#sorry for tagging you on THIS of all things LKDFJLKSDJFSLDKFJ let me know if you want me to untag you i got you
fragileizywriting · 1 year
how about this how about this. how about this about knots and heats and things, that @tenshiyuna brought up a good point on my last post:
specifically i'm having a lot of trouble with the whole mating bite thing. the whole heat in general i'm having a problem with because i want luka to be going through a rut at the same time marinette is goign through a heat, and i'm kinda just shoving the two together though i'm almost positive that they're distinct usually in other fics, and i would really like to make them distinct (because then what would be the benefit of them having different names? does that make sense? like why bother naming something 'heat' or 'rut' when they're the same thing? i don't think there's any need for them to be named different things just bc one is for alphas and the other omegas if they just do the same thing. im going in circles)
anyway i want the two of them to have their own thing going on. i need to read some a/b/o (not in the fandom) so i can piece together some more ideas. but the mating bite thing, god, that one is going to be tough. it's going to be tough because i will die on the hill that kitty is a biter, so i need the mting bite to be specific enough so that it's not on accident (also i wrote myself into a corner with the recent oneshot i did in this au where i wrote saying they hadn't mated yet bc she's too shy/scared/awkward to admit that she wants to) and i need to figure out in a way that works realistically. like, realistically (i KNOW this is a/b/o, none of this matters, realistically no one is here to have this-makes-sense worldbuilding, but it's the principle, and what else is there to do? somehow, i managed to make succubi wholesome. let me have this.) a mating bte wouldn't even be good enough to... mark... ? someone? and what if it's accidental? how do erase? can they erase? are we allowed some supernatural elements in here?
tenshiyuna brought up some really good ideas about how the heat cycle(+rut cycle) works and how it goes from lucid to daze back to lucid again and it can be endorphins that clear the mind when released and then when it starts to die down and gets flushed out of the blood system, the daze comes back in. so that would mean that drinking lots of water helps with it ending quicker . hmmm. hydrating also gives a lot of slick. i'm not sure what to do with this information right now but that might be because it's 11pm and past my bedtime. i know i can make this work.
but this bite. damn, this bite. this bite has me so conflicted. how do i make this bite be so realistic? i of all people want luka to tease his fangs over the area, i really do, but what is the point? what's the world building? how does the bite specifically to the neck resolve anything??? does he have enzymes in his fangs like a snake???? that he has to inject????????? into someone????????? to bond with them??????? does it have to be the neck, can it be somewhere ese and still work??????? does it have to be something about kitty's glands needing to get punctured(???????) for her to get mated with someone?????
i'm gonna go sleep on this, but something tells me i'm not going to get ANYWHERE
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