#sorry for not posting yesterday and being late today i messed up the queue :|
furb-of-the-day · 8 months
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furb of the day: green bean furby !
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Monster Part 7
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Damon Salvatore x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: A tad bit of angst. But that’s it in this one. Next chapter will have more in it. 
Author’s Note: A very last minute post for the night. I apparently forgot to queue up the post and with how much I’ve been running around today, I didn’t realize. XD Anyways, a lot is about to happen in the future chapters. We’ve finally reached the last little bit before we get into the fun stuff.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
Y/N’s heart was racing as she sat at her desk the next morning. There were so many emotions running through her that she couldn’t get her heart to steady. She was afraid of messing this up. She was afraid of giving away something she shouldn’t have. But no matter how many fears came into her mind, she knew she needed to do this. 
Several lives depended on her doing what she agreed to do. Her father trusted her with this information. She was going to use that to her advantage. All she needed to do was get the plans and pass the information along to the others. 
“Y/N?” Caroline’s voice filled the air, causing Y/N’s head to shoot up at it. She had been so distracted she hadn’t even heard the front door open or hear her walk in. 
“Caroline,” She said as she stood up from her seat and took a step back. She knew her father was watching now. Especially since she had just watched him open his door and step out as she stood up. “How can I help you?”
Her father hadn’t missed how uncomfortable Y/N looked in that moment. It was obvious why she had.  The person standing in front of her was a vampire. While he had a lot of work to do, he needed to make sure that his daughter was safe. 
“Mayor Lockwood had approved my plans for the Founder’s day carnival. I just got a notice that those plans have been canceled?” Caroline was genuinely upset at that fact. She had put a lot of time into those plans and they had been approved months ago. 
“I’m sorry Caroline.” Y/N said trying to stay calm. “Unfortunately Mayor Y/L/N has taken liberty of denying several events after they had already been approved.”
“You’re his daughter.” Caroline noted. “Can’t you talk to him about this? I mean I’ve already started ordering everything and have a committee going to ensure everything runs smoothly.”
Y/N scoffed. “I was Lockwood’s secretary and I am Y/L/N’s secretary. If you have any issues you would like to discuss with him, I can set up a meeting and-”
“That won’t be necessary.” Her father said as he came to stand next to the two. “I can speak with Caroline now about it.”
Y/N’s mouth dropped slightly. “But you have a meeting in five minutes that you said there were not to be any interruptions.”
“We’ll be done beforehand.” He said with a nod before looking over to Caroline. “Mind stepping into my office?” He asked with a hand motioning towards the open door.
Y/N watched as Caroline followed her father into his office. The moment the door closed, she quickly sat in her chair and took a deep breath. It didn’t matter if she had known both sides of the story now. She felt completely on edge. 
“Easy there, Y/N/N. I could practically hear your bunny rabbit heartbeat from outside.” Hearing Damon’s voice has actually scared her.  One moment Damon hadn’t been standing there by the desk and the next he was. 
“Do you need to do that?!” She hissed as she put her hand over her chest. If her heart wasn’t going a mile a minute before, it sure was now. 
Damon chuckled and shook his head. “It’s just so much fun to do.” He shrugged for a moment. “What was Blondie going on about?” 
“Some plans she had, my father cancelled. So now they are talking about it.” She said a few moments later. 
“Perfect. She always makes the best distractions.” He noted. The look he got from Y/N about that had made him roll his eyes. “It’s easier for us to speak freely when your dad isn’t lurking.”
“Damon, you are practically here everyday to speak with me. He’s not going to find that any different than before.” She looked over to her father��s door before back at Damon. “I told you I could handle this.”
Damon ran his fingers along her cheek. “I know. But I want to make sure you are okay. There was a lot thrown on you last night.”
Moving out of Damon’s reach, she shook her head. “You don’t have to pretend anymore.”
After Y/N left the Salvatores last night, her mind had been trying to take in all the information that she had learned, along with everything that happened in the last few weeks. While she had begun feeling something for Damon, it was proved last night that she was being used to get to her father. It hurt for her to realize that. 
Damon sighed as he brought his hand down. “It wasn’t all pretend. There are some things you can’t fake.”
“What part of it was it?” she asked looking up at him. “Because I couldn’t tell the difference. You actually seemed to like me and you went through all of that to be on the ins with the council.”
Damon hadn’t missed the hurt that had been in her voice as she spoke. This was the one thing that Damon wanted to avoid. He knew it was a gamble from the moment he had roped Y/N in their plan. But the time he had spent with her, he had been enjoying it. 
Before Damon could say anything, the office door opened and Y/N’s dad and Caroline walked out. They had been laughing a bit before her father left and headed back into his office. The smile that had been on Caroline’s face had instantly fallen and there was an annoyed look on her face as she looked over at Damon. 
“Ask me to do that again, I will personally bite your head off.” She mumbled as she walked past the both of them and made her way out the door.
Damon rolled his eyes as Caroline left. He turned his attention back to Y/N a moment later. Her eyes had been on the screen in front of her and she began typing away on the keyboard. He huffed and leaned over, turning Y/N’s rolling chair towards him. 
“We need to talk about this.” He said the moment he had her full attention.
Y/N bit on her bottom lip for a moment before she nodded. “We can talk about this later, but for now I really do need to work. He’s got several meetings and a ton of other things I need to work on for the time being. I promise once I get everything I need, I’ll let you know.”
“I see you’ve got my daughter distracted.” Her father’s voice carried over to them, causing Damon to let go of her chair and for Y/N to look over at her dad. 
“Definitely not a distraction.” Y/N said with a small smirk pulling at her lips as she looked at Damon for a moment before looking back at him. “Your early morning meeting is all set in the conference room.”
“Cancel it.” Her father said with a shrug. 
“But they are already here.” Y/N had been confused by the sudden change. Her father had been insistent on that meeting since he had first arrived and now he was telling her to cancel it just as it was to start.
“Make up something.” He nodded his head. “I would like for the three of us to have lunch today and that meeting will just cut into that time. “
“The three of us?” Damon asked to make sure he had heard correctly.
“If you are willing to share family secrets with Y/N and constantly be present while she has work, I believe a lunch is in order.” Her father said, keeping his eyes on Damon. The whole time he could see Y/N roll her eyes at his words. 
“Go to your meeting. I’ll be sure to pull you out of it at Lunch time. “ Y/N said, trying to prevent any awkwardness. “You’ve mentioned time and time again how important this meeting was. I can’t just let you cancel it.”
“Alright, fine.” He said, giving her a small smile. “As long as this isn’t a ploy to avoid lunch.”
She rolled her eyes once more but it was Damon who answered. “If she tries to get out of it, I’ll stop her.”
Her father eyed Damon for a moment before nodding his head. Without another word, he walked down the hall towards the conference room. The moment he turned the corner and heard the door open and shut, Y/N had let out a breath.
“I didn’t know he was going to do that.” She said looking over at Damon.
“Don’t think I’ll be able to handle lunch with your dad?” He asked with an amused smile on his face. 
“We haven’t even spoken about this whole thing between us and you want to go to lunch with my dad?” She was surprised by that. 
Damon sighed and took a hold of her hand. “Wanting to spend time with you in the beginning was the pretend part. But the more I spent time with you and our every few days of drinking turned into nightly venting sessions that I enjoyed more than I ever wanted to. The pretending stopped after the night you told me about your dad leaving.”
Y/N’s eyes widened at that. “I told you he left me hours into us talking for the first time.”
“And I enjoyed going through the Archives together. Watching you get so lost in your work it actually made me stop and think about if hurting you was worth it.” He said softly. 
“And yesterday?” She asked not allowing the words to come out of her lips just in case anyone had been listening. 
“A stupid judgement on my part. I had the rest of the Brady bunch coming down on me on how I hadn’t pulled a typical Damon move. I was beginning to doubt several things at that point in time.” He ran his hand down his face as he tried to clear the thoughts that were in his head. 
Y/N nodded her head. “Okay. Good to know.” That information had helped her. SIt helped her to know that what she had felt wasn’t exactly one sided. But it also just told her that Damon has a problem of self sabotage. “We’ll go to lunch. And after he leaves, we’ll have another venting session and really get things out in the open.”
“I like that plan.” He said with a smile
“She’s not coming is she?” Mayor Y/L/N said as he sat across from Damon. 
Y/N had texted that she was running late and would be there at the grille soon. Though that had been almost a half hour ago. It left Damon and her dad sitting there for the first several minutes in awkward silence. 
“I wouldn’t say I blame her if she decided she didn’t want to.” Damon noted as he spun his cup slightly. “You came into town and tried to be her father again, she’s not happy with that.”
“So I’ve heard. Plenty of times.” He said with a nod. “But I am trying to make amends with her. She’s taken a liking to you.”
“If you believe I’d hurt her, this conversation is going to change drastically.” Damon said as he narrowed his eyes at the man before her.
“I’m actually counting on you to keep her safe.” The words had caught Damon off guard. He had expected something different. He expected the usual antics that come with speaking to a father. But this wasn’t it. “Y/N mentioned your parents passed down stories just as mine had. I’m sure you understand that there are some things that hold more truth than others.”
Damon sat back in his seat as he took in the words. If he had no idea he was a vampire, Damon could play this to his advantage. But the details of some things he could slip could mean the end of that conversation. 
“You believe they are back in town.” He said, keeping some words out of his sentence. They were in a public place. There were plenty of other ears that could easily be listening. 
“We both know they are.” He said with a nod. “I could tell you knew from the moment we had our meeting that day.” Mayor Y/L/N began picking at his napkin. “You had been a part of the council that was run by the Lockwoods. While my intention was to cleanse it of past mistakes, I never thought I would find parents hiding the creatures that were once their children.” His eyes looked around the room for a moment before looking back at Damon. “There will be a war soon, Damon. I’m counting on you to keep Y/N safe when that time comes.”
“You know who they are.” It wasn’t a question. Damon could see it in his eyes. 
A smirk pulled at his lips. “There was a long list of possibilities until today. You were even on that list.”
“What changed your mind?” Damon leaned forward in his seat. 
He chuckled a bit. “There were several things. But the main thing being how much you care for Y/N. Not just today, but I’ve seen the way you are with her. Those monsters aren’t capable of loving anyone. My first wife died by a vampire. Apparently she tried befriending one and he turned against her so easily.” He shook his head, almost saddened by the thought. “Sheriff Forbes said you’ve killed a few of them since coming back home.”
“I try to help out where I can.” He said with a shrug. 
“Good because the vampire that killed Y/N’s mother is in town. I would hate for my daughter to get hurt while it is visiting.”
“Understood.” Damon said with a nod. 
“I thought you said it would be here?” Elena asked as she rummaged through a filing cabinet
“This is where he had me put them when he finalized the plans.” Y/N said as she looked through another one. 
“Maybe he took them out again?” Elena asked, never taking her eyes off the files in front of her.
“I doubt it.” Y/N shook her head.  She tried to think of where else the plans could have been at. She was the only one to have access to that room, besides her father, and they weren’t in the same place she had put them. “Unless he’s making changes again.”
“We won't have time to search his office.” Elena reminded her. “You are technically supposed to be at lunch with him and Damon.”
“I would feel bad about that, but I don’t think a little interrogation is going to hurt Damon.” Y/N  said as she reached a file. Her head tilted to the side as she took in the file name. 
“Either that or Damon would just kill him.” The words hadn’t even registered to Y/N as Elena had said them. When she turned to look at Y/N she had been looking at a file. “What is it?”
“These files, they are new.” Y/N said as she pulled out a handful. “They are of the founding families.”
“That could just be anything.” Elena said as she took a few of them from her to look at. 
“Damon apparently has been cleared as human.” Y/N said as she looked at the case file. Her eyes scanned the details and her father’s handwriting. Interested in Y/N. Friends with Liz, but that could be a council thing. Nothing has been brought to my attention to say he is one.
Elena huffed a laugh. “That’s probably because he’s compelled his way through a lot of situations.” She looked at the file for her family. “We’ve been cleared as well.”
Y/N’s hand began shaking as she took in the next page of the file for the Salvatores. Paper clipped with several pages had been different case file numbers. One of them had included the very file she had seen of her mother’s the night she had been in the city Archives with Damon. 
News footage of Stefan has been found. Apparently someone else had looked into him before I had. Her father’s notes went on about different things. From certain differences in stories of several people on specific events that had included Stefan. But it was the last note on the page that had made Y/N’s eyes water. Responsible for Y/M/N’s death. Eyewitness saw him leave before her body was found. Similar to other bodies found during that time. Here in mystic Falls and in other cities.
“What is it?” Elena asked as she found Y/N tearing up after taking in the notes for the Lockwoods.
Y/N shook her head slightly and closed the case file and put the back. “Nothing, I need to head back out.” She said taking the ones Elena had and putting them back. 
“That doesn’t seem like nothing.” Elena knew something was wrong. She wanted to try and get Y/N to talk about whatever it was she had just seen.
“I know who killed my mother and I’d really like to not talk about it right now.” Y/N said as she began walking out of the room. “I need to get to the Grille before things get too carried away.” 
As she left, she tried to not to let the tears fill her eyes. She didn’t need to let either of them know that once she had arrived that there was something wrong. She’d get that out during her venting session with Damon. She couldn’t let her dad know that she had known that detail. She wasn’t supposed to be going through the files. She wasn’t supposed to be snooping around the office. And because she had, she learned that Stefan Salvatore had killed her mother.
Always & Forever Tag: @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @alka16555 @yaniiie
Monster Tag: @butifulsoul125 @this-is-mycrisis @writingsoftheunderworld @voidnarnia  @nicole-lynne @marvelouslysherlockedhunter @multifandom-fangirl4 @awkwardnesshabitat @ninipoo1 @herloveforstories @krazykatkay456 @aliahemmings97 @blackrockshooter780 @llama2264 @suits-and-smirks @llama2264 @newheart97 @amy-choices @heimdoodle
Bold Tags mean for one reason or another I cannot tag you in this. If you would like to be added to, or taken off, please let me know! ♥
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carey-pricemas · 7 years
Updated Queue!
Happy Saturday ladies and gents! Here is your updated queue for the week!I’m really sorry yesterdays posts got so messed up. Queue hates me! Also I am at the end of my semester so I may be also working on a multichapter fic... I haven’t decided yet. Anyway... I have nothing else to say.... weird... anyway! Enjoy!
Today- JVR- team photo proposal
           Artemi Panarin- first date nerves
Sunday 4/30- Mitch Marner- best friends
            Andre Burakovsky- go out to celebrate after a win
            Jakob Chychrun- Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O’Connor
Monday 5/1- Connor McDavid- surprise smut after playoff spot clinched
              Andre Burakovsky- How they met for the first time
             Leon Draisaitl- smut
Tuesday 5/2- Brendan Gallagher- get jealous of Chucky
                 Patrik Laine- impressed by brother’s skills
              Olli Maatta- nervous and rambles in Finnish
              Jakob Chychrun- Scary movie
Wednesday 5/3- Brendan Gallagher- cute and cuddly free reign
              William Nylander- fight/make up and smut
              Victor Hedman- older, trying to learn Swedish
Thursday 5/4- Auston Matthews- annoyed by energy
              JVR- fight and first I love yous
                AJ Greer- call up to the Avs
Friday 5/5- Noah Hanifin- free reign
               Nate Schmidt- baby fluff
              Connor Brown- smut
              Tyler Seguin- Mitch trying to set his sister up with Matt Martin
Saturday 5/6- Dylan Larkin- road trip panic attack
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Ben Hutton- reads to kids
Sunday 5/7- Ben Hutton- meet and greet fan experience
              Morgan Rielly- truth or dare smut
              Drew Doughty- embarrassed after fight
Monday 5/8- Alex Galchenyuk- protective and fights
              Patrik Laine- tries to convince sister Jets are better (probably going to                 be a multiparter not gonna lie)
              Jakob Chychrun- insomnia and nightmare
Tuesday 5/9- Auston Matthews- unknown feelings and jealous
             JVR- with KIDS and pregnant
              Miles Wood- Jealous smut
Wednesday 5/10- Sebastian Aho- pregnant and about to give birth
               Auston Matthews- Takes care of reader after skating injury
              Tom Wilson- fight smut
Thursday 5/11- Tyler Seguin- picks on insecurities accidentally
               Andre Burakovsky- broken up but dance at a party
              Miles Wood- smut
              Tom Wilson- DWTS jealousy
Friday 5/12- Artturi Lehkonen- embarrassed in front of good friend Gally
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Chris Kreider- Stepan behind the mic couples interview
Saturday 5/13- Connor McDavid- dating famous singer
              Auston Matthews- smut
              Carter Hart- helping him after WJC loss
Sunday 5/14- Kevin Hayes- pregnant but new relationship
            Tyler Seguin- shower smut
            Dylan Strome- free reign
Monday 5/15- Auston Matthews- Bathwater by No Doubt
             Jake Virtanen- smut
             Brendan Gallagher- going home and running into everyone you know
Tuesday 5/16- Auston Matthews- On my own from Les Mis
              Carter Hart- Smut
              William Nylander- Furies player whos there when Leafs clinch playoff                    spot
Wednesday 5/17- Connor McDavid- Stuck in an elevator
              Auston Matthews- clinched playoff smut
              Alex Nylander- NHL debut
Thursday 5/18- Brendan Gallagher- singer and Gally gets dreamy
              Morgan Rielly- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates
              William Nylander- cheating on girlfriend with you
Friday 5/19- Kasperi Kapanen- First NHL goal
              Tyler Seguin- smut before game
              Morgan Rielly- little spoon
Saturday 5/20- Dylan Larkin- friends don’t like him
              Andre Burakovsky- he gets insecure
              Mitch Marner- distant fight and make up
Sunday 5/21- Alex Nylander- Blind date
              William Nylander- dirty while on the phone
              Auston Matthews- dance party
Monday 5/22- Matthew Tkachuk- fight and spend day apart
              Sam Reinhart- smut
              Tyler Seguin- fun date
Tuesday 5/23- Auston Matthews- matchmakers
              Aaron Ekblad- son is 1st overall pick
              Jimmy Vesey- Broadway Hamilton practice
Wednesday 5/24- Dmytro Timashov- free reign
              Jakob Chychrun- smut
              Connor McDavid- Soon part 2
Thursday 5/25- Auston Matthews- accidentally stands up angst
              Maple Leafs Rookie of choice (probably Connor Brown or Zach                             Hyman)- mother of group
              Sidney Crosby- angst about age difference
Friday 5/26- Carter Hart- gets injured during the game
              William Nylander- shower smut/cute
              Andre Burakovsky- cooking
Saturday 5/27- Tyler Seguin- protective dogs of pregnancy
              FREDDIE Andersen- Mitch’s older sister
              Charlie McAvoy- jealous of Seggy
Sunday 5/28- Auston Matthews- Mitch embarrasses him
              Matt Murray- post Stanley cup smut
              Auston Matthews- song written about you
Monday 5/29- Andre Burakovsky- broken ribs
              Sidney Crosby- smut challenge
              Jakob Chychrun- arguing over your work meetings in Cali
Tuesday 5/30- Andre Burakovsky- Close as Strangers by 5 Seconds of Summer
              Rich Clune- smut
              Connor Brown- playoff beard
Wednesday 5/31- Carter Hart- tries cheesy pickup lines
              Tyler Seguin- smut
              William Nylander- I love you while drunk
Thursday 6/1- Alex Wennberg- plane crash
              JJ Piccinich- last home game win fluff/smut
              Jakub Vrana- fluffy free reign
Friday 6/2- Downtown Connor Brown- meet and greet and surprised you like him
              Jonathan Toews- smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- you have a stutter
Saturday 6/3- Freddie Andersen- playoffs
               Andre Burakovsky- 21st bday jealousy fluff/smut
               Connor Murphy- talking about the future
Sunday 6/4- Matthew Tkachuk- falls asleep with baby bro fluff
              Morgan Rielly- smut being caught
              Alex Nylander- friend breakup worries
Monday 6/5- Sidney Crosby- teen son from previous relationship
              William Nylander- doesn’t know you’re a virgin
              Jimmy Vesey- friends set you up
Tuesday 6/6- Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson- fluff free reign
              Chris Kreider- smut
              Mitch Marner- insecure about love
Wednesday 6/7- Auston Matthews- grumpy after playing the Stars
              Freddie Andersen- smut
              William Nylander- playoff beard
Thursday 6/8- Downtown Connor Brown- playoff beard
              Alex Wennberg- super smutty XD
              Jordie Benn- expecting first child
Friday 6/9- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- smut
              Sebastian Aho- team finds out about you through Instagram
Saturday 6/10- Brady Skjei- makes her sing for him
              Martin Jones- free rein
              Alex Wennberg- nervous about telling him youre pregnant
Sunday 6/11- Brendan Gallagher- wearing a Chucky jersey
              Connor McDavid- Family is Sabres fans
              Tom Wilson- The first time again part 2
Monday 6/12- Matt Martin- jealous
              Kasperi Kapanen- celebration smut
              Auston Matthews- jealous of basketball team
Tuesday 6/13- Jakob Chychrun- boys and girls club
              Kasperi Kapanen- smut someone overhears you
              Martin Jones/Sidney Crosby- Skin by Rihanna
Wednesday 6/14- Derick Brassard- pregnant during playoffs
              Brendan Gallagher- calm down (wink wink) during playoffs XD
              Any Rangers player- John Green quote
Thursday 6/15- Andre Burakovsky- friends with Patrick Kane
              Andre Burakovsky- protective from man in bar (no one knows)
              Morgan Rielly- large age gap
Friday 6/16- AJ Greer- Beach volleyball for team Canada
              Colton Parayko- doesn’t know you speak English
              Mitch Marner- Sees self harm scars
Saturday 6/17- Auston Matthews- both busy but make it to sons game
              Auston Matthews- smut doesn’t like Dylan
              Carter Hart- A million reasons by Lady Gaga
Sunday 6/18- Mikkeal Boedker- run into each other at grocery store
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut same circles but never met
              Jeff Skinner/Justin Faulk- harassed/assaulted and they save you
Monday 6/19- Connor McDavid/Mitch Marner- Late Late show about song
              Austin Matthews- jealousy birthday smut
              Any Caps player- political law firm but then player gets traded
Tuesday 6/20- Zach Hyman- proposes through book
              Brady Skjei- celebration smut
              Matthew Tkachuk- Secret Love song by Little Mix
Wednesday 6/21- Mitch Marner- messes up Valentines day
              William Nylander- car smut
              Any player- your teenage son is gay and introducing you to first                           boyfriend
Thursday 6/22- Jacob Trouba- Part 2 of Walk in the Park
              Andre Burakovsky- broke up and reunited at Casino night smut
              Auston Matthews- African dancer and he gets jealous
Friday 6/23- Kasperi Kapanen- tutoring him in college
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              Auston Matthews- teammate finds sex toys (ropes)
Saturday 6/24- Morgan Rielly- one of the guys Morgan’s overprotective and jealous
              Artemi Panarin- tired of being called cute smut
              Morgan Rielly- escape Leafs event and find each other
Sunday 6/25- Dmytro Timashov- watch scary movies
              Artemi Panarin- love the sounds  you make smut
              Alex Galchenyuk- Chasing Ghosts by Against the Current
Monday 6/26- Morgan Rielly- fluffy/smutty
              William Nylander- first time smut
              Sidney Crosby- damsel in distress
Tuesday 6/27- Taylor Hall- transition from Edmonton to NJ
              Rasmus Ristolainen- fluff
              Auston Matthews- yeast infection and dr visit
Wednesday 6/28- Leon Draisaitl- getting ejected during A PLAYOFF GAME
              Oliver Ekman-Larsson- love at first sight
              Alec Martinez- Cinco de Mayo festivities
Thursday 6/29- Auston Matthews- tired and clingy
              Jordie Benn- wants to be a family with you and daughter
              Auston Matthews- jealous of Laine
Friday 6/30- Auston Matthews- bad day brings food (my kind of man)
              William Nylander- snaps boredom Willy takes to fair
              Johnny Gaudreau- cheer him up after getting swept
Saturday 7/1- Jo Drouin- sitting front row at a game
              Brandon Montour- get into a fight
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Sunday 7/2- Auston Matthews/Sidney Crosby- autoimmune disease
              Steven Stamkos- free reign
              Brenden Dillon/Timo Meier- free reign
Monday 7/3- Jakob Silfverberg- for noranihilia
              Aaron Ekblad- free reign
              Filip Forsberg- free reign
Tuesday 7/4- Brent Burns- free reign
              Roman Josi- free reign
              Martin Jones- free reign
Wednesday 7/5- Chris Tierney- free reign
              Nikita Kucherov- free reign
              Mikael Granlund- cute/fluffy
Thursday 7/6- Jonathan Marchessault- free reign
              Nino Niederreiter- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- avoid feelings talk and he thinks you don’t like him
Friday 7/7- Charlie Coyle- Lipstick part two
              Brendan Gallagher- angry/hate each other smut
              Auston Matthews- you do his makeup and Mitch puts it on Instagram
Saturday 7/8- Auston Matthews- you’re sick and he and Mitch take care of you                          and your kid
              William Nylander- wearing something that turns him on unknowingly
              Pekka Rine- celebrate sweeping Hawks
Sunday 7/9- William Nylander- free reign about butt and thighs
              Auston Matthews- meeting friend who doesn’t like the Leafs
              Sidney Crosby- wakes up and mutters I love you a lot
Monday 7/10- Artemi Panarin- free reign
              Morgan Rielly- part of the group but he likes you but just friends
              Colton Parayko- bffs and in car accident and he tells you feelings
Tuesday 7/11- William Nylander- same height insecurities
              Ben Hutton- fluffy smut
              Mitch Marner- gf has chronic migraines
Wednesday 7/12- Alex Nylander- faking hickies prank
              Tyler Seguin- Company by Justin Bieber
              Auston Matthews- Gaston song with his name and he loves it (in secret)
Thursday 7/13- Sean Monahan- after wrist surgery
              Morgan Rielly- fluffy/funny butt touching
              Mats Zuccarello- free reign
Friday 7/14- Auston Matthews- Toronto Furies, play Aus to see who better player                    is
              Jakub Vrana- part two of Doughnuts
              Mitch Marner- making fun of passion over el clasico
Saturday 7/15- Charlie McAvoy- free reign
              Alex Galchenyuk- smut
              Sam Reinhart- season ticket holder, sees you at the game
Sunday 7/16- Morgan Rielly- after getting knocked out of the playoffs
              William Nylander- happy with himself after seeing scratches
              Mikael Granlund- gives goal pucks to his son
Monday 7/17- Morgan Rielly- They Don’t Know about Us by One Direction
              William Nylander- sees bruises after sex (non-smut) and he feels guilty
              Jamie Oleksiak- taking son to meet the team
Tuesday 7/18- Andre Burakovsky- meets at a charity event, sees again later                       when he has a gf (probably also a multiparter)
              Leon Draisaitl- dominant hot smut
              William Karlsson- ILYSB by LANY
Wednesday 7/19- Nazem Kadri- hit on Ovi
              Leon Draisaitl- smut after finishing exams/graduation
              Auston Matthews- trying to turn him on in an elevator with teammates                   smut
Thursday 7/20- Auston Matthews- getting knocked out of playoffs and shutting                     you out so he doesn’t take anger/sadness/frustration out on you
              Michael Latta- Smut hot when he fights
              Jonathan Toews- sequel to I’ll say yes for toews19
Friday 7/21- Andre Burakovsky- sleeping and he steals the sheets
              Auston Matthews- argues about dishes
              Andre Burakovsky- surprising you at graduation
Saturday 7/22- William Nylander- sleeping and someone posts a picture
              Michael Latta- smut angry after game and takes it out on you
              Tom Wilson- club and Tom gets jealous, heated
Sunday 7/23- Adam McQuaid- overprotective of gay son
              Zach Fucale- smut after not seeing each other for awhile and she wears               his jersey for first time
              Milan Lucic- visiting with Bruins over the summer
Monday 7/24- Auston Matthews- thinks shes cheating and comes after her after                         fight
              Auston Matthews- riding his thighs dirty
              Auston/Willy/Mo/Freddie/Kappy choice- insecure about height/speaking              Spanish/ Take on the World by You Me at Six, or Speakers by Sam Hunt
Tuesday 7/25- Adrian Kempe- Somebody Else part two
              Claude Giroux/any Flyers player- partying with team and blurts feelings                while tipsy
              William Nylander- reader talks Swedish and Willy loves it (heated)
Wednesday 7/26- Auston Matthews- friend but he wants more but you’re unsure                  of his reputation
              Tyler Seguin- nsfw sumt
               Dylan Strome- Dive by Ed Sheeran
Thursday 7/27- Sebastian Aho- free reign
              Tyler Seguin- based off his IG “love me” trying to get your attention
              Mikael Granlund- he thinks you’re dating him for his money
Friday 7/28- Tyler Seguin- part 2 of Orders
              Alex Nylander- smut
              Tyler Seguin- friends dancing and he flirty teases you
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