#sorry for so much “dark posting”. Don't worry I still got plenty of fluff!
dootznbootz · 4 months
In "There are Other Ways", this is always how I imagine it.
When Circe sings "Don't break from this", she pulls Odysseus back to her because as it implies, he's turning away. Then it's "So much power x3" and to me, it's Circe leaning in to kiss but Odysseus pulling his head back each time Circe goes in closer to his face.
On the final one, he fully turns his head to the side, scowling...Only for his eyes to go wide as he sees his piggy comrades. Then Circe grabs under his chin, and turns his face back towards her as his face twists up as he realizes, "He does have a choice but which can he live with?" with her "There's no puppet here~"
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just-a-sleepy-idiot · 2 years
Heyy. Sorry this one is awkward so bear with me. Ok since you're motivated to write about the Grabber. I was wondering if- you could do- maybe the reader is on her period and shes been in there for about two months. She- is scared of what he'll do to her because she bled on the bed, (bad cramps maybe?) But he's really soft about it and treats her more softly than ever? If you don't want to write about this its ok you can say no, really no bother- if you do post it- tag me in it. THANK YOU!
The Grabber Imagine: Caring for you on your period
Content/Warnings: Kidnapped Reader!, Written Gender neutral, Description of period pain & blood ofc, pet names, Slight Objectification, Angsty & bits of fluff
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It have been almost two months since you’ve been in his basement and even though you had plenty of time to think down here your period wasn’t the most urgent thing on your mind. You would have forgotten about it if it weren’t for the symptoms that made you aware of it’s upcoming arrival- and it worried you deeply.
Your Captor, the Grabber, put a lot of emphasis on good behavior. You did as you were told and you believed that to be the reason why you were still alive. So what would happen if you bled through your clothing or god forbid dirtied up your mattress? You were growing more nervous as the symptoms got worse.
Then one morning your fears came true and you woke up to a large bloody stain on the mattress underneath you, your eyes widening at the sight and the consequences that would follow once he noticed.
You stood up quickly when you heard the door unlock soon after, he was paying you his first visit of the day around that time every day. The devilish mask was dipped into the shallow light of your room when he stepped in.
„I-I‘m sorry!“ You bursted out, hoping to calm the anger that was going to ensue when he saw what you did. He tilted his head in surprise at that outburst, eyeing your scared expression before looking past you to see that big red stain.
He walked past you and paused when he identified the stain to be blood. His head shot around to gaze at you, making you hold onto your breath. He held your gaze as he slowly turned around, his voice almost dangerously soft when he spoke. „I forgot..“
You were the first to break the pattern in his kidnappings after all, he should have considered that this time of the month would eventually come around. His eyes lowered to look at the hand you clutched your stomach with.
He was never really confronted with this kind of issue before as this topic was tended to like a disgusting, private thing that should be kept to themselves in this time. So you thought he would surely be disgusted and angry with you. What if you left you here on your own without coming around to bring you food until you weren’t menstruating anymore? What if he punished you even worse for it?
„Come with me.“ He ordered, and walked to the door expecting you to follow suit. You reluctantly walked after him and felt your throat closing in as tears started to burn in your eyes. He was going to punish you, he was going to hurt you after all wasn‘t he? Up until now he was nothing but curious towards you. He tested you, of course, but you never misbehaved or fell for the trap with the door.
Now you would finally see more than the dark basement again- and how often you imagined that to happen! But now that it was happening you were even more unsafe than down there, so much closer to freedom than you‘ve ever been since your captivity.
„Please..“ you begged quietly when he walked you to the bathroom. He looked at you again and watched a tear fall to your face.
„Darling.. you should have told me.“ He said and you nodded quickly. „I..I know, I know. I’m sorry!“ He clicked his tongue and wiped away the tear with his thumb.
„You look pretty when you're afraid." He noted and let his gaze roam your features for a moment with a dark sigh that made you shiver.
He turned around to draw a bath and handed you a towel you could use, "I'm going to look for something you can wear, go take a bath and don't leave the room without my permission."
You took the towel with widened eyes, that was by far nicer than you expected him to react.. but you wouldn't take any of that for granted. You nodded quietly and watched him leave before you hesitantly stripped away your dirty clothes to sit in the bathtub.
The water was nice and warm, it soothed your pain and for a moment you just allowed yourself to relax and sink into the rising water. You did not expect him to.. do this, as in this time your menstruation was treated like a private, dirty thing. You didn't think a man would show any compassion in this state of yours, least of all your kidnapper.
When you saw the bathroom door opening again you drew your legs close to your chest and looked up at him as he entered with a long shirt of his for you to wear. It was.. so different to see him here, in the bright bathroom light as opposed to the dimly lit basement.
You eyed him. He looked like a normal, middle aged man with his button down shirt and cardigan, and the long greying hair. It reminded you of something Oscar Wilde once said,
'Man ist least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.'
It was like all that appeared normal about him was the actual mask, and the devilish disguise was what was actually within him.
He crouched down next to the bathtub and placed the shirt nearby, reciprocating your curious expression with a tilted head. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours bunny?"
An embarrassed blush briefly graced your cheeks before answering,
"I just thought that for a man in a devils mask you are strangely kind right now.." You muttered, hugging your legs and adverting your eyes as his piercing gaze was hard to withstand. "Is that a trick?"
To your surprise, he erupted into a dark chuckle and rose to his feet again. "I was always fond of magic so I do know a few tricks.." He said, reminding you of how he lured you close to his van by offering to show you a magic trick.
"But I already have you here, and I take care of my Belongings."
That was the first time he actually voiced anything about the reason why you might be here. His motives.. were still unknown to you, but the way he just claimed you as his own showed that he had no intention of getting rid of you.
You clearly looked puzzled but that only seemed to amuse him. The Grabber walked toward the door again and shot you another look, "I'm going to the store, be finished when I come back."
With that he locked you into the bathroom and left. Some time passed by in which you just allowed yourself to enjoy the bath, before you stepped out, dried and clothed yourself with what he gave you.
When the lock turned again you stood still, facing the door and anxiously awaiting him again. He handed you a plastic bag in which you found pads and new pairs of underwear. He.. He went shopping for you? I mean it was kind of in his interest too that you didn't bleed through your clothing again but still..
He out plugged the bathtub so the water drained while you put both of it quickly on and turned around again when you were finished. "Um.. Thank you." You meekly responded now, and watched him grab an air dryer from the cabinet under the sink.
He plugged it in and gently led you to stand in front of the mirror in front of him. You followed his lead with confusion as to what he was planning on doing now and looked into his eyes through the reflective surface. His body completely seemed to swallow yours as he stood behind you.
He started the air drier and he started to use it on your wet hair. You could have easily done it yourself so his actions surprised you greatly, so you watched on as he used his fingers to comb through your hair to dry it better. He was exceptionally careful when he did so and hummed quietly as he briefly curled a strand of your hair around his finger before letting go and carrying on.
When your hair was dry he set it in place and gazed at you through the mirror over your head as he was significantly taller than you. Seemingly satisfied he let go of you and gestured you to follow him.
You followed after him to find yourself in the kitchen. It was strange to really see the house that you were trapped in, now you could actually understand the place you were imprisoned in outside of the basement.
„Sit down.“ You obliged and he leaned against the stove. „Now, what do you want to eat.“
One surprise followed another. „U-Umm..“
„I‘m not going to ask twice.“ He said and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
„I.. I like the scrambled eggs you make.“ You decided, and you heard him chuckle with a hint of surprise on his own now. „You do? What a humble request.“ He mused in amusement and opened the fridge to get the eggs.
Soon the kitchen was filled with a delicious smell and you quietly observed him from behind. The door outside.. was right there, but he had already thought of that and put a lock on it that separated you from freedom.
After he set down the plate in front of you he took a seat opposite you on the table, unfolding the newspaper to read in it.
You ate your meal and gazed over at the newspaper, stopping in your tracks when you saw your image printed on the side that was facing you. The city was alert and the police looked for you..
He noticed you looking and lowered the newspaper to follow your gaze, turning the paper around to look at the missing sign.
„There‘s no use for hope. They won‘t find you.. but do not worry, I will take care of you.“
His voice became a little darker as he spoke, reinforcing that despite the fact that you were out of the basement for now you were none less imprisoned.
He caught your eyes, fixating you through the mask and set the paper down to rest his chin on his hands. It had something playful but.. malicious to it.
„You tell me what you need and in turn you behave and do what you are told. How about that Darling?“
You hesitantly out down your fork. He wasn‘t going to let you go.. nor did he seem to plan on killing you just yet. He offered to grant you what you needed, but you didn‘t know what it was that he would ask from you in return. He only ever seemed curious about you, testing your obedience, but nothing more since you never prompted him to punish you yet.
You swallowed, he was in charge no matter how you chose but this option would make life easier for you.. so you agreed.
And it was like you could feel that the smile underneath matched the devilish grin on his mask.
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Ok I hope this is ok adgh despite taking a turn
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autumntouched · 1 year
Day 25 of Ode to Phoenix
Summary: Part of the Hannix Football Rivalry AU Series in which Jake is a Cowboys fan (lol like Glen) and Natasha is a 49ers fan (like Monica and me)
Jake and Natasha's Wedding, Pt. I - The Ceremony
Pairings: Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Warnings: None for this part, just fluff
A/N: This fic got really long so I'm posting it in three parts. I'm sorry this took awhile, and I'm a little nervous about it but needed to stop rewriting and get on to your ACTUAL requests. Thank you so much to everyone who submitted song suggestions! As you'll see, I may have gotten a little carried away. Please don't judge my song picks too harshly. Okay, hope you enjoy!
I'm sharing the full Hannix Wedding Playlist here, but the key songs are also included when they appear in the fic.
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The Wedding | Pt. I - The Ceremony
Natasha wasn’t exactly sure how she was going to feel on her wedding day but the eye of a hurricane hadn’t been on her list. 
She sits quietly in a corner of the room off the beautifully decorated outdoor terrace that overlooks the mountains. As soon as Jake shyly told her that he wants to see her face from the moment he lays eyes on her as his bride, she chose a light veil that cascades down her back. Her dark hair is swept into a low side chignon with a few pieces left out to frame her face. For the ceremony, she wears Jake’s great-grandmother’s pearl comb in her hair, pearl drop earrings and their matching necklace.
Although it took some searching, Gabby helped her find the perfect wedding dress. The elegant, yet simple, sleeveless fitted bodice has a low square neck and open back that flows into a slightly flared skirt and train of floating layers of lace. A sash defines her waist. Her dahlia, peony, astilbe, and eucalyptus bouquet rests on a table beside her. Folded and tucked into the ribbon wound around the stems are her handwritten vows, although she’d memorized them weeks ago. Lightly, she drums her soft pink nails on her knees.
While the photographer flits around, the wedding planner and her mother try to herd the bridal and grooms parties together. Payback is doing his frantic best, with Amelia’s help, to keep the flower girls and ring bearer from wrinkling or tearing their clothes while protecting his dress whites from a game of tag.
Everyone else is so worried about today going perfectly but as long as Jake is standing there when she walks outside, Natasha couldn’t care less about the rest. 
“You ready, Captain?” her dad asks, voice brittle with emotion. Gabby was always “Princess” and from the day she told him she wanted to be a pilot, Natasha became “Captain.” He’s wearing a tailored black suit that flatters his stocky yet athletic figure and swarthy complexion. His hair and trimmed beard are more gray and white than they are black now, and his rugged face a little weathered from too much sun. But he still has the youthful energy of her childhood. 
She reaches for his hand. Even now, his grip suffuses her with a sense of safety and steadiness. “I’ve never been more sure of anything I’ve done,” she promises.
He kisses the top of her head. “You’ve always been sure of yourself.”
Natasha smooths her thumb over her engagement ring, now on her right hand. “This feels different though,” she admits hesitantly. “It’s the one thing I’ve ever been scared of doing.” 
That’s not entirely true. There are plenty of things she’s been scared of in her life. She’s a military aviator. But flying, her career–all the other things–they always feel like they are largely within her control, even when things don’t turn out as expected. If she works hard, prepares well, and plans accordingly, the rest falls into place. 
Loving Jake doesn’t come with control. Left up to her, a cocky, smart ass, antagonistic fellow aviator is not who she would have picked to fall for. Even falling in love had been a question mark on her life road map. But they were in too deep before they even realized they’d left the shore a long way back, everyone else well aware of the only three words left to say between them. Those three words, though they’ve been said many times since, still terrify her because they mean there’s another person at the controls of her heart. 
Her father tilts her chin up so she looks him in the eye. His gray eyes are soft yet pained. “Nasha, I promise that you aren’t your mother and me. We didn’t know each other or ourselves half so well as you and Jake do. And I’m proud of you for that.” 
She squeezes his hand as he clears his throat and swipes a tear from his cheek. “Thank you, Dad.” 
Mama comes over to them, practically floating in a midnight blue dress with lace sleeves. “Your gown’s going to get wrinkled sitting down, bumblebee,” she worries. Natasha gets to her feet to keep Mama calm and lets her fuss over the back of the gown. She meets her dad’s gaze and they suppress their smiles. This is how her mother deals with her nerves.  
“I’ve got it, Mama,” Gabby sighs. She’s stunning in her dark green bridesmaid gown with her hair flowing down her back in luscious brown waves, one side swept up with a gold, floral hairpiece. “Luca’s waiting for you.”
Natasha gives Mama a final hug and reluctantly watches her leave. Lise, the wedding planner, motions for the groom and bride’s parties to follow her out too. The room falls still and oddly hushed with only her sister and father left at her sides. 
Gabby picks up the bouquet and smiles at her almost shyly. Natasha’s heard horror stories of family members falling out while planning a wedding, but she’s never felt closer to her sister and isn’t sure she would be here without her. Had it been up to her with all of the planning and decisions that had gone into this day, she’d be marrying Jake in a courthouse with no one but them and a witness. “Jake’s going to lose it when he sees you,” Gabby says reassuringly. 
Natasha’s heart flutters with nerves for the first time. She hasn’t seen Jake since he kissed her goodbye early this morning when she left to get ready. It’s a little unfair. He opted for dress whites for the ceremony so she’s seen him in his wedding attire. But he’s never seen her like this. Silly as it is, because Jake wouldn’t care if he married her wearing jeans and a t-shirt, she hopes he likes the dress she picked. “He’ll kill me if he cries,” she laughs. Only because he’ll owe her money for betting she’ll cry more. He never learns, but she loves him for that too.
“He’s not going to be able to help it, Captain,” her dad warns while her sister looks her over with a wry twist to her mouth. 
“Yeah, he’s going to be a fast widower then because you’re stunning, Nasha,” Gabby adds, her face brightening with anticipation. “C’mon, let’s see if we can hear what’s happening.” She pulls Natasha to the door, and they’re like little kids again with their ears pressed to the wood trying to listen in while their parents talk. 
When the guitar instrumental of “Your Song” starts, Natasha grabs Gabby’s hand knowing that Jake’s entering the ceremony now. She imagines him walking down the aisle, tall and handsome while he struggles to look appropriately solemn instead of grinning from ear to ear. They’d agreed to let the other pick the song that they would walk down the aisle to, and she chose this one for him. Its sentiment is deceptively straightforward but there are profound depths within it, as there are in him and their life together. She also wants Jake to know how proud she is for everyone to know that he is the most important part of her life.  
Her stomach suddenly turns to a mess of butterflies. There’s a knock on the door, and Lise pops her head in. “We’re ready for you, Natasha.” Early on in their planning, Lise kept calling her “the bride,” but for some reason constantly being referred to by her marriage title annoyed Natasha and she’d insisted on her name. But she can no longer escape that today, that is what she is. 
Before panic can seize her, Gabby places the bouquet in her hands and kisses her cheek. “Just keep looking at Jake,” she whispers. Dad offers her his arm while Gabby moves behind her to adjust Natasha’s train and veil.
“Remember,” he tells her with a reassuring smile, placing his hand over the one she rests on his forearm, “today is about your life with Jake. The rest is all ceremony.”
That helps settle her nerves, and she’s further bolstered by the excitement of their friends and family as she walks past them to the end of the procession. Bob beams and waves at her and Rooster leans down to kiss her cheek. Nora pumps up her hands. 
Lise directs her to stand behind Alexis, her nieces Cora and Olivia, and cousin’s son, Charlie, who clutches the petal covered tray with the rings like his little life depends on it. The girls all wear dresses with floating white skirts and an oversized bow at their back. Alexis’s hair is braided in a thick, ribbon threaded crown around her head while Olivia and Cora have half their dark curls pulled back in bows. Charlie wears an adorable black three piece suit with a dark green tie that matches those of the civilian groomsmen. 
“So pretty,” Alexis sighs in awe, looking up at her through wide, round eyes. Today, with her hair up, she favors Nora more than Payback with her high cheekbones and square jaw. 
“You look like a princess,” Olivia agrees, brushing the front of Natasha’s dress with her fingers. Cora nods from where she hides in her older cousin’s side. 
“You all look like princesses too,” Natasha whispers back, making the girls smile. 
Gabby takes her place as Maid of Honor beside Jake’s Best Man, his cousin, Zach. Several years younger than Jake, he’d been the talk of the rehearsal dinner with his height, thick waves of dark hair that swoop to his shoulders, and full lips. He hands Gabby her bouquet and murmurs something that makes her lean into him with a giggle. Ahead in the line, Rooster looks over his shoulder at them.
One by one the pairs disappear through the gauzy curtains that sway with the late afternoon breeze. Then the children with their tray of rings and baskets. Cora insists on holding onto Olivia, so the two older girls help spread her petals. Natasha waits until she hears the first strums of “Every Breath You Take” and takes a deep breath. This is it. 
“The stalker song?” she’d asked when Jake suggested it, barely containing her laughter because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. 
He’d looked slightly sheepish and a little upset because he heard her judgment anyway. “We have only so many times to tell someone we love them, Nat. I just want you to know that no matter what happens to me, and even if you can’t see me, I’ll always be with you.” She’d had nothing to say to that, especially once she heard the instrumental version. 
The curtains part and the guests are asked to stand for the bride. All eyes turn toward her as she walks down the petal scattered aisle on her father’s arm. A breeze lifts and flutters her veil, skirt, and loose tendrils of hair and carries the guests’ gasps and murmurs past her ears. When she shivers, Natasha isn’t sure whether it’s because of the change in temperature or the change to her life waiting only feet ahead of her.
Taking Gabby’s suggestion, Natasha looks for Jake and finds him on the dais at the front. Their gazes lock, and his jaw goes momentarily slack at the sight of her. He clenches his teeth just in time to keep his mouth closed and his face relatively solemn. Although his lips are taut with the emotion that he’s trying to blink out of his eyes, he’s beaming hard enough to wash the whole terrace in his pride. 
She doesn’t bother to try to contain her smile as her heart soars beyond the height of the mountains behind him. Her father is right. Today is about the rest of her life with the man standing before her, looking at her like the universe moves at her command. Although she’s seen him in his uniform plenty of times, Jake’s never looked so dazzling and yet so vulnerable. It requires a significant amount of her restraint to proceed to the tempo of the music rather than run into his arms, so she takes the time to memorize every detail of the way he looks in this moment for forever. 
Her father pauses so Mama, who’s already clutching a wad of soaked tissues, can hold Natasha’s face and kiss each of her cheeks. “I’m so happy for you, sweetheart,” she tells her. 
“I love you, Mama.” Natasha is startled by the tears that rise to hers. Her sister-in-laws blow her kisses and wave her attention toward the front. 
When Natasha turns from her family, Jake has stepped down to meet her. He waits, hands folded in front of him. Up close, she can see that he’s somehow even more handsome than she imagined. Especially with his blond hair a little longer at the top so that it folds into a neat wave, the closest he’s ever worn it to regulation, and his uniform slightly strained across his chest and upper arms.
Dad escorts her the last few steps, and they stop before Jake. “I’m trusting you to take care of her,” her father says with a fervor that surprises her.
Jake nods solemnly through the glistening tracks of tears on his face. “I promise, sir. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second she will be the most important part of my life.” 
Natasha almost starts crying right then and there.
Her father looks down at her. “Are you ready?” She nods, not trusting herself to speak, and he takes the hand on his forearm and places it in Jake’s large, warm, sure one. Kissing her cheek one last time, he leaves them to go forward together.
Suddenly, it’s like the entire world shifts without anyone but them noticing. Her heart races as she stands on the verge of tying her life, her heart, her future to his. As if sensing her trepidation, Jake draws her to him. “Last chance to eject,” he whispers so that only she can hear. The smile around his eyes steadies her.
“Too late,” she promises, although her pulse threatens to drown out the words. “I’m not leaving without you.” He sways forward, gaze dropping to her lips. 
“After, dude,” interrupts Coyote from his spot in the line of groomsmen to their guests’ loud amusement. “You kiss her after you’re married now.” 
They chuckle, the last of her hesitation melting away, and Jake helps her onto the dais. 
It’s not until their vows that her nerves return. She’s not sure whether she’s glad Jake is going first to warm up the crowd or worried she’ll have to follow him. 
“Natasha.” He says her name with his usual mix of playfulness, adoration, and hint of cheek. His dimples are on full display, and she braces herself for the ride this could be. “You know it’s never enough that I think you’re the greatest, sweetheart. I expect everyone else to know it too. So it may not come as a surprise that I tried to crowdsource my vows in exchange for guaranteeing everyone a meal at the reception.
Several bursts of knowing laughter and groans among their parties and the guests tell her that isn’t a joke. She shakes her head at him in disbelief as he goes on. “I can’t tell if this hurt or helped our rsvps because I also told them they could only eat if I liked what they said. People took the assignment with varying degrees of seriousness. Some, like your wizzo, were clearly okay with starving for the night.
Natasha glances over at Bob who looks at her like you knew what you were getting into with this one. “There are children present so I can’t repeat exactly what he said in his response, but it was to the effect that he has more respect for you than he does for me. Which, if I’m honest, most of our guests, including too many members of my own family, seem to agree with. But if this were about me, we could have saved a lot of money not feeding everyone and had a much longer honeymoon. If the Navy could spare us for that long.
His eyes softening while everyone laughs at his compulsion to brag about them even in his vows is her only warning that he might have an emotional juggernaut up his uniform sleeve. “But today, and every day from here forward, is officially about you, Nat. And I say ‘officially’ because it’s actually been that way for a long time. From the day our paths first crossed in training, even before I took my head out of my as–behind, excuse me–to hopefully be the man you deserve, I’ve looked up to you for being the incredibly brilliant, competitive, and kind person that you are. I know you don’t put much stock in how beautiful you are on the outside, but what I see most is a reflection of how absolutely stunningly beautiful you are on the inside. Everything you touch, everything you join, everyone you know is better for having you as part of them. If you only knew the stories the people here shared about what you mean to their lives and what you have done for them, you wouldn’t be standing here about to put a ring on my finger. 
She looks to the sky to fight every urge to cry until she realizes that means missing all of the effort Jake has gone through to put his love into words. Natasha surrenders and lets her eyes fall back to his face, willing only that her own doesn’t crumple into a bawling disaster. Tenderly and careful of her makeup, he dabs a handkerchief to the tears along her already soaked cheeks and chin before he continues. “The only reason I am standing here, willing to let you do that, is because I can swear that I will live by the example you set to wake up every single day and learn from my mistakes to do better. I will cheer you on to be the best at anything you do but always be there to make sure you know you are everything and enough as you are. And I promise to remember that as hard as it can be to say “sorry,” it is harder to know you’re hurting because of me. I will do my best to make you smile when you’re too hard on yourself. I will believe in you on those rare occasions you doubt yourself. I will hold you when you’re afraid to cry or be scared. I swear to always be there to take care of you, in sickness and in health, so I don’t waste a moment of this life with you. Natasha, I trust, that like everything else with you in it, our marriage will be better because of you. But I promise, too, to make sure that even on the hardest days, it is always the best part of both our lives.”       
From the sound of sniffles and nose blowing, she’s not the only one who couldn’t keep her eyes dry during his vows. And crap. She has to follow that. Gabby offers her the folded square from her bouquet, but she motions for her to keep it. Natasha flexes each of her fingers then summons every bit of her composure to make her own promises to him. 
“Jake,” she starts with a smirk, imitating the veneer of humility he can slather ironically across any word. A smile of recognition tucks into the corner of his mouth. “I’d saved time on my calendar to write my vows but then one day you made me so angry that I figured it was as good a time as any to start them so I could remind myself why I agreed to go through with this before the next time you decided not to listen to me.” Their guests laugh nervously on his behalf. She flashes him a reassuring grin to let him know that’s as hard of a time as she’s going to give him for allowing a lactose intolerant Alexis to have a milkshake while he was on babysitting duty. “What I found is that on the other side of whatever it is that you did to make me mad is something that I love most about you.
Her insides melt at the quiet surprise that loosens the lines around his eyes and mouth. “Sometimes you’re so confident in your own ability to solve a problem that you don’t listen when someone tells you how. But from that also comes your open sense of adventure and fun, your willingness to try a different way of doing things, and your unwavering belief that there is no problem too big for us if we work through it together. Sometimes you jump into things before you’ve thought them through. But that’s because you know that life can be too short to have all the answers and all the plans figured out. And you are always there to catch me as fast as you are to jump. You may be able to push someone’s buttons, but you know the right buttons to push because you are, contrary to what you might want people to believe, one of the most sensitive, protective, and caring people I’ve ever met. You are my fiercest protector but also the first to let me soar. You never second guess yourself or hesitate when someone needs your protection, and although that has gotten you in trouble from time to time, it’s what allows me to live as fearlessly as you. Because you are also one of the most fearless people I’ve ever known, one of the most brave, and one of the most honorable. And only you would think you have to make any promises or be anything more than you are for me to want today and every day to be your wife, to have the privilege of loving you, caring for you, and building a life with you.
At this point, she knows Jake will win their bet because only a single tear arcs out the corner of his eye. But Natasha couldn’t care less because she can tell from the intensity with which he’s watching her that he’s engraving every phrase into his memory. And if someone were to ask him a year from now, without hesitation or review, he’ll remember what she said today word for word. “You are my d-head because I love you as much for the things about you that make me angry as I do for the things about you that make you the man of my dreams. Because all of it makes you the man of my dreams, even if I didn’t know what I was dreaming of until you were right in front of me. You are never hard to love, Jake, only impossible to resist loving. And I know our dreams for ourselves are big, our goals incredibly lofty, but I promise in this life and any other, if all I get to do is laundry and taxes with you, I will be happy.”  
Jake reaches for her hands to watch their ring warming ceremony while “Accidentally in Love” fills the late afternoon air. The tiny pouch of their wedding bands passes from guest to guest, each taking a moment to bless them, give them their well wishes, kiss them, cheer them. Everyone’s love poured into their own for today and the rest of their lives to come. 
The lively tune, an anthem to them finding themselves in love before they even knew they were falling for one another, keeps the rings moving quickly. Jake’s parents clasp the pouch together then lift their hands to their lips to kiss it. When the bands reach Maverick and Penny, he salutes them and she presses them to her heart. Amelia cups them and blows into her palms. Natasha’s aunt makes the sign of the cross with the pouch and presses it to her lips. At last the rings come to her mother, who holds them while the rest of her family stacks their hands over hers then raises them in a loud cheer. Unprompted, all of their guests stand and applaud as the warmed rings are returned to Zach. 
Carefully, he removes the band meant for Natasha and gives it to Jake. Everything goes quiet, still. So still that Natasha realizes she’s stopped breathing. She watches Jake’s face waver in its composure while he slides the delicate, twisted vine, diamond ring onto her finger. “Natasha, I give you this ring as a gift that lasts forever. Know that I am always with you, behind you, by your side, and I’ll ride in this life with you to the end.”
He wets his lips, cheeks and eyes pinched to hold back his tears. With her wedding band in place forever, he moves her engagement ring back to her left hand then caresses her knuckles with his thumb. “I love you, Nat,” he whispers, touching his forehead and nose to hers. In this moment, it’s only them bound in the love neither of them expected to find but won’t let go now they’ve found it. Finally, she exhales. 
It takes all of Natasha’s training to keep her hands steady when Gabby passes her the gold wedding band meant for Jake. Guiding it onto his finger, she promises, “Jake, I give you this ring as a gift that lasts forever. Know that I’m always with you, behind you, by your side, and I’ll ride in this life with you to the end.” 
A swell of elation sends the words deep into her soul, permanently shifting the axis of her heart to align with his. She loves the way his hand looks with the band on his finger, and she’s not sure she’ll ever get tired of looking at it there. Jake touches her cheek, stroking away a tear she doesn’t realize she sheds. 
“By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
The pronouncement is barely finished before he leans in to kiss her. The touch of his lips is light and tender at first, one arm wrapping firmly around her shoulders and the other her waist to hold her close. But as their groom and bride’s parties stamp their feet and whistle them on, he sweeps her lips apart with his tongue and kisses her knees out from under her. Natasha folds into him, grabbing onto his shoulders to keep herself afloat in the overwhelming rush of love he couldn’t put into words. 
When the civilian members of their parties and their guests have filed out to await them at the terrace entrance, Maverick, Bob, Rooster, Coyote, Payback, Fanboy, and Jake’s groomsmen from the Naval Academy, John and Derek, line up before them. At Maverick’s command they march down the aisle in two rows.
Natasha laces her fingers through Jake’s. “Pull me close, wrap me in your aching arms.” He raises their joined hands to his lips and kisses the newly added symbols of their marriage, then the knuckles on either side. “Ready?” she asks. 
“As long as you don’t let go,” he promises. When he helps her down from the dais, she wonders how it took them so long to realize that they could have all this together. She never wants to let him go.
The white uniformed lines of their friends stop and turn to face one another. They each march two steps back until there’s a passage between them for Jake and Natasha. Maverick calls the command to draw swords. As one, their friends pull their swords from their sheaths and cross them in the air, forming the Arch of Swords. Everyone applauds the fairytale-like salute, and Jake squeezes her hand as they begin their first walk as husband and wife.
When they reach Maverick and Fanboy, they lower their crossed swords, neither of them trying to conceal their grins. “The price of passage is a kiss!” Fanboy chants gleefully. 
Jake cradles her jaw and softly kisses her lips to their friends and family’s cheers. They’re allowed to proceed to Rooster and Payback’s lowered swords. Payback winks as Rooster announces, “The price of passage is a kiss!” 
This time Jake wraps an arm around her and pulls her into him. Natasha rises onto tiptoe, leaning into his chest, and letting her foot drift into the air. The applause grows louder. Rooster and Payback let them proceed to John and Derek. 
They don’t know her as well so their smiles are less suggestive than the Dagger Squad’s. “The price of passage is a kiss,” calls Derek. 
Jake slides a hand beneath her bun and with his thumb tilts her mouth up to his, sweeping his tongue across hers while several of their guests, her brothers among them she’s pretty sure, whistle loudly through their fingers. 
When they get to the last pair of crossed swords, Bob beams at them while Coyote smirks as if he’s seen this coming from the first moment he saw them together. One final time, Bob and Coyote together tell them, “The price of passage is a kiss.” 
Jake dips her, sending a firestorm through her veins with his last deep kiss. Their guests go wild clapping, cheering, and stamping their feet. He has to do all the work of setting her back on her feet, and she still stumbles to get her footing. They pass through the last set of raised swords, Bob and Coyote swatting each of them on the butt as they stumble forward into their new life.
Jake clutches her hand, not letting go.
Part II | Part III
Ode to Phoenix Masterlist
Hannix Football Rivalry Series AU
Tag List: @melodiousoblivionao3
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jacobseedvaas35 · 5 years
Birthday Girl
So today is my birthday and I thought about a fluff story about Jacob Seed surprising the Deputy on her birthday..
Word Count: 1532
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October 8th, the day of Deputy Asia's birthday. 25 years of her life just gone in a flash but there was still so many years left in her. Today was her 25th birthday and she couldn't wait to celebrate it with her friends. But when she arrived in Fall's End, no one was around. She walked into the bar and saw that nobody was around, not even Mary May or the chef in the kitchen.
"What the heck is going on?" She looked around, worried that something was wrong. She walked next to the bar counter and found a note. She picked it up and read what was written on it.
"Hey chicka
I know we promised you that we will have a few drinks this arvo but somethings come up. I've got a few things to "burn baby burn". We will catch up in the evening instead.. see you tonight
Sharky Boshaw"
“Typical Sharky" Rook said and left the bar.
"Sir, we found this guy burning a few of our angels" one of the peggies said, dragging the guy towards Jacob Seed.
When Jacob turned around and saw who it was, he gave a loud sigh. "Sharky Boshaw! You just never learn".
"Hey, burning things are in my blood. What can I say" Sharky shrugged his shoulders.
"Throw him in one of the cages. Not in the mood to deal with this tool today" Jacob ordered his men.
"Wow. Wait a minute. Can I get released tonight?" Sharky yelled out to Jacob.
"No" Jacob replied back, walking behind him and the Peggies.
"Come on dude. I have a a birthday to celebrate tonight. Rook's going to be upset if I don't show up for birthday drinks"
"Stop!" Jacob ordered his men. "Turn him around. What did you say?"
"Ahh crap man. Just pretend I didn't say anything" Sharky said.
"It's the Deputy's birthday?" Jacob asked, trying to get Sharky to repeat himself.
"Nah man. It's someone else's birthday and we were going to celebrate that persons birthday".
"I'm not stupid Boshaw. I heard you say it was her birthday". Jacob grabbed Sharky by the collar and slammed him against the truck, threatening to punch him if he didn't get Jacob the right answers.
"Okay, okay" Sharky finally agreeing to tell Jacob after being punched twice in the face. "It's the Deputy's birthday today. We were going to meet up in Fall's end for a few birthday drinks"
That same night, Deputy Aria got dressed in her nice red short dress. After getting a text from Sharky, telling her that he had arranged for have dinner at 8-Bit Pizza. Rook almost felt like it was date but didn't want to get her hopes high. After he got dressed, did her hair and makeup, Rook headed out to her destination.
When she arrived at the 8-Bit Pizza shops, it was completely empty and once again, all the lights were out. "Now what" Rook said to herself and jumped out off the car. She opened the door to the building and saw a table in the middle of the room, with flowers and candles surrounding the table and chairs.
"Sharky? Where are you?" Rook called out, looking around the building.
"Sorry Deputy. Sharky couldn't make it" a voice came from the darkness. It was a very familiar voice. Slowly the figure in the darkness walked out and instead of Sharky walking out, Jacob Seed did.
His eyes opened wide when he saw the Deputy all dressed up and not in her Deputy uniform. "My. Aren't you a beautiful girl" Jacob said, walking closer and closer to Rook.
"Jacob? Where's Sharky?"
"Don't worry about him Dep. Tonight is all about you". Jacob took out a box from his pocket, one that didn't look like that stupid music box of his and opened it.
Rook's eyes shone bright when she looked down at the shinning silver bracelet. It had the symbol of a wolf and when Jacob turned it around, it wrote "Only You". She looked up at Jacob again and just stared at him.
"You didn't expect this, didn't you? Why is this bad guy giving me a present like this? That's what you are thinking, aren't you?" Jacob said, taking the bracelet out of the box and putting it on Rook's wrist. "That's okay. Tonight is all about that anyways".
"And then what? After the night is over, you're going to take me back to your Veterans Centre and lock me up in one of your filthy cages?"
"Not in a cage but maybe my bedroom" Jacob smirked.
His words sent a shiver down Rook's spine. "You don't mean that?"
"Let's wait and see how the night goes. I promise you, that's where you will end up. Would I let you go though? Probably not but I'll make sure you never want to leave anyways" Jacob said and pulled out one of the chairs for her.
Rook took the opportunity and sat down on the chair, with Jacob pushed her in chair in. He then made his way around the table and took a seat in his chair, across her. "Let the night begin".
After having their entree, dinner and dessert, Jacob signalled one of his men to put the radio on. He stood up from his chair, put his hand out to Rook and walked her to the empty part of the building. The music started and "Only You" came on. Thankfully the Deputy didn't lose herself. She put one hand on his shoulder and the other hand held onto Jacob's hand tightly. One of Jacob's arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her in tightly against his body. They both slow danced to the song for a while but as the night went on, Rook started getting tired so she wrapped his arms around Jacob's waist and rested her head against his chest.
"Can I really trust you Jacob?" Rook asked.
"All I want is for you to trust me and for this goddamn war to end. Is that too much to ask for Dep?"
"I want the same thing too Jacob" she said and looked up at Jacob, her head still resting on his chest. "You know what? I never thought I'd see myself like this with you. I almost gave up all hope that I'd ever be those close with you".
"I'm not gonna lie, I have some competition. That Boshaw dude, he is a tricky one. I can see why you've got a crush on him"
"What?" Rook pulled away from Jacob. "I don't have a crush on Sharky. We are just very close friends".
"You being dressed like that, doesn't really say that"
"Jacob, I know what Hope County is like. Someone does something and it's all over the post boards, stapled on posts. I've seen photos that I'm not really happy about seeing but I knew that if someone saw me like this, it'll get posted everywhere and the guy that I really have a crush on, would see it eventually" Rook explained. "What I didn't know, was that my crush would see it for himself, first".
"Yes Jacob. I'm talking about you. You're my crush for god sake"
Jacob didn't say anything but instead, he put his hand on Rook's waist and pulled her back into his embrace. The only difference this time was, he pressed his lips against hers.
The next morning, Rook opened her eyes and looked out the window. The first thing that came to mind, was the night before. The surprise dinner that Jacob organised for her birthday. She had to admit, it was the best birthday she ever had. Rook then noticed that she was naked and when she looked around, she realised that she was in Jacob's bedroom. She smiled when she remembered the birthday sex that she got from Jacob. 25 years old and she was finally not a virgin anymore and she was over the moon that she had lost it to Jacob and no one else.
The bedroom door opened and in walked Jacob, with a tray of food. "Good morning".
"Good morning" Deputy Aria said and sat up in bed, covering her chest with the blanket. "Thank you for last night. Best birthday I've ever had".
"You stay with me and you'll have plenty more amazing birthdays like last night" Jacob said, still trying to convince her to stay with him.
“Jacob. Stop trying to convince me to stay with you. I'm not going anywhere" Rook said and placed her hand on his. "This war ends today. I'm staying here with you and if I have to, I'll join the cult just to please Joseph".
"Really? Wow Deputy. I didn't see that coming this morning"
"Can I say something?"
"Yeah" Jacob answered and looked at her again.
"I don't expect you to say this back to me but Jacob Seed, I love you"
Jacob smirked, then put his hand on her cheek. "I love you too" he said and pressed his lips against hers.
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