#furb of the day
furb-of-the-day · 9 months
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furb of the day: rainbow furby !!
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friend-of-furbies · 4 months
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Happy Furby Days of Pride!
This little wizard dude is from @ejfurbish , they sold him to me along with another Furby, I was so happy when they said they had this one for sale as well since the Wizard is an absolute DREAMY of mine! <3 Thank you once again Emmy Jane!!
Please check out EJ's blog and accounts and stuff they are really cool and make really well done and neat customs!!
Anyway, Wizard OUT! ✌️
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fistfuloflightning · 1 month
Imagine you get lost in the woods. You don’t know where your family has gone, but you haven’t seen them for days, maybe a week. It’s safe to assume they’re gone. You haven’t seen anyone around for a long time—sometimes you hear giants’ noises from further up in the woods, they’re always moving back and forth but never venture into the deeper forest where you are.
But then one day, you hear what sounds like your mother. The tone is off, the words garbled, but it’s close enough and the relief is overwhelming. You’re no longer alone.
You can hear the voice calling in response to your own cries, and in your desperation you claw your way up a bluff overgrown with weeds. Up toward the giants’ road.
It is not your mother.
You should feel surprised. You really should. But all you feel is relief. You don’t care that it’s a giant that bends down and reaches its massive hands around you, crooning in its strange words as it cradles you so so softly. You don’t really feel much at all, really.
The giant carries you along with it as it leaves the forest. The journey to its home is mostly a blur, as you curl up and sleep for what seems like the first time in days. And when you come to, the giant has set out food for you, and water, and is trying to wash your face with its massive digits. You aren’t all that frightened, as you’ve seen other giants from afar. And while some might be louder and more aggressive, this one speaks quietly and moves slowly. You let it wipe your face, too tired to do much more than stretch your limbs a little.
Somehow this is just the beginning of a new chapter in your life. The giant feeds you and cares for you, shares quiet companionship with you. Some might say the giant keeps you as a pet, but you know the truth. You are treasured, and that’s all that really matters.
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avengerchuck · 5 months
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You might be cool but are you ROCKSTAR cool? I think not…
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dabingusbongus · 3 months
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Mikey was my first ever custom, and in way you can tell. I love being able to tell how things have changed how I have changed since I customized them. Also extra Lady and Chrissy that's how many furby's i can fit in the sling and still get a good pic.
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misfitfurby · 4 months
Uh oh considering this strongly once again buuuuut
Furby Con
I want to make it real
I think I theoretically could but obviously not alone and I'd need a dedicated help team
Think I have a place that would be big enough (250 people max) and not be tooooo expensive to rent out for a day
Should have plenty of room too. Since it's been previously used for a one day anime con and has been remodel since I was last there
Anyways give me your thoughts and feelings on this
Would of course have artist alley and guests if possible (no clue how "booking people" works and most of the people I'd ask to come are also just big name creators in our furbdom so is a total idk if they could even show)
And panels obviously
- like workshops, selling, fixing, customizing, history, lore, buying, collecting and times to watch the movie together
Maybe even a cosplay contest?? Heh more like a Furby dress up contest with guests being judges
Hours? Idk like 10am - 6pm? I think that's how long day cons usually go
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transfemmes · 5 months
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rubie and a girl who still needs a name (I'm struggling to think of one)
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veradune · 11 months
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Mist 2.0 or woohoo this place hasn't been totally trashed by social media. The springs are kinda busy though and I wandered into some weird photoshoots.
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furbylair · 1 year
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whiskingskin · 5 months
Yo guess who just finished A Court Of Thorns and Roses
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afurbaday · 2 years
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He's ecstatic to help make Halloween stuff.
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furb-of-the-day · 11 months
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furb of the day ! : dragon furby
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jamboreeartsupplies · 2 years
smh im sorry for being gone, tbh things have been a bit stressful irl and also i still haven't been able to customise any of my furbs so i feel bad and i never leave the house so i dont have fun and cool pics to share :(
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dabingusbongus · 3 months
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Day 19 more napping furbs as I fold and pack blankets away. Sleepy cherry for all the cherry lovers out there.
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misfitfurby · 7 months
Happy Sweets day to those who do and don't celebrate the bigger holiday today
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May your half priced candy be lovely and last long
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furbyutopia · 4 months
Hey furby community! I've been thinking about the fandom for a while, and as a member for almost five and a half years, the general lack of activity has been kind of a bummer. So, with your help, I'd like to get the community more active again. Since pride month begins at the end of next week, I propose a little community event to celebrate!
I call it...
Furby Days of Pride!
(It's supposed to be a play on words; furby instead of thirty, the number of days in the month of June.)
It won't be anything too labor-intensive. Just celebrate pride with your furbs by posting once every day, tagging it with "Furby Days of Pride 2024"!
Thanks for your consideration! I hope you all join me in celebrating pride month with our lovely little robotic friends this next month.
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