive green Converse.
I might need a new pair of eyeglasses since I’m having a hard time seeing everything clearly with my current pair as of the moment. I’m already thinking of switching back to wire-framed glasses, preferably round ones. I had a feeling I’ll look good on it.
More importantly, I should brace myself for a hectic life ahead. Of course, I’m not willing to give up my coffee frappe and mall-hopping weekend, which is becoming a ritual for my loner self.
As with 2018, the year 2019 isn’t really the best year for me. I somehow managed to get through this crazy, chaotic year, but at least I enjoy every bit of it. All right, now time to move on to a brighter new year ahead and make it awesome!
From Keihancarl in Manila, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
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